#the more I get into food sovereignty the more I hate these jokes
scribbled-anecdotes · 4 months
Some Europeans will mock North Americans for something (think, “unhealthy”/non-fresh food or lack of public infrastructure) like it’s a moral failing we choose and not literally a byproduct of centuries of on-going violent colonization that quite literally changed the very grass that grows in North America.
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natzeeab1962 · 3 years
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My contempt for Chinese is not encompassing, meaning it doesn’t extend to every Chinese out there. There is still a pious side of me, strange as that may sound, that intervenes occasionally in removing those blinders that make me myopic and hardcore with hate. That part that refuses to relinquish me to full-scale bigotry would remind me that inasmuch as not all Krauts during WW2 were Nazi sympathizers, not all Chinese are uncouth, curt, impudent, manipulative, exploitative and morally reprehensible, particularly in the area of doing business (sometimes I wonder if these were the same traits the Fuhrer saw in the Jews that drove him to expunge them wholesale). What makes that argument tenable is that I have Chinese friends (or at least that’s how I regard them and how they regard me.) who exhibit none of the scabrous demeanor that has made some of their kind the object of my derision and denunciation. In my conversations with them, some have even gone on to slam their fellow kind for the same reasons that I am disdainful of them.
 Growing up, I was often mistaken for Chinese due to my slanting eyes (it still happens to this day) that got me heckled by peers and any street punk I brushed with. My father, from whom I took after those eyes, saw nothing ignominious to be misconstrued for one for he had high praises for them. He venerated them as the paragon of diligence and industry from whom one could learn immensely if he hoped to be successful in life (never mind if they sometimes played dirty to get what they wanted). He was so warm and accommodating to them, and they in turn reciprocated his congeniality, perhaps because they saw him as one of them. His affection for the Chinese was such that at one point he even encouraged me to learn Chinese so I could be in the good graces of these people. Had he been alive today, there’s a good chance he might even share the current President’s sentiment about these people. Not only had this Dude-in-Chief publicly pledged his allegiance to these people but even went on to say that if it were up to him, he would be happy to see this country be an annexed province of the Mainland. It was as if the Chinese had spun him around their tricky fingers that has made him oblivious to what everyone else could clearly see – that China is not to be trusted at all. One can only speculate what those masquerading hoodlums are cooking beneath their dimsum steamers.
 A lot of controversial things have slipped out of the cracks from the East’s growing dominant force in the early part of this century alone. With their authorities censoring much of the information, such allegations or stories could neither be verified nor denied even if they had found their way on YouTube. Remember the Baby soup thing back in the late 00s? How ‘about those various diseases, e.g. SARS, MERS, that were rumored to have been manufactured by their labs, turning them into bona fide viral sensations, both as contagion exports and social media content?
 Now, we have the NCOVID-19 pandemic. President Biden’s predecessor, with all vitriol and mockery, tagged it the China Virus or Kung Flu. Not everyone was inclined to denounce this accusation. Speculations abound among Netizens that this was deliberately manufactured from their labs and strategically disseminated by its unwitting citizens throughout the world with unspeakable damage this time.  Unfair and unfounded, sure. But think about it. Is it really such a preposterous presumption that these Chinese disease-shes (as an erstwhile colleague of mine once joked about their food), are a precursor to a grand biological warfare being hatched all this time?  Could its own citizens share the same view, only they’re too repressed or frightened to speak out? Is it really hard to imagine that this country, with an embarrassing history of subjugation by smaller countries such as Mongolia and Japan, despite being the advanced civilization that it was back then, has mastered the art of weaponizing diseases for world domination? And that hokey public relations thing, with their emissaries acting like Ambassadors of Pandemic Cure by offering to poor, hapless countries like the Philippines their own vaccines, could that be their own Trojan Horse set-up? I don’t know about you but here’s another thing I think about these Chinese - they don’t give you anything for nothing. Somewhere down the line, if we buy the bait (that is, if we’re not doing that yet), there will be hell to pay.
 These maladies from China, coupled with its aggressive encroachment on the South China sea by laying claim to territories that a world-judicial body had already declared not theirs, have become sources of inspiration for some of my recent stories. You can say that the Chinese have become my favorite Rogue du Jour, as Islamic Terrorists are to western flicks. I have silenced reason and put those blinders back on, giving me free reign to spread my venomous palaver all over the pages. This is more so with my latest tome, LXR.
 When the idea for this book first came to me years ago, the growing South China sea dispute, the global pandemic, and yes, even those Chinese, were farthest from my thoughts. These elements came into play as I developed and progressed with the story. It was designed primarily as an urban fantasy tale of sorts and not at all intended as a social commentary. Little did I imagine that a disease that originated from those parts would bring to its knees, not just my neck of the woods but the entire world. As a result, what was once unthinkable has become a grim reality when Manila’s streets and highways were suddenly devoid of people and vehicles. It was the stuff only seen in apocalyptic movies.
 And now, with China’s intransigent and unrelenting campaign in the South China Sea, side-by-side with their egregiously paradoxical gesture of pandemic charity, the dystopian scenario I conceived, where the main character in the story, Free (short for Alfredo) arrived home from a vacation to his home country only to discover that it had relinquished its sovereignty to an imperial ruling power (both countries thinly disguised by another name) due to a manufactured pandemic, could be a grim and frightening reality as well. Far be it from me to line myself with such visionaries as Orwell, Huxley and to some extent William Gibson for that matter, that I should hazard to call my work a portentous picture of an immediate future. Believe you me, nothing gives me much pleasure to even think of it as such.
 Because of the fantastical elements in my tale, it’s easy to dismiss it as nothing more than the conjuring and rambling of a mind on speed. No argument there. But think about those other fantastical tales such as man flying to space; Earthlings landing on other planets; machines slowly taking over our jobs and eventually everything else; and of course a contagion that could wipe out much of humanity if not all of them; those too began as a product of a hyper-kinetic imagination over a century ago. And now…well…
 If you ask me, it is my sincere hope that LXR would be just that -  nothing more than the stuff of fiction and a fun read at that.
 My other wish is now that you would give it a look and judge for yourselves.
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avengersfluff · 8 years
The Art of Deception. (preview)
AU!Bucky x OFC (Inspired by Kings)
Warnings: None this chapter. JUST A SHORT PREVIEW!!!!!
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Summary:: Prince James ‘Bucky’ Barnes is given a choice, continue being the media labeled “Play Boy Prince” and go on his carefree way while the crown is pushed further away from his grasp or agree to a marriage that would not only make his kingdom stronger but also prove to himself and his father, that he had matured and was ready to take on the heavy burden of becoming King Barnes. Of course the logical decision would turn out to be much more difficult than he imagined.
Continued summary:: Princess Madelyn lives in a war stricken country where now funds are tight, her marriage to the Prince of her neighboring country will unite the two Kingdoms and bring an end to the war that had begun to spread into other lands. The only problem was that this prince had a terrible habit of making a name for himself as the “Play Boy Prince” and to her people, she was know for her more conservative nature being labeled the “Virgin Princess”. This was a match made in hell!
“You're joking?” Prince Bucky deadpanned. His gaze fixed solely on his father, George, the King. “Please tell me your joking.” He added tearing his eyes away from his father that sat at the head of a long mahogany table. Lined down the sides of the table sat the men responsible for keeping their large country up and running behind the scenes. His regulators, finance advisers, and foreign diplomats. About thirty men in all and all had their eyes glued to the Prince's reaction. 
Next to Bucky sat his adopted brother, best friend and Captain of the military, Steve Rogers. “Buck,” Steve interjected quickly before anyone else could speak up and cause Bucky to snap. He Bucky had a short temper when provoked and the men who sat at the table with them didn't think too highly of Bucky and his reputation. Steve knew they were all afraid that Bucky couldn't live up to the expectations of King and ruler. “This is the best way to secure your crown.”
Bucky knew his reputation wasn't necessarily one to be proud of but Bucky was just doing what made him happy, having fun made him happy. Women made him happy..for a little while...Bucky was just flowing with the lifestyle that came with being one of the most powerful men in the free world. “I understand, but her?” He asked, his brow raising up in shock. “Out of all the women in the world you pick the 'Virgin Princess'?!” He couldn't stop the laughter that echoed from the back of his throat.
A few of the older men cringed at the Prince's use of wording. Most hated the names the tabloids and papers gave these young people. It all seemed so vulgar. The Prince loved the attention and power the media gave him, over his twenty-two years he had learned to play the media to his own advantage which most of these elder men frowned upon. “Your highness, Princess Madelyn was the proper choice and your father's first pick.” One man finally spoke up causing Bucky to stiffen.
“Son, your image is getting out of control and most people are beginning to question your ability to run this country when the time comes. You have to win back the trust and favor of the people or they will rebel again you and you /KNOW/ who's next in line.” King George sighed tapping the pads of his fingers on the dark table top.
Bucky felt his shoulders tense and a wave of frustration wash over him, “Rumlow..” He muttered through gritted teeth. There were many royal families after the last great war that divided the world up. Most countries claimed their own sovereignty and elected four or five families to take the place as Royals. However a shortage of food and resources allowed some of the smaller countries to join with larger ones for survival. That was how Brock Rumlow and his family came into the picture.
The Barnes had ruled their kingdom for nearly one hundred years, each King passing down the crown to their first born son and son on. They were lucky that their country was in fact the largest and most prosperous out of all others. Mostly because of the Barnes knowledge of the world, amazing engineering department and a nearly unstoppable military force---thanks in large part to Steve and smart judgment.
“Rumlow is a dictator not a leader which is why it's so important that you do this. I don't want you or your sister to live in a world where war once again takes over the people. Rumlow is ruthless, vile and doesn't have an once of compassion in him.” The King continued. “The Princess you're betrothed to is a symbol of purity and kindness. Her country is small and in dire need of our help. More invaders from other lands have attacked them and their defense while admirable isn't matched in numbers. If we join together and become one unified nation the wars will stop. We'd be and entire continent with unmatched abilities. King T'Challa has already sword allegiance to the Princess Madelyn and her people and we could definitely use them at our backs.”
Bucky listened to his father intently. He knew ever word was true but to give up his freedom to a woman who he didn't even know? Or hadn’t even seen? The idea was preposterous to him. However, that being said, there wasn't anything Bucky wouldn't do to keep Rumlow from having power. Even if it meant marrying the Virgin Princess and having an unhappy marriage....that alone was worth it. Anything to see Rumlow squirm.
He knew that was the wrong reason to want to agree but the crown was his and his alone. He didn't sit through ever boring lesson that all Royals go through, he didn't learn to speak seven languages just for shits and giggles and he SURE as hell didn't take all those military training courses just to stay in shape. Despite his crude behavior at times, Bucky would be a wonderful leader. He care for his people, his family and his country. He'd die to protect them all.
“If I agree to this...” Bucky started as his weighed the options in his head as he spoke, his fingers absentmindedly pressing against the table top with each word, his eyes drifting down to his shaking hands, “..it has to look like my idea and mine alone. Rumlow is going to run this all over town that I'm being forced to marry against my will and that'll just cause backlash.” he began glancing first to Steve who had a ghost of a smile tugging to his lips. Steve already knew Bucky was working his magic against the tabloids. “So this conversation goes no further than this room and the Princess' family. It has to look genuine. The courting period has to last at least four or five months so we can convince the people we are madly and deeply in love. I've heard how much her people love her, if they love her that much they'll be skeptical about anyone she marries. I'll have to win them over first.”
George couldn't help but grin at his boy. He was smart and witty, that was for sure. “You wont have to act, I hear this Princess makes everyone she meets fall in love with her. You'll be head over heels in not time, my boy.”The Prince cringed at the word 'love'. This wasn't love! It was business and strictly business. “We can fly over this weekend, the King was expecting an answer by then, you'll spend a week there learning her culture and winning the people over, then back here where you'll show her everything. I'll have your mother and sister plan the announcement party. It'll be the biggest news all over the world.” George beamed happily that Bucky didn't flat out refuse them and stomp out in a huff.
The King had always planned on having Bucky married by twenty-five so he could have heirs by thirty. It was important for his legacy to have as many as possible. Plus the upside of seeing his boy grow up from the spoiled rich boy into the respectable ruler was a great dream of his. He loved his children and wanted nothing but the best for both of them. Hopefully this Princess could save Bucky from himself and turn him into the man Bucky was deep within. The man he buried away so long ago.
AN:: Sorry for typos. Going on no sleep and I just wanted to get this short drabble out there. Thoughts? Ideas? Comments? Should I make this a very lengthy story? Sorry for the bad writing, it’s been since October that I’ve written anything like this.
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