#the others dont have tags yet i guess! huh
nickfowlerrr · 2 months
long way home
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GIF by lilacevans
pairing: dark!lee bodecker x curvy!reader
warnings: 18+ ONLY. cnc smut. spanking. unprotected sex. use of the word ‘daddy’ but not pertaining to lee. fluffy ending!
words: 4.7k
notes: truly cannot believe i finally finished this lol. this is as self indulgent as ever but hey that’s the way fanfic should be imo. 😌 anyway! thank you in advance for reading, and i hope you enjoy!
comments and reblogs always welcome and always appreciated. 🫶🏻
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The sirens that start sounding just moments after you pass the curve of the desolate road have your heart lurching and stomach dropping.
“No, no, no, no, no,” you mutter pathetically as you try to take a deep calming breath.
You signal you’re going to pull over and the sheriff’s car follows behind you.
It’s late and there aren’t any other cars around as the sun sets on the horizon. It’s nearly 90° out, cooler than the day had been earlier, but the heat is still suffocating. You can’t fathom wanting to pull someone over right now.
You get your wallet out and grab the envelope that holds your insurance and technically out of date registration. You’re sure you know what this will be about.
As you watch the Sheriff emerge from his cruiser, you almost pity him as he wears what you can only assume is a very scratchy uniform. Long sleeves, pants, and a ridiculous looking hat. You don’t really feel bad though, he did this to himself.
As he approaches the back of your car, he squints as he looks into your vehicle. His hands find his belt as he saunters closer, a toothpick in his mouth that he plays with.
Your anxiousness builds as he takes his sweet time getting to your window.
You greet him with a forced smile as he leans down, slapping one hand on the hood of your car while he peers down at you, getting closer.
“Hi,” you offer timidly.
“Evenin’, darlin’,” he drawls as he takes you in; clear blue eyes roving you up and down, twinkling with something…off putting. When his gaze meets yours again, his tongue moves his toothpick from one side of his mouth to the other. “You know why I stopped you?”
“My tags,” you answer, earning a squint from him.
“Your tags?”
“Was that,” your eyes round, “not why?”
He chuckles, “You got a light out, darlin’.”
“Oh,” you mutter.
“Yeah,” he responds dully. “Expired tags, ya said?”
“Well,” you start, “they’re not exactly expired. The ones on my car are old, but the registration was paid for. I just don’t have the stickers yet,” you try to explain.
“Long way from home, aren’t ya?”
“Uhm,” your brows furrow before you can school yourself at his change of subject, “I- yeah. Just passing through on my way back.”
It’s quiet between you as the air grows tense. You don’t know what to do or say, you just wait for him to continue.
“If I run your plates, am I gonna be catchin’ you in a lie?”
You stare dumbly for half a second. “Uhm, I don’t… I dont know how it’ll look or show up. I need to get my car smogged before I can get the new tags,” you admit, “but the registration is paid for. My dad paid it, he sent me the receipt and everything, I can pull it-“
“Daddy’s girl, huh?”
Your words cut off instantly but your lips stay parted in a sort of shock. Did he actually just say that? Ew. Your stomach roils at his words. At the way he’s looking at you, leaning into your car.
You titter, an uneasy sound escaping you as you give a wince of a smile. What are you supposed to do in a situation like this?
“I,” you breathe, don’t make matters worse, “yeah, I guess I am,” you shrug, offering a close lipped attempt at a smile.
Your response gets a wicked grin from him as he laughs and it makes you feel disgusting. You have to suppress the shudder that threatens to give away your agitation.
He isn’t an ugly guy, far from it if you’re being honest, but this is entirely inappropriate. You’re all alone out here with this man, a sheriff at that, and his creeping on you is verging from annoying to scary.
“Well unfortunately for you, sweetheart, I don’t think your daddy’s gonna be able to get you outta this one.”
His blue eyes are darker now and his voice is lower as he drawls his words.
Your heart stutters in your chest, squeezing as anxiety seizes you.
“What, what do you mean, sir?” you eek out through your tight throat, lashes fluttering as you search his eyes for any sort of humor, a sign that things aren’t as serious as he’s just made them sound.
“Well, you got a tail light out, old tags on your car, and your registration may be paid but that doesn’t mean it’s been renewed. I’d hate to have to take you in for somethin-“
“Take me in?” your voice raises despite yourself, “why would you take me in? You can just give me the tickets, I’m not arguing, I-“
“Did it sound like I was finished talkin’, darlin’?” he says, voice level but firm as he eyes you sharply.
Your mouth is open in your stupor before you answer, “No, sir,” you say quietly. “I’m sorry, I just-“
“As I was sayin’,” he cuts you off, spitting out his toothpick at his feet before his gaze cuts back up to you. He kisses his teeth as he stares down at you, “I’d hate to have to take you in over somethin’ that could be…easily resolved.” He tilts his head, giving you a knowing look.
You’re disgusted.
This man is disgusting.
But there is no way he’s insinuating what he seems to be insinuating.
“Right, sir. I will get everything taken care of right away,” you nod with an anxious smile. Maybe playing dumb is the way to go here.
He tsks and your stomach drops right along with your smile.
“You know, the law here states that a driver gettin’ pulled over in an unregistered vehicle can result in said vehicle bein’ towed and said driver gettin’ their license suspended.”
You swallow hard as you let him continue, trying to will away the welling tears threatening to form in your eyes while you work to steady your breathing.
He sticks his palm out expectantly. Your brows furrow as you look at him until he instructs you. “License, darlin’.”
You scramble and find it in your wallet, handing it to him. His hand closes on yours as you place it in his hand and you force yourself not to jerk away too harshly as you pull your hand from his.
He examines your license as you wait with bated breath. You wish you could just put your car in drive and forget this stop ever happened.
“Really are a long way from home,” he muses. He drawls your name and flashes his eyes back to you for a split second. “Hm. Little old to have your daddy payin’ your bills, don’t ya think?”
You don’t respond. Shame and guilt at the reminder of your folly nipping at you again - worse now under the gaze of this man. You look at his badge as he keeps reading your license. Bodecker.
“Don’t worry, sweetheart, I’m not judgin’ ya,” he smiles as he hands your license back to you, held between two fingers. You try to meet his eye but your embarrassment and anxiety keep you from holding it long as you slowly reach to take it back.
“I’ve always been under the belief that pretty ladies like yourself shouldn’t have to take care’a things like that on their own. Should have a man to take care of ‘em. 
Seein’ as that man’s still your daddy, I’m assumin’ you haven’t found someone for yourself yet,” he eyes you, “now how’s a gorgeous girl like you single?”
Your skin is crawling but deep down you’re almost grateful for the distraction from your law breaking. 
“Sorry, sir, officer-“
“Sheriff,” he corrects.
“Sheriff. Am I getting ticketed, or…?” you trail off. Agitation ticks in his jaw and you regret not playing along and answering his question immediately.  “It’s just, it’s a long drive and I was hoping to make it home by tomorrow night,” you swallow hard, unconsciously clenching your jaw as you tense up.
“Right,” he scoffs. “Well…” he takes a deep breath, “looks to me like we got two options here, darlin’. And ticketing ain’t one of ‘em. Why don’t you do me a favor,” he says, stepping away from your door slightly, “turn off the engine and step outta the vehicle for me.”
“Sheriff?'' Your voice is quiet, undertoned with the terror you feel creeping up your spine. Why do you need to get out of your car? Why did your taillight have to go out? Why did you have to open your stupid mouth before he even told you what he was pulling you over for? Why did you have to drive through this stupid little town to begin with!
“I’m bein’ nice, sweetheart. Now you can either get outta the vehicle or I can remove you from it and put you in the back’a my own.” The turn of his voice, the dark shift in his eyes, you don’t have it in you to not listen to him.
You shut off the car, unbuckling your seatbelt, and slowly grab the door handle, breathing deeply as you push it open and step out.
God, it’s hot. You hold back a whine at the humidity that surrounds you and shift uncomfortably before the sheriff. He’s tall, and ten times more intimidating now that there’s not a metal barrier between you. You pull on the strap of your tank top as you wait for his next instruction.
“Keys,” he orders, holding out his hand.
You’re frozen despite the heat as you look at him with rounded, unsure eyes. You clutch them tighter in your hand.
You stutter a breath as he steps closer to you. He stares in your eyes as he grabs your hand and takes the set of keys easily before he strides past you back to his cruiser. You follow him with your eyes, turning your head to watch him over your shoulder.
He throws your keys into his car along with his hat before he shuts the door and comes back toward you.
“Two options,” he repeats as he stands behind you. “I think I know which one would be best for both of us.”
You feel heavy hands grip your hips and you shudder under his touch, a sharp gasp leaving you as you’re yanked back into the sheriff’s body. He’s groping you. He’s groping you and there’s no one around to see or stop him. There’s no one around to help you. There’s nothing you can do.
“Either I call a tow and get your vehicle taken down to the yard and take you in the back of my cruiser,” he rumbles in your ear as he leans into you, “or,” he breathes, his lips tickling your jaw as he lowers his head toward your neck,
“And this is the option I’m rootin’ for-” he smirks, “-you get down on your knees and take care’a this,” he intones as he grinds his stiffness into your backside, earning a breathy squeaky from you as you squeeze your eyes shut. Praying to anyone who might be listening that this is all just a bad dream, that it isn’t real. “And I’ll take care’a you, darlin’,” he simpers darkly, his hands slithering down your body as he gropes you without care. You can’t do so much as eke out a word as he touches you. You want to scream, tell him to stop, to just take you to his station and tow the damn car. But you can’t. And even if you could… where does that leave you? Your parents have done so much for you already - too much. You can’t put more on them, can’t keep running to them to solve your problems. The sheriff was right, you realize, your dad isn’t gonna be able to get you out of this.
No one can.
You won’t be able to afford getting your car out, and you won’t have any way home.
He says you have two options. But it seems you both know that you only really have one.
“Mm,” he hums as he squeezes your hips and tummy, his thumb rubbing along the exposed skin at the hem of your top, “you’re soft.”
His hands slide around your body, pressing on your stomach as he works one down the front of your leggings.
It’s in the blink of an eye that you find yourself pressed against the side of your car, the sheriff firm on your back as he holds you in place. He has one arm around your waist as his other is down your pants. He forces a leg between yours as he urges you to spread them for him. Your knees hit the car as you begin to struggle and your chest squeezes.
The sheriff shoves himself hard against you and your body is forced even more firmly to your car as you cry out at the force. You grab onto his forearm as his thick fingers rub against your covered cunt.
“Ah-ah,” he admonishes, “none’a that now, sweetheart,” he rubs himself against your ass. His fingers don’t stop as they pull at the fabric of your underwear, finally getting the access he was looking for.
He chuckles and tears prick at your eyes in your mortification as you mewl pathetically, hiding your face against the car - your wetness undeniable as he delves between your folds. You groan as he pokes at your entrance. He swirls around your wetness and drags his fingers up your sex. He nudges your clit and your breath catches at the shock.
“There she is,” he smirks, his lips against your cheek. He presses on your clit and rubs the button in sloppy circles as your voice raises despite yourself.
“Sheriff, please,” you quake under his touch. You’re firm against your car as he keeps you pressed with his weight.
“You ain’t gotta beg, darlin’, I’ll give ya what you need.”
It sounds like a taunt as you teeter on the edge. His fingers work you closer and closer to your unwanted high and as you tense and a desperate moan leaves you, a deep moan sounds from him in turn. “You’re almost there, ain’tcha,” he breathes harshly. 
Your eyes stay screwed shut as you try to block him out while your nerve endings blaze in the building tension. That coil deep inside you winding tighter and tighter as it threatens to snap.
“That was a question, darlin’, fuckin’ answer it,” he growls meanly in your ear as he jerks you against the car again.
“Yes,” you cry, not bothering to lie. “Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes,” you murmur pathetically as that coil finally snaps and your orgasm crashes over you. You hold onto his arm without thinking as you come and barely register when he kisses your hair softly, keeping you upright and against him as you come down; your soft cries like music to his ears.
He slips his hand from your pants and you let go of him, leaning on the car instead as you try to calm your breathing. 
“Much as I’d like to feel that sweet little mouth a’yours around me,” he sniffs, “be a damn shame to not fill you up when your pussy’s cryin’ for me like she is.” The sound of his belt jingling and his zipper cutting through the air has you spinning around in horror.
“No, please. You can’t do this,” you whimper, “please, sir, I-”
You’re cut off by the sheriff’s hand gripping your jaw as he squeezes harshly while you look at him with pleading eyes and puffy cheeks.
“You listen to me, and you listen good, sweetheart,” he sneers in your face, “I can do whatever the hell I want to do, whenever the hell I want to do it, you understand me?”
It’s a question you know he’s expecting an answer to as you struggle out a “yes” through his tight grip.
He lets go of your face and moves to take your arm, his grip still as tight and harsh. You can feel his strength in every move he makes against you. “Walk,” he instructs as he urges you from your car and toward his cruiser.
You can’t breathe as a renewed wave of anxiety flows through you the closer to the back of the car you get. “Wait, you said-”
“I know what I said,” he interrupts you, stopping you in your walk as he gets in front of you to pull open the back door of his cruiser. “You ain’t in handcuffs, now, are you?” 
You shake your head ‘no’. 
“Then quit your blubberin’.”
He grabs you close again, quickly and easily shoving you down face first into the back of the car. You squeal and hold yourself up on the seat as he pulls your hips against him while he stands behind you, his back to the empty road. You’re only half inside the car as you feel him tear down your leggings and underwear. If someone were to drive by right now, they’d get quite the show as the sheriff shimmies down his still undone pants in kind. You’re grateful, at least, that you can’t see anything. Of course you know what’s coming next, but you won’t have to watch it, or have him see your face in this position.
The unexpected slap he lands on your ass has you yelping at the sting as he snickers, rubbing the spot gently before he does it again. 
“You like that, darlin’? I can see you gettin’ wetter already,” he taunts as he pushes the small of your back down, arching you more while he admires your cunt from behind. You feel his fingers as he rubs at you, dipping them past your entrance, slipping them in up to his knuckle while you huff through your nose, trying to hold back a moan as he wiggles them before slipping them back out.
You don’t know why you’re so shocked when the next thing you feel is his cock pushing into you. No verbal warning, just his heavy hand on your hip as he guides himself into your tight hole. He’s thick, thicker than you’ve ever had, and you want to die at the moan that floats past your lips as he groans in his delight as you're wrapped tightly around his length. His fingers flex on your hip as he frames your other side in kind, holding tightly onto you while he inches deeper inside your walls. He gets to your limit and holds himself there for a long moment. Your body moves on its own, your hips wiggling just the slightest in search of some kind of friction. 
You feel yourself heat up more in your embarrassment as he groans again, “knew you’d like this,” he says smugly.
You gasp sharply as he begins to move again, sliding almost all the way out of you before pushing right back in, your tight resistance spurring him on as your walls squeeze him snuggly. In then out, over and over again, his thick cock filling you up. With every thrust into you, he makes sure you feel every single inch of him.
Your wetness is undeniable, you can hear the lewd sounds of your fucking loud and clear as you’re rocked between him and the leather seats. The slapping of his hips against your ass and his heavy pants and growls as he grips you tightly, it all adds to the building, buzzing sensation growing inside of you. 
“Goddamn tight,” he pants, pulling you back into him by your hips as he fucks you hard, his movements growing more erratic the closer he gets. “Gonna make me bust inside a’you, darlin’. Fill you up nice and full’a my jizz,” he breathes heavily, groaning and slapping your ass hard, groping you as he moves you back and forth on his thick length.
You mewl, fingers clawing at the leather beneath you, your eyes scrunched in your thieved pleasure as you meet his thrusts. You don’t want this, but it feels so good. His cock hits that certain spot just right, and you can’t stop yourself from fucking him back in search of more. It’s awful, and it feels like heaven.
“Fuck, I’m gonna bust,” he moans, one hand slipping from your hip down to find your clit. Your walls clench around him as he winds you tighter with his touch. You don’t have a voice as you squeak a moan, eyes rolling as you drone out mindlessly, completely cock drunk as he slams into you, chasing his orgasm.
You're overcome by your own, blindingly so as the sheriff works you through it. You quake beneath him and suddenly feel the hot spurts of his come as he lets go inside of you, curses tumbling from his lips as he does, his hold on you never faltering. 
Slowly he comes down, chuckling through heavy breaths as he loosens his grip on you, instead rubbing circles on your hip.
You’re both breathing hard and you turn around gingerly to look at him, still holding yourself up on your arms. He’s pulling his pants up and zipping his fly when you both hear a rumbling approaching from behind the curve of the road just behind where you’re parked. Your brow is quirked as you listen. Head still foggy from your orgasm, you don’t piece together what the sound is. 
“Shit,” he curses as he fumbles with his belt, working quick to fasten it. “Get in, lay down, darlin’,” he instructs, pushing you back gently and closing the door on you just as you see headlights coming up from around the curve. 
You heed his instructions and lay down on the seat, heart racing, adrenaline pumping as you strain to listen past the doors of the cruiser.
You hear the car that was approaching slow down as they come up on the scene of your two cars, clearly curious. No one ever takes this back road, not even the oldtimers - not unless traffic is really bad on the main highway. But it’s late on a Sunday night, the highway is surely clear, and so should this road be, too.
“Sheriff Bodecker,” an old voice croons, “is that you, dear?”
“Ah, Mrs. Greenly,” the sheriff greets, “how are ya, ma’am?”
“Just fine, Sheriff. Comin’ back in from pickin’ up Walter’s medicine outta town. Everything alright out here?”
“Everything’s fine, ma’am. Just an abandoned vehicle we got a call about, had to come check it out before we call for a tow,” he nods toward your car. “Nothin’ to worry about,” he smiles.
“Oh,” she accepts, “well, you have a nice night, Sheriff. Stay safe.”
“Thank you, ma’am. You have a nice night, now,” he returns.
“And tell your little lady I said hello,”
“I certainly will,” he smiles again, nodding at her as she does the same.
You listen as she drives off, picking back up her speed as she does.
You hear the steps he takes as the sheriff comes back over to the door. You stare hard at him as he opens it to you and you sit up.
“What was it you said about this road never being used?” 
He laughs, leaning down close to you, taking your face gently in his hands before he presses his lips to yours, kissing you deeply as you lean up into his touch, kissing him back just as fervently. A sudden desperation coming over you, you try to pull him down with you, to be closer.
He breaks away with a heavy breath, eyes closed as he presses his forehead to yours. When he opens them, you’re met with brilliant blue eyes gazing back at you. 
“I don’t recall usin’ the word ‘never’,” he evades as you shake your head at him.
“Lee Bodecker,” you say, pulling him down further into the backseat with you as you wind your arms around his neck, “you sir, are a menace. A silver tongued devil.”
He smirks and kisses you again before he gets off of you, getting out of the car and standing up with a groan. He holds his hand out for you and you take it as he helps you out of the car. There’s a sticky mess between your legs but you ignore it as you pull your leggings all the way back up.
Lee closes the door and turns you so your back is against it as he stands in front of you.
“But did you like it?” He asks, leaning into you just a bit.
You bite down your smile and nod, “Yeah, I did.”
“Knew you would,” he says against your lips as he kisses you again. His hands fall to your waist as he holds you. “You were real’ convincin’, too. Almost had me second guessin’ myself.”
You titter at that, “Yeah?” you ask.
“Mhm,” he affirms. “But then I heard that sweet little moan a yours.” 
“Couldn’t help it,” you murmur softly as his lips tickle yours. Just barely touching as you breathe him in.
“Well,” he kisses your lips softly one last time before he pulls away from you completely, “it’s hot as hell out here, sweetheart,” he walks around to the passenger door of the cruiser and opens it for you. “Why don’t I take you home and see if I can’t get any other sounds outta ya,” he simpers. You meet him at the door, standing before him with a raised brow. “Been killin’ me not hearin’ my name fall from your pretty lips all night.”
You smile as you touch his cheek. “You wanna hear me moan your name?” Lee purrs in your attention as he steps closer to you. You smirk and bend to get into the car. “Gonna have to make me.”
He licks his lips as he watches you, closing the door for you once you’re settled. He gets in on the driver’s side and you continues, "But first I'm gonna need a shower. And a lotta cuddles," you add with a soft smile as you peer at him with loving eyes.
"I can do that," he agrees, the corner of his lips turned up in a half smile, his gaze just as soft for you.
"Home we go, then," you simper.
He turns his head back to the windshield and huffs as he takes notice of your car again.
He looks at you in exasperation, sighing. “You and this damn car.”
You look back sharply in challenge.
“Look, I already told ya I’m not lettin’ you drive all the way across the country alone in that thing. And I know your dad already paid your fees, but…” he sighs again and you wait for him to continue as you keep your eyes on his. “What’s it gonna take to get you to finally register it here, huh? It’s been two years. And I shoulda given you a ticket for it 22 months ago,” he adds.
You laugh, “Shoulda, coulda, but you didn’t.”
He narrows his eyes at you but it only makes you laugh more.
“It’s not my fault you flirted instead of ticketing,” you grin as you lean over the console to kiss him. “But I am grateful for it.”
You sit back down in your seat and buckle your belt as Lee hides his own smile at the memory of your first meeting, putting the car in drive as he rolls up to yours. 
“Gotta grab your wallet,” he says as he stops and gets out. You watch him as he does, admiring him - and weighing his previous question.
He gets back in, handing your wallet to you before he starts driving again, heading back into town.
“It’d be a bit of a hassle, ya know,” you muse aloud, “having to register here, getting a new id, new license, all that. Seems a little pointless just to change the state I’m living in…Now if there was something else that needed changing, something more important, something like,” you sigh dramatically, “my name, for instance, well then maybe that’d get me to finally do it,” you shrug. Lee looks over to you so quick at the mention of changing your name, you almost worry he might’ve hurt himself, but the lopsided grin that lights up his face assures you he’s just fine.
“Two years is a good while,” you add with a small smile of your own. “Plus, this place,” you emphasize, hoping he gets your meaning, him, you think as you reach for his free hand while he steers with his left, “feels a lot more like home than home ever has.”
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211 notes · View notes
diorsluv · 5 months
casual , part 6
“ someone you couldn’t lose ”
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liked by rutgermcgroarty, mackie.samo, and 75,188 others
yourusername guess what hoe (affectionate) ruined my day this time 🥰
tagged: rutgermcgroarty
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rutgermcgroarty i’m your only hoe right 🥺🥺
→ yourusername aw you’re funny sweetie you’re like my fifth hoe
→ rutgermcgroarty but you told me i was the only one for you 😔😔😔😔😔
→ yourusername i lied bbg i got other bitches 🙏
→ vivianliu IT’S ME I’M OTHER BITCHES!!!!
lhughes_06 you weren’t hanging out with him this much when i was still there 🤨🤨
→ yourusername you unnecessarily took up 50% of the time i could have been spending with my lovely best friend
→ lhughes_06 im ur brother.
→ yourusername hes my best friend.
→ rutgermcgroarty YOU ADMITTED IT IM THE LOVELIEST BEST FRIEND yourusername
→ yourusername lovely and loveliest are two very different things rut
username28 ethan’s definitely malding i can hear it already
edwards.73 i asked if you wanted to come over but you didn’t respond
→ yourusername you texted me at midnight
→ edwards.73 yeah
→ mackie.samo eddy you absolute dumbass
→ edwards.73 WHAT DID I DO??
→ rutgermcgroarty do you ever text her before 11 pm 😭😭
→ edwards.73 not really why?
→ markestapa you just answered your own question buddy
_quinnhughes tell me if your little boyfriend isn’t treating you right
→ yourusername not my bf!!!!! remember he doesn’t want labels quinny
→ _quinnhughes that in itself is already bad enough
→ lhughes_06 the only reason i haven’t flown back to beat him up yet is because of the little respect i still have for you yourusername
→ yourusername well aren’t you just an angel 😐
username17 whats stopping rosie x rut from happening???
→ username11 everything
→ username2 everything = ethan
vivianliu i hate how you guys are so sibling coded
→ yourusername awww are you jealous 🥺🥺🥺
→ rutgermcgroarty stop it vivi you’re breaking my heart
→vivianliu hahaha very funny we all know your little crush on her never went away 😐😐
markestapa i have an inkling you’re doing this on purpose 🤨
→ yourusername you’re tinkling????
→ mackie.samo the hell is an inkling 💀
→ dylanduke25 mark we need to address the tinkle problem
→ edwards.73 fr that’s what i’m saying
→ _alexturcotte maybe she is doing it on purpose
trevorzegras are you breaking my boy’s heart??
→ yourusername quite the opposite
→ trevorzegras uh huh
→ jackhughes IS THAT A COD REFERENCE yourusername
→ yourusername no jack i’m not quoting ghost 😒
username93 best friend supremacy
username1 this is your and rut’s world, we’re just living in it 🙏
dylanduke25 rosie did you know that jealousy is a real thing
→ yourusername did jealousy accidentally break the shower head again
→ dylanduke25 yes. and jealousy almost burned the building down
→ luca.fantilli jealousy also punched a hole through the front door
→ markestapa and somehow knocked out the entire heating system in the dorms??
→ yourusername oh god
username75 what happened to ethan 😰
colecaufield BREAK IT OFF
→ yourusername my friendship with rut???
→ colecaufield you know what i’m talking about 🙄
→ yourusername idk do i?? 🤔🤔
adamfantilli you stole my boyfriend.
→ yourusername oh did i? oops! 🤭
→ adamfantilli i will drive back there just to fight you
→ yourusername jokes on you cuz rut n i are already heading to springfield for a mini road trip
→ rutgermcgroarty shhhh you weren’t supposed to tell anyone 🙁
username60 oh look it’s my sanity slowly leaving me
username49 am i the only one still supporting rosie x ethan 😟😟
username18 PLEASE i’ve been begging for more content for forever i’m so happy
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liked by _quinnhughes, luca.fantilli, and 83,826 others
yourusername what are we?
view all comments
vivianliu damn babe when’d you get all philosphical and shit with your little quotes??
→ yourusername when i cried over him for 3 hours straight ‼️
→ rutgermcgroarty i’m sorry you WHAT
→ jackhughes this is unacceptable
_quinnhughes you’re really testing my nerves rosie
→ yourusername how so 🤨
→ _quinnhughes you gotta stop letting him treat you like that kid
→ yourusername i’ll be fine quinn don’t worry about me
username13 SO PRETTYYY
username52 the quotes hit different though
adamfantilli this is literally a direct call out????
→ yourusername it is?? i never woulda guessed 😱
→ adamfantilli yknow maybe you should just end it here
→ yourusername it’s okay i know how to fix things i’m like bob the builder
username67 i’m sensing a cry for help
→ yourusername 🙏
username3 that third quote really hit a lil too close to home
username11 oh babe…
markestapa r u ok
→ yourusername don’t sound like you’re being held at gunpoint 😭
→ markestapa Are you okay?
→ yourusername yes crayola marker i’m just dandy
→ markestapa i’m sorry
→ yourusername for what??
→ markestapa him
mackie.samo he’s just being a pussy rosie don’t worry about it
→ yourusername i’m a chronic worrier 😰😰
→ mackie.samo he’s trying, he promises
→ yourusername wish he could tell me that himself
jackhughes it physically pains me to see you like this
→ yourusername i’m ok!
→ jackhughes you never say “ok” 😭
username25 man this even hurts me
username49 this is why i hate men
→ vivianliu REAL SHIT
rutgermcgroarty this is really affecting you isn’t it..
→ yourusername take a wild gander
→ rutgermcgroarty i’ll take you to the lakes after morning practice tomorrow
→ yourusername you don’t have to
→ rutgermcgroarty best friend duties call 🫡
username74 shitttt this the story of my life
edwards.73 fr
next chapter notes ) so unfortunately i’ve decided that imma make the chapters shorter so it’s easier for me to post and i won’t get burnt out as quickly.. please forgive me!!
tags: @dancerbailey3 @hughesfein @loveforaugust @alwaysclassyeagle @love4ldr @inhoodmood @bunting58 @crazycat-ladys-blog @smoooore @bunbunbl0gs @lilasianmeat
224 notes · View notes
chiriwritesstuff · 6 months
The New Girl in Tinseltown - Chapter 2 - Devil's Advocate
A Dieter Bravo x Actress! Reader PR Marriage AU
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Chapter Rating: E (18+, MDNI)
Chapter Summary: A look into Dieter's point of view at the night of our fated trip to Vegas. How does America's favorite Bad Boy™ end up married to America's New Sweetheart™?
Chapter Warnings and Tags: (Not So) meet cute, PR Relationships, what happens in Vegas ends up in the headlines, Dieter just does not give a FUCK, Smut, SO MUCH SMUT, a look at the inner workings of Tinseltown and the sleaziness it comes with, Dry Humping, A hell of a lot of dirty banter, is that yearning?, mentions of devious deeds by sleazy people in show business, our loverboy makes a 'Pride and Prejudice reference, SLOW BURN WE DONT KNOW IT, this is unhinged, no use of y/n, No beta we die like men!
Word Count: 8K (whoops!)
A/N: I know, I know, I KNOW. I promised the release of this chapter weeks ago, but I got struck by the not-covid-but-felt-like-covid virus and managed to get myself into the biggest writing slump. I really do apologize for that, and I want to give a big thank you to everyone who stuck around and showed and shared love and support for the first chapter and this series! I can confidently say that the writing slump has finally passed, and we can finally get this crazy show on the road...
An (almost) year before that night in Vegas.
“Dieter, I'm expecting you to be on your best behavior tonight."
Dieter scowls at his publicist while his groomer diligently applies yet another round of pomade in an attempt to tame his unruly curls. "Define best behavior."
"They're about to launch a new girl into the circuit, some unknown that the studio thinks will become the next girl next door," his publicist responds, tapping away at his MacBook. "She's a genuinely sweet thing, all doe-eyed and untouched by the suits. Apparently, she's so sweet that Feldman-"
“Let me guess,” Dieter deadpans, "Feldman wants to fuck her," he rolls his eyes at that, slightly curious at the prospect of fresh blood. "Why am I not surprised?"
"That's not the best part," his publicist quips, his eyes locking with Dieter's over the rim of his laptop. "The studio wants to protect their asset, so much so that they hired-"
"No fucking way, they hired the Shark for this broad? What? Does she have beer-flavored nipples or something?" Dieter exclaims, his curiosity piqued. "Is she really that sweet?"
His publicist's mouth quirks into a small smirk. "The sweetest, most fucking forbidden fruit, my friend. So sweet that the Shark doesn't want you within ten feet of his client."
"Oh yeah?" Dieter replies, his eyes raised.
"Hell yeah. He tried to corner me earlier, warning me to keep my client's - and I quote - Dirty fucking paws off of his Doll-"
"Doll, huh? I bet I could tap that," Dieter challenges, his chest puffed out.
Dieter's publicist chuckles to himself, shaking his head. "Dieter, I know you believe you're God's gift to the masses, but trust me, this Doll? She's a bit out of your league."
Dieter leans back in his chair, a sly grin forming on his face. "Out of my league, huh? That just makes it more interesting. The thrill of the chase, my friend."
His publicist raises an eyebrow, skeptical. "Dieter, I've seen you chase plenty, but this Doll is different. She's not like the others. There's an innocence about her that even your charm might struggle to crack."
Dieter smirks, undeterred. "Well, we'll see about that. The forbidden fruit always tastes the sweetest, doesn't it?"
The publicist lets out a resigned sigh. "Just remember, Dieter, not every fruit is meant to be plucked."
"What is this event even for?" Dieter counters, appraising himself as his stylist smooths the fabric of his suit, a deep emerald green number with a crisp obsidian button-down. He pouts at the mirror, glancing at his publicist and his agent behind him. "It's not the Nickelodeon Kids Choice Awards again, is it?"
"Why? So you could be caught doing blow off a toilet bowl seat like last year? I'm still doing damage control for that, you know," his agent deadpans. "You're in luck; it's the MTV Movie Awards-"
"... and this is Doll's debut, huh? Is she up for an award or something?"
"Several, actually. Surprisingly, her last film gained quite the following-"
"... let me guess, it's some rom-com," Dieter interjects, a hint of disinterest in his tone. "What are the categories?"
"Three, to be exact." His agent smirks into his cognac. "Best Female Lead, Female Breakout Star, and Best Kiss-"
"Best Kiss? Seriously?" Dieter retorts incredulously, his eyes widening. "What's the name of her movie? I might need to see it for myself-"
"Dieter, level with me. Are you gonna keep your dirty fucking paws off of the Shark's asset?" his publicist sighs, giving him a stern look. "As much as I want to shove my foot up his fucking ass, I don't have the energy to have him breathing down my back the entire fucking night-" he looks off into Dieter's direction, who is currently on your Wikipedia page. He frowns. "Dieter, do you hear me?"
"What?" Dieter snaps, slamming his phone onto his seat.
"Can you manage to be on your best behavior tonight? Stay clear of-"
"No. I mean, sure, fine, whatever-" Dieter interrupts, his tone dismissive.
"I heard you! I promise to stay away from her, but the real question is, are you able to keep her away from me?" He smirked, a glint of mischief in his eyes.
The (not-so meet cute) at the MTV Movie Awards.
"Dieter!" you shout, hastily making your way toward him, clearly a few drinks in. "Surprised to see you here!" you shout excitedly, a little wobble in your step as you approach him. 
You adorn a sleek silver gown, your hair elegantly swept to one side, and your radiant face contrasting vividly with the venue's intense lights. Dieter finds himself momentarily breathless as he gazes at you, captivated by your ethereal presence, akin to an angel descending into the depths of hell. "Fuck me," he murmurs under his breath as you draw near, the collar around his neck suddenly feeling constrictive as he nervously swallows. "What the hell? I never get nervous around women," he mutters to himself, his eyes tracing the entirety of your figure. His pants grow notably tighter, his attention fixated on the hypnotic sway of your hips.
He greets you with a nervous smile as you come face to face, tenderly planting a kiss on your cheek. His eyes close momentarily as he savors your delicate scent, a sensation that electrifies his chest and courses through his veins, prompting his hands to instinctively caress the back of your head as he subtly tries to capture another whiff. A subtle sense of pride swells within him as he notices the blush unexpectedly blooming across your skin, its warmth cascading down your cleavage.
Forbidden fucking fruit indeed. 
"Doll," he attempts to say smoothly, a hint of nervousness lacing his voice. "I've heard so much about you. Congrats on your wins tonight; they're truly well-deserved!"
"Really?" you suddenly squeal, and Dieter feels like he could get lost in your energy. It's pure, sweet, and so inherently innocent—the childlike wonder of being thrust into the limelight, untarnished by the sleazy underbelly of Hollywood. He can't help but internally frown, foreseeing the inevitable vultures in suits trying to get a piece of you. Their insatiable hunger for new, sweet flesh is something he knows all too well.
"Well, yeah, Doll, you killed it, as expected. Winning tonight and sweeping all your nominations was a given," he muses, casually leaning against his chair. As he leans towards you, a subconscious desire prompts him to take another whiff of your perfume, desperately trying to commit its essence to memory amid the haze of his coke-induced high. He can't resist burying his nose in your hair, eyes closing as he takes you in once more. 
"Dieter-" you question his sudden boldness, a nervous chuckle escaping you. 
"I'm sorry, baby-" he moans into your neck, his hands traveling down the length of your back. "You must tell me what the name of your perfume is, its divine-"
"Oh," you laugh as Dieter pulls you into him tighter, groaning as his hands travel dangerously close down your hips. "It's 'Missing Person' by-"
"Doll," a voice emerges from behind the two of you, accompanied by a stern clearing of someone's throat. Dieter's expression darkens as he recognizes the owner of the voice, but not before planting one final teasing kiss against your throat. With a smirk playing on his lips, he straightens up and turns to confront the perpetually annoyed yet annoyingly handsome face of the man Hollywood dubs 'The Shark'- also known as the most ruthless of publicists in all of Tinseltown, protecting his clients with an iron fist so strong no one ever thinks of crossing him.
Unless they wanted a cease and desist letter shoved so far up their assholes... without any fucking lube.   
Dieter gets it, though. If he were in his shoes and he had a client like you? All sweet and pure with the face of an angel but a body curated by the Devil himself?
Well, he would fuck your brains out and make you forget your name first, but that's beside the point. The point is, he gets it, he really fucking does.  
"Well well well," Dieter croons as he holds his hand up towards your publicist. "It's been a long time, Shark. Tell me, did you have to call ahead to make sure that some poor bloke's mangled testicles made it onto your plate for tonight, or did you rip someone's balls off fresh on-site?" he snarks with the raise of his eyebrow, shaking his head as your publicist stares at his outstretched hand in greeting. Dieter scoffs as he retreats his hand, placing it on his hip.  
"Bravo," Your publicist grits through clenched teeth as he tries to appear as unbothered as possible. "Aren't you a little old to be here tonight? The rumors aren't true, you know. Fucking girls close to half your age doesn't keep you young, but I suppose it makes sense, considering a woman your age would know better-"
"Shark, I won't tolerate you talking like that in the presence of an actual earth-bound angel. Just because she's young doesn't mean she doesn't know right from wrong-" Dieter retorts, flashing you a smoldering smile. "... you know how to handle yourself, don't you, Doll? You don't need some uptight prick telling you what you can and cannot do, right?" he winks, a slight puff to his chest.
You visibly shiver at his cheeky insinuation, nodding. "Right," you breathe, taking a hasty gulp of your champagne. "I'm 29 years old, I don't need you defending my 'honor' like I'm some virginal maiden-"
"Well, when my client has far too many drinks in her and doesn't understand the kind of man she's in the presence of-"
"The Devil, right?" Dieter exclaims, pointing to himself. "A no-good washed-up actor who fucks anything with two legs while high off my rocker, who just so happens to be good at what I do with the Oscar in my shitter to prove it? Don't you think she knows all of this? My bare ass isn't on the front page of TMZ weekly because I'm a nobody, baby."
"Oh my god, Dieter," you gush, clapping your hands together. "I loved you in-"
"Doll," your publicist interrupts, a firm hand on your shoulder. "You have that meeting with Favreau at the Beverley Hills in 30 minutes. As much as we would love to stay and chat... we have our jobs to get to, right Doll?" your publicist says to you sweetly, his hand grazing your arm. He clears his throat, nodding at Dieter. "Bravo, it was stimulating, as always," he deadpans with a hint of finality, pulling on your elbow like a lost puppy on a leash. Dieter swallows as he witnesses your light dimming from your face, a small frown on your face as you try to remain cordial, a fake smile etched on your face.  
"It was nice meeting you, Dieter," you almost whisper, pulling him into one last hug. "... maybe we'll just run into each other again soon?" You quickly whisper in his ear, and the thought of the two of you meeting up in secret thrills him to no end. His dick certainly twitches at the prospect. 
Dieter takes one last whiff of your scent, his eyes closing as he wills the time to stand still, not wanting to lose the warmth radiating from your aura. He presses one last kiss on your cheek, his fingers caressing the spot as he gives you a genuine smile.  
"... it wouldn't be soon enough, baby."
He gives The Shark one last salute, flipping him off once his back is toward him. “Fucking asshole cockblock,” he mutters to himself, patting his suit pocket for his little baggie of E. He pinches the baggie between his fingers, looking at its contents in silent contemplation.  I guess if I can't get the girl, at least I can get the high, right?
The morning after.
Dieter is face down on his sofa in his boxers and his robe, groaning from the after-effects of his debauchery just a few hours before. As if his skull is splitting into two, he winces as he turns himself onto his back, staring aimlessly into his ceiling as his iPhone suddenly starts to go off from under him.
Sighing, he blindly reaches for his phone, one eye open as he squints into the tiny, shattered screen.
TMZ NEWS FLASH! Up-and-coming Actress who swept MTV awards show last night being groped by Resident Playboy Dieter Bravo? Her publicist sweeps in to save our New "It" Girl in Tinseltown from the grasp of the Devil himself-
Dieter scoffs as he swipes the notification away, his eyes scanning the next headline.
AP NEWS ALERT: Dieter Bravo seen kissing Rising Actress at MTV Movie Awards last night, is a new romance brewing between the Fresh-Faced Actress and Playboy Lothario Dieter Bravo?
"Dieter," his publicist groans as he walks into the room, picking up a crumpled pair of boxer briefs off the sofa, and throws himself on it, pinching the space between his eyebrows as he shakes his head. "What the hell did I tell you? Stay away from The Shark's client, don't grope her in front of him! Can't you just listen to me for once?"
"It was innocent! I kept my hands at a respectable distance from her ass," Dieter retorts, throwing his phone across the room. "I didn't even make a move—"
"That's not the point, Dieter!" his publicist spits back, pulling out his phone. "Do you realize how much this guy despises you? I'm good at my job, but The Shark? I can't go against a god—"
"You're making him out to be some untouchable—"
"...because he is untouchable, Dieter! Do you even know he's buddies with Feldman? After learning about your stunt last night, he's considering pulling you from the project."
"Please," Dieter scoffs, rolling his eyes. "They need me more than I need them! I'm practically doing them a favor, signing on to this fucking movie. They're not going to pull Dieter Bravo from a sinking ship! It's just scare tactics!"
"Yeah, well, you know what they say. The pussy is stronger than god, right?" his publicist replies, scrolling through his phone. "Feldman didn't appreciate your hands on his girl, and now he's out for blood. I warned you about this, D. Is some girl worth losing a multi-million dollar contract? Do you want to go back to doing 'surprise guest star' roles on cable TV? I heard they're thinking of rebooting 'Suits', it might be a good fit for you-"
"So what do I need to do then?" Dieter fires back, a joint between his lips. "I assume I'll be needing to make a public statement or some shit? Keep the old bastard happy?"
"It's funny you mention that D. I have an email from The Shark himself, with a list of what he wants you to say in your statement, promising he'll back the fuck off if you promise to not go within ten feet of his asset-"
"Have you ever heard of 'Missing People' perfume?" Dieter suddenly asks, taking a hit off his joint, his eyes following the thick plume of smoke as he leans back into the sofa. "Missing... Woman?" he mumbles to himself absentmindedly, licking his lips. "Fuck, what did she say it was? I need to stop going to these things blitzed out of my fucking mind-"
"Dieter, focus. Are we releasing the statement or not?"
"MARCUS!" Dieter calls out for his PA suddenly, ignoring his publicist as he grabs the phone out of his hands. "MARCUS! I NEED YOU!"
"Yes D?" Marcus responds as he rushes into the living room, pulling a fresh pack of Kitkat out of his back pocket. "Did you need a snack?"
"Have you ever heard of 'Missing Someone' perfume?" he asks once more as he pulls up the Safari app on his publicist's phone.  
"You mean 'Missing Person' by Phlur?" Marcus quips, picking up the stray pieces of discarded clothing strewn randomly around the room. “One of my favorite actresses just became the spokesperson for that perfume, swears by it-“ 
“Missing PERSON, that’s what it was!” Dieter shouts, tossing his publicist's phone back at him. “Marcus, you’re a fucking godsend! I knew there was a reason why I kept you around! Could you do me a small favor?”
"What do you need, D?" Marcus asks eagerly, his hand perched on his hip. 
"I need you to buy me 'Missing People'. A couple of bottles, at least."
"How many is a couple?" Marcus asks with a nervous chuckle. "Five? Are you giving these out as gifts or something?"
"Maybe I could call Chriselle, and tell her you're interested in the company, there are more scents suitable for men, D," his publicist says casually, pulling out his laptop from his messenger bag. "I ran into her at Erewhon the other day, she's a big fan of your work, and couldn't stop talking about Cliff Beasts... Now, about that statement-"
"Fuck asking, just go to Neimans or Sephora or something and buy out their entire stock. Lotions and body wash and candles if it comes in that scent, too, Marcus. Go to all of the fucking Sephoras if you need to."
"... the entire stock? D, what is this for?"
"Do I pay you to ask all of these fucking questions? Don't worry about what I'm going to do with it. Just get it in my hands by the end of the day, do you think you could swing that?"
"... yes?"
Dieter takes another drag out of his joint, nodding aimlessly. "Great. Also, stop by Blicks on your way back. I need an entire arsenal and the biggest canvas they have. New brushes, too! Set up my studio and put the 'Missing People' in my bathroom, and I'll want my usual In n Out order, too."
Flustered, Marcus pulls out his phone and starts typing Dieter's requests on his notes app. Running a nervous hand through his hair, he looks at his boss once more. "Anything else?"
"Yeah. Get the fuck out of my face and get to work, Marcus. Chop Chop!"
His assistant nods and scrambles out of the living room, tripping on the corner of the area rug on his way out. Dieter's publicist raises his eyebrow at the display, shaking his head as he types away on his laptop. "You know, you could be nicer to him, D. He tries hard to cater to your every fucking whim and fancy... now, are we gonna release that fucking statement or not?"
"What statement?" Dieter asks absentmindedly as he pulls out a small baggie from his robe pocket.  
"The one where you say that you had a little too much to drink and that you didn't mean anything by groping Doll at the Movie Awards, and that you're really sorry and will be donating a couple thousand to a women's shelter-"
"... and this will make The Shark happy? and Feldman off my ass?" he replies, rubbing his gums as he smiles to himself. "I'll be able to stay on the project?"
"You can start packing your bags, yes. Filming starts in a week for the next few months in Europe. It'll give this whole Movie Awards nonsense some time to blow over."
Dieter considers this for a moment. He sticks his tongue out in contemplation, coming to the unsettling realization that he hasn't been in a major studio project in the last few years. He needs this job more than they need him, and deep down, he knows this. He takes one last drag out of his joint, flicking the roach away as he turns towards his publicist.
"Release the fucking statement."
His publicist nods, fingers flying across the keyboard. "Good," he murmurs, genuine relief softening his features. "I can't handle you out of work for another month, not after the fucking pandemic... What's the deal with all that perfume, anyway?"
"What?" Dieter replies absentmindedly, scratching his beard.
"The stuff you made Marcus buy in bulk," his publicist clarifies.
"Forget the perfume. Do you still have those photos I sent you?"
"I've got them, but I haven't checked them out yet. Why?"
Dieter gestures toward the laptop. "Why don't you take a look?"
His publicist eyes him warily, opening the email. His expression shifts to shock as he glimpses the contents. "Is this—"
Dieter nods, a smirk creeping onto his face. "Yep."
"This is huge, Dieter. How did you even get these? They're screwed if this ever goes public—"
"That's why it's payback time. A little warning shot," Dieter interrupts, leaning forward eagerly. "We leak the photos. Anonymously, of course."
"Dieter," his publicist warns, "If they trace it back to you—"
"I'll take the risk. They messed with the wrong guy," Dieter scoffs, a hint of satisfaction in his voice. "These amateurs think they can get away with it?" he mutters to himself, then clears his throat. "Remember our motto?"
"Nobody fucks with Dieter Bravo."
Dieter leans back on the sofa, nodding. "That's right. Nobody fucks with Dieter Bravo."
Six Months later.
"Hi, I'm Carol Cobb!"
"... and I'm Dieter Bravo!"
"And we are doing a Wired Autocomplete Interview!"
"Alright! Is Dieter Bravo..." Carol energetically rips the first sheet of paper off her card, a playful smile spreading across her face as Dieter looks attentively at the camera. "Is Dieter Bravo dead?!" She bursts into laughter, smacking Dieter with the card, who simply shrugs. "Wow! Why would they hit us with that right out of the gate?"
"Not dead yet!" Dieter exclaims, pushing his signature glasses off his face while gazing into the camera. "Got close... several times," he adds with a pointed smirk.
"...and we are very much thankful for that!" Carol shouts. "Shall we move on to the next one?" She tears the next slip of paper, her eyes widening as she reads, “Is Dieter Bravo secretly married?!”
“Well, it wouldn’t be a secret if I spilled the beans now, would it?” Dieter smiles conspiratorially, rubbing his chin in contemplation.
“I can't imagine you ever settling down,” Carol muses with a smirk. "It seems unnatural, like going against the natural order of things, like sea animals on land. Dieter Bravo, settled down with one girl? Hell would have to freeze over before that ever happens," she teases.
"I think it could happen," Dieter says matter-of-factly, crossing his arms over his chest as he settles back into his seat.
"What could happen?" Carol asks, her curiosity piqued.
"Settling down. Getting married, perhaps... even starting a family," Dieter replies thoughtfully.
"It would take quite the woman to make 'The Great Lothario' change his ways. Seems like an impossible feat," Carol interrupts, chuckling. "A woman who can stop the great Dieter Bravo from his manwhoring ways? Maybe someone who lives under a rock and doesn't know about your reputation."
"Actually," Dieter interjects, a hint of excitement in his voice. "I think I've met someone recently who's made quite an impression on me."
Carol's eyes widen in surprise. "What do you mean, you think you've met someone? Who is this mysterious girl that's captured your attention, D?"
"Well, she's an actress-"
"Of course," Carol quips with a knowing smirk.
"... she's new. I had the pleasure of meeting her at the MTV Movie-"
"You're not talking about Doll, are you? The woman you groped after meeting her for the first time? Someone even said that they caught you sniffing her! Who does that, Dieter?!"
"I am a connoisseur of all things exquisite and beautiful, ma chérie. She smelled absolutely divine, and I swear her scent lingered on me for days after, I swear, just let me nuzzle my face in between the valley of those luscious tits-"
"God, D. I think they're gonna have to edit this shit out!" Carol mutters, looking embarrassed by Dieter's boldness. She leans towards Dieter. "I thought you signed some embargo with The Shark promising you wouldn't mention her," she whispers in his ears. "Even I wouldn't think to fuck with him-"
"Well, Feldman was my main concern, and now he's facing jail time for all of those underage claims and those leaked photos, so fuck it!" Dieter counters, knowing damn well he worked behind the scenes for it to happen, leaking a few photos he had stored away on his iCloud, kissing himself on the mouth knowing it would come in handy sooner or later.  
AP NEWS ALERT: Hollywood bigshot arrested for leaked inappropriate images from an anonymous source of various actresses, denies all allegations of misconduct.
One asshole down, one Shark to bury next, he thinks to himself, chuckling at the thought. "Besides, I can't get her out of my fucking mind! I've never felt this way about a woman before, Carol, I mean it this time!"
"I mean, she's undeniably beautiful," Carol agrees, "but she's still new to the industry. They've been typecasting her in those romcoms with whatshisname, but I've heard she's pushing for more challenging roles—"
"Cut!" The director's voice slices through the air, his eyes narrowed at them both. "This interview is about promoting Cliff Beasts, not discussing Dieter's love life with some woman."
"Hey, that 'woman'? She's my future wife, so watch your damn mouth," Dieter snaps back, his tone defensive.
"Whoa, D, hold on. Future wife? You barely know her!" Carol interjects, her hand pressed against her chest in disbelief. "Take it easy, baby. Get to know her first, at least."
"It's gonna happen, Carol. I can feel it in my damn bones. I was drawn to her the moment I laid eyes on her," Dieter insists, his confidence unwavering.
"Listen, Casanova, I don't care who you think you're gonna marry, but we're on a tight schedule here!" the director interrupts, frustration evident in his voice. "Stick to the damn questions, and no more talk about your little 'girlfriend.'"
"Fine," Dieter mutters, rolling his eyes and taking a sip of water. "But do me a favor—don't cut out the part about her assets. It'll bring in views like crazy. I did you a favor there."
The director waves him off as he storms away. "Remind me why I took this job knowing this idiot would be here," he mutters to himself, heading back behind the camera.
The day of the (not so thought out) wedding.
Dieter is anxiously bouncing his leg, biting his pinky nail as his groomer meticulously applies another layer of concealer under his darkened eyes. "Jeez D, have you been sleeping at all lately?"
"What?" Dieter asks absentmindedly, running a shaky hand through his curls. "Yeah- I've been sleeping, why?"
“Your under-eyes, D. They’re darker than my fucking soul, man. Didn’t I tell you to lay off on the sauce? I’m on my fourth layer of concealer-“
“It’s nothing,” Dieter says dismissively. “Just… have you ever been in love?” 
"Sure I have," his groomer replies, a small smile on their face. "That's why I'm married, silly. Why?"
"Say you like a girl, and you think that this girl might be interested but then TMZ posts leaked photos of said girl and some beefed up Hollywood hunk "canoodling" with each other while filming their movie together in Canada-"
"This is Doll that we're talking about, correct? The one you groped at the MTV Movie-"
"I DIDN'T GROPE HER!" Dieter exclaims, groaning as he sinks further into his seat. "Why does everyone keep saying that? I was simply giving her a friendly, yet casual hug when she APPROACHED ME-"  He huffs like a petulant child, his arms crossed around his chest in defiance. "Anyway, I thought, after I desperately tried to shoot my shot, let my intentions known in that 'Wired' Interview with Carol, that she would contact me, you know? Maybe slide into my DMs-" 
“Slide into your DMs?” His groomer scoffs, plucking a stray eyebrow hair with their tweezers from his face as he dramatically flinches, narrowing his eyes at them. “You flat out said you wanted to smother your face in the ‘valley of her luscious tits’, I would be surprised if she hasn't filed a restraining order against you yet... Let me give you a bit of advice: Girls want to be romanced, not objectified! ... have you ever had a 'real' girlfriend before, D?"
"Hey! I've had girlfriends, alright?" Dieter groans, frustration evident in his voice as he clenches his fists. "Just because they didn't stick around afterward doesn't mean it was all my fault, okay?"
"The girls you hook up with during your benders and then discard once the high wears off don't exactly qualify as 'real' girlfriends, D! Let's be serious here!"
"That's what I'm trying to be," he whines, "I'm trying SO HARD to be serious for once! I can't get this girl out of my head, and it's been what? Almost a year since I've met her? I can't get my dick hard when I'm with anyone else anymore, I don't want to take drugs, it's like I'm fucking broken or something! ... and now she's off fucking Joe Hollywood over here like I'm not bleeding my fucking heart out for her-"
"Wait, you mean to tell me that you're actually sober right now?"
"Well, yeah. The last time I took something was before filming Cliff Beasts, I thought you knew that. Anyway, it doesn't fucking matter. All of that and she doesn't even notice me."
"Well, I would tell you that if you had bothered to read TMZ this morning instead of sulking, you would know that there are split rumors between this girl and Hollywood neanderthal," His groomer retorts, a shit-eating grin on their face. "It was over before it even began. I mean, I've heard for such a massive man, he has quite the tiny di-"
Dieter perks up at that. "Say that again."
"They've broken up. She's back on the market, silly goose."
"So that means-"
"That means that I'm going to groom the shit out of you and help you out by making her realize just what she's missing out on, D." His groomer replies, massaging his scalp as they make eye contact through the mirror in front of them. "You're lucky that I consider myself a hopeless romantic. If you promise not to break her heart, I'll help you get the girl, ok?"
"Shit, do you think she'll like me?" Dieter says nervously, fidgeting in his seat.  
"Obviously," his groomer replies cryptically, a smirk forming on the corner of their mouth. "I may or may not have some intel from another groomer friend of mine about their supposed breakup."
"Oh?" Dieter perks up, his eyebrow raised in curiosity. "... and what would that intel be?"
"Oh, you know. Someone might have asked their stylist if they think you'll be attending tonight, how she kept trying to be sly about it."
"Doll asked about me?! Are you serious?" Dieter's excitement is palpable.
"Well, according to my friend, the reason why they broke up was that someone might have moaned your name while being eaten out by 'Joe Hollywood' the other day-"
"No fucking way!"
"She's into you, D! I would say that your little ploy during the 'Wired' interview worked more than you think, bud."
Dieter nods, taking the biggest sigh of relief as he settles in his chair. "One last thing, do you groom just the top half of me, or are you open to grooming other places?"
"What do you mean?" his groomer cocks their head to the side.  
"Shit, well... are you open to grooming my nether regions? It's been a while since I've been with a woman, I'm almost full caveman down there-"
His groomer tsks, pulling out their phone. "Dieter, as much as I love you, I don't love you that much. Let me call someone for that, ok?"
A few hours later, on the red carpet.
"Dieter," his publicist says under his breath as they walk down the red carpet. "The cameras are this way, why are you so distracted?"
"I'm looking for someone," Dieter replies as he winks at the sea of paparazzi, flashing them a peace sign as he walks toward the venue's entrance.
"Well, who are you looking for?" His publicist replies impatiently, looking down the red carpet.
"Doll, obviously. Do you know if she's arrived yet?"
His publicist rolls his eyes, sighing. "She arrived about five minutes ago, don't you see her?"
Dieter inhales deeply, his gaze scanning past the vibrant red carpet until it locks onto yours. His breath catches in his chest, surprised by the unexpected connection. You appear taken aback at first, but swiftly compose yourself, subtly angling your body towards him with a seductive smile playing on your lips.
"Holy Shit..." Dieter's mind races with excitement. "She really does want me."
Filled with newfound confidence, he playfully purses his lips in your direction, sending a cheeky kiss your way as his eyebrows wiggle in amusement. A flush of color blooms across your cheeks in response, catching his eye. But as he revels in the moment, he notices The Shark's gaze narrowing in his direction, a whisper passing between him and you.
That's fucking right Shark.  I'm coming for my girl, and there is nothing you can fucking do about it.  
Later, Dieter observes you from across the room as you sit at your table, alone, nursing another glass of champagne. He notices how you try to avoid meeting his gaze, despite catching you stealing glances at him throughout the night when you think he isn't looking. It surprises him to see you being so reserved, so quiet, especially without The Shark hovering around you like a protective dragon guarding its treasure.
What's gotten you so down, babydoll?  he muses, leaning back into his chair. As if you could read his thoughts, your eyes meet from across the room once more, and you quickly look away, smiling to yourself at getting caught looking.
Dieter senses the moment's significance, his heart racing with anticipation. He knows he must seize this opportunity, the perfect moment to step forward and break the barrier between the two of you. With a determined smile, he decides it's time to make his move.
As he rises from his chair, Dieter's confidence swells, fueled by the intensity of the moment. With purposeful strides, he crosses the room, his gaze fixed on you, the anticipation building with each step. This is his chance to bridge the gap, to finally reveal the feelings he's kept hidden for so long.
He draws in another deep breath as he approaches you from behind, mustering his most seductive gaze as he leans in towards your exposed ear, his warm breath grazing your skin.
"I can't help but notice that you've been eye-fucking me the entire night."
He groans softly as he takes a seat in the chair beside yours, hoping to conceal any nerves as he attempts to exude charm. "I guess my little ploy of trying to get your attention with that 'Wired' interview worked out in my favor-"
You respond with a subtle smile, your fingers gracefully tracing the edge of your champagne glass. How does something as simple as that manage to rile me up? he wonders inwardly, returning your smile.
"You know," you say softly, a chuckle escaping you as you shake your head in disbelief, "There are more normal ways to get a girl's attention-"
The longer Dieter spends in your presence, the more he feels himself on edge, the tension mounting with every passing moment. His pulse quickens, and he can't ignore the growing semi in his suit pants. It's astonishing how much you affect him, like a siren calling out for him while lost at sea, lying in wait, ready to bring him to absolute ruin. 
Fuck. Keep it cool, Bravo.
"Ah, but you're America's Sweetheart, and your pitbull of a publicist won't let me near you, I had to let my-" he gulps at the sight of your ample bust, licking his lips in anticipation, "... intentions very clearly known."
"Well," you breathe, chest heaving. "I don't know if it's 'clearly' known," your voice drops to a whisper, like a secret that is shared only between the both of you, two lonely souls amongst a sea of chaos. "I think you're just going to have to spell it out for me."
Dieter, sensing victory, leans back triumphantly, spreading his legs as he subtly encloses you within his space. His dark, smoldering gaze meets your thinly veiled attempt at your best innocent doe eyes... but Dieter sees right through it. He grins widely, reveling in the knowledge that he's the cat about to get all of the cream—your cream.  That's right, babydoll, I've finally caught you, and I'm never going to let you go.
He laughs at the sight of you, his chin motioning to your breasts.  "Do you want to have sex with me, Dollface?"
Your eyes widen, and a small gasp escapes your lips, as you search his gaze, trying to decipher if he's just bullshitting or if he's actually fucking serious.  I'm serious, alright, he chuckles to himself. "If I miscalculated this fucking thing that's going on between us, tell me and I'll fuck off, leave you alone-"
"What if I don't want you to fuck off, and want to tell you that I'm this close to being plastered and that all I kept thinking about tonight is you railing me with that huge cock we both know is aching for me in some deserted hallway-" you challenge, picking your champagne glass for good measure, downing its contents in one swig.  For courage, he thinks. "I would beg to ask you... what's taking you so damn long, Bravo?"
WhatsApp chat between Dieter & Marcus: Dieter: Hey Marcus, are you still in the venue? Marcus: Yes! With your publicist. Did you need something? Dieter: This party blows. Can I borrow your car? Marcus: Oh, did you want me to drive you home? The party just started, Dieter. Dieter: I can drive myself back, stay for the party! Catch a ride with the suits afterward! Get shitfaced, you're officially off the clock! Marcus: Seriously? Do you know how to drive a stick? It's my baby, I don't know if I feel comfortable with you driving it, are you high right now? 🤦‍♂️ Dieter: No, for the last time, I'm fucking clean, man. Just do me a solid and let me borrow your car, I swear I'll give you a fucking raise! What do you want for one night with your baby? Tell me, I'll give you anything! Marcus: Fine. Just tell me what you did with all of that fucking perfume, there"s a bet going on and I would like to shove it in your publicist's face that I know! Dieter: Seriously man? That's all you want? Marcus: Do you want my keys or not, D? Dieter: Fine. I took the fucking perfume, doused my entire bedroom in it, and fucked myself smelling it thinking about Doll. Dieter: Is that enough of an explanation for you? Come the fuck on, man, I need your car! Please! 🙏 Marcus: 🙌 Meet me at the lobby in five. 
"So tell me," Dieter shouts as he peels out of the parking lot, laughing at the delighted squeal that escapes your lips as you throw your head back, your arms raised upward as he turns quickly into the streets of Los Angeles. "How often did you think about me, babydoll?"
You boldly reach over to cup his erection, your small hand wrapping around the tip of it. "As much as I reckon you thought of me, Bravo. Tell me, how often did you come, alone in that massive bed of yours, to the thought of your cock thrusting into my tight pussy?"
"Fuck baby, do you want me to crash this car? It's not mine, you know?"
"Answer the fucking question, Bravo."
"Baby, if you only knew how much I fucking came just thinking about your tits... I don't think you know just what exactly you got yourself into, little girl... but I'll show you just how I thought of you coming on my fat cock, giving me absolutely everything-"
I've been hungry for you, baby, and I'm going to feast on every inch of your body, just you fucking wait-
He cackles like a madman as he peels into the dwindling streets of LA. "Are you hungry, Dollface?" he yells, almost running a red light, his eyes fixed on the glowing In n Out sign in the distance.
"I shouldn't, I have that screen test next week-"
"Fuck the screen test!" he shouts. "The night is young, and you are gorgeous. Let Dieter take care of you, baby... while I still have you in my grasp. I ain't gonna waste a moment I have you in my orbit!"
He pulls into the In n Out parking lot, cutting the engine, and pulls you into his lap, his face immediately diving into the valley between your breasts. "You can suffocate me with these tits and I would die a happy man," he mumbles against your skin, his growl reverberating throughout your entire body like wildfire. "What do you say, Doll? Would you do me the honors?"
"Fuck Dieter," you moan, tipping your head back in pleasure as his tongue teases the edge of your dress covering your breasts. "Grab my tits," you beg, grabbing his hands for good measure. Dieter wastes no time as he grabs the back of your head, pulling you into a kiss, his tongue licking along the seam of your mouth, begging for entrance.  
"Open up for me, baby girl. Let Dieter taste you-" he pleads, and you pull away with him, your hair wrecked and lipstick smeared. Dieter imagines he looks as wrecked as you do, his pupils blown and chest heaving. You pull him into another kiss, sighing into it, your mouth opening slightly. Dieter takes this as a sign to devour you completely, your tongues fighting for dominance as you begin to rock your hot pussy against his thick cock.
"I want to ride you into the sunset, D," you whisper, pulling at his curls harshly. "Are you gonna give me what I want? Or am I going to have to find someone else to do it?"
"Fuck-" Dieter pants, his gaze reaching yours, his mouth agape in awe. "How in the fuck did I get so fucking lucky-"
"Grab my tits, D," you ask once more, moaning and throwing your head back, biting your lower lip as you grind on his throbbing erection. Dieter quickly obliges, his large hands engulfing both of your breasts. His fingertips graze the edge of your dress, the hardness of your nipple pressing into the middle of his palm, and he swears that if he were to be struck down dead right at this moment, he would die a happy man.  
"Shit, I knew that your tits would feel amazing, but you are so fucking soft-"
"Oh yeah?" you tease, your teeth grazing the shell of his ear. "I'm soft in other places, too." You whisper in his ear, and he swears he feels the ghost of your smile as he moves his hands back on your hips, his fingertips squeezing the softness of your ass as he angles his dick where he imagines your clit to be, thrusting into your hot, wet heat. "Fuck, so goddamn soft-" he groans, his tongue licking a wet stripe along the tops of your breasts. "You're fucking everything I never knew I always wanted, baby girl," he praises you honestly, cupping your cheek as he pulls you into another kiss, groaning as your tongue dances with his, leaving him breathless.  
"Am I?" you pant as you wrap your arms around his neck, your pussy dragging along the thick outline of his cock. "You talk like you want to marry me or something-"
"... oh, but I do want to marry you, breed you, keep you locked up in my mansion... you have no idea just how much I've thought about you, these last few months-"
"Dieter! My Man!" someone shouts in the distance. "What the fuck are you doing here?!"
"What does it look like I'm doing?" he yells back, "I'm about to fuck this beautiful woman in an In n Out parking lot, what are you doing here?"
"Fuck, can I take a pic, man?" the fan shouts as he approaches the convertible.  
"Don't you see we're a little preoccupied?" you shout at the fan, flicking him off. "Get the fuck out of here!" you shout.
The fan quickly takes a shot of the both of you with his iPhone, a half-hearted apology mumbled out of his mouth as he quickly runs back inside of the restaurant, probably to the group of men who are completely unaware of the two celebrities dry-humping the fuck out of each other in their wake, eating their double-doubles and sneaking sips out of a cup filled with some cheap ass vodka, fist-bumping the night away.
"Are you gonna come in those Gucci pants of yours, D?" you tease, your pace quickening as you ride his dick relentlessly. "How does it feel having America's Sweetheart getting you to come in your pants, baby?"
"Fuck," Dieter pants, his hand wrapping around your neck as he pushes you against the steering wheel, angling the tip of his cock against your clit. "How does it feel to get fucked by The Devil, sweetheart? Your pussy is begging me to just rip those fucking panties off and just claim you, right in front of all of these fucking people-"
You shiver at that, a choked curse and his name out of your mouth as he sees the entirety of your body begin to quiver and shake.  
"Don't fight it, baby, I know you fucking like the attention, I know you want everyone to see how much of a bad fucking girl you are inside... but don't worry, Dieter knows, and I'll help you show them," he pulls you against him harshly, your chest pushed up against his, as his teeth sink at the hollow of your neck. "I'll get the world to see just who you really are, baby. Let me show you the way-"
You scream as he thrusts into you once more as he rips your orgasm out of you violently, crying out into his neck as Dieter explodes into his Gucci trousers, the mixture of your slick and his thick cum making an absolute mess of his loaned suit.  
I guess I'll have to pay for these, Dieter thinks to himself as he cradles your shaking form into his arms, licking away the salty tears running down your face. "You did so good, Doll, don't cry-" he whispers, stroking the back of your head as he tries to get you to calm down. "What do you need, baby?"
You lie quietly against his chest, your breaths falling into rhythm with his, as he assumes you're simply gathering your thoughts. "Baby," he pleads softly, his hands tracing soothing paths along your exposed back. "Please, say something—"
"Marry me," you whisper against his chest, the words barely audible but filled with undeniable certainty.
Dieter freezes, his heart skipping a beat at your unexpected words. For a moment, he's speechless, his mind racing to catch up with the sudden turn of events. Slowly, he lifts his head to meet your gaze, eyes wide with shock and disbelief.
"What did you say?" he breathes, his voice barely above a whisper, as if afraid that speaking any louder might shatter the fragile moment.
You lift your head, meeting Dieter's stunned gaze with unwavering determination. "I said, marry me," you repeat, your voice steady despite the racing of your heart. "Let's take this car and drive it to Vegas, get married by some overweight Elvis impersonator, and book the honeymoon suite at the Cosmo... I don't care how we do it, but let's get fucking married, D!"
Dieter's mind whirls with a mix of emotions—astonishment, disbelief, and a profound sense of joy. He blinks several times, as if trying to confirm that he's not dreaming, before a wide grin spreads across his face.
"Oh, my God," he breathes, his voice trembling with emotion. "Yes. Yes, a thousand times yes."
Taglist:@yxtkiwiyxt @skysmiller @picketniffler @readingiskeepingmegoing @islacharlotte @drewharrisonwriter
@daydream-believer19@survivingandenduring@darkheartgatita @gobaaby-blog-blog
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baby-xemnas · 3 months
Sorry if this is something you’ve answered before but do you have any thoughts on how lawbepo get together? You draw them as pinning teens or in an established relationship but do you have any opinions on, like, who would confess first or if either of them would even do that? Bepo’s so self conscious, it seems like it would be real difficult for him to confess. So, do you have views on if one of them got up the courage or if some, like, horrific accident exposured one of their feelings?
(On the joking side, entirely possible peng & shachi, upon realizing all this unresolved sexual tension was gonna get moved to an incredibly small enclosed space were like “time to just sit them down and tell them. This can’t continue on the sub”)
i havent drawn confessions exactly because i feel like if i attempt it will end up like a 5+ page ordeal LMAO
honestly i feel like i change the answer every other time and this will be no different
yes i probably talked about it but repeat questions are fine because i dont always remember what ive spoken about and what i only have thought
found an old reply to this from a year ago
i do have a talk tag where i TRY to put my rambles when i dont forget
to answer your question: i dont think penguin and shachi would do something like that as funny as it is - they would be too scared to force law into anything, not knowing how he would take it because bepo is clearly so important to law and maybe he has A PLAN and is waiting for the right time so if they did lock them in a room together they would ruin it and they arent ready to deal with the reaper percussions of that!
realistically its up to chance. you dont spring something like this on somebody casually, it has to be a deep conversations about feelings or relationships and then one has to gather up their courage and VERY OBVIOUSLY HINT at that "i actually only love you"
imagining them as teens during this
now who does it have to be? i think its bepo who says that he couldnt share his time with somebody even if it was the cutest female bear in the world because he wants to spend all that time with law
law getting hopeful but saying smth like: well you havent met the cutest girl bear in the world yet so who knows maybe youll put me aside
bepo is like NO I WOULD NEVER and starts complimenting law a bunch and talk about how important he is to him (law gritting his teeth not to blush)
law is like yeah same
i think law Could take responsibility and be like YEAH ACTUALLY ITS "LIKE THAT" and open his arms for a hug like "guess we are gonna stay together" and he cant take it when he is hugging bepo who looks up at him like "really? will you let me stay with you captain? with those cute eyes of his that law has to kiss him on the forehead. maybe bepo cries at that LOL
its against bepos nature to refuse any affection from law but he shyly says "you cant do things like that captain" because he loves law so much he wants to kiss him on the lips!!!! and law is like huh?? (cuz bepo never tells him NOT TO do something) "i'm not captain's lover so captain cant do this" "but what if you were, bepo, could i kiss you then?" "what??" "i like bepo the most" and leaning down to kiss him ♥ bepo going full HFSKAJFJFAS????? follows
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chirpins · 6 months
your vampire noah au has me hooked immediately, i had to come here and ask you questions after reading.
first things first, your half vampire tag. what exactly does that entail? it could mean anything. are there going to be other character's who are a vampire?
secondly, what are the other ships mentioned in the tags? are they going to be important enough to mention any time soon? or can we know them now.
thirdly, is this going to be based off of stakes? with its recent departure from the fandom, a lot of people are missing it. is there a reason you posted this when you did, so close to its deletion?
is fourthly a word?
fifthly, what does the soulmate tag mean? i've never seen it used in that way before.
sixthly (?), can you tell us anything about it? fun facts, i mean.
seventhly (i'm just winging it at this point), does noah being bitten on his ankle have any plot relevance to it? given that it wasn't on his neck?
that's all i can think of for now.
woaaah this is like .. one of the longest asks ive ever seen. sorry it took me so long to reply, i really had to think on how i would respond to this..!
well, lets start in order.. lets seeee..
mm i dont know if i can answer this in a way that isnt spoilery or holds plot relevance. sorry if that doesnt help ur curiosity, but rest assured it will be addressed in the fic itself so .. just stay tuned!
i dont see how it would be any spoilers to say this, so ill just come out and do so already! one of the main background ships is geoff/gwen/bridgette. they are just so cute to me, and id like to make it clear the three of them are all dating each other. there is also going to be eva/izzy, of course; and owen/izzy (izzy has two hands). another ship im entertaining the idea of is possibly duncan/dj? but neither of those two are going to have much relevance to the story. actually, funny story, this was supposed to be an alejandro/noah/heather fic, but i totally forgot to tag it as such. im debating on if i want to keep it that way afterall, or have it stay just alenoah.. i guess we'll see the further i write. there is some others but those are a bit spoilery so, stay tuned..!
uhh.. i feel like thats a very weird thing to ask? but, i guess you could say i was inspired after reading stakes? i began writing this last month (pictured below) so i wouldnt say i wrote and posted this just because stakes got deleted. actually, i wasnt going to post this fic at all until i had at least 5 chapters written for it, or all of it written, but i got too excited after finishing writing chapter 2 so.. teehee...
i THINK it is..!
teehee i cant saaay.. much. what i can say is it being 'non-typical' is important. its nothing like soul bounds themselves. how youd think of a soulmate 'au' is not what this is, nobody are soulmates. but .. well.. sooomething may happen. i will just say, it has something to do with vampire culture.
fun facts, huh..? mmm i really dont know.. tbh not even i think too deeply on this sort of thing.. i guess id say that noah has a lot of moles / freckles everywhere? so him having a bite mark wouldnt really raise suspicion, given that its just two puncture wounds. i dont know, im sorry! i guess ill have to think on this some more.. im sort of entertaining the idea that theres more to the universe than just vampires, if this helps. buut,.. i havent decided yet, teehee.
hmm, aside from me thinking itd be funny for him to have a mark on his leg? well... who knows!
Tumblr media
anyway, thanks for caring so much to ask me stuff!
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everything-redacted00 · 10 months
Charlie is famous and Casper is his bodyguard pt.1
It was rainy day as Casper made their way to the pop stars penthouse.
Casper was one of the best bodyguards out there that’s one of the reasons Charlie hired them they were quick, strong, skillful, but they were also very beautiful but Charlie didn’t know that…..yet.
*knock knock knock*
Uh come on in.
The door opened and the most beautiful person Charlie has ever seen walked through the door. Charlie was starstruck staring at them in the doorway.
hello my name is Casper and I’ll be your knew bodyguard.
Huh what.. oh yeah right my bodyguard *Charlie clears his throat* uh yeah my name is Charlie.. it’s nice to meet you Casper.
you know you really shouldn’t leave your door unlocked like that someone could get in.
ah shit your right I always forget to lock the door when I come in.. I’ll get better about that. Now uhm dont you need a tour or something?
yeah that would be good if you don’t mind showing me around sir.
s-sir ah you don’t need to call me sir just call me Charlie.
oh ok uh Charlie well would you mind giving me a tour please.
yup come along
they walked through Charlie’s huge penthouse going into every room as Casper made mental notes of possible break in points while Charlie made mental notes of how beautiful they are.
Welp looks like we’re done did you see everything you need to?
yeah I got it you should be safe
uh right.. good! When are you gonna sleep tho?
Sleep? Uhm I don’t really know I guess they’ll just have to switch out bodyguards every now and then. Do you have any bodyguards for that?
uhm no.. but I do have a room for you to sleep and I should be ok!
Casper thinks for a second* I am I light sleeper I guess I would wake up for any loud sounds.. that should be ok
well good now that we got that settled do you want something to eat? I’m not any type of cook or anything like that but I can make I bit of a meal
oh no that’s ok but thank you though.
oh alright well how about you tell me about yourself.
Charlie sits down in the couch and pats the seat next to him
oh alright
next thing you know two hours has gone by of Charlie and Casper talking and getting to know each other and Charlie has caught himself falling hard for Casper and Casper might return the feelings
hey Casper it’s uh *Charlie looks at the clock* eleven twenty three
Ah shit you might wanna get going to sleep and I’ll make sure nothing happens especially after.. the incident
ah… right yeah well uh night cas- I mean Casper not cas… uh sorry
n-no it’s ok you can call me cas if you want
oh alright well goodnight Casper
Goodnight Charlie
And there he went back to his room as Casper watched with a faint blush spreading across their face but they had a job too so Casper grabbed a chair and sat by Charlie’s door it was gonna be a long night.
that’s pt.1 of famous Charlie and bodyguard Casper series I’m writing
If you wanna get tagged in the other parts just ask
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thecrowslullaby · 11 months
thank you so mich for the tag @candied-peach
1: How many works do you have on Ao3?
39! (its not much, but its honest work!)
2: What's your total Ao3 word count?
around 143,5k
3: What fandoms do you write for?
Currently? sanders sides and team fortress 2, but i would love to try my hand at a star trek fic
4: What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Easy: Souther charm and other suspicious behaviour, Fire, Shopping at 1 a.m. (not particularly proud of that one anymore xd), [Redacted], and Of friend, foe and fae
5: Do you respond to comments?
I try to (i mean to and then i forget :'))
6: What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Ooooof, i dont shine on writing angsty endings. If im allowed to go with one thats not fully posted yet (or fully writen) it would be "the five stages of losing roman". There is a pernament character death. (Guess which character/lh). Maybe 'a bridge to cross' or 'sunday shirt' but they both are more bittersweet than angsty. I dont really post sad ending, huh. Time to change that/hj (there are a few wips that have more angst, but they arent fully edited)
7: What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
All of them/hj.
I'm gonna say honeybee(also no longer proud of that one) cuz there is the biggest contrast between the story and the ending.
8: Do you get hate on fics?
No(t yet).
9: Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
No kind you can prove * laughs awkwardly *
10: Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Not particularly fond of them tbh, but i am tempted to give it a fair try before i judge them too harshly.
11: Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Too many grammar and spelling mistake for people to risk it/hj
Question 12 has been lost to the ether...
13: Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes. Its not posted though XD
14: What's your all-time favorite ship?
See, people expect me to say loceit.... ok, yeah, im noy awake anough to come up with anything different, y'all win XD
15: What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
im not ganna say the name jinx it XD
16: What are your writing strengths?
Also dialogue I think XD
17: What are your writing weaknesses?
grammar and spelling.
18: Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I mean, i am doing it rn. English isnt my first language. I did write parts of it in another language. But i dont think I would write a full on dialogue in another language than the rest of the fic. For a few reasons. Mostly my perfectionism.
19: First fandom you wrote for?
Ummmm. Idk. Winnie the pooh, atla or penguins of madagaskar, probably. The firts one i posted though was Hamilton i think - (and i am mighty proud of my idea, not proud of the execution. I was like 12 ok? XD)
20: Favorite fic you've written?
Maybe of friends foe and fae? bc its the first long fic i fully posted? Also a fic that will forever live in my wips and im not sharing that one (ite not smut but damn i am showing my soul a lil too much in that one).
Tagging @rosepetalgold @brainlicking @warcats-cat and @dillydallydove
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vampirerite · 1 year
spoilers for ch3 and previous events
rogue berserker is soooo fucking cute........
also ig i should update. guesses?
rogue berserker i think is Samson? like the guy who promised never to cut his hair. and then did it anyway. based on him having divine traits but not god-like, also assuming he's indestructible after surviving archers noble phantasm. my first guess was Goliath since the design reminded me of Davids but now im a lot less sure abt it, especially since in retellings i heard growing up Goliath didnt have any divine power he was just. Huge And Strong. and before the divinity reveal i thought oh! theyre going to play on 'gentle giant' but more literal huh? cute! but im sticking to biblical guesses really just bc his design reminds me of David.
rogue saber was too obvious + i spoiled myself bc i needed to know if we won
im still absolutely stuck on assassin, love his design to death though its got such a great shape to it and i love how it contrasts with his masters design
only on chapter 3 and caster just appeared so ive got no clues other than (pointing) pako design. even if he didnt promo on twitter he just has the sort of hair + eyes that pako does
spoiled on rider. honestlyyyy i guessed right pre-launch but fuck everyone who started tagging normal fanart of the character with the sr tag.
was shocked that Red wasnt Gilles' spellbook but still recognized Jeanne. So back to my earlier guess of them being the Necronomicon? (im guy whos not well versed in magical texts) i think it still holds water, as a book of the dead it would at least be semi familiar with like. everyone who has died. so his blind spot would be rogue assassin who hasnt even been born yet.
saber is being given major hints but unfortunately im unfamiliar with the story theyre showing so i just Dont Know even though at this point Iori seems to have figured it out but isnt saying it out of respect for Saber
0 notes
or-something-better · 2 years
August 21, 2022
in the armory with Sam and Mary check these out mom opening up the secret door to a lot of the old secret stash of weapons from the men of letters
sitting at the table with some of the other girls
The Men of Letters had an extensive collection of just about everything you can think of. No reason weapons should be any different.
talking over cases with Charlie and Patience hey did you guys see this one. Maybe a zombie... oops wait never mind. Just tide pods again. Smh
sitting at the table with my laptop not a lot of anything right now… bath salts… stupid kids and pranks
looks at the weapons this is quite a collection
Then there's this one. One of the most badass pieces I’ve found so far pulling a gun off the rack but we haven’t figured it out yet or found anything on it
It looks like something your grandpa used
Time pods AGAIN
It's old for sure, but so far still a mystery
Walk in with Henry hey guys guess what
There might be something in his journal
Pretty sure its older than grandpa. We've been through his journal alot
Probably. But it looks like something he had
sighs anything in that newspaper??
Hey Alex! What are yall up to?
looking at Alex what s up
puts my bags on the table along with a flyer there's this new dance club I even grab the flyer too
No I know which one your talking about and that one wasn’t to this capacity
I smile as Alex and Henry come in what?
There is a new dance club we should go there
Slaps Dean on the shoulder As you can see, Dean is in his element right here
passes the flyer over I grabbed the flyer
I agree
laughing at the mention of a new night club really
I shoot glance at Patience ooh really?
I pick up the flyer and look around at the others what do you say? Not much else happening?
Yep Smiles giggle
looks at Sam yeah what dont I know? Just wish we could figure this bad boy out
I'm game
Maybe I can dance some of this fat away
Yeah. Sure. I’m bringing my gun. grabs my sig saur and tucks it in my jeans
Lets head back to the map room i think the others are trying to find something to do heads back to the map room seeing everyone hey guys! What's up?
I think we could use a night off…. I’m gonna go get ready! heads off to my room to change
A night off?
I'm going to wear my new jeans
Henry found a club pausing on my way to my room everything is quiet… so why not?
What about a night off?
Some new Club Henry found
Cool why not.  Let’s go get ready head to my room using my DNA to open the door
You might be able to persuade me to tag along, because I enjoy spending time with you guys… but there’s no way I’m going to go dancing. Just isn’t my thing.
I don't know what to wear though. I had never been to a club before  fiddles with my sleeves
in the kitchen pouring myself a whiskey club huh. I say to myself this will be great for the youngins
run upstairs searching through my closet for the perfect outfit. I can join ya sam I doubt I will be doing any dancing either but it still sounds fun!
heading to my room to shower and change
find my outfit grabbing a shower and spraying some cologne I head back out to the group
looks in my room but doesn't have any nice dresses
decides to just wear my normal clothes
I sit in a random office sipping Craig and glancing over at Lucifer Things seem to be going very well Lucifer. perhaps sharing wasn't an awful idea.
Told you it wouldn't. Things look pretty great actually. I kick my feet up onto the table
Pushing myself up with my hands, wincing at the bandaged left one, I grab a file and take it over to Crowley and Lucifer, tossing it on the table between  them. It's folded open to show the latest figures.
goes back to the group after my shower
I arch a brow and shove the feet off to annoy him What did you do to your arm Ruby? I open the file and whistle in surprise These numbers are better than I've ever seen them, even after becoming King. The Karen initiative has really been helping.
I scowl at Crowley, tempted to lash out for a second. But I reign in my temper and just snatch the paper right out of his hands Of course it has- I told you it would. I smirk Oh boy... do I have a lot to teach you. Besides, I've got a lot of lost time to make up for. Ruby? Be a doll and uh... Go do some more advertising for us huh? We've got some business to attend to.
Thinking to myself it's a very good thing neither of them can read my mind, I thankfully take my leave of them.
I scoff and snatch the paper back so I can keep reading You are a menace
Menace to you, or society? You know what. I'll take both.
Being a menace to society is useful to us. Now, what do you have for us?
Oh you're gonna love this one... So.. picture this....
I change into a clean pair of jeans and a shirt that’s actually a shirt-shirt, not just my usual worn flannel. This one has buttons even! Coming out of my room, it’s funny to me to see all the dressing up that’s gone on. Wow, you guys all clean up really good.
walks out in a dress I found
walking back to where everyone is at showing off my new jeans
heading back to the main room I’ve put on a short black skirt and green top I could say the same for you Sammy!
Finishing get ready and red dress and went downstairs and meet the team in main room
But if we’re going dancing I need some food first…
coming out of the kitchen with my whiskey to the others
I didn't know what to wear I don't even own anything nice looking  fiddle with my hoodie sleeves so I’m just going to wear my everyday clothed
What, this old thing? said with my best Southern Accent and a chuckle
wearing a button down with the top 3 buttons undone and a nice pair of jeans. Willing to do the shirt but sure as hell not the dress pants if I dont have to we ready? Everyone looks good
Thank you Dean
You driving tonight?
Where do you wanna eat Charlie?
We can take my car too! And I think maybe just something quick at the drive thru Ellen I haven’t had a night out in forever!
Of course but this isn’t how we normally do things so this is gonna make for an interesting night I think
We can take my car too, I’ll be happy to drive.
walks into the room
As long as I can get a salad
I can’t wait I am excited Walking to Charlie
Sounds good.
Where we going?
So who’s with me? holding up my keys
I can go with Sam  gets up and hands dean the flyer here's the address
Who’s riding with me?
I'll just follow after you
I'll go with you Dean
Sure Henry, come on... anyone else?
I'll ride with Charlie
Ok anyone else riding with me?
Shotgun is yours grins
I with you Smiles
smiles back great
Get in Charlie car back seat
Can I ride to Charlie
Ok guess just me and mom
heading out to the car I start it and wait for Dean to lead the way sure pay! Still got one more seat for you!
Out at the Charger, I climb in and start it up.
goes to the car with Dean
I dont know where yall wanna eat
gets in the front seat of Sam car
heading out to the impala
getting in the back of Charlie's car thank you
I smile over at Henry Always glad to have you as my copilot Henry
follows Dean that was your dad's car. Wasn't it?
start the impala waiting for Mary to get in you already knew that mom
I can’t wait to partyyyyyy!
It's more funer riding with you. You have better taste in music  buckles up and switches the music on
gets in I just was asking
But you already knew we had dads car
the car running, I put it in gear and follow Dean and Sam to the club
head to the address of the club on the flyer
I agree with the music part I pull out and follow behind Dean, not really sure I know exactly where this club is.
I find the club looking at the building as I pull into the parking lot and park
What don't I know since I was just brought back
I park beside the Impala and chuckle Well, this is it. Hope you have fun out there tonight. When I get out of the car, I’m surprised to see Ruby across the street. Ruby?
parking beside Sam I get out and look around while finishing my chicken nuggets
I hang up one more sign and hearing my name called, I look over and see Sam! Shit! I leave quickly so he can't ask me anything!
I’m even more surprised when she looks over at me startled and then runs the other way. Ruby, wait! I follow after her wondering what the hell is going on.
get out of the car as I see Sam go after ruby
getting out of Charlie’s car. Patience and I go up to see the flyer Ruby was posting and noticed it's the safe flyer that Henry and Alex brought back to the bunker for the club were going to. wonder what this about huh Patience? looking at Patience
looking up at Ellen with a puzzled look on my face what the hell
gets out of the car who is that he's going after
watching Sam take off I turn to the group am I the only one that noticed the bandages on her hand?
I watched Ruby turn at the corner, but when I made it there myself, she was nowhere to be seen. I looked up and down both streets, still not understanding what was going on or why she felt she had to run from me. This was just really out of character for her. I walk back to join the others. I wasn’t able to find Ruby. Something just really feels wrong to me about this.
Nope I saw it wonder what the hell happened? Um that was Ruby you’ve met her too
Oh. She looked like she's hurt
Well that seems strange… I’ve never known her to avoid you, Sam…
Ruby the demon working a real job?  looks at the flyer can monsters have normal jobs?
Yeah, me either. Gives Henry a stern look, but doesn't comment
What the hell is really going on…
looks at the flyer maybe this is why Points at the flyer
I think we need to find out….
No idea Dean
I agree
Ruby good but she won’t hurt them
Yeah, I’m for going back to the Bunker. Wasn’t interested in the club scene anyway.
thinking a vision sure would come in handy about now
How we gonna find anything out that way?
What was that look you just gave me? I just want one night to be normal  sighs and heads back to the car
putting my arm around Henry I promise we'll give you a normal night kid. kinda happy we're not "clubbing" tonight
pulls the flyer and follows
Gets back in the car next to Henry You know Ruby's not a monster, right?
a little disappointed we arent clubbing tonight was hoping for a drink but get back in the car
We won’t have any fun worrying about ruby… let’s go girls. getting back in the car
getting back in the car with the other girls
Aren't demons monsters though?  buckles and closes my eyes for a nap
I'll get some beers out like a bartender at the bunker Dean.
once everyone is in, I start the car and head back
getting back in the car
Sighs Yeah, I suppose most of them are... drives back to the Bunker
gets in the car
Inside the bar I sit at a table of swanky business men watching them sight a contract while glancing surprised over at the piano. I'm honestly caught off guard by the Devil playing one. A Fiddle maybe, but not a piano.
My fingers fly over the piano keys, the sound of the music nearly magical. For a moment relaxing and enjoying myself-- it looks like plenty of the 'guests' are enjoying it too. I even hum along now and then. Ignoring Crowley doing what Crowley does best-- running his mouth
Quickly heading inside to get lost in the crowd, I look around at the people getting drunk and high, having no idea what's in store for them. This isn't a bar, it's a soul collection pit! Heading over to Lucifer, I raise my voice and tell him Team Freewill is outside.
I almost can't believe my ears, and strike a horribly off key chord Damn it... What the hell?!
I stand and walk over, holding the finished contact What do you mean those denim wrapped nightmares are on their way here?
I try warning Lucifer about how smart the team is, but I see it falls on deaf ears and I pay the price.
I quickly strike out at Ruby, furious that they're coming to crash my party You completely underestimated who you teamed up with! Willingly or not-- unbelievable. Now I've got to clean up the mess... I need a moment to think... I storm off still seething
I hold my hand out to help her up looking on edge He still underestimates them. If you want, I can try and help you find a way out of this whole mess.
pull up to the bunker and head inside and grab a beer before going to the map table and sitting kicking my feet up waiting for Sam so we can look for info on the club
I pull into the bunker behind the boys and head inside- unable to take my mind off of ruby. What kind of trouble was she in that she couldn’t ask us for help… or wasn’t willing to risk us
goes inside and grabs a beer
I park just a few minutes behind the others.
slumps into the couch disappointed. Pulls out my daggers and flips them Can we have one night where it's not work
Back at the Bunker I’m feeling a little guilty about making a big deal about Ruby running off and ruining everyone’s fun night out. Maybe it really was nothing. After changing into a more comfortable set of old clothes, I sit down at the map table and open my laptop. It was time to do a little research into the new club in town.
Walk in and sit next to dean sigh
heading inside I go straight to my laptop to research this new club
walks inside having a seat at the table
Yep but this is life what we all sign up for
trying to reassure the 2 its ok guys. I promise you both that we'll have  non-working day soon.
Anything interesting Sammy? as I take a drink of my beer
Not so far
having found the club website I point to the screen and read “a nightlife experience like none before”
It will be okay. We may have found work instead of fun. But we can have a fun day every now and then
Yeah bullshit! What could be so thrilling?
Pulling up the same page that Charlie was talking about, I read further into it. Guys, listen to this part of the ad here… “you’ll come out more successful, more wealthy or with whatever it is you desire most.” Sound familiar? It certainly did to me Damn it.
Uh oh…. You don’t think….???
Sounds like their making deals
We shouldn't go in  overhearing from my spot
Slipping my phone out of my pocket, I try again to reach Ruby. The call goes to voice mail. Ruby.. call me back when you get this… please I end the call and sit back in the chair thinking a minute. Anyone else interested in going back with me to check that club out for ourselves?
I'm in
Yeah we should.
I’m so in let’s go bust these bitches out and find out who’s making the deals
I'm in
Kind of our duty now, isn’t it? Let me go put on some jeans…. heading to my room I change quickly and meet them back at the table
I am in Srand up and went go change and came back
This time before leaving I grab my go bag.
grabbing my go bag and my keys let’s go
grabs my bag and gets into same car again Sams
grab my duffle and go outside and throw it in the car
gets my bag and follows
follows the others to the cars
following the rest to the cars
goes to the Impala
Hopeful music will help calm me back down, I'm back at the piano soon enough playing again. The music gradually gets a little more upbeat, and I'm flashing charming grins left and right. Flirting comes pretty easily, and occasionally there's an interruption in the piano playing.
At one point, a tall brunette joins me on the piano bench, giggling and playing a few notes. I share a few notes and a few chuckles and send her back off giggling again. I sing alongside another, snagging her from her date with a smug expression and have a brief sing along. Keeping myself and the others occupied with drink and song
I glance around the room and check that Lucifer is distracted before snagging Ruby to a backroom Well, this is Cozy.
Following behind Crowley, I discreetly go to the storeroom behind the bar, hoping Lucifer is preoccupied enough.
Alright, we need to get you out of this. Any ideas for escape?
"We have to get out of here! How do you hide from the devil? We can't just walk out, he'd be on us in a minute!"
Well at least you aren't stupid. I roll my eyes glancing back at the door. I wasn't actually hating this but did need to avoid being seen by the Winchesters.
"Wait! There is a spell I learned long ago that would allow me to make a clone of myself, making someone else look like me! What if I did that for both of us? We could use a couple in the bar!"
I smirk impressed My My. You're much smarter than you look.
Giving him a scathing look, I start a list
Parked at the club once again, I get out of the car and lean against the car watching from across the street. Dean, notice anything odd about the line of people waiting to get inside?
gets out and looks around everyone seems desperate
park and get out yeah poor desperate junkies
Yeah, they don’t look like the usual club crowd.
standing outside the club looking for a way in
walking up beside the boys I point out a young woman who looks like she is on her last legs they kind of seem…. Desperate…. Don’t you think?
getting out of the car
Maybe we should go talk to these losers and find out what they are getting themselves into
I’m going to see if I can help find a way in…. heading behind the bar
looks at some of the people they look like people who have nothing left in a sense
I agree  Crossing the street, I walk down the line as if I’m there to take a spot at the back.
talking with one girl but getting nowhere with this I move on to another
I will come and help you  follows Charlie  maybe there's a back door?
Good idea back door
Usually is in these places… let’s hope we can find one unlocked….
walk with you
I stop a couple of times to try and start up a conversation with those waiting in line, with general questions like Have you been in line long? and Have you been here before? Without fail no one seemed interested in speaking to me at all, they just seemed uncomfortable and a couple actually turn or seemed to shy away from me.
talks to some people but gets nothing from any of them
trying one of the windows first I find it’s barred and no way to remove them
Henry check that window over there will you? The one to the basement
with Charlie Henry and Alex trying to find a way in
heading to some people to start asking questions not getting anywhere with anyone I look down at Sam who doesn't seem to be having any luck either I shake my head at him.
I can see Dean and Ellen also trying to engage with a few of the people in line. When Dean looks over at me, I just shake my head ‘no’ to let him know I’d gotten a whole lotta nothing.
Ok  breaks off the wood on the window. Trying to open it but it's lock it's locked
Try to open door lock
try to talk to a few who seem resilient to talk to us i ask. Few questions not getting anything but they can’t wait to get inside. I look at Sam who shakes his head
frustrated sigh  if only I had brought a tool kit!!
walking up to Sam I see Dean coming as well maybe head to the back see if we see anything there?
Following along around the back of the building.
Fuck! heading back to Sam
remembers the flyer and looks at the back of it Sam, there's a clue who is the "host" on the flyer
still checking windows with no luck
Let’s go heading around the back
getting to back of the building we see the rest of the team
Found the door unlocked that was too easy Look over Charlie! Guys!
I see Alex find an unlocked door and reach over and touch Dean's arm. Doesn’t that seem too easy? When do we ever have that kind of luck?
gearing up I head to backup with the others after Dean
goes with the rest
seems a little hinky I think to myself
looks at Alex someone must have forgotten to lock the door or their waiting for someone to get back
Well that’s a risk I’m willing to take opening the door i rush inside
Dean! As usual my brother just goes off half-cocked and without any kind of plan. I look at the others and just sort of throw my hands up in the air. Nothing we can do about it now, guess we’re going in. I check to make sure that my gun and demon blade a securely in my pockets, and then follow Rambo into the building.
Dean! Wait!! deep sigh grabbing my gear  ready or not….
heads inside after him
Dammit Dean! we go in after him
Walk inside follow
follows after everyone can dean ever think with his head for once?  sighs and hopes dean doesn't get us in a trap
curious as to what we're getting into here following the rest of the team
I slip back into the store room holding a bag containing the last of what Ruby needs This better work. He WILL kill us.
"Remember, they will only look like us. No powers, memories or anything, so we're going to have to move quickly before Lucifer notices we've left!" I let Crowley put the ingredients in as I call them off. "Sage, purselane, camomile, vervain, black pepper..."
Well then you better hurry up I snark and pour in a little too much vervain.
Once everything is ready, I light a match and toss it in, lighting everything up.
all of the patrons in the club now look like Crowley and Ruby
I'm trying to enjoy myself, vibing to the music with a nice buzz going. Plenty of attention, plenty of women and even a few men flirting with me. My mood is sky-high as I grab a pretty blonde who'd been flirting with me by the waist. I lean in real close to kiss her on the cheek.... and all of a sudden I'm holding a doppleganger of Crowley?!?!
Immediately I shove the guest off of me and ignore the thud when she (?) hits the ground. Doesn't take a genius to see what's happening as the club is now full of Crowleys and Ruby’s, and I see red. Are you kidding m-- Worthless.. fucking.. DEMONS!!! I start snarling and shouting, enraged by the betrayal, and begin exploding clones and splattering the place with blood and viscera
making my way through a dark hallway lined with doors, I let out the breath I was holding and whisper we have no idea what we are facing… but let’s check some doors…
Once inside I wasn’t expecting such a long dark hallway to nowhere. Both sides of the hall are lined with doors. Trying to be as quiet as possible, I walk up to a door on the right and open it slowly, only to find what looked like a janitors closet full of supplies. Nothing… I whisper to the others and keep going.
I head through the dark hall trying to find my way to the club as I open one door finding old gambling machines and casino stuff, I close it and open another door finding old stage equipment and close it and continue down the hall
going down the dark corridor there's doors everywhere. I pull one open to check inside but there was is chained up vampire named Edward  Apparently Luci and crowley have made plans I think to myself nothing here. I tell the team
opening a door in this long dark hallway full of nothing but doors. I open one door after another not finding anything useful I'm not finding anything here what about the rest of you?
checking the third one on the right I open it and find what looks like a brothel—slamming the door shut I hope no one noticed
Nothing here!
looks around the hall finding a door. Opens it to find a broom nothing
Open door there kitchen and close door no
I walk farther ahead of the team finding a room full of torture devices and other things yeah NOPE Although some could be fun.....
finally nearing the end of the hall I take one door and ask Henry to try the other
keeps walking till my gut feels the right door. Walks up to a door this feels right. Opens the door and finds ruby and everyone else guys
Double checking the burned herbs, I see there was too much vervain! "Crowley you idiot! Do you know what you've done?!"  I hear Lucifer in the club!
close the door and continue further down
opening my door I find a group of flying monkeys
Rushing back over to Henry, I’m really glad to see Ruby, but also not thrilled at the company she’s with.
hearing ruby I turn around and run to the room
I can see what looks like fear in Ruby’s eyes, and that actually stops me cold for a second. Things have got to be pretty damn bad for a 700 year old demon to be afraid. Noticing the bandage on her hand, my shock turns to anger. What’s going on here Ruby? I turn my unhappiness towards Crowley hand and yell Someone better start talking pretty quickly here.
hears Henry did you find anything
I shoot a side glance at Ruby. Were going to die and this is all her fault. Just had to bring Lucifer back and then double cross him.
I found the demons who is always the cause of trouble
What’s going on here? giving Crowley a look
goes to him
stop when I hear the commotion behind me but at the same time still wanting to find the damn club
You son of a bitch, and you know who your mother is!
What's going on?!!
Son of a witch actually. But I'm not getting killed because you want to play both sides. The words are a hiss and I push pass her.
Crowley and Lucifer have been using the club for soul collecting!
Figures hell needs more souls anyways
looks for a bathroom because the fucking yes I about to go right through me
Still madder than hell, I suddenly sense team free will nearby and I start cursing under my breath. Fine.. apparently if I want something done right I'll have to do it myself. I pace back over to my piano and smooth out my button up to wait for them to show up.
Are we gonna stand here all damn night or are we gonna fix this damn problem?
I agree with Dean
I'm a demon. I never claimed to be anything else. But now we're going to die.
THIS time we need an actual plan Dean!
We need arch angel cuffs.
I’m with Sam… this could have been very bad….
I can do a sneak attack!
I can go get them if you'd like.
That’s fine get a damn plan then so we can do this!
Every time we've ever gone up against Lucifer, when has it NOT been Bad?
It’s going to take all of us to pull anything off with lucifer….
Like hell you will! Your ass isn’t going out of my damn sight! This is low even for you and you pulled ruby into it!
Rock music starts blaring over speakers out of nowhere
nodding in agreement with Sam but a demon would be faster…
Setting the mood. A little ambience if you will
Looks at the coward Crowley. "I'll do it!"
Agreeing totally with Dean on keeping Crowley in eye sight, I turn to Ruby. Yeah, Ruby. That’s a good idea… you go
sneaking in behind the stage with Henry and Alex
Queen starts playing we will rock you- followed up by bohemian rhapsody
Shit you better not fail us either
I hold my hands up in defeat Fine, Fine.
Well… looking in my bag I’ve got some fire crackers and light snares in here…. I can set off some distractions?
Follow patience went behind stages
I'll help, we're going to need to divide his attention
flares not snares
We can set off some distractions as well
Hand me some Charlie. You can be on one side ill go on the other and we can throw them.
passing out some firecrackers, flashlights and LEDs and flares  let’s do this
I can find a way to distract Luci so somebody can get the cuffs on him maybe?
Let’s hope Ruby is quick… where is the main room of the bar Crowley?
I think I found a door down there
Starts blaring ACDC 'are you ready' over the speakers
Then we should stay low, until we’re ready to be seen. I’m sure Ruby will let us know when she’s made the handoff to Henry….
Popping back, I toss the cuffs to Henry. I get caught up on the plan, and proceed to create more illusions in the club. I make several monkeys to run all over.
hearing all the music he sounds like he's in a great mood.
Just before we get started with the plan, I grab Ruby by the arm and hold her back a second You just keep as far away from Lucifer as you can, alright?
Get confused sort of angry at the monkeys
helps try to distract Luci
I make my way to a corner and set off the first flare
Mom come with me?
catches the cuffs while watches Lucifer from afar knowing I can use my telekinesis to my advantage  he seems fun to hang out with. Maybe I can befriended him. No no, I need to focus on capturing him. But still, I can give him a cookie I hope he likes cookies thinks to myself
I light up some fire crackers and throw them to the middle of the room
I go the other and start setting off the fire crackers
Start dancing, waiting for the show to start
I nod and let her go Let’s do this… I head into the main club, bent on chaos and needing to burn off some anger. At the first table with just woman, I step close and without a word, wipe all of their drinks and personal items on top of the table, off onto the floor. Then just keep on walking.
I enter through a door and slide into the room where Luci is hey prick! You having fucking fun yet?
goes with Dean to help distract Luci
Right with you!
I set off the rainbow LEDs like strobe lights to make it harder to see who is who or where we are
I light the flare Charlie gave me
Lighting a flare, I shoot sparks across several tables and the throw it towards the stage.
Mary SPN
Oh so we're doing this the fun way? Roll my eyes as I notice more than one I’m having a blast dean- how about you? Send a blast of power his way to knock him in the wall- immediately distracted by sparks What the..
lighting another flare I toss it, catching Luci’s hair on fire
throw a flare at your head as I hit a wall and get back up a bit sore fuck off bitch! lighting a firecracker throwing it your way
tries to distract Luci
I slip into the main room and am torn about if I should help Team Free Will, or try and regain my good standing with Lucifer. If I should succumb to my nature.
Why are there... Rainbow strobe lights? Why didn’t I think of that.. I snarl and whirl around, trying to pat my hair and take out the fire I know I'm hot headed but damn! Get enraged and send out a powerful shockwave to try and knock everyone back
knocked back for a moment I signal to all to go big—-time was now before he was too angry
I stumble back then  regain my footing and light another flare
get knocked back but then run towards Luci while he’s distracted and light another firecracker and throw it as I watch it fall in your shirt bullseye bitch!
lighting another flare and a string of firecrackers hey Luciiii I’m hooommmeee!!!
gets knocked back and tries to help
getting knocked back start to throw more fire crackers his way
I swallow my pride and grab a vodka bottle and stuff a towel in it Hey Luci, catch this!  I light it with a fire ball and throw it into Lucifers hands
watching all the fireworks
Mom take the other side and distract him with flares
does as asked
setting off more LEDs and firecrackers
Who knew you were all a psycho group of pyros?! I immediately disappear from my spot, leaving the flares to go off where I was. I spot Mary and smirk. This should make a good point. I reappear behind her- one hand on her neck and the other poised to snap my fingers HEY DEANO- wanna say goodbye to mommy?
pours myself a whiskey then throws the glass that way
Seeing Lucifer MOM!
run at Luci as he grabs Luci MOM NOOOO I kick you hard in your gut ninja style
hearing dean scream like a scared girl I put the cuffs on Lucifer with telekinesis  hey big meanie you're going to the time-out room. But do you want a cookie I can share
tries to regain my breath
no way I can get close enough to stop him from this far away
I barely flinch, and toss Dean off me, but suddenly when I got to smite, there’s cuffs on me. What the fu... Did YOU do that?! What did- take these off me now!!
seeing the cuffs go on Lucifer I take a breath of relief
proceeds to have toddler sized tantrum
tries regaining my breath
whew, takes another shot of whiskey
Makes it to her side You okay?
Stands back near the exit watching it all, knowing somehow Lucifer will get free and there will be hell to pay, with me at the head if the line.
I have telekinesis and I'm the perfect of the lord . You can ask dad that but dad is too busy so the time out room it is
I will be once I catch my breath again
I fly back but seeing the cuffs on you I run up to you super fish flying hitting you in the face that’s for my mom BITCH! kick you knocking you to your knees
Time out room?! What is this- I'm not a child, you can't just throw me in 'time out'!!
I walk up to Lucifer and dust off his shoulders Don't worry. The dungeon in the Bunker is cozy. You get plenty of alone time.
Well not yet… first we need you to turn this place back to normal
Hit the ground with a bloody nose Wow, okay. Rude. Growl at Crowley and glare daggers
Acting like a little bitch with your temper tantrum time out in the dungeon sounds great!
You should be used to getting locked away by now
I’m sure Gabe will be happy to deal with you when he gets home….
Okay first of all, out of bounds Bunk- buddy.
Dungeon with a trap that you can’t escape. But you aren’t behaving so no cookie for you
punch you in the face again shut the fuck up!
I just wanted to have a little fun, but no... Fine. Snaps the place back to normal and sneers
tries to get my breath back still
Hey, I think.. I deserve cookies at the very LEAST. After you PSYCHOS tried to blow me up with discount fireworks.
Thank you… now dean…can you get him back to bunker without trying to kill him?
You're sending me back with the temperamental Ken doll? Seriously?
I shoot a look at Lucifer and smile sheepishly
goes to help Mary get up and out to the cars
Oh you better watch your step. I'm already counting how many pigs I can get for you.
No guarantees come on bitch grabbing you by the seat of your pants and throw you over my shoulders like a ragdoll and carry you to the impala throwing you in the trunk and slamming the door hitting your head
tries to breathe
I'm going to tell my dad about this goes to get inside Sam’s car
Ladies? Shall we? holding up my keys  I’m ready for a drink
HEY! EASY ON THE GOODS! curses from the trunk of the Impala
Yup! I yell back to Charlie. Holding onto Mary
What was that? open the trunk slamming it down on your head again
looks to Charlie yes ma'am
WHEN I GET OUT OF HERE-- shut off my the trunk slamming my head and cursing louder
Taking advantage of the melee, I pop out needing to get out of here.
Looking around for Ruby, I don't see her anywhere. Damn it Following Dean and Lucifer out, I get ready to escort the Impala back to the Bunker
I hear the starting price is 3
getting in my car I start it up homeward bound
weakly breathing Thanks
I jump in the car and once Mary is in I head back to the bunker
looks out the window
Of course honey. Exciting night huh? helps her sit in the front seat of Charlie's car
Let’s get you home to rest
hops in the front seat of deans car
Still banging on the trunk because still tantruming
once back to the bunker I get out and open the trunk grabbing. Lucifer and drag him out of the trunk slamming you to the ground then pick you up leading you inside
I pat the trunk sympathetically
climbing in the car with Charlie
Oops sorry about that Luci
HONESTLY. Did no one ever tell you to be gentle?
back at the bunker with Dean, watching him handle Luci like a rag doll
pulling into the bunker let’s get Mary inside to rest, and then I think I need a beer.
No, they really don't. Sorry
Is nobody gonna step in? Really? Okay this is just... honestly I was just having a good time and I'm feeling so attacked right now.
Nope why the hell would I be to the devil? dragging you into the bunker and down the steps making sure you bounce hard on every step
I follow squirrel down invisibly
watches while trying to catch my breath
at the bottom i grab you by your feet dragging you through the halls bouncing your head off the walls on the way. To the dungeon and throw you into the wall before chaining you
cursing in every language known and not known to man
I watch Lucifer and Dean contemplating what would benefit me most
sensing Crowley nearby and death glaring in his general direction even if it looks like thin air
Have fun I can’t wait till Gabe gets ahold of your ass!
goes to the kitchen
Riiiiight gaining innocent souls.... Turning ruby evil again....well trying to but it backfired
roll my eyes and crouch taking out a knife and makes the tinniest scratch in the paint
I was just playing club owner for a little bit and enjoying the fine delights humanity supposedly offers-- so what if a few people were willing to sell their souls. Grown adults. Making their own decisions.
Dude he has archangel cuffs on but I will let Gabe known your helping his ass too
Also YOU GUYS came and crashed my party and attacked ME. Just defended myself.
Protecting people is what we do dumbass! Family business
Mhmm, and how many people did you protect storming in there tossing fireworks left and right setting the place ablaze. Just saying...
Considering you already killed innocent people cloned as ruby and CROWLEY With your little temper tantrum rage
And you guys lit the place up trying to get me. So.. bye to anybody left in there I guess.
Fireworks and flares didn’t kill anyone dumbass
All I'm saying is. If you guys left well enough alone, nobody would have died. I shrug nobody was forcing anyone to sign contracts before you guys showed up. Actually half of the deals probably would have left them better off than they were before.
Yeah and it’s a dangerous game and they would all die in 10 years we know how the game works
goes down to get dean. dean let's go! Time to eat!
Oh you especially right?
You could be right
hearing enough from you I real back and punch you hard slamming your head off the wall
Course I'm right. I shout with a bloody nose and smile, but I'm still conscious at least oooh, did I hit a nerve dean? Imagine someone stopped you making your deal. Yeah no hell, but I wonder where Sammy would be...
1. Sam and Dean are in the armory showing Mary the collection left behind by the men of letters specifically an odd looking gun that they hadn’t found the origin of yet.  Ellen, Charlie and patience are at the table talking while researching cases.  Henry and Alex come in from shopping and mention a new dance club that has opened in town, and maybe the team should take a night off to check it out.  They start talking about it at the table and soon are joined by Sam, Dean and Mary who join in and they all agree to get ready and go dancing.
2. Crowley, lucifer and Ruby are sitting in an office talking about how good business has been in collecting souls. Ruby is nursing an injured hand, but walks up and places a file on the desk showing their recent numbers. Crowley whistles and comments on how in all his years as king it’s never been this good.  Lucifer smiles and says he has much to teach them. All those years in the cage he had missed out on the fun. He had to make up for lost time. He sends ruby on a mission to go do some more advertising, while the men tended to business. Ruby scowls but says nothing as she does what she’s told.
3. The team has gotten dressed and are making plans for a fun night out. Sam and Dean comment about how this was not how they normally did things. Mary says some downtime is just as important as the hunts. Everyone else agrees. They decide who is going in what car (Sam, Dean and Charlie will all drive) and head out to the garage and drive to town. Once they find parking, Sam sees ruby hanging up signs and calls out to her. Ruby gasps and runs. Sam gives chase, while patience and Ellen go check out the signs. (It’s an advertisement for the dance club)  Henry wonders why Ruby is working a real job, Alex says ruby is good and wouldn’t hurt them. Charlie comments on her bandaged hand as Sam comes back saying he couldn’t find her. They decide they need to look into it a bit further and Henry sighs, after the prophet ordeal he was hoping to be normal for just a day. Ellen promises a Henry night as soon as this is over. They all agree and head home.
4. Inside the bar, Crowley is chatting up guests and signing deals left and right with a foolish grin on his face, while lucifer is playing the piano.  Ruby appears amongst the crowd, disgusted at what this place was, a soul collection pit. She thinks of all these poor people, drunk and drugged with no idea of what they’re getting into, and heads over to the piano to tell lucifer she saw team free will outside. Lucifer swears and Crowley overhears him and rushes to find out what is happening. Ruby warns of their intelligence and lucifer strikes her, and says she is underestimating who she has partnered up with, Willingly or not. Lucifer storms off to come up with a plan, and Crowley helps ruby up. He’s also a bit nervous knowing what the team is capable of and offers to help ruby come up with a plan to get out.
5. Back at the bunker Henry comes in and slumps on the couch, disappointed that a fun night turned into work.  Alex agrees with him, but reminds him this is the life they’d signed up for. Mary and Ellen try to comfort the two while Sam, Dean and Charlie are trying to research some information on the new club.  After a few minutes Charlie finds a website without a lot of information, but the ads promise an experience like never before which Dean scoffs at.  Sam reads a bit further as the ad says you’ll come out more successful, more wealthy or with whatever it is you desire most…. Dean pays attention then saying it sounds like a soul deal. Henry has overheard this and comments that maybe it’s best they didn’t go in after all. Sam tries to reach out to ruby but she ignores his calls, so they head out to investigate the club again.
6. Inside the club, lucifer is back on the piano and charming all of his guests. He flirts with a few random ladies and while he is distracted Crowley and Ruby sneak off to the store room behind the bar. (Lucifer you can free run yourself with guests or sing—whatever comes to mind) once they’re out of earshot Crowley and Ruby start planning a way to get out without lucifer noticing. They come up with several ideas and Crowley shoots them all down, saying luci is too smart for that. Then ruby remembers a spell she learned long ago that would allow her to turn a couple patrons into their clones. Crowley grins saying she was much smarter than she looked and asked what she needed from him.
7. The team is back outside the club, they’re watching the line up and realize that many of the patrons are either desperate or destitute. (Free run trying to talk to some guests here) dean, Sam and Ellen head to the lineup to question some guests while Henry, Patience, Alex , and Charlie start looking for a way inside. Not getting much useful information from the patrons Sam, Dean and Ellen go around the back and find the others just as Alex finds an unlocked door.  Sam warns that it seems too easy, and Dean says that’s a chance they’ll have to take. And he rushes inside, Charlie tries to stop him and Sam swears saying they have no choice now. Everyone gears up and heads in after dean.
8. Crowley comes back into the store room with the last of the ingredients Ruby needs for the spell. Ruby reminds Crowley that the clones won’t have their powers or their knowledge so they’d have to move quickly. Crowley snarks at ruby telling her to hurry before lucifer noticed they were gone. Ruby begins the spell and Crowley gets impatient and dumps in too much vervain, Ruby doesn’t notice and completes the spell and suddenly the club is full of Crowley and ruby’s! Lucifer looks around and sees it and he gets angry and begins to smite them one by one as he curses the “worthless demons” that betrayed him.
9. The team is walking through a dark hallway with several doors, they keep trying them as they look for a way inside the club (each person should open the door and see something that isn’t useful) until finally Henry opens a door and finds ruby and Crowley. Ruby has realized the mistake of her spell at this time and lucifer can be heard bellowing all through the club. Sam sees the fear in rubys eyes and the bandaged hand and yells at her saying now is the time to come clean. Crowley tries to place all the blame on ruby who immediately shuts him down and fills the team in on what Crowley and lucifer have built here. Lucifer, sensing the team nearby, goes back to his piano and waits for their appearance.
10. The team makes a plan to trap lucifer. Ellen says they’ll need the archangel cuffs and Crowley offers to get them. Dean gives him a look and says that he’s not getting out of their sights today. Crowley backs down and ruby offers to help. Sam says that’s a good idea and sends her on her way. Patience, Alex and Henry will sneak in from behind the stage, while Charlie, Ellen, Mary , Sam and Dean make plans to cause havoc all over the room. Ruby will use magic to cause some additional illusions as well.  Ruby pops back and they set their plan into motion. (Don’t move too fast, give Luci some time to respond and cause his own chaos too) lucifer is just about to smite Mary and dean screams out—just then henry uses his telekinesis and gets the cuffs on Luci. Luci curses and knows his plan is done. They take him back to the bunker after making him return the club to normal, threatening him with Gabe if he doesn’t comply.  Lucifer does as he’s told and they take him back to bunker and put him in the dungeon for safekeeping until Gabe came back.
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buttercupart · 2 years
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late night concept stuff for a redesigned/reimagined oc story i’ve been plotting in my head since i was 10, these characters and their story are very dear to me lol
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diorsluv · 9 months
feather , part 19
“ you act like a bitch ”
series m. list previous chapter next chapter
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liked by lhughes_06 and 674 others
missseraphina not quite golden hour but you make it feel like it anyway 🌅
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username16 i’m gagging.
username47 fuck no lmaooo
username3 so cringe
username92 luke isn’t even commenting he’s only liking her posts 😭😭
→ username96 i knowww like this has got to be the most embarrassing thing i’ve ever seen
username77 miss girl is trying way too hard
username30 ignore the haters babe!
liked by missseraphina
username25 i honestly would off myself
username81 god please tell me this is all just a bad dream
username20 this is my 13th fucking reason. i need my dryshughes crumbs rn
yourusername super cute! golden hour is any hour when you’re with the one you love 🥰
→ missseraphina thanks i guess? lmao and yeah maybe that’s why he always tells me i’m glowing
username1 don’t fucking tell me she just implied that luke loves her in lil drizzy’s replies
username6 there’s no way luke didn’t comment but his ex girl did
→ username49 lmfaooo i don’t think she’s his ex
→ username37 at this point she might as well be
username42 stopp this is so adorable
username21 so happy for u!!
username69 someone gouge my eyes out i’m begging
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liked by jackhughes, markestapa, yourusername, and 77,298 others
lhughes_06 throwback time? 🫣
tagged: yourusername
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trevorzegras kid u make me laugh LMAOOO
→ lhughes_06 glad i could be of service
→ _alexturcotte fr this is too funny
→ colecaufield who needs netflix when you have luke
username56 I CANTTT they all see it as a joke
→ username84 it is a joke bro 💀 like luke’s just fucking around w mississippi
yourusername were u just keeping these photos locked up for months 🙄🙄
→ lhughes_06 i mean they’re not even that old tbh
→ yourusername aw just wanted an excuse to post me huh?
→ lhughes_06 dont even need an excuse
username73 i just bet my friend $30 they get together by the end of the hockey season
→ username50 ur investing a lot into a relationship that doesn’t even exist yet
→ username73 key word: yet
missseraphina oh but the retro days have been over, no need for a throwback 😁
dylanduke25 i vividly remember you got us kicked out of the restaurant as soon as you threw her over your shoulder
→ lhughes_06 no you got us kicked out bc u squirted ketchup all over mackie
→ mackie.samo you stained my favorite white shirt and i’m still waiting for you to replace it 😒
→ yourusername that was your doing dyl don’t even
→ markestapa i thought it was because eddy kept screaming
→ dylanduke25 🙁🙁
_alexturcotte i left you on the curb for a minute so i could heat up the car and i came back to you snuggling
→ lhughes_06 we were tired
→ yourusername WE WERE NOT SNUGGLING
→ jackhughes i mean you did look pretty cozy
→ lhughes_06 i was pretty cozy
username75 luke’s just stirring it up and i’m here for it
→ username21 fr cuz that other girl was bein a bitch to MY girl 🙄
username98 lmfaooo mississauga doesn’t even realize he dont gaf abt her
next chapter notes ) mississippi be doin too much frfr, but its okay bc luke dont even want her 🥱
tags: @aliaology @hockeyboysarehot @absolutelyhugh3s @jackquinnswife @freds-slut @love4ldr @blueeyedbesson @43hughes @v1olentdelights @dancerbailey3 @random-human02
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bbeelzemon · 4 years
today has been kinda weird... i think tomorrow im gonna start work on This Month's Big Art Project
#nothing bad happened and its not really weird or bad emotionally or mentally or whatever#its just like. multiple things have happened that alone would warrant a Huh That Was Weird.#but theres been like 5 of those just today dhbdsndvs#although one of them Implies Future Tragedy but its not anything i havent already thought about extensively#princess is getting oolldddd and has cancerrr you know how it goeesss#we're still debating on our actions about that so im not really dedicating my mental state to it just yet#but like my phone cord breaking.. or my ****** starting despite being on ** (which is maybe an annual occurence at best)#just like a bunch of weird things happening all on the same day.... very unusual#anyway im just doodling my species list for my comic right now. ive got like 10 down i think#10 + however many i already have in published characters#seven.. and three.. and two more.. so 12? so im at like 22 then i guess#once im done for the night i want to post a screenshot of their previews cuz they look so cute next to each other#probably won't post their wips individually though since there's just so many of them#ok im on mobile so i cant edit my tag but i just realized i counted my main cast as 7 different species hdsjdnsg#youve got the human (doesnt count) the tekni the renfel the seipri and the two liotairs. thats literally only 4 species designs whdhsgs#also i counted byoh in that additional three. but vinjaws are one of the ones i sketched/already counted. so again that doesnt really count#so its more like.. 18? 18 species designs?#and im like nearly 1/3 done too. i expect to have close to or over 60#ohhh maybe once i figure out their bio stuff i can post them to toyhouse with each species as a 'character' listing..#also i dont know if this is relevant to anyone but you guys are always welcome to make ocs using my comic species hehe#just give me a heads up so i can tell you about the species and their homeworld/culture/etc (if ive gotten tht far in their development yet)#but i would love to see what people make out of my ideas..#also this is super early to be thinking about this but i might even put friends' ocs in the comic as cameos.. i really like that idea a lot#okay ive changed the topic like 5 times now. im just posting this dhsjfh no more tags im just rambling now dhsndbs
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bnha-doodle-trash · 4 years
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this originally started out as a rushed pose practice- but now it’s just these fools running from a,,, very,,, angry bakugou--
(you can kinda tell which ones i put more effort into- also yes, sero is using heelys whilst being attached to a sprinting mina, why do you ask-
 also my handwriting is b a d! i accidentally alternate between lower case and caps a lot, which a lot of people don’t like,, oops-  so i’ll write down what’s being said below the read more-)
sero: Hey, Kiri?? Remember what i had told you guys??
kirishima: Oh! ‘Don’t put dye in his shampoo, you idiots-’  Right?
Sero: ...RIGHT.
Kirishima: sorry sero,, haha,,  (you did join in, though...)
sero: (i really hope mina doesn’t lose energy...)
Kaminari: W-WHY AM I AT THE BACK!??
kirishima: sorry kami  :^(
Kaminari: Don’t say ‘sorry :^( ‘, HELP ME!!
distant Bakugou: D I E!!
Kaminari: he’s getting closer-!
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poppy-metal · 3 years
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Wc: 4k
Pairing: eren jaeger x reader
Cw: car sex, fingering, emphasis on reader being innocent and a virgin. reader is armins little sister. corruption kink
you're 6 years old when you first meet eren jaeger. apparently he'd run off some people that were bullying you big brother, armin. you admire him and mikasa immediately.
you're 8 and he's 11 when you get a scrape on your knee from playing tag. eren runs into your mothers bathroom to fish out the first aid-kit, you know he just doesn't want you to tattle, you never would anyway, but he pulls out a pink band-aid with little ariels all over it and places it gently over the cut. he stays there for a few beats, soothing the skin around the hurt area with his thumbs. his big bright green eyes look up at you, "better?" and that's the first time your heart skips for a boy.
you're 11 and he's 14 when armin starts becoming protective. "he's had like. 5 girlfriends in middle school, who knows what he's gonna be like in high-school"
it intrigue you, for some reason.
you're 13 and he's 16 when he taps furiously on your window at night, wild eyed and wearing a t-shirt and sweats. he falls ungracefully on his ass when you let him in, though he grins at you from the floor. "thanks, squirt"
you wince at the nickname, knowing it solidifies you as someone only platonic to him. armins little sister and nothing more. "what's this all about?"
he gets up and swipes imaginary dust off his sweats, looking around your room. its absurdly girly. he picks up one of your plushies and tosses it up, then catches it, peering over at you and grinning. "i hope you never change," he sighs and flops down onto your pink sheets. "girls my age are fucking psychos"
you creep closer to him, snatching your plush back. "im sure there's something you're leaving out there. im not completely dumb, you know"
he waves his hand, "yeah but you're....i don't know? innocent or whatever. you don't care about shit like boys and drama"
i do care about boys, you think, watching the way his shirt rides up to expose a hint of tan skin. you look away, squeezing your plush to your chest. "im gonna grow up eventually, ren"
he sighs and sits up, looking at you from under his ridiculously cute floppy brown hair. "Just promise me you won't go boy crazy"
you roll your eyes and sit down next to him, he leans in and licks a broad stripe against your cheek with his tongue, grinning "we have cooties"
you swat at him and wipe your cheek, groaning and calling him gross. "i know that. you and armin never let me forget how gross boys are", you side eye him. "what did you even do? really?"
he looks to the side, only now having it in him to look the least bit sheepish, "my girlfriend may have caught me with my hand down historias skirt..."
yeah, boys really are gross. but not eren, no he's beautiful and magical and makes you feel all the fluttery things. but he's also a player, a bad boy, dangerous and completely off limits. maybe your crush should have ended there, but of course it didn't.
You're 15 when you go on your first date with a boy. until now you haven’t allowed yourself to even think about men outside of the enigma that is eren jaeger, but that’s a lost cause, a stupid crush you need to let go of. and despite what eren thinks, you’re not that innocent. not in your head anyway. you’re a girl and you have fantasies. 
the guy is nice, armin likes him enough. big and tall and humble, reiner brought you flowers for your first date. the age difference is a little weird, he’s in erens grade, a senior, but you think its harmless. you’re turning 16 soon. the date goes well, you smile and giggle alot, and reiner seems smitten by the end of it. he even goes as far as to kiss your hand when he drops you back off at home, at 8pm sharp, just like he promised. he was kind and sweet, and you liked him, but you wonder what it means that there were no flutters in your belly, not like when you’re around him…
you’re still thinking about that when you open the door, and walk inside. the house is quiet, and you wonder where armin is, and eren. thinking they both must be in armins room, you go to the kitchen to get a glass of water, stopping on your path there when you see eren on the couch. he’s lounging back, hand idly wrapped around a gaming controller as he watches you.
you glance around him. “where’s mimmin?”
he doesn’t take his eyes off you. “annie called”, he leans forward a little, propping his chin in his palm as he observes you quietly for a moment.
you squirm in place, his eyes are too hot. “oh” and you make to start moving again but his voice stops you. 
“so. braun, huh?” his tone is hard to discern, the words coming out cool and detached, but his eyes are that intense green. 
“yeah” you say, shifting on your feet. “he was nice. kissed my hand and everything”
“sounds like a dream” and that is definitely said sarcastically. you bristle but eren is already turning away from you, facing the TV. “didn’t think he was your type though” 
because erens been your type since forever, you guess he’s right. reiner couldn’t be more different in both personality and looks, but maybe that’s a good thing. “maybe he can be” you say softly, looking at your feet. you dont see erens eyebrows jump, or his lips twist disdainfully. 
“If you wanna settle for missionary the rest of your life, then sure, go ahead” he sounds a little miffed and that confuses you. makes you look up. you don’t even know reiner that well, but you feel the need to defend him from erens usual snarky jabs. 
“not every guy that doesn’t live on Xbox and fuck half the school is a bland guy” you huff. you feel a little guilty for calling him out but he started it. eren hated preps, that was obvious, but its not like he was a model person either, if his long track record of promiscuity was anything to go by. reiner wasnt boring he just…..wasn’t eren. but that wasn’t a flaw. It shouldn’t be. 
“you been keeping tabs on me, princess?” eren asks wryly, smirking now. you just glare at him, quirking a brow and daring him to prove you wrong, to say he’s better. 
he doesn’t. he just looks at you, sets his controller down and does that tick he’d developed since he was young of jiggling his knee, tapping his finger on it. “don’t go on more dates with him” 
you squint your eyes, “and why not?”
“because i said so” 
“you’re not my boss” 
“because..” he scratches the stubble on his jaw, gaze looking far off as he stares at his bouncing leg. “guys shouldn't touch you” 
your mouth pops open. you get that, right now, you’re too young for stuff like sex, but being touched? everyone your age had boyfriends, why should you be any different?
It feels a bit like deja vu when you tell him, “m’not staying innocent forever. dating and s-sex are apart of life. you do it, why shouldn’t i?” 
you didn’t really get his whole overprotective bit, armin, who was your brother, wasn’t even this bad. he’d seen happy almost, when you told him about your date with reiner, even, so you really don’t see where eren is coming from. 
erens lip curls in a smirk and he points a finger at you. “that’s why” he says. “you can’t even say the word sex without stuttering. what’ll you do when you see a cock for the first time?” 
your skin heats, hating that he’s right. “I’ll grow out of it” you promise him. 
he huffs a laugh. “sure thing, dork” but then his face gets serious. “you don’t need to change though. sex is lame, i promise.” 
“you seem to have alot of it, so there must be something good about it” 
“for me, yeah” he grins. “but im selfish. most men are, and you deserve better than some highschool tumble with a guy who looks like he can’t find the clit to save his life” his eyes weigh you down. “just keep bein’ you. If i come back from college and hear that you’re the towns tramp stamp, m’ not gonna be happy” 
and that’s that. 
you’re 16 when eren leaves for college. you get to 18 without ever being touched. 
you’re 18 and you wish you hadn’t begged armin to let you come to this stupid bomfire party. it’s just the first time he’s been home in the 2 years since he’d left for college, and you know that means eren is back too, though you have yet to see him. he’s supposed to be at the party though.
you wonder if he’ll react to having seen you after not for awhile, if he’ll look at you different now that you’re grown. you’re wearing a simple pleated white skirt and a pink top, the picture of innocence you’ve always been, never changing. 
being around so many people makes you uncomfortable, you want to cling to armins side, but you don’t want to be annoying so you tell him its okay to leave you. your eyes scan the mass of people on the crowded beach as you nervously hold your solo cup to your chest. 
your eyes stop their nervous skittering when they land on someone familiar. 
college eren is completely different and yet wholly the same since you’d last seen him. he’s wearing a red bomber jacket, over a black t-shirt and skinny jeans, scuffed converse kicking in the sand as he shifts from one foot to the other. you peep tan skin, a hint of a tattoo peeking on his neck and….and black hair. he’d dyed his hair, and, is that jewelry on his ear? rings on his hand?
he’s smiling easily with a pretty blonde and...and reiner. talking to them like old friends as he tilts his head back and laughs, taking a swig from his cup. he’s still chuckling and shaking his head when his eyes flick distractedly over, rove over you and then stop. even from all the way where you are the green of his eyes pins you in place. the warm glow of the bonfire dances across his features, and you see the bastard has a lip ring as well. he takes his time cataloging you and you do him, before his lips tilt, he hands off his drink and he makes his way over to you. 
your whole body is tense with nerves as he gets closer and closer.
when he’s standing in front of you, the smell of his cologne wafts over you. his smile is small and genuine. “hey, pip” 
pip as in short for pipsqueak. you have to fight the urge to grin at him, your cheeks warming pleasantly, even though you groan out loud. “m’ not little anymore” 
“I can see that” eren eyes rake over you, linger on your bare legs before dragging slowly back up. his eyes feel like a caress and when they meet yours again, you’re already tingly. you’ve never been touched sexually, and just one look from eren has you wet between the legs like nothing. “still dress like you wanna be an extra in a Bratz commercial” 
the tension disputes as you swat his arm. “shut up!! Its a fashion choice, not like you’d know. dressed like a wannabe rockstar” 
“aw, c’mon. you’d be my groupie right?” 
you roll your eyes. “you wish, jaeger”
“mm” he hums softly. “s’cute though. always has been” 
before you can even register the compliment, he’s leaning forward to peek into your cup, swiping it easily from you. “underage drinking, are we? left you for a couple years and you go rebel barbie on me” 
you squawk as he chugs all of your drink back in one gulp, crushing the cup in his fist and tossing it behind him. “ren! I wasn’t even drinking it. It was..” you wave your hand around. “for the aesthetic”
“uh huh” he drones, but then he jerks his chin. “i’ll get you another one to stand around and look pretty with then. C’mon”
cute, pretty. the compliments are gonna make your heart fly out of your chest if he doesn’t let up. you follow him as he leads you to a keg, one that’s a little ways away from the bustle of the party, close to the parking lot where you came in. 
you shyly say ‘thank you’ when he fills you a cup and hands it to you, proceeding to lean back against a car as he goes back to observing you.
to distract yourself you mumble, “you can’t just lean on a strangers car for the sake of being cool” 
the grin is back. “you think im cool?” when you glare at him he rolls his eyes and slaps the hood of the car. “she’s mine, pip. you can untwist your panties” 
you blink at him, “since when did you get a new car? and when did you dye your hair?” 
he looks at you curiously, drumming his fingers. “do you not, like. follow me on instagram?”
you look away, kicking your feet in the sand. hesitantly you admit, “didn’t wanna miss you, so i didn’t look” 
he doesn’t say anything to that. the silence stretches between you, making you nervous. should you not have said that? you guessed it was weird, after all, but it was true. If you’d looked at how erens life was progressing without you there to see it, you’d have cried and been a total lovesick girl about it. 
he finally breaks the silence. “do you have a boyfriend?” 
you look back at him. “uh...no? do you?”
the smirk you wanted ghosts over his lips again, and your eyes are drawn to his lip ring when he tugs it between his teeth. “nah, you know me. unattainable” 
“yeah, i know” you say under your breath, thinking of how eren jaeger had been an unattainable fantasy for you for years. 
“so no current boyfriend or…?” 
“no boyfriends...ever” its embarrassing to admit, but less humiliating than admitting that the reason that was is because you’re in love with your brothers best friend, the very man standing before you now. 
“that’s kinda tragic, pip” eren hops up on the hood of his car and fishes a cigarette out of his pocket. he waves a hand at you, “you’re rockin’ a bod like that and no one’s bagged you? thought you’d be beating down options with a bat by now” 
you watch the smoke that plumes in the air, the way it coils and wisps, and really look at eren. he’s tragically beautiful. his no black hair is boyishly messy, tangled around his head in a dark halo. his face is sharp and tan, his eyes striking and making you feel like you’re sinking into the sand beneath your feet.
you’ve wanted him for so long, it makes you ache. years and years of pushing away men and declining confessions for this man in front of you. you’d never expected anything from him, but you couldn’t move past the fantasy in your head. couldn’t imagine giving any of your firsts to anyone but eren. 
“you told me to stay innocent” its out before you can stop the words, they just fumble out, spilling from your lips and into the air like the smoke.
eren stills, pauses from where he’d been about to take another drag. his expression is unreadable. he flicks the ashes from the cig on the sand, stumps it out under his foot as he hops down. the wind ruffles his dark hair as he just looks and looks and looks at you. 
“yeah?” and oh, jesus, if the rough gravel in his voice doesn’t make your cunt warm immediately. “and you listened?” 
you squeeze your thighs together, an action that draws erens gaze between your legs. to late to back down now, you think, and wet your lips. “y-yeah. I did” 
“you didn’t let any boys touch you while i was gone?” eren continues and he draws closer, creeping towards you.
you shake your head, silent as he comes in front of you. he reaches up to delicately push a strand of hair behind you ear with one of his ring fingers. he keeps it tucked behind your ear as he towers over you, staring you down. “you’re still my innocent little girl, huh?” 
you wonder if this is how it feels to be seduced, seduced by eren jaeger no less. his eyes are warm, and they make you feel warm from where the rest on your eyes, and then, your lips. they part under his gaze, on instinct. “I am, ren. always have been” 
his eyes darken, and the finger behind your ear becomes his whole hand sliding to cup the back of your head, slowly fisitng your hair in it. “shit” he tilts your head up. “you can’t say things like that, baby”
baby, baby, baby. your head swims. you’re on autopilot now, speaking without thinking and you think that’s good because if you were thinking clearly you wouldn't have the courage. “i’ve always been your good girl. no one elses” 
you have one second to hear his exhale before his lips are crashing against yours, and oh. oh, he’s good. you feel the metal of his lip ring against your bottom lip as he slides his tongue in your mouth, eating you up.
“god, you’re sweet” he nips your lip. “knew you would be”
you pant into his mouth, your hands curling on his chest, “y-you’ve thought about me?”
“‘course i did, im not blind” he pulls away. “I just really like my dick and didn’t want it chopped off. armin is scary” 
you know he can be when he wants to be, knows if he saw eren ravishing his little sister against his car right now, body parts would be strewn about. and that’s just from armins verbal warfare.
you look at eren demurely from under your lashes, “i don’t want anything to happen to your…” you trail off at the end.
erens eyebrows climb up his forehead, he presses close to you, tugs you to him. “my…” he prods, eyes glinting with mischief. 
you look away, pouting. “know i can’t say it” you mumble, hating that even now, saying vulgar words is embarrassing for you.
erens chest shakes with a laugh. “you just sucked my tongue down your throat, pip, and you can’t talk about my cock? you’re precious, c’mere.” he starts walking backwards, towards his car. “we gotta be sneaky about it but-” he dips down to kiss you again, once, twice. “i really wanna touch you” 
you gulp, and nod, let him pull you to his car and open the backseat for you, climbing in after you. he shuts and locks it behind him and then he’s facing you, eren jaeger giving you his full attention. looking at you like he wants you, like he’s seeing you, like he wants to do alot of bad things to you.
you place a shaking hand on his shoulder. “im- i dont know what to do..”
you want to impress him, but pretending you’re good at something you’re not won’t do that. eren doesn’t like liars anyway. 
he scoots close to you, pulling you halfway onto his lap until you’re sitting comfortably against him. you bite your lip when you feel the hard ridge of his cock pressing against your ass under your skirt. one of his hands settles on your bare thigh, scooting it up just barely.
“you ever watch porn, sweetheart?” erens breath puffs against your ear and you squirm on top of him. 
you push down your own embarrassment, resigning yourself to be a big girl and be honest. “s-sometimes” 
“yeah?” god, why does just that word turn you on so much? “tell me what kind of stuff you watch when you touch your little pussy” 
his vulgar words go straight to your cunt, at the same time his hand slides up your thighs and slips under your skirt. you close your eyes when you feel the tip of his finger trace over the band of your panties. “they’re always a couple..” you gasp when his hand dips inside, palm cupping over your pussy. “a-and the guy has dark hair..”
“Imagining anyone in particular?” eren teases, but you hear his breath catch at the same time yours does when he sinks one long finger inside. the folds around your slit part seamlessly around the intrusion, sucking his finger in like your pussy wants it there. “so wet, baby. keep talking for me?”
ever the good girl, you push through the tingles and the heat spreading down your legs, the slick sound of his finger fucking in and out of you filling the silent car as you struggle to find words. “s-shes always inexperienced. Its her first time and...and hes gentle” you moan a little when erens thumb comes to swirl around your clit, hips lips finding your neck. he’s teasing another finger at your tight entrance when you swallow another groan and try to keep talking like he’d asked. “he’s gentle but he takes. t-takes what he wants”
“mm” eren hums, tongue sliding against your skin. you gasp when the tip of his ring finger edges in beside the other one, stretching your tight passage around his digits in thorough little twists of his fingers. “that’s real good, baby. you like the sound of that, huh?” 
eren hooks his chin over your shoulder, bunches your skirt around your waist so he can see where your little pussy is clenching and squeezing around him, clit engorged and throbbing for attention. when you don’t answer, he continues, using the slick dripping down your slit, gathering it and then pushing back into you. “I bet” he says, low, husky. “In those videos, he eats her out real nice, yeah? makes sure her little virgin cunt is wet enough to take his cock”
“y-yeah” you pant, holding his wrist but not pulling it away, pushing him more towards you. you’re starting to grind down against the pleasure, walls rhythmically fluttering around his fingers, fucking yourself on them without even knowing it. he curls them, and your head thumps back against his shoulder as you cry out. 
“i’ll give that to you” eren promises, pumping his fingers faster, his other hand coming up to cup one of your tits over your blouse, giving it a squeeze. “gonna take you home after you cream around my fingers and lay you out on your bed” he kisses your cheek, holding you firm against him when you start to twitch and writhe. “lick this little flower open. wanna feel your thighs squeeze my face when i drink the cum from your pussy, get you all loose and wet and then i wanna feel you drip down my dick when i slide it inside”
“oh god, ren!” you jerk in his hold as you feel your orgasm crest over you, gushing down his palm, as you ride his hand, milking it as tingles shoot across your whole body. A milky, creamy film rests around his knuckles when he slides his fingers out of your weeping cunt, still pulsating and twitching from the come down. 
he rubs the excess slick around your folds and clit, rubbing it in. you whimper and he chuckles and kisses your cheek. 
you sag against him, fucked out. eren brushes some hair from your forehead and kisses it. “wannabe punk pounds sweet virgin pussy into her bed” 
you look at him, confused and dazed “huh?”
eren grins at you. “s’ gonna be the name of our porno” 
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pixcldust · 3 years
𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐞 ;
pairing | rich!kuroo tetsuro x f! reader
wordcount | 1.1k
warnings | slightly suggestive
tags | rich boy x poor reader, love confession, one night stand/fwb to something ✨more✨, no beta i never have beta lmao
a/n | i dont really know if anyone is still here but this was part of a series i planned out ages ago about a rich kids au. never fully finished the series (idk i would love to pick it up again) but it’s been collecting dust in my drafts for ages. also i miss this account 🥺 love u, pls hydrate
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matutine (adj): of or relating to early morning; occuring in the early morning
When your eyes blink open, the hotel room is dark and you are alone in the big big bed. For a brief, sleepy second, you think that he has already left. You feel a tired pang of happiness when you see that he hasn’t.
There’s a warm glow from the lamp in the corner that illuminates a figure standing by the window. You can smell the smoke from his cigar; a little sweet but mostly pungent, in your opinion. He doesn’t even like to smoke -- he told you that the first time you met -- but he’s always puffing away on his Cuban cigars. The logic behind that evades you, but you can always guess why. He smokes because he’s bored. He buys and hoards more tobacco than he should because he’s bored. He stays with you because he’s bored.
The last sentence wasn’t just a guess.
You crumple the sheets a little, as you move to sit up, and he turns to look at you. Cat eyes blink, backlit by the view only the top floor of a luxury penthouse can provide - neon car lights and tiny windows all blurred into a mess of light. And above it all, a starless night sky. The view is beautiful and unreal from here.
“What time is it?” your voice is a croak, swept over by tiredness. 
“It’s 3:30 am,” he replies, putting the cigar into the ashtray. “Sorry. I know you hate this kinda stuff.”
Being the only son of the president of one of the biggest conglomerates in Japan, Kuroo Tetsuro was first in line to claim the company after his father stepped down. And yet here he was putting  out a $70 cigar early because a part-time waitress, whose closet was half-filled with thrift store clothes, didn’t like the smell. You’d be flattered if you didn’t know that $70 was almost nothing to him. He would pay over $100 for a smoke without batting an eyelid. You know that far too well.
“It’s only three thirty? I shouldn’t have woke up,” you sigh, brushing a hand over your face. “I don’t know how I’m going to go back to sleep again.”
A sly grin appears on Tetsuro’s face - it’s familiar and annoyingly sexy. How dare he look like that? You can’t help feeling a bit bitter.
“Want me to tire you out a little?”
You roll your eyes even as you smile, as he climbs back into the bed to rest both arms on the headboard. Caging you in, under his shirtless body. He smells fresh, like he’d just step out of the shower, despite the underlying scent of his cigar smoke. “Once a night is quite enough, thanks. I’ve got a morning shift tomorrow, and I’d like to retain my ability to walk.”
When you first met Tetsuro, at a shitty hole-in-the-wall bar that you never returned to after, he’d said all the right things in the right way. You didn’t even know he was one of the richest 20-something year olds in the country when he laughed at your sarcastic jokes, when the conversation somehow turned to kissing. You thought he was just another bar fling. Watching his lips quirk up into a smile, there’s a sense of relief that washes over you; you’re glad that he’s become more than that, as loathe as you are to admit your feelings to yourself.
His laughter shakes the bed beneath you. After months of this - this strange relationship where the both of you are something more than friends, but not quite lovers - you’ve learned to tell the difference between his mirthless chuckles and his genuine, albeit ridiculous, laughter. It’s nice that he’s been carrying out the latter more frequently around you.
“That should be flattering, but it doesn’t sound as kind coming from you,” he drops his arms and roll to the side, one leg draped over yours. Only the blankets keep your skin from touching his. “Want me to send you there? I’m free all day tomorrow.”
It’s sweet of him to offer, but the mental image of his red Rolls-Royce pulling up to the tiny neighbourhood diner, and a waitress in patched up jeans stepping out was too amusing. You tell him as much, while he trails a hand up your bare arm to tap your shoulder mindlessly. “I’m pretty sure it’d end up on the news: president’s son drops off minimum wage waitress at tiny diner. Your dad would probably murder you.”
He pinches your shoulder, playfully, moving his hand to your chest. “He can try, but am I really at fault for doing a favour for my favourite person?”
“Your favourite person, huh?”
“Yeah, of course,” he laughed, nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck. His breath is warm. “Hey Y/N?”
Your hands move to comb through his unruly hair. “What?”
“Don’t freak out, but I think I love you.”
Oh. Your fingers froze. There it was.
After the first night, when you woke up to find empty sheets and a neat white business card on the bedside table, you googled him. He scribbled a little message under his name and his position as Supervisor for Kuroo Group -- one of the richest conglomerates in Japan that so happened to share his last name. You’d read the message so many times, you could recite it by heart now -- ‘Thanks for last night. Call me whenever you feel like. I had fun.’. 
The Internet told you he was a notorious playboy with a personality that endless wealth always seemed to incur: confident, detailed and bored. So so bored with his flow of gold and his shiny toys and all his different suits and ties. There are accounts, from other alleged one-night stands and business partners. They all say the same thing: that he could charm the pants of anyone and that his words dripped like honey - thick and sweet, boasting the kindness of a saint and the slyness of a sinner. 
As his dark eyes bore into yours, waiting for a response to… whatever the hell that just was, you think that maybe the Internet has lied. His words aren’t honey - they spill like expensive champagne, Dom Perignon Rose, bubbly and valuable. Something you find yourself drowning in often, although you don’t know if you could ever admit that to anyone but yourself.
“Y/N? You okay? Look, I’m really sorry if that weirded you out but I just thought that it would be unfair to act like I don’t feel anything for you.”
You don’t want to admit it but fuck, he just might be worth drowning for. 
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obnoxiousgremlin · 3 years
The Proposal , Lets fall in love for the night [o.w]
A/N- The reader is 19 and Oliver is 20. He’s already been recruited to a team for quid ditch while the reader finishes their last year of hogwarts. This is a non-voldemort a/u.
Warnings- just fluff, super cute fluff.
y/n-your name
y/m/n-your middle name
y/l/n-your last name
“Can i take my blindfold off now?” you whine. It was your five-year anniversary with Oliver and he had a whole thing planned out, from the entire day down till your outfit. You hadn’t seen him all day and he left you nothing but a note in your dorm telling you to slip on the white dress and matching silver heels in the box [whatever you say the man had good taste] he left and meet him outside the common room at 5pm. Once you were ready you went and were met with Fred, who proceeded to blindfold you and take you to Oliver so you knew absolutely nothing. And that’s how you found yourself in his position, hand in hand with none other than Oliver himself blindfolded walking to god knows where. 
“Not just yet, darling.” he chuckled , carefully guiding you.
“I love you Oliver , but if I have to wear this for one minute longer we are over.” You didn’t mean it, of course you didn’t mean it but you needed that blindfold off.
He chuckled again , “Almost there love-” taking a short pause, “- okay, we’re here now.” He proceeded to take you blindfold off but not before a song started playing. “lets fall in love for tonight and forget in the morning-”  you gasped when the blindfold came off, taking in your surroundings. You were standing on the bridge where you had first kissed him, yes you because even oliver who was super confident was way too nervous to actually make a move on you. This same bridge shared all your big moments, its where he first asked you out, its where you first told him you loved him, the feeling was mutual of course. He had somehow managed to cover the gorgeous light wood railings of the tiny bridge in white fairy lights, illuminating the place. You turned around to oliver who was dressed in a white button up and black formal trousers and kissed him. You grabbed his face and kissed him. He was startled but kissed you back immediately. You broke the kiss and touched your forehead to his “This is gorgeous babe, i love it.”
He chuckled and said, “your squishing the flowers darling.”
“Oh. Shit-” you stepped back and looked down embarrassed , “-sorry.”
“Don’t be.” he handed you your favourite flowers [a/n- my favourite flowers are white roses, so that's what im basing this on but feel free to picture your own!], and kissed you again. 
He bowed down dramatically, “May I have this dance , your grace.” He said referring to Bridgerton ,the show you two had finished a week ago after which you had taken to calling each other your grace, thinking it was funny.
You bowed back. “You may, your grace.” you said chuckling. And there the two of you were dancing on the bridge to finneas sing. It was your song, yours and olivers. You rested your head on his chest and he swayed. He turned you around, your back to his front and you hummed. His warmth seeping into you. Suddenly, he stepped back and you whined, he chuckled once again, “Just a minute, love.” and you hummed in response leaning against the railings of the bridge admiring the view of the water and the purple sky. Autumn was setting in and you couldn't be happier.
He came back and handed you a glass of rose champagne leaning next to you with his hand on your waist. You both took and sip and you hummed to the wonderful taste. After a couple of minutes , he cleared his throat and you looked at him. 
He took your hand and took a couple steps back. He seemed a little nervous but then looked at you. Clearing his throat again he said , “ Okay, so i had a whole speech prepared and i was going to say a lot of things, i can't remember anything right now. So, im just gonna say something and hope it comes out right -” you interrupted him before he could say anything ,”Oliver?” 
He lifted a hand so as to shush you and continued, ”Darling, I love you. I love you so much that I can't explain it. I love going to sleep right next to you and i love waking up next to you. I love your laugh and i love your voice and i love you. You take my breath away.I think i might love you more than qudditch, actually no, i dont think, I know that I love you more than quidditch.  Every time i look at you, i want to be near you. I want to spend my entire life with you. I want to build a future with you. I want to take every next breath with you, i want to grow old and grey with you.-” He took a deep breath , by this time you already had tears in your eyes anticipating what was happening. He continues,” - And I- and i- It is one thing to meet a beautiful woman but to meet your best friend in the most beautiful of women is something entirely apart.” He grinned referencing to Simon’s speech about Daphne in Bridgerton making you laugh. He took another deep breath , “ When i first started playing, i didnt think i would ever experience anything that would ever compare to how i felt when i picked up the broom. I never thought i would find love because quid ditch was my entire world and then there was you, equally as fast. Equally as cunning, equally as sharp as me on the broom. Thats when i knew i loved you, when i first saw you on that broom.I knew then that nothing mattered as long as i had you. That even if i didnt have quidditch and i had you everything in the world would be okay. y/n y/m/n y/l/n , will you do me honour of marrying me, of becoming Mrs. Oliver Wood and being with me for the rest of my life?” At some point he had sat down on one knee and was now looking up at you holding out a gorgeous engagement ring.
You wanted to play with him and say no but the emotions of the entire ordeal had completely overtaken you and you ended up saying ,“yes, yes, yes ,yes, yes i’ll marry you.” He picked you up and spinned you not before placing the ring on your delicate finger, huh that's why Angelina wanted to get her nails done with you. After placing you on your feet he kissed you. “Really? You want to marry me?” he asked resting his forehead against yours. “Of course i want to marry you dumbass , and even if i didnt after that speech who could refuse.” you chuckled and he joined you. 
After a couple of moments of staying like that you took a deep breath, “I guess this would be the perfect time to tell you that im pregnant?” you said looking into his eyes. The second you finished that sentence fireworks burst around you. You looked up in awe but only for a second before oliver turned your face to him, he eyes glowing .”Your pregnant?” and you nodded. “I’m going to be a dad?” he asked again.
“Mhm, i found out this morning. I guess that's what you get for making your girlfriend, well now fiancee pregnant baby”  you said laughing at him. He grinned before jumping up and down. He stopped and kissed you, his hands going to your belly. “This is the best day ever, the most perfect, goddess-like woman agreed to be my wife and im having a baby!” his excitement had you laughing. 
After a moment you said, “So about those fireworks-” he looked down sheepishly, you smacked his chest “-Oliver how many people did you tell?” you said feigning accusation. “might've told everyone in the castle.” he mumbled under his breath. “OLIVER-” he broke you off before kissing you again. 
You broke the kiss ,”that was a good way of shutting me up, love.” he chuckled, ”I know, can’t wait to use it a lot more when i finally marry you.”
As you two headed back to the castle , finneas remained singing ,”lets fall in love for the night.”
a/n-i hope you liked this, its my very first time doing something like this. Also i know the ending is kind of crappy but i can't think anything else. 
*Do not post my stuff anywhere*
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