#the post 1940 escapism where people imagined this soft and gentle world
animentality · 7 months
Opinions/Thoughts on Sound of Music and Music Man specifically?
(asking because my fiance hasn't seen either and I am planning on forcing him to watch both with me. I grew up watching them yearly as a choir/theater kid)
I have not seen Music Man, but god, I love musicals, so I just might check it out now.
I have seen Sound of Music, though, and while I fully admit it's saccharine and mawkish and maudlin, I still like it.
It's just old-world charming. I know Christopher Plummer hated it, and for good reason, it was his generation's Frozen, but...I don't know. The music doth slap. Julie Andrews is a delight. I find the anti-Nazism in Austria plot to be compelling.
The only song I don't like is the Goatherd song, but mostly because the puppets scared me as a child, and the song is forever linked to my childhood trauma.
I also think that particular song is obnoxious, and I'll hear that fucking goat yodeling in my specifically tailored cell in hell.
But every other song is good!
Controversial opinion time, but...my favorite song from the whole movie is "Edelweiss."
I know most people don't like it, but...I think it's a real crooner. Let me croon Edelweiss all night.
I also like "Climb Every Mountain" which I know a lot of people hate, but. Come on, it builds!!
Maybe I just like crooning, I don't know. But all the songs are good. It's worth a watch, and I hope he enjoys it!
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