#the most we get is like going to parks and smoking weed in the woods. and thats barely anything if you're someone who doesnt even
snekdood · 10 months
my culture is midwestern emo
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hellbuticy · 2 months
Walker Brothers Hcs pt 2 (California Edition)
we all know the boys grew up in san diego and they simply, are the typical socal type.
every moment the boys weren’t in the woods or involved with Elias, they were at the beach.
they rode their bmxs everywhere. LIKE EVERYWHERE.
they would have little competitions to who can hit the best jump/trick and the loser bad to buy the winner an arizona from the local liquor store
they would drink SoBes: hesh’s fav was the piña colada and logan’s was the strawberry banana
in n out was and is always their comfort food
their family “trips” would be to in n out in the truck and they would all eat in the bed (extra points if its during sunset)
hesh got really into sublime and elias feared he was gonna start smoking weed
logan took the linkin park route n elias feared the kid was going true an existential crisis (he was like 13)
keegan calls logan “cali” when he wants to be a smartass n when hes not calling him “kid”
they were padres fans growing up but elias had a soft sport for the giants (norcal n socal UNITE)
they were never the surfing type but they were the “rush the waves n try to drown each other” type (sibling shit as per usual)
the boys never grew up normally bc they were military brats. so they spent a lot of time on the bases in sd for ghosts business but elias told them it was to finalize his retirement papers
growing up in san diego made the boys want to be navy but elias never really gave them the choice of choosing another branch. so when odin hit, there REALLY was no choice
every time the boys had to go back to no mans land it pained them bc that was HOME
they dont like fish. for how many fish taco places are in sd. they HATE fish
even tho their dad had always owned fords the boys realllyyyyy wanted a tacoma or a 4runner (yota for life dawg)
they werent surf kids. never had a knack for it. BUT they were skim board kids. and they liked bikes
hesh loves to bring up childhood memories.
but elias did the most. he would always tell the other ghosts about “his boys” and the shit they got into.
when the other started to get more comfortable with the walkers, they would recite the stories elias once told ‘em
mrs walker would always SMOTHER them in sunscreen before they went out, especially when going to the beach
cargo shorts and flip flops EVERYWHERE. but when they got older than it was cargo pants n boots
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munsonhoneybaby · 2 years
Smoking Buddies | Eddie Munson X F!Reader
Summary: After buying weed from Eddie once, you get hooked on more than just the deals he’s willing to give you. 
Word Count: 5.1k
Warnings: 18+ mdni, drug use (marijuana), smut, outdoor sex, oral (f receiving), fingering, dirty talk, praise kink
A/N: considering this is my first eddie fic and the first thing i’ve written in like six months i’m honestly super disappointed with how this turned out i’m ngl but hopefully i’m able to get other stuff out soon and get back into the groove of writing more frequently
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Trying to get a private moment with Eddie Munson was proving to be a much more difficult task than you had expected. For someone labeled as the school freak you’d think he’d spend more time by himself, yet each time you spotted him in the halls he was talking to one of his friends or being hounded by his mini gaggle of freshmen. After half a day of what felt like mild stalking on your end, you figured it would be better to just catch him in the parking lot after school.
That’s how you ended up standing beside Eddie’s van in the lot of Hawkins High, attempting to ignore the looks you were receiving from your peers. Fiddling with your fingers, you tried to push down the anxiety bubbling in your chest as you waited for him to exit the building. “C’mon, Munson,” You muttered to yourself uncomfortably. “The fuck is taking him so long?”
A few more minutes passed and you were beginning to worry that the school’s club schedule you checked was wrong and he actually had Hellfire tonight. He finally walked through the doors, a friend of his– Gareth, you thought his name was– in tow as Eddie spoke animatedly about something. When he looked in the direction of his van and caught a glimpse of you, his expression shifted in a way you couldn’t quite comprehend before he seemingly bid a quick goodbye. It felt like the pumping of your heart kicked into double-time as he all but made a beeline towards you.
He flashed a hesitant smile as he said your name and leaned against the side of his van. “You know, I’m not sure we’ve ever actually had a one-on-one conversation. To what do I owe the pleasure, m’lady?”
Well, at least you didn’t have to take charge of the situation. “I uh- I was wondering if I could maybe buy from you sometime soon…?”
Eddie chuckled and crossed his arms over his chest, which probably would’ve felt condescending if it weren’t for the good-natured grin lining his lips. “Well, look at you. I always figured you a more academic type. Good girl wants to try something new?”
Heat rushed through your body in embarrassment as a small pout formed on your face. “I smoke,” You mutter defensively, “I just usually do it with other people so I never needed to buy my own. Will you sell to me or not, Munson?”
“Relax, princess,” He cooed teasingly. “I wouldn’t say no to you.” By now, most of the other students had cleared out aside from those who had a club meeting or practice to attend. “You said sometime soon, does that mean you don’t have the money for it on you?”
“No, I-I do.”
He thought it was kinda cute, how nervous you were, though he hoped your nerves were geared more towards buying illegal substances and less towards speaking to the town freak. “Okay, then I can sell to you now if you want.”
“Here?” You asked, raising your eyebrows at him.
“Well, we’d have to step into the van of course, but…” He watched the way you glanced back towards the school building and spun one of the rings on your fingers. “If you wanna go somewhere more private, we totally can.” You gave him a soft nod in response and he returned the gesture. “Alright. I do my deals in the woods pretty often if you wanna go there– I could take you and bring you back to your car after, or you can follow me. Whatever you want.”
Glancing back at where your own car was parked, you tried to think it over quickly. It wasn’t like you to just take off into the woods with a guy you hardly knew, but you didn’t want to use up your gas or draw more attention to yourselves by taking a second car into the woods. And so far? Eddie wasn’t what you had expected. Sure, you knew he wasn’t actually the leader of a satanic cult like some people in this town believed, but you figured he’d be…ruder? A little rougher around the edges? Yet he’d done nothing but try to make sure you were comfortable interacting with him. So, against what you would call your better judgment, you hesitantly said, “I guess I can just um- ride with you.”
With another one of his goofy smiles, he yanked open the passenger side door and made a grand sweeping gesture towards the empty seat. “In that case, m’lady, your chariot awaits.”
You couldn’t help the small giggle you let out as you climbed into the seat and Eddie closed the door beside you, walking around to his side. He even reminded you to put your seatbelt on when he started the van up.
The two of you made polite conversation on the short drive there, the anxious tension slowly easing by the time you got to a clearing in the woods. It was a small open space with a picnic table in the center, which he headed for when you both had gotten out. As he opened up the black tin box that he frequently carried around, you took a seat across from him. “So, I’ll usually do half an ounce for twenty dollars,” He explained. 
“If I gave you extra, could you roll joints for me?” You asked sheepishly, looking up at him from under your lashes as you fiddled with your rings again; they were much simpler than his, daintier and less gaudy, pretty, he thought.
“You don’t have to give me extra for that, princess,” He chuckled. “I don’t mind helpin’ you out.”
“I don’t want to waste your time-” You began, but he held up a hand. 
“I’m not the kind of guy who leaves a lady to roll her own joints,” He smirks, “I’ll take twenty, no more.”
And so, you handed him the twenty dollars and watched as he started rolling a few joints. When the first one was finished you took it from him, asking if he had a lighter and placing the joint between your lips.
He paused, looking at you with a deadpan expression. “Sweetheart, who do you think you’re talking to?” Stuffing a hand in the pocket of his jeans, he pulled out a plain black lighter. He gestured for you to lean a bit closer, holding the flame up and giving you a light.
Eddie continued rolling as you took a hit, handling it much better than he had expected you to. “Hm, guess you have smoked before,” He jested.
“Did you think I was lying?” You asked jokingly, offering the joint to him.
“Maybe you were trying to impress me,” He teased. “You paid for this, y’know. You don’t have to share it with me.”
You shrugged at that before continuing, “If I were trying to impress you, I probably wouldn’t have asked you to roll my joints for me.”
“Damsel in distress play,” He pointed out, eyes narrowed playfully while he took a decently long drag. “Trying to get me to stick around longer and take care of you.”
Leaning forward, you plucked the joint from his fingers for yourself. “That’s not impressing you, that’s trying to get in your pants. But since I was, in fact, telling the truth about smoking both are irrelevant.” 
The joint was passed back and forth between the two of you, Eddie pre-rolling joints for you– although he actually spent more time just smoking and talking to you. By the time he stubbed it out for you, you had moved to sit beside him, giggling out whatever came to mind while you watched him roll. “You don’t have to keep doing that if you don’t wanna, Eddie.” 
“How else are you plannin’ on smoking all this, sweetheart?” He asked with a small chuckle. Being honest with himself, his fingers were starting to cramp up a bit and he typically would charge people if they specifically asked for pre-rolled joints because it didn’t happen often, but he’d decided it would be worth it for you. For some of your time.
When you spoke, your voice was more demure than it had been since you’d taken your first hit of the afternoon. “Maybe- Maybe we could smoke again, a-and you could keep rolling for me? I-If you think that could work…?”
He smiled softly. “Yeah, I’m sure that’d work just fine, princess.”
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The clearing in the woods after school every other Wednesday. He had taken to teasing you by calling it your ‘freak session’. As in:
“Still on for your freak session this week?”
“Sorry, princess, gonna have to reschedule your freak sesh. Something came up with DnD.”
“Excited for today’s session, sweetheart?”
When you had punched him in the arm and whined about it sounding gross he simply said, “I’m the town freak and you meet me at scheduled times to buy drugs and have smoke sessions in the woods. That sounds like a freak sesh to me, babe, nothin’ gross about it. Get your pretty little head outta the gutter.”
You didn’t buy from him every time, of course, most of the time you just smoked and talked and he rolled you joints when you needed them. His personality drew you in; he was just comforting to be around. After only your second time buying from him, he started selling to you for fifteen instead. Soon you were spending hours on end out in the clearing, getting high and digging into any topic of conversation that either of you could think of.
One day Eddie had been lying on the picnic table, you sitting beside him on the bench. There had been a lull in conversation and you spoke up to fill the quiet. “Hey, Eds? Y’know, I’ve always kinda wanted to listen to metal and hard rock and stuff…” His responding chuckle sounded unconvinced. “I have! I’ve just never really known where to start.”
He raised up onto his elbows, looking at you with a shit-eating grin. “Oh, have I got you covered, princess.” He’d grabbed your hand and dragged you back to his van, climbing in through the back and telling you to sit and light a joint while he turned on the radio. You did as you were told, taking a hit as Metallica’s “Ride the Lightning” album began pouring from the speakers. He plopped down beside you with a thud and took the joint from you, “Now sit back and let your mind be blown, babe.” After sitting through the entire album, he asked for your favorite song, to which you responded “For Whom the Bell Tolls”. He gave you another beaming smile, “Atta girl, good answer.”
Eddie took a moment to decide what album to show you next, settling on “Screaming for Vengeance” by Judas Priest. He felt lucky he wasn’t facing you at the moment so you couldn’t see him flush as he said, “You should come to my place sometime, I’ve got a shit ton more music there I’m sure you’d like.”
You were also glad he wasn’t facing you so he couldn’t see the way you bit down on your lip to contain your smile. “Yeah, Eds, sounds cool.”
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During school hours, you guys still had minimal contact. You didn’t happen to be in any of the same classes. If you happened to pass each other in the halls or make eye contact in the cafeteria, you guys would nod politely, but that was about it. Your interactions were so subtle that no one else ever even noticed them. In all honesty, it kinda bummed you out. 
Then you realized that it was probably entirely your fault. You kept to yourself, especially in school, very rarely drawing attention to yourself. Eddie, on the other hand, was accustomed to having eyes on him wherever he went. This, along with the fact that you had insisted on going somewhere completely private when you saw him, probably made him assume you didn’t want people to know you had become friends. You decided it was your job as his friend to make sure he knew that wasn’t the case; you needed him to know that you weren’t ashamed to be close to him.
So that day, when you walked into the cafeteria for lunch, you walked directly past the table of acquaintances from English that you usually sat with and took a seat beside Eddie at Hellfire’s table. The group of boys all stared at you in open-mouthed confusion while Eddie’s lips curled into the biggest grin you’d ever seen, dimples indenting deep into his cheeks.
“Hi, Eds,” You hummed nervously.
“Hiya, princess,” He cooed excitedly. “Sittin’ at the weird kids’ table today?”
“Maybe not just today,” You gave him a shy smile. Suddenly his arm was settling around your shoulders and he was leaning forward to introduce you to his friends, including Jeff, Gareth, and the freshmen who had driven you to meet Eddie in the parking lot on that first fateful day. “It’s great to meet all of you guys, Eddie talks about Hellfire a lot.” They all murmured overlapping responses and when you met Eddie’s eyes looking slightly overwhelmed he laughed and took over the conversation. Briefly looking around the room, you noticed at least a couple of people from almost every table gazing over at you with perplexed expressions. 
Eddie felt your fingers clench around the sleeve of his jacket and he looked at you before following your eyes around the room. He sighed, squeezing your hand and leaning closer to your ear. “Just ignore them, sweetheart. They’re just confused why a sweet thing like you is hanging around a delinquent like me, it doesn’t matter what they think.” He snorted then, nudging your shoulder, “Maybe they’ll think you got stuck tutoring me so I don’t fail senior year a third time.”
Nudging him back, you shrugged. “Who knows, Munson, maybe third time’s the charm.” And as more people began to stare and whisper, you tightened your hands around his and leaned into his side. “Let them talk. They’re all pricks anyway.”
This had coincidentally taken place on a Wednesday, meaning you were still riding the high of the school day’s events as you walked into the clearing that afternoon. You’d actually beat him there today, having gotten out twenty minutes earlier than everyone else after volunteering to help reorganize the library during your last period. 
You laid out on the picnic table, looking up at the clouds to pass time as you waited for Eddie. It wasn’t long before his voice filled the open space. “Early for today’s session, sweetheart,” He teased. “Still riled up from lunch, just couldn’t wait to see me, huh?”
Leaning up on your palms you explained, “Got out early for helping out in the library.”
“Aw, always such a good girl.” He almost missed the way your breath hitched. As he spoke, he set the black box down beside you on the table and took a seat on the bench. “Except for today at lunch, which was a total badass move by the way. The rest of the guys thought it was really cool of you.” He watched you light up a joint and rubbed the back of his neck bashfully, studying the patterns in the wood of the table for a moment before looking up to where you sat. “I’m proud of you, y’know. I know you get nervous in front of people, I’m sure it couldn’t have been easy for you. But you did it.”
“I did it for you,” You admitted hesitantly. You took a couple tokes and then passed it to him before you spoke again. “I didn’t want you to think I was ashamed of you or something. I know we haven’t really talked at all at school, I just didn’t want you feeling like you’re some dirty secret I’m hiding.” 
“Risked public humiliation and becoming a town pariah all cause you were worried about my feelings, princess?” The corners of his lips curled into a small smirk. 
Wanting to face him, you sat up and allowed your legs to dangle over the edge of the table on either side of him. He covered the sharp breath he took in by taking a hit. “‘Course I did, Eds.” You looked down at your hands and Eddie knew you were going to toy with your rings before you even reached for them. Peering at him from under your lashes, you mumbled, “Y’know, you’re basically the most important person in my life now.”
He scoffed playfully, “What? Your drug dealer?” A hand casually found one of your thighs, the other passing the joint back to you. The metal of his rings was cold against your bare skin, his hand lingering respectfully close to your knee.
“Well, yes, but no.” He chuckled. “You’re like…my best friend now, Eddie.”
“‘S that what I am, sweetheart?” He asked, that smirk returning as he looked up at you. “Your bestie? We gonna have sleepovers, and do face masks, and paint each other's nails?”
“That depends, can I braid your hair?” You jeered back. He laughed, his hand rubbing up your thigh before traveling back down. There was a comfortable silence between you for a moment, just relishing each other’s company as you passed the joint back and forth until you put it out. “Did you mean it,” You began diffidently, “...when you said I was badass today?”
His grin would’ve been answer enough, but he squeezed your thigh and gave you a quick wink. “The baddest, babe.”
Maybe it was the weed talking, maybe you were just feeling ballsy from your stunt in the cafeteria, but you were feeling dangerously honest with Eddie this afternoon. “You make me feel like a badass,” You admitted. “I actually kinda liked everyone seeing me…with-with you.” He seemed to sit up straighter where he sat, his hand inching just a fraction higher. “You-You make me feel good about myself. Like I’m worth looking at…”
“Oh, baby,” He sighed. “You’re worth so much more than just looks.” Standing, he left one hand on your thigh and raised the other to cradle your face in his palm. “Jesus H. Christ, I hope I’m not reading this wrong.” When his lips met yours, you froze beneath his touch and he thought for sure he’d blown it. Fuck. 
But then your hands, practically trembling, clutched the sides of his Dio vest and pulled him closer. His fingers pressed more firmly into your thigh, rings biting into your flesh in a way you hoped left bruises. His other hand slid into your hair, drawing a whimper from you that was lost to his mouth. All but gasping for breath, Eddie pulled away just enough to look into your eyes. “Shit, princess,” He chuckled lightly as he brushed a thumb across your cheek. When you nudged your nose softly against his, he couldn’t help but go in for another kiss. 
“Eddie,” You whined against his lips, not quite sure what you were pleading for. 
“What is it, sweetheart?” The hand in your hair guided your head back enough for him to leave open-mouthed kisses along your jaw. “Talk to me.”
“Eds, I need you,” You whisper coyly. “Please?”
He groaned, throwing his head back overdramatically for a moment. “You’re gonna be the death of me, y’know that?” Shrugging off his vest, he had you raise your hips before lying it down on the table beneath you. In response to your questioning glance, he said, “If I’m really about to fuck my gorgeous best friend in the middle of the woods, I’m at least gonna make sure you don’t get splinters from this shitty old table.”
You giggled, hands slipping beneath his leather jacket and urging him to take it off. “Wow, Munson, such a gentleman.”
“Who said chivalry is dead?” He murmured teasingly, mouth trailing sloppily down your neck. “Can’t wait to feel this pussy, baby. Been thinkin’ about it so long.”
Coquettishly, you grasped the chain around his neck which held his guitar pick. “Yeah? How long, Eds?”
“Well, that day we were in my van and you were falling in love with ‘For Whom the Bell Tolls’ by Metallica-” He had begun playfully, but slowly grew more serious. “I was busy fallin’ in love with you, sweetheart.” You looked up at him in surprise, mumbling his name on instinct. Before you could say anything else, that stupid little grin of his came back. “‘Course I’ve definitely been thinking about your pussy longer than that.”
“You sure know how to ruin a moment, huh Munson?”
“Just bein’ honest, babe.” His fingers grasped your jaw and he planted a short kiss on your lips. “I promise, when I get you in an actual bed I’ll be real sweet with you, m’kay? But right now, I just wanna make you feel good. Wanna give you what you need. You gonna let me?” Nodding, you mewled another plea for him and grasped at the hem of his shirt. With a smug laugh, Eddie pulled the offending item over his head, allowing it to join the ever-growing pile of clothing behind you on the table. “Now I think it’s your turn, princess.”
With his help, you wriggled your way out of your shirt. Rough, calloused fingertips brushed beneath the cups of your bra. Dull nails dragged gently down your ribs and stomach, raising goosebumps in their wake. His touch met the waistband of your shorts and he thumbed at the button teasingly. “Eddie, c’mon please,” You whined out pathetically. “Touch me.”
“Oh, I know, sweetheart. You just need it so bad, huh?” Your best friend unbuttoned your shorts and yanked them down then, harsh and sudden, dragging your panties along with them. “Don’t worry, baby, need’a get a taste of this pussy and then I’ll fuck you real good.” He pulled you to the very edge of the table, folded your legs back towards your chest, and began mouthing along the insides of your thighs. When he carefully sank his teeth into the flesh there you let out a sharp cry and felt his lips curl into a smirk against your skin. Your hips bucked as he pulled away momentarily.
The needy, ravenous stare he leveled on your pussy was so intense that you tried to close your legs; of course, they didn’t budge much against the firm pressure of Eddie’s hands. “Don’t try and hide from me, baby. I just wanted to get a good look at this pretty cunt before she’s all beat up.” Without warning, he buried his face between your legs, still spreading you open as his tongue flattened repeatedly over your clit.
Despite being alone in the woods with him, you still instinctively slapped your hand over your mouth to muffle the loud moan you let out. Your other hand was quick to find the back of his head, taking a handful of his wild hair but trying not to tug too hard. “Fuck, Eddie! Feels so good,” You panted. You could feel his grin the entire time, even as he moved to push his tongue inside of you and his nose nudged your clit again and again. Quite frankly, you were surprised he could still breathe.
“Pussy tastes so fucking good, babe. Might not even get to fuck you, you’re about to make me blow my load in my jeans like some virgin.” Pressing his tongue forcefully against your clit, he shook his head back and forth, drawing a sharp squeal from you. He eased the tip of one finger into your entrance, chuckling when your hips jolted and forced it in deeper. “That’s it, princess. ‘M gonna stretch you out on my fingers, make you come once or twice to get you ready for my cock.” He sank a second finger into you alongside the first, rings pressing against your hole in a way that had you shaking. 
“Oh my god,” You sighed. Your head fell back against the table with a noisy thunk that made him laugh quietly against you again. 
“Mmm, I’ll bet that feels good, huh? You’re taking ‘em so well, sweetheart. Such a good girl for me, practically sucking my fingers in.” His palm rubbed against your clit as he stood briefly, leaning down to press his lips to yours again. The low moans he was coaxing from you made it hard to reciprocate the kiss, but he didn’t mind– you could taste yourself on his tongue before he gently bit down on your lower lip and tugged. “Sorry, baby, you’re just so gorgeous I couldn’t help it. Had to give you a kiss.” His mouth made its way down your body again, leaving kisses and multicolored hickeys behind until it met your clit.
 Eddie curled his fingers until he prodded a spot inside you that you’d never been able to find yourself, reducing your previously semi-coherent moans to nothing but high-pitched babbling as you clenched around his fingers. Hips rolling to meet the movements of his hand and mouth, you let out a stream of jumbled pleas and swears. “Getting close? Good, you just go ahead and come for me, pretty girl.” 
Your legs trembled and you let out something between a moan and a sob, harsh and humiliating. Eddie’s free hand rubbed up and down your thigh soothingly as he let you rock your hips against his face and hand until your high and its aftershocks had passed. You clutched at his shoulders, trying your best to pull him up to you without having a shirt to grasp at. “C’mere, Eddie, please?”
“I’m right here, sweet girl. Don’t worry.” He kissed your forehead, then your temple, then your lips. “You did awesome, baby. My good girl.”
With his forehead pressed lightly against yours, you reached down to fumble with his belt buckle. “Need you, Eddie. Gotta feel you.”
“You don’t have to tell me twice,” He quipped. Guiding your hands away, he undid his belt and the button on his jeans much faster than you could have. Gingerly, he pulled you to a sitting position with your legs dangling over the edge of the table. Your arms settled loosely around his neck as he freed his length from his jeans and checkered boxers. He paused as if suddenly remembering something, then pulled his wallet from his back pocket opening it and taking out a foil square.
Scoffing playfully, you said, “And what lucky girl was that supposed to be for?”
“You, obviously,” He replied instantly. “A respectable man is always prepared.”
“Really selling the ‘gentleman’ bit tonight, huh, Munson?” You cracked, watching him tear open the package and roll the condom on.
“Gotta treat you right, princess. Can’t have you going anywhere.” His hand pressed to your lower back, rings pressing into your skin in the most perfect way for the hundredth time. He rubbed the head of his cock over your clit a couple times, making your nails bite into his shoulders, before he slowly started to push inside. “Shit, so tight. You okay, sweetheart?”
You nodded rapidly, “Mmhm, ‘m okay. ‘S just really big, Eds.”
“Oh, I know, baby– but you’re taking it so well for me, aren’t you? You’re gonna take all ‘a this dick and I’m gonna make you come all over it, yeah?” His hands cradled your jaw, making you look up into his eyes. 
“Y-Yes,” Your voice was croaky from the way you were holding back whines and cries.
One hand remained on your lower back while the other grasped your thigh and hiked it a bit higher up his side. “So fucking good, baby. My good girl.” Winding your fingers into his hair, you pulled him down for a deep, slow kiss. The slow, leisurely rolling of his hips turned into purposeful thrusts that had you gasping into his mouth.
His hand on your thigh guided you to prop your foot up on the edge of the table, spreading you open further for him. He left a final chaste kiss on your lips and pulled back to watch as he cupped one of your breasts, squeezing it firmly before grazing down your stomach. He pressed down there, making your eyes squeeze shut and your walls clench around him. You couldn’t focus on anything but the way he was filling you; it was overwhelming. While you prattled on incoherently about how good he was making you feel, he slid his hand further down, rubbing quick circles on your clit. It was likely he’d have red marks from the way your nails dragged down his back, but he didn’t seem to mind.
“God, you’re a fucking dream come true, you know that?” He rested his forehead against yours again, still fucking into you in a way that had all his words sounding kinda hazy to you. “My pretty baby, making me feel so good. I’m not gonna last long, think you can come for me?”
You hummed out another shaky ‘mmhm’ and buried your face in the crook of his neck. “F-Feels so good, Eddie, please–”
“Go on, sweetheart. You can do it, soak my cock.” He sweetly kissed your hairline a few times as he picked up his pace slightly. Your body spasmed underneath him, arms tightening around him until you were pressed flush against each other. His lips were beside your ear when his breath hitched. Quiet grunts spilled from him as he clutched your hips, rutting into you desperately and unevenly. The mixture of swears and moans and your name that left him was mostly incoherent as he came, feeling you quiver as you recovered from your own orgasm.
As the two of you took panting breaths, Eddie’s arms settled snugly around you, holding you to him as yours wrapped around his back. He only pulled back when you giggled into his chest, narrowing his eyes at you playfully. “What?”
“Nothing, we just had the greatest sex ever and you’re bear-hugging me.” Another little chortle slipped out and he shook his head but couldn’t hold back his smile.
“Well, forgive me for wanting to hold my girl after I fuck her half to death.” He looked down to watch as he carefully pulled out of you, letting out another one of his overdramatized groans when some of your slick pooled beneath you on his denim vest. “Christ, I’m about to be ready for round two.”
“Buy me dinner first, Munson.”
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strangerthings-01 · 2 years
Summary: things get intense when you see Chrissy and Eddie out in your spot in the woods
Involves: angst, cussing
I take requests!!!
Hint the Olivia Rodrigo song lol.
Chrissy fucking Cunningham. That’s who you caught your boyfriend, Eddie munson with in the woods, in your spot. It wasn’t a secret seeing as most kids went out there for drug deals and smoking which was what he was probably doing but it was still a spot for you and Eddie. Something special and he was alone with another girl.
You weren’t supposed to be meeting him today but You wanted some serenity and peace so you decided to go out there to that spot in the woods. Where there lay a rusty old wooden bench, Trees surrounding the secluded area for miles.
You had followed the trail to where it met the opening when you stopped dead in your tracks, slipping behind a tree to truly realize what you were seeing.
Eddie was sitting down at the table, the familiar metal box full of weed sitting closed on the rotted wood. A blonde girl sat across from him, ponytail bobbing as she laughed at something he said. She didn’t have to turn around for you to know it was Chrissy. You could hear her voice and you knew the way she laughed. The obnoxious way she laughed.
“You’re not what I thought you’d be.” She said in a quiet voice, fidgeting with her skirt. He leaned his head on his hand and smirked. “Mean and scary?” She giggled and nodded. “Yeah…” he shrugged and sat up straight again. “Well you’re not what I thought you’d be either. I was terrified of you and now I’m selling drugs to you. Guess we both made wrong assumptions.”
She laughed again, smoothing out her skirt, something she tended to do when she was nervous. “Yeah I guess so. Wait you were terrified of me?” She gasped, giggling as she did so causing you to roll your eyes.
“Oh yeah. But I don’t think so anymore. I guess because you’re like one of the prettiest girls at school so why would a girl like you associate with me?” You felt a pang in your heart as the words slipped past his lips. You were supposed to be the prettiest girl in his eyes.You felt tears form in your eyes but tried to keep them back.
“Don’t say that. You’re a good guy. I wish I would have realized that soon.” She reached across and touched his hand and he made no move to reject it. “Yeah well being around Jason carver doesn’t help. If you hung out with us, you’d do a lot better.”
You scoffed to yourself and felt anger replace the annoyance you felt earlier. Anger and sadness filled your heart to its core as you stomped off out of the forest, making sure they knew someone was there, watching their secret little interaction. Chrissy had a major crush on Chrissy and Eddie apparently didnt see it which frustrated you but the fact he was openly flirting with her in your spot made you furious.
You drove to the video store after making it to your car, keeping yourself in check until you were buckled in and then the tears started coming. They wouldn’t stop for a couple minutes until you were completely dried out and then you composed yourself. You couldn’t let it affect you like this. You needed to confront him but a big part of you wanted to ignore him, make him come to you.
So you went to ask the only person you knew who would know the most rational thing to do, Robin. She didn’t have much experience with relationships yet she knew everything about them. It was strange really but more comforting than you thought.
You parked in front of the store and then shut the engine off before getting out and walking into the store, the bell dinging announcing your arrival. “Hi welcome to- oh hey Y/N.” A wide smile coming onto her face instead of the fake customer service smile she gave you at first.
“Hey…I hate doing while you’re working but I really need advice. Can you get Steve out here too?” Steve was like a big brother and would basically kill someone for you if motivated. Robin nodded and yelled back, causing you to slight jump at the sudden sound. “Steve! Get out here! Our girl is here and in need of help!” A crashing sound made its way across the store causing you to giggle and Robin to roll her eyes at his clumsiness.
He came out a few seconds later Huffing. “Sorry ran into a shelf. What’s up? Did someone hurt you? I’ll hunt them down. Make my words I swear I’ll-.” Robin put a hand to his chest making him shut up. “Calm down tiger. Let her talk before we threaten to kill people.” You chuckle and walk up to the counter, thankful the store was empty and hop up onto it, feet dangling over the edge. “So I uh caught Eddie and Chrissy out by our spot in the woods…” you saw both Steve and Robin tense and quickly finished before they made their final assessments. “He was doing a drug deal but that’s our specula spot. And he called her the preitedtt girl in school and she touched his hand and made no movement to reject it…” You wrung your hands together as your two best friends stared at you.
Steve tore his name tag off and tried to leave the counter but Robin dragged him back. “Uh-uh. No sir. We are working. It’s definitely not okay, girl. I would be hurt too. But I would talk to him. Confront his ass. Make him admit and make him apologize. Drug deal or not, a special space is reserved for certain people.” You nodded, sucking in your bottom lip to slightly chew on it. “I think I should beat him up. And show him what a real man is…” Steve said, hands on hips. “Okay mom.” Robin rolled her eyes again causing a scoff to come out of Steve. “I don’t think violence is the answer. Seriously hun just confront him. I know it hurts and you’re probably scared it was something more but it’s the only way you’re gonna know.” She gave you a comforting look.
You sighed and nodded, looking down at the counter. “Or you could just ignore him and get him to man up.” Steve suggested. “Because he’s coming in right now.” He scratched the back of his head. “What!?” Your head snapped up and to the side, seeing Eddie walking up to the door. “Just my fucking luck.” You mumbled and jumped down just as he was coming into the store. He looked up and made eye contact with you, a smile forming on his face at the sight of you which made you want to forgive him right then and there but you knew better. God you were sick of yourself and would rather be anyone else at this point.
He walked up to you and went to put an arm around you but you pulled away not wanting him to touch you. His smile dropped and he looked at you concerning covering his face. “Hey you okay babe?” You decided to lay it on him right there not caring that Robin and Steve were watching. All your nervousness faded in the moment knowing he wasn’t going to tell you he was with Chrissy. “No I’m not okay. But you and Chrissy seemed perfectly okay and comfy out in our spot today.” You heard your two friends gasp and you fought the urge to smile at your own behavior.
Eddie’s face dropped completely. “Y/N. I can explain that.” You did smile at that point, but there was no humor or happiness there. “I don’t need you to. I know you were doing a drug deal. But you were very cuddly out there with her. Surprised you didn’t kiss.” You sneered. “Baby let’s talk about this in private.” He whispered, going to grab your hand. You yanked it away before he made contact. “No. We can talk about it right here. What? Embarrassed in front our friends because you fucked up?”
“Y/N I’m not fucking playing with you.” He grabbed your arm and made you walk out of the store. You saw Steve making his way out from behind the counter but you put your hand up to say it was okay before you exited the store. As soon as the door shut, Eddie turned to you. “Okay I get you’re upset but trying to cause a scene. What the fuck?” He glared at you, hands fisted at his sides. “So you can recognize I’m upset and instead of apologizing, you’re trying to pull something on me? Wow.”
Eddie groaned and shut his eyes for a second, taking a deep breath before he opened them again. “God you’re infuriating. If you had just talked to me when we left, I wouldn’t be trying to pull something. But making a scene isn’t fair.” You shook your head, sucking in your lip then releasing it. “Making a scene…well when I see my boyfriend out in our favorite spot with another girl flirting. Yeah I’m gonna cause a scene.” Your voice cracked towards the end, the angry facade fading away faster than it arrived.
His face softened hearing your voice and he sighed. “Baby I wasn’t flirting with her. She was nervous and I was trying to calm her down so she would buy.” You shook your head. “I would believe that if it weren’t for the fact that you called her the prettiest girl in the school. What a way to make your girl feel good. Just leave me alone Eddie. I’m sure Chrissy would love you company.” You quickly got into your car and shut down the door. Eddie leaned down to see you through the window. “Baby hey let me explain. I didn’t mean it the way you thought I did. You know i think you’re the most beautiful girl in my eyes.”
You rolled down your window after starting your car. “No eddie. Because if that’s what you thought, you wouldn’t have told another girl the same thing. And if I hadn’t seen you guys, I  guarantee you wouldn’t have told me and I would have been clueless. So for once just back off and let me think.” You saw the hurt fill his eyes as well as regret but he stepped back and let you pull out and drive off.
You made it home and went inside ignoring your parents question on your day was. You ran up to your room and slammed the door and threw yourself onto your bed, letting all your emotions go.
You felt stupid letting something like this getting to you but he took Chrissy to your spot. You and Eddie had a lot of intense and loving moments there and it broke your heart knowing that spot was just opened to another girl. It didn’t matter that it was a drug deal for Eddie. It made you feel like shit knowing she was sitting in your spot across from your man.
You cried into to your pillow for a while before nothing else came out and exhaustion took over, causing you to sleep for the rest of the night.
By the time you woke up, it was time to get ready for school. You considered not going for two reasons. 1. You were extremely tired. 2. You didn’t want to see Eddie right now. You were still so hurt and didn’t know if you could handle it but it was Friday and then the weekend would be here so you pushed yourself to get up.
You put on Eddie’s hellfire shirt he let you have along with ripped jeans and then tied up the shirt so it didn’t hang too loose. You knew Eddie loved seeing you in his shirt so it wasn’t a lie that you were trying to get him to see you and know he fucked up.
You left your hair down and grabbed your keys after putting your converse on and leaving the house, heading to your car. You slid in and started it then pulled out of the driveway and made the drive to school.
Once you made it to school, you parked the car and got out making your way inside the school. You saw Eddie with his hellfire groupies and tried to walk fast past them. Any confidence you had vanished seeing Eddie.
Eddie saw you and his stomach turned seeing your in his shirt. “Hold that thought.” He said to dustin who was rambling about something with Suzie. He ran over to where you were and grabbed your hand. “Hey can we talk?” You turned around and he let go of your hand not wanting to push you past your comfort. “Yeah…” you said quietly.
Just as he was about to start whatever speech he had prepared, Chrissy came up with a smile on her face and tapped his shoulder. “Hey eddie. I just wanted to thank you for being so kind to me yesterday. And the stuff helped so I appreciate it.” Her eyelashes fluttered. He looked between you and Chrissy trying to figure how to approach the situation. “No problem Chrissy. Anytime.” She smiled shyly. “I was thinking and wanted to ask if you would want to go out sometime?” You scoffed and backed up. “Are you fucking kidding me bitch?”
Chrissy and Eddie both looked at you in surprise. “You know damn well he’s with me. What the hell is wrong with you? God you’re entitled.” Chrissy’s eyes widened. “Woah I didn’t know. I’m sorry but Eddie also offered for me to hang out with you guys. I guess I got the wrong idea. I’m sorry.” Eddie looked at you bewildered. “Y/N calm down. That was not necessary.” You face dropped. You couldn’t believe he was defending her. “Whatever. It doesn’t matter.” You turned on your heels and walked away, ignoring his calls for you.
You clenched your jaw and tried to stop the tears that threatened to spill over your eyes. You went to your first period and was thankful when there was a sub. You just put your head down and ignored everyone around you. The next few classes were miserable and focusing on work was hard but you pushed past.
By the time lunch came, you hoped things would be okay because this was your time to be with Eddie but when you walked in, you saw Chrissy in your spot at the hellfire table. Your breath caught in your throat and you lip quivered but you bit on it to stop it. You grabbed your lunch and looked around for somewhere to sit that wasn’t at the table. There was other spots at the same table but Chrissy didn’t belong there and you wanted your spot by your boyfriend.
You found a mostly empty table and sat down by yourself, picking at your food after you sat down. You didn’t eat a single bite and just stared off, not even bothering to look at the table. You saw someone sit in front of you and looked up. Making eye contact with Eddie, you sighed, not having the energy. “Just stop. If you want to hang out with Chrissy I’m not gonna stop you.” He looked at you sadly. “She’s not there anymore. I told her she had to go. That it was hellfire members only and that seat was yours. She left. Come over baby.”
You shook your head. “Lunch is almost over anyways. It’s fine.” He stood up and walked over to you and before you could question what he was doing, he picked you up. You gasped and he threw you over his shoulder. “Eddie I swear to god put me down!” Your face flushed with embarrassment. People were starting to stare. “No. You’re being jealous. It’s cute but kind of annoying.” He carried you out of the room despite teachers telling him to put you down. He finally set you down once you were in the secluded hallway. “I wonder why I’m being jealous. Why don’t you tell me why babe.” You said sarcastically.
He glared at you. “Stop it. I know why you’re upset and I’m sorry. I really am baby. I’m an idiot and a bad boyfriend. I shouldn’t have taken her to our spot. I don’t know why I did and when I realized I felt like shit but we were already out there.” His face softened the more he talked and you crossed your arms, hearing him out. “I love you sweetheart. You’re it for me. Chrissy is very pretty but you’re drop dead gorgeous. I let her know I couldn’t hang out with her unless you were there and she understood. I will make us a new spot that no one will ever be allowed to go beside you. Do you think you can forgive me, honey?” You looked away and sighed, trying to think of a response.
“If you don’t, I’m gonna tickle you.” You looked at him and glared. “That’s blackmail.” He raised his eyebrows and when you didn’t say anything, he shot forward and started trickling your sides. You started laughing and squirming. “Okay okay! I forgive you!” You giggled and he stopped immediately then pulled you to him and and hugged you. “Good. I really am sorry baby.” You nodded and buried your face in his chest. “I know. It’s okay.” He rubbed your back and rested his head on yours. “Well I’ll take you to our new spot today after school. Sound good?” You nodded against him and he kissed your head.
The bell rang which signaled lunch was over and you and Eddie walked to your next class together. “You’re cute when you’re jealous.” He chuckled and you hit hit his arm. “Shut up.” You said and he wrapped an arm around you waist and walked inside the classroom with you.
The rest of the day went by fast and it was a good end to the day. Eddie ended up taking you to a spot by lovers lake where there was a log that sat perfectly in between the trees to where the lake was visible from where you sat. It was beautiful and you couldn’t ask for anything better than to sit there watching the sunset with the love of your life.
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killerlookz · 2 years
𝐁𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐊𝐢𝐬���𝐞𝐬 𝐔𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐰𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫 | Eddie Munson x F! Reader (NSFW)
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description: (yes the title is from a pierce the veil lyric i was emo in middle school, okay?") After a near-half of your last summer break before college is wasted doing absolutely nothing, you've become fedup with the monatonous days, and now you're desperate for some excitement. Luckily, for you, that excitement seems to come in the form of your out-of-town neighbor's pool, and your boyfriend-Eddie Munson.
content: smut, 18+ ONLY! MDNI. tresspassing, allusions to drugs, skinnydipping, general teenage shenanigans, grinding, fingering, pwp but like very soft and romantic pwp.
word count: 5301
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"I think we live in the most boring town in America," You throw yourself backwards, your body bouncing lightly as your back flops onto your mattress, "No- scratch that, I think we live in the most boring town in the world."
"Oh come on, it can't be that boring, I'm here." Your boyfriend replies from beside you. You roll your head to the side to look at him, your faces now dangerously close together,
"Eddie-" You start, "You're seriously going to tell me you don't think Hawkins is the most boring town in the universe."
Eddie smiles, his dusty pink lips parting to bare his teeth, and a small chuckle escapes his mouth,
"No, you're right," His mouth closes, forming a smirk as his lips tilt to the side, "Hawkins fucking blows."
A barely audible laugh escapes the two of you before your bedroom falls silent, the only noises left looming in the humid mid-july air is the repetitive chirping of crickets. The sound drove you up the walls every night as Hawkins fell silent, as a child, the sound was an omen of the summer- those droning chirps were the soundtrack to playing with sparklers on your friends lawns, late-night bike rides, and spending your entire allowance on ice cream. But now that you were older, as the moon fell on Hawkins, and the crickets began to sing their dreadful song, they only served as a reminder to your eternal, incessant bordem.
You thought life was supposed to get more interesting as you got older, as you gained new freedoms, and new friends, but that never seemed to be the case for you. A month passed graduation, and still, this summer seemed to have nothing to offer you. You'd spent the last four weeks sleeping until way too late in the afternoon, before haphazardly getting yourself done-up to see Eddie- the two of you would probably smoke some weed and then have sex, sometimes at your house, sometimes in his trailer, or the back of his van, maybe even on that rickety old park table in the woods if you two were too stoned to walk.
Of course, you loved Eddie, you love Eddie- and there's no person in the universe you'd rather spend your last summer before college with- but you just wished it had been under better circumstances. Circumstances that weren't so fucking boring.
You stared at Eddie as you racked your brain, focusing in on his soft, deep brown eyes while your mind reeled just looking for something to do. Your mind raced, and raced, and raced until- got it! Your lips quirk to the side,
"You know, Eddie," Your eyes meet his with an intensity that you rarely gave to anyone, "My neighbors are on vacation."
"Okay..." He lets out a breathy chuckle, "And?"
"Aaaand... they have a pool."
Eddie's eyes widen a little as his lips up turn in a smile, "You're not suggesting we break in, are you?" He says, feigning an innocence you know he's in no way in possession of.
"No," You scoff, scrunching up your face, "Break in? Never... only... just...borrowing the pool."
Eddie laughs, "You're too cute, my little rebel, huh?" He raises his hand, placing his large palm against your face, gently stroking the soft flesh of your cheek with the calloused pad of his thumb. Eddie clicks his tongue against the roof of his mouth, "Tsk, tsk, tsk- what have I done to you?" He pouts.
"Oh!" You proclaim with dramatics, "Eddie Munson, you've ruined me!" You place your hand over where Eddie's lies on your cheek, "It's true what the papers have been saying! Those boys with long hair, and torn up clothes that listen to that- oh-so-scary demonic satan music, and play that evil evil board game, are nothing but bad news, they will prey on your children and turn them towards the devil!" You take your hand off of Eddie's and flail it outwards in a dramatic fashion.
Eddie bares his teeth once more in a wide grin, the two of you laughing at the pure ridiculousness of the conspiracies that had been thrown around about metalheads and Dungeons and Dragons. Eddie's hand slips from your face down to your waist,
"C'mere," He says, residual laughter still left in his voice. By your waist, Eddie pulls you closer to him, while also doing his part by inching his body towards you. "You're fucking adorable, you know that?"
As your bodies near closer, you dip your head down slightly, letting it rest against Eddie's chest. You nudge your forehead against the soft fabric of his T-shirt, mumbling, "Mhm."
"You don't actually want to break into your neighbors pool, do you?"
You lift your head from where it resides against Eddie's chest, staring up at his jaw, "Sure I do." You squirm in Eddie's grasp, lifting yourself up so your faces were level once more, "You don't?"
Eddie furrowed his eyebrows, "No-I just, your neighbors might not be home, but your parents are. I just don't want you to get in trouble."
"Babe," You scoff lightheartedly, "A bomb could go off and it wouldn't wake my parents, how do you think you've never gotten caught in here?"
"You're right." Eddie lifts an eyebrow, a hint of slyness present in his face, "We usually get pretty loud, huh? Especially you."
"Shut up, Edward." You narrow your eyes at him.
"Oh-ho-ho, breaking out the full name, what are you, my mommy?"
"You wish, Munson."
"Whatever." Eddie mumbles, his hand finding its way to the back of your head, threading through your hair, and pushing your head closer to him. Eddie places a few obnoxiously loud kisses against your hairline, "You're lucky you're cute."
"Yeah, you too." You giggle when Eddie's hair falls in your face as he presses kisses to your head.
"Okay," Eddie backs away from you, "Your parents are covered. But I'll be dammed if you think I'm swiming in my boxers- no way am I putting my jeans back on over wet underwear."
"Then take them off, silly." You bat your hand at his chest.
"Skinny dipping?" Eddie asks, "I really have ruined you."
"Pssh," You huff, "No you haven't, c'mon, Eddie, it'll be fun."
"You'll be naked too, right?"
"I mean-yeah-I guess." You furrow your brows, "That's like kind of the whole point."
"Let's do it."
"God," You laugh, "You're such a pervert."
"Me? The pervert?" Eddie's eyes widening, "Says the girl who just told me to go swimming without my boxers on."
"Mhm," You hum, placing your palms face down on the mattress and lifting yourself up, "That's me. I'm like, a total pervert." After sitting up you turn around, bringing your body to face Eddie, and reaching out a hand, ushering him to get up.
"Good to see you finally admitting it," Eddie takes ahold of your hand with both of his, pulling himself up, "You little freak." He smiles as he sits up straight, before continuing to lean forward, placing a kiss on your cheek.
You ruffle your hands through your hair misplacing the strands on your head, and a soft smile falls upon your lips as you watch Eddie get up from your bed. His tall stature and dark clothes seemed awkwardly out of place in your small, soft-palleted room. He gazes around the room for a moment, his eyes widened eyes wandering almost as if he'd never seen those four walls before. The contrast between your boyfriend and your room made you giggle, but only softly. Truth was, Eddie wasn't completely lying when he said he'd ruined you, he had, at least a little bit. You were never exactly a goodie-two-shoes, but, you did a good enough job at keeping up the act, until Eddie. He had a quality about him, he made you feel bad, it was exciting- meeting Eddie helped you shed absolutely any and all reservations about who you were. You felt fearless with him, and it was thrilling.
"Are we just going to stand here or what, sweetheart?" Eddie asked, a hint of mockery twinkling somewhere in his voice.
"Yeah," You pull your mouth into a tight smile, "Help me up?" You raise your arms in front of you, wiggling your fingers at Eddie.
"Oh, of course." He lets out a light chuckle, "Anything for you, dear." Eddie grabs ahold of your hands- gripping them tightly as he helps lift you up from your spot on your bed. Your bodies land close together as you stand up, Eddie's hands still tugging at your own way past the point of you being stood up.
"Thanks Eds," You smile as you try to find your footing. "You're the best." You place a small kiss to Eddie's cheek, causing his mouth to widen in a goofy-looking grin.
"Aww," Eddie starts, feigning embarrassment, "You're just saying that 'cause it's true."
You lift unravel your hands from Eddie's grasp, and hold them against his face before placing your lips on his in a soft kiss. Eddie's hands find your waist, holding you lightly at your lower back as he puckers his lips, kissing you right back. After a few small, shared kisses you lightly tap Eddie's cheeks with both your hands,
"Let's go!" You quickly work your way out of Eddie's loose grasp, heading for your door, paying little mind to how much noise you made as you flung open the creaky wood. Eddie followed suit, tip-towing downstairs after you, trying his best to quiet his heavy steps as- he already wasn't supposed to be there. Still, the floorboards creaked and moaned under your combined body weight, Eddie's face was white as snow, looking like he'd seem a ghost, cringing with every step he took. "Come on Eds," You whisper harshly, "Stop being a pussy."
Eddie frowned as he finished the trek down the stairs. It was a quick walk through your darkened home to your back door, and you carefully slid open the glass, just wide enough for the two of you to get out. The air around you is thick, the mid-July humidity is nearly claustrophobic- making you feel more like you were standing in water rather than in open air.
"I am not a pussy," Eddie huffed as you closed the sliding glass door behind you.
"Really?" You raised an eyebrow, "Could have fooled me."
"Has anyone ever told you you're a real pain in the ass sometimes?" Eddie chuckles, shaking his head as he watches you walk away from him.
"Oh, shush," You turn around, batting a hand towards Eddie, "You loooove me."
Eddie's footsteps patter a little harder against the wood of your patio as he picks up his gait to catch up with you. He's quick to meet your pace, his chest bumping against your back, causing you to stumble forward before he wraps his arms tight around your stomach. Eddie draws you close, his forearms pressing into your flesh,
"That's right I do," Eddie breaths out onto your neck, his breath even more ardent than the air outside, yet- you welcome this heat against your skin. "So much." Eddie's lips found their way to your neck, latching onto a soft patch of skin. You roll your head back at the feeling, resting against his shoulder,
"I love you too Eds," A soft smile grazes your lips, "So much more."
"You are such a little liar." Eddie scoffs, smoothing a hand down your side. "You know that?" He pokes a finger into the side of your abdomen, causing your body to flinch.
"No way," You giggle, "It's true," You tilt your head, your eyes facing straight towards Eddie's neck, "I'm head over heels for you Eddie. Head. Over. Heels- like the Tears For Fears song!"
"Of course you are," Eddie chuckles, his breath tickling your neck, "You're always head over heels," Eddie places a finger at your temple, "Head- over..." Eddie drags his finger down your cheek, your neck, and as far as it will go down your arm before he points at the ground, "Heels."
A small breath of air escapes out your nose, "Smartass," You scoff, rolling your eyes as you break free from Eddie's grasp. Your feet patter lightly against the patio as you skip your way closer to the fence separating your backyard from your neighbors. Your head swings back and forth, and your mumbling to yourself, singing, "Something happens and I'm head over heels, I never find out, 'til I'm head over he-e-eels." Silently cursing yourself for getting that earworm of a song stuck in your own head.
Short, freshly cut blades of grass prick at your feet as you step off of the patio and you begin to take light steps forward to avoid the uncomfortable tickle. Eddie follows in close pursuit, not focusing much on catching up to you, rather instead staying behind to watch your antics.
The wooden white picket fence that separates yours and your neighbor's yards isn't that high, falling just around your stomach, but you stand, and stare at it, debating if you can clear it by attempting to swing a leg over it.
"Need help?" Eddie asks, coming up besides you.
"Oh, yeah," You smile. "Please?"
"Here," Eddie starts, bending down a little for better leverage, before grabbing you around your stomach, "I got you." Your feet begin to lift off the ground as Eddie pulls you up. You lift your legs simultaneously, high enough so you can clear the fence, before Eddie walks a little closer, holding you over the fence so you can jump down from his arms and hit the ground safely. "You good, babe?"
Eddie's grip loosens and you're able to wiggle from his arms, landing in the neighbors yard without a hitch. Eddie is able to clear the fence much easier than you, standing up at his toes and using all his arm strength to hoist himself up and over the wooden slats. You waste little time running towards the large, in-ground pool that stood before you, not waiting for Eddie to even catch his balance before you start skipping towards the water, lifting your shirt up in the process, and throwing it somewhere on the grass. Your shorts were the second do go, pausing for only a moment to slide the loose fabric down your legs before kicking them off behind you. As you drew nearer to the edge of the pool, your stride slowed to a walk, and you reached around to your back, unclasping the tight restraint of your bra and tossing it off. The last to go were your panties, which you waited to take off until your feet just about hung off pavement that surrounded the water before you. You quickly threw a glance behind you, looking to see if Eddie was watching you, and he was, his eyes glued to your body and a smirk stuck on his lips as he walked towards the pool. You smirked before bending over, sticking your fingers into the waistband of your panties and slowly pulling them down the length of your legs.
"Are you trying to tease me?" Eddie called, catching onto your antics right away. Your panties fell around your ankles, and Eddie got a good view of you now before you quickly stood up. Oddly enough, despite being completely naked out in the open- you didn't feel even a wrinkle of hesitance, or insecurity- no, it was exciting, doing something you weren't supposed to be. Besides, it wasn't anything Eddie hasn't seen before.
"Never!" You say sternly, kicking your panties to the side. Only a moment later you're diving head first right into the pool. The coolness of the water is refreshing as it splashes against your face when you go under. Soon you're fully submerged, and your body feels lightened as you flick your legs, pushing you further across the length of the pool. You swim to about where you can stand, lowering your legs until your feet touch the rough concrete below you, before standing up straight.
The once humid air is now cold on your wet face as you whip your head around to face Eddie, rubbing the water from your eyes,
"Hurry up!" You whine at Eddie who has barely even taken his shirt off.
"Slow your roll babe!" Eddie shouts back, "Why do you want me naked so bad?"
You sigh, walking against the force of the water, closer to the edge of the pool where Eddie resided. Your feet slowly lifted off the pavement as you got into waters where you could no longer stand. Your arms pushed back and forth, keeping your head above the water as you neared Eddie.
"Why wouldn't I want you naked, Eddie?" You grin, looking up at his half- undressed figure.
"Oh, yeah?" He lifts an eyebrow, beginning to unbuckle his belt. The familiar clinking of the metal rang in your ears, and like pavlov's dog to a bell, the scraping sound sent a heat to your lower stomach, and a pulse between your thighs. His lightly tattooed arms tugged at the leather, and the veins that striped his forearms popped out as his hands balled into fists around the belt.
The sight made your head feel fuzzy, like your brain was filled with nothing but TV static, your jaw dropping slightly as you watched Eddie pull his ripped up jeans down to his ankles, exposing his thick, hairy thighs.
"I don't know about this babe-" His face scrunches up as he steps out of his jeans.
Eddie's voice somewhat snaps you out of your sex-fueled trance, you close your mouth and swallow thickly.
"I mean, what if like, my dick is too big and it make me sink to bottom of the pool or something?"
You blink up at him a few times, "Shut up Eddie," You flick some water in his direction causing him to flinch.
"I don't hear you denying the fact I have a big dick!"
You huff and playfully roll your eyes at Eddie,
"I don't know- I guess I'd have to see it again to make sure."
"You've got me there," He said, slipping his thumbs under the waistband of his boxers. It doesn't take him long to pull the fabric down his thighs, exposing his mostly soft cock. But, Eddie doesn't give you much time to look until, he too, is diving into the water.
His dive makes a large splash before you, water droplets flying at your face as he goes under, and you squint, rubbing your eyes to rid the drops from your vision. Though, the distraction of the water in your eyes serves well for Eddie as he swims towards you. He reaches forwards, both of his arms coming to wrap around your waist, tight, before he pulls you under with him. A small, startled gasp escapes you before you hold your breath to go under. Slowly, you begin to open your screwed-shut eyes, a hazy picture of Eddie appearing before you through the distorted lens of the water. His hair floats around him wildly, and he points a stupid-looking smile towards you. And despite him nearly drowning you, your heart cant help but to quicken at the sight of him. Still holding you at your waist, he pulls you closer to him, pressing a kiss against your lips, the resistance of the water, and your lack of oxygen makes it a struggle to kiss back- your lungs tightening in your chest- but still you make an effort to press your lips back on Eddie's for as long as you can.
You and Eddie come up for a breath nearly at the same time, stifled laughs falling from your mouths between deeps inhales.
"You are an, ass Eddie Munson." You huff.
"You think so?" He asks, nearing you. His gaze is intense, salacious even, as a single eyebrow raises.
"Mhm," You say, backing away from Eddie slightly, worried he may try and tug you under again. Yet, you're pleasantly surprised when he reaches for you and does nothing more than tug you to him.
Eddie holds you at your lower back, his forearm pressed firmly against your skin. You wrap your legs around his waist, and lean forward, pushing your bare bodies close. Eddie brushes his hand against your cheek, and you lean into the rough skin of his palm, smiling.
"God," He sighs, shaking his head, "You're so beautiful." His soft, brown eyes look deep into yours, denoting a tender seriousness to his remark. A pink glow shines from under your skin, dusting your face with a coy blush.
"Oh, Eddie," Your arms snake behind his neck, holding onto him loosely. Eddie's usually lively curls form flat against his head, his bangs splayed out on his forehead in every which way. As he blinked, small water droplets fell off his long eyelashes, and down his cheeks. You were sure at this point your irises had turned a bright red and melted into hearts as you ogled at your boyfriend with the most lovesick stare.
You tighten your legs around Eddie as you lean a little farther forwards to give him a kiss. As your lips meet Eddie's he's immediately capturing you into something salacious. Your eyes fall closed, and your head tilts as your lips work against Eddie's, his blatant affection only helping to add to the pulsing between your thighs.
As the seconds passed, the kiss only grew hungrier and hungrier, Eddie's hand now gripping your cheek tight as he pressed his face into yours. Things, really, started to get hot and heavy when Eddie's tongue finally pushed passed your lips, finding its way into your mouth, brushing against your tongue. You moaned at the feeling, somehow, wanting Eddie even closer. And your neediness was aparent as your hips rocked forwards, almost involuntarily first, but the bucking of your hips created a friction between Eddie's skin and yours that you craved. So, you continued, bucking your hips against Eddie, completely purposefully at this point. From where you were situted, with each thrust forwards, your clit brushed against Eddie's hip bone, which stuck out from his slender frame. It seemed like an odd place to try and relieve the throbbing of your cunt, but you were needy, desperate to please yourself in whatever way you can.
You can feel Eddie smirk into the kiss, and you just know, what your desperation is doing to his ego. Still, he lets you continue on with grinding your hips against him without a word. And you're grateful Eddie is sparing you from the embarrassment of your arousal, at least for now.
Mid thrust, Eddie pulls you closer forwards, his forearm tightening on your back- which only works to deeper push you against his bony hip, causing you to moan out into the kiss as your clit rocks hard against him.
"Now, that's what I like to hear," Eddie says, pulling back from the kiss. You can barely stand to face him, instead, your head droops down and falls against his neck. "Awh, don't be shy." Eddie's hand finds its way into your wet hair, tangling in the heavy strands at the back of your head. He tilts his head to the side, craning his neck to place a kiss at the back of your head.
You don't respond, too embarrassed and desperate to form any coherent thoughts, instead you place small, gentle kisses against one spot on Eddie's neck, repeatedly puckering your lips again, and again above the same patch of skin. Still, despite the embarrassment you can't quite bring yourself to quit the incessant rocking of your hips, too obsessed with the wave of pleasure that shoots through you with each and every thrust up and down.
"There's no need to be so embarrassed sweetheart," Eddie coos, his fingertips lightly massaging your head, "Feels good doesn't it?"
"Mhm," You mumble against his neck.
"I bet," He smiles, continuing to smooth his fingers against your head, "Want me to touch you baby?"
"Mhm," You respond once again, not looking up.
"Come on, where's that loudmouthed girl that was here just a moment ago, do you want me to touch you?" Eddie asks again.
You roll your head to the side, lifting your lips from Eddie's neck. Eddie's hand slowly falls from your head as you shift your position.
"Yes, Eddie." You finally muster up.
"There's that pretty voice of yours," Eddie grins, "Where do you want me to touch you sweetheart? Tell me, what'll make you feel good?"
You sigh, not in the mood to use words, despite your familiarity with Eddie, sometimes you struggled with voicing your own sexual thoughts, instead, opting more for Eddie to take the lead on things. Growing up in a small town, one that often held more conservative views, the idea that girls could be sexual too was one that was taboo, and often rejected, unspoken of. As much as you felt you rarely ever conformed into the town's expectations, it had clearly rubbed off on you somewhere deep in your subconscious, but Eddie often tried to break you out of that thought habit. Telling you, sex wasn't something done to you, but rather, a mutual act, still, despite his gentle attitude and lack of judgement, you still often got a little shy.
You remove one of your arms from around Eddie, and grab at the hand that had fallen from your head. Slowly, you guide his hand through the water, down to where you clung at his hip. You loosened your grip around Eddie's waist, creating space between the two of you before you guided Eddie's hand into that space, brushing his fingertips against your cunt. The slight contact made you shiver, your thighs twitching and your stomach contracting at his touch.
Eddie hums, as his fingers gently glide through your folds, up towards your clit. He then presses a single finger against the swollen nerve, the rough feeling of the calluses on the pad of his fingertips that hard formed from playing guitar- pushing against such a sensitive spot on your body made you whimper as a hot wave of pleasure shot from your inner thighs to your lower stomach.
"There, baby?" He asks, his voice gentle and soft, "Want me to play with your clit?"
"Yes, Eddie." You breath out, your rigid body relaxing into his touch. Eddie smiles, tilting his head to the side so his cheek rests at your hairline. His fingers begin to make gentle circles against your clit, swirling the sensitive bud around. The feeling is instantly pleasureful, much more so than your needy grinding against his hip. You let the pleasure overcome you, closing your eyes as you rest against Eddie's shoulder.
Each swirl of Eddie's finger is a delightful sensation, your body aching for more with each and every gentle movement Eddie makes. The pressure against your clit sends sparks throughout your body, each pleasureful shockwave settling just below your navel as an increased tightening forms in your lower stomach.
You pay little mind to the unrelenting whimpers that fall from your mouth, too caught up in the euphoria to care about the noise you're making. Eddie seems to be enjoying your little sounds, though, humming contently to himself between soft, whispered praises,
"You make such pretty noises, sweetheart. I love making you feel good," Eddie coos, nuzzling his cheek against your forehead.
"Does feel good," You loosely mumble out.
"Good." Eddie grins, continuing to work his finger around your swollen clit. "Can I add a finger inside you?" He asks, tapping two of his free fingers right above your slit.
"Yes-please, Eddie." You nod incessantly, your cheek rubbing harshly against Eddie's shoulder.
"Okay, pretty." He smiles, one finger gently toys around your entrance, circling around the hole before finally dipping in.
"Ah," You whimper as his long, slender finger enters you. You stretch around him, but not greatly, nothing you aren't used to, so the sensation is instantly one of pleasure. Eddie bends his finger slightly as he fits knuckle deep inside you, exploring your silky walls. You can feel that despite being in the pool, you're a different kind of soaked. Eddie begins to life his finger out slightly, before thrusting it back in, over, and over again. The repeated action makes your chest heave up and down, and your back arch. No matter how many times you and Eddie got intimate the feeling was always overwhelming, the way he could fill you with such pleasure with even just his fingers made you dizzy.
You rocked your hips in time with Eddie's thrusts of his finger, deepening the sensation of both his finger inside your cunt, but also the pressure on your clit. It was driving you wild, and you knew that the hot, tightening coil that knotted itself inside you would not be able to get much tighter before it became too much and broke loose.
"More," You beg breathlessly as your hips pushed against Eddie's finger, desperate to acheive your orgasm.
"Want me to add another finger?" Eddie asked, pausing only slightly,
"Please," You nod once more. Eddie was quick as one more of his fingers found your entrance, thrusting in forwards with the one that was already inside you. A deep, breathy sigh left your lips as he stretched you even more. "So good," you moan at the feeling as both of his finger worked against the soaked, silky walls of your cunt.
It wasn't long after he added a second finger that everything became too much. Your legs began to twitch, shaking almost uncontrollably against Eddie's waist. Your moans became a little louder, and more high pitched as you felt the heat inside you reach its boiling point.
"Eddie- I'm-I'm so close." You warn.
"Gonna cum, baby?" He asks, picking up the pace, urging you forwards towards your orgasm, "Good, let go, c'mon, cum all over my fingers baby."
It was like you were under a spell, destined to do exactly whatever Eddie said, because as soon as he began to encourage you to finish, the knot inside you snapped, unraveling itself. Your body writhed against Eddie, the muscles of your cunt spasming as your released pooled around Eddie's fingers.
"Fuck- E-Eddie- I'm-" You whine.
"That's it,' Eddie cuts you off, gently urging you, "Let go baby, let go."
And let go you did. You took a deep breath in as Eddie worked you through the remaining pulses of your orgasm, your legs nearly locking around Eddie's waist as your cunt clenched and unclenched around Eddie's fingers a few more times.
Slowly, but surely, your heavy breathing slowed, your legs loosened around Eddie's waist, and your eyelids flickered opened. Eddie's fingers slipped out of you, making you whine as the ends of his fingertips fell from your entrance. Eddie immediately put his fingers in his mouth, hallowing his cheeks as he cleaned your release off of him, humming contently to himself.
You stared up at Eddie in awe, post-orgasm euphoria flooding your brain, making you even more lovestruck than before. Eddie relased his fingers from his mouth with a wet pop, before lifting his head from where it laid on yours.
"You were right, this was fun." Eddie smiles returning his hand to support you at your lower back.
"But you didn't even c-" You protested.
"Shhh..." Eddie shook his head, "Still fun to make my pretty girl happy."
You smile at the compliment, his pretty girl, that was you alright. You tightened your arms around Eddie, snuggling yourself into the side of his neck,
"-Love you so much." You mumble into his skin. Eddie's arms fully wrap around you, holding you in an embrace,
"I love you too- even more."
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fumingspice · 4 years
All The Things She Said
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Pairing: Lana Winters x Reader
Request:  student x teacher au fic with lana, billie or cordelia?
Note: Added in a little sparkle with a soulmate AU. Those who are lucky enough to have a soulmate are assigned a necklace with a small pendant. No one knows where they come from or how they’re decided; they just appear and will match your soulmate’s identically. Also, yes the reader is eighteen, and yes there will probably be a part two.
Requests are open!
Your routine was like clock-work; every morning without fail. 5am you would get out of bed and go on a run. There was no reason, really. You weren't someone who was that interested in athletics, it was just a way to clear your mind and wake up your mind and body before going to school and having the energy sucked out of you.
You adored the way the sky looked this early in the morning as you ran through the country park. The heat gave you an extra kick of gratification as you watched the sky dance in colours of orange and pink, painting everything in shades of gold. The sun crept through the mountain like liquid glory and you couldn't get enough of it.
Realising the time, you made your way back to your neighbourhood, waving at neighbours you often saw at this time of morning.
You saw many of the same people on morning runs that you eventually learned by name while running past them, shouting a greeting and waving as you sped past them. This morning, you noticed that the home a few lots down from your own had been purchased; the new inhabitents were outside, speaking with a contractor.
As you ran, you noticed the woman watching you. Breaking your glance, you made a mental note to introduce yourself later.
The shower couldn't come soon enough as you lathered the cool water on your body. Cold showers after a run provided that little extra adrenaline rush that you needed to get you through the day, and boy would you need it today.
After months of persuasion, you had finally given in to skipping the end of school and heading to a gay bar with your friends Emmett and Heather. Being the model student you were, you had declined the offer time and time again; but after catching your boyfriend with another girl and the subsequent break up of one of the most liked couples in school, you decided that now would be the best time for it.
The school day rushed in and at 12pm on the dot, you and Emmett made your way to Heather's car, where she sat impatiently tapping her foot.
"You two took your sweet time," the blonde muttered, pulling on a pair of sunglasses and revving up the engine.
The plan was simple; Heather's parents were out of town for the week so the three of you planned to stay over. Today would be spent getting ready and having a few drinks before hitting the bar in order for you to have a "drink in celebration" for breaking up with your ex-boyfriend.
The bar was lively, and you could smell the mixture of cheap cigarettes, alcohol and weed and hear the music from the street behind. Emmett compared the similarity of the three of you strutting to the bar to the Sanderson sisters from Hocus Pocus.
Heather nudged you yet again, her elbow hitting a nerve in your ribs and making you bounce.
"Will you quit that?" you snapped, realising your fourth cocktail was making you slightly irritable.
Heather glared at you and pulled you over to whisper in your ear. "The brunette at seven o'clock has looked from her phone to you at least four times," she hissed, releasing you and nodding her head in the direction.
You nodded in understanding and gestured for her to tell you what to do. Picking chicks up at a bar wasn't exactly something you were accustomed to, after all.
"Go up to the bar and order something-" she looked at your outift, "-I don't know. Some business casual-sounding drink. Like an Old Fashioned or something. Make a joke about how much you've drank and if she's warm then ask if she's here with someone. Then go in for the kill and Emmett and I will be your wing-people when you break your seal."
"Break my what?"
Heather practically shoved you off your chair.
You shrugged and walked towards the bar, standing close to the brunette, but not close enough so that she knew what you were up to. The bartender approached and you smiled at her.
"Hey, could I get an Old Fashioned pl-"
"And get me another piña colada while you're making your move!" Heather called, acting more drunk than she was in an effort to hint off to the lady. You glared at her, and in return, for some added effect she lent into full view of the lady, shot her a cheesy grin and gave her a thumbs up.
You spun on your heel to see if the lady had noticed, and to your dismay she had. She looked at you with a raised eyebrow.
At least she didn't look disappointed.
"Was that for me?" She chuckled, taking a tip from her class. You grinned as casually as possible, looking down at your hands. You finished off your order and paid, waiting for Heather to get her drink to no avail.
"You know what, yeah I think it was for you actually," you replied. Keeping it cool was the buzz phrase Heather had been using all day. "I'm sorry but my friend claimed that she had seen you checking me out a few times and was pretty insistant that I come over and talk to you."
You sat in the stool, leaving one between you.
The lady chuckled. "It's fine," she said, taking another sip. "I'd be grateful for the company."
"You're alone? You're more than welcome to sit with my friends and I," you offered.
You cut off immediately by Heather collecting her drink, standing between you and muttering, "don't you fucking dare," into your ear before walking over to the woman and leaning over her shoulder.
"Now, you see, Ms- I'm sorry what's your name? Jesus, Y/N! When you flirt it's basic manners to ask for a name," Heather muttered.
"It's Lana," she replied, smiling at you.
Lana. A pretty name.
"Awh, that's a lovely name actually, I wish my parents liked me enough to call me something like that. Anyways, enough about me. So, anyways, my good friend Y/N here just got two-timed by a piece of human trash that she's way hotter than and everyone warned her against dating but hey- you know our Y/N, she's balls-ier than a dodgey testical. So, all I'm really gonna say is we came here because we really want to get her laid so she doesn't need to feel like she got the short end of the bargain so, you know-"
At this stage Heather was trying to communicate through a series of dramatic gestures. Emmett strod over, took Heather by the shoulders and apologised to Lana before walking your drunk friend back to your table.
You were both a little shell-shocked and you feared that Heather's drunken rant had ruined any sembelance of a chance that you had with getting anywhere with this.
"I- I'm so sorry. She doesn't get out much," you said. Lana's smile returned as she waved it off.
"Has anyone ever told you that you look a lot younger than twenty-one?" she asked. You couldn't tell if she was being genuine or if she was trying to hint that she thought you were younger than your ID said.
You nodded. "All the time," you say, it's not like that's a lie. "How old are you? If you're not offended by my asking."
"I'm twenty-nine. I hit the big three-oh in November," she replied. Lana reached into her bag and pulled out a box of Newport cigarettes. "I'm sorry, I've had a long day and I'm dying for a smoke. Care to join me?"
You sat still for a moment before excepting the offer. The club was absolutely packed and you could barely follow Lana through to the balcony without getting separated from her. She noticed and turned around, taking your hand and keeping you close so that you didn't get lost in the crowd.
Lana lent over the metal fence, cupping her hand over her lighter. You watched how her cheeks sucked in, defining her cheekbones and her jawline. You mirrored her position against the fence.
"Hard day at the office?" You asked, declining the cigarette she offered you. "Thanks but I don't smoke."
Lana smiled down at her cigarette. "I like a smart girl. Stay away from these for as long as possible," she took a long draw. "And to answer your question; I moved into a new house today only to find out that none of the plumbing was actually installed and contractor has no idea why."
"My house was like that too; turns out the pipes are just in really weird places," you replied. You turned to face in the opposite direction, laying your elbows onto the bar and watching the crowd. "What do you do? Career wise?"
Lana blew out a puff. "I'm a teacher. French and English Literature."
Ah great; a French student trying to hit on a French teacher. This was gonna be a fun story to tell the group.
"You're kidding? I'm studying French," you replied. 
Lana laughed. "Damn, Y/N. This just has to be written in the stars," she replied, you could sent the well-meant underlying sarcasm in her voice. "You think I have that chance?" You ask, your eyes dart down to her hand. Her ring finger, although bare had an imprint on it as if she had only recently removed a ring. She noticed you looking and brought her hand into a fist.
"Don't look at me like that, Y/N. We're getting divorced," she said. She bit her lip and looked down into the woods beneath. 
You felt slightly guilty. "Oh, I'm sorry." Lana shook her head in response.
"I'm in a gay bar for Christ's sake. We definetly weren't compatiable," she chuckled, reaching for another draw of her cigarette. She turned around, some noise in the background catching her attention. Her sleeve dropped a little bit, revealing two bruises at the side of her wrist that she had clearly tried to cover with foundation. Lana turned back around and you dropped your eyes before you noticed, unaware if it was your place to ask.
"If I'm honest, I don't really like bars. I know this really nice café a few places down. Do you wanna come with me?" You asked. Lana's head cocked slightly, her eyes scanned you as if they were looking for some alterier motive. "I'm not trying to get laid, Lana. I just don't like clubs and I don't think you do either."
Lana's shoulders relaxed, as if trying to decide. "Sure," she nodded. "I'd love to."
You walked back in through the bar, telling Emmett what you were doing. He made you promise to turn on your location and to call him to pick you up when you were ready to leave.
"It's nice that you have friends to watch your back," Lana said as you walked down the street. The air was now cold, nipping at your cheeks and nose. Lana slid her arm through yours after asking if it was okay to do so.
The café in question was small; dimly lit, decorated with plants. It was warm inside and the candles lit everything in orange. It was peaceful. You heard Lana sigh with relaxation as you asked her what she'd like to drink.
Two lattes later, you and Lana lay on the same old, green, springless couch. You giggled and talked for what could have been hours.
Lana noticed your Soul Necklace. “I have one too,” she said, touching the stone delicately. “I’ve never worn it though.”
She told you stories from high school and college while you sat and listened to her in some new form of fascination. You could listen to her talk forever. Your head rested on her shoulder, and hers rested on your head. There was an echo of peace which bounced around the both of you.
Eventually there came a moment when you had finally plucked up enough courage in a moment of silence between you to lift her chin with your finger and close in for a kiss. It was short and sweet, but you could still rellish the feeling of her lips kissing back against yours in a gentle passion.
She waited on you while Emmett drove back to get you, with an extremely drunk Heather in the backseat. 
"Are you free tomorrow night?" Lana asked before she walked away. You nodded. "Would you like to maybe go out? On a date?"
Her final question was asked with a shyness that you found adorable, and giving her a kiss on the cheek as
The next day you went to school in a good mood. Your run was better than ever. Your breakfast was tastier. The sky was more beautiful. You couldn't contain your giggles as Heather drove you and Emmett to school.
"I cannot believe you've landed yourself a date with a teacher," Emmett said as the three with you walked to your French class. You practically danced down the corridor with happiness. The three of you were slightly late to class.
You pushed the door open harder than you intended, making it crash against the wall with a loud bang. You muttered an apology while your friends laughed at you and the teacher settled them down, chuckling under her breath.
That it until she looked up at you.
And you looked up at her.
Lana muttered a profanity under her breath as she realised that she had asked one of her students on a date.
taglist: @its-soph-xx​
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sortasirius · 4 years
Don’t look at me I’m so fucking emo
I want this for Dean so bad
Pairing: Dean/Cas
Words: 1079
Dean never realized how much cleaning went into owning a bar.
He’s spent a lot of time in bars, and more often than not they’re greasy, crusty, smell like cigarette smoke and sweat and stale beer.  But not his place.  Nah, Baby’s is gonna be clean, with one of the shiny bars you always see in movies, with a ton of beers on tap.  It’s a place he’s always dreamed of, obviously, since Michael stuck him there when he was in control, but he tries not to think about that.  Those memories were hazy anyway.
He found this place by accident, maybe the last of Chuck’s luck, maybe the universe throwing him a bone.  (He has saved it a few times, after all).  The place is perfect, right in the middle of Texas, so he has the blazing summers to look forward to, but he can do without the winters in Kansas, so it’s a fair enough trade.
It’s an honest to god roadhouse, the perfect mix of bar and home, especially with the apartment situated above it.  The whole place needs some serious TLC, but he doesn’t mind.  For the first time in his life, he doesn’t have anywhere else to be.
He fixes up the little garage first, taking the tools he had scrounged from the bunker and from his own supply when he left and storing them carefully in the backseat when he leaves for the last time, taking a long look in the rearview before he matches Sam and Eileen’s tire tracks and turns the opposite direction.  He strips the wood, sands it, clears it of debris and weeds and trash, spends his first days at the new place outside in the sun, listening to his favorite songs on Spotify from his phone.
Finally, after five days, his first of many projects is done.  The garage is fit for a queen, which is, well, perfect really.  Dean parks the Impala and covers her carefully in a sheet.  She’s finally semi-retired.
He heads inside, hoping against hope that the pipes wouldn’t rust out on him and he can get a good shower.
“How’s it look?” Cas looks up from his place at the bar, where he’s in a ratty t shirt that’s already covered in wood stain, scrubbing the bar with so much vigor that Dean is kinda scared it’ll snap in half.
“It’s done.  She’s parked.”
Cas smiles at him, and Dean can’t help but return it with everything he has. 
He had thought, maybe, that Cas would want to go out on his own, being human and everything now.  Looking back, that was kind of stupid, but Dean had felt like he was twenty pounds lighter when Cas had slid into the passenger seat of the Impala saying nothing but,
“Where to?”
They spend the next six months fixing the place up from seam to seam, from the rotted floors to the dingy bathroom, to the apartment upstairs.  With their sweat and blood and ten thousand trips to Home Depot, they make the place into something that has only ever lived in Dean’s dreams.
And as they clean and repair and replace and build, that thing that he had always tried his best to force into the lowest, darkest part of himself.  That thing with Cas.  That was allowed to grow.  It was more natural than anything else.  More natural to lean over a beer and kiss Cas than it was to start the engine of the Impala.  Something that was a given, never to be questioned again.
“What’s the name?” Sam asks over the phone one Sunday morning, while Dean organizes their first ever liquor shipment and Cas tries to figure out how to put a tap together.
“I was thinking Baby’s.”
“For the Impala?” he can hear Sam’s smirk through the phone.
“Yeah...and for Dirty Dancing too.”
One last homage to Lee, even after everything.
“Wow, chick flick king over here,” Sam laughs, “Well, Eileen and I found a great little place up in Montana, you and Cas should come visit when you get a break.”
“We won’t ever get a break,” Cas cuts in, rolling his eyes and huffing in frustration, “He’s already got us working eighteen hour days.”
“What can I say, I’m a business owner now,” Dean winks at Cas, who’s mouth lifts at the flirtation.
“Well whatever, you should come see the place when you get the chance.”
“Will do Sammy.  I’ll talk to you next week.”
“Sure thing, bye man, bye Cas.”
Dean doesn’t really expect much business.  They are a little...off the beaten path, but they’re close enough to a small town that they get a few curious locals who quickly become their regulars.  And those regulars bring in people who bring in people who make Dean and Cas busier than they ever were as hunters. 
Dean’s crowning achievement is the purple neon sign, with pink and deep blue accents, that they set up above the place.  Baby’s.  His place.  He swells with pride every time he looks at it, and doesn’t even complain when Cas makes them switch sides of the bed because it bothers his eyes at four in the morning.
They have to hire two more bartenders in six months, and Dean suddenly feels like a real owner.  He loves playing bartender and slinging drinks much more than the boring paperwork, but Cas helps him with that.  They’ve always made a great team.
Dean feels like he spends most of his free time cleaning now.  If he was downstairs, he was always armed with a bottle of disinfectant spray and a dishrag.  Cas calls him a germaphobe.  Dean says he’s not and then kisses Cas to prove it.  Cas just shakes his head and goes back to wiping glasses.
Dean doesn’t realize it until about a year in, but he looks around at the bustling place, with pool tables and foosball and classic arcade games that Dean bought for a song and fixed up himself, with the line of craft beers he’d always wanted, with Cas by his side, throwing his head back at a joke one of the regulars is telling, Dean realizes that he might be really, truly happy for the first time in his life.
And it was all down to a roadhouse.
Dean finally gets the piece of Heaven he’s always deserved.  Funny enough, maybe fitting enough, it just happened to be here on earth the whole time.
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maddiwrites · 4 years
Secrets of the Shore (Chapter 22)
Pairing: JJ x OC
Summary: This is just my rewrite of the show Outer Banks with my own twist by adding another main character which also happens to be John B’s twin sister.
Note: Happy Sunday (: Only two more chapters left and I’m sad about it.
Word Count: 6.8k
Chapter 21 Masterlist
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My friends drag each other to Heyward's shed where he stores all his useless junk he'll probably never touch again. I always said Pope's dad was a borderline hoarder. But the clutter does nothing to distract me from what's happening to my brother.
I pace back and forth with my hands interlocked on the top of my head. As I move back and forth, my friends keep their eyes trained on me as if I might sprint back to the airstrip.
No one says anything. The four of us are try to defuse the ticking time bomb thats about to blow in all of our heads without actually losing our minds.
I freeze when I hear the familiar hum of a plane fly overhead. I feel my throat tighten and my face heat with frustration. And just like that, Ward Cameron wins again.
"There goes the gold," Pope says and throws his hat across the room.
"Shit!" JJ kicks the closest thing to him which happens to be a three legged wooden table.
"Fuck!" Pope picks up a metal trash bin and throws it across the room, just like his hat.
"Pope!" Kie yells.
"God damn it!" He continues to throw anything he can find. His bomb exploded and he's destroying anything in his path. "Shit! Fuck!" He finds a wooden baseball bat in the heap of the clutter and hits whatever he can find. Glass tables, wooden chairs, more trash bins. I'm almost mesmerized by his movements because I have never seen this side of Pope before. "Shit! Damn it!"
"Pope!" Kie's trying to clam him down while JJ and I just watch with open mouths and raised brows. However, Pope just ignores her and continues to yell and break shit. "Pope!" I can imagine the release Pope must be feeling from this. All my life, I've never seen him act like this. He's usually so composed, always the one to keep us from doing shit like this. I don't know how to react now that roles are reversed. "Pope!"
Pope eventually falls with exhaustion against the arm of a musty green couch and pants to catch his breath.
"Yeah, dude," JJ says slowly. He puts his hand on Pope's shoulder and squeezes. "I was wondering when this was gonna happen. Here you go, chief." JJ holds out his dab pen for Pope to take. Pope looks at it and for the first time, he actually considers it. "A little weed never hurt no one."
"JJ," Kie says, disapproving.
"Relax, Kie."
"You know he doesn't smoke."
Pope ignores both of them and takes the pen from JJ and inhales a large hit. As if this kid couldn't shock me more today.
"Well, maybe not until today."
"Yeah, what is that gonna help?" Pope says. "I lost my scholarship. Walked out in the middle of the interview. Every -" Pope inhales sharply and shakes his head. "It's gone. It's not gonna happen."
"You did that for us?" Kie asks.
"No, not for us. For nothing."
I never thought of silence as being physically heavy, but right now, I feel like I'm being weighed down by a thick fog that I can't swim out of. Pope's right. Despite everything we did right this summer to get something we all deserve, we ended up with nothing except for more problems.
"I'm here for you, Pope," JJ says. "Welcome to my world, okay?"
Kie looks at me for some kind of assistance, but I have nothing to offer. She sighs and looks back at the boys. "JJ -"
"What, Kie? He's right. It doesn't matter anymore."
"You don't have to do that," Kie tells Pope and motions to the weed.
"What do you care?" Pope snaps.
Before this can get any worse, I turn at the sound of footsteps approaching us. My jaw physically hits the ground, at least that's what it feels like, when I see John B.
His eyes are facing forward and his clothes are covered in blood. He looks like he's in some kind of state of shock and I am terrified to find out why.
But my sisterly instincts kick in first. I'm running to him before the others even see him and my hands are pulling his shirt up to make sure the blood isn't his. John B reacts as if I'm not even there and stares ahead.
"John B what happened?" My voice shakes as my eyes scan his body. There's not a even a scratch on him, but I almost wish there was. Because this means the blood belongs to someone else, and I don't want to think that my brother is the reason for it.
"Dude! Dude, you good?" JJ runs up behind me and looks over John B's body with big eyes.
"Oh, my God! John B!"
"Is this yours?"
"Whose blood is that?"
I cup John B's face in my hands and make him look at me. When his eyes finally find mine, I ask, "What happened?"
Before he can answer, cop cars with their sirens on pass us on the road behind us. John B grabs me by the arm and shoves us all back into the shed and we duck behind a wooden slack.
"Shit," Pope curses as his chest moves up and down heavily.
When the coast is clear, John B tells us what happened. Sheriff Peterkin showed up. At first Ward thought she was going to arrest John B for breaking into the airstrip and almost causing a catastrophic accident, but she was there to arrest Ward. Of course Ward wasn't going to go down without a fight and before Peterkin could react, she was shot in the chest. By none other than Rafe Cameron.
"Rafe shot Sheriff Peterkin?" I ask in disbelief.
I always thought Rafe was a lot of things, but I never had cop killer written down on my list. However, I do know that Rafe is the kind of kid who would do absolutely anything to impress his dad. He's been fighting for his attention since he was a tween. Maybe in his own sick way, he thought killing Peterkin was saving his dad.
John B nods. He tells us Peterkin told him to run. And as much as he didn't want to, he was better off with us than dead. Sarah even told him to go as she protected him with her own body while he ran away. Rafe tried to shoot him too but couldn't get his aim down as he sprinted through the woods to get to us.
"What?" I feel my blood turn ice cold when I think about Rafe trying to kill my brother. The one family member I have left. "Why would Rafe want to kill you too?"
John B shrugs. "Because I saw the whole thing."
"So did his sister," I say. "Do you think Sarah is okay?"
"Rafe wouldn't hurt her."
I scoff. "Yeah right."
Now I know that Rafe is pretty much capable of anything worthy to an eternity in hell.  I don't think anyone is safe in his company. Not even Sarah. Maybe Ward.
"Kie, can you give me a ride somewhere?" John B asks.
We sneak through the back roads to get to Kie's house. When we get in her car, John B directs her to the police station. By the time we get there, the sun is completely set, blanketing the town in an eery indigo color.
Everything seems so silent to me now. The hum of Kie's radio, the shuffling of leaves brushing against each other, the bickering between my friends and brother. There's a ringing in my ear that won't go away until my hands are wrapped around Rafe's neck.
I feel like my brain as been replaced by a dark cloud. No ideas, no thoughts, no plans can make me feel any better or lighter. It's like an invisible hand has reached down my throat and twisted my heart right out of my chest.
Peterkin was the one and only person that actually helped John B and I. She kept DCS off our backs for as long as she could, she never rubbed it mine or John B's face that the whole island thought we were delusional when we said our dad was coming back, and she was even going to arrest Ward Cameron for my father's murder.
She didn't deserve to die. Although I wasn't the one who pulled the trigger, I can't help but think that her death is somehow my fault. It was my family she was protecting. She was doing her job, but she could have easily written my dad's death off as an accident like every other cop on this island.
"John B, what are we doing at the police station?" JJ asks when Kie parks the car right outside of the front entrance.
"Somebody's gotta tell them what happened." John B's voice is filled with sadness and guilt. I wish I could pull all this weight off his shoulders and add it to mine. He use to be so optimistic - always the one to cheer me up. Now that it's the other way around, I'm dumbfounded on what to do.
Pope takes another hit of JJ's juul and ends up coughing most of the hit up.
"Oh," JJ says from his seat behind Pope and pats his shoulder twice. "Easy there, chief. Damn."
I ignore the fact that Pope sounds like he's hacking up a lung and turn to look at my brother.
"Are you sure?" I ask him.
"All right. I'm just gonna be real with you right now," JJ says to my brother. "You might end up in the lion's den, but you don't go there on purpose. It's fundamental. Just like my old man always told me, you should never ever trust cops, no matter what the circumstance is."
I scoff at the idea of taking advice from JJ's dad.
"Your old man's an abusive liar," Kie says, looking through the rearview mirror with a scowl on her face.
"I agree with JJ," Pope says. "Fuck the police."
Kie turns to look at him. "You going dark side now?"
"When's the last time the police helped us?" Pope says.
"Peterkin looked out for me, all right?" John B says loud enough to grab everyone's attention. "Tried to, at least." He looks at me. "They need to know."
John B steps out of the car with his head hanging low on his shoulders. I bite down on my bottom lip, contemplating what our next move should be. All I know is that I can't let him do this by himself.
"Wait, John B!" I jump out of the car and follow him to the front door. "You're not going to do this alone."
I wait for John B to argue with me but he doesn't. Instead, he nods his head and leads me into the police station, a place I've been in a couple times by force. Never by choice.
There's a woman at the front desk who looks exhausted and busy. I can hear the mumbling of her radio on her desk and the static after each statement. I'm pretty sure I hear Peterkin's name but I don't know if it's my own head repeating her name over and over again.
"Um...excuse me, ma'am," John B says.
The woman barely looks up from her desk and writes something down on her pad of paper in front of her. "This is not a good time, kid." Had she just taken the time to look up, she would see the guy standing in front of her is covered in blood. Maybe then, she would be more worried. Instead, she focuses on her radio. "Adam, advise if you need air tran."
I open my mouth to give this woman a piece of my mind, but John B cuts me off. His voice soft and broken. "I know who shot the Sheriff."
I force myself to look up at him. He looks like he's trying his best to keep himself composed when all I know he wants to do is collapse on the nearest chair and just...breathe.
The woman freezes and finally takes in John B's appearance. She studies the stain on his shirt and the sweat on his skin, the hollowness behind his eyes and his shaky hands.
"You stay put," She says as she backs away. "I'll get a deputy."
I look around the station and feel an uneasy swirling motion in my stomach. It's unsettling. Like JJ's words are getting in my head. Maybe coming to the cops wasn't such a good idea.
My head snaps towards the radio when it statics to life again. "Central, three Vick. We have a suspect in our 31. John Routledge."
My blood runs cold and my eyes flash up to meet John B's. He's staring down at the radio like it's an actual person and he's frozen in shock.
Another woman's voice comes up on the radio. "Copy that. All units, be on the lookout for John B Routledge."
"Sixteen year old white male. Six foot. Last seen wearing board shorts, a 'Bad Brains' T shirt, and a faded red hoodie."
"Copy that."
My hands grab John B's to drag him out of here. My head scrambles to come up with our best plan, but I know staying here isn't it. Ward somehow managed to spin this around on my brother. I shouldn't be shocked, but I keep managing to be knocked out with more surprises right when I think things couldn't get any worse.
Just as I'm about to pull John B out of there, two cops come out from the back and stare at the two of us with big eyes. A man and woman dressed in their faded brown deputy uniforms. My eyes trail down to their hands that are both steady on the gun in their holster, ready to aim if they need to.
"Just...breathe. All right?" The woman cops holds out her hand as if to tell John B to stay calm.
The other officer nods. "John B. Do what she says."
"Look, I didn't...I didn't do it, okay?" John B tries to explain but his voice his shaky and lacks any sort of confidence.
"Go..." My voice is barely a hushed whisper but my tug on his arm is strong. "Go, go, go. Run!"
John B and I sprint out of the station before any officers can guard the door. I can barely hear them yelling after us through the drumming in my ears.
"Kie! Start the car!" John B yells as we basically body slam ourselves into her car. "Start the car, Kie!"
I basically rip the back door open and stumble into JJ's lap after tripping on my own feet. Everyone's yelling. The people in the car. The people running out of the police station.
"What? John B!" Kie yells as her hands shake. She tries putting the keys back into the ignition but her hands are trembling too much.
"The cops!"
"Shit!" JJ curses and looks over my shoulder at the cops who are sprinting towards us.
"Go!" John B yells at her. She turns the key but of course the car decides not to start. "Kie, drive! Go!"
"Go Kie!" Now I'm yelling at her.
"Stop the car!" One of the cops yell with her gun raised at the back window.
"I'm going! I'm sorry!" Kie says as anxiety cripples through her.
"Right now!" The woman cop from inside approaches the car. She tries to open it but the door is locked.
"What did you do?" Kie yells at us.
Kie moves the vehicle slowly out of the parking lot, but the woman is relentless. She runs with us side by side and hooks her fingers around the door handle.
"Open it!" JJ yells at John B.
John B opens the door to knock the cop off the car. The tactic works and she rolls on the ground. Only now we'll probably be written up for assault too.
I fall back into my seat and pant for breath. My head falls back against the cushioned seat and my eyes close. Okay, okay, think, Marleigh. Think.
Ward killed my dad. Ward stole my gold. Rafe killed Peterkin. And somehow, my brother is the one being framed for murder. Make it all make sense.
I hate them. The Camerons. Kooks. All entitled, greedy sons of bitches who don't know how to handle rejection or the word 'no.' They think all their meals should be served on a silver platter and kids like us are born for the sole purpose to serve them. They deserve to rot. They deserve to feel all the pain we do.
And yet, they don't. And they never will because that's the life we live. A life where people like Ward and Rafe Cameron can get a way with murder because no one would blink twice at their lame excuse of a story.
A lie.
It all boils down to money. Money we almost had right in our pockets. But now it's gone as is pretty much everything else in my life. My house. My dad. Maybe now my brother.
JJ laces his fingers with mine and gives my hand a gentle squeeze. I keep my eyes closed but let my head fall on his shoulder. I focus on his touch. How his thumb delicately rubs against my skin in a light up and down motion. How his lips are able to make my heart flutter when they kiss the top of my head. How his soft whispers, telling me everything is going to be okay, are sweet enough to make me melt into a buttery mess.
Maybe not everything's gone. I still have JJ. The constant in my life. The one who can always make me feel better even in the shittiest of situations. My sun on my darkest nights. My sight into the future when I can't even think of tomorrow.
I don't let JJ go. Even when Kie parks the car back at Heyward's shed under an open roof. We have literally nowhere else to go. The cops will undoubtedly check all of our homes, including Kie's. The Chateau is definitely surrounded by cops, waiting for John B and I to make the dumb move of going back there. And Tannyhill isn't an option anymore.
The sun is already poking out behind the trees as morning approaches. My body aches from sleeping in this cramped car, but I try to ignore the pain and focus on the fact that we're all still together. For now.
The five of us sit in silence. Some of us try to wrap our heads around what just happened and try to come up with another plan. The rest of us, like me, are so tired, they can't even remember what their middle name is.
The only noise in the car comes from Kie's radio. "...should be functional within twenty four hours." Meanwhile, another cop car with loud sirens pass us on the road without sparing this car a second glance. "And still, no arrest in the shooting death of Sheriff Susan Peterkin. The state police have issued a statement regarding a local person of interest, a juvenile from -"
Kie switches the radio off and glances back at John B and I. My brother has his seat reclined all the way back and is staring up the at the ceiling of the car. JJ has moved so his back is against the car door with one leg bent at the back of the seat and the other one on the floor. I sit between his legs and play with the necklace he gave me a couple days ago. Crazy enough, it feels like years since he gifted me this.
"Let's game this out," JJ is the first to speak. He looks at Kie and Pope in the front seat. "Maybe you guys can help, being the smart ones and all, but..." He sighs. "...who are the cops going to believe? Ward Cameron or us? So the accuser is a big shot developer, kind of lord of the island, got the governor on speed dial kind of person, and the accused...is John B, who is...pretty much a homeless sixteen year old boy at the moment."
"Thanks." John B deadpans.
"Okay, man. Yucatan, all right? I'm saying that's the only option." John B gives him a look to stop talking but of course JJ doesn't take the hint. "What other options do you have?"
"Enough with the Mexico bullshit," Kie says.
"Sarah will bail me out," John B says a lot more confidently than I feel about the situation.
"She did witness the whole thing," Kie says.
"Thank you."
"You really think she's going to pick you over her own family?" I can't help the attitude that drips off my tongue with each word. Sarah's a nice girl and I really liked her. But Rafe and Ward are her family. "No offense, but you've really only known each other for a few weeks."
"Not happening, bro. Okay?" JJ says, agreeing with me. "We gotta get you off the island."
"The ferry," Pope speaks up for the first time all morning. "It's the only way."
"Exit stage left while you still can. Before the entire island is on lockdown."
"Guys, just get down," Kie slumps further into her seat as another round of sirens pass us.
"Sarah's not a Pogue, John B," Pope says. He has a point. Sarah hasn't been friends with all of us for that long. I almost wouldn't even blame her if she took her family's side.
"Yeah. You can't stay here, man," JJ says, tightening his hold on me.
Another moment of silence passes through us and I wonder if JJ's right. Adrenaline on the island is at an all time high. No cop, no lawyer, no person is going to believe John B over Ward. Not without evidence. We need time to clear John B's name. So maybe getting him off the island would be best. Even if it's just temporary.
~ ~ ~
When Kie parks in front of the ferry, Pope hops out to buy the tickets and Kie moves to the passenger seat. I offered to go with him but JJ told me that was a bad idea because I would get recognized as John B's sister.
So here I am, useless and laying down as flat as I can next to John B to avoid being seen through the windows.
I look at John B. His eyes are closed and his chest moves heavily up and down. His fingers flex and clench into fists every couple of seconds. I wonder if his fractured hand is starting to hurt him.
"The first thing we're doing when we get off this stupid island is buying you a new outfit," I say. I cringe in disgust when I look at Peterkin's blood stain on his clothes. Another reminder that she's dead.
I look up to the front seat window when Pope comes back to the car. He's mumbling to himself and I think he has something in his hand.
"Okay. All right, no."
"Pope, can you act normal?" Kie says through clenched teeth and unlocks the door for Pope to get in.
"Okay, um...okay, so, bad news. The ferry's closed, and there is this."
Kie takes a piece of paper from his hand and looks at it. Her eyes close for half a second and she shakes her head. "Shit."
"What is that? What is this?" John B asks.
JJ snags the paper out of Kie's hand and looks at it. "Well, John B, uh...this is a good framer of you." He turns the paper over and shows my brother and I a picture of John B on a 'WANTED' sign with a cash reward of $25,000.
"Okay, so the whole island's looking for John B right now," Pope says.
"That's a lot of money," I can't help but laugh. "Gotta say, John B. Didn't think you would be worth that much. Hell, maybe I'll turn you in."
"Congratulations John B, you're famous," JJ says.
John B slaps the outside of my thigh with the back of his hand. I scoff and slap him back, which causes a strings of slaps and hits, though mostly playful, and some a little harder.
"Stop. Guys, stop!" Kie says loudly. JJ pulls my hands away from my brother and folds them in my lap. He gives me a warning look, like a teacher would their student, and it makes me want to laugh about how bizarre this whole thing is. "We got to get to the HMS. We need small, no running lights -"
"It's at the Chateau, Kie," John B says.
"And I wonder if the cops got the entire place taken out," JJ says sarcastically. "Let me think. Oh, yeah. No. they definitely have that place locked down."
"Let me think. Just give me a second," John B says frustratingly.
"JJ," Pope says.
"What?" He looks up.
"Does your dad still have the boat? The cigarette boat, the Phantom. The one he used to race."
I look up at JJ, but I can't read his emotions. He keeps his face unfazed. "Maybe."
"You could get right up the coast, no problem. Okay, look - "
"It won't be easy, Pope."
"The surf's running from three to four."
"I don't know where the keys are."
"Well, find them."
"I'm thinking," JJ snaps.
"Why is nobody moving forward?" Pope yells at the car in front of us and bangs the palm of his hand on the steering wheel.
I rub my fingers in a circular motion on my temples and close my eyes again. Words are being spat at about a million miles per hour. It's hard to keep up and my blood vessels twist with anxiety.
"Can you relax?" Kie hisses. "JJ, how much weed did you give him?"
"Guys," John B says. "Your car's on the poster."
Pope ignores everyone and hits his fist against the horn of the car. "Can we move it?"
I'm going to puke.
"Come on!"
"Don't honk the horn!" Kie says, hitting Pope's arms away from the wheel.
"It's that guy. Right there!" I hear a voice outside our window say. The voice sounds young. Kid-like.
"Shit," John B tries pushing himself further into his seat. I didn't even realize he sat up in the first place.
"We got a snitch. Pope, turn the car on," JJ says, sitting up in his seat and leaning forward to hit Pope on the shoulder.
"We get $25,000 if we find him!" The kid says.
"Hey! He's right there!" Another voice. Manly. Great, we're drawing a crowd.
"Hey! We gotta go!" Kie yells.
"Pope, go!" I yell.
"Turn the car on!" JJ yells.
We're all yelling and I think my eardrums might burst.
"I found him first!" The kid says to the man.
"Hell you did, you little bastard!"
"Pope, turn the frickin' car on!" JJ yells.
The crowd starts growing around the car. John B turns into my side and pulls his hood up over his head.
"I am trying!" Pope yells back at us.
"Turn the car on!"
"Go, go, go!"
Pope jerks the car forward and hits the car in front of us. I jolt forward in the middle seat and stop myself from going through the windshield by pressing my two arms on the front two seats.
I hear the crowd gasp and move backwards to avoid the nutso in the front seat. Now that I think about it, who let Pope drive in the first place?
"Pope! Jeez!" JJ curses.
"Dude, back up!" Kie yells.
Pope puts the car in reverse and steps on the gas, but hits another car in the process.
"The other way!"
JJ pats Pope's shoulder again. "It's okay! Pope, just go!"
Pope hits the corner of Kie's front bumper against the car in front of us again but continues to step on the gas until we're completely out of our spot.
"What are you doing?" Kie yells at him.
"We'll bump out!"
"Watch out!" I yell when I spot a couple of people crossing the street before Pope can kill them.
"Whoa! Whoa! Watch out!" Pope yells and swings his hands in front of him to motion for the people to jump out of the way. "Watch out!" My back hits the back of my seat, hard. Pope has the audacity to laugh. Head back and all. "Oh my god."
"Pope!" Kie yells. "What the fuck?"
"I'm living my best life right now," Pope says through laughter.
Kie slumps in her seat. "My mom's gonna kill me."
"I should be the last to say this, but you are not okay to drive," JJ says. I turn to glare at him and he puts his hands up in the air to surrender. He looks back out to the road and yells, "Stop!"
Pope stomps on the brakes and sends us skidding to a stop. JJ's arm whips out to the right to stop me from flying forward.
We're gonna die.
Pope looks over his shoulder at my brother. "John B, get out."
"What?" I glare.
"He's right," JJ says and my head snaps to him. He ignores me. "We'll draw the cops, you run."
"Shit," John B curses and unbuckles himself.
"I'll get the rig, and I'll meet you in the dump tomorrow, okay? Three o'clock, okay?"
"Wait, I'm coming with you," I say, but John B shakes his head.
"No. You stay here. Stay with them."
"I'm not leaving you!" I fight back and look at him like he has two heads. He must think I'm crazy if he thinks I'm going to let him run away by himself.
"JJ -" John B looks at him.
"On it. Go!" JJ's hands wrap around my waist, forcing me to stay in the car. I try prying his fingers off of me, but he's a lot stronger than I am. John B starts running off. "Three tomorrow at the dump!" When John B disappears behind the tree, JJ finally lets me go. I turn around and shove him back by his chest and slide over to the seat that John B was just in. JJ sighs and looks forward again. "Come on, go, go, go!"
Pope steps on the gas again and veers forward.
I look out the window and ignore the queasiness that has fully taken over my stomach. I know John B and JJ were right to keep me in the car. I would only slow John B down and get myself in trouble and therefore, be completely useless in helping my brother. But I can't shake the feeling that I'm abandoning him.
~ ~ ~
Pope, for some reason, is still driving. I don't know where he's going but it seems like we're on our way to Figure Eight. Pope turns on the radio, blasting one of North Carolina's hip hop stations.
JJ leans forward in the middle seat and pushes his head between Kie and Pope. He's managing to laugh like we're on some joy ride on Memorial Day weekend. "Pope, you clocked that car, man. Like that was so bad!" JJ shakes his head. "I'm just glad I'm not driving now."
" Pull over." Kie tells Pope. "JJ, it's not funny. He shouldn't be driving."
JJ grimaces. "Mama's mad."
Pope pulls the car over and switches seats with Kie. A delirious grin stays on the high boy's lips as he settles in the passenger seat.
"What are you -"
"Where are we going?" I ask Kie as she makes a familiar right turn.
"The last place they're gonna look." Kie says.
~ ~ ~
By the time Kie pulls up to Tannyhill, the sun has disappeared into the horizon and the pit of my stomach is the size of a category five hurricane. I can't remember the last time I ate or drank anything and the pounding in my head feels like a hundred bullets are penetrating my skull.
Kie's brilliant idea is to somehow get to Sarah and convince her to go to the police to confess what actually happened.
"Perfectly focused," Pope says to himself, which makes me glare at him. Pope is anything but focused.
"You sure this is a good idea?" JJ says.
"She's the only one who can clear John B," Kie says.
"Last place they'll look because of how stupid it is."
Kie ignores JJ and gets out of the car with Pope following right behind her. When I open the door, JJ pulls me back and closes the door again.
I look at him. My first reaction is to be concerned. Something in JJ's expression makes me fold. For a second I forget the mess we're in and I get lost in his blue eyes. It's just me and JJ and the world outside of this car no longer exists.
His warm hand wraps around my smaller one and he pulls me closer into him. His other hand cups my face, right underneath my jaw. My face feels like it's physically sparkling with the touch of his breath and forget butterflies - there is a zoo in the pit of my stomach. I glide into JJ like magnet.
His lips press into mine and I cave in. I pull him close enough to where I'm straddling him. Time stops as does my breathing. My fingers run through his blonde hair, tugging on the ends. He stifles back a moan and my face flushes pink.
I pull back for breath and rest my forehead against his. I don't know how many more times we're going to get to do that. And it hurts me thinking it might come to an end.
"I'm sorry," I say.
JJ ignores me. "When we get to Yucatan, we're getting a bungalow. We're going to live in bathing suits and get drunk off of pina coladas every day. Skinny dipping is going to be our main source of exercise - well, other than the hot dangerous sex we're gonna have every night. I'm never going to leave your side and I'm going to keep you safe until the day we die. In a few years, we'll get married. You're gonna wear that dress you wore to Midsummers and we're gonna have beautiful beach babies who will go on to win surfing championships by the time they're ten because they're going to be prodigies. Our prodigies. And John B is going to be there with us. Because he's not going to jail for a crime he didn't commit. Okay?"
I don't even realize tears are streaming down my face until he's wiping his thumb against my wet cheek.
"Promise?" My voice cracks and I really wish it didn't. But that's the life I want. That's the life I need. I don't care if it's in Yucatan or in the middle of a deserted island. I just need my boys, Kie, and Pope.
JJ kisses my left cheek. Then my right and my nose. "I promise."
"I love you, J."
"And I love you. Everything is going to be okay. I'm going to make sure you're okay."
JJ laughs. "Okay."
As much as I don't want to leave him, as much as I'd rather stay here with JJ and forget about all our problems, I know I can't. Because Kie is probably freaking out, waiting for me. Because John B is on the run somewhere and I need to do something, anything to help him.
"I should probably..."
JJ rolls his eyes playfully. "Yeah I know. Be quick. Okay?"
I nod and jump out of the car before my head or my heart can make me do otherwise. I push my legs, that feel like rubber, over the stone wall that lines the Cameron's property.
I stop in my tracks when I hear Pope and Kie in some kind of intense conversation...well as intense as Pope can handle right now. I think he's still super high.
"Pope! Pope! Pope! Sh!" Kie says in a hushed tone.
"Hey, I'm trying to tell you, I love you."
Oh shit. I look at the stone wall I just jumped over and consider jumping back over it to avoid eavesdropping on this conversation.
"First of all, I need you to be quiet," Kie says.
"Okay, yeah. Quiet, I mean -"
"No. Stop talking, like, now." Kie says. This time, Pope doesn't speak. "Second of all...thank you for saying that."
I can't help but physically cringe at that statement. Because I know what's coming next.
"Okay," Pope chuckles.
"Now, that's very sweet, but it's - look it's not gonna happen."
"Okay, well, why not?"
This is like a car wreck you can't look away from. I had a feeling Pope was in love with Kie for years now. But he never acted on it. Didn't even flirt with her the way JJ did before we were together. A part of me always hoped he did. Because I wanted to see how Kie would react. I think the two of them would be really cute together. Kie could teach Pope to take more risks and Pope could give her a beautiful life that didn't require her working for her parents forever. They compliment each other. Always have.
"Because Pogues can't mack on other Pogues."
Pope scoffs. "That rule doesn't make sense, and nobody follows it. I mean look at JJ and Marleigh -"
"Look, I - I want something different."
"Okay, I-"
"I - I wanna go to Antartica, and I wanna ride camels..."
"I want to do those things with you."
"No. Pope, it's not gonna work."
"I want to be that person!"
"No. It's not gonna happen," Kie shakes her head. God, this is brutal. I can't wait to tell JJ. "Do you understand what I'm saying? Like..." Kie sighs. "Look, I know that that's really hard to hear right now, but we don't have time for this, and this is a really bad place to do it." She pauses and Pope doesn't respond. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah..." He says, but his voice has completely changed. It's dark and cold and doesn't match my Pope's personality.
"Are you ready for the plan, or..."
"Okay..." Kie says and this is when I decide to make my entrance. I can't help with the situation at hand but at least I can cause a distraction.
So I cough. "Sorry for the hold up. JJ and I were just fighting over who has to be look out. So..." I force myself to look between Pope and Kie as if I didn't just witness their whole conversation. I try not to focus on the tear streak down Pope's cheek and look at Kie. "Ready?"
Kie nods and leads us towards the Cameron's. A house I almost called my home.
Kie is in charge of getting to Sarah Cameron by her bedroom window while I stay with Pope and create a distraction. We decided it was best if one of us stayed with Pope so I offered myself, considering what I just watched.
Pope still seems to be upset. He's not exactly being quiet trying to stay hidden like we should be.
"Gotta stick to the plan," Pope mumbles to himself and plays with the grill. I find the closest pillow on their patio set and place it on top of it. "I like camels. I like Antartica."
"Pope..." I say softly. The last thing I want is to piss him off more but he's making me nervous.
He ignores me. "What's wrong with that plan?" He bends down and picks up a rubber duck in a paramedic costume and looks at it thoughtfully. "Same." I don't know exactly what that means but he throws the duck into the grill and finds the lighter fluid. When he saturates the pillow...and duck, he turns the grill on. The fluid quickly ignites and flames shoot out from the grill. Pope's head is close enough to the fire that his hat catches on fire. "Shit!"
"Holy shit," I throw my arm at his head and knock the hat off of him. I stomp on it until the flame dies under my sneakers and pull him behind the closest tree that can hide us both.
Less than a minute later, I hear two pairs of footsteps come out. I recognize Ward's voice as he curses at the destructed grill until he stops and mutters the name "Sarah" under his breath and makes a beeline back in side.
Taglist: @notyourcupofteax @acvross-the-universe @jjmaybankzz @moniamaybank @realistic-breadstick @urbinoutfiters @jeeperky @brebear121 @x-lulu @freddymaybank @jjpouggues @lemur46 @is-it-really-a-secret @kkmikayla @folkloverr @alexa-playafricabytoto @jjxrudy @migilini @stellarskys @rochyu @itsagurl @dazzlingnights 
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the-golden-ghost · 3 years
Things you said prompt number 17? Feeling like reading a bit of Jigoe angst 😁
17. Things you said that I wish you hadn’t
A lot could change in two months.
Jigen had been living wild since Lupin’s last supposed death (drowning, no body discovered, all of them far too jaded with him now to believe he was truly gone). In Jigen’s case, he probably wouldn’t have believed it even with a body. He knew how conniving Lupin could be. But there’d been no word from him, nothing but rumors of his continued existence on the mortal plane, and now they’d been summoned to one of their most secluded hideouts - not by him, but by Fujiko.
Jigen damn well hoped she knew something he didn’t, because he wasn’t going to work for her. But because she really might know something - and because Jigen was a damned idiot who didn’t know what was good for him - he was here.
It was one of their nicest places, too. Small, on a lakeside, hidden behind some big grassy hills and surrounded for miles by woods. A good place to rest. When they’d been up here together last, Goemon had hung wind chimes and the four of them had planted a garden which was now, as Jigen could see, overrun with weeds, but the chimes were still singing.
He parked his car and sat for a minute. No idea who’d be inside. There were no other vehicles he could see but that didn’t mean the house was empty. He just wasn’t sure he was ready to face any of them.
Two months ago Jigen had gotten the news and buried his grief because at this point he was numb to it. Lupin liked to screw around like this - he was magnificent and selfish and saw his own life as a stageplay that the world watched with baited breath. When he died - truly died, he’d assured Jigen long ago - it would be spectacular, the kind of death that shook the world to its core and that people would immortalize in song and story for centuries upon centuries to come.
Drowning wasn’t it, so Lupin was coming back. Probably. Either way that wound had cauterized itself long ago, for Jigen. It wouldn’t do any good to grab Lupin by the throat and demand what he couldn’t give. It didn’t seem to matter that Jigen got shaken to the core every single fucking time but Jigen was just one man, and he didn’t know how to write stories. So on it went.
Goemon was different. After the news came they’d stood together with their bags packed, ready to separate for an uncertain amount of time, and Jigen, shaken, had turned to the one man he loved who he was certain was still breathing and offered himself. What did a samurai need with a partner? Apparently nothing, because Goemon had refused his service and left. And it was that simple refusal that had been grating on Jigen since they’d seen each other last, because somehow, in his infinite stupidity, he’d thought Goemon cared enough about him to want to stick together. Somehow he’d made that mistake.
But no. Jigen was a man who faltered without someone to ride beside, but Goemon worked just fine alone.
After two months living city to city in and out of dives and the seediest motels money could buy, it was strange to be in a place with wind chimes. It felt like a waking dream, like none of this was quite real, or maybe it was just the scotch messing with his head. Didn’t matter. The door was unlocked and Jigen walked in with a rush of apprehension.
Nobody. The place was clean and empty and abandoned.
“Fujiko?” he asked to no one. She’d called them, so she should be here. But apparently not. “Lupin?” he called, more hesistant now. If Lupin were to truly just show up like this, casually, as if Jigen’s life were just an intermission he could stroll into whenever he felt like it - Jigen would probably shoot him dead right there and just get the inevitable over with. But he was still gone.
“Goemon?” He wasn’t here either. That made it easier. He shuffled off to the kitchen to get himself another drink and then slumped on the couch for a nap. The drive up here had been way too long.
Jigen awoke with a start in the early evening to find that he was no longer alone, that there was a shadow hovering by the window. He scrambled up; taking in through his dazed and blurry vision who it was. “Goemon?” he asked.
“It’s me.”
In spite of the rage and bitterness that he’d been clinging to for the past two months in a desperate bid to keep from collapsing, Jigen’s heart still pulled towards Goemon. Soft as he was, he would have forgiven Goemon for that abandonment. He would have forgiven him for anything.
Anything except for what he did a moment later, which was to recoil when Jigen approached him. “Jigen? Where have you been living?”
“Around,” Jigen said, taken aback by the reaction, his anger slowly rising. Damn him, he didn’t even want to go through a proper greeting? Even now? “Why? Do you care?”
Goemon studied Jigen for a long moment before looking away. “You look terrible. I would not doubt you haven’t even been trying to take care of yourself. Why didn’t stay in one of the safe houses? Lupin would not have denied you that.”
In truth, Jigen hadn’t stayed because it would have been hell on earth. Living day to day, alone in one of those empty half-homes with way too many memories per square inch but no people in sight. He couldn’t take it. Jigen needed cites; that impersonal human contact where no one knew you from Adam and didn’t give a shit in hell about you but where you were never isolated, never cut off from the world. There was security in living like a rat in a wall.
He didn’t say any of that to Goemon, though. Instead he decided to opt for something much nastier. “Maybe I just like living in filth. Guess we can’t all be as honorable and perfect as you, can we? Where were you? Wait - I can guess - training yourself up so you can get a better gig and stop associating with mangy dogs like me.”
Goemon’s gaze flickered angrily but he kept calm. “I have been training,” he said coolly. “And you are drunk by the sound of it. Not that I’m surprised.”
Jigen’s rage flared up again, in full force. “What the hell’s that supposed to mean? You’re not surprised? What, you want to fight me? I’ll show you how fucking drunk I am.”
Goemon didn’t move, nor did he make a motion to draw his sword. “I did not come here to fight anyone, least of all you. I came here because Fujiko sent for me.”
“Yeah? Well fuck Fujiko. Fuck her and fuck you. I’m out.”
He made it twenty miles back towards where he’d come from before he realized he hadn’t put gas in the car, ran out, toyed briefly with sleeping in the ditch on the side of the road, thought better of it, and began the long hike back to the house. He made it in by 1 am and collapsed onto the couch, too exhausted for words.
In the morning Jigen wasn’t mad anymore. Mostly because he felt like he’d been run over by a truck. Just didn’t have the energy, but more than that, he felt guilty about taking his losses out on Goemon. It wasn’t Goemon’s fault Jigen couldn’t survive two measly months flying solo without having a complete breakdown. Goemon had tucked himself away in the bedroom and wasn’t coming out. Fujiko was nowhere to be seen, still, and Lupin... who knew.
Jigen sat around for a while and smoked and wished he hadn’t come. But he had come, and he’d screwed things up, so. Over to the bedroom door he went, and knocked.
“Hey,” he asked hoarsely, opening the door a little. “You still mad?”
There was no reply, which meant the answer was probably yes.
“Cause... look, man, I’m sorry. I’m sorry about every stupid half-assed thing I said to you last night. And I didn’t mean a word of it. I just wanted to fight somebody and you were the only one here.”
Still silence.
“But that doesn’t make it right.”
No response.
“I’m comin’ in,” Jigen said finally. He wasn’t immediately sliced in half, so that was a good sign at least. Goemon was sitting on the bed, facing away from the door, deathly still and silent. “Goemon? Please look at me.”
Goemon did not. For all that, Jigen might have been invisible.
He took a step closer. “Look, I don’t care what you say to me,” he said between shaking breaths. “I don’t friggin’ care, Goemon. You can cuss me out if you want. You can say whatever you want to me - you can call me the lowest, dirtiest, most pathetic damn bastard you’ve ever met in your entire life. I don’t give a shit, I know what I am, I just - “ he broke off, pleading. “Just hold me, Goemon, for fuck’s sake I just need you right now, and -”
The words struck home. Goemon turned, looking startled, and reached out to Jigen. For a long while they clung to each other, squeezing tight, Jigen burying his face against Goemon’s neck, twining his fingers through his hair, and Goemon gripping Jigen around the waist and running a hand down his back, over and over.
“Did I hurt you? Bad?” Jigen asked finally, settling down on the bed next to Goemon, who, by some miracle, didn’t pull away, even when Jigen leaned against his shoulder.
“Nothing that I cannot survive. I’ve been training, remember,” Goemon said softly. “And you’re sure you’re all right? You don’t look well.”
“I feel like shit, but it’s just part of the territory. I’ll get better,” Jigen said.
“Good. I was worried about you, you know. While I was alone I was able to improve myself - I hope to be strong enough now to keep you and Fujiko safe at all costs. But I knew that the price was that I had to leave you alone for that time.”
“Well, I’ve been alone before,” Jigen said nonchalantly. “It’s okay. I’m used to it. It was kind of fun not having to do the dishes or listen to Lupin’s chatter.”
“I miss Lupin’s chatter,” Goemon replied.
“Yeah,” Jigen said sadly. “I do too.” They sat for a moment, united in loss. “Hey, Goemon?” Jigen asked after a minute. “Can we forget about yesterday? I’d rather just start over.”
Goemon sighed. “Yes, I think that would be best.”
The rest could come later. Fujiko’s plan, Lupin’s revival. For now, the two of them simply rested, side by side, for the remainder of the morning. They had a lot of catching up to do.
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paversandplatters · 4 years
||𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙱𝚎𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚒𝚘𝚛 𝚘𝚏 𝚂𝚑𝚎𝚎𝚙|| (5/20)
Apocalypse! Au (TW! Minor gore and cussing)
Reader x multiple
Chapter 5: A Flock Found
They pack a wheel barrow to the brim with the newly acquired supplies they find not botheringing to leave behind much of anything, making sure to cop the twenty five gallon container of gasoline from the tool shed out back behind the building... Lord knows they'll need for the grand task ahead of them. By the time the light in the south western sky began to fade from a light gray to pink over the backwaters of the panhandle they're ready. They slip outside through the rectory's side door and creep single file along the edge of the property. Y/n takes the lead, periodically glancing over her shoulder for any sign of the herd that had crossed the highway or any sign of the group that occupied this space all too recently. She carries a glock with a full magazine just in case. The dusky air gets clammy and cool on the back of the stranger's neck as he follows them to the car. They climb in hurriedly, stowing their provisions in the rear cargo bay. Y/n kicks the engine on as the newcomer clambers into the passenger seat next to her- much to the dismay of the other two- unfolding an old dogeared map.
"They usually stick pretty close to the ocean." He says almost to himself, silently calculating the mileage between them and the gulf. "Probably should start down by Perry or Carwfordville." He senses movement ahead of them through the windshield and glances up in time to see a couple of jagged shadows emerging from the woods about a hundred yards away, drawn to the sound of their engine. Garbled growls can be heard over the drone of crickets. The trace smell of garbage on the breeze, the light and space of the outdoors is almost overwhelming to him. He feels like he's been asleep for a hundred years, locked away in that dank and dirty church- he starts to feel dizzy.
Y/n gooses the accelerator and the SUV lurches away. He sinks into his seat as they roar down the road, swerving to avoid the half dozen or so biters now skulking out of the woods blocking their path. They sideswipe one the creatures, ripping a chunk of its shoulder, splattering fresh gore across the glass of his side window.
"You get used to it." she states after he flinches in disgust. He just stares at the splatter, flecks of bone chips, and a long trail of black bile.
"I don't think anyone can get used to that ..." Nick mutters from the back seat.
Night falls and the darkness deepens behind the trees on either side of the road. Most of the streetlights in this part of the country have gone the same way as the internet or cable TV, so the road only gets darker and darker as they head south towards the steaming thickets and festering swamps of the coastal lowlands. The going is slow, most of the two lanes are crowded with rusted out wreckages ,the carcasses of cars and trucks so old now that the weeds and switchgrass have begun to grow up from their metal endoskeletons. The two young men in the rear breathe heavily, thickly, half asleep while Y/n drives and softly hums some forgotten tune. They had passed the jerky and water around a few minutes ago- their standard fare of supper- and now their bellies growl and their eyelids droop with exhaustion.
"You never gave your name..." His hushed voices rings out from the shotgun seat.
"Hadn't crossed my mind at the time, sorry about that... It's Y/n" She chuckles softly. "The one with the headband is Nick but goes by Sapnap, don't ask i don't know- the other one with the accent is George." he just simply hums in reply.
"What about you big guy? What do they call you?"
He takes a moment to regard the woman seated next to him; his head still trying to wrap itself around this complete stranger who's shown him nothing but kindness. On the one hand, she seems trustworthy enough, friendly, a good listener, courteous and capable of single handedly taking out an entire chapel full of reanimated corpses... On the other hand she seems like a walking time bomb. He'd seen her type before- they type that's too kind until something or someone breaks that trust. A hairline trigger. The sad fact is he doesn't have a large array of options. Staying in that hellhole of a church with those enslavers, listening to the groans of the dead, waiting for whatever those bastards would do next quickly loses its charm... Seeing the aftermath of her cleaning house with that knife had given him an odd charge- a cathartic release. He's also aware that he'd never be able to find the caravan on his own given the sorry state he's in. He really has no choice but to go along with her and her scruffy ass men and hope for the best.
"I don't have a name.. that is, one that I can remember.."
She desperately wants to pry, how could he not remember his own name? But the thousand yard stare and glassy gaze is enough to stop her from inquiring any further. "Well we've gotta call you something big guy." She's met with silence in response. "Alright, I guess Big Guy it is then." He offers only a meek hum in response. In an attempt to silence his own raging thoughts his eyes landed on the red bandanna tied to the rearview mirror for what was probably the hundredth time since he started on this way too long car ride.
"... What's that about?" He points to the red scarf.
"It belonged to a friend of mine a long while back, before Sapnap and George were a thing." Her hands tighten their hold on the wheel. "I was caught by 'traders' and he was stuck in the same hole as me... Couldn't have been any older than fourteen at the time. One night the compound was under attack, their front gate was breached- luckily we were kept at the very back end, so when the opportunity came we managed to escape our holding cell and I hoisted him over the wall. Told him to keep running, to not look back. He got away but I was caught again," She takes in a deep breath before resuming her story.
"I was quickly sold off to some asshole who had these two chained up for breaking into their stores... one thing led to another and we snuck out and snagged this ride... we've been moving around since." It was obvious by her tone there was a lot she was leaving out and probably for a good reason. Notably the two in the back seat were dead silent, so much so that it made the air feel heavy and dense enough to cut with a sharp enough knife. Suddenly he was wishing he hadn't bothered to ask in the first place
"That sign back there," He manages, desprate to break the heavy air "Said 'Cross city 12 miles" He glances up from the map in his lap, gazing out the side window at the stewing darkness of Dixie County Florida. "Got a feeling we're getting close."
The vast patchwork of wetlands passes in a blur on either side of them. The land oozing a low blanket of methane as gray as mold, clinging to the shadows of pine thickets and gullies like dirty lace. The air smells briny and rotten with dead fish. Every few minutes they pass the ruins of a small town or wreckage strewn trailer parks. No sign of survivors in these parts, though only the occasional silhouette of an upright corpse shambling by, it's eyes like twin yellow reflectors in the darkness.
"We can't just keep burning gas all night." Sapnap says from his place in the rear, his voice all cranked up with pain and panic "and we can't just go off of what you overheard those traders talking about- Much less go off of feelings.." Big guy just keeps a neural face.
"We're in the ballpark" He persists "Believe me they'll be hard to miss." Y/n grips the steering wheel, her jaw working overtime on a piece of gum, snapping and chewing complusively as she drives.
"How many vehicles do they have in this convoy?" George questions between wheezy breaths.
"No idea... but it's quite a few ."
"That's pretty general."
"They'll be easy to spot." He replies once more, gazing back out at the darkness. "Our best bet is to follow the coast, they like to keep close to the water.."
"Why's that?"
He shrugs. "According to those 'traders' they keep their eyes peeled for ships or any possible way they might get their asses the hell out of here. Most of the bigger boats around here have been destroyed by the hurricane that hit a couple years ago, so it's a long shot that they'll find anything..."
They're about to give up the search when they start to climb the gentle slope- at first so gradual it's almost unnoticeable - up the side of a vast malodorous landfill- the barren trash-strewn scrubland to their left reaches across miles of sandy berms, all the way down to the deserted ghostly boardwalks that wind their way along the beaches. The sky has begun to bruise pink with predawn light and Y/n has just started to say something when the Big Guy sees the first faint streaks of red dots in the distant haze.
"LOOK!" He points his large gnarled hand down at the far dunes of ashen white sand winding along the coast. The surface is so pocked and windswept it resembles the dark side of the moon.
"Where?" She cranes her neck, slowing the vehicle down to a crawl.
"I don't see anything."
"About Half a mile up there... Look at the tail lights!"
She takes a deep cleansing breath as she finally sees the caravan chugging along the coastal road in the predawn light, it looks like embers throwing up puffs of smoke in their wake.
"Holy shit, I see it." A big smile washes over her face, Glad she decided to follow through with this insane plan.
"What do you think of those boys?" The two young men in the rear lean forward, transfixed by the sight, each of them rapt and silent as they gaze at the convoy.
"What are you doing?! Blaster your horn at them," George stutters anxiously. "Don't let them get away !"
Y/n smiles to herself, in her former life she used to be fascinated by the wildlife shows, often catching them in the late night showings after work before she turning in for the night. She remembers one episode in particular, on the behavior of sheep vs the behavior of wolves. She remembers the flock mentality; the sheep moving almost as one, easily managed by a single sheepdog. She remembers the instinct of the Wolf, stealthy, patient as it and its pack creep up on the flock. She shoots a glance across the dark interior at the larger man sat next to her before turning her head to face the two sat behind them.
"I have a better idea."
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@the-wandering-pan-ace @hvrcruxes
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free-pool-trash · 4 years
folklore - isaac lahey {4/?}
part 4!! Hope you guys are liking this so far :) PLEASE LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK!!! 
platonic stiles, derek and scott x reader in this part too :)
word count: 3.8k
warnings: blood, blood sucking? lmao idk, swearing i think that’s it? let me know if i missed anything <33
Taglist: @makeusfreefromthisfandom​, @cece-lives-here​, @chocolate-raspberries​, @belsandthings​, @dancing-tacos-23​, @truly-dionysus​, @britty443​, @tanyaherondale​, @furiouspockettoad​, @yunsh-17​, @random-thoughts-003​, @gloomybrieyxb​, @futuristicslimemongerbanana​, @linkpk88​, @big-galaxy-chaos​ let me know if you’d like to be added <3
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“You’re sure about this?” Stiles rolled his eyes at the question, the same question you’d asked four times already. Letting out a dramatic sigh the boy looked you dead in the eyes, “For the fifth time, yes! Now hurry up and stick your needle teeth in me before I change my mind.” 
A nervous giggle left your mouth before your could stop it and you grabbed the knife you’d brought with you from home out of the pocket of your jacket, looking at Stiles with an apologetic smile you gently pulled his wrist toward you, “I won’t actually get my fangs until after I feed…” You reminded softly, eyes searching his for any sign of uncertainty. 
You were currently sat in the passenger's seat of Stiles’ jeep, the sarcastic boy himself sat beside you in the driver’s seat, both of you had your seat belts unbuckled and your bodies turned towards each other as best you could in the confined space of the jeep that was parked on the outskirts of the woods.
The only feeling in your chest that didn’t belong to you was the nervousness that Stiles assured you was just due to the fact that he was alone in his car with a pretty girl and had absolutely nothing to do with the fact he was about to give a baby vampire her first taste of human blood. It was a good thing that Stiles had agreed to your request, though. To be honest you weren’t sure why he’d said yes but you were grateful nonetheless.
 Deaton had made it clear that in order for your transition to be as seamless as possible you’d need to feed on a human who didn’t share your bloodline, which obviously eliminated your parents from the running as well as Scott and Derek since neither of them are technically human. That left you with a choice to make between Isaac and Stiles and considering your decision to keep Isaac out of it, your options were limited.
Thankfully Stiles had responded to your text message of “I really need a favour” quickly and didn’t ask too many questions, he’d mentioned he would rather have you drink his blood than die and you couldn’t lie you were kind of moved by it. Who knew the sarcastic Stiles Stilinski was a sweetheart?
“Oh so we’re using a kitchen knife...fun. Very sanitary.” He commented, eyeing the knife with displeasure obvious on his face and in your chest. You offered him another apologetic smile and tried your best to send a wave of calmness his way- already having started learning how to use your empathic abilities.
When he let out a relaxed sigh, closed his eyes and let his buzzcut head fall back against his head rest you brought the knife to his skin. You cut quickly and as shallow as possible, wincing while he let out a hiss.
Blood oozed from the cut you’d created and suddenly it was as though the rest of the world had simply dulled around you, you could hear Stiles’ heart beat beating like a drum and every single drop of rushing blood sounded in your eyes. Throwing him one last questioning glance you waited until he nodded his head for you to go on before you cautiously raised his wrist to your lips, holding it with both hands and swallowing the saliva that had built up in your mouth at the sight of the red liquid.
Bracing yourself for what would happen next you took a deep breath in. Slowly, you opened your mouth and placed it over the cut you’d made on his pale skin, the taste of metal filled your mouth but it didn’t repulse you like it should have, it tasted good… incredible even. A hum of approval left your throat only to be muffled by an approving sound of his own coming from Stiles.
When you disconnected from his wrist to look at him your eyes widened, he looked absolutely blissed out. Head thrown back against the car seat and a dopey smile on his lips while half lidded eyes stared back at you.
“Are you okay?” You asked him in panic. How were you going to tell Scott that you broke his best friend?
Stiles nodded, his smile only growing as he giggled out his answer, “That felt really good. Really good.” He drawled out his words and you had to laugh, hoping to god that a vampire bite had some kind of euphoric effect and that Stiles didn’t just have some weird blood sucking kink. Although come to think of it you hadn’t actually bit him…
Shaking the thoughts off you sat with Stiles on the outskirts of the forest and waited for him to come down from his high so you could ask him what exactly had happened. After a solid forty-five minutes of staring out into the woods dozily and babbling nonsense as if he’d just smoked an unhealthy amount of weed, the boy beside you finally sobered up.
The first thing he did was look at you with wide eyes, “That- That was awesome.” 
“You were kinda gone for a minute there, I was worried I broke you.” You laughed, the noise dying in your throat as he shook his head frantically.
“No! It was like- like I actually don’t know… but when you started drinking it felt like something was injected into my bloodstream! It was like a drug or something, I swear.” He explained excitedly, the positive energy spreading to your chest and forcing a wide smile to grow on your lips.
“Was it as good for you as it was for me?” He asked jokingly, wiggling his eyebrows and smiling when you let out a hearty laugh. You shrugged casually, an innocent smile playing on your lips that were still stained red with Stiles’ blood, “I guess you were a pretty tasty midnight snack.”
Deaton hadn’t lied when he told you that your fangs growing in would be painful, you’d spent the entire night rolling around your bed in agony after you parted with Stiles. It wasn’t until the sunlight peaked through your curtains that morning that you were finally able to catch your breath, your teeth looking normal as you inspected them in the mirror, only forming fangs when you made an effort to bare them. When you met your own gaze in the mirror you played around with your newest feature, eyes widening as you realized that while you changed your teeth, something else changed too- your eyes. As you barred your fangs your eyes shifted from their usual colour to a glowing lilac purple. A shocked gasp left your lips and your brows furrowed in confusion. 
Vampirism seemed to be full of surprises and even still the most shocking thing about your reflection was how undeniably tired you looked. Staying up all night in unbearable pain would do that to you, you supposed sighing heavily and getting yourself ready for the day ahead.
“Hey kiddo.” Your father greeted, not looking up from the book he was reading as you entered the kitchen with your school bag thrown over your shoulder.
Leaning over his shoulder to see what he’d been looking at you let out a laugh when you saw the word written on the top of the page in a gothic black font; Vampyr.
“Some light reading, huh?” You asked teasingly, grabbing an apple from the fruit bowl on the kitchen island and leaning against it while you waited for a response. 
The man let out a huff before shutting the book and throwing his head back dramatically, greying hair falling in his eyes as he did. “Just tryna figure out everything we can about your new lifestyle.”
A small laugh left your mouth as you made your way out of the kitchen, “Blood sucking and superhuman abilities, what’s more to know?” You called sarcastically, shutting the front door and climbing into your car.
School was loud at the best of times, even before being bitten you could barely stand it especially in the mornings, adding your enhanced hearing and total lack of sleep to the mix seemed like a recipe for disaster. You were ripped from your thoughts when a hand landed on your shoulder, “Oh hey, guys.” You muttered when you looked up from the ground to see Scott and Stiles looking at you with what looked like slight concern, with so many people around it was hard to tune in on what they were actually feeling. 
“You look terrible.” Stiles stated bluntly, receiving a light kick in the shin from you, “Yeah well your stupid blood activated my fangs and I was up all night in pain while they grew in.” You grumbled, giving him another light kick for good measure.
Scott chuckled before speaking up, “How did feeding go?” 
Before you could answer Stiles was already blabbering excitedly, “Dude! You have to let her bite you it’s like… other worldly!” Your eyes rolled at how over dramatic he made the whole situation sound, sure his blood had been incredible and your bite had put him in a state of pure bliss but for all you knew that could’ve just been a one time thing. Scott stared at Stiles with a suspicious look on his face as the two began to argue playfully, stopping once you cut in, “Alright you too, I’m gonna head to my locker. Stiles try not to think too much about how other worldly I am.” You teased with a wink before walking away.
Isaac had been watching the entire encounter, he’d seen you the second you walked in, he’d seen the way you laughed and chatted with the boys you were seemingly growing closer with and he definitely didn’t miss the wink you threw towards Stilinski before you began walking towards him. He wondered if he wasn’t in the picture would you be better off? His mind torturing him with that fact that since you were placed into different home rooms this year you’d already made a number of new friends. Maybe he was holding you back?
“Whatcha worrying about, Lahey?” Your soft voice shook him out of his quickly self degrading train of thought and when his eyes met yours all worries about himself went away as he focused solely on you and your tired eyes. 
“You…” He told you, eyes trailing over your face before coming back to your eyes. “Are you not sleeping?” He asked, concern dripping from every word. His hand found yours and you simply nodded your head, there was no point in lying to him about it when you knew damn well you were probably going to pass out at some point during the day.
“It was just last night, I had a really bad toothache.” Technically it wasn’t a lie and by the way his eyes glanced over your puffier than normal cheeks you knew he believed you.  
Isaac nodded his head, keeping his soft grip on your hand as he looked at you for a moment longer, “You sure here’s the best place to be?” He fretted, his eyebrows coming to a furrow. Worry began to build up in your chest along with every other feeling being felt by every other hormonal teenager who walked the halls. They crashed over you in waves, one after the other and relentlessly leading you to seriously consider Isaac’s question.
“(Y/n) I think you should go home, you’ve got the same look on your face as you did that night in the hospital…” Isaac pointed out as he let go of your hand.
Even though he was standing right in front of you, again like that night in the hospital, his voice sounded distant. Instead of excessive noise this time it was overwhelming emotions clouding your mind and as opposed to ringing in your ears all you could feel was a volcano of feelings threatening to erupt in your chest. There seemed to be something about Isaac- it was like he triggered your powers, whenever he was with you they were at their strongest and you didn’t know whether or not that was a good thing. 
As his hand slipped out of yours you felt yourself pulling it back to you as quickly as possible without triggering your new vampire speed, because while Isaac triggered you- you felt as though he was also the only thing stopping you from losing control.
“Hey, you ok?” His voice sounded again, prompting you to squeeze your eyes shut, hoping to gain some kind of leverage over the car crash of emotions flooding your every breath, you took a deep breath before you opened your eyes, locking your gaze with Isacc’s.
His eyebrows were furrowed together and the amount of concern he held for you in the moment would’ve warmed your heart if it wasn’t already crushing it. “I think I should wait a few more days.” You reasoned out loud, nodding your head mirroring Isaac as he nodded in agreement, adjusting your grip on his hand so you weren’t just grabbing on to it. He intertwined his fingers with your own and led you towards the school doors muttering, “Give me your keys, I’ll take you home.”
“If you miss school you’ll get in trouble.” You reminded him weakly, fatigue getting the best of you as you leaned against his side for support, not seeing him shake his head, “Nah, he won’t be mad if it’s about you. Didn’t touch me the whole time you were in hospital.” Isaac informed you as he snatched your car keys out of your jacket pocket himself, trying to fight a grin at the dopey look on your face as you stared up at him.
“He didn’t?” You questioned when the pressure in your chest began to release, only when you moved your gaze away from your best friend’s face did you notice that he had already brought you to your car, he opened the passenger side door and looked at you expectantly, motioning for you to get in, “Come on, sleepy head. Get in the car.” With a sigh of defeat you plopped yourself into the seat, watching as Isaac shut the door and made his way around to the driver’s side, quickly hopping in and leaving the school grounds so you wouldn’t get written up.
“Nope. Said he didn’t want me stressing you out with my ‘little accidents’” He kept his eyes on the road as he spoke and you tried your best not to make your staring too obvious. It was a rare sight though, seeing him with no scrapes or bruises, you liked it a lot. At least it meant he wasn’t hurting physically.
“Maybe I should get injured more often then.” You told him tiredly, head beginning to lull, soothed by the warm feeling spreading across your chest
Isaac laughed humorlessly, glancing at you briefly before returning his gaze to the road ahead of him, “Honestly I’d rather get beaten black and blue than see you hurt for another second.”
The warmth in your chest only grew as you gazed at him, “I could say the same.” He laughed again only this time it was sweet, “How about we both try not to get our asses handed to us?” 
As the words left his mouth the car had pulled into your driveway, your mother’s car was out of sight and your father would’ve left for work by now so it seemed that you and Isaac would have the place to yourselves.
When you got inside you dropped your bag on the hallway floor and made a beeline towards the stairs, waiting for your best friend to follow you as he usually did only this time he didn’t move. Isaac stood rigidly in the doorway, his teeth gnawing on the inside of his cheeks as indecisiveness radiated off his form.
“Come on, I know you didn’t ditch school just to drop me home…” You tried to lighten the mood but your words only confused him further. He only stares at you in contemplation, his teeth moving to chew on his bottom lip. “What’s wrong?” You asked, voice dripping with concern.
Little did you know his mind was running wild with the same thoughts that had plagued him earlier that morning, maybe you didn’t want him with you… maybe you would’ve preferred Scott or even Stilinski. Before he could apply any sort of logic to the thoughts his mouth started moving, “Do you want me to stay? It’s fine if you’d rather- I don’t know call Scott or something?”
You felt bad for laughing, you really did but the question definitely had not been what you were expecting, his jealousy towards Scott and even Stiles was clear as day but you didn’t realize he was so blinded by it. “Isaac, I love you so much but that is the worst suggestion you’ve made all day.” You told him through a laugh, moving from the stairs back to the front door, shutting it after you pulled Isaac inside and looked him in the eyes.
Drowsily you placed both of your hands on his cheeks, forcing him to meet your eyes, “Don’t get me wrong, Scott and Stiles are great” You started, pausing to squish his cheeks together to drive you point as you finished, “But they’re not you.” Isaac smiled down at you sweetly, escaping your grasp to pull you against him in a hug and once again that warm feeling flooded your chest again. It was different that the others you’d felt so far, the others seemed to sit on your chest or weighed it down, but this feeling felt as though it was simply floating over it, it wasn’t heavy or overwhelming but light and comforting. You sunk into it for a second, eyes falling shut as you let out a hum of approval when Isaac’s grip around you tightened ever so slightly.
Pulling yourself away before you fell asleep right where you stood you grabbed his hand, leading him upstairs, “Alright dumbass, I need a nap we can cuddle upstairs.” You grumbled only to have him laugh and push your shoulder playfully, “You’re the worst, (L/n)”
“Mhm, and don’t you forget it, Lahey.”
“Call her. Now.” Derek growled out at Stiles demandingly causing him to throw his arms in the air in frustration, “And what’s she gonna do about it? Huh? Suck your blood?” Stiles retorted, sarcastically.
“No,” The older man once again growled, “She can heal it. Now, call her.”
“You suck, you know that right?” Stiles mumbled as Derek ignored him, clutching his arm in pain as the boy with the buzzcut finally began to dial your number.
After a minute, Stiles lowered the phone from his ear, “She’s not answering.”
“Then call her again.” 
You groaned into Isaac’s shoulder as your phone rang for the fifth time waking you from your longer than intended nap, groggily you grabbed your phone from behind you on the night stand as best you could without removing yourself from Isaac.
Finally grabbing hold of it you held it to your ear, not bothering to check the caller ID before answering, “Hello?”
“Finally. (Y/n) listen to me-” Your face contorted in confusion at the sound of the frantic voice on the other line, “Derek?” You questioned, still half asleep and Isaac’s hand running through your hair didn’t help with the matter of waking you up.
“Yes, (Y/n) it’s Derek-” “And Stiles!” “Shut up!”
You couldn’t help but wince at the volume of their voices, finally sitting up, “Both of you shut up. What do you want?” You grumbled crankily.
“Allison’s aunt shot me.” Derek told you bluntly causing your eyes to widen and your voice to pitch, “What? Are you okay?”
“I need your help.” He admitted causing your shock to grow significantly, “How the hell am I supposed to help?” You asked panicked, trying to calm your beating heart when it dawned on you that your best friend was right beside you.
Stiles voice cut in this time, sounding just as frustrated, if not more, than Derek, “Do you have to be so cryptic all the time? God. (Y/n) I’m taking him to Deaton’s okay? The pet clinic. Just meet us there alright?”
“Okay, got it.” You sighed, quickly hanging up and jumping out of your comfortable bed, letting out a laugh when you noticed the sun had long since set, you must’ve been asleep for hours.
“You ok?” Isaac asked. Standing now too.
“Yeah, Derek needs me for something.” You told him, irritation clear on your face. “I’ll drive you home.” You sighed and gave the boy an apologetic smile,
Hurriedly you made your way into the pet clinic after dropping Isaac off, eyes widening at the state Derek was in, “Jesus, you really got shot, huh?”
The wolf nodded with an insincere smile on his face, eyes narrowed in your direction, “Yes. Now come here, I need your blood.” Derek demanded, rolling his eyes when you recoiled in disgust, “Come again?”
Derek sighed impatiently, only bothering to give you a half assed explanation, “The bullet that shot me has a toxin in it, vampire blood will stop it long enough for Scott to get here.” He grabbed your wrist and pushed it toward your mouth, “Bite.” He instructed, hesitantly you bore your fangs, eyes flashing in the process, and bit into your wrist, wincing as you broke the skin before you removed your fangs and held the limb toward Derek who immediately attached his lips to the bleeding area, “Gross…” You murmured, scrunching up your nose as Stiles looked at the scene with as much distaste as you.
When he was finally done with your wrist you saw that the marks your fangs had left only a minute ago were gone and besides the spit from Derek which you wiped off on your shirt with a grimace, it was like nothing had been there at all. “What the hell?” You voiced in confusion, staring at your wrist.
“Okay, so vampires heal too.” Stiles deducted, nodding his head approvingly.
“They can heal themselves but they can also heal others. With their blood.” Derek finally explained coherently. 
“You’re not healing though.” You pointed out matter of factly, prompting the older man to let out a sigh, “There’s wolfsbane in my system. Your blood will dilute it but it won’t stop it completely, I need the bullet.” He said vaguely to which you only nodded, not bothered asking him any more questions, he sucked at answering.
Deciding to leave Derek to his brooding you made yourself comfortable next to Stiles, “So Allison’s aunt?” Stiles nodded, “Yep. Pretty funny considering Scott went over to Allison’s after school today to ‘study’” He told you making air quotes with his fingers.
“I gotta be honest Stiles… I don’t trust her.” You voiced your concerns, chewing on your bottom lip. Stiles looked at you with a confused glance, “Allison? Why not?”
You shook your head, staring distantly out the window as you mulled over his question. You couldn’t explain it but there was something about the Argent girl that just didn’t sit right with you, she felt volatile, confused even. Like given the right motivation she’d switch teams without thinking twice
Turning back to meet Stiles’ eyes you shrugged your shoulders, “Just an intuitive feeling.”
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sunassweetie · 3 years
Already Gone.
Pairing: Suna x Osamu (Osasuna)
Word Count: 5.4k 
Genre: Pain haha :):
Disclaimer: Underage Smoking don't @ me 
Warning: I wrote this after I read the galaxy is endless. But also like major trigger warnings for a lot of various things, just know I didn't hold back. 
When Osamu was younger, he absolutely, and indefinitely, hated the idea of holding onto nothing. The idea that a person alone could hold themselves upright, and power through life on their own. Maybe it was because he had been surrounded by the welcoming arms of his family his entire life, hell the man shared a womb with his twin. There was never a time where Osamu had felt alone, and he couldn’t understand the want to ignore those who held their hands out to help. He couldn’t fathom not having a support system, or someone to help him get back up when he fell off the tracks. 
There was always someone there. Until of course there wasn’t, and only then did Osamu realize what he had meant when he said, “The world is unforgiving, you’ll always be alone even when you’re surrounded by millions of people.” 
Osamu met Suna in his first year at Inarizaki, shuffling into the lowest class, his twin in tow next to him as they moved down the corridor. He could hear people whisper, even through the speakers of his earbuds, unsure of whether or not he liked the attention him and Atsumu had been receiving the moment they stepped foot onto the school grounds. 
Are those the miya twins? 
They’re so attractive! 
I want to ask Osamu out! 
Do you think they are going to try out for the volleyball team? 
Duh, just look at them. 
Osamu could already feel an immense amount of pressure settling upon shoulders as he slipped into his designated classroom, leaving Atsumu’s side as different classes separated them. Idly walking down the aisles until his name tag placed on the corner of the desk seat number popped into his vision, cueing him to take a seat. 
It's uncomfortable, he thinks, I didn’t miss this. His notebook, that he didn’t really plan on using, took up space at his desk along with the small pouch that only contained two pens, a pencil, and extra lead. Leaning back in his chair, his hand fishes down into his pocket to pull out his phone, turning up the volume, as he checks the time. 
He has five minutes till class starts, not that he cared in the slightest. The only thing currently on Osamus mind besides his first high school volleyball practice (after guaranteeing a spot on the team months prior during his middle school scouting days) he was mostly worried about what seasonings he could add to his next onigiri batch. 
There's a loud thump next to him, his head craning to see the commotion. He’s only met with a lanky boy, shoulders broader than those Dorito chips he once saw his old school mate aran eating, and eyes slanted in a bored glare. His earbuds dangle from the neck hole of his shirt, but his large hands quickly come to pull the buds into his ears, leaning forward on the desk  and putting his arms out in front of him to use as a pillow against the hard wood of the tables. Osamu couldn’t describe the way the boy rendered him speechless, eyes staring into the boy wondrously.  
“Do you need something,” The boy says to him, pulling him from his daze, blinking twice as both boys stare at each other. 
“Sorry,” Osamu fumbles, turning forwards in his chair. 
“So these are the new first years?” The coach says next to a second year whos hair falls in front of their faces, amber eyes weaving in between each of the younger boys lined against the court. 
“There's one missing.” His voice is automatic, cool even to hear. 
 Osamu isn’t paying attention to the talk, his mind blankly staring at the nets, wondering what type of position would he be most effective in. Perhaps Atsumu would play as setter, and he could work alongside his brother, the only harmony that was ever brought into their never ending sibling rivalry. 
“Your late first year,” The coach booms as someone stumbles into the gym. This catches Osamus thoughts, his eyes following the commotion as someone goes to stand next to Atsumu. 
“Sorry, a teacher held me back.” 
“On the first day?”
“I fell asleep during announcements.” 
He falls silent as the coach goes on, explaining how the team would work and what was going to be on the agenda for the upcoming scrimmage game they were suppose to be playing against another school. But Osamu finds it hard to concentrate, looking between the tall brunette and the court. 
He couldn’t pinpoint the moment he knew, it wasn’t something he had ever realized before in his life, until the confusion of his emotions finally made him realize it. Over the year, he hadn’t just grown close to Suna as you would expect of friends. No, it was much more to Osamu then he would ever admit to Suna. 
The way his heart would beat out of his chest, or the slight sheen of sweat that would slip across his hands when he spoke to the other boy. Sometimes he hated the way he felt, wishing he could return to simpler times, when all he had to worry about was volleyball, and the next snide remark he’d throw Atsumu’s way. 
He wondered endlessly if Suna ever picked up on those miniscule hints he’d leave. Like when the team would go out for ramen after a tournament went right, and he’d always take the seat next to Suna. The same applies when traveling distances, it was an unspoken agreement that Suna and Osamu would always be paired together in the bus seats. Those little gestures when Osamu would pick a pack of Chuupets to hand to Suna at the most random times, “Saw ‘em when I was grabbing some stuff for the onigiris ‘m makin’.” Possibly when Suna forgot his team jacket on cold days, Osamu would give him his extra that made home in his locker specifically for this occasion to pop up. 
The first time that Osamu ever inhaled the hazy smoke into his lungs, he was sitting next to Suna. The dark sky towering over them, the pressure of nationals coming to cause a permanent crease in their brows. 
“Wanna hit,” He asks Osamu, as they swing back and forth in slow, repetitive motions on the empty playgrounds swings. 
“I’ve never smoked before,” Osamu admitted, somewhat shyly, embarrassed at his lack of experience in front of someone who he knew had been smoking for a while now. 
“It's up to you, no pressure,” Suna would say, taking another hit, the rolled joint limply dangling from his lips, smoke emitting from his mouth with each inhale and exhale. Osamu wants to, he wants to know the high that Suna had adored so much, the pleasure that Suna would succumb to with each passing moment.
“Teach me,” He was scared he sounded desperate, or enthusiastic. He tried his best to act as if it didn’t bother him, attempting to keep a cool façade in front of Suna. Suna looks at him with a smirk, eyes slanted and red as he hands the drug to Osamu. When Suna slips him the joint, their fingers brush by slowly, lingering momentarily. It takes a few tries for Osamu to stop coughing when he takes a hit, Suna laughing each time until he gets it. 
Osamu gets it now, the feeling Suna chases each time he comes to smoke under the stars, “Does it always feel this good?” 
“Most of the time, sometimes you might have a bad trip,” He says. 
Osamu looks at Suna, wondering when they hand ended up lying in the grass together, at the most a foot apart as they gazed up at the burning balls of fire littering the sky. He always has his earbuds in, and Osamu wonders what is always playing through them, what music accompanies the man in front of him. 
“What are ya listen’ to,” Osamu asks then. Suna looks at him, and without a word, is taking the other earbud and handing it to Osamu.
Cigarettes after Sex. 
He had been listening to Cigarettes after Sex. 
At the beginning of their third year, Osamu caught Suna in the halls, long after the bells had dismissed everyone to return home, leaving the building empty of all noise, minus the creaks the old building would create every once in a while. 
He had been kept back by his teacher, insisting to go through his bag as he, as the teacher explained, “Reeked of weed.” However Osamu mentally praised himself for leaving his stuff at home and blaming the smell on a convenience store he had been in, addressing the owner who had been smoking that morning. Of course this was a lie, but the teacher was stupid enough to believe the pitiful lie, sending Osamu on his way out. 
He was propped against the wall, head tilted upright as he crossed his arms over his body. He looked peaceful there, with his earbuds more than likely playing some form of arctic monkeys or pearl jam. Maybe he was listening to the 1975 this time, or U2, it could have been any of them. The sunlight bounced against his complexion, soaking him in a warm bath of melanin. His hair had been slightly tousled, more than likely the job of himself constantly running his hands through his hair. 
“What are ya still doing’ here,” Osamu asked him when he had finally approached him after ogling at him for a moment down the hall. 
“I heard you got called back, figured I wait around to go to practice with you.” Suna says as if it were nothing at all. Osamu would never admit it, but it meant more to him then words would even be able to begin to describe. 
“Ya coulda gon’ to practice,” Osamu mumbles, walking in sync with Suna now. 
“Got me out of warm up laps anyways.” His words are mysterious, not that getting out of warm up laps wasn’t a common occurrence for Suna, but to wait for Osamu, it just wasn’t typical of Suna. 
It surprised Osamu even more, when the next week after finishing a test late he found Suna waiting for him in the corridor, and every time after that. 
“Do you ever think about what's going to happen when we graduate?” Suna asks quietly next to Osamu. They had been sitting at the skate park together, smoking accumulating between the two of them, as they talk quietly though they are the only ones here under the dim lights scattered around. 
“We graduate in a week and you want to start pondering what's going to happen in life?” Osamu laughs, taking another hit, lying against the cold cement. Suna doesn't say anything, staring directly in front of him. Osamu wonders what's going on inside of his head right now, though he doesn’t feel like he has the right to know. 
“Yeah,” He hums, “ I guess you're right.” 
But his words have something hidden behind them, something that Osamu can’t describe, but it twinges a wave of fear through him. The words felt cold, distant. He wants to ask, he wants to ask so badly if he’s okay, if there's something he can do if he is not. But he bites his lip and he doesn’t ask. 
He knows Suna too well at this point from the countless nights spent smoking together, the morning practices and pairings in class. He’s been to his hand more time then you’d even be able to count. He knows every little thing, like when he starts complaining more than he normally does, it's because he’s running on an empty stomach. And if his hands start shaking, it's never because he’s cold or because he’s angry, it's because he hasn’t gotten his daily dose of caffeine, and when he goes silent, it's never because he's sad, it's simply because he has nothing left to say. He hates when people talk too much, and it irritates him when people start singing for no apparent reason other than to just sing. He loves chuupet, and volleyball, and alternative music, and smoking. And he doesn’t care about much of anything else. 
But right now, as his eyes hold back the emotions he’s suppressing within himself, Osamu can see right through it, he can see the pain lingering in his grey-yellow eyes. He knows Suna will lie to him, because Suna’s thoughts were Suna’s thoughts alone. 
Osamu hated the way that the feeling never changed. It never let up, it never ceased. It only grew until the roots had entangled so deeply he could feel it crawling into his lungs branching out in a painstakingly slow ache. Suffocating him like he was ten feet under, buried beneath the surface of platonic smiles and thoughtless gestures. 
Some days he wished he would just say it. Three words, thats all it would take to assimilate this stupid feeling he couldn’t control. Three, simple, little words that hefted the weight of the world. 
In ways, it made him angry. Why couldn’t he just say it, why couldn’t he just tell the boy how he had truly felt. It was a simple feeling, and when the rejection came it would bide Osamu the time to figure himself out, to learn how to breathe again. But maybe that was it, maybe the reason he feared telling him the hardened truth of his feelings is because he knew deep down the rejection would kill him. It would make him lose any ounce of control he had built up, it would make him see red. He had already been hanging by the shreds of thread, if he exploited himself in this way there was no going back, there was going to be no more midnight smoke sessions, no more trips to the convenience store after practice, no more movie nights, no more him. 
Osamu felt constricted by the material wrapped around his body, was it hot in here? It was just him, the pouring rain against the window fogging it with each burst of coldness proving it to just be him. With a sigh, he slips the material off of his body, and throws it to the other side of the room. He’ll pick it up later, he tells himself when it hits the wall with a thud and silently falls to the ground below. 
He knows he won’t though. The pile of laundry that had been piling for the last month tells him exactly that. 
It's sticky in here, Osamu thinks. 
Its stick, and its muddy, and its hollow. It's packed to the brim with people, it's loud and annoying and they won’t shut up over the obnoxious thumping of whatever trash was blaring through the speakers set up through the house. And it's lonely. He knows Kita and Aran are over in the corner, arguing over who is going to be the designated driver, and he sees Atsumu’s talking to some boy with a mask over his face, thought Osamu notes how the boy looks out of place and uncomfortable (he feels the way this boy looks, but he wouldn’t ever voice that outloud) and he sees Suna. 
He’s sprawled against the leather couch, there's two girls, one on each arm, stuck to him like pesky little leeches, taking hits from his joint with those agonizing high pitched laughs. They were fake, he could see it from a mile a way, and he was sure Suna could see the same, but Suna wasn’t going to complain, not when later he’d mingle his way upstairs with one, if not both of them. 
It hurt Osamu to even think about it, and now the kitchen counter seemed to be pressing into his back more evidently, more uncomfortable then it had been before. He moves quietly outside, ditching the red solo cup that had been placed in his left hand, somewhere now scattered with the array of cups lining the counter. 
His hands pressed into the rail against the outside patio overlooking the backyard. Not as many people were here this time, only the couple in the corner who resembled suction cups and the scattered druggies doing harsher things than Osamu would ever even think about trying. Osamu couldn’t explain what was happening to him right now. 
Why did that suffocating feeling seem deeper, rougher now. Why did it feel like everything was breaking down. He didn’t understand why water had been leaking from his eyes, or why his breathing had picked up in pace, or why the red bleeding feeling felt like it was going to overcome his entire being. He just wanted out, but he couldn’t move. Paralyzed into holding onto that rail, knuckles burning white as he leaned over the edge slightly, rocking back and forth on his heel. 
He just wanted it to stop. He just wanted to breathe again. 
“Osamu,” He can hear the voice, but he can't make it out. It's more like white noise, like that shitty music in the background, or those girls laughing in Suna’s lap just moments ago. 
“Osamu,” He hears it again, it's louder this time, but the panic begins to trickle deeper inside of him, the rocking becoming more violent. Shaking his body in waves of unstoppable tremors, more tears relentlessly streaming down his face. 
“Osamu, hey, listen to me,” There are more words this time. He can feel someone's hand on his shoulder, he could hear the fear in their voice, as he slips further and further down this rabbit hold he can't climb out of. The world shifts for a moment however, and he feels his body slipping, he can’t tell if he’s being moved, but he feels the tugging at his wrist. The voice is yelling again, the music is louder, and Osamu can’t remember how, but somehow, someway, when he snaps from his daze, from that suffocating world of constant agony, he’s in a dimly lit room. 
Suna’s in front of him, his eyes are wide, and he has each hand on Osamu’s shaking shoulders. Atsumu is behind him, nervously biting his lip with his arms crossed against his chest in a worried manner. Kita is at the door with a glass of water, and other members of the team are hanging on at the door frame. All eyes were on him, and it made him feel even more constricted than before. 
“Make them go away,” He whispers, pulling his legs to his body, only now realizing the fetal position he had taken accustomed to on the floor. 
“Everyone out,” Suna says while standing up, pushing even his twin out the door, grumbles and groans following suit, a ‘hes my brother i should make sure he’s okay’ and a ‘he doesn’t need you to see him like this right now, it will only make him feel worse now get out’ before the room goes silent with only the bass from below shaking the floors and Suna’s shuffling from the door back over to him. 
“Are you okay,” He quietly asks, unsure of how he can help Osamu right now. 
Osamu doesn’t know how to respond, so instead he stays silent, he stays so quiet for so long he hopes that Suna will eventually get bored and take his leave. But Suna never does, he never moves from the squatted position in front of Osamu, he never takes his hand away from Osamus shoulder, he never stops the little circles he rubbing into the top of Osamu’s shoulder. 
It only hurts Osamu more, because it only makes him realize how much more in love with Suna he truly is. 
“We did it.” Suna mumbles, kicking his feet against the wood chips surrounding the child's swing set him and Osamu had been sitting at. The sun had long since fallen, and the breeze picked up in their black graduation robes, the suits underneath the flimsy fabric enough to keep them warm. It had only been a few hours since they had been taking a plethora of pictures with family, walking across that damned stage and shaking hands with a principle they had only met enough to count on one hand alone. 
“I guess we did,” Osamu mumbles. He thinks back to only a week ago, back at the skatepark, the smoke, the atmosphere, the words that had left sunas lips that night. “Do you ever think about what's going to happen when we graduate?” 
Its only now Osamu truly understands what Suna was getting at. With one foot out the door they had their entire lives ahead of them now, bracing for impact for the true glories and misfortunes life had to offer them.
“I’m not gonna pursue Volleyball in college,” Osamu blurts, speaking softly as he watches the star twinkle in the sky. He had been thinking long and hard about this decision, fearing what the consequences may be of quitting a sport, he not only loved, but was good at. He can feel Suna’s head turn toward him. 
Osamu stays quiet for a moment, “I love volleyball, don’t get me wrong, but I don’t think I like it as much as ‘tsumu does, and it just doesn’t feel like my calling.” 
“What feels like your calling then?” Suna is quiet. 
“Not sure yet, but I do love food. Maybe I’ll travel, learn different food cuisines, or I’ll start my own shop, who knows where life will take me.” 
Suna goes quiet, his eyes trained down into his laps as each finger picks at the other, his chunky silver rings twirling and twisting with each fumble, “What if life won’t take you anywhere.” 
It was Osamu’s turn to snap his head in the direction of the brunette, curiosity laced in his emotions. Suna won’t look up at him, instead focusing still on his rings, playing with them gently, in particular the snake slithering up his middle finger, whose emerald eyes glare up at him.
“What do ya mean by that.” 
“What if...what if life doesn’t have anything planned for you, what if you're just there to take up space.” 
“Everyone is here fer a reason Suna. Everyone has a purpose, a cause, an effect. One day, yer gonna find yer life heading in directions ya love, and directions ya hate. But there’s always gonna to be a path waiting for ya, there’s always gonna to be somebody there too, to keep ya standing, to keep ya breathing,” Osamu was sure these were the wisest words to ever push past his lips. 
Sunas eyes bore into his now, they’re still on the swings, not even the gusts of wind can move them at this moment. Suna breathes out for a moment before taking off his snake ring, and gently opens up Osamu’s fingers before placing it in his hand. 
“The world is unforgiving, you’ll always be alone even when you’re surrounded by millions of people.” 
It was exactly 2:46 am when Osamu had been disrupted from his sleep, pulled out of bed by the crying sounds of his phone, blaring out that ringtone he wished he could just smash at the wall. 
It was exactly 2:46 am when he heard Suna’s shaky heavy breath on the other line. 
It was exactly 2:47 am when he was running out the door, his shoes half on, his keys in one hand, his brother yelling from down the hall. 
It was 2:59 am by the time he had reached Suna’s front door, smashing through it at the speed of light. 
It was 3:00 Am by the time Osamu found him, mopped up by his own saliva, foam trickling from his mouth, his body convulsing in panic rages surrounded by pools of blood seeping from his wrists and pills sprawled across the floor. 
Osamu hated hospitals. He hated the smell of antiseptics that flowed down each hall, and the way people walked in almost pure silence. He hated the way he would see people crumble on their knees the moment the doctor came out with that look on his face. He hated that hospitals go be the center of positivity and the bane of someone's worst nightmare at the same time. 
“How did we not know he wer’ gonna do something’ like this,” He hears from next to him, and with the lull of his head and the most deadpan expression Osamu mutters, “Shut up ‘tsumu.” 
And the silence overtakes them, and the entire waiting room is filled with people. So many people Osamu knew from school, and others from when he’d go over to Suna’s house after school. The hardest, perhaps in Osamus opinion, was Suna’s little sister. Her hair was in two separate braids, flicked up in different directions as her eyes were puffed out in an angry red color, glossed over by the tears that had long ago stopped falling. She hadn’t released her bottom lip from the grip her teeth had on it, her hands moving in her lap, similar to the way Suna’s had once fumbled. 
It chokes Osamu, suffocating him, but this time it's not because of the emotions he felt towards Suna. This time it was at the numbness that began to over encumber him leaving him void of any expression. 
He couldn’t leave the chair at Suna’s beside when no one else was in the room, he always held his hand too then, even if the wires got in the way of him holding his brittle cold hands. The snake wrapped around his index finger now, curled up against the pale flesh Suna had silently offered to him. 
He was afraid he wasn’t going to wake up. Osamu knew this situation too well, he knew he would drown in this. It was his fault, wasn’t it. He should have picked up on the cues that night, he should have picked up on the cues the week before, or the months before that. He should have known when it started, instead, he was selfish. Instead he only focused on himself, on the feelings he tried to hide from the male next to him. If only he admitted his feelings, if only he had seen the bigger picture, maybe he would have seen Suna. 
Osamu hadn’t cried yet, though he had probably been the closest to Suna, he hadn’t let a tear slip yet, afraid that if he were too, then he would never stop. He brings Suna’s limp hand to his lips, leaving his lips to gently lay a kiss at the spot where Suna’s thumb and index finger were conjoined. 
“Come back to me Suna, I have something to tell you.” 
He never missed a day, every single morning he embedded it into his routine to check in on Suna during the following months. He was always still breathing, but never awake. His heart always pumping, but his brain shut off. 
He just wanted Suna to wake up, to hold his hand instead of the other way around, he wanted Suna to know the truth, he wanted to hold him, and this time he would never let him slip. It was a promise Osamu always wanted to make to him. 
“I’ll be back later tonight, you’re mom asked me to drop some things off at your house for her, don’t wait up,” he tries to joke, but it doesn’t ease the feeling inside of him. He looks at the motionless body, his eyes were trained on his lips. Osamu had always wondered what they felt like, but he was sure between the stone cold air of the hospital and the lack of vanilla Chapstick Osamu always saw peeking out of Suna’s bag, that right now his lips would feel bitterly chapped.
It doesn’t stop him from leaning in, to place his own against Suna, just slightly away from his lip however, and onto the silky smooth skin that lie at Suna’s cheek. 
He’d kiss him for real when he woke up. 
“The key is under the mat, Osamu thank you so much for doing this, I just...I can’t go into his room right now, I haven’t been able to for months,” Suna’s mothers voice was strained, cutting in and out from the sobs she was trying her best to hold back. 
“It’s okay Mrs. Rintarou, I’m glad to help.” 
And the line goes dead as Osamu hangs up with a simple click to the red button as his hand slips under the welcome mat to find the spare key awaiting him. He pushes the key in and the stagnant air hits him like a brick as he steps through the doorway, discarding his shoes at the front entryway. He looks down the hall, his memories flashing back to that moment, as if it were all in slow motion, like it had been happening all over again. 
Osamu shakes his head as he slowly steps down the hall, making a left before the sealed off bathroom, and walking into the room he hoped he’d never have to step into again. If he thought the front door had been a pile of bricks, then his room had to be the cement burning him into the earth. 
“Dude shut up, it was one time.” Suna laughs, throwing pieces of the popcorn from the round bowl in his arms at Osamu. 
“Oh yeah, just once,” He mimics in a sarcastic tone, throwing the popcorn back at Suna. Suna rolls his eyes and goes back to scrolling aimlessly at his phone. Osamu was lying stomach down on the floor, and angled that if Suna looked over, he would absolutely see the younger miya twin staring up at him, but how could he not when the sun was glowing so effortlessly against the boys skin. 
He could trace every curve along Suna’s defined face in this lighting, burning this image of him into the back of his skull. 
Osamu blinks, reality setting in around him that he now stood in the room alone, the basket of clothes Suna had arrived at the hospital now lying in the plastic bag, taking up needless space inside of his hospital room.  He just needed to set it in the corner and leave, that was his only job, nothing more, nothing less. 
But Osamu’s eyes flicker too far to the right, and an envelope neatly placed in the center of Suna’s desk fills his vision. He knows what it is, that's obvious enough from the placement of the paper. When his legs wander to the table, he wishes he had just turned on his heel and left right then. But when his vision is evoked with the letting of Suna’s familiar scribble and his name adoring the empty space of the white canvas, Osamu loses his control to stay strong, and the first tear falls. The second when his hands unseal the back of the envelope, the third when he pulls the letter from the pouch, and the fourth when he reads 
Dear Osamu.
Its not your fault. 
And I love you too, even though I should have said it allowed. 
I love you so dearly.
I’ve lost my fight, but please don’t lose yours. 
He didn’t know when the showers from his eyes began as he collapsed down to the floor, holding the letter closely to his chest as he screams out. For the first time in months, he screams out the pain blocking him, the pain consuming him. 
He doesn’t even have the time to process this information, because that ringtone flares up again, just like it had done that night. 
“H-hello?” Osamu says as he picks up, unsure of the caller id, he couldn't care to look at this point. 
“He woke up Sumu. He’s awake.” 
And just like his legs carried him out of the house that night, he’s sprint full force to his car and sliding into the driver's seat, turning the key into the ignition and speeding down the road recklessly past the stop sign. 
He should have stopped. 
“Where’s Osamu,” Suna croaks out, it's the first thing he’s said, the vision of Osamu bleakly pulling into his memory. 
“He’s on his way, he’ll be here any minute,” Suna’s mother says, with joyous tears in her eyes. 
“Where’s Osamu.” 
“There was an accident.” 
Suna was wrapped in the navy blue sweater Osamu had given to him, tightly secure in the knitted fabric as his white collar shirt peeked out from the bottom of it, contrasting against his dark jeans. His long legs were wrapped up to his chest, his head softly laying in between his knees. 
“It would have been easier if I couldn’t remember you,” he whispers, “You were like a drug you know. You were heaven to have, a high I’ll never get back now that you're gone.” 
He stares at the stone in the grass carefully watching the flowers he had set up hours ago sway with the wind, “We’d probably be smoking right now, except we’d be closer. Sometimes I imagine the way it would feel to have you laid across my lap.” 
Suna can feel the tears now, “I wish I never woke up, I wish I had gone that night, you’d still be here, and it should have gone the way it was supposed to.” 
He can almost hear his words in the back of his mind. Everyone has a purpose, a cause, an effect. He sniffles slightly as he brushes his finger past his nose with his sweater hanging past his fingers, “You would have told me otherwise...wouldn’t you Osamu.” 
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pietropatrol · 4 years
Marvel High (Part 4)
Read Part 3
A/N: Happy Fic Fri--Saturday! Had this most of the way written up yesterday, but my daughter has not been going down at her bedtime very well so I didn’t get it done before bed! But here I am now, posting as my husband is now trying to get her to go back to sleep. Babies, I tell yah.
Welcome to Marvel High, where being the new kid wasn’t the worst. Your homeroom couldn’t be weirder though; your teacher wears an eye patch and is always shouting for some reason, and a group of dysfunctional teens calling themselves the “Avengers.” Probably the weirdest thing is their insistence that you join.
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Pairing: Pietro x Reader Warnings: language, sexual innuendos, teenage substance abuse Words: 1,300ish
The dynamic of the group was odd to witness. They all had drastically different personalities, something you had already gleaned from the bickering during the school day, but under the influence of alcohol, it became even more obvious. It was as if the group was comprised of smaller groups. 
The Maximoff twins were obvious. Natasha and Clint were a pair, that you were sure of. The way they shadowed each other and communicated in their body language was hard to ignore. Either they had been friends for a long time or something was going on between them. Though you felt it would have been inappropriate to ask. Tony and Bruce seemed close, from what you had overheard from their in-depth science conversation at lunch earlier. You could always find Steve, Bucky, and Sam together, but Bucky seemed annoyed whenever he was left with just Sam.
Thor was an outlier and seemed to bounce around all of them seamlessly. His cockiness rivaled Tony’s. Thor appeared to be about six beers deep and enthusiastically telling a story about how he wrestled some unnamed beast in is home country.
“Where is Thor from again?” You turned to Pietro who was watching the group from a distance with you. Though you had felt him watching you when you weren’t looking.
“Some Scandinavian country… we think.” Pietro shrugged. “You sure you don’t want another drink? Nat makes a mean cocktail.”
“I’m sure she does, but I should probably keep my wits about me and not smell like I’ve been drinking. My dad is like a bloodhound with that stuff. One beer was already a risk.”
“So, what is up with your dad anyway? He seems…” Pietro struggled to find the right word.
“Hella protective?” You quirked an eyebrow.
“Yes, hell-ah protective, as you so put it.” Pietro inclined his head in your direction, closing the small gap between your bodies.
“He means well. I haven’t made the best choices in my life. And trouble seems to follow me wherever we go. It’s only a matter of time before it finds me here.” You were being intentionally vague. It was a can of worms that someone you just met shouldn’t have sprung on them.
Pietro furrowed his eyebrows but didn’t push. “So, you set fire to your previous school?” He guided you back to the group and you sat next to Wanda on a loveseat, Pietro perched on the arm.
“Fire? Is Y/N talking about setting her school on fire?” Tony had been making his way to the bar when he heard the word fire. Another lit cigarette dangling from his lips.
“Yes, but don’t even think about sitting next to us with that lit.” Steve waved his hand to the offending object.
“It’s my house,” Tony guffawed.
“Rule eleven, specifically made for you, is not smoking within the group circle, because not all of us are trying to get lung cancer before twenty-five.” Steve rolled his eyes.
“I think it’s unfair that we have rules specifically aimed at me. But fine.” Tony dropped his cigarette into his glass and joined the group.
“Rules?” You echoed.
“Top secret,” Tony winked, “Back to the fire, what did you do?”
“It wasn’t anything crazy. I was in wood shop and got bored, wondered if I could burn in a design on a plank with my lighter, and it was highly flammable, apparently. It didn’t take long for the rest of the shop to start on fire, the air was basically half saw-dust.” You shrugged, honestly, it wasn’t the stupidest thing you’d done. It was also an accident for once.
“It only went as far as the home-ec classroom. No big deal, aside from being expelled." 
"Lame!" Tony yawned. "Let's play truth or dare!" 
Everyone groaned and threw empty solo cups at him. 
"Why do you always insist on playing?" Nat looked to him, incredulous. "We've been friends long enough that it isn't fun anymore. You just want us to do stupid shit." 
"What's wrong with stupid shit?" Tony insisted. "Besides we have a newbie now!"
  You looked at your phone and saw it was almost ten o'clock. Had it really been two hours already? "Sorry, but I have to head out. Curfew." 
"And here I was thinking you were a trouble maker," Tony smirked. 
"Oh, I am. But I don't want to be grounded for eternity. Great party though, Tony. Thanks for the invite." You made to leave with Pietro and Wanda on following behind you when a young boy, probably about 14, came running in, out of breath. 
"Alright, who invited the freshman?" Steve rubbed his temples. "We agreed, no freshman." 
"Parker isn't going to cause any trouble, the kid's a saint," Tony argued. "What's going on?" 
"Some--oh hi," the freshman saw you. "I'm Peter Parker. You must be new."
"I'm Y/N. You okay, Peter?"  
He was still trying to catch his breath. "Oh yeah! There's a bunch of Hydra High douche-bros who snuck in. They're by the pool." 
"Fuuuucccckkkkk." Bucky cursed. "They're definitely here to start some shit." "Alright, is everybody sober enough to deal with them?" Steve looked pointedly to Tony who was rolling up his sleeves, already looking ready for a fight. 
"We should probably go, you don't need me and Wanda, right?" Pietro looked to Steve. 
"Umm... if you're parked in the driveway, you won't be able to get out. They blocked it with their own cars." 
"Looks like you're going to be late. Sorry." Pietro frowned at you. A heavy sigh escaped your lips. 
"Nah, it's not your fault. How quickly do you think we can scare off these guys?" Tony held up his hand, gaining everyone's attention. "I might have a solution. Let me go down to my basement, and I will meet you out there." 
The group made their way down to the pool. Your other classmates had crowded around, keeping a distance from Hydra.
  Hydra was raiding the outdoor bar and the scariest student among them was lounging on a wicker chair, sipping lazily on a bottle of vodka. A small voice in your head said he was the leader. Maybe it was because everyone else was at work nabbing whatever they could and he was already enjoying their spoils. You just knew. 
"Avengers!" he called out, happily. "Great party!" 
"Avengers?" You whispered to Pietro. 
"I'll explain later." 
The leader's eyes narrowed in on you. "New recruit?" 
The hair stood up on the back of your neck as he stood up and stepped closer to you. He looked you up and down, perplexed. "Do I know you?"
"Doubt it." Pietro pulled you behind him, breaking his line of sight. 
"Maximoff onto a new toy already?" 
"What are you doing here, Keller? I thought we told you not to come near this place again?" Steve pulled the attention to him. "The message was pretty clear when Thor cracked open your forehead." 
"We heard about the dope ass party, Rogers. Thought some of your classmates would want to have a little more fun--" 
"We don't want your shitty drugs." Peter piped up. "Like weed is cool and stuff, but--" 
"Your shit is garbage." Tony sauntered through the group, a contraption strapped to his arms. "And calling it 'Candy Andy' is kinda lame." 
A light emitted from Tony's palm and beam jutted out and shatter the bottle of vodka in Keller's hand. Tony hissed from the hot metal burning into his palm but stood his ground. 
Keller remained calm and held up his hands, though you could see a slight look of terror in his eyes. "Alright, we'll see you around another time then. Good to see you again, Y/N." He winked at you and they took off. 
You froze, you didn't know him, how did he know you?
@mcfuccfairy@hannah1234543@fandomstucklover87love@aegonsgarden@superavengerimagines@racheltheclumsy @little-hufflepuff-badger@sherlocklover123@secondxreality@electricstar13@dusknightmare@pastell-niall @lesh-targaryen @erreneous@nerdyfangirl4lyf@pietrosprintesa@geminifangirl3@rageofcaliban@psycopathic-turtle@extremelyintroverted@themightycrybaby@zoziemoore@wincensfw@goldenfairytaleprincess@weehawkendawngunsdrawnyouron@cuteykittens1313 @saysomethingorimdone@hogwarts-mischief@kayzie-chu @barely-emily @vantastic-booty@wonderxluster@itsjusthaawo @mikey-girl12 @are-you-in-the-game@chameerah@wzndamaximoff@linellin@rainbowtheninja@hipsterhipster-wannabe@ofbandsandyoutubers@eternalanxious@soldierstans @geebearway @sokoviantrash@blubberwhalecurdlesnoothings @mermaid-princess-wannabe@everlasting9@random0213@erissapphire@softhor @allyzaq@genjisbuttfriend @mcusebstan @lexiethegiantslayer@pebblesz892@wellfuckbuck@marvelbase001 @reckllesslyareuforreal @mischief-managed1987 @captain-purpledinonatalyimagirl@armyprincess02 @mottergirl99@cupcakelover615@aweways@flirtswithdanger@lanie103@rebbie444@iwanttorunawaytohogwarts@draconicuchiha@callme-crowley@jessicajjones@doctorwho2013@onepiecelover1223@deadpools-wife@shannonxbarnes @justapolinaris@dont-fillintheblank@imaginary-world-of-mine @warriorsofasgardia @mymindplayshopscotch @tachibubu @cringedyIan @theawesomefrenchie@hortonhearsahoeblr@lavelay@nothinghappenswithouthope @potterpineapple1975@infj-universe72@dancingpizzasarelife @galacyan @nuitrhodes@seb-satann@leoniford@ciaramcgeesprat@hiimangelique@bywonater@umwhatandrea@riverpotterimagines@iwanttorunawaytohogwarts@araceli91103@flirtswithdanger@harrisonholland@weirdestmentalityphilosopher @supervalcsi@somethingwitty-somethingsweet @destiel-is-bae-18 @123louis-blog @bloody-doctor @skybaby-potter @galacyan @jollyholymoly@ginger-wayward-assbutt @avatar-moist@brokensurvivor@flubbernuggets @red-writer13 @capsicle-steve-rogers @broken-pieces @punkdoor @hiding-in-the-backgroundx-x@silverwhispersandash@geeksareunique@serenastark@straightasdeanwinchester @nina-winchester4life@bywonater@sh00kbois@tayrae515@xdsockmonkey@kaitmcu@willowruemellark@weirdestmentalityphilosopher@curlycals@justahappylilblog@sameemaximoff @alonna-oxoxoxsavvvcobainnn @rosaquinn @futzingclint @princess-unicorn124 @racheltheclumsy @kenzie-cold-greenkale@mottergirl99 @snailhoard@thisismysecrethappyplace@sweetpeas-serpent-princess@multifandomphenomena @hoeposey@dmv49 @tomhollandhasnolips @waytoobsessedwithmyfandoms@minuteandahalf @igoldieloxi​ @lovelydreamer-2000​ @justahappylilblog​ @ciochesono @the-fandom-ness​ @ithoughtfullyglitterycollection​  @heartbeats-wildly​ @erinsquinns
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unholyhelbig · 4 years
Hosie where Hope finds out that Josie is dealing... Oregano?
A/N: I wish I had some oregano to get me through this quarantine... 
Title: Searching for a Deal 
Ship: Hope Mikaelson/ Josie Saltzman 
Request prompts here | Read on AO3 
Magic had a scent to it that reminded Hope of home. She could never pinpoint the exact smell, it was more of a feeling than anything, a memory that pulled at the very back edges of her mind until it felt familiar.
Her aunt carried a dark mahogany box; its wood was soft and finished and hot like sage. And that’s exactly what magic reminded her of. Of course, she kept weed in that box and hid it behind the books she knew her family wouldn’t reach for. But not everyone was as cunning as Rebekah. Hope was.
She would reach her hands past the spell books, feeling that cold energy along the way, and pull out the box. It didn’t take much convincing to get one of the witches in the quarter to teach her how to roll the paper around the herb, she would sit on top of the toilet in her bathroom near the small window and blow the smoke through there. Hope probably inhaled more off-brand air freshener than the actual weed.
There were parties at the Boarding School, kids who had a handle on where to get drugs, but part of her always felt horrible about drawing smoke into her lungs and passing it back to the person who had paid for it. She was used to doing things herself, and she had gotten to the itchy point in time where she wanted it on her own.
She couldn’t call her Aunt Rebekah, she had gotten away with too much as a young teenager and she was nice enough not to say anything. And going into Mystic Falls to con Maya out of her supply wasn’t an option either. She needed to find a hook-up within the walls of the school.
Hope tried Lizzie first.
“Oh come on,” she whispered harshly, sandwiched between romance novels and a shelf of non-fiction Norse magic. The blonde let her eyes flick from the finely printed spines to Hope before going back to her task. “I know you have some.”
“And what makes you think I do?”
Hope shrugged and tested her luck “There’s no way in hell that therapy is the only thing that has mellowed you out this much, Lizzie. Just give me a name.”
The blonde blinked slowly at her, fingers running against the nearest textbook. She swiped it from the metal shelf and piled it on top of the other one in her arms before letting out a small breath. “Even if I was about to tell you, which I’m not, insulting me isn’t the way to get answers, Hope.”
“Then what is?” She arched a brow.
“Simple. Ask someone else.”
Hope let out a groan of frustration and the taller Saltzman twin went back to her book report. The library was mostly empty at this time of day, golden strings of light bouncing from the shelves. She wouldn’t be able to find an answer with the librarian behind the counter or the young vampire lounging in one of the leather chairs with oversized headphones.
She was agitated, and albeit, desperate.
That very desperation leads her to the gym; it was vastly different than the study. Its floors gleamed and the sound of rubber against glossed wood pounding against her already existing headache. She lingered by the doors for a few moments, watching a few of the wolves pull themselves effortlessly up the ropes.
As soon as Rafael met her gaze, she beaconed him over.
“Not a chance, Hope.” He said, breath caught in his throat. A fine layer of sweat dripped through his shirt. “Dr. Saltzman is strict about that stuff. You think I would be caught with that in my system?”
It hadn’t stopped him before, not at the same parties that Hope had gone to. He was often sitting right next to her, blunt between his teeth and smoke clouding his lungs. “Fair point, but you know who sells it?”
He stalled for a moment, clenching his jaw and glancing back at his teammates. “No. But I know who might.”
Penelope Park.
Hope was growing exhausted of this game of telephone, and even more wary of rushing around the Salvatore school. It wouldn’t be hard to track down Satan herself, she stuck to the dark corners of the school and often camped out under the bleachers, letting the coolness of her perch soak through her jeans as she breathed in the sharp smoke. She reeked of it, and Hope lingered at the entrance. She kicked a metallic can of off-brand beer to get the woman’s attention.
Two other witches lingered, one with his arms stretched above his head, he clung to the bars like a vice and narrowed his glowing eyes at her. The other witch grabbed the rolled paper that Penelope jutted out to her. Hope despised the smug look on her face and the sloppy grin that followed.
“You have a moment?” Hope asked, shoving her hands into her pockets.
Penelope stood from the cinderblock with little hesitation. With the nod of her head, the blunt was handed back to her and the two witches exited from their position at her flanks. They never took their eyes away from her. Hope hated being alone with Penelope.
“You want a hit?” Penelope asked, stretching out her hand.
Yes, she did, more than anything. She nodded and took the rolled cigarette before taking a deep breath in. The toxic taste coated her lungs and instantly made the tension release from her shoulders. “Thanks. I actually… Raf said that you know where to get this?”
“mm, try in town.” She grabbed the blunt back and then dropped it into the wet soil, using the tip of her toe to ground it into nothing. “The humans at Mystic High thrive on it.”
Hope shook her head “I know someone here supplies it. Just not who.”
Penelope laughed and she hated the sound of it. It was something that mocked her and kept her up on certain nights when she was forced into the same social situations as the girl, which wasn’t often. It made Hope cross her arms over her chest defensively.
“Relax, dude. I just think it’s funny that you’re just now hunting this kind of thing down. Even funnier that you have no clue who sells it. It pays to have friends around here, you know?”
Hope glared at her. “I just need a name, Park.”
“Fine, fine.” She shrugged her shoulders in defeat “Josie.”
She wanted to tell Penelope Park to crawl back into whatever hole she had dug herself last. To lay down and cover herself in dirt because there was no way in hell she had spent this long talking to the girl for a bullshit answer like that one. Josie Saltzman. Yeah right.
Penelope must have read the expression on her face. “You asked for a name, Red. I gave you one. She doesn’t’ sell the best stuff, but it’s high quality for Mystic Falls. And even better, you don’t have to travel into town for it.”
Hope waved her off and walked out from under the bleachers, back into the sunlight. She was instantly washed with an easier scent of freshly mowed grass and off-brand sports drink. Maybe she would find Josie, because if Penelope lied, at least it was about Josie. Soft lipped and kind-hearted Josie. She might get scoffed at, but that was the extent.
She found the girl in her dorm room, the door cracked open as she drew little swirls in her notebook.  Ukulele was on her right side. She had been scrawling notes and lyrics but took a creative break, it seemed. The girl glanced up with a stunningly potent stare, setting everything aside as the tribrid knocked sheepishly on the doorframe.
“Can we talk?” Hope had asked, and she knew the answer before she even parted her lips. Josie had a certain vulnerability to her eyes that spelled everything out. Of course, they could talk. Hope could speak for hours without a breath and Josie would listen.
Josie scooted over at the base of her bed and patted the spot on the carpet with a slight nod. Hope was feeling the few breaths she pulled in under the bleachers, the taste still thick on her tongue. Her mouth was dry and she would kill for one sip of water, but this seemed like the most important place to be right now.
“I’ve been asking around the school,” She started. Josie nodded, her slight curls bouncing “and Penelope Park of all people told me that I could… buy something off of you?”
“Like what?”
Josie got this adorable little crinkle in her nose when she was miffed, or when she was lying. Hope never noticed it at first, but she did after once too many dinners with the family. Josie didn’t like lemon and she didn’t like fish either but she would eat it if they were in a fancy enough restaurant because that was the polite thing to do. Her nose crinkled now.
“weed Jo. I’ve been searching through this entire school, and so help me God if Penelope is fucking with me,” She stilled and sighed “I’m stressed. I need something.”
“I don’t even smoke weed.”
Hope pinched the bridge of her nose, because she knew this meant having to go into town. She didn’t like Lizzie Saltzman much, but she disliked Dana even more. All the townies had something against each and every one of them, and she wasn’t prepared to drop a good amount of money on something so small.
Josie shifted as she turned towards the bed and pressed her shoulder against the floor. She was reaching blindly under her bed for something, letting out little grunts of exasperation. She said something, but it was muffled by the carpet. Finally, she pulled a small mahogany box from the darkness.
“I asked if you could close the door,” Josie emerged, breathless.
Hope just nodded dumbly and got to her feet before following the order. She remained there, her back against the mahogany as she rose both of her eyebrows. Josie hummed in gratitude before unlatching the container.
“I hide it in my sage because people like you can’t smell it otherwise.”
“I thought you said you didn’t’ smoke.”
“Oh I don’t, but I can recognize a good business venture when I see one. There’s not a dealer within fifty miles of this place. Simply no competition so my margins are great.” She stopped rooting around and pulled out a little baggie, a portioned clump of browns and greens.
“I never would have figured.” Hope laughed.
“That’s kind of the point,” Josie beamed “First ones free.”  
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pinkfurygiver · 4 years
Rafe Cameron x Reader
This my first attempt, I’m foreign so excuse me if there are some spelling or/and grammar errors. Have fun (Y/N)!
Summary: Rafe and (Y/N) are really close friends (or maybe more?), and he usually sneaks in her room at night but this time something is different: he is covered in blood. (Y/N) is aware about his drug addiction, and even if she is still mad at him she decides to help him.
Tw: mention of drugs, underage drinking, blood. (Let me know if more)
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“It’s three in the morning” (Y/N) said, feeling guilty that she left her room without telling her parents a thing. She wasn’t like that, not before him, she was the good daughter. The girl never went skinny dipping in the night, never talked back or neither did something to unplease the other. But since Rafe came in her life she become a trouble maker, always jumping out of her window to meet him and not caring about other opinions anymore. With him she felt so free, so free to be her true self. Always on the edge of time. Rafe made her stomach hurt, especially when he’s gentle touch met hers; she always felt like a dose of serotonin was injected in her vein.
But this time was different: she didn’t want to jump. Actually, she didn’t even considered doing so. It wasn’t strange for Rafe to call her that late in the night to meet her, but since the last time (Y/N) decided that she was fed up with his little game. If he wanted to spent some time with her then he could do it in the day time, maybe at the beach or somewhere else. She started to belive he was ashamed of being seen with her, and that hurted like a bitch.
“It’s home time, dumbass” She said, getting up of her bad with her blanket on her shoulders, because even if it was still summer, that night was pretty cold.
She looked out of her window, looking outside, with her phone still pressed against her cheeck.
Rafe was right next her gazebo, with his back on the wood of the construction looking right at her direction. She couldn’t see him properly because of the darkness, but she felt like something was about to go wrong.
His body language told her that something was wrong. He didn’t call her for some cuddles, he needed her. Even if she was still mad as hell with him now she decided to help him, ready to jump out of the window.
“This couldn’t wait until the morning?” She asked, trying to brake the tension between then with a fake smile on her face and a giggle. She opened her window and proceeded to jump on the green wet grass of her garden. Her window was on the first floor, so it wasn’t that hard to do this action and of course she had become a professional then. Her ankle hurted a bit, but she didn’t care: the goals was to figure out what was going on.
“I left you multiple missed calls” He mumbles, still not meeting her eyes. He was looking at the ground, messing with his own hair.
“Yeah, sorry I was sleeping” (Y/N) said, a little sarcastic. What else was she supposed to do? “Can you at least look me in the face?” She snapped, wanting his full attention.
And when he did face her, her heart almost stop. The beautiful face she always looked up in her mind when she missed him was now replaced with this now image: his mouth was full of blood, and the red stains cover his face arriving even on his cheecks. He didn’t even bothered cleaning him self or covering the blood, maybe thinking that wasn’t necessary. (Y/N) mind wondered if that was his blood or if he had fought someone.
The anger become to grow inside her chest, looking at the boy’s eyes with rage. What the hell had happened to him? (Y/N) knew that if he wasn’t at the police station to report the aggression was because that aggression was either his foult or was caused by illegal factors. And (Y/N) started to belive that the drugs was part of the equipment.
“Tell me this- She started, pointing with her chin to the mess his face was- has nothing to do with that Pugue-drug dealer” She begged, trying to hold his cheeck on the palm of her hand. He flitched, taking a few steps away. He didn’t denied the accusations, so (Y/N) figured out that was exactly what she feared. “Look, I dont need a lecture right now. I just need a place to stay for the night, if I go home looking like this my father will kill me”.
“I’m not helping you if you don’t explain yourself, Rafe” (Y/N) screamed with rage in her eyes. She hated what he was becoming, and she hated more the fact that she couldn’t save him form himself. His drug addiction was going to kill him, in some sort of way. And the first effects of his illness where showing with big red stains on his face. What was he thinking?
“What?” He exploded, not believing that (Y/N) was being such a bitch towards him. She was supposed to be his friend, and friends help each other.
“You heard me. You need to fucking stop getting high” She snapped back, waving a hand right in his face “Can you understand me or the crack burned all your neurons?”.
He left a little laugh leave his mouth. She was becoming really annoying at this point, and he started to regret calling her for help. Why didn’t he call Topper? God damn it, even JJ Maybank would have been more helpful.
“No, You don’t get to tell me what to do. Your not my father!” He fumed, rising his voce while his red eyes opened even wider. (Y/N) wasn’t scared of him (she was scared of anything), and she knew she could top him anytime she wanted with the perfect line.
She knew where it hurted, and wasn’t playing around at all.
“You’re right, I’m not. I actually give a shit about you” She said, lowing her voice enough to make the sentance even colder. His face muted from anger to hurt, showing his most fragile side: Rafe hated feeling vulnerabile, and (Y/N) knew it.
She always liked looking inside peoples head, trying to figure out why they behaved like they did. She wanted to become a profiler or psychiatrist, and Rafe was her favorite subject. (Y/N) knew about his bad relationship with his father, the drug issues, anger issues and had seen that if moved in the correct way Rafe would crumble completely.
“Fuck you, (Y/N). You don’t know what your talking about”
“Then tell me why you called me?” She asked, nodding her head in a sarcastic way waiting for him to explain the reason. “Tell me why’d you only call me when your high?”.
Rafe couldn’t say anything to calm her at this point: (Y/N) had every right to be mad at him.
“Look, I promise I will get better” He tried, looking as the girl in front of him took a huge breath “Yeah, I’m sure you will... do you thing I’m that fucking dumb?”
(Y/N) felt so sorry for him. She knew it wasn’t her job to drag him out of his messy life but she couldn’t leave him like that. Not him feeling like he wasn’t good enough and alone in that cold summer night.
“Im trying to change your mind” She said again, more softly. Begging him to listen to her without actually telling him to. Rafe looked at her with a confused sight, not understanding the suddenly change of her behavior. Was she still mad at him or not?
“What? You want to help me now?” He asked with hope in his voice, taking a step forward. “When you look at me like that, what else I’m supposed to do? Your face looks like shit” (Y/N) tried to say, while looking behind her back. They had screamed like two gorillas before, and now she was afraid someone was going to catch them with their hand in the cookie jar.
(Y/N) took her car’s key from the pocket, waking in her pajamas towards the spot she usually parked it. And Rafe followed her silently, watching every moviment of the girl. She walked slowly and well aware that if they get caught she will never be able to see him again.
Rafe couldn’t help but think how much her skin seemed to glow under the moon’s light, making her seem like an angel. He didn’t know if it was because of the drugs, in fact he still had a great dose inside his body, but, while she was looking behind her shoulder for him, he caught the desire to kiss her.
“Why the fuck are you looking at me like that? Move your stupid ass inside” She snapped, pushing him inside the car while she took the driver side, putting his belt on as soon as she sit down.
“I’m not a child, (Y/N). Stop treating me like one” He declared, looking outside putting the car’s window down “Well, you sure act like one”
“Where are we going?” Rafe asked, still pretty confused “Are you taking me home? (Y/N) you said you wouldn’t!”.
“I know what I said” she snapped, topping him once more “I’m taking you somewhere safe. It’s a mansion my dad bought last summer, we go there almost every Christmas. So for tonight no one is going to disturb your beautysleep, princess” She said, making fun of him just a bit “Damn, you’re so mean” He commented, making her eyes roll with nuisance.
“Mean?” (Y/N) mocked him, looking at the guy with a little smile on her mouth. How funny. She was the mean one now. “Don’t act so bossy with me, I’m not your stupid boyfriend” Rafe continued, showing once again his jealousy towards her. Since he saw (Y/N) and Pope talk in front of school, last weekend, Rafe was dying to beat his ass.
“Shut up, you don’t even know what a relationship is. All you know is smoke weed and drink alcohol with your stupid friends. Too afraid of being seen with me, apparently” She broke out, not even looking him right in the face. Her eyes now glued on the road. Why the hell did she said that out loud? He wasn’t supposed to know how much his behavior metter to her.
“Nonsense” He responded slowly, as if someone else was listening their conversation. He was so tired he couldn’t even keep his eyes open, lying his head on the passenger seat “I’m in love with you” He continued “I just don’t want anyone to know I have feeling” Then explained, feeling his cheeck burning for embarrassment “I’m too messed up, my problems would effect you and I dont want that”
“Seems like it already does” She noticed, not wanting to belive he just told her he was in love with her.
“(Y/N). Do you like me like that?”
“Your high Rafe, I can’t have this conversation with you”.
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Survey #414
“mirror, mirror, tell me who you see  /  am i you or me?  /  i can never remember”
How many people have you kissed? Four. Ever kissed someone you weren’t dating at the time? No. Of the people you’ve kissed, how many do you regret kissing? Two. Ever been kissed by a legal adult when you were a minor (or vise-versa)? Yeah, with Jason, but it was only a two-year difference. Ever kissed someone on a dare/as part of a game? No. Where’s the most public place you’ve ever made out with someone? Nowhere public. I wouldn't do that. Can you snowboard? Never tried. Have you ever made a mixed cd for someone? No. Do you use recycle bins at your house? Yes. Do you own more than one bathing suit? No. Have you ever kissed someone who smokes weed? Jason did occasionally with his best friend, but he stopped for me. How are you right this second? I'm all right. Last night was pretty rough, so I'm just glad that's over. My body is just tired. Is there anything you disliked about your last birthday? Honestly, I barely remember what I did on my last birthday. I just remember it was fine. Oh wait, actually, on the way home from going out to eat, we had to call the cops while behind a car whose driver was obviously drunk or high OFF. HIS. ASS. He was swerving like crazy and almost hit SO many cars. I was having an absolute panic attack. I pray to God that guy was more than just found and fined. Do you keep a diary or journal (offline or online)? No, unless you count surveys, I guess. What were you like a year ago? I was the unhappily the same. Is someone on your mind right now? Fucking always. Having a warm dream about him last night didn't help. Who was the last person you sat next to? My mom. What do you currently hear right now? My screen is split so I can watch John Wolfe play some indie horror games. What’s something you need to go shopping for? I need to get new bras baaaadly because I'm tired of none fitting properly. What’s the last thing you ate? I had a donut 'cuz Mom stopped at Dunkin' for coffee. Do/did you do good in school? I did up to college. Then I just... sucked. Do you always get along with your siblings? I mean I don't see/talk to them every day or anything, not even very regularly even, but we generally get along fine now as adults. We disagree about shit for sure, but keep our mouths shut. Or probably talk to Mom about it while I'm not present. I don't even think they like me half of the time. Are you frustrated with anything? So much. Why did you fall for the last person romantically? There were/are a lot of factors. Just she as a person is phenomenal. What’s your younger sibling’s name? Nicole. Can you speak in a different language conversationally; if so, which language? A tiny bit of German. Do you ever fear of falling asleep? With my nightmares, I used to dread it. Now, thankfully, my APAP mask has prevented them from happening, mostly; I've only had two in the month that I've had it, and I ordinarily had them every single night. Do you have an idea of what kind of profession you’d like to have? I do, but I honestly doubt I'm going to succeed in even making it a part-time job by this damn point. Which beach would you say is your favorite? I don't have a favorite. I don't even like the beach very much. What kind of cookie is your favorite? Chocolate chip. Have you ever had a churro? Yes. Too crunchy and ridiculously sweet, not a fan. Truth be told, are you more into looks or personalities the most? A good personality beats good looks any day. How is/was your chemistry class in high school? I actually didn't take chemistry; my graduating year, physical science was offered as the alternative, which I took. How does alcohol affect you? I get hot, and my face flushes badly. It'll make me more talkative. Have you ever tried lemon brownies? No, and I don't want to. I don't like lemon-flavored stuff like that. What was the last type of meat you ate? Beef. Have you taken any medication today? I have prescriptions I take every day. Have you ever watched Parks and Recreation? I've seen some of it at Sara's house. What is your favourite kind of pasta? Just spaghetti with tomato sauce and meatballs, really. I've been on a major chicken pesto kick lately, though. Have you set an alarm today? No. Think of a random person, and give them a message here, no names: Literally just the chance to say "I'm sorry" would be fucking amazing. Just two fucking words. What if there were two of you? Would the world be in trouble? No. That'd be a waste of space, though. Not like I'm contributing much to society. Would you prefer an ice cream sundae or an ice cream cone? I dunno man, it depends on my mood and what I want in the moment. Do you watch movies with the subtitles on? No; I find it to be distracting. Is the last person you kissed yours? I hate this saying. She's her own person that belongs to nobody but herself. But to just go along with it and answer the question, no, we're not together. Do you think you will be married by the time you are 25? Welp, I'm halfway through 25, so. Do you have siblings over the age of 21? All of my siblings are. Do you have a hard time admitting you’re wrong? No. Especially as I've aged, I'd say I'm pretty quick to accept if I've fucked up. Who has the ability to hurt you the most emotionally? Jason will probably always have that power, even if he's not in my life. Would you ever be a stripper? God no, nobody wants to see that. What are your plans for tomorrow? Just get through the day, man. Do you owe anybody money? No. How would your parents describe you? Reserved, shy, a deep thinker, animal lover, uhhhh... What is the most you have ever weighed? Let's not. Would you ever work at McDonald's? No. I'm never working in food service. If you aren't already, would you go vegetarian or vegan? I want to be a vegetarian and being a vegan would be perfectly ideal for me, but I really don't think I can healthily accomplish either. I am FAR too picky to where I'd almost definitely become malnourished. To make it even worse I absolutely cannot "suck it up" if I don't like a food, so it's not like I could choke down stuff I don't like. Not to mention I'd be pretty sad without any yummy food to look forward to, aha. Coolest person you've ever met? Uhhhh I don't know. Do you wear boxers? No. Girls, how old were you when you first learned how to put in a tampon? I don't remember. Would you ever attend a gay pride parade or festival? I would absolutely love to. Did you see Paranormal Activity 2? I think I've seen all of the movies. I liked them, given paranormal horror films are probably my fave. What would you do if an old man grabbed your ass? Kick him in the fucking balls so goddamn fast and probably slap him across the face at the same time. Probably cry later from feeling violated and having my fear of men aggravated. Do you like moustaches? It depends on the person, but I'd say I generally prefer an attached beard and a mustache versus JUST a mustache. Could you hack into someone's computer if you tried hard enough? No. I have no idea how to do that. Have you ever smoked a cigar? No. Do you go out on Black Friday? Hell no. NOT worth fighting people for deals. Do you have curtains in your bedroom? No; I have those blinds that you can close upwards or downwards. Did you like the Spice Girls when you were little? Yeah, I did. Can you sing the entire Fresh Prince of Bel-Air theme song? I think I can. Do you get heartburn? I'm literally on an antacid prescription, or else I get insane heartburn every day. Are you scared of elevators? To a moderate degree, yes. I'm terrified of it getting stuck. Have you ever seen a dead body in person? Yes, at an open-casket wake. Have you ever seen The Goonies? I have. If you're white, do you ever wish you were black? Or vice versa? I'm fine being Caucasian, but ultimately don't care. Do you bake cookies all the time around Christmas? I don't bake. Do you like your hair pulled? Uhhh... I'm assuming you mean this in a suggestive context, in which case no. Never pull my hair, actually. What kind of jeans do you like? Ripped skinny jeans. What do you think is overrated? Who really cares. Let people enjoy what they enjoy. And what are your goals for the remainder of this year? Lose lots of weight, find a job, get back into old hobbies and develop new ones... Name a city that starts with A in your state/province etc. Asheboro. Name a landmark that starts with M in your state/province etc. I'm blanking right now. When was the last time you gave a horse a carrot? Been years. I think I've only done that once, and I can't even remember where it was. Have you ever had to shovel snow? No. How many seasons is your favorite TV show in so far? MM was just revived for its fifth season! :') Where would you most like to go in your state, etc. that you haven’t been? NC actually has this really old Wizard of Oz theme park! It's on the other end of the state, though, and NC is one wiiiiiide state. What was the last bird you saw? A robin, I think. What color was the last thing you drank? Green. Has a wild animal ever been loose in your house? Besides insects, no. Well wait, scratch that, once or twice we had a small mice problem when we lived in the woods. What’s the name of the bookstores in your city? The only one I know off the top of my head is Books-a-Million. Where do your parents live? I live with my mom, and Dad lives in the same city as us. Have you ever seen or touched an iceberg? No, but that would be cool. What colour are your father’s eyes? Brown. If your ex turned up on your doorstep now, with nowhere else to go, would you let him/her stay? Well one, this isn't my house, so I can't make that decision. My mom being who she is though, she'd let pretty much anyone stay the night. If it was Sara, Mom would let her stay as long as she needed. The last time you cried, was it connected with someone of the opposite sex? Ugh, yes. My PTSD was BAD last night. Delicious warm brownies or a giant cookie? I'll take the brownie. Have you visited a haunted building or area before? No, but damn I'd love to. Have you been to North Carolina? Ayyyyeeeee that's my home.
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