#the not speaking isn’t bc of any argument or anything it’s just neither of us have been in touch
teabookgremlin · 1 year
love when a friend texts me after months of not speaking and it sounds like she’s trying to make plans but she’s really just asking for a ride
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bellsliturgy · 2 years
sry for the lack of activity on my part here it’s been v stressful wrt the crimis season i’m dealing with a lot of small things and a couple really big things and it makes me want to eat my own hands more details under the cut if ur interested (tw mention of a horrible certain swamp scum transphobe author; fellow transpersons beware)
1) my gma is 85 and is on her last legs idk how much longer she’s got left in her and with her being in the hospital with afib (atrial fibrillation for those who dont know, basically her heart is beating 2 fast and out of rhythm (but afib can be any kind of heart beating speed, it just means it’s Not Normal) and the winter storm she is staying with us which means my mom is more Aggressive and Demanding and Hateful towards me and dad bc idk i guess hosting ur small quiet kind grandma calls for attacking your husband and child (very important ingredient cannot skip)(btw my grandma is fine she’s just very weak and is struggling to physically move around by herself but insurance company is refusing to let her go to a physical rehab center for treatment???? lol????? hashtag AICAB (all insurance companies are bastards)
2) speaking of whom i also came out to my mom as trans after an argument abt justa kunt r*wling (mom doesnt know anything abt how nasty of a creature wizard bitch is but i’m still like mom pls there are better authors out there with fictional work that isn’t harmful) book that she bought for my cousin’s step-daughter (she’s fucking NINE) and i was so triggered i was like i need to get this out it’s weighing on me (it was every time i wanted to come out to her and didn’t it was so damaging to me mentally) so that was wild and lukewarm but she didn’t kick me out of the house and says she loves me and wouldn’t reject me no matter what (unless grandma is around??? for some reason idk) so while that is a good thing it’s still been a very hard birthday month for ya boi greg
3) i’m also on the phones at work which in itself isn’t a bad thing because the calls i get are from ladies who work at the courts across the state and they are for the most part very nice and easy to work with but i have Big Phone Anxiety thanks to my time working at the call center for the same agency (i don’t even answer the phone at home anymore and i get scared when it rings, members of public are nasty and i hate them and they belong in a zoo) so that’s causing me anxiety at night andd also at work even tho when i’m actually talking on the phone it’s not really an issue it’s just the Anticipation of a Call
4) i’m in therapy!!!! with a transgender therapist and he’s WONDERFUL but we are focusing more on cbt (cognitive behavioral therapy) which is digging up a lot of pain for me and forcing me to deal with my emotions and my past trauma so THAT’s A LOT and now i have “I came Out to my MOM” for him for next time so that will be interesting (i need to just let myself cry in front of him i have a VERY hard time crying in front of ppl bc i was horribly abused for crying at a babysitter’s house but that’s 1) very heavy and 2) neither here nor there)
5) BEACUSE OF ALL THE STRESS and cold weather my lip split open and 2 canker sores formed in the split area so that’s been cool
6) christmas is just stressful for me and also my mom has been On One this whole month because murphy’s law keeps going into effect w grandma being in the hospital and her brother my uncle suggesting we have christmas separate because of covid (he and my aunt both had covid VERY recently), grandma being sick in the hospital, and the winter storm and i also have 3 cakes i’m baking so THAT’s stressful to think about and i just want it to be over lollll
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janecrockeyre · 3 years
scum villain is a greek tragedy disguised as a regular tragedy disguised as a comedy disguised as a danmei
this is going to be long, and this is only PART ONE.
a.k.a, Analysing the plot of Scum Villain’s Self Saving System through Aristotle’s Poetics, because I Have Mental Issues
Part One: Introduction and the Tragic Hero
Scum Villain’s Self Saving System is a tragedy disguised as a comedy, unless you’re Shen Yuan, in which case it’s a mixture of a romance and a survival horror. It's a fever dream. It's a horrible, terrible book that made me feel new undiscovered emotions when I finished reading it. 
The thing is... SVSSS shares characteristics with some of the most famous tragedies in the West, such as Oedipus Rex, Medea, Antigone, the Oresteia... if you haven’t read these, I’ll explain everything. But the gist of my argument is this: SVSSS is the perfect tragedy. In triplicate. 
Tragedy as a genre is old as balls and so it has meant slightly different things to different people over the last few thousand years. I'll be focusing on ancient Greek tragedy, which was performed at the yearly Festival of Dionysus in Athens during the 500-350s BC (give or take a hundred years). Aristotle, when writing about this very specific subset of tragedy, had no idea that one day Scum Villain would be written, and then that I would be using his work as a way to look at Shen Qingqiu’s Funky Transmigration Mistake. Anyway!
Greek tragedy greatly influenced European dramatic tradition. I have a lot of opinions about white academics idolising and upholding the classics as the "paragon of culture" but I'll withhold them for now. I have no idea if MXTX has read Greek tragedy or not, so don't take this as me saying they are writing it. 
In my opinion, tragedy is a universal human constant. We are surrounded by pain and hurt and none of it makes any sense, so we seek to process that pain through drama, art, literature, etc. We want to understand why pain happens, and how it happens, and try to make sense of the senseless. The universe is cold and cruel and random. Tragedy eases some of that pain. 
On that note: Just because I am analysing Scum Villain through a Greek lens doesn't mean that it was written that way. I'm pasting an interpretation onto the book when there's probably a very rich and deep history of Chinese tragedy that I just don't know about. If you ever want to talk about that, please, god, hit me up, I would love to learn about it!! 
Anyway, tragedy. MXTX is excellent at it! Mo Dao Zu Shi? Painful dynastic family tragedy. Heaven Official's Blessing? Mostly romance, but she managed to get that pure pain in there, huh? 
But in my opinion, Scum Villain holds the crown for the most tragic of her stories. MDZS was more of a mystery. TGCF was more of a romance. Neither of them shy away from their tragic elements. 
Scum Villain would fit right in between the work of Sophocles, Euripides and Aeschylus. How? Let me show you. Join me on my mystery tour into the world of "Aristotle Analyses Danmei..."
Part One: The Tragic Hero
What is a tragic hero? Generally, Greek tragic heroes are united by the same key characteristics. He must be imperfect, having a "fatal flaw" of some kind. He must have something to lose. And he must go from fortune to misfortune thanks to that fatal flaw. 
There are two (technically three) tragic protagonists in SVSSS and all of them are tragic in different but formulaic ways. Each protagonist has their own version of “hamartia” or a “fatal flaw”. 
Actually, hamartia isn’t necessarily a flaw - rather, it is a thing which makes the audience pity and fear for them, a careful imperfection, a point of weakness in the character’s morality or reasoning that allows for bad things to happen to them. For example, in Oedipus Rex, the king Oedipus has a “fatal flaw” of always wanting to find the truth, but this isn’t exactly a flaw, right? Note: this flaw can be completely unwitting, as we see with Shen Yuan. It can also be something that the protagonist is born with, some kind of trait from birth or very young. 
Shen Yuan
Shen Yuan’s “hamartia” is his rigid adherence to fate and his inability to read a situation as anything but how he thinks it ought to be. He believes that Bingmei will grow into Bingge, and it takes several years, two deaths, and some truly traumatising sex to convince him otherwise. 
Shen Jiu
Shen Jiu’s fatal flaw is his cruelty. It is his own sadistic treatment and abuse of Binghe which directly leads to his eventual dismemberment. This is kind of a no-brainer. Of course, it isn't all that simple, and as an audience we pity him for his cruelty as much as we fear it because we know it comes from his own abuse as a child. This just makes him even more tragic. Delicious. 
Luo Binghe
Luo Binghe’s fatal flaw is a complicated mix of things. It is his position as the “protagonist” which compels him to act in certain ways and be forced to suffer. It is his half-demonic heritage, something entirely out of his control, which sets in motion his tragic reversal of fortune when he gets yeeted into the Abyss. He also, much like Shen Yuan, has the propensity to jump to conclusions and somehow make 2 + 2 = 5. 
As well as having their respective “flaws”, all three protagonists match the rough outline of a good tragic hero in another way: they are in a position of great wealth and power. Even when you split the different characters into different “versions”, this still holds true. Yes, Luo Binghe is raised a commoner by a washerwoman foster mother, but his dad is an emperor and he also ends up becoming an emperor himself. 
Yes, Shen Jiu is an ex-slave and a victim of abuse himself, but Shen Qingqiu is a powerful peak lord with an entire mountain’s worth of resources at his back. 
Shen Yuan is a second generation new money rich kid. 
Bingge is a stereotypical protagonist with a golden finger. Bingmei is a treasured and loved disciple with a good reputation and a privileged seat by his shizun’s side. 
In a tragedy, having this kind of good fortune at the beginning of your story is dangerous. Chaucer says that tragedy is (badly translated into modern english) “a certain story / of him that stood in great prosperity / and falls out of high degree / into misery, and ends up wretchedly”. If we follow this line of thinking, a good tragedy is about someone who has a lot to lose, losing everything because of one fatal point of weakness that they fail to address or understand. 
If we look at Shakespeare, this is what makes King Lear such a fantastic tragic protagonist. He is a king in control of most of England, who from his own lack of wisdom and excess of pride, decides to split his kingdom apart to give to his daughters, favouring his murderous, double crossing progeny, and condemning his only actually filial daughter to death. He loses his kingdom, his mind, and his beloved daughter, all because of his own stupidity.
This brings us to:
Part Two: Peripeteia
This reversal of fortunes is called peripeteia. It is the moment where the entire plot shifts, and the hero’s fortunes go from good to bad. Think of it like one of those magic eye puzzles, where you stare at the image until a 3D shark appears, except you realise the shark was always there, you just couldn't ever see it, waiting for you, hungry, deadly, always lurking just behind that delightful pattern of random blue squiggles. 
Each tragic hero has their own moment of peripeteia in SVSSS, sometimes several:
Shen Qingqiu
In the original PIDW, SQQ’s peripeteia presumably occurs when he finds out that Bingge didn’t perish in the Abyss but has actually been training hard to come and pay him back. There’s really not much I’m interested in saying here - as a villain, OG!SQQ is cut and dry, and the audience doesn’t really feel any pity or fear for him. As Shen Yuan often mentions, what the audience feels when they see OG!SQQ is bloodlust and sick satisfaction. There is also the trial at Huan Hua Palace, which I will talk about in Shen Yuan’s section. 
Shen Yuan (SQQ 2.0)
One of SY’s most poggers moment of peripeteia is the glorious, terrifying section between hearing Binghe for the first time after the Abyss moment, and getting shoved into the Water Prison. 
“Behind him, a low and soft voice came: “Shizun?”
Shen Qingqiu’s neck felt stiff as he slowly turned his head. Luo Binghe’s face was the most frightening thing he had ever seen.
The scariest thing about it was that the expression on his face was not cold at all. His smile wasn’t sharp like a knife. Rather, it showed a kind of bone-deep gentleness and amiability.”
This is the moment of true horror for Shen Yuan, because he knows what happens next: the plot unfurls before him, inevitable and painful, and he knows that death awaits him at Luo Binghe's hands (lol). Compare it with the bone deep certainty with which he faces his own downfall during the sham of a trial later in the chapter (I’ve bolded the important part):
“In the original work, Qiu Haitang’s appearance signified only one thing: Shen Qingqiu’s complete fall from grace. [...] Shen Qingqiu’s heart streamed with tears. Great Master… I know you’re doing this for my own good, but I’ll actually suffer if she speaks her words clearly. This truly is the saying “not frightened of doing a shameful deed, just afraid the ghost (consequences) will come knocking”!”
After the peripeteia is usually the denouement where the plot wraps up and the threads are all tied together leaving no loose ends, but because this tragedy isn’t Shen Yuan’s but the former Shen Jiu’s, it’s impossible to finish. 
Shen Yuan cannot provide the meaningful answers that the narrative demands because 1) he doesn’t have any memory of doing anything, and 2) he wasn’t the person who did them. Narratively, he cannot follow the same path as the former SQQ because he lacks the same fatal flaw: cruelty. 
This is why Binghe doesn’t kill him - because he loves him, rather than despises him. And this is why Shen Yuan has to sacrifice himself and die for Luo Binghe in order to save him from Xin Mo: because the narrative demands that denouement follows peripeteia, and SQQ’s fate is in the hands of the narrative. 
(Side note: I believe that this literal death also represents the death of OG!SQQ's tragic arc. The body that committed all those crimes must die to satisfy the narrative. SQQ must die, like burning down a forest, so that new growth can sprout from the ashes. After this, Shen Yuan's story has more room to develop instead.)
It must happen to show Bingmei that SQQ loves him too. And this brings us to Bingmei.
Bingmei has two succinct moments of utter downfall. The first is a literal fall - his flaw, his demonic heritage, leads his beloved shizun to throw him down into the Abyss. From his point of view, SQQ is punishing him simply for the status of his birth. He rapidly goes from being loved and cherished unconditionally, to being the victim of an assassination attempt. 
He realises that he is totally unlovable: that for the crimes of his species that he never had a hand in, he must pay the price as well: that his shizun is so righteous that no matter what love there was between them, if SQQ sees a demon, he will kill it. Even if that demon is Bingmei. 
The second moment is when SQQ dies for him. Again, from his point of view, he was chasing after a man who was struggling to see him as a human being. Shen Qingqiu’s death makes Bingmei realise that he has been completely misunderstanding his shizun: that SQQ would literally die for him, the ultimate act of self sacrifice from love: that SQQ loved him despite his demon heritage. 
Much like King Lear holding the corpse of his daughter and wailing in sheer grief and pain because he did this, he caused this, Bingmei gets to hold his shizun's cold body and cry his eyes out and know that it was his fault. (Kind of.)
(Yes, I’m bringing Shakespeare into this, no I am not justifying myself)
Maybe I'm a bit sadistic, but that scene slaps. Let me show you a comparison of scenes so you get the picture. 
Re-enter KING LEAR, with CORDELIA dead in his arms; EDGAR, Captain, and others following
Howl, howl, howl, howl! O, you are men of stones:
Had I your tongues and eyes, I'ld use them so
That heaven's vault should crack. She's gone for ever!
I know when one is dead, and when one lives;
She's dead as earth. Lend me a looking-glass;
If that her breath will mist or stain the stone,
Why, then she lives.
And my poor fool is hang'd! No, no, no life!
Why should a dog, a horse, a rat, have life,
And thou no breath at all? Thou'lt come no more,
Never, never, never, never, never!
Pray you, undo this button: thank you, sir.
Do you see this? Look on her, look, her lips,
Look there, look there!
Versus this scene in SVSSS: 
Luo Binghe turned a deaf ear to everything else, greatly agitated and at a loss of what to do. He was still holding Shen Qingqiu’s body, which was rapidly cooling down. It seemed like he wanted to call for him loudly and forcefully shake him awake, yet he didn’t dare to, as if he was afraid of being scolded. He said slowly, “Shizun?”
Luo Binghe involuntarily held Shen Qingqiu closer.
He said in a small voice, “I was wrong, Shizun, I really… know that I was wrong.
“I… I didn’t want to kill you…”
PAIN. SO MUCH BEAUTIFUL PAIN. Yes, I know Shakespeare isn’t Athenian, but he was inspired by the good old stuff and he also knew how to write a perfect tragedy on his own terms. Anyway. I’ll find more Greek examples later.
This post was a bit all over the place, but I hope it has been fun to read. Part Two will be coming At Some Point, Who Knows When. This is a bit messy and unedited, but hey, I’m not getting paid or graded, so you can eat any typos or errors. Unless you’re here to talk to me about Chinese tragedy, in which case, please pull up a seat, let me get you a drink, make yourself at home.
ps: if you want to retweet this, here is the promo tweet!
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yesimwriting · 3 years
playing vices
“A/n a blurb bc ive been working on my novel and ive missed writing for Kirigan :))
I am a fool that has played into her vices enough to make them addictions. That must have been Kirigan's plan. He knows that I don't agree with his methods. He is also much too aware of the fact that I am beyond attached to him. He plays into that fact often, lulling me to him whenever he feels that my conscious is in danger of driving a wedge between us.
Which is why I have become accustomed to falling asleep while running my fingers along his skin as he whispers things much sweeter than anything he would say while fully awake.
But now it's late and he's not here. I sit up, kicking the comforter off of me slightly. It seems Aleksander has been more and more absent these days. When he's not with me, the odds that he's doing something that hurts people are high. His absence is also starting to make me feel like he's losing interest in me. It would make sense considering the fact that he looked twice at me in any capacity has never seemed logical.
Maybe that's why we've never indicated commitment to each other. I don't know what commitment would be with him. He seems to grand to be considered a 'boyfriend', but there's something more than friendly about how he holds onto me. I've never cared for labels until I started feeling displaced.
"You're still awake."
I press my lips together, trying to seem a little calmer. "Couldn't sleep."
"Troubling thoughts?" The question is more weighted than it should be. Everything with him is. 
“Has anyone ever called you dramatic?” 
His lips quirk upwards, hinting at a smile. Warmth pools in my stomach, the way it always does when he lets me see the slight glimmer of light that’s still in him. Sometimes I think he only shows me this softness when he feels that I may pull away. It may be rooted in manipulative intent, but I know that it’s real. 
“Only you would have the gall,” he says, voice low yet not dark. 
Kirigan’s easiness coaxes a smile from my lips. A small one, but I can feel the way the crack in my tension feeds his confidence. He takes pride in slipping past the walls I only try to create when cautious or irritated. Today I’m both but I need to pretend like I’m neither. The more resistance he senses, the more forward and effective his advances become. 
I keep my expression neutral. I’m sure Alina could get away with calling him that. I wish she was more unlikable. It would be easier to hide my irritation if I could blame that displaced feeling in my chest on two people. But of course Alina is wonderful, beautiful, and his equal.
Whatever. It’s not like we’re really anything. Every time I see him I wait for his betrayal. There’s nothing worth using me for, and somehow that makes me feel worse. He should have never looked at me twice let alone encourage whatever strange relationship we’ve created. 
My silence seems to displease him because he approaches my bedside easily in quick yet patient strides. Now that he’s close enough to touch I feel some of the ice I managed to solidify melt. 
Kirigan lifts a hand and places it on my knee easily. I stiffen instinctually, he runs his thumb over my skin to fight my resistance. “Who’s upset you?” 
I breathe, forcing myself to ease. “No one has.” I don’t have to meet his gaze to know he doesn’t believe me. That’s the core source of our attachment, we can read each other with less than a look. “I’m just getting a headache,” not a full lie, “I’ll feel better after some sleep.” He squeezes my knee slightly, a soft way of asking me for more. “I don’t think I’ll be good company tonight.” 
His hand leaves my knee, fingertips barely grazing my thigh as he moves his hand to hold beneath my chin. I still as he turns my head so that I have no choice but to meet his gaze. “You don’t need to be good company when what I want is your presence.” 
I press my lips together to avoid melting into the promising pools of warmth that make up his irises. He spent all day with Alina, took Zoya’s side in an argument I had with her earlier this week, and now he comes to me late at night. He seems to only want to acknowledge me when we’re alone, and it’s not like I want more than that. I just don’t know how long my heart will be able to teeter the line between nothing and something. I’m a fool for having let it go on this long. 
The only problem is that his steady stare is chasing away all of my rationality. “I’m sure you’ll be able to find someone more in the mood to offer their presence.” 
My curtness leaves something behind his expression dull, the hint of a smile that was growing on him has now vanished. I am met with a stoic disposition I have never had directed at me. 
“They’re not you,” he counters, voice edged by something I don’t understand. 
That’s the point. They’re not me--I’m average. I can’t offer power and my relationship experience is basic at best. I don’t want to have this argument, not when I’m basically fighting for him to let me go when that’s not what I want. 
I’m making it easier. If it hurts this much when I was only on the cusp of something, imagine the pain I’l feel if I let it continue. I turn my head away so that he’s no longer holding my chin. “Not a bad thing.” 
“To me it is.” He doesn’t hesitate, my chest swells. His thumb brushes against my cheek, soft and comforting. “I’m tired,” he says this like it’s a confession. His admission hangs in the air for a long moment, as heavy and weighted as my heart. “If you’re angry, wait until morning.” 
Something in my heart cracks. “I’m not angry.” My gaze drops, my thoughts struggling to come together. “I’ll be nicer to deal with in the morning.” 
“Y/n,” his tone twists from distant to warning, “the last time you asked me to leave was when you discovered something you didn’t like.” 
I almost wince at the way he’s worded it. When I found out what his real plans were, I told myself I had to leave. He skirted past all of my reservations and walls, twisting my doubt away through coddling whispers and shy brushes of fingers.
“This isn’t like that.” Not a lie. 
He exhales slowly, the sound dangerously sharp. “Then what is it?” 
“Why did you come here so late?” The question leaves me too sharply. I’m exposing too much but I can’t help it. “If you don’t want to answer, that’s fine.” My voice is flat. “I’m sure Alina will be happy to fill me in.” I can’t bring myself to take in his reaction. “And if she can’t, I’m sure Zoya will be able to.” 
He’s silent for a long second. “Unwarranted jealousy doesn’t suit you.” 
His confidence sparks something angry within me.  “I am not jealous.” The most blatant lie of the night, but I don’t care. I turn my head to glare at him, “and don’t just tact on ‘unwarranted’ before something that’s true just because it’s easier for it not to be.” 
I watch his expression cautiously until the slightest tilt of his lips adds to my anger. He’s enjoying this or he did this intentionally or both. “Darling,” he hums, voice soft, “you are the only person that makes me feel peace.” 
My stomach flutters, the sensation threatening to break my weak resolve. “I am not particularly powerful,” I breathe, voice stiff, “or particularly...” How do I explain this all to him? “Anything.” He’s everything, and I am nothing but average. “I’m average at best, there’s no reason for you to want anything to do with me, and that’s fine--but don’t lie and pretend that that’s not true.” 
The sentence is barely out fo my mouth before I feel myself pulled towards him by the collar of my nightgown. His lips are on mine before I can question where this is going. I kiss him back too quickly, but any effort I expend is returned fervently.
He pushes me back slightly as quickly as he yanked me forward. He doesn’t explain. I don’t ask him to. I should demand an answer and shove him away from me or pull him back towards me. But I do nothing. I just stare at him as he stares at me. 
When the weight of the silence threatens to break something in me, I force myself to speak, “Kirigan--”
“Aleksander.” The name is soft and so fragile I worry it will shatter in the air before it can fully reach me. “You know there’s much I’m not ready to say, but that,” he exhales, the sound so sad I want to reach for him, “that is the one name I have not given to myself and I want you to have it.” Something conflicted crosses his features. “I would never give that to someone average.” 
Emotion swells in my chest, heavy yet not painful. “Aleksander.” I’m not sure if I’m trying to call to him or if I’m just trying to feel his name--his true name--on my lips. 
His eyes widen, something unbearable behind them. He moves the hand holding the collar of my nightgown to my cheek. I lean into the contact like a fool as his eyes flutter shut. “Say it again.” 
I don’t hesitate, “Aleksander.” I lift my hand, fingers hesitant to find their place on his cheek. “Aleksander.”
He sighs into both the contact and the name. “You’re the first thing I’ve allowed myself to want,” his eyes open, but I cannot bring myself to meet his gaze, “I should make you feel like it.”
Something about the way he says that is sad. “I think that if it’s fair to say you were a little distant, it’s just as fair to say that I was a little jealous.” 
Aleksander smiles, but it doesn’t quite reach his eyes. “I’m tired,” he admits, “I’ll enjoy my victory in the morning.” 
I roll my eyes, but scoot over to give him a place by my side regardless. “I’m not sure you won, I think it was more of a draw.” 
He takes the space I offer quickly, never letting the contact between us disappear as he settles himself against my pillow. I let him pull me towards him. “This feels like a victory.” 
I try to ignore the warmth in my chest. “You’re lucky I’m tired enough to find that endearing.” 
I relax as his fingers trace shapes I’ll never know about onto my back. “I agree.” 
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beomglocks · 4 years
what soobin is like as a boyfriend
Tumblr media
warnings & other: none i just love him but let’s be honest who doesn’t, this gets cheesy in some parts bc he just gives off stereotypical kdrama bf vibes but guys he’s the one
w/c: round to 1k
ok first off 
sorry if i rant soobin is my baby so ofc i think he’s the perfect boyfriend
he’s so
ok when you meet him he’s a shy boy
like really won’t wanna look you in the eye
ok like super fucking awkward
like painfully and you’re like “hahah ok that’s cute”
that only applies if you look intimidating tho
if you’re one of those people who’s blessed with not having resting bitch face he’ll be flirty
well you know..
he has his own methods of being flirty
he’s charming in his own way
probably does what yeonjun does but more subtle
will stare at you
and when you make eye contact he smiles and rubs his lip with his finger DJSJSKDK PLZ
alternatively: looks away, purses his lips with a smile, ears get red, looks back up to you already looking at him then he waves
youre left like
“omg he’s so fucking cute”
ok but actually like he will reel you in without you even knowing
next thing you know you’re laughing at his lame ass jokes
god forbid you think he’s funny
“you think I’m funny? well we should date” :)
wait im pretty sure he said he doesnt go after someone unless he knows they like him back
tbh he’d probably wait until you make the first move
or wait until you show interest or else he’ll just hide his feelings
you have to bring him out of his shell
once you do...oh boy
100% never leaving you alone
always telling you how much he loves you
he’s the sweetest
teeth rotting sweet
i feel like he would slowly open up to you during the relationship
he’s not like automatically into it if that makes sense
shy to initiate things at first
such as kissing and touching
asks you if it’s ok first
we love consent
free samples kind of guy
dont take him to an ice cream shop or shops in general
he will devour the free samples
next thing you know you’re leaving with goat cheese and the newest ice cream flavour
he gives hopeless romantic vibes
would want to bake with you in the kitchen
and i know this sounds cliche but
flour fight
he’s cute with it at first
just rubs some flour on your nose then next thing you know
“we turned our dog white”
he’s a simple man
he probably spoils you
but not like expensive item type of spoiling he isn’t extravagant
god forbid the price range of any of the items he buys you exceeds his actual paycheck
cute gifts that you’ll actually use and cherish
i dont see many fights happening with him tbh
maybe if you question his leadership choices then i can see a fight happening
for example if you think he couldve handled a situation better in a certain way and you point that out to him he’ll get all defensive
“im the leader of my group dont tell me what you think is best for my group”
then you’re just like “well shit fuck you too i was just tryna help”
i can see him distancing himself after a fight if you’re also feeling a bit aggitated
doesn’t talk to you until it’s literally 2am and neither of you are sleeping bc yall always cuddle and you’re not cuddling him
he’s always the first one to say sorry
my god he makes fun of you so much
not on a beomgyu level though
more of a “if you say something silly i will make you feel so dumb for the rest of the day” kind of clowning
wow jealousy
i feel like he’s not super jealous unless he feels threatened
everything was fine until the fire nation attacked
once he sees you getting a little too buddy buddy with someone else he’s like nah i gotta shut this shit down
he’s humble but once he’s jealous he’s all braggy to make himself seem above who ever was trying to get at you
“yeah i think we ALL-”
boy do you have to comfort this big baby
he’s sensitive :(
hold him and rub his head on his off days
tell him he’s the best boy and it doesnt matter what anyone else thinks screw them
he laughs like 
“shouldnt i be comforting you?” 
soooooooooo sappy
cliche asf boyfriend
buys you flowers
if he could he would be doing the whole radio outside your window thing (side note: yeonjun would too be he’s whipped asf)
college bf (we saw it coming)
see also: college bf who helps you in what he can and tells you to screw math bc you don’t need it anyways
shows up at your school or job after his practice
everyone loves him
you gotta be on guard 24/7
i wouldnt say you’d be insecure per se but soobin definietly lacks awareness when it comes to being flirted with
he recognizes others advances but laughs awkwardly, forgetting to tell the person he already has a partner
~cue mild argument~
at the end of it all he’s like “dont worry i only like you jeez”
if he’s working on a song he asks for your input
or rather how would you interpret a certain emotion that he isn’t able to convey
just to joke around, if he has to write a song about heartbreak but neither of you have been through that he’ll be like
“well there’s a first for everything :)”
soobin 100% takes the time to learn about your culture
he’s invested what can i say
introducing you to the other members isn’t THAT bad
but they definitely clown soobin
txt: “how come your partner is cooler than our own leader”
“maybe they should lead us instead” (joke)
soobin’s like fuck yall i can be cool :(
always send you cute selfies
with messages along the lines of
“i miss you :((((”
“bring ice cream on your way back!”
“be safe tho xxx”
he gives embarassing dad vibes
you can’t introduce him to your friends !
since he has you around he isn’t too shy and once he engages in conversation you better pack your bags
he’s trying to be funny (keyword: trying) but really it’s just your friends laughing to not make the hot idol bf not feel bad
you help him with his script for music bank
speaking of music bank
yes, yes, you are clowning him like the rest of txt and he comes home like
“not you too :(((((((”
my goodness hueningkai
yall tussle over soobin’s attention
sometimes it feels like youre sharing soobin with kai
you love them both but youre like “kai sweetie it’s cold and i wanna be the one to cuddle my bf so please”
speaking of cuddles 
best cuddles
ones where he’s wearing a really comfortable sweater that’s actually nice material and your face gets buried in his chest 
his limbs will be tangled in yours no doubt
but wow he’s so warm you almost never wanna let go
they don’t call him “home” for nothing
tall boy
makes fun of you if you’re shorter than him
yes he does tease you by placing items on higher-than-you-can-reach shelves
kick his shins he’ll give in
you: ”hows the weather up there”
him: “nice actually but you wouldnt know now would you :)”
tell him your problems, tell him anything
he will listen
and i mean let-you-ramble-for-hours kind of listen
but at the end of it his input is always valuable and he isn’t judgemental
he’s a good listener and gives good advice!!!
he’s not the leader for no reason put some damn trust in him!
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wewinbees · 4 years
“you only saw me as a weapon!” an in-depth analysis of tommy and techno’s relationship /rp
a mild focus on techno’s thoughts since it’s his speech, but not one or the other is in the right here. a lot of this might have been said, but this is a BIG collection from pogtopia to doomsday to address as many angles as possible. to preface, i don’t think tommy sees techno as a weapon and nothing else, but the point remains that techno feels like he does, and that’s important.
this is from like january btw lol
we’ll start with “the blade” tommy’s nickname for techno, which got adopted by a lot of the server (as tommy’s nicknames tend to be). most other people have the Big [X] format, but techno gets this specialised nickname. i think the reason he developed a negative association with it was because of when it was used; when they need him for fights. the most important would be the vault reveal, with wilbur getting everyone to victoriously chant “we have the blade!” to boister morale. this would have been fine in and of itself, if it weren’t for the events of the rest of the day and what that name would come to represent. it ends up becoming a taunt to him, because that’s what people get close to him for. his use to them as the blade rather than his friendship to them as technoblade
tommy’s always very happy to call in techno for help, and techno usualy sorts it out with... minimal effort required. i do see this more as a blend of tommy’s pride in knowing techno and smugness at having that kind of upperhand in a fight over him viewing techno solely as a weapon to use, but this still ends up being detrimental to their friendship because of how much it happens. remember, the entire reason techno joined the server was to help wilbur and techno form pogtopia. techno doesn’t mind helping tommy out, but at some point it’s going to be frustrating, being called in for any and all minor struggles. but in the end of the day, it’s fine, because they’re brothers under the same cause. destroying manberg. Oh Wait.
the main issue came after the festival, with that faith and trust tommy had in techno being shattered; rightfully so, because watching tubbo get murdered was traumatic for him, because for tommy the pit was no way to settle that conflict (which reminded, wasn’t techno’s suggestion, it was proposed and pushed onto them by wilbur). since tommy sees technoblade as unbeatable, he couldn’t understand why techno was so easily peer-pressured by manberg. he was threatened by how many people were against him, he was stressed dealing with the voices telling him to do it, he didn’t see any other way out, he wasn’t getting any support from his only other allies even though he was looking right at them and they still did nothing.
but tommy didn’t understand because he thought techno could have won. techno did try to stall as well, but without orders from his friends he ended up following schatt’s, and once he realised he had the power to kill everyone on stage, he just gave into that power. the miscommunication during the pogtopia arc was why techno felt as betrayed as he did, and why the victim complex argument annoys me so much, since he was kept in the dark for that long while grinding resources for the army. also, since techno wasn’t there for l’manberg’s peaceful days or the start of the disc saga he would never understand how important those attachments were to people, so he’d feel little remorse blowing them all up (especially since he knew that was the backup plan for pogtopia anyway, and just because people were unhappy about it didn’t change the fact that it was a plan)
a lot of people say that techno should have known that pogtopia’s goal was to form a new government, that at some point he should have overheard the real plan. everyone agreed to ‘destroy manberg’ (as in the government not the land) but somehow techno never found out about the ‘restoring l’manberg’ part of the plan. how that happened, who knows, but in the end of the day, the writers chose for that miscommunication to happen for the story. it’s not a how or a why, it’s just a fact that was written in. he didn’t find out until it was right in front of him, and he was bound to feel betrayed by that, enough that he was driven to do something irrational. my personal theory is that techno was mainly following wilbur’s orders, and because wilbur was the real traitor, chances are he never mentioned any forming of a new government since he knew that would lose techno’s support. wilbur was probably using techno as a weapon, that was his mentality for a lot of people back then, but since he was the leader of pogtopia then that negative transference carried on to the rest of the members for techno, most of all tommy as he was the other key founder, and not as underhanded about getting techno’s help. i’d say wilbur’s address of techno during the final speech was the a key reason as to why techno doesn’t feel as used by him than he is with tommy, solidifying the anarchy bros before dying, meaning anything else could be revealed.
after the war, the bedrock bros were completely alienated from eachother. tommy started to blame everything about l’manberg’s destruction on techno, since wilbur died and ghostbur isn’t really at fault for anything. techno distanced himself from everything, going into retirement for the unforeseeable future because he felt like his violent anarchist tactics were futile and grew tired of constant conflict. he talked to tommy a few times during retirement, and every single time, he asks tommy how the government was working out for him. when he was at risk of being exiled, just before being exiled and immediately after exile. he wanted tommy to see the government in the same light as he did, because when l’manberg sold him out he realised they were the same. they’d both been betrayed by the government and from that point on he fully believed tommy would be better off away from l’manberg. but every time tommy said no, because he believed in the original dream wilbur had for l’manberg and because he trusted tubbo’s leadership. techno was smug when he was proved right because of course he was he’s technoblade. plus, they did view eachother as enemies at this point, so it’s not unacceptable for them to argue with eachother right now.
that brings us to the execution. traumatising! the refusal to run a fair trial and the dehumanising treatment from his old allies in pogtopia hammer this home, but importantly they rope philza into the chaos this time. ALSO it’s important to mention that techno was killed; he just got an extra life from the totem. he was actually killed and his character experienced that pain as punishment. he was pushed out of retirement, which was unjust in his eyes, since he believed he had genuinely changed. it didn’t help that quackity explicitly told him it wasn’t actually punishment for the withers, but instead a move to consolidate power, furthering his view of the cabinet as corrupt. from that point on he left retirement. he’d been doing well without violence, building connections with new people like vikk and lazar and finding a fragile form of peace, but in the end this shattered it. he’s back to being the blade, speaking with violence, because l’manberg made it clear there was no other way for him to be heard at this point. so he’s going to destroy them, even if he has to do it alone.
enter stage raccooninnit.
tommy taking refuge in techno’s house because he knew techno was rich enough for him to steal his resources and strong enough to defend him from dream is... interesting. he couldn’t go back to l’manberg, but he took refuge with a man who he viewed as a villain. this probably doesn’t help techno’s opinion of him, since he is quite literally using him for his resources, but in the end of the day tommy was desperate and quite literally on the verge of death, so he seemed to take some kind of pity on him. the exile period of their relationship is definitely the most important part of this argument, because it was just the two of them: no wilbur or pogtopia as an external force (though the pressure of dream and l’manberg still affected things) but in the same way ultimately doomed to fail. they fight for a moment, but ultimately settle as ‘business partners’. which quickly evolves back into a friendship like the one they had before the festival.
my least favourite take is that either one of them never valued the other at this point because this is just.... violently not true. they started off working for mutual benefit; tommy explicitly agreed to do minor terrorism in l’manberg and to help techno get his weapons back in return for techno’s help getting the discs back and taking refuge in his house. from the start both of them stated their limits:
techno was always planning on getting revenge on l’manberg for what happened on the day of his execution
tommy never wanted to upset tubbo, and wanted to put getting his discs back first
should note that tommy changes his mind on the disc’s priority later on, but at the point of their alliance he does make it clear that’s what he wants out of the partnership. the issue is that from the start both of them went in with blind optimism. neither of them lied to eachother or forced them to change their viewpoints but in the end of the day they could never be on the same side as long as l’manberg was involved. (note, i think some people think he wasn’t but techno was actually planning on helping tommy getting the discs back, with him getting annoyed at tommy letting tubbo give dream the disc because that made both of their jobs so much harder, but it was more of a long term goal bc he knew dream was hard to beat. plus before his execution, he visited tommy and strongly implied he would be willing to help with the discs, and that he would be a better ally in those personal aims than NLM were)
i don’t understand the ‘techno was only using tommy’ accusation here because like... how? what would he have to gain by having tommy on his side? he could definitely have blown up l’manberg without his help, so why bring him in at all? it was a very mutual agreement of ‘we’re using eachother’ that developed into genuine friendship. i’ve always seen it as a teaching experience: techno knows tommy had been wronged by NLM, and by extension tubbo, and by taking him on these minor terrorism trips, he’s showing tommy the worst of l’manberg. look, look at this execution stand, look at what they’ve done. and in doing this, he’s trying to prove to tommy that what he’s going to do to l’manberg is right. and in showing him the worst of NLM, he’s neglecting all of its good parts, but again, techno cant see any positives in l’manberg, and is trying to show tommy that everyone, especially tommy, would be better off without it. and tommy had criticisms of l’manberg before he was exiled, especially in regards to tubbo. he told ranboo the reason he chose wilbur to be president instead of tubbo was because he was worried the presidency would ruin their friendship, and Look At Exactly What Happened. techno highlighting the flaws of the country to tommy was easy because it WAS flawed and it hurt both of them. and techno’s hope was that tommy would join him in the eventual destruction of it, because he wanted to share his revenge with tommy and for him to get his own justice against l’manberg. but it... didn’t quite work out that way.
they both tried to make it easier for the other; techno told tommy he didn’t need to fight against l’manberg if he didn’t want to, but tommy came with him to the festival anyway to confront dream, despite techno’s mission being against the government in that situation. tommy started to view tubbo’s cabinet as corrupt for the execution and neglecting him during exile, and ended up helping techno out around the base and even toning down the purposeful annoyance (per techno’s ooc request). and the day before the green festival, he told techno he would help to destroy l’manberg (not knowing how quickly things would escalate the next day, since doomsday was fairly spontaneous) but in the end they would never be able to find a full compromise: techno would always be an anarchist and tommy could never hurt tubbo.
people accuse techno of not caring for tommy, which really annoys me because it’s not?? true??? if anything he shows more outward affection than tommy did. he didn’t have any benefit from taking in tommy, but he still did it. it’s not really basic decency either, given that they were technically enemies beforehand. he picked up on tommy’s fragile state around dream and defended, hid him despite the fact that he owed dream, he kept him away from logsted and the final control room after realising how upsetting they were. he exchanged the christmas presents, he jumped in to defend him against the rest of the server and when tommy betrayed techno, he was genuinely hurt! he was wrecklessly impulsive in a way the calculated blade usually wasn’t, almost blowing up half his house (including almost killing his villagers) because of the negative association with dnret.
that’s not to say tommy doesn’t also get absolutely crucified for betraying techno because of all of techno did for him. again it was somewhat inevitable. tommy said it himself, he was turning into someone he didn’t want to be, he was hurting people, and it was somewhat because he was living with technoblade. he was so powerless under dream, and he liked the feeling of power he got from teaming with techno, so much so that it drove him to cruelty, with even techno telling him he went too far with fundy. in the end, it’s probably for the best that he set that boundary and left to go back to l’manberg, but ultimately it was upsetting to both of them. techno felt betrayed because he genuinely thought tommy was his friend, only to be turned on last minute once again, now surrounded alone by enemies he was trying to protect tommy from. to him, allying with dream was just as bad as tommy allying with l’manberg. a betrayal for a betrayal, absolute reciprocity.
we all know the doomsday speech, with techno’s arguments being consistently stronger than tommy’s and much easier to defend, but we can’t just dismiss him. tommy had a lot of emotional input that day, and was angry at techno for a Lot of reasons, so he was more focused on shouting than making sense. he was more accusatory, while techno had fairly focused rebuttals (which, fair, i’m pretty sure that was techno’s first big addressal of most of that with other characters). it ended with tommy calling techno selfish for destroying l’manberg and techno coldly shutting tommy out for the betrayal.
betrayal was the driving force for techno’s “weapon” speech. tommy used him in pogtopia, tried to use him to stop dream exiling him and terrorising NLM) which he laughed at when told in character) and used him for getting the discs back. tommy wasn’t just using him, he genuinely felt like they had built a relationship beyond that, but when techno acted under his own ideals that went against his, then it was over. because tommy doesn’t value techno’s ideals, because they’re ‘selfish’ to him since he’s one of the only ones who believes in them. in turn techno sees that as making tommy selfish and as such they’re unable to compromise.
living with techno was an important part of tommy’s recovery process, which is still ongoing now. he saw immediate changes from his time with dream, claiming he felt “more me-ey” around techno and genuinely valuing his company. but he viewed techno’s alliance with dream as a betrayal, and he viewed the nov 16th incident as a betrayal. because he see’s techno’s belief in anarchy as selfish. something i never hear people point out is that tommy ADMITS he betrayed techno. after doomsday*, he says “all this time, technoblade told me i was betraying him. and you know what? (whispered) i was.” he’s guilty about it, and he understands that techno’s hurt. but he still can’t see him as being in the right, because techno took l’manberg forcefully and violently, and because tommy was hurt by their separation too. techno was powered by revenge more than anarchy during doomsday, which i think is important to point out. tommy had focused in on the threat of dream, and forgotten all the trauma techno went through with l’manberg, and left techno to rejoin l’manberg.
BOTH of them have explicitly stated “i viewed him as a friend but he never viewed me as one” and that’s just... devastating. at one point we can only hope that they have an in-canon conversation to actually settle all of this, but for now their storylines are separate and we’ll just have to live with that.
if anyone has anything they’d like to ask/clarify, or additions from any side i’d love to see it bc character analysis of dsmp characters is what’s keeping me going rn lmao. i said betrayal so many times here i am very sorry for clogging up the tag bc my readmore isn’t working yet (edit SAVED)
*i actually think this speech from tommy is very important, and not looked at as much as other stuff so im gonna link it here [55:52].
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samanthadalton · 4 years
Star crossed lovers part 7 (au)
pairings: poppy x mc (bea)
warnings: throughout this fic there will be mentions of substance abuse, homophobia, sexual abuse, violence, NSFW, mentions of abandonment, depression and death including suicide
reader discretion is advised
taglist: @somewillwin @cloud9in @save-me-the-last-dance @baexpoppy @stanzoeywade @ognenniyvolk @thepotatobleh @crazzyplays @rxssians @helpconfusedpersonhere @dopeyouth @boys-girls-i-cant-help-it-baby @clowneryme (if you wanna be added on let me know) 
word count: 5.2k (my longest chapter yet) 
if there’s any mistakes i’ll fix it later bc its like 5am here 
part 1: part 2: part 3: part 4: part 5: part 6: 
Birthday Bash 
Poppy stares at the brunette, wide-eyed, her knuckles turning white as she firmly grips on the doorknob, but she doesn’t let go. She definitely wasn’t planning on seeing her girlfriend tonight, and judging by the haunted expression on Bea’s face, neither was she. 
“Hey,” is all Bea can squeak out, lips slightly quivering, her eyes a bloodshot red as if she’s been crying for days. Poppy quickly peaks her head out of the doorway, analysing her surroundings, looking for any traces of anyone's presence before clutching onto Bea’s arm and dragging her into the foyer.
“What happened?” Poppy’s voice is soft, timid, her brows furrowed as she takes in Bea’s demeanour. As the lights shine on Bea, Poppy can see her girlfriend’s features more clearly, her cheeks glisten with dried tear stains, while her hair looks like a bush, most likely from Bea running her hand through hair constantly, a habit she does when she’s upset or angry. 
As if right on cue, Bea runs a hand through her hair, her expression distressed.“ Is it safe to talk here?” Bea’s tone’s insecure as she gazes into the strawberry blonde’s eyes for the first time tonight, and Poppy notices the sad glint in her eyes. It takes all of Poppy’s strength to not break down in tears just by looking at her girlfriend. 
Poppy clears her throat, blinking away the tears, “uh yeah, my dad’s not home. Come let’s go to my room.” Poppy contemplates holding Bea’s hand as she sees it fitted closely to the brunette’s side, but reminds herself how volatile things are between her and Bea so she walks ahead of Bea and not looking behind her until she reaches her room. She opens the door and lets Bea into the room, making a beeline for her bed, sitting at the edge while Bea hovers near the door frame, nervously fidgeting as if it’s her first time in the strawberry blonde’s room, her eyes wearily glancing around the room. 
“You can sit if you want” Poppy pats the space near her and Bea gives her a small smile as Bea gives a small nod of appreciation and meanders over to her bed and settles down, leaving a wide gap between herself and Poppy. As the girls look over at each other, familiarity slowly begins to wash over them as the memories that they spent together in the room come flooding into their minds; the late nights, the sneaking out, the kisses, the cuddles, the I love yous. It wasn’t that long ago where the girls were lying down in Poppy’s bed together discussing their future and senior year, but now as they’re in the same space everything has changed, and deep down inside they both know that. 
Poppy gives Bea a warm smile, her eyes full of affection as she waits patiently for her girlfriend to speak first. Poppy knows firsthand to be submissive when Bea is in a mood, otherwise Bea will just close off and the girls won’t make any progress. After some deliberation, she tentatively reaches out, her hand slowly clasping around Bea’s, giving it a squeeze, a small gesture to reassure her girlfriend that she’s willing to wait. Bea smiles internally at Poppy’s action, but after the dispute between herself and her mother, it has been on a constant replay in her head, almost like a never ending nightmare which she can’t wake herself up from. The girls continue to sit in the silence as Bea tries to gain her bearings, her mind going a million miles a minute, but Bea fights against the flight instinct she has become accustomed to over the last couple of months taking a deep slowing breath before opening her mouth to speak. 
“Thank you for letting me in.” 
Poppy frowns, “you’re my girlfriend Bea, I would never turn you away.” 
Bea glances down at the floor, “so why didn’t you want me at the hospital? Or why haven’t you answered my calls? Texts?” A guilty expression flashes across Poppy’s face, as she stutters, struggling to come up with a valid reason, instead she clamps her mouth shut, her lips pressed together in a thin line. Bea reaches out to take Poppy’s cast in both of her hands, her soft fingers delicately brushing against the rough plaster, a solemn look on her face. “When you fell I-” she abruptly cuts herself off as hot tears begin to stream down her face, she shifts her gaze away from Poppy, in an attempt to hide her face. 
Poppy reaches out, cupping Bea’s face in her hands, her thumbs swiping the tears as she places her forehead against the brunettes, speaking softly against her lips, “Bea I know. I’m okay though.” The strawberry blonde’s voice begins to waver but she clears her throat, pushing away the lump in her throat, “I know I’ve been distant lately. Pushing you away and it isn’t fair. We need to stop avoiding this conversation.” Bea nods into Poppy’s hands, sniffling as she blinks away the last couple of tears forming in her eyes. 
“You’re right.” 
And so Bea tells Poppy everything; her unexpected visit from her dad, the argument with Isabella, the night she was almost mugged. Poppy stares intensely as Bea, quietly taking in the information, part of her feels like an idiot, like she’s being selfish. Crying over a broken arm while Bea’s life is completely falling apart. But another part of her feels hurt, hurt that Bea had been concealing all of this. Suppressing all her emotions to the point where Poppy almost blamed her for her fall. 
She understands that her and Bea live in two completely different worlds. But would that be their downfall? Or would they be able to push through their differences and love each other unconditionally? Promise that they will never keep something from the other? Promise to love and commit to each other no matter the consequences? 
Maybe Bea would be able to, but could Poppy? She has more to lose than Bea does, more at stake. But all those doubts perish when Bea gazes at the strawberry blonde, relief flashing across her face. She seems more at ease than when she first came in, like the weight has been lifted off her shoulders and Bea’s problems shouldn’t be her own burden, Poppy knew what she was getting herself into when she decided to be with Bea. No matter how much life threw at them nothing could take away the fact that they were soulmates, who were brought together to balance each other out. 
“I’m sorry.” 
“Don’t be.” Poppy moves in, she places a soft, long kiss on Bea’s forehead before fitting herself in Bea’s bigger frame, her arms wrapping around the brunette’s waist, while her head nuzzles into her neck. “You have nothing to apologise for Bea. If anything I should be sorry. I’ve been such a bitch, when I should’ve been there for you. I hate that we’ve come to this. Not being able to tell each other anything.” 
Poppy hears Bea sharply inhale and lifts her head to look at her girlfriend, “Was there something else?” 
One of Bea’s hands moves to stroke the strawberry blonde’s hair, she solemnly nods, “yes. Don’t be mad I didn’t say anything earlier because I would’ve but you were ignoring my calls.” Poppy pushes herself off her girlfriend studying Bea’s remorseful expression. “It’s about Carter. 
“What about him? Did he do something to you?” Poppy brow’s furrow while Bea shakes her head. 
“He approached me the night of the volleyball, the game where you fell.” her gaze drifts down to Poppy’s cast, “he knows about us.” 
Poppy feels the blood rushing to her ears, as her heart thumps powerfully in her chest. ‘This isn’t supposed to happen, no one is supposed to know’ is all she can think, while her face pales and her eyes continuously blink, wondering if she’s heard Bea wrong. “What are you talking about?”
“I don’t know how Poppy but he swore he wouldn’t say anything,” Bea stammers. 
Poppy feels anger flaring up in her body as her eyes shoot daggers at Bea, “what the fuck Bea. You know how many times Carter has been to my house in the last week? And this entire time he fucking knew?” Poppy wildly throws her arms around, face reddening by the second. 
Bea feels anger exploding within her, her face scrunched up in a scowl and she starts yelling, “You were ignoring me. I called. I texted. You couldn’t be bothered to check up on your own girlfriend. So don’t you dare” she points an accusatory finger at Poppy, “blame me.” 
Both girls glare at each other, anger reaching a boiling point, the sounds of their tiny quick breaths fill up the deafening silence in the room. Bea takes a step towards Poppy, who in retort takes a step forward too, and without hesitation both girls move in for the kiss, their tongues already tangled together as they fight for dominance. Bea grabs the Poppy by her hips, pulling her closer to her frame, as she angles her head downwards, pushing her tongue into Poppy’s mouth who responds with small moans, her mouth invitingly opening up, as her hands creep up around Bea’s neck, wrapping around it and pulling her down onto the bed. All the pent up anger, passion, the absence of intimacy is met in the kiss, the girls feeding off each other’s kisses not breaking apart for air, as if they can live off the very feeling they’re giving each other. 
Soon the girls pull apart, their gaze fixated on one another, until they break into a fit of laughter, realising how ludicrous the entire situation is. 
“I’m sorry for snapping. I guess I’m scared about people finding out about us.” 
“Hey.” Bea cups Poppy’s face, her thumbs stroking her jawline as her eyes look intensely into Poppy’s brown doe eyes, “I would never let anything bad happen to you. Carter said himself, he’s not the enemy, he’s just an ass.” Poppy lets out an airy laugh, slightly shaking her head, while Bea returns a small smile, “I’m just glad we’re okay now, I missed you.” Bea leans down and places a chaste kiss on the strawberry blonde’s lips. 
“I missed you too. From now on no more secrets okay? We need to make sure we are healthily communicating with each other because I hate fighting with you.” 
“I know, I guess sometimes I just don’t want to burden you.” 
“Bea, you’re my girlfriend, you could never be a burden to me.” The girls share a long look, one filled with affection and appreciation. “You gonna be okay going home? You can stay here if you want.” 
Bea shakes her head, “your dad will be here soon and I don’t wanna risk it. It’ll be fine, I think.” Bea hesitantly adds. 
‘Well, I’m here if you ever need a getaway. And I’m glad we’ve made up because there is no way in hell we are not going to celebrate your birthday.” 
Bea lets out a loud groan, “Dammit it.” 
“We are going to celebrate your birthday Bea Hughes, you are not getting out of this one so easily.” 
In the following weeks, Bea and Poppy could not be in a better place, though their relationship was still a well kept secret from the students of Belvoire, or at least the majority of them, the girls back to being madly in love. Since cheer was not really an option for Poppy currently, she began investing into her role of head of the school newspaper more, while offering more hours to volunteer at her local animal shelter. Bea on the other hand was pouring herself into maintaining a healthy work/school balance. Her and Aria began a family night once a week, where her, Aria and Poppy and sometimes Veronica, Zoey and AJ would all get together and cook and play board games for a couple of hours. Although Bea and Poppy recently made up, they almost got into another fight after Bea put down a +4 in Uno and Poppy almost lost her shit. All the while, Poppy and Zoey were planning Bea’s birthday party. Bea was never too  crazy about her birthday but after a lot of petitioning from Poppy, Veronica and Zoey she eventually agreed to a birthday party which would be hosted by Zoey. 
Soon it’s time for Bea’s birthday and as soon as the brunette wakes up from her slumber she immediately goes onto her phone to see a bunch of birthday messages from all her friends. Poppy of course had wished Bea a happy birthday at exactly 12am and left her girlfriend a very long paragraph including all the reasons she loves her. Zoey leaves a drunken voice message, telling Bea that she’s starting the party early while Veronica gives a short and very mundane message just simply wishing Bea a happy birthday. Bea scrolls through the rest of the birthday wishes thanking everyone for the wishes until a pillow comes flying out of nowhere smashing into her face. 
“HAPPY BIRTHDAY BIG SIS!” Aria jumps onto Bea, giving her some very brutal birthday beats while also not forgetting to give one for luck. Once she’s done, she jumps off Bea’s bed laughing. Bea massages her arms tenderly, mentally planning her little sister’s demise until Aria brings out a small wrapped box from under her bed, holding it out to Bea. 
“Aria you didn’t have to.” 
“Shut up and just open it.” 
Bea amusingly huffs as she carefully unwraps the bow on the box, before lifting the lid. She lets out a small gasp as tears begin to form in her eyes. “Oh my god Aria.” She endearingly stares at her sister before pulling her in for a massive bear hug, “this is the best present ever thank you.’ 
Aria returns the hug for a few moments until breathlessly cries out, “Bea, you’re crushing my lungs.” Bea instantly lets go, sympathetically rubbing her younger sister’s back, 
“Sorry Aria, but this is perfect, how did you know?” She affectionately stares at the picture frame in her hand, beaming at the photo of a young Bea holding a baby Aria in her arms. 
“Because you love that kind of stuff. Mom helped me with it.” 
Bea visibly tenses, “she did huh?” Aria who is completely oblivious about the severity of the altercation between Bea and her mother, only thinking it was just a petty argument that resulted in them not being on speaking terms, merely nods and flounces to the bathroom to get ready. 
After a birthday breakfast where Bea had to take over from Aria who can barely make a decent pancake batter, the girls sit in the living room reminiscing about the past, laughing at the past memories of one another. They’re interrupted by the sudden creaking of Isabella’s door who gingerly looks out of room before stalking towards the kitchen to fetch herself a glass of water. Bea pointedly avoids Isabella’s presence by directing her complete focus to her younger sister until Isabella’s low voice interrupts the conversation. 
“Happy birthday Bea.” 
Bea ignores her mother, clenching her jaw, furious at her mother’s attempt to simply sweep her previous proclamation about not wanting anything to do with her aside. “Hey Aria, why don’t we go to Zoey’s and then I’ll drop you off at your friend’s. We’ll even take my bike.” 
Aria squeals hugging Bea tightly, “seriously? You’ll let me go on the bike?” 
“Yeah, of course. Now go get your stuff I’ll wait here.” Aria rushes into her room while Bea reluctantly makes her way to the kitchen, where Isabella’s expression is downcast as her long nails tap against her glass. “Aria’s staying over at a friend’s tonight and I’ll be home late so I guess you have the house to yourself. Don’t trash it because remember who’s paying the bills in this house.” Bea turns away but Isabella latches onto her arm, her tone pleading. 
“Please Bea. It’s been weeks.” 
Bea aggressively shrugs her mom’s arm off hers before looking directly into her eyes, a fire blazing in them. “And? I meant what I said. No more handouts. You’re on your own. Tell Aria I’m waiting out front.” With that she walks off without a second thought or glance. 
Bea’s birthday is soon in full blast, and as Bea walks into the back yard she can’t help but be in awe of Zoey and Poppy’s collaboration to make the party a hit. The fairy lights carefully placed around the trees, shine brightly, a stark contrast to the dark night sky. A arm slings around Bea’s shoulder pulling her close to the warm body, “Happy birthday bitch!” Zoey places a plastic crown on Bea’s head giving her best friend a kiss on the cheek. As looks up and down appraising Bea’s short red dress, “damn girl, 18 looking good on you already.” 
“How are you already drunk? The party just started.” 
“How are you not drunk yet? It’s your birthday, let loose a little.” Zoey grabs Bea’s hands doing a silly dance before Bea breaks apart her gaze serious. 
“What’s wrong Zoey? I’ve known you long enough to know something’s up.” 
Zoey sighs, slumping her shoulders, her expression dejected, “I asked Veronica if she wanted to come to this party together but she said no.” 
“Aww Zo,” Bea pulls in Zoey for a hug. “I thought you guys really liked each other?” Zoey in retort lets out a bitter laugh.
“I guess it was just about sex for her. But fuck her. I don’t need her to have a good time.” She takes a huge swig of her beer, “besides, tonight is a celebration.” She downs the rest of her drink, exhaling sharply, “I’m gonna go grab another drink.” She makes her way to the drinks stand until Bea is tackled by a hug which almost sends her tumbling to the ground. 
“Happy birthday baby.” Poppy gives Bea a huge kiss on her lips, and when the kiss breaks off, Bea licks her lips a little, tasting the cherry lip gloss from Poppy’s lips. 
“Mmm, thank you,” she pulls Poppy in for another kiss until they’re interrupted by a loud cough. 
“Umm I’m here.” Veronica lifts a hand up waving, while a huge wrapped box is fitted to her side, wrapped around her other hand. “Here, happy birthday.” She shoves the box into Bea’s hands who just looks at Veronica gratefully. 
“Wow, thanks Veronica.” Veronica responds with a small hum as Bea begins ripping off the wrapping and then looks back up at Veronica wide-eyed. “Holy shit V, thank you. This is awesome.” She takes out the fresh biker helmet, staring at it in astonishment, a glossy black exterior, with white stripes painted all over it, brings a huge smile to Bea’s face and she gives Veronica a strong one armed hug. 
“You’re welcome.” Veronica beams as she hugs Bea back, “See told you she’ll like it P.” 
Poppy facetiously rolls her eyes, “fine you were right. But” she pulls Bea back to her side giving her girlfriend a quick peck on her lips, “my present is a million times better.” 
“Well duh you’re her girlfriend.” 
“Oh shush Lombardi, you’re just bitter that Zoey isn’t interested in you.” Bea furrows her eyebrows slightly at Veronica who just embarrassingly turns away. “Well let’s go get some drinks.” 
Many of Bea’s friends from the south join the party including Razor who gets a stern (and slightly drunken) telling off from Poppy for giving Bea a knife. Poppy excuses herself to join Zoey and a bunch of others in a game of truth or dare which Bea respectfully declines. As the party carries on, Bea stands at the edge of the living room carefully sipping her beer as she looks around, the music infectiously blaring from the speakers as everyone begins to dance. AJ sidles up to Bea giving her a warm hug wishing her a happy birthday. 
“I was wondering when you would show up.” 
“My dad wanted me to stay for a family dinner since my aunt came over but said I could come to the party once it ended.” 
Bea gives AJ a sincere pat on the back, “Well I’m glad you’re here. Have you spoken to Poppy yet?” 
AJ sheepishly rubs his hand on his neck, a slight frown on his face, “not yet. I’ve been kinda avoiding her but I’ll speak to her and apologize for scaring her.” 
“Alright, go and enjoy the party, I’m just gonna head out for some air.” AJ joins the fray as Bea heads out to the front yard staring at the night sky. 
“I thought you’re supposed to celebrate on your birthday?” 
Bea turns her head slightly to see a smirking Veronica making her way up to her and amusingly huffs, “I just needed some air. Sometimes the music gives me a headache.” 
“Yeah, these parties can be a bit much. But they’re definitely better than the shitty parties from Belvoire’s most finest.” 
“I’ve never been to a Belvoire party before.” 
Veronica exapgreentlying gasps, holding a hand to her chest, “who would’ve thought, Belvoire’s most hated has never been to a Belvoire party,” her voice dripping with sarcasm. 
Bea smirks but her eyes look lost in thought until she looks over at the ombre-haired girl, curiosity in her eyes, “so what happened with you and Zoey, I thought you guys liked each other?” 
Veronica clicks her tongue, her expression contemplating, “she just wasn’t what I wanted.” 
“Oh so there’s someone else?” Bea raises an eyebrow at Veronica who just whole-heartedly rolls her eyes in retort. 
“Maybe. But I don’t know if they want me like that.” 
“Why not? You’re a great girl. I’m sure you would make them very happy.” 
Veronica shakes her head slightly, throwing her head back to stare at the sky, “well, I don’t want to ruin what they already have, it seems” her brows knit together as she ponders what word to use, “solid.” 
“Well you’ll find someone I’m sure. I mean I’m grateful for Poppy, I don’t know where I would be without her.” 
“Yeah, she’s pretty great isn’t she?” 
“Yeah. She is.” Bea smiles, her eyes twinkling as she thinks about her girlfriend. She shakes out of daze and smiles back at Veronica, “thanks again for the bike helmet.” 
“It’s fine Bea. I know how much you love the thing. I just thought you should look cooler while riding it.” Veronica turns to Bea, her expression pondering, “Why do you love motorcycles so much?” 
“Wait.. have you never ridden on a motorcycle before?” Veronica shakes her head. “Oh my god, it’s the best feeling ever, the wind blowing in your face, the speed. It feels like freedom I guess.” 
“Huh. That’s nice I guess.” 
“You guess? No I won’t have that. Come on.” She grabs one of Veronica’s hands steering her towards her bike that’s parked outside the house. “We’re going for a ride now.” 
“Uhhh are you sober enough for that?” Veronica raises an eyebrow at Bea, “I don’t wanna end up on the news for being the influencer who died while riding on a motorcycle with someone under the influence of alcohol.” 
Bea lets out a guffaw, holding her stomach, “I barely drank anything tonight. Trust me, you’re in good hands.” Veronica gives Bea a nod of okay, “uhh wait, let me tell Poppy we’re going for a ride, I’ll be right back.” She leaves Veronica on the sidewalk making her way into the house in pursuit of her girlfriend. She finds the strawberry blonde in the middle of the dancefloor, dancing her heart out to the music, drunkenly singing along to the words. Bea comes from behind, pulling Poppy’s hips to hers, and leans down to whisper into her ear, “looks like you’re having a good time.” Poppy in response, reaches back, her hands entwining around Bea’s neck as she grinds against her hips. 
“I have to admit, even though I had a hand in this party, Zoey really outdid herself.” 
Bea twists Poppy around placing a kiss against her girlfriend’s lips, “i’m glad you’re having fun, you deserve it babe. Veronica is waiting outside for me though. She told me she’s never ridden on a motorcycle before so imma take her for a ride on my bike okay? I’ll be back.” 
Poppy slightly freezes when she sees AJ enter the room, Bea follows her gaze, a solemn look on her face, “he wants to talk to you by the way. I think he wants to apologise.” 
“Yeah I guess we should talk,” Poppy sobers up slightly as she releases Bea and stands a little taller, “I’ll catch you later okay, I still need to give you your present.” 
“Okay,” Bea smiles down at her girlfriend before planting a chaste kiss on her lips, “let me know how it goes between you.” 
Poppy nods and makes her way to AJ while Bea moves towards the front yard. When Poppy reaches AJ she gingerly taps him on the shoulder, AJ jumps from the sudden touch, spinning towards Poppy almost dropping his drink in the process. 
“Gah! Sorry Poppy.” He drinks the contents of his cup before placing it on the counter and looks at the strawberry blonde. “So I’m guessing you spoke to Bea huh?” 
“Yeah, we should go somewhere quieter and talk.” AJ follows Poppy out to the corner of the back yard, away from the rest of the partygoers. “So.” 
“I know Bea already spoke to you about the party and stuff but I guess I wanted to thank you.” 
“Thank me?” AJ says surprised. 
“Yeah. What you did was kinda dumb but your heart was in the right place.” AJ lets out a small laugh shaking his head slightly. “I’m just grateful you would protect me like that AJ.” 
“Of course I would Poppy. You’re Bea’s girlfriend. And even if you weren’t you needed help. I hate when guys think they can do whatever they want to girls without facing the consequences.” There was a depth to AJ’s words, like he wasn’t just talking about that one ordeal, Poppy contemplated asking but AJ is just as fickle as Bea if not more, his behaviour and moods are often unpredictable so Poppy made a mental note to speak to Bea about it later. 
“Well it was very brave of you AJ. I’m glad Bea has amazing friends like you.” 
“Well you’re my friend too Poppy, and you deserve to have someone other than Bea to have your back.” 
Poppy turns silent, absorbing AJ’s revelation, were any of her friends as diehard as Bea’s? Would they ever assist Poppy like how AJ did? Poppy begins wondering if her friends were truly her friends at all, as she looks over at AJ, the young sophomore goofily grinning back at her, and she can’t help but smile. AJ is family to her, how Bea is like an older sister to him means that Poppy is also a sister to him too, and family, look out for each other which is something she’s beginning to learn. She tugs AJ close to her, pulling him into a back-breaking hug as she sobs softly into his shoulder, “thank you AJ, for everything.” 
AJ is too stunned to reply, so his hold around Poppy just tightens as the two just bask in the warmth of the embrace, content that they can rely on each other. 
All the while, Bea takes Veronica out for a ride on her bike while wearing her new helmet which was graciously gifted by the ombre-haired girl herself. 
“It looks good on you.” 
“Thanks.” Bea swings her leg around the bike before settling on the seat, she nods her head towards Veronica, “so? Hop on.”
Veronica timidly ambles towards Bea’s bike and climbs behind the brunette as her legs brushes slightly against her hips. 
“Hold on tight okay? We don’t want you falling off.” Bea says looking back, a widespread grin on her face. Veronica moves closer to Bea on the bike, her hands coming around to grip Bea’s stomach, “just a little tighter V.” Veronica squeezes her arms around Bea’s waist, “perfect. You ready?” 
“Let’s go.” 
Bea takes off on the bike, slowly at first but when she feels Veronica’s fingers beginning to relax around her waist, she begins to speed up, the wind breezing against her helmet while Veronica’s hair freely moves against the wind. The streetlights begin blurring as Bea increases the speed, the motorcycle going almost 50 miles an hour, and Veronica closes her eyes, relishing in the freedom Bea promised she would feel. They circle around the block a couple of times until it comes to a stop and Bea takes off her helmet shaking out her curly hair. 
“Oh my god.” 
“So? How was it?” 
“It was fucking exhilirating. Holy fuck Bea. Maybe I should invest in a motorcycle.” 
Bea lets out a laugh, “you definitely should, see I told you it’s amazing.” 
“Yeah yeah you were right.” Veronica pulls out her phone and gasps, “shit Poppy texted like a hundred times, come on it’s time to cut your cake.” 
The girls make their way to Zoey’s kitchen where everyone stands in a circle, eagerly and a few impatient, waiting to cut the cake. 
“There she is!” Zoey screams as the rest of the party goers cheer and Poppy sidles to Bea’s side giving her a kiss on her cheek. Zoey lights the candles as the group of people break into singing happy birthday. Bea pauses before blowing out her candles, a fond look in her eyes as the candles are blown out and eventually the cake is distributed between everyone and Poppy and Bea settle on the couch with Veronica sitting next to Poppy while Zoey and AJ sit next to Bea all silently eating the cake. 
“So how was the ride?” Poppy asks. 
“Awesome. Veronica is now a motorcycle convert.” Bea jests and Veronica rolls her eyes slightly. 
“Hey, I never had anything against motorcycles okay? I’ve just never been on one until tonight. But it was honestly life changing.’ 
The three girls break into a fit of giggles until Poppy reaches over, intertwining her fingers of her non broken hand, with Bea’s whispering in her ear. “Well I think it’s time for your present.” Bea gleams at Poppy as she allows herself to be pulled away from the couch but not before looking back and giving Zoey a sly smirk hinting at the fact Zoey and Veronica are now sitting next to each other. 
Poppy pulls Bea into Zoey’s empty bedroom before pulling Bea into a long passionate kiss. 
“Is this my present?” Bea grabs Poppy’s hips, a mischievous glint in her eyes. 
“That’s for later babe,” Poppy indulges in Bea’s desires for a few moments, allowing herself to get lost in Bea’s kiss as their tongues tangle together, eliciting a few soft moans from the strawberry blonde. Poppy pushes Bea slightly back, and rests her forehead against Bea’s, “stop distracting me, I gotta give you your present.” 
Poppy brings out her phone and pulls out a picture of an empty apartment, showing the picture to Bea. Bea looks at the photo confused, raising a pointed eyebrow at her girlfriend. “Uhhh I don’t get it.” 
“This is our apartment in New York. I put an early deposit on the place so it’s officially ours.”
read part 8 here 
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sanktnikolais · 4 years
Weather The Storm
A/N: Second piece from the three-year gap series (my house of stone, your ivy grows) of the trilogy and King of Scars lashkljhas another argument bc they have the trope of reluctant allies to lovers pining idiots and I want to explore that more ohoho
have this mess
Word count: 1996
Zoya's boots crunched in the snow as she tore through the crowd of bustling soldiers in the camp. She ignored the curious stares she got from the First Army men, her mind focused on one thing that was driving her feet faster. 
          The King is an utter fool. 
          She grit her teeth as another wave of annoyance hit her, threatening to make her lash out at anyone around. If it weren't for the hushed chatter of a few Grisha from the other side of camp, she wouldn't have known that he was here. 
          Didn't you hear? The King came along with the First Army to lead the attack in the left flank. 
          We would have lost the bigger part of the boundary if it weren’t for their surprise attack. 
          He wouldn't have been recognized if his disguise hadn't faded. 
          It was actually a good cover, but I would have recognized the redheads among our men. 
          Her jaw twitched, the wind picking up around her. She breathed deeply and calmed her powers. But the coldness only became worse. Annoyance had already clouded her reason. The wound in her right arm stung, and she was sure it had opened again, but she didn’t bother checking on it. 
          Zoya should have known he would pull off something like this. If she had, she would have chained him up in his chambers and locked him in there. She figured she had underestimated his stubbornness. 
          Ahead, the biggest tent that she recognized as the makeshift infirmary loomed, with people coming in and out restlessly. A small part of her worried that the King could be one of the wounded inside, but her irritation told her there was no way he would be there if he just hadn't come. That idiot. 
          She was almost by the tent flap when a familiar figure emerged from the inside. 
          "Well, isn't it the Commander?" Tamar was smiling brightly as she approached Zoya, completely unaware of her inner turmoil. Behind her, Tolya came out from the tent as well. They were unharmed, at least, and Zoya felt relieved at that. But unlike his sister, Tolya’s face looked grim at the sight of Zoya. 
          She appreciated the tall man's ability to read facial expressions.
          "I still can't believe—" 
          "Where is he?" Zoya cut her off, voice low. 
          Tamar went silent for a moment. Then she sighed, her smile fading. "He insisted," she said, shaking her head. “I would have locked him up if he hadn’t become all too authoritative.”
          “Then you should’ve tried harder!” Zoya’s voice rose. Some of the soldiers stopped to listen, and she fought the urge to berate them about being nosy and to mind their own damned business. “Do you realize the danger you let him walk into?”
          “Woah, Commander.” Tamar straightened, her sharp eyes narrowing as if she had been challenged to a duel. “Just because you go against him doesn’t mean I would too.” She shook her head in disbelief. “Unlike you, I am loyal to the throne. You could—”
          Tamar stopped abruptly, and Zoya’s anger flared. The winds howled atto her will. “Go on. I dare you,” she said. Thunder cracked in the sky despite the snow, making Tamar flinch slightly though she immediately regained composure and set a hand on one of her axes. Zoya knew she would regret this later, so she tried to calm herself down. But something inside her had been ticked, and the rage just overwhelmed everything. “Go on. I could what?” 
          It was then Tolya stepped forward and got in between them, his towering form almost intimidating Zoya. Almost. “Alright, that’s enough, you two,” he said, his deep voice more gentle than she had expected. He looked at her, then turned to his sister. “Let’s not do this now, or ever, if you may. We’ve all had a rough fortnight, and besides, we have a victory to celebrate.”
          A tense silence washed over them, neither of them wanting to back down just yet. But Tolya's words seemed to get to them because their stances slacked, Tamar letting go of her axes and Zoya willed the wind to calm down around them. 
          The people around them were still watching, so she sent a glare to their way that had them scurrying back to whatever it was they were doing. She closed her eyes and breathed deeply. Not the time to lose control. 
          "Where is he?" she asked again. Her voice was much gentler this time, though it took all she could to make it sound like that. 
          Tolya inclined his head to the side. "There, by the edge of camp near the cliff," he replied. “He went there just now.” 
          Zoya turned to the direction he was pertaining to. True enough, she could make out a small figure through the still falling snow. 
          "Let me guess, he wanted to be alone this time?" she said, tone a bit mocking. The King was out in the open, and he didn't even care about the worst case scenario. "Out there in the open? Good saints." 
          She didn’t let them say anything else as she stomped over her king. The title sounded funny to her, with the way he was acting. He definitely had to live up to his name if he wanted the people to trust him. Or if he wanted her to trust him.
          Lantsov was in a First Army soldier’s uniform, the olive drab looking black against the weather. The golden double eagle on his shoulder indicated an officer’s—a Major—rank, and Zoya was left wondering how he had gotten such a high place in the military despite being young. 
          He was near now, and if he noticed her, he didn’t acknowledge her presence. Zoya was already ready to call him out had he not moved and buried his rifle in the snow in front of him, its stock pointed upwards. She stopped in her tracks. Her eyebrows furrowed as she watched him take off his helmet and put in on the gun, along with a bunch of tags he was holding. There was a long silence, nothing but the sound of the wind could be heard. His head bowed, letting his hand linger on his helmet, and then he was standing straight again, the poise and stance of a well-respected leader.
          She eyed him for another moment, noticing the slump on his shoulders as he clutched at the tags on the helmet, and she was left wondering who owned them. Were they his friends? Mere soldiers he wanted to grieve for? The questions lingered in her mind, but she didn’t voice them out. 
          Another beat passed, and then he trained his eyes forward. “Come to give me an earful, haven’t you, Nazyalensky?” he said, a rueful smile on his lips. If it were some other time, Zoya would have sympathized with him. But now she was just angry. “Worry not, I think I deserve it, anyway.”
          Zoya almost laughed. “I am indeed glad you know your mistake, Your Highness,” she said. She considered her next words, but she couldn’t find a way to make it lighter. “You should not have been here.”
          Lantsov huffed incredulously, as if he were insulted. “And what, my dear Squaller? Sit back pretty on my throne and watch as my men give their life to the country I have sworn to protect?” 
          “As much as I hate to break it to you and your ego,” she said, “it is the only way for you to be able to protect Ravka.” She stepped closer to him to emphasize her point. “You have to live.”
          “I don’t think watching your people do things for you could be called living.”
          “You fool,” Zoya said through gritted teeth. “You’re missing the entire point. You’re the king. If you died in battle, who would have replaced you? Some distant relative who had no care to the throne? A pretender? The Triumvirate?” She shook her head in disbelief. “You’ve chosen us to steer this forsaken country alongside you, so don’t try to make any more reckless decisions that would lead to the nation’s and your own demise.”
          Lantsov became silent, a flash of hurt passing over to his face. It was gone in a blink, and Zoya questioned herself if she had just imagined it. His expression became stoic, the usual one he gave when he was wearing the mask of the monarch again, instead of a boy that had too much on his shoulders.
          “Sometimes I wonder if you knew how it felt like losing people close to you to this country,” he said. His eyes were hard, grief-stricken, and she realized that he had been through wars too, just like her and countless others. “Maybe then you would realize why I am willing to put my life on the line.”
          “We all lost people. And don’t you dare tell me that I do not know how it felt like,” she said. Her aunt’s kind smile flashed before her eyes. She blinked the image away. It wasn’t the right time to grieve, but the pain of losing her rekindled in her chest. “Because I do.” She paused, mustering up her strength to speak. “The only difference is that I don’t let grief consume the logical part of my mind.”
          She expected Lantsov to get angry, or leave, or even remove her from her post. But he just smiled ruefully. “No,” he said. “The only difference is that I am a royal and I am not permitted to die. Even if I wanted to save them, I couldn’t. But you could.”
          Zoya stilled. The words hit like knives to her heart, and suddenly she was fifteen again, crossing the Fold on her own in hopes to see her aunt again. But she never got to her in time. 
          She tried to shove the memories away, but it kept flooding. Her aunt and her niece weren’t just the ones who perished in the war barely a year ago. Sergei, mutilated by the Darkling’s nichevo’ya. Harshaw, struck by a bullet to the chest. Fedyor, thrown from the roof of the Little Palace and down to the waiting monsters. Marie. Paja. And countless others. Friends and companions, lying dead in the pool of blood in the hall they had been staying before the attack happened. 
          She had seen the Second Army on the brink of annihilation. He was aware she had been through the same war, and yet he still asked her if she knew how it felt losing people? 
          Her eyes stung, fists clenched. Her hands twitched at her sides, ready to summon the winds and even lightning to her will if it meant making her point to the king. But she chose not to. It would only make things worse.
          Zoya breathed deeply, letting her anger pass  before she spoke again. She hated this. She hated herself. But above all, she hated him because he was right. 
          She knew to herself she wouldn't have sat back too, waiting until her people made a difference. No, she would be with them and fight alongside them, and try to see the change with her own eyes. 
          But she wasn't the leader of Ravka,  and she never would be. So she would do everything she could to protect its king, even from him himself and his own foolishness. 
          She straightened then, slipping her own stoical mask on her face. “That may have been the difference, Your Highness, but I am not the one who chose your fate. It was you alone, and you would stand up to it.” She started to turn, wanting nothing more than to get away from him. “And your fate is to live. For Ravka.”
          With that, Zoya left the king standing on his own in the cold, the weight of her own words heavy on her shoulders. But she locked them away and continued on. She only did what she knew was right.
          For Ravka.
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fusebcx · 3 years
send ☼ + a ship! ( adam x payton ) @jackfr0sted
who would be the one to randomly adopt a puppy without consultation? payton, and she probably did it for a good reason, too. probably found, like, an ad that said if someone doesn’t adopt the dog, it will be sent to a shelter so she went and took it in, so he can’t even be mad at her for long. later that day, they go to the store to buy some stuff for the doggo. decide on a name together. it’s very wholesome. 
who would force the other to take aesthetic pictures of them? payton, but she wouldn’t really be forcing him. sometimes he doesn’t need any convincing. he’ll just look at her in that certain light, think ‘what the fuck, she’s beautiful’ and take a photo.  sometimes even when she isn’t looking. 
who would do stuff they think is stupid just to make the other one happy? adam. please use this as a reference. also, chances are he automatically stops finding something stupid if she’s the one asking for it. 
who picks out the horror movies to watch just so the other will cling to them? payton picks it, adam’s like “are you sure? it’s scary and last time we watched something scary you couldn’t sleep for two days”, she’s like “i can handle it!” but then she’s spooked the whole time so he has to cuddle her under the blankie for moral support. 
who is constantly studying and who is constantly trying to distract them? adam’s trying to do some bar paperwork stuff like a good manager but she keeps throwing stuff at him and hugging him from behind and trying to straddle him until he picks her up and pins her down. <3 
who initiates the facetime calls whenever they’re separated? payton, because adam hates facetime. she is, however, one of the few people he’ll actually do it with and not complain. she used to always ask him beforehand is she can call him on video chat because she knows he’s usually not all for it, but after some time he told her she can do it whenever, doesn’t need permission. he’s always pleased to see her face, tbh. 
who is more likely to storm out after a fight and who is more likely to cry when they do? depends. sometimes it’s payton but instead of crying, adam gets really fucking mad and breaks something. sometimes it’s adam. he’ll slams the door, too. but if he as much as hears her cry, he’ll be back there in under a minute to hug it out. 
who stays up way too late binge-watching their favorite shows? adam, the king of never fucking sleeping. they’ll start watching something in bed together, payton ends up drifting off, and he stays up for at least four more hours, finishing the season. will either put in headphones and try to be very careful not to wake her up or move to the living room like a considerate man. 
who bites the other’s ear when they’re feeling frisky? adam, cause it makes her squirm and he fucking loves it. will start with the ear, then slowly make his way down her neck, probably feeling her up in the meantime. 
who sprays the other with water when they’re washing the car? payton and adam’s like “haha wow aren’t you the funniest 🙄🙄” but sprays her back when she’s not looking. 
who has more fun decorating the house during holidays? payton and she looks so damn happy doing it he literally can’t help but have fun as well, even when she puts that tacky santa hat on his head. oh, he also definitely lifts her up so she can put the star on top of the tree. 
who is more likely to give the silent treatment when they’re mad at the other? adam, but that’s mostly bc he barely ever speaks. 
who plays with the others’ hair more? they both do. both of them have amazing hair, so they take advantage of it. little spa days where he lets payton braid his hair and then tries to do the same with hers. aside from that, he likes to pull it a lot. 
who is more likely to climb all over the other one when they’re bored? payton. will climb on him like she’s a kitten and he’s a fuckin’ curtain. sometimes starts giving him tiny little kisses, nuzzles his neck, occasionally rests her head in his lap… the whole time, he’s just there like 🥺
who tries to kiss the other as often as they can? ugh, i feel like they both do? perks of not being able to keep their hands off of each other, ig. payton maybe does it more often, but while adam acts all against pda and whatnot, he can be quite a clingy boyfriend. they’ll be at the bar, she’s in his lap, wants to get up to go somewhere with her friend but he won’t let her go until she gives him a kiss. 
who pouts when the other one tells them to shut the fuck up? payton, and you best believe when i say it’s the cutest little pout.
who initiates the sex and who walks away when the other is riled up? they both initiate sex. again, not being able to stay away from each other 🙄 but adam is def the dickhead who walks away after getting her excited. wants her all wet and desperate and begging before he wrecks her. <3 
who always forgets the umbrella and who holds it when they actually have one? adam thinks he’s too macho for the rain so he probably doesn’t even own one. payton is the one who brings it along, even tries to hold it, gets on her toes to reach above his head before he takes it from her and holds it himself. makes more sense that way, since he’s much taller. 
who demands showering first in the mornings? no one really demands anything. payton usually showers first simply because she’s up before him, but sometimes he’ll join her in the bathroom later on and they’ll have a chat while she’s washing her hair and he’s brushing his teeth. 
who sneaks into the shower with the other one in the mornings? they both do because they never lock the doors when showering. always an opportunity for the other to sneak right in, and they take it whenever they can. guess we could say they’re not big on wasting water, yeah? 
who prefers riding the roller coasters and who prefers playing the games? payton wants to ride the roller coaster even though she’s scared. adam goes with her so she can squeeze the life out of his hand at all the crazy turns. meanwhile, he likes to sometimes play the games and win stuff for her because she’s always so happy and grateful for every silly toy he brings back. 
who will text the other one thirty times in a row until they respond? payton, she’s just got a lot to say. can’t fit it all into one message. adam probably does it sometimes when drunk because autocorrect just isn’t his friend. 
who always forgets to charge their phone overnight? neither? i feel like adam has thought it’s charging that one time, but he didn’t plug it properly. payton noticed and fixed it so he wouldn’t have a hard time in the morning. heroic behavior. 
who comes up behind the other and slide their hands into their back pockets? payton. she’ll rest her head against his back, they’ll stand there like that for a moment, but then he turns around and wraps his arms around her. 
who tries to get hugs from the other as often as they can? both, but i lowkey wanna say adam... he’ll often do stuff like randomly pull her into a hug. thinks she smells amazing, likes to keep her close. also, when he cares about you, he’s quite good at giving hugs, so this is definitely fun for both sides. 
who is louder and who constantly has the tell the other to be quiet? again, adam barely makes noises, so probably payton. adam would be louder in an argument, though. and we all know payton’s louder in bed, but he never tells her to be quiet. scream for him, please. 
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sergeanttpoliteness · 5 years
➹types of kisses➹(peter parker x reader)
A colorful collection of your many types of kisses, because a kiss can have more than just one meaning.
a/n: i know i’m three days late, but this is my christmas present :) (sorry for the shitty title) it’s kinda different to what i usually write because there’s really no... plot? it’s just one big but short compilation of fluff and tropes that will give you real bad diabetes. i was gonna include a break-up kiss but bc i’m nice, i decided against it lmaoooo. also !! i wrote this for ps4 peter, but i honestly can imagine it with mcu peter as well-- just choose whatever you prefer ! anyway, i hope whoever is reading this has a wonderful new year, ily.
warnings: making out, a lil bit of grinding but nothing more than that, cursing.
It wasn’t exactly how you wanted it to be.
Not that you thought about kissing Peter Parker too much, anyway. He was one of your best friends, and who thinks about kissing friends? Definitely not you.
Alright, that was a lie— you used to think about it. A lot. And unbeknownst to you, he did as well. However, contrary to your lack of knowledge about his urges, you did know that, for a while now, his feelings towards you changed. And, similarly, he was aware that your own feelings for him, too, transformed into something more. Further than friendly embraces or innocent sleepovers when you were little kids. Bigger than platonic emotion. More than a simple friendship.
It lingered in your minds and was evident in everyone’s eyes, yet neither of you had the courage to move past friendship.
One night at eleven-thirteen, as the two of you— two grown-ups— were in a playground, doing the spider on a swing together and laughing enough that your stomachs ached, that craving to meet his lips resurfaced with such vigor, it spilled out of your mouth.
“Can I say something?!” You laughed as you swayed higher into the air, a yelp involuntarily fleeting past your lips and your legs tightening around Peter’s waist since you feared you were close to falling off the swing and on your back. “Thank you for picking up— shit!— the phone! I really missed you, you know— ow, okay, this really hurts!”
“Okay, I think you’ve had enough,” Peter’s feet immediately skidded against the ground to put your swinging to a halt, sand flying everywhere. Once you were still, you both remained giggling and with youthful smiles that reached your eyes. “Of course I was gonna pick up the phone. What kind of friend would I be if I didn’t?” He said, and you had to hold yourself back from making a face at the word ‘friend’. You couldn’t complain— that’s that you were, after all. Except that this didn’t feel like merely hanging out, rather it appeared like a date.
“It’s pretty late, though.”
Peter shrugged. “Even if it were three AM, I’d still answer any of your calls.”
Your face softened and you bit the inside of your cheek, staring down at your lap. “That’s cute. But if you called me at three AM, I’d tell you to fuck off and then go back to sleep.” Peter opened his mouth in disbelief at your honesty, shaking his head.
“Wow, thanks. I’m glad our love is mutual.”
“It is mutual,” And it was indeed. “I just express it differently. For example, I tell you to stop working yourself to the bone so you can hang out with me and do adult stuff.” You placed one hand on his shoulder and gestured with the other to the empty playground you were in.
Peter chuckled, quirking a brow whilst he unconsciously began to move the two of you back and forth a little. “Adult stuff, huh?” You nodded solemnly.
“This is very mature.” You raised your nose in a not-so-mature way. Peter copied your previous gesture, humming.
“You’re right. Playgrounds were made for twenty-three-year-olds, after all.”
You giggled, but then changed your expression into a more stern one. “For real, you gotta give yourself a break.” You warned him, shaking your finger at him to add more of an emphasis, however, instead you amused him more than anything in the process.
He raised his hands. “Hey, it’s the city that never sleeps.” He defended, but you narrowed your eyes, giving him a look that was enough to communicate you were not accepting any humor. He dropped his hands and hung his head dramatically, sighing. “All right, I’ll try. But I can’t promise anything.”
You smiled sadly. “I know you can’t.” You quickly exchanged your frown for a smirk. “But if you don’t listen to me, I’m afraid you’re gonna have to make it up to me.” You joked, and Peter cocked his head to one side, wearing a crooked smile.
“How, exactly?”
All playfulness vanished and the warmth within your stomach took the spotlight yet again. Kiss me, a thought popped into your head, threatening to control your tongue. But you couldn’t. Even if your eyes accidentally flickered down to his mouth, and he undoubtedly noticed, for he gripped the swing’s chains tightly. You really wanted to say it.
So you chose to do it.
“Maybe you could…” You trailed off as soon as you caught onto some movement in the background, your sight shifting from Peter’s face to it. Suddenly, your eyes grew wide. “Oh, fuck.”
“W-What?” Peter turned to look behind his back, but before he could observe anything, he felt your legs unwrap from his body followed by a heavy object hitting the ground. His head whipped back to stare at you, and now his eyes were the ones about to pop out of his sockets when he saw you on the ground. “Y/N! Jeez, are you okay—”
You jumped to your feet, not bothering to dust off the sand off your clothes before you yanked Peter away from the swing, shushing unnecessarily louder and completely opposing your intention. “Shut up! We have to hide!” You hissed at him, peeking behind his body.
Peter tried following your gaze a second time, but you pulled at his arm harshly. “Why?!”
“Just— just follow me!” Was your explanation as you dragged him to hide behind a tree. You put your hand against the wood, slowly leaning to your side until the tree trunk uncovered your eye. Pointing at a woman standing up from a bench and a guy walking up to her, you glanced back at Peter. “You see her?”
Peter furrowed his brows, momentarily looking down at you. “...Y-Yeah? Isn’t that the teacher you told me about? The one who teaches at your cousin’s school?”
“Yes! And look at her!”
Peter’s attention returned to the woman who hugged her jacket close to her body and now spoke to the man, not discerning anything suspicious at the moment. “She’s talking to someone.” He pointed out the obvious, unimpressed. You groaned, rubbing your eyes.
“That someone is one of her students.”
Peter blinked and eyed the man who turned out to be a teenager. “Oh, he looks much older—”
“Because he’s a fucking drug addict! And I bet she’s his dealer!” You scream-whispered at him, flailing your arm towards the pair.
“I thought you were just joking when you first said that.”
You rolled your eyes, and continued watching them. Whatever the conversation was, it had all of a sudden turned into an argument as the woman poked the kid’s chest with her finger. “Why are they just talking, though?” You asked quietly, as if Peter somehow would have the answer. The volume of their voices increased, but you couldn’t make out any of the words. Scoffing, you shuffled away from Peter. “I gotta hear what they’re saying—”
Before you could tip-toe away from the tree, Peter gripped your arm and pulled you into him. “No. She has a gun.” He motioned to an object peeking out of her pants’ back pocket, and upon further squinting your eyes, you realized it was, in fact, a weapon. Peter gently pushed you towards the tree and he took a step back. “I’ll go make sure nothing bad happens while you stay here, okay?”
You stuttered, your brows snapping together. “No, this is my fucking case, you dickhead.” You began to speed walk past him, but you couldn’t get too far— he grabbed your arm and tugged you back once again. “Peter!”
“Y/N, you’re not a goddamn private investigator—”
“Well, tonight I am!” You broke free from his grasp; however, he quickly had you back in his hold.
“No, what are you doing?!” He embraced you tighter when you squirmed wildly.
“Peter, the kid could be in danger!”
“You don’t even know how to fight!”
“Oh, and you do?” You retorted without thinking. When he processed the absurdity you’d just uttered, he let go of you and stared at you dumbfounded, struggling to speak. Finally, he pointed at himself, his forehead creased.
“I’m Spider-Man!”
You scrunched up your nose, nodding. “Yeah, I don’t know why I said that.”
You totally did. As he remained puzzled, you took the chance and started a race to a tree standing near the woman and the kid. Completely forgetting about Peter’s super-speed, you thought you had succeeded until halfway there, he quickly caught up to you. Without a warning, he tackled you to the ground, falling on top of you whilst you cried out in pain.
“Ow! What the fuck, dude?!” You groaned loudly, but then you slapped your mouth when you recognized how noisy you’d been. Their conversation stopped abruptly, crickets singing whole-heartedly as you and Peter stared at each other wide-eyed.
“Did you hear that? Did you bring someone with you?” You both heard the woman ask. To your horror, footsteps approaching you were the next sound to reach your ears. “Hey, who’s there?!”
“Great, look at what you did—”
“You fucking tackled me to the ground!”
Peter surveyed the area promptly, and his gaze fixated on the tree you initially sprinted towards. He didn’t hesitate before he lifted his hand and aimed his wrist to shoot a web to get both of you out of there. But you had other plans.
You gripped the collar of his shirt, distracting him. “I’m so sorry for what I’m about to do, but just— just trust me and follow me, okay?” You breathed out, eyeing him. Peter opened his mouth, about to ask for you to elaborate.
“Wh—” You pulled him down and crashed your lips into his, muffling his exclamation of surprise. Stunned, his eyes stayed open, and when he didn’t react, yours fluttered open to signal at him to play the part. As soon as the hairs of his arms stuck up, he shut his eyelids closed and kissed you back, cupping your face and fully getting into it.
The woman jumped from behind the tree, confident she’d found the culprits of the noise, and— well— yes, she had. However, she didn’t expect to walk upon two people on the grass, in the middle of a make-out session. She grimaced the moment she saw your legs around Peter’s waist and your hands running all over his back as you fucking moaned to a point that it was forthright pornographic.
“Oh!” She exclaimed, her cheeks reddening perhaps more than your face and Peter’s, and she instantly turned around, leaving you two alone.
You two continued, waiting until the woman made an excuse and abandoned the teen. Ten seconds passed and you finally broke the kiss, panting heavily as Peter unknowingly searched for your lips again. “That worked like a charm, huh?” You laughed, dazed and the speed of your heartbeat only incrementing when you saw Peter’s swollen lips.
“Yeah, yeah… a better warning would’ve been nice.”
“Shut up.”
“And was the moaning really… necessary?”
“I saw it on a show. It makes people more uncomfortable.” You explained, out of breath, and he nodded. You both stared at each other, not bothering to move yet. “For the record, you’re a good kisser.” You blurted out and grinned sheepishly. Peter returned the expression, chuckling and unbelieving of your existence.
“S-So are you. But my plan was better.” He smiled bashfully, holding himself up with his hands next to your head. You doubted his statement, narrowing your eyes.
“Did it involve kissing?”
“Then it wasn’t.”
You might have forgotten about your drug deal case and continued making out.
Two months into dating, neither of you thought much about them anymore. Once they became part of your routine, it’s an absent-minded action, not much different from brushing your teeth, or Peter entering your apartment through your window instead of the door like everyone else. But then again, Peter wasn’t merely everyone else. And your unconscious routine kisses weren’t exactly just another bullet point in your ‘to-do’ list, either. If one of you forgot, or simply did not have enough time to spare, you’d both find yourselves missing it.
Which was why you tried your best to follow through with them, despite what situations either of you found yourselves in.
The alarm did not go off that morning (or perhaps you both passed out before you could set it in the first place— you couldn’t remember precisely), reason why you nearly choked on the lather of toothpaste while you brushed your teeth as if your life depended on it. In a way, however, it did, especially your job: you were now running outrageously late, and you could already imagine your boss’ blank expression as he told you he needed to ‘have a talk’ with you since this was the third time it occurred. You whined. You were doomed.
Peter joined you in the bathroom, jumping on one foot as he slid his other leg into his Spider-Man suit. He made a noise and caught your attention— finally, you noticed he had an entire piece of toast in his mouth. He tried to say something with the bread in between his teeth, but it was incomprehensible. You raised your brows, attempting to communicate with him without taking out your toothbrush. You both went on like that for thirty seconds: doing hand gestures and mumbling without getting any idea across until Peter finally put on his suit and bit off a chunk of his breakfast.
“Have you seen my phone?” He asked, his mouth full. You spat out the toothpaste and he couldn’t help the smitten smile that his heart painted onto his face when he saw the froth around your mouth.
“I put it right next to my keys.” You said as you washed your brush. Peter hummed and swallowed before he walked up to you.
“Alright, thanks. I really gotta run now, though.” He planted a kiss on your temple and you groaned in disgust when you felt the crumbles of his toast on your skin.
“Gross,” You wiped your forehead and Peter rolled his eyes, shoving you playfully and about to leave until you grabbed his arm. “Wait!” You encircled his neck with your arms and pecked his cheek for longer than usual, purposefully smearing his face with toothpaste.
“Ugh, gross!” He mimicked you and leaned away from you, laughing. You puckered your white lips, still trying to reach him but his arms pushed you back. “Nuh-uh, I gotta run.”
“No toothpaste kiss from your love?”
“Toast kiss?”
“You’re gonna get fired.”
You let him go.
Later that night, Peter entered your living room, his search for you coming to an end once he saw you asleep on the couch. He laughed quietly, in the back of his head wishing he was sleeping, too, with you, and he kneeled down in front of you. He kissed the tip of your nose— the way he liked to greet you in spite of what state you were in. When he stood up, you blinked your eyes open and you lazily grinned up at him. “Peter-Man is back.”
His gaze moved down to you, guilt appearing after he saw you let out a long yawn. “Ah, man, I didn’t want to wake you.”
You had to return his hello kiss, and so you clutched his hand and pressed your mouth against his gloved knuckles. “C’mere. Join me in my slumber.” You said with an overdone accent.
He didn’t even consider telling you to move to your bed. He plopped down on the small space left and snuggled into you, his own yawn overpowering him. You hugged him tightly from behind, and within minutes, you were both deep into your sleep.
The next morning, you woke up late yet again.
It’d been your first date in four months, and you swore your sex drive had never been higher. 
Peter noticed, of course, and took the decision to ditch the dinner you had originally planned once you finished the movie you were watching— or tried to watch, since you couldn’t take your hands nor lips off him during its entirety. As the credits rolled, you straddled his hips, sucking on the flesh of his jaw. You itched to see his face when he groaned— and my God, that sound did not help your case at all.
You began to trail your mouth down his neck, decorating it with a whole masterpiece of bruises, and Peter wondered how he was going to cover those up; but at the moment, it did not matter a single bit. The two of you were too into it to pull away—
“Ugh, wait—” Or not. Peter stopped you and you blinked at him as he sat straight, taking out the TV’s control remote from under him. “That was really bothering me.” He immediately pulled you back into a kiss, tugging your hair and provoking a small moan out of you.
He broke away from you, his smirk transforming into the fuel feeding your lust. “You really like that, huh?”
“Shut up.” You mumbled and your lips continued to mold into each other with desperation, the sexual desire which had build-up since your last encounter brimming as your tongues met. Peter slowly began to lift the hem of your shirt, and your excitement erupted in the pit of your stomach at the fact that you finally wouldn’t have to wait anymore—
Your phone began to ring. You tried to ignore it, but your ringtone made it impossible. “Hold on,” You sighed, disappointed, and turned your phone off, your jaw set in annoyance. Yet again, you resumed where you left off, more urgent than before. Your hand moved his own back up to your hair whilst the other ran up his thigh. He failed in holding back the jerk of his hips as he pulled at your hair yet again, your moans synchronized. You couldn’t have been more elated you both wore your pajama bottoms as you began to grind down onto his crotch. 
Peter dug his fingers into your hips and he threw his head back, his Adam’s apple bobbing up and down when he gulped to keep his noises down lest your neighbors heard you. “No, no, I wanna hear you—” You breathed out, speeding up your pace, whining yourself. He collided his mouth against yours, grunting into your kiss.
You didn’t know what had gotten into you, but you really, really, really did not wish to stop. And you weren’t going to this time, no matter what—
“Tonight’s our last party as high school people!” A voice and music blasted from the TV and you both jolted away from each other, startled. The credits had gone on long enough that the streaming service began to play a trailer for another movie, the volume at its fullest from where you’d left it earlier. You let out the most exasperated groan in your lifetime and furiously moved off of Peter to go and unplug the TV; however, he slipped his hands under your butt and picked you up.
“The bedroom—” He panted and stopped neglecting your lips as he carried you and ran towards your room, the two of you giggling maniacally when he stumbled through the door and then slammed it shut.
The trailer played all night long.
Peter had lost the fight.
Although you were useless, you tried getting there in time, hoping you could cause any distraction that would give him an advantage. But you heard the explosion, the walls and the ground rattling, and you dreaded you were too late.
You fell through the double doors, nearly losing your full balance and dropping to the floor. However, you maintained your composure, and tried to scan the room. The smoke hit your eyes and they stung, tears forming in your eyes which grew redder as the seconds passed.
Fire blazed throughout most of the room. You went down on all fours and shrugged your jacket off before you rapidly fastened it around your lower face. Your trembling hand grasped the pipe you’d kept with you in case you came upon someone, and you began to crawl into a cloud of smoke, praying Peter was still alive and breathing.
You fought hard to hold in the sobs that clawed at your throat. You couldn’t break down. Not right now, when Peter needed you.
“Peter!” You called out, coughing as a trace of fumes managed to sneak into your system. You went on with your search, nevertheless, even after your hand accidentally touched a scorching piece of metal and left your flesh screaming. Keep going, you told yourself when you cried out in pain, shaking yourself out of it. “Peter, it’s me! I-I’m here!”
A minute went by at most, but it seemed like an eternity. A minute and ten seconds, until you caught a glimpse of Peter’s body surrounded by flourishing flames. “Pete!” You stood up and ran to him, uncaring of your knees as you collapsed next to him. “O-Oh God…” You saw his burnt suit and whimpered, not knowing anymore if the tears pouring down your face were due to the smoke or the appalling despair poisoning your veins. You didn’t waste a single moment dwelling on the sight in front of you, though— right away, you grabbed him under his armpits and took in a restricted breath before you dragged him with you. You only moved him a few inches before you fell to your knees, heaving.
“Why are you so fucking heavy,” You sobbed, the terrifying realization that you might not make it out of there hitting you at full force. “N-No, you’re coming with me. We’re getting out of here, okay, baby?”
You didn’t know why you were speaking to his unconscious body. Perhaps it was the faint desire that he wasn’t gone yet, and he could somehow hear you. You could sense a coughing fit coming, but you stood back up and started hauling Peter across the floor again, this time mustering every last shred of strength your body possessed.
You had no answer to how you made it. But soon, you had gotten Peter as far away from the room as you could, and your arms gave out. You ripped his mask off, cupping his face with your dirty hands. He barely breathed. “Don’t leave me. Don’t you fucking dare. I’m gonna be so mad if you do.” You wiped your nose with your forearm and shook your hands, coughing. “Okay, okay, CPR.”
You placed the heel of your hand on his chest and put the other on top to push down hard. Push, push, push. You carried on begging him to stay with you as you did the compressions, your arms already too weak from having to carry him, but you continued pushing. Push, push, push. When you realized he still wasn’t breathing, you cursed loudly and began to blow into his mouth. You went back to doing compressions.
At the third rescue breath, he began to cough.
“Peter!” You bit back another sob as you watched consciousness slowly return to him, and when he blinked his red eyes up at you, you grabbed his face and pecked his mouth countless times, your shoulders shuddering.
Not too long after, he finally understood what was happening, and he held your shoulders, viewing you up and down. “Oh, thank God you’re okay—”
“No, thank God you’re okay—”
“I was so worried about you.”
“I was worried about you!”
“I tried getting to you as soon as I could—” He pecked you back, his voice raspy. “—but more guys just kept coming at me—”
“A bomb fucking exploded, Peter. I thought you were gone.” You were now weeping. Peter kissed you one last time before he embraced you close, against his wounds’ wishes. As you both tried to calm down, he glanced down at your hands and saw your open knuckles.
His eyes widened. “What happened to you?!” You looked down at your hands, the pain only just setting in once you became aware of your cuts.
“I had to get up here somehow,” You laughed weakly, and pointed at the abandoned pipe a few feet away from you. “I also had that. I’ve got a mean swing you’d be surprised. And a taser.” You took out the taser from your pocket wiggling it. Peter stared at you, his eyes moving back and forth between the taser and the pipe.
“That’s kinda hot.”
“Almost as much as that explosion?”
He had to give you a high five before you finally took him to the hospital.
A comedian’s podcast played in the background as you knelt beside Peter on your bed, using a brush to spread a skincare product evenly on his face. Peter watched you, adoring eyes inspecting you closely while you caught your lower lip in between your teeth and giggled after you heard a joke which you found too amusing. 
He drew patterns on your knee with his thumb and he squinted at you with curiosity, the corner of his mouth lifting upwards. “Since when are you a fan of this skincare stuff?” 
You squeezed a dab of product onto the brush before you grasped his chin gently, leaning closer to his face. “This coworker of mine, his skin is, like, so damn soft and flawless. I asked him what kind of black magic he used and he gifted me this,” You motioned to the bottle next to you, “and so I thought: ‘Well, might as well try it with my poor boyfriend who fucking sweats into a mask most of the time’. Seriously, I feel so bad for your pores—”
“Hey, my skin isn’t that bad, though. It’s beautiful.” He joked. You smiled at his comment, agreeing with your head.
“You’re right. But it doesn’t mean it can’t be better. You also deserve to sit back and relax after that job interview you had today.”
Peter frowned when he saw your excitement at the mention of the interview, self-doubt sabotaging his attempt at relaxing. “I probably didn’t get the job.” He muttered. 
Your brows knitted together and you pulled the brush away from his face to run your hand through his hair. “Shut up, you totally did. You’re the smartest guy I know.” You winked at him teasingly and he rolled his eyes, although his mouth twitched nonetheless. “Okay, you’re done! Now, look— let’s see my new glorious skin.” You gestured to your dried face, patting it to make sure it was ready.
“If our skin isn’t softer than a baby’s butt, I’m gonna sue.”
You snorted at him before you started scratching the product off your jaw. You hissed as it peeled off, pulling at your skin. You attempted to go on, but your pain tolerance was a joke at the moment. “Fuck, I think this now officially gonna be my face for the rest of my life.” You groaned. Peter gently pulled your hands away from your face.
“Lemme try.”
“No!” You playfully slapped his hands off you. “You’re probably gonna rip my face off.” And so he simply stared as you resumed your torture and voiced your complaints, until you gave up once you’d managed to free half of your face. 
Needless to say, you looked like an absolute clown.
In the midst of your battle against the face mask, Peter himself struggled to keep a serious face as he watched you and the product hardened, limiting the range of his expressions. You heard him laugh strangely, and you glanced up at him only to see him with his mouth half-open, his shoulders bouncing up and down with his chuckles, but he remained with a straight-face. 
You quirked a brow when his laughter increased, his eyes tearing up. “What is wrong with you?” 
“I-I can’t laugh.” He gasped, his face starting to twist. You began to laugh at him then, spreading the hilarity further like a virus. “N-No, don’t laugh! You’ll make laugh and I can’t laugh!” He shook his head frantically, his face mask starting to crack.
“You look like an idiot,” You wheezed, and all he could do was admire you as you cracked up and held your stomach, your beam making his chest swell. 
Your appearance was ridiculous at the moment, yet you mesmerized him nevertheless.
When you noticed he’d stopped laughing, you wiped your eyes, trying to calm yourself down, and saw his small smile. “What?” You questioned him, wondering if perhaps he gasped so much he was now dizzy. His grin grew. He didn’t care about the mask anymore. 
“You’re so beautiful.”
You pretended to gag, although your face heated up and your mouth curved into a smile. “Shut up, you’re so lame, God.”
“But you are!”
“You’re so beautiful!” He yelled out dramatically to tease you. All of a sudden, he pulled you closer to him and grabbed your face, determined on peppering all the visible skin of your face with kisses. Your giggles were out of control as you tried squirming out of his grasp, but he continued pecking you over, and over, and over again. 
“I’m gonna throw up!” You laughed, and he smooched your cheek. “You’re a loser, I swear.”
He was your loser.
It’d been eight months since you started dating, and neither of you had said ‘I love you’ yet.
It’s not that there existed no love. Just like you had said the night you first kissed, the love was mutual, but— again— you preferred to show it differently other than verbally. Or at least other than being straight-forward. It was expressed loud and clear whenever Peter squeezed in time in the morning to make you breakfast, every time you both teased each other or you told him to ‘shut up’, and, of course, in the most simple and obvious way: with every single kiss you shared. But you couldn’t have cried it out louder when you told Peter you’d take care of planning the Christmas Eve celebration at F.E.A.S.T.
You knew everything about Peter. You saved a special place in your brain with every detail about him: his fears, his wishes, his regrets, his shoe size— everything. It’s a perk from knowing him since middle school, and now that you were together, you’d only uncovered the remaining information buried deep within. Therefore, after he got a new job that made him as content as working with Otto Octavius did before everything went downhill, you were aware that if you hadn’t intervened, Peter would have overloaded with stress from trying to juggle every aspect of his life plus dealing with the Christmas Eve party.
However, that meant you transferred the restlessness from him to yourself.
Two months of relentless planning, and at last, it was Christmas Eve. At the back of the room, you watched your friend’s band play a Christmas song from afar, anxiously supervising that everyone enjoyed the night. Suddenly, you felt a pair of familiar arms wrap around your waist from behind and a chin atop your head. 
“Hey,” You heard Peter say and you smiled, leaning back into his embrace. “I haven’t been able to hang out with you at all during the night.” 
“I know, I’m sorry. I just wanted to make sure everything was going well.” Your voice, distant and distraught, deepened Peter’s frown. He turned you around and held your face, brushing your cheek with his knuckles. 
“I’m proud of you. You did a great job.”
Although his words made your chest glow, you glanced back at the performance. “Thanks. I was able to add in a few things since I convinced Harry’s dad to donate some money. I guess being his favorite out of you, Mary Jane, and I helped after all, huh?” 
“Well, you can relax now,” He rubbed your shoulders, and you just then realized how tense they were. “The night’s almost over.” Peter reassured you and you sighed, closing your heavy eyes.
“Anything could happen, though.” You forced out a laugh, worry forming a crease in between your eyebrows. “What if something catches on fire? Actually, did you know that people can randomly combust? There’s this one case—”
“Y/N.” For once, he was the one stopping you from rambling. 
“There’s still five songs left of the set.” You pouted at him, trying to convince him to let you off the hook, but he simply stared at you, concerned.
“I talked to Miles, he’s going to take your place while you take a break.”
“I don’t need a break, I just have to watch—”
“Remember the night when we first kissed, and you told me that I needed to stop overworking myself?” He recalled, raising his brows. You pressed your lips together, recognizing how hypocritical you appeared at the moment.
 “This is different, though. I need this to be perfect.” You mumbled. Peter’s brows drew together in confusion. 
“Because of May!” You said, raising your voice a little. The floor now seemed more interesting than Peter or your surroundings. “She deserves it. She really cared about F.E.A.S.T., so I know how important this is for you, too.” You admitted, all of a sudden quiet. 
The corners of his mouth turned downwards. He grabbed your chin and kissed your forehead before his soft gaze interlocked with yours. “Y/N, I bet she’d be so proud right now that she wouldn’t shut up about it, like, ever.” You both laughed, but you smiled weakly, hugging him strongly. “And spending time with you is really important for me, too.” He whispered.
Peter took in a sharp breath and dug his hand into his pocket. “I know it’s Christmas Eve, but I wanted to give you one present today.” 
You tilted your head, your heart falling as remembrance dawned upon you. “But I left my gifts back home.” 
“It’s alright, I-I just…” He took out a tiny box and your eyes widened in panic. “Before you freak out, it’s not… it’s not what you think.” He chuckled nervously and opened it, revealing a silver band ring.
You covered your mouth with your fist while your other hand grasped the ring carefully, inspecting the diamond cut running through the middle. “Pete… it’s so pretty, oh my God. I can’t even imagine how much you spent on it.” You said, guilt etched onto your face.
Peter tried to shrug nonchalantly, but he had to admit the expense stung a bit. “Don’t think about the price tag,” He joked, and then pointed down at the ring. “Look inside it, though.”
You followed his orders and spotted something engraved inside. You lifted it closer to your face to read it properly, squinting your eyes, and once you did, you looked up at Peter’s nervous face with a grin growing on yours. “You… love me?”
It was about damn time.
“Y-You… you like it?” He asked rapidly, his own heart mirroring the speed of his words. 
In the blink of an eye, you met his lips with a deep kiss, unable to stop yourself from smiling into it. “You’re so fucking dramatic, you could’ve just told me but you had to buy a whole ass ring to tell me you loved me.” You nudged him playfully.
“I wanted to be cute!”
“You’re automatically cute, you don’t even have to try.” Peter proved your point as the color of cotton candy painted his cheeks. “But I love it. And I love you, God, I love you so much, Peter, you have no clue.” 
He did. And he loved you back just as much.
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florvinhara · 4 years
my detectives (part 1)
kjahfjhsj i can have a little infodumping... as a treat... anyway this was originally gonna be 1 post but then i got carried away so part 1 in the series of me ranting abt my detectives!
Kira Isabella Song
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Romances N, F, or M
Age: 25 at the start of book 1, currently 26
Birthday: February 7
Star sign: Aquarius sun, Taurus moon, Scorpio rising
Height: 5’7”
Hair: Short, ash blonde, a little longer than chin length
Eyes: dark brown
Race/ethnicity: Korean-American
Other appearance details: Several beauty marks on face and body. a few subtle scars on face/legs from falling out of trees, etc. fingers are callused from band practice and left hand fingers are a little crooked from being broken.
Languages: English, Spanish, a few basic phrases in some other languages
Heart/Mind (equal)
Team player/Independent
Primary skills: Science & combat
Strengths: Trustworthy, strong, courageous, calm under pressure, compassionate, thorough, clever, good intuition, self-sufficient, sure of herself
Weaknesses: Petty, caustic, distrustful, secretive, lackadaisical, insubordinate, emotionally unintelligent, can be disdainful, uncommunicative, contrary
overall body language is casual and unbothered, lowkey her posture is kind of yikes RIP but she has a very fluid way of moving
her voice is smooth and somewhat low in pitch, very even in tone
Loud and/or jumbled sounds sometimes overwhelm her; she usually has noise cancelling headphones with her just in case
Rebellious as a teenager; she started skipping school and getting into fights, did some graffiti and one time she stole a street sign that she may or may not still have
When she wasn’t breaking rules, etc. she was taking boxing lessons, chilling in the library, going on runs, or playing bass guitar in her band
Wanted to get out of Wayhaven as soon as possible after college but was arrested after she came back because she was selling fake IDs and stole a car; absolutely did not want to be law enforcement but Rebecca and the captain essentially made her
The deal was that she would work at the station for 5 years and if she did well/stayed out of trouble she could then quit- she's 3 years into it
deep down if she wasnt a detective she would want to be a paramedic
She shares a lot of mannerisms with Rebecca and they’re way more similar than she’d like to admit
Birds FREAK her out seriously; she’ll deny that she’s afraid of them but she’ll cross the street to get away from them, also hates crowded places and deep water
Scary resting face and has a habit of just... eerily staring at people who are bothering her until they get spooked, but she's not actually that angry or grouchy, she's really just Vibing u know? she's not gonna correct anyone's impression though or they might start like... Talking to her :/
Loves any book/movie/show with a secret society or spy element and stories about a Hero and their Journey, also loves angsty philosophy books; her favorite movies are cheesy but feel-good (The Mummy, Pacific Rim, anything with big CGI monsters)
Doesn’t have much of a sweet tooth but would kill someone for strong coffee; if she’s really tired you can catch her drinking it cold straight from the pot with a straw
Emo/pop punk teen and she definitely cried when MCR broke up, she also listens to a lot of Dixie Chicks, Johnny Cash, Dottie West, Patsy Cline, etc
She’s been drawing since she was a kid- mainly works with charcoal and sometimes pastels. her sketchbooks are like her diaries and she’s never shown them to Anyone Ever
In her spare time, she still plays some guitar, draws, or reads; her library is extensive because she keeps every book she’s ever read or intends to read (it’s one of the few things she’ll drop real money on)
Very tactile person and fussy about textures, she prefers ultra soft blankets/pillows and her bed is basically a nest
Practical, efficient, frugal- she doesn’t necessarily find joy in cooking or anything but she can do it well enough, quick showers, uses cheap soap/shampoo, cuts her own hair
Her hands get super dry/chapped in the winter and it hurts very much :(
Never yells; when she gets angry she’s very cold & will Not hold back; every word is designed to hurt bc she’s purposefully poking at things she knows are sore spots
At the start of the books, she’s kind of... sleepwalking through life? like, she was in a not-great place mentally for most of her teens and didn’t really have a plan for the future but law enforcement was definitely not it? She isn’t feeling super passionate about what she’s doing and it kind of sucks to not have joy in purpose :( luckily that’s changing and is gonna be a significant part of her journey through the series!
Her apartment is cluttered but clean and she knows where everything is, if someone moved one of her things she would not be able to find it and it would bother her until she located it
She’s not stubborn exactly? Like she’ll concede an argument if it’s not super important to her and has no problem with losing or backing down in many cases; she’s pretty open minded in that respect, but if something is central to her values then she will Die before she backs down
On that note she’s overall a very logical person but when it comes down to it she'll follow her heart/first instinct
Does not care about rules or procedures At All, she'll follow them if it suits her end goal but otherwise... nope
Lowkey she… did not care about the reveal? it was a surprise but not her first priority in the moment- she kind of already thought UB was sketchy and didn’t trust them, so mainly she was pissed off that Rebecca had sent them to babysit her instead of actually help solve the murders
Speaking of Rebecca their relationship is kind of yikes. Kira isn’t exactly mad that Rebecca was gone so often, but she does think that she kind of forfeited her parenting rights and was annoyed that Rebecca was interfering with her life; first by getting her on the force and then by dropping UB on her. So now it’s Very Awkward between them because Kira doesn’t want to be like… mean but honestly what is there to say?? They’re trying but neither of them like to share personal information so it’s rough
On the subject of sharing, she just… genuinely doesn’t like to open up. Like, it doesn’t come naturally and in her mind it’s just… nobody else’s business what she’s feeling/what’s going on in her life
Genuinely does not realize that people care about her unless they openly tell her lmao... sad hours but at this point in the story she honestly doesnt think that any of UB cares abt her beyond their job besides the one she's dating :(
"Everyone should be allowed to feel things and rely on the support of the people around them, their emotions are Valid. not me though, this is my personal problem and as such its dumb so i have to get over it alone"
Her primary love language is acts of service, she wants the people she loves to have everything they might need; she’s Soft and really just wants snuggles but also she does not want to address it out loud
Her way of asking for affection is to just... stand/sit there and occasionally glance at the person... hovers like a sad ghost until she gets a hug... literally like 🥺👉👈 sjdhdkn Clown girl
She’s sarcastic and makes a lot of snarky comments, but generally she’s pretty honest unless she doesn’t want to talk about something (in which case she’ll brush it off and deflect or change subjects) which is why it annoys her so much when people are willfully dishonest or conniving
Pretty adaptable and capable of rolling with the punches but she generally dislikes surprises and being the center of attention
genuinely she's pretty chill! and a Huge enabler of chaos as well, like unless it's specifically bothering her she's gonna let it happen and mostly she thinks it's pretty funny to watch from the sidelines
in short she's basically like a feral cat who stares suspiciously at everyone from a distance until they successfully pspspsps their way into her heart and then she would die for them <3 but if she's mad she will make direct eye contact while shoving glasses off the counter
ahdgsksg ok last one i swear she Cannot Sit Properly, always has to be some flavor of lounging or leaning or sitting twisted into a pretzel
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rjhpandapaws · 4 years
Orignal Work, Reed900, Murder Case - Man and Woman, YK Model Found, Truama, Nicholas, Case Closed, To Be Decommissioned, Taken In By Pair, Recovery
//Feelings. This may get its own full length work at some point bc I loved writing it //Cw for homicide, child trauma and the things that come with that, and a graphic-ish depiction of violence.
This case was one that neither Gavin or Richard had seen before. Normally something like this would be handled by Hank and Connor but they were working a high profile serial killer case and couldn’t spare the time or manpower which left the other human android detective duo. Gavin was looking over the crime scene as Richard scanned it looking for evidence. He was about to interface with the deactivated YK500 model but as soon as he touched the smaller android  the little boy’s eyes fluttered open and locked on Richard wide and full of panic. One eye was a deep forest green and the other was shut off from damage. He squeezed Richard’s arm tight enough that if it had been Gavin it would have bruised. Richard let the skin on his arm fall away and called for Gavin as the interface started. “Gavin, we’ve got a survivor in here!” He called before he allowed the interface, the last thing he heard before he was pulled under was Gavin’s rushed footsteps coming into the room.
YK500 531-213-41 Designation: Nicholas is requesting contact: Y/N Y Interface initiated
Nicholas: are my parents okay? Richard: We have people helping them Richard: Can you tell me what happened here?
He felt echoes of Nicholas’s panic as the memories travelled through the interface. He had seen the whole thing, and screamed so the killer had gone for him next, they were human by the looks of it and the fact that the blood left at the crime scene was red. They cut the interface soon after and Richard let go of Nicholas, but the child model was still clinging to him. When Richard was fully aware of himself again he motioned Gavin over, he was better with kids. “This is my friend Gavin, he’s also a detective he’s gonna ask you some questions while I check on your parents.” The child model turned his head so he could see Gavin, he gave the detective a once over before moving to cling to the human detective. Richard looked at Gavin, “I don’t know that he can speak so let him interface with your work tablet or phone please.” Gavin nodded and Richard headed back to the main crime scene.
He scanned it for more evidence now that the cursory scan was over and they had found Nicholas, he wanted to go over the crime scene with a fine toothed comb to find everything he could. He sampled evidence, scanned the room again, and ran reconstructions. He came away with three DNA profiles, two belonging to the victims and the third from their biological son who was in his thirties, the same man from Nicholas’s memory.. He was returning to Gavin when he heard the detective yelled. “Get some fucking techs in here! Nick is crashing!” Gavin’s voice shook, he was angry and was fighting off tears. Richard ran the rest of the way. He skidded to a halt in front of the YK model. “Gavin, if we get asked about this, it’s for the case. Nicholas is living evidence okay.” Gavin was rightfully confused. Richard kneeled down and forced an interface with Nicholas.
Richard: Don’t be afraid, I am going to back up your memories okay Nicholas: I don’t want to go! I want to stay until my mom and dad get back! Richard: Let me do this okay? You’ll be taken care of I promise. He felt Nicholas hesitate for a moment before he gave Richard access to his memories. He was as gentle as possible as he took them, saving them to a locked file simply titled ‘nick’. The techs arrived a short time before he finished and Gavin kept them at bay with the evidence argument. Richard pulled away once he was done and they took his place. They didn’t have anything else they could do here. They did have a suspect by the name of Jacob Hall to track down. Richard was working on getting the warrant for his arrest, using some of Nicholas’s memories and the evidence from the crime scene. the fact that a child’s life was on the line expedited the process. When he received the warrant he emailed it to Gavin, and worked on tracking down Jacob’s last known address. Gavin let him work in silence, but he could see something was eating at him Richard could tell. Normally he would wait for Gavin to say what was bothering him, but the android had a feeling he already knew. “He’s going to be okay Gavin, I have a back up of his memories so even if the technicians can’t get him back online we can find another model to upload him to.” He heard Gavin sigh. “That’s not the point Rich, he’s only hanging on because he thinks he’ll get to see his parents again.” Gavin said quietly, his voice was quiet and unsteady, “There is no one left here to look after him. Would it really be worth it to wake him at all?” “We’re here aren’t we?” Richard asked, “We could always look after him.” “Richard, Nicholas is a whole ass child, he is going to stay a whole ass child unless he decides he wants to be part of the Growing Up program,” Gavin sounded like he was making plans, like he was considering it, “He’s gonna be shut down if no body claims him. I couldn’t let that happen.” “Take a left up here detective.” Richard interrupted. “Raising a kid isn’t like taking care of a cat.” Gavin sighed, “What if he hates us?” “I don’t think he will.” Richard reassured as he placed a steady hand over Gavin’s on the steering wheel. “If we get in trouble for this I’m blaming you.” Richard nodded, before something caught his eye out his window, “Gavin I need you to either slow down or pull over.” “What?” Gavin was snapped out of his thoughts by Richard unbuckling and reaching for the door, “Richard we are going 50!” “That’s why I need you to slow down detective, I saw the suspect, I will send you my location when I have him apprehended.” Richard replied opening his door. “Richard what the fuck!” Was all Richard heard as he rolled out of the car, when he came to a stop, he stood and followed the suspect. When he was close enough he announced his presence, “Detroit Police, I would like to speak with you for a moment.” Jacob broke into a run, so did Richard. The android had an easier time navigating the terrain than the human did and soon had him in cuffs. He pinged Gavin and the detective showed up a short time later serving the warrant and read him his rights.
The interrogation was a struggle for them both, Gavin was livid and let it show, and Richard was struggling not to do the same. He was supposed to be the reasonable one, he was the android but, this was something else. None of them had done anything wrong. Gavin was getting close to his breaking point, child cases were hard for any detective, but they hit a little too close to home for both Gavin and Hank. Jacob was also spitting a lot of android remarks that were getting under Gavin’s skin. About a year and a half ago he had shared those sentiments. “Detective, why don’t you take a break, go catch your breath.” Gavin looked like he wanted to argue, but it seemed to dawn on him that this wasn’t a suggestion, “Get yourself some coffee. I could use some thirium while your there.” “Alright,” Gavin responded as he got up to leave, “If you need me I’ll be on the other side of the glass.” He was almost to the door when Jacob piped off again, “So you let it order you around then? Some detective you are.” Gavin turned to start a fight and Richard stopped him by grabbing his shoulders and blocking the detective’s path with his body, “Gavin, it’s not worth it, go catch your breath.” The android whispered. Gavin wilted a little but left the interrogation room to go take a breather. Richard turned and took the seat across from Jacob at the table and gave a sinister grin, “I know you don’t like androids, and that works fine for me because I don’t like most humans. Here’s the thing though; I’m not the one of us that is going to need to leave the room to maintain bodily function, I can sit here until you decide to talk. So we can talk about why you decided to kill your parents and adopted younger brother, or we can have the world’s longest staring contest.” “It wasn’t my brother.” Jacob said curtly after Richard had finished. “I moved out and they replaced me with a robot child so they could still feel useful.” Richard grit his teeth, “So you killed them? Why not steal Nicholas?” He hated suggesting that, “Why did it have to be murder?” “They replaced me!” Jacob shouted, “I left for college, to pursue dreams of my own and they just buy another kid! One that won’t grow up, never rebel, never disobey, and never leave. Why bother with your independent human son when you have a little play thing that would never grow up?” “So you murdered your parents and little brother, because you were jealous?” Richard asked again, deliberately using the title for Nicholas, because as long as Jacob was mad he would talk. “That little scrap heap wasn’t my brother, it was my replacement!” He snapped, “They all had it coming, but especially that little toy.” Richard leaned forward, he could feel the confession coming. “I knew where he was the whole time you know.” Jacob said with a sinister smile, “There’s this table in the entry where with a cabinet under it in the entry way, I used to hide there too. I let him see what I did to my parents as i took them from him. Let him see what I was going to do to him. Show him what he had caused.” Jacob paused, he didn’t seem to realize he was referring to Nicholas by male pronouns and Richard wasn’t about to tell him. “Then he had to fucking scream. Someone heard him so i had to be quick, I couldn’t to what I wanted to so I just beat his head against the stairs until he shut off. He was crying the whole time, like it actually hurt him. Like he could feel it.” Richard felt sick, which was quite a feat considering as he didn’t have any organs. Rage boiled beneath the surface, but he kept his temperament in check, “You are aware that legally speaking androids are people right? Despite what your personal opinion might dictate. So if Nicholas cannot be saved you are going to be booked on three counts of first degree murder.” Richard stood and nodded toward the two way mirror, “Thank you for the full confession though, it makes our job a lot easier.” Jacob was still puttering with anger as Richard left. Gavin met him in the hall and looked at him with concern. “Your LED is red.” He answered Richard’s unspoken question, “Turned as soon as you left the room.” Richard took the offered bottle of thirium and opened it, “Fifty stab wounds between the two of them all because they wanted another kid. He beat Nicholas’s head against the stairs until he went into emergency shut down and just left him there.” This was Richard’s first case involving a child, and he was starting to see why the other officers hated them so much. They hurt.
Three days later they got the call about Nicholas, he was fully repaired and ready for his memories to be reuploaded. If nobody claimed him after the trial he would be decommissioned. They were ready, they had papers for temporary custody of him while they waited on the adoption papers to come through. They went to the android hospital. Nicholas was in a bed and in stasis. His synthskin was on and he looked peaceful like this. Now that parts of his face were not chipped off and missing. Richard approached the bed and let the skin of his hand fall away. He apologized to the quiet room before he started the memory transfer. When it completed Nicholas woke himself up screaming and Richard was quick to try and soothe him. They were still connected so he send waves of calm and comfort over the link until the fearful pained cry settled onto sniffles and sobs. He sat on the bed and hugged the child model to him. “They aren’t coming back are they?” Nicholas asked once he was able to speak, “Humans don’t get to come back.” Nicholas sniffled again and his breathing stuttered before he spoke again, “You are going to have me talk at the trial and then I am going to be shut down because no one wants a damaged kid.” Gavin spoke before Richard did, “Remember what I said to you on the couch kiddo? That I wasn’t gonna let anyone else hurt you. That means Cyberlife too. Richard and I signed some papers so you can come stay with us after this.” Nicholas turned to look at Gavin, and Richard noticed their eyes were pretty close in color, “Do you promise?” “I cross my heart.” He came to sit on the other side of Nicholas. “You’ll be here for a couple more days, so they can make sure that you’re alright, and then on Friday we’ll be able to bring you home with us.” Nicholas seemed happy with that and relaxed between the two of them. They visited him every day until Friday. They took that day off and took Nicholas home  in the morning and stayed with him as he roamed the house. The weekend went by without too much trouble. The weeks leading up to the trial were a little rough. Nicholas would have panic attacks if he was left alone, so one of them would have to call off to stay home with him, and if that didn’t work he would come to the station with them. The trail was thankfully short but it was hard on Nicholas. Hearing that he was the cause of his parents death in Jacob’s eyes dug up things that the little android had kept buried, and it took months to get him to open up again.
It was two years later when he came to Gavin and Richard and asked to be put in the Growing Up program, he wanted to experience life to the fullest. He had said they were his family, and for the first time since he had deviated, Richard cried. They all had, but it was a sure sign that things were looking up. It would be a rough road ahead, agreeing to grow up wasn’t going to fix anything, but he wanted to be come a man that his mom and dad would have been proud of. He didn’t quite see Gavin and Ricard as parents, but they were his family and he loved them.
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willowistic22 · 4 years
*claps* spromeo angst spromeo angst spromeo angst let specs comfort his boy romeo this is probably a weird ask but whatever you made a post about wanting prompts lol
I can assure you i have sent other ppl weirder prompts AGNXGAHSHAVS I’ve left this and other prompt requests in my drafts bcs school gets in the way from me finishing it so sorry yall. There was two other prompts before this one was sent in but i was only inspired to write this one first for the time being. Anyways I hope you enjoy! 
Despite my hectic schedule with school, yall can still send in some requests! and as an extra note I love angst :) (idk if I’m any good at it. I think i’m kinda good at it but idk abt your opinions hehe)
Romeo sits in the midst of the messy boxes stored in the attic, dusty and old. His first intentions was to look for answers on his own. It didn’t took long, but the truth really stabbed his heart out. 
His mind rewinds the events from yesterday. It was a normal day at the bakery after he finished his last class. His mother busy baking with the only other employee that came into work that day while Romeo was busy tending the customers. 
He got to the last customer in the line, a man with a hood over his head but looks harmless. There isn’t much he can identify but he still could see a little strain of black hair falling off his head. It didn’t bother his brown eyes from starring intensely back at Romeo. He’ll admit, it’s very unsettling. Still, he pushes away the thought with a bright smile on display. 
What the man said caught him off guard, “You don’t know me, but I’m your mother’s brother” 
The voice was stern, a little breathless. He noted the slight Asian accent, the same one his mother has when she feels a certain way.
Romeo wasn’t sure how to turn this man away. He should’ve done that sooner, but curiosity had clouded his mind and stayed quiet with a visibly intrigued expression drawing the lines of his face. 
The man took his silence as compliance and continues to explain. He only caught a few words before his hand got yanked away from the scene. Romeo’s mother stands in front of him to face the man. He can see the visible anger spewing in his mother, the only thing keeping the man alive was probably the cash register in between the two.
Romeo’s mother spoke in mandarin with the man. It didn’t matter if it was for the secrecy since Romeo also speaks mandarin.
“What are you doing here?!” The usual friendly accent his mother would use in this language has been replaced by a dangerous venom. It was the first time Romeo heard it and caused him to jump.
“I came here to see you!”
“That’s not what you said the last time!”
The other customers looked worried at the well being of the old lady who runs their beloved bakery, viciously arguing with a man in a language they don’t seem to understand. It causes a dilemma in them whether to break up the fight or let it be.
But Romeo understands. He stands still in the back, listening carefully to their argument and watch his mother’s back in case the man got out of line. His mother have always taught him to mind his own business, but Romeo can’t help eavesdrop the two. 
With the knowledge Romeo has, everything they’re saying doesn’t make any sense. Though at the same time, it simultaneously does. The mysteries he’s always wondered in the past finally getting answered, but it only leads to more. He darts his eyes to whichever of the two was talking, taking in every word they throw at each other. 
He was cut short by the other employee, asking Romeo for help to unload the huge oven full of freshly baked bread. He shakes out of his daze to get back to reality and walk in the kitchen, still keeping an ear open to keep listening to the argument. 
It didn’t last very long. Probably after a few seconds, the argument stopped. His mother returned to her work as if nothing had happened, but stayed eerily quiet. Romeo would’ve asked for an explanation but thought it was better if he didn’t. 
So now Romeo’s left to sit in the attic all alone. A single vintage paper loosely hanging in between his fingers with two lines caused by the neat folds. His sits on an old box, back hunched down to his knees. His loud breathing rings through his ears and fills the extra space of the attic. 
“Knock, knock” 
Romeo turns around towards the source of the semi-playful voice. Leaning on the door frame was a tall figure with the familiar comforting smile Romeo loves. 
“Specs!” Romeo exclaimed, standing up to get to him whilst still holding on the paper from previously.
He crashes into his chest and reaches up to wrap his arms around his neck. Specs rests his arms around whatever body part he could reach to pull him closer. After realizing they’ve been lingering in this hug a little too long, Specs threads through his black hair. Typical Specs, always able to read the room. 
“How’d you know I was here?” Romeo lifted his head. 
“The others says you went straight to the bakery after your last class” 
It was convenient his home is quite literally above his own workplace. So Specs figured it out quickly when he didn’t see Romeo behind the counter. Despite being a grown adult, Romeo chooses to stay in his childhood home only because he didn’t have the heart to leave his mother living alone. Plus, Romeo works at their bakery on the ground floor. 
“You disappeared on me” Specs lightly said, still stroking his hair. He was expecting to see Romeo at Jacobi’s with the others, like where their friends usually hang out after class. 
“Sorry, I meant to call. I just...” Romeo trailed off, pulling away from the hug. He gestures to the paper with minimal effort and a sorrowful face. 
Specs takes note of the paper’s presence with an inquisitive face then drags his eyes back to Romeo, “Are you gonna tell me what’s goin’ on?”
Romeo smacks the paper to his chest, catching him off guard for a second before grasping it properly. Specs adjusts the position so he can get a proper look at what’s causing his boyfriend to be this upset, though can’t understand the writing. 
Romeo wanders back further in the attic, dropping his head and sighs, “A guy came in yesterday, telling me that he was my uncle”
He turns around to face Specs again and sits in the same box as before he arrived, “Anyone could’ve done that but when ma started arguing with him... it just... sounds real”
The taller boy approaches him, sitting next to him on another box. Romeo instinctively rests his head on his shoulder. Specs wraps one arm around him, softly rubbing his shoulders as he waits for Romeo to find the words. 
“He was saying things about how they missed her and they want her to come home” Romeo explained, still not sounding sure with what he’s saying. 
“Her family” 
For as long as he knew Romeo, his only family is his mother and no one else. Specs stops his hand strokes, fully turning his head to face the shorter boy. 
“I didn’t ask her to explain and end up finding my own answers” Romeo turns to pick up the paper he gave Specs and holds it up for the both of them to view it. Specs props his glasses up to examine it as Romeo continues on, “This was a letter from her family, a reply from the previous letter she sent” 
“It’s basically saying something like.... ‘we don’t want to have anything to do with you anymore, you’re a disgrace to the family for having a baby outside of wedlock” 
They fell silent after that. Romeo drops the letter in his hand to the ground and burying his face into his palms. Specs pulls him closer to his chest and wraps both of his arms around him. They stay like that for a couple of minutes, the only sound filling the room is Romeo’s breathing.  
“Are you okay?” Specs looks down, keeping his grip firm around his torso
Romeo drops his hands down on his lap, revealing a little redness in the corner of his eyes. Specs can see the little droplets of water nearly watering the dark brown color in his eyes. He sighs out, “I don’t know...” 
He fully turns to face Specs and crashes back into his chest, gently wrapping his arms around his torso. Specs moves one hand up to thread through Romeo’s hair, while the other keep a tighter grip around him. He stayed quiet despite feeling trickling water staining his shirt. A few sniffles soon followed which he answers with a kiss to Romeo’s hair and resting his chin on his head. 
Romeo pulls his face away from Specs’ chest just by an inch. He tugs on his boyfriend’s shirt a little as he looks up to face him and sniffles, “I just... I can’t stop thinking of... the idea that...” 
His voice got stuck in the tightness of his throat and continues to sob instead of continuing on what he was going to say. Specs gently wipes his tears down his cheeks and pulls him closer. Romeo’s head now resting on his chest again as Specs rocks them and thread through his hair again. 
“... I was the reason why my mother doesn’t have a family” Romeo whispers though his sniffles, “She wouldn’t have gotten outcasted if it weren’t for me” 
Specs brings a hand to cup his cheek, pulling his face up for him to view it clearly, “Is that how you see it?”
Romeo just sniffles while Specs wipes the rest of the tears away with his thumb. 
“It’s crazy how many possibilities we could think of if we skip a certain event from our past” Specs said, “Things definitely would’ve been different if you aren’t here” 
Romeo stays quiet, wiping another tear falling down his cheek. 
“Your mother would’ve stayed in Singapore and have never opened this bakery in the first place” Specs started, the gentle voice soothes Romeo’s ears, “She wouldn’t have met you... And neither would I” 
Specs smiles, warming Romeo’s heart instantly. Though, it isn’t enough to pull his smile back up yet. 
“Her reality is right here, right now. Making the choice to raise you while running her very own bakery” Specs continues on, “And I don’t believe she regrets it. You can’t exactly fake happiness” 
He pulls Romeo by the cheeks gently, placing a kiss on his forehead and parting his lips with a sweet noise at the end. He looks back down to the boy, “And I’m glad she gave me the opportunity to fall in love with her son” 
Romeo sniffles out a small smile, though the sadness hasn’t left his heart. He lets himself be envelop by Specs’ warmth once again. But now, his breathing is following the pace of Specs’ heartbeat and his eyes has ran out of water to leak out. 
Eventually, he’ll have to face his mother again. He hasn’t seen her since this morning, and he even purposely skipped breakfast to get away from the awkward tension on the dining table. He still has questions that needs to be answered from his mother. But that’s a problem he doesn’t have to deal with till later on. Right now, Romeo’s glad that Specs came here looking for him when he disappeared from their friends. 
Romeo’s glad he’s given the opportunity to fall in love with Specs. 
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lotusjwy · 4 years
“Didn’t you see what I did?!” wwx and lwj, clearly i love Pain - @gremlinmetawin
hello, wangxian is so hard to write and i think i complained about that a lot today 😭  i once again have decided to make this a slight continuation of the last prompt i wrote (again will link the first AND second bits for anyone who hasn’t read it, below!) i’m not entirely happy with this, bc i’ve never written anything that isn’t... well jiang cheng centric, so i didn’t know how to navigate it??? but i hope you like it all the same??? thank u for getting my creative juices flowing, ur always so giving 💜 @gremlinmetawin
It had been a long day for Lan Wangji, and it was only the early afternoon. He wanted nothing more than to drag Wei Ying back to the Jingshi and spend the remainder of their day alone. However, unfortunately that wasn’t a possibility with his brother not leaving his rooms for the day, leaving Lan Wangji to deal with some duties that required immediate attention. Thankfully, Wei Ying had decided to accompany him for the day, making his duties seem less like work and more like running errands with the love of his life.
As they were passing by the Hanshi, Lan Wangji averted his eyes from the dwelling, not wanting to be tempted to go see his brother, having learned from his past mistakes. He wished that there was something he could do for Xichen, that would stop him from getting into these moods, knowing that they were just as draining on him, as they were on those he spoke to.
He was suddenly pulled out of his thoughts, when he felt his husband urgently pulling at his robes.
“Did Xichen-ge play the flute this morning?” Wei Wuxian sounded frantic, his eyes wide, something hidden behind them. Perhaps fear? Wangji was unsure, but he was just as reluctant to let his husband go anywhere near his brother today. Wei Ying had refused to tell him what Xichen had said to him that time, but he knew that the other had had nightmares about it for a long time after, and likely still wasn’t completely over it, even if the two had made their amends.
“He did not. If you wish to see him, you should go tomorrow, instead.” He hoped that whatever Wei Ying wanted from Xichen could wait, otherwise he was not above physically dragging the other away from here. He refused to let Wei Ying see Xichen right now and would do everything in his power to stop it.  
However, it would seem that that wasn’t the case, as the Wei Ying seemed to grow irritated at Wangji, “ugh, no, didn’t you see what I did?!” Wei Ying’s attention was no longer solely focussed on Lan Wangji, as he seemed to be searching for something or someone, “someone let Jiang Cheng go see him, fuck.”
Oh. Lan Wangji actually hadn’t seen Jiang Wanyin, as he had purposefully not been looking towards the Hanshi and had thus, apparently, missed seeing Jiang Wanyin.
If it had been anyone else, Lan Wangji would have pitied the person who unknowingly stumbled upon Lan Xichen whilst he was in one of his moods. However, this was Jiang Wanyin, who had more or less spent the past two decades having built up his reputation by being just as hostile, and so he voiced this to his husband. “I’m sure xiongzhang would have said nothing that Jiang Wanyin hasn’t heard about himself before. Would he not be fine?”
This proved to be a mistake on his part, having somehow forgotten how fiercely protective Wei Ying was over Jiang Wanyin. Wei Ying rounded on his husband, his eyes narrowing in a glare that hadn’t been directed at him in a very long time. “Lan Zhan, we are going to have a serious talk about this later. But for now, I have to go find my idiot brother who’s probably about to shut himself away from everyone he cares about, again.” And with that, he had quickly left, supposedly to find Jiang Wanyin and give him comfort from whatever Lan Xichen had said to him.
Lan Wangji went about the remainder of his day in a trance like state, not being used to Wei Ying being mad at him, without them immediately resolving the                                                                     argument. Of course, they had gotten into fights, what couple did not? But they had generally been about Wei Ying’s lack of care towards himself, rather than something Lan Wangji had done. He wasn’t used to this and he could honestly say that he did not like it. All he could do now was wait for Wei Ying to return and hope that Wei Ying would no longer be mad at him.
It was well after dinner when Wei Ying had finally arrived back, shutting the doors softly behind him. Lan Wangji had winded down from the day, what with 9pm drawing near, though he was growing more impatient for Wei Ying’s return. As time had passed in the day, he had been tempted to go in search of Wei Ying wanting to smooth things over. However, he knew that his husband wouldn’t appreciate him interrupting his time with Jiang Wanyin.
Neither of them said a word to each other, for a few moments, letting an uncomfortable silence fall upon them. Wei Ying moved to grab a bottle of Emperor’s Smile from their ‘secret’ stash and sat down, gesturing for his husband to sit with him.
Letting out a sigh, Wei Ying took a drink directly from the jar before speaking, “do you want to hear what your brother said to Jiang Cheng?”
Lan Wangji could only assume the venom that his brother had spat out, but nodded all the same, “Mn.”
“He told my brother that he killed innocent people for no reason, that he and the cultivation world would have benefitted from him shutting himself away from society.” Taking another swig, Wei Wuxian laughed ruefully, not at all enjoying the situation they were in. A better part of his day was spent comforting his brother and ensuring that he was okay before letting him go back to Lotus Pier, and now he had to work through how his soulmate still hates one of the only family members he has left. “He strung my brother along, let him think that he cared, and then used that against him.”
“Xiongzhang doesn’t mean anything he says on these days…” And that was something that Lan Wangji wholeheartedly believed, he refused to believe that Lan Xichen had meant any of the words that he uttered in these instances.
He tiredly rubbed his hands over his face, trying to consider how to construct his thoughts from here on out, knowing that Lan Wangji would defend his brother to no ends, apparently not realising that Wuxian would do the same. “But Jiang Cheng doesn’t know that, Lan Zhan. How could he have known that when no one told him?”
Wei Ying had a point and Wangji knew it, but he still didn’t understand why Wei Ying was so upset over it, these were words Jiang Wanyin had heard before, “perhaps he should have been told, however it’s not the first time he’s had these wor-“
Wei Ying cut him off, fury in his eyes, “he’s had these words spat at him before, is that what you want to say?”
Lan Wangji silently nodded in response to the other, shocked at the anger he could feel radiating from his husband.
“Who fucking cares, Lan Zhan? I’ve had poison spat at me as well, yet you are there to defend me at every step, regardless of how many times I’ve heard it. Why is it any different when its Jiang Cheng?” And wasn’t that the truth. Any time someone so much as breathes wrong in Wuxian’s direction, Lan Zhan is there in an instant, ready to cut the person’s throat, just to defend his honour.
“You… didn’t do the things you’re accused of.” Lan Wangji was beginning to see the fault in his thoughts, that perhaps he wasn’t being as unbiased as he had originally assumed.
“But I did, Lan Zhan. I did cultivate demonic cultivation. I did leave the cultivation society for the Wen remnants. I killed so many people, I did all of the things they accused me off. I couldn’t control it! Yet you choose to protect me but also to demonise my brother.” Wei Wuxian stopped speaking to take another long drink from the Emperor’s Smile jar. “Lan Zhan, I love you, I love you so much, but I need you to stop hating him so openly.”
“He hates me too.” Perhaps it was a petty response, but Wangji didn’t enjoy being on the other end of being scolded by his cultivation partner.
“Jiang Cheng only gives out what he receives. If you show him kindness and respect, then he will show that back to you in return.” It was always something Wei Wuxian had always noticed about Jiang Cheng, if someone was kind to him, then he would be kind in return, albeit in his own, angry way, but kind all the same. And if you show him nothing but resentment, then he finds no reason to be kind in return. “I’m not asking you and him to get along and become friends, I know how unlikely that is. I’m just asking for you to give him the benefit of the doubt. For you and him to be in a room together without me worrying that the two of you will kill each other. Please.”
Wei Ying was looking at Lan Wangji with desperation in his eyes, and an overall tired look on his face. He hadn’t realised how much this had been weighing on his husband’s mind, and so he had no choice but to agree, “…mn, I promise to try harder to be kind to Jiang Wanyin, in the future.”
“Thank you. I’m sorry I spoke like that to you, but I needed you to understand.”
“Mn. It’s okay.” But there was still one thing lingering on his mind, that Wei Ying hadn’t answered for him yet. “I am... still unsure on something... You do not get upset when people talk about you, why does Jiang Wanyin?”
“Imagine if I had condemned your every move, Lan Zhan. Every life choice you made the past two decades. Not a random disciple from a random sect, but me, your husband.” He looked away from the other, knowing that Lan Wangji would draw his own conclusions about their brothers relationship, or lack thereof, on his own from his words. “Imagine someone you love saying something so horrible about you to your face, saying that they no longer want to be in your company because it’s tiresome to them, and you have no idea why they’d said it. That’s why he got upset, not because of what was said, but because of who said it.”
Lan Wangji began nodding, his mind reeling at the fact that Wei Ying had implied that Jiang Wanyin had feelings for his brother, but he understood what the other was saying. Jiang Wanyin had no idea that Lan Xichen got into these moods, and so he had believed that the other had meant the words that he had said to him. “I apologise for thinking and speaking so carelessly. I’ll try to be more lenient towards Jiang Wanyin in the future.”
Wei Ying gave his cultivation partner the biggest grin that he could muster, “that’s all I could ask from you, Lan Zhan. I’m sorry that I had to leave you alone all day, you must have been so worried.” He stood up, bringing his jar of Emperor’s Smile with him and immediately sat himself down on Lan Wangji’s lap, wrapping his arms around the other’s neck.
“Mn, it is okay. Jiang Wanyin needed you, and you are now here with me.” Lan Wangji smiled at Wei Ying, and gently wrapped his arms around his waist, holding him in place as he pressed a firm kiss to the other’s lips.
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iiasha-archived · 4 years
So, I recently was binge-re-watching Avatar and was wondering how you'd place the SVT members in terms of benders plus non-benders. Vernon really seems like a water bender to me because he's so chill but that also makes me think he'd be Gucci as a non-bender. But Jun as air and Minghao as fire?
AHHHHH omg this is SUCH a good question and i hope you’re ready for the whole ass analysis under the readmore bc i have many Thoughts on the subject 😂 honestly though arguments could be made for any, since i think they all have traits that could fit in with multiple elements!! but anyways longass rambling ahead lmao ❤️
definitely a firebender in my mind, no questions asked, but i could also see the argument for earth
this kind of comes out of his character of being such a great leader
on one hand he has such a passionate and ambitious personality, which is the main reason why i see him as a firebender
especially on stage you can really feel his energy explode
his loyalty also runs soooo deep and one of the things i really admire about him is the lengths he’ll go through to do what’s best for his members. he really does take care of them
so on the other hand, that’s why i also see the argument for earth!
again making him such a great leader, he has a lot of patience and stability
it’s clear that he’s a rock that the others can rely on during turbulent times, and that steadiness is definitely a trait i associate with earthbenders
but overall i think his own personal aspirations and drive make him more suited as a firebender
waterbender! there is a trait that water benders are versatile and adaptable to situations, which i can DEFINITELY see with jeonghan
i mean obviously we speak loads of his cleverness (cheating) and how good he is at speaking out of his ass on the fly
at the same time though i also kind of see him as a flowing river
as in he’ll flow and move in any direction he wants, and is definitely open to change if he is willing to
but god if you try to force that change out of him he is absolutely immovable; he can also be pretty stubborn and relentless sometimes!
and also with rivers how there’s always a destination for it; jeonghan is completely not afraid to do whatever it takes to achieves his goals, which to me is a lot like a river steadily rushing on towards the ocean
even if there are obstacles he’ll do whatever it takes to overcome them (even if it means cheating lmao)
at the end of the day though he’s definitely a healing presence for other members, considering how much they confide in him, which is another property i associate with water 
now with joshua i’m not entirely sure. i could definitely see him as an earthbender or nonbender
my rationale for earthbender is that he’s just very... grounded
while of course he can be really goofy and playful at times, i think in general he’s very down to earth 
like in interviews and stuff he obviously isn’t the one always reaching for the microphone
and his answers are honestly pretty standard most of the time, i haven’t really seen him try to answer in an outrageous way, especially compared to someone like, say, hoshi lmao
even in going seventeen he seems more content to literally just sit back and enjoy the show, only speaking up when he really feels like it
he just gives off super reliable vibes as well; i mean that’s probably half the reason why he got that gentleman nickname lmao
it’s also this difficulty of pinning an element to him that i could see him as a non-bender??? 
i’m not really sure what traits drive home for a non-bender but that’s just my gut feeling lmao. if he was an earthbender he’d be an incredibly chill one
ahhhhh my boy is definitely an airbender!!
i keep thinking back to that interview where the members were asked something along the lines of whether they had worries or something? i can’t remember the exact wording
and like jun (and maybe vernon?) said no and the others were like “that’s just because he forgets” lmao
he is suuuuch a go with the flow type of dude, and his playful nature really plays in well with the aspect of freedom that’s tightly associated with the element of air
another reason i kind of associate him with airbending comes from the show itself, namely aang’s own personality and how much aang would stand his ground to defend his own beliefs and morals
i always come back to jun’s selfless attitude in cyzj when he had to perform without yanan, specifically the stage where he performed with two microphones to represent that he was still thinking of yanan in that moment
like even if he seems all over the place at times, when it comes down to it he’s really going to do what he believes is right, and can be incredibly stubborn about it too
but at the end of the day jun is a lover not a fighter and just wants everyone to have a good time and god i fucking love him for that
what else could our resident tiger be but a firebender
again, the main thing i associate with firebending is high energy and passion and BOY DOES HOSHI DELIVER
but his outrageous outbursts aside i also think there’s a lot to be said of his work ethic that i think really fits into firebending
from the show there is a lot of discipline and hard work that comes with firebending, as fire is often seen as difficult to control
while all the members are obviously hardworking, a lot of them have pointed to him and woozi being the hardest working of them all
hoshi is definitely the kind of dude that throws himself into his work with everything he’s got
and of course the fact that it’s what he loves only helps push that drive and determination even further
i also often think of how hoshi mentions he basically feels possessed when he’s dancing/on stage lmao
but i think that can be attributed to the overwhelming passion he has for the art; it consumes him like an overwhelming flame
for me wonwoo definitely feels like a waterbender
again with the idea of water being adaptable, wonwoo is really good at adjusting to the energies of the others even if he’s not naturally super outspoken himself
he can easily go from low to high just like the tides (haha get it), and if the other members are being super excitable it’s very easy for him to join in on the fun
but on the flipside he also has the capabilities of just completely shutting them down lmao kind of like how he cuts people off in debate night
not to bring astrology into this but he’s also the one helping bring some water into this air-dominated group lmao
so yes, versatile, adaptable, but also really good at literally dousing out the flame when needed
if jeonghan was a river i see wonwoo more as a vast like, in that even if he’s somewhat quiet on the surface there is so much more going on underneath
there’s just something very tranquil about his energies that i think make him very suitable for waterbending
honestly woozi is another one that’s hard for me to place, but i’m going to go with firebending on this one, although i can also see earthbending
i know i’m sort of sticking to the same traits for these lmao, but woozi is kind of that perfect combination of being super well grounded and stable vs just sooo so passionate about his work
he’s always throwing himself into his music like never has anybody questioned his absolute passion and determination for it
as such it sort of makes me lean towards him being a firebender, but a more like... aloof one i guess??
kind of like uncle iroh, except instead of tea it’s music lmao
and if you hurt the people he cares about it’s going to get SERIOUS because how DARE you
but that sort of distance is also sort of why i see more earthbending traits in him; he’s more comfortable with sticking with what he’s used to, and isn’t as inclined as others to go outside his comfort zone
and why he facepalms so much when the other members do stupid shit lmao
seokmin i actually have no idea
if i had to pick an element i’d say either water or air, but somehow neither of those completely fit either. so maybe even a nonbender???
like for water, i see it through his kind and healing soul and heavily relate that to the healing properties of water
he’s also just so expressive, which honestly to me can be represented in the many different forms of water there are
like he wears his heart and emotions on his sleeve, and i feel like that is something that could be reflected in waterbending
for air, i see it through his playful and joyful personality and the childlike innocence he embodies, like a playful breeze on a warm sunny day
like jun he’s completely a lover not a fighter, and if he had bending it’d be more about mediation than confrontation
but at the end of the day i think he’s more grounded by his emotions which is why i feel slightly more inclined towards waterbending, but honestly it’s still pretty 50/50
he’s also one of the members i can definitely see being a nonbender; i don’t have anything to back this up but it’s kind of just a gut feeling lmao
interestingly enough i kind of see both firebending and waterbending for him, and kind of like seokmin i’m very 50/50 on the two
for firebending i actually literally associate him with fire, and my nickname for him is also spicy red hot chili pepper lmao
i also see fire with him because almost everything he does is done with extreme eagerness and curiosity
for me he almost encapsulates the tantalizing allure of playing with fire, and how he wants to try his hand at experiencing many different things as quickly as fire spreads from one interest to the next
for waterbending though it’s kind of for the exact same reason
i keep preaching about the versatility and adaptability of water, and what better aspect to associate with mingyu’s continuous curiosity for trying new things? 
so it’s a mix of the two due to the passionate determination behind his desire to literally get his hands on everything
and there is no end goal, it is just an all consuming fire that is hungry for more until there is none left
okay i see minghao as a firebender as well and also this is a slight nod to the minghao = zuko agend LMAO
but kind of in the same vein where iroh/zuko used elements of waterbending in their firebending, i think minghao would also have a lot of the more fluid waterbending techniques in his firebending
like where traditional firebending is perhaps more of a hard, fighting style, minghao gives me a much more fluid vibe
this also comes out of his artistic style with contemporary dance and abstract art, and his passions with developing it
i’m not totally sure how to explain this but to me his artistic expression has a lot of fluid movement in it in which the driving force isn’t the necessarily the user/artist (minghao) but more about where those energies want to go themselves
compared to hoshi where i said the fire consumes him (in a good way), minghao’s fire is more directed at releasing the energy where it needs to be released and not forcing it
i think that’s also why minghao finds a lot of stress release in drawing and art
so still very passionate, very hot, but fluid, like a dancing flame
seungkwan i see mainly as an earthbender but maybe with some fire as well!
a lot of this comes with just how extremely disciplined he is with pretty much everything
even if he is extremely witty and incredibly funny on variety shows i think a lot of it comes out of him just being extremely socially aware, or like aware of his surroundings if that makes sense??
one of the key elements of earthbending is sort of taking in the environment around you and waiting for the right moment to strike
and for seungkwan i think he just has so much natural wit and knowledge that he is able to always come up with the right thing to say at the right time
but i also see some firebending in him because he also gets easily frustrated lmao
like how he gets so easily flustered when he does say the wrong thing at the wrong time and it doesn’t get the reaction he wants
he wears his heart and emotions on his sleeve a lot like dk but tends to also act on them, which to me is aspects of firebending shining through
personally for vernon i very much see air bending!
again a huge association i have with air is also the element of freedom, and kind of literally doing whatever you want, which i think suits vernon SO well
we always talk about how he’s just simply vibin’/off in his own world and for me there is no element more suitable for that then airbending
he has the kind of energy where everyone else is forced to go at his own pace; you can’t really force it
to throw another pun in here it’s literally like trying to fight the wind: completely useless
but it’s not necessarily met with resistance; vernon has his own ideas but he’s definitely extremely open minded to others and could be swayed given a good discussion
like while jeonghan also goes at his own pace, it’s often feels like it’s towards some directed goal, again like a flowing river. but with vernon, i feel like he’s literally just kind of doing whatever, in the same way that the wind never has a destination or specific course
it’s more about exploring the possibilities and just straight up enjoying life
dino is definitely a boy of the earth for me hahaha
while he is definitely just as passionate about things as his other members, his energy comes off more of a really steady and powerful determination
there’s this sort of strength and endurance with dino that for me makes him extremely suitable for earthbending 
like i think a large part of it comes from the fact that he has very clear goals and a steady mindset way of achieving them
like if he says he’s gonna do something then he’s going to do it, and also the way he always stands his ground when it comes to confrontation
he’s the guy who’s gonna absolutely speak his mind but at the same time be really open minded to other opinions
like he obviously gets teased a lot as the maknae but he takes it all in good stride and then throws it back with just as much force you know lmao although maybe not as much in recent episodes where woozi has just completely obliterated him with the razor
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Angst headcanons-reactions with Tanjiro, Giyuu, Sanemi: in the middle of Heated argument there kid coldly says them in face “I hate you! Mom dead bc of your worthless job!” and run off from home for 4 days. They in sick statement found the kid sleep near S/o grave, in the cold winter night.
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Their lives turned upside down since that earth-shattering day, Tanjirou’s little kid is scarred and it shows in the way they drastically have changed.
Tanjirou couldn’t speak with them the same way he used to; their mother’s death has and will still derive his relation to his kid further for some reason. Tanjirou’s efforts always ended up with them shutting him off, not to spark an argument but he couldn’t bear watching them shrouding their pain alone (and as if he’s not hurting, himself). Just if they’d lean onto him, it’d be enough for him.
This time he wanted to cross further into their world, he pleaded verbally “I know you’re in pain, [Name] and so I am. Talk to me, open your heart to your father..” extending his arm to touch their lowered shoulder to then watch a calm outburst unravel in front of his eyes “Don’t touch me, I hate you!” Their kid speaking with words that cut deeper than knifes, saying “Mom’s dead because of your worthless job”. The father staggered; his eyes were petrified till the tears were gathering, he was speechless just to let them speak of what’s more they’ve got hidden inside.
[Name] then ran off, and as they did Tanjirou called for their name many times before he faded behind them. That was their final talk and for four days Tanjirou been searching for them, holding his heart to not fall apart. He went to find them everyday, barely getting any rest or sleep or food, he went everywhere they go to but couldn’t find them.
It was cold, very cold and as he walked, his lungs were freezing and as he gasps for air his throat was too. Till then he walked by the graveyard and found his sad kid sleeping on their mother’s grave. Tanjirou knows, how it feels to have your beloved parent taken away from you, cruelly, but to be blamed by his own child is dreary. That wound is his liability. he’s never going to recover from or forgive himself. Hugging [Name] tighter as they lay on the cold grave isn’t going to fix anything but its all Tanjirou could offer to his dear child.
Overprotective: Giyuu has been walking on eggshell to maintain security for his kid, never mentions their mother again, he’ll mourn and cry alone when they’re asleep. His kid is his main priority and he’ll protect them no matter what, they’re his everything and especially now after they lost their mother, he doesn’t want them to feel something is missing from their life. As a single parent, his aim was to never let them feel alone or in need for something.
But some things can’t disappear on their own if he kept them under the rug, and he knows how much it has effected [Name] but he hoped with time it could get better. It’s hard to pull through with a broken heart and to be a perfect father. [Name]’s state of mind was deteriorating instead, their anger was piling up inside and abruptly feeling the sting of emotions burning through their chest as they feel their father’s hand upon their little head.
Dodging him suddenly, moving little aside “I don’t need your protection” [Name] yelled unrestrained by the respect they hold for him “I hate you and hate this game of pretend!” drowning in emotions they could shout such words at their mourning father “You and your despicable job have killed my mom!” They uttered in the heat of the moment not realizing what they’ve just did but when they’ve saw the look on Giyuu’s face.
Astounded, Giyuu at loss of words and [Name] could only escape the scene but then Giyuu grabbed their wrist before they could. They were fighting to unshackle their wrist and as they fought Giyuu’s grip on them, they were trying to hide their tears. Those tears of which horrified him then his fingers loosened up, giving a chance for them to escape.
He’s confident of where they’d go, he let them go. He realized his fault in living in denial, although he doesn’t see the correlation of him killing their mother, the love of his life. But he won’t go deeper into rationalizing their sentence, when it came out of frustration. Giyuu finds them immediately, on the grave and crying in the cold snowy night. He crouch next to them, and just awaits them to calm down as his gaze lowered to the ground.
Lost in his own despondency, Sanemi walks around the house soulless and sits in quietness to blankly stare into the empty place where his wife used to sit. It’s been the new routine, since she died.
While his kid feeling their father’s unworthy to feel that way when he’s the reason she’s gone. Bearing his false sense of grieve and it infused their sustained rage till they scolded him “What are you sad about when my mom is dead because of your job!? You dare to act so mournful. I HATE YOU” [Name] cried out, which forced Sanemi to get angry at them “WATCH YOUR MOUTH LITTLE SHIT!” He smacked the table with his fist, he’s usually is nice with his kid, he loves them but what [Name] said have struck a nerve in him.
Now that their mother is gone there’s no fetter can force them on staying with him, especially now is better than staying with this out of control father. [Name], hated him, in a sense of resentment and couldn’t stay for a second to stare at his dark hollowed eyes, so they ran off somewhere.
All of those contusions and scars on his body but still he’s not enough to protect his wife, neither his brother nor his entire family. Now his child escaped and abandon him, he sits in silence and awaits their return even few days after. He knows they’ll come back and that they’re hurting just as he is, he trust that they’ll be fine out alone. This heated argument have awakened him, to attend to his child even though he’s still mourning.
On the fourth day he went to the graveyard at night then find his kid asleep in the cold winter on their mother’s grave, reminded him of himself, what they need the most is someone to lean on, he’s been there and bitterly knows how this feeling rips your heart out. He carried their cold body on his arms, covering them in his own clothes to take them back home. thwarting them from going on the same road he took before, the road of isolation.
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