#the paranoia and the hallucinations and the unhealthy coping mechanisms mostly
Dave Panpa Hcs
I'm sorry if I've been lacking here but I've got some Dave Panpa Hcs I would love to share with you.  
Tw/Tags: Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, Eating Disorders, Health Issues, & Low Self Esteem/Confidence Issues
Genderfluid; Uses She/Her & He/Him Pronouns & Demiromantic Pansexual
Nicknames Dave goes by are either Panda, Pan, Davey, & DeeDee
A soft spot for animals and plants alike where Dave has a natural knack for both. With a green thumb, he made a whole garden for herself and lives off that along with her pets and the strays she takes care of
Heart on her sleeve, Dave tends to be in tune with his emotions and is very empathic, can be emotional on the drop of a hat. Also, is a huge people pleaser because of this and needs that constant approval and be loved
Height is around 5'11" but wearing heels/platforms is around 6". Surprisingly, Dave isn't very clumsy walking in them. Without them, she can be a little clumsy, more so when he's not able to pay attention
Appearance wise, Dave has thin, angular yet soft features, almost in a permanent state of doe eyed, innocent and sad puppy. Symmetrical face yet has two beauty marks on his face, beneath his eye and upper lip
Body is very thin & lithe, often he does struggles to gain weight accordingly in a healthy manner and does have an awful relationship with food in general
^ Eats like a bird, can't handle intake of certain food really good, as well as a very picky eater who struggles to find stuff she does enjoy 
^ Always seems to suffer from some serious health issues due to her horrible habits. Ie. Chronic pain in joints, insomnia, & paranoia with hallucination scares
Her favorite animals are bears but in particular if needed to choose its the Red Panda. Has a collection of stuffed toys, mostly teddy bears
Sensory Issues, doesn't enjoy tight fitted clothes whatsoever. Loose, flowing clothing are her favorite.
^ Sundresses, overalls, jumpsuits, and anything else similar. Coloring wise, it's more on the lighter, pastel side or more plain, down to earth colors 
Down below is some rough sketches of my ver. Of Dave
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balsamina · 6 years
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you ever start writing a way-too-long headcanon post and then completely forget where you were going with it.................yeah anyway here’s some rambling about Lusamine’s uh. Conditions(TM), both magical and non-magical, across verses
i’ll start off by saying that all Lusamines are prone to delusions of grandeur, paranoia, and generally irrational trains of thought. she is Fake As Hell, obsessed with appearances and control. convinced that most people are inherently (as) cruel and selfish (as she is), she tends to conceal things, act insincerely, and subconsciously look for weaknesses in others in order to stay in a position of control over them, even when she might not deliberately be out to manipulate or blackmail. she is generally avoidant and waffly when it comes to addressing her problems and falls back on some wildly unhealthy coping mechanisms in moments of distress/powerlessness. Mohn’s disappearance was the catalyst for some of her worst behaviors and deeds, but these things have pretty much always been true for her and remain constants across dimensions/timelines
now onto things specific to those dimensions/timelines...
SM verse
at this point in her “development” (if you want to call it that lmao), Lusamine is willingly undergoing treatments for her funky Nihilego neurotoxin/post-Nihilego fusion/magical Z-Power radiation bullshit. they are largely experimental (as Nihilego specimens aren’t exactly easy to come by or work with, an effective antivenom doesn’t yet exist, and Lusamine’s case was unique and pretty much unheard of anyway; much of her early attempted treatments involved Bill putting her through his Cell Separation System and seeing if anything happened) and definitely not 100% effective, but she has gotten to the point that she can cope with her symptoms much better than she did at the start of this blog. her aid Pokemon can sense when she might be about to have a fainting spell, her hallucinations and meltdowns are less frequent, some of her venom-repressed memories (most notably her memory that she used to actually hate Ultra Beasts and want them dead for “stealing” Mohn from her) have begun to return to her, etc...
she still experiences fatigue, occasional hallucinations, and lapses in judgment/confusion/intrusive thoughts, but she insists that she’s well enough now to travel and go about her business without supervision-- hence, her recent return to Alola. however, she has yet to resume her work with Aether
USUM verse
since her brush with Necrozma, Lusamine has started experiencing frequent nightmares and hypnagogic hallucinations. they are not (yet) so severe that she sees any need to seek treatment for them, and she continually misattributes them, being convinced, at first, that they had something to do with her encounter with the Ultra Beast Giovanni had under his control, and now dismissing them as being merely stress-induced. nothing to worry about! everyone has nightmares and thinks they hear things that aren’t really there sometimes. and she has had a pretty difficult past few months...it’s nothing she, Great Savior and Aether Goddess Lusamine Mendel, isn’t capable of handling on her own
(not that she would be likely to seek effective treatment even if she did think it worthwhile. because she’s Lusamine and reckless self-medicating is the way to go. deciding to start therapy to address her glaring psychological issues was apparently humiliating enough enough good decision-making for one lifetime in her mind)
Pokeani verse
Nihilego’s possession seems to work a bit differently in the anime, so uh.......she’s pretty much fine. definitely the most well-adjusted of the bunch. she had to go on bedrest for a while following the events that transpired in Ultra Space, but she was eventually able to resume her research and presidential duties without any noticeable problems
she recalls her Nihilego encounter in a more negative light than some of her other incarnations do (it was a frightening experience and she knows quite clearly how much danger she and the children were in), but...honestly, it was all probably far more traumatic and affecting for Lillie and Gladion than it was for her lmao. it feels to her more like a bad (but also kind of fucking awesome??????) dream than a memory, and she has difficulty recalling specific details. what do you mean i slapped Ash Ketchum in the face??!?! hm, doesn’t sound like something i would do...
the most notable Issues(TM) unique to her are probably her tunnel vision, neglectful tendencies, and caffeine addiction. she is wired 24/7 and Does Not Sleep. just as self-absorbed but less consciously manipulative than her other incarnations, she is more liable to hurt others through simple negligence and/or ignorance, and her brand of UB tunnel vision leads her to more often be the manipulated rather than the manipulator. she is, however, making genuine-- and mostly successful-- efforts to rectify these problems since Gladion first made her aware of them
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