#the only reason ive been holding off is cuz ive saw some drama stuff happen back when a certain odor decided to scramble the bird site like
florshedworf · 1 year
fine ill join freaking cohost >:(
0 notes
smallraindrops-blog · 3 years
HELLO I AM SORRY IF THIS HAS BEEN ASKED ALREADY but I really like the achilles son au w hypnos... if you haven't started writing the next bit, do you think you could make part 6 and have it where Thanatos notices how close y/n and Hypnos are getting, and confronts y/n about it? I feel like it could make for good story stuff and angst cuz Hypnos would have to admit to them liking each other mutually/being in a relationship and basically back up y/n
Wake Me From This Dreaming.
Word Count: 6.1K
Warning: Fighting, war, traum, medical stuff, nightmares, death, war, kisses, romantic/sexual tension, family drama, no beta.
A/N: HELLO ANON! funny enough, you and I had the same idea for this part. I think it lines up enough with what you asked for so i hope you still like it. Sorry for disappearing for a bit, Ive been working/zoom classes/napping.
To those had sent me asks for the Modern!AU of this, I’ve seen them and is currently on working on those along other wips. And I am still taking requests for this son!au in case anyone wondering.
I hope y’all like this because I do have some doubts about this part. Also I actually like Thanatos but I always feel i like make him into a bad guy. ANYWAY. Enjoy!
Masterpost with all the parts
The Trojan war was in full swing and you felt every moment of it.
You walked behind Your Father, both of you filthy with blood and dirt smeared over you. Your knuckles were bleeding and you could feel every twitch of pain in your hands.
The last of the daylight made his armor glow, and he reminded one of those statues, unreal and untouchable.
Achilles was unusually quiet, normally your father was loud and boisterous to show off to his men. But you and both walked ahead of the group, Achilles in a rage and you followed to stop him.
The last battle had gone badly thanks to Agamemnon and his unwillingness to send more help to the Greeks in battle. Several dozen good men, both Greeks and Achaeans were lost for no reason other than pettiness between their leaders.
“Father?” You spoke up when the camp was in sight, you didn't want to have this talk in front of Patroclus, not when Patroclus was already dealing with the sick and dying. Not when you knew Patroclus feared the day it might be you or Achilles or both.
You almost died today and if it hadn't been for Achilles’ speed, you would have been one of the bodies carried back.
Achilles didn’t turn around, just grunted as he kept walking.
He couldn’t even face you. You sighed, “Don’t let this get to you. Don’t give Agamemnon this power over you.”
Achilles stopped and you copied him, waiting for him to say something. A wind drifted past, carrying the salty smell of the sea. Finally Achilles turned to look at you, his face dark and cold.
If you weren’t his son, you would have taken a step back.
“You could have died today because of him, do you understand?” Achilles said, slow and calm like you were a child, not a fellow warrior. The drying blood on his face and helmet only made his blue eyes look brighter, crueler.
Your chest tightened at the man who looked like a mockery of your Father. Curse this damn war, for this quest of glory and what it had cost. All for some damn woman.
“It could happen any day, because of any reason.” You breathed through your nose, not willing to show any fear to Achilles. “His brother will talk sense into him, this battle has hurt them just as much.”
You stared Achilles down, “Do. Not. Let them have this over you, over us.”
Achilles glared at you, “Losing you would break Patroclus, it would kill him-”
“Don’t.” You snapped, “We both know you were the one you put me on the battlefield in the first place.”
Before you even saw his hands move, Achilles grabbed you by your shoulders, his fingers curled in the fabric and dragged you to him.
“I am your father, lad and I will not tolerate this disrespect from anyone but especially not from my son, do you understand me?” Achilles hissed.
You didn’t fight his hold, You just said “Don’t go to Agamemnon. If you won’t do it for me, do it for Pa! It's the least you could do for him after everything he has done for you.”
Achilles said nothing, his face was a stranger to you. His hands let go of you as he turned away from you.
“Don’t show up for dinner tonight, I don’t want to see you until the next call for battle.” Achilles snarled as he walked ahead to the camp.
You slumped, shaky with a rush of adrenaline.
You started walking a few minutes afterwards in the dusty twilight, alone in the dark. The war had already dragged on for almost six years now and it had taken so much. You looked up at the sky, the stars just starting to reveal themselves.
Surely this war couldn’t go on for much longer.
Once, when you were a new guard, Prince Zagrues asked You about the war.
You had tensed up, you were still getting used to your new role as house guard- still getting used to the house, the gods, the countless rules and the odd little creature named Hypnos who had for some reason, taken up talking to you.
You knew you couldn't tell him off like you could others. So in the polite tone your parents had drilled into you for kings and politicians, you asked him what he wanted to know.
"What was Achilles like, in battle I mean?" Prince Zagreus asked, his curiosity oblivious.
You relaxed, it was easy to talk about your father and his skills. "He wasn't called the greatest of Greeks for nothing. I still never seen anything that moved like he did."
You shifted on your feet, leaning against your spear a little. "The first couple of months in the war, I was in charge of his spears, and I can tell you he never missed, not once."
Prince Zagreus grinned, "That's amazing. In the years I knew him, he never really talked about it. The war I mean."
You almost said, well of course, he wouldn't talk about the foolish quest for glory that cost him everything. And even in death, it took so much time for everyone to heal.
But you bit the words back and shrugged, "That's just how Father is sometimes." And with that you sent the prince on his way.
Once Prince Zagreus was out of sight, you sighed and called out, "Hypnos, I know you are hiding in the rafters again. Shouldn't you be working right now?"
You looked up and saw Hypnos gave you a surprise stare. He blinked once slowly at you, owl-like with his golden eyes. "How did you know I was here?"
You matched his stare, "I know everything."
Hypnos scoffed at you, unimpressed and floated down. "You know, you could have told him. He can be dense about some things but he is never cruel. He would have understood if he touched a raw nerve."
You scowled, "What are you talking about?"
Hypnos placed his cheek on his hand, a knowing look in his eyes. "You almost said something else didn't you?"
"No." You said, annoyed that this little strange god somehow saw what Prince Zagreus didn't.
He raised a brow, an amused smile curled his lips and you forced yourself to look past him.  Of course, the most annoying creature you ever met was also the most beautiful thing you ever laid eyes on.
Hypnos drifted back, "Alrighty, tough guy. I will leave you alone."
"Will you though?" You asked but a smirk form on your face and Hypnos...
Hypnos just laughed, warm and loud.
"Pa, I'm fine." You groaned. Patroclus held your face between his hands, turning your face one way then the other way to look at you.
"Let me see the rest." Patroclus ordered. "Are you sure you clean it up right?"
"What? No, Pa, it's fine. Why does everyone forget we're dead and it doesn't matter?" You pulled your face away with a shake of your head.
"Don't argue with your Pa." Achilles said, a scowl on his face.
You rolled your eyes, of course Achilles was a pushover when it came to Patroclus.
With his arms crossed, Achilles sighed. "Why didn't you tell us that you were added to the pact of punishment?"
"I knew it would upset you guys." You replied. You huffed when Patroclus picked up your arm and unwrapped the bandages.
"It's not a big deal. I-" You started but hissed when Pa touched the wound. It mostly healed but it was still tender. Patroclus looked up at you, frowning. "You promise me that you cleaned out everything?"
"I- Yes. I promise." You muttered, embarrassed being fussed over. And you thought Hypnos was bad. Patroclus rewrapped your arm wordlessly, his movements quick.
"Did Zagreus know? About Ares?" Patroclus looked at you, his dark eyes hard.
"Beloved, the lad wouldn't knowingly hurt Y/N like that." Achilles said.
"Father's right." You shrugged, "I don't think he knew how bad Ares has it out for me even now. I didn’t, that's for sure."
Patroclus gave you and Achilles a doubtful look, "Alright." He said finally. You reached over and gave Patroclus an one arm hug.
“Come on, I came here to escape the doom and gloom of the house. Tell me what I miss.” You said.
Achilles perked up, a cheeky grin on his lips. “Speaking of houses, when will you bring your ‘friend’ along? I think we are due for a meeting.” Patroclus laughed quietly at your grimace. His face lightened for the first time since you returned to your parents, still wrapped up in bandages.
You groaned and shoved Achilles who didn't even stumble at your push. “Not this again.”
Later, when you almost made it out of Elysium, you heard a familiar voice.
“Y/N! Wait, stop where you are.” Zagreus called out and you sighed, closing your eyes. Of course, with your luck Zagreus and you would cross paths right now.
But your parents didn’t raise a coward so you turned around to see Zagreus hurried over to you.  A faint pink haze followed him, Aphrodite but you saw no sign of Ares, thankfully.
“Your Highness, what can I do for you?” You eyed the pink mist. Zagreus flinched as if he knew this wasn’t the ideal way for you and him to meet again.
“I need to apologize for what happened last time.” Zagreus sighed, his hands spread out. “I-i just wasn’t thinking and I just trying to get out quickly-“
“Your highness- Zagreus.” Your tone made the prince stop, his mismatched eyes staring at you.
“You don’t need to apologize.” You sighed, “Honestly, I didn’t think Ares would still care since I've been dead for a long time. It was nothing you did. You need all the help you can get.”
Zagreus bit his lip, “Alright, I won’t argue.”  You nod, grateful he let it go.
“If there is nothing else…” you trailed off, shifting on your feet.
Zagreus gave a nervous grin, “Actually there is. I want to know if we can resume my training?”
You tilted your head in surprise. ”Why?”
“I don’t want it to happen again. We both know the reason you got hurt badly was because you pulled me away from his attacks.” Zagrues shifted on his feet, leaving burnt grass behind. “I want to get as good as you, as Achilles.”
“You already fought Hades, a god. Zagreus, I lost my fight with Ares when I was alive, and my father…” You stopped at the disappointment on Zagrues’ face.
You sighed, this job had made you gone soft. Damn it.
“Alright. We can pick up your training again.” You pointed a finger at him. “But no tomfoolery or no missing training.”
Zagreus beamed, “Thank you, sir! I won’t let you down.”
You just nodded.  ‘I know.”
His grin became a smirk, “Tell Hypnos to come train with me sometimes, I didn't know his spells could hit that hard.”
You chuckled, “I’ll tell him.”
Zagreus nodded and waved a farewell. You returned the wave. You waited until he was out of sight before you slumped, feeling the aches in your body.
You don’t get paid enough for this.
Hypnos had taken up sleeping in your bed, using his cloak as a blanket.
Your room was dark except for a single candle. You closed the door, careful not to make a sound.
You should be more upset about how the little god had claimed your bed while you were gone. You weren't though, if Hypnos wanted your bed, it was his for the taking.
You dropped off your goods and new armor by the door and walked over the bed.
You stared down at him, soaking in the sight. It still didn't feel real, Hypnos didn't feel real to you. His messy curls were somehow more messy and his mouth slightly parted. You reach out to touch him, to hear his grumpy muttering as he is awakened. But you stopped, Hypnos hadn’t gotten much sleep since you got hurt in the battle so you pulled away.
With a sigh, you sat down on the floor, the bed to your back. One more day until you return back to the daily grind of guard duty. You hoped you wouldn't have to go out for a while, just so you could have more time with Hypnos.
You heard a rustle next to you and you turned to see heavy lidded eyes blinked at you.
Hypnos smiled, "You've returned." And you loved him so much it hurts just to look at him.
You reached over and brushed his curls from his eyes. "And you’ve taken over my bed.”
Hypnos just grinned and tugged at your hand to join him, and of course because it's Hypnos, you did. You and him pressed together tightly on the small bed, Hypnos tucked his head under your chin as you held him.
You hummed, it felt good to finally have Hypnos in your arms.
Hypnos brushed his fingers against your collarbone, his breathing slowly deepened as he fell back to sleep. You blinked slowly at the wall, feeling warm and fuzzy-head.
You don’t remember falling asleep.
Smoke coated your mouth and throat and you could feel ashes all over your face.  You tried to breathe but barely any air came to you.
Ares dragged you though the town, his soldiers and dogs hunting for the townsfolk. You thought you felt hands tugged at you, pulling you in hundreds of directions.
As you were dragged on the ground, you saw Achilles holding on to Patroclus' broken body. His face buried in Patroclus' chest as he screamed and weeped.
Patroclus’ heads rolled and you knew the light had left his dark eyes.
'Father, you're bleeding. Your foot.' You tried to tell him but Achilles didn't hear you and you blinked and he slumped over Patroclus' body, just as broken he was.
Ares' fingers dug into your head, and squeezed and squeezed and squeezed as he screamed, “Where are they? Where? Where?!" And slammed the back of your head into the ground at each question.
You stared up at the god, vision blurred and head throbbing and spat in his face. "Fuck off." You slurred or tried to, you weren't sure if you were able to.
You could hear his dogs barking and howling as they circled you.
Ares went quiet, his panting harsh and slowly his fingers went up to where you spat in his face. His fingers pulled away and he stared at the bloody saliva.
And screamed -
"Y/N." Soft and sweet, almost a sing-song voice broke past the screaming. Gentle touches on your cheek, you jerked awake and saw the wall of your room. Off from the side, you saw faint light of a candle flicker and dance.
“You were having a nightmare.” Hypnos whispered. You blinked again, and realized Hypnos was next to you, pressed close to your side on your too small bed.
You groaned and sat up. “I fell asleep?”
It was rare for you to fall asleep at all but with Hypnos tucked against you, it had gotten easier.
Hypnos followed, “You needed it.” He said simply, his tone warning you not to argue with him. He gave you a gentle poke on your chest, You chuckled, trying to forget the dream you just had.
He leaned against you, sleep-warm and soft. You sighed as you rested your cheek on his head.
You never shared a bed like this before. But you could get used to it.
“I-i saw it. Not by choice.” Hypnos said, quick and hush.
You tensed unwillingly, “How much?” It wasn’t that you were upset at him, you knew he could see dreams, he told you before but it's just that you don’t want him to see the worst of your memories. Didn’t want his cheerful face twisted into that worried frown you seemed so good at causing.
“Just parts of it. I’m sorry, I know you don’t like to talk about it.” Hypnos’ hand rose to touch you then stopped; unsure of himself.
And you couldn’t have that.
You grabbed his fingers and pressed a kiss against his knuckles, “No need to be sorry.” You muttered against his skin before you looked up at his embarrassed but pleased face.
“I’m sorry you had to see it-“
Hypnos didn’t let you finish, interrupted your words with a kiss. He pulled away after a moment, his golden eyes bright. “Hush. You don’t have to apologize for a nightmare. Not to me.”
You swallowed, lost for words.
So you just kissed him again. Slowly and lovingly. Hypnos presses closer, warm and inviting.
Home, you thought to yourself, I’m home.
You nodded toward Skully, who returned the nod when he saw you and Zagreus with Hypnos floating in from behind you. “Boys, you’re back for more.”
He spied Hypnos who gave him a cheeky grin and a wave. Skully pointed to his eyes with two fingers then to Hypnos, “Imma keep an eye on you, don’t you forget.”
Hypnos put a hand on his chest with a mock gasp, “Skully, I thought you knew you can trust me by now.” Skully just laughed, loud and harsh but Hypnos joined in.
You smiled, you didn’t take part in the strange game Hypnos played with Skully but you liked watching it unfold. Honestly, the skeleton seems to enjoy chasing Hypnos off just as Hypnos enjoyed playing jokes on the old bag of bones.
You turned to Zagrues to order him to warm up when Thanatos appeared in the room. Zagreus perked up immediately, “Than, you made it!”
You glanced back at Hypnos, who gave you a surprise and slightly hurt look in return.
Thanatos nodded toward the prince, his golden eyes drifted over to you then to Hypnos.
You crossed your arms, “You invited him, I take it?” And Zagreus gave you a guilty smile.
“Y/N. Hypnos.” Thanatos greeted with a disapproving look toward Hypnos but he kept his mouth shut this time.
“If it is alright, I want Thanatos to be here to watch.” Zagreus’ eyes darted between you and Thanatos. You raised an eyebrow, he was up to something but you didn’t know what.
“Makes no difference to me. Just remember, this is training. Not a sporting event.” You pointed to the center of the room, “Warm up now.”
After Zagrues started with Skully handling the counting, you turned to the brothers. Hypnos grinned, “Come on Thanatos. I will show you my home from home. It is the best corner of the room.”
As Hypnos moved past you, his hand brushed across your back. Just a quiet touch between you and him.  You didn’t see Thanatos noticing the touching or how his eyes went to Hypnos who acted like normal.
“And he told you that?” You asked, amused at the outrage on Hypnos’ face. You grabbed the drinks and followed Hypnos back to the table tucked away in a corner. The lounge was slow right now, only a few shades lingered. Some talked of work but you saw a few pairs together, close and quiet.
It had been weeks since the new training and the returned to guard duty. You were glad for the break.
“I’m not kidding. So after this doctor and his thing, what do you mortals call it? Blood-something?” He looked up at you, slipping his too sweet drink.
“Blood-letting.” You told him, grinning at his wrinkled nose. He shuddered,“Urg. Yes. That. So the leeches he was testing out caused an allergic reaction and he ended up dying.”
Hypnos waved a hand, “That wasn’t the wrose of it though. Before he was done dying, the other doctor that was helping him didn’t try to save him, just took notes as he died.”
You laughed, “That is horrible.” You slipped your drink, “Was that angry guy in the great hall earlier?”
Hypnos shook his head, “Oh no, that was a different guy, he heard that the guy that his wife left him for died and was waiting for him.”
You rolled your eyes, “Really? Dead and he still cared?”
Hypnos leaned forward, his elbows on the table and hands holding on to his drink. “Patroclus was a doctor right? Did he ever do that stuff?”
You tapped your drink in thought, “A few times. He mainly handled battle or training injuries. He didn’t care for leeches, if you could imagine.”
Hypnos chuckled,”That’s fair. I heard they get quite attached.”
You groaned with a laugh, “Really, Hypnos? That was a bad one.”
“You’re just mad you didn’t think of it yourself.” Hypnos replied. The little god scooted closer, his golden eyes on you. You got closer too, just to share the same space as him.
After a few more drinks and a meal, Hypnos hooked his arm into yours as he led you out the lounge. Normally you didn’t like to be so openly affectionate but Hypnos did so you tried to be too. Even if it meant fighting down a blush the whole time.
“And then Zagreus tried to play it off. Acting like he left something in his room, and wasn’t killed by one of those numbskulls.” Hypnos chatted happily as he told you of the prince’s first escape attempts.
You chuckled, relieved to notice that most of the house had retired. You relaxed a little as Hypnos and you made it your way to the hallways of where the workers lived.
But Hypnos stopped moving forward, biting his bottom lip. You waited, noting at how the candlelight danced across his face. “You look really good.” You whispered, feeling like a fool but you wanted him to know.
Hypnos blinked up at you, a pleased smile formed slowly. “Oh?”
You nodded, moving your arm to hold him by his waist and leaned down to steal a kiss from him. For a few moments, you and him kissed, chaste but with a promise for more later.
Until you heard something moved. You pulled away, staring over your shoulder to the opening into the east wing. Hypnos copied you, “Is everything okay?”
“Did you hear that?” You waited until Hypnos shook his head. You placed your hands on his shoulders, “Stay here.” You ordered and you made your way over. Your eyes darted, searching for any movement . But everything was in its place, and nothing moved in the shadows. You went over to check the administration door, only to see everything locked up properly.
You even checked the great hall, listening for anything.  You waited for a few heartbeats. You wondered if you imagined something but your gut told you otherwise.
Someone was there even if they weren’t anymore.
You returned to Hypnos who gave you a curious head tilt. You shook your head, “Sorry, I must have been imagining things.” You heard the wariness in your own voice and knew Hypnos did too.
The little god tugged you closer, holding both of your hands. “You got nothing to worry about.” You nodded, even if you didn’t believe him.
Hypnos gave you a nervous glance. “I- I wanted to ask you something.”
You focused on him, “Anything.”
“You know how we would go to your room?” Hypnos whispered quickly, to force his words out. “I was thinking - only if you wanted to, of course- if you would like to see my bedchambers?”
It took a few moments for the words to sink in. You squeezed his hands, smaller than yours, gently as you could. “Are you sure?” Hypnos, for all his affection and joking around, was oddly private about his own stuff.
The little god nodded, and you leaned down to press a kiss on his lips.
“Yes, I would very much like to do so.”
The wobbly but very happy smile Hypnos gave nearly broke your heart.
You made it back to the camp and to your tent. You waved away the girl you had taken in a few years ago, still young and slight. She and her mother had put up as a pair since she would have been too young to be on her own and Patroclus had told you to take them in.
“I could bring you some more food, master.” She whispered, still nervous as a mouse. She placed a loaf of bread on the weapon table next to the candles she lit.
You shook your head, trying to keep your voice even. You would not snap at a child, especially when you knew you looked terrifying with the blood on you. “No, but thank you. You should return to your mother. She should be helping the others with getting dinner ready.”
She bowed and hurried out the tent and you fell on the cot that was your bed. You tossed off the helmet, uncaring of where it landed.
You only got to close your eyes for a few minutes before you heard someone else at your tent opening.
"Y/N?" Patroclus stepped in, frowning when his foot tapped the helmet. He picked up and carefully placed it on the single table that served as the weapon and eating area.
You sat up with a groan. "Hey Pa." Patroclus made his way over to you, his dark eyes scanned you. He cupped your face and held it closer to the light.
"I guess you heard what happened?" You tried to sound light-hearted. Patroclus said nothing, his eyes on the cut on your forehead.
"Your father was upset when he came in, wouldn't even speak to me at first." Patroclus let go of your face, brushing a hand on your matted hair.
You looked away to stare at the ground, not able to meet Patroclus' eyes. "I just…" you trailed off, not able to find the words you wanted to say.
You looked back at Patroclus when you heard him laugh. The smile on his face was a sad one even with the fond look in his eyes. "You're a good son. But you don't need to protect me or your father. It is our job to protect you."
You looked at him, at the lines around his mouth and eyes, at how tried he looked. And thought to yourself, 'No, it is my job.'
You saw how Achilles would just look at Patroclus sometimes, quiet and desperately worried. Achilles still looked like a man in his early thirties but Patroclus was very much a mortal and looked older.
You wanted to tell him that he was the only thing that kept Achilles grounded, kept your Father just and strong like the heroes of old. And that he was a mortal and it would be too easy to lose him.
But you don't.
You shrugged, unable to say anything.
Patroclus sat down next to you, his hand on your arm. "He wouldn't tell me, not at first. He told me what happened afterward when he was done with his fit."
"I understand why, Pa. I could have died just because I was being careless." You said.
"I know. But he could have handled it better." Patroclus repiled. He patted your arm. "You did good by talking your father out whatever bullheaded idea he had but you shouldn't have to, do you understand?"
"Yes Pa." You muttered, nineteen and a warrior but Patroclus still made you feel like a child. But it was different with him, it came from love, not anger.
You glanced at Patroclus, "Did he seem more like himself?" You bit your lip, feeling foolish for asking.
Patroclus just nodded, his lips pursed. You flinched, thankful you didn't have to be in the room with them for that talk.
"I already talked to your father. So I will be joining you for dinner instead." Patroclus stood up.
You frowned, "But Father will miss-"
Patroclus raised an eyebrow, stopping you in your tracks. "Your father will be fine for one night."
You nodded, feeling pity for Achilles. It would do no good arguing with Patroclus when he was upset.
"And Y/N. Next time listen to your Father on the battlefield. No ifs or buts understood?" Patroclus said.
“Yes, Pa.” you said.
Patroclus nodded, placing a gentle hand on your head."Good, now come along. I heard they have a fine stew going."
Thanatos was more quiet than Hypnos who cheered whenever you or Zagrues got a good hit in.
But that didn’t seem to stop Zagrues from getting distracted. It just for a moment but it allowed you to get a good enough kick in to push Zagreus several feet and onto his back. Thanatos jerked forward as if to step in but Hypnos’ hand on his shoulder stopped him.
You met his eyes with a shrug, which made his glare harsher. You walked toward Zagreus and offered a hand. When you pulled him up, you tugged him over and whispered in his ear, “Your highness, I understand you wanted him here but if you can’t keep your head in the game, I will have to remove him. Understood?”
Zagrues nodded, and You patted his shoulder.
“Back to the center, now.” You ordered. You could feel the holes Thanatos was glaring into back and sighed inwardly. You definitely don’t get paid enough to deal with this.
After the training, Hypnos went over to you while Thanatos stayed back. You could Thanatos’ eyes on you, watching your every move.
Hypnos bumped your shoulder with a smirk, “Good show as always but next time I might bring peanuts to throw when it's getting boring.”
“Do it and I will have Zagreus use you as target practice.” You said, grinning at Hypnos’ laugh.
“Are you sure you have to leave right now?” You overheard Zagreus asked Thanatos. “Meg and I were going to meet up at the lounge later.”
“Yes, I do.” Thanatos looked at you and Hypnos, a frown on his face. “Hypnos, come along. You have been away from your work long enough.”
Hypnos rolled his eyes, “Work work work work.” He floated to Thanatos.  “I think that's all you can do.”
“At least I’m not wasting my time playing with-“ Thanatos replied sharply.
“Hey! Don’t you dare continue.” Hypnos snapped. Thanatos just rolled his eyes, but stayed quiet.
You blinked, you didn't know Hypnos could make that tone with his cheerful voice. You and Zagreus’ eyes met, both with questions. Zagreus pointed toward the brothers and you shrugged, just as lost.
“Y/N, I have to go back.” Hypnos sighed, and gave Zagreus a finger wave, “Try not to die again, your Highness!”
And with that, the brothers vanished.
You and Zagrues stared at each other, both equally lost on what to say now.
You sighed, and went over to help Skully with the clean up. Zagreus followed, "I know this isn't my business, but what is going on between you and Thanatos?"
You stopped and turned to the prince, "What?"
Zagreus waved a hand to where the brothers were earlier, "Thanatos doesn't like you but he won't really talk to me about it other than that he thinks you're trouble. I was hoping you would tell me."
"He hasn't liked me from day one. I don't know if it is me or just because I'm a mortal. Honestly I don't care." You told him. "You will have to ask him or Hypnos."
Zagreus frowned, "Normally he isn't like this. I thought since you and Hypnos were-"
"Is between me and Hypnos." You warned. "Come on now, let's not leave Skully with all the work."
Zagreus frowned, clearly not wanting to let it go. After you and him placed the weapons back and helped Skully lock up the keepsakes, Zagreus glanced at you.
“If you ever need my help, just let me know Y/N.” Zagreus smiled at you, “You and him have been good for each other.”
You just nodded, “Thank you, your highness.”
Only a day later Thanatos came and found you.
You paused when you saw Thanatos by your usual post, his face carefully neutral. You waited for a glare to appear when you got closed but his mouth only tightened.
“Thanatos.” You greeted him mildly.
“Y/N.” Thanatos returned the greeting not quite as mild.
"This is about Hypnos, isn't it?" You said, not bothering to play games.
Thanatos sighed, "Yes. Do you mind if we find a more private area to speak?"
You gestured for him to lead the way and wordlessly followed him.
Once away from prying eyes, Thanatos spoke.
“I have noticed you and Hypnos. And I’m sure I’m not the only one.” Thanatos said. his golden eyes narrowed, watching for your face.
“Noticed what exactly?” You asked. You didn’t know where Hypnos stood with his family. You knew he wanted to be closer with them, that when he spoke of them it was always with a little bit of sadness. Even with Charon, who was busy with his work as the boatman and the shopkeeper.
And privately, you feared that if his family disapproved of the relationship, Hypnos would end it for their sake.  You feared that possibility more than you feared the god of death before you. It was one of the reasons you didn’t court Hypnos sooner.
Thanatos scowled, “I have warned you. I understand if Hypnos been pushy and I can tell him stop-“
“I was the one who pursued Hypnos.” You interrupted. It wasn’t exactly the truth, it was mutual on both sides. You tried to think of a way to tell him that Hypnos may have been the one to start it but you pushed both ahead, only grateful that something like Hypnos existed in the first place, let alone even looked at you.
Thanatos might be able to tell Hypnos to stop this, but he couldn’t tell you that. And for as long as Hypnos would have you, you will fight Thanatos tooth and nail.
“Why are you so against me?” You asked the god, “I won’t mistreat him, you don’t have to worry about him with me. I- I owe him everything.”
Thanatos shook his head, unwilling to hear you out.
“Things can change.” Thanatos said, pointing a finger at you.  “Hypnos is my little brother. Why do you, one of the mortals who are so arrogant to even try to fight gods, think that he would-“
“Thanatos.” Hypnos said. You and Thanatos both jerked, neither of you had heard Hypnos’ arrival.
Hypnos’ face darken when you and him both turned to look at him. His golden eyes were brighter, his own presence carried a weight to it you didn’t feel before even if he was still smaller.
You felt your chest tighten.
He was beautiful.
Hypnos moved between you and Thanatos. “Thanatos, you’re my brother but I don’t appreciate you talking to Y/N like this.”
Thanatos scowled, “You are being a child, Hypnos. The Olympians may use mortals for lovers but we are above that.”
“That is a matter between me and Y/N.” Hypnos said. You couldn’t see his face but you saw how his shoulders tense up. You almost reached out, wanting to comfort him but you held back. It wouldn’t be welcome, not right now.
“Have you taken this mortal as a lover?” Thanatos repeated, his eyes narrowed. Not letting up.
Hypnos sighed, “I-i. Fine, yes.”
Thanatos rubbed his eyes in frustration, “Hypnos. Why? Because of Meg?”
Your eyebrows went up in surprise. What did Meg have to do with this?
Hypnos shook his head, “You already got your answer, I’m not telling you.”
“That because you are shortsighted, this won’t end well. Do you understand Hypnos? Mortals, even dead ones and gods don’t mix. I had hoped Y/N would be wise enough to see that but I have no choice but let you make your mistake. Don’t come crying to me when you realize that.”
With that Thanatos vanished.  Hypnos didn’t move a few moments, still enough to make you nervous. Carefully you moved closer, touching his shoulders. He blinked up at you, and graced you with a nervous smile.
“Are you okay?” He asked.
You nodded, “I feel like I should ask you that.”
“I’m okay. I- Just give him time, please. He didn't have any good experience with mortals, even the alive ones and I-i think he is just worried.”  Hypnos begged as he turned to face you. He grabbed your hands as if he was the mortal begging for forgiveness.
You pulled his hand up and pressed a kiss to his knuckles, heart breaking at the sight of relief on Hypnos’ face. “Thanatos doesn’t scare me. I will put up with much worse than him for you. Alright?”
Hypnos just hugged your waist, and squeezed. You wrapped your arms around him, rubbing his back.
You will hold off on your questions about Meg. And Thanatos’ hate for mortals. For now.
Hypnos was the only thing that mattered right now.
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