#the only way it’s kinda a parallel is if you say hunter = human (he isn’t) willow = witch
fagbearentertainment · 5 months
Owl House hot take
Lunter is better and make more thematic sense than Huntlow
Not saying I would’ve wanted Lunter to be end game, I love the found family dynamic they have and I love Lumity, but in my opinion it works way better than Huntlow as a Caleb/Evelyn parallel and makes way more sense for the story. Even purely platonically it just makes so much more sense that Hunter and Willow being implied to get together in the second to last episode of the show
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laikabu · 6 months
re: my thoughts on laios’s sexuality (long post ahead lol)
let me start this post with this. first, this contains a lot of references to the new adventurer’s bible world guide book released last february. i can read japanese, but i’m sure they’re translated somewhere. general spoiler warning in case. also… i am ESL, so sorry for any grammar errors
second, if you’re on the team that insists laios doesn’t care about humans enough to form relationships, either read the manga again or at the very least read this thread.
last, please don’t chime in with your acearo headcanons on this post. there’s already a majority of posts here that insist laios is acearo and that anything else is impossible. i don’t like it the same way i don’t like when someone declares they hc marcille as bisexual to a poster who reads her as lesbian. i already have enough people here who declare he’s ace on my own art. at least people on twitter of all places don’t do this sort of thing to me. nothing in this manga is canon, you can headcanon anything i won’t get mad if you hc him as bi or something. just. don’t be weird on my post.
okay. trust me, i love women, and i love the idea of making my favs women lovers but the idea of laios being gay really appeals to me because of his background. this isn’t fueled by yaoi since i don’t even ship the only m/m relationship i bring up here, i just think it adds a nice layer to his disconnect with his own humanity
i do think laios has a very abstract relationship with his sexuality for a multitude of reasons. he grew up in a very conservative backwater village. he has a hard time recognizing his own feelings towards others just as much as vice versa. i don’t really care for the “laios is a monsterfucker” agenda people are pushing but i do think he’d engage in sexual thoughts in his own weird way, i won’t deny his deviantart fetish shit
as an autistic person myself, i relate to how he’d prioritize his special interest over social interactions. after all, he was fixated on monster food so he’s distracted from dark thoughts. he’s not an actual glutton
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he’s shy around women, but i don’t think it’s out of attraction. i just think it’s because he’s awkward and doesn’t want to be seen as a threat. there’s a couple of times when, out of armor, he deliberately tries to make himself look smaller and nonthreatening.
he didn’t show any interest towards ashivia (the hubby hunter girl marcille replaced) and just humored her because she wouldn’t leave him alone. his other party members thought he was giving her special treatment so he had to tell her he “doesnt want to give her special treatment anymore”(even though he never did), so she left
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ashivia did her best to butter herself up to laios and he didn’t care, but laios thought shuro was his bestest friend in the whole world because he was too much of a pushover to reject him. ironically… what ashivia did to him parallels what he was doing to shuro
also… yeah sorry i keep bringing up that one comic of laios saying if he were falin he’d marry shuro and then begging him to take him back to his country, or that comic of laios wondering why he doesn’t like him(and then the first two questions he asks the magic mirror was what if he or shuro were women). i don’t even ship them! but it’s not a reach to assume that he likes men because of this, even if it’s kinda played like a joke(after all,a lot of people like chilshi even though their ‘shippy’ interaction was played as a joke)
of course, given the setting, i don’t think knows he’s gay, he wouldn’t have the vocabulary to label himself. i do want to dance around with the idea of him forcibly confronting his own sexuality after years of yaad pressuring him to produce heirs lol. laios might not be cishet but he’s a king so he rdgaf about that right now. i’m open to him having female consorts for political reasons, but i don’t think he’s into women, is all.
before anyone brings up his succubus… god forbid an author makes hetbait. a part of the plot twist was that not-marcille wasn’t the only succubus enticing laios, his other party members were copied too. she was the only one who approached him. also… succubi aren’t always inherently romantic. once it realized marcille didn’t work, it switched to appeal to his desire to be a monster.
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chronurgy · 7 months
I made a post earlier talking about three directions I thought wyll's quest might take in at the end of act 1/early act 2 and I wanted to elaborate on it a little bit. The three directions I considered were a focus on monster hunting and what that meant, a focus on his disdain for politics, and a focus on his relationship with his father. I didn't particularly consider any one more likely than the other, they all just sort of arose out of what I saw as "points of tension" in wyll's character. I'm also not trying to say that these are the only options or the best options, I'm just laying out what I personally thought might happen and how it was going to work.
Focusing on the monster hunter thing - was karlach the first innocent person he had been sent to hunt? What does it mean to be a monster hunter in a world where many monsters have human intelligence? Especially because of what happened with Karlach, I thought this might become a throughline in his quest and tie further into the ways devils twist words and contracts to use and manipulate people. What they call a "bloodthirsty rampaging monster" might have understandable reasons for attacking a village that had, say, stolen its eggs to sell as spell ingredients. Or even if they didn't have such a sympathetic reason, it's absolutely possible that they could be reasoned with and asked to stop. With wyll's already existing sympathy for karlach and astarion, I thought that creating sympathy for less human looking "monsters" might be the next step.
I actually still think this would have been a pretty interesting questline. His act two quest could have centered around a monster he'd been sent to kill at the edge of the shadow-cursed lands, returning to that area and meeting there a mate, sibling, or child that had possibly changed its ways (great durge parallel here!). There could be a lot of questions about whether or not someone can change their nature, about what redemption means, about who is afforded second chances, all of that. I think by nature Wyll would lean towards letting them live, but a player character could push him down a darker path (a la Shadowheart). This would also feed well into Wyll making choices about his pact with mizora - if he kills the mate or sibling, leaning into the monster hunter and no hope of redemption thing then he would choose to keep his pact, saying that it gives him the power to protect people from monsters while perhaps also believing that there's no way for him to be saved, but if he chooses to let them live and broadens his mind and understanding he would choose to break his pact with mizora, citing the fact that she's lied to him repeatedly and how he doesn't want to bring more harm on innocents.
Focusing on the politics thing - wyll's comment about how "a Duke shakes hands with more monsters than he slays" is really fascinating because Duke is a political job and the "monsters" he's talking about are people. He was the son of a grand duke and was intended to follow in his footsteps, but this is the view he has of politics? That's kinda wild to me! I assumed we'd get some sort of politically involved quest once we got to the city where Wyll would have to get over his distaste for politics and challenge his view of other people as monsters and overall examine what it means to run a city or something along those lines.
Like I said, I assumed any quest line would focus on a situation where Wyll would either overcome his distaste for politics and learn to appreciate the difficulties of running a city when your opponents are people you can't just kill when they get in your way or have a "bad end" where he decided that he didn't care and was happy to use force on political opponents. (interestingly I think you can see some potential remnants of this in his speech about becoming grand duke where he says something along the lines of "no one could stand against him")
Focusing on his father - I felt like there was obviously a lot going on in that relationship and that it had to come back up! Wyll acted so sanguine and understanding about the whole banishment thing even though it seemed obvious (to me at least) that he was deeply hurt by it and in denial about it. I thought for sure that would come to a confrontation where Wyll would accept that he was actually hurt by this and that his father had done him wrong. This was further reinforced through act 1 and 2 by the repeated references to how terrible the flaming fist were and how they weren't what they used to be. Since Ulder was their commamder, I assumed that this was also meant to be a reflection on him and that he wasn't the perfect and heroic man Wyll idealized him as. Act 3 actually reinforced this for me with its constant examples of just how corrupt and incompetent the fist were. I really thought we were going to see some emotional payoff and reckoning here right up until we actually rescued ulder and it didn't happen.
I wasn't really sure what form this quest would take but I was very convinced it would happen. Like I said, all the comments about the fist in acts 1 and 2 had me convinced! There's so clearly tension there, with ulder having been unwilling to show any sense of understanding to his 17 year old son. I assumed that the quest might involve puncturing the "myth" of Ulder for Wyll and him starting to see his father as a human with flaws instead of idolizing him. I also really thought that there would be a dramatic confrontation!
So there we have it - places I thought Wyll's quest might go based on what I'd seen in act 1 and early act 2. I was very wrong indeed - two of the three things I thought might be main drivers never came up at all, and one of them ended up being straight up ignored. Ah well!
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flickersprout · 8 months
hello would you be willing to say your million opinions about the mystery twins?
I am unwell about these people thank you so much for asking /gen (long post incoming)
I'm a little more familiar with Cellbit's character than Bagi's, so probably have more headcanons about him. I am actively trying to get more unhinged about Bagi because she is so cool and everyone should tell me their Bagi headcanons
Bagi headcanons/opinions:
She should be transfem. as a treat. her being transfem lets me make the twins identical, and anything that makes it more obvious how related they are makes them funnier
Her being transfem also adds fun layers to her relationship with Tina, as Tina is a demon pretending to be human. All I'm saying is you could do some fun parallels and contrasts about presentation and the self
Also if you make her and Jaiden and Baghera all transfem, you get the fun fed-sisters-plus transfem solidarity that exists only in my head
She can only barely cook. She never learned as a kid and then got fucking frozen, and she's tried to learn as an adult but it's not going well
When she thinks about raising Empanada, she gets kinda caught between wanting to pass on the pacifist, live-and-let-live mentality that she pretends to have and the more defensive/aggressive ideas she actually has. She does like the idea of pacifism and doesn't want Empanada to grow up bitter, but... peace isn't what's kept her safe and alive
Empanada's first death resolved a lot of those conflicts. A kinder world isn't coming, so she has to raise a fighter
Her "pretending to be an ethical vegetarian" thing is hilarious to me. girl you aren't pretending to be a vegetarian you just are one. you can lie about your reasons but girl. you don't eat meat
Cellbit headcanons/opinions:
He can't cook even a little bit. Federation pet -> child soldier -> jail-> struggling adult? yeah he never fucking learned to cook
Relatedly I think he's a picky eater but has weird tastes. Like i think he eats instant microwave/just add water foods raw and likes it because he learned to eat it like that at some point, but can't stand a lot of "real food" because he just never got used to it (this is partly based on me lsjkhd)
He owns a butterfly knife and he's good with it. He picked it up as a hobby after Fuga when he was in therapy because he needed something to fill his time and it was a socially acceptable way to carry a knife. He can do all kinds of tricks now
Just pre-purgatory (and probably still now tbh) sometimes the butterfly knife suddenly reminds him too much of a real knife or triggers some kind of intrusive thought that scares him. His reaction to this is to just let go of the knife midair. He's very lucky no one's gotten hurt yet
He 100% remembers more of his childhood with Bagi than he admits. He pretends he doesn't because even acknowledging that he was a child once undermines his image of himself as a monster (upsetting, unhealthy self-image, sure, but one that's kept him safe. monsters aren't afraid of anything. monsters can't be hurt. children, though?)
As much as I understand and will read about autistic!Cellbit headcanons, I don't agree (i am autistic, for the record). He's actually really good with social cues, like scary good, and obviously has really strong theory of mind. Like I get where people are coming from but we need to defend an allistic guy's right to just be a fucking freak (/lh /nm)
I want to call Cellbit and Baghera "hunters" instead of "chainsaw killers." again I get where people are coming from. it's funny and I'll use it. however hunters would go so hard. same genre as codebreakers and bloodhounds. do you see my vision
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gayemeralds · 2 months
transformers prime: 9/10
transformers prime movie: 7/10
okay let’s start with the good:
i fucking love Miko. i fucking LOVE Miko. she’s literally the BEST human companion in the tf series imho. her impulsiveness allows her to jump into battle and make the human characters relevant to a situation, where they definitely wouldn’t have been if they “followed orders” and stayed out of the way. she is so much FUN. and she has a CANONICAL DECEPTICON KILL. she’s able to rock with the wreckers and prove her worth as an ally to the autobots.
in truth i actually don’t mind jack. i think he had a lot of potential as his own character and a foil to optimus prime. i don’t think they capitalized enough on that front, but i do think Jack was like. acceptable. he was a decent counter balance to Miko, and managed to have his moments of impulsivity as a teenager, too.
i fucking loved this version of starscream he was the sedition of slimy. he was backstabbing without a care in the world. i like that he had a genuine conflict between having his ego boosted as megatron’s second in command and all of megatrons praises, and overthrowing megatron to take all the glory for himself. he’s certainly a despicable character who often gets his comeuppance, but it’s rather interesting seeing that even his traitorous behavior has its own nuance, i suppose? anyway he’s so fun he sucks so much
this version of soundwave was so fucking freaky i love him. basically i really liked all the versions of the characters here- megatron was a phenomenal villain, wheeljack was a cool loose canon, arcee’s character arc from cold to warm was great, bulkhead was sweet, etc etc etc. really great characters all around.
ok now it’s time to nitpick. i do not care for raf tbh he added so little to the show. which is crazy because he’s a hacker and you think that talent would make him the most relevant of all the children. but there are multiple episodes where he just isn’t present and you don’t really think much of it. i kinda think they could have just axed his character entirely and gave his skills to jack (which would still parallel him to optimus, as a nerd lol) or Miko (she’s a rebel character of course she’d hack things). also i HATEEEEE how they had raf be the only human to understand bumblebee and they did in SUCH a lazy way (oh he just knows what bee’s saying! we have no idea why! crazy <3). it’s such an easy thing to go “bumblebees speech is like binary so raf can read him” or like “raf learns cybertronian code bc he’s a fast learner” WHATEVER. it didn’t have to be this way.
i liked the unicron plot line in season 1 i REALLY wish it went somewhere tbh. i think it was somewhat lackluster, that unicron wasn’t a larger threat. i also think the galvatron plot line should have been in season 1 or something instead of the disconnected continuation in the movie. i LIKE unicron as the earth i LIKE how cosmically tied earth and cybertron are i just think it could have been done better.
i will admit the beast hunters/predacons thing wasn’t interesting to me at all really. is the autobots fighting a dragon badass? obviously. is it particularly compelling? eh not to me.
i LIKED the concept of arcee’s story but giving her TWO dead boyfriends was so bizarre. i really didn’t care for arachnid as a rival to arcee, they set up arachnid as basically a second star scream, and then eventually completely forgot about her character. i liked what arcee & cliffjumper had, especially because they actually built a lot more into that relationship by having cliffjumper on screen before he’s killed, and by having multiple flashbacks with him and arcee interacting. tailgate contributed nothing that cliffjumper couldn’t. one dead boyfriend was enough tailgate & arachnid were unnecessary. arcee having insane beef with starscream would have easily been enough.
tfp bumblebee had the potential to be the greatest character ever BUT. they wasted him so much. he’s usually just resigned to background character. he got two episodes to himself and they still managed to be about RATCHETS perspective over the most traumatizing, character defining moments of bumblebee’s (losing his voice). plus a lot juicy drama that could be milked from interactions with bumblebee and megatron for some reason just wasn’t done? like the whole sick mind + out of his head was strangely underwhelming given the history they have. i just don’t understand why they had EVERYONE but humans (except raf) able to understand bumblebee, and not allow the AUDIENCE to understand him. if he’s speaking essentially an alien language this entire time i don’t get why we couldn’t get like, subtitle translations. or honestly just have him use sign language. something. even the radio speak is more useful because it allows him to outright voice things, and still show his personality through it (ie what songs he likes to play). it’s so frustrating because he had such good potential in this show but half of his character is gone because you can’t understand him, the rest of the humans can’t understand him, and the autobots will only occasionally speak for him. it’s kind of funny too because i think they actually do a lot better job with visual and audial cues with SOUNDWAVE. as the audience i understood soundwave’s intention basically 100% of the time because it was either obvious (his screen showing something, him replaying what someone else said to make his point) or someone outright says what he’s clearly thinking. sighs.
all that to say i really did enjoy this series. it is GORGEOUS to look at, and i think both the plot & the character dynamics are sound. i would absolutely rewatch this series.
as for the movie. i just think the tv show ends in such a high note that any attempt at a sequel (especially if it’s not an entire other season) was just going to fall flat. bringing megatron back undermines the last episode where bumblebee kills him and i really thinks that’s a disservice to bumblebee and megatron. i really don’t care for the halfhearted redemption arcs with megatron and knock out, either. again the predacon thing wasn’t interesting to me so having the predacons as a part of the movie was meh. also i really liked that the original series didn’t involve the allspark or optimus dying so when the movie had both. :/. i will say the highlight of the movie is getting to see bumblebee show off his scouting skills and manipulation, which i really wish they showed in the tv show more. it was an okay movie all in all but i just don’t think tfp needed some sort of sequel to wrap up loose ends. the tv show ended on a great note and they should have kept it that way.
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*sets down my folding chair and sits* So, 3x01 of the o/w/l h/ou/se. Fair warning this is a negative rant so I'm putting it under a readmore:
I can not believe the stars were aligned for the PERFECT Hollow Mind parallel, and it DIDN'T HAPPEN. Hunter and Philip trapped in the same body/mind? Hunter fighting for control? Luz coming to terms with the fact that she lead Philip to the collector? Flapjack getting absorbed into Hunter like all those previous palismens were absorbed into Belos? Like that would have been so good it KILLS ME that it didn't happen. Learning how Philip and Caleb found their way to the Boiling Isles would have been way more satisfying coming from Philip himself.
And honestly like...the episode was fine-ish, but I think overall I was disappointed by it. I don't really care for how they handled Hunter and Luz's respective secrets, and I was SUPER disappointed by Luz's reaction to Belos' return. Like there he is, the man who caused about 3/4 of all your trauma, and like....nothing? Like on god running into Belos should have been the culmination of her s2 and 3x01 arc, yet it wasn't.
I also just kinda wish Luz's refusal to tell her friends she helped Phiplip meet the collector was based more in her fear of being a burden rather than the fear of her friends hating her. This isn't to say there weren't good moments in the special, but they were definitely scattered throughout the episode. It all just fell super flat for me. But I guess in general I find The Owl House to be a very mid show.
Since typing this post in my drafts I've also watched 3x02 and honestly, I feel the same way I did watching the first episode. The writers tried to give every character their own new mini arc instead of focusing on what had already been established previously. Which would be fine, except... this is the penultimate episode. We should be building off of everyone's series long arcs (of which Luz only really has, and I guess Hunter too since he was only around for season 2. Kind of Belos? They've just like, abandoned writing him).
Genuinely disappointed they took away all of the fucked-upedness from the Collector and just made him a lonely kid, rather than a child with the powers of a god and no regard for others or morals. His debut in "Hollow Mind" made him out to be someone who truly relished in chaos, and now he's just like...a child playing make-believe. I think an angle like this could have worked with a different approach, but the episode as is isn't really my thing.
Both these specials feel like "these are all the ideas we had for season 3, let's shove them into these specials" rather than effectively using the time they had. Like...the human world and hexside shenanigans are fun, sure, but focusing on the like...everything else you now don't have time to pay off is way more important.
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thedailybullshit · 2 years
Am I the only person who gets kinda annoyed when people say that Willow & Hunter are the new Caleb & Evelyn?
Before I get into this, I just wanna make clear that this isn’t Hunter/Willow negative. I don’t have a problem w/ the ship & none of what I’m about to say alludes to the ship being bad. However I’m not gonna refer to it by the ship name so that it doesn’t show up in the ship’s tag, bc I want exactly zero smoke w/ the shippers.
W/ all that being said I’m not fond of people saying Hunter & Willow are Caleb & Evelyn bc 1) that feels like a huge comparison to make. Caleb & Evelyn’s relationship is the only reason that anything in this show happened the way it did. Their relationship is the only reason Philip killed Caleb in what is the inciting incident of the entire show. They’re the only reason the Clawthornes exist. They’re the only reason that Luz was able to get to the Boiling Isles in the 1st place. They’re the only reason that Hunter exists as he does. Caleb & Evelyn are the catalysts for this show’s entire conflict.
Hunter & Willow, on the other hand, are a footnote in the second half of season 2 & what we have of season 3. The last time they had an individual conversation exclusively w/ each other that we’ve been shown was ASIAS, the episode they met. Anything else has been offscreen. We don’t even know if Willow reciprocates Hunter’s feelings for her. Very much like how we didn’t know if Luz reciprocated Amity’s feelings.
So saying that Hunter & Willow - a minor aspect of the later episodes - parallel Caleb & Evelyn - the reason that everything in this show happens - feels like a prematurely huge comparison to make. Even if Hunter & Willow do become canon, their relationship will be nowhere near as pivotal to the events of the show as Caleb & Evelyn.
Building off of that, 2) it doesn’t match up w/ the already established parallels. Hunter’s entire arc has been about learning to be his own person out of the shadows of Philip & Caleb. & while drawing parallels between Caleb & Philip & Hunter & Luz, TOH has gone out of its way to show the different ways that Hunter & Luz are similar to BOTH Wittebane brothers. However, if you were to insist on finding exclusive parallels, I would argue that Luz is a better parallel to Caleb & Hunter is a better parallel to Philip.
Don’t believe it? Fine, let’s look at it through the eyes of the 1 character who knew Caleb, Evelyn, Luz, & Hunter: Philip. Despite taking the time to point out that Hunter looks the most like Caleb out of every grimwalker he’s created, Philip has made it abundantly clear that he doesn’t see Caleb in Hunter. In fact, the only element of Caleb he sees beyond looks is the betrayal. Which we know bc the only time Philip calls Hunter Caleb is when Hunter betrays him. & even then, he doesn’t do so completely, he still uses Hunter’s actual name. & the fact of the matter is that if Philip actually saw Hunter as Caleb, then he would’ve planned to take him to the human realm. But instead, he branded Hunter to die of the Day of Unity.
You know who Philip DOES try to bring to the human realm? Luz. Bc when she went back in time to learn from him, when she fought to save Eda from petrification, when she essentially declared war against him within his own mind, Philip looked at Luz’s affinity for the Isles, her protective nature toward her chosen family, & her heart made of sunshine & saw Caleb. & it’s her continuous loyalty to witch & demonkind over humankind that drives Philip to attempt to kill Luz multiple times - even claiming to do so out of mercy as people have theorized he did to Caleb. Better to kill them now than to let them wither under a witch’s spell, right?
In the same line as that, Hunter & Willow’s relationship has very pointedly never been what turns Philip against Hunter. What gives Philip the idea that Hunter’s betrayed him is Hunter’s questioning of him. Philip is perfectly content to keep Hunter as his right hand in Hollow Mind, right up until Hunter asks an accusatory question: “ What did you do to the other Guards?” THAT is Hunter’s betrayal, not his relationship w/ witches. & in Thanks to Them, it’s Hunter’s embracement of Wild Magic & rejection of Philip’s work as a witch hunter that makes Philip see the Caleb in Hunter & accuse him of stabbing him in the back. You could make an argument for the reverse, that Willow is 1 of the reasons that Hunter ultimately goes against Philip, but even after they meet Hunter’s still incredibly loyal to his uncle. It literally takes learning the fates of the previous Golden Guards & Philip attempting to kill him for Hunter to defect from the Emperor’s Coven. The half a day he’d spent w/ Willow at that point had nothing to do w/ it.
So yeah. I’m not sure why people started comparing the ship that’s the catalyst for the entirety of The Owl House’s story w/ a relationship that might not even be canon. It’s like comparing a sapling to a sequoia & it sounds to me like narrative understanding has been sacrificed for the ship.
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darkcrowprincess · 2 years
apperntly people are saying Luz and Hunter parallels to Philip and Caleb???
In the beginning (before hollow mind) there was some obvious parallels between luz and philip wittebane. Both with the belief of wanting to be the chosen one and wanting to be special. And how there choses made them different.
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But honestly that theory fell rather quickly do to two things. Philip didn't come to the Boiling isles willingly. He was trapped there. Assuming he came to find his brother and "save him" who he then murdered. There is a theory I have that Evelyn cursed him and he somehow couldn't leave. Or she destroyed the door and he couldn't leave. Either way, Belos was trapped there. Luz on the other had may have came by the boiling isles by accident but she chose to stay there, she wanted to stay there. Second thing it's kinda messed up to compare a Hispanic afro-dominican( I hope I said that right, I apologize if I didn't. Correct me if I'm wrong) bi female who is just lonely and dealing with grief of her father to a 500 year old white purtian man who is obsessed with witch hunting and has delusions of genocide. The one thing you could say is they have grief over a loss family member and use glyph magic but thats where the similarities end. Luz developed feelings of guilt, and not wanting to be a burden to anyone after her fathers death. Belos on the other hand murdered his brother and now has this constant obsession with killing witches and creating a perfect brother who wont "betray him". He has grief, but over the idealized version of who he believes his brother was than the actual person. Luz is kind and giving, always trying to help, and feels like a lot of the time she is a burden and a outcast. Belos see himself as this grand savior of humans and beings souls. That he and his idealized version of his brother were ment to finish their work and kill all the witches and demons that plague this world. You can see the differences clear as day. And Hunter and Caleb with this? Basically just because Hunter is Calebs grimwalker and that the Fandom sees luz and hunter as siblings(obviously I do not view them as such).
If I were to make a Luz and Hunter parallels( and I know I'm bias but shipping aside it's obvious writing wise) it would be Caleb and Evelyn. Theres many common connections between these two couples.
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I mean its obvious; witch and human, human and monster(yes witches and grimwalkers I see them as monsters and that's not a bad thing in this context) one from the human realm one from the boiling isles. Connections with the families wittebane and clawthorne. Evelyn led Caleb to her world with Flapjack, Luz led Hunter to using Glyphs, entering her world of wild magic with Flapjack. Evelyn made Caleb question everything he was taught and abandoned it. Luz made Hunter question everything he was taught and he did abandoned it. Both Evelyn and Calebs lives being destroyed by Philip. Both Luz and Hunter's lives being repeatedly destroyed by Philip. Gravesfield both towns were their familes have connections. Taking a Wittebane to another world and them loving it(Caleb the boiling isles, Hunter the human realm) but not being able to stay do to Philip. Luz having a Palisman egg and waiting for it to hatch. She is expecting. Evelyn having been pregnant. She is expecting. The only difference between Luz and Hunter with Caleb and Evelyn is that lunter haven't lost each other(yet). And they lost Flapjack, Flapjack sacrificed himself to save them.
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watchingspnagain · 2 years
Rewatching Metamorphosis
Welcome to “I swear to Chuck, Dean Winchester, if you say Man Pig one more time…: A Supernatural Rewatch Blog” with Lor and Mace!
   Up today, s4e4: Metamorphosis.
 In the suburbs, a married man is becoming insatiable for meat. And maybe… human flesh? He’s scaring the bejesus out of his wife (and himself), but when two incredibly handsome young men clad in flannel show up and tell him it’s because he’s a monster, he’s not buying it. (Always believe handsome young men in flannel when they tell you you’re a monster.) Turns out the dude can NOT become a full-on monster as long as he refrains from eating human flesh. Once he does, there’s no going back. But the boys are divided on whether he can be saved—Sam argues that he’ll be able to control himself and be fine; Dean is sure he is doomed to be a monster. This, of course, echoes their positions on what’s going on with Sam and Ruby and how they each feel about THAT. The episode’s climax involves a lot of ew and gross and an old hunter friend of John’s being awful. And our boys… are FRAUGHT.
  Below is a log of our real-time reactions as we watched. Remember that there may be spoilers for any part of SPN’s 15-season run here. Note also that the nature of our conversation is adult and thus it may contain adult language and themes.
 [and we begin:]
 Interesting. I don’t think Sam gets objectified like this often (“slutting around”)
 no, I don't think he does
 oh Dean
I FORGOT that he finds out by spying
 "is that Ruby?" and the LOOK
 oh he's maaaaad
they are so FRAUGHT
 he really is
 ooo Sammy's wearing one of his BEST shirts
  oh Dean, you don’t wanna leave
 oh Dean, that's it, cycle that violence
 OH! Sam's being influenced by Ruby BUT Dean's being influenced by Cas. and they both CAN be influenced bc something in there lets them be, but I never picked up on the parallel before
 I feel a little dumb right now. like, it's RIGHT THERE
 but Cas is definitely not a love interest for Dean. definitely not
 only bros
 we don’t need to discuss how there’s 1000% more sexual tension in the scenes between Cas and Dean than Ruby and Sam...
 lol nope
 not beat down after five or six years of marriage to JOHN
 and the fact that Sam and Ruby are married in real life now so there must have been actual tension between them but still Misha and Jensen provoke more sexy vibes…
I was just trying to figure out how to say something very similar
 "weird with crazy on top"
 dude, have a string cheese. this is what they are FOR
 this one is just kinda gross
 WOULD HE? or would he find something to criticize
 enough with the pointed snark, Dean
 oh he would totally criticize
 "is that made up? that sounds made up"
  yeah, Dean is passive aggressiving today
I love that it's Sam who knows what it means, not Dean
 yeah, that doesn’t seem right somehow
I suspect it was sloppy, but I kind of like the against-type of it
 so props for calling the jerk out but points off for the fatphobia
i do love that they do things to make the ‘bad’ guy sympathetic
 ooof Dean, people pleasing and managing the people/conversation
 okay so here we have Dean on the side of black-and-white and Sam on the side of greys
 Travis, you dick, YES they have not eaten in days, you KNEW their dad, you jerk
 we should keep score on these because I think I remember they flipflop several times throughout the show
 oh yeah, they definitely do
  ooo, retrograde marital dynamics
 HA yeah
 um, WHOSE emotions are getting in the way, Dean?
 I think they flip on the grey thing depending on what's going on with them. Sam wants monsters to be okay sometimes bc he's afraid he's kind of one. Dean wants it to be black and white bc he wants Sam to just STOP using his powers. you'd think they'd learn at some point though
 Dean can never resist upset Sammy
  "hungry hungry hippos levels" DEAN
 I wonder if part of why Dean’s panties are so bunched about all this is that he has always felt wrong/inadequate/not-enough (thanks to John) and so he tries to protect Sam and keep him normal
 oh YES
 he feels like he’s failing Sammy so he’s angry at himself and taking that out on Sam
  DEAN. stop being a little shit! NO PIE
 Come on, we all know you’d give in in a heartbeat and give him pie
yeah, it's true
I can't even pretend it's not true anymore
he's just little and he's never done anything wrong
  “we should go” “yeah"
 "we're here to save you! i guess"
  so he only wants to eat women?
 well, eating men would be kind gay
 it feels like there's a sexual component here they are not addressing
 HA! and no one would want THAT. not on the Man Show
 OH DAMN I forgot about this part
 so not that all options here aren't awful, but Travis is aware you can... not have a child without killing the woman?
 that wouldn’t be the Christian thing to do, though, now would it
 splutters in 2023
  oh Travis is dead. how tragic.
 yes, I weep
 correct, Sammy
  omg stop hitting Sammy in the head!
 my Bean’s gonna have the brain damage
  look. when the Winchesters show up and tell you to do something, you do it. that's how you don't end up a monster who can't see your family.
 for the life of me I can’t understand how anyone could say no to either of them
 interesting choice to have Dean lying down like this for this scene
 well if they didn’t then he’s have burned the dude without chatting first
 it's definitely not as sexual assaulty as somethings they do to him, but
 and they needed Sammy to have his little existential crisis talk first
 well, he could be unconscious in a chair or something
 oh boys
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being-of-rain · 2 years
Thoughts from my Classic Who watch, season 7 edition. Is this overall my favourite season so far? I think so! This was a bit of a long one because I found a lot to gush about liking in these stories.
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I have kinda mixed feelings about the third Doctor and his era, so I was interested to see how they’d develop during my Classic Who watch. But I knew I really liked a lot of his first season, and watching all of it over two days confirmed that for me! The four stories just feel like such a coherent unit and dedicated to their aesthetic of modern earthbound sci-fi adventures with an official agency dedicated to the paranormal. Each of the four is a classic telling of a different type of tale you could do with that setting. I’ve seen lots of people compare the show to the British sci-fi serial Quartermass, but never having seen that, I couldn’t help but draw parallels instead with The X-Files.
The seven-part format of the other stories don’t bother me too much, but I’m really glad that Spearhead From Space is only four-parts. Unlike the others, I don’t think it really has anything political to say, and is all aesthetic- but that’s not a downside when your aesthetic is this good. The asteroids, the silent and efficient attempt to kidnap the Doctor from hospital, the eldritch abomination growing out of plastic in a scientific coffin. Channing- the actor who played Channing deserves all the praise, he barely ever changes expression but he’s never not creepy and very obviously the bad guy. And the autons! Living mannequin dummies is such a classic and easy horror trope, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen them done as efficiently as they are in Spearhead (sorry Nikola Orsinov). Coming alive in the background of the shot at the end of episode 2, surprising the hunter’s wife inside her home in episode 3, and gunning people down on the street in episode 4 are as scary as the Autons have ever been. As for the regulars, the Brigadier is incredibly fun, and I love it when he’s obviously enjoying himself like he is in his first scene. The new Doctor is funny and it’s interesting to see how he reacts to being stuck on Earth, trying to run off mid-story and acting rude to a lot of people (Two was incredibly polite to the Brigadier compared to how Three treats him). But the standout for me was Liz Shaw, I love her so much. Her first scene with the Brigadier is fantastic at establishing her character and how much she won’t compromise on who she is and what she believes (Science!). It’s hilarious to watch her and the Doctor immediately become best friends by bonding over annoying the Brig. Like I said in my last watchthrough post, I love a strong female character in classic who, and Liz just feels so incredibly human too (yawning and daydreaming about sleep while working all night, what a mood). She even gets to be the once to ultimately save the day by fixing the Nestene-zapping machine she made with the Doctor! Oh, and having a hospital cleaner call the press who mob the Brigadier as soon as he arrives there is hilarious and was the perfect way to immediately ground the series in modern-day Earth, fantastic.
I do love that, despite it being a mistake and no matter how unnecessary it is, every Dr Who fan I know always calls this story by its full on-screen title, Doctor Who and the Silurians. It’s just... such an aesthetic. The Dr Who In An Exciting Adventure With The Daleks of TV Who. I also love that of the four season 7 stories, only the first has a completely malevolent alien force. For a show that preaches accepting people despite their differences, Doctor Who sometimes gets complacent in showing Humans Good Aliens Bad just because of its format, and it’s been nice seeing the Third Doctor era actively reject that complacency so often. Certainly I don’t think the Silurians (the creatures or the story) would be as remembered or loved by Dr Who lore if they had been portrayed as purely out-and-out villains, and the Doctor and Liz silently driving away from the exploding caves makes for a really sombre ending. There’s some good horror in this story too, like the build-up of the disturbed man drawing figures on the wall of his room, and Liz being attacked alone in the barn. And of course, oh god, this really is a too-real story after the worldwide pandemic. Seeing government officials ignore quarantine rules simply because they didn’t feel like obey them was so accurate to real life. And my brother and I groaned and yelled at the TV when Dr Lawrence said “Why should I waste my time having useless injections against an imaginary epidemic?” Jeezy Creezy.
The government conspiracy in The Ambassadors of Death gave me such X-Files vibes, and my brother pointed thought that UNIT had so many security lapses in it that they should find another job. I really liked that once again the aliens were reasonable, and this time a peaceful solution could be met with them, and meanwhile it was the xenophobic officials and army general who were the real villains. Of course, the horror in this story also endeared itself to me. I’ve been getting more into horror recently, and I’m clearly find a lot of examples of it that I like in Doctor Who. The ambassadors approaching people slowly and impassively in their spacesuits, the cliffhanger where one is reaching out right behind the Doctor, and the moment where Liz sees one without its helmet are all fantastic. There was some funny unintentional comedy in this story too, like when there was an extended sequence of global satellite dishes working together to co-ordinate where in the world a signal was coming from, and in the end the world map shows that it was coming from England, shocker. Or the end of the serial which wraps up so abruptly, with the Doctor shaking peoples hands and saying his goodbye the moment the general gets arrested and saying he has other places to be with no further explanation. He really does hate doing the busywork of tidying up afterward.
Literally what could be more iconic than making an evil version of a character with an eyepatch. Nothing. It’s kind of a surprise that Doctor Who hasn’t done more with parallel universes, but if it had to just do one then Inferno was a good outing for the concept. The way it used the drilling and seeing a world just slightly ahead of our own but already facing total destruction was very clever. And the visual of the lava approaching at the end of episode 6 is one that’ll always stick with me. I’m glad that it was that horror which got brought up the next season as something that really stuck with the Doctor, and utterly terrified him. I’m not sure what else to say about this one that I haven’t said is great about the other stories- the aesthetic of a down-to-earth agency (or forced-down-to-earth in the Doctor’s case) facing something huge, unknown, and deadly. The largest obstacle and initiation of most problems being humans’ greed, pride, and bureaucracy. And of course the regulars, who are always fun. Benton gets his largest role since The Invasion here, even ignoring his evil duplicate, and it’s easy to see why he’s brought in for some light comic relief in future seasons. Evil Brigadier is both enjoyable and hateable like only the best characters can be. And Liz! It’s such a shame that she only had one season, because she’s just so lovable and smart, she’s probably one of my favourite companions so far. Even when the story sidelines her, she’s always putting up a fight, for what she believes in and against those who’d keep her down (unfortunate that she didn’t win that fight against the producers. I wonder what an AU of season 8 where Liz stayed would look like?)
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i-mybrunettelady · 3 years
Headcanon time: Blessings of the human gods
Okay okay I may have gotten myself hyped from the post @synchrosgw2 made about Lyssa (check here!!!) and though it’s god-related, it’s not about that theory, but yeah, inspo where inspo’s due.
But I did have thoughts about how being blessed by a certain god/dess manifests in real life. I hc there’s a social ritual of joining a church and declaring yourself blessed by that particular god at the age of 8; this is because most gifts manifest themselves by that age and if they haven’t, you kinda pick one (and changing churches if you’ve made a mistake is a bit of a pain in the ass honestly and involves tons of new ritualistic stuff.) There’s a grand celebration (if you can afford it) and there are families for whom this blessing is hereditary, or so it socially stands; this is most prevalent in priestly families and to give you an example, Nyra was named after her mother’s late cousin, Alysannyra Gwent, and lady Gwent was born in a family that mostly worships Lyssa -> her name being Alysannyra (which is translated as “to Lyssa (be) the glory.”) But this is social rules, not actual magical thing.
So how does it magically play out? Spoilers for PoF.
Simple. Enhanced abilities to do something that technically belongs in that god’s realm. Let’s see how this works on my two humans, Nyra and Ren.
1) Nyra was blessed by Lyssa, even if you’d not be too far off if you thought she was blessed by Dwayna due to her guardian magic (I hc there’s a link between Dwayna and light, hence her being a guardian deity.) Lyssa is usually associated with mesmers and water elementalists, illusion, water and beauty, but also chaos, and that’s where Nyra’s gift is. She thrives in chaos to a degree that’s not quite natural. She has a much easier time making sense in chaotic/high stress situations (even if she’s not immune to the effects of too much stress, as seen in Icebrood.)
Chaos also seems to be radiating off her; a combination of being a chaos-magnet and her personality brought about the disruption of the natural world order. As subtle as this gift is, it’s not without it’s impact.
2) Due to being an illusion-based mesmer, Ren thought for a long ass while her goddess was Lyssa too. But it took a trip to Abaddon’s temple in season 3 (a rewrite of the horrible Livia situation I’m working on that features gods sending visions, Nyra and Ren working together, maybe some Mirka in there too) for her to realise that no, her patron god was Abaddon all along; for all his death, he still affects some mortals by the residue power in the world that survived, what, 2 centuries after his death.
And it manifests in her ability to hide the truth aka lie. She is an exceptional liar. If we were to compare her and El, who are both great at lying, Ren beats him  because of this. You can’t really catch her tells and she seems to have an ability to track her own lies in a way that would fool 99% of the population. Again, it’s a combo of this + her personality that makes her so good at her job.
So, someone who was blessed by Balthazar might have an earned reputation of being unbeatable on the battlefield; someone blessed by Dwayna could be very very good at healing, Melandru could be very good at being a hunter to the point of being able to parallel norn, etc.
Does this mean that by Balty dying humanity was bereft of these gifts? No! Like with Abaddon, the number of people with Balty’s gifts will only be smaller, not non-existent, and other gods are still around and kicking, though priesthood of Balthazar would like to say otherwise. This is their main point for Nyra being a traitor of humankind but it’s like,, factually incorrect.
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adorethedistance · 4 years
City Slicker, Cowboyfriend - Owen Joyner x Reader
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JATP masterlist
Warnings: Swearing, nerves, mentions of covid.
Words: 2163
Summary: You’re starting to have doubts about moving all the way to Norman until a shopping trip to Ikea turns into the meet-cute you’ve been waiting for.
A/n: This isn’t a request or one of my Valentines day fics, this is just something that I have had stuck in my head ever since Owen posted this on IG and bc I’m facing total writers block with my other pieces I cranked this one out in a few hours to get the ball rolling again. Hopefully. Enjoy this totally unproofed, fluffy madness!! (Because who doesn’t need more Owen content in their life?)
There are perks to moving and one of them is undoubtedly: shopping. For furniture, home decor, kitchen utensils, whatever! Granted, shopping alone can be tedious and, for some, like pulling teeth, thus, I’ve enlisted the help of my best friends Leila and Chelsea. I didn’t even have to bribe them to come because everyone loves getting lost in Ikea. It’s one of the best things about the human experience.
“It’s been so long since I’ve been in an Ikea,” Leila says to no one in particular as we walk through the onslaught of staged bedrooms.
“What?! Are you telling me you don’t get meatballs and lawn chairs on a weekly basis?” My exaggeration makes Leila laugh as she steps into one of the display kitchens. Looking between me and Chelsea she asks,
“What would you do if I turned the handle then a jet of water sprayed out?”
“Die, I guess.”
The three of us continue through the faux house displays and past the mattresses despite Leila’s urge to jump on every single one. As we walk through the section of different lighting features, I sigh with a frown as I think about college. I changed my bachelor’s to an associate’s so I could graduate in two years. Chelsea’s parents moved out here at the end of our senior year in high school, and she moved with them to study in Norman. Leila in turn went to Arizona for an athletic physical therapy gig, leaving me to face college alone in L.A.. In the two years the three of us were apart, we missed each other more and more, and after determining which of the three states we lived in was cheapest, we packed up and headed East. Covid kind of delayed our plans. But after a few months, I picked Leila up from Arizona and together we chased open job opportunities into Norman, Oklahoma. The three of us found an apartment space to live in together and thus, we ended up in Ikea on this fine Sunday afternoon.
Snapping back into reality I see Leila standing directly under a light that’s hanging very low from the ceiling. Once standing directly underneath it, she pulls down her mask and opens her mouth, rising to her toes to eat the fixture.
“Leila, don’t you dare fellate that light bulb! You’re gonna get us kicked out.”
I swear I’m practically their mom when it comes to behaving in public. Figuring they can’t hurt themselves in the college dorm section, I lead them quickly through it and into the giant furniture warehouse section. On the far wall, I see a large poster of a couple smiling brightly behind Chelsea, but I don’t bother to read the text. Leila and I spot the poster at the same time, and the imagery jogs her memory.
“Chelsea, how’s Hunter? Haven’t heard from him slash about him in like a week,” she asks about Chelsea’s boyfriend of a year.
“Oh, yeah, he tore a ligament in his wrist.”
“Yeah, I guess he moved it wrong or something and put too much stress on the area that it just tore. He was moving hay bales into the horse stables.”
“As opposed to the chicken stables,” Leila judges under her breath, which makes me snicker as a result.
“I still can’t believe you’re dating a literal cowboy,” I interject, “Like, I know we’re in Oklahoma, and he’s from Tennessee, but we saw Texas on the way out here and that’s cowboy country. Norman seems more...” I trail off in search of delicate phrasing.
“Just barely marry your cousin territory, but still downing chewing tobacco whilst driving a lifted truck?” Leila hits the nail squarely on the head.
“Yeah, that sounds about right-” Before I can continue giving my thoughts on Norman, I cut myself off at the sound of laughter behind me.
“Sorry. We weren’t trying to eavesdrop, that was just really funny.” When I turn around, I see a guy roughly our age dressed in all black with bleach-blonde hair, speaking through light, broken laughter.
“No worries,” I dismiss the apology as we pass by one another, and out from the dressers section. The three of us continue into the different sections, and come to a stop once I see we’re exactly where we need to be: dining room shit!
“Cowboy boyfriends aside- oh my gosh: cowboy boyfriends. Cowboyfriends,” I say getting lost in my new terminology. Both of my friends share a mix of laughter and gasps and my ingeniousness. “Anyway. Cowboyfriends aside, how is Avery?” I ask Leila who begins blushing madly.
“She’s really good. We were just making plans for our three year anniversary, which reminds me to tell y’all I’m flying back to Phoenix to surprise her.”
“Awwww,” I nearly tear up and the sweet image of Leila and her girlfriend reuniting, “Y’all are so cute. Both of you and your partners. You know, being the only single friend in this group has made life suck a lot. Y’all are so happy and in love and not dead inside. Honestly? Get fucked both of you.” Despite my harsh words, the three of us break into a lighthearted conglomerate of laughter.
“We’ll find you someone… eventually.” Leila pretends she also can’t hear the last part of her sentence despite being the one saying it.
“I know, but I don’t think it’s in the cards for me to find love in Norman. I don’t need a cowboyfriend, and we’re not gonna find a true city slicker here either.”
When I finish my statement, I see our blonde friend seems to have followed us. I observe he comes to a stop in front of another guy in a flannel with a shopping cart. The way they jump into conversation with one another parallels the animated body language Leila, Chelsey, and I share. I continue to watch their exchange as Chelsea speaks up.
“Maybe you need someone right down the middle.”
“Yeah, like a guy who drives a truck but uses it to transport Ikea furniture instead of a whole ass tree that he’ll carve into a chair.” A small laugh escapes my lips, at both Leila’s statement, and the scene ahead of Blondie pretending to strangle his friend over something. I’m snapped out of my nosy yet endeared stare as a third guy appears. He’s a sandy blonde with billowing locks tucked under a trucker hat. And he came from behind me and my two friends to place something in their cart which keeps his back toward me. When he turns back around, my mind goes blank. Any thoughts of shopping for dining room chairs has left my mind. He is wearing a face mask, but he has such nice eyes that he could have a giraffe snout under the mask for all I care. I see him look up from the shelves, directly into my eyes. We stay locked for a moment before he breaks away and turns to his friends. I slowly turn to my friends too who are both giving me the exact same look of excitement and conspiracy.
“He’s really cute,” I sigh out with a laugh, swooning much louder than I’d have preferred.
“He has a face mask on,” Leila points out, her expression dropping from excited to cynical.
“Still! I can just tell.”
“Girl, what are you doing? Talk to him!” Chelsea whisper-shrieks.
“Shhh, I cannot take you anywhere!”
Glancing back at the handsome stranger, we connect eyes once more and I feel my face heat furiously as I realize he was already looking at me. I’m the first to break; I consult my friends for the best course of action and as I’m turned 180 to face them, Chelsea starts pretending to hyperventilate excitedly. Leila looks over my shoulder for me, discreetly surveying the other trio in the dining chairs aisle.
“Don’t look now, but he’s talking to his friends and looking between them and you.” I can hear in her voice she’s trying her best not to smile despite wearing a face mask.
“Should I give him my number?”
“What are you waiting for?”
“I’m nervous! What if he’s gay?”
“Will you just get over there? I promise you a gay man would not be wearing what he’s wearing right now. Maybe a lesbian,” Leila adds for good measure.
“You guys are freaking me out, I need you to leave so I know you’re not judging my flirting.” I shoo my best friends out of the aisle as inconspicuous as possible. Kinda wish blondie would’ve done the same because when I turn back around, the other trio hasn’t moved and the only one looking at me is the one in all black. He quickly averts his eyes though and I take one last deep breath before walking over to the stranger. I tilt my chin up ever so slightly to fake a sense of confidence that I unmistakably don’t have right now.
“Hey.” Really, Y/n? Hey??
“Hey,” he greets back breathily. Why is he nervous? I’m the one who gets to be nervous! Man, he’s really cute. I can’t fuck this one up. I’m not doing so stellar right now. Perhaps you should say something else, dipshit?
“Uhm,” I should’ve scripted this. “I just wanted to say that-” You’ve got this. Don’t be a bummer. “I-uh, I think you’re really cute and I was wondering if I could give you my number?” My speech is slow, each word deliberate in spite of the fact that I feel like I’m having an out of body experience right now. I’m not the one in control of the words that are coming out of my mouth.
Upon realizing why I walked over, blondie’s friends take the question as a sign to leave and less than inconspicuously back away from the two of us. Trucker hat spares them one last glance over his left shoulder and judging by the look flannel gives him, they were definitely talking about me in their team huddle.
“Uh, yeah. I was gonna ask for your instagram- if you have one, that is.”
“I’m cool with both.” The two of us reach for our phones and unlock them with anxious hands. I move to hand him my phone with instagram open, and he trades me for his which has a new contact open. I type my name and put my favorite heart emoji next to it after triple checking the number is correct. Wow, you’re just so ballsy today, Y/n!!!!! I give him back the phone, scanning the instagram account he’s just opened and followed for me. I hear him exhale a little harder as a small laugh and can only imagine it’s from the stupid heart emoji.
“Owen,” I say in a hushed, endeared voice, fully not intending to say it out loud. “You have a million followers?! Oh, you’re an actor. OH… You’re an actor.” I really don’t need to be speaking my entire thought process right now in the middle of this Ikea. Exhaling a small laugh of my own, I see we already have a small bunch of mutuals, one of which is… Chelsea??? Looking up from my phone I turn around to see Chelsea and Leila watching the interaction from around the corner of one of the industrial shelves.
In the flurry of scattered likes, I see him find my account and follow me back. I accept the request, nervous of what he thinks of me without a face mask on. What do I think of him without a face mask on? Going back to his account, seeing his entire face is even better than just his eyes. I was right, Leila: he is cute.
“You’re really pretty,” I hear him almost sigh as he combs through the grid of my account. The comment makes my heart beat all the much faster and I finally look upward to get a glimpse of Owen in the flesh. Still as beautiful as the last time I checked!
Sparing a quick glance over my shoulder, he looks back down at me and laughs,
“I think your friends got tired of waiting.”
“I think yours did, too.” The other members of our trios come back into the aisle we had kicked them from more or less two minutes ago. We connect eyes once more and stare longingly, wordlessly at one another, so lost in each other’s beauty our friends have to break up the staring contest of infatuation.
“Y/n?” I hear Leila behind me.
“Uh, well, I have to get back to chair shopping, but- text me later?”
“For sure.”
“For sure,” I mimic his voice.
“Guess I’ll see you later. Y/n.”
“Yeah.” And with that, we’re pulled apart by our respective best friends, through the vast expanse of the Norman Ikea.
“What was that?” Chelsea asks, excitedly linking arms with me.
“I don’t know I- Wait, you have some explaining to do!”
Taglist: @caitsymichelle13 @kaitlyn2907 @itz-jas @crybabyddl @kcd15 @kinda-really-lost @calamitykaty @morganayennefertyrell @n0wornever @dream-a-little-bigger-x @mrstodorooki @vicesvsvirturesfanfic @curlybrownhairedboys @amazinggracy @kaitieskidmore1 @asdfghjkl-fanfics​ @ghostlygreenbean @juliefromaustralia @merceret​ @jemimah-b99 @ifilwtmfc @thesweetestsinner​ @imsydneywalker @lovesanimals @thebloodthirstyvampress @bumbleberry-pie @losers-club6 @tefilovesreading​ @dmcfarland1@joynerxmercer @kexrtiz @talk-on-the-street @phantompogues @konciousdreamer @sunsetcurvej @warmnesss0ul @lilyjoyner 
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queen0fm0nsterz · 3 years
I wonder if Scarecrow girl regret pushing away someone that she initially disliked? Given one of the meanings for scarecrow in dreams is wanting to correct negative decisions and realizing the good qualities in a person you dislike?
(give this post a read for context!)
Ok, I'm going to use this question to answer a few of the Ladies related questions I got. Thanks to all of you for the positive feedback on that theory, I really appreciated it!
Starting with you, anon.
1) About Scarecrow
You know, after making a full analysis on the Ladies and getting a good look at each one of their rooms, both in the Residence and in the Nest, I think I agree.
The question now would be, who was she pushing away?
An obvious answer would be (her) Mono. As I previously established: a Lady of the Maw cannot exist unless a Thin Man creates her and a Thin Man cannot exist unless he's betrayed by said Lady. Maybe she regrets leaving him to his fate? The Eye paintings are quite prominent in her section.
Or, this could be referring to the other girl.
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I theorized that Scarecrow may have had a sister who ruled the Maw alongside her. Not only that, it might have been one of the others as well.
The candidates to fit this role would be Tengu and Teapot. I lean more on the latter.
Tengu is tecnically the second in line, following the order we previously reconstructed, yet I also mentioned that she and Scarecrow may have been interchangable because you can choose to retrieve them in either order. They're the only ones to which this rule applies; Fox will always be first and Teapot will always be last. Plus, Scarecrow's pedestal is taller than Tengu's, effectively making her the second.
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Another thing I think is worth mentioning is that, in the way to reach Teapot, we have to pass over the two armchairs. Reminiscent of when Teapot had to sneak past the sisters, perhaps?
Then, when we do get Teapot, to leave the room we have to once again sneak past Tengu (albeit it's her false persona).
Lastly, I wanted to mention that Red and Blue have always been opposites. It would make sense for Scarecrow to dislike Tengu, especially considering how drastically different they behave. For example, while Scarecrow prefers to hide away from the monsters and ignore them, Tengu actively engages with them and pretends to be a monster herself. I could easily see the Lady in Blue be either disgusted or irritated by this way of handling things.
On the other hand, we have our other candidate, Teapot. I do believe it's less likely, but pictures of one of the girls in the paintings (the one with long braided hair) are seen in her area.
Of course, it's also possible that Scarecrow's possible sister is not one of the other Ladies and was someone else entirely.
This lowkey got me thinking though.
If the "Lady & Thin Man coexistence theory" (yes we're naming it lads), is true, then this means that, if there were two Ladies governing the Maw at the same time, then the number of Thin Men wouldn't line up... because one Mono accompanied two Ladies. Consequentially, our Mono would be the fifth Thin Man and not the sixth, and the number 6 on the Thin Man's door was indeed referring to the number of Ladies.
Now I can't help but wonder how such an event would go down. My guess would be that the Thin Man of the time only took one of the girls (maybe only one of them was wearing the yellow raincoat?), awakening her Hunger which would then lead her to become the Lady while her sister helplessly watches and follows.
Mh. I have to think this one through. The concept is really interesting though.
2) About Fox (and Six)
" I wonder if Fox Mask Girl met a gruesome end for being too kind? Given that kindness will guarantee suffering with certain death in the little nightmares world so it won't be too farfetched that she got killed by someone that she offered kindness to. " - anon
" You know given how Fox mask Lady was able to have children be comfortable in her presence and how she likely died a gruesome death, maybe she was the type to continue on being kind and caring despite what she experienced as a kid and becoming the Lady of Maw? Her horrible death is definitely her being punished for still being kind since the world of little nightmares is where kindness will make you suffer and guarantee certain death. " - anon
I do think she met her demise as a consequence of her gentle nature. But in her defense; if the order is correct, then she was the first Lady ever. Maybe she wasn't aware of the cycle/loop. I'm pretty sure she died at the hands of her successor after trying to offer her kindness and shelter.
(Another thing to think about: the rip on her statue kind of looks like a bite.)
People who try to be kind always get the worst possible outcomes in the Little Nightmares universe. Once again, that famous achievement expresses the core belief behind this world: "Kindness will be your undoing!"
And talking about achievements... the other day I was on the wiki reading the achievement list - as one does - and something caught my eye.
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Little fox.
In the achievements, Six is referred as a couple of small animals that relate to her in some way. For example, she's called a "little canary" or a "sneaky rat". Both connections are obvious: the canary is a bird with bright yellow feathers and rats are considered vermins - which is how Six is seen by the monsters.
This only draws more paralleles between Six and Fox, who have been stated to be quite similar in many ways.
3) Additional Color White Meaning - Teapot
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That is absolutely correct! Then again, this begs the question: who or what could the Lady in White be mourning?
Again, maybe (her) Mono? Or perhaps she's mourning her own lost freedom?
Out of all the Ladies, current one included, Teapot really seems to be the most depressed about the whole situation. It's really heartbreaking considering how her coding made her out to be an innocent, pure hearted, happy go lucky soul.
4) About Scarecrow's and Teapot's masks.
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Thank you so much for the kind words!
So, personally I do think they kept wearing their masks, even if they're a little peculiar.
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You have to keep in mind that people wearing masks is kind of the whole "brand" of the Maw.
When Six gets there every single employee and even some of the guests are wearing masks, with the only exception being the Granny. Then again, the Granny is a contractor, not an employee. She kinda does what she wants and no one can really stop her, which is really funny in my eyes.
Plus, Scarecrow is not the only one we see wearing a sack on her head. We have the Hunter as well! So I wouldn't say it's that uncommon.
Teapot's choice of mask is way more goofy, bc let's be honest. An extremely powerful force of darkness going around with a teapot on her head? But then again, it lines up with her innocent nature.
It's a stark contrast with the current Lady, who is so refined and came right after Teapot.
5) Lady Six design? An headcanon, I guess!
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I actually may have to correct you on one thing before we go though: if the girl in this portrait in the Lady's quarters is infact a younger Lady, then it's safe to assume all Ladies before her wore a yellow raincoat as well.
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Perhaps that's their signature clothing, like Mono's paper bag. Paperbag and yellow raincoat, always together.
Moving on!
Yes, I do agree on Six's kimono being yellow. A darker shade of the Lemon color - like how the Lady's kimono was a darker shade of Tangerine - would be PERFECT. Lemon is usually associated with Awareness, Enlightenment and Alertness, which I think would fit Lady Six. She finally realizes how things work in this world and how she was just a pawn into the Eye's plan all along.
As for the mask, I actually thought about it for a while. I don't think it would be the same as the Lady's, because they're really different from each other, but I still think it would have something to do with Noh masks.
Personally, I settled on the Ja mask. It's badass and scary, something I think Six would definetely wear.
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(Btw, I tried searching for what Noh mask could be associated with the Lady's. I found several, but the Fushikizō may be the best candidate.)
6) Same person from different dimentions?
" Random thought but what if the ladies and Six actually exist similar to the movie "Spiderman: Into The Spiderverse", where they are actually a different version of The Lady brought into Mono's dimension to continue the cycle? Some of the masks seem to hint the presence of other worlds, AND Six's connections to previous mask owners. Six herself is also hinted to be from a different world as well, as she is labelled to be "awaking in a world she cannot recognize" " - massive brain anon
And this actually explains why Mono and the Thin Man would be drawn to her! It's still his friend, but a different version of her! Especially after we've established how the human children are all lured from other dimensions in the LN universe... Wow. Good thinking, anon. This way, the selection of the next Lady is not casual and actually makes sense all things considered.
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ayzrules · 4 years
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✶ 𝐇𝐗𝐇 𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐌𝐄𝐒: 𝐋𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 & 𝐇𝐎𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐒, 𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐇 & 𝐃𝐀𝐌𝐍𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍   Long story short, I have been thinking about this for wayyyyy too long now and wanted to get some ~thoughts~ & analysis written down! This post is going to be...fairly long, lol. Apologies in advance :D
  Also, if you can’t see the last gif (the one for ‘holy’), click here. Tumblr keeps fucking up the image when i try to upload it :////
  This post is probably going to be about 2/3 yorknew & phantom troupe/kurapika focused, 1/3 chimera ants, maybe with some references to other arcs (including manga-only arcs) mixed in. so, ofc, tons of spoilers ahead! also, i realize that my blog theme is hard to read (and i’m p sure clicking ‘keep reading’ sends you to the og post itself), so i’m linking the post w/ full text copy/pasted in on my art backup side blog (which has a more legible font) here. 
✶ 𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐇   I’m sure absolutely nobody is surprised with me starting here - there is just. SO. MUCH. DEATH. in hxh. & right from the start, one thing I noticed that togashi really emphasized was the #4 and its connection to death. in japanese, chinese, and im p sure some other asian cultures the number 4 is pronounced like the word for death so it’s associated with death in general, and boy oh boy does the ‘deadly number 4′ thing show up E V E R Y W H E R E. we get to the hunter exam, and hisoka is applicant #44. kurapika is #404. i didn’t notice it at first, but this was so intentional holy shit. togashi is NOT SUBTLE.
  So pika & hisoka are, right off the bat, associated with death. okay. and then there are even more clues to drive the point home: hisoka is member #4 in the phantom troupe, kurapika’s birthday is april 4th (aka 4/4). 100% not a coincidence (!!). with hisoka, it’s pretty obvious why togashi’s throwing all this death 444444 stuff around - dude is a psycho murder pedo clown, literally gets off on killing people (and there’s also the fact that judas sits 4th from the left in the last supper painting, and he’s sort of the judas equivalent for the phantom troupe). with kurapika, though, it’s a bit more subtle and woven deeper into his characterization, which i LOVE. togashi puts the mans in blue & gold & white (traditionally ‘pure’ or ‘heavenly’ colors), makes him so fucking kind & so good-hearted.....when he’s not relentlessly pursuing his revenge, ofc. more on this in the next section, but pika = death. togashi has made that v v v clear.
  Backtracking a bit to hisoka, though, I also just wanted to point out the 4 is death symbolism in the fortunes too (GOD i love the fortunes): in one translation, he’s the false fourth moon, and in the og japanese (i think), he’s the false hare (4th in the lunar zodiac or w/e it’s called. i don’t know the japanese cultural influences here, but in the chinese legend that established the zodiac animals, they race across the heavenly river & the top 12 animals got zodiac slots. the hare finished 4th, so it’s #4 in the cycle). 
  And just as a final note, Tserriednich is the fourth prince of the kakin empire, and also another dude who has a hard-on for murder & other gory shit. again: togashi is not subtle with this, lmfao
✶ 𝐇𝐎𝐋𝐘, 𝐔𝐍𝐇𝐎𝐋𝐘   As probably everyone who’s gotten to yorknew knows, togashi is so 0 fucks given when he wants to be. I mean there’s the whole thing where he just. took New York and decided, Yorknew. LMFAO, but also, he made the main antag of that arc be named chrollo lucilfer, sit around in a ruined church, have a reversed cross coat, pale & dark-haired/dark-eyed, generally dressed in dark colors, very terrible murder guy. liiiike......chrollo x devil symbolism game is 1000/10 at this point lmaooo
  And i know absolutely nothing about christianity in general, but pt/kurapika & yorknew arc is just so full of christian imagery/symbolism! one thing that i L O O O O O O V E though is how togashi really blurs the traditional christian-coded good/evil, holy/damned boundaries.
  Back to kurapika: he wears gold and blue, his coloring is very stereotypically ‘angelic’, he’s precious and good and kind. his chains are all about ~judgment~ and ~healing~ - some of the chains are also in literal cross shapes, aren’t they? And the chain dagger in his own heart...the imagery is very startlingly similar to the immaculate heart of mary, where the swords stabbing thru the heart apparently represent seven sorrows. IDK much about this stuff other than the visual similarities; literally had to google ‘daggers through heart christianity?’ to even get the name of that thing LOL. anyway, at first, it seems like togashi establishes him as the ‘angel’, the ‘good’, the ‘holy’ in the angel/devil, good/evil, holy/damned dichotomy between him and chrollo.
  But that’s not the end of the story. his entire storyline is driven by a huuuuuuuge giant desire for vengeance, first of all, and then there’s the scarlet eyes, which canonically are seen as demonic/cursed/what have you (according to one of the movies or smth? where they show pika as a 10 y/o?), and then we also have red eyes in modern culture being associated w pretty much the same thing (vampires, anyone?). the fight scene with uvo has everything in b&w besides the blood on his face & his red eyes & the moon (<<< more fortune foreshadowing & symbolism, i love to see it), and there are tonssss of scenes where he has to suppress his rage. so all of that is obviously not very angelic of him i would say LOL. in fact, what i find super interesting is that the scarlet/red eyes (which are ‘demonic’) is actually the driving factor behind his super powerful nen abilities; this ties in so well with the fortunes & death associations imo! the fortunes call him the ‘death-bringer’ in one translation, or ‘half-angel, half-death’, so that’s one side of pika = red eyes = death, but there’s also the fact that emperor time is literally draining his life force. so pika = death for both himself and others namely the pt, question mark?
  Now for chrollo: togashi’s devil symbolism is EXTREMELY overt with him, but i love the subtler jesus references too. the church thing, obviously, and the st. peters cross which is cuz st peter respected jesus too much & didn’t think he was worthy to die in the same way as him (or something like that, i am the most atheist person in the world & hxh is literally my entire christian education pls) but is also used as an anti-christianity symbol these days. bandit’s secret looks like a bible, lbr, and mans has a cross tattoo.
  Other things beyond visuals - 12 spiders, 12 apostles; hisoka’s betrayal, where member #4 can be thought to correspond to judas sitting 4th from left at last supper. and this miiiiight be a bit of a stretch, but i think the meteor city being the place of origin may also play into the blurred line between angel/devil and holy/damned here; meteors are defined as space rocks that are in earth’s atmosphere, becoming incandescent in the process. meteorites are for the kinds that actually reach the ground. and idk, lucifer was cast out of heaven / sky too right? so i think there might be some subtle fallen angel imagery/symbolism playing into the pt as well
✶ 𝐋𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 (𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐃𝐀𝐑𝐊𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐒)   Last section yay! i don’t have as much to say about this, besides when i was making chimera ant arc edits & realized that there might have been some subtle gon/meruem parallels???
  So obviously, everyone knows that line killua says to gon - “you are light” - and then i was just remembering that meruem’s name means.... “light that illuminates all” (!!!!). maybe it’s a coincidence, but knowing togashi, i’m leaning towards nahhhh. there HAS TO be some kinda meaning there (!!).
  Going back to the events of the chimera ant arc....ooh boy. let’s see: gon is optimistic & hopeful even in the face of kite potentially being dead, killua says he’s light, they find kite & dude is fucked up, gon is pissed. gets all angry & ~dark~, especially during the palace invasion when he’s staring pitou down as she fixes up komugi. then the actual fight against pitou: more darkness, more anger, but through it all there’s still light, namely his jajanken being very orange & fiery lookin.....and that final sequence, where he puts all his possible nen he’d ever have into his ~final form~ or wahtever & turns into a male version of true form!bisky but dressed in a crop top & short-shorts (i am SCARRED, btw. s c a r r e d !). there’s just huuuge flashes of light as that’s going on, and it reminded me of supernovas or dying stars when i was thinking about it, where the star is like, collapsing under its own weight? & burning thru its own fuel, until there’s nothing left except a dwarf or black hole or what have you. one final, extremely deadly burst of light & energy before death.
  On the meruem side of things: born into a dark cave, exhibits a traditionally evil/cruel/wicked/whatever personality/traits so that has ppl associating him with darkness. then he gets to know komugi, starts to appreciate other aspects of humanity, seems like he could have actually turned into a decent person who doesn’t want to eat everyone - so that’s a ‘path to light’, maybe? - and then the extermination team yeets themselves into the palace, netero takes him out to bumfuck nowhere, they fight. netero’s fighting is just ALL light, from his giant ass golden 100-type guanyin bodhisattva to the poor man’s rose. again, there’s the sense of finality to it all, in a similar vein to dying stars: netero comes in determined to kill meruem no matter what, and we all know netero doesn’t flake. then we see netero get destroyed after the zero hand, and he triggers the rose, and everything is burning & on fire before the flames are put out and all turns dark again.
  But wait!!! pouf & youpi revive meruem and all he does is play gungi with komugi, even with the poison of the rose. he eventually dies, and the gungi pieces in that final shot of them together (i am BAWLING just thinking about it holy shit) has one that’s all white, one that’s a black ring and white inside. i assume all white is for komugi, who has never done ANYTHING wrong in her LIFE, so i like to think that the 2nd one is for meruem - born “into darkness”, literally & figuratively, but he turns something like ‘good’ by the end. it’s interesting how togashi has sort of gone for a bit of a subversion here: the hero going from light to darkness, and the main antag from darkness to light.
✶ 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐂𝐋𝐔𝐒𝐈𝐎𝐍   AahhhhHHHHHhhh so if you read all the way down here through my LONG rambles, tysm! i would LOVE LOVE LOVE to hear what other people think about all this, and i’ve FOR SURE missed tons and tons of stuff - chimera ants is just. SO MUCH. and i don’t know it as well as yorknew eeek.
  I’m not sure if i’m really ~knowledgeable~ in any other areas relating to hxh, so this might be the only one of these that i do, but i definitely think about some of this - esp all the religious symbolism & #4 stuff - a ton! so in the meantime, if it’s of any interest, i’m just going to shamelessly plug my hxh x religious beliefs/superstitions edit series :D lots of love to all!!!
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lilyclawthorne · 3 years
Separate Tides Thoughts
This is literally just a bunch of very stream of consciousness writing, from pretty much every time i had a thought about something while rewatching the episode so it may be messy/all over the place
my immediate concern about these videos luz is sending that aren’t going through, is what if the emperor does manage to even briefly open a portal?? would all of her messages suddenly go through only to not be able to contact again?? and maybe that’s why it kinda looks like a detective/conspiracy board behind camila in the trailer because she has plenty of information from luz herself that she now needs to piece together. 
completely unimportant detail but i figured lilith’s gem was like eda’s, in how eda’s gem seems to be a part of her, but we can see in luz’s video that it seems to be attached to lilith’s old dress so just what the fuck is up with eda having a gem in her body 
also the fact that they decided to be bounty hunters was odd to me, but it’s clear they really need the money. it was also clear later on that not only did eda not want luz to go after the selkidomus to keep her safe, but also because it was an innocent creature. part of me can’t help but wonder if internally a part of eda didn’t want to go after bigger bounties because having once been the biggest bounty herself, she knows that if the emperor wants them that badly then they may actually not be bad at all
i hate that last season everyone was cheering for eda to be freed, but now without magic they’re very willing to take advantage of her and talk about her. it’s mean and i expected public gossip to happen more for lilith for being a traitor, but then again people may not know about her magic yet so maybe they do still fear her a bit. all of this kinda tells me though that people bought belos’ crap about eda being stripped of her magic because she’s a wild witch, so they’re all judging her again
i love how bitter lilith is about the golden guard. also teen? kinda curious if any of our teens would’ve known him when very young or if he was raised specifically for this role
i like the detail on belos’ statue where there’s a crack over his eye around the same spot luz broke his mask
love how much eda cares for luz and puts her needs first and buying her the only foods she can digest and likes. such a mom. it’s also very clear that she’s struggling and doesn’t want luz to worry about it at all. also side note, love that lilith was asking about apple blood, pls let these sisters get drunk together.
it does not surprise me that eda likes to bring up the curse pretty casually as a retort back at lilith. it seems very in her nature to use it like that, but i can’t help but wonder if she’s avoiding actually addressing it. and if she keeps joking, will that affect lilith into like, idk a breakdown that forces the two of them to talk about it. 
LULU?? BESTIE?? thanks hooty i hate it
Luz you’re doing amazing sweetie, show them you’re no sea squirt. 
okay so now we can clearly see lilith’s magic is on it’s last legs. almost got herself fucking killed by some fire bees. that being said i’m very concerned about her whole “who am i without magic? without a coven?” i think she kinda misses the structure, and is still used to only knowing what to do simply because she had a leader to follow. 
“I AM A WITCH, UNHINGED” i think she’ll be adapting to the chaotic nature of the owl house crew in no time though if she keeps acting like this
“some kind of weird bird worm” i mean she’s not wrong....
“you have no idea what im going through” dramatic emo ass bitch
it does not surprise me that after pardoning eda, the coven would jump at the first opportunity to arrest her again. pretty sure she’ll be a wanted criminal again in no time.
golden guard very much concerns me. villains that go from really fun to intimidating or threatening as fast he seems to do here are ones i worry about. it kinda feels like he enjoys scaring people?? idk im not sure how to describe it. anyways threatening to hold them over the boiling seas where even the steam will give them third degrees feels really fucking cruel but maybe im empathizing here because at the time of writing this im still suffering from second degree burns i got three weeks ago so third degree sounds horrifying rn
love how excited lilith is seeing hooty at work when she’s not the one getting beaten up. 
I’m glad luz and eda are talking about luz’s guilt and that eda knows what she’s been carrying around now. i didn’t want to see luz carry around all that guilt for so long she’s too good for that AND its misplaced guilt. 
i do love though how at the beginning of the episodes we see the lengths eda will go to by prioritizing food for luz first and doing everything she can to keep the girl safe, and then we come back full circle to seeing the lengths luz is willing to go to for eda as well 
“my life is pretty great because i’m friends with luz the human” brb im CRYING.
Luz is SO clever. This girl is so smart and creative and her solution for helping the selkidomus is just wonderful. And also look at that fake selkidomus she made!! That is amazing!!
pls the raspberry Luz gave the golden guard was adorable
i LOVE the parallel between eda doing her first light glyphs and when luz did her first ones. i’m also glad eda didn’t struggle with the glyph like i’ve seen some people worry could have happened
just occurred to me that eda mentioned the gris will sell at the night market. its probably nothing but does make me concerned about them becoming night market vendors instead.
HOOTCIFER? thanks lilith i hate it. also combine it with lulu and you get lucifer. 
it’s hard to hear but as we go further into the scrying potion and see the emperor, and the very end of the “what are we eating” conversation that’s fading out from the owl house we hear lilith say “i’m fine with whatever, things are starting to feel right again” and idk if she means since she left the coven or for the first time since she was a kid but either way im so glad to hear it
also my brother pointed out belos is probably saying “knock knock human” because he knows he’s being spied on by the owl house with the potion and i hate that because if the emperor takes any action because of it, it’ll probably be another lilith fucked up moment because she didn’t think it through.
also, one other thing i couldn’t help but do in this episode was notice some parallels between luz and lilith! they’re both going out of their way to try and do something for eda, and are both insistent that they have to do this alone. but also lilith’s line about “you have no idea what im going through” really did make me think perhaps underneath everything she has a dramatic personality, and luz does too at times for fun and wouldn’t it be cute if they got along over something like that.
also this episode? great for pictures of lilith with messy hair, of her screaming, or general annoyance, so, enjoy:
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pls i love this face and the noise she makes at this moment as well as her little ear twitch ^
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this is my favorite messy hair screenshot  simply because it looks SO fluffy here and i want that for her ^
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this particular screenshot ain’t about lilith, it’s about the face eda is making here and how cute it is!! ^
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dani-the-toad · 3 years
💕🎥 deltarune or the owl house or both, your pick
can i do both? ill do both :)
the owl house
💕 so uh. lets talk about our idiot blondie for a sec, because i love him so much (kinnie moment) hes so fucking DUMB and so complex and like. probably a clone. but he has so much trauma for being just 16 (mood) and i think his whole storyline so far is super interesting and him and belos are an interesting parallel to luz and eda because of the whole bringing in a non magic person who wants to be a witch and doing stuff with that and showing an abusive parent in a different way than amitys family situation and aaaaahh hes a lot
now i wanna talk about our under rated baby boy king. idk why im so attached to the idiot brother type that has so much trauma underneath their base personalities but fuck dude king just hits so different tbh. his whole storyline about finding his dad but not worrying too much overall since he has a family in eda and luz??? wow cant handle this man im going to Cry
also one day i will talk about how much i absolutely adore eda but im also gonna talk about ut/dr so ill do that later
🎥 still not over the grom dance in the year of our lord 2021. the whole dance is so well animated and the representation it began to bring in for lumity?? wow i cannot even its just so well done. i also love the scene where eda and lilith are fighting in the season 1 finale? like before she fully turns into the owl beast goes insane. oh! and all of the hunting palisman episode and then the amity and hunter fight for the same reasons as the eda lilith fight because animation my absolute beloved
💕 kris is an infinitely interesting character to me not only because they kinda destroy the trope of only nonbinary representation being inhuman but theyre also so much more than that. i know we’ve talked about this a lot because deltarune our beloved but them being the only human in a town full of monsters, feeling isolated because theyre again. THE ONLY HUMAN. being overshadowed by their brother but seemingly not minding it too much since they really care about asriel. the entire thing about them and spamton feeling like a puppet. honestly take the freedom motif from world revolving and dialtone because id honestly say thats kris’s motif since they desire freedom from being the souls (and players) puppet. constantly im thinking about them. they will be a boss i am predicting it now and putting it in text so when it does happen i can be like wow! i called it! Oh My God Kris No
🎥 throws a fit everytime queen is on screen in chapter 2. also susie in general shes perfect and her relationship with noelle and how its playing out is perfection. all of the secret boss stuff also, jevil was hard as shit and very frustrating at times but i also enjoyed the fight because i love difficult battles in games like this where im ok at the battle mechanics and need more of a challenge. same with specifically snowgrave spamton because hes harder when its just you as opposed to when its the full team imo. i like difficult fights thats why in ut i do the genocide route to fight [redacted boss] and sans theyre both so weirdly fun to fight it sparks joy
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