#the pants might as well be homemade too
mariibound2003 · 7 months
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finally decided to share my Dealer with the internet! Her name's Buck, she's the butch ever, and she is my everything atm, i'd let her step on me, crush me under her large arthropodic body and shoot me in the head- the USUAL response yknow? Bonus doodle of her and Charles arguing:
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too-much-tma-stuff · 1 month
Different Meanings (Part 18)
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Danny got Ellie her treat and then practically dragged himself home. As he got closer he could sense Jason and was relieved to feel he had gone back to their home and not a safe house, Danny needed the security of their nest and his lover. That fight had gone really well, and Danny was glad to think that Dan might start doing better after this, but he was exhausted. 
He didn't bother with the door and just slid through the outer wall invisibly with a sigh. He dropped his invisibility, and then his ghostly form, letting his feet hit the floor with a soft thump. 
“I'm home,” Danny called, exhaustion dripping from his voice. The apartment smelled like fresh bread and savoury garlic but no one came to greet Danny right away, so he waited. It was a few minutes before Jason practically slunk out of the kitchen to meet Danny. “Are you done being mad?” Danny asked, his tone shamefully bitter.
“I’m so sorry Danny,” Jason said softly, helping Danny out of his Hyena costume, Danny groaned as he pulled off the stiff material breathing deeply with the restriction gone. At least he wasn’t sweaty underneath since the entire fight had been in his ghost form. 
“You should be. The meeting turned into a fucking intervention! And Batman has been snooping, or our people have been talking, or both, because he knew this wasn’t the first time. It was fucking miserable to have your siblings pitying me. You should have seen the looks on their faces, I think you broke their hearts. You have to make this right,” Danny accused him, baring his teeth at Jason. He was too tired to figure out how to say any of this nicely, besides he was still pissed and Jason needed a wake up call.
Jason winced and closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. So much for trying to be a good influence on Tim, he didn’t want to know how much trust he had lost with his little brother. More important right now was how much he’d upset Danny.
“I’ll talk to them soon, I promise. You must be hungry after using your powers so much right? I made ravioli and garlic bread,” Jason asked Danny, nearly pleading for him to accept the food.
Danny was almost too tired and angry to accept, he almost said he was just going to go to bed. But Jason’s eyes were pleading and Danny couldn’t say no. “Fine,” He sighed, a ringing endorsement to be sure.
Jason nodded eagerly. “You go put on something comfortable, I’ll set the table and fix you a plate,” He promised and vanished back into the kitchen.
Danny sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, taking a deep breath before he went into the bedroom to pull on some sweat pants and a long sleeve shirt. He looked longingly at the bed for a moment before shaking his head and wandering back into the kitchen. A reluctant smile pulled at the corners of his lips when he saw that Jason had set the table with some fresh flowers and lit some candles. It was nice, Jason was pulling out all the stops to make Danny feel loved and say sorry with more than just words. Danny could already feel it soothing the ache in his core as he went to sit down at the table.
Jason was quick to bring over a plate for him, loaded with a generous helping of homemade stuffed pasta and sauce, with garlic bread on the side. He set it down in front of Danny and kissed his temple softly. Danny’s attempts not to smile failed and he leaned into it just a little. “I’m still mad at you,” He mumbled.
“I know,” Jason said with a rueful little chuckle before he went to grab a plate for himself, as well as a drink for Danny before sitting across from him. He was sitting on the edge of his seat like he was ready to take off again, if Danny mentioned anything else he needed or wanted Jason would be quick to get it for him. He was full of nervous energy and trying not to let his knee bouncing shake the table as Danny dutifully picked at his food.
“It's good Jason, I'm just so tired,” Danny groaned when he was about halfway done. He propped his elbows on the table and dropped his face into his hands. 
“Just finish your plate, I know you're hungry,” Jason encouraged gently. “Then you can go to bed, and if you want me to sleep on the couch tonight I completely understand.” If Danny agreed to that Jason knew he wouldn't sleep at all but he would understand, they needed to have a serious conversation and they couldn't do that while Danny was this tired and upset.
Danny gave a half hearted snarl but he lifted his head and started eating again. “I think you should take the couch tonight,” he agreed with a sigh.
Jason's stomach dropped but he just nodded, looking down at his plate and not arguing with giving Danny the space that he needed. Danny finally finished eating and Jason got up, sliding around the table and leaning down to kiss Danny’s forehead as Jason took his plate. “Do you want seconds, Beloved?” 
“No thank you,” Danny yawned, shaking himself a little to get energy back into his limbs before he pushed his chair back and stood. “We’ll talk about this tomorrow okay? I love you.” 
“Of course, I love you too.” Jason replied, some of the tension easing from his shoulders because they would work through this. He had fucked up, but Danny still loved him, he and Danny were still committed to each other and tomorrow was a new day. They would work through this.
The bats didn't know what happened after Danny had left with Ellie, but Dick in particular hated the idea of what might have happened to Danny when he went home. Bruce wanted to barge right in but both Dick and Tim absolutely refused to let him be involved. Danny and Jason both had intense and not unreasonable mistrust for Bruce, and they loved each other regardless of if that love was healthy, they would not respond well to Bruce being involved in this, they might not react well to any external interference at all. But they needed to do something, didn't they? So a brotherly intervention it was.
They went in the morning, about ten AM and let themselves in rather then knocking and risking Jason not letting them in. They were practiced enough to avoid Jason's traps anyway, if Danny was nearby he might lash out but he's stop as soon as he realized who it was breaking into their house. 
“That better be my siblings,” Jason called from the kitchen with a growl in his voice. 
“It is. Dick and Tim,” Dick called back, following Jason's voice into the kitchen where he was up to his elbows on flour and aggressively kneading a ball of dough. 
“What do you want?” He grumbled, barely glancing at the two of them. 
“Where's Danny?” Dick asked nervously.
“He's still asleep. The fight yesterday took a lot out of him so he needs the rest. I'm making fresh bread for the whole fucking neighborhood,” Jason scowled, driving his fist into the dough again making Tim and Dick flinch a little. 
“Ya, about that Jason, about what happened yesterday-” Dick started and was cut off when Jason snarled. “Please don't get defensive Jay, we just want to help,” Dick said, holding up his hands in a pacifying gesture.
“Did you already talk to Danny about this?” Jason asked without looking up from his kneading.
“Ya but he-”
“Let me guess, he blew up on you for bringing it up?” Jason asked with a wry expression.
“Ya,” Tim sighed.
“Ya he's like that, he hates anyone questioning our relationship. He gets really defensive, I just feel ashamed. I know it's not great, but it's also not as bad as you think it is. Danny agreed to this. I mean I'm in the dog house right now for hitting him in front of you but usually he really doesn't mind. It actually helps him too I think, and he asked for this.”
“Jay, that's not-” 
“No I don't mean “he asked for it,” in the shit way abusers do. I mean literally before we were even in a relationship he broke into my office while I was having a Pit episode and basically demanded I take my anger out on him so we could get back to work faster.” Jason interrupted, shaking his head and smiling a little at the memory. He finished kneading the dough and started to roll it out, planning to make this batch into cinnamon rolls. “Wouldn't take no for an answer.”
“Are you serious?” Tim broke in, sounding skeptical.
“Ya, you can ask him about it if you want to, though he’ll probably be pissed you’re interfering at all,” Jason said with a shrug. “He’s like that. We know that this… isn’t ideal and we’re working on it I promise but also, Danny is afraid of himself. He’s afraid of what he could become, how much damage he could do. Feeling controlled by me eases his fears of himself, and since I think he’s more scared of himself then just about anything, besides maybe being recaptured by the GIW, he still feels like he needs to be controlled. 
“I don’t know how long it’ll take him to trust himself again but until then I think he’s scared of things changing. I think that’s why he lashes out when people try to bring it up to him. When some of our employees tried to talk to him about it he blew up too. I’m glad you guys care about him, I’m glad they do too, but this is our relationship and we’re handling it in a way that works for both of us.”
“Jason, are you sure?” Dick asked worriedly. “You don’t exactly have a model of a healthy relationship, with how you grew up, and Bruce is not exactly a romantic. We love you, and Danny, and we just want what’s best for you I promise. We’re not here to accuse you of anything.”
“Ya, and I assume you had to bully Bruce out of coming and actually accusing,” Jason chuckled, glancing up to see Dick give a sheepish smile. Tim was still stone faced, Jason got the impression he was quite mad at him. “Thanks for that. I know the two of you mean well, and I know I fucked up yesterday.” A timer dinged and he turned to pull a couple loaves of bread that had just finished baking out of the oven and set them on the counter to cool. The next batch that had finished proofing went in.
“Babe? Who are you talking to?” Danny called from the hall and all three of them stiffened immediately. Looking like deer caught in headlights as Danny came around the corner and spotted them. “Oh,” He sounded, voice flat and face expressionless. “Is there coffee?” He asked Jason, firmly ignoring Dick and Tim.
“Ya there is,” Jason said, quickly pouring Danny a cup and passing it to him. Danny came forward and bullied Dick off of his barstool still without acknowledging him. 
“Hey-” Dick started indignantly only to shut up when Jason hissed at him.
Danny took a few long swallows from his coffee before he sighed and finally looked at Dick and Tim. “So what do you two want?” He said coolly. “You weren’t invited.”
“We were just worried about you-” Dick started and Danny hissed sharply, interrupting him. 
“We don’t want your worry. If you’re here because you’re concerned~ You can leave again,” He snarled at Dick.
“I’m not here because I’m worried,” Tim spoke up, though his expression was still blank. “I’m here because I’m hurt.” 
That made both Jason and Danny wince, Dick on the other hand looked betrayed. “Tim, this isn’t about us! This is about-”
“Shut up,” Danny snapped. “You should leave,” He told Dick before turning back towards Tim. “You can stay if you want to.”
Dick glanced back and forth between Danny and Tim, and seemed a little betrayed when Tim avoided eye contact and stayed on his stool. “Fine,” Dick sighed, sliding off his stool and resting a hand on Tim’s shoulder. “Text me okay?” He asked softly before looking up at Jason and Danny again. “You too, I’m just… worried about both of you, I care about both of you. However I can be there for you,” he said before slipping out of the room.
Danny watched him go and waited till he heard the door close before he let his shoulders drop with a sigh, taking another sip of his coffee. Jason shook his head and grabbed a plate, pulling the cinnamon buns out of the oven and putting a fresh one on the waiting plate, sliding it across the counter to Danny. He gave Jason a grateful smile and then bit into the burning hot bun, Jason could practically hear it sizzling on Danny’s cool pallet but Danny never minded.
 “It’s good, it’ll be better when it’s cooled enough to ice,” Danny mumbled through a full mouth. Jason rolled his eyes fondly. “Right,” Danny said, putting the bun back down and turning back towards Tim. “I think I can guess why, but can you tell me how what happened yesterday made you feel so we can talk about this properly?” He asked gently. 
Tim looked down, fidgeting with his hands as he tried to organize his thoughts. To give him something else to focus on Jason poured him a cup of coffee and handed it over, Tim gave a mumbled thanks. Jason nodded and grabbed a cup for himself before turning off the oven and sitting down, he still had more dough he could bake, but he could freeze it and go back to it later too and this was more important. 
“I guess I just… look up to you guys,” Tim muttered, clutching the mug in both hands. “My parents treated their marriage like a business exchange, and then there’s Bruce… Dick has pretty good relationships but we’ve never been that close. Your relationship is-” He paused, taking a sip of his coffee and wincing a little when he burned his mouth. “I guess I saw you both as a model of a good relationship, and now…”
“It’s okay Tim,” Danny said, giving him a patient smile. “I get why you feel that way, and I’m flattered you’ve seen us as role models-”
“Though it’s a horrible choice really,” Jason interrupted, earning a gentle smack on the arm from Danny, and a suppressed snort of laughter from Tim. 
“But we’re not perfect people, and sometimes we fuck up. Jason fucked up yesterday and he knows it,” He said, glancing over at Jason who sighed and nodded, looking down. “We’re going to talk about that and work through it, but I need you to understand that it’s not as big of an issue as it would be if someone hit you, for instance, or Dick. I’m preternatural, I’m much harder to hurt, and I heal very quickly, usually in seconds. 
“More then that I think I mentioned how violence is a culture for ghosts, it’s expected, it’s a bonding activity. What Batman was talking about that happens behind closed doors? I want that, I volunteered for that. I can’t really fight back because I’m so much stronger and I worry about hurting Jason, but the violence between us doesn’t have the same meaning that it would in a relationship between two humans. 
“What Jason did last night wasn’t wrong because he hit me, he’s allowed to hit me, we’ve discussed it and we have understandings and aftercare set up. What he did was wrong because he did it in front of others, which is against the rules we’ve set up for our relationship. But most of the time it’s like… you asking Kon to spar so you can really go all out without having to worry about hurting him because he’s a lot more durable then another human would be. Do you do that?” Danny asked for clarification and Tim nodded warily, Danny nodded back. “Right, and that’s probably fun for him too isn’t it? 
“It’s a bonding activity for the two of you, you get your frustration out, and I’m sure he enjoys getting to see how strong you are.” Danny smiled mischievously when Tim blushed and spluttered. 
“Jason and I have a relationship that works for us. It wouldn’t work for two humans, but we’re not fully human, either of us. I’m only half, and even though he’s mostly human he was dead long enough to keep some of those instincts. I get mad because I don’t want to have to explain our relationship to someone who has no business meddling in it! But you deserve an explanation, so I hope it’s helped you understand better now that you have one.”
Danny sat back in his seat and sipped his coffee, Tim drank too, mechanically as he processed all that information. Jason fidgeted in his seat and tried to take inspiration from Danny’s patience as he sat quietly waiting for Tim to finish processing and think of something to say. Jason almost wanted to jump in to break the silence just because of how awkward and uncomfortable he was feeling, but that wouldn’t help right now. To keep himself from speaking he got up to mix a frosting for the cinnamon buns and frost them before handing Danny a fresh one, now iced since they were cool enough. 
“What do you think about this, Jason? I know you mentioned him asking for this earlier, but you were quiet through all that?” Tim finally spoke up, making Jason startle. 
“Ya, I agree with it. Mostly anyway, I’m working on my anger, because sometimes I don’t like the energy that I bring to our interactions, you know? Sometimes I know I’m not doing things for the right reasons, and I don’t like how often I’ve let it take control and make me fuck up. So I sure as hell wouldn’t look up to me, but everything Danny said is true too,” Jason said a bit awkwardly. 
Tim nodded slowly and let out a long breath. “Okay, I think I understand, thank you for explaining. I’ll try and explain that to Dick too, and Bruce if you don’t mind?” He asked, glancing back and forth between Danny and Jason. Danny shrugged and looked at Jason, who hesitated and then nodded, mostly because he hoped that would get Batman off their backs some. “You should call Diana though, and soon.”
“Right, I’ll do that today,” Jason promised with a soft sigh, that was going to be a hard conversation. She was going to be disappointed in him and he hated that.
“Good,” Tim said, nodding before turning his attention back to Danny. “Okay, I’m not going to say this again after this because I know it upsets you. But if anything changes or it gets to be too much you can talk to any of us. I don’t want you to think that just because we’re Jason’s family we’ll take his side.”
“No, if anything it’s the opposite,” Danny said with a scoff. “You guys are always at each other's throats. You could really do with a family vacation or something.”
“You know that’s not a bad idea,” Tim said, a slow smile spreading across his face. 
“No,” Jason said with dawning horror. 
“I’ll tell Alfred to make sure Bruce doesn’t turn it into a team building exercise. Can I take some of those cinnamon buns to go?”
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The False Alarm
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TF141+/Reader TW: gangbang --- MDNI/18+ AO3 Link
Cleaning a long, hard pole was slippery business, and at your fire station, it was a particularly dangerous job. You had to be small enough to fit into the harness, but strong enough to self-belay, shining the gleaming gold rod as you traveled downward, repelling to the floor. 
So, imagine your frustration when you were left to clean by yourself while the rest of the house responded to a three alarm fire. You tried to make quick work of it, but there was a lot of pole to tend to, and you didn’t want to miss a spot. A dirty pole was bad news for everyone who needed to ride it. Safety first. 
It was all going pretty well until you neared the end of your job. You were about to lower yourself to the last section, your feet nearly able to touch the ground when you lost your grip on the rope attached to your harness. The clip liked to jam, so you tried to get it unstuck, but you realized pretty quickly that it was solidly knotted against you. You weren’t going anywhere anytime soon. To make matters worse, you were leaning at an odd angle, having tried to reach down to grab the radio that had been knocked to the ground when you lost the rope. But, it was flung too far, and you quickly discovered that it was way out of your grasp. At this point, you looked like a Christmas ornament, hanging loosely in your harness, swaying slightly around the pole. The only thing to do now was wait.
Luckily, you didn’t have to wait long for help. The three alarm fire had been a false one, and all of the men had returned rambunctious but unharmed. Your boyfriend, Captain John Price, was the first one through every door, and he was the one who discovered you in your trapped state. His eyes lit up in shock, and you heard his gravelly laugh as he approached you. Behind him, Sergeant Johnny MacTavish and his Lieutenant, Simon Riley, began to strip their gear for Gaz, the firehouse quartermaster. They were laughing right along with Price, jeering at you in your trussed up position.
Price spun you around toward him, and you came face to face with his bulging zipper. You were at the perfect height, staring right at his crotch, and he had to bend down to look you in the eye,
“In a bit of a predicament, pretty girl?”
You weren’t sure you liked his tone. It was lurid and suggestive, especially in front of his men. 
“Latch is stuck. I’ve been telling you to replace it.”
“Which one?” He knelt underneath you to fiddle with the harness, “This one?”
He tugged at the rope and moved it between your legs, purposefully shoving it out of alignment. 
“John!” You hissed, feeling the thick rope, as big around as one of his fingers, slip across your cotton pants and into the crease of your pussy, rubbing along your clit mercilessly. 
“Mmm, I kinda like you like this, love. Might have to make you a permanent fixture. What d’you say?”
“Get me down, babe. Please?” You resorted to begging. It didn’t help.
“Oy!” He whistled loudly, “Come look what we caught on the line today, boys.”
All six of the other firefighters sauntered over to you, jeering and laughing. 
“Wee lass is truly stuck?” MacTavish asked.
“Aye, look,” Simon smiled, showing him the latch, “She used the old clamp.”
As he stuck his finger underneath it, it tugged on the rope next to your clit, making you writhe.
Gaz laughed behind them, bending over from his glee,
“Ha! Guess the captain didn’t tell you he bought a new one.”
“Count your blessings, compa,” Vargas grinned, clapping a hand over Price’s shoulder, “Maybe we should leave you two here, hm?”
“I was about to dig into Johnny’s homemade chili, but now I’m hungry for something else,” Alex crossed his arms and shook his head as if in disbelief. 
You tried to look to Price for some guidance. The boys flirted a lot, but it was mostly harmless. This felt… different somehow. There was something predatory in their stares that made your body feel like it was ablaze.  
Price ran a finger along the rope that now stretched between your asscheeks and through the folds of your pussy, biting into your pants. 
“Shouldn’t let such a bloody good opportunity go to waste, huh, lads?” Price’s voice sounded like an invitation, and you felt all the air get sucked out of the room. 
You were parallel to the ground; face down, ass up, right in front of all of them. You were trapped, surrounded by seven enormous men, and all you could see were their legs from their belt buckles to their boots. You knew who they were; you’d been friends for years, after all, but it didn’t feel so friendly now. You felt like their prey. 
You watched Price kneel beneath you. He smiled sweetly at you and whispered,
“You trust me, pretty girl?”
You nodded, and brought your hands up around his neck to kiss him. His mouth melted into yours, sending static tingles of pleasure though the rest of your body. He kept kissing you while his men stood around you, watching like dogs as Price literally dangled their treat in front of them. 
Then, he pulled away, standing up in front of you. You felt his fingers digging under the bottom of your shirt hem, and he tugged off your tee shirt, exposing your body to his team. Your breasts were contained only by a thin cotton bralette, and at this angle, they hung away from you as you swayed in your harness. 
Price took the bra off of you and bent to suckle from your nipples, licking and biting them gently to make you moan with sharp desire. You suddenly felt a hand that wasn’t his on your ass cheek and you gasped. Price chuckled, fondling your breasts with his huge, callused hands, teasing you,
“Are you shy, baby? It’s just MacTavish. You know he gets handsy.”
“Sorry, lass,” you heard the Scot behind you as he squeezed your ass and thighs, pulling them apart from your center, “Couldnae resist. Look good enough to eat.”
“Dig in, Sergeant,” Price offered you up like an appetizer, and tossed Johnny his emergency shears. 
Your eyes went wide, 
“John! My –”
“I’ll buy you another pair, love. Now, let’s give you something else to do with that mouth, why don’t we?”
You felt the cold metal of the blunt shears as Johnny cut across your waistband and down the crease between your legs, letting the shears do the work for him. He knelt to slice around to the front and then pulled your pant legs off of you, leaving you hanging there in nothing but your flimsy thong. 
He situated the rope back into position between your thigh and groin so that it wouldn’t bite into you, and then you felt his mouth. You groaned loudly. You couldn’t help it. It felt like heaven to have him licking and sucking at your tender flesh, writhing his tongue into your already soaking hole. 
“Listen to that sound. So damn pretty,” Price pet you on your cheek and stuck his thumb into your open mouth as you keened, the pleasure building within you like a smoldering blaze. 
You heard his buckle rattle open, and the whine of his zipper led to the quick release of his cock, hard and smooth. He pressed his head to your lips and you kissed it gently, licking around its crown hungrily. Unwilling to waste any time, he pushed into your mouth, rubbing himself deep enough to touch the back of your throat. You listened to his delicious moans and tried to take him in as much as his girth would allow. 
Then, MacTavish added a finger, stretching the walls of your pussy with it ever so gently, and you felt yourself starting to come. You were shocked by it, and it overwhelmed you so suddenly you knew that you were in for a turbulent storm of pleasure. 
“Oh, fuck, tha’s it, love. Come for us,” Price commanded, “Such a good girl.”
Your whole body trembled, unable to press or brace against anything as you hung suspended, and you heard Johnny moaning as he felt you contract with pleasure, listening to the muffled screams he was pulling from you as you were trapped around the captain’s cock. 
Price’s hand fisted your hair, guiding you down, grunting with each thrust. Then, he removed himself, stepping around to the side of you and placing one of your hands on his wet shaft. You started jacking him off, confused until you saw another pair of boots below your face. 
It was Alex.
Price’s hand was still in your hair, and you felt your face being lifted up to view Alex’s long cock. He let it rest against your cheek, its warmth teasing you in a surprisingly comforting way. You used your tongue to lick up and down his generous length. 
Alex moaned, 
“Fuck… No wonder you rush home from work, Captain. Holy shit.”
Price chuckled, releasing your hair so that Alex could do as he pleased with you, 
“She’s bloody brilliant, aye?”
You felt something tugging your body backward, and you knew Johnny had moved beneath you because his mouth was punishing your clit, making you want to come again. You moaned around Alex, making him cry out as well from the feeling. 
Then, you felt the tell-tale prod of someone’s cock nestling itself against your wet hole. Surprised, you tried to pull away from Alex to look behind you. Alex grabbed your head before you did, though and forced your mouth back down,
“Shh, shh, shh. It’s okay, sugar. It’s just Garrick. Lookin’ like he’s gonna die if he doesn’t get to fuck you right this goddamn second. Ain’t that right, Gaz?”
“Fuckin’ right,” Gaz grumbled, feeding himself into you as Johnny ate you out. 
You thought you might die from the pleasure. You came around him as he entered you, forcing him to stop. You were bearing down so hard that you thought you might accidentally wet yourself. You tried to get it under control, riding wave after wave of your orgasm as Johnny sucked your folds and fondled your clit. 
“Tha’s beautiful, lass. Your poor wee cunt doesnae ken what to make of all this, hm?” 
“She’s being such a good girl, Cap. Takin’ me so well,” Gaz crooned, reaching forward to rest his big hands on your hips as he began to thrust in earnest. 
Every time he pushed you forward, you would swallow deeper onto Alex’s cock, and Johnny’s tongue would rush through your folds and across your clit.
Suddenly, your other hand was being given a task to complete. It was Alejandro. He had taken your hand in his and bent to kiss your knuckles, soft and sweet as if you were a princess. Then, he let it rest on top of his uncut cockhead, allowing you to find a similar rhythm for him as you had for Price, rubbing his rod as steadily as you could manage. 
Alex increased his pace, grunting like an animal as he fucked himself into your throat. Price encouraged him,
“Don’t feed it to her, Keller. She wants it in that sweet cunt of hers, don’t you, pretty girl?”
You felt Gaz and Alex pull away from you at the same time, and you gasped, agonized by the hollowness that you were experiencing. Then, a warm hand braced against your ass cheek, squeezing you fiercely, and Alex pressed himself in where Gaz had been steadily putting in the work. 
The new sensation of another man’s cock was incredible, and with Johnny eating you like he was starving, you had no trouble coming with Alex as he pounded himself into you mercilessly. His guttural screams were tantalizing, and you wished you could see his face. 
“Fuck! Oh, my God – Fuck!” Alex grunted through gritted teeth, holding onto your body as tight as he could, filling you full of his come.
As he fell away from you, Gaz replaced him, getting back to his mission dutifully and with renewed vigor, slipping through the other man’s come easily. Johnny moved up your body, kissing your belly, sucking on your skin, finding your nipples as they jiggled while Garrick was fucking himself into you, and you watched someone new come up to your face. 
Simon bent down to kiss you, biting your lip and tasting his friends on your tongue. He licked your neck, sucking on the skin hard enough to leave a bruise. He joined Johnny at your breasts, suckling from the opposite one as the eager sergeant. 
Just as you were being lulled into an orgasmic trance from their ministrations, you felt Gaz shudder. He came breathlessly, gasping out quiet moans and little yeses and pleases and wordless prayers as he started to spill out into you. His cock reached further than Alex’s, and you felt a different sort of fullness as he held himself inside of you, throbbing against your cervix, tickling the entrance to your womb. 
You felt his plump lips leave a trail of kisses along your bare back, and then he pulled away from you, letting his and Alex’s come drip onto the concrete floor below you. 
Simon and Johnny stood, each taking their place at your throat and your pussy, entering you at the same time and letting out similar groans of agonizing pleasure. Johnny was stuffing himself into your cunt, and Simon was dragging his cock down your throat, going much deeper than you had ever taken anyone before. 
MacTavish was almost too thick, and he had to stretch you more than Gaz or Alex. He wasn’t particularly long, but he was curved in just the right way, and you started to scream, muffled by Simon’s dick in your mouth. 
It made Simon wild. He spoke to his sergeant in staccato’d bursts, 
“Fuck, Johnny. Just like that, mate. Makin’ her scream around me. Feels so fuckin’ good.”
“She’s so tight, Si. Shite! I’m gonna come so fast,” MacTavish groaned, pulling your ass cheeks apart as he fucked you, watching your asshole gape open as he did, “God, Cap. How do you last?”
Your captain chuckled darkly, petting your breasts as they swung freely, 
“I fuckin’ don’t, mate.”
Johnny was now sheathed in your pussy to his hilt, grinding into you rather than pounding, almost as if he was massaging your walls from the inside, making you feel so full. His hand found your clit that he’d been punishing, and he used your own fluids to smear lazy circles around and around. 
You could feel your legs begin to shake involuntarily. You tried to stop it, gripping onto Alejandro and Price for dear life in your hands, and crying out around Simon’s cock in your throat for relief. 
All four of the men were noisy now, basking in your rolling pleasure, watching you writhe and tense beneath them. Gaz returned to you, kneeling down to lick your breasts, sucking on them harder than Johnny did, taking more of your flesh into his mouth. 
Gaz looked up at your face, stuffed full of Simon’s cock, and he talked to you even though you couldn’t respond, drool dripping out of the sides of your lips,
“Are you havin’ a good time, babe? You’re so damn pretty. Look at these gorgeous fuckin’ tits.”
The way he was sucking on them was so intense that you felt yourself clench hard around Johnny, hearing him moan. 
He slapped your ass, grunting,
“Fuck! Again. Do it again, lass.”
You tried to oblige, bearing down on him and squeezing with all of your might. 
“Yes, yes, yes, gonna make me come - fuck!”
Johnny grabbed ahold of your harness and threw himself into you at a breakneck pace, the fluids inside of your core splattering you and him as he crushed himself into you. Simon pulled out of you, commanding you,
“That’s right. Scream for it. I wanna hear you.”
You let out a long, trembling whine, and then, 
“Oh, fuuuuckkkkk…”
Johnny ground himself into you again, painting your pussy with his come. There was so much of it that you could feel it now, settling in your belly. 
The sergeant pulled himself out of you with a slick pop, and bent to lick his own come off of your folds. You screamed again, feeling as if you would be shoved into another wild orgasm if he kept it up. But, then, Simon came to your rescue, grumbling, 
“Out of the way, mate.” 
Simon moved into place behind you, grabbing Johnny by his mohawk and shoving him back, and hungrily rubbed his cock through your ass checks, massaging himself. Alejandro took his position at your mouth and used you easily. Simon had done a good job of getting you used to his roughness when he fucked your throat, and his treatment of your cunt was no different. Johnny had been big, but he was a lamb compared to the lion taking you from behind now. 
Simon had pulled your legs around his waist, holding you in place there, and he was eager to fuck you hard. You felt your bones rattle as he slammed his length into you, making the most animalistic sounds as he did so. 
“Tha’s how she likes it, innit, Captain? Like a dirty little slag,” Simon observed, able to feel how your walls fluttered around him, excited and anticipatory.
Price smiled down at you, and you could see his hand leave your breast and search for your ass. He grabbed your ass cheek and pulled it away until your hole was wide open for him, and he used his thick finger to tease you within an inch of your life. You were transported to another dimension of pleasure, and he knew exactly how to turn you on.
“This is how she likes it, Simon. All her pretty holes filled.”
“We can do tha’, can’t we? Proper stuffed.” Simon laughed, understanding what you liked and fully happy to give it to you. 
Price removed his hand and Simon replaced it, spitting into his fingers and rubbing two of them just inside of your asshole, stretching you out. He then put them deeper in and pressed downward, feeling his own cock through the thin membrane between your two holes, groaning in a deeper, darker tone.  
Alejandro got your attention then by holding himself inside of your throat for a three-count, and then a five-count, and then for a period of time when you lost count. You were choking so much that your body was convulsing, and as he ripped his cock from your throat, rivulets of drool fell out of your mouth and onto the concrete. 
“A la chingada! Dame tu boca, mi linda.” Fuck it! Give me your mouth, pretty one. Alejandro lamented, kneeling in front of you and kissing you through your mess of spit and drool. He smiled and stood again, rubbing his wet cock all over the outside of your face, making you sticky with his precome and with your own fluids. 
He gave you just the head of his dick and you swirled your tongue around it, suckling from it like it would feed you, and he cried out in pleasure,
“Fuck! Are you gonna come or not, pendejo? ‘Cause I need to.” 
Simon didn’t answer. He just fucked you even harder. It was as if he had been holding back this entire time. He grabbed your hair and forced your body to arch high into the air, pounding into you with wet, slapping noises and grunting over your screams. You couldn’t continue rubbing Price’s cock, nor were you able to suck Alejandro’s head. You were at Simon’s demonic mercy. 
He came without halting. He fucked you right through his own pleasure, listening to you moan and feeling you bearing down around him, pushing his seed as deep into you as it would go. When he finally let go of your hair and removed himself from you, it felt like he was taking your insides with him. You felt so empty, it made you whine. 
“Shh, shh. I know, love,” Price soothed you, moving to your face to kiss you and lick your neck, “You’re doing so good. You ready for me, hm?”
“I need you so bad, John,” you told him through pleasure-wrought tears. 
“I know, baby. I know. Be a good girl for me.”
You nodded, feeling Alejandro push himself through Simon’s wet spend. It only took a few thrusts for him to coat your walls as well. There was so much come in you, your belly felt swollen. 
Finally, it was the captain’s turn. You and he were alone at the pole, and you felt him cut your rope in one quick slice. He caught you before you fell, holding you to him, knowing you couldn’t stand on your trembling legs. He lifted you up and made you turn to face the group of men who had just finished pleasuring you. They were all in states of undress, panting and laying on the firetruck or on the ground. Simon was jacking off again, as was Alex, thoroughly enjoying the show. 
Price fucked you like this, holding your body in front of him, letting you face his team as he struggled to fit himself into you. You had forgotten how big he was compared to normal men. Your eyes reflected your shock. Encouraged, the men began to stir, despite their exhaustion, nearly every one of them had his cock in his hand. 
You felt yourself come again, no warning this time, and Price let out a long, threatening growl,
“You are so fuckin’ beautiful, love. Did so good for us. Takin’ my men so well. I knew you could do it. Good girl. Such a fuckin’ good girl. My fuckin’ girl. Whose cock do you like best, baby?”
“Yours, John,” you cried out. 
“Whose?” He demanded, shouting at you through gritted teeth.
“Yours! Yours. Yours.” You chanted, feeling him begin to pulse inside of you. 
“Tha’s fuckin’ right.”
Price came in you so much and for so long, you thought you had mistaken what was happening to you. But, it was dripping out of you and onto the floor in little white splatters. 
Keeping his wits about him, Price whistled to Johnny and he came over with a big blanket, helping Price wrap you in it to keep you warm. You couldn’t stop shaking. 
Price smiled, bending down to kiss you as you were wrapped in Johnny’s arms, surrounded by the whole team, 
“Go get some rest, love. Your pole-cleaning duties are on hold… for now.”
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miasmaghoul · 2 months
Afternoon Delight
Rating: E
Pairing: Aether/Dew
Contains: a lunch date, complete with dessert. ft transmasc dew (use of cunt/clit/dick for his anatomy)
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Aether sighs as his phone buzzes against his hip, tossing his pen onto the pile of papers in front of him. It's been a frantic morning in the infirmary, lots of running and putting out fires, and he'd finally had the chance to get to his charting. It's a little after 11am, almost an hour until his well-deserved lunch break, and the last thing he needs is another surprise emergency.
Thankfully, this text is a different sort of surprise.
D: come to the wing on ur lunch. got something 4 u.
He smirks at the screen, sending a quick thumbs up and sliding his phone back into his pocket. It's the third time this week he's gotten that same text from Dew, and he can't say he's upset about it. The little ghoul has been on his ass about eating better since they all got back from tour. Dew discovered that he'd been living off of protein shakes and caffeine during his shifts, and to say he wasn't happy would be an understatement. Since then, whenever their schedules allow it, Dew has been making him lunch. Now, a few times a week, Aether finds himself presented with a ridiculously elaborate meal and has the pleasure of eating it with Dew at his side. He tries not to let his mind wander as he goes back to his paperwork, stomach already rumbling in anticipation of finding out what's on the menu today.
The next 45 minutes pass in slow motion, he swears it. The second the clock hits noon he drops his pen, tosses his stethoscope on top of the stack of folders still waiting for him, and breezes out the office door. He makes it to the lobby before anyone catches him, and when the Brother behind the small intake desk waves at him Aether hold up one hand.
"I'm on lunch," he announces. "Whatever it is, leave me a note. I'll see it in an hour."
Aether strides into the hall before the man can answer, can feel him gawping at his back. If it's urgent, someone will call him. Right now he's focused only on the walk to the kitchen, finally letting himself think about what Dew might have waiting for him.
A few days ago it had been homemade pho with chicken and all the fixings, fragrant broth piled high with veggies and herbs pilfered from the greenhouse. Aether had eaten two bowls and part of a third, had gone back for the second half of his shift food drunk with his pants unbuttoned. Dew had chatted with him the whole time, munching on a bowl of grapes while Aether chowed down, face lined with both obvious amusement and something sweeter. He'd reached over to wipe a splash of broth from Aether's cheek and earned a kiss to the back of the hand for his troubles. Dew had accused him of being a sap, and Aether had not argued.
He groans when he finally reaches the door to the ghoul wing, the scent of something savory and delicious flooding his nose the second he enters. Aether floats towards the kitchen like a cartoon character smelling a freshly baked pie, rubbing his growling stomach as he rounds the corner into the common room.
"What smells so -"
Oh. There's no one here. That's a surprise, Dew has always been waiting for him at the dining table on days like this. Instead, he sees a lidded container sitting at the end of the island, a small piece of paper resting on top of it. Aether frowns as he shuffles over to it, snatching up the note bearing his name. Maybe Dew had gotten called for a last minute practice session or something. He tries not to be too disappointed as he unfolds the paper, but can't help but feel a little put out that Dew hadn't said anything. He peeks into the container, but condensation clinging to the inside of the lid obscures its contents. His attention returns to the note, and Aether's mood lifts almost instantly.
Made your favorite, it reads.
That would mean pork and veal meatballs with spinach, braised in a slightly sweet tomato sauce, served over parmesan polenta and topped with fresh ricotta. Aether can't believe he'd do all that for a lunch, of all things, but when he cracks the lid he sees he's right. It's still hot, can't have been in the container for more than a few minutes, and Aether tries not to drool down his chin while he goes back to the note.
Dessert's in your bedroom, it continues in Dew's scratchy hand. Go eat it first.
It's physically painful for Aether to shut that lid, but he manages. He tosses the note back on top of it as he turns on his heel, rushing into the hall and digging his keys out of his pocket. He can't imagine what Dew left for him, but it must be good if he'd included it in his note. Aether singles out his bedroom door key just as he turns the final corner, making a beeline to unlock the last room on the left.
Imagine his surprise to find it already cracked open. Dew must have been in a real rush, that isn't like him at all. Aether shoves his keys back into his pocket, pushes the door open, and in the center of the bed -
"Finally," Dew sighs, smirking, "I thought you'd never show up."
Aether can't get his mouth to close as he takes in the sight before him. Dew's in a t-shirt and socks, but that's it. Reclining against Aether's pillows, casually regal, with one hand up his shirt and the other between his spread thighs. He can see two of those long fingers working, and Aether's stomach cramps when he hears the slick sound of Dew pumping them in and out of his already flushed cunt.
The little ghoul slides them out, spreading dusky lips so Aether can get a good look at his creamy hole and plump little dick, and Aether's cock gives a mighty throb.
"Gonna have your dessert?"
Dew clenches around nothing and Aether's head spins. He stumbles towards the bed and Dew huffs out a chuckle, tugging at one of his nipples. They're stiff enough to poke through his shirt, one of Aether's favorite sights, and he licks his lips as he crawl up the mattress. He knows he's doomed when Dew raises those two fingers, stretching his slick between them as he brings them to his lips.
"I promise it's nice and sweet," he coos, tongue poking between his fangs. "You're gonna want a taste."
Dew presses those shiny digits inside with excruciating slowness, eyes rolling back at the taste as a raspy moan escapes him. It's exaggerated, a show, and Aether has to roll his hips against the blankets as he drinks it in. He's not even fully hard, not yet, but he can feel a sticky spot forming against his thigh regardless. He gets his hands around Dew's thighs as the little ghoul fingerfucks his own mouth, spreading him wide and damn near whimpering when those skinny hips rock upwards.
"Eat up, big guy," Dew lilts between pumps of his fingers, other hand slipping out from under his shirt to get a nice handful of Aether's hair. "I know you must be starving."
Dew arches off the bed when Aether dives in, lapping at his pudgy clit with too-rough strokes that he knows the little ghoul adores. A pair of sharp heels dig into his back, urging him on, and as the glorious taste of Dewdrop fills his mouth Aether has a feeling there will be a stain soaked into his khakis by the time he's done.
Dew will never let him hear the end of it, and Aether won't mind it one bit.
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Huge, broody and terribly lonely older farmer König who pervs on the cute, new, young farmhand girl he hired :((
He kinda expected a cocky young man or a middle aged cranky woman but did expect this sweet little thing to chirp up at him and smile like she's the sun :(( would definitely jerk off to the fantasy of making her his housewife, the farmowner's lady and breeding her good with his babies like the perfect stud he is♡
CW: 18+ ONLY Lonely, pervy farmer!König masturbating at the sight of his young farmhand miss strolling on the farm on her day off :) {implied sexism}
Imagine him expecting a cocky young man he needs to yell at for being on his phone instead of feeding the pigs or whatever, or expecting some muscled, cranky, older lady who knows how to do their job but who would nag at him about stupid things such as not keeping the house clean enough.
Instead, he’s met with a cute, classy young woman at the gate, a meek little thing who stares at him, eyes wide just from the sight of how big he is, lips parting just from taking in his shoulders and the furious furrow of his brow. Her lashes flutter as she extends her hand to greet him, explaining that she may look like a city girl but she can assure that she is a hard-working woman who grew up on a small farm and has recently begun to miss the country way of life.
She has soft hands, soft lips, soft everything, and he knows he’s fucked. She’s everything he has ever hoped for, everything he ever wanted but could never have.
He tries to appear more gentle and less menacing because he doesn’t want to scare her away. Any other spineless, soft young thing he would've thrown out before even letting them stay for the trial period of two weeks – but this little beauty? She can stay, if just for a while.
She’s probably not used to hard work, no matter what she claims; her hands look far too smooth and dainty for the hauling and carrying and raking and cleaning that's required here. He almost feels bad when sending her to do her chores, but she manages the place surprisingly well, and when it’s her day off she wanders around the farm in a cute summer dress, chewing on the hay that dangles from her mouth, leaning on the wooden fence and enjoying the view. There's a wide brim straw hat on her head, and she has to hold it with one hand because it’s so big and floppy that it threatens to cover her eyes. The dress hugs her form just right and has a large, puffy hem that reveals a lovely pair of bare legs, legs that would feel heavenly when wrapped around his hard middle, legs he would make soft and quivering and weak with multiple, tear-inducing orgasms.
She’s a sight for sore eyes, and his dick is hard in a second; there’s really nothing he can do about it.
Usually, he jerks himself off quickly in the morning before rising from the bed, sullen and already grumpy because the only thing that ever sees his love is the cold, cum-stained sheets. The only warm thing ever wrapped around his cock is his own hand, beating the needy flesh in anger and despair because he missed the odd chance of ever seducing a woman to live on this lonely, remote farm with him.
Now he at least has something nice to look at while taking the heavy cock out of his work pants. He’s looking through the window like some perverted stalker; looking at the cutest, most condescending and naive woman on earth, walking on his property like the pretty little decoration she is.
She has all the traits of a perfect housewife: she could cook and bake for him while he does the hard work, she could do the laundry and look nice inside his big old house, finally bringing some much-needed joy and softness into his life. He would make her happy every night: it might take a while to bully his cock into her, but she would eventually like the ugly act; he would make sure of that.
He could eat her stupid little cookings, no doubt healthy and wholesome and lovingly homemade – and he could eat her out come evening. She must taste like the sweetest dessert down there. He would pay for her services in full, he would make it worth her while to be the perfect little wife, he would take care of her and buy her a thousand dresses like the one she wears, if she only warmed his bed at night...
He knows he’s a pervert and a freak, not only a freak of nature with his outrageous height and broad shoulders, but a freak of mind as well. He knows she would wince in disgust if she were to turn around and look at what’s happening behind the window: she would raise that delicate hand on her lips and gasp in shock if she were to see him fapping his drooling cock while watching her in that lush dress, so sweet and innocent and pure.
He can't see it now, but he knows there are beads of sweat gathering between those fragile little collarbones of hers. It's the hottest summer since the year he was born, and he knows the sweat is currently travelling down between those perfect breasts, held plush and perky by that dress he wants to rip to shreds. He would lick that sweat from between her tits and make her moan and tug his head from doing so if she would only let him. His balls pull taut, they almost jump at the thought, and the precum makes the end of the wank a slicky, noisy business.
He’s a bastard and a dog for not even bothering to reach for a piece of paper or a towel, deciding he can just shoot his cum on the window and make her clean it afterwards.
He wonders if the cute little miss will faint when she realizes what he has done... He wonders if the innocent young lady even knows it's loads of cum she's wiping away.
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sanakimohara · 9 months
“Love To Hate You” H.H.
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[ MDNI ]
You were so oblivious. Never paying much attention to anything but your job and most people would commend you for it. The burden of working under a company like JYPE wasn’t for the weak and as a current staff member you were well aware of that. Being assigned to assist the company’s most influential boy group didn’t make your life any easier either but you enjoyed the challenge and always showed up to work with a smile and an enthusiastic personality.
Everyone thought you were too sweet and quiet to be doing such a taxing job. Many of the other staff would have to remind you to take breaks or at least stop and eat something since you tended to forget about things like that. Even the members noticed how dedicated you were to them, always bringing them delicious homemade meals on special occasions, or taking extra time and effort to situate their styling correctly. These small gestures were essentially a substitute for your lack of confident social skills.
You’d never let a detail get past you, made sure they were comfortable with everything you pick out, and are the first to assist them if something goes wrong.
Because of your docile and attentive manner they all took a liking to you very quickly. Chan even joked that you were essentially their honorary “baby” which at the time made you blush every time any of the members addressed you that way. You became a close friend with them and often found yourself spending time with the group when their schedules allowed it.
Most of the members became attached to you in their own ways -but not all.
As close as you were to the majority of Stray Kids, Hyunjin always seemed to keep his distance from you. He wasn’t cruel or intentional about avoiding you but it was obvious he was doing it. You didn’t say anything about it, never mentioned it to the other members either, and though you felt guilty for possibly making him uneasy you still were friendly in his presence. The nagging urge to confront him waded underneath your shroud of shyness and it didn’t help that Hyunjin could be intimidating sometimes.
That didn’t hinder the others from wanting you around though. It became normal for you to be around them beyond work obligations.
When you started coming around the dorm more often Hyunjin seldomly interacted with you. Although, more than a few times you’d caught him staring you down or eyeing any member who was close to you. He’d never say anything, nor would he directly focus on you if he didn’t have to, and this caused your nerves to be on edge when he entered the room.
The times he did give you the slightest attention ranged from randomly pushing a strand of hair behind your ear when you’d fix his outfits or a simple gesture like waiting to hold the door open for you when you’d drop by the dorms. To anyone else it just seemed like he being kind to you but it was obvious he didn’t do these things for any other staff…it was just you in particular.
This confused you further and one particular night after drinking through a few glasses of alcohol with Felix and Seungmin you wandered into Hyunjin’s room to finally confront him.
You felt nervous but the alcohol in your system overpowered your usual timid nature. Curiosity played a part in your sudden boldness as well but it was mostly the inevitable feeling of unease Hyunjin might harbor around you.
So, when you shuffled into his room and slid down the door as you closed it shut with a dazed look in your eyes Hyunjin wondered if you’d gotten lost trying to find Felix’s room instead.
That would be the only logical reason, he thought to himself.
If that wasn’t the case he prayed you wouldn’t stay long enough to notice the rising tent in his pants. He tried his best to hide it by leaning forward in his chair until his elbows rested on his knees which only left his face in your direct line of view. “Why are you here,” he asks with a slight smile, gaze slowly taking in your appearance, and you shifted slightly as he did. He was attempting to sound friendly but the question just came out rushed instead since his head was spinning at the sight of you.
You’d totally forgotten that it wasn’t at all proper to sit so leisurely with a skirt that short on. He could see everything you had to offer, your untouched mound so tenderly hidden behind lace underwear, and your sheer thigh high stockings elevating the bare skin of your thighs. Hyunjin took one glance at it all and had to remind himself it wasn’t right to take advantage of a sweet girl like you…even if you were practically asking for it.
The moral part of you knew readjusting your posture would be the respectful thing to do, but the other half wanted him to keep looking…at least now you’d have his full attention for once.
He couldn’t look away from you even if he tried…and he’d been trying since the first time the two of you met. Now, it just felt like pure torture to see you in a state like this. So vulnerable, powerless, and obnoxiously aware of the tension between you two.
“Why are you here,” he asks you again, forcing his gaze to remain on your face as you huff and lazily try pull your skirt down. You fail miserably though and the fabric just rides up your thighs higher. “Why do hate me…” you blurt the question out in a soft tone, as if you’ll cry if he doesn’t tell you the truth, and Hyunjin can’t help but to lick his lips at the sound. Hate you? Is that what you thought he felt towards you, hatred?
Hyunjin stifled a groan as the thought flooded his mind. All this time he’d been waiting for the right time to get closer to you and you show up in his room, drunk, almost in tears, and acting unintentionally seductive all because you think he hates you???
The irony made his cock jump with agitation and he forced himself to exhale steadily before saying anything else to you.
“I don’t hate you,” he responds honestly but you don’t believe him. “Yes, you do..” you mumble solemnly, hot tears begging to slip down your cheeks, and you tilt your head back against the wall to blink them away. An exasperated sigh leaves Hyunjin’s chest and he stands up from his bed to walk over to you. If his words couldn’t convince then he’d have to go to the extreme at this point.
“I don’t hate you,” he repeats himself, closing the distance between you two until he’s towering over your slumped form. This was the closest he’d ever gotten to you -that didn’t require you to be doing your job- and your heart beats rapidly realizing it. “Yes…yes you do Hyunjin,” you whisper and stare up at him defeatedly. “It’s okay if you don’t like me..” you assure him with a small smile and he rolls his eyes in annoyance. He knew you could naive and a little slow to realize when someone’s being genuine with you but it was only working him up more. He reached for one of your hands, placing it right over his evident bulge, “fuck,” he moans quietly at the forced contact and you watch as he rolls his neck to regain some of his composure before staring down at you again.
That was incredibly attractive for no reason, you think to yourself.
Your eyes go wide at the feeling his length, fingertips flush against his clothed cock as it twitches under your gentle touch. Hyunjin lets out a shakey breath, his bottom lip catching between his teeth as you gingerly palmed him as if you couldn’t believe he let you touch him, and you really couldn’t. “Does it feel like I hate you?,” his breath hitches as the question tumbles from his mouth and you shake your head slowly before whispering, “No..”
He twitches again, swallowing a sudden moan when you place a kiss on his covered hard on. You couldn’t help it, mind fuzzy from alcohol, and the newfound information of Hyunjin pinning over you rather than despising your presence sparking a need you didn’t know existed.
Hyunjin pried your hand away from his crotch, pulling you up to stand as he did so, and you stumbled forward into him from a lack of sobriety. His lips pressed onto yours without hesitation, tongue kissing you until your heavy breaths turned into soft moans. “I hate what you do to me,” he confesses his frustrations in the midst of your lips finding his and your core throbs hearing it. His hands wanders to the curve of your ass, hiking your skirt up high as he squeezes the warm flesh, and trails tender kisses across your neck.
You run your fingers through his hair, pulling the strands gently as he makes one mark after the next on your flushed skin. With his hands on your hips you’re eager to grind against him and he lets you until he’s brought you over to his bed. The back of your knees hit the edge and he gently shoves you down. “I hate that I can’t have you…can’t touch you whenever I want…can’t fuck you whenever I want..” Hyunjin groans as he comes to hover above you, grazing a hand down your leg to place it around his waist, effectively bringing your core right to the imprint of his cock. You stifle a yelp at the jolting contact, hips automatically lifting to feel more of him, and he allows it with a satisfied smile on his face. “Tell me you’ve wanted this to…that I’m not the only one..” his voice sounds so distant but it fills your head to the brim with lust. “You’re not the only one,” you reply breathily, head lulling back as he slips a hand between your thighs and rubs his thumb in circles over you covered clit. You clench around nothing as his touch stirs a familiar warmth in your core.
A blush paints your cheeks as his touch reveals how wet you are. You’ve practically ruined your underwear now and he makes it a point to admire his effect on you. “Is this just for me?” Hyunjin delves a finger past your folds without warning, adding another to stretch your tight cunt when he feels how easily you take the first. You tremble at the sudden invasion and moan out a broken, “Y-yes…” He hums in approval, curling his fingers forward until he finds the sweetest spot in your walls that makes you jolt underneath him as he abuses it. All while continuing to massage your clit in slow circles of his thumb.
“Ah…mmm Hyun-Hyunjin….” You can’t help yourself from moaning his name, lips forming a small ‘I’ shape as he focused on your pleasure.
You were sure that you’re high wasn’t far off and one look at Hyunjin concentrating on your every reaction didn’t help your stamina. Your hands reached for him and he immediately came close to you, sharing open mouthed kisses as he pumped his fingers lazily into you, every noise you made he quieted with a tender kiss, and soon your cunt contracted around his fingers before spilling your cum all over them.
“I’ve been waiting forever to do that,” he mutters into your ear, kissing it as a smile tugs at his lips. “Your pussy feels better than I imagined..”
You moan weakly in response and he occupies himself with marking up your neck again while his fingers slowly leave your weeping cunt. It felt like pure heaven when he takes a moment to play with your clit, edging you towards another high as he discreetly pulled his cock out of its confinement. You feel his length brush your inner thigh and you smiled at the promise of having it.
Hyunjin brushed a hand through your hair, the rings on them making it easier for him to fist a handful, and using the hold to force your head to the side. You whined at his rough gesture but couldn’t complain as he lovingly whispered in your ear, “I don’t hate you…but I’m going to fuck you like I do…” his word are met with a pathetic groan of anticipation from you, hips lifting to feel his cock slide up and down your slit. He lets out a sharp breathe, the hand in your hair tightening as you stimulate yourself with just his girth, and for a moment all hes capable of doing is enjoy it.
You’re so desperate to get off that when Hyunjin does push past your folds you instantly cry out loudly and have to steady yourself by clinging to him. He doesn’t wait for you to adjust to his size at all, keeping his promise about fucking you like he does actually hate you, and your body is on fire from the sensation. His hips create fluid and intense strokes, allowing his cock to reach places in your core you didn’t know could be touched.
His entire body envelopes your own, leaving no space between you two, and only amping up the amount of heated tension. “When we’re done you’ll never think I hate you again…” Hyunjin stays true to his word and by the next morning you don’t even question why you’re in his bed, curled up in his arms, with the sound of his heartbeat steadily resounding in your ear.
He’s never hated you. That much you’re sure of now.
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sp00kymulderr · 5 months
just a touch
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Dieter Bravo (x afab!reader)
980 words
warnings: m masturbation, afab!reader mentioned, writer Dieter being horny af, unedited.
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Does anyone else ever spend all their day thinking about...
Dieter Bravo jerking off.
About how he draws it out for hours because he loves to be teased, even if he's teasing himself. He'll watch something filthy (he's got a great selection of porn, some homemade) or look at those nudes you sent him. But he refuses to touch himself the whole time, as he gets harder and more desperate for it.
He likes the luxury of getting off in bed, on his expensive soft sheets, or in the shower with the warm water running all over his body. He gets really sensitive the longer he holds off, so he'll give it as long as he possibly can. If he really wants to drive himself crazy, he'll force himself to go do something else after getting all turned on from whatever he chose to watch - something super mundane like read his many emails, or tidy up whatever mess was left out last night.
Usually though, he'll go to the big full length mirror in his bedroom, slowly take his clothes off, appreciate his own body. He spent a long time struggling with his body image, but nowadays he loves what he sees. His broad chest, the softness of his tummy, and then the bulge in his pants before he slowly peels them off. He's never been anything but proud of his dick. As far as cocks go he's got a pretty one, everyone always says it. He's still not touching it, not now as he appreciates the view of it in the mirror. His hands might come close, as his fingers softly feel their way around his own body, mapping paths you've taken as you've explored him yourself. He'll play with his nipples, pinch at the sensitive parts of his torso and grasp his stomach, appreciate the soft feel of it. He wishes you were there right now, but he'll make do with what he's got. Himself.
Finally...oh finally he makes his way on to his bed, sat with his back against the headboard with his legs spread wide. The mirror is angled just right, so he has a good view of himself from there. He's a little flushed, cheeks reddened. He's leaking precum, made himself so fucking desperate for his own hand. He looks really good, and he knows it.
He'll use whatever is closest, spit or lube or lotion. He isn't picky. Sometimes he'll use a toy too, depending on what he wants to feel and how quick he wants to get off. He loves playing with things that vibrate but they tend to make him come quicker than he likes so he doesn't use them too often - better when you're trying to overstimulate him to tears. Usually he'll use a butt plug when he's on his own, he likes his ass nice and full as often as it can be.
Now he takes himself in his hand, and the moan he makes at that first touch is sinful. He starts off painfully slow, teeth gritted in concentration as he tries to zone in on every single thing he's feeling as his fists glides up and down his cock. He'll think of you now the most, of the drag of your cunt up his dick. Or the warmth of your mouth on him. He'll bring up every memory he has of you and him together, the way you look when he's in you. The way you cry out as he thrusts into you for the first time. God, he can't take it this slow anymore.
As he quickens his pace, the noises he makes would make anyone blush. Dieter is never quiet like this. He loves to be heard, even if it's only him who can hear it right now. More, and more, and more. His free hand is playing with his balls, gentle tugs and squeeze that makes him tense dangerously and groan in pleasure.
Will he slow down now, calm himself down before he starts up again? Well, he'll try but at this point he's possessed by the need to come. He tries to be good, he really does. The way you like it, every last drop teased out of him but holding off for as long as he possibly can You tell him to be good, but you're not here right now and he can't quite bring himself to be that good.
He'll confess later, you can punish him if you want.
He's gasping out, a needy thing, beautiful noises of absolute heady pleasure. Eyes zoning back in just enough to watch as he brings himself to the edge. His favourite part to watch, as his movements falter and his balls tighten and with a loud cry he's spilling ropes of his cum onto his lower belly, onto his fingers, wherever it goes. Messy, he loves it that way. He pulls out every last drop he can, until its too much.
His head falls back against the headboard, eyes squeezing shut as he heaves out heavy breaths while his body trembles slightly from the climax. After a moment or two, he'll bring his hand up to his mouth and lick it clean. Dip his fingers into the mess he made and taste himself. It makes him groan, he tastes so fucking good. You always tell him the same, and he knows you're not lying.
In the time it takes him to regain his thoughts, he's laid himself down on the bed properly, sprawled out and a little dozy. He gets sleepy after he's come, but not enough to actually fall asleep. He just likes to bask in the feeling for a little while while he recovers. He bury his face in the pillow that still smells of you, and close his eyes and just enjoy the moment.
And if he really needs it today...he'll make it all happen again in a couple hours.
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notjustjavierpena · 1 year
Love you fluff and spicy fics! They are the best kinds ;) can I request dates with Husband!Javi or DILF!Joel? (Would love to read them both but I’ll let you take the rein ;))
First - Part 2: Date
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Series Masterpost | Main Masterpost | Support a disabled creator
A/N: Enjoy, anon!
Summary: With the way your relationship started, you’ve never been on a first date. You do a fake first date.
Pairing: Joel Miller x f!reader/you (no y/n)
Tags: +18 Smut (MDNI!), PIV sex, unprotected sex, clit stim, creampie, dirty talk, hot and desperate sex
Word count: 3.1k
Link to this work on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48689506/chapters/122820544#workskin
“We never actually had a first date, did we?” 
Joel looks down at you as you rest your head on his shoulder, his lips pressed into your hair. You cuddle up to him even more than before because he has just put a blanket over the both of you. He furrows his brow at the question, trying to understand what you are playing at. 
You’re not playing at anything. In fact, a very large part of you is happy that you never had to go through the torturous process of getting to know a stranger by taking them places and forcing them to answer uncomfortably personal questions. 
“No, we didn’t…” he says into your hair as if awaiting further instructions or explanations, “Why?”
You grab the remote to press play on your movie, then shrug nonchalantly, “No reason. The thought just came to me, popped into my head.”
“Is it something you want?” He continues as if treading carefully. 
“God no,” you turn your body a little in his arm to kiss him on the lips a few times, “I’m thankful that we skipped the heart palpitations and clammy hands, the painful silences.”
“I had nothing but clammy hands the first two weeks of just seeing you in the street,” he admits, bumping your noses together with red cheeks at his confession, “Felt like a fuckin’ teenager. Sarah near laughed her ass off.”
“And you didn’t ask me out,” you tut, then get an idea that has your face lighting up, “Wait… How would you have asked me out? How is your game?”
“Let me take you to dinner and you’ll find out,” he teases, focusing on turning back to the TV screen.
“Oooh, alright. You’re on. Pick me up at six.”
You agree on Friday at 6 pm. As soon as the roleplay is on, a ton of butterflies erupt inside your stomach at the thought of being wined and dined by Joel Miller. You don’t expect too much though, because the poor guy has previously already told you that the number of dates he has been on since Sarah’s mother passed can be counted on one hand. Despite no one having died, the same goes for you and that fact will surely make the evening a comical one.
At six o’clock your doorbell rings and you fix the straps of your dress for the millionth time in the hallway mirror before opening the door. 
Joel looks good. He has his usual jeans on, but has added a belt, and the t-shirt that he always wears has been substituted with one of his nice button-up shirts and it’s been neatly tucked into his pants. The wristwatch is still there, and the intoxicating smell of his cologne too, but despite all this grabbing your attention, it’s nothing compared to the handful of smaller sunflowers that he is holding out for you. 
“Oh, you sly bastard,” you grin, realizing now just how fun the night out will be. If Joel is doing this, you might as well roleplay along. You step forward to take the very homemade bouquet, “These are gorgeous, Joel, my favorite.”
“Figured roses were too cliche,” he states shyly. 
“Let me just put these in water,” you step away from the door to hold it open for him, “Come in. I’ll be ready in five.”
Joel steps silently inside, following you into the kitchen where you get a vase from on top of your refrigerator and start filling it with water. With a pair of kitchen scissors, you cut the stems at an angle.
“Nice place you got here,” Joel small-talks. He tries not to smile, but you can see that he fights the urge to chuckle at the silliness of the situation. 
“Thanks, yeah, a super cute guy helped me a lot over the summer,” you put the sunflowers into the vase, placing it on your kitchen island to be able to admire them in the morning light. 
“Oh?” Joel questions, placing a hand on the counter as he watches you fluff the sunflowers to make them look less messy after you’ve handled them, “Should I be concerned by competition?”
“Not if you knock it out of the park tonight, starting by telling me I look beautiful,” you say with a smile, walking up to him and trying not to kiss his stupid face. 
You are wearing Joel’s favorite dress of yours that hugs your chest and ass in a way that makes a few people turn their heads every time you go outside wearing it. 
“You look stunning,” he says as he looks down at you, then grins, “I have a few things planned for tonight, and I think you’ll like ‘em.”
“Lead the way.”
Joel takes you to a restaurant in the city of Austin. It is Italian in a cliché way; checkered tablecloths, candles in wine bottles, and, to top it off, a picture of Lady and the Tramp on the wall. It’s nothing that seems to appeal to Joel, but you cannot help but love it in the most wonderful childlike way and point it out as you enter the place.
Though to save him the pain of getting embarrassed, you order a pizza instead of the classic spaghetti. He orders a pizza himself, furrowing his brow as he realizes that the proper way of eating pizza here is by using a knife and fork. 
“So,” you say after a mouthful of food, taking a sip of your wine, “Texas born and raised?”
“Yeah, my folks live half an hour out of town,” Joel replies, resting his wrists on the edge of the table, “And Sarah, my daughter… We've been in that house since forever. Sarah doesn’t know much else than that street.”
“You have a daughter?” You tilt your head curiously, challenging him with a little smile.
“Oh yeah, fifteen years old. Love of my life,” he tells you, and your heart swells because you know exactly how he looks at her with wonder and love, “Does that bother you?”
“Not at all, I just don’t have any kids of my own,” you reply. 
“Is that… something you can see yourself in? Kids?” 
You figure that it’s a fair question for a date, but it’s a little overwhelming when you’re already in too deep. Months deep into this relationship actually.
“Well, yeah,” you say after a pause, somehow so certain, “Yeah… I want the whole thing; white picket fence and nauseating suburban lifestyle.” 
You can see Joel visibly relax. 
“Is it hard being a single dad?” You ask gently. 
Joel tenses up once more, resting his hand on the tabletop and tapping his fingers slightly. He avoids your gaze, “Sometimes. I mean… I’m terrified that I will end up in a situation where I can’t be what she needs. Additionally, it’s hard to imagine getting something you want for yourself when all you think of is soccer practice, boy bands, birthdays, and tampons.”
You place your hand on top of his, fingertips slowly running up and down Joel’s wrist, “That sounds hard.”
It’s nice to get to know Joel like this, and as you sip your wine, conversation flows easily between the two of you. Date-night Joel is funny and charming, exactly how you pictured him, and more. He compliments you throughout the evening, makes you laugh to the point where you can see his eyes soften and cause another compliment to spill from his mouth.
“Got any moves?” You ask before cutting into the last slice of your pizza. Joel finished his own a little while ago. 
“Moves?” He questions, absentmindedly reaching out for your hand on the table again. You place your palm in his and he rubs his thumb over your knuckles.
“Yeah, date moves? I bet you’re going to lend me your jacket later. That sorta stuff.”
“I actually was,” he chuckles with slightly red cheeks that might as well have been from the bottle of red wine that you’ve shared, then running his free hand over his hair and leaning back into his seat, “I figured since we should've had our first date in June, it was the right time to do a summer activity, so we’re getting ice cream after this. And I know it’d get you chilly.'' 
“Seriously. And what about you?”
“I haven’t used any moves on you tonight,” you lie. 
“Liar,” he laughs, shaking his head disapprovingly, “Tell me.”
“I asked you about your daughter,” you shrug and try brushing it off.
“That’s a move?” He raises a brow. 
“Well, got me touching you, didn’t it?” You nod down at where you are holding hands, causing Joel to sit up a little straighter as he realizes. 
“I think we need to get out of here before you manipulate me further,” he jokes, letting go of your hand to raise his own to signal a waiter.
You get ice cream cones after dinner at a charming little parlor. Joel gets strawberry and you get hazelnut. It seems like the perfect end to your date.
The sky is speckled with stars as you walk through a dimly lit area with Joel’s jacket wrapped around your shoulders. In your hand, your ice cream cone is melting slowly, but you manage to catch each dribble with the flat of your tongue. Joel’s eyes are on you the whole time. 
“Do you have work tomorrow?” You ask casually.
“Yeah,” he replies, eating his ice cream, “Not early in the morning though. Why?”
“Just wondered if you were going to follow me home after this,” you say with another lick. You’ll invite him inside too; Joel knows this but it’s part of the fun to not say anything.
He hums, “Sure, of course. I wouldn’t want you taking the bus alone at this hour anyway.”
“Ever the gentleman.”
Joel smiles to himself. Definitely not going to be a gentleman. He then dares to reach between you to find your hand. He entwines your fingers, says nothing and you walk without conversation for a while until you fake a yawn. 
“I should get home.”
“I know the quickest way to the car.”
You find yourself on your front porch not long after. It seems ridiculous how many times Joel has been standing behind you like this, breathing down your neck as you unlock your front door. 
With a shy smile, you stop trying to unlock the door and let the key sit in the lock. You dare to turn around to look up at Joel’s big brown eyes that are watching you with the glazed expression he gets whenever he wants to clear his head and kiss you. 
It reminds you of your first kiss as he dips down, searching out your mouth with his own, and whilst you want to give in, you also want to make him work for it, play out the scene.
“I had a really good time tonight,” you interrupt him as he is just about to kiss you. 
“Right,” he looks like someone trying to refrain from rolling his eyes. He hesitates but then replies, “Can I see you again?”
“Yes, I’d like that a lot. Thank you for letting me fall in love with you a little more tonight.”
Something changes at that.
“And can I kiss you?” He asks a little impatiently. Something is brewing.
You animatedly tap your chin and giggle as he sighs at your silliness. It earns you a kiss, short and sweet and definitely not enough. You pull him down to your mouth again when he tries to pull away. 
There haven’t been many women before you in the years after Sarah’s mother, and it results in a starving man who cannot get enough when he knows that he has you. You like it when he snaps; as if the dam that holds back all of his pent-up need for you since seeing you in his favorite dress crumbles.
You kiss each other so hard that he suddenly loses himself and grips your shoulders roughly, shoving you into the door until the knob is pressing painfully into your lower back. Joel’s mouth is warm and inviting and tastes like strawberry ice cream as he practically eats at your mouth, swallowing down his name as it drips like honey from your lips. It makes up for how he manhandles you against the door until you can, albeit blindly, reach behind you and finally open it. 
The door gives way behind you and you both fall through, completely losing balance without trying to regain it in the slightest. There’s something exciting about the utter desperation, something charming about the giggles you let out as you hit the floor with a thump. At least the door swings shut behind you.
You shrug Joel’s jacket off your shoulders, trying to get comfortable on the floorboards. It messes up the kiss and has Joel growling, but then he takes the opportunity to bury his face in your neck and breathe in your perfume. 
You can feel his teeth graze over the skin of your throat, not quite biting down yet. He kisses open-mouthed and hot along your main artery instead, leaving a trail of shiny saliva until he is by your ear. He whispers, “You always invite guys in on the first date?”
He reaches down to tug your dress up. You help him by lifting your hips off the ground and he responds by grabbing your ass in his hands, squeezing and yanking you up against the bulge in his jeans only to grind right back down into you.
“Only contractors in their late thirties who are named Joel Miller,” you say with a chuckle interrupted by a moan as you feel the rough fabric of his jeans against your clothed cunt. 
“Guess I’m really fuckin’ lucky that I fit that description perfectly then.”
“I need you,” you add with a groan, reaching for the top button on Joel’s shirt that’s too nice for you to start ripping off. You struggle to undo the buttons though, feeling embarrassed at how much your fingers fumble out of want, “Please, Joel. Off, take this off.”
“So fuckin’ needy indeed,” he kisses you again, doesn’t even bother breaking the kiss as he reaches up, swiftly unbuttoning his shirt and then throwing it onto the floor.
You whimper against his lips, reaching down to pull at his pants. You need more, need to see him in all his glory, need to touch, suck him, feel him inside of you. Either will do. It is almost too much, “You’re so hot, fuck, help me with these.”
Joel makes quick work of pushing off his jeans and then underwear. He groans softly in relief, his cock finally free, already so hard there is a pearl of precum beading at his tip. 
“Now mine,” you pant, pushing the flats of your feet into the floor to lift yourself up again,  “Please, please, you have to fuck me.”
He runs his hands from your ankles up your calves, stopping at your thighs to give them a firm squeeze and groan with unrestrained desire. Then, unceremoniously, he simply grips the fabric of your panties in his hands and yanks them down. Having you splayed out before him, he doesn’t waste any more time. He hoists you up a bit, grabbing his dick and positioning himself, and then thrusts into you all the way in one go.
You both moan at the same time, but whereas yours is a soft sound, his is a low throaty one. You hook your legs around his waist as you wait for him to move inside of you. You find his gaze too, meeting it with pleading eyes, slack mouth, and furrowed brows, “Fuck me. Please just–”
Joel does not keep you waiting for a goddamn second. He grips you tightly under your right thigh and braces his other hand flat against the floor for support, and then in the next moment, he is pounding you ruthlessly into the floorboards. No hesitation, no build-up.  It is mercilessly perfect, the floorboards creaking slightly at you being pressed into them. If you didn’t have your legs around Joel’s waist, you are sure that the force of the way you are being fucked would create burns from the friction again the wood.
Joel buries his face in your neck next. He finally bites down like you have waited for, causing you to tilt back your head with a high-pitched moan. Your hands come up to rest on the back of his head and you slide your fingers into his hair, tugging ever so slightly as the tension below your belly button builds. It feels like fire, like electricity.
"Pretty. You sound so fuckin’ pretty when you take my cock," he murmurs against your neck. He then straightens a bit again to let go of your thigh in favor of sliding his hand under you, pressing it against the small of your back, and holding you closer to his own body. He watches your face as your head swims with desire, “Look pretty too, oh, fuck, baby.”
Your right hand reaches down, but you don’t get a chance to touch yourself, because, with his other hand, Joel reaches down to place his thumb on your swollen clit, immediately setting a blinding pace. You see stars, ecstatic moans giving you away.
“I’m gonna—“
“And you’re gonna come on my dick now too?” He groans, already chasing his own pleasure with each thrust of his hips, “Lucky fuckin’ me.”
Fireworks erupt below your belly button as you come with a wanton shout. The pleasure is fast and intense, your muscles squeezing around Joel’s cock which suddenly spurts thick ropes of come inside of you. He feels so good as you pulse around him, cunt greedily milking everything into yourself. 
“You’ll be the death of me,” Joel says with an exhausted chuckle as he flops down beside you. The both of you try catching your breaths, but the dopamine rush won’t let either of you settle down quite yet. 
Your legs fall against each other, collapsing from exhaustion. You can feel your back start to ache already, “God.”
“Just Joel.”
You slap his arm. 
“Are you okay though?” He asks genuinely. 
“My back is going to be sore like hell from this. It already is. Other than that? I don’t think you’ve ever fucked me like that before,” you run a hand over your face, staring up at the ceiling afterwards.
“Sounds about right,” he says, pauses for a moment, then, “So when can I see you again?”
If you would like to follow my writing then go follow @notjustjavierpena-fics and turn on notifications 💖❤️
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babymetaldoll · 23 days
Are you mine? - Chapter Three: "She's a silver lining"
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Word count: 5.253 words   Warnings: This is so fluffy it might be illegal. Reader's discretion is advised. Summary: Baby Reid Nº1 is here, and both Spencer and reader are ready, but not really.  A/N: I know no woman would ever be worthy of making Spencer a father, but that man deserves to be a dad. 
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(Y/N)’s point of view
When we found out we were having a little girl, Spencer lost his mind. I know he would have been happy if the doctor had said it was a boy, but a baby girl was just what he had always dreamed about. A little princess to spoil and teach everything.
We decided to name her Raven Marie Reid, and ever since that day, my husband talked to our daughter every second he could. He encouraged us to hear more classical music to help her brain develop, he read her bedtime stories and even asked about her day.
- “I’m telling you, chipmunk, Raven knows I’m talking to her”- Spencer pointed out as we walked into the bullpen- “She kicks and moves when I say her name.”
- “I know, honey bunny. She is still inside me, kicking my ribs and squeezing my bladder most of the time.”- I replied and shook my head, smiling. I couldn’t deal with his proud smile at my words.
- “Reids! you are here! I’ve got news”- Penelope nearly tackled us as soon as she saw us, and didn’t even give us time to reach our desk.
- “We have to take the fit test.”- she announced quickly.
- “We?”- Spencer asked, confused.
- “Me too?”- I questioned, scared of the answer. I was already 38 weeks into the pregnancy and I could barely move. I wasn’t allowed to travel anymore, so I had to help the team from my desk whenever they were out of town.
- “Of course not, munchkin. Just me and your husband.”- Garcia explained tapping on my arm.
- “But why? We have enough case hours to cover a fit test.”- Spencer argued, confused.
- “I just got the mail. So, I guess we should train a little.”- Garcia shrugged and started walking with us to our desk.
- “I can help.”- I suggested - “I was very good at my fit test, and I can give you some tips.”
- “Can we talk with Hotch and get out of this?” - Spencer suggested- “I mean, it’s a fit test. Honestly, we don’t need this.”
- “Well, we are having a baby, and you are gonna have to play with her, so maybe getting some exercise done could be good for you.”- I suggested, but Spencer looked at me like I had cursed him- “What?”
- “You know I’m not good at sports.”
- “You are amazing in the field and you know it.”- I rubbed his shoulder and smiled- “But you have to get used to running now that we are having to have a kid to follow around.”
- “My princess is not gonna make me run around, right Raven?”- Spencer asked and rubbed my tummy. Our daughter moved inside my belly and sat directly on my bladder.
- “Great, I have to pee again. Thank you, honey bunny.”
The following morning, Spencer and I got up extra early to meet Penelope on the training track in Quantico. My husband looked the cutest in his red shorts and mismatched socks. I planned a simple circuit for them to warm up and watched them running as I sat on a bench and ate part of the orange slices I had brought to them. I tried to imagine how it would be when Raven went to school, would she like sports? Would she join the track team? Soccer? softball? my mind wandered to all the amazing things our baby girl would do. Anything she dreamed of, I would encourage her to pursue.
Spoiler alert: Raven is on the swimming team, and she loves it. We go to her competitions with homemade banners and Spencer made sure our house had a pool, so she can practice whenever she wants.
- “Come on honey bunny!!”- I yelled as Spencer made it to the finish line, a few seconds after García, in what I could call a dreadful performance running. I stopped the timer and shook my head as I made my way over. Spencer and Penelope were panting, and trying to elongate their weary muscles.
- “Why does it have to be such a fast mile?”- Garcia argued, trying to catch her breath- “Have you ever even had to run a mile in the field?”
- “No.”- Spencer answered, panting. I handed them a Gatorade and tried to cheer them up.
- “Come on! you are doing better! You’ve got this!”
- “I'm not even in the field.”- Penelope kept arguing - “I sit at a computer on my perfect posterior, like all day.”
- “I know, Pen. But it’s the rule. Apparently, everybody has to take the fit test this year.”- I tried to explain, but my friend decided to keep rambling.
- “Well, at least we didn’t ask Derek.”- Garcia was thinking out loud - “It's bad enough some bureaucrat is making us take this stupid test. The last thing we need is Mr. Universe talking smack the whole time.”
- “But he knows about all this stuff.”- Spencer argued her point of view - “He can probably, like, teach us some tricks, help us train.”
- “Your wife is doing that already, Reid.”- Garcia pointed out the obvious- “Besides, Derek takes it way too seriously. I worked out with him once.”
- “You work out?”- my husband asked surprised, and Pen just nodded, still trying to catch her breath. - “That's cool. I don't.”
- “We can tell, hon.”- I whispered as I rubbed his back.
- “I train in a non-traditional manner and never again with him.”- Garcia explained. - “He was all, "There you go, baby girl. Move it or lose it. This ain't your high-tech room. My grandmama can move better than that."- I chuckled at her impersonation of Morgan as my husband tried to excuse him somehow.
- “He can be enthusiastic at times.”- Spencer was so nice, we all know Derek was a drill sergeant training. I loved training with him, he always forced me to give 110%, but of course, neither my husband nor Garcia enjoyed it.
- “That's a way of saying it.”- I giggled and looked at the clock - “Now come on! Give me a couple more laps.”
- “Do we have to?”- Spence asked me with sweet puppy eyes, looking adorable and exhausted.
- “Yes, you do. Come on! You’ve got this.”
Lucky for Spencer and Penelope, Hotch texted us to tell us we had a case, which only meant training was over.
It also meant I had to stay with Garcia as my husband left the city to catch a serial killer. I knew it was our job and there was nothing I could do about it, but it made me uneasy to think about what would happen to Raven and me if anything went to happen to Spencer on the field. It was a fact: I was afraid of our mortality now that we were about to be parents. That is one fear I haven’t stopped feeling, and it’s one of the main reasons why today we are leaving the BAU.
During that case, Spencer got hit. It wasn’t serious, just a punch on the face, and Morgan teased him saying they might have ruined his pretty face a little. However, I didn’t laugh at all. I wasn’t calm or even rational at that point. You lose it when you get a phone call from your boss saying your husband is at the hospital, and you can’t go ‘cos you are 635 miles away and unable to get on a plane ‘cos you are 38 weeks pregnant. It doesn’t matter if it’s just a punch in the face.
I was beyond furious with him and Hotch. Mad at Spencer for putting himself in danger out there, and with Hotch, for putting him there in the first place.
I yelled so much while the team was on their way back, Garcia was afraid I was going to deliver the baby in her office. But I knew I had to get it off my system before dealing with Hotch, ‘cos I didn’t want to get fired for attempting to murder my boss.
- “What the fuck was Spencer thinking?!”- I yelled as I paced in Penelope’s office, trying to breathe. - “He never gets in any physical fight with an unsub! Ever! When was the last time he got hurt during a case? Tell me, Pen!?”- and my friend stared at me, not knowing the answer.
- “I’m… well…”
- “It was over five years ago, we weren’t even dating yet. He got fucking anthrax!! and he almost died! I can’t go through that again, we are gonna have a baby. Do you think I could raise a baby alone? I fucking can’t! There is no way on earth I can do this alone! Spencer can’t do this to me!”
- “(Y/N), please breathe. He just got punched on the face, that’s it.”- Garcia tried to reason with me, and failed.
- “Just punched on the face? Do you know how dangerous that is? It means he was fighting the unsub! One false movement and things south!”
- “But it didn’t happen, please, munchkin, calm down, you are gonna give me a stroke.”
- “I’m not gonna calm down until my husband is here, safe and sound!”
My wishes came true later that evening after I had made a major effort to calm myself down and not look like the hormonal and slightly crazy woman I was that day.
- “I’m ok, I swear”- Spencer said as soon as he stepped out of the elevator and found me waiting for him.- “I’m sorry, ma cherie.”
I sighed, taking in his perfume, the smell of his neck, and the warmth of his arms around me. Spencer kissed the top of my head and didn’t move for a few minutes until he was sure I was calmed. Somehow, having him there made me forget about how mad I had been earlier that day.
- “Are you sure you are ok?”- I whispered and looked at his face, he had a cut on the eyebrow and a bruise on the cheekbone.
- “Nothing that some kisses can’t fix.”- he said with a sweet smile.
- “You would have been proud, pretty girl.”- Derek pointed out, walking past us along with the rest of the team. - “Reid tacked the unsub like a pro.”
- “I did.”- my husband nodded. - “Working out is paying off.”
- “So, do you think you could stay here until the baby is born?”- I asked and Spencer just smiled.
- “Hotch and I already talked. I won’t move from my desk until Raven is here.”- I beamed, relieved, and let out a deep breath I didn’t know I was holding.
- “Thank you, honey bunny.”
- “Anything for you, ma cherie.”
- “I’m glad I don’t have to yell at Hotch anymore.”- my husband frowned, confused.
- “Why would you…”
- “Never mind, honey bunny.”
Spencer’s point of view
There are so many things I will never forget, and not just because I have an eidetic memory. One of my favorites is the day Raven was born. That was the day I became a father, and by far, one of the happiest moments of my life.
(Y/N) had started feeling contractions after dinner. We were on the couch watching Dr. Who and eating ice cream when they began. They were soft and irregular, so we didn’t move, and instead, we did what the doctor had instructed, and started timing the contractions.
After a while, (Y/N) decided a bath was a good idea ‘cos it might help her relax before bed, so I filled the tub and helped her in. We didn’t call anyone but our midwife, who told us we were doing the right thing and suggested we get as much sleep as possible. So we went to bed. I held my wife and placed a hand on his belly.
I felt like I hadn’t slept for more than five minutes when my wife’s voice woke me up at five thirty am.
- “Honey.”- she whispered, shaking my arm carefully.
- “Everything ok?! Are you in pain?! Do you need the doctor?”- I nearly jumped and stared at her, she seemed scared, though she tried to remain calm.
- “My water broke.”
And that was when my brain turned off.
I stared at (Y/N), slowly panicking, and stood by her side, analyzing everything. Yes, our mattress was probably ruined but that wasn’t the biggest issue at that minute.
- “Spencer?”- my wife called out my name, probably reading how I was losing it at that minute.
- “Yes, cherie, I’m here. I just… need a second.”
- “We have to go to the hospital.”- her voice was a whisper, and she didn’t say another word. A contraction hit her and I could read the pain all over her face. That was when it clicked me, there was no time to overthink, I had to be there for her. In a second I was fully dressed and helping her walk to the door.
- “The bag is in the car, I’ve got my cell… and yours.”- she kept panting as she enumerated everything we needed.
- “We’ll call your parents from the car”- I said as I grabbed the keys and opened the front door.
- “Wait!”- (Y/N) stayed still and held her belly with both hands. I saw her doing her breathing exercises, going through what looked like a very painful contraction. I placed my hand on hers and stared at her, doing her best to do everything we were taught we had to do.
- “I am so proud of you.”- I whispered and kissed her temple. - “You are doing so well, ma cherie.”
- “In case later I yell and say things I don’t mean, I love you.”- she replied and I chuckled. - “You know I might do that if it gets too painful.”
- “I know you will.”- I replied and kissed her lips - “Ready to walk to the car?”- (Y/N) nodded and started moving slowly. I closed the door and held her arm, helping her all the way over.
I rushed into the hospital with my wife, who was trying her best to hide her pain from me, so I wouldn’t freak out. But I was freaking out anyway. Of course, I was. I was running in my head all the possible scenarios that could go wrong in the following hours and I was terrified.
- “My wife is having our baby, her water broke.”- that was all I could say as soon as we reached the front desk. A nurse put (Y/N) in a wheelchair and guided her to a room in less than a minute to examine her. I gave our info and followed her, trying to remain calm.
- “How are you feeling, Mrs. Reid?”- she asked (Y/N).
- “I’m ok, I guess. I keep trying to think this isn’t the most painful thing ever ‘cos I know it’s gonna get worse.”- and my wife even joked, she is a champ.
- “We’ll make sure you feel the least pain possible. Now, let’s put you in bed and see how long until we meet your baby. Do you know what you are having?”
- “A girl.”- (Y/N) replied as I helped her move into the bed. I felt like there was nothing I could do at that minute, so I just stared at her being the most amazing woman ever.
- “Did you pick a name yet?”
- “Yes, Raven Marie.”-
- “That’s a lovely name! Now, let’s see how you are doing.”
The nurse was very nice. She asked my wife a million questions I heard (Y/N) answer patiently, checked her vitals, assessed her contractions, and checked her cervical dilatation. During that entire time, I couldn’t say a word, I was shocked. It was happening, my wife was going to make me a dad, and I was terrified. Not that I didn’t want to be a father, I was just scared anything might go wrong. And if everything went well, and the baby ended up hating me ‘cos I was the worst father on earth? I didn’t know how to be a good dad, I didn’t have one most of my life.
- “Honey, honey”- (Y/N) held my hand and took me from my thoughts.
- “Are you ok?”- I asked right away and she smiled.- “What can I get you?”
- “Nothing, but are you ok? You are pale and I can see you are losing it, and this hasn’t even started yet.”- I nodded and felt her squeezing my hand. - “It’s gonna be ok, so please don’t overthink it, ok?”- I nodded and leaned in to kiss her forehead, but she moved and crushed her lips against mine, making me smile.
- “Come on! She is still pregnant! Wait a little before knocking her up again.”- Frank said as he walked in absolutely unannounced, holding a paper bag filled with snacks, books, and magazines.
- “How the fuck did you know we were here?”- that was the first thing my wife questioned, and then the nurse showed up to take him out.
- “Your mom called us all, everybody is on their way, I just got here early.”
- “Sir, I’m gonna have to ask you to wait outside.”- the nurse said and pointed to the door.
- “Don’t worry, guys. I’m gonna be camping out there, I’m on the welcome committee. Anything you need, I’m here.”- Frank moved quickly, kissed (Y/N)’s forehead, and smiled. - “You are gonna kick ass, nugget!”
We are lucky to have the best friends on earth.
(Y/N)’s parents, Lu, and Mikey were in the waiting room with Frank in less than half an hour. They all had stopped by to see my wife and wish her luck. Hotch and Garcia got there next and hugged me tight.
- “How is my munchkin? Can I see her?”- Pen asked right away.
- “She is with the doctor, everything is fine. She is still a few hours away from pushing, but everything is going well. They are evaluating if they are giving her the epidural now.”- I explained and Pen nodded.
- “JJ said she won’t come ‘cos she has a cold and it could be dangerous for (Y/N) and the baby, but asked me to send pictures later.”- I just nodded and looked around the room. Everyone I loved was there to support us.
- “Did you bring her ice?”- Hotch asked and I showed him the cup I was holding.
- “On my way to get more ice right now.”
- “And how are you?”- my unit chief asked the million-dollar question, so I just sighed.
- “I can’t stand hospitals, there’s something about the lighting…”- Hotch raised an eyebrow and stared at me knowing that was not what bothered me. - “I’m just worried, I can’t stop thinking anything might go wrong.”- it was easiest to confess my darkest fear at that moment because I needed some sort of contention.
- “It’s normal, Reid. You want to be sure she and the baby are going to be ok.”- Hotch put a hand on my shoulder and smiled at me. - “You are doing a great job here.”
- “Thank you.”- it was somehow reassuring to hear Hotch saying that. I felt silly but it somehow took a weight from my chest.
- “Son.”- Chief (Y/L/N) walked towards, shook Hotch’s hand, and welcomed Garcia. - “Have you eaten anything?”- he didn’t actually wait for my reply, my father-in-law handed me a sandwich and a coffee. - “Eat this, I’ll bring my princess the ice. You need a little break.”- he tapped on my back and Sofia patted on an empty chair next to her and I moved towards her slowly.
- “Did you call your mom yet, honey?”- she asked me as I chewed the sandwich and shook my head. - “Do you want me to call her?”
- “It’s still too early in Las Vegas. And I don’t want her to get anxious. I’ll call her when Raven is here with us.”- I explained and sipped my coffee. Extra cream and extra sugar. I hummed happily and Sofia smiled.
- “Did I get your order right?”- she asked me and I nodded, surprised. - “I’m glad. I made you the sandwich you said you liked last time we had brunch. A bacon omelet goat cheese sandwich.”- she pointed out proudly.- “I remembered how much you liked it.”
- “Thank you, Sofia.” - she leaned over and kissed my forehead.
- “I love you, son. I am so excited you and my baby are about to be parents.”
I blushed as I heard her words, feeling my heart filled with love. Around us, Frank, Lu, Garcia, and Mikey talked about all the plans they had for my baby girl. Hotch was talking with Derek, who had just walked in with Alex.
- “Now eat your food,"- Sofia added.- "I’ll put an eye on my baby.”
I am still amazed by the warm feeling that having a family gives me. Not just my wife and kids, but our entire extended family, in-laws, and friends. I never thought I could ever have this. I know I say it a lot, but it’s very hard for me to believe this is my life.
(Y/N)’s point of view
Things I couldn’t stop thinking about the first time I had a baby: how Spencer always said studies showed women forgot about pain as soon as they held their babies. I needed to get to that point as fast as possible because no matter how many drugs they gave me, I felt like I was tearing apart.
- “Come on Mrs. Reid!”- the doctor said, from between my legs. - “I can see her head! just a few more pushes!!”
- “I can’t, I’m too tired!”- I argued and felt like breaking into tears, ‘cos I was moody and tired and most of all, scared ‘till the death of what was going on. A human was coming out of my body, I wasn’t ready to be a mom. I was terrified of messing it up.
- “Come on, ma cherie.”- Spencer had held my hand through the whole process, and though he had delivered a baby himself, for the first time ever, he didn’t give directions or corrected anyone. I guessed he was too scared to mess up and trusted the medical staff.
- “I’m sorry hon, I can’t do this.”- I mumbled and felt my baby punching her way out of my body. I had a strong contraction and instead of talking, all I could do was scream in pain.
- “Yes, you can do this, (Y/N). Come on! Just push, our baby is almost here. Just push, ok?”- Spencer begged as I did as told and gave my biggest effort.
- “Almost!! Just one more!!!”- the doctor said. Spencer held my hand tighter and nodded, in support. I don’t know how I did it, but somehow, I managed to push one more time and suddenly, I heard a baby cry.
- “Oh my god”- Spencer gasped and stayed still, staring at the baby with tears in his eyes. The doctor stood up and placed a red crying baby on my chest, and suddenly, Spencer was right. I felt no pain whatsoever. Nothing. All I could do was stare in awe and, of course, cry, how that little baby on my chest was in fact, my little baby.
- “Hi Raven.”- I whispered and touched her back carefully, with shaky hands. - “Hi, I’m your mom, and me and your dad love you very much.”- I chuckled and sniffed as Spencer moved closer and kissed my forehead.
- “She is perfect.”- he whispered and stared at her in admiration and pure love. The nurse gave him a pair of scissors and instructed him how to cut the umbilical cord. I tried to stop crying, but it was nearly impossible. I was a mom. My husband was a dad. We were parents.
Spencer and I had a kid. That was the thought I couldn’t process. The guy I had a crush on for what seemed to be my entire life, my best friend, the smartest guy on earth, and I, had made a baby. I managed to look away from Raven for a second and watched him staring at us, sobbing.
- “I love you so much.”- I whispered and he smiled at me. He leaned in and kissed my lips carefully, and then kissed our baby girl.
- “I love you too, so much. I am so proud of you, ma cherie.”
It was all sweet and fun until that point. But no one ever prepared me for what happened when we took Raven home. Yes, we were ready (or so we thought), but let me tell you this: dealing with a newborn after a week of no sleep is way worse than any unsub's interrogation I had ever dealt with. Way worse.
I felt I was losing my sanity after the first eight days with Raven at home. She didn’t sleep for longer than an hour, which meant neither did we. Breastfeeding wasn’t magical, it was uncomfortable and sometimes even painful, which made me feel like the worst mother on earth. During that first week, I did my best to remain calm and rational. But after eight days of no sleeping, pain due to delivery, swollen breasts, and the irrevocable agony of thinking I was the worst mother on earth, I locked myself in the kitchen and cried my eyes out as I waited for the pot to boil.
Spencer was with Raven in our room, walking around 'cause it was the best way to keep her asleep for more than half an hour. I didn’t want him to know I was crying 'cause I felt useless and pathetic. A voice inside my head kept telling me any other woman would do better than me. Any other woman would be a better mother for Raven and a better wife for Spencer.
I’m not proud to tell you how I felt, I swear. But at that moment, I was overwhelmed.
So I waited for the water to boil and cried as much as I could. Then I put myself together, grabbed a cup, and prepared a cup of hot lavender tea for myself. I also grabbed a bag of marshmallows and ate half of it in less than a minute. Then, I took a deep breath and headed back to our bedroom, where Spencer was still walking our baby. He looked exhausted but kept staring at Raven with the sweetest look in his eyes. It made me feel guilty because he was doing just great and I was a failure. And what was worse: I couldn’t stop thinking JJ was a better BAU mom than I was. She was my only comparison, and as far as I was concerned, she kicked ass. And there I was, failing.
- “She is asleep.”- Spencer whispered and I walked to him, to make sure Raven was well. - “Why don’t you get some rest? I’ve got her.”
- “No, I don’t wanna leave you alone with all the work.” - I argued, knowing it was useless to resist.
- “Every book says that when the baby is asleep, the mother should try to get some rest. Now please, get in bed and nap a little. I’ll be right here with Raven, ok?”
- “But…”
- “Chipmunk, I have to return to work in a few days, please get as much rest as you can while I am still here. I don’t wanna be at work feeling guilty I didn’t do enough to help you.”
- “You’ve done everything, honey.”- I whispered and looked down at my shaking hands. I was still filled with sadness and regret. Feelings I didn’t know how to handle.
- “What are you talking about? You brought her to this world, you feed her, you take care of her. You’ve done more than enough.”- he kissed the top of my head and I just sighed, defeated. - “Get some sleep, ma cherie.”
I was lucky enough to have a large support group. My mom would visit us daily and help us with Raven while we did house chores and napped. Lu, Frank, and Mikey brought us groceries during the first couple of weeks, so we didn’t have to leave the house. Hotch gave us all the free days he could get. But eventually, after a month and a half, my husband had to return to work, and I was all alone at our apartment with Raven.
- “How is my beautiful granddaughter?”- Diana asked as soon as I opened the door. She was visiting after her trip to the Grand Canyon, and my mom had invited her to stay over with her. My mother-in-law was doing so well with her new medication, and she wanted to enjoy as much time with Raven as possible.
- “And Spencer?”- Diana asked, looking around the apartment.
- “He is back to work, starting today.”- I explained and tried not to show how much I hated the idea of him chasing psychopaths and traveling all over the states. Spencer said he would ask Hotch to stay in town, at least for a few weeks, and help the team from headquarters. I wanted him to take a sabbatical from the BAU and teach in Georgetown for a semester. We could live like that, get used to having a baby, and watch her grow. But Hotch needed Spencer, and he said he also needed me back as soon as I was ready.
- “And how many weeks do you have left before going back to work?”- Mrs. Reid asked the dreadful questions as she walked around the apartment holding Raven in her arms.
- “Three more weeks.”
- “And do you want to go back to the FBI?”- Diana was on fire that day, asking everything I didn’t want to think about.
- “I miss my work, but I don’t want to be apart from Raven. I know mom will take care of her when I’m at work, and I don’t wanna travel for the next couple of months. But still, I’m not that excited about coming back to work.”- I explained. However, I left out the most important part: I was terrified of anything happening to us. Getting injured and being in danger was the biggest issue working at the BAU, but before having a kid, I had never felt as afraid as I was then.
- “Why don’t you relax honey?”- my mom asked, probably reading the pain on my face. - “Leave this little princess with us, and have a nice warm bath. How does that sound?”
- “And a nap”- Mrs Reid suggested - “Sleep as much as you want, darling. None of us will feel bad if you need to rest. God knows I needed naps when Spencer was a baby. He was adorable, but the first couple of weeks I was exhausted the entire time. Once I fell asleep sitting at the table, having breakfast.”- I smiled at them and nodded. They were both right. I needed a break before pumping, feeding, and changing diapers again. 
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boydepartment · 9 months
valentine’s day with enhypen
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a/n: yipppeeee this has been in my head for the past couple days :3 i am listening to true crime with my mom rn. i also! have been writing that valentine’s day heeseung fic :3
warnings: none- fluff!
4-5 bullet points per member
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- jungwon was a little awkward for the thought of valentine’s day. he flirted with engenes a lot, probably too much! however… this was real
- he had to NEEDED to impress you. so the plan was set in stone, jungwon decided to pack a picnic for you both.
- you might be thinking, it’s february- it’s too cold! jungwon thought about this, and so he was prepared.
- he ended up renting a room in a super high building and set up your “picnic”
- you both had dinner by candle light while looking at the skyline, it was super romantic and jungwon definitely impressed you
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- if you thought jungwon was nervous, heeseung was shitting his pants. i’ve always said this, heeseung is not how he is on stage- off stage. heeseung is such a loser (lovingly.)
- however… you are also a loser! (lovingly)
- heeseung decided to set up a game night with board games and video games. he bought alcohol, and a ton of fun snacks.
- you guys ended up cuddling and playing games all night, he held you in his arms and would constantly kiss your the back of your head or neck to distract you.
- you would end up roughhousing after accusing him of distracting you so he could win. all lovingly though.
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- THIS MF WAS PREPARED. he has been waiting his whole life for this. he cooked everything himself, he bought the nicest alcohol he could, and he kicked everyone out of the dorm.
- you were excited too, you brought matching pajamas and he ate those up. jay was so excited to share the day of love with you. he was giggling when you weren’t looking.
- every gift he got you was expensive and thoughtful because he listens so well to you. your voice is jay’s favorite sound.
- prepared to get spoiled even when you guys are cuddling watching a movie.
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- jake has never had a serious relationship nor was he prepared at all for valentine’s day. however he is a fantastic person when it comes to going with the flow
- valentine’s day is next week? oh no problem, he can get reservations for that restaurant you’ve been wanting to try.
- and he does! he is so lucky!!! now it was time for him to plan, his gifts are half homemade and an activity for you both to do after your walk home.
- he’s really romantic and has a hand on you the whole night, it makes him appreciate the holiday more. so the next year you are going to be MEGA spoiled. especially because you got him a collared shirt with your lipstick stain on it. that made him insane.
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- “oh…”
- that’s immediately what sunghoon said when he realized he actually has a valentine this year. HE HAD NEVER HAD A TRUE VALENTINE. immediately he starts researching.
- be prepared for the classic valentines. he makes cards for you out of paper, all handmade, and he slips jewelry you’ve wanted in each heart. then he puts all the hearts with jewelry in them in a new purse.
- he shows up to your house on valentine’s day with a smile on his face. you had completely forgotten about the holiday and it made him giggle. you promised to make it up to him and he just smiles with a simple “okay baby.”
- you’d never have to make it up to him, you dating him, and living him was enough.
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- sunoo was stumped, he spoiled you 24/7 what was he supposed to buy you? he could get you that new skincare… or a new purse…? maybe new shoes. UGH! this was frustrating him…
- then it clicked to him. a destination valentine’s day.
- that’s how you found you and your boyfriend in new zealand for valentine’s day. he saw it was beautiful and there were fun little things to do, sunoo was all for it and so were you.
- you both took so many photos and enjoyed spending time alone together.
- sunoo even thought maybe you’d spend next valentine’s day here….
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- he called his mom, begging her for help. she wasn’t a lot of help if he was being honest. but he refused to go to jake until the very last minute.
- jake was no help either! what was he supposed to do?!
- one day you walked in and confessed that he had to be prepared for his valentine’s day present because it was homemade and you were a little insecure over it. he felt his heart melt.
- he knew exactly what he had to do. he went to different jewelers and different shops to make you your own handmade bracelet. he made sure that it wasn’t too heavy so you wouldn’t have to take it off. he made sure that all the materials wouldn’t wear over time. he worked his ass off.
- when you guys exchanged gifts he was giggling, you had made him a bracelet too. he felt so connected with you. it was his first true valentine’s day and he loved it.
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u10como · 6 months
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Some time ago, i released this picture on my DA with a caption, later suppplemented by a short story expanding on the theme, followed by personal afterword regarding my background and themes of the story, which i now decided to present here on tumblr, all joined into one text. Once again, english isn't my first language, it was one of the first longer pieces i wrote and i'm by no means a writer, but i hope some of you might enjoy it nonetheless.
Hope you don't mind
You met her on an online forum about your favourite band and you've been messaging for a month now. She was just perfect: Funny, smart and as far as you were aware she was really interested in you, but everytime you suggested meeting somewhere, she said she's either busy or just changed the subject. Not wanting to push her, you gave her some time to think about it.
One morning a message from her, accompanied by a photo landed in your inbox:
"So...this isn't easy for me, but you seem like genuinely good person and i'd hate myself if i passed that opportunity  because i was insecure. Anyway, this is me. I had an accident with high voltage  power lines six months ago and i'm still insecure about meeting new people or going in public in general.
If you feel weird about it i completely understand and won't bother you any more, but if you still want to meet, i know a nice little pizzeria just around corner from where i live. The owner is an old family friend and could arrange a small room in the back for us so people won't stare."
Why should i mind?
As you read the message over and over, your mind is racing, filled with mixed emotions. On one hand, you're relieved – she really wants to meet you after all. On the other hand you can't help but feel sad – such a beautiful, smart girl, full of life, suffering from such horrible injury. Of course, you never for a second consider saying no to her proposition – she is still the great girl you messaged with the past month. You immediately write your reply:
„Hey! Of course i still want to meet you - i've been asking to meet you for some time now and nothing changed about that! Today, 4 in the afternoon works for you? Just tell me where the pizzeria is and i'll wait for you there.“
In few minutes she replied:
„Oh, you can't believe how relieved i am – thank you for not being weird about it! Yes, 4 will be perfect time. The pizzeria is Giovanni's on the corner of Oak and Harbor st – just tell the owner you're Jana's friend, he'll seat you in the back.“
„Well… I have a date!“ you think to yourself. Rummaging through your wardrobe you struggle to find anything you'll be satisfied with – going all dressed up like to prom seems like overkill, but you don't want to come all casual either – after all, you really care for her and you want to show it. In the end you settle for your least worn cargo pants with a T-shirt of your favorite band – you know she likes them too, so you hope this might outweigh your otherwise way too casual look. You set off early, intending to buy flowers for her. After careful consideration, you buy a nice bouquet of seven pink carnations and set off to Giovanni's.
As you step inside ten minutes before 4, the owner – a rather short, somewhat overweight yet muscular man with large hands and a bushy mustache above his friendly smile greets you. „Welcome to Giovanni's, what can i do for you?“ „Uhm, hello, i am Friend of Jana…“ „Oh, Wonderful, wonderful!“ the owner interrupts you with a big warm smile, A friend of our little Jana is my friend too! Right this way, have a seat, i'll bring you a vase for these beautiful flowers. Care for a drink in the mean time?“ „Yes, i saw you serve a homemade lemonade, please.“ you answer. „A wonderful choice! Comming right up!“ says the owner with a wide smile.
With that, the owner runs back front, returning in half a minute with your lemonade served in beautiful tall glass with pieces of lemon, lime and mint leaves, toped with a bright red straw. „Here you go! When Jana arrives i'll send her right away. Now, if i may ask, when did you two met? Pardon me for asking what might be a personal question, but you see, being friends with her parents ever since i moved here, Jana is like niece to me.“ "Oh, don't apologise, i understand.“, you reply, “To be frank, we haven't met in person yet, we were just chatting over internet and i really liked her – and the feeling was mutual, dare i presume.“ „I see“, says the owner, „So you know about…?“, He struggles to put his thoughts to words, instead just shrugs his shoulders one by one.
„Oh? Oh! Yes, i do. In fact, she told me just this morning.“ „I was just asking.“, nods the owner, „You see, our poor little Jana suffered enough. I just don't want her to leave today with a broken heart, so i wanted to make sure you won't freak out or something.“ „Oh no, don't worry, sir. I was asking her for a meetup for two weeks before i knew about it. I liked her before i knew about it and i don't see why it should change anything.“ The owner nods his head „I see. You're good in my books then, kid. I'm glad Jana found someone so understanding.“ He pats your shoulder as he says that.
There is a ring from the little bell above entrance and a young woman's voice calls:
„Uncle Tigran, are you there?“ „That's her.“ Says the owner and rushes off to the front. „My little Jana, it's so nice to see you again! Your friend is in the back, go, have some fun, and when you're ready, call me and i'll be right back to take your order.“
You stand up to greet her. In few seconds, she peeks inside the room with a shy, almost affraid look on her face. As your eyes meet, she smiles at you and you smile back. Despite the smile, her green eyes show a hint of timid apprehension. As she steps in, you notice her motionless hands, convincing at first glance, but knowing her condition, obviously artificial.
"Hi, nice to finally meet you", you say, holding the bouquet of carnations forward. "Oh, these are beautiful, thank you, she says, leaning in to smell them. Looking into her beautiful green eyes, your heart flutters with happiness.
„I'm really so glad to finally meet you in person“ you say. „You're even more beautiful than on the photo .“
„Oh, thank you. Nobody said such thing to me since…“ she pauses, looking into distance. After few seconds she breaks off, shyly attempting to smile on you. „Anyway, would you mind helping me with my coat?“ „Of course, right away“, you say as you move in to unbutton it. As you remove her coat, the prosthetic arms slip off her shoulders, staying firmly inside the coat's sleeves, letting her little arm stumps show. „Oh, sorry, i didn't mean to, let me…“ you stammer an apology.
„No, that's allright. They were meant to come off. I should have told you. I wear them on the street to avoid the stares, but they are so uncomfortable, so since here i am among people who know about me, i just hooked them to the coat so i don't have to wear them all the time.“
As you sit on the opposite sides of the table, you suddenly don't know what to say. You see she is uncomfortable, so you try to steer the conversation a different way.
„So… This pizzeria – It's named Giovanni's, but i heard you call the owner a different name?“
„Oh yes, uncle Tigran gave this establishment italian sounding name as marketing trick. He is great, though, one of the best pizza chefs around. He says he spent five years in Naples learning about local cuisine, actually. I understand you already talked with him?“
„Oh yes, he seems like really nice, but no-nonsense kind of guy. Told me you're like a niece to him and warned me not to break your heart. Not that i intended to, anyway.“, you add with a smile.
„Yeah, uncle Tigran was always nice to me. He visited me in the hospital almost daily when i…“ once again, Jana's gaze slides into distance.
„You don't have to talk about it, i'm sorry if i reminded you in any way.“ You say hastily.
„Oh? No, don't apologize, you did nothing wrong, it's just… Everything reminds me, you know? Wherever i go, whatever i do, every single thing reminds me i no longer…“ she pauses and sighs, lifting her stumps to illustrate her point before continuing „…have arms. Waking up in the morning, i try to lift my blanket and these useless things just flap about helplessly. Reaching for things, trying to do any simple task, even steadying myself when i trip – everything i do i must remind myself i can't do it the normal way anymore. If it was just one i could deal with it, but like this? I feel so helpless sometimes. The first few weeks in the hospital i had to bother the nurses everytime my nose got itchy, not to mention i had to be showered by them, just standing there, leting them clean me off. Tt felt so dehumanising... I'm sorry i spilled all this on you, it's my problem and i should deal with it myself, you don't have to think about it.“ She averts her eyes, looking down into the table.
„Jana,“, you say, „If i wanted not to think about it i wouldn't be here with you – and that would make me quite a bad person, don't you think? I came because i liked you from the moment we started chatting, long before i ever saw you. If there is anything i can do to help you – even if it would be just to stand by your side to always be able to remind you how great person you are whenever should you doubt yourself – i want to be there and help you.“
With tears welling in her eyes, Jana lifts her head „Really? You would do that for me?“
„Of course i would. You are smart, funny and stunningly beautiful. If i can help it, i wish for you never to be sad again“, you reach over the table with a tissue to wipe the tears from her cheeks.
„Thank you,“ she says, suppressing tears, visibly moved. „I never thought i would hear anybody say that to me. Come on - let's order some food, i'm starving.“
As if waiting for his cue, the owner comes in with a big smile „So, what would you want, my dears? We have excellent Margherita Napoletana, but if you're not into traditional pizza, i might do a regular New York style. Most people prefer that, anyway – beats me why, though, there's nothing better than proper traditional italian pie.“
„I think i could go for your Napoletana, Jana told me you're one of the best pizza chefs around, mister… uhh…“ „Tigran Manukyan, at your service.“, he replies with maybe a little too deep bow, „I presume our little Jana here told you about my little trick already, so why should i hide it anymore? Anyway, what can i offer you, my darling?“ says mister Manukyan turning to Jana. „I'll take the Napoletana too, uncle Tigran. And might i ask you for a glass of that lemonade too? It looks so refreshing.“ „Comming right up, my dears“, says mister Manukyan and rushes off.
„So… Where were we?“ asks Jana. „Well,“ you say, „I just told you you're beautiful and i wish to be always there for you.“
„Oh…“ she pauses, but smiles, finally seeming to be at ease, „I mean… Thank you. I'm sorry, I've became quite bad at taking compliments lately – not that i ever was any good to begin with, but now… i mean, you know, with my…“ she says, wiggling her arm stumps.
„You don't have to explain yourself, i understand“, you calm her, „Jusk know you are beautiful to me and nothing can ever change that. In fact, you were beautiful to me long before i knew how you even look, when we were still just chatting.“
Mister Manukyan comes with Jana's glass of lemonade and a pitcher „I brought you two some more for refills – on the house of course. The pizzas will be done in few minutes.“ Almost unisono, you and Jana reply „Thank you, mister Manukyan /Thank you, uncle Tigran“ and with a smile, he leaves.
„Anyway,“ says Jana, „I know you're telling me that just to make me feel better. Why would somebody as cute as you consider someone ‚beautiful‘ just from an online chat?“ she says, leaning forward for the straw and taking a sip from her drink.
„Maybe because i found a great person to talk to and spend time with.“ You reply, looking directly into Jana's eyes. „Maybe i don't care about looks that much. Maybe i think beauty is not only based on somebody's looks. And maybe, or not as much maybe as quite undeniably surely, you are actually beautiful even if i would step so low as to judge you just by your looks. You have pretty face, beautiful hair and the most captivating emerald eyes i've ever seen. But even without that, you are above all the brave, smart girl i came to know and love – and nothing can change that.“
„Brave? How am i brave? I spent half a year hiding from world, almost never leaving my room unless i had to.“ Replied Jana.
„Yet you came here and invited me.“, you say, “You overcame your anxiety and reached out. That alone was braver than most people would ever hope to be. All i ask of you is to believe in yourself as i believe in you. You are the bravest girl in know and i love you for that.“
„I love you too“, she says, hint of tears in her eyes once again as she shifts closer to you with her arm stumps outstretched. Understanding the hint, you hug her, gently stroking her hair with your hand.
„Oh, young love, what a beautiful sight!“ says mister Manukyan as he comes in with your pizzas in each hand „Here is your food, my dears, Bari Akhorzhak to you both!“
„Uncle Tigran,“ says Jana, lifting her head from your shoulders, „this was the first time ever i heard you speaking Armenian in your pizzeria.“
„Well, i figured i might as well drop the act, my dear.“ said mister Manukyan with a smile. „Pizza is my passion and my living, but i'm no Italian and never will be. Maybe it's time for me to fly my true colors with pride. People come here for good food, not for fake Italian. Of course, a name change would be required, then, but i hope people would come nonetheless. After all ‚Uncle Tigran's‘ has a nice ring to it, no? And i might as well put some of my old family recipes on the menu. Next time you come, i'll make you the best Lahmajoun you ever had, i promise!“
„That would be really great, mister Manukyan“, you say with enthusiasm, „I'm looking forward to it.“
As mister Manukyan leaves with a big, warm smile, you and Jana sit to your pizzas. "Do you need any help?" you ask. "No." says Jana almost too quickly. "Well yes, probably, but i shouldn't. I need to do this on my own - i mean, there won't always be somebody around to help me, but i will be always armless, you know?" You notice her suddenly easing up, as if adressing her condition out loud, without euphemisms or hesitating helped her finally come to terms with it. "Would you mind helping me taking off my shoes, though?"
"Of course", you say as you kneel and gently lift her right foot in your hand, taking off her shoe and sock, then doing the same with her left foot. "Thank you. You're a real sweetheart" she says, lifting her feet up to the tabletop, awkwardly picking the fork with her left foot and knife with the right. As you sit on the opposite side of table, you can't take your eyes off her while she cuts a small piece of her pizza and using the fork in her left food brings it to her mouth with a great effort.
"Oooh!" she smiles with pleasure as she savors the food in her mouth, "I almost forgot how great uncle Tigran's pizzas are! You should eat too while it's hot." Taking a bite from your own pizza, you must agree - this is certainly the best pizza you ever had. As you both eat, you notice Jana's movements becoming ever so slightly more fluent and relaxed with each bite. you can't help but stop and look at her, smiling.
"What? Is something on my face?" she asks as she starts rubbing her nose with her right stump. "No, it's just... When you came you were all tense and apprehensive, but now you seem to ease up." "I just know i'm in a good company", she says, shrugging her shoulders, "I mean, yeah, i knew you are funny and kind from the first time we started chatting, but now, you made me feel... appreciated, normal. Like i matter. I... probably just needed to hear that, you know? Like... from somebody outside of my family." "I see," you say, "But how come you weren't so shy when we were chatting on the forum?"
"I don't know, i guess the anonymity played a part, you know?" she ponders, "Like - on the internet, nobody sees me. Nobody knows. There's no way to tell whether the person on the other side is beautiful, ugly, thin, fat or uses toes to write. That probably helped me there."
"Tell me about it," you say. "Sometimes i feel anxious even making a phonecall, let alone talking to strange people in person!" "You?" she smiles "No way! You seem so cool and confident. After all, you asked me out first, i would have never had the guts to do it myself without you."
"The same magic of the anonymous internet as in your case" you reply, "And if i somehow seem confident now, it's only because i feel like we known each other for ages. It's hard to describe, but i feel like we were meant to be together, you know?"
setting down the knife, she extends her right foor over the table towards you, gently stroking your face with her big toe. Smiling, you take her foot in your hands, planting a soft kiss on her ankle. She giggles "That tickles! But... it feels nice." Kising her foot once again, you let go of it, looking deep into her green eyes with a warm smile. "So, are you up for a little stroll after we finish our pizzas?", you ask her. "Gladly!", she replies as she puts another piece i her mouth. "Do you have any specific place in mind?" "Well," you say, "I was thinking of just going for a walk, but if you want, we might go to the gazebo on the cliff above the city and watch the sunset together?" "Oh, romantic!" she exclaims with excitement. "I like that."
When you finish your pizzas, mister Manukyan comes in to clean up, almost as if he was waiting for his cue. "Enjoyed your food, my dears?" he asks, "Everything was up to your liking? "Of yourse, uncle Tigran," responds Jana with a smile, "I always loved your cooking."
As you leave Jana in the back to pay for the food, mister Manukyan says:
"Thank you for everything, kid. Jana really needed someone to just be there for her. She used to visit me every week, but since her accident she just moved back to her parent's house and stoped going out. I knew what she was going through, but i had no idea how to help. Turns out, all she really needed was for someone outside of her family to just treat her with love and respect and you did just that. I won't lie to you - i doubt if stuff would be just *poof* and everything is okay now, people just don't work like that and i am sure there is still a lot ahead of Jana before she's back to the cheerful self i remember from before her accident, but i feel like you really helped her make a big progress today. Once again, thank you for that."
"It was my pleasure, mister Manukyan." you replied, "She is great girl and i fell for her ever since we started chatting." "I'm glad to hear that. And please, you can call me Tigran", he says with a smile, "Or Uncle Tigran, whole town will know me like that anyway soon, at least i hope."
After shaking hands with mister Manukyan, you return to Jana, who is almost prepared to leave. As you help her tie her shoes loose enough so she can slip them on and off at will, you go fetch her coat.
"No, you can leave that here,", she says, "i'll talk with uncle Tigran and ask him to hide it somewhere so i can pick it up later."
"Are you sure? Your arms are in there, don't you want to put them on?"
"Not really. As i said, they are heavy and uncomfortable. Also, they are purely cosmetic, so aside from keeping people from staring, they are pretty much useless.", she said. "And if that means people will stare, then so be it. I need to get used to showing in public and i thought why not now, when i have you by my side?" "As you wish," you reply. "Shall we go, then?"
"Okay. I hope you don't mind being seen in public with a disabled girl"
"Being seen with beautiful smart girl i love? Why shuld i mind?"
A little afterword is due.
This story, while obviously coming from place of my attraction to women with, let's say, non-standard physique, in this particular case bilateral arm amputees, is a departure from my usual style. My usual character background snippets revolve around happier circumstances - my characters usualy lose their limbs voluntarily, non-permanently or in some obscure magic way, which, while it can't be assured to be temporary, has the peculiar side effect of making them weirdly okay with the changes.
This is not the case. In reality, a limb loss is a powerful traumatic experience to vast majority of people. Overcoming such trauma might take weeks, months, years even, and some people may never recover mentally. I felt like this point was worth mentioning and keeping in mind.
As for overall themes of this story, the main themes are hope, acceptance and dealing with adversity. In that sense, Jana's condition is a stand-in for number of problems which might cause a person to lose their sense of self-worth and shut themselves off from the world. If you are suffering from any condition causing you to feel that way, remember this: You Matter. You are loved. And while in real life, recovery will certainly not come as quickly as for Jana in my story, the point illustrated still stands: Some battles are not meant to be fought alone. Sometimes all you need is to find someone who will help you carrying your burden. Remember, that leaning on your friends in hard times isn't weakness. On the contrary, knowing when to ask for help is major strength. And if you do not suffer from any such problems, then please, be mindful of those who do. Be kind, accepting and unconditionally loving as our unnamed protagonist. After all, the protagonist is reffered as You, because they are supposed to represent the best in every single one of us. Man, woman, trans or non-binary, if you're reading this, i hope you will always be as unconditionally accepting as the protagonist is to Jana.
Some elements of the setting sort of come from my own experience. The overall setting of my stories is this usual culturally neutral americano-european mishmash, made for easier accesibility for wider audience, but certain characters or places might carry something from my personal experience. As some of you might know, i am Czech, so i decided to write Jana as one too - even though this might not be really apparent from anything beside her name, that is her intended nationality. Whether you imagine her as local, thinking of this story's setting as somewhere in Czechia or as immigrant to a foreign country of your choice is up to you. Also, the character of Tigran Manukyan is losely based on my own experience: Where i'm from, a lot of pizzerias are actually owned by people from Armenia, Georgia or Turkey and a lot of their owners are very similar to "uncle Tigran" both in their appearance and in their cheerful, friendly way of greeting their customers. Uncle Tigran's character arc is also about acceptance: Accepting own cultural heritage, because every culture is worth preserving.
So, this is the end of my little PSA. Respect each other, be tolerant to one another and try to help those whose life dealt them the worse hand.
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forgeofthenine · 11 months
Once night falls
Just a short drabble about how Dammon might end his day. Gender neutral reader/Tav as always.
The clatter of metal on metal rings even louder than usual as Dammon sets down his hammer. It's been hours since the last rays of the sun's light graced his forge, and it seems it's much too late for any other respectable Baldurians to be out. His neighbours might find relief in the fact he believes working in candlelight leads to less than satisfactory results, the final reason for him resting his tools for the night. This commission is a killer, he knows that, but the rewards for a job well done were too good to pass up for the tiefling still finding his feet in his new home.
The door hinges give a low creak as he pushes his way inside, tail heavy and dragging on the wooden floor as he pulls off his apron and wanders over to the staircase. Dammon knows there's food in the kitchen for him, something delicious and homemade that he promised he'd eat later. Now that later is here, though, all he wants is to sleep.
Only the sound of the stairs quiet groaning in protest follows Dammon as he makes his way up to the loft. It's here that the tiefling drags his work top off, shaking his head drowsily as the soft cotton catches on his horns. Trying to get his pants off without his tail getting in the way is equally a challenge, but at the end of it he finds himself near nude and by his bedside.
It's then that Dammon pauses, looking for a moment. There's a lump in his bed, under the covers, slowly rising and falling with the sound of each breath they let out. A small pang hits his chest, then. His partner, the one he loves so dearly, curled up in his bed waiting for so long for him to join them. He knows the long hours he keeps aren't ideal, and that their patience with him is truly a blessing he shouldn't take advantage of, but finding a balance still proves difficult. Slowly, carefully, he slips himself under the covers too and shuffles closer.
A wave of comfort overtakes the tiefling as his fatigued arm rests carefully over his lovers side, a sleep filled hum leaving their body as they press back into his firm chest. Gently, his tail maps it's path up their leg, wrapping oh so carefully around their calf despite Dammons eyes already drooping, and his face finds the crown of their head. He matches their low hum with a quiet, rumbling purr of his own, unable to stop the sound when he feels this content. It's only then, with his lover wrapped in his embrace and the soft warmth of them against him, that Dammon lets sleep take hold of him and finally drifts off for the night.
Just as an aside, I'm a firm believer you can use a Tieflings tail to tell their mood and that when Tieflings are overwhelmingly happy/content that they purr. So of course both had to be included in this little drabble, hope you guys enjoyed.
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mrghostrat · 7 months
dude. that reverse bnf fic sounds SO fucking good… the ideas u have cooking up in there… i’m excited just thinking abt it ASKFNKF
i had more thoughts today... thinkin of the ask i got about the "i'll always know the stain was there" scene and how i've never written that before. which. ofc. turned into more ace porn.
Aziraphale spills wine on himself at Crowley’s place. He’s resigned to throw the shirt away. Crowley, Mr minimalist clean freak, rolls his eyes and takes charge of cleaning it off. Aziraphale hesitates then takes his undershirt off too, and Crowley bluescreens. Aziraphale half-asks him, “I’d hate for it to be stained too. It might be an undershirt, but I’d always know the stain was there.” Crowley takes it as well, leaving Aziraphale shirtless in his house.
While they sit around and he scrubs on his homemade stain remover, Aziraphale sits a little shyly, clearly affected. His nipples are hard. Crowley gathers the courage to ask him if it turns him on. “What, you cleaning??” “No. Being exposed like that. The air on your skin.” Aziraphale hesitates because he thinks Crowley is calling him out on some kind of abnormal kink or fetish, so he deflects, “Is that some ace thing as well?” not expecting Crowley to say yes. Crowley sits next to him.
“For me anyway. It’s not the person who turns me on, it’s the touch. So, sometimes, that touch comes from unexpected places. Cold tile on my skin after a shower. Satin sheets.” Aziraphale noticeably shivers.
“S’why I like, personally… Being teased. Light touches; Chasing after it. That anticipation adds to the sensation.” He grazes a hand over Aziraphale’s bare arm and Aziraphale gasps. Crowley laughs at him.
“Ffs. No wonder you struggle getting off if you’re watching the same porn everyone else does. Probably Google Imaging boring old pin ups of girls in fancy bras—“ Aziraphale gives him a LOOK, so Crowley adjusts, “—Or, Boys in skimpy briefs. What good’s that going to do if you can’t imagine how they’d touch you?”
Aziraphale is momentarily perplexed. “You know, I can’t think the last time anyone assumed me anything other than flamingly gay,” but it somehow doesn’t feel avoidant of the topic, he’s just so caught off guard by it.
Crowley’s suddenly a little annoyed, mostly at The World, but a little bit creeps in towards Aziraphale. “Assuming doesn’t help anyone. It only gets people confused about the boxes they’re meant to fit into. Bloody useless things, boxers. Er, boxes.”
His fingers have been dragging idly up and down Aziraphale’s thigh the whole conversation.
He stops when he realises Aziraphale’s hands are strategically placed in his lap. Crowley stops. Apologises, didn’t realise what an effect he was having, he just wanted to make a point—
But Aziraphale hasn’t felt like this in such a long time. He’s worked himself off, but nothing’s compared to this feeling of anticipation and bone deep arousal. He somehow finds the words to ask if Crowley would keep going. Show him what kind of touches he likes, maybe it would be informative. Crowley gets him off on the sofa, teasing and working him to a climax that has him death gripping Crowley’s arm and whimpering into his neck.
Later, hours or days later, Aziraphale is watching Crowley move around the house, maybe in his pants or a towel or something, but being totally innocuous. As innocuous as Aziraphale’s voice when he pipes up, completely unprompted, “I don’t think I’m asexual, Crowley.”
“This again?” Crowley’s exasperation is fond.
“No. Sometimes the sight of you makes me want to… Pin you against a wall or something.”
Crowley freezes, a mental ngk that takes a few minutes to reboot him. He tries and fails to sound casual and unaffected when he says “Maybe you’re demi,” and keeps folding his laundry like Aziraphale hasn’t just shoved a hot poker into his brain.
“Mmm,” Aziraphale agrees, even though Crowley knows he doesn’t know what that means, but he’s too busy leching to follow up and ask.
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venomroses · 8 months
Zones Fashion
Obviously we all know how killjoys dress, but not everyone in the desert is a killjoy. So here's my headcanons about how non-killjoys in the desert dress. Below the cut because this is gonna get long:
Note: Edited this so rb this version please!
These forms of dress are specific to smaller, more isolated groups where people are usually at least 1st gen zoneborn, and doesn't apply to neutral towns, killjoys, those who follow more traditional city styles, etc. Also I know I said I was going to do drawings for this and I might add those later but for now just text bc the drawings aren't coming out how I like.
Younger kids (2-7):
Both girls and boys have long hair because protects them from the sun without trying to get them to keep hats or hoods on since kids can be difficult about the required amount of clothes, let alone additional stuff. It can also be hard to find children's sized clothes, so many guardians don't bother with "unnecessary" items. Hair is usually kept long enough to tie out of their face because kids also make lots of messes, but sometimes hair will be a bit shorter (usually for boys).
Younger siblings will rarely have anything that isn't a hand-me-down, so if you have an older sibling of the opposite gender then you're probably going to be dressing like the opposite gender for most of your childhood. This is rarely an issue since gender doesn't usually have the same relevance as it does in the real world.
Long skirts are common regardless of gender because they keep the legs covered to protect from sunburn. Also, you can grow significantly before an ankle-length skirt becomes too short, unlike pants where you just have to get new ones when you outgrow them. When skirts get short enough to start exposing a lot of skin, extra fabric can be sewn on, or leggings can be worn underneath. Wraparound skirts are preferred because you don't have to adjust the waist at all when the kid grows, so you don't have to worry about buying/making new clothes all the time. However, other types of skirts work just as well.
A lot of younger kids get homemade shoes. They don't need to be great quality, they just need to keep the kid from burning their feet. Once a kid is old enough to begin helping with the family business (if there is one), go on trips with their guardians, etc. they get real shoes since it becomes more important once they're working or away from home for longer periods.
Then older kids (8-12):
At this age kids are old enough to want to have more freedom of expression so styles vary a bit more.
Since they're mostly still wearing kids sized clothes which are harder to find in the Zones and outgrowing things quickly, hair is still usually kept long to protect them from the sun in place of a hat or a hood that would either be too big or outgrown too quickly to justify buying it. However, sometimes they'll get their hair cut short, especially boys. Regardless of length, there's more variations in hairstyles, since it's a form of expression that doesn't cost any money.
Skirts often come above the knees in the front for more mobility/range of motion. Kids this age are old enough to help with work or chores, so it's easier if they don't have to worry about the restrictions long skirts can bring. At this age skirts are less about practicality. Long skirts are seen as a more childish style as the main point of them is to let kids grow without needing to buy tons of new clothes all the time, and skirts of any length can be impractical. Some guardians don't see the point of the skirt if the kid is just going to be wearing pants underneath anyway and the kid transitions into just wearing pants. For those who do keep wearing it, it makes their ages and allegiances clear. Since "adulthood" is pretty much "whenever you look like an adult" or "whenever you can do the same work as an adult" it makes it clear that this is a child, and that they're not a killjoy (since some killjoys can be this young).
Again, kids this age usually aren't working actual jobs yet, so sandals are more common than closed-toe shoes that might be required for a more dangerous job. Sandals are preferred over closed-toe shoes since they take less supplies to make so they're cheaper. These sandals might be homemade or might be made more professionally.
Younger teenagers (13-15):
This is the age where you'll see a lot of actual variation in style. First short haircuts are common at this age. Some kids might have a job, so hair length is usually depending on the job they have instead of gender. A job where they're often inside or where long hair would get in the way? Short haircut. A job where they're often outside? Long hair. Of course, some people will still pick a style they like over practicality, but looks over practicality is a very killjoy-esque mentality that most of the desert does not follow.
Outfits vary a lot, again based on what's practical for work, but it's common for their clothes to be a bit oversized, since they're usually still on the smaller end even if they are wearing adult sizes by now.
Some kids still wear skirts to indicate their age if their guardians feel that they're not ready to be seen as an adult, but many wear pants only.
Most kids have close-toed shoes now, but again they might be a bit too big. Rags can be stuffed in the toes until they fit properly.
Older teenagers (16-19):
Can pretty much look like anything! Just like for younger teenagers, haircuts and forms of dress are more specific to what you're doing, since most people have some sort of job at this age. Skirts are not worn anymore.
Jobs often work like trades, where you learn to do something and make that your career, instead of switching between them a lot. A lot of jobs are making necessities like clothes, candles, and food, or services like doctors/nurses, messengers, etc. Sometimes certain professions go together, like gunsmiths (who can make or fix guns) will work with artists for killjoys or anyone who'd rather have someone else paint their raygun for them. Markets are a great place to sell their wares so a lot of vendors there are going to be people like this.
If you're interested in other types of people in the Zones/time periods and how they dress send me an ask or something bc worldbuilding my beloved <3
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minawritesfanfic · 1 year
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Backyard Boy Part 2
Rodrick Heffley x Reader
Word Count: 3,000+
Summary: You and Rodrick go ok that long await ice cream and skate ‘date’, it’s not a date though well okay maybe it is. A friend date, you can go on dates with your friends right…?
Part 2
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I lay in my bed staring blankly at my ceiling, the room was dark but slowly being illuminated by the rising sun. I knew that it was already nearing eight a.m. and that I hadn’t slept a wink last night. At first, I thought me and Rodricks hang out tomorrow, wait no that's today, was just a simple meeting between friends. My mom on the other hand doesn’t believe that, she asked so many questions and gushed about how I already had a date. Now that she brought it up this hangout is seeming more and more like a date.
I groaned and covered my face with my hands, trying and failing to pretend that it wasn’t already morning. I knew that I had to get up in a few hours and that I had stuff I needed to do before then. I forced myself to sit up and climb out of bed, I shivered once my feet hit the cold hardwood floor and quickly put on my house shoes. With a yawn I undressed and got ready to take a shower, I hopped in without checking the temperature and I was jolted wide awake. I adjusted the temperature and quickly warmed up, at least I was more awake and conscious of what was going on.
By the time I had gotten out of the shower, it was a few minutes past eight-thirty, I now sat at the kitchen counter eating breakfast. Homemade french toast and a glass of sweet vanilla almond milk, way better than normal milk I’d say. Despite it being eight a.m. on a Saturday I knew both my parents were out of work already, Dad was always in and out of the house since he was almost always on call at the station. Whilst mom’s job just had a weird work week, who the hell works Friday through Tuesday? I don’t even know what she does anymore since we moved, just that she’s out for hours at a time on the weekend.
I finished my breakfast and decided to start on chores early, so it wouldn’t be a problem later. I grabbed my ipod and started to clean with my epic playlist ‘Doghouse Jams’, it was chaotic but it was perfect for practically any mood. I nodded my head to the music blaring through my earbuds as I cleaned the dishes from breakfast and whatever meal my parents ate last night, they probably came in late and ate the leftover lasagna from last week. Regardless I scrubbed and rinsed away the leftover food bits and put the plates onto the drying rack, eventually the sink was empty so I switched sponges and started cleaning off the counters. I had spilled a bit of syrup and cinnamon on the counter, so I might as well get the rest of the counters while I’m already cleaning them.
It only took half an hour to finish up in the kitchen, so I decided to just hang out on the couch for a bit and let the rest of my playlist play. It was still only nine a.m. so I had a little over two hours before I could even think about getting ready to leave. I let out a sigh and snuggled deeply into the couch, I let my eyes flutter shut. I would just rest my eyes for a bit to waste some time.
★ ✮ ★
I awoke with a yawn, as I sat up with a stretch. I felt incredibly disoriented and stood as I rubbed the sleep off my face. I walked through the hallway towards my room and happened to glance up at the clock on the wall. If I wasn’t awake before, I definitely was now when I realized the time.
11:57 am
“Shit, shit, shit! I’m so gonna be late!” I bolted down the hall and up the stairs to my room.
I quickly gathered everything I needed to go out on my bed, phone, chapstick, wallet, and fuck where did I put my keys? I scavenged my dresser and any jacket pocket I could to find them, it was only after several minutes that I found them in a discarded pair of jeans. This made me realize that the pants I was currently wearing were way too nice to wear to a skate park, so I wasted a few more minutes looking for a replacement. Eventually, I found a nice loose-ish form-fitting denim pair and put them on, then my sneakers. I made sure to grab a hoodie before I left my room, as I walked down the stairs to the front door I organized everything I needed into my various pockets. I lifted my head when I heard a knock at my door, and it was then that I remembered my skateboard was still upstairs. I quickly rushed back and grabbed it before answering the door, only after calming my heavy panting first. I swung the door open and I was met with Rodrick, who stood with his hands in his pockets shifting awkwardly in place.
“Hey! Sorry, I’m a few minutes late. I woke up barely an hour ago.” He said with a nervous laugh avoiding my eye contact, while I just breathed a short sigh of relief.
“Hey, it’s fine I was running a bit late too. Are you ready to hang?” I said stepping out my front door and shutting it behind me, giving the nob a quick twist to make sure it was locked.
“Yeah, ice cream, and then I’ll show you that skate park as promised.”
“Glad to see you’re a man of your word.” I joked as I followed him off my porch toward the ominous white van I just realized was parked in my driveway. It had ‘Löded Diper’ painted on the side, I just stared in awe.
“Do you like it? I drew it myself.” He said with a proud grin as he looked over at me.
“Yeah, I’m speechless. I didn’t realize that was how your band name was spelled, it’s unique though. I like it.”
“Thank you, it’s totally spelled like that on purpose. I picked the name myself, and I love it. Anyways, after you my liege.” Rodrick did a dramatic bow as he opened the passenger side door for me, I laughed and climbed inside.
He climbed in after me on the other side and then put his key into the ignition to start the car. He pulled out of the driveway a bit recklessly so I gripped my seatbelt tightly and knew I would have to apologize to my parents for the damage to the front yard. But just like that we were on our way down the street, it was silent for a while inside the car. I could occasionally catch Rodrick sneaking a few glances over at me as he drove, which reminded me a lot of my own mother's driving. Unlike my father’s uptight and stickler for the rules driving, my mother was uncaring and drove with her hands in the wind, literally. She occasionally let go of the wheel and put her arms out in the air, thankfully she at least used her thighs to somewhat drive the car when she did that.
It was a relatively short drive and we were already pulling into the tiny parlour’s similar tiny parking lot. The building looked quite old but through the large windows I could see the inside was certainly more modern. I left my skateboard on the floor of his car and climbed out of the van, the sound of passing cars was loud and led to there being a breeze despite the stagnant wind. I stuffed my hands into my pockets as I rounded the back of the truck and met Rodrick, we walked up to the parlour in a somewhat comfortable silence. Rodrick opened the door for me keeping up his chivalrous act, as I entered I was hit with a wave of coolness and sweet scent. I stepped up to the glass protecting the several dozen containers of ice cream as I looked for my favourite flavour.
“Welcome to Old-Timey Ice cream parlour, what can I get you guys today?” The blonde clerk asked as he gestured to the rows of ice cream.
I ordered my favourite flavour but then saw the different cone options, “Oh, and can I get that in a waffle cone too please?” I asked as I held onto my wallet in my pocket.
“And I’d like a mint chocolate chip in a normal cone,” Rodrick said, stepping up beside me at the counter.
“Are you ordering separately or together?” The clerk asked as he quickly scooped my ice cream up and handed it to me, then did the same for Rodrick.
“Sep-“ Rodrick put his arm out in front of me and cut me off, “Together, how much is it?”
“Your total is eleven thirty-five.” Rodrick pulled out his wallet and paid for the ice cream before grabbing my hand and leading me outside.
“I don’t know what to comment on first, you choosing mint chocolate chip, you paying for both our ice creams, or you holding my hand. It almost seems as though we’re on a date right now.” I said with a quirked eyebrow as I savoured that first lick, Rodrick met my gaze and hesitated for a moment looking from me to our linked hands.
“You say that like it would be a bad thing!” He said with a smirk letting go of my hand and wrapping his arm around my shoulder instead. “Also, mint chocolate chip IS the best flavour in the world.”
He waved his ice cream in my face offering the first taste I just made a disgusted face and ducked under his arm, “Gross! I bet you like eating toothpaste, you weirdo!” I said with a laugh putting a couple steps in between us.
“No, now that’s gross, I just really enjoy brushing my teeth. I’m not a crazy person y’know.” He flashed a toothy grin, albeit not having the straightest teeth his teeth were on the whiter side.
“Mmm, maybe not that type of crazy person but definitely still a bit crazy. Anyways, are you still going to show me that skate park?” I asked licking away at my ice cream happily, Rodrick nodded and we walked back to his car.
The drive over was much shorter than the one to the ice cream parlour, Rodrick had me hold his ice cream while he drove. But of course, he had to multitask and have me hold the ice cream near his face whilst he drove, which had me hoping there was somewhere I could wash my hands. I now had sticky ice cream and Rodrick’s spit all over my hand from failed attempts at eating ice cream, not to mention I learned Rodrick bites into his ice cream due to the fact he bite my finger.
I’m honestly struggling to decide which is the weirdest and the grossest, though in my heart it’s still probably the flavour. I really hate mint chocolate chip.
“Andddd here we are Plainview’s one and only skatepark, there's also a playground hidden on the other side.” He pointed over to the park as he pulled into one of the parking spaces, my eyes were fixated on the skatepark packed with people a few hundred feet away from us.
“Oh sick, there’s already people here. Thank you, Rodrick, I literally was going to die if you guys didn’t have a decent park and skaters here. Maybe your town isn’t so ‘plain’.” I snickered as I handed him his ice cream.
I climbed out of the van and cleaned my hand off with one of the napkins I took from the parlour, I’d still have to run it under some water on it as it was a bit sticky. I made sure to grab my board and we walked over to the skate park, it was a beautiful sight to see. Girls and guys all skating freely, doing tricks, falling on their asses, it had everything it did back at home. Down to the trio in one of the corners smoking and laughing their asses off every time someone fell, this was really starting to feel like home. I turned to say something to Rodrick and I could tell from his body language despite there being a smile on his face he didn’t really want to be here. The way his eyes darted back and forth, or how he hid one of his hands in his jean pockets. He even was eating his ice cream slower than before, he was almost done with it but had barely made any progress since we left the car. I looked from him and back to the park thinking for a moment, before ultimately deciding that I visit the skate park on my own another day.
“You’ve said you haven’t skated before right, Rodrick?” He whipped his head towards me, a bit surprised I said something.
“Yeah uh no, I haven’t skated before. Why..?” He asked skeptical but I just smirked and didn’t respond.
I tucked my board under my arm and took his hand then pulled him off towards the street beside the skatepark. I quickly finished the rest of my ice cream, enjoying the sweetness of the waffle cone as I did. I set my board down in the middle of the street after checking for any cars, once the coast was clear I started my lesson.
“Why you ask, well today we’re going to start your skateboarding lessons is why Rodrick! I promise it’s just as easy as driving a car, with waaay less rules though.”
“Wait what, since when was this happening?”
“Since like right now, skateboarding is fun and all but it’s a whole lot more fun when you’ve got a skatemate. So this is also me officially asking you to be my skatemate, I’ll teach you everything I know in return.” I said flashing him a smile, he hesitated for a moment looking from me to the board, and back at the skatepark before responding.
“I mean I guess I’ll be your skatemate, which is a stupid name by the way.” He said with a shrug shaking his head, I feigned hurt and wiped an imaginary tear from my eye.
“Ouch Rodrick! My poor poor ego, me, and my friend upstate came up with it. Oh how cruel you are, is this revenge for calling your band lame?” I teased with a curious expression, though it didn’t seem like he caught on to my teasing.
“Oh well uh actually it’s stupid in a cool way, yeah like that book is stupid but it’s still really good..?” He said nervously, clearly worried that he’d hurt my feelings, I tried to stifle my laughter but failed, confusing him even more.
“Pfft- oh my gosh, Rodrick I was kidding! Yeah, it’s a stupid name, you didn’t actually hurt my feelings. Literally, something me and Lorei came up with when we were like ten.” I said, shaking my head and giving Rodrick a reassuring pat on his shoulder.
He didn’t say anything and just looked away, though I could still see the faint pink hue on his cheeks which made my stomach flip at the sight. Though I shook away the image that was slowly ingraining itself into my mind and cleared my throat, we'd been standing here and I had yet to be able to get to my point.
“Anywaysss, first lesson standing on your board! First, we need to figure out if your stance is regular or goofy, please do me a favor and turn around.” Rodrick looked skeptical but turned around, before he could ask why I gave him a barely gentle shove forward.
He tumbled slightly, catching himself on his left foot, “Hey what the hell! What does that have to do with skateboarding?!”
“Everything my dear, you caught yourself with your left foot so that basically means that is your dominant foot. Which means you ride goofy just like me, so you’ll probably feel most comfortable standing like this.” I stepped onto the board balancing carefully in a demonstration, “Also sorry for shoving you. It’s kind of a right of passage my friends and I used to do, so it’s a really bad habit. Anyways it’s your turn, try to step on and balance.”
“You and your friends sure are wei-“ He tried to say as he stepped onto the board but wasn’t paying attention, the board slid off to the side from under his foot. He fell forward towards me, I just barely managed to catch him and keep us both from falling to the floor.
“Pfft- maybe try watching the board when you’re stepping on it. But here you can hold onto me. I'll help you balance since it’s your first time.” I tried to avert my eyes knowing how red and embarrassed I was the first time I tried riding.
Eventually after a bit more back and forth and with my guidance Rodrick was able to almost effortlessly ride up and down the street. I clapped as he turned around using a side street and headed back towards me, he came to a stop —well more like tumbling to a stop— panting heavily and smiling wildly. It was obvious Rodrick was having a blast and even though I’d barely been able to ride I was too, Rodrick’s smile and excitement were contagious so it was hard not to smile and celebrate alongside him.
“I cannot believe I’ve been missing out on this my entire life, I really appreciate you teaching me this has been so much fun. Though I haven’t fallen on my ass this much since I tried learning how to ride a bike.” He said with a laugh as he carried the board over to me while he pushed some of his hair back and out of his face.
“Ugh, don’t remind me of that! My grandpa straight up removed the pedals to teach us how to ride, I have no idea how it worked but it did.” I took my board and we sat down off to the side on the curb.
“What? I refuse to believe that actually worked, that sounds more like torture.” He sat down next to me, closer than I was expecting as our thighs were squished up against each other.
“Probably cause it was, I struggled with it but hey my grandpa was certainly on to something. How did you learn how to ride a bike though, Rodrick?” He paused for a moment staring down at the pavement below our feet.
“Uhm well I never really learned how to ride one, I tried but I just couldn’t get the hang of it.” He admitted quietly as he kicked the gravel further into the road, I didn’t know what to say.
“Really? Guess that means I’ll take up your time next weekend and teach you that too, we could put the no pedals method to the test yeah?” I nudged him lightly with my elbow and smiled over at him.
He looked up from the ground and up at me carefully reading my expression, he opened his mouth to say something but hesitated before just smiling and nodding. “Yeah, that sounds nice. I appreciate it.”
We sat for a while in a thoughtful silence enjoying each other’s company and our sugar rush coming to an end. I brought a hand up to cover my yawn, my eyes crinkling in the corners as I did. I turned to see Rodrick staring forward, his eyes following any car that happened to drive past, eventually, he turned to me as he felt me staring.
“ I didn’t get the chance to ask this earlier but who’s Lorei?” I was a bit surprised by the question, I hadn’t expected him to pick up on the name let alone ask about them.
“Lorei aka Lorelai was my next-door neighbor and ‘bestest friend in the world’, as she would describe it at least. We grew up together and were, well still, really good friends. We became friends because she had crawled through a hole their dog made in the fence to my yard , and her parents went crazy looking for her. But we had a blast crawling and rolling around in the dirt together, she loves the outdoors and is the reason I skate.” I said staring off with a fond smile as I thought back to the bubbly purple-haired mess I called a friend.
“Wow, she certainly sounds fun and like a really great person. I’m sorry you had to move away and stop being neighbors.” He nudged me gently with his elbow in what I think was meant to be comforting.
“Yeahhh, it’s alright though. I got a new neighbor to have crawl through a hole into my yard.” I said easing the mood with a grin, Rodrick laughed at my comment shaking his head.
“I don’t know about crawling but I’ll climb your fence if that’s what you want.”
“I could use something new so I guess that’s fine, but don’t sue my family if you break your neck doing so!” He rolled his eyes at me but we both laughed regardless.
Nothing about the conversation was particularly funny but we still laughed heartily, it was less of a joke and more of a positive energy building between us. The air felt softer and less like it would consume me if I embarrassed myself, and the conversation was light and a lot less like two teenagers who had met just days before. It was starting to feel like two friends who’d known each other for years and could truly be themselves around each other.
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lostonehero · 6 months
Marius has a bad time or more new mechs and tma au stuff
Marius was rubbing his eyes. The pain was getting worse as they continued deeper into these tunnels. "Mr. Bouchard, I don't mean to sound rude, but how much farther?" He was incredibly uncomfortable, and his hair was threatening to move without his permission from the slick back position.
Elias looks back and smiles. "Not much further now, Marius. Now, the history of these tunnels goes back over 200 years. Created by Robert Smirke himself, now he was quite detail orientated if you knew him."
Marius nods. He doesn't really know how long humans live, but he knows how long Martin should live and that he wanted to expand that. He knew about the other species that his crew was made up of and what that meant. He probably should look more into humans for Martin's sake. "That's very interesting, sir." He barely could register the now open room they were in, let alone the mummified corpse.
"Now I normally don't have the choice in choosing my new body, the Beholder picks for me, and I wake up and move on. However, the situation has changed, and unfortunately, this body is on its last legs." Elias sighs.
Marius felt like his eyes were about to explode from pressure, and he barely registered that he was being spoken too.
"I'm having Peter take over in the meantime since you're so new to the institute. Elias was here for at least 3 years, but I can't be picky. Not when I'm getting so close and you just walked in. I really have to thank you, Marius." Elias hums softly. "Now, don't worry, you won't be left when I take over. I've heard death is quite peaceful."
Marius's vision went black as he collasped on the floor. He could feel a warm sticky liquid drip down his cheeks before sweet unconsciousness took over.
Jonah opened his eyes with a sigh. "Not an enjoyable process being awake, but necessary for the situation." He walked over to the corpse on the floor and fished out his phone. He shudders, finally realizing his new body felt wrong on many different levels. He went to run a hand through his new hair and bit back a surprised yelp.
"Not human." Marius blearily blinked as he floated next to the man possessing his body. "Also, be gentle. My hair is very sensitive."
"You're still alive?" Jonah watches Marius float in front of him.
"Kind of comes with the territory. I wonder if you'll stick around if I get killed well, my body, at least." Marius scratches his chin. "I can't say I've been possessed before, and it's quite an odd feeling."
Jonah stumbles back and hits a wall with a new jolt of nerves he has no experience with. He goes up his spine. "What are you?"
Marius snickers. "Is this how Jonny felt watching me stumble around for the first hundred of years felt? Because if it is, then I get his humor." He smiles as he floats down to sit next to the man possessing his body. "I would take over, but seeing you flail around is way funnier. I'm not human, I'm not even from earth to be fair."
Jonny can feel his tail threaten to break his belt loops on his pants. He was annoyed the sun went down, and he was stuck waiting outside Elias's office waiting for Marius. This was incredibly frustrating. Why did he have to wait for him he's a grown ass man. He can take care of himself, and it's not like he could die.
Jonnys phone buzzed and he took it out to see a message from Martin
Martin: Is Marius out yet? I'm sorry I asked for you to wait. I'm making your favorite when you both get back. I even found some bad alien movies for this weekend for just us to enjoy. I mean, you don't have to. I know you might have other plans, and that's ok.
Jonny can feel his face heat up. Ok, he knows why he's doing it, and homemade dinner sounded amazing. He was never much of a cook unless you counted butchering an animal you kill and cooking it over an open flame proper dinner. Martin spoiled him, and he expected nothing in return it's the least he could do to wait for Marius. He knew Ashes had to drag Ivy out of the library because it's Friday night, and the building was closed for the weekend.
Jonny began to play with his phone before his ears twitched with a new noise in the air that he knew to be Marius laughing. He scowls, shoving his phone in his pocket. "Are you quite done wasting time?" His annoyed scowl dropped to a confused frown as he confronted Marius.
Marius looked disheveled, which he rarely was unless it was early morning or he just left Raphella lab. His tail was swaying lazily behind him, and his hair seemed to be stretching. His pointed ears, Martin like to call elf ears, were blue at the top to match his mood, which was happiness. "Jonny!"
"Please tell me you're drunk." Jonny pinched his brow and sighed. He would much rather prefer a drunk Marius to a sober one. It's much easier to get him to do things.
"I'm possessed!" Marius breaks down in giggles. "I know you can't see him, but his face when I slit my throat was priceless. Also, he stays after I die, which is a little annoying, but he had no idea I wasn't human." He starts to laugh harder. "So so Elias wasn't actually Elias it was this guy Jonah possessing his body, and he picked..." He composes himself the best he could without breaking down laughing again. "He picked me! To possess! I've got his eyes now."
Jonny raised his brow, but the gray eyes were definitely not Marius's, but they were in his head. "So you got a dead guy in you?"
"I have a guy scared to die in me." Marius breaks down laughing again.
Jonny snickers that turns to laughter and is very insane laughter. "Fucking scared to die? That's fucking hilarious. I I.... fuck me I'm texting the group chat."
The less cool mech chat because Martin isn't here
Jonny: guys Marius has a dead guys eyes now
Ashes: like in his hands or...?
Raphella: did he get affected by one of the cursed books? I will run tests.
Tim: You've gotta be specific. TS is asking if it's the same guy who stole their vocal cords.
Jonny: Like in his skull.....
Jonny sends a picture of Marius purple face mid laughter and his eyes are clearly gray and not green anymore. His hair is pointed up straight, and his sharp teeth are on display. There's blood on his white shirt from an earlier slit throat.
Raphella: I would like to remove the eyes
Tim: dude what the fuck
Brian: Is there another doctor?
Jonny: so.....
Jonny puts in a audio message explaining the entire situation as Marius is giggling in the background adding details like the guys name is Jonah and he's nearly 300 years old and how he did this to serve his god.
Ivy: so can he get the keys and I can go to the library?
Ashes: no
Ivy: fuck you
Ashes: Martin wants you to join game night Sunday.
Ivy: that means Raphella cant drag Marius to her lab
Raphella: darling I have wendsday open for that
TS: Honorary Mechanism!
Jonny: mechanism plus one.
Ashes: sorry TS I'm with Jonny
TS: That Is OK We Have A New Friend
Marius: Jonah didn't belive in aliens.
Several people are typing
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