#the mop is haunted but don’t worry it’s not evil it’s just chilling
saltedteas · 1 year
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More Mao and her auntie / teacher …an old red crowned crane trying to raise a ring tailed pheasant by herself
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blossom-hwa · 4 years
also since the drabbles request is going to close soon, i thought this might be a good way to end it: how would your biases (across different groups) interact with one another if they're in the same room 👀 -baker anon (loosely inspired by the texts you made recently bc i LOVE THEM SO MUCH😍😍)
3-year anniversary drabble game: send me an NCT/WAYV/Stray Kids/The Boyz member + a prompt (check out the post for ideas) and I’ll write a drabble for you!
I know this isn’t all of tbz but trying to fit all 11 of them in was overwhelming I’M SORRY
Title: Mall Shenanigans
Pairing: no pairings, just the boyz and stray kids being dumb
Triggers: a lot of cursing, suicidal jokes (again, along the lines of ‘pls kill me’ but if you’re experiencing suicidal thoughts I wouldn’t read this)
cafe workers:
chan: better than tony
changbin: chingban
jisung: gremlin
chanhee: new kid
jacob: angel
tutoring center workers:
seungmin: seungman
jeongin: you better watch your foxing mouth
sangyeon: papi
kevin: moon scribblez
eric: the better jae
build a bear workers:
minho: lino
hyunjin: hyun
felix: fel(e)x
changmin: starbucks tissues
juyeon: professional rollerblader
better than tony: if Jacob didn’t exist you all would be dead
chingban: as in you would’ve killed us
chingban: or he’s prevented us from accidentally killing ourselves ?
gremlin: both
new kid: both
better than tony: both
chingban: fair
angel: :( stop hurting yourselves accidentally
angel: it hurts me :/
gremlin: oh my god his power
gremlin: with one single emoticon he changes my entire life perspective
new kid: see I'd say the same except Jacob tries to convince me on the daily that my only life goal shouldn’t be to put changmin in the grave
better than tony: that... that shouldn’t be your life goal
angel: ^^^
chingban: idk if someone scares you that much with a horror movie mask I think you’ve got a right to murder
angel: changbin
angel: n o
gremlin: idk I think it says something more about chanhee
new kid: say what bitch
gremlin: if you keep getting scared I think there’s something wrong with you
new kid: says the little BITCH who got startled by someone DROPPING THEIR COFFEE yesterday and legitimately SCREAMED 
chingban: you say this as if you aren’t the biggest coward on the planet jisung
gremlin: did I ever deny there was something wrong with me???????
angel: STOP there is nothing wrong with you all
better than tony: idk I think there is 
better than tony: there’s something wrong with all of us
better than tony: except maybe Jacob
new kid: Jacob just put his head in his hands
angel: all of you have a horrible self-destructive and self-deprecating instinct and I don’t appreciate it :/
gremlin: Jacob I will do my best to take your words to heart
gremlin: I will listen to you unlike these other assholes
new kid: you might take his words to heart but your actions prove you can’t handle them
gremlin: try me bitch
chingban: did you already forget the time you set a refrigerator on fire?
better than tony: PLEASE don’t remind me
angel: maybe we shouldn’t bring that up
better than tony: you were all horrible
better than tony: jisung just laughed
better than tony: changbin went home
better than tony: seungmin and jeongin came over to take pictures of me while I was about to cry
better than tony: only Jacob comforted me :/
gremlin: and this is why we only listen to Jacob
chingban: ^^^
new kid: ^^^
new kid: he’s the only one who has a truly good heart
better than tony: why can’t I inspire this kind of loyalty??
angel: chan has a good heart too :/
gremlin: maybe so but
gremlin: he’s a complete mess and is easier to clown than listen to
new kid: ^^^
chingban: ^^^
better than tony: watch me just commit die
angel: no don’t commit die come here I'll give you a hug
better than tony: I like Jacob more than all of you combined
chingban: um
gremlin: did you think we were going to get offended?
new kid: news flash we all like Jacob more than we like you
better than tony: on an ordinary day I would be crying
better than tony: today I am fine because Jacob is giving me hugs and not you assholes
better than tony: suck it <3
chingban: I hate it when he’s right
new kid: :/
gremlin: I'm going to set the refrigerator on fire again if I don’t get Jacob hugs right now !
new kid: I thought you said you didn’t know how you set it last time?
gremlin: I can still try
angel: no don’t do that I'm coming to hug you now!
gremlin: :D
better than tony: can’t believe jisung bribed Jacob into leaving me to give him hugs
chingban: just shows he’s smarter than you
better than tony: remember how jisung said he’d haunt this cafe if he died and I said I'd just enjoy being dead?
better than tony: starting to consider Jisung’s plan :)
new kid: terrifying
chingban: horrifying
gremlin: I can hear the deadpan ringing through the cafe and it honestly gives me life
better than tony: I hate you all
new kid: so do we <3
angel: :(
watch your foxing mouth: sangyeon you’re fucking evil
papi: ?
seungman: it’s eric’s first week and you’ve already given him ashley twice 
seungman: are you trying to make him quit?
moon scribblez: I entirely agree with what they just said 
moon scribblez: we’re already low on staff because everyone graduated last year and you’re trying to run eric out of a job too???????
papi: look eric handles her much better than all of you do
papi: I think he’s doing fine
the better jae: I’M NOT FUCKING FINE
watch your foxing mouth: the proof is in the fucking pudding
moon scribblez: pudding?
watch your foxing mouth: it’s an expression
watch your foxing mouth: your canadian ass wouldn’t know
moon scribblez: I'm going to stick a pin on your chair
papi: it kind of is
papi: but you’re handling her so much better than the other three combined :/
watch your foxing mouth: I take offense to that
papi: ignoring her is not a valid strategy jeongin
watch your foxing mouth: well it’s better than seungmin visibly getting frustrated
seungman: well at least I'm trying
seungman: kevin just lets her draw jfc
moon scribblez: look I'm a junior in college and I'm on the verge of just faceplanting into the ocean from a thousand meter cliff I don’t have the time or energy to deal with a bitch who wants to draw and not learn math
papi: do you see what I mean now Eric???????????
the better jae: I'm this fucking close to losing my shit sangyeon I Do Not Care
the better jae: the next time she comes in on my shift I better not have her
papi: fine :/
seungman: did
watch your foxing mouth: oh my god
moon scribblez: [ 1 image attached ]
moon scribblez: I think we need to glory in the horror on Eric’s face
watch your foxing mouth: she’s going to ask for Eric every time now oh god 
the better jae: I'm not fucking do this I'll quit first
papi: pls no
papi: I don’t want to hunt for more tutors :/
the better jae: you better not fucking put her at my table every time I'm here !
seungman: just make sure your table is full
watch your foxing mouth: foolproof
the better jae: I guess :/
moon scribblez: working here is such an experience
moon scribblez: minho and chan threaten to fire their kids every other day
moon scribblez: meanwhile we’re the ones threatening to quit every other day
seungman: well what the fuck did you expect from tutoring a bunch of rich assholes four times a week
watch your foxing mouth: ^^
papi: not all of them are assholes guys
seungman: oh we know this very well
watch your foxing mouth: Alex is a fucking blessing to this earth
the better jae: so is Kaylee
seungman: but people like max? ashley? nina?
seungman: they outweigh any good that comes out of here
papi: well if you think the kids are shit imagine the parents
watch your foxing mouth: I hate to say it but sangyeon has a point
moon scribblez: I guess he deserves some pity
papi: finally some respect in this fucking household
the better jae: not on my watch
the better jae: I respect the sacrifices you make
the better jae: but I'm still quitting if you keep sending Ashley to my table
papi: sigh
moon scribblez: and I'm quitting if I find another cockroach in a mop
watch your foxing mouth: THERE WAS A NOTHER ON E???????
papi: bigger sigh
moon scribblez: WORSE
moon scribblez: YEJI HAD TO KILL THEM FOR ME
papi: I'm giving up on gaining respect
moon scribblez: you’ll gain my respect when we get this fucking place fumigated
watch your foxing mouth: aren’t the kids rich? what the fuck are they paying for this? why can’t we afford some roach spray jfc
papi: that’s the owners’ call
papi: and the owners are assholes
moon scribblez: headdesk
seungman: wow he really did just slam his head down on the table
the better jae: thank god we’re already closed
papi: thank god for that I can leave and not deal with you for the rest of today
watch your foxing mouth: oh don’t worry we’ll be back tomorrow <3
seungman: <3
the better jae: <3
moon scribblez: <3
papi: every day I wake up and face an existence of pain
lino: who’s taking the front today and who’s working the back
lino: for once all of you are here today so you don’t have to work two jobs at once how nice
fel(e)x: SO DO I
professional rollerblader: fuck
starbucks tissues: I brought my nun mask today does anyone want to switch?
hyun: is that
hyun: is that a threat
starbucks tissues: it’s whatever you want it to be <3
hyun: I know better but I'm going to assume it’s just a fun fact
hyun: I can’t deal with children today
starbucks tissues: I guess I have free reign then
fel(e)x: now that sounds like a threat
lino: no threats at work
starbucks tissues: so outside of work is fair game?
lino: yes
lino: who the fuck is the wolf? changmin?
fel(e)x: he’s just a sweet boy don’t be mean hyunjin :/
professional rollerblader: bitch about changmin again and I'll cut you in half
professional rollerblader: that’s what you get for attacking changmin
starbucks tissues: I love juyeon and felix
starbucks tissues: <3 <3 <3 <3 
hyun: I feel like
hyun: changmin is the favorite child and I'm just cast off to the side
fel(e)x: who’s the child
fel(e)x: he’s literally older than both of us
hyun: it’s an ANALOGY
professional rollerblader: well it isn’t a good one
hyun: oh fuck OFF we know you always have a soft spot for changmin asshole
lino: deadass thought that read changmin’s asshole for a second and nearly spit out my coffee
starbucks tissues: MINHO PLEASE
fel(e)x: minho I did not need that image in my mind
professional rollerblader: petition to murder Minho in international uncharted waters and dumb his body overboard
starbucks tissues: seconded
fel(e)x: I mean changmin’s just more likable 
professional rollerblader: he’s cuter
lino: I'm terrified of him
starbucks tissues: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
hyun: I'm quitting this fucking job
lino: oh wow nice usually it’s me who threatens to fire you but now you’re taking initiative!
professional rollerblader: clap for hyunjin!
fel(e)x: *claps*
starbucks tissues: *claps*
hyun: I want to die I want to fucking die
starbucks tissues: I can bring out the mask!
hyun: I honestly might take you up on that
hyun: give me a fucking heart attack so I can die and haunt you all for the rest of your pitiful lives
professional rollerblader: you’d honestly be the pitiful one
professional rollerblader: literally got scared to death
fel(e)x: Juyeon has a solid point
starbucks tissues: agreed !
lino: this is why I hired juyeon he’s so smart
hyun: are you all purposefully forgetting the time sangyeon fooled him into thinking he had some strange wild disease
lino: hmm on any other day I'd clown him for it but you’re more clownable today so I'll just ignore that
starbucks tissues: I like juyeon more than you so I'm ignoring it too <3
fel(e)x: ^^^^^^^^^
hyun: brb gonna jump off the third floor
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what-big-teeth · 5 years
Spark (Male Fire Elemental, pt. 1)
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When graduate student Simone Price inherits her deceased grandmother’s house, she hopes to mend bridges that were long burned prior to the sudden passing by way of fond memories. But she soon learns two important truths. One, the cause behind those severed connections is still around. Two, the childhood fables her grandmother told her are more rooted in reality than imaginative fantasy.
Female Human (POV) x Male Monster [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4] ”It’s...charming, you know? Really rustic.” Mica carefully chooses her words and attempts a cheerful smile. When she fails, she settles on tucking a loose microbraid behind her deep brown ear. “Right, Mason?”
Mason hefts the large, black garbage bag full of cleaning tools off the ground, gives the old house a once-over from top to bottom, then snorts. Loudly. Mica swiftly elbows her twin in the ribs for “being rude”, but even I can’t stop my nose from scrunching up in displeasure. 
She can dress up her opinion with as many euphemisms as she wants. But the truth is plain as day: Nana’s place has gone to the dogs. 
The two story’s once brilliant white paint is a dingy, chipping mess that reveals the underlying dark decay. The windows, always transparent enough to see through when the curtains were drawn back, are caked with grime and rust. And the front door, a deep, beautiful burgundy my mind can still picture, has dulled into a paler shade of red. I wouldn’t be surprised if Nana’s little garden in the backyard has been choked by weeds and overrun with wild plants. It saddens me to see the current state of her home compared to when my visits were more common. That was before Dad suddenly severed all contact with Nana ten years ago, when I was only thirteen.
A warm weight settles onto my shoulder, fending off the morning’s autumnal chill. Mica wears a sympathetic smile.
“Are you alright, Simone?”
I’ll never be able to thank Mica and Mason enough for sacrificing part of their Thanksgiving break to help me out. But I can try by remaining as positive as possible. 
“I will be,” I say. “Once Nana’s place starts looking like it used to.”
“It’s your house now,” Mason says, adjusting his grip on the garbage bag. Oddly enough, his words sound sad. “You sure you don’t want to do anything different with it?”
It came as a shock when Nana’s last will and testament bequeathed the entirety of her property and assets to me. Dad did all he could to contest the document, but his attempts failed. I’ll never forget the haunted look in his dark eyes when I asked him why he disagreed with my newfound inheritance.
“That place isn’t a home, baby. Not with what it’s got locked inside of it.”
I later refused to budge on the matter, even when he begged me to. After that, Dad told me to do as I wished, but to be careful and stay vigilant. I didn’t understand what he meant then and I still don’t. But I hope, with some hard work and lots of love, Nana’s house will be whole again. Then with time, Dad will come to visit and remember the good times before his mother’s passing.
“Earth to Simone,” Mason says. “Did you hear me?”
“Yeah, and I’m sure.” I fish out the front door key from my coat pocket and smile. “Let’s get to work.”
We hang our coats in the entryway. Once the buckets, brooms, and mops are divvied up among us, Mason works on doling out the cleaning solution. We then decide on who gets what area. Mason is quick to claim the upstairs, citing the possibility of rotten wood weakening the floor.
“I’d rather fall to the first floor and get hurt than see it happen to you two,” he says in an obstinate tone. “Especially since you two might end up worse off.”
“Always the gentleman,” Mica mutters, rolling her light brown eyes. “I’ll take the kitchen and dining room. Might be worth it to see what condition your Nana’s cookware is in.”
“Good idea,” I say. “Just be sure to yell if you find anything interesting.”
“Will do!” She grabs her broom, bucket, and mop,then leaves the foyer.
“Guess that leaves me with the living room and fireplace,” I say.
Mason replies with a hum I can’t discern, which is weird since Mica and I are fluent in Mason-ese. Always have been since we were little kids.
“Something up?” I ask.
His neutral expression doesn’t reveal a thing and that worries me. He’s always had a tell or two, even when he’s tried to hide something from me. Instead of talking, he just ties back his dreadlocks, grabs his share of the cleaning supplies, and walks towards the stairs.
“Call me if you need anything.”
I follow his old sneakers until they vanish from my line of sight. That was weird. But there’s no point in digging to figure out what’s going on. He’ll tell me when he feels like it.
After locking the front door and grabbing a broom, my feet guide me down the main hallway towards the living room. And my heart nearly breaks at the sight. Just about everything is covered in a thin layer of dust and cobwebs, including Nana’s knitting basket and needles. The floor and rug are worst off and I’m somewhat scared to tackle the fireplace. But if I don’t, no one else besides Mica and Mason will. Especially not anyone in town.
After asking for directions and mentioning our reasons for being here, nearly everyone bid us a swift farewell, claiming they had something to do. Only a few upfront people told us to leave the estate alone and head back home, claiming that a witch once lived there.
My grip on the broom handle tightens to the point of pain.
Nana was many things; a huge sun tea addict, an amazing storyteller, and a wonderful knitter. She may have used Black folk magic to help me with my childhood night terrors, but she wasn’t a—
A thick wooden splinter peers up at me from my index finger alongside a bead of blood. This is why I told Mason we should’ve packed the plastic brooms instead. I lean the broom against the brick mantle, swiftly remove the sliver, and flick it into the dead fireplace.
The piled ash sparks with light and heat, singeing the cobwebs. 
“What in the…”
“Gah!” I wait until my racing pulse calms a bit then respond. “Yeah?”
“I found your Nana’s bundt cake pan,” Mica yells out, “but I can’t tell if it’s still usable.”
“I’ll be there in a moment!”
I look back at the fireplace. Nothing but cold ash. I shake my head and make my way to the kitchen, trying to recall where Mason keeps the mini first-aid kit in his pickup truck.
Midday sneaks up on us, warming the chilly house a few more degrees. Mica decides it’s the perfect time to break for lunch and Mason agrees.
“We passed by a burger joint on the main road,” Mica says, wiping off her hands. “Wanna give it a try?”
Even with the tempting prospect of a patty melt, my mind keeps drifting back to the fireplace. And what I think I witnessed.
“Sure, but do you guys mind going without me? I want to get more cleaning in before the day’s out.”
“Seriously?” Mason is quick to call out my attempt at an excuse. “We’ve been at it for four hours.”
Before Mica can chastise him for being, well, himself, I think up a compromise.
“What if I took an extended break instead? I won’t touch a broom, mop, or bucket while you guys are out and I’ll eat with you once you get back. Sounds good?”
“Sounds perfect!” Mica chirps up. She grabs Mason by his forearm and starts hauling him towards the foyer before he can object. “We’ll be back soon. A patty melt with onions and a small fry?”
“And a bottled water too, please!”
The front door slams shut, the sound echoing until the truck’s engine revs up. I let out a heavy sigh and plop down onto the couch, uncaring of the weak cushioning.
“Finally. I thought they’d never leave.”
I stop myself from launching off the sofa, but my feet still slip on the area rug. My ass slams onto the floor with a hard thud and a deep chuckle follows soon after.
“You’re not very graceful, are you?”
A large, bright flame emerges from the ash piled in the fireplace. It twists and curls in random patterns until it settles into the distinctive outline of a humanoid face. It grins. I scramble away and slam into the opposite wall.
“What’s this?” it says. “A descendant of Abigail, afraid of me?”
No shit. Who in their right mind wouldn’t be? But, as the barely-calm-and-reasonable part of my brain points out, I won’t get any answers if I let my tongue turn into lead.
“Who are you? How do you know Nana?”
The flame…face…creature remains silent far longer than need be. Its eyes narrow.
“Don’t mock me, girl. You know very well who I am. Or did you forget Abigail’s tales all too quickly?”
The creature’s words slowly begin to make sense, as much as my mind begs them not to. Nana used to tell me all kinds of stories when I was little. But she’d always retell my favorite whenever I asked: the story of a fearless Black girl who trapped an evil flame spirit, thereby saving the town she lived in.
“Oh my god. That story was about you?”
“Cruel, isn’t it? Conditioning a child to believe a lie through a simple fable. All whilst I could hear and see everything. Abigail was always a manipulative, abusive wench.”
Hot, white anger floods my body, wrenching me to my feet. 
“Like hell,” I hiss, stalking towards the fireplace.
The creature peers up at me, stunned and silent. Good.
“Nana would never harm anyone. But she sure as hell didn’t take shit from anybody. Ever. What did you do?”
The story always characterized the fire spirit as evil, but never gave a reason. So why not ask the source?
My gaze snaps up. Mason stares at me with brows furrowed with concern and confusion. My rage dissipates into nothing, leaving me drained.
“You alright?” he asks.
I glance down at the fireplace. The creature’s vanished. Leaving me to look like an utter fool.
“Uh, yeah! I was just…re-enacting a scene from my favorite drama! Nothing else to do while waiting for you guys to get back, right?”
Mason’s eyes narrow, the simple action screaming ‘bullshit’. “Not even looking at your phone?”
I jam my hand inside my back jeans pocket and pull out my smartphone. Surprisingly, there’s service.
“Not enough bars,” I lie.
Mason doesn’t look convinced in the slightest, but thankfully, he lets my horrible excuse slide. He holds up a large, white paper bag stained with grease. The scent wafting from the inside makes my empty stomach clench with anticipation.
“Mica and I will be in the dining room. Be sure to come and eat while the food’s hot.”
He walks off, the wooden floor creaking underneath his every step. With a heavy sigh, I start to follow.
“Perhaps you are more like Abigail than I first believed: utterly stubborn and foolishly brave.”
I stop moving. If the creature’s words were meant to insult me, they fail. Pride wells up in me and it takes all my willpower to not smile. It somehow notices and scoffs.
“To answer your earlier questions, past humans have called me a fire elemental. And one gave me the name Ignis.”
The creature...Ignis begins to recede back into the ash pile, but my mouth opens before it can vanish.
He does, to my surprise.
“You weren’t awake before we arrived, right? Which means something made you come around.”
I carefully recall Nana’s story, then all of the related events leading up until now. My eyes widen.
“It was my blood on the splinter. That’s what woke you up. Because I’m of her bloodline.”
Ignis continues to sink further into the ash, but says one last thing.
“You have a sharp mind as well. How interesting…”
The fireplace goes dark, but I stand before it, staring.
I get it now. I understand why Dad severed contact with Nana ten years ago and never wanted me to inherit this place. Why Nana told me those childhood fables and willed her home to me.
But Dad’s still wrong. This house will be a home. But first, I have to finish what Nana started.
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