#the order is a symbol of compassion and selflessness and light
antianakin · 6 months
I read your disagreement on this popular sentiment that "The Jedi Were Flawed" and I couldn't agree more with your disagreement. The Jedi are not the problem in the galaxy. It's everybody else: the Sith for plotting a revenge conspiracy for 1,000 years, the Republic for being plagued with corruption in which the Sith had a hand in (but not all Republic senators were corrupt), the Mandalorians for being warmongering a-holes, the Hutts and other crime syndicates who terrorize innocent people, the Separatists for making problems worse by starting a war with the Republic, the Empire for bringing tyranny upon the galaxy, and if you're an EU fan, the Yuuzhan Vong for starting an unprovoked war against the galaxy that causes the deaths of TRILLIONS of people!
That post came about almost as a reaction to pro Jedi people constantly talking about how OF COURSE the Jedi were flawed all the time and how annoying I find it more than anything else lol. It's very annoying to have to keep seeing posts by people who I know do LIKE the Jedi talking about how flawed they are, how they make mistakes, blah blah blah.
I've had people ask me why the sentiment of "the Jedi were flawed" can't co-exist with the sentiment of "the Jedi were RIGHT" or "the Jedi did nothing wrong" and, to me, it's not that they can't coexist in a more general sense, but they don't coexist NARRATIVELY to me. "The Jedi were flawed" is just a bullshit statement because the entire point of the narrative is that the Jedi were RIGHT. So what does it add to that particular theme and storyline to insist that the Jedi were flawed all the time, or that they made mistakes? How does it add to the message about being selfless and compassionate to insist that the characters who are in the story specifically to showcase why it's important to be selfless and compassionate are in fact also flawed and make mistakes?
It ALSO bothers me because the people who most often say it are the ones who mean "the Jedi were flawed" as "the Jedi deserved what they got" or "the Jedi were wrong the whole time" or "the Jedi should've changed their entire culture to accommodate one person" or "it was the Jedi's fault that everything bad in the galaxy happened." So when fans who LIKE the Jedi and don't actually believe any of that continue to insist "OF COURSE I believe the Jedi are flawed" it just smacks of desperation, of trying to appease these other fans who will never change their minds. Why bother trying to insist on a middle ground when what they mean by "the Jedi are flawed" is not the same as what a real Jedi fan means by it? What does it add to try to find a middle ground with someone whose interpretation is so completely the opposite of your own? Why bother?
So yeah. I never say the Jedi were flawed because I don't find it a particularly useful way to analyze the story or the Jedi's position within it. The Jedi were right, the Jedi are always right, and it's not honestly any more complicated than that.
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tellmeyuorname · 23 days
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Age: 27
Title: Knight of the Light Order
Occupation: Knight and Protector of the Realm
Edric stands tall and confident at 6 feet, with a robust and athletic build that speaks to his rigorous training as a knight. His hair is a striking shade of golden blonde, which glints in the sunlight, complementing his piercing blue eyes that seem to hold both warmth and a hint of arrogance. His facial features are chiseled and handsome, with a strong jawline and a charming smile that often disarms those around him. He dresses in polished silver armor adorned with the insignia of the Light Order—a radiant sunburst—which symbolizes hope, honor, and protection for the realm.
Edric is a complex individual, characterized by his noble heart and deep-seated sense of responsibility towards the people he serves. He is known for his caring nature, often going out of his way to help those in need, whether it’s aiding the injured in battles or providing assistance to the poor. His compassion makes him a beloved figure among common folk.
However, his caring demeanor is often overshadowed by his narcissistic tendencies; Edric has a strong affinity for his own appearance and accomplishments, sometimes drawing attention to himself and seeking validation from others. He delights in compliments and often relishes the spotlight, believing that as a knight of the Light Order, he is destined for greatness. His charm can endear him to many but can also lead to friction, as not everyone appreciates his self-centered moments.
Born into a respected noble family, Edric was groomed for knighthood from a young age. His father, a former knight, instilled in him the values of honor and justice, while his mother nurtured his compassionate side. The pressure to uphold his family’s legacy weighs heavily on him, fueling both his ambition and his need for validation.
Edric joined the Light Order in his late teens after witnessing the devastating effects of war on innocents during a raid on his homeland. This experience ignited a fierce desire to protect and serve, driving him to train tirelessly and rise through the ranks. His journey has been marked by numerous victories against dark forces threatening the realm, yet he struggles with the desire to prove himself worthy of the title he holds.
Skills and Abilities:
Edric is an exceptional swordsman, skilled in both combat and strategy, enabling him to lead his fellow knights into battle effectively. His charismatic presence often inspires those around him to fight harder and stand together against adversity. He possesses a natural ability to rally the troops with motivational speeches and tales of heroism. However, his narcissism can lead him to underestimate others, occasionally causing him to make rash decisions or overlook the contributions of his comrades.
Goals and Motivations:
Edric strives to become a legendary hero, whose stories will be told for generations. He desires to earn the respect and admiration of others while seeks to protect the innocent and uphold justice in the realm. Deep down, he hopes that by achieving greatness, he will finally gain the validation he craves—not just from others but also from himself.
Edric’s internal struggle centers around balancing his desire for glory with the selflessness expected of a knight. As he faces moral dilemmas in battle, he often finds himself torn between doing what is right and what will elevate his own status. This conflict could lead to growth or further entrenchment in his narcissistic tendencies, setting the stage for personal transformation.
Edric values friendship, but his need for recognition can sometimes alienate those closest to him. He maintains a close bond with a fellow knight, John, who challenges his worldview and urges him to look beyond himself. The dynamic between them creates tension, as Edric’s feelings for her develop, and he must confront his insecurities.
Edric has a habit of practicing his swordplay in front of a mirror, admiring his technique and appearance. He often speaks about his accomplishments with enthusiasm, sometimes embellishing details to make his stories more impressive, much to the amusement—or chagrin—of those who know him well.
Final Thoughts:
Edric Elwine is a character full of potential, embodying both the ideal of a chivalrous knight and the flaws of pride and vanity. His journey will explore themes of self-discovery, humility, and the true essence of heroism as he navigates the complexities of honor, friendship, and his own identity.
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thelorehold · 2 months
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Seraphina Stormrider
Class: Paladin (Oath of the Ancients)
Race: Aasimar
Description: Seraphina stands at 5'10", with a lithe yet powerful build. Her silver hair cascades in waves down her back, contrasting with her golden skin that seems to shimmer faintly in the light. Her eyes are a striking violet, glowing softly when she channels her divine power. She wears gleaming emerald and silver armor adorned with symbols of nature and light, carrying a radiant sword that pulses with celestial energy.
History: Seraphina was born under a celestial omen, marked as a chosen protector by the gods. Raised in a secluded temple deep within an ancient forest, she was trained by the elder druids and paladins who worshipped the old ways. Her childhood was filled with rigorous training and spiritual guidance, shaping her into a formidable warrior of light and nature. When darkness threatened to engulf her homeland, Seraphina took up her sacred oath to protect the realm and embarked on a journey to bring hope and justice to the oppressed.
Personality: Seraphina is compassionate and fiercely protective of all living things. She possesses an unwavering optimism and a deep sense of duty. Her serene demeanor can be comforting to those around her, but her resolve hardens like steel in the face of injustice. She is empathetic, often feeling the pain of others deeply, which drives her to act decisively against evil.
Voice & Mannerisms: Seraphina speaks with a calm, melodic voice that carries an air of authority and kindness. She often closes her eyes briefly when making difficult decisions, seeking guidance from her celestial heritage. Her movements are graceful and deliberate, reflecting her disciplined training and divine connection.
Motives & Goals: Seraphina is driven by a desire to protect the natural world and uphold the ancient oaths of her order. She seeks to vanquish the darkness that threatens the land and restore balance. Her ultimate goal is to create a sanctuary where all beings can live in harmony, free from fear and oppression.
Beliefs & Values: Seraphina believes in the sanctity of life, the power of hope, and the importance of maintaining balance between light and dark. She values courage, compassion, and selflessness, and strives to embody these virtues in all she does. She holds a deep reverence for the natural world and the ancient spirits that dwell within it.
Reputation: Known as the "Celestial Guardian," Seraphina is revered for her unwavering commitment to justice and her ability to inspire hope even in the direst circumstances. Tales of her bravery and kindness have spread far and wide, making her a beloved figure among those she has helped.
Quirks & Flaws: Seraphina can be overly trusting, believing too readily in the goodness of others. Her idealism sometimes blinds her to harsh realities, and she can struggle with making pragmatic decisions. She has a tendency to take on too much responsibility, feeling personally accountable for any failure to protect those in need.
Secret: Seraphina harbors a deep fear that she is unworthy of the divine mission entrusted to her. She sometimes doubts her ability to fulfill her oath and worries that her celestial lineage might be a burden rather than a blessing.
Allies & Contacts: Seraphina can call upon Faelan, an enigmatic elven druid who was her mentor; Captain Lyra Stormshield, a seasoned human knight who fought beside her during a pivotal battle; and the Circle of the Silver Grove, a secretive order of druids and paladins dedicated to preserving the natural world.
What's in their pockets?: Seraphina carries a small, intricately carved wooden totem that serves as a focus for her divine magic, a locket with a picture of her parents, a vial of sacred water from her temple, a few gold coins, and a pressed flower from the ancient forest she calls home.
Character Synopsis: Seraphina Stormrider is an aasimar paladin devoted to the Oath of the Ancients, combining the power of nature and celestial light to protect the realm. Known as the "Celestial Guardian," she embodies compassion, courage, and unwavering hope. Her serene demeanor and fierce resolve make her a beacon of light in dark times. Driven by her duty to uphold balance and protect the vulnerable, Seraphina navigates her journey with the help of trusted allies, striving to create a world where harmony and peace reign supreme.
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mahayanapilgrim · 11 months
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The Thirty-seven Point Mandala
The Thirty-seven Point Mandala Offering composed by Chögyal Pakpa is a famous practice of mandala offering. The thirty-seven points are:
1) Mount Meru
2-5) The four continents
6-13) The eight subcontinents
14) The jewel mountain
15) The wish-fulfilling tree
16) The wish-fulfilling cow
17) The harvest which needs no sowing
18-24) The seven attributes of royalty
25) The vase of great treasure
26-33) The eight offering goddesses
34) The sun
35) The moon
36) The precious umbrella
37) The royal banner victorious in all directions
the "Thirty-seven Point Mandala Offering" composed by Chögyal Pakpa, a renowned practice of mandala offering in Tibetan Buddhism. This practice involves offering various symbolic elements to the Buddhas and represents a profound aspect of Tibetan Buddhist ritual and devotion.
**1. Introduction to Mandala Offerings:**
Mandala offerings are a significant aspect of Tibetan Buddhist practice, representing the practitioner's devotion, generosity, and aspiration for enlightenment. Chögyal Pakpa's "Thirty-seven Point Mandala Offering" is a notable example of this practice.
**2. Symbolism of Mount Meru:**
The offering begins with Mount Meru, symbolizing the central axis of the universe. It represents the stability and harmony in the cosmos, aligning the practitioner's mind with the sacred order of the universe.
**3. The Four Continents and Eight Subcontinents:**
These elements symbolize the entire world system and its various regions. Offering them signifies a practitioner's intention to benefit all sentient beings in all corners of the world.
**4. Wish-Fulfilling Tree, Cow, and Harvest:**
These represent abundance, prosperity, and the fulfillment of all wishes. Offering them expresses the practitioner's aspiration for spiritual and worldly well-being for all beings.
**5. Seven Attributes of Royalty:**
These attributes, including the precious queen and the minister, represent the wealth and power of a universal monarch. Offering them demonstrates the practitioner's dedication to the universal welfare and the wisdom to govern effectively.
**6. Vase of Great Treasure:**
The vase symbolizes the inexhaustible treasure of wisdom and compassion. It is offered to express the practitioner's desire to share spiritual wealth with all beings.
**7. Eight Offering Goddesses:**
These goddesses represent the offerings of water, flowers, incense, light, perfume, food, music, and a seat. Offering them signifies the practitioner's desire to provide sensory delights to the Buddhas.
**8. The Sun and Moon:**
These celestial bodies symbolize the luminosity of wisdom and compassion. Offering the sun and moon expresses the practitioner's dedication to illuminating the darkness of ignorance.
**9. Precious Umbrella and Royal Banner:**
The umbrella represents protection from suffering, while the banner signifies victory in all directions. Offering them symbolizes the practitioner's aspiration to shield all beings from suffering and guide them towards enlightenment.
**10. Significance of the Mandala Offering:**
Chögyal Pakpa's "Thirty-seven Point Mandala Offering" is a profound practice that encapsulates the entire Buddhist path. It fosters a sense of interconnectedness, as the practitioner dedicates merit to all beings and offers the universe's wealth to the Buddhas. This act of giving and selflessness is a core teaching in Buddhism.
**11. The Inner and Outer Mandala:**
The mandala offering is not just an external ritual; it also has an inner dimension. It represents the practitioner's own inner world, with Mount Meru symbolizing the central channel and the continents signifying the chakras. This inner mandala offering aligns one's mind with the enlightened qualities of the Buddhas.
**12. Conclusion:**
Chögyal Pakpa's "Thirty-seven Point Mandala Offering" is a profound and beautiful practice in Tibetan Buddhism. It encapsulates the core principles of generosity, devotion, and interconnectedness. By making these offerings, practitioners express their aspiration for the welfare of all beings and the attainment of enlightenment. This practice serves as a potent reminder of the altruistic nature of the Buddhist path and the power of selfless giving.
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vindelllas · 2 years
hiii i was just wondering if you could explain/elaborate on the connection you made between parvati and hasta in your thread on that nakshatra? thank u sm super appreciative of all your research n insights! <3
the correlation of parvati and hasta 🌙🌷
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in my previous exploration of hasta, i detailed the prominence and importance of parvati in understanding the symbolism of the hasta nakshatra. the deemed sacred temple for hasta is the komal temple of kumbakonam in tamil nadu. it is recommended that hasta chandra natives visit this temple before they depart from this earthly plane to receive blessings, divine grace, and godly compassion. this worship will cloak them in the energetic vortex to guide them in the afterlife. when offering oneself to komal, natives are required to praise shiva (the husband of parvati) and adorn their hands (the prana life force of hasta) in water, to align themselves with their lunar, kapha nature to connect with their ancestral powers.
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🌀 ariana grande: hasta chandra
the significance of komal lies in the goddess parvati. long ago, parvati wished to understand the exact experiences of lord shiva when he ruled the universe. because shiva participated in the divine sport, parvati decided to follow suit to absorb the knowledge of shiva. parvati playfully covered lord shiva’s eyes with her hands, but this action subsequently caused the entire universe to become incapacitated. parvati stopped the flow of earthly water, the movements of planets, and at once everything in the universe became still. overcome with guilt, parvati asked lord shiva for his forgiveness. shiva explained to parvati that due to her actions, he would disappear into the light known as "hastayama jyoti" created by his own hands. parvati would then incarnate as a cow wandering around the world in search of shiva until she reunited with him in the form of "hastayama jyoti." parvati was distressed, but followed shiva’s orders and wandered the earth as a cow, searching for lord shiva’s light. finally, on hasta star day, lord shiva revealed his light to parvati and bestowed darshan as sri kirupa koobareswarar.
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🌀 monica bellucci: hasta surya
parvati’s playful nature is symbolic of the mercurial, lucrative energies of hasta natives. her goals of attaining the never ending knowledge of the divine is a metaphor for the intelligence (mercurial) and intuitive (lunar) nature of janma natives. parvati using her hand (the palm of blessing) to cover shiva’s eyes (gateway into one’s soul) is reminiscent of the feminine moon trying to eclipse the masculine sun. this futile pursuit for knowledge is ultimately why parvati is said to be a deity of the moon. as she wields her playful, seemingly “earthly” nature in hopes of gaining further spiritual fulfillment. so too do hasta natives yield their conniving, yin intellect for the yang energies of others. this is additionally why savitar (the solar deity) rules such a lunar nakshatra. parvati is the key that unlocks the multidimensional pathway of savitar. no one can bow to the sun without understanding the moon. the two are inseparable and must be treated with equal integrity. as seen in the hasta sthapaniya agama shakti: the power to gain what we are seeking and to place it in our hands.
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🌀 bella hadid: hasta surya
our hands possess the fate of our souls. this is why many palm readers are hasta natives because our palms hold the keys to divulging our destiny. the significance of parvati, the womb of the universe, being turned into a cow amplifies the importance of the hand. cows are condemned to the earthly plane but hold divine, ever-giving, undemanding nourishment. for parvati to become entrapped in this selfless, pouring form is immense in an esoteric sense. cows were once solely milked by the hand, to use the vessel of destiny to harness sustenance and nourishment is an exchange of magical energy. hence, the concept of the sacred cow in numerous cultures, such as the “glas gaibhnenn” in ireland, the incarnation of the goddess aditi in india, and the mythological origins of cattle in chad. they are cosmically considered the vessels of earth.
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🌀 alicia silverstone: hasta surya
uttara phalguni being symbolized by the cow yoni is the cosmic transition of the fiscal, sexual rat of magha into the cow of parvati. the flourishing nature of cow is often why uttara phalgunis also possess such magnetism, specifically in the p*rn industry (with many popular stars being uttara phalguni natives). the masculine public unconsciously recognizes the ever flowing nature of these natives and collectively wishes to adore and admire them. often so entranced with their sexual energy, they idolize these natives from afar and become flabbergasted at the mere vicinity of their presence. the public often views these solar natives as “stand-offish” or overly-independent only to not realize that this is simply their projection onto surya. they long to attain the powers of savitar, only to be imprisoned by the rays these natives produce. collectively waiting for their intellectual destiny to be fulfilled (as parvati once did).
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🌀 laetitia costa: hasta lagna
parvati and shiva are often depicted even more intimately linked as ardhanarisvara—the "lord who is half woman." statues and pictures of this deity are differentiated into male and female halves along the central vertical axis, the male half bearing traits of shiva and the female half those of parvati. this particular type of depiction solidifies the fact that male (savitar) and female (parvati) are inseparable in the process of creating life, and in the case of shiva and parvati, the culmination of the universe itself. parvati is also depicted alongside her husband in more abstract form as the yoni, a vulvular shape, which compliments the phallic linga which represents shiva.
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🌀 dita von teese: hasta surya
this ideal configuration for harmonious life is a beautiful depiction of the devotional element of the female path. as parvati avoids the materialistic connotation of knowledge and embraces true devotion and passivity to her yang source (shiva). parvati embraces the true feminine energy of hasta not by ejecting energy as uttara phalguni, but by responding to male energy. these natives learn to conserve their personal energies by absorbing and radiating the sunlight of others. they appear in the forms those who perceive them deserve, hence the mercurial “joker” archetype.
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🌀 brigitte bardot: hasta surya
parvati is the immersion of the yoni incarnate, her vulvular being is the gateway to all of the cosmos. parvati is said to reside in the bharani nakshatra (the yoni) because of said aforementioned symbolisms and parvati being the mother of lord ganesha (the elephant yoni from which bharani is said to embrace and the gateway deity to hasta). the two cosmic phenomena are linked to the ichthus. the ichthus is a symbol of two intersecting arcs that resemble the yoni. both are considered to be the gateways to the universe via life and death. both have the discernment to separate “the righteous from the wicked at the end of this world” as evidenced by matthew 13 in the bible. the elephant’s face is symbolic of the triangular formation of feminine genitalia. this downward triangle is the alchemical symbol of the water element: the kapha waters of the moon, the lusciousness of parvati, and the feelings/intuition of prosperous shukra (please read my previous post on vishakha for more information on shukra). therefore, parvati is the ultimate feminine being for understanding the base paths of feminine divinity.
overall, i hope this explains why parvati is so important to hasta and divine femininity in general 🤍🌷
xoxo, angel 💋
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Who is Sam's prison for?
If you're not up to date in DreamSMP lore, Awesamdude, resident Redstone expert, was paid stacks of diamonds by Dream to make an inescapable prison. It is located in the ocean next to Bad and Skeppy's mansion and is VERY large. Supposedly it will be using Elder Guardians to keep a prisoner from mining out due to Mining Fatigue. Even if the prisoner dies of hunger, they will respawn inside. This brings up the question of how
1. they force the prisoner to click a bed inside the prison
2. how they keep the prisoner from breaking the bed.
Regardless of the mechanics of the second one, I think the first is a clue as to who Dream will trap inside the prison. Consider the 3 canon deaths lore. He has used the threat of permanently killing Tommy to get the boy to comply and click on a bed in Logstedshire. So a 'permanent death if you don't comply' is definitely an effective tactic but ONLY for people with one life left.
The main two options are Tommy and Tubbo (or Philza). Or, Dream is planning on knocking another one of his potential opponents, such as Quackity, Fundy or Techno, down to one life in the time it takes to build the actual prison.
Quackity and Fundy aren't big enough threats yet, although Quackity certainly has the potential to be a threat, in this season of the SMP, El Rapids isn't big enough of a threat yet.
Most people would assume Dream's biggest enemies on the server are Tommy and Techno. Techno's role in the grand scheme of things is, as of now, undetermined. However, as Techno is one of the authors of this SMP season, he likely has something up his sleeve. He is currently 'retired' alongside Phil in their Antarctic Empire skins in a snowy biome, but he has made appearances in Tommy's streams to mock the boy for getting exiled (just like Techno predicted with the Theseus analogy.) An alliance between the sleepbois is possibly in the works, but right now, both Tommy and Techno have made it clear there is still a lot of animosity between them. So I don't see Techno, and by extension, Phil becoming much of a problem for Dream (for now.)
Tommy, on the other hand, has been visited by Dream almost every stream while Tommy is exiled; Tommy has been manipulated by him, gaslighted and threatened. Despite making the very real threat of giving Tommy his final death, Dream has stopped Tommy from any, um, self-harming actions. Dream told him "I need you alive." Narratively, that means that Dream has plans for Tommy (they are, after all, each other's main antagonist). But Dream has also said that Tommy will remain on exile for a long time and he told Bad and Sam as they were building the prison that he doesn't intend on using the prison on Tommy (unless he begins to act up was implied.)
Because Bad and Sam (and Eret) are working with Dream, I would assume imprisoning anyone from the Badlands is out of the question. But I think it's interesting how Sam is the primary leader of the building project.
Dream said that Sam is the only one who will totally know the ins and outs of the prison. So that possibly means Sam is the only one who would know how to escape the inescapable prison. The interesting thing about Sam being included in this storyline is his connections. He and Tubbo are very close, and Sam is also friends with Tommy. Its not long of a stretch to assume that Sam's storyline might eventually lead to HIM breaking out whoever Dream imprisons. Tommy, for now, is out of the equation, so who does that leave?
Tubbo. Someone who many people are now considering Dream's puppet. Dream has been laying on the manipulation lately, playing chess with him, complimenting him and trying to increase the wedge between Tubbo and Tommy. You would think Tubbo is safe, so long as he remains pacifistic and continues to make decisions that are to Dream's benefit. But there are things going beyond the scenes that we, the audience, need to consider. The script.
Symbolism and chekov's guns have been sprinkled into the story line for a long time, and it feels as though the roleplayers have upped the ante. It's hard to think about Ghostbur' compasses without crying, but I literally can't stop thinking about what they mean. When it comes to the duo, despite their estrangement, Tommy still considers Tubbo one of the most important things in his life. He placed the "Your Tubbo" compass right beside his discs in his enderchest. Meanwhile, Tubbo held his "Your Tommy" compass in his offhand nearly all stream today. They still care for each other, obviously, but think about one of the reasons Tubbo exiled Tommy in the first place.
He felt like Tommy was choosing the discs over everything else. He felt as though the discs were the only thing Tommy cared about. There has to be a resolution to this. It's been shown by the story that the discs and Tommy's other obligations (L'manberg, his friendships) cannot coexist together for long without it driving a wedge between them.
Tubbo has been streaming more Among Us lobbies and modded Minecraft lately. When he comes onto the server, he nearly has nothing to do. He loves big project and building houses, but as of now, Tubbo has so little materials to even bother making a home and his largest project, the ocean monument, has been placed on the backburner while Sam builds the prison. Its almost....its almost like Tubbo is preparing his audience and for a period of time where he has no reason to be on the SMP. If he's imprisoned, that's not very good content to watch, is it? I also noticed that Dream pointedly did NOT tell Tubbo about the prison today, instead referred to it merely as a 'project.'
My biggest theory is that the prison is for Tubbo. Tubbo is complacent to Dream now, sure, but Tubbo is very, very smart, and- most importantly to Dream - he still has one of Tommy's discs. And Dream wants it.
When talking sweet to Tubbo no longer works, I think the prison will be the next best option. Its possible Dream will frame Tubbo for some crime (foreshadowed by how Quackity and George tried to frame Eret for Karl's murder), or someone will threaten to overthrow Tubbo and Dream will bring him to a 'secure location' to protect him. Tubbo is very nervous about losing his one life, as exhibited by the safe room under the L'mamberg podium, and other comments about his fear of becoming the next Ghostbur. Dream said that he would protect Tubbo if someone tried to overthrow him. The only threats to Tubbo's current presidency is El Rapids. Ranboo is willing to wait until the next election to become president, but Quackity has shown a strong willingness to do terrible things in order to get power. In Quackity's war against Eret and Dream, Dream made many, many references to Tubbo being a better leader, possibly sowing jealousy in Quackity's mind. Sapnap, George and Karl, as apart of El Rapids also have a bone to pick with L'manberg and may also play a part in further separating Quackity from L'manberg and fueling his desire to be the most powerful nation on the server. Absorbing New L'manberg could be the next step.
Dream could pretend to protect Tubbo by bringing him to a 'safe location', the prison, and getting Tubbo to willingly set his spawn inside. Once it comes to light that it's a prison, with Dream his captor, Tubbo will have to make a decision. Give Dream the disc in his enderchest, or stay imprisoned. Freedom, or the disc, a compromise that has been made time and time again on this server.
I think that Tubbo will hold out and allow himself to be imprisoned, while Tommy returns from exile to make a prison break, with the help of Sam. I doubt that will end well, knowing Dream.
I also think at some point, one of the boys will need to bend. Either Tubbo choses to give up his disc to Dream for freedom, or he decides to take the disc with him to his grave. Its basically the Exile decision all over again. Life/freedom, or the discs/war. Selfishness vs. selflessness.
The two boys are learning throughout this current arc to be more like the other. Throughout his Exile, Tommy will learn to be self sufficient and has had to make big sacrifices consistently as Dream blows up the progress he's made. He's learning to chose his own life over property. Meanwhile, Tubbo (although he's only streamed on the SMP once so far this week) has already shown regret for exiling Tommy, and inherently by choosing to launch a war campaign against Techno, he is learning to chose war and bravery over peace and cowardice. He will gain an appreciation for the disks and/or recognize with greater understanding what they mean to Tommy. Maybe he will learn to care deeply for his compass and learns how willing he is to wage war if the compass gets stolen. It's about the symbolism - its what the object means that is worth protecting.
I think Tubbo will die protecting the discs. Or, Tommy will tell Tubbo to give it up. This is a better ending, in which Tommy will learn that the discs represent is his friendships. And, according to Ranboo, they also represent power, according to Ranboo. But on the server, according to Wilbur (when he asks Tubbo to spy for him) people have always represented power.
To Tommy, in this arc, I hope he will learn that keeping the discs is not worth losing his best friend.
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George Lucas on Jedi teachings, Anakin, Love, attachments, The Jedi, the Sith, the Darkside, The Force, selfishness, Greed, selflessness, compassion and the 2 aspects of the Force [Cosmic and Living].
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If he’d been trained earlier, he [Anakin] would have been fine.
The problem is not the Jedi’s teachings, the problem is that Anakin refused to take them to heart. The Dark side is objectively bad in the Star Wars universe, you must face it and train yourself away from it, “[The] only way to overcome the Dark side is through discipline. The Dark side is pleasure, biological and temporary and easy to achieve. The Light side is joy,everlasting and difficult to achieve. A great challenge. Must overcome laziness, give up quick pleasures, and overcome fear which leads to hate.“
~ George Lucas, The Clone Wars interview, 2010
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“No human can let go,” Lucas would say of [the Yoda-Anakin scene]. “It’s very hard. Ultimately, we do let go because it’s inevitable; you do die and you do lose your loved ones. But while you’re alive, you can’t be obsessed with holding on. As Yoda says in this one, ‘You must learn to let go of everything you’re afraid to let go of.’ Because holding on is in the same category and the precursor to greed. And that’s what a Sith is. A Sith is somebody that is absolutely obsessed with gaining more and more power - but for what? Nothing, except that it becomes an obsession to get more.”
   “The Jedi are trained to let go. They’re trained from birth,” he continues, “They’re not supposed to form attachments. They can love people- in fact, they should love everybody. They should love their enemies; they should love the Sith. But they can’t form attachments. So what all these movies are about is: greed. Greed is a source of pain and suffering for everybody. And the ultimate state of greed is the desire to cheat death.”
~ George Lucas, The Making of Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith, page 213
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"The Darkside is always there, it is experienced daily by people. It's like a huge cancer, alive, festering - both a reminder of the moral state and, at the same time symptom and symbol of a very sick society"
~ George Lucas, "The Mythology of Star Wars", Joseph Campbell and the Power of Myth DVD, 2001
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"It's not that they can't see the Dark Side coming, it's just that the Dark Side begins to envelop everything. It's like walking into a fog. The Jedi's ability to see lessens as the Dark Side grows."
~ George Lucas, 2005
[This is why the Jedi in the Prequels weren’t able to detect Palpatine was the Sithlord. This also why Mace Windu says to Yoda in the Prequels "I think it is time we inform the senate that our ability to use the force has diminished." It should be noted that it was only their perception/detection/vision abilities that were diminished, not all of their powers.]
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"Everyone has the Dark side within, so there's a constant struggle to do the right thing. The good side is compassion and caring about other people, the Dark side is greed and self-centeredness."
~ George Lucas
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"People have a tendency to confuse it — everybody has the Force. Everybody. You have the good side and you have the bad side. And as Yoda says, if you choose the bad side, it’s easy because you don’t have to do anything. Maybe kill a few people, cheat, lie, steal. Lord it over everybody. But the good side is hard because you have to be compassionate. You have to give of yourself. Whereas the dark side is selfish."
~ George Lucas, 2019
Asked about his interest in 'Good and Evil 'motiff.
"The universal question, Am I a good person. The Difference is about a compassionate person as opposed to a person consumed with self-interest, or a selfish person.
When you become greedy you do bad things to get stuff from other people. Once you get that stuff you become afraid.Once you become afraid that someone is going to take it from you than you start striking out at people. You get angry at things and you get worried and that puts you into a psychological mindset that turns you ultimately into an evil person, where you are doing horrible things to people, thinking that you're doing the right thing, but your doing it because you are afraid they are going to hurt you before you hurt them.
'The Force is just an amalgam [symbolism] of religions and their basic teachings. Killing people in the name of God is wrong, there's just no question about it.  That's absolutely opposite of what al God and Shamanism and everyone has taught us. God is Love, not God is hate."
~ George Lucas Special Interview with  Bill Bradley, American Voices, 2012
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"The film is ultimately about the Dark side and the Light side, and those sides are designed around compassion and greed. The issue of greed, of getting things and owning things and having things and not being able to let go of things, is the opposite of compassion - of not thinking of yourself all the time. These are the two sides - the good force and the bad force. They're the simplest parts of a complex cosmic construction."
~ George Lucas, Time interview (Bill Moyers) 03/05/99
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"The act of living generates a force field,an energy. That energy surrounds us; when we die, that energy joins with all the other energy. There is a giant mass of energy in the universe that has a good side and a bad side. We are part of the Force because we generate the power that makes the Force live. When we die, we become part of that Force, so we never really die; we continue as part of the Force."
~ George Lucas during a production meeting for The Empire Strikes Back
[It should be noted that when Darksiders die, they do not become part of the Force as they are the cause of imbalancing the Force. Balance in the Force is not a ratio of Dark to Light. People using the Darkside is what causes imbalance. [More on that in the future].
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"I wanted to have this mythological footing because I was basing the films on the idea that the Force has two sides, the good side, the evil side, and they both need to be there. Most religions are built on that, whether it's called yin and yang, God and the devil—everything is built on the push-pull tension created by two sides of the equation. Right from the very beginning, that was the key issue in 'Star Wars.'"
~ George Lucas, Times Magazine, 2002
[But not in the same person. Balance in the Force isn’t a ratio of Dark to Light, or about the about the Cosmic Force, only the Living Force. It’s about what’s in the hearts of men. You can’t destroy the Darkside, but you can destroy Darksiders. Darksiders are what cause imbalance. Lightsiders are incapable of causing imbalance they don’t try and defy the natural order of things [like living forever]. It’s not about a balance on a scale, it’s about the natural order of things. Lucas points this out directly in the following quote and video].
[This is from a staff meeting on TCWs when they were working on the Mortis Arc]
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"The core of the Force....you've got the Lightside and the Darkside, one is selfless, one is selfish, and you want to keep them in balance. What happens when you go to the Darkside, It goes out of balance."
"..What happens when you go to the dark side is it goes out of balance and you get really selfish and you forget about everybody ... because when you get selfish you get stuff, or you want stuff, and when you want stuff and you get stuff then you are afraid somebody is going to take it away from you ... once you become afraid that somebody's going to take it away from you or you're gonna lose it, then you start to become angry, especially if you're losing it, and that anger leads to hate, and hate leads to suffering."
~ George Lucas, 2010 video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wiImoO5QkcA - [50 second mark]
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"The Force has two sides - [Light and Dark]. It is not an inherently malevolent or a benevolent thing. It has a bad side to it, involving hate and fear, and it has a good side, involving love, charity, fairness and hope."
~ George Lucas
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DR: The final Star Wars film is called Revenge of the Sith. Now most people know what a Jedi is, but won't have a clue what a Sith is. What is it? GL: The Sith are people who are very self-centred and selfish. There used to be many Sith, but because they were corrupted by power and ambition, they killed each other off, so now there are only two - a master and an apprentice. Sith rely on their passion to get things done. They use their raw emotion, their hatred, their anger, their bitterness - which is the dark side of the Force. The Force is what binds the galaxy together, and it has a good side and a bad side.
The Sith learned how to manipulate both sides of the Force, and then they fell into the trap of being corrupted by the dark side.
[This is why there has never been ‘Grey Jedi’ idiots in canon. It’s an impossible state of being. You can’t be good and evil, selfish and selfless, compassionate and greedy at the same time.]
The Jedi Knights are like marshals in the Wild West. It's their job to make sure everyone is protected, to bring peace. They are the enemy of the Sith, because the Sith want to dominate the galaxy, to control everything, and for a thousand years they have had a plot against the Jedi. So, in this movie, it is time for them to seek revenge against the Jedi for perceived injustices and to carry out that plot. "
~ George Lucas, Sci-Fi Online interview, 2005ish
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"One of the themes throughout the films is that the Sith Lords, when they started out thousands of years ago, embraced the Dark Side. They were greedy and self-centered and they all wanted to take over, so they killed each other."
~ George Lucas
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"George Lucas says there has never been any war between the Jedi and the Sith in his Star Wars Canon" - An excerpt from StarWars.com‘s oral history of Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace:
Everybody said, “Oh, well, there was a war between the Jedi and the Sith.”  Well, that never happened. That’s just made up by fans or somebody. What  really happened is, the Sith ruled the universe for a while, 2000 years ago.  Each Sith has an apprentice, but the problem was, each Sith Lord got to be  powerful. And the Sith Lords would try to kill each other because they all  wanted to be the most powerful. So in the end they killed each other off, and  there wasn’t anything left.
"But anyway, there’s a whole matrix of backstory that has never really come  out. It’s really just history that I gathered up along the way. It’s all based on backstories that I’d written setting up what the Jedi were, setting up what the Sith were, setting up what the Empire was, setting up what the Republic was, and how it all fit together I never really got a chance to explain the Whills part."
‘George Lucas’ vision of the galaxy’s ancient times is clearly different from the Expanded Universe. Many wars between Jedi and Sith in the Old Republic era were told in games, books and comics. The current Lucasfilm’s canon didn’t explore this era yet.'
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George Lucas on Revenge of the Sith
‘Just before the title reveal in San Diego, starwars.com had a chance to talk to George Lucas about the title and pose the question on the minds of many not in the know: just who are the Sith?’
“The Sith are the arch-enemies of the Jedi, George Lucas explained, and for a long time, they ruled the universe until the Jedi came a long and got rid of them. The Sith characters in the previous Star Wars films were Darth Vader and the other apprentices Darth Maul from Episode 1 and Count Dooku or Darth Tyrannus, from Episode 2, and the soon to-be released Episode 3. The evil master Sith in all of the films is Darth Sidious, who becomes Emperor of the Universe.”
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George Lucas on the bottom line of Star Wars.
"The secret, ultimately, which is the bottom line in Star Wars and the other movies us there are two kinds of people in the world, compassionate people and selfish people. The selfish people live on the Darkside. The compassionate people live on the Lightside.
"If you go to the side of the Light you will be happy because of compassion, helping other people, not thinking about yourself, thinking about others, that gives you a joy that you can't get any other way.
Being selfish, following your pleasures, always entertaining yourself with pleasure, and buying stuff and doing stuff, you're always going to be unhappy. You'll never get to the point. You'll get this little shot of pleasure but it goes away and than you're stuck where you were before and the more you do it, the worse it gets. You finally get everything you want and you're miserable because there's nothing at the end of that road.
Whereas if you are compassionate and you get to the end of the road you've helped so many people."
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"This is obviously a very pivotal scene for Anakin because this is reuniting with his mother and his youth and at the same time dealing with his inability to let go of his emotions and allow himself to accept the inevitable. The fact that everything must change and that things come and go through his life and that he can't hold onto things which is a basic Jedi philosophy that he isn't willing to accept emotionally and the reason that is because he was raised by his mother rather than the Jedi. If he'd have been taken in his first year and started to study to be a Jedi, he wouldn't have this particular connection as strong as it is and he'd have been trained to love people but not to become attached to them. But he has become attached to his mother and he will become attached to Padme and these things are, for a Jedi, who needs to have a clear mind and not be influenced by threats to their attachments, a dangerous situation. And it feeds into fear of losing things, which feeds into greed, wanting to keep things, wanting to keep his possessions and things that he should be letting go of. His fear of losing her turns to anger at losing her, which ultimately turns to revenge in wiping out the village. The scene with the Tusken Raiders is the first scene that ultimately takes him on the road to the Dark Side. I mean he's been prepping for this, but that's the one where he's sort of doing something that is completely inappropriate."
~ George Lucas, DVD extras, 2005[?]
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"The scene in the garage here, we begin to see that what he's [Anakin] really upset about is the fact that he's not powerful enough. That if he had more power, he could've kept his mother. He could've saved her and she could've been in his life. That relationship could've stayed there if he'd have been just powerful enough. He's greedy in that he wants to keep his mother around, he's greedy in that he wants to become more powerful in order to control things in order to keep the things around that he wants. There's a lot of connections here with the beginning of him sliding into the Dark Side. And it also shows his jealousy and anger at Obi-Wan and blaming everyone else for his inability to be as powerful as he wants to be, which he hears that he will be, so here he sort of lays out his ambition and you'll see later on his ambition and his dialogue here is the same as Dooku's. He says "I will become more powerful than every Jedi." And you'll hear later on Dooku will say "I have become more powerful than any Jedi." So you're going start to see everybody saying the same thing. And Dooku is kind of the fallen Jedi who was converted to the Dark Side because the other Sith Lord didn't have time to start from scratch, and so we can see that that's where this is going to lead which is that it is possible for a Jedi to be converted. It is possible for a Jedi to want to become more powerful, and control things. Because of that, and because he was unwilling to let go of his mother, because he was so attached to her, he committed this terrible revenge on the Tusken Raiders."
-- George Lucas, DVD extras, 2005[?]
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"He turns into Darth Vader because he gets attached to things. He can't let goof his mother, he can't let go of his girlfriend. He can't let go of things.It makes him greedy. And when you are greedy, you are on the path to the Darkside, because you fear you're going to lose things, that you're not going to have the power you need."
~ George Lucas, Time Magazine, 2002
[To all those ‘Jedi are Bad’/Anakin fell to the Darkside because of the Jedi Council were so mean to him and not understanding him or letting him have a relationship idiots out there....]
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"It's fear of losing somebody he [Anakin] loves, which is the flipside of of greed. Greed, in terms of the Emperor, it is the greed for power, absolute power, over everything. With Anakin, really it's the power to save the one he loves, but is basically going against the Fates and what is natural."
~ George Lucas, Revenge of the Sith commentary.
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You tell em George!
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"Anakin is the Chosen One, and even when Anakin becomes Darth Vader he is still the Chosen one. The Prophecy is that Anakin will bring balance to the force and destroy the Sith. He becomes Darth Vader. Darth Vader does become the hero. Darth Vader does destroy the Sith, meaning himself and the Emperor. He does it, because he is redeemed by his son.”
So the prophecy is true and by doing that he redeems himself and goes from being Darth Vader back to Anakin Skywalker.
Everybody thought of Darth Vader as this big evil guy, that he had no heart, that he was just evil. But in the end it's not that at all. Here's a guy who's lost everything."
George Lucas, The Making Of Revenge Of The Sith; 2005
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"It took a very long time, but Anakin finally fulfills the prophecy that he will destroy the Sith and brought balance to the Force." ~ George Lucas interview
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"Fathered by the force Anakin was the most powerful Jedi/Sith to ever live,his greatest weakness had always been his emotions to which Palpatine took advantage of." Anakin never reached his Light/Dark side potential, he was called the "Force Messiah"
~ George Lucas, 2010
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CHUNG: Well, what about the message there? What are you telling us?
"The message is you can't possess things. You can't hold on to them. You have to accept change. You have to accept the fact that things transition. And so, as you try to hold on to things or you become afraid of -- that you're going to lose things, then you begin to crave the power to control those things. And then, you start to become greedy and then you turn into a bad person."
~ George Lucas Interview, 1997
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"...Knowing that the film was made for a young audience, I was trying to say, in a simple way, that there is a God and that there is both a good side and a bad side. You have a choice between them, but the world works better if you're on the good side."
~ George Lucas
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“Friendships, honestly, trust, doing the right thing, living on the right side and avoiding the Dark side,” Lucas said. “Those are the things it was meant to do.” ~ Lucas on Star Wars and what its about, 2017 https://www.polygon.com/2017/4/13/15288998/george-lucas-star-wars-celebration
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"The Force itself is split into two sides: the living Force and a greater, cosmic Force. The living Force makes you sensitive to other living things,makes you intuitive, and allows you to read other people's minds, et cetera.But the greater Force has to do with destiny. In working with the Force, you can find your destiny and you can choose to either follow it, or not."
~ George Lucas
[Another example of the Expanded Universe never having been canon. It went against his vision of Star Wars. There were only two aspects of the Force, not four. ]
”The novels and comic books are other authors' interpretations of my creation. Sometimes, I tell them what they can and cant do, but I just don't have the time to read them. They're not my vision of what Star Wars is."
~ George Lucas 2004
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Speaking on the Jedi
"You're allowed to love people, you are not allowed to possess them."
~ George Lucas, 2010 -  2:45 mark
[Jedi are not emotionless or vulcans. You can’t be compassionate without empathy and emotions.]
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"Jedi Knights aren't celibate - the thing that is forbidden is attachments -and possessive relationships."
~ George Lucas, BBC News,  May 15, 2002
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41 notes · View notes
thezodiaczone · 4 years
Pisces Compatibility
PISCES + ARIES (MARCH 21 - APRIL 19) Aries is the zodiac's first sign, Pisces its last. You're the Alpha and the Omega, the dawn and the sunset. You're as far apart and as close together as two signs can get. Although your differences are vast, you also have a broad expanse of material from which to fashion your relationship. Your polar positions can actually make you a great match. Aries loves to be adored and spoiled, and generous Pisces will give everything in the name of love. In Pisces' worshipful gaze, Aries feels brilliant and boundless, and his insecurities melt away. This is important for the sensitive Ram, whose "wounded soldier" archetype is healed by the Pisces nurse. In this relationship, Aries is free to follow his natural hunting instincts; Pisces prepares a banquet from his conquests. The danger: You both have vivid imaginations, but with two dreamers at the helm of this romance, the ship can veer off course. Aries is a take-charge leader, but needs a strong second mate. Bravado and confidence don't come easy to insecure Pisces, who falls into feigned helplessness under duress. Moody spells are common for your signs, and digging yourselves out of emotional ditches can be a challenge. You'll need a council of advisors to help you manage aspects of daily life—accountants, lawyers, coaches, therapists. Aries can be naturally aggressive, where Pisces is passive or passive-aggressive. You'll need to adapt your communication styles in order to be heard.
PISCES + TAURUS (APRIL 20 - MAY 20) ♥♥♥♥ This is a lovely match of two pleasure-driven sensualists. Taurus is ruled by beauty planet Venus, and Pisces is governed by enchanting Neptune. You both love gourmet food, wine and culture, and you make a creative couple with sophisticated flair. You never run out of things to discuss, whether it's the latest New Yorker piece, art theory, or the obscure band both of you love. In the bedroom, the lusty Bull is happy to enact any fantasy that Pisces' boundless imagination conjures—and there will be many. Domestic bliss is assured, and your fussy decorating styles will match perfectly, much to your snobbish delight. For the long term, you'll need to regulate your energy with each other, or you can lapse into a master-and-servant dynamic. Passive-aggressive Pisces must become more assertive, and forceful Taurus should relax his domineering ways. At times, Pisces' secretive spells can cause fissures in the foundation, arousing suspicion in possessive Taurus. Even if what Pisces is hiding is inconsequential, the act itself destabilizes the relationship. Emotional manipulation infuriates the Bull, who prefers everything above board, and hates to be blindsided. However, Pisces can't always verbalize his complex feelings as quickly as Taurus demands. Too much forcefulness can intimidate the gentle Fish, sending him swimming into unreachable depths.
PISCES + GEMINI (MAY 21 - JUNE 20) You're both dual signs: Gemini is the Twins, and Pisces is symbolized by two Fish swimming in opposite directions. You're pop psychology's poster children for commitment-phobia. Are you in or are you out? It depends on the day, the mood, the cosmic alignment. Obviously, this is no way to run a relationship—but wait. Here's a golden chance to peer into love's looking glass and see your own shadowy Id mirrored back. Yes, your psyches and hang-ups are as bizarre as Alice's rabbit-hole tumble into Wonderland. Pisces, you really can be as needy, emotionally exhausting and manipulative as Gemini says. Gemini, you are indeed capable of being a double-talking, evasive ice-tyrant with a heart like polished marble. And…so what? If you can actually own your dark sides—which we all have—you're also capable of spreading tremendous light. You must negotiate your differences with transparent honesty, though. Pisces is an emotional Water sign; Gemini is an intellectual Air sign. Unless you balance the proportions, Gemini drowns in Pisces' undertow and the zodiac's Mermaid suffocates from breathing too much oxygen. Gemini must strive to connect emotionally, and Pisces will need to lighten up. Perennial dissatisfaction is also a killer. Don't say you want something, then refuse to be happy when your partner provides it. Gratitude is an intimate act: it requires you to acknowledge that your partner can reach you, a vulnerable place. Two words to save your relationship: "Thank you" and "You're right."
PISCES + CANCER (JUNE 21 - JULY 22) ♥♥♥♥ You're a pair of softies underneath it all, even if the world sees a hard Crab shell or a tough, scaly Fish. Alone with each other, your compatible Water signs are as tender as can be. You're both compassionate and nurturing, soothing each other with sustenance and sensitivity. There's nothing a stick of butter, cookies made from scratch, or a nice after-dinner cordial by the fire can't solve. Romantic and sensual, you love to pipe classical music through the sound system, light the candelabras and whip up a gourmet feast side-by-side. Hours of kissing and foreplay will follow. Though your relationship is a refuge, it can also become a fishbowl that limits your growth. You absorb each other's fluctuating moods like a sponge, so get out of the aquarium-for-two. With your refined sensibilities, you're excellent patrons of the arts, so head to museums, gallery openings, concerts, and dance performances. Fling open your doors for dinner parties that toast an artistic friend, an esteemed poet, or a relative's good news. This satisfies your nurturing instincts, and invites new energy into your space. You must both learn when to let go of grudges, since you can be passive-aggressive and play the victim when your feelings are hurt. Slammed doors, sulking and brooding must stop. Don't excuse bad behavior with psychobabble, either (e.g., "When you said that, it reminded me of how my mother couldn't love"). Grow up, will you? If you've been cruel, simply say "I'm sorry" and offer a long hug. The power of touch can heal anything between you, too.
PISCES + LEO (JULY 23 - AUGUST 22) Your signs are very different, but you can eventually gel into a lasting relationship. Pisces is a flowy, sensitive Water sign who needs a decisive mate. Confident Leo, a Fire sign, is a natural leader, eager to rule the relationship. Because Pisces takes longer to articulate his needs, Leo could mistakenly assume he's got the upper hand, and that Pisces is content to follow. Not so fast. In your own ways, you both wear your hearts on your sleeve, but you need to tune into each other's sensitive spots. You're incredibly romantic, and the tender passion between you is great in the beginning. However, you may hit a dry spell when it's time to get truly intimate.
Secretive Pisces feels so vulnerable when his soul is exposed, and may lash out at Leo in an unconscious reaction to the Lion's strength—for example, criticizing Leo's appearance, weight or intelligence. These cruel barbs are actually just a projection of Pisces' own self-doubt, but they plunge a thorn in the Lion's paw no less. Pisces must work through the tedious knots of his insecurities, which lay deep in his psyche. Leo is a powerhouse who can run the show with his eyes closed, but he'll do best to step aside and give the Fish his chance to shine. Shy Pisces is a true creative force, but his brilliant imagination and keen intuition can be eclipsed by showy Leo. Work through this. Luxury is a weakness for your signs, and you love to indulge. You may need to take courses on money management together, or team up to make a fortune so you never have to worry about it.
PISCES + VIRGO (AUGUST 23 - SEPTEMBER 22) ♥♥♥♥ Virgo and Pisces are two of the most powerful healers in the zodiac. Virgo is an Earth sign, clinical and data-driven, always there with a practical answer and a helping hand. Water-sign Pisces has emotional compassion, the ability to empathize and absorb other people's pain. You're opposite signs: Virgo is the doctor; Pisces is the nurse. You can teach each other a lot, doing much good on the planet along the way. Virgo is the zodiac's giver, performing acts of selfless service (Mother Theresa is a Virgo). However, it's hard for Virgo to receive, since he views "neediness" as a weakness in himself. Enter Pisces, ruler of the zodiac's receptive twelfth house. The Fish knows how to surrender boundaries and allow people's energy to flow in. Pisces teaches Virgo that accepting love is a generous and selfless act. It opens the door for others to be their greatest selves, to discover their power through contributing.
At times, Pisces' emotional nature can overwhelm Virgo, leaving him ungrounded. You both need doses of solitude to reconnect with your souls. Writing, playing music (especially classical compositions or Gregorian chants), painting and creativity is healing to you both. This relationship also brings out your spiritual sides. Meditation, yoga and metaphysical study can open up great psychic channels. These practices also prevent unhealthy addictions, which your easily-stressed signs may adopt as a means of self-medicating. Watch out for secretive tendencies, which you both have as a result of perfectionism and insecurity. Communicate openly, or air your "shameful" skeletons to a confidante—otherwise, you'll beat yourselves up unnecessarily, causing distance in the relationship.
PISCES + LIBRA (SEPTEMBER 23 - OCTOBER 22) Drifting into a dappled dreamscape of your own imagination, your poetic souls entwine against astrological odds. Libra is an Air sign and Pisces is a Water sign; together you can stir a gentle sea breeze or drown in your own sexual tsunami. But oh, the romance is worth it. Like any good bodice-ripper, there's passion, intrigue and mystique to spice up this storyline. You can get lost for days in a decadent meal, a gorgeous sonata, each other's luminous eyes. While the cynics gag, they secretly envy your enchanted, oxytocin-addled bliss. Living in a fantasy is fun for your signs, and gratification eclipses all boundaries and structures. Another Sancerre, an hour less sleep—it can all be justified in the name of pleasure. It's when reality steps in that things get hairy. After waking past noon in your umpteenth limb-and-linen tangle, you remember that pesky paycheck, your stuffed Inbox, the unopened mail. Oops. Hung over and wholly unequipped to deal with the overwhelm, you lash out at each other. Without outside contact and obligations to anchor you, you can both descend into bouts of moodiness, indulgence and even depression. Balance—the Libra catchphrase—must be practiced early on.
PISCES + SCORPIO (OCTOBER 23 - NOVEMBER 21) ♥♥♥♥ You're both "spiritual beings having a human experience," Finding an equally sensitive, divinely connected soulmate feels like coming home. Scorpio and Pisces are compatible artistes who love music, drama and romance. Like a lighthouse for two ships adrift on the emotional high seas, your relationship is an anchor and a haven. However, it's not immune to the turbulence caused by your secretive, Water sign natures. Emotional withdrawal is a self-protective act you've both honed over the years, but this tactic backfires when used against each other. The trick is learning to catch a bad mood when it starts, then processing the feelings instead of lashing out. Once the righteous anger and wounded egos kick in, you're like two runaway trains waging a war of domination and submission. Scorpio control tussles with Pisces guilt, Scorpio withholding wrestles Pisces evasion, and so on. Yet, you both want the same thing: a partner who inspires absolute, unshakeable trust with a money-back guarantee. What you need to learn is how to give it before you get it. To adapt the saying, be the change you want to see in your partner. It will keep you together for lifetimes.
PISCES + SAGITTARIUS (NOVEMBER 22 - DECEMBER 21) What happens when the most sensitive, tender-hearted sign (Pisces) links up with the most insensitive, tactless sign (Sagittarius)? Disaster, unless you handle each other with extreme care. Romantic Pisces is a Water sign who craves deep emotional bonding, while independent Sag is a Fire sign who feels smothered by too much of the touchy-feelies. You'll need to balance your most distinctive traits and parcel them out in measured doses. Your communication styles don't work together naturally either. Sagittarius is honest to a fault, dishing the unvarnished truth and heavy-handed advice (usually unsolicited), then whistling while Pisces weeps. Indirect Pisces would rather flee to Katmandu than face conflict, but standing up to Sagittarius requires it. Pisces is prone to passive-aggressive tactics; yet, subtle cues and hints will sail right over Sag's head, while the Archer's arrow of truth spears the Fish's heart. What do you have in common? You're both skittish about commitment—namely, the terrifying idea of being "trapped." Since Pisces rules fantasy and Sagittarius rules adventure, you can neatly escape the daily drudge together—at least until reality comes crashing down. Still, life is always tinged with magic when you're together, and the bedroom remains an enchanting space of divine communion for you.
PISCES + CAPRICORN (DECEMBER 22 - JANUARY 19) On the surface, you might seem like an odd match—imagine a Harvard MBA in Armani dating a paint-splattered artist in Oshkosh. Yet, your signs pair well, even if you don't want to admit it. With classic good looks and a dutiful nature, Capricorn fits neatly into the system. Pisces is a flowy Fish who excels at playing the the artsy rebel, the indie darling, the adorable mess. By comparison, Capricorn seems structured and regimented—but appearances deceive. While Pisces may delight in coloring outside the neat lines Capricorn draws, the real surprise is that Capricorn is the bigger freak behind closed doors. Capricorn has a dominant, even cruel streak that can play out in the bedroom (not that submissive Pisces doth protest). Leather, whips and kinky fun—it's all fair game. You both love to find lesser-known wine, music, and art, a pride yourself on having cultivated tastes. Together, you can traverse the tony uptown spaces to the lowbrow dives, discovering cultural jewels wherever you go. Your diverse strengths could make you great business partners, too. Open a gallery, with Pisces as curator and Capricorn as financial backer.
PISCES + AQUARIUS (JANUARY 20 - FEBRUARY 18) Old and new come together in an interesting combination. Pisces is an ancient velvet boudoir with dripping candles and fainting couches; Aquarius is a modern, steel-and-glass construction heated by solar panel. Yet, this strange match can work if it's built around a shared cause or passion. You're both die-hard humanitarians, and if you share a common vision, you'll stay together for life. Pisces is a Water sign, more emotional and complex in nature than Aquarius. Contrary to myth, Aquarius is an Air sign (not Water), though it's symbolized by the water-bearer holding an urn. The lighter Aquarian touch lifts Pisces out of the murky, depressive swamp, while enchanting Pisces adds tassels and trim to Aquarius' cold, clinical reality. You both morbidly fear being trapped in a boring, conventional commitment. Since you can never really figure each other out, the attraction stays strong. A little mystery will keep you fascinated, though too much (ahem, Pisces) will make the relationship way too much work for Aquarius.
PISCES + PISCES (FEBRUARY 19 - MARCH 20) You love each other; you love each other not. Pisces is denoted by two fish swimming in opposite directions—one toward security, the other to freedom. Such tender bait is a fellow Fish who's equal parts commitment-phobe and serial monogamist! As partners in paradox, you'll play nursemaid, Shiatsu-ist, and sous chef to one another, doting until it hurts. Then, of course, comes the Great Escape—intimacy overload strikes, but you feel too "guilty" to ask for a night off from gazing into each other's eyes as some angsty singer-songwriter pipes through the iPod. Instead, you fly into a passive-aggressive panic, turning on each other vis a vis a good self-flogging. "It's not you, it's me," you call over your shoulder as the door shuts behind you (read: "I'm too gutless to demand better foreplay"). "I'm such an awful person—you deserve better," Pisces laments (translation: "You suck"). The real problem isn't your chemistry, it's that you're both so damn indirect. Communication is the 101 cornerstone of a lasting relationship, and if you keep walking on eggshells, you'll end up resentful, depressed (anger turned inward) or eventually exploding with rage. With the right prescriptions, a good therapist and maybe a couples' karate class (think: the socially-sanctioned chop to his midsection that you've been dying to deliver), you can swim together like happy little minnows forever.
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so i read ‘creation myths’ earlier today and, other than adoring it, noticed some things: 
the experiment meant to send the urskeks home by harnessing the light of the suns during the great conjunction doesn’t work, because the urskek that played the yearning song out at sea, the one that raunip pushes over the edge with his taunting and jeering, has anger in his heart, earning him the title ‘dark heart.’ 
the 18 urskeks were exiled to thra to address and work through their inner darknesses, meant to find some form of reconciling it through serving other beings out of kindness and selflessness. the crystal actively rejects any subject that has ill intentions or resentment toward another, and it’s necessary for them to clear themselves of it in order to reunite and go home. 
this is modeled on the coniunctio oppositorum - the unification of opposites - found in alchemy, alongside the stages of the opus magnum intended to transform symbolic lead into gold: separate, purify, refuse. dissolve and coagulate. yet, by the end of the movie, we see the skeksis still very much on their worst behaviour, whipping slaves and murdering kids and whatnot, but they’re still fully able to reconjoin with their mystic counterparts. how come?
i might be missing extra details here (got a lot of content to churn through), but i have a few theories under the read more:
one is that to me, it almost seems like the venom and spite they held for the world has dissolved and diluted over the years since the garthim wars - back then, they were high off their minds on essence and bloodshed and complete superiority over all beings on thra. there was always something new for them to strive for, another trophy to add to their shelves.
those were their glory days, but by the time they’ve accomplished what they set out to do, there’s nothing left. no more gelfling to drain for life force, no more wars to win, nothing more to fight for or prove. their life force ceremonies, where once done with frantic giggling and howling, they now perform blank faced and without commentary. and with that, they watch their numbers dwindle, one by one. 
something that always strikes me is the scene where they watch the emperor die. in age of resistance it’s nonstop chatter - ‘how do we get more essence?’ this and ‘how many gelfling should we drain today?’ that, but when they’re all crowded around their king of countless trine, the one who lead them through victory and failure more times than they could count, watching his face crumble to dust before their eyes, there’s just... complete, ominous silence.
by that point, they’d accepted what was coming. they knew podling essence wasn’t enough to keep them alive much longer, and whether they said it outloud or not, they’d all been forcefully faced with the fact that sooner or later, they were all going to die. they’ve spent all their hateful, violent energy, and now all that’s left is the quiet, mournful humility in realizing that they were wrong: that they weren’t above death, or thra, or any other creature in existence. their pride and violence was nothing more than a desperate grasp at an ultimately feeble goal. 
what’s more is what the dark hearted urskek says during the failed conjunction:
‘is there no place in all the realms of the crystal where a single being will show me compassion!? is there truly no love for me in all creation!?’
the 18 heretics were cast from their homeworld and, as far as they knew, abandoned for good. the hurt that caused them made them bitter, lashing out at those who criticized them despite their pain, despite how hard they were trying to be ‘good enough’ to go home. the more pressure that was put on them to get rid of the darkness in their hearts, the more unworthy of love they felt as they were, and the darker they became, because they didn’t understand why. 
it’s a self-feeding loop of self-hatred, like ouroboric chains in alchemy. they wanted so badly to be good, but the fact that they couldn’t get rid of the hurt inside them to become worthy of comfort only made it grow deeper and more painful. then comes the day of the next conjunction: the crystal is healed, the urru arrive and they reunite and ascend home.
in all my watches i’ve found this scene a little strange; despite two gelfling being in the throne room, practically their worst nightmare given prophecy, no action is taken. no one summons the entire garthim armada, no one lunges for and restrains the gelfling from exchanging the shard, no one throws one of their many spears or swords before they can reach the crystal. no one even thinks to pull the lever that sends the crystal down into a lava cave. given their size, power and artillery at hand, it always seemed like it would’ve been easy for them to stop those events before they could happen. they stab kira, but knowing their options it’s comparatively quite little quite late.
even when the crack is healed and the urru come flooding in, instead of fleeing or attempting to re-crack the crystal, or even engage in battle to choose death over their dreaded reunion, the skeksis mostly just run around and flail their arms pathetically, shouting half-hearted comments about their immortality (which you really have to doubt their sincerity in at their 50% fatality rates). no matter how much they seem like they don’t want this to happen, their actions say to me otherwise.
i think that, yes, they gave up. they gave up on hunting power and glory and immunity to even the most inescapable of fates, because part of them knew all along they’d never achieve it, and every new failure and lost comrade was another painful slap of realization to the face. but they also gave up on something else - pretending that that was what they truly wanted. the run from immortality was never about the power over others, it was about power over themselves - the power to not have to make themselves vulnerable enough to openly confront their own inherently good-natured alter egos.
the very same fear of vulnerability the dark hearted urskek showed at his evil-natured ones.
‘fine,’ they say, ‘i give up. you’re a part of me. i can’t run from it any more.’ and they accept that. the evil accepts the good, and the good accepts the evil - the urru willingly re-fuse with the skeksis, even after the tremendous amount of pain and suffering they’ve unjustly and relentlessly inflicted on others, and through this act of acceptance, they express an act of unconditional love: they mutually acknowledge that one half can’t exist without the other, and that they’d rather have both than neither at all.
not only that, but ‘i need you.’ they’ve seen what it’s like to live apart from one another and quite frankly it exhausted them. this time, they choose being together, for both of their happiness. through doing this, they heal the ouroboric wound and end the cycle of self-hatred: the darkness is forgiven, the light is appreciated. neither has to resent the other, neither seeks to snuff out the other, and they can finally both just.. be, alongside each other, in balance and harmony. and it turns out that’s what they needed to do all along.
it turns out that the urskeks never needed love from their kind, or from thra, or from a universe willing to bend its rules to grant them everlasting resistance. they needed love from themselves. love between skeksis and urru, love between urskek and self. the kind of love that transcends such black and white labelings as ‘good’ and ‘evil’ - the kind that says, ‘both, and’ - yes, both of these can exist - instead of ‘either, or’ - choose one, leave the other. the alchemic transformation from hermaphroditus to androgyny; the resolution of the inherent paradox of opposites. grey between black and white, maybe between yes and no, dawn between day and night.
‘where we last spoke of creation, now we will speak of destruction. one cannot exist save in the wake of the other. all succumbs, in time, to change. beauty turns to horror... horror shrinks from beauty. everything ends... and everything becomes something new in the end.
faith in this cycle is all we have. faith that even the darkest of times serve a purpose in the single song. single... uni. song... verse. uni-verse. single song. yes... yes...’
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rose-oracles · 6 years
The Zodiac Signs Struggles
Aries:  When out of balance, Aries can become dominant, confrontational, self-absorbed, or insensitive. Their fierce independence makes it difficult to compromise in relationships. Lacking self-restraint, Arians can be temperamental at times, blowing up childishly, or being careless and unkind. While Arians possess their own brand of charm – straightforward and self-assured –others can feel bulldozed by their force of opinions and lack of tact. Key lessons for Aries are to slow down and bring projects and ideas to completion. They must learn to stop and listen to opposing points of view, developing composure, tolerance, and balance in their daily lives.  If Arians can harness their vast stores of vitality and direct them toward the greater good, their trailblazing could spark fires of inspiration while initiating much-needed change in the world. By developing receptivity and self-restraint, Arians can become fearless warriors, leading the rest of us out of both danger and stagnation.
Taurus:  Sometimes Taurus’s commitment to the earth falls off-kilter. She becomes too rigid, protecting of her heart, fearing that if she softens, she will fall apart or lose control. The key for Taurus is to develop a strong sense of worthiness. After all, she rules self-worth. Somehow, she has to face her shadows and love herself fully. Surrender is important for Taurus.  Not only must she yield to her shadows, she must also release her unhealthy attachments and indulgences. From there, she can allow her steady and generous compassion to shine through. If Taurus is able to let go of rigidity and possessiveness, she will be able to attract whatever she wants. Diving into her natural ability to love wholeheartedly, she can open to a deeper sense of intimacy and self-acceptance. Taurus is an earth god or goddess, planting us in the ground so we may root down and grow up, reaching to the sky of wisdom and oneness. As the Taurean shows us the earth’s beauty, she must remember to relax her fixation on physical appearance, as well as an exaggerated desire for material wealth and security. Real abundance comes from generosity and extending her love and acceptance to all beings. Growing into her true self, Taureans realize that they have all that they need within themselves – including deep contentment and a strong connection to ordinary magic. They will be able to heal others with the power of their touch, while offering a beautiful container of groundedness and security.  
Gemini:  Intellect without heart is dangerous. As Gemini’s energies swirl primarily around their heads they sometimes struggle to drop into their hearts. If a Gemini is out of balance, he can poison the well, propagating ideas that are morally corrupt of harmful, both to himself and others. The key for Gemini is to meditate, allowing the snow globe of his brilliant, active mind to settle to the ground. From here, he can connect with his body and heart, then make more genuine decisions. Gemini’s may find commitment difficult, as they’re easily bored and intrigued by a variety of experiences. They need constant stimulation as well as stimulating friends. If Gemini could direct his interest more fully to one person, he might find that each individual is endlessly fascinating, that we all have beautiful mythological tapestries within us, filled with limitless wisdom. Herein lies the key to resolving Gemini’s struggles. His inquisitive and quick mind can provide a beautiful path to wisdom, as long as he grounds his knowledge in ultimate truth and a bigger picture of moral study, emotional investments, and purpose. It would benefit Gemini to study with an open heart and tears in his eyes, remembering to integrate both sides of himself – the intellect and the heart. As his path to wisdom unfolds, Gemini can become an excellent teacher, as long as he points people to their own experience, rather than imposing his points of view.
Cancer:  To be a balanced Cancer, the crab must be willing to come out of her shell, release the security of her tough exterior, and reveal her soft and nurturing essence. She must learn to feel the cruelty of the human heart while remaining open-loving all aspects of humanity, beginning with herself. Otherwise, a triggered Cancer can be moody, sharp, and indirect. If Cancer does not feel safe, she can become hardened-even engaging in her own acts of cruelty because she has closed her heart, hiding behind her shell and pincers. If loving and supportive are not surrounding her, she could take on the savagery of others, losing the courage to be vulnerable. It is vital for Cancer to master human emotion, both her own and others. She must learn how to psychically protect herself, so she can walk into the world with her innate sensitivity, while remaining kind and genuine. If she does, she becomes the world’s mother, ever compassionate, loving, and forgiving of all human atrocities. She can understand people like no other, seeing to their core with X-ray vision. If she chooses to reveal herself, rather than hiding behind her masks, she can become the ultimate symbol of universal love and compassion. This is a Cancer’s true nature.
Leo:  When out of balance, Leo’s natural courage can become prideful and arrogant. Without an audience, he feels incomplete and unworthy, exaggerating his talents with showiness out of desperation to feel lovable. Part of Leos’ work is to recognize that their light radiates whether or not someone is there to receive it. In searching for others to reflect their love, they may have forgotten that love transcends giver and receiver-one of their most important lessons. Others may feel angered by Leo as the lion’s longing for appreciation and admiration can come across as self-absorption, vanity, hunger for power, or conceit. To become the loving king or queen, Leo must remember to surrender personal desire, and that we are ultimately working for the benefit of all. Then he can move closer to his enlightened state-recognizing his faults and gifts with honesty, expressing creativity with humor, loving himself fully, and extending that love to all. Sad Leos are ones who have forgotten the joy of generosity, who have started to believe they are unworthy of pleasure, or who have become too fixated on one person or ego pursuits. An awakened Leo is a self-less, radiant leader, who inspires others to live from their hearts, and to express themselves fearlessly. When Leo demonstrates this, life becomes effortless, for the Lion is embodying his genuine nature.  
Virgo:  No one worries more than dear Virgo, who seems to have a hamster wheel living inside her head. Her careful mind can easily teeter into over analysis, as she mulls over unimportant minutiae. In pursuit of spiritual perfection, the Virgoan can become self-critical, particularly if she hasn’t developed proper self-love or the ability to forgive herself. This self-judgment can easily turn on those around her, as she looks down from her high horse, irritating others with her nitpicking and righteousness. Virgo’s real work is to look in the mirror with her clear and honest vision, and to embrace the totality of her being, loving herself fully. She must be able to recognize her strengths and weaknesses, with both humility and full appreciation. If she can commit to this work, she will be able to deepen her understanding of nuance and human complexity while also unlocking her extraordinary gifts. She can learn to shine her pure light onto others, helping them to heal and love themselves—just as she has done for herself. As she stops her mind’s spinning and embraces her whole self, she could even become an important person for the world’s healing, creating environments of sanity, order, selflessness, and magic. The rest of us can look to Virgo as a pristine example of devotion, service to others, and tenacious dedication to purity and spiritual perfection.    
Libra:  The problem is that Libra, in a commitment to maintaining his fragile inner peace, can end up merely skimming the surface, unwilling to delve into grit, sometimes telling half-truths to avoid confrontation. When Librans rule love and can be wonderful partners, they also struggle more than any other sign in this very domain. In fact, relationships are their main path to personal growth. Anxiety can rise as they sense the scales tipping out of balance, which so often happens in deep relationships. People pleasers, they may disappear to avoid confrontation, seeking love elsewhere without informing their partners. They do so to maintain love in their lives while avoiding hurt feelings. Librans also have trouble agreeing with any strong opinion, feeling compelled to calmly present an opposing point of view – no matter their own. They teeter with their commitments and decision making, easily seeing the positives and negatives of every situation. How can someone so comfortable in paradox possibly take a stand or choose one option? How can someone who discovers beauty at every corner decide to stay on one corner for the rest of their life? Dilettantism, struggles keeping promises, and dishonesty are all indications that Libra is out of whack and operating from neurosis. The key to restoring balance, the focus of their journey, is to dive fully into darkness and whatever they fear. They can find harmony in the depths – beauty in their sadness and richness in their anger – while opening their hearts to the uglier aspects of themselves and humanity. These are the signs of an awakened Libra.      
Scorpio: Living with a dark well of emotion, a danger exists for the unbalanced Scorpion to fall into fear and repression. Unable to regulate the confusion and chaos within, Scorpio could resort to obsessive – compulsion, attempting to control her environment, both externally and within herself. She could become jealous and possessive, even wanting to destroy her partners if she can’t own them completely. Eventually the fuse will blow for imbalanced Scorpio. She will explode, revealing a maelstrom of emotion that she’s been hiding behind thick walls. Moody, sulky – and potentially abusive and destructive – neurotic can become lost in self-absorption, repression, or addiction. They punish those around them as they project their unexamined shadows onto others. Any pain or self-loathing that they don’t acknowledge, they will despise in whoever is close. Conversely, the Scorpion could have positive shadows, overwhelmed by envy for those who are demonstrating her unrealized potentials. The key for Scorpio’s journey is to understand the tremendous power they hold. They have the ability, more than any other sign, to face intense psychic undercurrents, without drowning. If the Scorpion can rouse courage and face whatever rises, she will discover her own secret – the gifts of deep wisdom, healing, and profundity. As Scorpio relaxes with her afflictions, inviting them to meet her exactly as they are, they will vanish instantly. If she lets go, plunging into darkness, she will find that she is able to open to an equal amount of light. We need among us such women and men, innate shamans who face the world’s underbelly, helping us heal with the magic of surrender.
Sagittarius: An imbalanced Sagittarian can fall into various traps because of his over enthusiasm. Exceedingly zealous and trusting, he could run into harmful situations, unable to draw upon healthy skepticism and discernment. Sagittarian problems could include diving too fast into relationships or marriage, following questionable religions or doctrines, or finding himself in peril in faraway places. The Sagittarian would benefit from tempering his exuberance, appetite, and lust. Otherwise, he could have trouble staying in one place, or with one person. The constant seeking, which is helpful for gleaning wisdom, could easily become restlessness or impatience. His fervor could turn into fanaticism if he forgets that the path will lead to truth but is not truth itself. Meditation and discipline would be a great support for Sagittarius. Bringing increased awareness to his body, heart, and other people—noticing if he's gone too far in thought or action—could help him to assuage his extremism, while avoiding hurting himself for others. Even in making mistakes, Sagittarius is able to expand his mind and heart through varied experiences. His courage in diving headlong into adventure makes him a fascinating character—one who has much to teach and share later in life, in spite of frequent blunders. Quick to fall into the trap of faulty thinking or behavior, he’s just as apt to let them go. He is ready to bound forward into his next avenue of thought and adventure, never looking back.  
Capricorn: Capricorn can become so fixed on a goal that she loses sight of the bigger picture. Her natural leadership could become overly controlling and domineering, and her emphasis on society could morph into an unhealthy preoccupation with image and material pursuits. As she obsesses over wealth and her public persona, she could end up repressing her emotions and the messier aspects of her being. The key for Capricorn is to make sure that the sturdy foundations she builds align with her highest ideals. She constructs everything with incredible tenacity and attention to detail, so she must be sure to start with proper intention—considering if what she is working on will contribute positively to society. If she’s disconnected from integrity, the imbalanced Capricorn could recalibrate by protecting her solitude—perhaps wandering off alone to engage in Capricornian interests, like nature, music, history, or antique. This gives Capricorn time to reflect so she will make decisions from a more genuine place. The inner life is very important for Capricorn, who must be certain that her outer life and well—crafted endeavors begin from a tender place. Otherwise success could feel hollow—existing merely as a badge of power, fame, and social prestige. Workaholism and loneliness are potential pitfalls for Capricorns. They must learn to balance home life with social life, allowing their fluidity and emotional expression to come forth, while upholding their commitment to decorum and social graces. The antidote for Capricornian neuroses is learning to relax, conveying their true selves in their public personas, and aligning their vocation with their most heartfelt desires.  
Aquarius: When out of balance, the Aquarians lighting bolts could morph from enlightened activity and changing humanity for the better, to straight up destruction with no purpose. When their hearts close, their healthy rebellion can become contentious as they act out against any energies they find oppressive. Frequently, Aquarians trigger people as they test waters and push envelopes, saying outrageous things. While this type of behavior can be helpful, pushing limits of our comfort zones and egos, Aquarians can easily go too far, making enemies and hurting people unnecessarily. Aquarians’ focus on humanity can sometimes harm their personal relationships, as it’s easier for them to love the concept of people than the actual gritty human being standing before them. They can become aloof and cold, finding it challenging to stay committed to the confines of their human bodies. The freedom to travel into conceptual and spiritual realms feels far more exciting, rewarding, and limitless. The key for Aquarians Is to find a way to love every human being the way he loves humanity, to remember that he is passionate about applying his insight and brilliance to the progression of humankind because each of us is a precious being. We are in this together as a group of individuals, reflecting love collectively and on our own. The enlightened Aquarian dives into intimacy, which helps to ground him. After all, we are human beings, and our true spiritual path begins with embracing this fully.
Pisces:  If Pisces forgets to set boundaries and take care of herself, she can easily fall into problems. Because she is empathetic and forgiving, she is more apt than other signs to attract abusive partners, less able to walk away from toxicity than more courageous, logical, or earthier signs. Because she is so fluid, and because she finds the separate between self and other to be so nebulous, she often forgets to connect with the strength of her dignity—which has nothing to do with other people’s perceptions. One of the keys to creating more harmony in a Piscean soul is to develop a strong sense of worthiness—the understanding that she is okay exactly the way that she is, regardless of external validation. If Pisces can realize that she has dominion over herself and her circumstances, if she can trust herself to set boundaries when other people mistreat her, she can let go of her tendency toward martyrdom. She can grow into the understanding that by allowing bad behavior, she ultimately betrays herself. This means she has more power than she sometimes likes to admit, but by owning power, she becomes more of who she is—embodied and expansive at the same time, as she joins heaven and earth. The other Piscean trap is escapism through various means addiction, spaciness, avoidance, or delusion, for example. Her trouble committing to being human can lead her to the clouds, while she has trouble connecting with pragmatism, punctuality, self-care, and directness. If Pisces can develop self-awareness, boundaries, and discipline, she could become one of the world’s greatest mystics—a powerful, otherworldly reminder of unconditional love and interconnection.
 - Where I got this information: The Stars Within You. A Modern Guide To Astrology. By Juliana McCarthy.
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iamnojedii · 4 years
19. Give us a headcanon about your muse that you never shared to anyone else or wanting to explore deeper. 
I don’t think I have one that I haven’t shared in some way, but the one I’ve talked about the least I vaguely mentioned here, because I see discrepancy in eye color between Clone Wars and Rebels and canon is my playground. Strap in because in this essay I actually will--
Deep Force Lore™ is one of my favorite things about Star Wars, and in both series we get to see aspects of the Force in balance and out of balance, and plenty of debate on what balance actually means. In Clone Wars we meet the Mortis gods who are literal personifications of the light and the dark and the balance. In Rebels, we meet the Bendu, who - when referred to as a Force-wielder - says:
The Jedi and Sith wield the Ashla and Bogan, the light and the dark. I’m the one in the middle, the Bendu.
Which is super cool, because there’s a lot canonized in that one scene. Also Bendu’s views on conflict are pretty interesting, because he helps the protagonists at times, but it’s more like...nudging someone to make their own choices and not being bothered one way or the other what happens to them; when petitioned for help against the invading Empire, he unleashes a terrible storm that threatens the lives of both the Imperials and the rebels.
BUY ANYWAY-- Ahsoka’s eyes.
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They’re a completely different shade of blue by the time we get to the years leading up to the Galactic Civil War. Even Ahsoka’s Force vision of her future self has the same eye color as she does during the Clone Wars era (also no striations to her montrals/lekku, but that’s another Sarah Essay™ for another time). Why the change? Animation differences aside, Ahsoka’s skin and stripe coloring on her montrals and lekku are exactly the same. What changed is Ahsoka’s concentrated focus/relationship with the Force and how she uses it.
Ahsoka’s always been a naturally gifted Force-user even from a young age. Her abilities have always been described to be “advanced”, and we’ve seen her use mind tricks and force choke-slam Trandoshans and stall Nu-class attack shuttles mid-flight and shut off lightsabers by dampening their energy with the Force, but she also has some interesting stuff going on beyond that.
First being what went down on Mortis: her death and resurrection due to The Daughter’s lifeforce being transferred to her. We’ve seen very little of what that implies, outside of the convor bird, Morai, following Ahsoka wherever she goes, which is described in Rebels as “a servant of The Daughter, or The Daughter herself when acting as a spirit guide.” Also, I love the on-the-nose implications of Morai’s namesake regarding Greek mythology.
Another thing that’s important and something that’s repeatedly been driven home throughout Clone Wars is the contradictions within Ahsoka herself that lend themselves to the dark side. Which brings me to the second point; Malachor in Rebels.
Malachor is home to a Sith temple, which...okay, that’s bad, but I like how Dave Filoni talks about the symbolism and dichotomy of that temple:
When the characters are above ground, it’s daylight and they’re looking down at a black surface. When they are below, it’s nighttime and they’re looking up at what seem to be stars.  The design elements were important to reinforce the concepts of night and day, light and dark, life and death. Those things are part of Malachor’s DNA and its architecture.
Which is pretty on par with all the themes of Twilight of the Apprentice but also important to what ends up happening to Ahsoka at the end of her confrontation with Vader. She descends into the depths of the Sith temple, through the same ‘exit’ we saw Maul and Ezra emerge from. You know, the one Maul was all Rule of Two-ing Ezra about in regards to how to navigate the temple. We don’t really know what happened after that aside from some Topps digital card art that Filoni did, where he talks about her journey from the realm of the dead to the realm of the living, but it’s safe to say she navigated that temple alone with Morai as a kind of spiritual guide. I also think it’s safe to say that, similar to Jedi temples, Sith temples can be just as “tricky” in terms of having various pathways they can lead an individual down. A rebirth can be just as much of a death as a new form of life, which is pointed out to Ahsoka by Bendu:
BENDU: Understand this, much will change as a result of this encounter. AHSOKA: Isn’t that true of all things, as time advances? BENDU: My dear, when I say change, I mean death. AHSOKA: So I will die? BENDU: Will you? I didn’t know that. Goodbye then, Ahsoka Tano, former Jedi Knight.
Ahsoka, at her core, is a good person. Much of what drives and motivates Ahsoka is doing the right thing-- as she sees it. We all know people can believe something wrong is something right, and I don’t think Ahsoka is exactly averse to using less-than-upstanding means to accomplish a goal (see: using Darth Maul as a fatal distraction to help ensure her and Rex’s escape, being totally chill with ordering others to use violent means to get information out of targets, being totally chill observing others using violence as a means to a ‘good’ end-- seen predominantly in her apprenticeship to Anakin). All of these things aren’t exactly good actions or decisions, but she justifies them because they’re being done to achieve something she deems as good or righteous. Ahsoka is someone who is not above revenge and seeking vengeance for her loved ones or for wrongs committed to others/her ideals. This is a textbook un-Jedi way of thought, more in line with someone who leans towards the darker aspects of the Force. That being said, Ahsoka isn’t someone who seeks power, not for herself or over others. She isn’t cruel, no matter how ruthless her actions can come across. She’s not entirely selfless, but she’s not consumed by the concept of self.
Ahsoka’s relationship with the Force is parallel to her own personal moral compass. Her white lightsabers are perfect reflection of that. True Neutral. She has no affiliation with the Jedi, but she also holds no leanings towards Sith ideology either.
Lucasfilm story person Matt Martin, when asked about the concept of “Gray Jedi”, tweeted about how a Force user who wields both light and dark aspects of the Force can’t do so without consequences. I find that interesting, because it’s not a “that’s not possible” answer, just a “sure, but there’s a price to pay” answer. Which I vibe with.
We already know that the Force at its extremes has a visible affect on the users body (and sometimes mind). We’ve mostly seen this in Sith and other dark side users, predominately yellow/red eyes and sometimes actual degradation of the users body (gross). But we’ve also seen this in other beings. The Bendu? The mystic space moose talking about residing firmly in the middle of the Force who can control the weather and open Sith holocrons like it’s no big deal? He’s blind. So Ahsoka, someone who has a powerful connection to The Daughter, someone whose moral compass can justify ethically muddled choices for a righteous cause, sees a visible mark indicating her relationship with the Force: indigo eyes.
Some of my favorite quotes from the Ahsoka novel sum up her relationship with the Force very nicely, I think:
A sharp whine reached Ahsoka’s ears, the dark and light song of the crystals struggling for balance.... When Ahsoka opened her hands, she was not surprised to find that two lightsabers, rough and unfinished, were waiting. They would need more work, but they were hers. When she turned them on, they shone the brightest white.
BAIL: I’ve never seen white ones before. AHSOKA: They used to be red. When the creature had them, they were red. But I heard them before I ever saw him on Raada, and knew that they were meant for me. BAIL: You changed their nature? AHSOKA: I restored them. I freed them.
BAIL: In this fight, there will be people like Barriss who are focused on the past. And there will be people who focus strongly on the future. Neither of them is wrong, exactly, but even if we don’t always walk the same path as one another, ours must be the middle road. AHSOKA: [Ahsoka smiled] That’s what I thought when I was trying to find the crystals that power my lightsabers.... I want something in the middle of that, still useful but different than before.
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raven-m-3 · 6 years
Ben Solo must live
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Never fear, nonny: I believe the chances that Ben survives Ep. IX are extremely high. I never predict anything with 100% certainty, but most days, I feel at least 95% certain that he’ll live. 
There are many reasons, but I’ll give just a few: 
1. Killing Ben Solo would deprive our heroine of her greatest wish. 
The narrative of the ST is structured around our Heroine. So although we have dual protagonists, it is primarily Rey’s journey.
Of course Rey could live without Ben if she had to. She’s an incredibly strong and independent character. But that’s not what she wants. 
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Rey wants to find belonging, but even it’s more specific than that. She wants a family of her own. And she wants it with the same man who shares her past trauma and her deepest, most intimate hopes and desires for the future. 
Having close friends or a relationship with another man is never going to fulfill this need for Rey in the same way Ben can (as her romantic partner). Ben is Rey’s shadow. These two lost, lonely children recognize each other on a level both personal and cosmic / spiritual. 
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2. Killing Ben renders the struggles and sacrifices of Han, Luke, and Leia to bring him home (narratively) meaningless. 
The OT trio will have suffered immensely (and even died) for nothing, because the last Skywalker-Solo ended up dead in the dirt. 
Of course, in real life, “heirs” aren’t the only way to leave a meaningful impact.  But family and legacy are central themes in this fictional drama. The fate of one’s children matters.
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I’m a lifelong fan of the OT. It honestly would devastate me if Ben dies after all Luke, Han, and Leia have suffered and sacrificed to bring him home. I’d consider it a slap in the face.
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3. Given that he is a victim of abuse, Ben dying sends a very dark message. 
If he dies, the message is: “Sucks that you were neglected as a child, had a predator manipulate you since birth, and had your uncle push you over the edge by trying to kill you. It’s not surprising you chose a bad path, but -- meh. You’re a lost cause.”
HARD PASS on that story. 😳
Now, it’s important to note that Ben isn’t just a victim. He does have some agency in his decisions. Given his trauma, however, the audience should sympathize with Ben, understand why he has made poor choices, and root for him to turn things around.
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In the words of Han and Rey: “It isn’t too late” for Ben. Who are we to say otherwise?
4. From a pure business perspective, it’s extremely risky to kill the last  Skywalker.
 RJ may have a non-Skywalker-related trilogy in the works. But the fact of the matter is that Disney currently has zero evidence on how a SW film will perform if it’s entirely removed from the central story of the Skywalkers. 
Killing Ben eliminates a key means of attracting audiences to SW films 10 or 20 years in the future: the promise of new Skywalkers.
The SW franchise is worth billions. If I was a Disney exec, I’d be terrified to put a nail in the Skywalkers’ coffin. I’d want that option open. 
So why do I think Ben will “die”?
Although I do believe that Ben will sacrifice himself and “die” in some way, there is an important caveat: I believe that Rey will bring him back to life via Force healing.
The idea is that Ben will be mortally wounded, but Rey will heal him back to life as he lays dying in her arms. There are many symbolic / narrative reasons for it.
1. It allows Kylo Ren to “die” and Ben Solo to be resurrected.
To complete his redemption, Ben must make sacrifice himself in order to show that he has embraced his inner light (compassion and selflessness) and is no longer dominated by his darkness (anger, selfishness, and possession). 
After being fatally wounded from his act of sacrifice, the monster (Kylo Ren) will die, but the man (Ben Solo) will be reborn. For his beloved has the power to heal him, and he has fully earned her love. Sound familiar?
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(but the man will retain some of his darkness after returning to his human identity- balance!!). 
2. It parallels Rey crying over Finn in TFA. 
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Both of these men are critical in Rey’s life (her best friend and her future partner), so it makes sense that we would close the trilogy with Rey despairing over Ben this time. 
It also parallels her despair as a child over her family leaving her (“Come back!”). Only this time, her loved one will come back, thanks to her own inner strength, power, and choices. 
3. It’s an inverted parallel to the times Ben woke up to death and destruction. 
We’ve seen Ben wake to the promise of death twice. First, with Luke: 
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Second, with Hux. 
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This time, Ben Solo will awaken to Rey’s love and light. It will symbolize his rebirth as Ben Solo, and the promise of new life (yes, in multiple ways 😏).
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Excuse me while I quietly sob in the corner.
4. It’s an inverted parallel to the bridal carry. 
As @ohtze notes in her excellent meta, Kill the King and Take the Crown:
“We’ll get a Pieta trope [in Episode IX], which is the reverse of the Bridal Carry—the Holy Mother cradling her son from the ashes so that he may be so that he may be reborn, bringing the story between them full-circle.”
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My friend @postedbygaslight predicted and wrote this exact scene in his gorgeous fic, “You’ll Be the One to Turn.” It’s a must-read.  
So there you have it, nonny! I’m confident that our boy will live through Ep. IX. ❤️
Disclaimer: many of these ideas are not my own. For instance, the predictions about Ben’s compassionate sacrifice and the Pieta come from @ashesforfoxes and @ohtze. Credit to @the-son-of-suns for pointing out that Ben’s death harms the arcs of the OT trio.  
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nadziejastar · 5 years
Does Axel’s tear drop marks have connections to The Eye of Horus?
I’m glad you asked that. I definitely think that there is a connection, since the Recusant’s Sigil is directly inspired by Egyptian symbolism. I think it’s the same as the situation of Lea and Isa. Them being best friends was thought up after KH2, when the idea for KH3 and the 7 Guardians of Light was created. 
Saïx already had moon symbolism, and Axel had the element of fire. And coincidentally the sun is associated with fire, and the moon with femininity. So, they were able to come up with Lea and Isa as Sun and Moon lovers based off of that. I think Axel’s teardrops are the same. The design wasn’t directly based off of that concept. But I think the writers added in that meaning later, since it fits so well. I’ll explain why:
Lea and Isa: Osiris and Isis
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“A fragmentary passage”, meaning bits and pieces of something whole.
Isis is the feminine archetype for creation, the goddess of fertility and motherhood, healing, and magic. She represents our feminine aspects - creation, rebirth, ascension, intuition, psychic abilities, higher chakras, higher frequency vibrations, love and compassion. She is the Yin energy, the mother nurturer, the High Priestess, the essence of the feminine energy, which is part of us all. She is regularly portrayed as the selfless, giving, mother, wife, and protectress, who places other’s interests and well-being ahead of her own.
Isis was the sister and wife of the god Osiris. The name ‘Osiris’ is interpreted as ‘powerful’ or ‘mighty’. He was also known as The Lord of Love, King of the Living, and Eternal Lord. Isis and her twin brother/husband Osiris were deeply in love. It is said that they were in love with each other even in the womb. Osiris was a kind and just ruler, but his jealous brother Set coveted his throne. Osiris was murdered by his resentful brother, who dismembered him and scattered the parts of his body throughout Egypt.
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Xehanort: “X”… A most ancient letter. Some say “kye,” but the meaning is the same. Death… A letter that spells endings.
Isis was distraught when she found her husband was missing and went searching for him all through Egypt. When she found him, Osiris was dead, but Isis knew she could bring him back to life. She retrieves and joins the fragmented pieces of Osiris, then briefly brings him back to life by use of magic. This spell gives her time to become pregnant by Osiris before he again dies. Osiris revived but could no longer rule among the living because he was incomplete; he would have to descend to the underworld and reign there as Lord of the Dead.
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Axel: “But don’t waste your time. We Nobodies can never hope to be somebodies.”
Osiris is the god of the afterlife, the underworld, and rebirth in ancient Egyptian religion. He was the all-merciful, forgiving, and just judge of the dead who oversaw one’s life on earth and in the afterlife. He is associated with the mythical Bennu bird. The Bennu is the inspiration for the Greek Phoenix, who rises to life from the ashes.The name of the Phoenix in Egyptian is ‘Bennu’. The ancient Egyptians believed that the Bennu exploded from the heart of Orisis. 
They believed this bird to be sacred and that it arose regularly to renew Egypt.  The Bennu was one of the most important religious symbols in the mythology of ancient Egypt, symbolizing resurrection and the rising sun. This was because the sun was thought to spend the night in the underworld, and was subsequently “reborn” every morning. The Bennu Bird was believed to represent the soul of Ra, the Supreme Sun God. Ra was typically represented as a sun-disk, or as a falcon-headed man wearing a red sun-disk on his head.
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Xemnas: “The strength of the human heart is vast. Soon, though…we will have gained power over it! Never again will it…have power over us.”
The crook and flail were symbols of the pharaoh, the ruling monarch in ancient Egypt, throughout history. They were originally the attributes of the deity Osiris that became insignia of royal authority. The shepherd’s crook stood for kingship and the flail for the fertility of the land. The Kings of Egypt were associated with Osiris in death – as Osiris rose from the dead, so they would be in union with him, and inherit eternal life through a process of imitative magic.
The “X” is also used in ancient Egypt as a symbol of the dead. It was used in pyramids and temples, where Pharaohs are buried with their arms and legs crossed. As the crook and flail was the symbol of Osiris, ruler of the dead and the underworld, this was done in devotion to him, in hopes of gaining eternal life after death. As ruler of the dead, Osiris was also sometimes called “king of the living”. Ancient Egyptians considered the blessed dead “the living ones”.
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Ansem: “So many are still waiting for their new beginning, their birth by sleep. Even me…and even you.”
Isis later gives birth to Horus. Isis, fearing what Set might do to her son, hid Horus among the swamps of Egypt until he was grown. At that point, Horus emerged as a mighty warrior and battled Set for control of the world. Horus successfully defeated Set, avenging Osiris and becoming the new king of Egypt. The chaos Set had unleashed on the world was conquered by Horus, who restored order, and then ruled with his mother.
Since Horus was born after Osiris’ resurrection, Horus became thought of as a representation of new beginnings. He came to represent “a promise by the gods to take care of suffering humanity,” since he had himself suffered as a child and knew how it felt to be fragile and surrounded by dangers.  
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Axel: “Well, I think you can be inseparable even if you’re apart. It’s like, if you feel really close to each other. If you’re best friends.”
Horus, in the ancient Egyptian religion, is a god in the form of a falcon. His right eye was associated with the sun, representing power and quintessence. His left eye was the moon, representing healing. The eye symbol represents the marking around the eye of the falcon, including the “teardrop” marking sometimes found below the eye. Sometimes Horus is shown as a winged sun disk.  
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A quiet and cool-headed youth. Though he does come out of his shell when talking to his best friend Lea, toward others he is distant and untalkative.
The Eye of Horus is the Egyptian equivalent of the 6th chakra, often known as the “Mind’s Eye”. Its location at the front of the head is between the eyebrows, where the pineal gland is located. Exactly where Isa’s scar is. This is commonly denoted with a dot, eye or mark on the forehead of deities or enlightened beings, such as Shiva, the Buddha or any number of yogis. This symbol is called the “Third Eye” or “Eye of Wisdom”.
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Best friends with Isa. Very outgoing by nature, he wishes to remain in the memories of others forever.
The Third Eye is represented by the color indigo, a combination of blue and red. This is because it activates when the two main energy channels, Ida and Pingala, unite at the brow. Ida and Pingala are symbolized by the sun and moon, and their colors are red and blue. Pingala is the male energy. Its name means “tawny” in Sanskrit. Tawny is “of an orange-brown or yellowish-brown color.” I found it interesting that Lea is wearing a combination of orange, yellow, and brown in BBS.
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Xigbar: “If people see with their hearts, Saïx, then you’re even blinder than the rest of us.”
With this eye functioning, we can enter a different dimension and see things which are invisible to the physical eye, but visible to the subtle eye. When we look at a person, we look at the person’s soul, at the spirit. Not at physical body through physical eyes. The movement through this eye transforms into a new world, a subtle world. We start seeing things we have never seen.
The Third Eye is a symbol of enlightenment. Through it we access the higher, Divine Planes, the White Light, which filters downwards into our Chakras. But if we don’t stimulate the pineal gland and are too entrenched in the Ego, it calcifies and closes up, shutting the door to the higher Planes and Divine energy. The process of Spiritual Rebirth is also a process of re-activating and attuning the Mind’s Eye and the pineal gland.
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“Their hurting will be mended when you return to end it.”
It was believed by the Greeks and Romans that an evil heart could get to the eye. Their belief in the powerful effects of the eyes and optics, created the myth that the energy-producing power of the eye had the ability to cast evil spells with just a glance. Because the ancients believed the evil eye could be counteracted with a ‘good eye’, myths about Horus arose.
When Set and Horus were fighting for the throne after Osiris’s death, Set gouged out Horus’s left eye, representing the moon. This became a mythical explanation of the lunar phases. It was later healed by the god Thoth. The figure of the restored eye (the wedjat eye) became a powerful amulet. Hence, the eye of Horus was often used to symbolise sacrifice, healing, restoration, and protection.
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gh0st-patr0l · 5 years
Selfishness v. Selflessness: An Analysis of Deceit
Since the latest episode came out, I’ve been thinking about a LOT, but especially about Deceit. He’s an amazingly complex character, and it’s a lot to wrap your head around. However, I felt that the thing I wanted to talk about most was his overall intention with this whole scenario- note, when I say that, I’m not talking about the call-back v. wedding debacle. Because, when you really look at it, Deceit’s true intent had little to do with those events themselves. It was just a convenient scenario that could be used to illustrate a point. And I’ve already gone on a rant about that part- how in the end it wasn’t even an issue of right or wrong, but staying true to your moral compass- so I won’t get into it here. What I really want to do is take a closer look at Deceit’s closing arguments, in context of the rest of the episode and his previous statements. 
I’ll be honest, the first time I watched the episode I was so invested in the drama that I actually didn’t even PROCESS what he meant with this scene, but now that I’m looking back it’s absolutely critical to understanding Deceit’s true intentions. Written out, it’s actually a pretty short exchange, but there’s a lot to pick apart here. Let’s start from where the actual argument begins.
Thomas: I don’t understand... you got what you wanted. You proved that I’m not as honest as I’d like to believe. Deceit: But you’re still missing the point! Didn’t it seem kind of ridiculous to take this matter SO seriously, to the point of settling it in a legal setting?! Everyone else: [mumbled disagreements] Roman: We do that kind of stuff all the time...
Alright, so this is where Deceit has obviously become frustrated that the others haven’t picked up on his intentions with this whole scheme. (Tbf Thomas’s Single braincell had been omitted from most of the situation so it’s really not totally their fault,) 
Here, we see a BLATANT distinction between him and the rest of the sides. The sides all consider these elaborate scenes and lengthy discussions and journeys over their dilemmas to be a completely sensible way of dealing with their problems. It’s just how they do things, it’s how they work best.
But Deceit, despite being a part of Thomas, doesn’t get it.
Unlike the other sides, he doesn’t give equal weight to all issues Thomas has. He sees the choice between a social obligation and a career opportunity as obvious and pointless to agonize over. 
It’s important to think about this in combination with what he says in the courtroom- his ultimate goal is to fulfill Thomas’s wants and look out for him. At first, that simply sounds like the same benevolent thought process that all the other sides have, and to a point it is. But when you think about that along with the fact that he considers his friends and family as inconsequential- not just a little lower on his list of priorities, but not even worth considering- it becomes clear that Deceit’s protection and concern of Thomas takes on a whole nother form in light of his outlook and actions. But we’ll come back to that in a bit, let’s get back to the argument.
Deceit: WHOO, okay, let me put it this way- life... is like a pinata.  Patton: Colorful, and full of stuff that makes you happy??? Deceit: ...SURE. And you WANT that stuff that makes you happy, right?! Patton: Do I?! Roman: Do I... Deceit: Then in order to get that stuff, you must ATTACK the pinata!
THIS is where Deceit’s language comes into play. Thomas and the rest of the Sanders Sides team are fantastic at writing, especially dialogue, and I think the specificities of the metaphor Deceit’s chosen to use here are critical.
When Deceit describes the human experience and life in society, he describes it as an object that must be looked at through a gauge of offense. He doesn’t use language like take, obtain, earn- he says attack. He views life as a struggle, as something violent that must be beaten and won. And this is reflected in the court scenes. Specifically, when he’s talking about his motivation for wanting Thomas to lie, he uses the word disadvantage. Again, referring to life as a competition, or a game. (This actually made me wonder why Thomas didn’t choose to bring up Conflict Theory at any point, but now that I think about it more I suppose an anarchistic viewpoint would fit Deceit better than one rooted in socialism.)
And Deceit wants the others, and most importantly, Thomas, to look at life that way as well. He sees life as a competition against others, and because of that, sees no value in putting other’s wants and needs above his own. In my mind, this is where his rhetoric crosses the line from sensible into overly cynical. He was right in the point that sometimes selfishness can be good- but that’s not what he’s saying anymore, and I think it may have never even been in the first place, and that he was simply being less radical in the case to appear more favorable. Deceit doesn’t just think that selfishness isn’t inherently evil, he thinks that selflessness is damaging. 
And, from a character standpoint, that makes sense. Because inherently, Deceit is a selfish concept. It’s lying at someone else’s expense to achieve your own goal. And, as Deceit pointed out, that isn’t always bad! Your goal can obviously be benevolent. But as a character, he is quite literally a personification of deceit, with the goal of getting Thomas what he wants and/or needs. In a concept like that, there’s little to no room for morals or empathy.
Which brings us to our last bit of relevant dialogue from that scene;
Deceit: But you’re wearing a blindfold right now. You can keep playing with the blindfold on, if you like the game better that way. But if you take it off, it’s easier to get that stuff that you want!
Admittedly, this bit is a little harder to understand, but I think it’s clear that by blindfold, Deceit is symbolizing what he sees as disadvantage or hindrance; morals and empathy. 
Throughout the entire episode, and his other appearances, Deceit has never responded with concern towards the feelings or circumstances of anyone other than Thomas himself- it may look like that on the surface from his first appearance and his acknowledgment of Thomas wanting to be a good friend, but in reality, he only reacts to those things when they’re directly related to what Thomas wants. In the lying episode, he doesn’t actually want to spare Joan’s feelings; Thomas feels bad, Thomas wants Joan to think he’s a good person, and Deceit sees a way to fulfill Thomas’s want in that scenario. In that sense, he’s actually very similar to Logan- function over feeling. He doesn’t care what he’s doing or why, as long as Thomas gets what he wants.
And this is when Deceit’s argument finally becomes clear and concrete. Deceit wanted this trial to prove that being selfish is better. This is when his intentions are no longer agreeable, at least to me, because what he’s trying to say is his core philosophy is that Thomas should ignore his morals towards the people around him, because it will be easier to then achieve his own goals. The argument goes from what was seemingly encouragement towards self-care, to a complete disregard of others. He sees caring for the people in his life to be an optional difficulty and a burden that only makes it harder for Thomas to get what he wants. He places no value in Thomas’s relationships, and only serves, or attempts to serve, in their benefit when it is Thomas’s immediate goal to do so. 
And that is interesting- Deceit has no control over what Thomas wants, but an obligation to help him achieve them, and apparently, opinions on what his priorities within those wants should be. And this is when we need to remember that the sides are not full personalities, but facets of Thomas himself.
Of course, the main four are such broad concepts that it’s easier to fit more of a “person” into each one. Morality is a vast understanding of right and wrong, but has a lot of room to move around in as far as demeanor and actions, and is combined with an interesting representation. The same with logic, and the same with passion- their representations combined with the flexibility of their definitions and interpretations offer a lot of room for filling out characters. Anxiety is a little different since at its core, anxiety and fear are really only an instinctual reflex. However, by extending that out into vaguer definitions and related traits like insecurity and morbidity, and once again tying it all up with a wonderfully engaging persona, Thomas still makes him feel like a character. 
But the sides are not real people. They are built to represent a certain trait, and because of that, their behavior and motivations are more extreme and less well-rounded than normal people’s would be. They are written to be, for the most part, single-faceted characters. Their personality is only a specific section of someone else’s, and because of that they don’t act or think with the complexity of a real human person. And that is SO important to understanding Deceit.
To a point, Thomas managed to fully characterize Deceit as well- however, he’s a bit different. Because unlike the others, Deceit is a much more limited concept. He is a personification of lying and dishonesty. He doesn’t represent any emotions, any other traits, he’s just Deceit. Because of that, he can only be so emotionally complex (which is why I’m very impressed that Thomas and the team managed to give him so much life and feeling!). And that is partially why... I don’t really see him as sympathetic as many do, personally.
(This is where I’m gonna move away from Just Facts to more opinion based reasoning, so just skip to the end if you’re not interested in that.)
I’m not sure if I’m maybe missing something, but from what I saw, I don’t actually think Deceit was ever sad or hurt in that exchange- only frustrated because he couldn’t understand why the others didn’t see things the way he did. In the end, I don’t feel like him blowing up was from a place of emotional hurt. On the contrary, I think the source of conflict for him was in his reasoning. It was the fact that his logic couldn’t make sense of the choices around him, because he’s physically incapable of understanding the situation from a place of empathy like the others do. What he saw was Thomas making a decision that goes against what he directly wants, and Deceit literally just can’t understand that. He can’t understand the concept of Thomas choosing to uphold his morals over his personal desires, because he just doesn’t have the personal capacity to do so. So he loses his temper, gets bitter, and leaves. 
I hope that this doesn’t give you the impression that I dislike Deceit as a character. I actually LOVE Deceit, from the standpoint of a writer and a fan. He’s a wonderful addition to the cast and adds a lot to the series.
However, I don’t fully sympathize with him, and I don’t feel comfortable idolizing him as he is in the show, because I honestly don’t see him as benevolent. I appreciate his motives, but I disagree too strongly with his outlook and logic to relate to or support him. I think that’s what I was trying to communicate with this analysis- it felt to me like a lot of people completely overlooked the intention of Deceit’s actions in this episode, which in my opinion does a HUGE disservice to the complexity of his character. He’s not a helpless, misunderstood victim. He’s a character who pairs good intentions with manipulation, carelessness, and immoral methods, which is a lovely thing to appreciate as an element of a show. But when you ignore those parts of his character to either idolize OR demonize him, it does a huge disservice to both him and the writers. I think I’d just like to see more people appreciate the intricacies of his character, especially in terms of his moral implications.
But, I think I’ve rambled enough as it is, so Imma end it here. This was a LOT of fun to write, and I might do more if yall like it, cause I have a LOT of thoughts about this series in general. Let me know if you’d want to see that! Bye for now!!!!
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occultspirits-blog · 5 years
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Chaldeans v.s. Pythagoreans: Ready, Set, Start Your Number Fight!
Hi all and welcome to Spirit's Throwback Thursday blog post. Today I wanted to discuss Numerology and it's origins. Numerology is a belief that the divine sends us messages through numbers, words (like your name) and synchronicities. In this time it is considered a divination tool, but this was not always the case. There are two main branches of numerology, Pythagorean and Chaldean. These branches differ slightly from one another while still maintaining the belief that numbers were equivalent to divine truths. For the sake of ease we will be discussing the two most popular, Chaldean and Pythagorean.
Pythagoras was born in Samos (a Greek island in the Aegean Sea) in the year 570 B.C. Pythagoras is most famous for the Pythagorean Theorem (A squared plus B squared equals C squared), so the squared sums of the two sides of a right triangle are equal to the squared value of the hypotenuse. But many seem to ignore the fact that Pythagoras was an astrologist, numerologist, musician and a spiritual Guru. Pythagoras had an ability to contact enlightened souls, who helped him discover all his previous lives, and make predictions. His teachings stated that every planet had a signature sound, and the sound was represented by numbers. He then taught that the numbers each had separate characteristics, and meaning to our lives.
The following is the references used in Pythagorean numerology.
Add all the numbers up in a person's name and then reduce to single digit. For example: Gloriann Cruz Albino would be: 7+3+6+9+1+5+5+3+9+3+8+1+3+2+9+5+6= 85, then reduce: 8+5=13, reduce again: 1+3=4. In this case 4 is the name number. The only numbers not reduced are 11 and 22 the master numbers.
Number 1: The light side: initiative, leadership, individuality, bravery, executive ability. On the dark side, selfishness, laziness, aggressiveness, narcissism.
Number 2: The light side: cooperation, harmony, love,partnership and finesse. On the dark side: over sensitivity, untactful, timid, indecision.
Number 3: The light side: artistic, creative, self expression, imagination, social, and cheerful. On the dark side: pessimistic, loose lipped, tends to exaggerate.
Number 4: The light side: constructive, systematic, practical, keeping order, builder,industrious. The dark side: lack of imagination, argumentative, very serious, ill health.
Number 5: The light: constructive, freedom, sexuality, versatility, knowledge, entertainment and amusement. The dark: changeability, carelessness, restlessness, nervousness, Jack/ Jill of all trades, master of none.
Number 6: The light: artistic, responsible, love of home and children, care about the welfare of others, unselfish. The dark: being too sensitive, coldness, nervousness, skepticism, lonely.
Number 7: The light: spirituality, the occult, analysis, researcher, wisdom. The dark: selfishness, laziness, aggressiveness and self centered.
Number 8: The light: executive ability, organization, authority, judgement, and administration. The dark: impatience, love of recognition, lack of humanitarianism, materialistic.
Number 9: The light: generous, humanitarian, sympathetic, selflessness, divine connection. The dark: moody, impulsive, must learn selfishness, careless with money, attracted to a life beyond their means.
Number 11: The light: intuition, illumination, inspiration, spirituality and prophetic abilities. The dark: too sensitive, nervousness, tension, impracticality and shyness.
Number 22: The light: materialism, spiritual master, practical and guiding light. The dark: conflict between inner feelings and practicality and attraction to magic.
While using this divination to figure things out about yourself if the number is from letters make sure you use your birth given name. For example 4 is my name number, which means the following. The light side: constructive, systematic, practical, keeping order, builder,industrious. The dark side: lack of imagination, argumentative, very serious, ill health.
Chaldean Numerology has been in use since the Babylonian era. There is a difference between Chaldean and Pythagorean Numerology, Chaldeans believed you could use the name that you are know by (nickname). Another major difference is that Chaldeans used the birth date number ( number of the day you were born on). This number reflects the personality and health of the native. The final major difference is that Chaldeans interpreted numbers 1 through 52, to symbolize the weeks in a year. Following is a letter to number analysis.
The numbers 1 through 9 are related to, how the native appears in the eyes of another, and the physical and material sides of things.
Number 1: male, yang, self consciousness, originality, independence, aggressive, unique, creative, dominant, the leader.
Number 2: pair, duo, feminine, yin, seeking unions, choice, adaptable, tactful, understanding, gentle, cautious, a follower.
Number 3: manifestation, expansion, creativity, the performer, expansive, sociable, dramatic, communicative and diversified.
Number 4: dependable, attuned to the four seasons, law, order, balance, harmony, secure, stable, stability, endurance and discipline.
Number 5: vital force, freedom, change, adventure, charisma, versatility, resourceful, adaptive, change, activity, travel, promotion and speculation.
Number 6: conscientious, desire to be in harmony, truth, justice, has a good sense of balance, loving , compassionate.
Number 7: answer seeker, asks the difficult questions, solitude is needed, looks to converse with others that are like minded, introspective, intuitive, analytic, inspirational, reclusive, philosophical and mystical.
Number 8: infinity, power, achieved control, responsible, recognition, expansion and growth.
Number 9: complete cycle of growth, selfless, compassionate, wants to help others at all cost, love, compassion, patience and service.
Double digits (compound numbers) show hidden influences, that play a role in life now and in the future.
Number 10: honor, faith, confidence, rise and fall.
Number 11: gives warning of hidden dangers, trials, or treachery. This person will have great hardships to grow through.
Number 12: suffering, anxiety, seen as the sacrifice or the victim at the hands of others.
Number 13: change of plans or place, non fortunate, upheaval , destruction, havoc wreaking power, warning of the unknown,
Number 14: movements, combinations, threats of natural forces, fortunate for dealings with money, small element of risk or danger.
Number 15: occult significance, magic, mystery, but this is only used in selfish ways.
Number 16: gives a warning of a strange fatality awaiting the querent, danger of accidents, and one being defeated,
Number 17: highly spiritual, the number of immortality, legacy,
Number 18: materialism striving to destroy spirituality of nature, bitter quarrels, social upheaval, revolutions, a warning of treachery , deception, danger from the elements,
Number 19: fortunate and favorable, happiness, success, esteem and honor
Number 20: a call to action, great purpose, is a very spiritual number, that is not conducive to the material world.
Number 21: advancement, honors, elevation of life , general success, victory, determination.
Number 22: warning of illusion of delusion, a good person living in a "fool's paradise" , a dreamer of fierce dreams and false judgement.
Number 23:a promise of success, help, and protection.
Number 24: fortune, promises, assistance, gain through love.
Number 25: strength gained through experience, observation.
Number 26: grave warnings for the future, foreshadows disaster, ruin and bad advice.
Number 27: promise of authority, power, command,reward comes for production.
Number 28: full of contradictions, loss through trust, opposition and competition in trade, danger of loss through law, likelihood of having to begin life over and over again.
Number 29: uncertainties, treachery, deception, trials, tribulations, unexpected danger, unreliable friends, and grief.
Number 30: thoughtful deduction, retrospection, and mental superiority.
Number 31: self contacted, lonely and isolated.
Number 32: magical power, it is fortuitous if judgements and opinions are held back.
Number 33: no meaning of its own, uses 24 or sometimes 6.
Number 34: Has the same meaning as 25 or 7
Number 35: Same meaning as 26 or 8
Number 36: Has the same meaning as 27 or 9
Number 37: good and fortunate friendships, love and connection.
Number 38: Has same meaning as 29.
Number 39: Has same meaning as 30
Number 40: Has the same meaning as 31.
Number 41: Has the same meaning as 32.
Number 42: Has the same meaning as 24.
Number 43: revolution, upheaval, strife, failure and failure.
Number 44: Has the same meaning as 26.
Number 45: Has the same meaning as 27
Number 46: Has the same meaning as 37.
Number 47: Has the same meaning as 29.
Number 48: Has the same meaning as 30.
Number 49: Has the same meaning as 31.
Number 50: Has the same meaning as 32.
Number 51: power, the nature of the warrior , promises sudden advancement, favorable for those in military life and leaders of any cause.
Number 52: Has the same meaning as 43.
In conclusion Pythagoreans use numbers 1-9, 11 and 22. While Chaldeans use numbers 1-52. All believe that numbers are a intricate part of life. So as a Numerologist myself, I use the Pythagoras system. But just as any other divination systems, numerology is 90% belief. Blessed be.
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New Post has been published on https://lovehaswonangelnumbers.org/lovehaswon-astrology-updatenew-moon-solar-eclipse-in-capricorn-karmic-unfoldings/
LoveHasWon Astrology Update~New Moon Solar Eclipse in Capricorn: Karmic Unfoldings
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LoveHasWon Astrology Update~New Moon Solar Eclipse in Capricorn: Karmic Unfoldings
By Archeia Aurora
The first eclipse of year occurs on January 5th, as a New Moon Solar Eclipse in Capricorn. Pluto (planet of destruction and rebirth) and Saturn (planet of karma) have both been in Capricorn and this Eclipse will conjunct both planets. This is heavy and intense energy which will be further amplified by the solar eclipse. Eclipses are powerful portals that create massive shifts in our consciousness. 
The energy of Capricorn can be somber and serious, as they are the “get it done” beings who will do whatever it takes to accomplish a goal. Their focus is on building things, manifesting ideas and creating something solid. In 3D, the Capricorn energy was used for the lower which was limitation, hierarchy, control, and greed. 
As we shift into 5D, the Capricorn energy will now be used for the higher-to co create and manifest New Earth. This New Moon is the new chapter of the Capricorn energy which will be a focus all year long. The North Node of Destiny has now shifted into Cancer, Capricorns opposite, placing Capricorn on the South Node of Karma. We are leaving behind the old Capricorn energy which created government and institutions that were based on nothing but control and greed and moving forward into the era of Cancer. Cancer represents Mother, compassion, nurturing, and caring for the best interest of all. 
It is very symbolic that this New Moon falls directly between Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn. Pluto has been tearing down the old paradigm structures since 2008 and the financial crisis, while Saturn’s recent transit of Capricorn has brought harsh lessons and karma for those who have been living out of integrity. 
Karma will now be unfolding for all those still supporting and pushing the old paradigm ways. The government corruption and all the lies that have been told to us by corporations who previously held power and authority are being exposed. Nothing can stop the light from exposing all that is not in alignment. This will be the beginning of the downfall of the old paradigm. 
The beneficial aspects easing the energy of this New Moon are the Grand Water Trine and the Moon making a sextile to Neptune. The trine occurs between Venus in Scorpio (values), North Node in Cancer (compassion), and Chiron in Pisces (spiritual wounds). Our feeling centers will be fully activated now as we can feel how out of alignment we have been living with our soul. Do our values reflect our heart? Have we been embodying compassion for others? How has our disconnection from Source deeply wounded us? 
Now is the time to heal all of the pain and suffering we have been living under as we finally see the truth of the illusion we have been under. We have been so disconnected from our spirituality and the true nature of our essence, it has caused us to seek validation and external fulfillment. There is no more room for structures and systems that have no heart. 
The sextile to Neptune in Pisces will bring us some relief, as Neptune is the natural ruler of Pisces and he is strong in his selfless love and healing vibrations. Neptune will grace us with new inspirations, dreams and visions of what our planet could look like. Peace, harmony, and Oneness is what every soul truly seeks. Our imaginations will come online as we begin to rebuild our broken systems into something new and beautiful. 
2019 will be the co-creation of New Earth and this New Moon is the kickoff point. We first have to recognize that the old paradigm is dead, it crumbling fast and we must come together now, in love, and move forward in unity. 
Mother of all Creation has done it all, she has ascended this planet. Now it is time to choose her, to choose love, and to choose evolution. Love is always evolving and always growing. We cannot stay in the old paradigm while shifting into higher consciousness. Tap into your hearts and feel the truth you have forgotten about who you truly are and why you are here. Humanity must look at themselves and what they have created so they can begin to heal and to move forward. 
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