#the old one reminded me too much of toothless’s tail from httyd
kismetmoon · 7 months
been having fun with looser drawings and making up concepts for how they would use prehensile tails
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[ID: three digital drawings of two original, stylised Flatland characters named Atlas and Stella on a grey background.
Atlas is a light grey isosceles triangle with dark grey limbs, a tail with a V-shaped tip, a black eyebrow, one eye with a grey star-shaped pupil, scars on his side and across his eye, and chips in his top and bottom right corner.
Stella is a small humanoid creature who has an eye for a head with four top eyelashes and a blunt point on top, black limbs, a black tail with a fluffy tip and grey skin.
In the leftmost drawing, Atlas is standing and looking to the left with a neutral expression. He is holding Stella using his tail and she is smiling at him and laughing.
In the top drawing, Atlas and Stella are dangling upside-down by their tails from a horizontal pole. Atlas is asleep and Stella is looking at him while her limbs hang down. There is writing by Atlas that says “other limbs tucked in” and by Stella that says “not sure how to do it yet” with an arrow pointing to her.
In the rightmost drawing, Stella is wearing a nightgown and posed as though creeping sneakily. She is shown from the side, facing forward, and smiling mischievously while looking behind. There is writing above her that says “creature…”.
End ID].
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dindadango · 6 years
This is what I’m feeling after watching How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World yesterday. It contains many spoilers, so don’t read it if you haven’t watch it. Also, this is just my opinion. Don’t judge me.
First of all, I’m very disappointed in this movie. Don’t get me wrong, I like it but it wasn’t as epic as I thought it would be. Maybe because the two previous movies were really good and surprised me in many ways, so I thought the final one will be even more epic. But I was wrong. It’s the weakest of the trilogy, and I feel like it didn’t live up to its standards.
I don’t even know the main focus to this final movie. It should be about “Hiccup letting Toothless go” right? But I don’t really feel the emotion, because they aren’t many scenes that involve the two of them together. I know the previous movies already show us so many Hiccup-Toothless moments, but is it too much to ask if I want just 5 minutes of Hiccup-Toothless moment without anyone interrupting them? I mean you have to show and remind the audience of their close bond before breaking them, right? And sadly, they aren’t any scene like that. It’s always Hiccup and Toothless and other characters. 
I feel like this movie is about Hiccup-Astrid and Toothless-Light Fury rather than Hiccup-Toothless itself. I don’t know why but they seem distant to each other, and focusing more on their romantic partner rather than “the best friend bond” that they have. I didn’t say there shouldn’t be romance, it’s okay to have romance because I believe every movie have their own romance plot, but not every movie should focus on it. I mean, this is a story about “a boy and his dragon”, right? The main focus should be about “best friend”, right? I fell in love with How to Train Your Dragon because of Hiccup and Toothless’ bond, not Hiccup and Astrid. So, for god sake, please focus more on them!
Light Fury. I love her and I hate her. I love her design and the way she disappears, it was amazing. The animators were doing a great job animating her. But I hate her because she’s one of the reason Toothless leaves Hiccup. She was also kinda clingy to Toothless, I think. And wherever she asked Toothless to follow her, he will accept her right away. Toothless have you forgotten about your boy, Hiccup?
At the beginning, it didn’t start like the way it used to. No “This is Berk” narration until a few minutes after the movie begins. I guess they wanted to tried new things and give the audience more like “the finale” feel, but I prefer the old ways better.
Grimmel and the villain. Between Drago Bludvist and Grimmel the Grisly, I choose Grimmel as the best villain. Probably because he’s smart, like Viggo Grimborn from Race to the Edge, and I feel like he’s the one for Hiccup. The right enemy I mean. They both pretty smart and tactical. I feel like he could do more, and have more screen time in this movie. For the final battle, it’s good, but I was kinda hoping all of Berk could join the fight. Since it was the last movie, why not have all of Berk fights to defend themselves, not just the dragon riders.
My favorite scene? All scenes that has Stoick in it. I miss Stoick so much, and I always teared up whenever they show Stoick. Also, I’m sorry Hiccup but I think Stoick is a much better chief than you. Why? Because I don’t support Hiccup’s decision to move Berk to the Hidden World. I know how much Hiccup love dragons, but come on... Are you really going to give up everything just so you can live together with dragons in their own world? I mean it’s not just you who lives there, but all of Berk. Have you thought this through? Do you think the dragons will accept humans in their own world? Oh Stoick, if only you didn’t die in the second movie, please look at the dumb decision your son makes.
There are many parts that makes me teared up. One, when Hiccup give Toothless the new tails, and before Toothless can rush out to find the Light Fury, he looks at Hiccup. It was the moment I knew Toothless won’t come back to Hiccup. Two, when Hiccup and Astrid search for Toothless in the Hidden World, and Toothless was roaring to all dragons, Hiccup realize that he has to let him go. This scene broke me so much. The way Hiccup looks at Toothless. I can’t describe it. Three, the goodbye scene. Maybe it’s not as emotional as I thought it would be, but hey if I remember I didn’t like the “Toothless Found” moment in the second movie at first, and now it was my favorite scene. Hiccup’s words were amazing, and I can feel his emotion really well. He’s letting his best friend go. He’s accepting the future without Toothless. It’s hard to watch without crying. But I hate that Toothless was like “Oh you’re letting me go? Ok then.” I don’t know why but the way I see it, Toothless was emotionless in that scene. It almost feels like all he cares about was the Light Fury, not Hiccup. So, I have a mixed feeling in that scene.
Next is the wedding scene. Well, from the beginning of the movie, Gobber talks about how Hiccup should just marry Astrid and live happily ever after running the village. And they also go on and on about marriage until the end. This maybe an unpopular opinion, but I personally think they shouldn’t show us the wedding scene because it’s not important and add nothing to the story. That’s because the scene before the wedding was the one where all of Berk letting go of their dragons, and then cut it to the wedding, and cut it again to the end. So, what’s the point of showing the wedding scene? Why not skip the wedding and show us the Haddock family in the end? After all, we all know Hiccup will marry Astrid sometime in the future without even showing the wedding scene.
Finally, the ending. It wasn’t what I suspected. I thought they were going to be separated from each other for good, but they actually meet again, when they’re older and have kids on their own. It sounds like a fanfiction ending to me. This maybe a very unpopular opinion, but I don’t want Hiccup to see Toothless ever again. I wanted the goodbye to feel more real and emotional, and also because of the popular quote “There were dragons when I was a boy”, I keep convincing myself the dragons were disappear for good. Apparently not. Also, in the flashback scene where Stoick said he’ll find the Hidden World and close it, I thought it was going to be the final conclusion for this movie, with Hiccup being the one who close it. I feel like it’s the right answer for why there aren’t any dragons today. Guess I was hoping to much.
The animation is really good. I really love the part where Hiccup and Astrid went to the Hidden World. It. Was. AWESOME! The music was fine. Tbh I don’t really focus on the music, but it was good. You can really tell you’re watching How to Train Your Dragon from the music arrangement. And last thing, it was good and satisfiying movie. But I feel like they could do better you know, since it was the final movie after all. Anyway, it’s still HTTYD and I like it even if it’s not masterpiece like the two previous film, but hey it’s better to be average than bad, or even worst. Oh yeah, the credits was beautiful tho. Good one, DreamWorks! And thank you for this amazing trilogy.
So, that’s my honest opinion about How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World. Although I know many people won’t agree with what I said, heck I don’t even know if someone would actually agree with me. But everyone has a right to state their own opinion, and this is mine. So let it go, and accept that people have different opinion.
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bovivinator · 7 years
Conversion - HTTYD Fanfic
While Hiccup sleeps, his world transforms around him. Some changes are big, some are small, but he is the unknowing catalyst for them all.
Dedicated to @httyd-was-a-great-movie for letting me request stuff all the time, and to @dragondecker for lots of fun hours in plants class. Good luck in animation! Merry Christmas!
Takes place near the end of the first movie, before Hiccup wakes up after the Red Death battle. I tried subtly focus on changing perspectives. Hint: pay attention to the pronouns.
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Gobber heaved his way up to the Haddock home, grimacing when his peg leg was jostled by a loose stone. In his good hand, he clutched supplies to take measurements for Hiccup’s new leg. He had seen Gothi and her assistant entering the Bjarnesen home several minutes earlier, no doubt to attend to Snorre’s badly-burnt arm, and had taken the opportunity to start his project without getting in her way. A Nadder shrieked as it swooped close overhead and he flinched, clamping down on the urge to rush for a shield. Strange and unnerving as this days-old peace with the dragons had been, he had no desire to reignite the past violence with a too-hasty reaction. Never let it be said that Vikings preferred an uneventful life, but the Hairy Hooligans were not as stupid as his apprentice seemed to believe. Some battles were worth avoiding.
Still, this transition was proving to be a difficult one. The communication barriers between the two groups were much more obvious now that they were actually trying to get along, and there had already been several minor injuries resulting from unavoidable misunderstandings. Hiccup’s survival had certainly been a gift from Odin, but Loki had gotten his say, too, in keeping him asleep where his ability to befriend dragons was out of reach. His fellow trainees’ attempts to spread what little he had taught them when they teamed up with the training dragons were welcome, if rather paltry in the face of this enormous task.
Thankfully, the dragons seemed as eager as the humans to play nice and not hold grudges, or the whole situation might have quite literally gone up in flames already. That these seemingly-bloodthirsty creatures would take deliberate care around their new neighbors, often choosing to fly away from a conflict instead of fighting back, was going a long way to convince Gobber that dragons were also much more intelligent than they had been given credit for.
The biggest proof of that, however, was lurking behind the chief’s door now in front of him.
He tapped on the scarred wood with his tongs-attachment and it opened inward a few moments later. Stoick squinted as the sunlight met his eyes and sagged in relief when he saw his visitor wasn’t there with another dragon complaint. “Gobber. I’m glad you’re here.” His head was bare and the lines in his face were noticeably deeper than they had been only a week before. The main source of his stress lay unconscious in the bed behind him.
Gobber nodded by way of greeting. “How’s the lad holding up?” He glanced around the room as he hobbled in, but there was no Night Fury in sight. Had it finally gone to join the other dragons? “He’s not woken?”
“No.” His friend closed the door behind him. “Mumbled a bit when Gothi changed the wraps, but never opened his eyes. We have Eir’s blessing, though, he’s healing well.” He eyed the bundle in Gobber’s hand. “Is that…?”
“For the leg, yeah. I could whip up another peg in a jiffy, but I’m thinking he’ll be wanting something a little more, ah, unique.”
Stoick smiled at that. “No, I can’t imagine he’d settle for anything simple.” His voice was layered with equal parts affection and sorrow, and the smith clapped a supportive hand to his shoulder.
“Don’tcha worry, Stoick, he’ll be back to driving you up the wall in no time. Then you’ll be wishing you’d appreciated the peace and quiet a little more. And there’s a bright side, too, he won’t have to worry about sock-stealing trolls anymore!” The chief leveled a flat stare at him and Gobber chuckled.
He moved to the bed and used his tongs to lift a corner of the bedcovers. Something creaked above him, and he glanced upward only to jerk back and swear as his eyes met a green, slitted pair that almost seemed to float in the air. Draped over a rafter, the dragon’s body was difficult to see in the dim lighting. It had tensed into a crouch, probably in response to his approaching Hiccup. A rumbling noise spilled from its mouth, not a growl, but still a warning. A reminder of the creature’s watchfulness over its rider.
“He won’t stop you,” Stoick said, when the staring match didn’t seem likely to end any time soon. “He let Gothi do her work just fine.”
“How long has the beastie been up there?” Gobber directed his question to Stoick, his gaze not leaving the Night Fury.
“Since Gothi changed the wraps. He was lying by the bed before, but wouldn’t leave the room when she needed him out of the way. This was the compromise.”
“Huh.” Finally looking back down, Gobber pulled the covers away from Hiccup’s stump again and began to work, eyes occasionally flickering up to the occupied rafter. He hadn’t intended to be ungentle to start with, but his actions held an extra level of care prompted by the feral presence above. The dragon, for its part, relaxed after a few moments, settling against the rafter like an enormous winged cat, tail twitching from time to time. It never stopped watching, though.
“What’d Hiccup call it, again?” Gobber’s question broke the silence. “The Night Fury?”
Stoick grunted in an amused way. “Toothless.”
“Toothless?” The smith’s eyebrows shot upward, and he glanced at the menacing shadow above, which had perked up when the wholly-inaccurate name was voiced. He shook his head and reminded himself that Hiccup’s mind worked in strange ways.
Gobber finished quickly, despite the pressure. Measurements taken and injured boy tucked back in, he sat next to the weary father to keep company a little longer. “The leg should be done day after tomorrow. I’ll make sure to strap it on so he don’t wake up stuck in bed.”
That got him a raised eyebrow. “Maybe I want him stuck in bed for a bit. You know he won’t be as careful with that injury as he should.”
“No, Stoick, the last thing he needs is to feel trapped. It’ll be hard enough as is.”
Nodding, Stoick acquiesced. “I won’t argue with that. Besides,” he sighed “if he couldn’t walk, he’d probably just ride Toothless out of the house anyway. There’s no keeping him down.” This time it was pride that warmed the chief’s voice.
“Too true.” A chortle sprung from Gobber’s lips. “Y’know, maybe I won’t make him a leg after all. Walking’s far too mundane for him, he’ll just fly on dragonback everywhere he goes! Just think of it!”
Stoick began to chuckle as well. “Ay, no need for a prosthetic limb when you’ve got the offspring of lightning and death as your shadow! It’s just the sort of dramatic thing he’d love.”
They laughed together, the oppressive weight of the sickroom lifting with their cheer.
Suddenly, the door banged open and Alva, the village tanner, burst in. “Chief! We need—”
Her interruption was cut short when a black blur shot from the ceiling and tackled her to the ground, hissing and growling. The woman gave a very unvikingly shriek at the sight of the fanged maw (see, Hiccup, plenty of teeth!) and angrily narrowed eyes above her. Stoick shot to his feet.
“Whoa, now!” Gobber cried, following. “Back off, dragon!”
The Night Fury ignored him, continuing to snarl at the villager pinned beneath its paws. Its ear-plates were pressed flat to its head, and its wings were spread to make it look bigger and more threatening. Though it made no move to attack further, it was an intimidating sight.
Stoick approached carefully, hands held out. “Toothless,” an ear rose, “let her go.” The black-scaled head swung around to give at the red-bearded man a look Gobber would almost call questioning. “She’s not a danger,” Stoick stressed, coming closer.
The dragon eyed Alva for a moment longer, then stepped back and slunk over to Hiccup’s bedside, where it kept watch on the Viking men.
Eyes wide and face pale, the woman took the hand the chief offered her and stood on shaking legs.
Gobber released a heavy breath. “Perhaps it’d be wise not to come barging in somewhere a protective Night Fury’s holed up in, eh?”
“What do you need, Alva?” Stoick asked with a hint of exasperation.
Eyes still glued to the dragon on the other side of the room, she couldn’t seem to remember. “Ah...there was a thing...um, a problem with some, uh, Gronckles…”
The giant man sighed. “I’ll be there as soon as I can, go tell everyone.” Alva left quickly, still rattled.
As soon as the door closed, the Night Fury turned away and started tending to Hiccup, nuzzling at his brow and giving little licks to his face. Gobber watched in amazement, the gentle behavior so different from the ferocity it had displayed only moments ago. Stoick crossed to his bearskin cloak hanging on the opposite wall and swung it around his shoulders.
“Hang on,” Gobber started. “you’re not leaving the dragon here alone with him?”
“I can’t depend on Spitelout to do everything until he wakes up, not with all this upheaval.” His friend placed his helmet on his head.
“I can’t stay, I’ve got my work to do.”
“I’m not asking you to. It’s only for a bit, and...they’ve likely already spent more time alone together than I like to think about.”
Gobber now remembered the sketches he’d found in his apprentice’s backroom the day before. He considered their subject, who had now climbed onto the bed and was carefully arranging his body around Hiccup’s so as not to jostle his stump leg.
Stoick opened the door. “Besides,” he said, pausing in the frame. “You were right, Gobber.”
The smith turned back towards him. “About what?”
“I can’t protect him forever...but that doesn’t mean nobody will.” The not-so-weary-anymore father shared a look with the creature next to his son, and something passed between them, an understanding revolving around the boy asleep in the bed. Stoick nodded, Toothless blinked, then they both turned away. The chief left the house and the dragon rested his chin next to the pillow, nose buried in his rider’s auburn strands. Hiccup mumbled something unintelligible and turned his head to press against the scaly snout before settling again.
Gobber regarded the peaceful pair for a few minutes. The Night Fury was so quiet and still, he couldn’t tell if he’d gone to sleep as well. He shook his head and laughed, prompting one green eye to open and peer at him. “Him having a dangerous shadow really isn’t that far off, is it?.” He looked straight at the black beast, who opened both eyes and tilted his head curiously. “You, beastie, are not at all what we expected. But then, things never do happen like they should when Hiccup’s involved.” He smiled at the small form under the covers. “And sometimes that’s not a bad thing.”
Toothless looked down at Hiccup as well, and purred in agreement. Gobber jabbed a finger at him, regaining his attention. “This means it’ll be your job to make sure he doesn’t go and blow himself up again.”
The dragon huffed, offended.
Gobber crooked a grin. “Yeah, you would already know that. He’s very good at it, after all.”
There was a snort of amusement. Toothless laid his head down again and curled closer to his rider. A great black wing unfolded and laid itself across the boy like a blanket.
The blacksmith sized up the asymmetrical tail with its lonely fin. He remembered another part of Hiccup’s sketches and came to a decision. Turning away from the friends snuggled together on the bed, he muttered to himself, “Suppose Stoick’ll have to wait a few more days on that leg. After all, it’s not every week I have to put together a matched set for two amputees.” He limped outside and blinked down at the path before him.
It had never seemed brighter.
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fyrborn · 7 years
pls talk to us about the dragons and their different personalities.
anonymous ❖ here’s the worst tldr list, but this is more in depth sorta
me: i’ll get to writing the bios tomorrowme @ me: stop lying 
          &&. in all seriousness, i will get to them, but school is starting soon. smh prop you should have gotten your shit together with this blog. anyway, don’t be like me and make a multidragon blog and expect yourself to write in depth bios lmao
         to make this clear since all dragons share this: they’re PRIDEFUL and INTELLIGENT. i know i joke about the best way to not getting yourself eaten is by calling them pretty, but it kinda is in a sense. after all, when you look at a dragon, you see a monster and beast, things along those lines. you don’t exactly see the beauty in serrated, sword long teeth that’s got charred flesh stuck in between or the smoldering ruins they leave behind. it doesn’t bother them if you call them otherwise, but it would hold their curiosity to judge you in seeing if you’re sincere or at least give you time to look for an exit ( viserion tends to be very vain and balerion likes to puff out his chest ). after all, winning their favor would be in your best interest when encountering them.
         they are intelligent creatures and they do understand human speech. they know what you’re saying regardless of whatever shit you’re trying to call them in a cheery tone. it’s like in hp when draco called buckbeak an ugly brute. talk shit, get hit buddy. meraxes is the most forgiving, just saying, but even she has her limits. they are in tune with their rider’s feelings through their bond and it’s one that is magical and more. it’s why the dragons can be called without any verbal message or command. the dragons communicate through a variety of sounds too, which ( aside from body language ) communicates what they’re trying to get at. i’m going off my own hc that the dragons do share their own experiences with one another. they can show each other images, sounds, scents, touch, and feelings depending on how close they are. this could eventually be something their riders might experience if they’re close enough. again it’s their own jurisdiction on whether they want to share or not. sometimes if the bond is really strong there’s no hiding it. 
         also to make this clear, just because you’re their RIDER does not necessarily save you from possibly getting injured or snapped at. they’re WILD no matter how long they’ve had a rider for. there is no TAMING of a dragon ( dany got snapped at y’know ) and once a dragon sets their mind to doing something, they’ll do it regardless of being told no. along with that note, the dragon chooses the rider, not the other way around.
                                        and now we get into what y’all really want.
balerion: is founded on this need to survive as he was one of the five dragons that was brought over from the doom. i’m not saying they didn’t feed him or anything, he can hunt on his own quite well, but i’m sure he most likely fought the other fledglings for food. and as he grew, he became more outwardly aggressive in dominating and suppressing the other dragons. most likely if these dragons didn’t die from natural causes, balerion would have killed them himself when they started to toe the line with him. honestly, i wouldn’t be surprised if he wasn’t partial to cannibalism. with how much he ate and having all the free skies to fly, he grew into what massive size and fire power he was known for. pretty much this is the part that makes me laugh too when jaime??? in the show was saying drogon was full grown. drogon is like a fourth of his size. he wouldn’t make an impact if they collided in the air and balerion would eat him alive. aren’t ya glad he’s dead?
         i’m trying really hard to remember what word fits him, but it’s not arrogance. he knows what he’s capable of and he has the right to act as he does. balerion has an air of superiority ( it doesn’t help that he does look down at you from his snout ), but it’s a very imposing and tangible type of atmosphere when you meet him. he wants your respect. he won’t ask for it. he DEMANDS it. which raises the question that i made early on my dash, about how anyone could have possibly controlled balerion. anyway, balerion does not go out of his way to be cruel. none of the dragons do actually, they kill for a reason and not for sport ( chasing is fun though ). he can be quite sweet ( surprise!!!! ) to those he trusts. no, he won’t roll over and wag his tail like a puppy ( they’re more feline like when it comes to body language anyway ), but he will make the softest sounds and nudge you as gentle as possible for a scratch ( not that you can really do much at his age ). 
                           here’s a sample that i wrote for some meme on my other blog:
 the skies are his to rule and he fills it with dragon song. from deep within his stomach, presses out through chest and vibrates through throat, it comes in ROAR meant to signify his presence. how any creature, small or large ( all insignificant ), can not make note of his presence was surely foolish. for even the BLIND can see his strength, let it roll over them and know how immense of a beast he was. for even the DEAF can hear what mighty beast he was, feel the way the EARTH quivers underneath wing stroke. even the SILENT can utter gasping screams when BLACK FIRE scorches land and all its inhabitants. they should all know and see just WHO it is that truly bears the CROWN.
  crimson gaze settles upon silver scales that GLEAM in sunlight. and dragon song once more makes itself heard, though not of his own and balerion only eyes the CHALLENGER with disinterest. such a fledgling ( by his standards ) can screech in defiance and utter his PETTY challenges all he wishes. it would not matter. HE WILL CRUSH THIS ONE’S SKULL BETWEEN HIS TEETH. maegor be willing ( or unwilling ), he will know what is BEST for them both and let him tear this silver one apart.
                                                             FOOLISH THING 
  he has lived a HUNDRED YEARS AND MORE. he has seen and faced battles FAR GREATER than this child of blood and fire has ever seen much less been in. dark shadow is cast and falls below the city ( human nest ). how such fragile creatures take to hiding, so unlike the human child that sits upon his black scales and holds onto scarlet tinged horns and spines. a whisper from maegor, a language that HE KNOWS SINCE HATCHING is given. kessa īlon zālagon zirȳ, balerion? he need not ask such a thing. the dragon will show what FIRES BURN within his chest.
                                          DO YOU THINK YOU CAN DEFEAT ME? 
  how can such a SMALL DRAGON hope to compare to such a beast like him? great jaws part and reveal curved teeth, CRUELthings that have CLEAVED armored men in half and feasted upon their horses like human children eating sweets. he calls then, to this QUICKSILVER dragon. wingstrokes carrying him far and he is met with open aggression. clawed feet latch onto his, but by far, he DWARFS this little sky lord. one can not simply DEFEAT A KING like he.
                                                    A CENTURY TOO YOUNG 
    teeth SINK through scales with such ease and reminds him of humans in their worthless metal armor. and it is just like them that he will end THIS IMPUDENT LORD’S LIFE. nostrils flare as he breathes in, feels VOLCANIC HEAT rise up from his chest and PITCH BLACK FLAMES spew from the depths of his throat and rush to burn at joint where bone connects wing to body. there is a cry of PAIN AND AGONY, but that only fuels such eagerness for the kill. a sharp jerk of his head, power given by thick neck muscle, and he makes QUICK WORK of this dragon. jaws slacken for just a second before snapping back shut. with one final SNAP, the wing tears free.
vhagar: vhagar and meraxes were born after balerion, both of who are female. they are close to one another not just because of how close they were hatching, but also being girls essentially ( they got each other’s back like visenya and rhaenys!!! ). she is very forward in what she wants and how she wants it. there are no warnings with vhagar, save with visenya of course, but generally it’s best to tread very lightly with her. she’s the embodiment of i’ll take it with fire and blood and would die fighting. vhagar is very into proving to everyone she’s capable of handling herself. while she’s not a tactician of any sort, vhagar does use the field to her advantage and not to mention her size. more or less that first started with picking fights with balerion when she was old enough. she is not scared of balerion whatsoever and often would get the upper hand of things despite being slightly smaller. she’s a quick thinker and ferocious when it comes to fighting ( more like sore loser lbr ). vhagar sadly does have a short temper, so often enough she will kinda explode when things that have been annoying her build up, but as quick as it starts, it’s also quick to go away. 
         she is pretty smug though. you know that scene in httyd where toothless kinda laughs at the other dragon he spat fire at? yeah that’s vhagar when she beat balerion. i hc that there were two major fights between the both of them, which could have ended up with either of them dead. in both cases, vhagar had the upper hand and she used the environment to her advantage. the first time was in dragonstone and vhagar nearly drowned balerion if it wasn’t for meraxes knocking her off. the second time was in king’s landing within the dragonpit because of some spacial pressure. they’re used to open skies and being able to fly freely, not being kept in one place completely. it’s a good thing they kept the fight short or the city would have all burned. 
meraxes: is the most forgiving of dragons. or rather, the most TOLERANT of them. by all means, she’s not docile. please don’t think that. she surely is the most patient and willing to wait ( to think before she leaps! ) to see what happens. she’s inquisitive by nature and finds herself rather content with lazing in the sun. though it’s not to say she’s not as ferocious as the other two in the skies. by all means, meraxes is no push over. she just has an extremely high patience, especially when it comes to balerion and vhagar. only when it’s a life and death situation will she intervene in their fights. otherwise she lets them go at it until they go into a stalemate. meraxes certainly does have a more motherly nature and often enough does coddle rhaenys should she see her upset. to a certain extent, she does find human children amusing and might allow a few curious ( and brave! ) to try and climb on her, but she’ll shake them off or push them away when she’s had enough.
        ( i gotta think about her more because she’s not as developed as i hoped aside from #she protec and #she attac)
drogon: he shares a lot of aspects with balerion ( death reincarnate! ), but because of how he was raised ( since i write balerion already hatched and wasn’t bonded at first to aenys ), he’s very tied to daenerys. in a sense he DOES want to be his mother’s son. he adores her and will do what he can to make her happy and content, but it’s also with this love that brings him such CONFLICT. you’ll see this especially when he becomes bigger than a small dog. he wants to be FREE to do what he wants without having to come back to dany and he kinda wants to come to her on his own terms. i mean ever since they were young, they mostly stayed within their mother’s view. and now they’re large enough to go somewhere without people trying to catch them in a sense.
        drogon wants to be the first. first ( lmao ) and foremost is to SURVIVE. after all, there were people trying to separate him and his brothers from their mother and there is nothing more powerful than fear to be your guide LMAO. essentially he doesn’t want to be in that position again. he wants to be able to be the one who protects himself, his siblings, but also his mother and that is a huge driving force ( also generally what gets him to rush right on back ).  and there, again, is this WILDERNESS that even dany can not tame no matter how much she can try. the best way, thankfully so, is through compromise. i think the fact that drogon had snapped at her the first time was shocking to her. drogon has always been gentle with her and to have this happen is eye opening. but aside from that!!! he does push his weight around. with his siblings, he makes it very clear that he is the one in charge. not to say that neither of them won’t challenge him from time to time. though this was mostly when they were younger and around the same size, though drogon still having a little more growth on him.
        he is a very stubborn dragon and he likes making it known that you should not test him, no exceptions even with dany ( ie snappity snap ). and as he grows larger and older, drogon definitely does find his own way in things. and honestly??? going into a fight with dany on his back is also kinda fun for him in a sense because hello prey drive, but also charred horse is pretty nice. viserion and rhaegal already ate humans so??? it’s not like he can miss out!!!
viserion: call him the PRETTIEST dragon you’ve ever seen and he’ll wait for you to compliment him more. viserion is VAIN and he likes to be praised ( fastest way to his heart ). the one thing he noticed right off the bat when he became more aware of his surroundings is that he is the color of the metal objects that people so covet, which only adds to his ridiculous ego. now i’m not saying that he’s going to stare off into a mirror all the time, but he takes a lot of time and pride in his appearance. however, i wouldn’t go as far as to count him out when it comes to a fight. just because there’s some blood being splattered or there’s some mud involved, doesn’t mean anything. being vain also means he’ll defend his name and reputation through his own force and means. so he does at times get into fights with drogon and rhaegal, but it stops once he’s makes his point ( or when drogon makes his point lmao ). hence why he grows more and more aggressive when he’s older.
        he is a very CONSERVATIVE dragon ( no politics \ o / ) and by that I mean he only does things when he deems his energy and time is worth it. this applies to moving too. big cats, for example, they only use enough energy to leap from one platform to the edge of another platform. no more and no less. viserion is like that and he is a very graceful flier because of it. though this does make him appear to be the LAZIEST dragon as he’s often seen basking in the sun while rhaegal might be off doing spiral dives for fun. speaking of his brother though, both he and rhaegal are the closest with each other because of the time they spent with each other when they were chained up, but also because of the fact they get along really well??? they work very well when it comes to hunting together and it’s really coordinated ( think ambushing when they were younger ). but!!! viserion is PROTECTIVE of rhaegal and keeps an eye on him and like siblings, they’ll back each other up. they do nest together and they don’t often stay away for too long from each other. it’s more so for reassurance than it is because they’re dependent on one another. 
                                                            he hates the cold. 
rhaegal: the smallest and by far is not coddled. in fact he would actually get angry if you do things for him ( not that he doesn’t appreciate the sentiment ) because he likes to EARN things. he is a hard worker and it’s so much more SATISFYING to him if he does. he doesn’t have an inferiority complex, but he does turn everything into a COMPETITION. he shares traits with vhagar in the sense that he wants to prove himself. hence why once he sees drogon do something, rhaegal is the one who will surely follow since he wants to also beat viserion to the punch. he is TENACIOUS in anything he tries to do and if he doesn’t get it right the first time. drogon might have been the first to fish in the seas while they were traveling on boat, but rhaegal would have been the second to dive right in. you’ll find him rather brave and bold. when he was younger he wouldn’t hesitate to fight back larger and stronger opponents and i wouldn’t put it past him to make a go at horses when he was on the ground or even dorthraki riders when they’re close by. and as he grew, it’s not surprising when he becomes the most TROUBLESOME of dragons when it came to having to find his way with wow growth spurt lmao and finding how to fly properly. all wings and kinda lanky before filing out. tbh, rhaegal isn’t the most graceful of dragons to fly since he relies a lot on speed so his movements can be sharp when there are turns and he likes to test the limits of his capabilities ( honestly imagine nearly crashing if it wasn’t for viserion or drogon to cushion/ help him pull back ). 
        surprisingly, he’s also the most SOCIAL of all dragons and CURIOUS of them. which makes him a bit more easier to handle in comparison to his brothers when he was younger. so it was alright for dany to essentially hand him off to someone else close to her to hold ( like jorah or missandei ). it’s why he’s rather SOFT when it comes to those close to dany and will often take it to kinda check in on them ( he’s got a good heart!!! ). though it might come unwelcomed when he scares the heck out of you. rhaegal, as i mentioned above, is very close with viserion. even before they were chained beneath the pyrimids, they grew to rely on one another more than they did drogon. rhaegal has been one to sleep next to viserion and at times will share food ( if he’s generous ). though they do have their fair share of fights for the meal. and i gotta write a sad dragon now smh.
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