#the og doc lmao
prettybbychim · 6 months
me, sleep deprived as all hell: that guy looks like pantalone
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aloonaram · 2 months
Here’s an edited wip of my Birdflash oneshot.
Fair warning, this will probably change in the final product as I try to figure out at what point in the timeline I want this fic to take place.
“You look like shit, Dickie.”
“Gee, thanks, Walls. You’re such a loving boyfriend,” Dick retorted. He tried for a smile, but Wally watched sadly as it twitched and fell before it could become what it once was–what Dick’s smile used to be.
Dick opened his door wider in invitation and Wally rushed in and examined the place. Gotham wasn’t ever known for its beauty, but even with that in mind, Dick’s apartment looked pretty rough. Empty containers of takeout and miscellaneous trash littered the floor and countertops. His couch was sprinkled with brown spots that he almost assumed were polka dots before he realized they were most definitely patches of dried blood. Clothes were strewn across every surface, their musk permeating his senses. Dick brushed past his side and made his way to the kitchen, opening his rickety fridge to expose the meager amount of food he had. Wally would bet his life savings that each of the five items had gone bad too, based on the state of the place.
Dick turned to toss Wally a water, “So…what, uh, brings you here?” Dick’s awkward tone hangs heavy between the two. Now that Wally could get a good look, his lover was in rough shape. Even worse than his apartment; which was a feat, his mind whispered. His hair laid limp and greasy along his neck and his bags seemed to have bags of their own. A couple of dark bruises peeked through the collar of his shirt, some leading down to his left arm if the strange way he seemed to carry it was anything to go by. Dick clutched his own water bottle, doing his best to look anywhere but at him.
“You haven’t been responding to my messages,” Wally started, “I texted the other Robin, uh Tim, I think? But he never got back to me either, so I got worried, you know? Figured I’d take matters into my own hands. I don’t have super speed for nothing.” He waved his hands around, doing his best to lighten the mood. “It’s been a long time since we’ve gotten to talk, let alone seen each other in person, but, you know, if this isn’t the best time, I can totally leave. I know this is kinda spur of the moment.” Wally wished he could slap himself the moment his lips stopped moving. Some of the younger heroes had started calling him a professional yapper and he wished it didn’t fit so damn well.
Wally watched as Dick took a breath and rubbed his temple as if he had a headache. He winced. Yeah, this probably wasn’t the best time to show up out of the blue.
“No, I…You don’t need to leave, “ Dick sighed. “I’m sorry I haven’t been responding, Walls. Everything’s just been… a lot, to put it simply. I’ve been so busy trying to balance my day job, Bludhaven, and…and being Batman. I just haven’t had much time to myself lately, if you can’t tell by the state of my apartment.” Dick laughed pitifully and winced when it shook his aching arm.
He couldn’t help moving forward into the kitchen and enveloping Dick in a hug, something he definitely should’ve done the moment he’d arrived. His partner sighed shakily and moved to wrap his arms around Wally’s middle. He felt Dick’s face pressed against his chest and hooked his chin to the top of his greasy head. Dick had always been one for physical comfort, a miracle considering who he’d grown up with and the environment he’d been forced into at the ripe age of nine. Wally would be lying if he didn’t say Dick’s need for physical affection didn’t bring him relief and make him feel needed. Sometimes, he felt powerless amidst his lover's strife–Batman’s rule against metas in Gotham limiting his ability to help. Providing Dick a simple hug; feeling the tense muscles in his shoulders loosen and his breath hit Wally’s neck as he sighed in relief, was Wally’s respite from his perpetual guilt.
Wally knew about Batman’s…death. He’d been there when Dick hosted Bruce’s funeral, letting Dick squeeze the life from his hand as he listened to the speech from Alfred. With Bruce gone, the natural order of Dick’s family had seemed to fall apart. Dick had taken the mantle of Batman, a title Wally knew he had never wanted–never felt right for him. He’d be lying if he said he fully understood the magnitude of such a change–that he knew how large the chasms carved by trauma had grown to separate Dick and his siblings. And yet despite that, he knew one thing for a fact. Dick, his lover and the man he’s known for well over a decade now was not the type of person to let others shoulder pain on their own. He took and took and took until he knew only he carried the weight of the sky on his shoulders, letting his muscles feel relief only when his family no longer felt pain. And he’d continue to carry that weight with a smile as long as he knew his family would smile back, unaware of the sky creeping in on Dick’s tense shoulders.
Wally squeezed his arms tighter around Dick’s back, supporting him as his breaths became ragged in their silent embrace. As Wally did so, a sick thought entered his mind, fueled by the anger and pain he felt for his partner; a small part of him–microscopic even–was glad Bruce wasn’t here. Not because he reveled in the effects his passing had on Dick, nor because he wanted Dick to be forced into the role of Batman, but because despite his struggles, Bruce had never been good for Dick. Yes, he played the parental figure Dick needed when he was younger and yes, he provided the necessities for Dick to survive, but he never provided what Wally knew Dick needed most.
“Do you wanna move to the couch, babe?” Wally whispered, cheek pressed against Dick’s head. He feels Dick nod silently and Wally zipped them to the couch in less than half a second. Wally sat and patted the spot next to him, watching as Dick laid his head on his lap, pressing his cheek to Wally’s stomach while letting his legs hang off the side of the couch.
Never one comfortable with silence, Wally broke it first. “If you don’t wanna talk, I won’t push. We can chill, watch the Office, eat popcorn–whatever you want. I just worry…you know? Not being able to be here to help and hearing on the news, Batman and Robin this and Joker and Two-Face that…I just wish I could do more for you.”
Wally looks down to meet Dick’s pained stare and internally winces as Dick opens and closes his mouth, struggling to respond.
“Me and the bats have it handled over here, okay?” Dick starts quietly, aimlessly running his hand over Wally’s knuckles. “You don’t need to worry about me, honey. I know you have more than enough to deal with back at Central and I don’t want to stress you out with problems I have handled.”
Wally lets his free hand run through Dick’s hair, quickly relishing in the way Dick warms to his touch. “I can’t lie and say I wouldn’t be stressed, you know me too well for that, but I’m here to support you, Dick. To be your listener when you’re stressed.” He paused for only a moment before speaking again, “I know you, Dick. I’ve known you for almost every era of your life as you have, mine. I knew you when you were my scrawny, baby leader-”
“Hey-” Dick tried to interject, but Wally kept going.
“I knew you when you wore that god awful blue and yellow disco Nightwing suit-”
“It really wasn’t that bad-”
“And I know what it looks like when you don’t have things handled. You don’t need to soften the blow for me Dickie and you don’t need to play the perfect soldier.” Wally paused. Let it be known even the Flash is out of breath from time to time. “You were always there for me during rough times, so please let me be there for you.”
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I've been looking for this one au where Len basically becomes a mad scientist and turns his friends into robots one by one for a while now, and I'm beginning to realize that I just read through your blog while half asleep a few months back and mixed together my memories of your flower hivemind and composite au
this is very funny to me. i'm absolutely honored this blog's posts were enough to evil-farming-game an entire vocaloid au into your memories 😂
i can give you this doodle; it's composite au but i'm sure it'd fit very well with this theoretical mad scientist len au lololl
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#ask#anonymous#this is ALSO funny to me bc of 'mad scientist' and 'flower hivemind au' in the same paragraph. it reminds me of an old scrapped idea#i had about where tf the flowers even came from in the first place but i ended up never doing anything w/ it#i've been thinking abt composite au though uag i want to do more w/ it... rip the unfinished refs and one google doc thing i have#shaking myself like ITS OKAY IF THE STORY KINDA SUCKS AT FIRST!! YOU NEED TO START SOMEWHERE#cus i mean i wouldve never gotten anywhere w/ Certain Things had i not started with the og shitty versions. which were SHIT#but its wild to think ~7 years later i transmogrified them into the things they are now. wack. makes me wonder what will happen#to stuff im making now later down the line if i go and revisit it. SO CONCLUSION YES BITCH GET OVER YOUR FUCKING ANXIETY#i think my other problem is i'd loveee to reveal it slowly with like art pieces comics etc but i dont got time for that 😔😔#CURSE WITH LITERALLY EVERYTHING I MAKE TBH not just fandom shit but original shit too. i need to get over myself#cause i do know respectfully not everyone has the skill/time/desire to pick apart things for symbolism so a clearer explanation#would prob be more accessible. and easier for ME TOO TO HAVE SHIT IN ONE FUCKING PLACE MAN. actually how i've been taking notes lately#sorry these are some longass fucking tags im talking to myself. just went into a new academic year w a lot of stress#so thinking abt my own crazy stories keeps me sane and makes me feel like i have control over at least SOME aspect of my life#anyways circling back mad scientist len sounds incredible lowkey though lmao. its always the stem lens 😔💔✌️#JK?? but i do joke abt composite au len partly going insane bc he's a biochem major essentially so yeah bitch i fucking get it 😭 no wonder
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Oh hey look-! It's the Blue Man Group!
TLT Masterlist
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bat-luun · 4 months
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(tags via @encryptidarchivist)
YESSSSS i love him very much hes my darling beloved!!! <33
(ramble below cut cuz this got so long oh my god lmao - cw: suicide mention)
The tma oc is actually an au version of 'Pai Rite' (he/she)! He's player character i made while co-DMing a Call of Cthulhu campaign. He's originally from 1982 Chicago and about 28 years old. Her og lore and backstory and what played out in the campaign is rather complicated so imma leave it out. (tho i'd happy to rant about it lol-)
For the tma version: She uses her full name more often than just her nickname/chosen name; Joshua 'Pyrite' Kerr (he/she). She was born in 1978 in LA, moved to England in 1997, and died 2010 at age 32.
She is marked by both The Vast and The Spiral! (in the same way Martin is a mix of The Eye and The Lonely)
Pyrite has a rocky relationship with his parents from the start, his father was killed/taken by The Vast when Pyrite was only 17. His mother was killed by The Spiral, which triggered Pyrites leave to England to study mathematics at the King's Collage in London.
(Idk if it would really work all that well in canon but I've taken The Vast in a less 'real' direction? Like making it less of a place of endless mist or whatever but making it more like a concept?) Pyrite's father was a mathematician and investigating/trying to figure out more of the pi number. The horror of the uncomprehendable powered my the Fear drove him to insanity and eventually suicide, leaving his family suddenly and without a word.
Her mother, turning even more hyper religious than before, turned to pseudoscience as a way to cope with the grief (buying crystals and crafted religious symbols/spells to protect her, and doing other low-key paranoid superstitious stuff).
She eventually got her hands on some colorful (sea)glass shards which she hung by the windows to catch the light and "ward off evil".
The glass is an artifact of The Spiral! It slowly multiplies in numbers in the given location, and starts changing colors/patterns of objects within it's line of sight (though the owner is the only one who can see it's effects).
The longer the artifact is a set location and affecting it's victim, the more intense the distortions get (pottery/dishes "melting" or changing shape, entire rooms becoming mirrored, objects switching places with each other, glass clinking sounds being heard from every room, ...). Eventually it moves from inanimate objects to people in the victims life.
Pyrite's hair got turned a purple/pink as a cause of the artifact. Panicked, Pyrite's mother took a hammer to the glass, breaking it untill there was nothing left but dust. Pyrite found her body later that day as it was being taken away by paramedics. He moved away after that, taking a single glass shard as a keepsake to remember her by, having no idea of it's effects.
He went on to study mathematics in London and found his fathers research notes, going down the same cursed rabbit hole he did.
She did become an avatar for The Spiral later on as the artifact went on to distort any research notes Pyrite made/found beyond recognition, essentially 'winning' and making her a Spiral avatar. Pyrite died in 2010 after Gertrude and Michael stopped the great twisting. Died mad and dazed and out of breath, trying to keep her grip on the only thing that was left of her mother, the destruction of the ritual making her take her own life.
me and my best friend(one of the other co-DMs) did art of Pai Rite and his gay boyfriend Revemine for valentines day!! :D
(also tagging @horrid-mothlegs for if you want more info for when our tma ocs can hang out >:])
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synthsays · 1 year
Doctober day 17:
♡*● Letter ●*♡
Doc Brown was busy fastening a very small helmet to the head of his dog, Copernicus, when a knock came at the door. Skeptical but curious, Doc made his way to the door.
Peering out of the peephole he could see nothing. Nothing but his front yard and doorstep. Quickly he unlocked the lower half of the locks on his door, but not the chain. He was not sure when he had developed this level of cautiousness, but he didn't mind it.
Laying on his doorstep was a letter. A letter in a pink envelope, sealed with a red, rose-shaped wax stamp. Once he saw that the coast was clear, he fully unlocked the door and grabbed the letter.
Taking it inside, he carefully examined it before slicing it open. The letter began with 'Dear Emmett,'.
After finishing reading the contents of the letter, Doc felt as if he would be sick.
How?! After all these years… I thought I could finally get away...
Emmett's Ill feeling heightened every time he re-read the final sentence of the letter.
See you soon baby! XOXO
~ Josie C.
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i would love to watch a 5 hour video essay about the td take blogs lore i stg in like 10 years this is gonna be the new td fandom history that ppl warn each other about and draw up master documents detailing all of it
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wickedhawtwexler · 4 months
on god i AM going to write tonight
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msommers · 9 months
silly ignota fun fact: during character development she was affectionately referred to as "experiment 626" until i finally landed on a name for her
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queen-scribbles · 2 years
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I like both of them.
Koth I feel like there’s a lot of wasted potential since people got unreasonably angry at his reaction if you let the reactor blow and/or let Kaliyo blow everything in ch 10 and wanted to be able to kill him(????) for not kissing ass like you’re the greatest thing since power couplings. And then BioWare let them(????? stop catering to the murderhobos)I like him, I like his romance(the flirting in KotFE ch8 is *chef’s kiss*), but there’s not a lot of content for him, which makes me sad, but it also makes it a bit more of a slog to play the characters romancing him bc there’s not much to make it special like Lana or Theron’s. (or even Jorgan’s for a surprisingly massive chunk of KotFE/ET) It does annoy me when he goes all Valkorion-fanboy, but given Valkorion’s basically leader and god to Zakuul, I can see why he’s like that even as it drives me up the wall. He cares about people, knows his lines he won’t cross morally and won’t do it.(and I disagree hard with Senya; who he was betraying is a very important caveat to the fact he’s a “traitor”. He betrayed a tyrant who ordered him to open fire on civilians. That’s a very important context bc as long as I don’t intend to do something like that, I have nothing to worry about)
For Doc, I understand why people might dislike him, especially if you’re playing a female Knight who doesn’t want to romance him, bc he does come on really strong. But I like him quite a bit, he’s funny and has sweet moments and he wants to adopt orphans even if you’re capable of having biological children together(I’ve romanced him with a miraluka and a human, so I’ve seen the difference). ALSO. as I recently tested with Kenna, it is entirely possible to get up through Corellia on his romance without an onscreen kiss, which I found impressive with his whole flirt thing. And when she pulled out the “if I’m breaking the Jedi Code for you I need it to mean something more than a fling” talk(fair), he asked for time to think and then went and got a officiant droid and fucking married her and then proceeded to stay faithful even through the time they were separated and everyone was saying she was dead. He doesn’t make my top five romances, but he might squeak in toward the bottom of top ten.
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i. really have not given morinel many good times with tyelpe have i
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madeline-ronpa-ask · 20 days
Welcome to Madeline County!
Welcome welcome! This is a silly blog I thought about making based on a discord server RP that was based on an AU of The Mandella Catalog! If you’d like to know more on the AU, please see this link to a doc made by @/pristina29! (You’ll need it to understand most of this lmao)
We are currently on the 2nd Season of the game, so there’s that bit too. (when that doc drops I’ll link it aswell dw :3)
If you’d like to join the server, just jump on in and join the fun!
(TW: THE SERVER HAS MENTIONS OF CANIBALISM (Mentions of such topics will be avoided as much as possible on the blog))
No NSFW. I feel like this is a given but still. This blog is being run by and asks are answered by minors. Dont.
No RP/M!A asks please! The answerers would rather not RP on Tumblr due to already having the server RPs /lh
Please be sure to clearly address the chars you’re asking! Nobody likes their ask being mixed up w/ another char!
Please be patient with responses! It can be a lengthy process as we all have our personal lives/answering styles!
I’ll edit the rules as I see fit
~ Admin Cookie :3
CURRENT ASK ABLE CAST (Including Represented Deserts and Living Status):
Cesar Torres ~ Strawberry Cheesecake - Deceased
Mark Heathcliff ~ Blueberry Muffin - Deceased
Adam Murray ~ Apple Pie - Deceased
Jonah Marshal ~ Lemon Tart - Deceased
RED Spy (TF2) ~ Cherry Chocolate Bûche De Noël - Alive
SMG4 ~ Vanilla Cake - Alive
Elizabeth Afton (FNAF, Casronpa!AU (Another server lmao)) ~ Strawberry Ice Cream - Deceased
Jay Merrick (Marble Hornets) ~ Keylime Pie - Deceased
Ludwig Beilshmidt (Hetalia) ~ Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte - Alive
Daniel Mattews (Saw) ~ Forest Cake - Deceased
Hansel Strudel (OC) ~ Candied Green Apple - Deceased
Googleplier (Markiplier Ego) ~ Blue Artificial Doughnut- Deceased
Meta Knight (Kirby) ~ Custard - Deceased
Melodie (Brawl Stars) ~ Starburst Candy - Deceased
Alastor (Hazbin Hotel) ~ Strawberry Shortcake - Alive
Peter Spankoffski (Hatchetfeild) ~ Hot Chocolate - Deceased
RED Scout (TF2) ~ Boston Cream Doughnut - Alive
Mario (Mario and the Music Box) ~ Spaghettiesis Ice Cream - Alive
KAITO (PJ:SK, Base Vocaloid) ~ Blueberry Ice Cream - Alive
Cielomort (Fragaria Memories) ~ Starry Toffee Cake - Alive
Abbiy (Among Us OC) ~ Pockys - Alive
The Witch (AKA Trixie) (Slay The Princess) ~ Poison Apple - Alive
Alex Evergreen (OC) ~ Chocolate Chip Cookie - Alive
HABIT (EverymanHYBRID) ~ Dark Chocolate Mousse - Alive
Robin (Teen Titans, Fears to Fathom!AU (Another Ronpa lmao)) ~ Blueberry Yogert Parfait - Alive
Feliciano Vargas (Hetalia) ~ Banana Gelato - Alive
Robin (Batman/Superman: World’s Finest) ~ Apple Crumble - Alive
Poppy Skies (OC) ~ Rose Latte - Alive
Izumi Sou (ARSMAGNA) ~ Blueberry Cheesecake - Alive
Celestine (Pokemon S/V Protag OC) ~ Blue Raspberry Snowball - Alive
Kiku (Hetalia) ~ Dango - Alive
King DeDeDe (Kirby) ~ Strawberry Blueberry Shortcake - Alive
The Tailor (Rain World HUMAN!AU) ~ Raspberry Lemonade Ice Cream Float - Alive
Magolor (Kirby) ~ Gâteau Invisible - Alive
Peri (FO:ANW) ~ Ube Cake Roll - Alive
Spectators (under cut due to lenghty list):
Scout’s Mother (TF2)
RED Heavy (TF2)
RED Medic (TF2)
BLU Scout (Jeremy) (TF2)
BLU Scout (Jenny) (TF2 OC)
Luigi (MatMB)
Marchionne (MatMB)
Mario (SMG4)
Mario (OG)
Luigi (OG)
Cassidy (FNAF Movie)
Evan (FNAF, Casronpa!AU)
Vanessa (FNAF, Mascot!AU)
El Tigre (Yes, from the Nicktoon)
Alfred F. Jones (Hetalia)
Rin Kagamine (PJ:SK, Base Vocaloid)
Len Kagamine (PJ:SK, Base Vocaloid)
Willmesh (Fragaria Memories)
Lauren (OC)
Kirby (Kirby)
Bandanna Dee (Kirby)
Sailor Dee (Kirby)
Grusha (Pokemon S/V)
Kieran (Pokemon S/V)
Tim (Marble Hornets)
Patrick (MLAndersen0)
Collector (The Owl House)
Akira Kurusu aka Joker (Persona 5)
Raven (Teen Titans)
Starfire (Teen Titans)
Lists will be edited as more chars become available to interact with.
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duckieduccss · 3 months
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Well, yea technically. Basically i was interested in figuring out how id go with making my own kaiju. At first i wasnt sure where to go for designing one. So i chose to base it off another existing kaiju for inspiration. I kinda wanted to go for a dragon type kaiju (i like dragons) and the only thing i could think of was Ghidorah so i went with that (now that i think about it more, I could’ve maybe used Manda too prob but oh well, Ghidorah was still a good option). I added some different details to mine that make it unique to the og Ghidorah
My idea was that it could potentially be a relative to Ghidorah (being of the same species) but still far apart from one another to the point they arent all that aware of the other existing (theyre in for a shock when & if they do encounter each other lol). This version actually relies on cosmic energy derived from such sources like stars & generally anything that produce some form of energy within the vast universe (basing it off how Ghidorah themselves originally came from space & this variant being much more dependent on that factor). It stores that energy & relatively stays in a dormant stage for an extended period of time until when faced with the challenge to defend itself or fight off those it deems as a danger. Then it would release all that ginormous amount of space energy that manifests itself as a rapidly expanding glow of extremely bright light. Enough to cause extreme damage & bring down the opposition. It can gather energy by using special crystals it can grow (took that also as inspiration but from Space Godzilla) & become as some form of attracting & absorbing the energy. In a way, the energy is like its main source of food & energy to maintain itself (right after releasing a lot of it during its final attack of using that glow, it would be put in a highly vulnerable state if not recovered by regaining some energy back soon enough). For the most part, they mostly sleep (being lazy 24/7 just like me fr lmao) to keep all that energy but can be potentially dangerous if disturbed or provoked in some manner
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(Here’s a better closer look at their faces. Realized the canvas’ too big to properly see each of them-)
The name of this kaiju you may be wondering???
It’s Ryudorah
(Yea i know im the most creative person out there. I combined another nickname i use for myself and just added the end part of Ghidorah’s name to make it clear it’s related to the other kaiju. I couldn’t think of anything else im sorry😭)
And also each head has its own individual name:
Do, Re & Mi
(Named after intervals in the musical scale (ex: Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti, Do)
Did i mention this kaiju can also technically sing too :)
I did have a lot of fun with coming up with the concept for them (tho it honestly took longer in designing them due to a busy schedule ive been put in as of late & finding the time to finish it) but im glad to finally be able to share this with you all. Hopefully I can share more about them soon (i have a whole google doc’s worth of lore lmao) & probably draw them again (tho maybe a lot more simplified by then). Didn’t wanna overwhelm ppl with the huge amount of info so I’ll prob slowly reveal more over time.
[Another thing too is that i still am new to the fandom (tho with more knowledge from getting to learn more from the source material) & most of this i gathered from already know stuff i knew. Tho im also open to feedback & maybe some ideas to add onto my own kaiju. So id very much appreciate it if there’s any suggestions from you guys ^^⭐️]
(I’ll only be taking constructive criticism btw. Anything hateful will obv be ignored)
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rollercoasterwords · 4 months
Hey bestie. I finished the hand that feeds yesterday. Safe to say you have successfully emotionally devastated me, uh. Due to this I ended up in Google docs at 2am with a fix-it drabble of your fic (yes, a fic of a fic, I have a life)
1. Can I have your blessing to write this. Mostly for my own mental sanity
2. If it turns into something decent and coherent may I post it to my ao3 (full cred to u, for the og OBVI) (will send u another ask with the link, title and my author name)
P.S Your writing has thoroughly and entirely captivated me. That fic is an absolute work of art and I have been rereading Regulus, Marlene and Dorcas’s deaths just to feel something. The other POV reactions to Dorcas dying btw jesus I’m never recovering from Alice
Will be checking out your other work please please keep writing I am going insane
YAY for emotional devastation <3 love hearing that it inspired u 2 write ur own thing of course that’s alright!! i literally have multiple fics on ao3 that r just rewrites of other people’s stories lmao i think riffing off someone else’s writing is such a fun part of fanfiction & like. essentially the entire basis of fanfiction in the first place lol
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akkivee · 13 days
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ik i’m not that stage btch but i’m going to pretend i am for a second and do this thread of questions lmao
1. so far, which stage play is your favourite and why??
mine is bb vs dh actually lol!!!!! ofc canon’s btch prefers the more canon stages lol but i also really love how they handled dh’s emotional beats
like!!!!! the rosho vs ichiro as produced by sasara is top tier stage moments!!!!! sasara revealing that rei was on his team and the disbelief on ichiro’s face???? and the way ichiro hit him with that yung thug look when sasara started pry???? sasara being that asshole and setting up the entire fight, cheering on rosho like his personal cheerleader???? rosho demanding (ichiro) to stop look acting like he’s just some side piece/stepping stone to sasara and that’s when ichiro properly looked at rosho, impressed as hell and that’s when their true battle started???? except sasara, the orchestrator may i remind you, could see both rosho and ichiro genuinely getting into it for the thrill of a good battle so he put a stop to it???? AND ROSHO FINALLY CALLING SASARA OUT ON HIS BULLSHIT????? AND SASARA TRIED TO APOLOGISE BUT ROSHO WASNT HAVING IT AND STORMED OFF????? AND SASARA LOOKING AT HIS FAN WHERE THE CHARACTER FOR LAUGH IS WRITTEN ON IT TO REMIND HIMSELF TO SMILE THRU IT ALL BUT HE GENUINELY CANT AND EXITS STAGE LEFT TEARFULLY ohhhhhh i’ve already written an essay and it’s only the first question let me stop lol
2. who's your favourite actor in the first generation cast? (including actors who were recast before graduation) does your favourite actor play your favourite character, or are they different?
i feel like fav actor implies i cared/knew of any of these actors before hypstage which would be very false lmao. but akira-san was a real one and fck nelke for taking his ichiro away from us, ayukawa-san was so adorable and friendly and it made his jakurai genuinely adorkable and fck nelke for making him cry, and hirono-san i will not shut up about if you get me started and fck nelke genuinely 😌
3. which stage original division is your favourite? who is your favourite original division character?
uhhh i think it’s a toss up between north bastard and d4. i love kazu so much y’all don’t even know lmao he’s ichiro’s very own unami; childhood friend who loves him very dearly (*grips heart* i…..icchan….) but has a complicated family situation that drives him to do bad things and he does his best to make sure ichiro stays out of his way bc he doesn’t want to hurt him by doing said bad things but ichiro is stronger than that stronger than him and it makes kazu want to step up so he can stand on the same stage as ichiro again AUUUUUUUUUUUGH KAZUUUUUUU—
and d4 being written as characters from the worst sides of tdd is so ingenious bro wtf 😭😭😭😭 ibuki’s drive for revenge for his older brother vs the side of him that’s just a really nice guy???? arima’s unmatched violence and the way they portrayed it as a weapon with focus???? jyobu being so into ill doc the assassin and therefore never letting sensei forget his roots???? rindo being the og chuuoku spy and therefore ramuda’s discarded predecessor???? bruh 😭😭😭😭😭😭
4. did you watch any of the 1st gen cast seiyuu x haiyuu division leader cross talks? which was your favourite?
i watched all of them and went out of my way to record the hayama✖️hirono one bc i’m very not normal about it lmao
5. did you watch any of the new cast seiyuu x haiyuu division cross talks? which was the best for you?
i watched all of them and i watch the bat one what feels like every other week lmao. i also watch the mtc one religiously lmao
6. which rep lives did you watch? which one was your favourite, and what performances or moments did you enjoy from them?
this is completely my fault but i watched all the rep lives except dh’s SFHDASGJKDAAGHJFS gomen 😭😭😭😭😭 my favourite ones were bb for its short story, bat for the performances and mtr for all around best lol. everyone’s best songs came out from the rep lives tho i hope y’all know lol
i remember loading up the mtr stream and i could tell even from being behind the screen the energy in that venue was kinda crazy and the actors were all feeding off of it which gave us some really fantastic performances lol. also 😭😭😭😭 dohifu playing around with jakurai in an adlib scene where ayukawa thru sensei confessed it’d been a very long time since someone goofed off with him like that and he could barely get the sentence out bc he was trying to not laugh and stay in character uuuuuuuuuuuuuuu…………
it’s so hard talking about hirono kuukou without feeling like i’ll explode the moment i start lol but his energy levels reaching a frenzied peak where he shouted NAGOYAAAAAAAAAAA until he blacked out mid song kinda leaves an impression on you and how much he loved the role lol
that bb story was so funny lmao hey siri play ‘can’t keep it cool’ by takano akira for how badly ichiro panicked at the thought saburo got a girlfriend and how he roped jiro into pretending he’s the princess of aoyama so he could practice leaving a good impression on her (even tho saburo DID NOT get a girlfriend and quite literally broke down into tears bc his brothers are stupid and it overstimulated tf out of him lol)
7. favourite song and character from track.1:
KAZUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU and my fav song is actually buster bros vs mad trigger crew vs north bastard lol. idk like, that first stage was incredible for a lot of reasons and one of those was showing how masterful the stage is juggling storylines and character beats, depicting the rap battles and all to some banger music
8. favourite song and character from track.2:
*jinpanchi voice* JINPACHI lol he’s my lightning meow meow 🥺🥺🥺 and my fav songs were blast wolf and asakusa bounce!!!!! i attempted to learn blender for the first time after watching ayukawa jakurai dance in that song, i wanted to immortalise that choreographed lean that happens in the song it’s so hhhrrghffgggnnffrff
9.favourite song and character from track.3:
i like danjo lol i think he’s horrible and funny!!!! his song i think also stands out to me in that play as well
10.favourite song and performance (and character i guess lol) from track.4:
i uh, don’t really remember any songs in track 4 and i also hate track 4’s main theme *wheeze* i like ramuda in track 4 tho!!! like that is a mean ramuda lol and i always respect someone who tries to make everyone as miserable as they are when provoked lol shout out to jakurai being the actual villain in that play
OH YEAH and who can forget come back to me!!!!! troy bolton wishes he had the power samatoki does in his longing for nemu song lmao
11.favourite song and character from track.5:
fav character is probably rindo??? or maybe jyobu???? arima deciding gun violence solves everything is so funny tho but ibuki’s ichiro foil-ness is really peak i—
as for songs, uhhhhhhhh all of the themes???? king of kings is peak jailbreak rock like bruh and shout out to the revolution still gives me chills track 5 bro 😩🤌 immaculate work
12.favourite song, performance and moments from DH vs BB:
pls refer to the first question for my answer lmao but i can also add i really liked the reirosho talk date number. i’ve always liked that scene in canon, where rei opens up a little bit to rosho and they both are vulnerable towards each other and getting it in song and dance form with a hell of a lot of jazz was sick lol
13.favourite song, performance and moments from BAT VS M:
i don’t revisit this play much lol but i love the scene where jyushi gets separated from kuukou after they raid fragrance and jyushi has his very own shinjuku meltdown LOL. i also really liked kuukou seeing the error of his ways and in order to fix them, he decides to act like the villain he very well could be lol but jyushi the goober wrecks that vibe and hits him with the funniest kuukou impersonation LOL
14.favourite song, performance and moments from FP vs MTC:
15.have you seen New Encounter yet? what did you think of it? who is your favourite new cast member? do they play your favourite character or someone else? what new song do you like most?
i liked new encounter!!!! i haven’t rewatched it since my first few initial watch thrus tho so i can’t remember the music all that well save for the OI OI OI parts in bat’s song and the way nakanishi-san gave it his all to fill the hole hirono kuukou left behind is commendable!!!! but the mtc actors kinda stole the show lol that samajuto cigarette kiss??? the way uehara samatoki beckoned juto over with a grunt and the tilt of his head so he could light em up???? samariou bonding in a different way from canon but hits even harder????
ik it was everyone’s first stage back and it kinda showed but there were plenty of moments that made you think ‘oh they still got it actually’ lol
16.are you going to watch grateful cypher? what do you hope to see from it?
YEAH and i’m most curious about kuukou’s writing as y’know, your local kuukou enthusiast and stalker lol. seven divisions is a lot tho, so i hope there’s focus!!! they know who they want to challenge and they pull thru on it while still feeling like there is enough pie for everyone lol
17.favourite actor, song and character from Renegades of Female:
ALL OF THEM ARE QUEENS and i’m fond of the oriwomen!!!! like i can’t really say i liked the music lol??? i did but i also didn’t lol they were bops but they sang so much but the songs were catchy god why did they sing tho the callbacks tho in nemu’s songs were so powerful otome’s could rally soldiers honobono like yaaaaaasssssss the singing tho—
18.what made you a fan of hypstage? have you ever attended a show in person (or plan to) or watched a live stream?
i’m pretty sure i’ve watched at least one stream for each show except track 5 (i was off the grid) and dh rep live (IM SORRY) i don’t plan to go to jp to watch one either, unless these new gen actors somehow blow my mind in ways the legends era never did. but that’s a tall order bc the legends era defined so much of the characters despite not being canon. it was fun seeing the way the stage grew and how the actors grew into the characters and how it kept evolving until that era’s end
2019 hypmic’s clowned on the stage upon initial announcement bc what story could they possibly tell. well lmao!!!!! track 1 set the story straight and that’s when i knew the stage had magic 😭😭😭😭
19.do you own or collect any hypstage merch? what's your favourite? what confuses you to this day? what's your holy grail item?
not really lol. i own all the dvds in season 1 and track 5 but none of season 2 (which is tragic bc i enjoyed season 2 far more 😭😭😭). i did splurge a little after bop2023 bc i believe in retail therapy lol and i care about them so much 🥺🥺🥺
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does hypstage have freaky merch??? or is this bait to talk about the hypstage plastic wrap WHICH IS INGENIOUS BTW
20.have you followed any past or current actors from hypstage and seen their other work? what did you think?
i follow hirono-san wherever i can lol he’ll always be a kuukou and therefore i’ll support him 😌 i also poke around the nmcd actors works and maybe bc he’s such good friends with hirono-san, i often see fukuzawa yuu in my media too lol (he dropped a killer ep recently by the way outside of his usual group y’all should check it out)
(and watch nanashi while you’re at it it’s peak fiction lol)
21.what are your thoughts about the new original division, WESTEND-MAFIA (hachioji division)?
sick designs!!!!! as much as i hate seeing the echoes of the old oridivis lol!!!! i’m excited to see what they cook since they haven’t missed with these oridivis yet lol
22.are there any characters you wish interacted with each other more in the stage plays (or even between the stage and main canons)?
pls go back to my kazu answer from question 3 and tell me that’s not just kuukou rebranded for the stage lol. a best friend who left but suddenly reappeared??? will do anything for family??? admires ichiro’s strength and wants to stand with him on stage again??? snake imagery???? had a really fcking gay duet with ichiro????? i’m so sick they never got to interact together like yeah i get it hypmic is the samatoki ichiro show so everything’s gotta lead back to their dynamic hence why we were getting another stage with north bastard and mtc (and fp lol) but north bastards’s initials are nb and their unifying symbol were green bandanas and green is red’s complimentary colour IT WAS SO OBVIOUS NORTH BASTARD STOLE NAUGHTY BUSTERS FLOW BRO AT LEAST LET KUUKOU AND KAZU HANG OUT LOL
i’m also really sad jakurai and jinpachi never saw each other after their fall out 😕
23.is there an event in the main canon (that is, the audio drama tracks) you hope they cover in the stage plays that hasn't been depicted yet?
i wonder lol!!!! i would have loved a leaders play to balance out having a tdd play in the legends era and ig i can still ride with one now!!!! but where canon’s at with its story makes me grateful the stage rebooted bc i personally couldn’t have seen how the stage would have adapted post 2nd drb stuff with its notable lack of women and the division beef resolving itself
maybe we can get the honobono hifumi doppo dynamic in stage tho!!!! get a proper nemu and samatoki duet!!!! lol do me a solid and have samatoki and ichijiku fight over nemu we got possibilities now with proper women
24.or do you prefer when the stages have their own, separate storylines and canon? if so, what kind of story do you want to see one day?
that’s a great question lol and one i don’t think i have an answer for. like the stage thrives in a state of non-canonicity but it drives me insane that there’s a subsection of hypmic fans who look at stage kuukou and don’t see how self-immolating he can be for others and have no reason to suspect he is. he’s the coolest and most shallow version of kuukou but that’s their canon and i genuinely hate it lmao
i’m a little partial to these quasi canon stories tho!!!! like i don’t think we would have ever seen nemu rise to her current rank without the stage so it’s neat to see the stage get utilised in that way. i’m personally interested in worldbuilding details no one else would be unless they were balls deep with no plans to pull out lol so the stage can keep surprising me there
25.who has the coolest mic onstage? silliest? most lethal?
i like that asakusa’s mics were all based on oni lore lol like jinpachi had an oni’s spiky club, doshiro had an oni axe and masamune fits in the silliest with a sake cup mic since oni are also known to love drinking lol
i also think kokuri’s drill mic was also silly lol and it’s so funny nobody knows why he has it
and most lethal??? gotta be arima’s gun right lol????
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altocat · 1 year
The OG “Sephiroth should forever be a mysterious scary villain with no elaboration on his human side” fans are being so frustrating lol. Guys he has been “super mysterious” for 26 years now, let’s get to know him a bit better finally. Especially in this modern day where people like to explore villain motivations better and not fall into the trap of dehumanizing them to separate ourselves from their “monstrosity.”
If millions of people could be heavily moved and made to think about say, the Joker of all characters, because of one well-written movie about his story, then we can do the same with our anime katana villains.
And actually, let’s also just admit that Sephiroth has always been the same character, but these fans truly did not know it, as EC insists on saying. Insightful fans did and yet they were accused of “woobifiying” his character by doing that. Now the one-dimensional Sephiroth fans are accusing Square of doing the same thing lmao.
What did they think was happening or being imploed about Sephiroth with the remnants in Advent Children? What did they think Crisis Core showed for Sephiroth? What did they think Sephiroth’s very specific obsession with his “mother” even as a villain implied? Or what DOC was doing when it showed how Lucrecia lost her baby after committing to a horrible experiment surrounding his birth?
Even OG FF7 Sephiroth in Nibelheim, cold as he was, implied he had no hometown, that he had parental issues and Hojo issues. This character was always the same. We are just having it more clearly spelled out and it hurts even worse than we anticipated. But it’s not ruining Sephiroth by any means. Those “fans” don’t know him at all.
All of this!
Hate to say it...but the Compilation is mostly what is currently drawing in new fans. And fans are the blood of keeping a fanbase alive. More content. More analysis. Etc. If more people are drawn to Sephiroth because he's now more compelling and relatable, that's a good thing. And he WAS always like this. Even as far back as the OG, lots of his unused dialogue paints a really different picture that what we'd come to expect.
I completely understand OG fans' frustration, but these are the original writers and creators of the OG working on the Compilation. It's their characters. They can flesh them out into whatever they want. Sure, there's going to be some clunky writing and some no-so-great retcons. Hell, I'm PREPPING for ones that will seriously piss me off. But making a villain more complex and less cliche? I'm all for that. Pure evil villains are boring. There's nothing in there. Seph has always been sympathetic. We're just finding out why. 26 years is enough time in between to wait before we finally dig into it.
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