#the most important thing is to remember my most influential fic and contribution to fandom history: MY WATTPAD TROLLS FANFIC šŸ˜
15000bugs Ā· 1 year
rereading some old posts and i just realized on one of my dr posts from like 7 months ago someone commented asking who my favorite character was.. theyre the same person who used to comment on all of my dr fics on my old ao3 pseud when i was in like 9th grade šŸ˜­ i didnt respond to the tumblr comment bc i was too shy but like. Wow i cant believe theyre still active in the fandom five years later
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apocalyptyx Ā· 2 months
Iā€™m aware visibility on this platform is rough, but it feels wrong to keep posting stuff about this fic without addressing the Jakei situation.
For the longest of time, Underverse has sustained this entire fandom upon its back. And for a lot of people, including myself, it introduced us to the world of Undertale and the Multiverse. Underverse was my biggest inspiration to begin writing TFOUZ.
Underverse is the catalyst to hundreds of thousands of peopleā€™s most influential times in their lives. The UTMV fandom is where I grew into who I am today. Underverse threw me into this delightfully chaotic experience, one I never thought would end. One I hoped would never end.
And now, possibly the largest beacon within this fandom is subject to be knocked down and shattered by yet another group of sad individuals who have nothing else to do with their lives.
Today on the internet, we canā€™t have anything good. People always find reasons to be nasty, hateful, and ruin every little thing we have. Not only have these people destroyed a beautiful thing, but theyā€™ve dragged down one of the most important people to this fandom. How does it feel to be the reason you made this creator give up? This event is going to shake the entire community, whether Jakei decides to quit or not.
On the topic of her quitting, my heart goes out to her. Mental health will ALWAYS be more important than an animated series. Whatever she needs, I pray the people of this fandom donā€™t blast her even more. She has done so much for this community, and no matter what happens, weā€™ll always be on her side.
We can survive, UTMV fandom. Weā€™ve done it for nearly ten years (or longer, not quite sure!), even if 6 of those years we had Underverse. I saw a post earlier that said something along the lines of ā€œInk wouldnā€™t want us to quit making artā€ (def not verbatim), and I canā€™t express how true that is. This is not how we are supposed to be. We are not supposed to be worrying about the future of our fandom. To all of you out there who are thinking about quitting, who are thinking about giving up, leaving this experience behind them: please donā€™t. This is our happy place. We can thrive. Supporting eachother is the best thing we can do here.
And to anybody who may have contributed to the harassment, the shitstorm that has been this situation: I give you a big, giant, massive, gleaming FUCK YOU.
You have ruined something so precious. You have torn down a part of internet history that will never be forgotten. You will never be considered a part of this fandom. I hope somewhere along the way, you find happiness. I hope you find a life. I hope you find your place on the internet. Because right now, you have none of those things.
With that aside, I donā€™t care how many views this post gets- I needed to get this out there. I needed it to be known where I stand, I needed to give my condolences. Honestly, a part of me wanted to ignore everything thatā€™s happening, because the UTMV fandom is my happy place. The first fandom I ever joined. The most chaotic, too. And I would never have changed this for the world. I didnā€™t want to believe that this could be the end of the best era in my life.
But, weā€™ll be okay. Stay strong, and keep creating art. Most of all: support Jakei, no matter what she decides to do. Weā€™re on your side.
Remember to give an enormous THANK YOU to this fandom and everybody inside it. It provided for us, and we should continue to provide for it.
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intoxicatinginsanity Ā· 3 years
Hearing the news this morning of Anne Rices passing has left me with a strange feeling of ambivalence.
I am conflicted.
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Anne was one of the very first adult novelist I read when I was a pre-teen. Her works inspired me to delve into writing and still inspire me to this day. I also found my way to the gothic subculture, and many other darkly-inclined works because of her writings. Her books gave me comfort and acceptance in a lot of ways. Anne contributed to my artistry and I will always appreciate that. And it is for that I'm saddened by her passing.
While on the other hand. There's this feeling that I can only describe as "Ding. Dong. The witch is dead!". And part of me is reliefed at her passing and slightly celebratory.
Partly because I and so many others experienced the bullshit that was Anne Rice's crusade against fan fiction and the subsequent consequences that came there after in the fic community. And there's a level of bitterness I have towards her actions and how it effected the fandom and fic community.
And a part of me is definitely happy that the Dragoness has been slain. Because now new fans will not have to know the awfulness of being attacked by your favorite author; or to see others around them be personally doxxed, shamed and bullied by someone they looked up to.
They will be able to have a level of love and appreciation for her works that won't be tarnished and soured because of her toxic behavior. And I think that's great.
Because while Anne Rice was a great writer and was influential to the genre. ((And that definitely can't be taken away from her. And her dues should absolutely be given.)) She was also a petty narcissistic monster; that terrorized her own fan base. Which left many of us older fans with a lot of scars and trust issues.
So for those of you acting judgemental asf today. Stop. Everyone in the fandom is experiencing this loss differently. And the emotions that fans are having around this are complex and shouldn't be viewed through such a black and white lense.
You are allowed to be sad. But some one else is also allowed to be happy. Both emotions can exist at the same time. However you are not allowed to dictate what someone should or should not be feeling today. There are so many young fans that know nothing of their Dark Queens atrocities and that is okay. And they are allowed to be saddened by and mourn the loss of Author they know.
And on the flip-side for those of us who do know, and who were personally attacked by the Gothic Regina George. We're also allowed to be angry, happy, sad or whatever other emotion we are feeling at the moment. And we are allowed to celebrate or mourn as we please.
Both sides can exist at the same time. Neither have to invalidate the other. Not everyone's experiences with Anne Rice were collectively shared and it's important to remember that.
Either way; wether you hated her or loved her or fell somewhere in between.
One thing we can all agree on is that it's gonna be a long day for the fandom.
So take a step back and be good to yourselves. And most importantly remember to be excellent to each other.
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reba-andthesides Ā· 6 years
I'd like to take a moment as a relatively new Fander to offer a new point of view. Iā€™m apparently... unusually moderate(???) on this topic, so I feel like I need to put in my two cents. But... This is my third ever not-a-reblog post, and my first attempt at contributing to the fandom. So... Please hang in until the end? See what I have to say? Sorry this is so long, but I didnā€™t want to use a read more cut.
Ok. It starts pretty simply:
1) Fanders are awesome.
We all know this. This community is amazing and accepting and wonderful. Everyone matters and I think that is beautiful, and something I desperately needed at this point in my life.
2) Fanders disagree.
It doesn't happen much or very confrontationaly (I refer to to my prior point, Fanders are awesome), since we're amazing at recognizing that a lot of things aren't worth arguing about. Like ships! I ship them aaaaallll but many don't, and that's fine! That's wonderful! But there are a few opinions that DO matter enough to cause dissension in our ranks... And for good reason.
Some of these are pretty simple and easy to resolve, like Sleep and other shorts characters vs. Sides. (Like... oh gosh I love Remy! And while I think we need to respect Thomasā€™s amazing creations and what he intended them for-- ie. not pressuring him-- I never want to stop seeing the wonderful fanfiction that explores other options!)
But the biggest point of contention, and the one I want to talk about, is Deceit.Ā 
He's wonderful and amazing and such a good bad guy. But he can be triggering. There are those of us that see him as a classic abuser and write heart wrenching fics, those of us who see him as a ridiculous trying-too-hard-to-be-bad villain and write silly fluff, and there are those of us who want nothing to do with him.
3) I respect you all.
In fact, I follow a lot of you! This is why I'm aware of the magnitude of variation on this topic. And I think a lot of it is valid.Ā 
I've been seeing a lot of posts warning people about how they treat Deceit, since he can be so triggering, and I've been seeing a lot of posts about how we need to remember lying is never ok.
And we DO! It is so important to remember the message Thomas was giving us in the first place.
[4) Lying is Wrong. And we should NEVER condone it.]
But something that has been crushing me is the slowly widening divide in the fandom. I've seen hate in the boxes of writers who play with the idea of Deceit (in cannon or not), and Iā€™ve seen fics with Deceit that arenā€™t tagged as well as they should be. Iā€™m not trying to call anyone out. I just want everyone to be happy.
I want to honor those who find Deceit triggering. And I like to read deep posts about lying, and how we should be cognizant of it. But I also love seeing different takes on the character of Deceit, both as a fully fleshed-out human in AUs and as a weird goofball in a more cannon context.
And Iā€™m so horribly sad that all the posts Iā€™ve seen on this topic are one extreme or the other. Thatā€™s not what this fandom is about. We are about communicationĀ and discussion and respect.
5) We are famILY and everyoneĀ is valid
We know this, but I think we need a reminder: we should not invalidate a fellow Fander on the weight of their Deceit head cannons, and we should not harm a fellow Fander with careless tagging.
We are a community and we love each other.
I urge you all, regardless of which side of this topic you fall on, to be respectful of the other:
If you love writing abusive Deceit or even goofy Deceit: tag him. Tag him as much as you can. No oneĀ wants to hurt another Fander, so letā€™s all do our part.
If you hate Deceit with a passion: donā€™t hate anĀ individual for their fanfiction exploration of the character. Hate the idea or work all you want, but please keep loving our famILY.
And, finally, I have a request. Iā€™d like to pose this to the most influential people in the fandom, who can reach the most Fanders...
Can we come together, just as we normalized tags to get more attention to lesser known fics, and create tags for this too? I know we have tags for Deceit, and abuse, and a host of other things. But may I propose a tag for the version of Deceit who is given fannon redemption arcs and goofy drabbles? That can be just as damaging to people as an abusive Deceit, as it can imply the redemption of his actions, even if thatā€™s not the intent. Even if many people, including myself, enjoy fluffy Deceit drabbles occasionally.Ā 
So, as @randomslasher proposed when I asked them for advice, what about #sympathetic deceit?
Also...what do you all think? I just hate seeing a divide in the fandom, especially if we can solve it and preserve everyoneā€™s happiness by just throwing a few extra tags in the mix.
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