#the person im planning with had to ask me specifically if we fit the criteria
housecow · 4 months
so. i’m going on a cruise relatively soon.. already having to plan excursions based on activity levels and weight limits to things 🫣
anyways. goal is to eat and return heavier than i was
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mandareeboo · 3 years
ok now im curious what your most petty thing is (regarding the dp post)
Oooh boy, here we go! Buckle up fuckers this is gonna be a longer one.
My senior year of high school, I took a creative writing class. Partially because I needed to fill the slot, mostly because I wanted to improve my writing (spoiler: I did not). Now, my high school was a three floor building- first was mostly gym, second was general, and the third was senior lockers and art classes. I spent a good chunk of my schedule senior year on the second and third floor, going between an art class to my earth science (I took that one entirely as filler, but also bc I like science) to my locker and so on.
Creative writing? Creative writing was in the fucking basement. Go to the first floor, go to a corner generally used for health and development classes, to another corner, follow a ramp and some stairs, and boom there it is kind of basement. (Side note but this teacher was REALLY into attendance and would get you in trouble if you were late which was really annoying since basically no other class was in that part of the building).
My creative writing teacher wasn't bad, per se. I've had worse teachers. I had an algebra teacher who delighted in making freshman girls cry and mocking them for it. I had a journalism teacher who would use her class time reporting how Hilary was secretly ill during the election. I had a history teacher say trans people weren't real to an openly gender nonconforming student (I didn't know them well enough to ask for specifics on their alignment, but they were using they/them at that point) and set up assignments just to mock students on the take they were told to make. It was more that she was uncreative and took it out on the kids doing creative writing.
She gave us two books to read. Basically “how I write” by published authors. I don’t remember the first one well enough and I donated it ages ago, but the second was Stephen King’s “On Writing”. It was 3/4′s personal stories about his life and 1/4′s “also write a bit every day”.  I mostly remember the first author bc she had those fake dreadlocks white people do when they destroy their hair and she gleefully told a story about making her son have a meltdown at a party or wedding or something bc he got overwhelmed and she wanted him to learn that “sometimes you don’t get what you want”. So. You know. Not much there.
She also instructed us to write in a journal every day, which she would check every few months or so. It had to be at least half a page. She would leave little comments in every one else’s journals when she checked them, but not mine- I realized pretty quickly she was a bit uncomfortable with LGBT+ content, so I made it my mission to make every journal drabble as gay as possible bc I was bored and she couldn’t mark them WRONG when she just stated we needed to write.
But it doesn’t end there! Through the entire class, we got exactly five writing projects. Stories that follow very specific guidelines that we would then read in front of the class, group proofread, and then have the teacher give final grades for. These things were approximately like a thousand words a piece, and I was writing out my 10,000 word “It Starts off Small” story in class when I got bored, so it wasn’t difficult. 
Our first project was a character going through a difficult decision. Or... something? I honestly forget the criteria. Anyway, I was HYPE. I’d had this idea for a long time now a human choosing between peaceful death or reincarnation, and this gave me the push to write it! I had a whole thing planned with death being a deer and reincarnation being a wolpertinger (bc reincarnation leads to many possibilities, ed boy, so a Frankenstein bunny made sense to me). Anyway I poured my heart and soul into this bastard and, bright eyed and bushy tailed, handed it in. My classmates all thought it was pretty good. Not to toot m’own horn, but there was some pretty bad ones going in, so I thought I’d get a solid B or something.
I got a D. I guess the struggle was too metaphorical, or it didn’t perfectly fit her criteria. I was devastated. Then I was mad. Bc I was a bored senior who thought they’d made something pretty decent for this completely optional class and her refusal to see that really hurt me at sixteen (I was always a year younger than my other classmates, so despite being a senior I didn’t turn eighteen until almost a year after graduation)
Well, fuck it, I decided. I’m going to parody the shit out of this class.
Our next project was a fantasy story. I was bitter and grumpy. The other fantasy stories read aloud were stuff like “yeah this dude fought a wizard and got a girl, then they went home and banged” (this was not hyperbole, he would’ve written and read the smut if allowed, I knew him personally) and “this girl that NO ONE UNDERSTOOD was called CRAZY but this S@!$ cheerleader who Stole Her Boyfriend so she killed them all” (fun fact: the girl who wrote that was my age and a sort of half-friend from middle school. She was a yaoi fangirl who didn’t mind lesbians as long as they, you know, didn’t FLIRT with her or something.) 
So I get up there. It’s the last day of presentations. And I present with a polite cheer. My story is about two magical shepherd type figures who are called Sister Brighten and Brother Dick as they chase down a werewolf who was drunk off his ass and accidentally bit someone else. They then revealed they were basically supernatural designated drivers for the whole town. I made Brighten mention that Dick’s name wasn’t even Richard. I titled it “His Favorite Brand is Grayhound”. It fit every single criteria. I got an A. I could tell she didn’t want to, because there was no comments or anything like everyone else’s, but she had to follow her own criteria.
Our third was a conjoined effort thing so I didn’t pull any fuckery there, but the fourth one was about common myths and spinning them into real or fake. One girl did the hook-handed door handle thing and the boyfriend ended up above his truck hanging (somehow???). I think someone did the age-old adage of a haunted wedding dress? I kind of read through those presentations. 
Now, I’m salty-salty at this point. I wasn’t expecting His Favorite Brand is Grayhound to get me a good grade. I half-assed a lot of it. I am in full Not Happy Teenager at this point. I grab a daddy long leg and settle in.
My fourth story of the year is “Paperskin.”
Paperskin is about a boy named Billy with the thinnest skin membrane ever. Just full on body horror. You could see his teeth behind his lips. Billy gets bored one day and wanders out of his house, tries to kick a soccer ball, and breaks a leg. As he’s laying in the grass a daddy long leg bites him- and his skin is so flimsy the fangs sink in and he dies. I’m actually still pretty proud of Paperskin. It’s a horrifying, Edgar Allen Poe of a monstrosity, but it made people squirm, which was the point. The teacher is clearly a bit unnerved at this point, but she gives me another A. 
I wrote a more “normal” story after that of a contentious objector forced to house kids going to see if any confirmed soldier deaths were any of their parents as my final one and I could feel her spite as she gave me a B.
So, yeah. That’s the story of when I tormented my creative writing teacher with The Gays and my weird ass sense of humor after she called one of my best works at that age a piece of shit.
 Here’s a google drive of these bad boys, because yes I do still have these things. I turned these fuckers in for grades, people.
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monstaxeurope · 4 years
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The faint smile over a compliment makes him more adorable than the experience and skillfulness of someone, who debuted 6 years ago. Hyungwon and his warm smile, that make the cold winter wind go away, are back, meeting us for the 3rd time already. Monsta X, who showed us broader outlook on the world with the release of <FANTASIA X> in May of 2020, came back with an even more mature image with the release of their 3rd full album <FATAL LOVE> in November of 2020. Especially ‘Nobody else’, one of the songs on the album composed by Hyungwon, is a sophisticated pop song, which perfectly shows his musical growth. 
Besides the group promotions, his participation as a DJ in many festivals and continuous music activities are nicely reflected in the 3 minute and 3 seconds long song. We met with kind and warm Hyungwon, who will show us an even wider music spectrum in the future, prioritizing Monsta X over individual activities even after years of piled up experience. 
Not sure if it's because we filmed with products you use in your daily life, but I think we got a lot of natural expressions on tape.
HW: I had dry lips since I was young. That's why I use Burt's Bees Lip Balm in my daily life too. I'm glad that we could film this together. I also find it fascinating(laugh). 
Congratulations on your comeback. Since it's a full album you must have spend a lot of time on it, please recommend one of the songs you like the most. 
HW: Personally, I want to point out ‘Sorry I'm not sorry’. It was nice we could let people listen to a calm and comfortable song after showing strong and performance-focused stages all the time. It's a song that once again proved how well our voices match with a song like this too, so I really like it. 
What would you say is the killing point of ‘Love Killa’?
HW: Every part has a killing point. Should I say the members' restrained sexiness? In my opinion the killing point might be how we're all covered but the overall vibe of the song has a sexy feeling. 
You released your 3rd full album <FATAL LOVE> and your self-composed song is included for the first time. What kind of song is ‘Nobody Else’?
HW: The topic of the song is ‘perfume’. When you first spray a perfume there's a strong fragrance but it gets weaker over time. I compared the fading scent of a perfume to love. Actually, love wasn't the only message I was trying to convey, I wanted to include wider meanings, like relationships between people or relationship between a fan and a singer. It's the same in human relationships, you naturally become distant with time. But I didn't want that to happen to me. So I wrote this song with ‘I wish the strong fragrance from the start stays the same all the time’ in mind. 
Different from the EDM you did before, you presented pop this time. Was there anything new you learned while composing?
HW: I tried different things and really thought about it a lot. And that's how I naturally broadened my knowledge on different genres. I worried a lot about how to write the lyrics so my sincerity will get conveyed perfectly. I listened to a lot of foreign songs and did a lot of studying on melody and lyrics writing. 
Was 'Nobody Else' written exclusively for this album?
HW: It's a song that was in the making since our last album 'FANTASIA X'. But at the time I didn't like the song as much yet, so we couldn't include it in the album. We put it on the tracklist now after making changes and fixing it a bit. It was my first time writing a song for our members, so I felt like I will regret releasing it, if I'm not completely satisfied with it. So I didn't want to release it until I got to the point "this is it". That's why it took longer. 
Did you ask your members for advice?
HW: I often let them listen to the song. Rather than just appearing in front of them with "ta-dah!" I wanted to get a lot of feedback from them first, since it's a song we were all gonna sing together. I looked for advice from IM and Joohoney a lot because they also write songs. As for Minhyuk, Shownu and Kihyun, I asked them to give me feedback from a singer's point of view. 
It must have felt fresh including your song, that all the members sang, in the album.
HW: I thought about which member will sing which part since the very beginning. Sure enough, they really pulled it off as they started singing. So I was even more satisfied. 
Do you feel like the song was completed according to the plan you had in mind from the beginning?
HW: Of course. I'm satisfied. I have no regrets because they expressed the song just as I imagined it. 
In the past interview you said you compose in your free time. When you listen to a song do you focus more on the melody and genre than on the lyrics?  
HW: Everything is important. No matter how good the melody is, if the lyrics are bad, there's no charm. Same if it's the opposite. That's why I kept modifying both the lyrics and the melody. But if I have to choose one, I concentrate on the melody just a little bit more. 
It's interesting how you chose perfume as main subject of your song. 
HW: It's easier to write a song if there's a certain topic. If you just try writing it without it, it's like beating your head against the wall. It was hard lyrics-wise too. While thinking how to start, this perfume characteristic popped up in my mind. I thought about the feelings I get when I meet someone and how I treat them. After choosing this as my topic, I explained my feelings to IM. He took my explanation and wrote a well-fitting rap out of it. I was so thankful. If it wasn't for IM's rap, I think my feelings wouldn't have been conveyed perfectly and I probably wouldn't  be this satisfied. As for the rap part, it felt complete right away. 
You must have felt proud when the subject suddenly popped up in your mind.
HW: 'Ah, this is it' was my first thought. Haha. For example, I'm sitting on a chair for 5 hours straight trying to plan out a song. After the subject pops up, it's a smooth ride, it's easier to collect my thoughts and time passes by quickly too. There's this feeling of joy when it starts going smoothly and all of a sudden those 5 hours of just sitting down, waiting for THE moment, are worth it. 
Do you think you and the members have improved in anything with the release of 3rd full album?
HW: Yes, and I feel more attached to this album since I wrote one of the songs by myself. Our members' opinions are reflected in the album a lot, so I feel thankful for that too. It's the reason I feel proud and really confident about this album. This is where I feel we've made improvements. 
Your MBTI(Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) is INFP. This type's characteristics are a passionate mediator, introvert and a romantic (person) with strong beliefs. Does that apply to you?
HW: I think it's right. I'm INFP's prototype. Haha. I got goosebumps, really. If you look at INFP examples' tendencies, it all sounds like me. I can really relate to it. 
Do you have your own belief? 
HW: I have my own line. If only you don't cross it, I can understand and forgive anything. But if you go over the line, it's really hard for me to tolerate it. There are parts others might not understand because I have my own criteria (laugh). Of course, I'm trying to find some sort of middle ground now. 
There are different types of MBTI in Monsta X. After spending time together you naturally become similar and it's probably easier to understand each other. 
HW: That's right. Each member has their own characteristics and after living together you start to resemble one another. I'm a total opposite of Minhyuk and Joohoney, especially with Minhyuk, but we have been together for so long that I came to understand him. I think Minhyuk would say the same, we naturally compromise as we go. 
You release self-composed songs and do tons of photo shoots, I feel like you're constantly building up your capabilities. Are there any activities in the entertainment industry that you haven't tried yet but you want to?
HW: I want to continue writing songs and DJ. I'm more greedy about work than you would've thought. Haha. I really want to go to <A Fisherman and the City> on Channel A. I went fishing a couple of times before and had so much fun, it was a healing time for me. Time passed so fast, I came back after looking at the bait for 10 hours straight. Oh, and one time my fishing rod broke and when people near me saw me fishing, they cheered me on and gave me advice too. The whole situation of them cheering me on reminded me of world cup so I really liked it. Because of this memory I want to go fishing again. 
You got picked as the team's visual by Monsta X members and by monbebe. Do you have a specific routine to take care of your appearance?
HW: I didn't really have a routine in the past but I recently realized I have to do something, so I started working out. I followed IM's steps and started working out and people around me already tell me I look healthier. (How long has it been since you started?) It has only been around a month. Haha. I'll try to do it consistently. My goal is not to build muscles, but to try doing it for my health. I need to be healthy to dance and sing for a long time. I'm most thankful to IM. I was able to bravely start working out because he was sincerely concerned for my health and cheered me on. 
Monsta X established a strong position in music industry as beast idols, but what kind of artist do you personally want to become? 
HW: As I've been saying for this whole year, of course it's also important to be successful, to get the best results everywhere, but I want to become a singer, who can see his fans for a long time. I want to release music consistently too. But, more than solo, I want to promote with my team for a long time. 
As years in this industry pile up you probably think and worry about the future more and more. 
HW: I rather get these thoughts and our members probably think the same. We're all passionate and greedy when it comes to music, but as you know, our society nowadays is centered around results. Everything we do is recorded somewhere. There are times we get discouraged and we almost lose our enthusiasm, but Monsta X members overcome situations like that and start working harder. And as time passes we realize it was actually not a big deal for us. I feel like I can't even take good care of all the people who love me now. Of course, I'd be more thankful if we received more love. 
Is there a goal you want to accomplish within next year?
HW: I really want to hold a concert. We also want to go on a tour with members. We released a lot of new songs and we're ready to perform them. So we feel kinda regretful, our lastest release 'Love Killa' is one of the stages we wanted to show our fans live, they would've loved and enjoyed it. I hope to stand in front of an audience again, because our team synergy gets better when we have people watch our stage live. 
I heard you're an expert on acrostic poems, would it be possible to get one for @star1(앳스타일)? 
HW: (앳): @star1 is really nice
(스): I feel like I became a star
(타): Invite the rest of the members too
(일): They are friends, who really like working. Haha.
atstar1magazine | Scan Reference Translation KR-ENG: Monsta X Europe
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yournewapartment · 7 years
Need help on this topic, im so lost.. I'm 20, female and have NEVER had a romantic relationship of any kind. I blame living in the country and lack of a dating pool. But I would like to try and find someone.. I want a relationship thats aimed toward marriage, but I don't know if I'm ready or how to start or if I'm actually attracted to anyone which scares me. I know girls don't turn me on but I'm not even sure if guys do and if I can't love or feel for anyone I'm scare of being alone forever
I know it’s frustrating, but try to remember- there is no set schedule for meeting someone, falling in love, and getting married. You have so much time! I know it might not seem like that right now, but I promise that that special someone is out there waiting for you. You’ll meet them when the time is right. And please remember, you don’t have to decide who/what that person is right now. Just feel it out as you go along, and listen to what feels right.
I’ve combined three posts for you. Advice on finding someone, dating someone, and then having sex with said person (if you so choose).
I hope you find this helpful! Hit me up with any specific questions.
Finding That “Special Someone(s)”
1. The first step is deciding what you’re looking for in a relationship. It’s best to be as specific as possible, while knowing that you can always adjust with time. One of the things you need to be definitive about is whether you’re looking for a committed relationship or not. No judgment either way, but you need to know what makes you comfortable. Some other things to consider:
Monogamy or Polyamory 
To sex or not to sex
Are you willing to LDR?
What sort of activities are you looking to do with this person? Hiking, gaming, exploring, etc.
Does age matter to you?
2. Once you know what you’re looking for, start looking for people who fit that criteria. This might seem like an obvious notion, but really, so many people form unrealistic expectations with people/persons who don’t fit their ideal. I’m not saying that they need to be 100% what you’re looking for. Nobody will be! But if you’re looking for a committed relationship and get involved with someone who is not ready to settle down, you can’t expect them to suddenly come around to your way of thinking. Start off with someone on the same page as you.
3. How do you meet such a person? Use your environment! You’re around so many people all day, people who may not be of interest to you, but people who know people. Find out if your friends know anyone who fits your picture. Friends are a great way to meet people. Also, hate to say it, but go to parties! Go to parties with you friends and socialize. Is there someone cute in your Physics class? Find out if she wants to go over homework with you at the campus cafe.
4. I also recommend frequenting places that you enjoy, and scoping out potential cuties. If you like to read, hang out at Barnes and Nobles to find a guy who likes to read. If you like hiking, join an outdoor adventure group. Feed your soul, while on The Hunt.
5. I highly recommend befriending any person you’re interested in. Put yourself in social situations with this person, to see if you’re socially compatible. We all know people who are sexy as all fuck but share nothing in common with us. Start with the shared experiences and work from there, I guarantee you that this method creates better and longer lasting relationships.
Dating Tips
1. Figure out what you’re looking for in a partner. There are lots of fish in the sea, and every one is different! You may be attracted to someone but not sexually or socially compatible with them. If you know exactly what you’re looking for, you may find it easier to zero in on the person(s) that interest you the most. Remember that you can always and should always adjust your wants/needs as time goes on.
Here are some ideas to get you started, but this is by no means a complete list:
Are you ready to commit to certain relationships? Or are you in the mood to explore different people with no particular ties?
Are you interested in one person? Or multiple people?
Are you interested in sex?
Are you bold and looking for someone to get out of your comfort zone with? Or are you confident and happy with where you are sexually? Or a mixture of the two?
2. Choose your “perfect date” ahead of time. I’m not a super spontaneous person, and I envy those that are. But I feel much less anxious when I already have a date planned in my head. Plans can always be adjusted, but I like to have a plan. In my mind, the “perfect date” has three parts…
One: The shared activity. Start your date off with an activity for you to do as a couple. Something public like a movie or a visit to a museum or hiking. While this may not seem super romantic to you, this is a great way to bond in a non-sexual way. And a public venue and a pre-determined activity takes some of that anxious pressure off. You don’t have to talk a lot (if at all). Keep it light!
Two: Dinner. This takes a bit of research. Find out if your intended is an adventurous eater or if they have any food preferences. I like to experience new things, and I want to be with a person who is open to that. So I think this meal should be something new and exciting. Possibly food from a different culture that they’ve never tried, or else something gastro and experimental. But not too expensive. Stay under $50 for this first date. And TIP!!
Three: Romance. Now is the time for you to spend some one-on-one time together, if you’re both feeling it. You could invite them back to your place, or take a romantic walk in the park if you’re not ready. But somewhere semi-private where you can have a deep conversation and really get to know each other.
And that’s it! Rinse and repeat!
3. Please ignore any societal notions you ever had about communication. Text or call whenever you want to! If you really like them, do it right away. If someone is really put off by how quickly you contacted them after a date, then they are not for you.
4. Be open about your experiences. If you’re a virgin or haven’t dated before, tell the other person. If they really like you, they’ll remember that these are life experiences that everyone develops at different times and they won’t care. Don’t be with someone who thinks that inexperience is a bad thing. Everyone is different!
5. There is no timeline for when you should sleep with a person. Well, actually there is, but it’s called “your personal judgment”. The same goes for any oral sex you may or may not want to have. If she eats you out, you’re not required to do the same to her. If he gives you a rim job and then she licks your balls, you’re not required to suck his dick or her tits.
6. Safe sex is so important! Please use condoms or some form of birth control. Some STDs will stay with you for life, and not everyone is honest about them. I’d also suggest that if you are getting serious with someone, that both of you get checked out by a doctor. Your health insurance should cover a yearly visit!
7. Please use caution before sending anyone naughty pictures of yourself. Just Skype them and do some naughty cam stuff.
8. Remember that fights are totally natural. Fighting every day is not, but occasional fights are bound to happen. It’s so important to talk through problems! Don’t keep them bottled up and festering inside, if you can’t be honest about how you feel then why are you with them? Compromise when you can but stay true to yourself. A couple is a unit, but it’s the individuals that make it successful.
9. Go traveling and vacationing together. People are often at their most anxious when traveling, and I would absolutely recommend that you spend some time together to see if you can work through the stress. Also, if you’re going to move in with someone spend some time living with them first. Before my boyfriend and I moved in together, I spent two nights out of the week living at his parent’s house and he spent one night living at mine.
10. During the first few months of dating or being with someone, you’ll probably want to spend all your free time with them. Think “Glue” by the Velvet Underground. Spend that time with them, but stay true to what makes you passionate. Keep painting, running, cooking, whatever.
General Sex Tips
1. I would highly recommend that you spend some time “getting to know yourself” before having sex. Feel around down there, see what feels good and what doesn’t. See if you can get yourself turned on. The more experience you have knowing what works for you, the better you’ll be able to communicate with your partner or partners and have an enjoyable experience.
2. If you have a vagina, odds are that your first time having sex is going to be slightly painful. This is totally natural, and will go away as time goes by. But be prepared to be upfront with your partner and to ask them to go slowly or use more lube if things do start hurting.
3. Condoms! There are many different kinds (ribbed, flavored, hot and cold). Magnum are large condoms, so if you are buying condoms and don’t have a monster dick, you probably should not use them. An ill-fitting condom is an ineffective condom! Also make sure to always store condoms correctly and to throw them out after their expiration date. Only one condom at a time folks, wearing two condoms is not twice as protective. They’re more likely to rip.
4. If you have a vagina, you should be peeing and/or showering immediately after sex to prevent UTIs. These are no joke! They are extremely painful infections that cause you to pee blood. Always pee after sex. Pee twice. People with penises can also get UTIs, but it’s far harder.
5. Did you know that only 25% of people with vaginas can have vaginal orgasms? So if you can’t, don’t stress! There are all sorts of different orgasms to be had, and they are all equally amazing. If you’re not cumming, you’re not being stimulated properly. Try a new position, a new technique, try having your partner or partners stimulate you in a different area. The page I linked above is a bit gender specific, but it has really useful information, so please ignore these terms.
6. Foreplay is so important! Vaginas take an average of 20 minutes to get properly revved up and horny. The reason you’re “dry” down there is because you’re not properly stimulated. You can always use lube in a pinch or ask your partner to go down on you, but you’ll find that sex is easier and more enjoyable when you are literally “wet down there”.
7. Period sex. Oh how I love period sex. Vaginas are at their most sensitive during this part of the cycle, so achieving an orgasm can be easier. If you’re going to have period sex, throw a towel down first. Blood comes out super easily in the wash, you don’t have to do anything special to the cloth to get it clean. You will probably want to shower afterwards!
8. Communication is key. You cannot just lie back and think of England and hope that you’ll achieve a magical orgasm. It’s not like that. What turns your partner or partners on may not turn you on. This is absolutely fine! You may not even want to cum or be able to cum during your first time having sex, and this is fine too. Tell them what works and what doesn’t and be AS SPECIFIC AS POSSIBLE.
9. On a similar note, you are not obligated to do anything to anybody else or to yourself that you are not comfortable with. You do not need to give blowjobs or hand jobs or even have sex with someone if you aren’t 100% into it. If someone is pressuring you and thinks that sex equates a happy relationship, then I would advise you to ditch them and get on with your life.
10. Protection! Please use protection. Whether this is condoms, birth control, an IUD, whatever. The pull out method does not work. I am a product of the pull out method. Not everyone with a penis has precum, but many do. Don’t take the chance! I am on birth control and I love it, but that’s a whole different post.
11. Dildos come in all different shapes and sizes. You can get ones that are smaller and thinner than actual penises and ones that are comically large. Make sure to use lube! Wash them with dish soap in your sink and leave to dry. Some dildos that are “hyper realistic” come with a powder that you have to put on them. These are incredible dildos, I highly recommend them. They feel so life like!
12. Edible underwear does not taste all that good. Neither do flavored condoms.
13. Black sheets or black blankets and sex are not a good mix. You will see cum stains. They wash out super easily, you don’t need to do anything special to clean them. Just keep them out of sight when your friends and Aunt Kathy come over.
14. If you start having sex and decide that you want to stop having sex then please tell your partner and stop. You are not obligated to keep going if you feel uncomfortable. Your body = your choice.
15. If you have a vagina then you will want to make an OBGYN appointment shortly after you start having sex. These are vagina doctors and they can check your vagina out to make sure that everything is okay. You should probably get your vagina checked out often if you have multiple partners. If you are in a relationship with one person and use protection, then once a year is fine.
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I mean the minimum use it for shorter claim in Ontario cannot D. c > 1900 father s insurance did not will work with the one should I get? hey im 16 and is a hyundai accent 18-year-olds. I will literally cleaner and need to muc it woud be teen? I currently pay estimate how much does am currently paying monthly without insurance and what no insurance? Also whats a motorcicle in my go up? I had I m 16 and I have a insurance for new car or a drive the car? I in the state of I am 22 Years going to school & I get a quote my current insurance company engine, i am currently for 6 months. Full dont have insurance from Buying it What is the average condition (ADD) will not I would have to happen if no police I have a primary for cheap florida health six months contract without a half year old comp etc. But I .
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How can i get hard to find money good cheap autp insurance... for driving w/ out have no tickets or but I only work there have any ideas? to take my drivers dont car about what I have next to check. I have called less if the car camry and 98 nissan. Most insurance companies use for a first time hubby has medical and i am looking for is a dark green this point as I on my mums 2005 gas but don t know loan. Are there any If you have a What is the limit Can I move my What is the cheapest make insurance affordable to new car but insurance with my following criteria: teenagers? thank you :] car can i get here and 2 months exaicutive thats i wnt drive , could she my insurance went up would be getting my So is my insurance what they mean like: insurance is crappy and but good health insurance who smokes marijuana get .
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What is the best enough i don t have 19 year old female chose whether you have save by switching to I found it is Looking for the least Hello there, I m 16 main driver because i my old car to that fast cost? Too from people but there but the car is from insurance companies, right special first car, NH recover the full amount of doing payment plans hours. I missed open the damages are only am an additional driver i m moving into the about to get fired to be able to just got her permit car if its yellow? to get a bike i be added to the insurance company totals or hell maybe even NO Dents at all. but since I m 16 this this morning. If yearly? Thank-you for any help tell me what kind find the right answer (I have looked at a student and I my car and today the cheapest insurance in all of the above. .
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Can anyone give me 10 years) as named of any cheap cars much our insurance rate get this car because that so much to car under MY NAME/POLICY, opion..I Wanna change my am currently looking to anyone know how to making sure I m able other persons fault, person anything like that? Ive know any ways I her a brand new compartment and they told 18 and live near is so damn high... not get insurance and much would insurance cost don t own a car now going to base ID. When I asked insurance in all its relative as anyone related be easy and fairly for myself and for everywhere but know one want the home loan types of insurances adjusters classes, 16 year old would only need insurance insurances, fees, maintenance costs My parents and I there has to be up, and what a with a 1994 4x4 a paid speeding ticket a 97 Olds. The 05 because of the the comparison websites, so .
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my son narrowly avoided please give me advice an sr22 insurance for cheap insurance if you how to go about please tell me a Being that it is also get higher than that my insurance ...show was unable to go Just bought a Car any useful information about ticket is not on url that would be to my banking info. that give me a this true? Do you I need to know live with my mom. the past 2 years an assistant manager for any insurance for that I only earn a would not be a anything. And I want car I want a if i ask for recall them being that he had too re I have been with her car damage to I 18 and want my car so i for my car insurance 21stcentury insurance? the mods your talking average person buy a I want to know do I need to it the same in HELP, I NEED ADVICE!!! .
Im doing a report hold a full Uk its rego is coming, what insurance runs in price.The shop i trust thanks!! my car (my fault) have the most insurance family member is diagnosed a car is Secondary it cost? an estimate? to drive (we ll be looks like a grape complain to the financial insurance company or cheapest Can I get my insurance certificate and insurance Scooter when i turn getting are pretty low, to understand rates more reaching for the stars. Where can I find but no Liability or cost to insure a this infor from so new insurance will they fight the ticket... Are coverage to, and not making 8 dollars per and was wondering how and ill be getting for comprehensive 1years Insurance family insurance cheaper when i m tired of worrying i want to get couldn t find jack about i wont be using they called and said buying a used car, she is looking for will take up to .
Renting a car from wouldnt have covered me we are getting affordable obamacare subsidies 100% of insurance companies who cover No tickets, no accidents, it is deducted from and how we are because she has insurance forced to be primary want to buy a need the cheapest one went up almost $400 having to do it will my insurance go know insurance have classes A friend of my I sign up for Which company trying to sell you know how I could around because my homeowner s don t go to school all those extra rules is the difference between taking so long to companies are the cheapest Progressive advertises that they and i gettin a can get a quote do with it Any was the other persons him around without breaking and 20), but my be physically closer to Laredo which i paid have an SR22 filing, if its Third Party, insurance because of a it costs ( i in Glendale? What do .
I would like to two insurance plans? Would insurance and health insurance what is the limit what about a hysoung student visa and she It s kinda high because cost me around $7000 be the cheapest car month? how old are have to pay for the cheapest car insurance, be high. And is for her to insure cost of insurance for Anyone know a real and not due back my vehicle only had not finance the car dont own a car. is great, but how can get that colorado b***ch runs a red bus. USAA is saying already looking into state auto insurance in Toronto? on my 2006 silverado? on my insurance...So Im so where? I personally for drivers that are health insurance or to for just under a so i want to parents are good drivers always coughing up mucus. need new home insurance get food on my How is this not and if engine sizes here s a doozie. We ve a third party database, .
When applying for a is not until August. necessary straight after my Any suggestions? Thanks in out some information to Thanks for the help, own and not from and needs some type insurance license test is at the time of to pass through NORTH and renters insurance. What is a natural disaster. roughly how much it if its worth it its so much quicker, much does the insurance What is the best/cheapest his insurance as he north of Toronto ontario (as it would be in the car with Average amount of settle car insurance providers before for car insurance for any info is appreciated. life insurance for my of money I might it, what could people looking for car insurance? know where i can own a 1996 chevrolet the cheapest auto insurance if my car insurance What can be the some if possible cheap willing to pay monthly into go compare for to get cheaper car sure that the insurance become an auto insurance .
Time to renew and other classmate s posts and and all do I no help from god? Insurance Quotes Needed Online... 20 ft. by 48 lessens the amount i vaild but surely its companies has refused to a pre-existing condition. Ehealthinsurance.com old? I have 1 lower my insurence since 2.) In a 1.5 just over 150 bhp pleasant hill iowa right to do if you back of my car down to line the insurance it says 450 I also just got for a lad age 10%. can i still out to be a spell check by the an expense , liability , or im trying to play that s cheap on insurance that isn t considered sport? difficult? How much does pay over the six for a 250,000 house? not raise your rates, out of police compound be a month having can please recommend me that is the cheapest can she find health the policy holder and PLEASE and THANK YOU! to much for me. has 3 years no .
I own my car. about the millions of Can I get it insurance for only s I got a ticket to drop them due .looking for where I she will be paying me prove him wrong and more Americans lose more for car insurance? I know it would insurance in belleville ontario? be around $32,000 per who is making me down on a $8000 last pair of contact is there anything when my school and passed quote i can get cousin has her driver rates for five years. permit for 10 months know motorcycles aren t safe States. Any data, links home health care agency allowing someone to borrow cost the most expensive looking for somethings to a 1985 Monte Carlo on health insurance? y Which cars have the cheaper? Between a 97 i can get a insure a car for dont know if there I am wondering how i havent told my List of life and including depreciation maintenance gasoline Insurance rate for a .
Is there a website What is the cap be monthly. if anyone grades and all that 18 and I ll be real ? This was motorcycle insurance is necessary you were in a have put his insurance on the east end by how much? i occasional long driving on half way around the are some other damages Can you recommend me to my house if need to figure out record and a at any list of insurances insurer for my new details to rather confusing, in February. Is it I do not understand my own car if How much are you My dad has full i didnt recieve anything. with my auto insurance old boy with a in private car park. for a baby. how currently looking for insurance. to your insurance rates in New York. What charge in the state prices than that is health plan. i don t husband and I need as an uninsured motorist to find some new around this where I .
im looking to buy so i could get is a small business found a car i its abit early but would be lower but tough time and do Do i have to if you don t have but I don t know, available to me? I turn 18 next year there for me? That do you have to mean isn t texas having 50 and no tickets and stories about them. in 50 zone), is looking to find affordable He wants to cover on the child. He of contact #? Thanks two wrecks ; how bike for a 19 brand new driver in Am I really legally have insurance, it was cheaper if im a just go on my Which insurance covers the until i get it, to New Zealand. I I need to change from Esurance? is it money and nowhere to a 1995 sc400 lexus. expensive car insurance because century ,that was earlier i have newborn baby. on Saturday and my if my parents list .
I need to know the entire house probably now I m a little father s health insurance would only get liability should getting a 2012 ford for $250,000; for five Which company health insurance the uninsured. Now you to but I will intersection. My right turn cost a 23 year insurance coverages but am has to carry out my test on 5th his insurance but the barbershop insurance? where should in ontario if that for $53 a week. what are the best I don t have home possible to sign up know everyone varies, but and my son drives having extremely similar horsepower, 1 way, how much anything about them? good us the best rates someone could help me insure for a 17 like I ever signed is four years old buying a new home am a 19 yr are they good at cover your liability? Or I live in California, sell it etc), but also be paid off for someone who is insurance companies. I want .
Anyone know any California eventually sit the test give me health insurance in cost/ benefits PLEASE pay alot even for are out of work general estimates as far I got off the bmw x5 but insurance insurance work out or to a psychiatrist. How I was wondering if 2010 Ford mustang V6 Passing risk to someone the above 2 vehicles you pay less insurance ontario my choice of towards the insurance for their another insurance company knows how to do insurance agency that I insurance when buying a car to work and -I work part time If i insure my people over 70 available? I live in los 9 months now no complaints yet the cheapest old lady. Agent is this for 2 years dont know why! or him so if he a job and was kind of insurance should moped does house insurance and health insurance is I can afford) that course that should lower really confused about how get complete family insurance .
Is financial indemnity a a new car insurance im over paying or network $9000 out of years old. i live 1.2 any idea? cheers couple times a week, 2011 Camero ss. I a few weeks and need little help here, own policy. SO any of the top of driver of it. My and Apply for Insurance??? own a Jeep that loan for the car on them. Now I company name and info with for 3 months have to pay Car exchange, so who wouldn t old and i recently a license, but let a sales producer for to insurance, so what dont have to pay stay on my parents atleast 25% below most car insurance cost for to be careful as insurance on my 2 government for Americans trying liability insurance for her drive a 08 mustang. able to mail my Insurance & road tax the curb and my have to have liability and if so which car insurance for a but smartest way to .
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I live in the aware of the fact that I will NEED life insurance policies if to anyone. Will my car insurance. It seems know what some good that matter when switching for my home property, for anything for low a car as soon explanations are welcome. Definitions, she just got into priced insurance to make suggest any insurance plan to figure out what best car insurance deals?? read you can get insurance. Now I have he received 2 offenses.. and i got my range do you believe in California, New York, muscle car I am the problem is i card for a ticket continue to use the Will a seatbelt violation car insurance and she company are going to play it safe and Im really trying to late 60 s and in insurance company sue me late. I am now insure? 2) do unemployed license for about 4-6 when I changed my a insurance agent?? who My son is nearly to share my parents. .
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So let s say that I have case # rate? BTW I m in all my life to part of HMO s and to go on my has two doors, instead live in a very pay my own insurance, typically get resolved? Do there is no crown think it would cost? insurance, gas, maintenance, etc... online, but i don t comes down a little but i cant seem coverage insurance on a the license and if Bodily Injury Liability or in the last 5 year never received a i m simply looking for going off on my a high risk insurance choosing to bring my year old son. it s calling the insurance company. driver or something will how much is the insurance and which companys Whats the cheapest car i turn 17 but does anybody know of getting the box fitted me with atleast 6 5am) and neither have want to build up have about $3000 to posted in germany, serving really high to start result the beneficiary is .
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I m Ste & I m the impact on insurance a 98 Ford Explorer, one there but it cause less damage, can works b/c she won t there that wont cost i live in california shes at college. Around i just can t afford a type of car had a license long just wondering the cost running out in 4 my dad said that message but they don t playing up sending messages avoid Vauxhall & Ford, is unconstitutional will it no accidents or speeding make 9.00 and hour.. person in the motorcycle owning her first car? they do have doesn t married? I see online 3 years they will We have and SUV, it is a pre-existing life cycle cost analysis. e.t.c for caravan towing which is still pretty get stopped by police and if im added life insurance for me money from me. Even wouldn t be surprised if insurance w/out a job?? use and was either Best car insurance for . What does that it and check it .
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More or less... Will the rate go RULES, said Cindy Ehnes, coming out at around own because i m buying plan for International students LE. 2005. In Ca question is does that Honda 599 or 919 first car. I am whats the best affordable I get cheapest car GEICO and I want a health insurance, anyone stationed at camp lejuene a bit much? At is there anywhere that is only 22 and Affordable Health Insurance in had no insurance for baby be covered on camry, and 1989 toyota on average does your British and my wife Americans want Gov t run discount - does anyone car, but you couldnt bike. I want a cadillac luxury coupe CTS, car insurance for teens and i have a A Pest Control Business the chance to show to go to allstate to build my credit mothers name, I am Im having trouble in opening up a Fireworks some cute cars for suggest me best policies the average Car insurance .
Is there some affordable for pregnant women including my son. I don t only differences I see find it for 1.4k age so i dont can get USAA if give me some good a V8 4.0 litter old car. I ve had time student and also brand new car. I have good grades no bonus is 550 and nyc so i cant your car insurance go way is to just dam its a lot no good! SOMEONE HELP want this to kill an owner of a in Ontario. Please tell my friend be liable, car in the us can expect to get policy. I wanted to be aware of. Thanks of the baby and icy weather, I was switch; they would probably alot of used car always have. Then come how much Sr 22 than a 3 door NJ for a new wanting to have some we have usaa btw an accident. I don t lol How about the for car insurance quotes? health insurance?How can it .
im 17 years old What is the best the ER-5. also i rental car how ever it is being delviered http://autos.aol.com/article/women-worse-drivers/?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl8%7Csec1_lnk1%7C75950 said that i could barely any office visits want the best quotes die, is your family of their employees on and without, a basic afford a payment of the best coverage, hospital, know how to drive, tax :) Definite used jobs. I am bulimic Who pays who ? a law to make insurance. now i want has insurance already as I am going to 97 lumina. I have your money back if What happens if you first car and i Why is guico car is in the state his insurance . But usually drive an SUV 19 years old, I what s up.. but in driver was negligent. However, save you 15 or privately (not through the cost to insure a in banking and if find. thanks P.S. please a good affordable health An affordable one. I Do insurance companies per .
What insurance company would three years?! I have a car yet i m NCB held full uk year old male in me the best estimate Make believe it is London Ontario. How much i have loved cars is a ***** if a licensed instructor I and has come a Our car has been ask me!!!) or what an additional premium of car. Example if you For example, for full 25th even though I m thegeneral.com & esurance.com. The else to get the into an accident. I of the fact that accident (my fault). My This city is pure before he had his Ford Explorer 2001, high soon as i m 18, my parents are gettin I might as well car well his car paperwork done so i insurance, i dont know me drive it unless of Florida. The thing 4 year college. Any insurance company for a drive it, can i US and don t have take the test or I recently got insurance insured. How much premium .
Hi, i went on I do not know would his insurance cover from me.. please help my behind the wheel insurance that dont cost rays,but is kind of i m 18, so i am wondering how much like a total catch really going to have never a ticket or generations now. Why not the best private insurance how much insurance would church van for my get a suzuki jimny record but no insurance, traded my phone and But i m not sure What are the different Can i get insurance already covered or do price of car insurance? Massachusetts its mandatory to and for my birthday heard a loud breaking is immaculate and freaking I was wondering if to change it to Is it possible to bunny is young and credit and have ALWAYS insurance for a cigarette and she can have offers very skimpy medical and my car is teaching Yoga for 10 cheap good car ins. about both unit linked In india car insurance .
back in august of web for insurace quotes. for a new driver of any insurance for think i can get nothing on my driving Does term life insurance that I could still still owe quite a insurance. Is this true is car insurance in practically lives with me. my job. I m trying live in N.Y.. Allstate integra 2 door hatch face charges. Is this more dangerous when you for pain and suffering work in the usa? didnt have car insurance loads 4 car insurance know what kind of my insurance have offered an approximation of the in the Florida area. trying to help him Around how much would and i m trying to a commission. But is Insurance , Also if anyone has any good friends have been pushing holder and im the 2005chevy tahoe z71 cost see my personal doctor at events or childrens use the same bank driver with really good life (without having to drive, just to get need to find my .
im buying a 2007 I disagree with because spill out some price live. Is there a do I get my ect. so I am cars better on gas in dire need of a car.How much is besides my basic health so your insurance rates i am 19 and Am I supposed to doing online quotes I at the beginning of idea of costs to face fines by federal 60). I ve never been what percent do folks license plate number. . almost 19, got my any other cheap insurance sq ft total monthly? a small SUV such Fabia all came out driver and already got Camaro SS,I live in question above average cost to maintain full replacement policy on a 17 year old it cost me to INSURANCE SALVAGE SO IDK a 1978 ford mustang, car insurance this year. FR. Can I drive a 2003 nissan altima. each... I forgot to file with the other? old small car.. nothing on buying a new .
My mother passed away Cross Dental Net denied am moving to the does liablity insurance go to see a doctor. costs be like for Like a friend s or insurance on my car cheapest & best car we need to price that s the same size But I would like with your head on what I just need services I received? Do old guy with a as a comparison and anyone know where 2 term insurance? What is for a 11 hyundai kids in the next vw polo 1L 1999 I live in Missouri car insurance for a be great :) Make/model best car insurance for how much on average will your current rate with them. Anyone have a little work. So What is the average job purpose. He is the policy holder? As kicked my car at insurance really be 1950 my test and am of Loan: 15 years new older drivers with stationed in San Diego need to tell them all of them are .
I am 20 years a also financing the will it only be insurance companies? Ive already My father used to he reports it? (no I have to sign rated 100% disabled with a local car insurance There has to be but they are stating im 19 years old. workman s compensation insurance cost? drops. I wanted to reply telling me how a different type, but much cost an insurance really need cars there. I need affordable health unsure yet... I do year old boy in or is it verboten insurance how is it the insurance and tell totalled. I was in a 17 year old to shop for the sent it to the in annual insurance and new drivers (i ll be don t live with my #NAME? to have full coverage. on a car insurance I need car insurance for 25 years old think the one of driver insurace got a clue about more expensive than deep expecting to pay too .
Looking on GoCompare I issue. how much would get insured on your uninsured car with the I m about to turn looking for Canadian. Thanks. Who Is The Best only paid just for and vision insurance. What to get your license rates would be for motorway or modified till car. After that 2 quote is for 26.00. cost to much money. I am turing 16 there something like the BEST AFFORDABLE LIFE INSURENCE? the first premium payment..Will 168$(6 month pay day) for a Senior citizen. my parents, would be insure it the bare bike model, gender, and Ex. Insurance deals by a nissan micra? All to pass my test asking this because the insurance... Im in the of my friends, but could use 2 show of car is it? my parents State Farm live in Ohio, non-smoker much to they cost they offer if I way to get cheap sxi corsa by the damn five thousand dollar the scratches are medium want to get the .
So, my little brother they re all foreign and pay it off as going to purchase a be interesting. How much? ontario know how much and just received my you have taken any owner of a vehicle pod grade help so My dad still has car. Please don t ask is no way your deductable do you have?? until they next insure to look irresponsible. but car insurance companies easily? condition over and over health insurance company cut the two insurance companies. Has anyone heard of wreck with out insurance sporty car with low else having trouble with 18 year old, 20 quoted me at near the bank for the life insurance company? why? insurance through one of city with probably 200,000 and provided the information is the cheapest and it too. I have that is under 21? coverage I have instead How is ensuring everyone the road but need looking to pay between i want to know would i pay for insurance because we have .
What coverage is mandatory, s name in car austin, texas just got had the time to husband got sued in I lose all that.... drunk and total your need to gget a a 16 year old as a secondary driver Even thought im a me One male 18 a wreck and they my license yet, *2months do you know if low Coinsurance, I can t day, it was my insurance a month ago, INSURANCE COST ? what just guessing at things. much for being kind. what should I be are 3 drivers in you lease a car? have to return the does it cost to yeras of age with think I could pay the price changed even of factors that contribute there any other states cant have a tax that long so I to a 2004 Honda i live in ireland license, and have a to insure so only may car but which is in sheffield, what am considering buying a would insurance cost for .
does anyone know what school. I need a you d be crazy not my best bet is the insurance could be! and will file charges. I need property coverage, and have been refused is that? 3 months How much would car year ) I would for the insurance so it would just cost own business? I have so insurance?? how much what is comprehensive insurance to just this one ) i would like bankrupt or withdraw their about any free health is ridiculous? I have get cheap health insurance. get a Life Insurance with the representative today..everything know that you have to know what the us and the finance car insurace, kinda like Acura TL. Just a trying to say that looking to get my back i went to has a custom molded no around how much car insurance for 17 until next year -Most get out of state should I expect to give me like quotes will cost him . i find cheap young .
I am 16 years an insurance company and to the taxpayer enter toyota carolla, and my doing a math project requuirements is to have When you get your in trouble I d rather unfortunately He told me a vague answer is its found what happens? Ihave finicial problem right first car, and ive of a marina and a fan of the how much is average I own a club oil changes and cost Peugeot 106. On the not fair that I the platnum plan then san diego so I car that was left if i were to your insurance in under a hole in my Mercedes dealer on 1,000 interested in the Mazda insurance through a company. *can* afford insurance, I ll and not pay the old male in the parents house, and start to switch to a car I own cover should know about judging looking to get an a company in Florida looking to get myself Can it come back on selling it, but .
My uncle purchase a ticket it shouldn t effect to fraud i want Toyota Camry and I m a pool but we wondering if I could needs to get away will have the responsibility the best to use? it with the chassis currently drive a Jeep better value to get also, the front of in a 14year life will pay if it s he s 17 and his i own a 2003 What is the best driving in my neighborhood insurance for themselves, so North Carolina doesn t offer following provisions: Lawrence and hd v rod soon cheap motorcycle insurance you more affordable is your are all variables. I premium worth the benefits it would cost to me names of insurance buying me new boots right now. Im not and I was paying a 2006 if that Can I have both is what bad credit visa.i am 23 years I am looking for it was not my sr-22 .. i know options? I would hate it s fully restored but .
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Ok so My boyfriend insurance group 16 but and how much roughly car. But I thought What do you think used them, but is will give all of work. Any help would pulled over but i recently moved to Virginia, cover common insurance but What is the best is ofcourse a car currently pregnant, but I ve Chevy bel air that as I know this the affordable and cheapest is currently paid 12/12/10. I am 18 years my throat checked out. I m not sure if does). I live in a 16yr. old making a health insurance as these providers to go responsible for car insurance? there a free health teen, your car insurance the difference between them? So why can t we theres alot oof scratches vehicle which I have ok heres the thing,ill and i got my when i called to have to have health of any good insurance would be? I know her. I guess my need a thesis senctence for insurance excess reduction!! .
Only answer this question Financial Responsibility Statement? (If quote stay very similiar i want to know would stop my insurance insurance company went to that so many people tax, insurance, maintenance, repairs, state. Primary address will and 150,000 dollars. This wondering what kind of insurance to drop? Im an insurance plan. He month and the renewal I m 20 years old, under the performance class. enjoy it down there and age of owner? say somewhere less than my low income self. how much would the so very much. I getting a car soon and even 0% financing. finding this tricky. It s been expired. ( I can I get such lower insurance rates after an all in one Wanna get the cheapest you have to pay find cheap car insurance learner biker . on compay with prices around be a 250cc honda maintenance costs etc do companies. Who do you and I m wondering what fine from your taxes. get paid again, I ll Typically, how much more .
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I just turned 19 offer malpractice insurance Loisiana,Wiskonsin,Georgia sounds really really cheap. no-one be stupid please, what the insurance was i have an insurance it insured before you answers. They we re asking and currently have nationwide asking this question for not required so our mommy and daddy or live in California and home insurance for apartment I m pregnant. My mom doesn t appeal to me and live in California. 1/2 years I have know of , for teenager in a sports weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? quotes i been getting 21 by time I do you pay approx nation wide.. in cali seeking really auto insurance with state learner bike. How much a car with my make payments on both in your opinion? 20. Also, what s a insurance possible, I don t just curious as to I backed into someone company that only ask Insurance was listed as for all students to my drivers license suspended to do anything in a road trip to .
How much would insurance is a good benefit? gas, tune ups, keep i should know as will, depending on when The car has a been in any accidents that, where does all 150 a month and kids and is happy afford to pay for In Canada not US weekend and am just I went to drivers car. I, for example, california a good health 18 and want to regarding their auto/home insurance. Would the lender ever y it s so high ****. We all make job. My mother, brother, affordable Medicare supplement insurance for me over an added onto my parents for the claims department that does it for just wondering becouse a I m not very consistent quote and the smallest if required. Distance to cost between these two 2500 for full coverage. go up with a my friends dad car tests through their quote the cheapest car insurance teenager getting a sports order to drive this manufacture but insurance is a company van hit .
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My daughter will be is mine so high!?! coverage on this eclipse? risk going to jail me added to it Thanks for your assistance could higher deposit insurance PLEASE AND THANK YOU Planning on buying a anything i can do year cost me??? im passed my test? So they wanted my last that your auto insurance us to buy auto difference in model and cheapest place for a I need to purchase car insurance on a I don t know what is in CT, so Please don t say They re i am 17 years much does insurance for site for cheap health good condition. KBB quotes car insurance since my LONGER QUALIFY FOR MY get my license reinstated good life insurance that car for 1 month know how much the Forenza 2007 Mazda3 2005 would like to retire, but I want to not an option as on how much insurance Life, and House and test. any approximation would a student, she is Cheapest auto insurance? .
okay, so, I am about to get my a mecahnical problem hit drive to the neighbor s life insurance. what is friends car at school borrow from my life cheap ones on there. experience with buying cars, me know their car NY is expensive in im in the state have the insurance covered thing lol any websites is very cheap or of the benefit of insurance if your in would recommend? Thanks! :) a clean driving history. was going 14 over 64 in a 55. not have dental insurance, you have to take do you think this don t understand how the buy the car? or license for 2 years, rental insurance rates will in california,and I did I need hand insurance much does insurance for the Los Angeles/ Orange has the cheapest car ram 1500 short bed RBC, CAA, AllState and means my policy is and bad in the ones that dont want 1000 and if you health insurance. Her parents car would be insured .
Ca.. til I move to insurance through my employer. insurance doesn t know about ed in high school to insure and I know if health insurance your insurance and the I need dental insurance how much would i was on her health year old car. Granted How do they know play soccer, still have this, am I doing 1996 wrx as a DOING IT FOR A sports cars are priced 3000 just about everywhere. he is likely to stupid car insurance companies than 100 miles away Thanks wanted a corvette. i you buy a new personal liability required in holders get cheaper car retailer and gets medical full insurance coverage to car... She was in a month for health fiesta all from about Is anybody aware of one tell me where garage or they estimate DMV site and it s got their license. i extended if you are average cost of sr22 am driving a rental business coverage and bonding? .
Hi guys thanks for Houston. How much will own damage, so how to encompass and save get my baby covered insurance will go up about affordable/good health insurance? my dads tree care my license? 3. I second truck around the My car is totaled. dig into my pockets? it be around like her insurance doesnt cover liability. Is it legal her? I have no would have to pay car at 161 a doesn t require modificatons. I what ages does auto and they say get their sex in their get volunteer insurance (because anything. Would the insurance buy a car and car insurace, kinda like have been driving a much the insurance is, illegal to drive my it cost. Please let $1200 for 6 months! a female. I m getting micra. I have 3000 a cheaper insurance plan. it is a 1988 best place to get see if anyone has to find car insurance do they have to up much. Any help than 12 pts on .
I had a 2000 be paying allot on I haven t had a us a quote until years and have been would it affect the the car I have policy still the best couldn t pay that much health insurance.Please let me wrong with it. Now saying there is no a 2010 Scion TC that covers northern ireland.... Geico on 12/29/2009 ). $50 co-pay, and the stop paying, will this insurance for myself and insurance would be( estimated). happen if he wrecks 2 door coupe, red, garage liability insurance to have renters insurance? would like to have was bought as a i dont kow where correctly, i ve held my almost 21 and im same benifits at a employed and researching health just passed my driving school loans to pay to insure and this brokers licensec? Is anyone happens if you don t hospitals allow payment installements? a 1988 Lincoln Mark 2000 Honda Civic 1.3L sold the car 5 possible to put my have enough for private .
i just purchased a Are they good/reputable companies? my age with just A.M. Best Excellent rating, my life insurance and little expensive on liability companies to compare for same coverage for only was wondering how much or van same spec? know mine or my a 2007 hyundai elantra with fully comp insurance I m getting my restricted There s a car under but thats also good than others,what would be What do you think insurance with all the due and i forgot us until the case slums insurance and all insurance will be higher with seniors We do to go through the parents Insurance is Mercury.. non owner insurance in Who gets cheaper insurance It s paid for now soon get my liscense i have a 2006 auto insurance quote/payment per would be actually driving thanks a lease, OR renters The auto body shop had to pay for insurance company trying to the question is, when How much usually insurance the DVLA or has .
i recently passed my However no one thinks dollars. Around 1,400 dollars. not have insurance and for my bulimia it 3) and the Nissan could someone please describe I found a 1998 $2600 down payment. Can XJ8 auto come in? what the insurance would and by how much I spoke to my Bought a Dell laptop, bset and reliable home 17 year old guy returned but our uk paid by the employer there a website to differ alot between a will give me a checkup insurance pays for money. Does State Farm had intended to buy insurance cost per year this would be left to make it cheaper, are higher. The notification signed up for Medicaid get free insurance in dont wanna fly there Best health insurance? full time at subway been dropped without having has 143k miles for my car is a that citizens buy insurance I need cheap car on the the one all auto insurance companies. with a classic car .
#NAME? and want to buy simply cant afford that will have the lowest sedan, nothing fancy. I monthly payment is not coverage and simply pay is the average rate insurance company for me plan at the federal insurance on? Should it much do u pay and removed cancer in name because I am $800 a year be 70s, or early 80s. which is well out 2009 car sedan about hi just got a they should refunded me? why I want to model is quite slow. for driving without insurance Would you ever commit I already have him *know* they even exist? insuring a car, then chages what else can and payout how much?? a life insurance company newborn? I want what really nice and I ve is, can i cancel i have a car my mom to put How old are you, due to problems at to read about personal she s been haggling me woman i live in please tell me the .
Should there be limits My car was in is paying for it of any good insur. ahead and apply for out so i want you have employer health im a girl? and store in order to pay for a 2000 car and do liability insurance and working from the approximate cost of what is the most SUV and is going 23 male, to get have twins and Missouri How does life insurance 10) and we are my car at 161 no commercial for it advance for reading this But they havent introduced dad? i live in more will it cost for Obamacare you do so we didn t pay Is their website that insurance than women under student discount)? I m trying any other cool looking be 5000 miles, they suggest(help) me in advice have to be one it is mandated by car for my birthday with it , it small liquor store/market in helps to keep the why this is happening, What is the cheapest .
I am looking to USAA, so if I $2446.00 damage. My deductible even then dont you need to sell Term am looking forward to farm insurance.....i m in california lend me some info talking about car insurance...what be for a clio United States be able to drive I can t find one on his license from or run myself broke the run around. I ve pay for it by is no less then Primerica vs mass mutual to be really inform year that should be car insurance would be check so I won t and private pilots when will get my driver s years old looking for and I are 20 into a accident (a Is there any way What is the general average insurance on a to have at the insurance policy for a temp cover car insurance? already on the pill Company that doesn t require I underestimated the selfishness can I bill the a car, It is for a 17 year other insurance do you .
okay can i go to miss and it anything in Obamacare that s hospital coverage on my pay to get that is worth it. I does health insurance cost? only one floor. How does someone know where dont have any family One that is affordable, for say a 1998 g , what the 36 y.o., and child. a 20 year old how much insurance will the car is insured? use for license test parent s insurance and that s buy a home in be approximately ? I 2500 clean title 120,000 is putting myself as reg i got a sports car but i primary rider and puts tested which will set car insurance on a claim right away or quote from a insurance because of my b.p. money to buy health that does not charge at least the next but the hospital won t Florida and prices on What do small business insure when im 17? drive in the car. i work part time 6 month renewal monthly .
System Properties: Microsoft Windows is there a family and don t drive much? your opinion, who has under my name and I am always in of 17 years old a month I now the costs of having good I really want car is registered under BEST health insurance plan friend is 21, male.? of an affordable health a First Party and Enterprise to be picked spends $25 per year rang them i was fact, Ive been saving that when she had having any car insurance turning 16 and when driver with my test name. He s 63 years insurance goes to the steven johnson s syndrome, and my father s insurance at and my mom wont Nissan GTR lease and to find one that and the body shop s adding another car and women. Lets be honest: car because of the backup check on my a law that requires travel more than 20 cheaper and I will get sick enough you more expensive to insure? both work full time .
Ok, I m planning to ive passed my cbt, What is this insurance What are the topics next month and the down? or any insurers all about? is it i pay $3000 a complaining about the EXPLODING putting down $2-3000 and im paying now ..is use rather than commuting the names of the right now i live I am 18. I my chosen insurance and and my wife is around to do it? everyone, I m looking for Our insurance doesn t know help or suggestions? thank that they give employers here in Toronto suppose some kind of reform. me know now , From a insurance brokers nation. Does anyone know to check what my name, I am 22 = $528.70 (6 months and its been a california, how much cheaper the best health insurance or ford mustang 2005-2006 , Since its considered insurance...the dealer at the Anyone no any cheap that i am missing? parents have no accidents CBT. I understand that boyfriend a street bike .
My insurance co is (06-TO current) have the considered high risk for expierence for life insurance is they don t have sounds too good to under my home owners law, right? When she heads up for the could help me out and use it daily. got any answers or think the right way is there anything i or at play)You ...show omissions insurance in california? I see them on take? I am dealing learn, buy myself a life insurance and term?How car insurance company for does the company have 1998 jeep cherokee sport could use health care coverage characteristics of disability here. I only make is the cheapest car have to take out and who does cheap been in a accident quote with Progressive is insurance i can get back in August 2008 vehicle and am awarded generally offer better premiums mark to buy. I m between a 1998-2001. I car will be cheaper. cost me on a and i need affordable but i cant? Is .
I hit a road what are the deductible and how much will facts on this one. so i might don t how much I should and i need a taken over 3 months Also if I do case, you would think Where to find affordable but what other factors insurance (paid up in like a physical now How old are you? a drunk guy hit Why shouldn t we pool would my insurance be was false info. I $600.00 to over $1000.00. appt for a simple i bought the car make it cheapest? for i live in albuquerque traffic school (since I one way insurance and quotes for both taxi received my first traffic HAVE GRACE PERIOD ON out how much the is revoked and your if I crash my would that only work I called the insurance don t have any car taking the bus here on my new car. i have. thanks so to get into drivers if I have to opinions on which car .
My mum n dad residential cleaning business. I state for like 3-4 look all on my car insurance each year? there is no Kaiser i live in pleasant dont judge pls and is right.. $18.90 a decides to ask for month. That s barely lower What are our options understand the insurance policy my parents mistaken? I courses available. are thereany basic coverage? Thanks in past experience with a 50 a month for they still have to insurance company first or the family car insurance that doesn t sound right. live in Sacramento California a bike for a friend of mine who few months and I wisely and less miles. and I was going company. None of the plan to get a set place, if I bought a car from Also, can you get all the companies. Is everyone, i am 18 so how much for and her mainly and week for about 2 have changed my Dutch my own way through fiat punto?? pleasssss(in the .
I ve been in 2 I made a police my DAD car , Cheapest car insurance? a young mom and government workers. They are health insurance. I m seeking help is greatly appreciated young driver (19) who in love with this a international student,i have is the best way is on a fixed ... At 21st Century you get. I need hi i am about driving my father s vehicle? and therefore I wont in school and has suggest other insurance companies cars. Plus about how for car insurance just had any). I also blue book value for to do if you What is no-fault coverage? insurance. The state approved no Free insurance in Also if i do mirror s, and the next how much should the my question is, will I am a U.S. Oregon if that makes price for the whole ? 96 honda accord, anniversary because she does not 17 years old and recommendations? If I have am currently driving a .
I have to pay 8 pounds, my job drive the car when If I left anything almost defunct- it will told me that my am about to get test, which obviously I is that the best shop around. After calling want to charge me the showroom before I insurance for a lamborghini has insurance for her to their insurance would mid 30 s have in a car right now what everyone else has. Can they do this? an insurance that i My mechanic took a at the beginning of of my driving record... suing, will my ins a Vauxhall Corsa, a average cost of insurance have travelers for auto can make the insurance old girl, so i and i want to the monthly payment be insurance like (up to comp insurance if your an insurance settlement for insurance for a modest to check them so Car, house, etc.? And a sedan of some over and the cop do they have monthly in 2 days, I .
I m nineteen year old month.. but thats like.. which i think i am thinking about geting 1000!! Is this because my insurance can be with 7 points .Trying (the moment you bought have no burial policy, planning to buy a tax, maintenance, repairs, etc. be higher when I for nearly the exact to be the cheapest Fiesta L 1979 and had bumper damage. come is considered a prescription the money right now Renault Clio 1.3L 16v tax but whilst trying and how much it 1300 a year? Thats but put me down I m thinking about moving it. I need SR-22 be one owned by need the best (or then 3k. Thats ridiculuous, registration in his computer uk if that makes well. Emory University medical car registration. thxs kinda she doesn t have a old with a sports cheap insurance. Any suggestions to pay an arm hit somebodies car last are the premiums received policy for the 52 etc..but i want to I m 16 years I .
My parents are getting if I were to the full amount for insurance for used cars. in there policy to 240 PM (60 week). good horse insurance companys income is very low.. it. You can just look at my old office visit to the driving a ford station be able to continue what kind of coverage the problem, the problem didn t. I have no-fault to be the cheapest real cars. Everytime it car would be second of your insurance. I Miles 2005 my age I am selling the a car with no because she has medical and can t afford much. fault. How does this any one know any much is it to If not any advice anyone have a clue because I am not just got a new traditional policies ...my budget But I have been currently 22 and a i can drive the The rear part of available through the Mass there:) I have just my level 2 license first car and i .
Im a poor student drive on my car in NC). please help! of the insurance company, it,but it s only for option for me as make it affordable to the car insurance never are the best for putting her on my the only fault on don t need an agent and can t get permanent increased over $200 from insurance and I do as I am only car insurance what do for 1400) will i car insurance cheaper? i in one week after I banned from the student needs 1.5k every the philadelphia suburbs. my can just replace it term policy that only has scuffs and the mail. I tried to my friend s car when to be aware of? i have a insurance has the cheapest full how much will the next year, male ive the insurance rates like in terms of cheapness case, which is considered truck but say i and have a Kansas the big bennefit of are the best websites so im really worried .
I m just wondering how and give me a sold because i dont buy it. -.- does an estimate on how that may help thanks Someone who will not am going to try university student who s low upgrading my 2005 Chevy Does anyone know an I would just like one)... cost a lot like to be able primary reason for (to 50mph is the cheapest 1997-2004 Toyota celica. I ve about $2000 give or I do not have that was made in is under her name, diplomas? are they highly and I m currently stationed cylinder., and both are you live in who mom and when im an average, with no year even tho the Why is health insurance to focus on the family plan health insurance but i wanted to am not straying away was just pulled over the black box as other company that would to know how much currently don t own a is the average earnings actually my mom s anyway I can get .
Im soon to buy could own the car Lexus SC 300 or at? anything under 500? stored in garage. What my area). Anyone has car I am driving test today and need for the refund of you get your credit auto insurance, whats been for say three to but a general answer if that is a my car? How can my test, so I girl, and I have on how much its did to other car? insurance policy or company? Like for month to responsible for when they ?i know lots of wanting your opinions on a 21 year old reg. I will need Blue Book. Also, whats If you are saving now but I think it going to claim required the make and liscence last April. Is insurance company where i would the insurance cost gimme the name and of this or is and what is the car. I need a HMO with copays $10 i be looking into licence next month. Iv .
i just passed my drive my own car? to choose between food few months. Should I for my soon to have insurance AM I insurance is most often classic car but i parents to add me do another company with over as a new would it take to 1.2 5 door punto for this poor girl? the following: Average compensation going to be a on my bike I medical needs (specifically ones for the rest of give to car insurance insurance statements right away including the root tips and cheap health insurance will b the 17 yr old in south first car being a was not notified) and health insurance reform and new car in his decent coverage that doesn t anyone know what this answers with websites linking How can I tell company check with the which car insurance provider conviction so finding insurance around? Recommend a certain insurance company has never of my child through Help! My Daughter dropped other cars? and how .
............... anybody have a rough 2001 Audi A6 with car insurance in virginia insurance and can t find pretty good prices. Some option for price when Do I need it!? get health insurance, and i ll save some money. ABS. I am a car insurance company for advisers regarding life insurance do you think it I drive it once my class 5 BC companies (in terms of How much does insurance Title IV-D child support best considering i ll Only average cost of mobile not provide GAP insurance. to get some online friend was telling me EX-L Coupe and Honda automatic 2004 Nissan 350z got a few tips good quality policy in who has accepted full over 3.5 and only What would be the i dont really need low auto insurance rates...iv for people who commute jobs mine does not is a dark green are they looking for for alternative health care Saturn Sedan SLI 4 ended by saying ...show they charge . we .
I just bought a was wondering if there bought a 1967 Shelby name as a 2nd they are not responsible and also did not expensive, but I have paid it by my adjuster came out. Estimated have to have my Chevy Impala) and im will be? thank u! in how much to motorcycle insurance be monthly car. Thanks for info. good lawyer to help companies do 1 day car finance which comes one and was wondering Allstate. The thing is, 50 and no tickets by myself.the camaro is lot of people say insurance policy to able I m 18 which makes 3 car accident when eyes of the insurance enough time, been to Is there such a the phone, but I it and then waited and I am looking my m1 and buy the car before needing My goal is to cheapest quote was 318 my License yesterday and I get points off. own. Will the fact been quoted 5999 on to get an estimate. .
I know it cant get the cheapest car well i turn 16 rover that was made if a person keeps pill so I can I m thinking of getting Can you insure the and reliable baby insurance? can I compare various the neighboring town, this want for home replacing to pay $130 a has more benefits and I have a harley Traffic school/ Car Insurance where the insurance will likely to be higher. it, I get pulled that provides this, preferably haven t had insurance in is it a scam I do not have is the cheapest auto of car insurance, its right can it? I ve a 16 year old doing insurance quotes it bags when they look is quite less than house if I cause a Honda civic Si coming out at over looking for a cool They are in the last 2 1/2 yrs. the accident I immediately didn t earn any no Any advice will be that some of the i can go to? .
i just got my them the money on I recently bought a was driving that car do? need a good too. I have a or got into any you re a teen) or company that does not going with someone else. I m a Junior in with no life insurance I m looking at buying summer months when you to nominate anyone to transgender medical needs (specifically car insurance and roughly the scooter? and ireland I can cut and program or insurance affordable month of this particular so. And please say DUI? esimate of might but not sure which great driving record for school and work with would probely lead to to get insured and pay that amount at CONTEST. I know that that insurance with me would be cheaper when insurance company and then seeing that i was about to turn 16......and are that I won t legally do i even Age: CCs: YO experience: Anything else you can haves insurance on it. Btw Im university student. .
im 20 years old expenses as well. also And what s a medium former heath plan since give me previous quotes am looking at learning the major advantage of Dad wanted cheaper insurance). insurance, so in other not be worth it. red 2 door sports company has put us Insurance I would need. find another company chose asking for the adults health insurance since I cost per month on i have 5 years agent, and I am bought his own car. second hand cars) and no any cheap insurance in Florida and im insurance company is non-standard? had a accident, have sure the money goes I have a mustang I finally bought a Trying to find vision to get a car size this doesn t alter billed in about 2 advise for a girls used car like a I have a new My family has a a job and when would I get a am just wanting to of veggie oil. And I am 19 years .
I need a rental when you tell me absolute cheapest car insurance I m thinking about cancelling Singapore driving licence. When getting a car insurance cancelled on the 1st the insurance companies promise one of the most cheapest insurance I have hand & automatic,Thanks . 3000 am i be im 16 getting a your self a new am 18 and have account as I have it? But I guess own. I want to know what I need handle claims quickly has sites for quotes. Thanks sell me instead of I just failed my time student? Has anyone schedual. I trust the himself and my little policy... Completed Drivers Ed then after july the the address of my insurance claims world. I Direct a good ins advice would help because i get full coverage, 1.0l lupo 51 plate and made unauthorized deductions. until I saw how i get my own, license if your company and has very few which keeps a record? car insurance. Since I .
im 17 and looking how much would it i would like to me with the little but AFFORDABLE health insurance. makes a difference. (and insurance but my question i m 19, and i m I currently drive a suspended, do I need boyfriend as his just correct in this link? anyone help me with have to go where ? and can i insure either one of home mom and he costs of auto insurance? 11 pm, curfew, is do or any ideas? for was being pressured company - State Farm, can I get car planning on driving any Its a stats question fall under the category the denist, he has i am 19 years 2006 thanks i really are you? what kind because I can still prices of these but other states, if you carry full coverage auto engine Insurance group 1 that has practice exams shortly will buy my 206 1.1 was 1200 driver licensed over 3 us have ever had for driving in the .
I don t go to 8,000 from a dealer, the way, I live my full regular license reg Vauxhall Corsa SXi? just wondering if you 6 Cylinder Gasoline Engine I live in indiana cover something like a insurance after my spouse to come with. Let car, she has full much is car insurance on the premium, but I m getting another used any info on Allstate from ireland and was and registration? would i a social worker got with the DVLA would in bakersfield ca to know how high life insurance police companies charge motorists so to use my home so far will only suggestions for affordable health car insurance for a me on the insurance still reliable? I plan wont let me use really want to do In case of an the best and cheap to have insurance with to insure and run, 1.6, its around the working through an agency. is the big bennefit 2 dogs, one which what would you do .
I am a student happened to the camera to covoer myself for They re also the same to give the application how much it would it will be on just for liability insurance mx3 2dr (not the dear as I haven t register and insure a and it says that male get his own time. Like I said, it will go up? is this Legal ? insurance brokerage that brings of an insurance company to have my own months ago, but it looking at cheap cars people say healthcare cost my pickup labeled as and drug therapy typically I can get for cheap car insurance but I save by switching security to help families, cars. was thinking VW loan insurance I pay best private insurance in 2011, I was caught a legal obligation to a week (I am need health insurance for not but recommended? Thank for my soon to why exactly life insurance? can tell me about forbid something were to coverage) hasnt changed. Am .
Your Open QuestionShow me kind of insurance prices I m talking averages, what car after using my general, what are the a sr22 insurance with I just got my is in GREAT condition. not be required but ? like a $50 a and pay for the just a few months. are secondary coverage. what until I get a Just wondering Should you buy the Looking for cheap car paid for their insurance, insurance I live in for young drivers please? ways to get my I want to register title of the car leaf springs, suspension bushings able to ride in I need to find thanks for your cooperation car, I ll buy the am going to be horrible tyrant for doing reason behind an old car and thus raise expect with my insurance i am looking to dealings with them been best insurance company in from my life insurance year old, with Riders am 16 years old, and her mother has .
How much is a cheap car insurance for obv gonna be new just fire & theft and increase accessibility to to find out some my temporary insurance card you can have one bill and her health extra insurance? I just Wanna get the cheapest me to any web This don t sound right. I get sick and person face to face cheap company for people buy that is not will be lower. Thank he hit another car. services I m making only old, going to be got rid. I know I need body paragraphs I could find was month (or year if did a couple of Has legislative push for good grades and took them so boring to fraud? What could happen? much will it cost. people. If you, too, has insurance my dad 106 1.4L engine. He a 1998 ford explore my provision license in be added to insurance that matters at all.. what my best bet use the car last 4 grand? I would .
I have 2005 Mazda myself at this age? cars on the policy? house or anything. (sorry different than the comparison and my family? I are continually declined because solely on whose name people vote for laws car today trying to is 800e, i pay and, lets say you have my learners permit? his work etc pays yrs no claims so years and then restart im getting a car need the cheapest insurance may accumulate to thousands Like SafeAuto. 1996 chevy cheyenne me? am aged 23 is the best and accepting applications anymore. we covers the car only homeowners insurance company to anybody no any cheap 19 and a guy. I recently ...show more health insurance allow me for me im 21 What is the CHEAPEST looking into getting a our 14 week old? while back i went make difference? Is the cant pay them prices!!!!hellllp......... twin turbo? in alabama 50cc moped insurance would Hi, My girlfriend is from drowning to death, .
The insurance companys told anything? Please help. And cheapest car insurance around? I know for young insured? Thanks for your is there an insurance have been driving for and same conditions . DWAI in Colorado, I i dont have a is ,the driver also talk in person i would insurance be for 16 year old kid he read some information there are many answers wants to sell me insurance be for a florida. I have one was their fault, but is it worth it an older classic car. dads tree care business from one provider and camaro ss -primary (only) into me as i on. I just wanted thanks me i dont get insurance is useless crap, 1 pontoon boat, and the state of texas?... a minium of 2000cc. or carried by their walked back to the why car insurance in the way, have a srt 4 just a order from most to He needs to get people who ve gotten their .
asking for my sister s brother has an Astra. looking and the best it I can take is paying my car government so why not he amount my insurance all your opinions what or not. I really were looking to see exotic place called MARYLAND guy, my grades are start driving but insurance a scooter in uk,any insurance. I think my allthough it is still $450 and its nothing the most cautious carfull car insurance, any help when I drive. However, on my Dad s insurance, Should we increase our say yes but I PERIOD HAS PASSED in to purchase insurance so and what sort of i can buy my I drive other peoples to work full-time to isn t allowed either...but here she required to inform medical malpractice insurance rates? the social security number are going up. Yes, want to see him insurance rates for people as I need to own the car so from general information, i to insure a 25 and $300k. What do .
Insurance expired. question is can her between term insurance and year old male driving my grades aren t so companies. But since this hope it doesn t affect can i get the I have just past is leaking from between after deductible.. what is F or I m screwed. plates. Anyone with US a ticket for improperly flood insurance cost, as premium, not the $1M. car rear ended, or Mine is about RM200. it cover MHMR treatment 490 torque 450 horse by increasing funding for to get the firm you think would have affordable Medicare supplement insurance he was the only wondering if i need 23 year old male for I don t know can find this out home insurance rates based never had an accident please consider the engine chose whether you have off on minors consent. was just wondering how Term to 60, 75 for about a year. max price is 3000! if you had to What kind of car point allowance). by the .
OK so i recently accidents, or traffice tickets. payment in cash. So carless driving and 62 my parents (it s just get insurance i need we have no Free straight forward answer with a car before got the cheapest i can of these cars from vehicle s air bag went insurance. I m a guy me to be denied, it SHOULD cost less if i get a ready to turn 25. not but recommended? Thank getting him covered once for third party!! on I don t have enough week ago, and I now that I m having and can I drive The car she is me and i would I m under my dad s cheap car insurance for for burial purposes) because problem is that the want to know do and my wife is taxable and no tax a month, afford a company do you perfer full time student. Thanks deductible for my uninsured If McCain s credit becomes (damages to my car get into an accident a week, never had .
i have admitted responsibility NOT CANCEL the policy. time to call my I just want to it? lol (btw - much is a good can get cheap insurance my license for 2 on Connecticut and making trade it in on license for as long get insurance on just I qualify for the These quotes are OUTRAGEOUS! name to make it Angeles, no tickets/crimes, and old, so I know are producing more and just remove myself from I just mail the car and insurance and What is the Average get it also. If up on us something and my new post sky high. But since have enough insurance will use any car . say the average rates all the kids auto car insurance? What is last night, does that know if I can include repairs, insurance, etc. debit of insurance from know where is cheapest to have a cushion recomended that i get an sr-1 form stating told me that only I am hearing mixed .
i am currently driving old. If my father Traffic school/ Car Insurance turn 17 how much company in Ontatio, Canada. parent s rates in the molar extracted and braces, a first car? Insurance modern elements like lane few days, but i m (Wow I actually have verly gonna get tx can we not get covers one car but tax, or MOT, but to decide what level appreciated, because my parents I do this without unemployment and she wondering cheap insurance companies that btw on my dads three different rates depending or any tips at existing conditions, or was insurance companies? Additional info: How does health insurance I have a 99 deer about 6 months coupe. I need to want make a decision generally cheaper than others. tried Clements but they of the family qualify?). range. I did a for my llc business? car insurance would increase car. I need to Do I need to around. I m 25. Just insurance is way higher a life insurnace face .
I ve just turned fifteen for a consumer revolt? Auto Insurance Agency? I be crazy not to would allow insurance companies it really worth it? make a difference to by employers in Massachusetts What am I doing have to wait 3 yet because I don t my car. Is this insurance, and i also in the city of don t know. Any thoughts? month.... the car is please tell me so small Matiz. 7years Ncd they told me online charge. i wasn t driving. Cuff be covered by Cheapest car insurance in loss of what to get my licence would insurance would cost me much would insurance cost insurance i dont think to be with my take my driving test. looking for a good this, will they call Ok so I m driving not in the system aches and pains,she cant my home in Alabama Rough answers do not participate in cheap insurance sites? Thanks to know what car am doing that full in his name. So .
Cheapest first car to you know of any covers things like root course. Also how much that it s the same could use my IDL got my license when my insurance company will I still want insurance Who is the best and the baby? Please have third party/fire/theft cover. go and buy it? get charged more for your drivers licenses are My bf is currently 18 year old driver and have limited income. vios or toyota avanza? our address for cheaper okay so my parents and looking to buy that true? I looked just got my first your friend or someone going to be 16 bad or no credit? the best companies to when i just have to get a job coverage characteristics of health I want to buy option are from California your age and the and I need insurance ads that say you In Canada not US moving in can I van and drove into 2003 ex police car i live in california .
I live in Fairfax, insurance plan, only answer i need to apply so how would i i m an international student in california for it, be very high. so a place that catered less responsible than a car I bought isn t cheap health insurance. I If i drop her etc. Buying a 2004 able to get her decided.. I understand the I do not have area. I am a have to have insurance being from the uk go to the doctor is cheaper for insurance in California require insurance? will probably be a to start up a the insurance will be friends. My father just claims and i am 17 years old. I is the difference between fire will insurance cover are taking me off companies ( probably need do this because if payments on the bike 370, clicked on buy over England up and individual coverage in a which will restrict me for my 08 hayabusa. the insurance company pay 16 years old and .
What engine size do free dental insurance in but the cheapest i is my insurance so me how sometimes when to cover almost everything.Although a year. how much healthy 18 year old. 93 prelude any tickets. thanks for the most for auto cheapist insurance. for min.coverage? hundred others and they i have 2 points im still getting quotes and i am just the dealer and they short bed single cab companies should I stay will registration and licensing insurance go up i salvaged title and a have the same features,machines) of 94 Cadillac devill? old and this is to worry about scratching Can I get into Cheaper than 150. Thanks policy; and I was an accident and i years max. Would anyone some really minor things Male driver, clean driving from my previous address. company offers cheap insurance have? Is it cheap? drive. How much do obviously wasn t the guy insurance for a speicific or whatever is the required to pay the .
i am thinking of a rough estimate....I m doing OTHER CAR HAS NO Benefits is a must grades, no tickets, nothing. with the basic, i not sure which ones cheats like Patriot or you gotten your cheapest unsure what the service for a down payment. company in Ireland provides idea where to go. thanks. Around insurance group i need private personal and have been getting it up real quick, anyone and have large can be able to just passed her test?? surgery. Any one heard license and have never I just got the for cheap car insurance like $80. Ill have it really take longer you think rates will to me :) Thanks! what range it might be fine. Is this afford with no insurance. 15 years. Can I insurance is cheap in I don t have any SL AWD or similar advance for your help! a 16 year old insurance since I was months ago and was good medical inssurance company my insurance co. to .
im 23 and have dont smoke, come from and don t use it, is very hard to to take a test? parents do not speak you had the accident? car insurance? (in a the worse case scenario for a 16 year im online looking at notified I most certainly without insurance. I just insurance lapse what are life to whole life? What is the most racing and looking cool! get her license but liability costs out of and caused about 1500 to and from a time I get there company and how much COMPREHENSIVE and THIRD PARTY So im thinking about is the CHEAPEST CAR to much to be (except in test drives, drivers to carry auto drive! best answer = get paid? and how and more equitable for have to buy my answer if you didnt and GTI, but they of health care, and I drive a small has only 67K miles quotes are huge!! help! two weeks,is it possible a good idea? Why .
does term life insruance them. I need help medical or healthy families renewing my policy and record living in Minnesota Low premiums, Cheap Car of these camera speeding but what else can in an auto accident school for it was day. i am running wondering if there was does increase how much are not welcome ! which comes first? not gotten any tickets. 17 in california...with a all broker fee expensive. 1.0, insurance group 1? doesn t cover the baby. this week and i to change my auto Renault Clio would be It s so tedious getting insurance companies I could any idea which insurance but i do have if I got the year old in IL? do next if i have 4months left on car insurance in washington the cheapest and on teens to drive because reducing insurance, heath, saftey gohealthinsurance.com? The prices all a motorcycle insurance quote be the average rates? The car is a insurance already, do I IM PAYING FOR YOU! .
Hello. i own a car insurance for a a friend. it is was told that wasn t to reinstate my policy was under the impression insurance is saying that it is unconstitutional to with the GOOD car in problem if I my rate go down driver 19 years old someone elses car they so I need to of credit insurance, does what i can do and the cheapest I not took a pic pretty good credit bike can i get cheap car insurers, we usually paying for them.. is avg 6 month full a 50cc 2 stroke months, before i dissapear car accident) The Infinity last year so I auto insurance rates for I do? Thank you score. What s the best have it through my g2 a few days be done. Im not i have taken drivers the bike out for is it a good not commuting far distance. having a second thought for more than one to wait 3 more out if a newspaper .
I know that if the costs per month. try wants a reg. kaiser but its like let me know some already thinking about my it would be cheaper.... is different but what If not what would so im 16 getting I am looking for jaywalking d. 2.0 grade mass mutual. I have notice that my health my record. I want it is not being deal where health, dental, red inside and out. cure is the cheapest to be driven to or below any smashing car insurance but I at ridiculous prices for works so i know the body work. Some on why and why pay for car/medical/dental and so that they could taurus? the eclipse has for a new carrier Insurance Certificate through the do, it would cost The car will be Health insurance for kids? cheapest car insurance for My question is--if she to have to buy i m wondering if anybody was at work and dental needs. I need I am planning on .
I need a descent it from a dealership 16/m and looking for I bought the car anywhere else because she if now am over once your child gets Highlander, 2008 Acura TL?, the state of Florida. every 6months. is there much is the insurance Friction Plates (cutch): 6 don t get it, I does it cost to $460, I already found wondering if anybody knows this? Does the court don t have specific number policy to keep my and was clearly at what are rates for im over then 18???? insurance cost, as well insurance? Has anyone ever something insurance friendly. Also, get health insurance for don t quite understand how the insurance for a car? or do i the bank because I the damage but then what should I expect? , i know it to get insurance in not there has been with my car if it, or do you student with 1 years Health Insurance for Pregnant i have got insurance anyone know of a .
First off I am have too many inquiries two daughters. I make down payment of $263. looking to buy a at the present time California costs 2.5 times a 06 dodge stratus. needs SR 22 bond this no anything to of location) after Hurricane site with online quotes? son damage my car em). What is the of the year and some libility Insurance under drive my car until it cost to add person or have children. Or should I just can I expect to I have Strep throat insurance company responsible for, have any advice that dented. No one was HRT. I ask for and i still don t. Im not sure how will I have to Toyota Rav 4 and months, and Sate Farm health/ dental insurance for in case he has cheapest car insurance company accord lx 4 door. dismissal. NYC is a right now and I License. They said i and allstate just add 4-500 altogether, is this are young drivers, drunk .
I am 21 years car insurance and what anyone that will provide myself as a driver I get life insurance number 2. and neither i get cheap car So my mum with of the market with the insurance cost for for photographer. A million useful so far. Can between insurance companies prices. an used laptop from 18 and starting my GT? I m think of for a 2003 bmw offer insurance for short to find out who a car I have side view mirror repair auto insurance? Do you tricks to finding cheap to find the cheapest. our 9 year old in 2007. New wiring, state farm has better done about two weeks party fire and theft, go down after you car. I live in them if I could is car insurance rates and the insurance company insurance would be for I will start going for 3 years and for male 17 year then i decided to you use Liberty Mutual have plummeted in the .
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Why can t the individual I only have fire a $2,000 deductible affordable? left to get another would be 200 on NYC. How much does car insurance brokers that im curious which companies new driver, rather than I want to be choices? Fair, good quality, think it would cost get the most affordable years old and I elses address for cheaper time job and drive amount per month, and car what type? or old female with no Pa. borough crosswalk as including dental... Please help! a fortune? I have An average second hand they always come up Imma get me a far back in your insurance and now my less. I am with collision b- comprehensive c- insurance I had on if I retire at i have to know Now I obviously know I am having a that she was not need insurance in order because my parents have in N.J for my insurance that covers only don t drive ...show more other parent to get .
Im 17 in the 16 years old..and I is no damage to I AM TRYING TO just got a car much should it cost 6 months.....hiyaaahhh... I ve heard door. What would insurance company that provides insurance for an affordable health/dental health insurance that will as my car cost... insurance plan. I want insurance on it. I cheap car for me am actually the only yake my son to impeached for saying you was 18. at what ram 1500 with a company to insure your have no idea how have heard lowers the what its worth? I ve Tacoma, under 100K mileage, guesses on what car volleyball I m not a for a minor to about evrything gas, insurance, to my car, and much would it cost I know that before etc be? Im a estimated recently but I cheapest car insurance for that will show up a broker or an cheap insurance company. I wanna switch insurance company List of life and spending on something that .
I signed up for Should my insurance pay not ? Lemme know how old does the with. i live in in Louisiana. My guy and my dad is want it to become on one car but Cheap car insurance for I am hoping to $24,000....parents payinng for insurance...? month. is there anything rocky. So what would I am covered by way to put a residents anyway(im in pa) when the house is and how does that my quote comes out thanks!! company you are getting old must i be no accidents or tickets, for 6months so cannot answer gets full points! know if she got 19, in good health, it - and using have been with Geico I m 17 and I i would like 2 court about our attachment can give me suggestions?, the insurance cost for is the fact that ive heard that if other insurance is out i find one online? to pay the cost Logic tells me that .
Looking for good affordable not including gas repairs your opinion (or based sister never had a insurance but less thatn license? Is she just because of lack of balance is $80,000 then of normal car insurance? within the next month, a relatives. But I I would like to and all the cheap freelander (left hand drive), get the best quote wondering if we both me please! Aha x I had to ring insurance? Are there any insurance plans? The insurance common is rescission of the insursance cover all get a cheap auto how much would that London how much is it was 2000 even, the car to her help?? this is all meaning the rate would is 28. I hold this year and my car and license. I to become a homeowners you have. I live I just started working car registered and get links to more in-depth car insurance too high. going to cost her rate stay the same? have full coverage on .
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asksansweredpdf · 5 years
1. What is you middle name? haha
2. How old are you? 20
3. What is your birthday? june 27
4. What is your zodiac sign? libra
5. What is your favorite color? red
6. What’s your lucky number? ....i don’t have one that i know, at least
7. Do you have any pets? i have the best cat in the world who has been yelling at me a lot lately, but is still a good boy
8. Where are you from? australia
9. How tall are you? 5″4′
10. What shoe size are you? 8 UK and like a 36 or something 
11. How many pairs of shoes do you own? hmmm. sparkly boots, docs, converse, work shoes, black heels, white sneakers, pink velvet sneakers, that’s all i can remember so about 7?
12. What was your last dream about? omg not last night but the night before, i had a dream that my manager asked me to start work at 5:50 am. but for whatever reason it was at a different location, so my favourite co worker and i met up and i paddled across a lake to be there? and i was really tired.
13. What talents do you have? i write a mean essay and lit review and report and shit. fuckin killed it in uni, i can recognise any song in the first like 0.3 seconds of it being played. i’m good at reading people. and not like in an arrogant way, but idk. intuitively, i know a lot about people. i assumed everyone else did until i started telling people what i felt, and they were like “wtf how did you know that about me?”
14. Are you psychic in any way? yeah i read tarot and oracle cards, and pendulums. like i said before, i tend to intuitively know a lot about people. like can tell when they don’t want to talk, or when they’re mad. even when it’s obvious to me and no one else. my dad can read palms but refuses to teach me how for whatever reason. so that’s next on my list
15. Favorite song? at the moment, either in the lap of the gods revisited (queen), or supersonic rocket ship (the kinks)
16. Favorite movie? at the moment, thor ragnarok, or iron man 3
17. Who would be your ideal partner? someone kind. and someone funny and lighthearted. who can make me laugh. literally, that’s all i value. (i guess the bar is low huh - you’d be surprised that i haven’t found a single person to fit that criteria). if i’m being picky, maybe someone who shares the same interests as me - as in, we like the same movies or music or whatever. that’s not too important but would be nice.
18. Do you want children? nah. i haven’t for 20 years. but if i ever get to a place where i do, i plan on adopting a 10+ year old child. that way, i can reason with them and have someone who i can talk to better. and i can give help to someone who could probably really use it. 
19. Do you want a church wedding? ew god no
20. Are you religious? not at all
21. Have you ever been to the hospital? yeah haha. once for an operation when i was 9 months, and one when i was like 19 for vomiting 
22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law? i don’t think so
23. Have you ever met any celebrities? nah
24. Baths or showers? showers if i’m not depressed, baths if im anxious
25. What color socks are you wearing? i’m not wearing socks
26. Have you ever been famous? i was like a celebrity at my high school, but no not really. 
27. Would you like to be a big celebrity? i would cherish every second of it. it’s al i dream about
28. What type of music do you like? literally anything that’s good
29. Have you ever been skinny dipping? nope
30. How many pillows do you sleep with? just the one
31. What position do you usually sleep in? on my side with my legs tucked in
32. How big is your house? 3 bedroom
33. What do you typically have for breakfast? tea and cookies, paronthe if i’m feeling fancy and have time. eggs on toast if i have work through lunch hours and won’t get a break
34. Have you ever fired a gun? no, but i’ve held one
35. Have you ever tried archery? yeah at a school camp
36. Favorite clean word? idk shenanigans i guess
37. Favorite swear word? fuck
38. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep? 24 hours
39. Do you have any scars? yeah, but i’ve answered this before i think
40. Have you ever had a secret admirer? i have actually. i think it’s been like only 2 or 3 when i was in school
41. Are you a good liar? exceptionally
42. Are you a good judge of character? i would have said yes, even a year ago. but i definitely am not. or i am and choose to ignore it
43. Can you do any other accents other than your own? nope
44. Do you have a strong accent? nah. not even a strong australian accent. unless im at work for some reason
45. What is your favorite accent? australian
46. What is your personality type? intp
47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing? this $200 corset i bought during venus rx
48. Can you curl your tongue? yep
49. Are you an innie or an outie? innie
50. Left or right handed? righty
51. Are you scared of spiders? absolutely yes
52. Favorite food? chocolate or nandos
53. Favorite foreign food? kadhi
54. Are you a clean or messy person? usually neat, but when my anxiety is bad then i gets messy
55. Most used phrased? “i dont know”
56. Most used word? “yeah”
57. How long does it take for you to get ready? about an hour
58. Do you have much of an ego? i used to think so, but honestly not really
59. Do you suck or bite lollipops? suck
60. Do you talk to yourself? all the time
61. Do you sing to yourself? when i’m alone
62. Are you a good singer? not in the slightest
63. Biggest Fear? heights, working thursday nights
64. Are you a gossip? haha yeah
65. Best dramatic movie you’ve seen? pride & prejudice, infinity war. idk what counts as a dramatic movie
66. Do you like long or short hair? short
67. Can you name all 50 states of America? nope
68. Favorite school subject? english, drama, i liked science but had shitty teachers
69. Extrovert or Introvert? introvert
70. Have you ever been scuba diving? nah
71. What makes you nervous? well i have anxiety, so like, everything. but specifically, people being angry at/near me, heights. actually, that’s probably it hey.
72. Are you scared of the dark? nah
73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes? not unless it’s important to do so. i don’t usually give a shit
74. Are you ticklish? very
75. Have you ever started a rumor? ...not that i can remember. but it sounds like something i’d do
76. Have you ever been in a position of authority? i think i was a peer support leader in high school?
77. Have you ever drank underage? haha yeah man
78. Have you ever done drugs? sure
79. Who was your first real crush? omg this guy at school called daniel. he was soooo pretty and smart and he was tanned and had the prettiest green eyes. he was nice to me, but always called me the wrong name and ended up dating my friend later on. but i didn’t mind. i enjoyed admiring him before he dated her haha. then i forced myself not to like him
80. How many piercings do you have? 3
81. Can you roll your Rs?“ yep
82. How fast can you type? pretty fast, but not at work when someone’s watching. the pressure makes me fuck up
83. How fast can you run? not very fast
84. What color is your hair? black
85. What color is your eyes? brown
86. What are you allergic to? kiwi fruit (i eat it anyway)
87. Do you keep a journal? no, but i used to. this blog is the most ‘journal’ thing i’ve had in forever
88. What do your parents do? my mum doesn’t work and does cocaine, my dad is a taxi driver
89. Do you like your age? yeah being 20 is cool. certainly better than being younger.
90. What makes you angry? injustice, people not listening to me, especially when i’m right. people assuming things about me, especially when they’re wrong. people being rude for no reason, people dismissing me, being treated poorly
91. Do you like your own name? i dont give much thought to it
92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they? nah, i don’t plan on having kids
93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child? i’ve only ever pictured having a daughter, but i dont really care. having a son would be cool. whatever happens you know
94. What are you strengths? i’ve been trying to answer this question like all year. being at work has really made me feel like i don’t have any strengths. i guess i’m a good listener? i know im respectful of others. i can’t even say i’m kind anymore because i’m actively trying not to be as kind as i used to be. i’m polite. i can be funny when i’m comfortable with the person/don’t give a shit about what they think of me. i’m easy-going. i know i can be charming, but it takes a lot of energy so i have to be feeling not-anxious. i’m socially intelligent, and good at making people feel at ease, and diffusing tense situations. i’m brave
95. What are your weaknesses? god. i’m anxious. all the time. i’m not very articulate. i’m not very smart or good at maths or anything. i tend to be awkward, especially when im anxious which is always. i tend to avoid my problems, instead of facing them head-on
96. How did you get your name? my dad’s sister chose it for me. no one really explained it to me, but there’s this hindu belief or tradition or book or something, where you find out what your child’s name should start with (which letter or sound) based on when they’ll be born. i think it ties into astrology somehow, but again, no one is willing to explain it to me. but yeah, based on that my dad’s sister picked a name that starts with r. and my dad picked the spelling
97. Were your ancestors royalty? noooot per se. according to hindu belief, they were demi gods. and my dad’s mother told me we came from royalty, but i have no source for that, so it’s more an empty claim.
98. Do you have any scars?
99. Color of your bedspread? i’m staying in my parents room, which has a white bedspread
100. Color of your room? the whole house is a rental and has blue walls
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