#the other MCs though ... i cannot blame them
ddarker-dreams · 11 months
i had a dream that all of my MCs got so fed up with the awful situations i put them in that they unionized ...
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wingsdippedingold · 4 months
The thing that always gets me about SJM is that she says she loves Nesta so much, but at every point Nesta is degraded or self-hating.
The way Nesta is written and people react to her, it’s pretty clear that she’s not actually a bitch but just guarded and cautious of an unfamiliar/ hostile environment.
SJM often writes scenes like this (screenshot stolen from @theladyofbloodshed )
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In this Nesta’s in an odd position, where she’s portrayed as the victim of Mor’s ire. However, the characters that regularly antognize Nesta (Amren, Rhysand, Mor, etc.) are never acknowledged to be antagonistic towards her, only that Nesta herself is antagonized. Nesta’s character exists in a weird limbo where she’s meant to be a a wrongfully hated character to the reader, but the people who do wrong her are also supposed to be in the right.
SJM wants to write Nesta to be the underdog mc who defies her haters and becomes someone beloved, but the issue is she’s hated by characters the narrative wants you to also love, and whom Sarah can not bring herself to let ever be in the wrong, because then it would break the idea that they’re infallible and make the rest of their faults also up for criticism.
At every point where she’s put in a bad position, it’s acknowledged that the blame is not hers, but the narrative doesn’t place the blame anywhere else, essentially making what happened entirely a product of Nesta and no other character’s actions. We see how dreadful Nesta feels in ACOSF, much of it at the hands of the ic, and the narrative wants us to sympathize and understand her situation, but with no outlet to fault her situation towards the ic and no attempt to make it known that these feelings that are a product of the ic’s actions are directly a product of the ic.
SJM also writes Nesta to be one of the only characters who self-reflect on their actions and find fault within themselves. None of the ic ever introspect on their actions and effect on other courts and people, contributing to Nesta being the wrong ones and them being correct, simply because the narrative has not made the effort to explore wether or not they’re wrong, whereas it has with Nesta. Nesta’s actions were explored and allowed to be negative because it is what allows her to change her mind, but because she’s the only one changing her mind, she only becomes more and more fitting of the ic’s standards and the series’s idea of moral correctness.
The inverse is also an issue because Sarah writes the ic to be “morally gray”, which grants them the excuse of “you can’t expect them to always be perfect/good, they’re supposed to be morally gray” but the issue with that notion and archetype in this case is that the never face any repercussions or criticism by the narrative, but rather the people opposing them, effectively establishing them as the moral high ground. You cannot defend them as “morally gray” when the narrative has done nothing more than to portray them as always in the correct even in their “morally gray actions.” Discussing their character in that way while not acknowledging how the narrative treats them absolves them of their own faults and is a slippery slope when analyzing the characters in the story.
This is one of the reasons I think so many people find it hard to like Nesta or actually sympathize with her like SJM wants; because their favorite character hates Nesta, though acknowledged to be unjustly, the character themself is not acknowledged to be unjust, therefore portraying their actions to be correct.
This was written really quickly and I just woke up from a nap, but if anyone else wants to discuss this topic, I’d love to see it!
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Hi I wanted to tell you that I love how you write! And since the requests for the Headcanons are open I take this opportunity! \ ^ ° ^ / A Headcanons with Leona, Malleus, Azul and Vil who (accidentally) break something dear to MC, something that cannot be replaced with anything else or bought back, because it has a great emotional bond and is a unique thing for MC (from the simple necklace, ring to the music box or whatever you like best), so they have to actually find a way to fix it, because even if MC told them he doesn't care, it was really bad. Sorry for my poor English! I love you a kiss!
Azul Ashengrotto: 
Azul dreaded having to tell you about the accident; as easy as it would be to blame it on Jade and Floyd, it wouldn’t have been very honest. And while Azul doesn’t think his honesty was a defining trait, he always fumbled through his lies with you to the point he might as well just tell the truth. He does try to get it repaired before letting you know about it, hoping to restore it to its previous state by any means necessary. If he doesn’t have to put you through unnecessary heartbreak, than that’s better than just outright telling you the truth right away, right?
Leona Kingscholar: 
Leona can see the hurt written across your face. Your words didn’t match your expression, the smile not reaching your eyes—you must’ve been a fool if you thought you could pull one over on him. Yet he didn’t call it out, knowing his selfishness was the cause, and he kept it to himself without another comforting word. He was the type who preferred actions over words so he began to look into getting your precious item repaired, hoping if he bestowed that upon you (along with a string of other ‘forgive me’ gifts) you’d find it in your heart to accept his (non-spoken) apology.
Malleus Draconia: 
There are many things that crumble like paper when they’re in Malleus’ hands and this accident was from another magical outburst. The concept of this item being more important to you than him, reminding him that you came from another world, he had a moment of weakness where he got too caught up in his thoughts. A simple apology would never work, nor would explaining his thought process, and he could bear to think about how hurt you’d be to know he destroyed something precious to you. After hours of attempts he managed to restore it with magic, explaining to you (with a bit of a smug look, though you don’t know why) that your object was new and improved since it had a piece of his magic in it now as well.
Vil Schoenheit: 
Vil isn’t normally this careless, especially not with others precious objects. He had several things that were very dear to him and he knew he’d be hurt if you fumbled around with them without a care in the world. It wasn’t on purpose but accidents did happen, and this was something that wasn’t so easily repaired. Even Rook had stated it was quite a unique item, and it might be a bit hard to find somewhere that might restore it, but it was worth a try. In the meantime Vil offers a sincere apology, telling you that he planned on making it up to you.
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cloudcountry · 1 year
like real people do: diavolo
they've seen the world shift and change throughout their long, long lives, but if they could they would have given it all up just to be with you.
I could not ask you where you came from I could not ask and neither could you. Honey, just put your sweet lips on my lips We could just kiss like real people do.
The stack of paperwork on Diavolo’s desk never seems to decrease in size. He sighs, tearing his gaze away from the pile and towards the packet currently in front of him. He can briefly make out something about the economy in the outskirts of the Devildom and how their markets don’t have as many laborers, and he feels a headache coming on. Everyone looks to him. He’s still an incredibly young demon, and yet the weight of an entire realm is on his shoulders. It isn’t hard to see why he’s slowly deteriorating, nor can he be blamed for it.
He wishes he could have fun like those rowdy demon brothers do, going off on adventures with MC and visiting sweets shops and being able to talk to each other about things. (Even though Lucifer always said siblings weren’t as fun as Diavolo thought they were, he had to disagree. What he wouldn’t do for a cute little sister or brother to spoil and spend time with. Unfortunately, that was not his reality. His reality was stacks of paper and stuffy suits and formal events and speeches that were meant to rally demonkind together.)
A soft knock at the door snaps Diavolo out of his thoughts, and he sighs.
“You may enter.” he calls out, eyes bleary and unfocused as they turn back to the packet. 
“My Lord.” Barbatos bows as he enters, looking as energetic as always, “MC has requested an audience with you.”
Diavolo almost twists his ankle when he jumps up, eyes brightening immediately. A few papers go flying and his pen clutters to the floor. Barbatos does not look amused as the important paperwork is scattered across the office, but Diavolo cannot bring himself to care.
“My Lord, have you finished any of your work?” he asks, stooping down to pick up as many misplaced documents as he can.
“Yes, yes of course! So much work is done! Does my hair look alright?” he frantically looks for a reflective surface, patting down what he thinks may be unruly strands.
“Your hair looks fine as always, My Lord.” Barbatos stands, placing the stack of papers carefully on his desk, “I have served them tea before I came to get you. They talked very fondly about your trip together to Bayside Bonanza Worlds of Wonder. It seems they want to take you out again, though I myself am unsure if I should grant them the pleasure after what happened.”
The last part of what Barbatos says goes flying straight over Diavolo’s head.
Diavolo has to hold back a booming laugh at that. It’s like his heart is soaring with glee at their proposition. He has to remind himself daily that just because he doesn’t have the brothers doesn’t mean he doesn’t have anyone. He has Barbatos, Lucifer, and them. (Most of all, them. But he could never admit that to himself. It seems…selfish.)
”What wonderful news!” he beams, crossing his arms over his chest in a vain attempt to contain the affection threatening to bubble up and explode within him, “Please, escort me to them at once!”
“As you wish, Young Master.” Barbatos bows, turning to lead him out of his office, “Though I must warn you, I will still hold your accountable for the work you need to do.”-
That comment would normally sink his mood immensely, but the promise of them keeps his heart light. It’s a mystery as to what he would do without them, but hopefully he’ll never have to find out.
(Hopefully they’ll be around forever. Another ideal, added to his lofty tower.)
The hallways all blur together as he rushes through the palace, Barbatos following a safe distance behind him as his heart pounds so hard in his chest that he hears it in his head. He knows where they are, he knows they’re getting closer with every step, and yet he’s so, so greedy for a sight of them.
Perhaps he throws open the door with a little too much force, because the first thing he sees of them is their jump of surprise. Their face looks unbelievably shocked, but before he can utter a single apology they’re laughing and jumping out of their seat for an entirely different reason. Their arms are around his neck before he realizes it, and they’re hanging off him with a huge smile and lots of chatter that he can’t even decipher because they’re finally touching him in the way he’s wanted them to for far too long.
(He likes to tell himself that anyone would do. That any physical contact would be enough to sanitate his desire for a casual relationship like this. But no, it couldn’t be just anyone, not after he’s had a taste of them.)
“Well, hello there!” he beams, crushing them against his chest with the biggest smile he’s ever worn, “I’m so glad you could make it! I hope I’m not taking up too much of your time-”
“Oh, no! You aren’t, I promise!” They laugh, looking absolutely ecstatic to be wholly encompassed by him, “I managed to sneak away from Mammon and the others, just for now.”
Mammon. The others. Oh, he gets so jealous when he hears those brothers mentioned. Diavolo doesn’t want to ruin that precious smiling face though, so he covers his flaming envy with his own smile. It doesn’t stop him from holding them even tighter, though, but before he can really indulge in them, Barbatos enters the room with a scowl. He’s clearly upset at Diavolo for not doing his work and running through the palace like a dog, and the second he sees them hanging off of the Demon Prince he gestures for them to get off. They pout and stick their tongue out at Barbatos, which makes Diavolo laugh so loudly he thinks the castle walls might have rattled. They are by far the only human who would ever dare to make such a mocking gesture at a demon, and that’s so endearing.
Before Barbatos can peel them off himself, though, they start loosening their grip. He gives the human one last squeeze before setting them down, resisting the urge to pout just as they had at the loss of contact.
“I’m delighted to have you, MC!” he smiles, offering them his elbow to make up for the interrupted hug, “Allow me.”
They swoon dramatically and take his arm, allowing him the pleasure of walking them over to the small tea table set in the center of the room. He fixes the positioning of their chair for them (and internally giggles about how they were so excited they almost knocked the ancient piece of furniture over when they threw themselves at him) and gestures for them to sit.
“Thank you.” they say, looking right at home in the Demon Lord’s Castle.
Diavolo ignores the giddy feeling that wells up in his chest at how domestic this feels as he sits down across from them.
“What brings you here, MC?” he asks, setting his intertwined hands on the table.
“Well…” they do the same, clearly teasing him for his formalities, “I wanted to discuss some business with you.”
“Ah, Barbatos has made me aware of your plans to...how did you word it?” he hums, amused at their choice of words that he absolutely remembers.
“Take you out. Like a date.” they grin, radiating smugness that's very becoming of Solomon’s student.
Diavolo wishes they could have this conversation away from Barbatos, who pours their tea as though he isn’t listening. He envies Barbatos’s ability to be present but act as though he couldn’t be more removed—Diavolo thinks his life would be a bit easier if he could do the same. Except he can’t, because he has stacks of paperwork in his office that scream his name every night and make him toss and turn until he gives up and stares at his dark purple canopy and waits for morning. It would be easier to sleep if they were there, he thinks, and he has half a mind to ask Barbatos to make a portal to their room in the House of Lamentation, where they are no doubt sleeping peacefully, so he can drag them into his arms and finally, finally have a good night’s rest.
A rest where he can be Diavolo, with no responsibilities and no crushing weight of an entire realm. Where he can be the demon that takes them out on dates without the entire Devildom scrutinizing them. Where he can be the demon that tries to win the brothers over for their permission to date them (instead of them being too intimidated to tell him no.) Where he can be the demon that walks them to RAD without stares and whispers following them on campus. Where he can just be the demon they love, without consequence or obstacle or any deep rooted hatred.
The world doesn’t work like that.
 “Lord Diavolo...?” they wave their hand in front of his face, a concerned expression on theirs, “Are you alright? You just zoned out-”
“Fine, I’m fine MC.” he coughs into his hand, hoping his embarrassment doesn’t show, “Ah...yes, I would be happy to accompany you to Bayside Bonanza Worlds of Wonder.”
“Without the...bump in the road?” they laugh awkwardly, wincing as they catch Barbatos’s eye.
Right, that. Even though that man had been of no danger to Diavolo, if anything had happened to him Barbatos would have had both their head and Belphegor’s. He always thought human beings were beautiful, just like them, but that had been his first exposure to how wicked human beings could truly be. They do coexist with demons already, but it’s a parasitic relationship where the demons take and take and the humans only get worse and worse. Demons suck the life out of humans, they consume them whole, desires and all. It’s a terrible thing, and even though Diavolo knows he’s a demon himself and that he’s not exempt from these things, he wants to do whatever he can to change it.
They only inspire him, spur him on, make his lofty ideals seem possible.
“Without the bump in the road.” he whispers, reaching across the table to offer them his hand.
They take it without a second thought, and their lack of hesitation is as amusing as it is reassuring. They really aren’t scared of it, are they? It’s not just about Diavolo being a demon anymore, or about him being demon royalty. It’s about the responsibilities being close to him will bring. It’s about the fate of two entire realms, resting in their hands, and he wants to ask if it’s as exhausting for them as it is for him but he doesn’t.
He doesn’t feel like he has to, because with them, he is stronger.
Diavolo has always been concerned about what his spoiled upbringing did to his character, whether he forced Barbatos to stay with him or whether he imposed his will a little too hard onto Lucifer during meetings. Now he has to worry about what it will do to them, and their bright smile that he wants to keep all to himself. It’s why he holds himself back, refusing to ask them to accompany him anywhere, but their steady acceptance and even them seeking him out voluntarily has his restraint dangling by a thread.
It won’t be long until he leans in, souls flaring with desire, and captures them. It doesn’t matter what part of him he takes first, as long as he can drag his mouth along the soft patches of skin and make the flesh scream Lord Diavolo was here.
Guilt crashes over him the second the desire subsides, and he feels the need to apologize to them almost immediately. What is he thinking? He’s so jealous of the brothers that get to crowd them every day that he’s losing his mind. He wants to be that close to them, he wants to be able to waltz into their room and sit on their bed and play Mononoke Land but he can’t, and he’s so very sorry.
Being a demon and having desires is who he is, and yet he finds himself apologizing for it every chance he gets.
He doesn’t want to scare them.
“You’ve never scared me.” they whispered, brow furrowed as they trailed a hand down his face, “Diavolo, I promise you’ve never ever scared me.”
It was the first time they told him they weren’t scared.
The first time they’d said his name.
It was the first time someone held him that gently, and the first time someone had treated him like a friend.
Diavolo finds himself staring at them again, and when they squeeze his hand he squeezes it back.
He has only one desire now.
And damn it, that desire is to be able to love them.
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evereinefaust · 6 months
. . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ 𝐀𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐥 𝐋𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐬 ࿐ྂ
Pairing: Senku Ishigami X afab!Reader
Synopsis: So, how did MC, an average student, get personally tutored by the genius scientist in school? In math lessons, nonetheless.
Word Count: 4,220
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Tick... Tock... Tick... Tock...
​​​​You block out the white noise that encompasses the entirety of the classroom; the white noise being⁠—in your vocabulary⁠—your Math teacher, Mr. Ishikawa. You couldn't be bothered to listen to his discussion anymore, seeing that you've been so lost in thought for at most the initial 15 minutes of his class that you practically cannot catch up with the rest of the students. So why not spend the remaining hour doodling and watching as the clock hand goes by? And that, you did.
The middle-aged teacher had noticed your aloofness from the corner of his eyes. He knew that you weren't paying any attention to the lesson at hand, not to mention that you were in contrast to the sea of students who had their heads buried deep in their textbooks. Your [e/c] irises were blankly staring at the wall clock located at the front of the class, just above the board. If others were to observe, they would be convinced that you were paying attention to the mathematical equations scribbled on the chalkboard. In a nutshell, you stuck out like a sore thumb.
The man sighed, easing his headache by gently massaging his temple. The midterms were coming right up, and he feared that his students wouldn't have enough time to prepare and study for the test. To say that he's slightly concerned is an understatement; he's anxious for them. The majority of students had problems with the Math lessons this semester, and he couldn't blame them. Imagine having to memorize more than 10 formulas and being expected for to stay with you until you use it on exam day. And that's not all, you also have to familiarize yourself with the terms used and avoid confusing it with another.
He knew that his students would pay attention to the lesson and try to catch up as much as possible, but what he didn't expect was you be absentminded and have your head up in the clouds in his subject: Mathematics. Mr. Ishikawa never doubted your intelligence as a student; you are averaging and have no problems with Math, though a bit confused at times, but nothing that you couldn't get your head around. However, at a critical time like this, he can't help but reprimand your behavior later.
Ding... Ding... Ding... Dong...
Finally, the awaited hour at last. The school bel⁠l's chimes resonated around the whole campus, enveloping the students and faculty members alike with its gentle, relaxing tune. A sigh escaped your pink lips as you glanced at the time for the last time. 3:15 in the afternoon, meaning, the dreaded period has ended and you can finally go on to your merry way. Mr. Ishikawa stood up from his seat and faced the students, addressing his concerns about the upcoming exams. After, he had dismissed your class.
​​​​You immediately fixed your belongings inside your black shoulder bag⁠—not that you have a lot to return inside since you zoned out from the last period⁠—and stood up from your seat. Bringing the strap over your shoulder, you watched as your classmates headed out from the back door, leaving only a few, you included, inside. You were about to take a step towards the exit when a stern voice called you.
"Miss [L/n]."
You visibly flinched at the tone of his voice—serious and firm. It was the usual setting between student and teacher, although the way that it was delivered to you made you unsettled. It's like you've been caught red-handed by your parents, only this time, you didn't even know what you did wrong.
You whipped your head back to the older male at his table, dark blue eyes boring holes into your soul. You were tense but still decided to wear a convincing confused front, masking your anxiety effectively.
"Yes, sensei?"
"Please come here for a second. I need to address you about something."
The way that he motioned you over or the fact that he had his finger on his temple didn't look like it was going to be good news of some sort. You swallow a small lump in your throat as you saunter to where the teacher is. You surely didn't get into trouble, right?
"What it is you wanted to talk about, sensei?" You cautiously queried, becoming more anxious than you already were.
"Miss [L/n], I know that you're a hardworking student and your grades in Math aren't that bad. However⁠," Mr. Ishikawa spared a glance at his student, observing your bodily cues. "⁠—it seems that you weren't paying attention in class today. Is something the matter? I know that lessons this semester are quite difficult, but please be aware that midterms are approaching. I don't want your grades to be in danger, especially in my subject."
You pursed your lips at his words. You didn't hate him or his subject in any way. Although Math has given you quite the difficulty⁠—no, wait, scratch that⁠. It is literal hell⁠—you still manage to bring your grades up even just a bit. You consider yourself as just average in the subject, not that smart to constantly have an achievement, nor dumb to fail. It's just so-so, enough to let you pass. However, it seems that your grades are suffering and on the verge of failing.
You weren't so sure what the cause might be, or if you were to blame in this situation. Nevertheless, the news is certainly not good for your ears to hear. You glanced at the oakwood floor for a while, before returning your attention to the teacher.
"I'm sorry, sensei. There's nothing wrong. I just feel overwhelmed with the subject that I tend to space out," giving a sincere bow, you explained your reasoning.
Mr. Ishikawa's calculating gaze didn't leave you for a bit, making you shuffle slightly in your spot. He then let out an exasperated sigh, his hand waving dismissively. "No matter, it doesn't change the fact about your grades and midterms. If things were to continue like this, you'd surely fail my subject. I'd recommend that you have someone to tutor you in the meantime, in that way, you won't fail."
The male before you gave you a knowing look. You weren't quite fond of having a tutor, to say the least, especially when if it's someone you don't know. But, what other options do you have? It's not like you want to fail in your second year of high school. So with a squeamish heart, you spoke, "...Alright."
"Great. I'm sure that Mister Ishigami won't mind tutoring you," with that said, Mr. Ishikawa flashed you a smile as he fixed his books.
Pink flushed across your cheeks at the mention of the student. Sure, you and the leek-haired genius were friends for like, years. But just pondering about the thought of him tutoring you sent you into overdrive. You secretly had a crush on the male since but didn't have enough courage to confess the feelings. Just acting normal was tough when every time, you're being assaulted by your hormones to do something intimate to him. So spending time with him tutoring you was something you haven't imagined, even in your wildest dreams.
The sudden screech of metal against the wooden floor broke you out of your trance. Facing the teacher once again, he patted you on the shoulder and stepped out of his seat, pushing the chair further into the work desk.
"I'll be leaving now. Be careful on your way home, Miss [L/n]. And please don't forget our discussion, alright?"
You bowed your head. "Yes, sensei."
"Good," a smile etched on his aged face.
Your gaze trailed upon Mr. Ishikawa's back as he walked out the front door, probably heading back to the faculty room. You let your eyes linger on the closed sliding door, before releasing a huff of annoyance. Gripping your bag strap, you trudged over the aperture and exited the classroom.
The hallway was seemingly empty, considering that your earlier discussion took more than five minutes. Your [e/c] eyes observed the surroundings as you walked⁠—cream-colored walls, wooden oak floorboards, metal plaque located above each room to indicate the room name, and sliding doors with windows. You muttered in each room as you passed by them, boredom lacing in your tone.
"Class 2-2, class 2-3, literature club, library..." An exasperated sigh escaped your lips after, noticing that there was no more classroom by the end of the hall.
Your feet immediately turned a swift left into another hallway, only this time, you were met with a familiar person. You recognized the skinny young man with his iconic anti-gravity leek hair with two locks that drape over his face. He had his hands in his pockets while staring at the floorboard, seemingly lost in thought⁠—you noted. Yet, despite him not noticing you, just the sight of the teenager made your face flush.
Eventually, the student turned his gaze to the front, landing on nothing else but you. The surprise was written over his expression, but he nevertheless smirked at the sight of his best friend. "Well, isn't this a surprise? I was 10 billion percent sure that you're on your way home right now."
You playfully rolled your eyes at him, stopping just a meter from your best friend. "Well, apparently, your calculations were off since I'm here right now."
"Let me guess, waiting for me?" the male said, placing his hand on his chin as if thinking. Though the smirk on his face never left, making your blush redden.
"Sorry, but I wasn't boy genius," you let out a scoff, crossing your arms as you tried to cool down your cheeks. "I would be delighted if that's the case since you're nowhere to be seen during the last period. Speaking of which, where were you during Math?"
"Since the school's Science competition is nearing, every teacher gave us, the Science club, permission to spend the last period preparing for the competition," Senku explained, placing his hands on his hips as he did so. "So being the club president, I was at our club room for the hour."
You nodded in understanding. But soon, your lips contorted into a pout, eyebrows creasing to accentuate your hidden indignation. "How nice. I wish I could escape the Math period as well."
"Silly," without warning, Senku flicked your forehead which earned him a surprised yelp. "You know that you can't just skip the subject. So tell me, what makes you upset this time?"
Despite Senku's remarks and occasional forehead flicking, you knew that he was genuinely concerned about you, especially your studies. Sure, he would appear arrogant and overbearing, often annoying you about your oh-so-average grades, but there isn't just a moment when he didn't help you improve. Not to mention that he's so observant about you that he can point out your cues and even know what you're feeling at the moment. That's why you admire the boy so much.
A frown replaced your pouting lips at his words, slumping your shoulder a bit. "I was held back to discuss something with Ishikawa-sensei."
"And that is?" he quirked a brow, prodding you to explain further.
"Ishikawa-sensei told me about my grades, and apparently, it's suffering. So for me to pass the upcoming tests, he advised that I should get someone to tutor me in the meantime," an annoyed sigh escaped your lips after that statement. 
"If that's your concern then you don't have to worry about it too much. Overthinking might lead to losing more brain cells."
"Hey!" you shouted at him, offended by his sarcastic remarks.
"No need to shout at me, [Name]. Geez! I was only joking," he pulled up his hands in surrender. "Besides, you already have me. Who else helps you study, silly?"
Your [e/c] hues stared at the male's face, still not quite convinced. A pout graced your lips while your cheeks were red in embarrassment. Eyebrows still creased up, indicating your agitation. Senku didn't bother to move an inch under your heated stare. The boy knew all too well about your tendencies and antics, and this one of them.
The moment lasted for another minute when Senku broke your trance with his iconic smirk. This made you blink in surprise as realization fell on you; you'd been staring at your best friend's devilishly attractive features for too long. You instantly flared at this, moving your head back while averting your gaze somewhere but him.
God, couldn't you be a little more cautious around him? You're ogling him in front of his face! Isn't that super embarrassing? Whatever excuse your head came up with, you couldn't justify your earlier action by any means. So instead of speaking, you decided to remain silent until he spoke first. Damn, your teenage hormones.
"What? Too embarrassed to have me as your tutor?" Senku mused. Despite you being unable to see his face, just hearing the teasing tone of his voice is enough to know that a smirk was still on his face.
You were close to snapping back at him, but you held your tongue back at the realization. It dawned on you a moment after his claim that he was volunteering to tutor you in Math. You were beyond baffled. Sure, the two of you occasionally spend time reviewing and studying, but that was way too long ago. Considering that he's always busy in his club and studies, you concluded that you should just leave him be⁠—not bothering to ask him to help you study.
"Wai⁠—w-what?" you whipped your head back at him, face covered in a red hue.
Senku just sighed. "You told me about your grade problem, right? So to help you study, I'll be tutoring you starting today."
Your eyes widened at his claim. Surely, your mind isn't just making up the scenario, right? Admittedly, due to your annoying hormones, you once imagined being tutored by this leek genius at school in private⁠. And not only that, but your dirty mind also added another scenario following that. But we'll never speak of it any further.
"Can't it be tomorrow?" you whined, pleading him with your puppy eyes to at least let him save you from further embarrassment. Who might know? Your hormones might initiate something you wouldn't want to happen.
"No, the earlier, the better," he retorted, grabbing your hand and dragged you inside an empty, unused classroom. "You will improve quickly this way, I'm 10 billion percent certain."
You just swallowed a lump in your throat as he led the way, nervous sweat rolling down from your forehead as your heart sped up. Your head was swirling with dirty thoughts and different scenarios. Once the two of you entered the room, you shook your head, ridding yourself of those thoughts, and tried to focus on the situation at hand.
Your eyes observed the classroom⁠—even though it was unused, it wasn't overall bad. The room had a total of 20 desks with five chairs in each row, a rather small chalkboard on the front, a shelf that stores personal belongings at the back, and a storage cabinet at the farthest corner. You sat on an empty chair in the front row as you were instructed to. Taking out a notebook, the Math textbook, and a pen, you then set down your belongings on the table while placing the bag on the ground.
A frown made unto your face at the idea. Sure, you wanted help with your current problem, but you aren't that obliged to start the tutoring session right away. You thought that maybe you could have a day or two without worrying about your brain exploding from information overload. Though it seems that Lady Luck has long abandoned you.
A comfortable silence settled between you two. Senku scanned the vicinity to find⁠—what you guessed as⁠—chalks while you were watching him. You hadn't noticed it earlier, but now you knew that the male wasn't wearing the usual uniform, nor his iconic lab coat.
"Why aren't you in your uniform, Senku?" you asked, trying to spark up a casual conversation before getting down to studying.
"We made a miscalculation with the project, and then one thing leads to another, then kaboom⁠—" the leek-haired replied, rummaging through the storage cabinet and found the item he's looking for. "⁠—We're all covered in dust that's why I decided to change."
"Anyways, let's start," Senku announced as he made his way to the front. "I'm guessing that the lesson is still about 'Estimation of Parameters', right?"
You nodded in reply, opening the textbook to what you assumed was the last lesson discussed. "Ishikawa-sensei discussed 'Calculating the Confidence Interval', I think. I wasn't listening."
Your best friend let out a disapproving sigh. "No wonder you need a tutor."
"Eh, not my fault that Math's scummy and difficult to understand," you scoffed, rolling your eyes at him.
"No, it isn't. You're just not paying attention during lessons," he deadpanned.
"No. And yes, I'm paying attention. Why do I even pass the exams if I wasn't?" you quipped back.
"Who knows? Maybe it's just your abundant amount of sheer luck," the male shrugged before facing the board. "Anyway, I don't have even a millimeter of interest arguing with you. So please listen to me as I review the basics of this unit. We don't want you to fail now, do we?"
The deliberate side glance Senku gave you made you huff in annoyance. You were about to resort to another snappy remark earlier if it wasn't for his immediate interruption. You two knew all too well that once either of you started something, it wouldn't be the end of it. So instead of a peaceful study session, it might've ended up in a full-blown squabble between you two. Slumping deep in your seat, you watched as Senku scribbled formulas and definitions on the board with a blank look on your face.
Senku started to re-discuss the lesson shortly after, with you trying to catch up with his explanation and take some notes as he continued. The male would often pause or slow down his speech as he waited for you to comprehend the lecture. He would also approach you and inspect your progress, checking out any errors that you've made and aid you with some tips for the solution. At first, it didn't seem so bad, until you came to a certain point where your brain could not grasp the new information anymore.
It didn't take you an hour to zone out from the seemingly long lecture. The fact that the young scientist was busy writing down the next sample problem gave you the spare time to take a trip to fantasy land. The scraping of the white chalk against the wooden board was the only sound that you could hear.
"First, identify the variables before substituting the formula. It's crucial to know which is the mean, standard deviation, and the sample size," the teenage male instructed, writing down the solutions with his left hand resting on his hip.
You began to tune out his voice by this point, boredom was visible on your blank [e/c] irises that were staring downward. You propped up against your right elbow on the table, resting your cheek on the base of your palm. Holding up the pen in your left hand, you let your thumb graze the tip before pushing it down.
Click! Click! Click!
Senku turned around at the soft sound that distracted him, his crimson hues landing upon the female he was tutoring. He noticed that you've let out a disinterested sigh, continuing your small ministration. Senku's eyebrow twitched a bit, silently face-palming—you will surely be the end of him.
Tap. Tap. Tap.
Footsteps echoed inside the room as a certain male trudged over to where his best friend sat. Once he's in front of your desk, he gently—but still making sure to produce enough sound to alert the girl—slammed his right hand on the wooden table while the other made its way under your chin. Placing his thumb below your parted lips and folded index finger below your chin, he slowly lifts your head, forcing you to make eye contact with his mesmerizing ruby jewels.
Your cheeks heated up at the unexpected intimate gestures; your eyes were wide as saucers as you willingly stared at Senku, your soft lips were parted out of shock, your heart racing inside of your chest, while your brain could not comprehend the situation at hand. Senku's face was just a few inches from yours, making it accessible for you to observe his flawless features; the stray locks of greenish-white hair that gently draped over his face as his eyebrows were scrunched up in a frown, crimson orbs contained disappointment and concern. You could've sworn that you weren't even breathing at this point due to the unexpected turn of events.
"[Name]..." he started, voice gentle as he chided you. "How can you pass the upcoming exam if you don't pay attention to me?"
You could've sworn that your brain interpreted that differently. Surely, he only meant about him explaining the lesson, right? But then why did the red hue across your cheeks darken? And most importantly, when did he start to sound so concerned about you? If you could remember correctly, never did he ever do this kind of thing to you. Like ever. So why the change? Honestly, your mind was brewing a lot of questions that you're pretty sure wouldn't get answered at all.
The two of you stared at each other's eyes for another minute before you broke the interaction by shyly averting your gaze away. You pursed your quivering lips, the sound of your heartbeat ringing in your ears. Senku disregarded your initial reaction and decided to pull back. He isn't an idiot; he knew that you were a bit uncomfortable and flustered at his action.
"[Name], you need to pay attention when I'm teaching. Or else you won't pass the midterms," the male sighed, pulling a nearby chair and setting it beside the girl, sitting on it after. "Maybe it's better if I teach you this way."
However, you didn't respond to his remark, feeling your face flush red at this proximity. Senku resumed tutoring you—his whole attention on you and your notes which you found embarrassing. You didn't hate this setup, however, it made it difficult for you to focus on the lecture when your [e/c] hues kept stealing glances at your crush.
An hour later, the young genius eventually ended the session. Both of you prepared to go home—you fixed your things while Senku erased the writings on the board. After that, the two of you exited the room and walked in a comfortable silence through the halls. Your [e/c] hues glanced outside the window, witnessing the sun descending behind the horizon. The palette of orange, yellow, pink, and violet decorated the evening sky, providing you a sense of warmth and serenity. Your mind wandered back to earlier events, a slight scarlet hue spread across your warm cheeks.
Letting out a contented sigh, you gaze back on the front. By this time, you've noticed that you and your best friend were out of the campus and heading home. Once more, you stole a glance at the male beside you. Senku was facing forward, his ruby orbs intently locked on the path both of you were heading. The way that the yellowish-orange rays adorned his features gave off a gentle glow. You didn't notice a small smile tugging at the corners of your lips at this sight.
"Well, this is home," you chirped once the two of you arrived at your street.
Senku halted at your announcement, his eyes landing on your petite back. You stayed standing for a moment before turning around to the male and stepping closer into his personal space. Senku closely watched you as you leaned in, pressing your soft lips against his pale cheeks. It happened so quickly that when the male finally registered the occurrence, you were already on your heel and ran away from him. His cheeks bloomed to a shade of scarlet at your bold gesture. Surely, he wasn't expecting this interaction to happen.
A smile adorned his handsome features, soft crimson hues staring at your faraway silhouette. "Well, this is exhilarating."
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ionlybleedbubbles · 1 year
Writing tips deep in my heaps of cringe, that are actually good (imo) :
When writing in third person, don't say what a character cannot do while talking from their perspective. Frame the idea by telling us what they can do, or through the opinion of other characters. For eg. Instead of saying "Mattie was bad at flying planes", say "Mattie preferred cars to planes, and would much rather his brother do the plane-flying." See? Now you've even managed to drop in a nod about his brother. You could also say, "Kevin felt safer when Mattie's brother flew the plane than when Mattie did." Put the blame on Kevin - don't judge Mattie yourself. As a narrator you must pretend to always be on your MCs' side. Ofc, this would vary with different styles of narration, but this is a general rule.
Show how important a character is by how much time you take to talk about them. You would describe your MCs well, and bring up their hobbies and interests. You wouldn't describe a background character as much. You can use this to humanize or dehumanize characters. You may initially talk very little about the main villain yourself, and rely on dialogue among the other characters. This makes the villain feel like a force rather than a person. As the story progresses though, and you decide you want to drop in a *hairflips dramatically* sad back story, you can humanize the villain, and make them more understandable as a person.
Learn from art. Try describing different sceneries or portraits as practice. Also practice writing comic books or manga as stories. Visualizing your story as comic or manga panels can really help you understand pacing and paragraphs. Take note of their vibrance and positioning.
Learn from people's mannerisms and how they are received by other people. For eg, when we ask my dad a question, he pauses to gather his thoughts before speaking. Out of respect, we wait silently during this pause. This shows how confident and charismatic my dad is. A friend of mine only verbally roasts people within our friend group, and apologizes profusely after. This shows she is both empathetic and extremely quick-witted. I could create well rounded characters based on just examples as simple as these.
This tip is what I like to call 'the fake solution' and is employed by many famous authors. For this, you force readers to make assumptions. Maybe about how the magic system works, or about who the villain is. Make it seem like the characters have come to a conclusion and that conclusion is the final solution to conflict. Then tear down those assumptions and create a whole other ending. Similar to the red herring, except this time it's all in the characters' heads and dialogue. Brandon Sanderson's Mistborn trilogy is a good example of playing with assumptions forced upon readers by the writer.
In your first chapter, focus on creating potential. You don't have to jump into the heart of the action right away, but you have to make sure your readers understand the potential for this action. For example the opening chapter of Maggie Stiefvater's Raven Boys is relatively low paced, but it leaves you with questions. It makes you wonder who the boy who talked to Blue is, and how Blue will deal with life after such a strange prophecy. This makes you need to continue reading, to find answers.
For good worldbuilding, study at least a little bit of history. Wars and military tricks make for good free prompts. If your world contains vibrant races, make sure you research and incorporate the history and implications of racism, social hierarchy and trade. Understand how this will impact travellers and mercenaries (audiences love those). Make up your own old wives' tales and coping mechanisms.
Understand that the best stories are written around an idea rather than a character. Your protagonist is simply the face of your story. The weather of the world reflects on the protagonist's choices and health. Suzanne Collins' The Hunger Games focuses on the dark side of media and politics and how they are used to control a people. Notice that by the third book, Katniss, our protagonist, is doing very little herself, though her few moments are loud and powerful. Katniss could achieve nothing alone. It takes a whole bunch of people to fuel the revolution. Note that it is completely okay to write a character based story, if that's what you like. But there are tons of those. If you really want to make an impact, make an idea-based story.
Respect all your characters equally. You may love some characters more than others, but remember all your characters are representatives of people. Make sure each of them has a voice and a chance to prove themselves.
Use prose to your advantage. Let the length of your sentence define whether the sequence is fast paced or slow. For example, if your want to show surprise, your sentences must be short. Instead of saying "She snatched the last dagger and stared at it, observing each engraving", say " She snatched up the last dagger. Each engraving was sick, gnarled. "
That was a heck of a long post, but that's all from me. Feel free to add your own or contradict anything I've written.
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yuikomorii · 10 months
Maybe this is my personal opinion, but we can never know someone as the best. I don't want to talk philosophically, but it is a fact that a person can never be the best, because in other words, this is the second description of perfect.
We can say that Yui is the best heroine that DL can have because she works best in her current situation. This is true for other heroines as well, they have the best performance in their current conditions, but comparing them to find the best is a mistake. Maybe this is my opinion, but comparing characters who are in different situations, at different times and also with different characters is completely stupid. For example, Cardia is the best in her condition, but if she was in Yui's condition, she would be completely lost. This example can be used for all characters. They struggle with different problems. Even if their conditions are similar, it is still impossible to compare because there is always something different between these worlds.
For me, Yui is the best because I measure her in her own conditions and I find her progress in her own conditions admirable. Cardia is the best for me because she did great in her condition.
And let's remember that even if a character is identified as the best with a global ranking, it is still temporary because someone will always replace them. And even in this ranking, the best character is chosen based on taste, and it is this taste that defines the best criteria. Maybe for me it is kindness, but for another person it is courage. So there is never a specific standard because it all depends on taste.
I think it's completely wrong to say that Yui can't be among the best heroines. I said it because I read a lot of otome players' MC ranking. Many of them put Yui in best and they put Cardia or Lili as good or normal. Some of them even didn't know Yui and some of them know Yui as a good and normal one. For example I myself know Yui and Fiona one of the best heroines besides Ichika and Cardia. So it completely depends on taste.
She has made the best progress in her condition and in my opinion, she is best in her own condition.
That is why we cannot use the word "best".
I would love to know your opinions about my words. Besides I love your blog <3
// Sorry Anon, but the concept of “best” is actually real. Naturally, everyone has different tastes and preferences, but some people will always be better at something than others.
Whether something can be considered ‘objectively better’ depends on the context and the specific standards being used to make the comparison. Even though each heroine is placed in a unique scenario and excels in her own game, some heroines will always be more brilliantly written than others. Without a development arc, where you concentrate on achieving your own goals and/or improving yourself, it is impossible to be the best heroine.
The problem with Yui is that in HDB she started off good, but they turned her more and more into an emotional support for the Diaboys, who occasionally takes initiative and ends up getting herself in troubles because “they need to give her a role so as to make him save her”. I’m somehow blaming it on the fact that DL has too many games, and the writers genuinely don’t know what to do with her anymore. There are a bunch of routes in which Yui just feels like the narrator-character rather than heroine, due to having little to no impact on the particular story. I think it’s impossible for a game to have no inconsistencies, but I got to agree that Yui can be more inconsistent than average throughout the routes because she’s written in opposition. She can go from being righteous and defending her man to talking ill behind her lover’s back, or from “daddy, I belong to you, please let me be yours” to “I’m my own person and I don’t belong to anyone”.
I disagree that she made the best progression in her condition, given that they could have truly made her character better if they wanted to. Yui seems to learn something from one chapter, but then starts making the same mistakes over and over again a few chapters later or in the next game that follows the previous events. In Japan, she is known as “Yui with low learning ability” even by fans, who sometimes make fun of her for that, since it's admittedly funny to see a character make a little bit of progress and then revert to their original form. Personally, I don’t have any problem with that but a lot of people will consider it such a turn off.
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Cardia, because you gave her as an example too, started off as a person with issues based on her backstory but after learning how to love, she becomes better than many human heroines at expressing her feelings and communicating with her lover, which says a lot given that she was an emotionless “doll” at first who barely even counted as a human to begin with and was unable to even comprehend what it meant to be alive.
I usually don’t care about ratings but most of them put Cardia the highest for a reason. I think she’s also the second most popular heroine in Japan after Chizuru, and that’s big considering the fact that it’s hard appealing to both the Western and Japanese community due to the different sets of morals, yet somehow Cardia managed that because of the way she’s written.
Heroines are usually made to be kind, compassionate and mentally strong; those are basically the default traits of an otome heroine, for this reason in order to be one of the best, they have to put more on the table. It’s okay if you consider a character the best, maybe you relate to them or something like that, however, it is incorrect to claim that being the "best" is subjective all the time.
For instance, in DL, Ayato has the best-written backstory, since it’s the best developed one and everything about him makes sense because of it BUT Laito is definitely the best-written character. Even though Ayato and Laito have experienced distinct circumstances, it would be a joke saying that Ayato is better written than Laito. Ayato can be anyone’s best boy, he is mine, and he’s obviously the best in terms of success but Laito will always be the best character in terms of depth, complexity and development. :”)
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mrs-sharp · 4 months
I did a bit of research and scraped together memories from a few semesters of psychology, hoping I haven’t fundamentally gotten anything wrong. I attempted a small (clinical) psychological analysis of Sharp in which, of course, some things had to be shortened, trying to determine how the events in Scarborough might have affected him.
TW: Mention of PTSD, trauma, personality disorders
Does Sharp suffer from PTSD?
What is PTSD?
• Trigger: uncontrollable, unpredictable event
• Stress reaction where people suffer from the persistent re-experiencing of the traumatic event (flashbacks, nightmares)
-> Guilt for surviving
-> In addition to chronic stressors, everyday stressors also influence the course of the illness and mental state (noise, stressful events (I’m looking at you, Garreth), job stress)
• There are several stages to diagnose PTSD:
1. Trauma
In psychiatric classification systems, trauma (in relation to PTSD) is defined as follows: (only) exceptional, (potentially) life-threatening events or events associated with severe injuries; applies to Scarborough, but:
-> not every trauma leads to PTSD; while an estimated 60% have had a traumatic experience, only about 8% of the male population develop PTSD (for women, it's 20%); the likelihood increases if the trauma was inflicted intentionally, which applies to Scarborough.
2. Flashbacks, nightmares (explanations follow below)
3. Avoidance behavior
-> Avoidance of stimuli related to the trauma:
So, we have this: Sharp claims that fear played no role in his decision to leave the Ministry:
-> there is a study (Lanius et al. 2003) that compared traumatized individuals with and without PTSD: those with PTSD showed lower brain activity when experiencing emotional memories (people with PTSD thus suffer from a disorder in emotion processing)
-> What does this mean? Either the emotion is present, but Sharp's brain can not process it, or maybe he simply doesn’t want to discuss his emotions with a student
-> Repression might also play a role in this statement, as well as the fear of making himself vulnerable (if someone uses my fears against me, I have to relive them)
4. Overstimulation
-> constant state of alertness
-> sleep disturbances, irritability
5. Duration > 1 month
6. Psychosocial impairments
Problem: We don’t see much: Does he have nightmares, flashbacks, concentration issues? Does he relive the trauma? Does the experience restrict him?
Between the lines, it can be seen that he feels guilt, but there is hardly any indication of the extent of it (if he didn’t feel guilt, to be honest, that would worry me too).
Counterarguments / Ambivalences:
• He speaks relatively openly about what he experienced
• He admits his mistake: this could be a sign that he has come to terms with it or that he blames himself for it
• He actively seeks a cure and even takes a new job for it, which argues against avoidance behaviour.
7. Differential diagnosis
-> Reactions to trauma can cause disorders of varying severity
-> Trauma can also bring other psychological disorders, including adjustment disorders, or:
• a persistent personality change after extreme stress:
Aesop mentions that success can make one complacent. From this, it can be concluded that the trauma has profoundly changed his personality:
• in the above-mentioned disorder, the personality change includes:
-> among other things, a hostile and distrustful attitude (thinking of the first encounter with MC, see this post),
-> social withdrawal (new job)
-> as well as constant internal tension and restlessness out of fear of being threatened (his extreme perceptiveness could be a sign of this; when MC talks to Garreth, Sharp knows exactly what they discussed afterward)
-> all this therefore applies to Sharp
However, this disorder tends to occur with persistent stress that can begin in childhood, which either indicates that Scarborough, though a one-time event, still burdens him, or that his personality changes cannot be classified as a disorder.
Conclusion: Sharp probably does not have PTSD, but Scarborough caused severe trauma. We can assume that the event has profoundly shaped his personality. Whether it can be called a personality disorder, I can not judge. However, I do wonder what the "old" Sharp was like. But that’s a question for another post.
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rashomonss · 1 year
I saw that your requests are open so I wanted to share some silly possessive Satan things, mainly fueled by the new event and all of THIS:
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The new event gave us so much of Satan being possessive and jealous and just jdfbejdhwbdbshf
I can’t seem to get enough of Satan being possessive of MC, he’s just so shwdhenziavwkwb
I am just a simp. (T ^ T)
AHH SATAN MY LOVE (˚ ˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥ )
words cannot express how much i love him, and omg it magnified in this event, he was just the best I wanted to scream (♡ˊ͈ ꒳ ˋ͈)
jealous and possessive satan is a favorite of mine so i’d be more than happy to write a few little headcanons about this side of him (don’t worry bc I’m also such a simp for this man too ♡)
I’m not jealous..!
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Jealous Satan who won’t hesitate to drag you off if he thinks others are taking too much of your time. Especially if it’s while your both out and about. If you get hit on at a store by a lower level demon, he’ll give them the ugliest look you’ve ever seen then push you off to another place, claiming you shouldn’t waste your time on someone like that.
Jealous Satan who wants to hold your hand but won’t out of respect, so he just looms behind you menacingly until the person finally leaves you alone. If you turn around to look at him after he’ll just smile at you, and ask if you’re ready to head somewhere else. When you question him about why that demon ran off he shrugs and claims that you shouldn’t worry about it.
Jealous Satan who will stand between you and others, interrupting your conversation with the person just to talk to you. If your comfortable enough with him, he will do this a lot. Especially if it’s in the library. For instance you had asked someone about a book and where to find it, to which they offered to help, but proceeded to end up hitting on you as well. Satan noticed and walked straight over bumping the other demon away and began speaking to you as if nothing happened.
Jealous Satan who won’t hesitate to knock the absolute shit out of someone who is harassing/ bothering you in anyway. Believe me he’s knocked a few demons out before because they were trying to spread rumors about you. After that incident no lower level demon tries to start anything with you, solely because they are afraid of you and Satan. However Satan would rather die than let you know he did something like that, he doesn’t want to worry you after all.
Jealous Satan who won’t hesitate to engage in any debate over any topic for your sake, or just to show that he’s intellectually better and more capable than that person. He’s very skilled when it comes to anything and everything, so it’s hard to imagine someone challenging him intellectually. However the idea is not impossible. There have been very few who challenge him, but of course they all end up losing in the end. He will always make sure to dedicate his win to you though ♡
Jealous Satan who will deny he is jealous whenever you try to ask him, but deep down he knows that he’s not hiding it that well. You know that too and tease him on occasion. He doesn’t mind your teasing but if you ever get jealous later he’ll remember to tease you back. If he’s honest he’s not one to get easily jealous but if your constantly pestered by someone you’ve already let down then he gets pissed. His brothers are a whole different story entirely, they never leave you alone so in return don’t blame him for being extra needy for you attention.
Jealous Satan who will engage in PDA with you to make others jealous. He will not hesitate to kiss you or even bite you in front of someone if they are trying to make a move on you. The same goes for his brothers as well. He’s bitten you in front of Mammon before and can count on both hands the number of times he’s kissed you in front of Lucifer just to piss him off. He likes to rub it in Lucifer’s face that you like him more and is always content with the reactions he gets from him. Of course don’t think he’s using you just to make Lucifer upset, that’s a bonus. He loves engaging in PDA (if you’re comfortable with it) any time and all the time. It just makes him feel better if he pisses people off in the process.
Jealous Satan who on occasion will boast about your pact with him and the fact that you are indeed his master. He won’t hesitate to show off your pact mark either, if anything that just adds fuel to his fire. He does it because it pisses off a lot of higher level demons who want a pact with you.
Jealous Satan who will always claim to know more about you and your tastes than others. He won’t hesitate to give back anything someone made for you (especially if you receive chocolates or anything of the sort on Valentine’s Day or White Day) and claim that you’re not a fan of that certain food. He’ll then add something along the lines of “you wouldn’t have given them this if you actually knew anything about them”. He even does this when others offer you books, he’ll give them back and say “make sure you ask about what they prefer to read instead of assuming”. This man will not let anyone rest.
Jealous Satan who will always go over the top for you with anything; especially when it comes to his brothers. (Remember the Wedding event?? And that whole book he wrote just to propose, and the fact that he did the same thing in the Showdown event, where he wrote another whole book and then ate chocolates with you at the end) He will always put in a large amount of effort to give you something that no one else would. He wants you to remember whatever he makes you and hopes you’ll love it in the end, and of course if you do it makes him absolutely ecstatic.
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22degreehalo · 1 month
Pulling my hair out........
Whyyyyyyy are people SO DESPERATE to find ways to justify harry potter being an awful book that nobody ever liked. Why is is SO GODDAMN HARD for people to just admit that a bad person could make a good thing!!!! Even a pretty decent thing!!!!! As if millions of people around the world didn't sit down to read over a MILLION WORDS for fucking nothing!!!!!!!!!!
Because I work in a library!!!!!! Harry potter is still so goddamn relevant guys!!!!!!!! We still have harry potter signs up!!!!!! There are still so many kids reading them for the first time!!!!!! Still soooooooooOOOOO many spin-offs and 'wizarding world crochet' and 'the science of Harry Potter' and 'essays on Hogwarts' and literally anything you can think of!!!!!!!! I wore a cheap-ass witch hat and two separate people asked me if it was a 'Hermione hat!'!!!!!!!! And my coworker dressed up as Professor McGonagall!!!!!!! Another coworker has an 'I solemnly swear that I am up to no good' lanyard!!!!!! Hell, my aunt in goddamn America moved in to a new apartment and do you know what event they put on to bring the tenants together? A Harry Potter crafts day!!!!!!!!!!!
Christ all fucking mighty, regardless of how you personally feel about it now (or back then, if you were ~oh so smart~ enough to uhm Acktchually have hated it from day 1), it was a global phenomenon that got millions of kids into reading. Was it in the right place at the right time? Yeah!!!!!! Just like literally anything that becomes a phenomenon!!!!!!! But IT HAPPENED, and *to this day* Harry Potter is a global symbol of reading and wonder and childhood and it's been fucking decades and you simply cannot change that now!!!!!!! You know what people still to this day recommend to people learning new languages? Reading Harry Potter, because it's immediately assumed of everyone that you'll not just be familiar with the story but know all the beats well enough to follow along with the story even when you can't fully understand what you're reading!!!!!!!!!!
Just oh my fucking GOD, I know this is an unhinged rant but I still keep *hoping* that *this time* if I take a peek behind those filtered tags, I might see a post with some vague tangential reference to reality as it pertains to the most popular modern book series of all time, but as always: nope!!!!! God for fucking bid we acknowledge even for a microsecond that Goodness and Beauty are not inextricably intertwined!!! Absolutely anything to justify ourselves as True Of Heart because we, The Good Ones, would never commit such thought crimery as having positive emotions about a work of art whose author later became a transphobe!!! And of course we can't possibly ever praise the work's anticlassism messages oe statements of tolerance or diversity, because that means Saying She's Right About Everything Ever, so we have no choice but to continue this vicious cycle wherein people only ever hear bad things in this goddamn stupid echo chamber and that just becomes the 'objective truth'!!!!!!
God I'm just fucking waiting for when somebody posts some old letters of Tolkein's and suddenly everyone remembers that he was an old white Catholic man who started a lot of the goddamn racial charicatures HP is blamed for and wrote a whole goddamn race of Always Chaotic Evil sentient beings. Where's all that ~hopepunk~ ~ohhh it's about community gathering together (unlike Harry Potter which idk I guess the MC just did everything huh)~~ bullshit going to go then? Not that I think LotR is actually objectively bad, even though I tried to read it and didn't like it and never cared for the movies at all (they're just action movies. They're literally just action movies in a fantasy setting yall I'm glad you guys enjoy them but to me they're pretty goddamn boring 90% of their runtime) because I am a person capable of nuanced thought and acknowledgement of the concept that sometimes other people can find meaning and enjoyment in things that I myself do not without being objectively wrong!!!!!!!!
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throughthejunobush · 2 years
Why I hate everyone in s5 (and a few things I like about some of them)
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Clearly I’m invested in this season despite having about 0.000001% satisfying content (and I’m being very generous with the word satisfying here), but as the gif says, I’m in it, and when fictional characters treat our MC’s badly, I think the best thing for us to do is come together and rage about it so we can feel empowered in real life when real people treat us shitty.
So without further ado, a breakdown of the main LIs and what I like about them but mostly what I hate about them.
Let’s start with the clear center of attention of this season. The one the writers desperately want us to be hung up on even though they refuse to give Suresh stans anything but abuse and scraps.
When the season started, I was all in on this man. He is incredibly hot, cocky, confident. I’m all about that. I have several fic ideas in my google docs on how to give this cheater a redemption arc. I was excited for Suresh to win MC back, hopefully in spite of all the gorgeous wonderful love interests that MC had to choose from…
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What a sweet naive little baby I was back then. I will say that Suresh has some compelling moments. He says some really touching things. Even seems believable when he says them. But I quickly learned that even when you’re into him and ready to get back together, he pushes you away repeatedly, outright lies to you and any other girl he’s flirting with. He cheats on MC and takes a photo… A PHOTO of the girl, then doesn’t even have the good sense to delete it. Brazen! Then he tells MC it was a one time thing, he regretted it immediately, he couldn’t date anyone after her for a while, he never got serious with anyone after her. All lies.
And I’m no Arlo fan, but the way he treats her is seriously fucked up and shows his bad character. He acts super into her in front of others, then tells MC how she’s the only girl for him. Flirts with MC during his date with Arlo, in such a sneaky way that he makes Arlo believe that he’s flirting with HER. He even tells Arlo that he is completely over MC and that Arlo is the only girl he’s interested in, that he sees a future with her. No wonder this bitch is freaking out on MC all the time! Suresh is gaslighting the fuck out of her! To me, Suresh really lost all chance of convincing me that he cared about MC when Arlo starts yelling at her across the room because Suresh had been flirting with her (despite several attempts by MC to tell him to back off) and he just giggles and laughs like he’s having a grand ol’ time watching MC’s throat get ripped out. If he had stood up for her and told Arlo to calm down, taken the blame, I think I would be a Suresh stan right now. But he didn’t so I’m not.
Ohhhhh Alfie. I wanted so badly to love him. He’s cute, charming, cheeky, seems to really like MC, he even understands the pain of being cheated on! He’s giving MC darling little nicknames (that he never uses when they’re actually coupled up). If you’re on a Dana route, he’s arguably even more endearing because he’s quietly pining after MC all that time while trying to remain a supportive bestie.
The first red flags with him were with Kat and Meera. He told Kat he only had eyes for her even though he’d been flirting shamelessly with MC the whole time. Then when Meera showed up, he was like, can someone please remove this bag of trash labeled MC so I can go sniff Meera’s perfect Barbie vagina?? He doesn’t truly want a real human person as a partner, apparently. He resents MC for having past relationships, and cannot DEAL, despite constant reassurance from MC. So when computer generated Meera shows up, who has no past to speak of, no drama, no impulse to challenge him or really do anything besides serve as a human laugh track to Alfie, he drops us so fucking hard despite telling us how special we were like two minutes earlier.
Inexplicably, he chooses MC anyway, and tries to act like he’s somehow being romantic? I’m sorry that I’m not swooning over your tortured moment of barely picking MC. I was all in on you and really liked you and you treated me like a burdensome problem you wish you didn’t have for the past 24 hours.
Well you know the rest. He tells MC he’s ready to commit for the rest of LI. He’s falling for her. He’s SERIOUS YALL. And then Kat merely alludes to MC just talking to Suresh, which Alfie already knew about because he left to let her do it, he runs off crying and shoves his tongue down his best friend’s girl’s throat so fast. The way he treats Finn is so fucking shady! What an immature baby Alfie is! He doesn’t want a real relationship. He wants to play pretend that he’s in love where everything is smooth sailing and his partner only exists to please him. Which is what he did when Meera came back A COMPLETELY CHANGED IMPROVED PERSON, after being away for like, 2…maybe 3 days? However much time it was, the Villa took longer blubbering goodbye to her when she got voted off (WHAT WAS THAT ABOUT BY THE WAY?)
Mostly, I like Finn okay. He’s pretty funny and fun to be around. But I don’t trust him. He’s been flirting with MC on the side the entire time and if I were Kat, I would be so hurt. I don’t like how he’s leading Kat on the believe that he’s all in on her and then telling MC she’s really the one he wants. Not to mention that he’s always like, hmm I like you MC and I can’t put my finger on why 🤔 uhh because I’m a hot awesome genius with the patience of a goddamn saint for not pulling a Carrie on this entire Villa??
That being said, in this fictional world, he might be the best option available in the next few weeks, so I’m not totally ruling him out.
Dana is arguably the worst character in LITG history. She is a bundle of contradictions. She’s your best friend and would NEVER mess with your ex (not that we asked her to do this, she VOLUNTEERS this information)… until she does mess with your ex and decides she wants to get to know him. She doesn’t want to get to know Eddie, except for when she does. She’s all in on MC and fancies her the most, except when Eddie, Suresh, Arlo, or Gabi are around.
She does all the same fucked up shit that Alfie did but she is extra shitty to MC during Casa, even though she actually had the option to talk things out. But no, she’d rather hump the leg of the girl your ex smashed your heart with, even though said girl is pathetically hung up on a guy who ghosted her and has spent the last several days announcing to the world that MC is the only girl for him (seriously, Gabi may be hot but she sucks, and not because she was the other woman. I don’t blame her for that). Even if you’re just friends with Dana, she ignores you the entire time at Casa when MC is reeling from being cheated on, YET AGAIN. And as soon as everyone is reunited and you have some SHIT TO SAY to about 15 different people, she drags you off to ask for advice and comfort because Gabi is being shady. Don’t care! You made your bed, go lie in it.
Jury is out on Nicolas. He’s hot and really nice to MC. I’m annoyed he hasn’t tried to touch MC’s boobs yet, though. And I’m nervous how they’re playing up his “love of drama”. I did think it was kinda cute when he’s like, I’m just trying to show you that your ex baggage doesn’t bother me. MC needed to hear that, and Nicolas is a schemer, but he’s the first fucking person to be on MC’s team and looking out for her. So he wins this week 🏆
I assume Johnny is similar, which is a shame because he had a very distinctive personality from Nicolas initially and sounds like they’re just melding them together or rather, giving him Nicolas’s personality.
Full disclosure, i haven’t done any scenes with Gabi. Maybe she’s nice. I truly don’t blame her about Suresh cheating. I have no ill will towards her about that even though she seems to believe we’re competition. I do know that she was a bitch to MC when she came in, and that she is seemingly still hung up on Suresh even though he lied about her and ghosted her in the cruelest way. Which is annoying and sad. And she seems to be using Dana, which is also shitty. Doesn’t seem like a person I’d want to take a chance on.
Did I forget someone? If I did, they probably suck too.
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misc-obeyme · 6 months
I have so many things running through my head right now (all about Barbatos 🫶) but I feel weird sending multiple asks so I hope you don't mind if I put them all in one!
Firstly, owl Barbatos has been flying around my thoughts for DAYS. As a long-time bird lover, I can wholeheartedly say that he's very owl like in general! But this is less about him being a cutie patootie little bird and more about his onesie thing. I NEED TO HUG HIM. He looks so soft and comfy and squeezable EEEEE! I just need to spot him from across the room and then rush up to him and envelope him in the biggest embrace ever! Place several little kisses all over his beautiful face before he's had enough and just kisses me... 🙏 He actually looks like a dream to cuddle with in his onesie I cannot stand it.
Next, I am terrified of butterflies. This current even had me thinking all about how Barbayos would deal with this. Like, I am so scared of them that when I was a child, I was kicked out of the butterfly sanctuary for screaming and crying and scaring the other kids. Anyways, LMAO, I think he'd think I'm silly (I am) but still never make fun of me. That's what's so wonderful about him, he'll never judge!
I just realized these are all completely self-indulgent, and I apologize for that, but I have one more djmsjdwnwkow. So, I had left over chain from a previous DIY project, so I made Barbatos' collar chain that he has in his demon form!! I think it's super cool, and I think he'd think it is, too. I wouldn't even tell him about it, I'd just wear it one random day and see if he notices. (He will. He notices everything. More evidence towards owl Barbatos propaganda.) But, yeah, we'd match. I was wondering if you had any silly things you'd like to match Barbatos with! Personally, matching pajamas and keychains are SO cute.
Final thought, Barbatos would make you his home screen. Anyone can see a lockscreen if you look at their phone, but only he gets to see your face on his home screen <3
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Listen, I always have Barbatos brain so I totally understand. You're free to send in one long ask or several smaller asks, it's whatever you're most comfortable with! I don't mind either way 💕
Ahh, owl!Barb is truly excellent. Like I definitely think that's a good choice for him. Owls have a reputation for being wise, right? And while I think in reality they're probably just as dumb as any other animal, I still like the association of wisdom for Barb, you know?
I actually have an owl that lives behind my house. I've never seen it because it gets dark here at night, but I've heard it hooting. It's actually pretty loud lol. But wouldn't it be cute if that was something Barbatos could do to like check in on MC in the human world? I think something similar whenever I see the crow gang that lives across the street from me, except I imagine it's Mammon. That's probably pretty silly, but I can't help but think about them, you know?
I think there are a lot of bird associations with the characters, I mean we also got peacocks for Luci. Though I have never seen or heard a peacock around my house lol. If I ever see a cow in the street, I'll blame Belphie.
Anyway, getting off topic here, which is that Barbatos in his onesie is absolutely adorable and I love him. He would be a delight to cuddle with.
OH suffering from lepidopterophobia?? LOL yes okay I looked that up because I was curious. I was like there has be a word for being afraid of butterflies. Anyway, I don't think Barbatos would judge you at all. The fact is, most phobias like this are irrational, it doesn't matter if they don't make sense. For you the fear is real and Barb cares a lot more about your comfort than anything else. He wouldn't want you to be scared or anxious about it!
Yo, no worries about self indulgence. I have so many self indulgent fics it's not even funny, this is what we're here for. I think Barbatos would be flattered that you would want to match with him. I especially like that it's something from his demon form, which he isn't in all the time, so it's like you're matching with him in a subtle sort of way. As for me, I don't know if I'd want something that's exactly matching, but I like the idea of something that's like clearly about him, you know? Like wearing a ring with a teal stone or something like that. I initially thought about wearing a teal septum ring, but then I realized I would like to be able to see it without a mirror so a regular ring would probably be my choice. I do like matching pajamas, though, that sounds adorable!
Oh yes, I like him being possessive. He's like, only I get to see this picture of MC, so it must be home screen. We'd kinda match that, too because this man is already on both my lock screen and my home screen yes I have a problem.
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megabuild · 1 year
You shall talk about bdubs whether you like it or not (for the ask thingy) - Clovis xoxo
oh don't worry i like it so much.
1: i see him as a gay man! "but scott" you cry "what about cledubs". it still happens but in a very "what if a fag and a dyke could fuck ruthlessly" way. also he's cis but his gender is simultaneously sort of all over the place in typical gay fashion.
2: recently i've been drawing him as a bat hybrid so some stuff on that- he purrs instead of snoring, he has little wings on his back that never grew in properly, his leg+feet muscles are strong enough to support his weight upside down if he so desires! but usually he doesn't do this because sleeping upside down as a full sized guy is not so great for him.
3: on the appearance front still- he is littered with scars from his time in the jungle because late on he was caught in a ton of vines and the thorns left a permanent mark. this is part of the reason his moss hoodie has big floppy sleeves, because the scarring on his arms and hands are particularly bad and sensitive to touch, plus he was just a little self conscious about it for a while (but he's getting better).
4: for some reason i always saw him as... not actually being an "official" mindcrack member? like he IS but. i think i had a dream or something at some point where he was a builder that came on world to fix something up and he ended up just staying LMFAO. a lot of mc guys in my head were like this where they weren't formally invited (even though in real life etho and doc were i still see them as just stumbling in).
5: i don't have much backstory for him compared to some other characters i think he had a pretty normal life prior to the horrors. but i do think he grew up in a pretty remote place. also he grew up with horses because of course he did, he didn't live on a farm or anything but i think there was a ranch nearby and that helped foster his love for the beasts as an adult
6: re:ethubs (predictable) i'm a strong fighter for etho fell first but bdubs fell harder but also etho is an idiot and didn't have the experience or language to understand he was in love so maybe bdubs fell first too. however, he fucking HATED etho for a long time despite also clearly having a huge crush on him and not actually disliking him that much. he's like a tsundere to me, is the best way i can explain it. pause was his wingman on mindcrack for a while but this was a situation that literally nobody was happy about or wanted to happen.
7: i think he's a good baker. not excellent but i think he should get really into baking and making little treats. they probably look way better than they taste because decoration is his favourite part. also said this before but i think he'd get really into star signs for a while but he doesn't take it that seriously he just reads his horoscope every day and then if things go wrong he'll blame that.
8: i could go in depth here about something but this is a sfw blog so i'm just going to gesture vaguely at the one post that's like "i'm into bdsm be dozin so much" and leave it at that.
9: on sleeping- he is just a generally sleepy guy and always has been, but also i think he suffers from a touch of chronic fatigue. nothing that severely impedes him but like, when he goes to bed on time it's because he literally cannot stay up past his bedtime or he will Pass Away
10: when etho left in season 5 he left his headband behind. bdubs took the decorative metal clasp from the front and wove it onto a necklace, kinda like a dog tag. still wears it to this day under his shirt where nobody can see! when etho learned this for the first time he got very. Very emotional. but anyways .
11: (bonus ethubs one because i just remembered it) he HAS watched a lot of etho's lab but didn't before meeting him. he went back and watched some early stuff, but out of respect for etho after learning about his life he never finished it.
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minevn · 1 year
first ramble of many: im feeling insane but hear me out. i’d just read this reddit story, in which OP’s bf would bully them online, anonymously, with different accounts and platforms, resulting in OP turning to the bf for comfort.
in irl circumstances, this is gross af, obviously, but i genuinely feel like kei is the type to do this same thing if he’s dating mc. you know, with his hackerman abilities and whatnot…..
he does hate seeing mc hurt in any capacity; mental, emotional, physical, etc. but he also takes a sick pleasure in being the cause of a certain pain that’ll make mc see him as a safe/comfort object, even tho he’s so deeply ashamed of his actions.
the less rational part of his mind tells him that he only wants to show you that he’s safe! that at the end of the day, he’s in control of all of this, so he can get as personal or distant with the insults coming from “pinkluvr26” or “madrabb1t” as he wants. these people can’t be kei, your wonderful, caring boyfriend who’s been nothing but supportive this whole ordeal. he’s there for you no matter what; even if your enemy is actually him.
even if you do find out, it’s not like he meant any of that stuff! he loves you! he loves you so much that he’d give or do anything to get you to love him back 💕
Your brain is absolutely massive, just huge. Mega mind literally cannot compete with you. Honestly, rn I'm not going to write a drabble for this cause my brain is fried and for some reason I just don't have any ideas, but I would eventually LOVE to write something with this concept. (I'm also sadly not the best story writer. Scripts I think I write fine, but I hate my writing whenever I write a drabble/story. Anyways I'll be working on this juicy story slowly in the background<3) For now lemme gush and brainstorm some ideas for this because I'm losing my MIND over this.
At first I really struggled to see it because it is a really shitty thing to do and I just couldn't imagine sweet baby Kei doing something like that. But the more I read this and thought about this, he ABSOLUTELY WOULD! (Bro manipulated ME even though he's my character?? like what?) Even better, he'd pin it on one of the other Li's since he knows you're already being stalked. Haruto would even be an easy target to blame for saying really personal thing, since he's known you since you were babies. And Yani and Kage are not THAT subtle with their stalking, he could easily pin it on them. Maybe even a Kage and Haruto two for one special, where Kei pins Kage saying the information, but Haruto was the one that gave it to them(He could do this with Jun and Aki as well). And the twins, the twins would be so easy to frame, they're already jerks to you anyways. Kei could say some of the most hate-filled and hurtful things to you and frame them for it. Minato might be a bit more tricky but maybe if you and Minato were friends, he could blame Haruto telling Minato your secrets or making up lies about you, after all, Haruto has been known to do that stuff in the past. He's great at mimicking their texting styles as well so it's just even more believable.
This is so devious and awful but I can really see Kei doing this, like I can't get this out of my head. Like I know I just read this, but like I'm gonna be thinking about this for the rest of my life. I'm feeling insane now too/pos. Dude, you're brain is literally on another level, this is like, one of the best things I've heard. I'm literally so in love with this concept. I do think Kei would be one of the most dangerous Li's, like mentally and emotionally, Yani is def the most dangerous when it come to physical strength(and using it. Hoshi and Minato would probably be able to beat them, but also if Yani is fighting for you then nothing can stop her)
Like especially if you have a pretty big following, I think he'd put out more personal information or spread lies that way you lose your following and get more hate that doesn't even come from him, and he'd try to use that to feel better about himself as well. Like "I may have started this, but I stopped a while ago and only said one thing." or "I didn't even say anything rude."(Because he wouldn't have to, he would just have to get the info out with proof)
He would 10000000% feel guilty, I think it would eat away at him and maybe even make him more sick and twisted. Like you said, he feels guilty, but he does get pleasure from it as well. It would just further his beliefs that you NEED him. Even if you found out it was him, who else would you turn to if he ruined your social status, no one else would want to talk to you. But it's okay, he'll ALWAYS love you. Even if he didn't mean any of that stuff, other people definitely think that stuff about you now, but he doesn't. And if you think he DOES feel that way, well, he'll work on making sure you know he loves you eventually, but for now, he uses it to his advantage a bit. You can think he feels that way about you, and he'll say things like "But I'm staying by your side, no matter what." or "I won't let you go through this alone." just to make you feel even more grateful towards him. Because everyone else has left you. Everyone but your sweet, caring boyfriend Kei.
Idk if anyone here knows what smau's are, but I would love to try a topic like this with smau. Just in case you don't know what smau's are, they're "a type of fanwork where fans create graphics that look like social media accounts for fictional or RPF characters" I've been really wanting to work with that but I wasn't sure with what, but I might have an idea relating to this concept if anyone is interested.
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missameliep · 9 months
for the fic ask game!
✦ what was your easiest fic to write & your hardest?
✄ what’s your editing process?
+ a little something extra: say a particular scene or a fic enlists your main character to do something out of character. Do you go back and change their backstory/traits/that aspect of them so that they match or do you leave it as is?
(Or from a more generic sense, do you develop your backstory first and then write your fics or do you write your fics and let the backstory develop on its own?)
Thanks for the ask! ☺️
✦ what was your easiest fic to write & your hardest?
Writing is usually a difficult process for me (and I cannot blame writing on my second language, because it's also difficult in Portuguese 😂) and it always takes me a long time to write and feel the fic has reached a point when I'm comfortable in sharing with others... So, as for the easiest I'd say From Lovers to Strangers, even though writing Colt Kaneko is not easy for me, the concept of the fic and writing it went smoother than usual and I finished in time to submit to a writing challenge, which says a lot, and was only one scene with two characters 😅
The first part of Love Thy Neighbor was also easy (and I love it dearly), but the rest of the series not so much...
There are so many fics that I could say we're the hardest for several different reasons (multichapter fics, several characters interacting, research etc), but Like Poetry was definitely one of the hardest, because of the themes involved and the narrative choices and tone... I thought about giving up often, and put it aside for a while... But I was so pleased with how it turned out in the end, that it made all the time spent so much worth it ❤️
✄ what’s your editing process?
Oh, my! Editing process? I'm not ashamed to admit my editing process is a bit chaotic, and I frequently edit while writing (which is bad, I know 🫣) and even after posting (I might have twitched more than one fic after posting it). After I finish writing the main parts and dialogues, I focus on correcting the pacing and making sure the characters' voice and dialogues fit them and, grammar and other mistakes are also part of the editing process since English is my second language I have to make sure words really mean what I think they do and check if the metaphors or references apply to a different cultural context than mine lol
+ a little something extra: say a particular scene or a fic enlists your main character to do something out of character. Do you go back and change their backstory/traits/that aspect of them so that they match or do you leave it as is?
Normally I say I would not. Most of my characters have established backstories and traits before I start writing and I keep documents and info about them. So, sometimes something that seems out of character for them may improve the story, show what they would do under a different or adverse circumstance, and it might be okay to keep it that way. So it could be an interesting narrative choice to not change anything in this case.
But sometimes it happens, I start writing and them I have to come up with a backstory or something changes drastically and doesn't fit anymore. For instance, one of my favorite series Second Chances, my OC Elizabeth was supposed to share similar traits with the MC in Desire and Decorum, but half way through writing notes for the second half of the story, I kept thinking "what if I made her Brazilian?" "What if she's a Law student instead?" and so many other things that made more sense to the narrative... So I changed the backstory and many many of the things I've written, but most people don't even know because I posted the first chapters after I've already changed it all.
And I have already created a complete new character to a story, because I didn't want to mess with the backstory.
Thank you for the ask! ☺️
From this fic writer asks
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kalorphic · 2 years
Ella!!! im already SOOO obsessed with the demo i genuinely love K so so much 💗💗💗
noah wanting to get ice cream right after killing someone? yeha that’s icon behavior sorry i don’t make the rules!! & once again jess & salan UGH i love their banter jess is an icon <33
& ugh now ……. my beloved K oh my god im seriously so down bad for them 😔 i played with my beloved camille first & the way she’s so sweet & lowkey shy & k just hates her….. and then the ‘event’ ….. bestie i NEED to know what it is omg!!! and the guilt k has…… that line ‘their best friend, their protector, their guide’ …… SCREAMING CRYING 😭😭😭😭 oh my girl is gonna be so hurt i already know it the angst is gonna be so scrumptious!! and k has a room for the mc???! and their favorite snacks?!? when is it my turn 😔 and the homemade friendship bracelets…… the thot of k making a friendship bracelet for the mc….. and even though it turns out shit cami loves it…… UGH THEY ARE MY EVERYTHING 💗💗💗 and of course camille is a sweetheart so she thanked Cody for waking her up ….. and then they used her nickname & she was so happy ugh <3333
and then i played with my girl jade <3333 kalix & them having matching sun & moon necklaces screaming crying 😭😭😭 also the way with jade it’s like she’s stoic off the bat & so not ready to deal with K’s tantrums….. the rivals to lovers arcs of it all!!! and the way Cody & her lowkey hate each other gosh I’m so so excited!!! anyways sorry for rambling but YEAH genuinely loved the demo so so much I cannot wait for chapter 1!!!
Mal!! Thank you so much, omg!! 🤍🤍🤍
Noah knows exactly what they want in all aspects of their life lol. They literally dragged a very annoyed Manon to an ice cream parlour and ordered about 12 scoops like a giddy child while Manon got 2 scoops (and then complained for hours about a stomach ache which brought Manon great joy lol). As for Jess and Sal, I absolutely have to bring them back and let MC react to them because I really loved writing them! <3
Ugh I love Camille so much, she’s too good for early!K 😩 I’m sorry I put her through that (and will again when MC ruminates on things). As for the event…all will be revealed in good time 👀👀👀 K is very protective of MC, but writing I realised that MC is the true protector in this relationship and K knows it. They’re the all-seeing eye keeping K safe in the most dangerous of situations, which makes K even more guilty because they know how helpless MC is going to feel.
The angst scenes are going to kill me, I just know it 😭 but yeah, K has a huge house, they absolutely had to give MC their own room (and an en suite), cupboards, and space in the fridge. Any less would be unforgivable. As for the friendship bracelets, I thought the idea of K being terrible at making them would really annoy the perfectionist in them, but the sight of MC wearing it and loving it anyway, would always manage to make them smile. And Cody was 100% internally dying after using Camille’s nickname without thinking, but they definitely always call her by her nickname in their head, so the slip of the tongue was bound to happen lol!
I do not blame Jade for not wanting to deal with K’s shit lol! But that progression from that to them having matching necklaces is so good !! It makes me wonder how Jade would react to K’s inner thoughts about them 👀 LMAO rip to Jade and Cody having to live together 😭
Please never apologise for rambling !! I always love reading your thoughts on things, it’s always so fun and detailed <33 I’m glad you enjoyed the update!
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