#the poor quality is on purpose haha.....
with-love-from-hell · 9 months
I am begging you all to stop supporting AI. Not the AI chat bots, not Art, Not the song covers on youtube, not the filters, not writing. NONE OF IT. I am already starting to see advertisements using AI art in their marketing. This shit takes jobs and income away from artists, you fucks.
Look at this ad and tell me an artist or photographer could have done it better.
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The toes are fucking backwards. They're all big toes. The right foot is smaller than the left and the skin on the leg is a different color. The socks look fucked up. All of this is bad.
And what's worse is that the people in marketing are having their livelihoods threatened because of this shit. Freelance artists are already struggling with getting commissions, and are being replaced by a shit generated image where the character you like has 6 fucking fingers on each hands because it doesn't cost anything. Voice actors are losing out on gigs because people can use their voice to say or sing *whatever they want* without their consent. Photographers and photo editors are struggling with getting people to hire them to restore and fix photos, because anyone on tiktok can just slap an AI filter over it and make it visibly worse, but now I look like I'm in star wars, right? Writers are struggling to bid for columns or get commissions because people would rather use a text generator to do the work for them easily and faster. And for why?! It's hurting people! It's stealing from people who are already struggling! People arent griping for no reason- it's purpose is to make artists obsolete so they wont have to be paid. It's happening in real time. This isn't a damn joke. STOP USING IT
And even if it wasn't hurting people now, it has the potential to! just think of the consequences of being able to generate images of people at any place at any time, or being able to make someone say -anything- at all, and claim it as real. This is horrifying, and people decide to ignore posts like this because haha they can make themself look like a barbie doll! Or put their fav in a situation! or personalize a song from their fav! Are we really so impatient and greedy for content that we're willing to destroy the livelihoods of the people who also enjoy our fav content and are generous enough to make it come to life because there's a free way to get very poor quality content pumped so rapidly that it dulls our appreciation for the content itself?!
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♚ N x Non Binary! Reader ♛
My third request! Hope you like ;3
You was part of the Disassembly Drone squadron, being the 4th addition to the group and also responsible for their "medical care".
N and you had a special bond, spending most of yours times together, whether they are: hunting, talking or simply spending some quality time together. You always thought N was cute and funny in his own way, making you laugh and smile every time you were around him, and you loved him for it.
The only problem, or rather the only two problems were: J and V.
Even though they were from the same squadron as N, the two drones never seemed to mind hurting the sweet drone, both be being physically and emotionally, which drove you crazy.
So, another beautiful night of hunting began. Where you were currently alone with your random thoughts, having to go hunting alone this time at J's request… You suspected that she had sent you out alone on purpose, as she didn't seem to like your "too friendly bond" with N. She was a spoiled bitchy company narcissist in your opinion, but you didn't want to say it to her face for fear of having to have an argument with the drone in question.
You stop your thoughts as soon as you land near the base, hearing a scream?.. And it seemed to be from N!
You run to the entrance in the dome of worker drones bodies, quickly looking for where N was, finally finding him on the ground with V and J around him… what did they think they were doing with him?!
N appeared to be moaning in pain on the ground, looking like he got some kind of kick in the stomach, while this V and J laughed at his poor misery. You were totally enraged by this scene, feeling your hands quickly turn into sharp blades, thus running towards the three, knocking V and J to the ground in the process.
'' Hey! That hurt! '' V complained getting up from the floor glaring at you with eyes that could kill. You snorted, feeling your angry face tighten quickly locking eyes with J who had also gotten up and was cleaning her clothes.
'' You- Tsk! You're lucky I'm in a good mood (Y/n)! If not, the company would definitely know about it! '' J made an annoyed face at you, she sure wasn't in a good mood. You couldn't care less…
'' It would be really nice if you didn't touch my boyfriend J! You too V! I wouldn't mind having to make 2 sacrifices that were 'irreversible' on behalf of the company..after all this isn't my job?~ I need to take care of what's most important.. and in this case N is more important… you want to die forever this time?~ '' You said in a dark but malicious voice, giving a smile full of teeth that shed saliva, now having your eyes replaced by a big illuminated X. J and V retreated in genuine fear, not expecting such a threat from you.
'' F-fine! But you two sleep outside tonight! Come V! Let's leave them alone.. '' J said entering the spaceship, soon being followed by a silent V who was now looking at the ground.
You snorted, still irritated, but soon retracting your claws and reverting to your worried expression, quickly looking over at the disassembly drone that had been silently gazing at you in admiration.
'' O-oh- I'm fine (Y-Y/n), don't worry seriously! J and V are so strong haha- '' N spoke in a clumsy way, embarrassed for looking so silly in front of you. You sighed, giving the drone an affectionate hug, which he returned with flushed cheeks.
'' Please promise me that you'll try not to get hurt ever again? Please? I.. really can't think about losing you N..'' You said softly resting your head on his shoulder, which he reacted by softening his expression and giving a small reassuring little smile.
'' I promise-… but only if you're by my side the whole time! '' N said in a happy voice, which you just rolled your eyes, then giving a teasing smile. '' You goofy ass would never survive without me! So for sure '' You say with a playful tone soon hearing N's happy giggle.
'' Hehe! I love you so much (Y/n)! Thank you for always being here for me… '' N said in a caring tone looking into your eyes, feeling his cheeks flush as you looked into his face. You smiled softly seeing his cheeks, cupping N's face with both your hands carefully.
" I love your goofy ass too! Now come here! " You declared with an amused smile, not leaving time for N to react pulling him to kiss your lips, thus starting a sweet and slow kiss, which scared N at first, but quickly recovered from the shock, returning the kiss with affection, feeling his cheeks burn.
You were happy together, and nothing or no one was going to break the bond you had.
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cinnaminsvga · 4 months
tbf i think the grandma shit started because of my own fault. i think I felt so old compared to everyone that I said i feel like a grandma or something, or even told them to call me grandma in a "just call me grandma" kinda way and it stuck with a few of them haha
you know what, im kind of the opposite, I feel like my writing now is of a worse quality than back then. i think I got too used to writing just for myself so I got lazy and impatient and skipped over adding details and more descriptions and such But for you, I think it would be a good way to see how much you've improved in your personal opinion! Though like I get churro chumps specifically was crack so maybe use something you took more seriously when writing for comparative purposes haha
omg that's me with soonyoung, he's my actual bias even if seungcheol is constantly tackling me and shaking his ass in my face to remind me how much he owns my ass, but anyway, yeah soonyoung is my precious babie. i just want to love and protect him, he's just a poor innocent little soul
also, sorry if these asks are annoying, I never know when to shut up or how to real social cues so feel free to stop responding at any point. i am very aware that I ramble and it's a lot at times
(double also i know this response may seem fast, I just happened to see that you had responded when I came online lol. triple also(I need more vocab) no idea why im still remaining anon when you can probably easily guess my user at this point but im pretending there is a valid reason for clicking anon)
that's interesting to hear you think your writing got worse! well, i can sort of understand that... for me, when i take a break from writing, sometimes it can feel a little difficult to get back into the groove of things... but i get what you mean a little about "writing for yourself." when you have no intention of sharing your work, sometimes specific details aren't necessary when your target audience is, well, yourself.
as for rereading my old stuff... i do actually reread a lot of my stuff, just not the ones from when i was like 16 LOL it's not because i don't wanting to read my "unserious" stories, it's more because i hate cringing at my old stylistic choices. i like to think ive gotten better at adopting writing styles that i think can make my stories flow smoother. but as a teen, i had trouble structuring my stories because i relied heavily on dialogue to move them. which... isn't a very sustainable approach LMAO but yeah churro chumps is still a story i will always cherish, because even after all this time... i do love me some sillay yoongay fanfics :3
i like soonyoung too :D he was my bias prior to seungcheol... it started with jihoon, then soonyoung, then cheol... leading me to accept my fate as a leader line fan lol but tbh ive gotten really into seokmin lately... something about silly guys is getting to me...
and never apologize for rambling :D i ramble a lot too!! im president of yap city, as they say... i was always the kid who got moved around the classroom bc i would NOT shut up, no matter who i got paired up with... oh woe is the mouth that yaps... anyway thanks for sending these in!! its nice to talking to ya anytime!!
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indepth-mbti · 2 years
Hey, I’ve been following your IG page for a few years now. Really appreciate the care and quality you put into your posts.
Anyway, I would just like to ask for some confirmation on my Mbti type. For reference, I believe I am an INFJ 1w9 soc/sp.
Frankly, I think I’m quite good at manipulating people and their emotions, logic etc. to go the way I want. But I don’t tend to do it because I can’t be bothered to. Maybe it feels like there’s no point doing so since it won’t change the future anyway…
I have a focused purpose in life but I don’t actually have the energy nor resources to go and achieve it. I know that this purpose needs to be fulfilled but it’s draining to think about taking the action needed to achieve it - this mentality really annoys me. I always try my best in everything I do but the moment I feel it’s going to change the trajectory of my life, I chicken out. Maybe it’s a self-esteem issue.
Anyways, for the most part of my life, I really just enjoy staying at home and reading up on the 1-2 topics of interest every day. I never get tired of it somehow! Often, I am so invested I forget to nourish my physical self & yet, I wonder why I’m so hungry at 1am haha…
Also, when my loved ones come and ask for advice or to vent, I can be so detached that they think I have no feelings but really, I’m doing it for their sake. I have this sense of duty to make them see What they are and Why they feel the way they do. Sometimes, people need a good smack to realise that maybe, it isn’t as complex as it seems. Feelings cloud judgement and that’s why I always try to reason things instead of feeling them…
I’m not sure if what I said helps in identifying any cognitive functions but thanks in advance.
Yes, I think you're an INFJ. You show pretty good Ni.
Not so sure about the soc1 part but I don't see anything here that contradicts it either confirms it.
"Frankly, I think I’m quite good at manipulating people and their emotions, logic etc. to go the way I want... Maybe it feels like there’s no point doing so since it won’t change the future anyway…" "Also, when my loved ones come and ask for advice or to vent, I can be so detached that they think I have no feelings but really, I’m doing it for their sake."
Underdeveloped Fe. You use your aux Fe more like a tool or weapon than to actually aid your dominant Ni to face the external world or to do and be better. This actually also leads you to have more problems with your inf Se.
"I have a focused purpose in life but I don’t actually have the energy nor resources to go and achieve it... I always try my best in everything I do but the moment I feel it’s going to change the trajectory of my life, I chicken out."
Low Se problems.
"Feelings cloud judgement and that’s why I always try to reason things instead of feeling them"
This sounds either as E1 or E6.
Oveall in all you write I see good Ni and poor Se. I also see a clear FeTi dynamic, but as I said, try to work a bit on connecting with the good aspects of Fe instead of using Fe as a detached weapon - I also think that you justify yourself through twisting your Ti logic a bit too much.
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respiteresponse · 1 year
Im seeing people defend the Genloss stream by saying the “poor quality was done on purpose” and I’m perplexed. Like do these people not think we are ex-boobers? I remember being super excited for Genloss when they first started talking about it and this was… just not what was talked about and hyped up to be?
i can be so honest when i say that when i was still a ranboo fan generation loss was something i thought was really cool and i was also excited to see come to fruition but after two years that first stream being what we get as an introduction to his supposed passion project is just kind of ridiculous. and i think we can all tell it was supposed to be silly from the presentation but goofy absolutely does not have to equal to poor quality lol 😭to me that whole first stream could easily be written off as a one off gimmick he tried to have a little fun and then never utilized again haha like thats the vibe it gave me idk im rambling again but all in all i agree with you in it being jarring overall
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o-sachi · 10 days
I’m a terribly sorry for that long ass text🥲
I find your type really interesting and for lack of better words, really pure? Like i can see that you analyse the character get to know their personality and choose them yk? Like you like leadership qualities etc see what i mean?
And there’s me.. 😭 me who just like the craziest/ funniest/good looks/ charismatic one. i think i like them a bit messed up too like traumatised it might be because i relate. (which leads them to the craziness not a bad one tho) or bad relationship with family etc
There is 2 categories of characters i like
First the crazies : they catch my attention right away if good crazy (and my type) they make laugh or i be like naaaaaaah he’s crazy for that !!! *eyes sparkling*
Sub category is crazy but not my type. I’d still like to see the character
And the 2nd is the charismatic i don’t give a fuck-ers you might say it’s the same as the crazy one and it might be true 😭
But the difference is that we know they actually give a fuck and they think before doing something (well not always)
Some examples. Do you know kuroko no basket? If yes you already know who’s my favourite 😃 yes akashi. i like aomine and murasakibara too
Bllk? You guessed it Kaiser, bachi, and shido (charles is a bit crazy bur not my type but i still like him) well mihya is not crazy per se but he’s messed up.. my poor baby- wait i forgot he manipulates and destroys people for his entertainment he is crazy. Do i have to explain bachi and shido?😂
I play otome game idk if you know about ikemen prince but my fav ? Prince Clavis of course the prince who pit trap is way around the castle, who tries to assassinate his genius brother every birthday (he loves him so much sigh) 😭
Every time i watch/play something i fall hard for the crazy good looking guy i swear don’t even do it on purpose 😭
Well i also like badass/dumb but it has to be well done if not it just piss me off for some reason
Again sorry to make you read all of that!
[🐟]: It's okay, Kangaroo Anonie. I read all of it, so now read my own yapping >:)
Pure... Never really thought of them that way to be honest. I guess they are good people when compared to other characters I like, but then again, it's hard to say since they're in a normal everyday life setting. But, all things considered, I think they're pretty 'pure' as you say hehe. Like I swear this is my type irl like where do I find a man like that in this economy????
NO, but I get that!! I also like the crazies sometimes or the idgafers. Sometimes they just stand out and it's hard to miss them, so you end up liking them.
KnB is my favorite sports anime actually lol. I like it more than Bllk tbh. Akashi used to be my favorite, but I realized that I like Aomine more now. Though if I would date any of them it would be Takao haha.
My Bllk favs are Bachi and Kaiser, so I kinda understand you there lolol.
KANGAROO ANON YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT YOU TRIGGERED IN MY BRAIN WHEN YOU MENTIONED IKEPRI. I've played a lot of otome before lol, but sadly, I haven't tried IkePri. I have played IkeSen, IkeVamp, and IkeRev.
I REALLY love Ieyasu and Masamune from IkeSen; Napoleon and Mozart from IkeVamp; Ray from IkeRev. Omfg I love the Ikemen series sm. Thank you for mentioning that.
Who doesn't like the badass characters though? Tbh I can go on and on about this trope, but I've yapped enough I feel.
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handinlovablehand · 2 years
Here are some thoughts/reflection/process things re: the Tallahassee comic. Since this is my art blog, I figured this was the best spot to put it! Lots of images and pretty long, so I've thrown it below a cut.
This is the first time I've seriously worked with Microns and a lot of 'em since... oh, lord, 2020. I'm pretty sure I've done some other stuff along those lines, but here are examples and an emulation of the style digitally:
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(Respectively, May 2020, March 2020, and September 2020. Apologies for quality on the first two; I had to rely on old photos.)
Compare with this spread from the comic:
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I'm still not super comfortable with backgrounds (or cars; all the shots at the beginning are framed VERY carefully so that I do not have to draw one), but you can see that they've gotten a lot better. The sparseness of the floor was intentional - I wanted to create the effect of an infinite-looking space, with the ceiling fan to provide depth. There's a bit more depth and weightiness than in that drawing of Karkat or the seagulls.
That's partially because the house is as much of a character in Tallahassee as its narrators. Aside from the space in the liner notes devoted to describing their environment, there's also quite a bit in the album itself. There isn't much physically happening in the notes, either, so I had to rely on shots of the house in order to fill panel space. Three cheers for symbolism and vivid imagery!
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To pull up another page, I've also gotten A LOT better with natural environments in particular. I'm quite proud of that rose bush and the fence, although I could've taken a little more care while filling it in and the lighting leaves something to be desired.
Speaking of, my attempts at lighting are quite a bit more solid, but still not perfect. Consistency isn't great, and I have some qualms about the Alphas' hair and the shadow cast by the Alpha Male sitting up, but what can ya do? At least I'm drawing shadows being cast by things, haha.
I think the attic, the window shots, and "knocked down" panels look the best light-wise. I was trying to convey bright moonlight, and I think I did a pretty good job! I adore the curtains. A solid runner-up is the open door; I wanted to use it as a reverse light source, of sorts. In retrospect, I could have spaced the door shots out a bit more to make it feel more ominous.
Craft-wise, there's also a lot of improvement. Normally, I'd do a longform, easy-to-fuck-up project like Tallahassee digitally. However, I forgot my drawing tablet stylus in a very stupid place that I won't return to for a few months. So, I've been going back to pen and paper again.
I felt very confident right out of the gate, which is very strange considering it was the first time I'd used many of those pens for art in a hot minute! I actually did another casual-ish piece with Microns and gel pens in my sketchbook a few weeks before this, shown below:
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but while I was VERY excited about my use of color, I wasn't super fond of the ink work. That's because I fucked up before I even started.
My sketchbook is, er, a sketchbook. The pages are pretty rough. I learned while working on the comic that technical pens are meant for use on smooth paper, and will often appear spotty/inconsistent on the rougher stuff. You can REALLY see it on the frame around the magpie. I switched to standard-issue copier paper in the comic, which plays much nicer with them. Sketch paper also frays brush pens. Oops! Guess that explains what happened to one of those poor, poor souls...
I got my first set of Microns in 2017-ish. I was really only interested in the fixed-width pens; I'd tried a brush pen earlier on and HATED. IT. With a burning passion. My hands have always been pretty unsteady, but it was worse when I was younger, so my lines looked godawful. The set came with a brush pen, though, and I made many valiant attempts to use it. In my sketchbook. Which inevitably frayed it terribly and rendered it unusable for most purposes.
I used the set quite a bit, but infrequently enough that I've still got most of them! My 005 is going strong, but the 05 is lost, and the 1 and 03 are not long for this world. I've known the 03 is on death's door for a while now, but the 1 just started giving out on me while working on Tallahassee. I tried to replace both, but instead ended up with a 2. It worked out, though; I used it to fill in large, dark spaces. I really should've been using an alcohol marker, hence the streakiness.
Back to the brush pen, I ended up getting another set in 2019 that was all brushes, but this time with colors! "It will be different now," I told myself. "I'm a better artist. I'm stronger, and I do colored lines digitally. So I will use a brush pen, and I will like it." I did not use those brush pens and I hated them. But I did end up with a mercifully unspoiled black brush pen thanks to those, and also a red.
All three of the brushes I've named make an appearance here. I used the frayed pen to texture the grass and the Spanish moss; it ended up perfect for soft, fluffy things. I used the healthy and whole one for the tree branches and the Alphas on the "knocked down" page to lend them a more organic feel. The red makes its appearance on the last page.
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It's the staircase on the left. I drew the lines with the red brush, then VERY, VERY, VERY carefully colored around them with the black. The red lettering was done by writing it out in pencil, writing over them in red gel pen, then VERY, VERY, VERY carefully tracing around them with a black pen and filling things in. Do not do that. It is stupidly time-consuming. If I pull a similar trick next time, I'm just going to write with my white gel pen and then go over it again with my red brush.
For the sake of my sanity and yours, I will not discuss that process in any more depth. I will also abstain from telling you about the hellish nightmare that was trying to print copies to distribute as zines, because DEAR FUCKING LORD.
I've already spent an hour writing this, and I've got quite a bit to do today! So I'll end it off here. Thanks for reading this!
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mimicmew · 3 years
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crowscared · 2 years
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this guy
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appri-dot · 4 years
Person I drew fanart for: "you can just @ me in it :D"
Me: oh..maybe they didn't see it? I-I should probably ask them about it!
*doesn't anyways*
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ilovekazuhaa · 3 years
oh and can u please write some sort of an ansgty (ending good) sequel of the pepa's child in their rebellious phase
like bc of the life quality of the average madrigal, reader feels pressured and not good enough
even after they're grounded, they continue being a troublemaker using their gift with their little friend group and pepa gets even angrier but reader breaks down when being yelled at and and pepa feels bad and idk they solve the problem together????
also it would be cool if reader has fire gift that can cause outbursts with strong emotions but it's okay if u want another gift since u have already wrote for a reader with fire gift
(yes this is my first time using colors in a request how could u tell)
“My Little Firecracker”
Pepa x reader
genre: angst, followed by fluff
Part 1
Extra info: reader has a fire gift here as well, it causes outbursts with strong emotions. btw colors are fun lol they make it more exciting to write requests. like when i read the colored words in my head the little voice in my head reads them deeper and slower haha idk how to explain it. anyways, enjoy what i wrote :) also, sorry for not posting for like 5 days. I’ve been super busy and out with friends, but posting is back to normal now!
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Well, you swore to fix your behavior since your mamá caught you that day. But there you were a week later, egging houses with your friends. The five of you laughed as the eggs splattered on the windows of Señora Guzman’s home and the bright yellow yolk stained her white house.
You were rebelling because it was fun! Plus, you didn’t want to be a “little perfect princess” and a “overworked, burnt out kid” because you never felt good enough to follow that specific agenda anyways. It was just too much pressure and you didn’t think you could live up to it. So you found it easier to go against the flow and do whatever you wanted, even though you knew your mother would kill you. But whatever, who even cares anymore right? Wrong.
You all continued throwing the eggs, laughs echoing through the town as you did so. To add a little more fun to it, you used your gift to heat up the eggs, and when they hit the home they were practically cooked. It left little burn marks on the woman’s house, but nothing too serious that could burn the home down. You also set her little plants outside on fire too. It wasn’t the end of the world, Isabela could grow her new orchids anyway. It wasn’t anything personal either, she was just an easy victim.
The poor old woman came out of her home, so confused and angry as to why you children were doing this. A horrified gasp escaped her as she saw her little plants shriveling up. God it was hilarious. A few of your friends purposely threw eggs at her, drenching the elderly woman in egg yolk, causing her to become even more upset and that’s when you decided that doing this wasn’t cool anymore, realizing it wasn’t a very smart idea. But it was far too late for that. Your mother was somehow in town and she had seen everything. From her perspective, she swore her eyes had not deceived her.
Pepa didn’t see your face go from one that was laughing to one that was frowning. She just saw that you were vandalizing a house, burning plants and throwing eggs at a poor, elderly woman.
This made your mother incredibly angry. Rage filled her from head to toe as she practically ran across the bustling plaza. A dark cloud appeared above the home of Señora Guzman, you, and your friends. At first the sudden appearance of the cloud confused you, until you realized what caused it, or more like who caused it. Slowly turning around, total terror was plastered all over your face, and you prayed that it wouldn’t be the person that you were most afraid of.
‘Please don’t be her” you thought “Please god, cut me some slack just this once.”
But of course, your prayers weren’t answered and it indeed was your mother charging towards you, her usual soft green eyes glowing red with rage. Your friends gasped and took several steps back as drops of rain started to fall on them.
“Y/N MADRIGAL! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU’RE DOING! YOU’RE SO DEAD!” the woman yelled. The sound of her voice alone could’ve caused you to get a stroke, but luckily you were somewhat prepared for this.
You looked around you as your heart raced and your breathing became panicked. Your friends ran away at the sight of your mother, the old woman stared at you wide eyed, and you saw the plants that you lit on fire burn out due to the rainfall caused by your mamá. With no warning, you felt a hard tug on your ear. Before you could let out an ‘ow’ your mother started yelling at you, showing absolutely no mercy.
“ARE YOU SERIOUS!?! YOU’RE MISBEHAVING AGAIN?! Seriously Y/N! All you do is everything I tell you not to, even after you have been given punishment!” A mini tornado formed behind your mother as she let go of your ear, pacing back and forth “Why do you do this to me? You can’t do a single thing I ask of you and I’m sick of it! What do I have to do to make you liste-”
“Because I’m not good enough!” you said, cutting the woman off. Your eyes were glued to the ground but you knew everyone around you was staring. Tears filled your eyes. Why couldn’t your mother understand what you were going through? Why you were acting this way? Couldn’t she see anything that was happening at all?
“I-it’s because I’m not good enough” you let out a sob “Going against everything is easier than being perfect all of the time and dealing with this never ending pressure! If I could be the way you wanted me to, I already would be!” you yelled. The bushes surrounding the both of you started to catch on fire. The flames sprouted on some bushes and not others. Thankfully, it was raining so the mini fires you created were put out almost instantly. Staying focused on the ground, your body shook and you covered your face with your hands in efforts to wipe away your tears and partly hide your red face due to crying. Were you being ridiculous for acting this way? Should you have just took whatever punishment she gave and never said anything at all?
Your mother stood there, wide eyed as the mini tornado that followed her immediately stopped. The falling rain began to drench your clothes as you turned around to run away. But before you could, you mother acted quickly and took ahold of your wrist, holding it tighter than ever before. As you looked back at your mother with your tear filled eyes, her green orbs stared into your soul, getting a glimpse of how you really felt and her heart broke. She related to your feelings at some point, realizing that she found herself doing the same when she was young. How did she not notice the signs? How could she not notice what was happening with her baby?
Trying your best to escape her grip, you continued pulling and tried to run away as she brought you in for a hug. Your face landed directly into her chest and you tried pushing her away but her embrace was just too strong.
“Mi amorcito, don’t fight it anymore. I’m sorry. Por favor, let’s talk about this” the woman pleaded.
This only made you want to run away more because it meant you were going to have to come face to face with those feelings you were trying to hold back for so long.
You shook your head “No, no, no! Leave me alone! We don’t need to talk!” you tried pushing her away again, but there was no way you could escape her.
Pepa then gave you a soft kiss on the forehead and as if it were magic, it made you melt. Your legs felt wobbly and you started to feel warm despite the cold rain that was coming down on you two. Finally accepting the woman’s desire for an embrace, you wrapped your arms around her waist and let yourself cry, your salty tears drenching her somewhat wet shoulder. She didn’t pay it any mind though. She just wanted to figure out what was wrong, what exact thing made you feel this way, so that it would never happen again.
Sinking into her touch, your head was now buried in Pepa’s neck as you sobbed. You hugged the woman so tight, your irregular breaths and sudden jerking eventually calming down as the woman drew little lighting bolts and suns on your back. Her soft coos and her occasional “I love you” or “you’re perfect just like this” phrases made you relax a lot more.
After a few minutes of silence and awkward stares from others, your mother apologized and promised to compensate the woman as she took your hand and led you back home. Without protest, you followed her, looking down at the ground the entire way back in shame and embarrassment. The both of you were soaked, and when you guys got back, she gave you a warm towel and sat you on the couch.
Your eyes were tired. You had eye bags and dried tears crusted at your eyelids. Your nose was completely stuffed and no matter how much you blew your nose, it never went away. You felt like any more words about your emotions would push you over the edge and make you cry again. You felt so fragile, so vulnerable, so weak. Your mother hugged you, wrapping her arm around your shivering body and the yellow towel she gave you.
“Now” the woman said “Let’s talk about what has made you feel this way. You shifted uncomfortably as you shook your head.
“Please mi bebe” she begged “Tell mami what’s going on so she knows how to help you.”
You sighed. Were you really ready to unload all of this emotional baggage you had been holding back for this long? Running a hand through your wet hair, you ultimately decided to give in. You told your mother exactly how you felt and you only continued because of her encouraging looks and occasional nods she gave you to signify she understood and was listening.
She tried to make you feel as safe as possible, so you would tell her something. She knew you probably wouldn’t tell her everything, but she hoped you would say enough so she could help you out a bit.
Explaining everything to her, you feared she wouldn’t understand. But to your surprise, she told you that she related to you and that being a Madrigal was never going to be an easy job. You were glad she was honest, but comforting. It was exactly what you needed.
Pepa gently took ahold of your face in her hands, her fingers tracing behind your ear to tuck a hair behind it. Leaving a soft peck on your rosy cheeks, she moved your face to kiss one cheek, and then the other.
The woman then told you “If you ever feel this way, talk to me bebe. You are far too important and I don’t want to see you suffer like this. If you feel too overwhelmed or if you need to talk, don’t hesitate to let me know or spend a little extra time in your room during the day” you saw the concern in her eyes and you studied her serious, yet fearful expression “I promise that I will never be mad at you and neither will Abuela or anyone else in the family” she pulled you in and left a kiss at the top of your head as your cold body snuggled into her chest. You cracked a small smile and sighed contently. This felt so much better. Maybe you wouldn’t behave as bad anymore, since it felt like you had freedom now and that someone else actually understood what you were going through.
“I know that it won’t solve all your problems right away, and that’s okay. Even the sun takes breaks sometimes, that’s why the moon comes out to provide temporary light” Pepa said, turning your face towards hers as she rubbed her nose against yours, she called them ‘nose kisses’. The two of you shook your heads, clashing noses and the woman smiled at the sight. It reminded her of old times when you were young, it brought a smile to her face.
“Thank you mami. Te quiero” you told the woman, playing with her signature orange braid as the towel rolled off you, exposing your wet body to the cold air. You shivered, putting it back on.
Pepa returned your smile “I love you more, my little firecracker. Anything for you.”
You loved this nickname. In fact, you remember the exact moment she gave it to you. It was your 5th birthday, the day you got your gift. You accidentally set all of the fireworks on fire for your celebration. At least they worked, but not in the intended way.
Your mother remembered that you were cold and wet, asking “What do you say I start up a hot bath, and we have a fun night, just you and me. We can talk about anything you want and whatever is said in that room, stays in that room. Your choice.” The woman smiled and winked at you as she said this, pointing her head towards her room.
“Really?!” you asked, excitedly.
“Of course, but under one condition.”
You rolled your eyes adoringly “What is it mamá? Lay it on me.”
“Promise me that you will always tell your mami whenever you feel sad so that she can help you! And let her give you infinite kisses with no resistance!” she said, raising her eyebrows and smirking.
You gave her a ‘seriously?’ look and sighed, shaking your head. You couldn’t give up an opportunity like this!
“Fine, you win” you told your mother “I’m only saying yes because of the bath” you joked.
Pepa let out a fake gasp “Is our relationship that shallow to you?! Fine, so be it. But come on, let’s hurry! We don’t have all night for this fun night of ours!” your mother said, taking your hand and bringing you to her room.
As she tugged you by the hand you couldn’t help but laugh “But mamá, isn’t that the point?”
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sparklycardigan · 3 years
Another ask related to tags you wrote yesterday, haha! You were talking about how both Rory and Jess seem to have limited emotional intelligence (despite their formidable book smarts!) and the way Rory shuts her feelings in metaphorical boxes and Jess just shoves the whole mess onto the top shelf (I LOVE those analogies and they made me laugh so much!), and it's SO true! 😂😭. My poor disaster nerds! But anyway, the purpose of this ask is to note that it's interesting to me how Jess seems much more emotionally mature in Season 6 and the Revival (giving sound advice to both Rory AND Luke and talking Luke through his relationship issues, no less!), and I'm wondering how much of that has to do with his writing. Like maybe he found that writing was a good way to work through a lot of his thoughts and feelings- like when you see it externally in black-and-white, it can be easier to organize and see connections, the way you'd analyze somebody else's literature (which Jess was already used to doing, with all his copious annotating).
And that brings a whole new dimension to his advice that Rory write a book specifically about herself and her mom. Because not only is it a "cool story" and something she feels passionate about, but it forces her to look at her life in a way that Rory is usually all too reluctant to do.
I feel like I should start paying you at this point, your asks are like therapy for me. It took me a bit of time to answer this in a way that I would like because I feel extremely connected to that particular part of both of their personalities which makes the following the only appropriate way to start the expected rambling session: Today On Yet Another Episode Of Me Projecting On Gilmore Girls Characters.
First of all, I'm really glad you find my tags somewhat enjoyable, I have a lot of fun writing them so this feels like a nice addition to that experience. Also, I'm immensely grateful to you for sending this ask because it tackles something that I've been writing about recently. I've been thinking about the way different sorts of media affect me and what is it exactly that I gain from each of those art forms respectively, so I tried to put my thoughts in "metaphorical boxes" if you will, and it's not working that well, but there are a few connections I was able to pick up on, so I'm going to highlight some of them here, in relation to Jess and Rory of course because projecting on them is a personality trait for me apparently. Let's again split this into paragraphs, that's how I function the best:
1. Literati & Books
2. Jess Mariano & Writing A Book Of His Own
1. Reading books unfortunately doesn't automatically amount to possession of greatly desired emotional intelligence despite the basic and logical assumption, even if the person approaches the material with devotion or is shown to be analysing particular characters and their stories in depth. I think that for Jess, books have always been more about escapism (which is something you don't have to be conscious of for it to be true). Something he found comfort in, more like a distraction from his personal reality than a chance to deal with himself and I feel like this is correct for a lot of people ("I live in two worlds. One is a world of books." immediately comes to mind, it definitely goes for Rory too). There's reason why the "Earnest has only lovely things to say about you" scene is shot in a way that it's shot in. It just screams romanticism, I can't help but think of the Thoreau quote used in Dead Poets Society, the "I went to the woods because I wanted to live deliberately" one. That's why Jess and Rory's place is completely cut off from the rest of the town, all natural and wild and free. It's at the same time anywhere and nowhere (there are no traces of either Stars Hollow or New York resembling qualities surrounding them, this is where their worlds collide, this is where they can be themselves). It could be anywhere in the world and it wouldn't make a difference. It's no wonder that's where they are shown to have detailed conversations about books first, books are a form of escapism for both of them, especially when they don't feel like dealing with their own feelings, because what better way to get away from your own problems than to think about the problems of fictional people? (yes, it's messed up and illogical, but it's what people do, speaking in a "running away from things" wider sense now) I'm happy you find the analogy I used fitting, I thought it works for them quite well (+ it's a tiny bit entertaining to think about it in that manner). Rory is somebody who relies heavily on plans and schedules, it makes sense for her to try to divide her emotions and put them in boxes and try to arrange them so they fit her personal preferences. Amy March connection again!!!!!!Quote: "I believe we have some power over who we love, it isn't something that just happens to a person." to which Laurie replies: "I think the poets might disagree." which leads me to Jess. I think he's pretty well aware that he can't control what he's feeling in any way and he absolutely despises it. And that's on him "shoving the emotional annoying madness along with the books he has no intention of rereading way up high on the highest shelf" (I just love it when I quote myself🥰). There's quite a bit of denial involved with Rory, she probably knows deep down that she can't do much about the nature of her emotions. The point is: they are both emotionally unintelligent, just in a different way (which is exactly what makes them clash at times).
*This whole paragraph is just further proof that I need to write that Literati/Amy & Laurie post as soon as I possibly can.
Small addition: the first Literati kiss also happens in a place that cuts them off from the rest of the world AND it's also surrounded by nature. I just think that the romanticism of it all. And of course the Pride and Prejudice of it all (okay, time to write that post).
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2. And here we are, post-development Jess at last. I agree with you one hundred percent on this one because the wish to understand myself and my emotions a little better is exactly what got me writing in the first place and now, I'm a s6 Jess myself, fortunately for me (and everyone around me probably). There's this wonderful quality to writing that makes the majority of things much more understandable than they seem to be before they get to meet the everlasting friend that is paper (technology what?) and I think that's exactly what happened to Jess. I also think him to be extremely big on words (internally). It's probably buzzing in that head of his (and let's face it: there's probably a lot of background music added to the mix too), either way it's insanely loud for him most of the time. Offering a bit of that loudness (that's essentially himself) to something visible must have been a tremendous relief for him (and he does look a lot more relaxed in a physical sense s6 forward too, kudos to Milo for that). I love the way you word it: "seeing it externally in black and white", that's exactly it!!!!! Actually seeing it as something existent, not something that he made up or something that he couldn't understand, surely made it easier to think about it objectively. Almost like observing himself as a fictional character? Maybe his mind processed the writing like it would any other book? It would undoubtedly be a familiar route for him. Suppose he didn't even know how much he was letting out when he first started working on it (which seems likely). Maybe he realized later on, after publishing it, closer to the revival timeline, how beneficial the whole thing was for him. The possibilities are endless, that's the beauty of all of this after all.
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salemorbit · 4 years
Hi, sorry if I'm overwhelming you with Requests, but I had an idea for an Imagine that I'd really love to see you write!! Could you please write some Headcanons for how Link, Zelda, Sidon and Revali (Age of Calamity timeline for Sidon btw) would react to a young woman who has a very strong connection to the Spirits being sent to teach Zelda how to unlock her power? Like it's a young woman, around 18 years old, who has a natural ability to communicate with all manner of Spirits, maybe even is part Spirit in some way, so she gets appointed by the King of Hyrule to teach Zelda how to do the same? And maybe she's super nice and excited too? Thanks so much, I really appreciate it!!
oh darling you're totally fine i really appreciate it :D
i hope i did this justice! it's a really neat concept
i also made it an x reader with those attributes if that's okay :)
Hylia's Guide
[BOTW x fem!Reader]
Headcanons (Link, Zelda, Revali, Sidon)
warnings: none
takes place during Age of Calamity!
also for headcanon's sake,,,,,being a descendant of hylia in this case doesnt mean that you're of the same family? if that makes sense? okay so like reader is descended from hylia and technically so is zelda but they aren't blood related in any way HAHA hope that makes sense
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Let's set the scene, yeah?
You were one of the descendants of Hylia from centuries past, now a ghost in the afterlife as part of the universe itself.
Naturally, you would be surprised when you became sentient once more and blinked open your eyes in the middle of Hyrule Field. In your head rang a soothing voice that you both heard in your head and felt in your bones. In an instant, you knew it was Hylia communicating with your physical form again after years of dormant sleep.
The voice instructed that you were to aid Zelda in her studies of connecting to her powers. Hylia could not intervene directly with Zelda, of course, but the most the Goddess could do was send someone in her place. And that was you: a descendant of Hylia's own bloodline resurrected from the dead come to help the princess in her efforts. Easy enough, right?
Convincing the King and his guards of the situation was difficult, let alone trying to get him to allow you to assist his precious daughter with her practice. The only proof that you had of any story that you told were the markings on your hands and chest.
Three distinct triangles etched themselves on your body: one on the back of each hand and the third on your chest. Your powers had long since been passed on to the next descendant of Hylia, but you were still full of the knowledge of how to use Hylia's gift and how to communicate with the spirits.
Link was wary of you at first, being the princess's appointed knight and all, but he soon figured that you weren't as much of a threat as he initially thought
You were kind and excited to meet someone else who also held Hylia's gift (albeit not necessarily awakened, but still) and Link knew that Zelda would be safe in your hands
While going on spiritual treks with Zelda and Link, you almost always made the meals because both Zelda and Link can't really cook lmao
Coming from an entirely different era, you had a big book of recipes in your head that you brought into reality with every meal you made, and Link definitely wasn't complaining
He appreciated your wide breadth of knowledge of different foods, plants, and wildlife that you might encounter on your travels
It made planning protective measures for the princess all the easier
Sometimes the ventures to connect to Hylia didn't bear any fruit (and that's okay because the gift takes plenty of patience!) and the mood could become solemn quickly
But you were always determined to lift the mood and lighten everyone's attitude, and it always worked!
You would excitedly ramble off stories about where you grew up or what you liked to do on your own travels back in the day, and it would always make Link feel warm that you had such fond memories you were willing to share with him
When Zelda needed time to herself to try to connect to the spirits and Hylia, you and Link would hang around each other and bond
Link would listen attentively as you talked about the cultural and time differences between your world and this one, sharing sympathy when you expressed nostalgia over your time lost
But you would quickly turn it around to the positives, which is what Link thought was a wonderful quality that you had
If you ever got caught off guard while on ventures by the Yiga Clan or rogue animals, Link would fight just as hard as he would in larger battles to keep you safe
Over the time you spent together, Link grew very fond of you and always was at your side if he wasn't immediately attending to the princess
Once your guidance and knowledge finally broke through to Zelda and her power awakened, Link was so proud of you for fulfilling your duty
He was worried that you would disappear from his life once you completed Hylia's task, but you connected to the spirits after the fact and bargained with them
At the end of it all, you were able to live your life through again with Link by your side :)
Goddess was Zelda relieved when she found out that she would be having a guide to help her unlock her powers
Upon meeting you, she was absolutely floored with your kindness and willingness to help her with her problems
You were a wonderful mentor to Zelda, teaching her things about the different spirits and how to harness the power that she never would have dreamed of researching on her own
And wow there was a lot of information HAHA
Zelda was also transfixed with the fact that you came from another lifetime, and you were more than happy to tell her all about your life before this one
She would also take very detailed notes about everything you said, enamored with the way you spoke and how excited you got about things you loved
Quiet study time in Zelda's room would often turn into challenges of you trying to make her laugh with small tidbits of stupid stunts you would pull
Of course Zelda couldn't hold back a smile when you were around, so the challenges would fall short but with you falling into fits of laughter
You always brightened Zelda's mood whenever she was down about a failed connection attempt, urging her to try more and be patient with herself
Zelda was thankful to Hylia for sending you because honestly she wouldn't know what to do without someone that was as kind and generous as you were with spreading knowledge about your gifts
And when they finally awakened, Zelda couldn't be more happy!
Hyrule was now safe with Zelda's power awakened and Ganon on the edge of being sealed away
She pleaded that you find a way to stay in her time and teach her more about the spirits and Hylia herself
Your heart warmed at the thought that someone wanted you to stay, and it warmed even more at the fact that someone loved you enough to want to keep you forever :)
Sidon met you when he was summoned with the other Champion successors
You were the first to greet him and explain what had happened with the time jumping and all that, and you helped to put his nerves at ease
His own excitable and boisterous personality bounced off of your own energy and buzz!
Fighting side by side with you, Sidon admired how you always had a strategy and were looking out for Zelda as if she was your own sister
He was surprised upon learning your story: never had he known that Hylia had the power like that to bring someone back to help those in the present
Sidon tried his best to stay by your side whenever he could, wanting to keep your blind spots covered just in case
In your time, you had known the Zora and actually knew King Dorephan when he was a young little guppy, and your stories of Dorephan never failed to make Sidon laugh
Sidon in turn shared his own tales of the evolved Zora Domain, and you found his storytelling absolutely captivating
Sidon felt a pull to you like he had to no one else before, and he nurtured that pull with his own heart
He made sure you had enough supplies, checked in on you immediately when you came back from a far off mission
Just an all around softie I think! Sidon has always been caring like that :)
When it was time for him to go back, you discovered a way that you could jump with him back to his own time
After all, your mission with Zelda from Hylia was over. Why shouldn't you be able to live your life through again?
You jumped back with Sidon to a world vastly different than the one you had just been in, and even more different than the one you were born into
But with Sidon, it always felt like home!
Revali didn't want to be impressed, but he was Definitely Impressed
Your composure about the whole situation was amazing, and you handled all the questions everyone had with grace
And your kindness was overwhelming (in a good way) with the fact that you opened your mind to such possibilities of even being resurrected like that
Revali admired you through and through
He would be incessantly curious about what the afterlife was like, how the spirits communicated with you, what Hylia was like
You, of course, couldn't accurately answer most questions because, well, you couldn't remember, but you appreciated his desire to learn
You loved the way that he fought: with purpose and intent. There was little to no hesitation with Revali, he always had a plan
When you would go to treks with Zelda and Link to try to summon Zelda's power, Revali would make comments here and there insisting that he tag along just in case
Poor Rito really just wanted to spend more time with you, that's all!
If he did tag along, it would be to Lanayru with his knowledge of the cold weather
He would rattle off safety facts of mountain weather and gear you would need, and you would be happy to listen as long as he was talking to you
Revali would also love to hear about your old life, and since you could go on for hours about it all, he would sit and absorb everything that came out of your mouth
He was smitten in a matter of weeks!
He could see the care and sympathy you had for Zelda as she struggled and triumphed in her process of opening her powers, and he appreciated that you could care so much for someone like that
Revali subconsciously protected you even if there was a leaf that fell in the way of your path, as he was always on alert in case someone caught you off guard
As your time came to a close and Zelda awakened her powers, Revali demanded that you stay (with love, of course)
And stay you did, making a bargain with the spirits and living the rest of your second life in the company of the Rito warrior :)
hope i got this good!! i thought the concept was really neat and i kinda wished they did something like that actually :/ zelda didn't deserve that angst
requests are welcome :)
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greatqueenanna · 3 years
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Similarities between Frozen and its original inspiration.
*Note* If anyone can tell me who created that artwork of the Snow Queen that I used in the title, please tell me haha. I've looked everywhere for a source or artist and I can't find it. The Full artwork is here.
It is common knowledge that the Frozen franchise was inspired by Hans Christian Anderson's The Snow Queen (1844).
For those who don't know the story, it is a fairytale written by the Danish author mentioned that centers on true love versus evil. A young child named Kai is taken by a Snow Queen after his heart is frozen by an evil mirror. Gerda, his close friend, goes to look for him while going on a fantastical adventure. She eventually finds him in the Snow Queen's palace and thaws his frozen heart with a kiss and her tears.
Frozen doesn't have a lot in common with the fairytale - in fact, there are only three confirmed aspects that were taken into consideration when writing the film - those being the Snow Queen as a character, thawing of a frozen heart with love, and the mirror. Everything else is dramatically different or has similarities that are more speculative on the fandom's part.
In this analysis, I wanted to go over what is similar between the two stories, along with similarities that may be present in Frozen 2 as well.
The Snow Queen has quite a few characters, with only some really appearing to some degree in Frozen. Now, as said, not everything here is confirmed, so keep in mind that some elements here are speculative.
Major Influence - Gerda
Both Anna and Gerda are determined individuals who put love above everything else. Through their love for the person they are trying to reconnect with, they can save the day. As stated by both narratives, the strongest element that both girls possess is their unconditional love.
Minor Influence - The Princess
Now the second character with some of Anna's traits is the Princess character - she is intelligent and has a caring and helpful personality. She also falls for someone who is of a lower class than she is.
Major Influence - The Snow Queen
We know for a fact that Elsa was indeed inspired by the original Snow Queen - she has ice magic, she builds a palace far away from civilization, and she is a Queen. Also, in Frozen 2, Elsa's main place that she now goes to frequently is Ahtohallan. Ahtohallan is located very far north of the mainland and is permanently frozen. In the fairytale, The Snow Queen's palace and gardens are located in a land of permafrost, which was inspired by Spitsbergen. Spitsbergen is also very far north(ish) of Norway and has many glaciers.
Minor Influence - Kai
Elsa also seems to have common attributes with Kai - they are both disillusioned from the world due to a terrible event - Elsa being traumatized from the accident and what came after, and Kai becoming corrupt from the mirror. Both needed someone who loved them to save them from this way of thinking.
Major Influence - The Little Robber Girl
Kristoff acts as the person who helps Anna during her travels. He shares this in common with the Little Robber Girl from the original tale, as she also is one of the major characters that helps Gerda. She even appears at the end, waiting for Gerda and Kai to return from the Snow Queen's Palace. Another similarity is that both own their own pet reindeer, Sven for Kristoff and Bae for The Robber Girl.
Minor Influence - The Prince
Kristoff also shares some similarities to the Prince character. Both are kind and became royalty from being poor.
Major Influence - The Grandmother
The Grandmother acts as the character that guides the protagonists and tells them the Snow Queen story - not unlike how Iduna guided Elsa and Anna throughout the years and told them the lullaby of Ahtohallan.
Major Influence - The Mirror
While the Mirror is not a character, it was confirmed that Prince Hans was inspired by this object from the original tale. The Mirror reflects the bad sides of humanity - just as Hans reflects the negative qualities of those he is trying to manipulate. He reflects Anna's naive and childish nature, reflects the Duke's jerk-ness, and then reflects Elsa's vulnerability. Hans is also a product of a bad childhood, as is the mirror a product of an ill-intentioned demon.
Minor Influence - The Snow Queen
While Elsa is similar to the Snow Queen on a surface level, Hans is more similar to her personality and purpose. The Snow Queen manipulates Kai into coming with her, using her beautiful snowflakes to get him to come. Hans manipulates Anna and others with his desirable attributes, tricking them into trusting him. The Snow Queen is also selfish and cruel, taking Kai for her own pleasure and then making him try and spell the word eternity with a Chinese puzzle, telling him that she will set him free if he does. Hans tricks Anna until he no longer needs her and then leaves her to die.
Major Influence - The Devil
Runeard is a major antagonist of the franchise - the main cause of the mist, influenced the irrational fear of magic, and always viewed others as dangerous and insidious. The Devil feels much the same way in the original tale, creating a mirror to reflect this ideal. In creating the mirror, the Devil is the catalyst to all the issues present in the story that the characters have to overcome - just as Runeard was the catalyst for the issues in the Frozen world.
-The Love of Siblings-
One of the biggest elements of the Frozen Franchise is the sisterly love of Anna and Elsa. The love of two siblings is actually present within the original tale as well - while Gerda and Kai are not related like Anna and Elsa, it is described early on that they are like siblings, and that Gerda's love for Kai is very innocent - thus implying that their relationship is actually not really romantic.
Both stories start out with both pairs being very close and playing together. Then, a tragic event causes one of the siblings to become more cold and distant, creating a rift in the relationship. For Anna and Elsa, while for Gerda and Kai, it's the mirror shard falling into Kai's eyes and heart.
Elsa is forced to become cold and distant for Anna's safety while trying to understand her powers, while Kai becomes cold when the mirror shard freezes his heart and makes him see nothing but ugliness in the world.
The relationships are only restored when the opposite sibling performs an act of true love. For Anna, she sacrifices her life for Elsa regardless of Elsa (accidentally) freezing her heart. For Gerda, it was the act of bravely traveling across dangerous lands to find her friend.
-Thawing the Frozen Heart-
Both stories tell us that love is the strongest force that defeats evil or fear in Frozen's case. Both stories speak of someone's heart thawing, both in a physical and emotional sense. Kai's heart becomes Frozen when the mirror enters his eyes and heart, along with freezing from the Snow Queen's kiss. Anna becomes frozen when Elsa accidentally strikes her in her heart, causing her body to slowly freeze. Elsa's heart is frozen in a more emotional sense since her fear doesn't allow her to express herself fully.
In both stories, an act of true love is what thaws the frozen heart. Gerda's love (represented in a kiss and her tears) helps unfreeze him, while Anna unfreezes herself when she sacrifices her life for Elsa. Elsa's heart thaws metaphorically when she witnesses Anna performing this act, realizing that love is the key to controlling her powers.
I think everyone would be angry if I didn't mention this well-known trivia haha.
Hans Christian Anderson
Hans - Kristoff - Anna - Sven
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An Angel Amongst Demons - chapter two
Boba Fett x fem!reader
     chapter 1 / masterlist
Summary:  A few days after the incident in the throne room, Boba hovers around you like a shadow worried you’ll leave him. You try to reassure him through small, intimate moments with him that there’s no place you’d rather be.
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A/N:  Really trying to expand on the idea that a gorgeous palace lays hidden underground/ behind the throne room! Also, I think we can all start calling this Boba’s Palace now, jabba is gone. Sorry for the low quality edit it’s my first one haha
Warnings: dancing!boba, protective!boba, suggestive content, plain old day at the palace, soft!boba, not a lot of content tbh but cute moments and we get to know our OC Mandos Raul and Enzo, I didn’t plan this out, im sorry
Word Count: 4.5k+
The ballroom, though practically useless in its existence and never actually having served its purpose, has recently become one of your favorite rooms in the palace. Initially, you didn’t know what to do with the space. It’s not like Boba seized at the idea of throwing a ball and inviting a group of strangers into the palace, providing anyone the opportunity to discover the secrets hidden behind the throne room. Let alone risk letting an adversary sneak their way in and stirring up trouble.
Nonetheless, you’ve taken it upon yourself to spruce the place up. It is, after all, one of the grander rooms in the castle, with paintings coating the ceiling and the walls bordered with columns.
It’s actually extremely beautiful, you’ve decided, wiping your forehead against your light-blue sleeve, frowning when it comes back brown from the dust that’s stuck to your face. It seemed like a sensible thing to wear this morning. A loose fitting blue blouse with flowy pants to match, secured in the middle by a slightly darker sash. Your pant legs were tucked into your boots so as not to get in the way. It was one of the more cozy and plain things you owned, though not poor in quality by any standards. The fabric was refined, flowy and soft against your skin. Quite honestly, even in your working clothes, you looked nicer than you felt you deserved to. But far be it for Boba to allow his princess to wander around in anything but the best.
The week you’d moved in was a busy one, filled with surprises and adjustments that were quite honestly overwhelming. You arrived at Boba’s palace with a literal sack over your shoulder, enough to stash your small wardrobe of two garments and a few trinkets of personal value. Tatooine was a simple place, you only owned what you absolutely needed. And you, being a young and simple waitress at the local cantina, could barely make enough to cover your cost of living. You were never awarded the luxury of having needless objects.
The first few days of your arrival, Boba had stuck to your side like glue, making sure you got around okay and had everything you needed. Initially, he’d even had a seperate room made up for you to stay in. It was absolutely beautiful, by far the lightest room in the entire palace, though lacking in a window. It was one of the biggest, not as impressive as his own chambers, but still spacious. He decorated the room with paintings and furniture and accented the space with hues of blue and gold. Unfortunately, the pretty room barely got any good use out of it.
Boba escorted you to your quarters on your first night, cradling your chin and kissing your forehead at the door, bidding you goodnight. He reminded you where you could find something to sleep in, having delighted himself in surprising you with an entirely new wardrobe.
You pulled on a satin, lavender slip, admiring the foreign material for a long while as it weighed so delicately on your form. You took your time readying yourself for bed before crawling in and feeling engulfed by pillows. Once you settled, left alone to your anxious thoughts and feelings, you suddenly felt overwhelmed by the exquisite room embracing you. A flutter of giddiness and exhilaration filled you, your mind and body enraptured by the day's events. You felt absolutely spoiled.
Feeling bold on an entirely unnatural level, you slipped away from the warm, velvety comforter and tiptoed to the door. With a rush of courage, your hand met the handle and you stepped out, bare feet cold against the tile floor. You peeked around before quickly darting down the hall, forever grateful that not a soul was around to see your practically naked form running by, before ascending the stairs that led to Boba’s door.
You lifted your hand, your knuckle knocking gently three times against the rough surface.
You heard Boba shifting on the other side of the door, tugging down on your nightgown that just barely cleared your thighs. The hinges of the door creaked as they turned, opening slowly to reveal a very smug looking Boba in just his underclothes.
He hummed, eyes tracing over your form with a shake of his head. “Wandering the halls looking like that.” He chided, gently grabbing you by the waist and pulling you through the door, “That’ll get you into trouble, little one.”
You smile as you recall the memory. Suffice to say, you didn’t end up sleeping in your own quarters that night, or any night after that, for that matter. Though Boba’s honorable gesture in providing you with your own space was not lost on you.
Continuing on with your endeavors, you move to stand from your crouch on the ground, simultaneously trying to tighten the blue sash wrapped around your middle. You gasp as you run into a hard surface, exhaling in relief as Boba braces you in front of him.
Mumbling an apology, you watch as his helmeted face looks you up and down, steady hands holding you out from him.
“What?” You ask, a smile making its way to your cheeks.
“Your outfit, it...looks like something I wore as I boy.” He says adoringly, now fondling the blue sash at your hips.
You glance down again at your form, a matching blue blouse and trousers tucked into simple black boots. “I...look like you as a young boy?” You counter, earning a deep chuckle from your lover.
“Well I looked rather plain in it,” He says, “I don’t think I looked half as radiant as you do.”
“So you do like it?” You ask.
“Of course I like it,” He grins, “I bought it.”
You shake your head as you carry on with your tasks, allowing Boba to shadow your movements for a while before leaving you again to carry on with his own agenda.
You spend the next few hours actively scrubbing away at the room, feeling especially motivated to complete it, not like all the other half-finished rooms scattered about the palace, which is partly your fault. But the ballroom felt different, once you dusted away all the grime and filth and replaced the lighting in the ceilings to give the room more life, it really started to come together. Unfortunately, your previously clean clothes and skin were paying the price for the hard work being done, you definitely looked a little worse for wear. Wisps of hair beginning to tickle your cheeks from where they’d fallen loose from your braid.
Currently, you were taking extra care to polish a beautiful mosaic decorating the inside of an archway. Thousands of small, colorful shards lined neatly together to form the image of a bold Tatooine sunset. One of the few grand beauties your home planet was known for. A surprisingly lovely work of art left behind, albeit not properly cared for, by the previous inhabitants of the palace.
You admire the artwork for a while after polishing it to near perfection, letting your bum fall to the floor and legs splay out comfortably in front of you. Your wrists support your upper body, arms holding you up as you lean back onto them, head tilting lazily to one side.
You find yourself distracted from your glossed over gaze by Boba, who seems to have wandered his way in here for the third time today. Enzo tails him a few paces behind, but stops to stand guard idly by the door. You can’t imagine he or Raul feel as though they serve any real purpose wandering these empty halls, probably much preferring when they get to patrol the throne room or secure the perimeter.  
Boba approaches you, pausing over your fatigued form and huffing out a laugh when you don’t move to stand, instead opting to gaze up at him with tired, doe eyes. He holds a hand out to you and you groan, placing your palm in his as he hoists you up.
“The room looks lovely.” He says, voice raspy through the modulator as he looks around.
The praise makes you smile. “Come see what I found,” You say, leading him by the hand. You open a large dresser to the right, stuffed full of old vinyls and a polished record player sitting proudly atop. You carefully choose a record, placing it beneath the needle and starting the track, allowing it to play soothingly in the background as you guide him around the rest of the room.
He follows you around, listening to you babble about the lovely art on the ceiling and how nice the light looks coming through the one, boxy window at the top. He watches the childlike sparkle and admiration in your eyes as you point out different things you’ve noticed, the excitement trickling out in your tone.
His mind contemplates how different this life is from the one you used to have. You went from a one room, compact home, just barely big enough for your small bed, to a palace filled with grand staircases, hallways and countless bedrooms, a blissful dream in your eyes. Nevermind the fact that you were still stuck on Tatooine. In fact, you seemed happy to stay, oddly attached to the sandy planet, something Boba found amusing.
A couple trips around the room later, and a few songs having gone by, the two of you now stand in the center of the empty room. Him, groaning in protest, and you, placing his hand on your waist yet again. You’ve spent the last few minutes trying to teach him a basic waltz, something your father had taught you when you were little. A rare memory you shared with him before he...well-  
“Boba,” You scold with a giggle, “Try again.” Your request earns you another frustrated grumble from your partner. At some point you were able to coerce him into dancing with you, having pleaded desperately when your favorite classic came on. “C’mon, you nearly had it that time!”
He sighs loudly, tilting his helmet in an exasperated fashion. “Last time,” He says with finality, his finger raised in your direction.
You nod your head, an amused grin spread wide on your face.
He holds tight to your waist and reaches for your other hand, a final effort to humor you.
“And...1, 2, 3...1, 2, 3..” You begin moving again to the music, trying to swallow the snicker working its way up at the image of your armored partner staring at your feet for guidance. Visor following your every move, looking unsure and sloppy and quite honestly graceless.
You jump at the voice of a forgotten presence in the room.
“No! No, no, no, boss.” Enzo finally pipes up, his silent and judgemental self unable to be contained any longer. He moves forward with a swagger in his step as he struts towards you from his previous position against the wall, “You’ve gotta lead her by the waist,” He says pointedly, reaching for you “Observe-”
Boba’s arm shoots out, blocking Enzo by the pauldron, “You touch her, you're a dead man.” He growls, deflecting his attempt to take you by the waist.
You jerk slightly at the interaction, rolling your eyes and waiting for the show of dominance to subside.
Enzo’s hands raise in surrender, bowing away respectfully before returning to his earlier stance, no doubt a grin slapped on beneath his visor.
Boba’s hand returns to your waist with a shake of his head, noting your half-suppressed chuckle, evidently amused by the encounter.  
“Alright,” He grunts, “once more.”
You start counting aloud, moving at a pace Boba can keep up with. You step out on the final eight count and slowly twirl back into his arms, your back now braced against his front. He tugs at your hips, holding you closer, “Mm,” He hums in your ear as you sway in your position, “Well I do like this.”
The sound of his accented voice filtering through the modulator sends a shiver down your spine, and you breathe out a light exhale as he releases you a moment later, turning you to face him.
“See,” You sigh, “You can dance.”
He hums in response, turning around to retrieve his weapon.
You move to face your hired gun, again leaning casually against the entryway.
“Do you actually know how to dance, Enzo?” You ask, reflecting on his earlier attempt at an intervention.
“-Wouldn’t matter if he did.” Boba interjects loudly over his shoulder, dismissing any ideas before they transpired.
You hear a light chuckle emitting through Enzo’s modulator, turning back to see his stance remaining motionless aside from the slight jerk in his shoulders.
Boba returns to your side, tapping his forehead against yours in an obvious farewell.
Your head falls heavily to one side as you tenderly hold one of his gloved hands, fingers tracing the rough fabric of his own. “Is that all the time you’ve allotted for me today, my king?” You say, a teasing smile pulling at your lips.
“Duty calls, I’m afraid.” He replies, “But perhaps I’ll come find you in a bit, see what further progress you’ve made.”
You nod, a slight frown tugging on your lips. You hesitate raising the concern suddenly weighing in your mind.
Ever since the incident with Crane occurred, Boba’s been...watchful. It’s not that he wasn’t protective of you before, it’s just that in the past few days he’s been protective of you in an entirely different way. He’s been hovering and checking in on you almost compulsively. Whereas before he seemed to want to keep you away during the busy hours of his day, now he seemed to want you near enough to reach in a moment's notice. Almost as if he’s worried you’ll abandon him when he’s not looking.
You wonder how he can still feel so worried after sharing such a fun and intimate moment with you.
So, you’ve given him some extra leeway, allowing him to hover to his heart's content until he seems secure in knowing that you’re not going anywhere.
That being said, you really didn’t mind Boba’s loitering close by to wherever you happened to be, you only wish you knew he wasn’t doing it because of the events that conspired earlier in the week.
“Boba,” You say lightly, catching his arm as he turns. “You don’t need to keep checking up on me, I’m not...you know I’m not going anywhere, right?”
He pauses at your words, hands stilling in their endeavor to tighten up loosened pieces of clothing and armor. You hope you haven't upset him in calling out his unusual conduct.
He averts his gaze to the side, pausing a moment before turning back to you. “I know.” He says nodding, a slight hint of defeat in his tone.
You hope perhaps some flattery will comfort him, stepping closer and lifting your gaze to meet his own. “My king,” you say in admiration, “You are a very busy man. You have a planet to rule. And an underworld to dominate. There are many things that I know put strain and worry in your mind, but whether or not your partner will still be here when you go looking for her should not be one of them.”
He doesn’t make any movements, and the face of his visor does little to allow you access to his thoughts.
“What I mean to say is,” You continue, “Go rule your empire. Your princess is safely stashed away in the palace you’ve encompassed her in.”
He breathes out a chuckle, and you smile, “I am happier here with you than I ever thought I’d be. I don’t want to be anywhere you won't be too, Boba Fett.” You reiterate your words from your conversation a few days ago. One that both started and ended with the two of you in tears. A rare moment between the two of you indeed. An exceedingly painful incident for him, having showcased the true depth of his love for you in such an unexpected and vulnerable way. And for you, to have seen the strongest and most fearless man you have ever known brought down to his knees, in tears, was absolutely gut-wrenching, especially in knowing that his own insecurities about your love had driven him to feel such fear.
You squeeze his arm and kiss the cheek of his helmet in valediction. His unmoving visor lingering on your face for an extended moment.  
Boba’s hand makes its way to the back of your head, pulling you forward slightly before gently meeting you in the middle with his own helmet. Your foreheads pressed together in an intimate and tender kiss.
He pulls away silently, giving you a nod, a gesture you return with a small smile before watching him exit the room, Enzo in tow.
You make your way to the kitchens, stomach growling unhappily at having been neglected all afternoon. 
You pause under the doorway.
“I’ve seen you far too much today,” You sigh, feigning exasperation at the sight of Enzo shifting through the pantry for a meal to take to his room.
He stops his digging, turning to face you standing under the doorway before spinning back around.
“Vod’ika,” He greets, “Soup?” He holds a can up over his shoulder while reaching for a pot below the stove.
“No, thanks.” You say, approaching his station.
You pick up the canister of tomato soup, looking it over. “I doubt this tiny thing is even enough for just you.”
He glances down at the can in your hand. “I’ll do two then.”
You roll your eyes, what is it with these massive Mandalorians and not understanding proper nourishment?
“No, no.” You chide, “At least attempt to incorporate a healthy balance into your diet. Something with protein, maybe? Make a grilled porg-and-cheese melt to go with the soup. You can dip it in the broth, it’s delicious.”
His teal visor meets your face, shifting in uncertainty. “Can you do it?”
You sigh, “Fine.”
You get out the sandwich makings, opting to make one for yourself as well. You smear the bantha butter along four pieces of bread and grill them on a pan, layering sliced porg and cheese slices afterward.
You hear footsteps approaching the kitchen just as you’re pulling the finished sandwiches off the stove.
“Raul!” You greet with a smile, Enzo’s head whips in your direction. “We’re making sandwiches, want one?”
“You never sound that excited to see me.” Enzo declares.
You giggle at the accusation, sliding his sandwich onto a plate and handing it to him.
“Can I make you one, Raul?” You repeat.
He sighs, “No kid, thank you.” He steps forward and pulls Enzo’s plate from his hands, placing it away from him on the counter.
“Aye!” Enzo protests, wanting to transport his hot meal to his room so he could eat.
“We work for her,” Raul says, articulating the ‘we’ with an exaggerated hand gesture between the two of them. “You should be making her sandwich, not the other way around.”
“Oh, don’t be silly.” You groan, looking between the pair of Mandalorians.
“Yeah, Raul,” Enzo mocks, a slightly more threatening air to his tone. He retrieves the stolen soup and sandwich, “Don’t be a di’kut.”
Raul’s helmet tilts slightly at Enzo’s words. Not knowing exactly what the word means, but starting to get an unsettling feeling in your stomach, you attempt to intervene, “Guys-”
Just a moment too late.
Raul clamps a hand on Enzo’s arm, jolting him back from trying to pass him. His hand smacks the plate out of Enzo’s hand, the glass shattering before it even reaches the floor, and the soup and sandwich splattering everywhere.
“I made that-” You frown.
Now with two free hands, Enzo grips Raul’s shoulders and shoves him back against the brick ovens, a rough grunt escaping Raul when his helmet meets the open face of a hanging pan.
“Please stop-” You yelp, wincing as Enzo’s fist uppercuts into the weak spot under Raul’s helmet.
For being half a head shorter and not as obviously built as his opponent, the Mandalorian in black and teal armor could sure hold his own.
Raul spits something out in mando’a, his words seething as he grabs onto the cuff of the smaller Mandalorians neck covering and throws him with little exertion to the floor. You hear the crunching of glass beneath Raul’s boots as he growls with a foot on pressing to Enzo’s chest in an effort to force him into submission.
“-I wish you guys wouldn’t always do this.” You sigh, not bothering to shout anymore over the sound of beskar scraping against beskar.
You slide from your seat, taking your sandwich with you as you circle around the room to avoid becoming collateral damage in the red Mandalorian’s show of dominance.
“I have never witnessed two people fight over something so stupid in my life!” You call out behind you, tearing a piece of your sandwich off and popping it into your mouth. Leaving the sound of metal crashing against stone behind you.
You sigh when you finally reach your room, ascending the steps inside your chambers to reach the bedroom. You’re about to sit down on the bed when you catch sight of your reflection, covered in dust patches and knee stains from when you scrubbed against the floor.  You opt to take a quick shower instead, washing out all the grime gathered in your hair and skin.
It takes a couple minutes of harsh scrubbing for the water to stop running off your body brown. You take extra care to wash behind your ears and around your hairline, where dirt likes to plant itself firmly.
You turn the water off when the last few soap suds slide off your hair, wrapping yourself in a warm towel.
Taking a glance out the window, you note that the suns are already setting low on the horizon, and resign yourself to just staying in for the rest of the night.
You pull on a slip dress and wrap yourself in Boba’s robe, inhaling his comforting, musky scent. You reach for your book on the nightstand before lighting a couple of candles around the space, creating a warm and cozy environment.  
Satisfied with the aesthetic you set around you, you plop down on your bed and hope to get a few chapters into your novel before Boba gets home. Admittedly getting distracted a couple times by the stunning, shaded view out your window, exposing you to the last few moments of the captivating sunset.  
Boba comes home a little over an hour later, the glow in your chambers now reduced to only a few lamps and the candlelight spread about your room, but enough to alert Boba of your presence.
You hear his heavy armored footsteps trudging up towards the bedroom. You turn your head expectantly when he reaches the top. Helmet in hand, he pauses for a moment upon seeing you, admiring the image of your figure wrapped up in his robe and curled up with a book, before stepping forward and greeting you with a kiss.
He pulls back, gaze immediately flickering to the window, probably having noticed it immediately upon entering the room but choosing to greet you before acknowledging it.
You groan internally, knowing what's coming.
“Mesh’la,” He hums, frowning at the open curtains exposing you to the darkness of the Tatooine night. A few dim lights from Mos Eisley shining in the distance. He steps forward to slide the curtains closed, you don’t complain, only having wanted them open for sunset. “What have I told you, little one? It's not safe to have these open.”
“I only just opened them, Boba.” You fib a little, hoping to reassure him.
He nods, unconvinced, before beginning to strip himself of his armor. You observe him unlatch the beskar piece-by-piece, placing the armor neatly in its designated chest.
He groans loudly when he sinks down beside you, arms raising behind his head.
You giggle at his tired show of soreness, eyes still glued to the pages of your book. “Old man,” You mutter.
“Watch it.” He growls lowly. You glance a peek at him, eyes closed heavily against his cheeks.
You ponder your bravery for a moment, sticking your nose back in your book before impulsively whispering, “Relic.” You shriek, bursting into a fit of laughter as he suddenly reaches over and wrestles the book out of your hands, using it to plant a harsh smack on your behind.
“Boba Fett!” You squeal, hands moving to shield your bum as the vibrations from his deep laugh shake the bed.
Still holding the book up in a threatening manner, a childlike gleam in his eyes, he challenges you, “Apologize.”
You consider tossing another remark out, eyes darting to the book in his hand, before deciding against it tonight.
Instead, you hoist yourself up onto your knees, allowing his robe to slowly slide down your form and meet the duvet, revealing the thin slip below. His closed-lip smile increases a little, eyes tracing down your form, book lowering slightly in the space above where he lay.
You crawl forward until your chest hovers above him, noses nearly touching, “My apologies, my king.” You whisper, pressing a kiss to his lips.
He deepens the kiss with a groan, your hand reaching back to grip your novel, which he allows you to slip from his fingers.
You let him attack you lips for another moment before you pull away. Having gotten what you wanted, you shift back to your side of the bed, turning to the page you left off at.
A deep chuckle rumbles out from Boba’s chest. “Alright, little one.” He says, “I'll let you play your game.”
He turns the light out on his side of the bed, pulling the blankets out and over the two of you before moving to embrace your form, leaning close to whisper in your ear, “-this time.”
A shiver runs down your spine and you try to resist the smile tugging at your lips, though you feel his own brushing against your ear in satisfaction.
“Tomorrow,” He says, shifting a little above you, “I’m heading into Mos Eisley with Fennec.
“What for?” You ask, finally marking your page and setting it aside.
“Nothing,” He grumbles, “I need to put on a little show of...authority, for a few people.”
You hum, “No big deal?” You question.
“Just a local inconvenience.” He gripes.
You nod slightly, not requiring any elaboration. You suppose you’ll have to entertain yourself tomorrow. “Well then, maybe I’ll have Raul teach me how to wield a dagger,” You quip, a grin back on your face.
Boba huffs out an amused puff of air, “I’d much prefer you with a blaster.” He says, apparently taking the idea seriously, “You don’t need to be up close to use it.”
“We’ll see then,” You say, standing to turn out the rest of the lights.
A single lit candle from your bedside table casts a warm glow over Boba’s face, eyes closed and head still leaning back against your bed-frame pillow.
“Get back on your side,” You chuckle, nudging him as you crawl back into your space.
“M’fine here.” He mumbles, leaning further over onto your pillow.
You smile, his body encasing yours and his nose presses into your neck.
“I’ll be fine here too you know.” You mutter, referencing the day you’ll be spending without his guard. 
“You finally gonna stop worrying about me?” You tease, having received no response.
He shakes his head, snuggling deeper into your neck, “Never.”
A/N pt.2:  So I wrote this and I thought it was great then I read it back a few times and realized literally nothing happened haha im so sorry 😅😅😅
Literally spent too many hours on this not to upload though so I suppose here’s a filler chapter my bad lots of love 🥰
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dirtyfilthy · 3 years
k is for ketamine (self-medication and the gentle art of “boofing”)
Ordered some more ketamine, only not for recreational purposes this time. Figured it might help with the lockdown depression. Don’t think you can get ketamine therapy legally here in Australia any more, or at least, not easily.
Allan Kelly has suffered from chronic depression for nearly 60 years and has been diagnosed as "treatment-resistant".
Allan Kelly has had depression since he was 14 and says ketamine is the only treatment that works
He says the medication is hard to access and unaffordable due to not being approved by the TGA for the treatment of depression
Australian clinical studies using ketamine to treat suicidality and depression have delivered "astounding" and "significant" results
For the first time in his life, having tried every depression and suicidality treatment available, he finally found one that worked.
But to receive the "life-saving" ketamine treatment he pays a minimum of $800 a week and faces "government roadblocks" to receive ongoing care
For reference, the street price is $200 AUD a gram for good quality racemic. This poor bastard is paying 4X the regular cost (at least) just for a rubber stamp. And guaranteed pharmaceutical grade I guess.
I don’t use needles so intra-muscular is out. Figure I’ll just take it rectally. Once you know how “boofing” works, it is a very clean and painless experience. The problem is people use too much water I reckon. You’re not trying to give yourself an enema. I just use a 1 ml syringe (no needle obviously). Pull 1 ml into the syringe, then push out the water into something, mix up X mg of Y substance into the water, suck it up again, then stick it up your ass and squirt.
The syringe is less than 1/4 of the diameter your pinky finger. Don’t worry, I guarantee you’ve had far bigger things up there I promise (well, I have haha).
There’s no need to lie around for ages in any particular special position. It’s only 1 millilitre of water so you won’t even feel it. Absorbs within 10-15 minutes.
Let’s hope it helps.
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