#the problems that she created by being careless
sunnydreadfu11 · 8 months
Just fixed my sleep schedule only for it to revert as soon as someone gives me bad news
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two little lines
toji x reader
in which you find out that you're pregnant and fear toji's reaction.
because of pregnancy this is technically an AFAB!reader, but I did my best to keep it gender neutral. though I did use the pet name "doll" (sorry it feels so toji), and I don't exactly know if it's gender neutral.
despite this technically being AFAB, if you're AMAB and want to read I am not here to yuck your yum.
wc: 1551
look at me mixing it up with a toji fic after three straight nanami fics!
pt. 2 pt. 3
two little lines. all it took to seemingly destroy your entire life was two little lines on a pregnancy test. 
sure, it had been two months since your last period, and sure, you were in a long-term relationship, so pregnancy was something that was technically plausible. however, you just couldn’t fathom how you had been so careless. i mean, having two kids was enough, but a third? 
no, your husband was definitely going to leave you, and the thought of it made your heart clench. 
‘fuck,’ you thought, vision blurring. ‘everything is just going to end because of two stupid fucking pink lines?’ 
you’re lucky toji was off on some other random bounty hunt, giving you time to hide the test before going to pick megumi and tsumiki up from school. the floorboards creak as you run to the kitchen, throwing the test in the box with your favorite snacks, knowing toji would never look inside it.  
silence fills the house, creating a sharp juxtaposition with the pounding of your heart echoing in your ears. there has to be some way to calm down before going to get your stepkids. you tried everything you could think of, from splashing cold water on your face to walking around to holding an ice cube in your hand, until eventually you got to a point where you felt like you could pretend. 
keys, wallet and stress in hand, you got in the car and headed to their elementary school. the kids were there, standing on the curb, and you waved as you approached. there seemed to be an argument before tsumiki opened the passenger-side door, megumi grumbling as he slid into the backseat. 
“how was school?” you asked, and the kids scrambled to talk about what they learned, from the different types of clouds to their times-tables. 
“it was super fun and the teacher said that we have a new project coming up about the types of clouds! we get to make diaramas of them and it sounds really fun!” tsumiki exclaims, the smile evident in her voice. 
“that does sound fun! you’ll have to tell your dad all about it when he gets home,” you feel your brows furrow at the mention of toji, but you quickly resume your role of the happy guardian so as not to cause any problems. 
the house comes into view minutes later, and megumi runs inside. you turn to get out before tsumiki sighs softly. 
“wait,” she says, and you turn to her. “is something wrong?” 
‘curse her for being so observant,’ you think, but you shake your head quickly. 
“nothing for you to worry about, just worried about your father, as always,” which technically is not a lie, just not fully the truth. 
“oh, well you know that he’ll be okay! he’ll be back and then he’ll stomp around the house talking about those ‘damn sorcerers’-” tsumiki deepens her voice to imitate her father, but you stop her. 
“hey! watch your language!” she opens the door and runs inside, laughing the whole way, and you smile softly. you really do love those kids, even if they aren’t yours by blood. 
the house is cold when you enter, and you make your way towards the thermostat. however, before you can even turn the temperature up, a sour taste climbs up your throat. you feel sweat drench your brow, and you can’t shake the feeling that you’re going to throw up. 
you run up the stairs, throwing yourself in front of the toilet to empty your stomach. footsteps pad up the stairs, and you feel a little hand rubbing against your back. 
“(y/n)? are you sure you’re okay?” tsumiki’s soft voice brought tears to your eyes, more running down your cheeks as you retched. it took a minute or two to get everything out of your system before you sit back on your heels. 
“sorry, i guess i’m a little sick. we should have some microwavable meals in the fridge, do you think you could make some food for you and megumi?” she nods, leaving you alone with your thoughts once more. 
‘he’s going to find out soon,’ you worry, brushing your teeth to rid the awful taste from your mouth. ‘i guess i should get some rest so i don’t have to face him when he comes home.’ 
you sink into your shared bed, blankets reaching out to hug your body, and you drift off to sleep. 
the bed sinks, pulling you out of your slumber. you begin to turn to face your husband before you’re reminded of the events from earlier. your pulse is rapid, and you think about pretending that you’re still asleep before toji speaks. 
“hey doll. ‘miki said that you weren’t feeling well earlier. you’re not hurt, are you? i can handle whoever it is for you.” you smile at the softness he only displays for you, but how can you explain that the person causing you stress is none other than him?
“i’m okay. it’s probably food poisoning or something. you did cook dinner last night,” he frowns, groaning lowly. 
“i’m not that bad. the brats said it was fine enough,” you laugh at him, burrowing into the blankets. your husband slides his shirt over his head, revealing his broad shoulders riddled with muscles and scars. mindlessly, you reach out to caress him softly, and he slides into bed beside you. while normally you’d ask to lay on his chest, you’re worried being that close would make him aware of your irregular pulse. 
“goodnight babe,” you say, curling back into yourself and closing your eyes, knowing that if you look at him now his confusion would cause the truth to tumble out. 
“night doll,” he hesitates, weight settling in on the other side of the bed. 
you wake up to a quiet house, something that sets you off immediately. two elementary school aged kids does not bode well for a quiet house, and so you sit up, reaching to your right to find toji’s side of the bed cold to the touch. 
‘okay, something’s up.’ 
you walk down the stairs to the kitchen, calling out for the kids, only to see that their shoes aren’t by the door. toji’s in the kitchen, looking through the fridge. 
“hey babe, where are the kids?” you normally get them off to school, but it seems that maybe you’d slept in late. 
“they’re at school,” he says shortly, taking you aback. 
“okay. sorry i slept in, i must have been really tire-” you stop when you step into the kitchen, seeing your positive pregnancy test on the counter. the whole world freezes, and you can feel everything crashing down. 
“oh that? yeah, it was weird. i tried to bring your favorite snack to you in bed when the box was making a weird sound. found that at the bottom.” he gestures haphazardly, cracking the dam holding the next wave of your anxiety back. 
“it’s a friend’s-”
“don’t bullshit me. were you even going to tell me?” his voice is low, eyes piercing. 
“were. you. going. to. tell me.” he enunciates. 
“i didn’t know how! i mean seriously, you have two kids to worry about, the last thing you need is a fucking baby! i get it, it’s over. i’ll go get my shit,” tears are running down your cheeks as you tear out your heart with your bare hands. you turn to leave, making your way upstairs, when a hand grabs your wrist softly. 
“wait–doll. fuck.” he turns you to face him. “you don’t have to leave.” 
“of course i fucking do. should probably go now before the kids get back. i don’t want them involved.” you take another step, but his grip remains firm. 
“i said you don’t have to leave. the brat’s mine too.” 
“wait. you want to keep it?” he looks to the side, rubbing his other hand against his neck. 
“of course i fucking do,” he mirrors, and your eyes widen. 
“you mean…you’re not mad?” 
“i’m mad you didn’t tell me, not about the brat.” your eyes water, and before you know it you’re sobbing into his chest. 
“what is this all about? you really have such a low opinion of me to think i’d kick you out?” his voice rumbles through his chest against your ear. 
“you’re just so busy, and i thought…i thought that you would be mad,” you sob even harder, not knowing where the emotions end and hormones begin. 
“so what? i’d just kick you to the curb?” 
“i mean, you have two kids already…maybe a third would be too much.” he starts to chuckle, causing you to pull away from him. 
“what’s so funny?” 
“that you seriously thought i’d kick you out. i don’t break promises, doll, and marriage is just a big promise. besides, you’d probably get custody of the brats. they like you more than me.” 
you run your hands over your face before reaching out to play with his hair. 
“you’re really not mad?” you repeat, and he rolls his eyes.
“no dumbass. besides, i can’t let any other men see how hot you are carrying my kid.” you snort, circling your arms around his neck to pull him closer. 
“love you, toji.” 
“love you too, doll.” he says, your lips meeting.
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celestialtarot11 · 11 months
Small astro observations ☕️🤍
• Those with cancer moon in the 1st house come across “witchy,” some may even describe them as moody or reserved. There’s a certain kind of witchyness in them that I like 👀 my best friend has this placement, and she knows how to read peoples energy just by looking at them. I believe that’s her source of witchyness.
• She also has a youthful, round face. Being ruled by moon, her features are softer and delicate.
• Also, her moon is in Leo. This astrological polarity creates lots of unique sides in the native. Other people may think of these sides as “contradictory,” but the native can be very deep as a person. They explore all parts of themselves, and if they haven’t, part of their mission in their lifetime is to embrace all aspects of themselves, regardless of what others think.
• Jupiter in Leo people don’t chase that bag 💅🏻 they CREATE. They do enjoy when others buy things for them and when men especially (if the woman has this placement) provide for them financially. Men with this placement don’t like to rely on others for money, their pride comes with having a lot of money under their belt.
• Pluto in the 2nd house goes through radical financial changes. Whether that’s due to an issue with being careless with their money, to an event happening outside of them that causes them to struggle financially. The native does not feel secure financially and feels worried. Depending on the aspects in the natives chart, they can attract abundance just as easily as they lost their bag 💅🏻
• Earth mercuries and leaving their phone on DND, or ignoring notifications to preserve their peace 😌👋 hi ya’ll.
• A capricorns loyalty is not one to be messed with, especially if the native has healed past wounds, and is self aware. They have the ability to hold themselves accountable and do better. However, I’ve noticed capricorns who haven’t worked through their past issues have no problem leaving you to struggle, and only coming back when they need help.
• Male capricorns, if your father figure was not structured and present emotionally, do yourself a favor and go to therapy ☕️🤷🏻‍♀️ it’ll help you tons. Especially those with Saturn retrograde in the chart, because Saturn represents the father. If the natives sun placement is afflicted, the same applies here.
• I knew a guy with Saturn in the 10th house retrograde definitely had daddy issues growing up, and still does. The father relies on his child to be cared for, instead of the other way around. The father finds himself struggling to provide basic living, so the child takes on the stress of providing for the parent at a young age.
• Virgo placements & libra…what’s up with wanting to be hidden? I’ve met a man who at the time was struggling mentally, was borderline checking out of reality. He couldn’t hold a proper conversation without his head being lost in some far land 🤣 every topic was too vague, and too abstract for it to make sense. And as soon as I asked his placement and guessed it correctly, he gave me a look and said he didn’t like what I knew of him. He was bothered and seen 👀
• Virgo venus, ya’ll females are so beautiful. Even though venus doesn’t like it here, there’s something so beautiful, and effortless about these individuals. They may have a mature look depending on their other placements, and aspects.
Thats all I have! Thank you all for reading and supporting 👋☺️ this was fun to create. Feel free to add on and share your thoughts!
Book a reading with me here 🤍
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citrus-writing · 4 months
yandere phantom troupe- pain
Lenient yanderes who rarely use punishments- chrollo, pakunoda, machi, hisoka 
Pakunoda is the first to come to mind. She’d hate to hurt you, and because of that, she leans towards rewards for good behavior instead of punishments for bad behavior. Even if she had to hurt you, she makes a point to be quick about it- pain sharp, but it fades quickly, barely a mark on you. 
Chrollo is lenient with you unless you fight back too much. He understands screaming and crying when you discover you can never go home. He understands not being able to keep down food for the first week you spend with him. He understands when you cower from him- after all, this must be frightening for you. But things like trying to escape, trying to hurt yourself, trying to hurt him (you don't even come close, but he hates it all the same) can't be tolerated. To start, it’s not so bad. The first time you try to escape, he doesn't even break bones. 
Machi doesn't really have too many rules for you in the first place; don't try to escape, don't fight back, but other than that, she mostly lets you live inside your shared home however you’d like. In fact, as opposed to the others who want to occupy every second of your time, machi prefers you have solo hobbies, like reading, writing, drawing… sewing. If you do something she doesn't like, the verbal reprimand is brutal. 
Hisoka is an odd one, because he’s not opposed to hurting you, but he doesn't use physical punishments regardless. He likes the sense of independence and self that you have, and he tries to avoid breaking it down. He doesn't want to break you down into his own image like a lot of the others, because he wants to keep your mind mostly intact. In fact, he almost tries to encourage you to act out. How lenient is he really? And is he really so careless that he left the front door unlocked? 
Yanderes that use extreme punishments- feitan, illumi 
Illumi uses punishments to keep you in line, he has strict rules for you to follow, from the moment you wake up to the moment you go to bed. Most of them aren't too hard to follow- just play along with his domestic fantasy and you’ll be ok. It’s humiliating, and it’s demeaning, but if you play the part well enough, he won't have to hurt you. The problem is these rules aren't really spelled out for you? Wasn't accepting tea from your new mother in law a good thing? Broken jaw. Wasn't the friendly wave to your new brother in law playing into the fantasy illumi had created? Broken hand. 
Feitan is particularly mixed up. He hates having feelings for you at all, and he deliberately takes it out on you. Afterall, it’s your fault he feels like this. Your’e sleeping in bed, curled up in the blankets, looking so cute he can hardly breathe- you feel his boot connect with your ribs, and you can't even cry out before he’s pulling you out of bed. You’re in the basement, watching him torture a man strapped down to the table, and your eyes meet fetian’s for just a moment- he reminds you that he’s not above gouging out both those pretty eyes of yours. He’s duel edged, because if you’re bad, then you're subjected to punishments. But if you're good, it makes him feel helpless, and you have to pay for that. 
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thr0wnawayy · 2 months
A Waste of Air (Why Inasa Sucks as a Character)
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Boring quirk (wasted potential, uncreative)
Wind powers are so underutilized and Inasa's is no different. It effectively amounts to 'what Hellflame does but worse'.
Whereas Enji at least has some (albeit very limited) control over the form of his fire and where it comes from his body, Inasa can only move wind around in a spiral and also use it to propell himself.
His existance only serves to be a hindrance and an obstacle both to the plot and to the characters
Literally only exists as an obstacle to Shouto, backtracking on Shoto's previous growth just so Bakugo (authors pet-cough) won't fail alone.
His introduction downplays Momo's accomplishments and skill. Taking her top spot in the Recommendation Exam by turning it into a technicality because he raged quit. (she isn't even in the flashback)
His stupid backstory.
His backstory is so fucking contrived that I almost don't want to even bother going into it.
Firstly, his reaction to Shoto's demeanor is so disproportionate that it's pathetic
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Oh boo hoo, your idol was mean to you. Yeah that would work, with anyone but Shouto. It's veery similar to the Hitoshi problem. Where he bases his opinion about something/someone he knows nothing about.
Telling Shoto he's 'just like his father' is probably the worst thing you can tell him.
Secondly, He takes Shoto's reaction/rejection in the worst way possible. If what Enji had done or said had been more severe, then his reaction would be understandable as a trauma response.
However why don't we look at what Enji said:
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Presumably he knocked Inasa out of the way, while an incredibly unprofessional and cruel thing to do and say (especially to a child who just wants an autograph). It does not justify his reaction towards Shoto after the entrance exam nor at the licensing exam.
It doesn't justify him throwing away his spot at UA like a child.
And it certainly doesn't justify Inasa antagonizing him in the middle of an exam!
It makes Isana come off as short sighted and inconsiderate, ironically the very same way he views Enji and (because he can't or won't differentiate the two) Shoto.
How I would Write Them
I'm not just going to sit here and moan about how lacking Hori's writing can be at times, no.
I'm going to do something about it.
Genderbend (or trans that gender)
This show is in desperate need of female characters getting the spotlight and being allowed to show their skills.
Change her backstory to emphasize Enji's sexism:
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Basically she goes up to Enji after a villain arrest and excitedly tells him about how she's a fan and has been practicing very hard. She creates a decently sized tornado in her palm to show him (not much bigger than a canteen)
He then scoffs dismissively (almost snickering at her) and says something like: "Someone of your constitution would never make it to the top, stay out of the way girl and let the heroes handle it"
he glares at her before walking off with his back turned to her.
He then tosses her notebook back behind his back, burning it's corner in the process by his careless quirk use
(bonus points if the flame is snuffed via landing in a puddle, showing how her dreams were metaphorically "put out".)
Have Shoto's (unintentional) attitude remind her of Enji's insult (by dismissing her accomplishment of besting him [while still losing to Momo)
Make her resemble Rei (but not be related):
Adding another layer of connection and trauma for Shoto.
Have him seek her out instead and make her want nothing to do with him (at least at first, with the exam later forcing them to work together and gain a mutal understanding)
Upgrade her powers to something besides (Wind go wooosh).
This could be anything, personally I'd make it varied, like she's able to both mimic Air Walk and Air Cannon but can also fly around, create tornadoes and even create air pockets. Thus showing her growth and efforts.
I will say this again, Pro. Hero. Family, Make her a legacy kid. Show just how biased Hero Society can be towards those with Heroic ties.
Don't toss her after the arc is done, keep her appearances consistent, yet spaced out.
Have her appear after the Licensing Exam, highlight both 1A's growth by having her grow with them.
I would also merge the remedial course with the Licensing Exam as a sort of second portion that involves showing restraint and kindness, as well as problem solving and situation awareness in a domestic setting.
Showing that heroism is or should be more than just "punch harder, punch with feeling".
Lastly here's the design I came up with and a little information to boot.
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(nothing fancy just a head and a 3rd quarter sketch, no Hero costume yet)
Isana Yaorashi, Kanji: 勇渚 (勇: brave, strong, resolute. 渚 ripple or wave (used here as a substitute for "wave" of air) also used to represent the "ripples" Enji's insult had on her life and the she impressions that she leaves on others)
Legacy Child, comes from a long line of heroes, though her parents were not about that life. Her grandfather is the one who recommended her for UA and later Shiketsu: Yoroi Musha.
Holds an intense grudge against Endeavor for his sexism and his careless/cruel tendencies. Isana wishes to show the world that "heat" isn't what makes a hero.
Personality: Very intense, a fighter to her core. Isana seldomly backs down from a challenge, however she's more than willing to push that aside to help someone in need.
Applied for both U.A and Shiketsu in advance, left due to Shoto's attitude being to remincent of an encounter she had with Endeavor's true face during her childhood.
Placed Second in the Recommendation Exam at U.A then dominated Shiketsu's Entrance Exam with a total of 100 points!.
Probably got into fights alot as a kid. Probably for good reason too.
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So the scarring discourse is still going.
No, characters keeping scars does not automatically equate to that being torture porn. In this context, fans clearly intend it in a way that says "even if you end up with physical marks, it doesn't diminish you". Or is Aang getting scarred torture porn too? Or do you think things like Mortal Engines movie shrinking the female lead's facial damage to a minimum "spared her of physical trauma"? No, it was afraid of depicting something deemed "ugly" and it's a huge disservice to real people who look like she was described in the book.
The topic was not handled super well in ATLA. Katara's wounds got healed leaving no trace on her, on her psyche nor on how she views Aang which is not just unrealistic, but you can literally feel in the show Katara having to go "no Aang it's ok, I'm fine, you don't have to beat yourself up over it, I'm healed, let it go Aang, it's not your fault," it is too much. It would have been much stronger had the burns left some mark, even a tiny one, because then Aang's reluctance to practice firebending would have made more sense and all characters would have gotten a more solid demonstration that the Avatar can be dangerous too. It would have been a wakeup call to Katara that Aang isn't a completely harmless kid she can always shield and protect. That's character development! This would have been a more powerful moment in the progression of their relationship, especially after they sort it out and Aang learns safe firebending later on, because they'd have a more real problem to overcome rather than just Aang's guilt.
Again, show didn't frame things too cleverly - there's no heightened moment of perhaps Katara being extremely happy that she discovered a part of her lost Southern waterbending heritage (just remember her behaviour with Hama, there's none of that here). The show just removes her wounds, she's confused about the ability, and this leads to Jeong Jeong making a point about how fire is wild and destructive. The whole segment ends with removing the source of the problem (wounds) and is about how evil fire is. Aang ends up being traumatized anyway, he isn't less traumatized because Katara's wounds didn't scar.
The point is - Katara gets nothing character-building out of this event, even though it made her cry and cradle her arms for several minutes on screen. Because of this her burns could be considered torture-porn (slightly). Her discovering healing abilities is not a reward she got exclusively because she suffered the burns, she could have discovered it by accidentally hurting herself, or healing someone else. Imagine if Aang hurt himself by being reckless and Katara discovering she could heal him? What she should have gotten out of specifically being burned by Aang, is a changed view of him. I don't mean her viewing him negatively, but taking a step back and both learning they should be more careful. Who said zutara stans want Katara getting scarred by Aang in order to make Aang a villain in this? He literally cannot be a villain here, he made a big mistake by being careless. It's got nothing to do with zutara. It's not helpful to misinterpret some storytelling tools that have nothing to do with shipping, just to prevent them from creating some later story hooks which could potentially be used in shipping a NOTP. Heck, Katara getting scarred could even be used (with skilled writing) in shipping her with Aang - like zutara fans use Katara being angry at Zuko and expecting him to demonstrate that he wouldn't betray or hurt them again.
And if you have a distaste for two happy friendly characters hurting each other on accident, that's fine, but well I have a scar on my arm from my brother's scratch that happened on accident. These things happen and stories shouldn't be scared of portraying it, especially if later on they show how to make ammends and overcome the problem. I'm not saying "Katara should definitely have kept her scars!!!" I am showing narrative weak points and suggestions how things could have been done differently, what benefits it could have had character-wise and what that might have changed.
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golvio · 1 year
It’s like…both Hylia and Rauru run into the Robot Problem, where they create/cultivate servants who end up achieving sentience (the Robots in SkSw and the Constructs in TotK) or were already sentient to begin with but were supposed to fit into this grand design to restore the order they’d created (the Sheikah, their respective Links and Zeldas). And it gets a little uncomfortable because both characters are so focused on imposing their respective ideas of order that they…don’t quite see their charges as people?
Hylia at least had the excuse that she was a primordial goddess of Light and Time and therefore had no frame of reference to emotionally connect with the mortals she was charged to protect. Her actions were ruthlessly pragmatic, but it made sense for a god totally alienated from humanity to think like that.
Meanwhile, Rauru has this sort of…naïve carelessness? He descended to earth, took the people living there as his subjects, and even fell in love with and married a mortal woman, but he never seemed to understand that his actions could have unintended and far-reaching effects on the people around him.
When confronted with how the Constructs continued to obey their orders instead of leaving to do other things, he couldn’t really muster up more than a sheepish, “Oops, my bad.” Granted, he was a ghost invisible to everyone but Link at the time, but, still, he never considered including a contingency plan in their programming to preserve themselves and do other things with their lives in the event of his own death.
And then there was him and Sonia positioning themselves as Zelda’s surrogate parents after she lost her original parents in traumatic circumstances related to the Sealing War’s aftereffects. Zelda, having to step up as Sonia’s replacement as his advisor and sole confidant to make sure he kept a level head after the queen died. Not stopping Mineru when she started talking about draconification because he was convinced it’d never come to that. Zelda effectively being primed to accept sacrificing herself a second time to preserve the order Rauru created whether he wanted that or not. And then him taking Link’s arm and replacing it without his permission while he was unconscious, because the Ultrahand is such a useful tool, why wouldn’t he be fine with a little limb graft?
Then there was the whole thing with Ganondorf. Just this catastrophic underestimation of human agency, intelligence, and capacity for cruelty. Zelda herself warned him about Ganon being more dangerous than he seemed, but Rauru waved her off (inadvertently recreating yet another Calamity-related trauma of Zelda’s). Ganondorf might be causing trouble, but in the end he was just like those other funny little mortals Rauru watched over. How could he possibly be able to understand something as divine and complicated as a Secret Stone? Only Sonia could do that, but Sonia was Special because she was so smart and wonderful and he loved her very much, so that didn’t count! Furthermore, how could he possibly come up with a plan that could blindside him and the queen? That would be silly!
(Also, note how he didn’t give any non-Sonia mortals stones until after Ganon proved any one of those funny little guys could master using one without any instruction from Rauru, lmao)
And then the circumstances of Rauru’s own death, and the consequences that had for everyone around him well after he’d faded to myth. Rauru assumed the “consequences” Ganondorf threatened him with were limited to giving up his own life, when what actually happened was that the people of Hyrule were left to deal with Ganon punishing them for Rauru’s hubris, poisoning the land again and again in rage at his imprisonment, while the people themselves had to figure out on their own how to beat back each wave of his bilious rage with no record or understanding of its source. Zelda being left with no guidance for how to return home, forced to make a drastic decision. Mineru, still alive, but unable to intervene was she was just a soul without a body.
Like…I don’t think he’s evil, much less malicious, but the way the story panned out reminded me a lot of the way Rose Quartz kept accidentally hurting the people who loved her because it didn’t come naturally to her to think of other people as equals, or to consider how her actions made them feel. She loved Pearl, but she didn’t acknowledge Pearl’s baggage from their former relationship as master and servant because she’d assumed they’d moved past that simply by never speaking of it anymore. She loved Greg, but she initially didn’t treat him like a real person. She tried as hard as she could to relate to others and understand them, but in the end she committed one last tragic act of thoughtlessness. She thought would be creating this special, wonderful person free of her flaws who would make the world so much better solely by existing and being himself (at least in part, I think, because she hated herself and thought everyone would be happier without her burdening them with her guilt and her selfish desire to run from her past)…only to leave everyone grappling with the emotional fallout of her no longer existing, including her son, who was stuck dealing with the legacy she’d left behind even though that was never her intention.
She didn’t actively try to sabotage her son’s life from beyond the grave. She didn’t think that the things she’d done would catch up to him, that her old family and enemies would treat him like an interchangeable replacement for her, or that her friends would treat him in strange ways out of grief at losing her. It just…never occurred to her.
But the thing is, I’m not sure if Rauru was intentionally written that way. If he was, the narrative wasn’t really interested in dwelling on the consequences of that, instead treating him and Sonia more like figureheads of this lost, idyllic past that the present must grieve and then strive to follow the example of, even if the present was suffering due to paying the debts of their ancestors’ carelessness.
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blorboandblorbina · 11 months
Sun and Moon are the type of people who would go to any length for each other. Sun is optimistic and Moon is pragmatic. Moon has a charitable heart, while Sun's focus is inward. This doesn't mean he is incapable of recognizing the good in others. Moon's face is incredibly expressive. Sun's face often resembles a cat. Moon goes out of her way to help Sun even when she has no reason to. Sun helps Moon in her mission to get ingredients to create a special medicine. Moon helps Sun in his mission to bring peace to the Alola region by calming the Tapus.
Over time their bond strengthens to something closer than best friends, but not yet lovers, because one of them has yet to realize his feelings. Moon is bashful and her emotions betray her infatuation with Sun. Sun is careless with his words and will speak without thinking, whether it's to say something stupid or to give an embarrassing compliment.
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Moon is a talented archer
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as well as a pharmacist of people and pokemon. Sun always asks if Moon will fix him up, and if it will be free. Every time she says that she will and that it is. She is charitable. Sun is saving up one million pokedollars for something important so he is conscious of not spending money.
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(banter dynamic and Moon's expressions).
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(Moon being asked to accompany Sun on his mission to save Alola with no reward for her).
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At a certain point, Sun is abducted into Ultra Space and Moon dives in after him with no guarantee that she will be able to return home. Additionally, Sun had just lost all of the million pokedollars he had finally saved up right before being abducted, years of hard work wasted. Yet, while Moon is fretting, he keeps up a positive attitude for Moon's sake.
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After being stranded in Ultra Space together for six months, they finally find Lunala and are able to take an Ultra Warp Ride home. But Moon insists that instead of returning to Alola, they go further into Ultra Space to fix the problem of Ultra Beasts entering Alola. Sun compliments her bravery and selflessness, calling her "amazing". Moon responds by blushing and brushing off the compliment. This is a big moment for Sun and Moon shippers. Sun then calls out to the Ultra Recon Squad members about Moon's positive qualities, embarrassing her further.
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This relationship may seem one-sided, with Moon in love with Sun, but it's a relationship where she falls for him first since she is more emotionally mature. Sun absolutely cares for Moon just as much, it's just that he is completely dedicated to the goal that he must accomplish.
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I feel this image accurately summarizes their dynamic lol.
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viilpstick · 5 months
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Beneath her cold, commanding exterior lies a heart veiled by the shadows of insecurity and hidden fears. She resides within the gilded walls of a prestigious academy, an enigmatic figure who keeps others at a distance with her biting words and bold demeanor. But there is more to her story than meets the eye.
𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒔: Anneliese Trahine, Twisted Wonderland oc
𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔: OC X CANON!!!! i think this is it
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OFFICIAL INTRODUCTION: "Well, it's your fault! You are always so careless… Just be careful, please."
Anneliese Trahine is the oldest Trahine sister who residents in Pomefiore, the dorm in Night Raven College; do not think highly of her tough exterior, is all an façade.
Her strong personality is merely a facade meant to hide her sensitive nature.
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As the older sibling, Anneliese could say she saw it coming. Throughout her life, her mother fostered a rivalry between Anneliese and her sister, particularly by comparing Anneliese as the "ugly older sister" meanwhile her younger sibling, whom she deemed to be the "pretty one."
Anneliese grew up feeling very insecure about her appearance, and as a result, she often projected her issues onto others. Before attending NRC, Anneliese was known as a bully in her school, where she often picked on many girls, she did this largely because her mother had set the example and she felt the need to assert her superiority.
She did this largely because her mother had set the example and she felt the need to assert her superiority. This behavior allowed her to mask her own insecurities and maintain a sense of control over her surroundings.
Anneliese's behavior can come across as rude to some, and her tastes can be perceived as extravagant. She does take criticism seriously and uses it as a stepping stone for growth, though she can be a bit bratty when attempting to improve herself, often becoming defensive or stubborn in the process. Nonetheless, her determination to better herself is evident, even if it takes a unique form.
Although she may present a tough exterior, Anneliese is actually a gentle soul who struggles to reveal that side of herself to others. Beneath her strong facade, she possesses a sensitive nature that she keeps guarded, making her a bit reserved when it comes to showing vulnerability; Anneliese struggles with image issues, causing her significant distress about her appearance. This deep-seated problem affects her confidence and self-esteem, making it difficult for her to see herself in a positive light, leading her to sometimes not knowing how to be friendly with girls who are "better looking" then her.
Riddle Rosehearts: Much like Ace, Anneliese has a talent for getting under Riddle's skin with remarkable ease. Their stubborn personalities make it challenging for them to have a civil conversation without Riddle exclaiming, "Off with your head!" in frustration.
Trey Clover: Trey and Anneliese are baking pals who enjoy each other's company in the kitchen. As Anneliese bakes bread, Trey focuses on crafting delightful sweets. They often engage in lighthearted conversations while they work. Their shared passion for baking creates a warm and friendly atmosphere, making their time together both productive and enjoyable.
Vil Schoenheit: Anneliese is a devoted fan of Vil's work and holds him in high regard, and is very proud to have him as housewander. However, Vil himself doesn't have a clear or established opinion on her character, remaining neutral and detached in his assessment of her, the only thing Vil knows about Anneliese is the affection Rook have for her, which he finds rather endearing.
Grace Chatte: Both Anneliese and Grace are working to create their own fairytales in life, prince charming, being rescue... You name it. And they share a close friendship that is often the subject of school gossip when they are together. Grace enjoys Anneliese's company, and the two are like a pair of classic "old ladies" friends, often laughing and sharing stories as they go about their day with a cup of tea and biscuits.
Damali Khepri (oc owned by @midnightmah07): Anneliese's insecurity may challenge her relationship with Damali, who is known for her beauty and grace. Anneliese could feel overshadowed, leading to jealousy or resentment. However, Damali's calm demeanor might offer stability and perspective to Anneliese. Anneliese's blunt honesty could comfort Damali's trust issues, Anneliese provides Damali with a friend who values her for herself. Additionally, Damali could help Anneliese recognize her worth beyond appearances.
Ruggie Bucchi & Daisy (oc owned by @midnightmah07): Anneliese might have seemed quite rude to Daisy in the past, so Ruggie "gently nudged" Anneliese to apologize to the girl, (he may or may not threaten Anneliese along side Leona). After some time, Anneliese began to grow closer to Daisy, forming a sisterly bond. Anneliese became more open and vulnerable about her insecurities, and Daisy reciprocated. Anneliese is still a bit apprehensive around Ruggie and hopes he doesn't hold any grudges.
Rook tends to be a natural romantic, but have you ever seen a romantic in love? His mission then becomes not to give up on his loved one. For three years now, Rook hasn't given up on Anneliese for even a single day. Anneliese has her own way of testing Rook. Due to her insecurity about her appearance, she worries that Rook is just mocking her behind her back, or perhaps it's all just to make fun of her.
Despite what you might think, Anneliese is very determined not to give Rook what he wants. However, she does have her weaknesses, and sometimes she even flirts back with the hunter—just don't tell anyone.
In the end, Anneliese tries to act indifferent or as if she doesn't like Rook. In reality, though, the true is opposite for other's eyes.
Anneliese is twisted from Anastasia Tremaine
Anneliese means “Graced with God's bounty”, Trahine is a mix of "Trahison" that means "Betrayal" and the end of Anastasia original last name "Tramaine"
Anneliese's height is 170cm
18 years old, born in April 26th
Anneliese's dominant hand is left
Anneliese has a crooked nose.
Fav. drink + food: Lemonade, Grilled chicken.
Least fav. drink + food: Plain coffee, pumpkin.
Hobbies: Doing make-up, baking, gossiping
Pet peeves: People who like rodents
Likes: Creative works
Talent: Perfect diction when speaking in public
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nemo-draco · 5 months
Bendy: Secrets of the Machine Thoughts
Putting them under a spoiler cut for readability
So far, there is a lot of intrigue regarding GENT and their role, as well as the potential return of the Nightmare Run characters.
GENT's involvement so far as been more on the sidelines in the games. It's implied they have similar issues with the supernatural, and they are running experiments with the ink the Machine produces, the books also backing this up with the reappearance of Archie Carter. However, with the new character. Riley Wells, introduced, it creates a more interesting layer to this, in that it is implied that she was recruited by GENT shortly following her dismissal from JDS. Now, if she is a villain or a victim is up for debate. It could be that they hired her as a test subject similar to Archie Carter and her metamorphosis was just far more severe as a result of the traumatic experience in her childhood, or perhaps she provided the specs that ended up producing a real-life version of "Bloodwheel", the more monster-y version of Gaskette that even gets a whole song in Riley's flashback.
Riley's story is also interesting in that it provides a canon explanation for why the Nightmare Run toons are more monstrous, though it really only does so for Gaskette. She's never shown drawing any of the other bosses, just him. Which makes me wonder if maybe she was part of the character design for only him, and the others are all going to get their own stories later on in the game. I really do hope they go this route, mostly because it would be a nice callback to the no longer available Nightmare Run, and you could have some real fun with the bosses 'backstories', depending on how involved you want to be.
Can think of a few things immediately off the bat: Chester being another example of a childhood fear turned into a debilitating trauma, except involving someone who has thalassophobia strong enough to rival H.P. Lovecraft. Kind of paves the way for a lot of spooky imagery involving the ocean, ocean life, and ink.
Dewey at first seemed a little comical to think about in this context, after all, a fear of librarians seems extreme, though thinking more on it my thought is that he's the product of a different type of emotional stuckage. Instead of a fearful person, perhaps Dewey was created by a very angry person, someone who had a lot of trouble controlling their temper and would frequently blow up at seemingly minor issues. After all, Dewey's main character trait seems to be his temper, as we remember from his character card that he has a disproportionate reaction to Bendy knocking over some books. Granted, between the fact that the exact quantity of books is never mentioned, and a cartoon being a cartoon, it makes me wonder if Bendy might not have knocked over a few books, but more likely a few stacks or even whole shelves worth. I mean, what's funnier, a few books coming down or the library getting a spontaneous remodeling job thanks to a careless patron?
...It's probably not so fun for the librarian, but you get my point. So, potentially, we have someone who has a temper problem creating this character as a way to offset their issues. It might just be less helpful and creating a bit of a feedback loop, where they're constantly ruminating over their problems rather than addressing and moving on from them.
Canoodle was another one that eluded me a bit, though there are two potential driving forces that could have fueled his creation. On one front, junkyards aren't exactly friendly places sometimes, and it would be easy for some sort of accident to happen that could produce some sort of negative association, though there is also the fact that a sentient can being in a junkyard creates this almost weird mental image. You'd think that'd be a dangerous place for him, and this is somewhat proven true if you beat him in Nightmare Run, as he's promptly crushed and disposed of. So, perhaps a preoccupation with death, or a person who is constantly cheating bad or dangerous circumstances? It's something, and it could definitely be interesting played out if that's the direction they're planning on going with this.
There are also plenty of other fun moments and little easter eggs for fans, so either way, we do get something fun. I would honestly be over the moon if they did something for all of the Nightmare Run toons though. Gaskette is a good nod, and Riley's backstory intrigues me given the circumstances, and especially the apparent involvement with GENT. Kinda makes me wonder if they're, in a sense, keeping tabs on people who were associated with JDS, people who maybe would have some stronger ties to the art being produced there and potentially have a bigger reaction when the ink is used on them.
It's something to think about, for sure. If anything, I'll enjoy using these puzzle pieces in my own work.
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sophieswundergarten · 6 months
Thinking about the kiddos being robots/androids
Reynie is an assistant for the orphanage. He's modeled after a child because it's supposed to make him more comforting and acceptable. Instead, he's bullied for not being a "real boy" and looked down on. That is, until Miss Perumal shows up and starts teaching him everything she knows. He's not even allowed to go to regular school since he's not actually a child that the orphanage is responsible for, so he loves getting to learn any and everything she'll talk to him about. Miss Perumal at first doesn't know he's not human, and though he tells her as soon as he finds out, she still loves and cares for him like he's real. Reynie feels minorly guilty about this, but he's so lonely that he can't help wanting to talk to her.
Sticky was supposed to be a child; an android designed for people who wanted a kid but for whatever reason didn't have a "real" one. He was supposed to be a perfect child, one that did as he was asked and never caused problems. And he didn't. But, what he did do was develop a love of learning. He started reading all of the time, just soaking in information and then sharing it with his parents. This led them to enroll him in many contests for robots whose job is the be informational aides, showing off how their simple child-machine was much more advanced then the ones literally designed to know things. However, the very thing that gives him an edge also gives him a whole world of anxieties, leading to him messing up.
Kate was designed and built by Milligan. Milligan is incredibly clever with machines, and he created Kate with the best of the best tools and materials. However, he knew that there might come a day where he didn't come home. Thus, he would power Kate down every time he left, wanting to keep her out of trouble. He debated wiping her memories of him, but in the end he couldn't bring himself to. And one day he didn't come back. Kate eventually powered herself back on and, thinking that she had been abandoned, went wandering away. At some point she came to the circus, and there pretended to be human so as to distance herself from Milligan. No one knew, though they wondered why she was so careless for her own safety. One night, she does hurt herself, and Moocho is the one who finds out. He is more focussed on helping her then asking questions, but the next day she sees Mr. Benedict's flier and is gone.
Constance is believed to be a "failed experiment", one that was supposedly destroyed. Instead, she wanders Stonetown, half-remembered flashes coming up on her and leaving her befuddled and confused. She fends for herself, and others mostly leave her be, assuming she's a lost child android that will find its way home using a locating system.
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bye-bye-sunbird · 2 years
Hi ! Don't worry I can send this ask again ! Like I rewrite it, it will not be the same word by word, but all the idea should be here ^^
So, a clever darling for this man. I thought of her as someone who knows about how shady Pantalone and the Fatui can be. She have a deep understanding of the world around her, always curious about many things without being careless, and perhaps have a little sense of justice with all the love she have for her family.
But, well, she don't have much of a choice. She ends up tied with Pantalone because of some family debts story, or at least a situation with a need of money. I think Pantalone need at least three thing when it's come of a darling: someone he can control, dependant of him like his dependant of them. Someone he can talk with about his affairs. And someone he can spoil as much as he want.
On the other side, I think Pantalone have the most realistic view of his relationship with his darling. Unlike Capitano, who is madly in love, or Dottore, who become a real brat when it's come to his childhood sweetheart, Pantalone is actually really calm when it's come to his (s/o). I saw him as someone really proud of his affairs, so he would often talk about it to his darling. Something the harbingers would not care unless it's affect their finances. But his darling actually listen to him, and understand what he says. She would often say to him how shady he is. But he will always have the last word in the conversation. Will come a step where he will want his darling's affection. All his gifts are sure a way to gain it in some way. But he's a patient man.
Out of all the harbingers, Pantalone's darling can be the one with the most "freedom" of her moves. After all, there is nothing she can really do. Love and everything, it's cute, but Pantalone knows better then anyone there is nothing better than money to bond someone to him. Good for him, he have plenty of it. She ran away ? No problem. Cut off her family financial support and ask the immediate payment of all their debts. She didn't have a choice on the first place.
Plus, I'm sure he counts her with his money. She's the most precious gem he have-
And I think I said everything for now ? It's a bit messy, I was too tired when I wrote it yesterday so I don't clearly remember how I wrote it 😅 Sorry if I forget something, if I remind something more I will send another ask x)
Also, once will come the day where we could create another meeting in parallele of the harbingers one with their darling >:3
(Thank you my love!!! I almost screamed when I lost the previous ask KNDAKJSNDJKAS.)
Now, let's talk about Pantalone and his clever darling because it works so well.
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I believe Pantalone has this mindset of wanting things to be especially difficult to get, it just makes the rewarding taste better, you know? That includes you.
You are his despite not loving him, and while he can't make you so, he always has a way of getting what he wants from you, one way or another.
What can I say? It's better that you are aware of your situation. That every little gesture he does, every condescending kiss on your forehead, every time he holds your hand in such a Galant way, every "my love"... is not a declaration of love.
Rather, it's a declaration of ownership.
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meadowziplines · 8 months
#IFD2024 Feedback Fest: 10 Gen Sandman Fic Recs
10 Dreamling Fic Recs // 10 Gen Sandman Fic Recs // 10 Femslash Sandman Fic Recs // 10 Fic Recs For Other Fandoms
I have not provided additional cw’s beyond what is in the summary; please check work tags before reading.
I didn’t tend to include authors whose works are already quite popular. Also, it was hard picking these and I love many more fics! And feel free to tag in authors whose Tumblr handles I don’t know.
[G] when only dreams remain by Karalyn/@karalynlovescake (507): Dream has always been drawn to stories, and the stories of the humans whose lives his sister touches compel him.
[G] Readings by lookninjas (995): Rose Walker spends the month before her first book reading (her first reading as a published author of her own book that is being published because she is about to be a published author which she is not freaking out about at all, she’s fine) giving readings in her dreams.
[G] one for sorrow by Morcai (1.2k): And that’s the problem, of course. He cannot focus because there is something wrong. Something, somewhere is wrong. Out of place. Disjointed. He can feel it, like an itch in his teeth, like a whine just barely on the edge of hearing, like any one of ten thousand sensations that dreamers have felt over the eons that are not unbearable, but will not allow peace.
[G] Basement Dreams by ramenlover (509): Jed Walker's past attacks him each night. Luckily he knows someone who can help.
(This whole 'Uncle Dream' series is excellent.)
[G] You Have but Slumbered Here by Eighty_Sixed (36k): Morpheus begins visiting Hob Gadling's dreams. Meanwhile, a growing darkness threatens the Dreaming.
[T] Red Flags and Butterflies by Griombrioch (2.2k): “Rose Walker,” Dream murmurs, announcing his presence. He steps across the carpet and kneels down in front of Rose. This woman who’d stared him down and given her consent to die by his hand. This child who had been forced into all of this because of his sibling. And himself, inadvertently.
The collateral damage from the petty fights of deities.
Twenty one years old.
“You are a child of the Endless. You do not belong on the ground.”
Or, the one where I write my need for Rose getting to work through trauma and Dream caring a whole lot about it.
[T] larks and katydids by mightybee4 (8.5k): He was a dream, a story, every fantasy and idea created in the universe. He was the abstraction of ideas, the clarity of thought. His body was formed from dreams made flesh, his appearance ever-changing; but in the circle of runes and glass, his body was no longer dream-stuff.
He was made of skin and bone, nerves and muscles, and he was sure if he dug his nails or his teeth into the soft flesh of his arms he would bleed; not like Despair, whose shedding of her blood was of her purpose, but like any animal ushered into a slaughterhouse, blood pooling indiscriminate and useless, indistinguishable from any others.
or: Dream under the conditions of absolute reality.
[M] descent by jamais_vu0 (4.5k): once he is done fussing with the raven that flew into his face, roderick burgess looks down at his new prize and feels his breath catch- for the first time, he understands the scope of what he is doing, feels the fragility of the divine cupped in his careless hands.
death should have black wings, he thinks, absurdly clear in the moment- but they are black, with a green shine like an oil slick, each feather tipped in pale gold. a starling’s wings, but vast enough to lift a man in flight, unfolded on the floor behind his prize, pressing up against the very inner edge of the circle. he stares, imprints the gold lacing onto his vision, stars in an aurora-painted sky, and aches with all the things he is not.
(dream of the endless has wings, and is made to suffer for this.)
[M] The Lady, Or The Tiger by jamais_vu0 (4.9k): “Dream of the Endless,” Roderick sneers, and taps the handle of his cane on the glass. Dream of the Endless blinks once, out of sync, but otherwise doesn’t respond. There is something terribly inhuman about him, something Ethel can’t define but recognizes on the same level of awareness that knows there is something lurking behind her in the dark.
They keep a tiger in the basement, in a cage of glass and willpower, she thinks to herself, and follows Roderick back upstairs and does not sleep at all that night.
(or, ethel cripps gets sick of roderick's shit and instead of stealing from him and running away, she frees dream from his cage)
[M] lilacs out of the dead land by tharkuun (7k): Dream of the Endless escaped the Burgess manor after driving every soul within it mad, but it cost him his own sense of self. Now free, he feels too much, he is too much, and he seeks out any way he can to bleed his excesses off and become a person again.
Or: Local Eldritch monster tries to become a person again: the fic.
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artzychic27 · 10 months
What if the DC villain kids weren't the kids of the villains, and just had their origin stories? Or, somewhat similar origin stories. Like, Adrien and Marinette got exposed to chemicals when they were kids, and their brains got messed up
Marinette- Jestress
When the bakery was being fumigated, Marinette, at only five years old, was accidentally exposed to the dangerous chemicals
When she inhaled the fumes, they messed with her brain and induced a psychotic disposition
She would laugh at and take delight in even the most grimmest of things, and it worried Tom and Sabine greatly. Her parents took her to many specialists, but there was nothing anyone could do
Adrien- Adri-Quin
No one knew that the high brand fabric dye had some… Interesting results when inhaled
Gabriel and Emilie didn’t think too much of it when Adrien became exposed to the dyes, and shared a laugh when one side of his hair was colored pink and the other side blue, however, their sweet son slowly began to exhibit some alarming traits
He would point and laugh at anyone in pain and had this permanent smile on his face
Alya- Enigma
Alya Césaire always had a fascination with puzzles and riddles. She hyperfixated on each one she started, and refused to move on to a new one until she finished the one she was currently on
It got to a point where she had grown bored with solving puzzles, and would come up with her own more complex ones and challenge others to solve them
Those who would rebuff her requests soon faces the consequences, and she would force them to solve her puzzles through means of threats and blackmail, earning her quite the reputation at her old school
Nino- Mudslide
Nino had started out as a science experiment by his mothers, Anais and LaBrea
They sought to create life and hopefully create a child of their own by using sculpting clay along with a few other materials. It worked, and Nino became the sweet boy they’ve wanted for so long…
…Until a few years later, when he became destructive, vindictive, and used his shapeshifting abilities to steal and con people out of their money
They still didn’t know what went wrong
Chloé- Diamond Demom
Chloé always wanted to impress her mother, the ruthless Style Queen, Audrey Bourgeois. However, as Audrey rudely put it, Chloé was “unexceptional.” Fueled by a burning desire to finally make her mother proud, Chloé sought some sort of way to gain the same influential power as her mother, but she found something different and much better
Landing on her balcony one night was a small meteor, and when it cracked open, revealed a beautiful blue gem. When she touched it, Chloé became infused with some sort of power, the power of earth manipulation.
However, this new power corrupted her, and one afternoon during her mother’s fashion show, she destroyed the models’ outfits by telekinetically ripping the gems off of their outfits with her powers, tearing them to shreds
Sabrina- Duality
Sabrina started off as a sweet girl, until a horrible accident occurred one day at her old school
During science class, a careless student poured in the wrong chemical, and the solution exploded, with some of it getting on Sabrina and permanently damaging the right side of her face
After being healed and left with a massive scar on that half of her face, Sabrina was subjected to relentless bullying from the other students, causing her descent into madness
Obsessed with revenge, but still maintaining some of her kindness, she flipped a coin. Heads, she gets revenge on the other students, tails, she leaves them alone. The coin landed on heads
Kim- Croc King
Kim was born with a rare condition that gave him reptilian traits with his birth. His fathers, Teo and Élliot couldn’t care less about his appearance, and loved him dearly. It was others who had a problem with him
Growing up, people always looked at Kim as if he were a freak, and school was no better
One day, Kim was walking to his locker when he was jumped by several older students and had a muzzle forced on him
He ran home in tears, and that experience shaped his views on society forever, believing if people treat him like a monster, then that’s what they’ll get. That’s how he became Croc King
Max- Max (Because he’s too prideful to choose a villain name)
Max strived to always be the best, to always be number one when it came to academics. He was top of his class at his old school, won every science fair, and received many cash offers for his inventions
However, it wasn’t enough. Max wanted everyone everywhere to know he was the best, and what better way to do that than by taking over the world?
During one robotics fair at school, he seized control of everyone’s robots and launched an attack until the police soon arrived to put an end to it all
He was promptly arrested and placed in juvenile detention, but only for a few weeks before being transferred to Françoise DuPont’s and being put in the Villain Class, a quick fix thanks to his genius intellect and a careless security guard
Ivan- Venom Bringer
Born inside a dreadful prison in Russia, Ivan was sentenced from birth to serve time for his dead father’s protests against their totalitarian government
Ivan trained both his body and mind inside the prison walls and soon rose to the top of the prison food chain
The prison authorities, seeing this with their own eyes, forced him to become a test-subject for a new drug known as Venom. While it did increase Ivan’s strength ten-fold, it also made him incredibly violent
As such, he attacked every single guard, stole the rest of the Venom, freed his fellow inmates, and escaped all the way to Paris
Myléne- Nightmare Weaver
Myléne was always a shy girl, and the students at her old school would mess with her relentlessly for that. They’d purposefully scare her, ranging from fake insects in her locker to wearing the goriest of costumes and jumping out and scaring her on her way home
One guy even snuck into her room at night and chased her all around the house until she fell down her stairs. Myléne physically recovered, but not mentally
One afternoon, doing research in her school’s library, she discovered a recipe for a fast-acting fear toxin, which would make people hallucinate their greatest fear
Myléne spent a weeks perfecting the toxin, often testing it on her neighbors until she was sure it was perfected. And it worked like a charm as every student and teacher at her old school suffered from the effects. All except for her
Nathaniel- Colossus
Nathaniel, while being smart and an incredible artist, was always bullied relentlessly due to his shyness, height, and lack of muscle and any sort of strength by the students at his old school
He sought to end that once and for all. Staying in the school lab after hours for a couple of nights, he created a serum that increased his strength ten fold, and promptly injected himself with it
The next day at school, Nathaniel was confronted by his main tormentors, and surprised and scared everyone by fending off against them with almost inhuman strength
It didn’t stop there, and Nathaniel suddenly grew to twenty feet, towering over the panicking students and attacking each one who had played a part in bullying him until he was neutralized by the police with about a dozen tranquilizer darts
Alix- Caracal
When she was ten, her father, Alim Kubdel, took her and her brother, Jalil, on an expedition with him deep into the wilds of Africa to study an ancient artifact
You know, like family bonding
Things were going fine until one night, Alix was kidnapped and forced to participate in an ancient ritual that cursed and and transformed her into a human-cheetah hybrid with an insatiable appetite for meat
Alim and Jalil, unbothered by her new appearance, assured her that they would find a cure. However, one night, when they returned home, she took a bite out of her brother’s shoulder
Rose- Thorn
Rose always had a love for botany and perfumes. She always loved to make her own fragrances using plants from her garden
One morning, she found a strange herb growing among the foliage. It had a nice fragrance to it, so she dug it up, potted it, and made plans to study it so she could make a perfume out of it
But then one night, there was an accident in her bedroom/perfume lab, causing an explosion
The herb she had found spread fumes around her room as a result of the explosion, and when she inhaled those fumes, her anatomy changed, making her immune to all toxins and giving her control over all plant life
Juleka- Feline Shadow
Juleka spent most of her days in the shadows, going unnoticed by anyone at her old school and sometimes even at home
So, she used that to her advantage. Whenever walking through the halls, she’d pick everyone’s pockets, working her way up from cash to jewelry with a sleight of hand
She wasn’t stopping there, though, and she took part in a string of robberies all over the city while donning all black and slipping into homes and jewelry stores undetected… Until she was eventually caught and thrown into juvenile hall before being sent to Françoise DuPont and put in the Villains Class
Lila- Cerebral Queen
Lila was once a normal girl from Italy who enjoyed playing mind games on her fellow classmates at her old school all through clever lies, creating discord amongst the student body
However, one day, her lies caught up to her, and caused the students at her school to chase her down and exact their revenge
When she was cornered by the students, she suddenly awakened vast psychic powers that allowed her to control minds, project illusions, and use telepathy
She left her fellow students seeing all sorts of terrifying illusions, and went on to create more chaos until she was eventually captured and sent to Françoise DuPont
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l1nghuarchive · 2 years
Hi, the Anon who requested the last H3rd request. I am here to request another similar scenario, but inspired by your writing.
How would Kiana, Durandal, Himeko, and Kallen react to having an eccentric S/O who is a scientist. One day, they wanted to create better shields for them, so they created small devices that emits a special fluid that protects the user in a protective bubble, and they want the both of them to test it out. So they turn on their device, and both of them are now in their own giant floating bubble. They test it out, and their bubble shields won’t burst, meaning the test was successful. However, there's a problem; They don’t know how to pop their bubbles to get out.
At first, they try to force their way out, but their bubbles ends up bouncing against each other and then all over the room. After stopping and bobbing midair, their S/O starts laughing as  they had fun doing that. So, they decide to relax and float around, until their bubbles pop.
Again, thank you for writing my weird requests. I really appreciate it.
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Pairing : Kiana, Durandal, Himeko x reader
Warnings : n/a
A/n : hello, anon! So sorry for the 1 week wait on your req, I kinda struggled with this req but im glad my writing got you inspired(?) w a brainrot! Also i left out Kallen bc idk much abt her sorry!
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• With the recent dangerous missions Kiana were sent on and how careless she was, it wasn't much of a surprise when Theresa personally requested you along with Dr. Einstein and Tesla to create a shield to absorb any kind of honkai energy or hits.
• You of course obliged after all you hated seeing your girlfriend being injured plus tending her wounds were getting troublesome since she keeps moving when you do try and tend them. (it makes you wonder if she gets those wounds just to have an excuse to annoy you..)
• You decided to make a bubble like shield due to Kiana complaining how if it were a normal shield, which earned a light smack on her head and a scolding from you saying that she wouldn't be modelling this for the honkai beast to see. Nevertheless, you took Kiana's suggestion Bronya thought you were taking in suggestions for the shield designs and wanted hers to be a homu themed bubble.
• You had requested Kiana to test out your invention since you found her slacking off and not attending lessons but being the kind s/o you are, you gave Kiana the choice of either testing out your shield or being reported to Principal Theresa in which of course Kiana picked the former not wanting to be scolded by Theresa for the 3rd time this week.
• Upon testing out your invention with Kiana, both of you tried everything to pop it yet nothing worked which meant the experiment was a success! You were about to grab your pen and clipboard to note down your success before you realise that both you and Kiana were stuck in your own invention.
• After a few minutes of struggling, Kiana heard a laugh coming out from your lips perhaps you found her misery funny/hj yet unconsciously Kiana found herself laughing along with you. As both of you gossiped about the students in st.freya while waiting for the bubble to wear out.
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• Due to the recent honkai attacks, you hated seeing Durandal come home injured or tired from the missions that she was sent on.
• You have seen countless times how Durandal was able to handle herself in the battlefield though despite her reassuring you that she is doing well, that didn't stop you from worrying about her.
• So, as a scientist you decided to create a shield that would be able to protect your girlfriend in combat. Though the project took a while, you motivated yourself by saying that if you finish this your beloved Durandal would be able to be safe.
• Perhaps Durandal found out how much you have been spending time in your lab. She thought you might be doing something dangerous down there so she immediately rushed towards your shared basement / lab.
• She saw what seem like honkai substance in a test tube, before you could use your bubble wand to test out the shield Durandal immediately rushed towards you hoping to stop whatever you were doing with anything related to the honkai.
• Shocked by the sudden appearance of your girlfriend who had accidentally dropped the test tube which led both you and Durandal to be stuck in your very own creation. Though you were happy that your creation was successful, you were rather disappointed that your girlfriend was also tangled up in your mess. You confessed that you wanted to make a shield for Durandal to protect her, yet you were only meeted with a laugh from the said person.
• You soon found yourself laughing along, perhaps this was one of the moments where Durandal can actually feel relaxed without worrying about fighting off honkai beast.
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• You were more of the… Creative kind of scientist. Always creating fun types of stuff whenever you are teaching st.freya students which made you one of the most likeable teachers.
• Perhaps that is why Himeko was attracted to you, both you and Himeko were students' favourite teachers.
• Of course, as Himeko's s/o you would often see her come to your lab injured or wounded by honkai beast due to her reckless yet caring nature to protect her students and comrades.
• Upon the suggestion of Mei, Kiana and Bronya you decided to make a shield to protect any honkai beast from entering it.
• After getting the right substance, you wanted to test it out by making it into a bubble-like shape as a starter.
• That day you should have cleared up your lab since you wanted to show himeko your invention, you decided to invite her to your lab but you didn't watch where you were going and tripped on a sheet of paper you accidentally spilt the substance containing the bubble shield over you and himeko making both of you stuck in your very own creation.
• Your invention worked but you knowing this only because you were stuck didn't really make you exactly happy after all you did drag your s/o into your own failed experiment.
• As you felt rather disappointed, you heard a light hearted laugh coming out of your girlfriend. Himeko found it rather adorable of you to be worrying for her when in reality it was really her worrying for you due to your clumsiness.
• Before you know it, a kiss was met with your lips by none other than Himeko.
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Tysm for reading! Likes, reblogs and follows are always appreciated! <3
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acourtofthought · 20 days
I just want to say my piece about Elain week and be done with it. Honestly, you’re one of the few accounts I follow that actually gets it. You genuinely love Elain’s character but aren’t blind to her flaws, which is rare. It’s refreshing to see someone who admires where her story might be going while still keeping it real—because let’s face it, Elain is just a character in a book, not a real person. It’s exhausting to see people lose their minds over fictional drama. So, thanks for being one of the few who can balance it all without losing touch with reality.
I can’t take Elriel’s seriously because they treat Elain like she’s some real, fleshed-out character while simultaneously reducing her to a mere plot device in Az's story. It’s like they completely ignore her agency and depth just to fit her into Azriel's narrative. And don’t even get me started on Elainweek. If it was supposed to be inclusive, why was it riddled with bans that sidelined anyone who had different preferences in the fandom? They act like Elucien fans are the problem for not participating in previous years, but then turn around and complain on Twitter when a bunch of Eluciens actually engaged this year.
They should have just been straightforward about their intentions for Elain-week instead of being passive-aggressive and called it what it was, Elriel week.
Now, I want to touch on the art that is now causing so muchdrama. I want to make it abundantly clear, the art itself was beautiful, many Eluciens and Gwynriels said so, but it was the artist's words that hurt many POC among the fandom.
It’s was honestly sad to witness this whole situation. I do not think the artist's comments were made with malicious intent, but rather came from a place of ignorance. Eluciens and Gwynriels had been nothing but supportive of her work, sharing her previous pieces and even showing interest in commissioning her - despite her obvious preference for Elriel.
However, how she choose to address the situation escalated things and I will bet good money she is now being manipulated by Elriels, who are telling her that she said nothing wrong, because they want the artist to create a narrative that Elucien are bullies. They are taking advantage of her situation and making things worse.
But does the artist even realize that many of the people sliding into her DMs are the very same ones who have engaged in real bullying? Seriously, these are the people who have sent death threats, harassed SJM’s best friend, and targeted authors, influencers, bookshops, and other artists just for shipping Gwynriel or Elucien. Does she know she is being exploited by Elriels, it’s sad that she doesn’t see it. Her artwork was stunning but it was overshadowed by her thoughtless and careless words and how she handled the situation. She seems to have completely missed the point.
This entire week has just been a reminder of how hypocritical some Elriels can be. Honestly, I can't wait for the day they finally drop Elain's character, because you know they will when they don't get their precious Elriel in the canon. They’re delusional if they think SJM would ever write Elriel after the way they've harassed her team, her husband, her best friends, and her colleagues. The death threats and even the creepy threats to kidnap her baby? Seriously?
Let’s be real: if they were truly confident in their ship from the beginning, they wouldn’t have needed to resort to bullying the author and anyone who disagrees with them. I think they have always known deep down that they were shipping a red herring. Now they’re just trying to strong-arm Sarah into writing them some fanservice because they can't handle the fact that their ship isn’t happening. That SJM prefers mates and they know Elriel aren't mates. It’s time to call it what it is. They want Sarah to cater to their whims, and their desperation to spam and harass anyone who doesn't ship Elriel is just pathetic.
Alright, I’m done
Thank you for the background on the photo drama! I know people were looking for more details of what happened and I had heard about it but didn't see some of what was being said on IG. You know, E/riels can call Elucien's and Gwynriel's bully's all they want and I know there have been some situations where even our side has behaved badly (though I'm not sure I remember seeing de@th threats / SA threats coming from our end) but if E/riels truly hoped to have some influence on how Sarah writes these books, I do not understand how they think their behavior is doing them favors. Sarah and her team know nothing of the verbal sparring between anon user A versus Anon user B on IG / Tumblr/ Twitter (X) whether it be Eluciens to E/riels, Gwynriels to E/riels or E/riels to Eluciens and Gwynriels. But they most certainly have heard about what happened to the other famous author who called out E/riels on her IG simply because she liked the Gwynriel ship. Sarah almost certainly heard about how E/riels acted towards her good friend Steph after she said she didn't think E/riel was happening on one of her Lives. I don't think anything any of us are going to change Sarah's mind on what she writes but if someone is over the age of 12, I imagine we all learned the lesson that good behavior gets rewarded and tantrums do not.
Thank you for your comments on my view of Elain's character! I can't think of a single FMC who has started her book happy with friends, already in love, and already living where she's going to end up by the end of her book, can you?
Yet somehow Elain is already perfect with the perfect friends and the perfect lover who treats her so well and they're already the best friends ever even though he spent a year avoiding her and she's so at home with the sisters who call her a dog and a pleasant companion and the way she treats Lucien is not at all inconsiderate because she is perfect and does not owe the one she has a forever magical connection to a single word from her lips because real life women don't owe men anything! Apparently the E/riel version of Elain is living the Barbie Dream Life and that's all well and good but then the author has absolutely no need to write a book about her. Have they listened to Sarah talk about her favorite characters? Nesta. Manon. She likes complicated women. Which we saw with Bryce and Feyre and Aelin. These women are layers upon layers and they are flawed. We can love them all the same but Sarah does not like Mary Sue's. Even her most Mary Sue like character (the not morally gray Yrene) had major prejudices she had to get over! She was a bitch to Chaol at first! That means Elain is not starting off her book as the Voted Most Beautiful of the School Head Cheerleader of the Squad leaving care packages on her sweetheart of one year and counting's locker since they're already so in love, Elain who already has the picture perfect life and only needs to fight the bad guy because there's absolutely nothing else for her to achieve. Elain, just like every other SJM heroine is going to have depth. Heavy emotions that have held her back from doing the things she needs to do, being who she's meant to be, facing her bond instead of avoiding it. Emotions that are HERS and not just her showing Rhys up. That's blaming everyone else for Elain's current state and not giving her any of the responsibility for anything. They just don't want her to have depth and things to overcome because if she does that means she might change (just like every other FMC does) and they worry that if she changes, it could mean those changes will lead her in a direction they don't want for her. So for them she must remain exactly as she is and end her book with things exactly the same as they are right now. (or at least as they were pre Solstice because right now she hasn't looked Az's way for months). We all knew Elain Week was going to be E/riel Week 2.0 despite their cries of "no, Elucien's are welcome! All ships but Tamlian and Berlain are welcome!" Damn if I'm now not wishing for some Jurlain content because that seems to be their hot button these days. We knew they'd cry that it's our fault, that we are the ones who choose not to participate while conveniently forgetting all the posts they liked over the past year calling Elucien's abuse apologists, misogynists, etc. But Yes, Of COURSE we're all welcome this week. It's like making fun of how a kid dresses every day at school then promising they'll behave the week of May 3rd, ONLY the week of May 3rd but act shocked when the kid doesn't thank them for the compliment of how nice they look that week. Assurances don't mean a thing when the people making them are nasty to us and our ship 99.9% of the time. At this point we can only hope that Sarah will some day decide to put us out of our misery and announce the next pairing.
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