#the more you look at it there's a lot of wordplay ppl use in series
zaruba-needslove · 6 months
The reason I say the "spark" isn't consumable, is because a simple touch of any ID core returns the stolen spark to the person it was stolen from.
But you're right, there are far too many unanswered questions for it to be definitive. I just don't want Neon's existence to be thanks to the Sakurai Parents...
wait if it was... does that make Neon and Keiwa siblings?
More crackhead meta time
simple touch of any ID core returns the stolen spark to the person it was stolen from.
Yet the core of the argument would be... were the sparks/memories taken/stolen in the first place? Were the memories 'retrieved' when someone touched a core ID actually given back to the owners through the core IDs? Or could it be possible that when someone supposedly recovered a memory, it wasn't that the actual memories were given back but more like RECONSTRUCTED from inside the person's dna (or whatever shit). To that note, was it even possible for one's memories to be erased completely aside from deterioration/destruction of the brain cells? Even my harddisk data could be retrieved by some data recovery programme if anyone want and got skills to do it (reason why even when I already deleted the data on my old hdd I'm scared to let anyone else get a hold on my hdd. like back when i wanna sell off my old pc for scraps. They always interested on the hdd) 😃
Like how Keiwa could recover his desire to help/protect people even before he touched Ace's core ID, it should be possible for anyone else to do it too. Like if there's an infinite source of gleams/sparks... it should lie in the people that the DGP harvest their sparks/gleams from. People's desires and greed aren't finite, since it can always be recreated/ replenished by the owner. (But yeah, the gleams/sparks that the DGP cut & paste/stole out of their victims ARE finite.)
I just don't want Neon's existence to be thanks to the Sakurai Parents...
Tbh... I hate that implication too. But people HAVE been making that kinda implication when Keiwa was revealed to attempt again to revive his family. One's suffering ≠ sparks/gleams that can be used to grant one's wish/desire. Are you sure that for Keiwa's wish to be granted, an actual someone's life would need to be sacrificed? And not someone's else's (C's) wish and sparks taken away and used to grant a person (D's) wish. Does a person ONLY want/have only ONE desire/wish at a time? (A certain Sakurai Sara would like to disagree...*hands out an old ema full of many different wishes* 😃)
[For a person's wish/happiness was to be granted, numerous others need to suffer.]
Who were the ones spreading that misinformation? *stares at the JamaTeam*
Whether someone become happy or suffer, that was only [side effects] that resulted from a wish. The DGP wish granting system rely on the power of wishes, not someone's emotions.
wait if it was... does that make Neon and Keiwa siblings?
Nah. Say your parents donated blood/organs to someone, does the receiver of the blood/organs now become your siblings? Nah.
To put in blandly, just because A was recycled into B... doesn't mean B was now A's offspring.
Side note: It might be possible that the only reason the Sakurai couple was not revived was because by then... the reservoir of sparks/gleams end up almost completely used up (with only one use remaining) and they need to take time to refill it again. Since the DGP needs more sponsors, wouldn't it make sense that the 'wish for [Akari] to be revived' take priority? And instead of restoring the Sakurai couple's lives later when the spark/gleam start replenishing itself, management be like... nah we be cutting our losses 'it's just a pair of married people only... who'd notice?
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