#the people aren't here anymore. there is no next game scheduled. there won't BE a next game since the whole thing ended!
varjopeura · 7 months
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webslingingslasher · 8 months
bff... i need ur perspective on this :’) this is rly long srry just take ur time! reply whenever u feel like it, or not<3
here goes another 🧚🏼‍♀️ lore from 2023 JSNFNDKJSHS
i had a crush on this guy around may-july 2023.. things were going rly well like he reciprocated my energy toward him, bantering here n there, and he was such a gentleman like yk basic stuff - opening doors for me, picked up n fixed my bag for me when it fell even if he didn't have to lol, always checking on me and helping me with hw (we were classmates), and he also prevented me from being seenzoned in the gc we were both in by telling me in our dm he'll reply to me in the gc ?? like for the sake of not being seenzoned,, i didnt mind at all but ok 🫂 he also mentioned that he prayed for me one time bc i was so stressed out w life and he prayed i won't be stressed anymore, n that i need to look after myself.. my ex-bffs thought it's silly and it wasn't an excuse to like him (??) but that time i thought it was sweet. i didn't have any evidence to think or know if he was lying or anything so.. 🤷‍♀️ i was just happy abt it and i thought, if things fuck up, i'll just deal with it when we get there.
and anw yea we were basically in talking stage, stayed up to talk and he was still the first person i talked to when i woke up haha and we also made time to see each other like we rly planned and included each other in our schedules to hang out.
good stuff right.. but like one time when we were getting to know each other (in person, my ex-bff was there with us), he told us he has a sister. but the next time we hung out, just the two of us, we talked abt video games and told me he'd watch his brother play. so i was like "oh so u have 2 siblings? bc u have a sister too" then he said "huh? no, it's just me n my brother" and i was like "???? wym u said u have a sister.." then he said "really? i said that?" TF DKKSJSJDJS.. even my ex-bff confirmed he said sister when the 3 of us hung out so im not making it up... n all my other friends told me thats just sus bc why be sus about family... i mean he sees them everyday?? and it's basic knowledge to know ur family 😭 my dad even said he might've lied and said he has a sister to make him seem like a green flag (assuming he'd know how to respect and properly treat women)
could be an honest mistake, sure, it happens. my friends and i even considered that his sibling might be non-binary or trans and maybe he wasn't in the position to tell us, that's understandable. but idk he still told me 2 diff things and i can't rly have someone who doesn't stand on what they say or do to me, like telling me one thing then another (i have severe trust issues..)
the thing is, when i start to doubt someone, especially when i think they lied and if i think they aren't genuine people, it's over. like that's my dealbreaker. (goes for my ex-bffs too)
so like... after that, whenever he msged me i became dry until i didn't open his one reply to me anymore. so i ghosted him.. he never msged after that, assuming he felt like he couldn't approach me.
i feel bad. like serious. im more bummed abt him than what happened w my ex friends ngl bc he rly was nice and i liked him, we were good until that. but there's sm uncertainty and i'm sure i hurt him bc he gave clear implications that he was interested in me. i'm assuming he also doesn't know what happened bc obviously i didn't confront him, so it's unfair for him.
i thought abt confronting him and to just be friends with him at least, i did. but i also thought - he would either apologize or say something that will make it okay to solve things.
1) even if he apologized, i'd have to wait for changed behavior. thing is, i only give one chance when it comes to trust, and i feel like that was ruined already, somehow. i mean, i can have disagreements with anyone about anything and it's fine, we can work through that. but if there comes a point where the trust is ruined, i'm done, and i can't wait around for changed behavior. it'll take up my time, and it's kinda unfair bc i never lied to him or gave him reasons to feel weirdly about me. it's not even hard to tell the truth about simple things.. also, why wait around when there's better, honest, and more genuine people out there (this also applies to my ex bffs) 😐 also if i wait for changed behavior, i'd basically be trusting him again to not do anything like that again. but he alr lost my trust to begin with so ?? lol
2) if he would say something to make it okay, i'd be giving him an advantage, and i'd be forced to stay with him, allowing him to think that what he did was fine.
3) i thought about being friends with him at least but i didn't rly want a liar friend or a friend that i'd doubt.. i don't want to have to doubt anyone's character in my circle... i don't need the stress.
my guy friends told me the bar was low and i deserve better, and i probably doged a bullet bc if he lies abt small things.. what about the more serious things? and it's a situation i didn't need to be in. like fr, no one's usually sus with their family 😭😭 so why put me thru that when no one else experiences it.. tf
but anw.... months later, around november actually, he added me in his close friends on ig ?? i only saw a couple of stuff like anime, class stuff, idk, nothing weird or anything. i think he removed me tho later on. but today i think he added me back LOL. i also noticed he'd check my stories once a week 😭
so like.. what the hell does that mean LMFAO we haven't talked nor seen each other in person since july. that's 6 months..
i didn't remove him from my socmeds in case we happen to be classmates again and work together and in the future as well. thought abt removing him but i might need the connection in the future for business bc we're entering the same field after all.. 🙇‍♀️
i'm not even mad anymore but like huh JNBJDSJHS
but anw yes. what do u think of this... is there anything i should do or not. speak ur mind please 🎙️ tysm ily
(this also just gave away that i'm avoidant. sorry. it comes from trauma😂 working thru it though. i believe i made an improvement when i confronted my ex bffs n broke up w them which happened after i ghosted him.. rip)
oh my god girl.
he didn't say he was derek jeter, he said he had a sister. and then told you later on he only had a brother. if he wanted to lie, he'd continue the lie. instead, he confronted it and moved on. you didn't.
i have three brothers. i have gotten names and ages confused my entire life. it seems like an honest mistake and he acknowledged it. i'd get if it was a big lie, but it seems like this was a slip of the tongue.
maybe he was thinking of a friends sister.
maybe he was thinking his brother was a bitch.
maybe he was nervous.
we don't know. you just stonewalled him. long story short, if you want to at the very least be friends with him, let it go. if you can't, leave him alone.
what does it mean? he liked you. but i don't know if he still does.
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desoletongue · 1 year
So I've been having a little bit of a time lately. This one may end up a little long and a little sad, but it's all okay.
I left my job of 5 years, it was eating me to pieces and I just couldn't give my time to those people any more. It was a good choice. That it happened to coincide with my therapist closing her practice was unexpected, but I felt like I would be okay after about two days of moping in a woe is me style.
It has been okay. There have been hiccups. Some days it's really hard not to be a depressed burrito. I make a lot of "gainfully unemployed" jokes while I try to get my brain to remember that we can art and write to our hearts content and if we get tired we can just nap about it. I am lucky to have a cushion and the time to do this.
I'm adjusting to sharing space with humans again. Remembering they aren't just humans and are actually my friends helps most of the time. I wish we communicated more viably about house stuff but hopefully we improve on that. I'm just hoping I'm not the only one that thinks improvement is needed in that area.
The anxieties are gripping me tight and shaking me around every few days. Last week I couldn't sleep for two (thankfully) separate nights because I was just very convinced I would die. Not very helpful, but I played some video games and listened to chill music and tried to be kind to myself.
I'm getting back into the habit of regularly cleaning. I'm trying not to make a big schedule because I get overwhelmed easily when I see lists of things to do anymore, but I do try to grab one or two things from the "to do" jumble a day. Sometimes it's just some laundry, but I unpacked like 9 more boxes the other night. I was in bed the next day, but it was big progress and I can afford a day in bed right now.
I've been writing. I posted three fanfics in a series I've been saying I'm working on for almost a year at this point. I'm really proud and trepidatious about it. I've posted stuff before, it's not that it's a new experience, it just feels like something that I've started a growing piece for others to see. I've also been writing and developing stuff for my book.
I haven't been listening to music much, which may tie in with some of the depression. I should have a music outlet, that's been a constant for years. I just forget and the novelty of actual silence is one that I've appreciated since when I started to really feel my burn out.
Next week I should probably really start job hunting, for all that I hate it. Need to redo my resume maybe completely. Also might apply for weird slightly out of the wheelhouse stuff because to be honest? I really hate scheduling. I keep getting notifications that the schools around here are hiring secretaries and admin assistants and while I Absolutely do not want to work at a school in the year of our lord 2023 in Okla-fucking-homa, I could do admin work elsewhere. And maybe, if things work out ... I could go to school? I haven't done that but I want to. Anything but banking or workforce.
School was a thing that I've waffled on for nearly 10 years because fear of debt but at this point... We're all gonna die in debt unless we burn this whole candle down (won't bank on that), so why the fuck not. I'm a smart boy, I could learn a thing.
I did start a fansly. It's mostly friend traffic at the moment, which is really sweet and mildly comical, but only because I never know whether they're following me because they love and support me or because I'm hot. Could be both, but I'm not sure of any of it much less the all of it. (Oh geez, did they get there and not expect boobs because I'm normally bound down??)
I've been a little isolated, but I forget to socialize sometimes because it's kinda nice being able to just hang out and read and cuddle the cats? And then I realize it's been a week since I've messaged my best friend and I feel too guilty about that to message him now, except then I find a meme they really need to see and auto send it and suddenly we're talking again. We've done that a couple of times. I miss him.
So overall, a bumpy leg of our journey, but we're still trucking along.
And I have blue/purple hair again. That's pretty fuckin rad.
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moonlitberrry · 4 years
not so popular
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➀ ᴀ/ɴ: based from what wonho wore last halloween i'll be following in pursuit of this school themed au where he's a football player and you're his best friend off the same year and i won't disclose that you're a nerd in this but be whoever you want. kinda christmas theme actually
➁ ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: football player! lee hoseok/wonho x reader
➂ ɢᴇɴʀᴇ: fluff, school au
➃ ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢ: none
once the football team opened vacant spots for new comers that's where wonho popped in
he trained a whole lot for this to join the football team and that include:
working out and staying fit
he plays as their new tight end offensive line
you wouldn't worry much about his well-being since he never skips meals or anything just like a couple of people who would prefer protein bars and drinks instead of other food
he uses that but also eats
he healthy boy
always attends practices and would never skip a single one unless there's an emergency
have grown popular in the football team quickly after one game
he was really nervous in playing in their first game like,
he can't focus and kept jumping like a lil bunny all around, trying to convince himself
"i can do this, i can do this."
"of course you can, hoseok!"
he felt so relieved that you’re always there with him. you’ve always been there with him ever since childhood
the both of you are friends since grade school and have always hanged out in each other’s homes. whenever wonho’s parents were out he always stay in around yours
as usual some people and a few of your friends thought that the both of you were a couple because of how close you are with him
you refused 
you weren’t in a denial but you just saw him as one of your family members, like a brother and everyone respected that
no one from your classes ever decided to push you about your relationship with wonho and you were glad they stopped because it gets annoying when they do
so, you’re comforting wonho and his anxiousness over playing in the field
at first you’re not allowed inside the locker room of the football players until a few of wonho’s teammates, the captain, let you in
you almost resulted to kicking one of them until they let you in but decided against detention than anything else
wonho would flip and ask you how you end up there
once you were by wonho’s side you comforted him and pat his back, telling him you’ll be cheering him on 
he keeps asking questions regarding his worries
“what if i mess up?”
“this is my first game, omg omg. this is my first!”
“oh hoseok, you won’t mess up. you’ve been practicing this all week. kill that game!”
because of your encouragements, it made him more pumped up into playing on the field
his teammates found it impossible to bring his mood up, but somehow you’re able to cheer him up for every crisis he receives
from that day on, wonho’s teammates allow you inside the locker room every time wonho becomes nervous 
ever since wonho’s first game his popularity grew
he became busy over the following years that the both of you hardly even talked to each other
you proposed on talking every night but he’s always tired after practice or hanging out with the guys
he promises to hang out with you, which resulted to movie nights every month 
the both of you scheduled on every friday night of the week but wonho kept canceling your plans with him
he’s very guilty about it
he wants to spend time with you everyday like before, but the both of you grew busy over your academics and school curricular activities 
expect random texts from your boi
to: [ your caller I.D ]
from: hoho
hey! have a great day, don't forget to eat your breakfast. i got you a pancake bunny :D see you then!
when you got downstairs you found oddly shaped pancakes but it cutely formed into a bunny
with whip cream as the tail
because he's whipped for you, get it? :'D ahAHa i need to stop laughing at my own jokes
a cute lil bunny just like him
you never cared how different it looked like, it honestly looks unique and cute making you snap a photo of it and save it for keep sakes
almost everyday whenever he had the time he would always leave little small texts to you which you happily see at any given time of the day
and you text him back the same kind of affection and his heart goes CRAZY
you don't know that yet because the both of you hardly see each other but when he looks at you he has heart eyes
that whipped that you aren't aware of but anyway
you wish you could see him in person somehow
i mean, you do see him in school but he's usually busy with practice so you weren't sure
he also found a new group of friends recently that are not much of your status level
they all seem nice but you're not exactly sure on how to talk to wonho's new friends
somehow you find his name being off and across the campus of how a lot of people thought he was cool and how much a couple of them had a crush on him too
you aren't lying, you also find wonho that way
except for the crush
there is no way you would be crushing on your best friend, that would be awkward to handle
but you did
and you didn't know how to handle it
but one night
you get to hang out with him again after so long and it made the both of you relieved
thanking it all to your holidays break! (happy holidays! :D)
wonho made you pick out the movie for the both of you to watch while he chose the food
ever since then
he NEVER changed
well except for the fact of being really obvious of how much he likes you
would sometimes consult a couple of his friends on how to talk to you about it
and or ask you out
i mean he has asked someone out before and you were aware of it until he broke up with them around some year ago
so yes, boi is nervous
what else didn't change from him?
oh yeah, ramen
expect two bowls of ramen that he prepared for the both of you to have
"i. really. love. ramen. owki?"
"aww, more than you love me? ;("
"... but i do love you."
you laughed it off and decided to eat but he was serious though
it made you stop and stare at him like,
wait wait wait
you love who?
"i love you, (y/n)... i really do."
ok so you actually thought he liked someone else and not you
he has a bunch of admirers recently that you can't count how much because THEY'RE A LOT
and wonho is hot so
oh wow look im rhyming
you can't blame them for it but i guess you stole his bunny heart already
for a very long time really
"i actually thought you liked someone else."
"you might think that way but you never failed to cross my mind ever since we were busy. i like talking to you and ever since we were separated like that it made me miss you a whole lot, you know?"
and here you are, gradually melting
honestly, the both of you don't know what to do next but one of you should speak
"i'm so thankful to have this time with you again. so, will you spend it now with your best friend?"
"oh hoseok, not best friend."
"iM nOt yOur fRienD aNymOre??? D:"
"no, but my boyfriend, silly"
this made you laugh at how cute he is
"well in that case ;)"
of course, made the move to kiss you first right on your break with him
had the need to initiate it right when the both of you confessed
"time to watch some sweet holidays flicks to start the day with my favorite person"
"oh, absolutely"
that's not your last kiss though
kisses you a lot lot ever since then
also made a make shift headband where a mistletoe hung
only wears it when the both of you are alone and he can have his sweet time of kissing you,,, under the mistletoe
he just wants your affection, owki?
he just wants all of your loveeee
but wow though, your friends cheering you both for finally getting into a relationship
they thought it was so obvious
that the both of you would like each other at some point
and you guys did ♡
so this is not over guys, i got a little more info as football player wonho aight?
you always come to his games of course and he always asks for a kiss before a game starts
its to boost up his energy and you're just,
"don't you have a lot energy already?"
he won't stop whining about it
honestly just wants your kisses and your love
and so it became a habit of you kissing him before a game starts
when he looses you give extra affection
when he wins he will take you out somewhere or just host up a lazy date at your place
he always ask for a hug or a kiss every after practice
"babe, i'm home! now how about a-."
"i'll give you a kiss after you shower-."
always sweaty after practice, the sweat of hard work
you only give him a peck on the cheek after he's done with practice but no cuddle until he showers
you would always help him catch up whenever he misses a class or two because of practices where a big game is on
boy lacks a bit of sleep so yes
always remind him to pack extra food and water just in case
sometimes you would do it because he forgets
am i done now? yes yes i am finally done.
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curiousconch · 4 years
Chapter 8 of Ricochet (An Open Heart AU)
Catch up here: Series Masterlist
Chapter Synopsis: Heather attempts to escape her captors. But will she succeed?
Pairing: Rafael Aveiro x MC (Dr. Heather Song) | Bryce Lahela x MC (Dr. Heather Song)
Words: 1.5k+ | Genre: Crime, Suspense/Thriller, Romance
Rating/Warnings: Mature (16+) / violence, language
Author's Notes: This chapter took me too long to complete, since I hit a creative block. Grateful for @eleanorbloom for giving me tips to overcome it (thank you! 🥰🥰🥰)
Thank you so much for taking time to read/comment/reblog this series. Please let me know if you want me to include/remove you in the tags list. Also, disclaimer: Majority of the characters are owned by Pixelberry, except the main character Heather Song and an OC Jordan Anderson.
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Heather held her tears at bay. Frankly, all she wanted was to let herself go.
But she can't. She didn't want to give her captors the satisfaction of seeing her break. When Declan Nash removed her blindfold, he thought it was enough to pulverize her will. Heather was determined to prove him wrong.
"I'll pick up the second dose. Start on getting rid of the pretty doctor first," she heard Nash say to the other man, right before he left.
She watched closely as another man approached her, his features slowly revealed by the dim light surrounding them. The hair at the back of her neck stood up when she recognized the face of her kidnapper.
Jordan Peter Anderson, the Edenbrook janitor. Pete, as he was mainly known.
Suddenly, it all made sense. That's how he had access to her things, how he can easily know her home address, her schedule, all details of her life without suspicion. He was just another face in the sea of people that came in and out of the hospital. A fairly common and trusted face, at that.
She just wondered how Declan was connected to him. She wanted so much to find out. But now, she had to focus on preventing herself from whimpering as Pete violently dragged her to sit on a chair. He tugged her wrists free before slamming them on a metal table. She instantly winced with the impact.
That was when she saw the back of her hand, where an IV cannula was attached to an exposed vein.
What the hell was he planning?
She found the answer sooner than she thought.
She followed his movement with her eyes as he picked up a syringe from a nearby table. It was filled with a clear liquid.
"I take it you're familiar with potassium chloride, Dr. Song?" The janitor sneered as she gazed in terror at what he was holding.
She knew. Potassium chloride overdose can cause cardiac arrest when administered via IV, and in overdose, was fatal. Her mind raced with comprehension.
He's out to kill. He's not going to spare me. This isn't just a game. Her mouth went dry, refusing to accept the possibility that she may not live another day.
Her hazel eyes can only stare at the man who was about to murder her. For a moment, she was filled with helplessness, the tiny semblance of hope in her quickly dwindling out.
No! I'll overcome this. This won't be the end of me. She willed herself to think. Heather Song is one hell of a woman and she won't come down without a fight.
When he was just a single step away from her, inspiration struck.
As he reached for her, she leaned her head back, waiting for the perfect timing. Once he was near enough, she braced for impact and gave him a headbutt. He fell down to the ground, howling in pain. Heather took the opportunity to flee, liberating herself from the chair.
As she tried to take off, a struggle ensued. She was instantly dragged backwards, the force nearly knocking her out. She felt a sharp prick on her neck before she turned and kicked the man on the groin.
He wailed. Heather didn't wait for him to recover and ran for her life, fear and desperation egging her on. Her bare feet heavily hit upon the concrete floor, as she removed the gag from her mouth.
"HELP! Someone, please help me!" she shouted at the top of her lungs, sprinting. Her bruised arms pushed back against the plastic tarps and navigated the narrow corridor blindly.
Soon, she saw an open threshold nearby. She decided to aim for it. When she was almost there, someone grabbed her from behind, making her scream. She strained to break free from the hold, only to be pulled back again.
"Heather," a voice urged. "Heather, it's me!"
She recognized the speaker, making her stop in her tracks. She turned around and looked back into the dark brown eyes of the man in front of her.
At the sight of him, an overwhelming sense of relief flooded her being. She leaned onto him, feeling his strong presence encapsulate her in a tight embrace.
As the panicked adrenaline to fight for her life slowly dissipated, a rush of tears stained Heather's cheeks like an overflowing dam. So she clung to him, convincing herself that she wasn't imagining him and that her whole ordeal has ended.
"It's okay, love. I'm here, you're safe." Raf whispered, his lips kissing the crown of her head.
But she wasn't.
She felt her knees begin to buckle, her whole body shook. There was a sharp pain in her chest, while her vision of Rafael slowly blurred.
The last thing she could remember was the gentleness of his touch, before her world whirled and faded into darkness.
He can only watch the helicopter that airlifted Heather to Edenbrook Hospital. When she was found, a syringe was stuck on her neck, and the paramedics suspected a type of poisoning. Her sudden collapse and the  unknown nature of what caused made the situation urgent, so the response team decided it was best course to fly. 
Even though he yearned to accompany her as she fought for her life, he was hastily denied that right. Rafael seized that away from him, taking it upon himself to stay with her instead.
He wanted to be the first person she sees when she wakes up, to hold her hand, to assure her that she will never have to face horrors like this anymore. But fate wasn't on his side this time. It never was. 
So Bryce chose action. He first called in ahead to give Dr. Ramsey the few details they have on hand. He couldn't bring himself to follow her to the hospital. His mind dictated that he wasn't useful there. Instead, he made himself useful somewhere else. 
And there he was, standing in the middle of the crime scene as he hang up his phone. 
Here is where I can help Heather, he thought. I have to find what was in that syringe. It might be her only hope. 
His tired eyes scanned the floor, trying to pick up any detail that may be valuable. He walked around looking down, flashlight in hand, determined to find just about any kind of clue. 
He winced when he saw blood. Heather's. His chest tightened, anger rising within him. That fucking sicko, I swear I'm gonna give him hell. 
Bryce continued prodding around until he heard a soft jingling noise, making him stop. It felt like he just kicked something. He knelt down and found a torn plastic case and a clear glass bottle. He put on his rubber gloves and picked it up, reading the label. Realizing what it was, he quickly dialed Sienna's number and waited for her to pick up. 
"Bryce?" he heard a familiar voice on the line, but it wasn't Dr. Trinh. 
"Jackie?" he felt an immediate pang of worry, hearing the frantic exchange of voices in the background. But he quickly shook the feeling away. He had to focus.
"I found something that might help Heather. There's a bottle of potassium chloride where she was taken, it's empty. I think that's what the suspect injected Heather with."
"Gimme a second," Jackie said. Bryce waited as he listened to Dr. Varma ask for Heather's blood workup from a nurse. "Her potassium levels are elevated, and she's in cardiac arrest. This makes sense, Lahela." 
"She's in cardiac arrest?" A lump in his throat formed, his grip almost slipping from the bottle he was holding. 
"Yes. But we're trying to get her out of it. Your intel's gonna help us figure the rest out," Jackie said, and he sensed her hesitation before he heard her next words. "She'll pull through. So quit yapping and get your ass over here."
The line went dead. 
It took him five minutes to scale down the building, get into his car and hit the road.
The environment in the ER was charged by the frantic beeping of the machine, signalling Heather's ongoing cardiac arrest. 
"We've got suspected hyperkalemia," Jackie sprinted to the doctors surrounding Heather's limp body as she got off the phone. 
"Of course," Dr. Ramsey nodded, as he referred to the latest lab results. "A potassium chloride overdose would've caused her coronary infarction. It may have also caused her temporal paralysis, making her lose consciousness. Do we have her weight?" 
"Yes, Dr. Ramsey," Sienna dictated Heather's latest weight to the senior attending, allowing for him to compute for the correct dosage for the prescription. 
"Calcium bicarbonate for the IV, Kaley please," the male doctor handed a piece of paper where he scribbled the dosage needed. 
"Don't we need to do haemodialysis?" Jackie stood beside him, as she prepared a tourniquet and tried to find a vein where the saline solution can be injected. 
"No, we aren't too late, the potassium haven't bound to the cells yet. Watch out for other symptoms though," Like a well-oiled machine, Heather's mentor gave instructions rapidly, taking the lead role in her treatment. 
The nurse went back with the prescription and Jackie setup the insertion. As the liquid began to flow, they waited and watched the heart rate monitor overhead. 
It took a few seconds before the beeping slowed down into a steady rhythm. There was a collective sigh of relief.
Heather Song just narrowly escaped death. 
Tags: @eleanorbloom @ramsey-lahela @choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
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kpop-pick-me-up · 5 years
| Taehyung x Ravenclaw! Reader (fluff) :00 can't | | Wait for the HMC au bby💜 |
Taehyungxravenclaw! Reader pt. 1/?
A/N- You got it! Sorry it took so long I was adjusting to my new school schedule before I started writing again. And SAME! It's my motivation to keep improving, as I don't want to write/post a HMC au I wouldn't want to read. I wasn't sure if you wanted me to tag you or not,so just let me know for the next parts. Anyways, hope you enjoy sorry if it's absolute garbage :[ I'm going to go back and check it one more time tomorrow to look for any typos I missed, but until then please ignore them.
The halls were buzzing with excitement all over the castle. You couldn't walk 15 feet without hearing the news about the rumored new students. From what your ears had gathered from students rushed conversations while walking to and from your lessons and the occasional accidental (read: deliberate) snooping, they were international students coming from somewhere in Asia. You were quite uninterested to say the least. (Or so you tried to tell yourself). If anything, you were confused and even a little irked at the news. As rumors tend to lack factual evidence, there's is no telling how many new students you'll be getting, how old they are, when exactly they'll be arriving and last but not least WHY they are coming to hogwarts on the cusp of the first exam season of the year. How inconvenient for the new students and the teachers, to be plopped into a class and then taking an exam on it days later, in a foreign language as you can only assume English isn't their first language. You became so invested in the news however, that you just HAD to solve it. You had to figure out all the answers. You saw it as a challenge: a riddle if you will. This always happens when new rumors surface. You try to convince yourself that you just don't care, that you remain unbothered at all times. But your Ravenclaw spirit sees this as a brain game. You just love the rush of sneaking around and discovering the truth before everyone else. You never share what you discover though, it's just a personal accomplishment that you record in your journal. Sometimes you've gotten into a couple sticky situations but nothing terrible or detention worthy. Just a "Miss L/N, why are you pretending to be a gargoyle above the gardens?" Or a "Can you please stop smelling people's closets, we assure you we will find whoever is taking our gillyweed on our own. " You were so close to solving the last one too. Your money is on one of the Weasley kids. You could've sworn that they left a trail of fallen wet Dill leaves that they used to replace the gillyweed that led all the way back to the Gryffindor common room.
Your steps are quick as you make the last turn to the doors of the great Hall for breakfast, and your quick pace is kept all the way until you're seated at the nearly empty Ravenclaw table. Usually the table is bustling with students shoving food down their throat, chatting up a storm to their friends whose heavy heads are playing a sleepy game of tag with the table or their cereal bowl. This morning, however, you decided to arrive to breakfast as early as possible, for the sole purpose of gathering more information on the new students -but don't get it wrong, you aren't interested in them: no. Your mission to gather information on them stems from the fact that you need to know what to prepare yourself for. More trouble makers? Dear God, you can barely handle the ones you have. Pompous students that strut down the hallways and expect those around them to worship the ground they walk on? Ugh we don't need anymore of those. Snobs? Bullies? Sweet innocent small children? Not likely. But there's so many possibilities. As a Ravenclaw, you prefer to stay on top of things and be prepared for whatever is thrown your way. Your grades are important to you and the last thing you need is trouble right before your exams- ESPECIALLY care for magical creatures .... It is the only class you struggle with and just can't seem to bring your grade up to the same score as all your other classes no matter how hard to try. Hagrid pities you, he really does but you can only lose your projects so many times before he has to subtract it from your grade.
"It's not MY fault the projects can run away on their own" you mutter to yourself before pouring a cup of pumpkin juice standing up to examine the other foods available. Your eyes scan the contents presented on the table over the rim of your goblet as you sip from it. After the second wizarding war in Hogwarts, they partnered with other wizarding schools to help send students all over the world to the school of their choice for different opportunities. As a result of all the different cultures and traditions, the kitchen started loading the table with more diverse food choices at every meal. Clicking your tongue at the delicious looking Ethiopian breakfast dish, you decide to go for something you've had before so you don't upset your stomach before your school day.
By the time you're putting the last bit of scrambled eggs on your plate a few more students have shuffled in for breakfast. You quickly sit and begin to eat keeping your ears open for any news of the supposed newcomers. Again, you really aren't that interested in them you swear.....
However minutes pass of you listening to a young Gryffindor complain about the girl she likes not noticing her, suddenly a conversation that carried over from the Hufflepuff table caught your attention.
"Seven?!" A voice exclaimed.
"keep your voice down!"
You turned your attention to two girls, one Hufflepuff and one Gryffindor. You recognized the first voice to be Kim Yong Sun, and the second as Moonbyul Yi; the both of them seventh year transfers from South Korea during their second year.
"Sorry. But how do you know? There hasn't been any confirmation of them arriving let alone how many there are. " Yongsun eyed Moonbyul skeptically and you can hear the click of her chopsticks being set down from where you're sitting you're listening so closely. You slightly nod in agreement to the conversation you aren't a part of. She's right. There hasn't been any confirmation or factual evidence of transfer students. Yet here you are, sitting in the breakfast hall at 6:05 am on a Friday morning listening to fourth year romance drama and the yawns of a few other students like you're life depends on it. Maybe this is stupid, you should just go back up to bed and let it go. You aren't one for caring about new students or rumors anyways. Maybe you were just looking for something to distract you from the upcoming exams: Yeah, that was probably it. You sigh picking up one last piece of toast making up your mind to take it upstairs with you. Putting the piece of toast in your mouth you place your hands on the table to stabilize you as you swing one leg off of the bench to get up.
"I know one of them." Moonbyul responds quietly. You bite your toast out of surprise causing the rest of it to fall from your mouth as you plop down to straddle the bench with a loud thud while playing hot potato with your toast attempting to save it before it hit the floor. You glace around to see if anyone noticed, but thankfully those there are much too tired to care. You swing your leg back into your seat and continuee to listen to their conversation. Everyone needs a little distraction every now and then right? A hobby? Can snooping be considered a hobby....? I guess you're really doing this again.
"You know them? Really? So they're from South Korea too?" Yongsun asked while beginning to eat again.
"Yep. But I only know one of them pretty well, his name is Kim Seokjin and he's in my year. The rest of them I've only met a few times through him. "
Yongsun pondered what was said before speaking .
"Wait- seven of them..... Are they those loud boys from the music club you were in back home? Some of them are a little young don't you think?"
Moonbyul laughed. "Yep that's them! And no- the youngest of them should be a fourth year right about now."
You figured you had heard enough information to go on and decided to actually go back to your dorm this time. You left your spot at the table and began to make your way back to your room for a quick nap before school began. Your walk back was filled with thoughts of the new kids. "Loud boys? Great." You said bitterly turning down a hall. " What does it have to do with me? From what I heard they are different ages, which will separate them a bit. Maybe none of them will even be in my house, and I won't see them. After all, there's only seven of them and a whole school of other students. I probably won't even notice them. "
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -~ •~•~•~• ~- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
A fork clinked gently against a goblet, and McGonagall rose to her feet. "May I have your attention please."
The loud dinner chatter quieted down almost immediately and all heads turned to the teacher's table.
"Thank you." She placed her goblet down before returning her gaze to the students. "As many of you have heard, there are rumors going around that Hogwarts will be accepting some new students. It is my pleasure to finally put these rumors to rest- "
A chorus of disappointed sighs and groans rang through the hall, looks like they weren't getting new students after all. You almost let out a disappointed sigh but caught yourself. You didn't want new students, they were a distraction and a nuisance. Right? I mean... It was a little bit of a disappointment considering all the hard work and snooping you had been doing recently. Your friend group doesn't spread rumors much, so everything you knew had been from eaves dropping and hiding, like the gargoyle incident. You guess you sat up there for 45 minutes all for nothing.
"-excuse me please quiet down." The students all shut their mouths quickly, afraid of angering her. "As I was saying, I am happy to finally introduce to you our new students from South Korea." The hall erupted into excited chatter, girls and boys alike fawning over whether or not the newcomers were attractive, nice, mean or any other possibility, like you have been for weeks ever since you overheard the students chatting about it outside the potions cupboard you were in when the rumors first started.
Clearing her throat the headmaster gave a sharp warning look to all the students, again silencing them. "As you know, usually transfer students come on the first day of school with the first years to get sorted. However, there was a couple issues regarding the ministry during their application process, so they arrived later than usual. I have no doubts that you will all make them feel very welcome here." She waved her hand as a signal to Filtch, who scampered out of the Great Hall, returning only a few moments later with a trail of students behind him.
Seven. There was seven of them just like you'd heard about this morning. You feel your chest swell with pride. You did good for a half assed Snoop mission. They were all male, and most looked to be around your age, and you'd be lying if you said they weren't in the least bit attractive. You scowled internally knowing that their looks would be all you'd hear about during your study sessions in the common room.
The sorting hat was brought in and the sorting began. McGonagall unrolled a small piece of parchment and read off the first name "Jung Hoseok", and you held your breath as the first boy made his way up.
He looked rather pleasant. His bright face was framed with medium length brown hair, and his smile was wide. He was practically glowing as he sat on the stool. There was a few moments of silence before the hat shouted out a loud "Hufflepuff!" And the hall clapped while McGonagall lead him to the proper table.
Slowly one by one each of the other boys went up. There was another Hufflepuff, his name was Park Jimin, and a Gryffindor whose name was Jungkook. 'So far so good' you think to yourself.
The next boy to go was called Kim Namjoon. He was tall and had a pair of square modern glasses perched on his nose, the legs of the glasses covered by his messy silvery gray hair. He's a bit taller than most of the others so the stool looked comically small beneath his long legs which he had stretched out for his feet to rest on the heels of his shoes. He radiated nerves with his hands rubbing up and down his black pants and his cheek pulled in slightly as he chewed on it. You were too lost in thought to realize it had been almost an entire minute of silence when the hat announced a very loud "RAVENCLAW!"
You felt your face scrunch up a bit but clapped anyway. I mean, it's only one of them and he looks rather pleasant; not too loud or obnoxious. He looks put together-maybe a little clumsily- but still respectable. You watched him take a seat and shake hands with other students. Yeah, he seems pretty ok. Instead of paying attention you continued to study the boy. After all, there's only a small chance one of the last three would be a Ravenclaw. The next name which you recognized as the boy Moonbyul knew, Kim Seokjin but blocked it out after that.
Namjoon seemed to be getting along nicely with the other students at the table. His smile was friendly and welcoming and his demeanor calm and assured.
You clapped absent mindedly as you continued to watch Namjoon become much less nervous than he had been up on the stool. His eyes gleaming and his honey skin shining in the great Hall lights giving off a faint golden glow. He literally held the presence of a god. You were beginning to doubt what Yongsun had said about them being loud as you watched the next boy climb up to the stool, and you looked around at the other new students and noticed they all were pretty quiet and calm, aside from Jungkook whose cheeks had flushed pink as Seokjin had an arm thrown over his shoulders supposedly boasting about what you heard to be his "handsome face", and his "baby boy kookie" . You really did seem to have nothing to worry about, it was just your anxiety that made you so scared of newcomers.
Again you applauded without thinking before you froze. You looked back up to the stool and watched a boy about as tall as Namjoon bounce excitedly over to Namjoon and plop down right next him with a loud "Namjoon-hyung!" Followed by a box shaped smile and a joyful giggle. His eyes were dark to match his fluffy long ish hair that looked unsually soft. He was much louder than his friend Namjoon, you could hear his introductions and laugh travel down to your seat of the table, enabling you to hear his name: Kim Taehyung. You glared lightly at him sizing him up when suddenly your glare was met with bright cheerful eyes. 'Dont blush you're not interested, dont' You felt your face contort into a look of shock and heat slowly rise to your face before Taehyung sent you a wide boxy smile that caused his eyes to crinkle into small crescents, a sight that made you flush even more - you couldn't deny he was attractive. 'no no no no no-' At the sight of your blush you heard him laugh out a loud "cute", turning your face to an even darker shade of red than you had even thought possible. Those near him followed his gaze and laughed a little bit at your red face and a few "awww Y/N"'s and "oooh get it girl" were sent your way. You quickly tore your eyes away from his and shoveled the food down your throat causing you to choke on it, your hands grasped for your drink which a panicked seatmate handed you. You chugged half of it down before sputtering out a few coughs.
"Are you okay Y/N?" The same seatmate asked with a concerned look.
You nodded noticing that most of your table had now focused their attention on you. Embarrassment now completely took over your body as you shot up from your seat so fast you hit your knee off of the table and knocked your drink over to spill all over your robes. You let out a sound of frustration but you didn't let it stop you from your mission: to get out of the great Hall and to hide under your covers until morning. You turned and walked out as fast as you could ignoring the calls and stares you felt from the table. You made it outside of the great Hall and began to sprint down the halls all the way to the common room door.
Gasping out the password you don't even wait for the door to open all the way before you push inside the common room and up the steps to your dorm room. You slam the door shut and fall on the floor, the only sound in the room being your loud labored breathing and your wild heartbeat. After a few moments your breathing calmed down and it finally hit you what you had just done.
"oh my God I'm such an idiot! Why couldn't I just let this one go? " You stood up and stomped your way to your dresser and ripped out some night clothes. "Was your life really this boring? You could've just ignored the new students. You could've just not given a damn but no. " You slammed the drawer shut and went into the bathroom to begin changing. Aggressively taking off your sticky pumpkin juice covered robes with a grunt "You just HAD to get involved in the rumors. You KNOW you can't let something go once you commit to it. You shouldn't have even committed to it. Hell, you should've stopped after you were caught snooping around the class attendance lists" You slid on your night clothes and picked up your robes to take a closer look at them with a sigh.
"now I have to wash my robes tomorrow because YOU have no self control and can't stop being nosy." You glared at yourself in the mirror, sticking your tongue out at the reflection.
Exiting the bathroom you ball up your robes and place them in your hamper. You have calmed down significantly, the steam and anger from the embarassing moment in the hall finally wearing off. With a inhuman groan you dragged your hands down the sides of your face. "He's just a boy. All he did was smile at me... And call me cute...." Your thoughts drifted off to his cute box smile, and twinkling brown eyes. You abruptly sat up with a determined look. "No. No no no no. You don't have time for crushes, you only have one more week till exams and you aren't letting your grades slip just because a cute boy happens to join your house. Just ignore him. It's easy as that. " You pull your covers down and flop into bed.
A couple hours had passed, and you pretended to sleep when all your dormmates came up to bed one by one. Eventually after some tossing and turning you sigh. Your mind is full of that stupid boy, and the way he called you cute. So much for not even noticing the new kids.
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dukereviewstv · 5 years
Duke Reviews TV: Smallville 1x10 Shimmer
Hi, Everyone, I'm Andrew Leduc And Welcome To Duke Reviews TV Where We Continue Our Look At Smallville By Talking About Episode 10 Of Season 1, Shimmer...
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This Episode Is About A Girl Named Amy Palmer Whose Family Lives On The Luthor Mansion Grounds And Has A Serious Crush On Lex Despite Being Incredibly Jealous Of Victoria So, When Victoria Gets Attacked By An Invisible Man One Night When She's Taking A Bath Clark Tries To Find Out Who Is Behind The Attack And When Evidence Points To Amy The Question Lies Is Amy Behind The Attack? Or Does She Have A Guardian Angel Watching Over Her?
Well, If She Does, He May Be More Phantom Of The Opera Than Frankie Avalon. So, Let's Watch Shimmer To See Who This Person Is...
The Episode Starts At Smallville High, Where It's Blood Donation Week With Lana At The Helm Of Getting Donations. But As Clark And Lana Talk, We Meet Amy Palmer, Who Is Sitting In The Stands, Writing In Her Diary About Lex Luthor As A Kid Named Troy Swipes It From Amy But Luckily Her Brother, Jeff (Who Looks Like Johnny Yong Bosch On Power Rangers Turbo) Goes To Get It Back From Troy...
Eventually, Amy Gets Her Diary Back As Troy Tells Her That Lex Luthor Will Never Fall For Her...
(Amy) Oh, I Hope You Get Eaten By A Werewolf Someday...
Meanwhile In The Boys Locker Room...
(Start At 1:23)
Meeting Chloe At The Beanery, Clark Tells Her About Troy And His Invisible Man While Noticing That Whitney And Lana Are Having A Little Spat About How He Talked To Her For About A Week And She's Getting Concerned But Whitney Just Tells Her That He Needs A Little Space....
Walking Off Shortly After That Statement, Lana Talks With Clark And Chloe As Chloe Offers To Donate A Pint Of Blood Tomorrow, But Clark Lies To Lana Saying That He Doesn't Know When He'll Donate (Instead Of Saying That Needles Bend Off Of His Skin) But He Will Help Sign People Up And Pass Out Cookies...
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Meanwhile At The Luthor Mansion, Victoria Talks With Her Father Who Asks Lex If He's Going To Sell The Mansion After They Sell Out Lionel, But Victoria Doesn't Really Get An Answer Out Of Lex, Who Kisses Her Only To Be Interrupted By Amy Who's There To Give Them Their Drinks By Dumping Them Right On Victoria...
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With Victoria Knowing That She Did That On Purpose, Lex Just Tells Her That It's Just A Harmless Little Crush And That It'll Pass...
Running Back To Her Family's Home On The Mansion Grounds, Amy's Mother Talks With Her About Lex With Her Brother, Jeff Listening Saying That They May Live On The Mansion Grounds But They're Not Part Of That World And She Needs To Know Her Place...
Back At The Kent Farm, Clark Tells His Parents About The Blood Drive Which Is When They Remind Him That He Can't Donate Blood Because Of That "Needle Problem" Which He Knows But If He Can't Tell Lana The Truth Then He Should Say That He Has A Problem With Needles...
(Start At 0:12)
Arriving At The Mansion With Freshly Picked Tulips, Clark Finds Lex On The Floor Looking For A Watch That His Mother Gave To Him Before She Died, But Getting Back To Flowers, Lex Tells Clark That They're Victoria's Favorites Which Causes An Unknown Force To Knock Them Down...
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With Clark Realizing That Things Must Be Going Good With Victoria, Despite Her Not Seeming To Be Lex's Type, Lex Tells Clark That Relationships Aren't Always About Love But Sometimes Of Mutual Goals...
Going To Search The Library To Try To Find Lex's Watch, Clark, Lex And Victoria Hear A Door Rattling Upstairs...
(Start At 2:49, End At 3:16)
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Okay, That Doesn't Happen, But If It Did It Would Be Freaking Hysterical!
Opening The Door, Lex And Clark Enter To Find It Completely In Blacklight With Graffiti That Says Leave And Get Out...
With Chloe Getting Pictures Of It, Clark Explains To Her That The Door Was Shaking And When Lex Opened It, He Felt Something Brush Past Him Which Has Chloe Wondering If The Scottish Castle That Makes Up Lex's House, Came With A Poltergeist Despite The Police Believing That It's Vandals...
Asking About The Blood Drive, Clark Tells Chloe That Him And Lana Are Getting Together Tonight Which Has Chloe Warning Clark That Once He Crosses That Line, He Won't Be Able To Hide Behind His Cloak Of Friendship Anymore...
Back At The Luthor Mansion, Lex Gets A Visit From Lionel Who Is There To Talk With Lex About His Relationship With Victoria...
(Start At 2:07, End At 3:10)
With Victoria Listening In Amy Catches Her As She Grumbles Off About What A Bitch Victoria Is, As She Heads Back To Her Family's House To Tell Jeff What Happened...
Later That Night, Clark And Lana Go Over Schedules For The Blood Drive Which Leads Lana To Wonder What Time To Fit Clark In Which Leads Clark To Lie Her, Saying That He Has A Problem With Needles, Understanding Completely This Leads The 2 To Talk On Her Porch...
(Start At 0:39, End At 2:20)
With Auntie Buzzkill Interrupting, Clark And Lana Stop But Before He Goes, Clark Invites Lana To The Loft Tomorrow To See The Sunset...
The Next Day At School, He Tells Pete About Sunset With Lana Before Going To His Locker To See Whitney Talking With A Councilor Before Eventually Dropping His Books To Which Clark Comes To Help Him But In Doing So, Clark Finds A Bag For Smallville Pharmacy And Uses His X-Ray Vision To Discover That, What A Shocker, It's Drugs Specifically Amlodipine Which Clark Discovers Is Used To Treat High Blood Pressure And Chest Pains...
Running Into Amy At The Beanery, She Tells Clark That Victoria Was Going Through Lex's Stuff While Her And Her Mom Were In There While Also Relaying Why She Likes Lex, Stating That He Was The Only Person At The Mansion Who Treated Her Like A Person...
Visiting Lex That Night, Clark Tells Him About Victoria Saying That When He Saw Her In Here Last Night She Was Going Through The Files On His Computer, Knowing This Lex Tells Clark They're Basically Playing A Game Of Chess Which Has Clark Wondering If Lex Doesn't Love Her Why Is She Even Around? To Which Lex Tells Him That It's Complicated...
Telling Lex About What He Discovered About Whitney, He Recognizes The Medication As His Mom Was On It Before She Died Which Leads Lex To Tell Him About The Watch He Lost, Turns Out His Mom Gave It To Him When She Knew That She Was Going To Die Soon...
Well, At Least This Mom Had The Nerve To Die Instead Of Becoming A Megalomaniac Like On Supergirl...
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The Watch Apparently Has A Franc From The Napoleonic Period Wondering Why Napoleon? Lex Tells Clark About Napoleon's Coronation By David Saying That When Napoleon's Mother Couldn't Make It To His Coronation, He Had David Paint Her In It As If She Was There...
But As The Boys Talk, Victoria Is Upstairs Getting Ready To Take A Bath...
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But As She Jumps In Trouble Stirs As Our Mysterious Force, Starts Drowning Her But Luckily Clark Runs In And Manages To Save Victoria Before She Drowns Completely Which Pisses Off Our Mysterious Force Who Pushes Clark Into A Mirror Causing The Mirror To Shatter And Causes Our Mysterious Force To Bleed Proving That It's Not A Ghost But An Invisible Man...
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Taking The Mirror Shard With The Blood To Chloe, She Finds Some Green Dust On The Shard Which Makes Half Of Her Thumb Invisible, Wiping It Off Chloe Starts Wondering Who Might Have An Axe To Grind Against Victoria Which Leads Clark To Suspect Amy As Victoria Said That She Didn't See Amy When She Was In The Bedroom With Her Mom...
Asking If Amy Gave Blood, Clark Says That She Did Which Leads Chloe To See If Their Blood Sample Matches Amy's. Finding Whitney In The Cafeteria, Clark Confronts Him On Lana And On The Heart Medication In His Bag And It Turns Out That It's For His Dad As He's Been In Metropolis All Week For Test With The Doctors Are Uncertain If He'll Survive...
And The Reason That He Didn't Tell Lana Was Because She's Been Through Enough Pain With Her Parents And He Didn't Want Her To Go Through It With Him. Which Leads Clark To Tell Whitney That Lana's A Strong Person And She Can Take It....
Running Into Lex At The Beanery, He Tells Clark That Victoria Is Fine And She's In Metropolis Resting Up For A Few Days Till They Get Answers, But As Clark Tells Lex About Whitney's Dad, Amy Enters To Say Hi As Clark X-Rays Her Hand To Discover Lex's Watch On Her Wrist And Once Amy Leaves Clark Tells Lex About What He Saw Which Leads Clark And Lex To Investigate Amy's Room Where They Find A Shrine To Lex Where They Find The Watch...
With Amy's Mom Apologizing For Her Daughter, Lex Has No Intention Of Pursuing Charges But It's Clear That Amy Needs Help. Making It To His Loft At Sunset, Lana Stands By The Window So They Can Watch The Sunset...
(Start At O:27, End At 2:59)
As Amy And Her Mom Drive Off For Metropolis, Lex Calls Victoria Only Get His Phone Knocked Out Of His Hand And To Get Sucker Punched By Our Invisible Man...
Back On The Kent Farm, Chloe Drops By With The Blood Test Results And It Turns Out That Amy Did Not Match The Invisible Man's Blood Type But Her Brother, Jeff Does...
(Sighs) It's Always The Quiet Ones, But Yeah, Jeff Is Our Invisible Man...
(Start At 1:05, End At 3:55)
So, With Lex Saved And Jeff Arrested, Clark Returns To The Barn To See Lana Talking With Whitney About His Dad On Her Porch...
And That's Shimmer And It Was A Good Episode...
The Story And Characters Are Good And The Idea Of An Invisible Man As A Bad Guy Is An Interesting One To The Point That I Say See It...
Till Next Time, This Is Duke, Signing Off...
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Rio & Buster
Rio: 😞 Rio: Well, Indie was so fucked she didn't even remember you being there.. soz you were so unforgettable, babe Rio: You get home alright? Buster: Always am, babe 😏 Even if it's the one time I'd rather be without the -un Buster: Course Rio: Ugh, trust you to run with a typo! 😂 Rio: I clued her in but she is not feeling adequately sorry for it, like Rio: didn't clue her in THAT hard, fuck but you know 😒 Buster: Trust you to make it Buster: Both of you missing me that bad already, yeah? Rio: She is, making me wanna slap her if she weren't so clueless what's she's saying 🙄 Bless Rio: and my fingers slipped, what of it boy Buster: At least you don't need to be jealous of her Buster: Hot as that'd be Buster: UNsurprised, you make a habit of that around me, like 😏 Rio: Apparently, I am, like 🤷 Rio: Full of it, she is Rio: too alike, you two, never work Rio: Oh, did she bite you, btw? She's got a loose tooth, how, I ask you... Buster: Well she's your lil mate, so again, unsurprised all around Buster: But nah, bite mark free Buster: Keep sleuthing that one Rio: Not even gonna argue Rio: more of a mini-me than any of my other sibs 😚 Rio: I daren't ask around tbh, we've secured she ain't knocked up, I'll take that so we'll just book the dentist appointment and forget all about it, I reckon Buster: Yeah, she's cockblocked me too now Buster: Thank Christ nobody could've said THAT kid's mine Buster: Don't need another coming Rio: I'm not on team cockblock anymore! Rio: Trust, no one's madder than me Rio: Don't even play that is literally the LAST thing I need on top of everything else Rio: Can you imagine? No wonder Nan had a coronary, if Indie was about to be a Ma...Lawd o mercy Buster: Maybe the dentist'll sort her head out Buster: Nobody's having fun there Buster: Not saying payback for ruining the mood but I'll still take it, cheers Rio: Harsh but Rio: feeling it 😂 Rio: even Mums get to be bitches, yeah? Buster: They're the best at it Buster: Have you met mine? Rio: Not saying you deserve it but Rio: 😉 Buster: Fuck off Buster: You know I deserved last night and that didn't happen Rio: I know Rio: Universe just upping the stakes Rio: Only means I've gotta make it up to you harder when it finally happens Buster: You better Buster: When I come back, clear the fucking schedule Rio: Duh Rio: You best come for AT LEAST a weekend Buster: You'll have to give yourself a week to recover even then Rio: 😏 Rio: Big talk but that's yet to be seen Buster: Trust me, it ain't Rio: Don't tease me when you've only just left Rio: When do you next have an excuse to be back? Buster: Not even trying to it's just Buster: Fuck Buster: Already working on it. Get thinking too, family this big there's gotta be something soon, like Rio: Check the schedule 'fore I clear it, no probs Rio: but I know Rio: I promise I feel it too Rio: [Sends photographic evidence] Buster: What happened to no teasing when I've only just left? Rio: You started it Buster: Doesn't mean you have to finish me off Rio: That's EXACTLY what it means Rio: Hope you're actually back and not still on the plane 😂 Don't mile high without me Buster: Not trying to almost crash a plane and a car in such a short space of time Buster: Bit rude to take the plane down with how desperate you are to go down on me Rio: Gotta gain some self-control boy Rio: getting dangerous now Buster: Don't Buster: Self control is the ultimate cockblock Buster: No going back Rio: You reckon? Buster: Yeah Rio: Had to see Chlo yet? Buster: She's been trying to sext me Buster: So nah Rio: 😬 Rio: Oh honey, no Buster: If she had any game that'd be one thing but she ain't Rio: I can only imagine the levels of vanilla Buster: And don't bother 'cause whatever you reckon it's worse Rio: Ick, yeah I'll save my daydreaming for better, tah Rio: aren't you glad to be back in London town? 😂 Buster: Yeah 'course Buster: Fuck Dublin. Nothing there like Rio: Just decent craic and people, like Rio: but nah, the eye, cracking stuff that Rio: Please 😜 Buster: 😂 Buster: You not planning to visit then? Fine Rio: Can't really, can I Rio: Oh hi guys, just passing Rio: Plus, clearly need to keep a better eye on Indie Buster: Who knows who she might make a move on next Rio: She ain't even shamed, it's terrible 😂 she asked if you were into it Rio: took the liberty of saying no on your behalf so you can't say nothing Buster: Cheers Buster: I'd usually call you out but it's Indie like Rio: 😒 yeah, fight me on that one and we're gonna have trouble Buster: Hot as you are when you're angry, nah Rio: You say that now Rio: Wanna put it to the test? 🥊 Buster: Not yet Rio: Softie Buster: Shut up Buster: You know I ain't when I'm around you Buster: Can't say you've forgotten last night like Indie has Rio: I wish Rio: Can't stop remembering it, like Buster: Yeah? Rio: Yeah Rio: Then I remember how it ended, or didn't Rio: and I'm back to square one Buster: So much for the bathroom memories Buster: Holding Indie's hair back wasn't the one, like Rio: 🤢 Rio: boner killer if ever there was Rio: not, according to her but our vibe was DOA Buster: What? She got form at that has she? Nice Buster: Not my kink like but Rio: Coulda been in your mouth appaz Rio: Lucky you're tall Buster: Fucking hell Buster: Glad I left when I did Buster: Also not, you know but Rio: Yeah Rio: Probably could've left 'em at it and carried on Rio: but even my captivating charm has got limits Rio: 16 year old lads on one is not ideally how I want this going down Buster: Now you tell me Buster: Same though, unsurprisingly Rio: Just saying Rio: She'd never have known, messy bitch Rio: Too old for that shit, huh dad? Buster: Fuck off Buster: I ain't marrying you like Buster: The honeymoon would be worth it but couldn't hack the rest Rio: 😏 Whatever, you got the spawn to prove it Rio: Protest all you like Buster: The attitude's all yours though, ma Rio: Shut up Rio: Just 'cos you were too turned on to deal with the situation effectively Rio: 2nd time btw Rio: not that I'm counting Buster: Not my fault you're such a MILF Rio: 😂 that is so not my category Rio: friggin' cheek Buster: And it's not like you weren't, there was just nothing to prove how turned on you were to Indie and the lads Rio: Your word against mine, babe 😉 Buster: Yeah? Buster: I'll make you say it, trust me Rio: Wish you would Buster: Wish I could right now Rio: Fucking real life getting in the way Buster: Nothing but Chlo looming over me could stop me Buster: Trust her to be descending on my pad Rio: Big enough to hide Rio: just no seek Buster: My dad told her my flight info. Fucking traitor Buster: Can't even pretend I'm not back Rio: Awkward Rio: Feel that shotgun barrel between your shoulder blades? Rio: Meant to be her 'rents, not yours Buster: Don't Buster: Like yeah she said it was an emergency and she had to know, but how clueless is he Buster: Fuck's sake Rio: Clearly your Ma ain't as psycho as she seems Rio: Chlo's a special breed Buster: Christ. She really is Rio: Don't envy you at all Rio: my ex's antics seem ridiculously tame in comparison Buster: Have you heard from the latest? Rio: Oh yeah Rio: my own fault for repeating but truly opened the floodgates there Buster: Third time's the charm, ain't that what they say Rio: He's gonna magically get better, is he? Rio: I doubt that Rio: Indie reckons I gotta diversify anyway, hit that target demographic Buster: You could teach him Buster: Proper ma moves Rio: Some shit can't be taught, McKenna Rio: like not being a total twat Buster: Is he giving you grief? Buster: I'll sort it if he is Rio: Love a bit of chivalry, don't you Rio: Nah, he just is one, its nothing personal Buster: I mean it, Rio. Anyone is. Tell me and they won't Rio: You're cute Rio: I can handle myself though, you don't need to worry Buster: I ain't worried, just saying Rio: Shh Buster: You gonna make me? Rio: Such hard work, boy Rio: Give it my best shot across like Buster: You love it Buster: Always working like Rio: Got bills to pay 'til Indie can herself Buster: Keep the hustle going, babe Buster: I gotta run, Chlo's here Rio: Enjoy Rio: Tell her I said hiya Buster: Hey Rio: You're alive then Rio: How was it? Buster: Course Buster: Take more than her to kill my vibe Buster: How are you? Rather hear that Rio: You sure Rio: No shame in it Rio: She's...a lot Rio: I'm cool, getting ready for a shift Buster: It's my own fault, can't be crying over it, can I? Rio: 'Course you can Rio: Mixed reviews of judgment and lack of sympathy with the rest but I ain't gonna come at you with either Rio: better to rant here than to her, init Buster: Yeah Buster: Not like she'd listen but I'd know what I said Rio: So, still acting like she deaf blind n dumb then? Buster: About me and her at least Buster: I can't make it clearer Buster: Might have to fuck you in front of her, sorry like Rio: Steady on, like Rio: How has she got this far in life being so delusional? I blame the parents Rio: does she legit think she can gaslight you into a relationship like babe Rio: what's the idea here Buster: They don't stock brains in YSL Buster: I can't keep at this with her Rio: Its shit Rio: and you thought I played games Rio: got to find her breaking point with wanting you, but you can't go so far that she will try and withhold the kid from you as punishment Rio: gotta find the line before you can toe it like Buster: Yeah Buster: Never calling you a tryhard again, babe Rio: Definitely won't stick to that but Rio: happily let her take the title and crown Rio: maybe when her hormones quiet down she'll be better? ehh, comforting lie anyone? Buster: Maybe Buster: They better, I'm done with this shit Rio: Not long to go now Buster: All I do is wait now Buster: Sick of it Rio: I know Rio: Gotta let the kid finish cooking though, then you'll have Uni too Rio: it'll all pay off Buster: I know Rio: Try and enjoy your last summer of freedom, yeah? Buster: Yeah Buster: No pressure Rio: Gotta get used to it Rio: May as well be now Buster: Cheers Buster: Feel so much better now like Rio: You want me to bullshit you? Rio: That's the life you want, right? Pressure is your rocket fuel, like Buster: I'm just playing Rio: Oh, then that's the spirit Buster: 😏 Rio: Such a headfuck Buster: Says you, babe Rio: I'm not having a kid, like Rio: we all almost made it to adulthood Buster: There's always one fucking it up for the rest Buster: Why not me? Rio: Why not Rio: probably fucked up some bets, won others Buster: I'll take that Rio: Defending my honour and taking the first bullet Rio: What a doll Buster: Like you said, chivalry's my thing Rio: If it works for ya Rio: Not complaining Buster: You're not complaining cause it works for you too Rio: Maybe Buster: Can't deny it, babe Rio: Can and will Buster: Not for much longer Rio: Promises, promises, McKenna Buster: You know I'll keep 'em Rio: You've gotta at this point Rio: Can't not happen Buster: Understatement Rio: even if its just once Buster: Can you handle that? Rio: If I have to Rio: try and be a good girl about it Buster: You've got as much chance of that as you have of ignoring me ever Rio: I reckon that's just a cover for how little faith you've got in yourself on that one Rio: 🤷 Buster: My word against yours, babe Rio: We both know the truth, though Buster: Yeah? Buster: What do you reckon Rio: I reckon we both know once ain't gon' be enough Buster: Especially if we do it right Rio: Dunno how else to do it, babe Buster: Good Rio: Why is it you always see the people you don't wanna out, like Rio: catch me 'changing the barrel' multiple times Buster: Which cunt is it tonight like? Rio: Every cunt Rio: Told you off for dissing but genuinely sick of Dubo atm Rio: every punter's a comedian, or reckons they know where Edie is but then gives fuck all useful information actually Buster: Come here Buster: I know you don't wanna leave her but we can still keep tabs the same Rio: I know you're right, what use am I actually being, like Rio: but Rio: Idk, it don't matter Buster: Tell me Rio: Well, I know she didn't mean it how she said it, 'cos she took it back straight away Rio: but Indie says I'm only sticking around 'cos I'm guilty, and when I feel better, I'll fuck off Rio: and I don't want her to think I don't feel guilty Rio: or that I'm leaving her Buster: Fuck Buster: It's shit that you had to hear it though Rio: I'd rather she said it than silently thought it but Rio: yeah Buster: You've got nothing to feel guilty about, you know that, yeah? Rio: Don't lie Buster: I'm not Rio: Right Rio: Well, stop being nice then Buster: Say it first Buster: You've done nothing wrong Rio: I can't, Buster Buster: You won't. Different thing Buster: You can Rio: I don't wanna lie Rio: in general but especially just so I kid myself Rio: what's the point Buster: It ain't a lie, babe Buster: I promise you Rio: Certainly didn't help the situation did it Rio: what I do, fuck shit up for the rest 'cos I can't keep my knickers up Buster: Shut up Buster: That's the lie there Buster: They'd be fucked without you and you know it Rio: Or I'd be fucked without them Rio: am fucked, let's face it Buster: Bullshit Buster: You're perfect, remember? Rio: Only when we're playing Buster: You know that ain't true Rio: S'alright Rio: I've had my bathroom breakdown, mascara barely touched, we're good to go Buster: One of these days you're gonna believe me Rio: Never Rio: but its fun pretending with you Buster: I've told you before, you're real Buster: And how good you look is too real Rio: Why can't you be a dick to me Rio: I'd know how to deal with that Buster: I don't want to Rio: Selfish Buster: Not when it proper counts Rio: Humble brag Rio: thanks for the heads up or this would be really awkward and disappointing Buster: Thrive under pressure, remember? Buster: No worries Rio: You ain't worried, I know Rio: Know you're no scared virgin with it Buster: Nor you Rio: One thing I ain't scared of Buster: Rio Buster: You can tell me whatever, you know Rio: Yeah? Rio: that part of the deal now? Buster: If you want Rio: I dunno, you'll have to handle the paperwork Rio: wanna distract you from the pressure, not add more Buster: Why not? Thrive on it Buster: And I ain't scared of nothing so Rio: Fine line, babe Buster: I can walk it Rio: You're so sure, huh? Buster: Yeah Rio: Shouldn't be surprised Rio: cocky bastard Buster: No arguments here Rio: Only 'cos you're Mr. Nice Guy all of a sudden Rio: don't be TOO nice, yeah? Buster: You wanna fight, babe 🥊 Go on Rio: Not exactly what I had in mind Rio: submission is more than willing, like Buster: It's not gonna be that easy Rio: Why not? You don't wanna give me what I deserve? Buster: I don't wanna just give you anything Buster: Where's the fun in that Rio: 🤤 Rio: that's the Buster I want Buster: How bad Rio: You still gotta ask? Rio: I do need to work harder to show you Buster: I don't have to Buster: Just want to Rio: I get it Rio: I'm nowhere near tired of hearing it either Rio: tired of it being all chat though fr 😒 Buster: I feel that too Buster: Soon, I swear Rio: Promise? Rio: To the point I don't even fucking care, if people keep getting in the way then they only got themselves to blame Buster: Yeah Buster: We've held back long enough Buster: Too fucking long Rio: Practically a saint over here Rio: and a nun Buster: You better not be Rio: Yeah, found Jesus in the time it took yas Rio: and he's a top ride, like Buster: 😂
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