#the opossum wants to sing
gaycicada · 2 years
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Welcome The Salucci Family! This is the family of one of my current dnd characters for a campaign I’m doing with my friends!
- Skittles The Centipede in the bellhop outfit is the character I play. They’re a pure of heart, hard working, considerate fellow who sometimes lets their heart rule their head and is selfless to their own detriment at times. They/He pronouns!
- The Toad is their adoptive mother named Brindle. She’s headstrong, confident, hardworking and noble! She/Her pronouns
- The Corvid is Thatch Harvest, Skittles’s adoptive dad. He’s an ominous fellow who has trouble with eye contact and speaks like he’s giving cryptic messages, he’s just autistic tho. He/They pronouns!
- Jam is the snail and is Skittles’ studious and timid younger sister who will often insist she’s older than Skittles when she is in fact younger by a week. She/Her
- And Crackers the young rat is the youngest brother. He’s a mischief maker and can get in over his head but he’s very creative and can be patient when he wants to be. He/Him
- The little worm baby in Brindle’s arm is Vanilla Bean, Skittles’ youngest sister who does nothing but eat and sleep (very much like me when I was a baby)
- And the giant crocodile looking Opossum is Cinnamon or Granny Spice. She’s the adoptive mother of Thatch and she helped to take care of the kids while they grew. She’s known to be eccentric, optimistic and theatrical but dramatic and overbearing at times as well.
- The family lives in a large rustic house next to a church and large cemetery a distance away from a small town. They run a mortuary business and before the house was properly lived in Granny Spice guarded the cemetery and church as it’s Church Grim and because of her beast like nature she was shunned from town and lived in a large burrow/crypt under the cemetery. When she found Thatch living alone in the woods as a child she adopted and raised him as her own. As he grew and went to town more often Granny gradually became more of her proud, jewelry loving, makeup clad self and over time shed her feral ways in favor of a life in musical and theatrical performance.
- Thatch eventually fell in love with Brindle and together they built a mortuary business and renovated the house on the cemetery property. Cinnamon gratefully helped out and when Brindle and Thatch adopted Jam from the town orphanage she jumped at the opportunity to care for a grandchild and soon after found Skittles as a young larva in the woods (nearly mistaking them for a large radish). Crackers and Vanilla Bean were adopted later on as well.
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fruitmilkshake · 3 months
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Situations/Headcanons that I scriped in my Supernatural Rd;
My native lenguage isn't English, so i'm sorry if i make a mistake at writing this.
Team free will 2.0 f.t Claire.
-Dean likes to play on the arcade machine games outside the convenience stores.
-Jack likes to chew ice.
-Castiel Dissociates himself with no warning sometimes.
-Sam was those kind of kids that were terrified by watching Courage the Cowardly Dog.
-Dean likes to call Edith (my oc) "Onion eyes", cuz she's always crying.
-Sam has nickname for Jack: "Jacko".
-Castiel likes to try and make pizza with Jack in special occasions.
-Edith's nose is always runny.
-Dean watches weird movies with Edith, like Coraline.
-Castiel smells like wet plants.
-Dean was scared of Toads as a kid.
-Sam likes to listen horror podcasts while he researchs for hunts.
-Edith cried watching; lion king.
-Claire's favorite band is; Kittie.
-Jack has allergies at Pollen.
-Sam smells like dust from old books.
-Edith can't taste the taste of tomates.
-Jack and Edith loves to go and pet stray cats.
-Sam has a box under his bed filled with fidget toys.
-Dean always laughs while watching the movie; Mean girls.
-Edith tried to get a Raccon and a Opossum inside the bunker once.
-Claire likes to sing on the shower.
-Jack's favorite animals are; turtles and monkeys.
-Dean smells like dry leaves and gasoline from baby.
-Claire likes to chew on mint Bubblegum.
-Edith has sensitive skin, so she's always covered in bruises by bumping against hard things.
-as much as he complains about it, Dean is Getting used to the music that Sam and Edith listen to(He'll always be a Metal/rock dude tho).
-Dean has problems remembering things (ADHD)
-Edith draws a lot of monsters on her sketchbook.
-Castiel likes popcorn.
-Dean argue with a waitress once because they mistook Edith for a boy.
-Claire hates the smell of fresh paint.
That's all! I have a lot of headcanons and situations that I want to write here, but i don't have the time or self explinatory to do it.
I Hope you enjoy reading this and this helps you in your supernatural Dr or other Drs.
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mossypidder · 10 months
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If you click the names of the birds below, you will find photos of the actual birds I’m referring to; mostly provided because the second two are morphs
EDIT: So honestly. Contrary to final poll results and my initial lean toward the grosbeak, I think I might just go with the crow. The design’s grown on me and in the last week I’ve collected many bones and observed many local crows and found myself just quietly very drawn to them. Nothing’s set in stone, but. . . It feels more right than the grosbeak- there are still things that draw me to the latter, and I still really love them and might switch in the future, right now I relate more to crows I think.
Rose Breasted/Cutthroat Grosbeak (female)
Similarities (between myself and the bird) - small and chunky - eats mainly seeds, fruits, and nuts - elusive and relatively solitary aside from nesting season - very intricate, unique nest type - monogamous - take care of young for a month after fledging (which is longer than quite a few birds) - dwells mainly in deciduous forests - I honestly think I do look a bit like a grosbeak overall - there is limited information on them (which is obnoxious, but kinda goes with my aesthetic honestly)
Things I Like About Them - very pretty markings, especially on face which makes for fun character design - they were my favorite bird as a child and I would get so excited during the brief period that they would be at our feeder
Differences - females don’t sing as much as males - I am very much a mimic- I echo other people’s words as well as animal noises a lot, mostly without thinking, and grosbeaks do not mimic. The males learn songs from their fathers, but that’s different, and I’m not male anyway.
Black Billed Magpie (cinnamon)
Similarities - eat a lot of fruit and grain - they are skilled mimics - mate for life something I aspire to achieve one day - have only been seen in Michigan ten times in the last hundred years, so it fits the “elusive bird who’s sightings should be documented” narrative - parents allow their young to stay with them as long as needed, sometimes even years - males and females are both very vocal and sing, talk, and chatter quite often - wary of new things and will shy away from bright colors and flashing lights (yes, that includes shiny things) - many widely believed myths spread about them (such as tendencies to thievery, attraction to shiny objects, and hoarding things tho I am guilty of that last one)
Things I Like About Them - Gorgeous wings and tail (though rather plain facial markings which is sad) - they’re just nice, funky little guys and they were one of my favorites when I was younger as well
Differences - not a bird I’d really call chunky lol - they eat meat (mostly bugs) and meat is not my favorite honestly - while some do only stay in groups of two, many others have tribe of up to twelve
Common Crow (cinnamon)
Similarities - will bring people they like random bits of things such leaves, rocks, lost keys, and bones, as gifts - stops for roadkill (though I don’t eat it, I’m just there to steal feathers or check opossum pouches for potential surviving babies) - bones is good, we like bones - also talented at imitating human speech, other animals, and just random noises they find intriguing - mate for life - very family oriented and good at taking care of each other. They’ve even been known to adopt unrelated fledglings - stay in the nest up to forty days after hatching and often remain with a family group for two years, helping their parents look after younger siblings - males and females are very vocal - wants to eat rocks - scavengers - likes fruits, nuts, and seeds - seen as weird or gross by the majority - slow to trust humans, but is very loyal once they do - could be considered chunky - cinnamons tend to have blue or silver eyes
Things I Like About Them - they are just. very good. - wing markings of cinnamons are very interesting, and while I’d like more intricacies to work with for facial markings, they’re still good and simple
Differences - they are very social birds (but most of that social time is spent with their family, which is where most of mine is spent as well, so I’m not sure this is a true difference) - consumes a lot of meat (which, as stated, is not my favorite) - they are very common in Michigan and easy to spot almost anywhere
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per-asperas · 1 year
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some ghouls random silly headcanons n thoughts!
side note i’m still new to the band so pls forgiv any mischaracterization!!
also this is more about them as characters!!
Thinking about Sodo’s voice as I Monster’s “Who is she” idk i just feel he would have that kind of voice!!
For Swiss i feel he would like the chorus of TLT’s ‘My ordinary life’ idk hehe i feel it sounds like him just a little
The ghouls want to believe they have no leader, but really it’s Mountain, then Cirrus & Cumulus, then Swiss in the authority hierarchy.
The ghoulettes are very girls for the girls, Sunshine is the only one who gets along with the boys while Cirrus and Cumulus are more dominant with them (?), Swiss being the exception.
Aurora/Whisp likes to scare the other ghouls with her Opera type of singing. The Aether, Sodo, Rain trio could be walking down a hallway and she would just randomly mimic heavenly choirs and they just start screaming and panicking and running back to wherever they came from.
Swiss definitely showed Phantom and Aurora how to shimmies, Copia, Cirrus and Mountain stopping him from hanging out with the new ones.
They all have different end tails, Ghoulettes having more sharp and elegant while the Ghouls have them shorter blah blah blah your average demon tail. They’d like to accessorize them a little with golden/silver beads and other types of jewelry
They use their tails similar to opossums and they move like cats :•3! but they’re very sensitive if touched by another one!
Aether literal himbo
Mountain barely speaks, whenever he enters a room he stays still. everyone gets quiet and wait for him to say something but the just hums, growls, whistles and leaves the room
Swiss and Aether the type of siblings to enter the other ghouls rooms (specially Sodo, Cirrus and Rain’s room) say something funny, walk around inside the room for less than a second or just smile and leave, with the door open. Sodo throws a fit, Cirrus curses them, if it’s Aether who does it she might chase him a little. Rain just looks at them in disbelief and proceeds to do whatever he’s doing
Phantom and Aurora’s welcome party was very chaotic, Aether cried because he didn’t wanna leave his guitar. Aurora got immediately adopted by the girlies. Phantom had to fight a little for respect, specially Sodo’s
These mfs have to behave like the vampires on twilight in public to avoid being looked at weird
The one time Papa took them to disney, Aether, Sunshine and Cumulus wanted to keep the kids that were following them around. Sodo fighting his inner thoughts to not punch anyone. Mountain didn’t bother to come. Rain and Swiss actually had a good time, until Cirrus started to stress because she was secretly the one in charge.
Swiss used to leave the smoke of his vape on everyone’s faces to mess with them. He stopped doing it when Cirrus got pissed and bent his last vape.
Rain had a crush on a human once and the ghouls poked fun of it, until Cumulus scolded them!
Sunshine, Aether and Swiss are not allowed to be near claw machines or they’ll use all their money, Cumulus or Cirrus always have to be supervising.
Sodo can’t be near claw machines either but for anger management issues, Mountain ended up paying for the damages after Sodo not being able to win a plushie for Rain.
Mario kart, Uno and Mario party are games that are NOT allowed in their home. They are all competitive and explosive about losing.
The Ghoulettes love to dress up in fancy and elegant clothing :•3
Aether big bro to Sunshine, Aurora, Phantom’s little sibling energy. He likes to pick the three of them in his arms like potato sacks and spin them around.
and das it they were all revealed to me in a dream
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little-cereal-draws · 6 months
ok I need witchy help again. There's a grove of trees behind my dorm that's being cut down and I know there's nothing I can physically do to stop it but I want to protect the animals that live there.
There are two barbed wire fences and a highway separating us so I've never actually been in it, but I've been spending several hours a day looking at this grove for abt a year and a half. There's a shipping company located behind the trees and semitrucks with shipping containers drive around it. Idk what company it is but now they're cutting down the trees, adding lights that block out the stars, and paving over it. I watched them rip about a fourth of it out with their machinery this morning.
It makes me so fucking furious I want to go over there and tell them to stop and so sad that I want to cry. Those trees have been such an important part of my own mental health even if I can't get close to them and I know SO many creatures live there. I've started having stress dreams abt them ripping it out when they started abt a week ago and a lot of my dreams involved using magic to stop it.
I tried googling it but I couldn't find any protective charms or spells for the environment, they were all protection for yourself that uses the environment. I don't want to want to hex that company, I just want to protect the animals that live there and give them a new place to stay. I am a baby witch who's also a broke/busy college student so smth that's quick and easy would be preferred but I'll take anything.
More of my angry rant under the cut bc I'm furious
List of animals that I've seen living in the trees and in the small swamp in front of it over the years:
multiple families of raccoons
a cat colony with kittens
eight different species of frogs
many different species of corvid
a family of red shouldered hawks
many different species of jay
leeches (yes they deserve to be saved too)
many different species of insects, there's no way I can list them all
mourning doves
a singular alligator
Every single fucking day I watch the cranes fly East to sleep on the river as the sun sets. I've seen them fly West to the swamps as the sun rises too. I saw two vultures courting the other day. The raccoons, cats, and opossums don't run from me anymore and will happily let me get within a few feet of them (I never try to touch them). I know exactly which trees the bats live in. I saw a moth that was bright blue and orange, mimicking a species of wasp. I saw a species of hawk I had never seen before. I talk and sing to the trees even if there are no animals there. That was the only place I've seen a wild fox. The cranes land in the swamp and hunt the frogs. There's a huge bullfrog that lives in the back corner. I've saved baby snakes and turtles from cars. They both easily fit in the palm of my hand. I thought I found an injured bird the other day and was totally ready to help it even though I don't know how (it turned out to be fine, just behaving really strangely). Every time it rains, I go out and pick worms off the sidewalk for hours. The trees are where I go to get away from the stress of my schoolwork, my two jobs, and my roommates.
I need this ecosystem so fucking much, I have hung so much of my mental health on it and now they're coming in and ripping it out and paving over it!!!! They're putting more barbed wire, more pavement, more streetlights. I want to see the tall grass and the puddles and the trees and the hills not a FUCKING PARKING LOT WITH TRUCKS BEHIND A FENCE. I AM SO SCARED FOR THE CREATURES THAT LIVE THERE, I NEED THEM TO BE OK. EVEN IF I LOSE THE TREES, I'LL FEEL BETTER KNOWING THAT THE ANIMALS ARE SOMEPLACE SAFE. THERE'S A HIGHWAY LITERALLY ON ALL SIDES, I DON'T KNOW WHERE ELSE THEY CAN GO. I NEED THEM TO BE OK
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turtletaubwrites · 6 months
Two Truths and a Lie Tag Game:
I got tagged twice! 🥰🥰 Thank you, @hey-august & @indydonuts!
August ~ Dang, yours are good! Lol, I'm not confident, but I'm guessing you lied about the track hurdles. (I want the needle one to be false, but I feel like it isn't, lol)
Indy ~ I love the wheelchair race and opossum ones too much, so I'm guessing you lied about Budapest.
Here's mine!
At age 13, I was paid to sing jazz with an orchestra at a gala event to raise money for HIV/AIDS research, and got the see my first chocolate fountain, but was too nervous to eat a strawberry before singing.
I got stung by a jellyfish while on a family vacation in Mexico, and my cousin had to leave me there to find my dad and grandma because they'd paid to ride horses down the beach, while college kids kept blowing up watermelons close by.
I once worked as a hype girl for weekly EDM parties at a nudist colony, and a man that lived there would wear leather boots, a leather jacket, and nothing else, and come dance right by the speakers every week.
If you'd like to play, guess which one is a lie, and write your own! (Or just guess with a reply if you'd like!)
No pressure tags: @shewrites02 @thus-spoke-lo @pinejayy + anyone that would like to join 🖤
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hyperionhugo · 3 months
I was tagged by @buttercup-art to share five songs that I've been playing on repeat. Thank you for tagging me!
1. "New Game" by Black Math
2. "Sing to Me" by MISSIO, Death Stranding: Timefall
3. "Mad About You" by Hooverphonic
4. "Monster" by PVRIS
5. "Your Touch" by Foreign Air
Tagging: @bobapril , @trash-opossum-mel , @little-alternative-girl , @ruesinger , @nessiefromspace , @starfruitspice , @nokikissa , and anybody who wants to!
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Abigail Marston - Getting down to the RP basics!
The Basics:
Main Blog: Bio:
General Information:
Name: Abigail Roberts Marston
Gender/Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Age: 22
Date of Birth: (this rp takes place in 1899) May 11,1877 Zodiac: Taurus MBTI: ISFJ Enneagram: 6w1
Language: English, French
Alignment: Neutral Good
Occupation: Former sex worker, outlaw, later rancher
Religion: lightly protestant 
Affiliations: Van der Linde Gang
Physical Appearance
General Appearance: Raven hair often worn up, about mid back length, blue eyes, fair skinned with hints of pink. Face Claim :Lauren Cohan despite her hair color.
Distinguishing features: Freckles and a few sunspots
Height: 5’7 / 1.7 Body Type: Average, on the thin side
Personality: At her core, Abigail is a compassionate, steadfast woman who is willing to do absolutely anything and everything to protect those she loves. She does not have a formal education, but she is intelligent, cunning, insightful, and a diligent worker.  She used to be something of a romantic and a dreamer. Part of this aspect is still present, but her pessimism and exhaustion have taken precedence.  She is very motherly overall. She doesn’t plan on mothering people, but she finds that the people she meets need that sort of nurturing. However, she is frustrated with her lot in life. She wants nothing more but to settle down, be properly married, work a ranch, and enjoy her family. Abigail can be cold and calculating and ruthless, even to those she loves. She is also very assertive, stubborn, and emotional at times.
Likes: Chili, warm blankets, mystery novels read to her, good wine, playing the piano, chocolate, the color blue, a cozy fire, deer
Dislikes: Snakes, liars, opossums, filth, unabashed cruelty, etc. 
Habits: Bad posture such as leaning over too far, crossing her legs, scrunching her nose, humming, putting her hands on her hips, singing, tends to go into quiet coughing fits, especially in RDR 1.
Family: Mother- Adelle deceased. Father -  Henry - Deceased
Sexuality: Bisexual (Not counting past clients)
Relationship Status: Estranged
Romanceable?: Tentatively, yes.
Miscellaneous Information
Skills: Lying, manipulation, stealing, seducing, killing, gambling, foraging, light tracking, sewing, some hunting skills, infiltration, explosives, acting, decent at reading people
Living situation: Transitory (later Strawberry and Blackwater)
Special belongings: Most of her and Jack’s belongings were left behind in Blackwater. Photographs, baby clothes, Jack’s books and toys, nearly everything. She has a few clothes, but not much else 
Level of education: No formal education, but has street smarts and a sense for business due to her days as a working girl.
Weapons:  Knives, poison, gun proficiency - has  a Schofield revolver gifted to her by Uncle, a knife John made for her as a gift, a carbine repeater - used to borrow John’s - he bought her one so she’d quit taking his, cunning
Breed: Tennessee Walker
Coat: Dark Bay, nearly Black.
Name:  Arabica
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possum-quesadilla · 2 months
Part 2 of LoopJuice is here! Chapter one of Time’s Arrow is out now. Please read the warnings and tread with caution! And sorry in advance. I got a little too poetic with this one. (The Post Mortem has been pushed back until after or midway through Time’s Arrow is completed, since it’ll touch on a lot of things that haven’t yet been fully expanded upon.)
As always, here are some extras! Also a bit of outright explanation, since I know this chapter might be a bit hard.
Chapter One:
- The lyrics for this chapter’s title are from “Goodbye, My Danish Sweetheart” by Mitski! The song itself fits more with Time is a Flat Circle (andoneofthelastchaptersofthisfic), but the selected line specifically is meant to refer how to Beetlejuice is unknowingly reflecting on his deep yearning to be seen and heard and understood, and how it impacted his relationships and his self worth.
- “And Beetlejuice was in the deepest, dreamiest slumber of his unlife.” - This is referencing one of the most haunting scenes from “Asteroid City”. It’s meant to hint at the revelation Beetlejuice has in this chapter, which is similar to “you can’t wake up if you don’t fall asleep.”
- “Ty takoy malen’kiy! Gde tvoi roditeli?” - Suprise! The old lady was Russian. Beetlejuice’s mother dumped him somewhere in Russia. Sorry for the Google Translate use, but she says “You are so small! Where are your parents?” She was very concerned about how scrawny and cold he was. As she should’ve been.
- “A strange, scruffy little creature was clung to his back, licking the side of his face and rubbing it’s soft nose against his neck.” - Rabies is doing something called “slubbing”, which is how opossums show affection!
- “Maybe I think you’ll need to replace me. How? No one else was like her. No one else was like him. Maybe I think you’ll need to try. I’m not coming back, Beetlejuice.” - Another “Asteroid City” quote. (Sorry, I cannot stop… that scene makes me tear up everytime I watch it.) Rabies isn’t actually speaking to them, obviously, it is just their hazy, grief-stricken mind imagining it. Telling them what they thought they needed to hear.
- “She clings to their back as they ride an old sled down the house’s stairs.” - Lydia made Beetlejuice watch “Home Alone” at some point during their time stuck in the loop. It gave them the idea to ride a sled down the stairs, like Kevin did in the film. It did not go well.
- “ “It can’t rain all the time.” She is near. The scent of formaldehyde is at the edge of their senses. She’s put their favorite movie on. How thoughtful. How sweet.” - Lydia watched “The Crow” while sitting with Beetlejuice in hopes that the sounds of their favorite movie would maybe convince them to wake up. Also, because she missed them, and that movie makes her think of them.
- Annabell Lee - Of course, Lydia is reading out Edgar Allen Poe’s “Annabell Lee” to Beetlejuice as they sleep. It was one of her mother’s favorites, and she holds it very near and dear to her heart. So she decided to share it with Beetlejuice, to show that she cares.
- “Sometimes, sometimes they still think they still hear her, still feel the luminance of her smile.” - SORRY ANOTHER ASTEROID CITY REFERENCE. That Wes Anderson-esque awkward dialogue has a death grip on my brain. Also, the scene it is from is thematically relevant.
- “Silly Goose.” - Deb calls Beetlejuice “Goose”, since she often mispronounced “Betelgeuse” as “Bet-El-Goose”. And she likes to call him a silly goose.
- “ “What do you want, Goose?” They suppose they want what everyone wants. Power, a partner. Kids, someday, maybe.” - The phrasing and response is a reference to “The Guy Who Didn’t Like Musicals”. (Also perhaps children will come up again later? Who knows! ;) )
- “ “It was fun while it lasted.” She was the sun, chasing away his shadows and bathing him with her overwhelming, scorching radiance. She was fire, singeing his hair as he warmed himself with her glow. She was light. He shone only with the light she cast. She was everything.” - This part has two huge inspirations. First, “The Moon Will Sing” by The Crane Wives. Specifically, how the singer loved someone “like the sun”, and how they “Bore the shadows that you made, With no light of my own”. This song greatly embodies Deb and Beej’s relationship, and how it was very one-sided and draining for him. He basked in the limited attention and affection she showed, and allowed his own needs and wants to be pushed aside in favor of Deb’s. Secondly, that one scene from “Adventure Time: Fionna and Cake”. The exchange “You were a wonderful experience.” “You were everything.” literally brings me to my knees. I wanted to try to evoke similar emotions with Beetlejuice’s thoughts, but I know it doesn’t even come close to the original, lol.
- “He’s cold again. He feels a shiver wrack his body, a highborn wind chilling-” - A “highborn wind” is a reference to “Annabell Lee”! The poetry continues to rub off on Beej.
- “How could you?” “How couldn’t I?” - Yep, you guessed it. Another “Asteroid City” reference. Like the original scene, it’s an exchange between an abuser and the spouse he abused.
- Yes, Beetlejuice murdered his husband. Not on his own, and it wasn’t his plan, but he straight up led that fool to his death. There will be more on that later.
- “He is cruel. He is gentle. He makes him laugh.” … “(It was so easy, so salty and gross - )” - These are both references to lines from songs that I listened to when writing Beej and Cyrus’ interactions. The first is “Cop Car” by Mitski, and the second is “Gross” by Penelope Scott. The former really embodies parts of this chapter as a whole, and the latter is literally perfect for BJ and Cyrus’ relationship.
- “Like all the tales and tragedies. He is Ariadne, he is Medea, he is Loki, he is the Crescent Moon, he is Grettir, he is - ” - Beetlejuice retreated into literature, for a time. (Now he’s mostly illiterate.) He, like everyone, felt a kinship with a lot of the characters he read about. Ariadne is the woman who helped Theseus kill the Minotaur, but he abandoned her on an island. Medea was the wife of Jason, and helped him achieve all of his great accomplishments, but he betrayed their marriage. (And she killed their children in retaliation.) Loki was often the scapegoat of the Asgardians, cleaning up after their messes and sometimes taking blame he didn’t deserve. The Crescent Moon was torn in half by a witch, and kept slowly dying despite the Sun Maiden’s best efforts to keep him alive. Grettir’s tale is insane. My special interest used to be mythology, especially Norse and Greek! Go look more into these tales, they are all so intriguing. Overly Sarcastic Productions does a great job summarizing a few of them!
- “He was the sacrificial lamb raised to slaughter, the scapegoat fed milk and honey and led away into the woods.” - Now you can see why, thematically, Beetlejuice’s features are specifically from a sheep!
- “Orpheus’ voice calls to him. (Or was it Eurydice?)” - Sorry not sorry, more Greek mythology! Beetlejuice is unsure if Adam and Barbara are leading him to the light, or if he is the one dooming them to the underworld.
- “Five humans, two dead and three living, huddled together. They are happy. They are home. What need do they have for the demon exiting stage left? (Well, no, not stage left. More to the center.)” - Obviously, this is a reference to the last song of the musical, and the way Beetlejuice leaves. And just a smidgeon of 4th wall breaking from Beej!
- “… we need to talk. About.. him.” - I won’t elaborate, I just wanted to draw attention to this line! :)
- “He doesn’t fit into the couple. He doesn’t fit into the family at all, into their home. He is a mismatched piece of a puzzle that never existed, he is something wrong. Something that doesn’t fit anywhere.” - This is a phenomenon I’ve heard a lot of autistic and/or queer people talk about experiencing. The feeling that something is just wrong, that you are wrong, that you don’t fit in anywhere. You want to be seen, but you’re scared of what they’ll see.
- “He is an intruder in the Garden.” - The ‘Garden’ is meant to be a reference to the Garden of Eden. Beetlejuice feels like he doesn’t deserve what he sees as a perfect paradise.
- “Oh, wait until you see the daisies. They’re beautiful.” - Barbara is still taking great care of the garden.
- “He is a vile cloud of poisonous miasma. He is a foul, mangy hound. He is a monstrous serpent. He contaminates the air and wilts the flowers with his presence alone.” - More dog imagery, and a direct reference to him feeling like the Serpent. Y’know, THE Serpent. The one that tempted humanity and ruined Eden. THE DEVIL from THE BIBLE.
- “Soft petals and sharp thorns. Purple and yellow and green and orange and red. Love and warmth and comfort.” - Each of the colors represent one of the Deetz-Maitlands family members!
- “I will ruin you. I know that you mean so well- ” - The Crane Wives, my beloved. This is from another Beetlejuice-coded song, “Tongues & Teeth” by The Crane Wives.
- “The rot spreads. He desperately tries to stop it with bloodied claws- The blood is everywhere. It flows from his ear, his wrist, his side- The wound on the back of his head, the metal in his chest, it bubbles up in his lungs and flows from his mouth. Sulfur and iron chokes out the magnificent aroma of the Garden.” - Beetlejuice feels like his trauma has tainted him. Like it will ruin the Deetz-Maitlands if he gets too close to them, if he shows them all of him, the ‘bad’ included.
- “No pestilence had ever been so fatal, or so hideous. Blood was its Avator and its seal - the redness and the horror of blood.” Lydia is reading “The Masque of Red Death” by Edgar Allen Poe at an inopportune time.
- “ “The mind is its own place, and in itself Can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven.” Her voice is so faint now, yet still she reads. What is it now? Must be new. He’s never heard that one before.” - Lydia is reading “Paradise Lost”! Wow, great thematic timing, Lyds!
- “She’d never shown him warmth, or care, or love- nothing a mother ought to do. Just hatred. Just cold.” - I swear, this wasn’t meant to be a Warriors reference. It was just meant to connect to the theme of warmth, I SWEAR
- “But rain is washing the blood away. The smoke clears. The flowers are still there. They still call to him.” - Another The Crane Wives reference, this time low key. “Curses” by The Crane Wives is INSANELY Beetlejuice-coded.
- “Colors cascaded through it. Forest, violet, indigo, sanguine, ivory, slate.” - Obviously, this is visually referencing his mood-ring hair!
- “There were myths about him. Stories, cautionary tales, urban legends. He made breathers tremble in their villages and beds and skyscrapers.” - Yet another Mike Flanagan reference. “Doctor Sleep”, you will always be famous to me…
- “Now are thoughts thou shalt not banish, Now are visions ne’er to vanish; From thy spirit shall they pass, No more - like dew-drop from the grass.” - Some more great thematic timing from Lydia! She is reading “Spirits of the Dead” by Edgar Allen Poe.
- “He didn’t mind being torn apart by the hounds if it meant he got that glorious peek into joy.” - Some more Greek mythology… this time he’s referring to Actaeon, the man who was ripped apart by his own hounds after Artemis turned him into a stag. His crime? Peeping (on accident in some tellings but intentionally in others) on her while she bathed. Beetlejuice still, on some level, sees himself as a vile voyeur of the Deetz-Maitlands happy-ever-after.
- “He would take any sort of treatment if it meant they wouldn’t prematurely leave him alone again. He would trim his claws, pull his teeth, cut his horns-” - Yikes, still got that “beat me, just don’t leave me” mindset.
- “A cat is laid on his chest, it’s paws tucked under itself. It’s fur is black and long, blurring into the darkness as Beetlejuice’s eyes struggle to adjust. One golden eye glows at him, wide and curious.” - Say hello to Pluto! I have yet to see any fanfics that bring up the cat Delia talked about adopting, so I decided to do my own take on them! She is named after a cat in “The Black Cat” by Edgar Allen Poe. (Gasp! Is Delia a Poe fan?) She did not lose her eye to a crazy guy like in the original story, she lost it due to an infection.
- “It steps closer, causing the demon to let out a grunt as one paw is planted firmly on his left pec. Ow.” - This is based on my own beloved black cat always somehow managing to step right on a boob. Every time.
- “With a third trill, the cat steps closer, settling down on the side of the demon’s neck. It rubs it’s cheek against the side of his head.” … “It even gripped at his face with a paw when he tried to lean away.” - this is something that my other cat loves to do. It is sweet, but ouch. My jugular.
- “Trash mammals” is, once again, a “Night in the Woods” reference!
- “But now, this lithe little scraggly black cat was licking his face with it’s coarse tongue, doing it’s damndest to groom his scruff.” - Some cats love facial hair! No idea why, but people with beards are usually a cat’s favorite in their families.
- “His mouth hurt so bad, and a brief curious search with his tongue revealed he was missing two teeth - a canine and an incisor. They would grow back, but damn.” - He bit Juno so hard that he lost two of his teeth!
- “Beetlejuice let out a ‘HWAUGH’ noise…” Please imagine it sounds like this.
Confused about the metaphors and symbolism? Worry not, I will do my best to explain!
- Warmth - warmth is a running theme throughout LoopJuice as a whole. As Beetlejuice says, his mother had “.. never shown him warmth, or care, or love- nothing a mother ought to do. Just hatred. Just cold.” Unlike other demons, Beetlejuice’s extremities are cold, and he doesn’t feel the full benefits of the hellfire within him. (Thanks a lot, dad.) He is both always physically cold and emotionally starved of care and warm gestures. He is always desperately searching for that missing warmth. He finds it in Deb, but it is not real warmth; she is a wildfire, burning him up and leaving nothing behind. Rigel was cruel to him and never cared for him. Cyrus was cold in a way that made it feel like warmth, like the last stages of hypothermia. (There will be more on him in later chapters, so I will not give too much away here.) Beetlejuice finally finds real, genuine care in Lydia and The Maitlands, and later Delia and Charles.
- Rot - Beetlejuice feels like he is tainted, ruined by the things that happened to him. By who he is. He is his mother’s child, and she’s horrible. Bad things happened to him, and he is worried that the echoing pain will reach others. Juno’s words really got to him - he believes he was born broken and wrong. But he wasn’t, of course! His trauma and pain do not define him. Who his mother is doesn’t define him either. That’s when he sees that it was never rot, it was just moss. It was just him, all of him. The good, the bad, the hurt. He decides whether it is actually going to cause harm, he has to help it flourish and be good.
- Animals - Beej does not see himself as a person. No, not a human, a person. Someone with morals and thoughts and feelings. He often compares himself to animals, because that is the closest he can currently get to describing how he feels.
- Flowers - compared to the lifespan of a demon, the lives of humans are short. To Beetlejuice, humanity is beautiful like a rose; it is pretty partially because it is fleeting, impermanent. Flowers are beautiful because they die. At first, he felt the same way about humans. But now that he has gotten so close to a few of them, he sees more than that. “Soft petals, sharp thorns.” A “magnificent aroma”.
(Here is a picture of my darling son, as a thank you for reading this far. His name is Pumpkin!)
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impulseimpact · 10 months
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cloathi and tlacuibache
coatís are small mammals that live all over the american continent, Nasua narica being the species thats known to live in Mexico, although they are known from the island of Cozumel there have been some sightings in cities, the latest one being in Guadalajara all the way to the west of the country.
tlacuibache's name is a mix of tlacuahce (opossum) and cachibache (junk), opossums are very important to mexican culture and have a niche similar to that of raccoons in the US, it lives mainly in the forest but can adapt quite easily to cities thanks to being an omnivorous generalist. the fire on its tail is a reference to a nahua tale where the spark of a star creates fire for the first time on the land, however giants find it first and decide to keep it for themselves until an opossum tricks them and steals some of it using its tail which is why they dont have any hair left in it. the other half of tlacuibaches design is based on a junk dealer (known in spanish as ropavejero, apparently also known in english as rag-and-bone men?), even now a days theres quite a few people who do this kind of job, some in a more professional way selling and buying goods they move with trucks, a song by cricri written in 1956 depicts an opossum whos a junk dealer singing its song to see if anyone wants to sell trade or buy him something.
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[coatis in mexico] [tlacuache] [the myth of el tlacuache] [ropavejeros] [el ropavejero by cricri]
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lunarmoo7 · 11 months
Yesterday I performed in my first choir concert where I sang tenor. I ended up having very mixed emotions.
For context, I’m a trans guy. I’ve been on testosterone for over half a year now and my voice lowering has brought me plenty of euphoria. I’d been in choir since I was quite young but only made it through one “season” so to speak after socially transitioning. I had realized that I’d rather sing low so I was an alto. I got to sing tenor on some songs where there weren’t any low notes. I was fine with that. What I wasn’t fine with was that there were some pieces only the low voices were doing and vice versa.
At this point I had not yet started T and my voice just couldn’t go low enough to sing with the boys. I was the only boy who had to sing the piece with all the girls. To make matters worse, all of the young men wore suits and I had to wear the (admittedly not feminine) outfit. I thought this was all fine. But when I walked on stage I realized everyone in the crowd who didn’t know me was seeing me as a girl. It made my skin crawl. Soon after, I quit choir, something I had been doing for years.
Skip forwards to the beginning of this school year and I was willing to try again. I joined the community choir that my parents are in. As a tenor! I finally felt more comfortable singing (other than the fact everyone one else in the choir was a good deal older than me)
But then when we were getting ready to go on stage, it all came back. The dysphoria, the feeling that I would be seen as a girl, all of the tension I had collected around choir. I felt like everyone would be able to see right through me, to what I “really was” a little girl playing dress up. Keep in mind, I’m wearing a black dress shirt and pants, I’m binding, and I have short hair. I look like a guy, I am a guy. But in that moment that didn’t matter.
The feeling faded as I slipped into singing the music we had spent so long practicing, and I am very proud of my low notes. I wanted to share this story so I can reassure other trans people that things like this happen, old memories, old habits can make you feel in old ways. Also, so other trans people can reassure me. I have a wonderful supportive family, but sometimes it’s nice to communicate with others who have been through similar things.
Thanks for reading my long story, here have a picture of an opossum.
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vampireopossum · 11 months
📌 new years resolution fulfilled
howdy ! i’m Rocket . or Dahlia or Ophelia . she/they please !!
i stand for a free palestine and i will also try to recognize and avoid antisemitism under the guise of a means to that end . if something i rb is misinformed in this regard in either direction please tell me and i will do what i can to correct myself [unable to donate to any fundraisers currently , sorry]
bisexuality polyamory transgenderism . they’re cool and you should try them sometime . if i bite you then you randomly gain one or more of them
not objectum or therian but i believe in their beliefs . kiss your computer and sing to your circuitboards , and purr about it maybe . same with aro and ace , those folks rock and do not deserve the exclusionism bs
i’m an adult (18-21 range) . i don’t post nsfw here, and i rarely reblog it . if i do, it will be tagged accordingly . i DO, however, reblog from accounts that DO post nsfw . so be aware of that
POST I PUT THE MOST EFFORT INTO AND WOULD LOVE IF MORE PEOPLE SAW IT: transfem zagreus from hades game . short fanfic posted with the game UI to look like canon dialogue please please read it <3<3
listen to Pagrovia on whatever you listen to music on . i know the lead singer she’s cool and good (the band is broken up now but the music is still there and still banger)
beautiful girlfriend @toki-wren made my header . she’s so cool <3<3 and she streams on twitch go watch her @/tokiWren
i like writing ! i don’t usually post it here but asking abt ideas or wips or w/e is cool and encouraged
mutuals PLEASE ask for my discord . technically i do have a neocities(same url as here) but good gods it is not started yet . and also sideblogs if you want i guess
i play mtg on untap.in and i would absolutely love to play more so lmk if you’d be down . it’s free and you can use any cards ever btw if that draws you in
fursona descriptions ! ophelia the opossum and rocketeer the rattlesnake . if youd want to draw them or something (i will love you forever)
hey if i fuck up , tell me how i can not do that again . i’m human and i’m inevitably going to take a wrong turn , and i will be more than willing to hear you out . (also it is very likely that there is stuff i reblogged a while ago that no longer aligns with my interests/beliefs , i just dont have the time to get rid of them all .)
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*Chills voice*
№15: Burger King foot lettuce. The best thing you'd want in your ask box are asks about your OCs. But what if, instead of genuinely thoughtful and interesting questions, a beloved mutual would send weird meme messages into it?
anyway sorry for that beginning part, I am not in a good mental state. Tell me the general info about your OCs. Like, how many of em do you have and who are they generally
FHFJFBEKFJD no ur good irs funny <3
so I have. so many ocs. like so so many. but I'd say I have. maybe like 7 main ones, really. so I'll give a quick talk ab each so (hint hint friends lol) if anyone wants to ask ab them u have more to work off of <3.
Ace: he/him, it/its, various neos. my fursona. literally me. doesn't have a "story" really since he's more of just a mascot. just me as a dog, really.
Cameron: ve/vim/vis, it/its. purple dog creature w Mohawk and gages. Ve ran away from home, hopped on a freight train, and landed in a random town, homeless, with vis backpack the only thing to vis name. then it met Damien, who it became close friends with and have a friends tk lovers arc with. at some point formed a garage band as the singer. (band name pending)
Damien: he/him. grey and white kinda demon dog. got kicked out and practically disowned by his parents. lives in his van. met Cameron and became friends w vim. smokes a lot of weed w cam, guitar player in band. works at the pizza place by the vape shop.
James: he/xe. blue toned leopard. works at the vape shop by the skatepark. friends w Damien and subsequently Cameron. trades weed for fresh pizza from Damien. super laid back dude. bass player in the band
Izz: she/they. grey and blue opossum. unemployed and still lives with her parents but her parents aren't home a lot. she has some side hustle i haven't decided on yet but not an official job. she's the drummer.
Melancholy: she/he/they. dragon. completely different universe. Forest god/protector. kind if you're not a threat to nature :)
Briar: he/him. brown and green dragon. also completely different universe, separate from Melan or the others. runs a flower shop! has a crush on like every customer. loves to sing, wears a red rose flower crown a lot
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witchthewriter · 2 years
Hi! I hope im not bothering you, but could I get a male match-up from Harry Potter, Game of Thrones, and Narnia? If it’s not too much to ask!
* female
* Hufflepuff
* INFJ (Libra)
* Lawful Neutral
* Caring
* Thoughtful
* Highly protective
* Empathetic
* Witty
☀️ Libra
🌙 Gemini
- Rising in Sagittarius
- Mercury in Scorpio
- Venus in Leo
My hobbies include writing poetry and short stories, reading, playing Pokémon + ACNH, and spending time with my cat. I love animals (especially raccoons, opossums, weasels, and wild canines and felines).
I’m more of an ambivert (leaning towards introvert). I like to only be around a small, close group of friends and family. I love to give my friends advice and help if they need it. I value loyalty, honesty, kindness and ambition the most in a person.
I think more with my heart rather than my head and can be very sensitive to criticism, depending on the person. At first, I’m very guarded until I trust someone. After that, I can be affectionate and more open to sharing things. (I’m also very desperate for love and attention). I can also be very reckless and tend to lash out when I’m in a bad mood. I think one of my main problems in a relationship is my need to be reassured that I’m pretty or smart (things like that).
Physically, I’m around 5’5 and I’m very scrawny (not very attractive lol) and have red/orange hair with blonde highlights. I have blue eyes (kind of dark) with freckles. (Very plain looking)
Thank you 💗💗 have a nice day/night!
Want one? Here be the rules 🦋🌈
Thank you for being you <3 and do not call yourself plain looking, we all see ourselves differently because we stress over how we look. When in reality, we don't see how we laugh, and the twinkles in our eyes. You have a light that maybe you can't see, but you will one day x
𝑾𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒆𝒂𝒄𝒉 𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝒉𝒂𝒔 𝒊𝒏 𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒎𝒐𝒏:  ✧ Know what they like ✧ Have morals and they stick to them ✧ Opinionated
𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐏𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫
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I ship you with Neville Longbottom. I think what really solidified this decision was what you said about your love for animals, and the specifics that you gave me. I think you would bond with Neville over the things you like, which then turns into something romantic.
・The type of partner to be obsessed with any drama that goes on. And he loves sitting and listening to you talk about it!
・Would love having pets, and would get just as excited as you.
・Your place would be surrounded with plants, that Neville tends to every single day
・Definitely talks in his sleep
・ Relationship Tropes:
    ↬ Two Nerds Nerding Out About Nerd Stuff
↬ Aggressively Supportive
𝐆𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬
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I ship you with Pod! I think you would get along so so so well together. There's something about him that screams safety and good-intentions.
・Sings you to sleep when you can't fall asleep
・Will cook you breakfast every single day
・ Literally does anything you want him to do
・Wants the best for you because he loves you so much
・ Relationship Tropes:
    ↬ Shy/Insecure x Thinks The Other Is The Best Thing In The Whole World
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I ship you with Eustace Scrubbs! Okay so he changed a lot with the events of the Dawn Treader. He grew up to be a great man, and then just as he's talking to you, you're both whisked away to Narnia!
・Often talks so much about random things when he’s nervous that you have to snap him out of it
・He’s very sarcastic and makes comments that usually you react with rolling your eyes
・Is actually very well-mannered and even if you’re in a disagreement, he will look after you (make sure you’re not cold, pull out your seat, open the door etc)
・ Relationship Tropes:
    ↬ Big Dumb x Small Smart
↬ Stuck Together
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tinnitusdiaries · 11 months
10/29/2023 Pt. 2
Today, I spent time looking through my Tumblr that I created back in 2013. Inevitably, I cringed. Then, I felt sad for her. After deleting a load of words that I didn't know the meaning of when I wrote them (luckily nothing worth losing my job or being canceled over), I deleted the account altogether.
I thought it would show progress and growth to continue using that account, and then I realized it shows progress and growth to start a new one.
I felt the same way looking back at my journal entries. Specifically, the ones from mid-September. I've been journaling for over a year now, though I started in a much more distressing way on September 19th, 2023. This was 40 days ago. Just two days after Riot Fest in Chicago, Illinois.
I feel sad for her, too.
After Riot Fest this year, nearly 24 hours later, I sat in "silence" in my bed. I heard a high pitched ringing in my left ear that sounded like a poorly tuned, soprano singing bowl. I sobbed. I was devastated. I was alone. I think I have always had very mild tinnitus. I would rest my head on my pillow, hear a ringing or dial tone of sorts, go, "Hmm, that's neat," then fall asleep. This ringing, though, she was relentless.
For the next two weeks, my OCD and tinnitus would join together to create an absolute hurricane of emotions. There is nothing a doctor could tell me because I already Googled it ten times. I did, though, still see a doctor. More than one doctor. I saw two Urgent Care doctors, an ENT, my PCP, an Audiologist, my ENT again, then my PCP again.
No one could tell me anything, and no one cared to. My audiologist had a casual conversation about hearing loss with me despite me not having any, then asked what my tinnitus sounded like. When I told her I hear three tones simultaneously, she started vigorously writing and said, "You should see your ENT again." I did just that. When he noticed I didn't have hearing loss and my inner ear function was well, he said, "I don't want to talk about the tinnitus anymore. But, your ALLERGIES." This was disappointing, for sure. My PCP was less cold about this all, but still couldn't do anything for me.
I wasn't kind to myself at all throughout this. The words I said to myself, I wrote in my journal, and thought were so, so unkind. I blamed myself. I still do, but the difference now is that I forgive myself and take responsibility for my emotions. No one gets to tell me how to react to this situation but me.
After placing a sticker in my journal every time I wanted to Google a symptom, "processing" when I was really digging myself a deeper hole, and indulging in tinnitus forums (I would not recommend doing this), I have decided to be soft. I've decided to be gentle and kind to myself.
This isn't to say I'm perfect. It's only been 40 days of ear ringing and my OCD has latched onto it like an opossum to its mother. I still Google spiral, I check in with my tinnitus, I check in with environmental sounds, I flinch when someone laughs too hard, and a slew of other unhelpful activities.
I do, though, take care of myself. Since the tinnitus has become chronic and noticeable, I have loved myself like I never had before. I don't drink alcohol anymore, I haven't had any caffeine, I'm taking care of my allergies (though I did consider doing the opposite to spite my shitty ENT), I drink more water, I sleep for 8 hours a night, I walk, I meditate, I do yoga, I don't skip therapy, etc.
I hate silver linings, but there it is. It's the glare of the passenger's phone blinding you for a second while you're driving. It's there even if I want to act like it's not.
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halcyon-hermitess · 1 year
Hello all, my name is Lani! I’ve started this blog out of sheer boredom and interest in documenting and revisiting my thoughts on books I read and movies/shows I watch. I’m a pensive person. A thinker, a modern philosopher if you will, a queen of ruminating on things for hours on end. So, naturally, I thought this would be a fun way for me to blab about stuff- to replace my habit of staring off into space like a blissful moron, waiting for my head to come back down to earth. Any who, I’ll tell you a little bit about me I suppose.
I’m a recluse by choice (hence the name Halcyon Hermitess). If I don’t have to leave my dwelling, I won’t. The only people I enjoy anymore is my Husband, My King (a brave man for enduring a dramatic, hurricane of a woman like myself) and the pinch of family members I haven’t scorched out of my life like The Great Fire of Rome (can you tell I am dramatic? Also, the great fire occurred in July of 64 AD…you will also find I go off on a lot of tangents and that my train of thought has derailed itself into a forest of utter chaos, which, sometimes is accompanied by unintelligible screaming (depends on what day I’m having. Oh, and I can’t forget my Cats. I adore them- Sir Gilbert Hades of thy Homey Hermitage, and Lady Penny Lane of thy Homey Hermitage)
Here are a list of my favorite things to spare you today’s ramblings that have nothing to do with books or movies whatsoever:
- Reading
- Writing
- Watching Movies/Shows
- Watching my husband play/make his music <3 (He can play the piano, acoustic guitar, electric guitar, bass guitar, and his voice reminds me of a melodic, hypnotizing, enthralling war cry)
- Laughing with my Husband and just spending time with him in general
- Listening to music while I stare off into space
- Cuddling with Sir Gilbert Hades and Lady Penny Lane of thy Homey Hermitage
- frolicking (fucking try it, why are you even still reading this? FIND A FIELD YOU FOOL.)
- Sunshine (Yes, I am aware this is slightly contradictory of what I just previously said but when I am outdoors, it is in solitude, with my Husband, watching him fish or reading a book. I also enjoy sitting outside on my patio which I am so grateful has a privacy wall. If I dare see the top of someone’s head coming NEAR MY PATIO I WILL HISS LIKE A FERAL BAT-OPOSSUM OUT OF HELL. HOW DARE THEY RUIN MY FANTASY OF LIVING IN THE FARAWAY SCOTTISH HIGHLANDS, GOD CAN ANYONE PRETEND IN PEACE ANYMORE)
- Moonlight/The Moon
- Having Scottish-Irish and Sub Saharan African roots BAYYBEEEEE. CLAN EWING OF THE SCOTTISH HIGHLANDS REPRESENT. I know nothing of my African heritage, unfortunately. I detest my mother’s sperm donor and refuse to reach out. I couldn’t if I wanted to anyways, because he was one I scorched from my world…like The Great Fire of Rome.
- Singing at the top of my lungs
- Celtic Paganism
- Being roasted by my tarot cards then crying to my Husband about it so that he can give me a little patsy pat on the head and remind me that I tell others to take it with a grain of salt and just learn and grow from it and I am allowed to do the same (I am still lightly salted by my daily card)
- Burning Incense
- Poetry
- Randomly waking up at 3:00 in the goddamn morning to chug water like I’ve traveled the desert for seven days and seven nights (WHY MUST I BE A DIZZY, DEHYDRATED BITCH. DAMN YOU COCA COLA! I still take my vitamins though #HealthNut)
- Learning about my ancestry
- Dancing around my home like a little asshole fairy
Annnd I’ll stop right there to spare you. Now, I know what you’re thinking… “Lani, you don’t seem very Halcyon, you seem like a raging lunatic!”
Yes, Valid. BUT, as I sit here typing this, I have a serene feeling in my chest, Sir Gilbert Hades is purring like the little furry angel he is, I can hear my Bard of a Husband covering ‘when the party’s over’ by Billie Eillish, and I have an ever so pleased smirk on my face with how this introduction has turned out. Life is good, I am healthy and loved and very blessed. If you decide to stick around, I will not disappoint you because of my inherent sarcasm and love for the arts. (I hope you enjoy one of my favorite songs that I have added to this post. PIP PIP. CHEERIO!)
- Lani
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