#the only one whose whereabouts i dont know are the fuckboi
beaversatemygrandma · 2 years
Randomly thinking about that time this fuckboi started working with me. Now, he didn’t originally come off as a fuckboi, he was rather sweet and just plain pretty. But then came the time when he was flirting/sleeping with three of us there. All at once.
One of them was an old friend of mine and while i was fwb with him (he was nice to have around, okay), she admits to me that she has a crush on him. And I’m like “oh.” bc i had a crush on her. Then there’s the third girl, she was close to this old friend and they started hanging out a lot. This third girl started dating the fuckboi. Now, here’s where the fuckboi really shows his fuckboi colors. My old friend started flirting back with him and tried to date him bc he never told any of us that him and the other girl started dating. Those two stayed talking for a while, we’d do group hangouts together just the four of us. Still. Unaware. That those two started dating. One night he invites me over, I stay the night, etc etc. (Long story, there’s more.)
The next day, my friend comes up at work like ‘Something’s off about those two’ and starts talking about how he still wouldn’t turn her down but seemed like he was avoiding the whole idea and spending a lot more time with the other girl.
A few days later, me and the fuckboi were working side by side and had a whole lot of time to chat. At the worst possible point during the lunch rush, he looks to me and says ‘by the way, me and that girl are dating now.’ (Keep in mind, this was apparently a couple months after they actually got together) So, of course I’m there like ‘what the actual fuck man. I literally slept with you last weekend.’
THEN, a week or so later, my friend comes over outside of work and tells me about how his gf told her that he cheated on her a month before. And me, putting the pieces together slowly but surely through the conversation, realizes, he cheated on her with me. And she didn’t even know about the most recent time that he had. It was definitely more than once bc that fucker was being all secretive. After that, the girl group split up for a while due to different jobs. The fuckboi moved in with his gf. Me and my old friend keep up a casual friendship with oddly homoerotic flirting that goes right over the head of our incel friend who acted as our ride 90% of the time so he casually joins in thinking its just a bit we’re doing even though both of us are subtly telling each other that we’re down to get together. Yadda yadda, six months pass Somehow. I Still Can’t Get a Girl. Which is funny bc she explicitly told me she was into girls too during that time. Fuckboi’s gf finally has had enough of his shit, allegedly he got another girl involved, and dumps him, leaving him without a home. He comes crawling back to me, but i no longer had my apartment and wouldn’t just let him crash with me. There was a whole thing and eventually he finally managed to get a new place to live after I pointed him to our incel buddy for a place to sleep, who, being the kind weirdo that he is, let him stay with him until he could finally move on.
After all that, the girls are reunited again. The three of us would spend whatever time we had outside of work at the beach. (I lived with my granddad at the time and he had a BEACH HOUSE so BEACH.)
The fuckboi brought three bi girls* (*I’m not a girl anymore tho) together and managed to get the weirdest homoerotic friendship between all of us over the unification from this guy, which none of us acted on bc apparently there wasn’t enough evidence for any of us to make a move on another.
Now, the girls started living together after the fuckboi vacancy, alongside another girl, my other old friend’s beard, and the incel buddy. It became this small lesbian coven with the token small man with weeb shit all over the house who’d give me tips on how to flirt with that one girl i had a crush on bc she had him wrapped around her fingers but zero interest in him, but he was like ‘yeah, i’ll get you the girl, dw’. So, i had all the inside tips on what she liked and what kind of gifts to randomly drop on her. It was a Solid Plan. To which, she slowly figured out and literally told me that she was telling him the most expensive things to buy her bc she really did have him wrapped around her fingers. And there i was just thinking she had an expensive taste. 
Then sadly, i ended up hitting the bricks and ditching town not but a few months later due to granddad-related situations. Shortly after that x-mas party we had where i was basically flirting with her the entire time as she kept making me her usual Dark and Stormy cocktails.
I really want to start talking to that girl again. She’s that type of friend you can just pick up without any of those years taking a toll. (Bc somehow an acquaintance i had in high school turned into a best friend that i was crushing on as an adult) I hear she’s still living with the weird lesbian coven and the incel is finally no longer an incel and has a gf and still THERE. (Plus, i think he finally started wearing deodorant. He smelled a lot better last time i saw him. His girl is doing him some good.) Anyway. I want in on that group again. It’s been too long. I need to talk to her at some point soon.
Anyway that was the unification via fuckboi. His ex-gf left the group and went off with a new fuckboi to Texas so who knows where she’s at. But the REST ARE STILL THERE.
I need to get back to my hometown already. I’m ready for a new bout of fuckery, this time excluding our favorite fuckboi. Well. Hopefully.
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