#the question remains how the hell is bnha going to end then and well. we shall wait and see
linkspooky · 3 months
What ending would you have liked for the League villains in BNHA?
Well, there's two answers to this question. What would be my ideal ending to the League of Villains requires major story structure changes. To the point where it almost becomes an entirely different story,v venturing into fanfiction territory.
Basically keeping the story as it is until My Villain Academia, there's no longer a clear and distinct line between Hero and Villain. Shigaraki is now the real deuteragonist of the story, and the story is split between Deku's journey and Shigaraki's.
The league are no longer just an insane fringe element that doesn't deserve to be listened to or have their wrongs redressed. Since they now have the MLA they have public support behind them, they like become actual rebels against hero society with even public support. Either the War Arc doesn't happen, or the villains win and society is effectively destroyed so that the heroes no longer have their tight grasp.
A bunch of kids die in the war, because they weren't relevant and it's a consequence for UA raising child soldiers. The remaining relevant kids are forced to cope with two realities, number one they were violent enforcers of a broken system, number two the villains are right in some ways. A moment of the kids going "Are we the bad guys?" However, they can't agree with destroying everything so they have to fight to rebuild. The kids have lost faith in the adults, break off from them entirely so the adults no longer hog all the screentime and try to attempt to solve the problem on their own. Also, Enji dies in the war arc because Hori didn't do anything satisfying with his character beyond that part, and Dabi is hit with feelings of: oh no killing my father didn't fix my problem.
Then you'd basically have to have the narrative find a compromise between Shigaraki's complete radicalism but lack of any motivation to rebuild, and Deku's desire to save others but lack of self-awareness about the evils of his society and how the system can't be fixed as it is. Like a war between the opposite forces of preservation and destruction and Deku and Shgiaraki having to eventually work together to build their world. Maybe Deku even manages to convince Shigaraki there is a future, and save him from statements like "I don't care what happens next." The League of Villains and the reduced Class 1A are like two parallel groups in the manga running in tandem, and also Deku's bonds with his friends are closer now and actually shown in story they become a tight knit group so both sides are trying to protect the people they love too.
Here was my realistic ending I was expecting when the war started. The kids fight their respective villainous foils and then manage to talk them down and solve things with words instead of violence. Then the villains and heroes team up in order to save Shigaraki from AFO, which is the first step of redemption of the league, and also the kids realizing that the league love each other. At the end of the fight Deku tells Shigaraki what he's always wanted to hear when he was Tenko, "You can be a hero, too." bookending the story with the words All Might told him. The villains either get rehabilitated because they helped take down AFO, or they run off to become vigilantes.
What we got was everyone being sent to hell instead and that sure is something.
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theophagie-remade · 2 years
In hindsight it's understandable that Horikoshi changed the ending and made Midoriya and Bakugou share ofa at a point in time in which many things about it were still a mystery because otherwise there's no way in hell Midoriya would have given it to Bakugou if he had known that in the long run it would have killed him, the vestiges' will to remain with him regardless be damned
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makeste · 3 years
BnHA Chapter 315: I Didn’t Expect This to Blow Up
Previously on BnHA: Horikoshi was all “guess which plot that you thought was dead is actually not dead and is making a comeback!” and we were all “EVIL HPSC??” and he was all “girl you know it,” and that’s the story of how we got a sexy Lady Nagant flashback with lots of guns and murder. Flashback!Lady was all “gotta murder peeps to preserve the people’s trust,” but then a little while later she was like “actually wait that makes no sense,” and so she shot her evil boss and they sent her to jail. Back in the present, Deku was all “okay fair, the hero system might in fact be a little fucked up, but hear me out... have you considered not helping AFO take over the world so he can murder like a bazillion more innocent people??” The chapter ended with the not-all-there Overhaul finally revealing himself to Deku, and I honestly have no idea where this is gonna go.
Today on BnHA: In what is unfortunately the single worst plan ever concocted by anyone in BnHA, Nagant is all “I’m going to try and get this Deku kid to panic and freeze up by putting someone in mortal danger.” Deku is all, “[doesn’t panic and freeze up at the sight of someone in mortal danger].” Nagant is all “omg no way.” Deku, who is now all of a sudden being so OP that even I have to acknowledge that it’s OP lol, is all “[smashes Nagant’s gun arm to bits]”, which sucks but is also really cool, and which also apparently makes Nagant decide that she actually likes this kid after all. Deku is all “NAGANT I REALLY LIKE YOU AND THINK YOU’RE GREAT SO PLEASE JOIN UP WITH ME AND STOP BEING EVIL.” Nagant is all “aw shucks (✿ •͈ᴗ•͈) well okay then” and everyone is all “( ・◡・) ✰ ( ˆᴗˆ ) ( ᵘ ᵕ ᵘ ⁎)” and then Nagant FUCKING EXPLODES LIKE AN EGG IN THE MICROWAVE AND FALLS TO HER DEATH!!!! except not really because Hawks saves her??? In conclusion, (a) THE FUCK, and (b) AFO TURN ON YOUR LOCATION I JUST WANT TO TALK.
so I have to tell you guys something, which is that barely ten minutes after I made that “please don’t send me spoilers” post the other day, someone replied to the comments in a stunning fit of “tell me that you’re twelve without actually telling me you’re twelve” energy and posted what seemed to be the copy-pasted spoiler summary from reddit or twitter or whatever lol. so here is my good news/bad news rundown of all that
good news: I have very well-conditioned ABORT!! reflexes and have trained myself to immediately look away from the screen (usually in dramatic fashion) as soon as I realize that whatever I’m reading is a spoiler
bad news: unfortunately as I was subsequently deleting said comments, I accidentally read the very last one
good news??: said spoiler was so unbelievably, absurdly over-the-top that I’m almost positive this person was just trolling. like, there’s just no way lmao
bad news: but in the unlikely event that it is true I will absolutely lose my shit I swear to god
(ETA: “NAGANT DIES.” that was the spoiler I read lol. like, literally all I read from the person’s comments was “My Hero Academia Chapter 315 Title: “Beautiful Words.” Chapter starts with...” and then I noped out of there, and then of all the comments to read as I was deleting, it had to be that one lol. I seriously was just like “SURE, JAN.” all “just how gullible do you think I am” sob. but I was wrong. a troll, but an honest troll they remain.
but anyways like I’m pretty sure Nagant isn’t even actually dead lol, so in the end this whole little adventure doesn’t even have a point to it, but for me it was a journey!)
anyway, so there are apparently two versions of the chapter today?? no idea what the difference is, but I’m going to go with the Bean version, because it’s the one at the top and I don’t feel like making decisions today
huh, so Overhaul is actually more coherent than Horikoshi was letting on
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look at him having a whole back and forth conversation with her. side note, how is he still this jacked when he’s been sitting in a cell doing absolutely nothing for the past six months
anyway so he says he’ll go with her on one condition. I wonder what that condition could possibly be. do you think it could be the thing he literally hasn’t shut up about ever since he reappeared lol
yep! and damn -- maybe this guy will surprise me after all
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still would be nice if you also felt a bit sorry for the little girl you tortured and traumatized, but this is something at least. maybe Deku will yell at him for that other stuff lol
(ETA: also can’t help but wonder if he wants to make amends because he put him in a coma, or because his plan was a failure and ended up destroying the family. just hoping you’ve finally had that “hurting other people is bad” epiphany dude.)
anyways so now Nagant’s arm is transforming again, and this particular transformation happens to be the only truly unsexy thing that Nagant has done thus far so I’m just gonna skip right on ahead lol
aaaaand we’re back to the delirious ranting
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buddy. just. read the fucking room, guy
wow she really is aiming at Overhaul, then. those theories were spot-on
damn she’s really out here all “it really fucks with kids’ heads when you kill people right in front of them and make them blame themselves” like yo
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I’m picturing her saying all this in a very loud stage-whispery tone while making very significant eye contact with Deku lol
uh oh but wait
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um. okay. who’s gonna tell her. Nagant I might have some bad news for you about the kid you’re trying to capture here. specifically about the way he tends to do the opposite of what you’re thinking that he’s about to do
holy shit
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so it’s basically just “tap x repeatedly to charge up your attack” lol
and okay, so that’s cool and all, but is anyone else wincing at the thought of what that must be like on his knees. oh to be young
anyway, but so to the surprise of basically no one, Deku did not, in fact, freeze. I am very sorry, Nagant. he’s just like this
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someone wanna tell me how getting yoloed in the fucking ribs by this fucking slingshot kid moving at literal sniper bullet speed is in any way even remotely better than getting hit by the bullet itself lol
(ETA: this is 10x funnier now that we know the bullet wasn’t even gonna hit him lmao.)
anyway so now Nagant is having an extended “!?!?!?” reaction about how Deku just moved with no hesitation, and I’m starting to get an inkling of fear that the rest of this fight isn’t going to go very well for her and maybe that’s what all the “hoo boy” is about
oh my god Deku are you about to Gomu Gomu no Rocket yourself at her you insane little man
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now Three is popping up again and he’s all “I see you’ve learned your lesson and are now only using three quirks at once instead of five” like with all this effusive praise about how great and badass Deku is and sob, okay, yeah. this chapter is basically one of those machines that shoots tennis balls at people, except instead of tennis balls it shoots hot piping discourse
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lol oh my god it’s literally two opposing reactions at once wtf. do I love this or hate this. like just for once can Horikoshi actually let a badass lady character win their fucking fight without getting their arm ripped off, BUT ALSO fucking look at that absurdly cool “SMASH” onomatopoeia though. it looks like it’s about to float right off the page holy shit that’s some seriously good art
anyway so is this really the end?? do I need to break out my ���_ಠ faces
lmao okay yeah I can definitely see how this would piss a lot of people off
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he basically one-shotted her and she’s all “damn this kid is so amazing that I’m about to do a complete 180 turn on all of my previous angst” lmao. Horikoshi is really shounening it up today
on the plus side though, maybe this means there’s still a chance for her to join up with him after all? unless that spoiler was true lmao, then all hell is gonna break loose
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OH MY GOD AND HE SAYS THE BULLET WOULDN’T HAVE DONE MORE THAN GRAZE OVERHAUL ANYWAY, wow, I’m actually more relieved by that than I would have expected. I mean I would have forgiven her either way, but it means that there was still more hero in her than she was letting on
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lol but I mean, it’s also like, “oh so today they get to have brain cells”, thank you so much lol. sometimes it’s really hard to tell which times we’re supposed to question these character decisions that seem dumb, and which times we’re just supposed to full on embrace them and switch off our critical thinking
but okay, so in this case it really was Nagant going easy on him on purpose, and not just her fucking up for no good reason even though she used to do this for a living and was the best in the game. and I know in this case it’s probably just Horikoshi giving us some consolation headpats to soften the blow of her losing so abruptly, but you know what, shit. I’ll take it
also you guys the light is coming back into Deku’s eyes again for just a moment here and I’m having feels about it?? the way it still comes back when he’s reaching out to save someone, and following his own hero path instead of the much darker and lonelier Christopher Nolan path that’s been laid out for him instead that he never wanted?? it’s both reassuring and also very sad
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p.s. I am now absolutely scared shitless that that spoiler was actually true sob. swear to god, I will throw this manga into a fucking volcano. but we’re almost at the end of the chapter and this seems just WAY TOO GOOD to be true fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck f
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fuck, lol, I don’t wanna do it. I don’t wanna scroll down what have I ever done to deserve this oh my god
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can someone please give AFO a really good, sharpish kick in the balls. just really let him have it. I’m so tired, what the fuck
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bro. I was literally going through my Excel folders to find the spreadsheet about female characters in BnHA that I made back when Midnight died. was gearing myself up for a wholeass rant. and honestly I might just let all of that continue simmering on low to keep it warm just in case lol, because to tell you the truth I have absolutely no idea what’s happening right now
my girl straight up does not have a face. she used to have a face. people usually need those, idk. like, even if she’s alive, her gorgeous eyebrows are definitely not making it out of this and I’m gonna throw a funeral just for them
how the fuck did AFO just blow her up?? how did he know what was going on?? and if he had a quirk that could explode people at will, why is this the first we’re hearing of it?? you’d think that might have come in handy at Kamino or Jakku, like what
(ETA: present!me, who’s had more than three hours of sleep and can now actually remember facts about the series, would like to remind past!me that AFO gave Nagant a quirk, and so this is probably just more Vestige shenanigans now on his part. that’s also probably why Air Walk suddenly stopped working out of nowhere. still doesn’t explain why he doesn’t go around blowing people up more often though but maybe he thinks it’s gauche.)
Hawks just straight up out of nowhere. just Mirioed his way straight into the chapter just in time to be too late sob. here I was looking forward to seeing your face when Deku showed up with his new best friend. can’t believe Horikoshi deprived us of that moment
on the plus side, WELCOME BACK, HAWKS’S FEATHERS. I have no doubt that in this chapter of Deku being an almighty threequirk-mastering god, and Nagant losing anticlimactically only to be immediately blown up because girl characters in BnHA can only be cool for one fight and one fight only, there are still some people who are focusing solely on the “how dare Hawks get his wings back when he is a MURDERER this is an outrage what about CONSEQUENCES” discourse, and to hell with all the other discourses lmao
anyway, so yeah. wow. and now it’s just occurring to me that maybe the real reason why Overhaul is there is so he can get a head start on that amend-making by actually doing a good thing for once in his life, and using his quirk to heal Nagant. assuming he can still do that
and so now Horikoshi has got me out here actually rooting for Overhaul. you know what, on that note I think I’m just gonna go ahead and call it a day sob
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todomitoukei · 4 years
Hey wanna ask u something I saw a post in twitter saying that Bakugou is very rude in japanese and they can't really write how rude he is in english cuz english translation isn't rich as the Japanese ANYWAY, since Bakugou is rude is Dabi a rude character too? And who's the most rudest character in BnHA? Man i hope it's Dabi kskdkkkds 😔😂 I just feel it suits him to be rude :')
That’s a great question! Also sort of difficult to explain? There are a lot of nuances to the Japanese languages that don’t exist in English, so be aware: there is some information ahead.
Let me preface this, though, by saying that I normally read My Hero in English. I sometimes read certain parts in Japanese, specifically when I try to figure out what the character said exactly rather than just trusting in the English translation. So I can’t give you a perfect answer as to who the rudest character is since I’m not familiar enough with everyone’s speech patterns. (I think I’ve mostly looked at what Dabi and Shouto have said in Japanese), but I did browse a little more through some Japanese chapters to compare a couple of characters.
For this post, I am going to mainly compare Bakugou and Dabi.
And before we talk about swearing in Japanese, I don’t remember if this is just a one time occasion or if this happens more often throughout the story, but for example, in chapter 292 when Shouto basically asks Dabi whether he has lost his mind, the official English translation made him say: “Are you freakin’ insane?!” - sorry, but if you’re gonna add a swear word, why this watered-down version? This is a story filled with dark topics, brutal fights, and on-screen killing, and yet you won’t let a teenager say fuck? W h y ?
Anyway, the reason people say it doesn’t translate well is that swear words aren’t a big thing in Japanese. There are a couple of swear words, and we’ll look at those, yet overall those words aren’t swear words by definition, but rather become swear words based on context and tone.
Because the Japanese language is all about different levels of politeness, whether certain words are rude or not depends on the context and whom you are speaking to.
That being said, let’s take a look at the different ways characters can sound rude:
This is a really good post that talks about swearing in Japanese and lists some of the words that can be used similar to swear words.
One of the words featured on that list is 「 てめェ」 (temee). This word gets used by several characters throughout the story, usually to address an opponent. Here’s an example of Dabi using it in chapter 292 whilst referring to Best Jeanist:
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If you look this word up in the dictionary you’ll get the following definitions: you (used by young males; vulgar; derogatory)/ you son of a bitch/ you bastard. Technically, this word means you, but the nuance boils down to the speaker looking down on the person they’re talking to.
There is also the word 「死ね」 (shine). This is the imperative form (command form) of 「死ぬ、しぬ」(shinu) - to die. I don’t think I have to explain why it’s considered rude to tell someone to die. Anyway, this one is commonly used by Bakugou (like when he has to throw the ball during class).
Another big swear word is「くそ」(kuso), meaning damn, shit. In My Hero, this is often said as「クソナード」(kuso naado) - “damn nerd” by Bakugou. Another nickname Bakugou uses is the one he has for Shouto,「半分野郎」(hanbun yarou) - “Half bastard”
Speaking of 「野郎」you know who else uses that word? Dabi.
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Dabi says:「なんだ空っぽのコスプレ野郎じゃねえか。」(nanda karappo no kosupure yarou janee ka.) 
I think the English translation says something along the lines of “Oh, so you’re not just a hollow cosplayer” But that loses a lot of the nuance.
「なんだ ; nanda 」-> depends on context, but can be translated as “What the hell?”
「空っぽ ; karappo」-> hollow
「の ; no 」-> particle to indicate possession, works like an apostrophe
「スプレ ; kosupure 」-> cosplay
「野郎 ; yarou 」-> bastard
「じゃねえ ; janee 」-> rude form of 「じゃない」 (janai) which is already the casual way to negate the word it proceeds
「か ; ka 」-> question marker
As you can see, this sentence includes several colloquial/rude ways of speaking. The full sentence would be “What the hell? You’re not a hollow bastard cosplayer?” - yarou can also just be translated as “guy” but even then it’s a rougher word, so that’s why bastard emphasizes that better, I think.
So it’s definitely fair to say both Dabi and Bakugou are ruder than other people, mainly shown by the way they address people. 
Bakugou even uses 「野郎」on the hero Slidin’ Go:「語彙力この野郎」(goiryoku kono yarou) “Extend your vocabulary, you bastard”
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Also, here’s a panel that features Bakugou saying several rude words at once! Sometimes, he uses a lot. Featured here are the aforementioned 「くそ」(kuso) and 「 てめー」 (temee), as well as 「ばか」* (baka) - “idiot” - *note that in the manga kuso and baka are written in katakana,「クソ、バカ」 respectively, instead of hiragana to emphasize them similar to the function of italics.
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Polite Speech
Again, there are different levels of politeness in the Japanese language, and one of the quickest ways to determine the level is by looking at the verb ending. There is a plain form (also known as dictionary form), as well as a polite form. The latter is also known as “masu”-form since you change the ending of the verb into masu.
There are a few instances where Shouto uses the polite form while talking to someone, like here with Rock Lock:「頼みます」(tanomimasu) “to entrust to”
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and here, when he is thanking All Might「ありがとうございました」 (arigatou gozaimashita). This is a common phrase, but it’s usually shortened to just arigatou.
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Now take Bakugou again, who doesn’t use the polite form when talking to Pro Heroes he has never talked to before and instead calls them bastard. Definitely ruder!
Another instance of a character using polite speech is Dabi throughout his broadcast, like here where he says「生まれました」 (umaremashita) “have been born”
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There are also several personal pronouns in Japanese. The standard being「私」(watashi), which is mainly used by women, but can also be used by men, specifically in formal or public spaces to remain more neutral. This pronoun is for example used by All Might. 
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The story itself is called 「僕のヒーローアカデミア」(Boku no Hīrō Akademia), boku meaning I and is usually used by boys/young men. Grown men might also use it as a sign of modesty since the word originates from the terms 「下僕」(geboku) meaning manservant, and「公僕」(kouboku) meaning public servant. As the story title hints, this is the pronoun Deku uses to refer to himself.
Another personal pronoun is 「俺」(ore). This one is more commonly used around peers. Because it sounds a little self-asserting, it can be rude when used in formal settings or when speaking to strangers or old people. This is a pronoun used by the majority of the male characters, including Dabi, Shigaraki, Shouto, and Bakugou.
Which language a character uses is part of their characterization, hence a more humble character like Deku uses boku, whereas more dominating/self-confident characters like Dabi, Shouto, or Bakugou use ore.
What’s more, a good way to learn about the different politeness levels is to look at chapter 290, where we switch between Dabi’s broadcast, and Dabi on the battlefield talking to Endeavor and Shouto.
Aside from using the polite form of speaking in his broadcast rather than the casual form, he also uses boku in his broadcast, and ore on the battlefield:
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Again, when boku is used by grown men (aka Dabi) it’s a humble way of speaking. Pairing that with him using the polite form of speaking makes him sound especially well-mannered, a huge contrast to his usual rough character.
Sentence Ending Particles
Another way to influence the way what you’re saying sounds is the way you end your sentences. There are several particles you can use (sort of like “right?”, “isn’t it?” etc.). Again, there are certain choices here to make you sound “cooler” or “manlier” - so not explicitly rude, but it just adds to the already existing roughness certain characters use when speaking.
One of these particles is「さ」(sa) which is a casual/rougher form of 「よ」(yo), mainly used by men, and can be added to the end of a sentence for emphasis. Here’s an example of Dabi using sa while speaking to Skeptic in chapter 291.
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Also, note that temee gets used again here. As mentioned before, temee can just mean you, but in a derogatory way. The official translation says “Thanks to you and your camera for that prime footage. No reason not to use what we got, right?” - so aside from English not having a derogatory you, the “right?” is at least a good translation for sa.
「ぜ」is another particle like that, but it’s only used in casual conversations or when speaking to someone of lower social status. So when Dabi uses this here -
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as he invites Endeavor to dance with him in hell, it’s obviously a rude, mocking way to end the sentence since technically Endeavor is above him in social status (since he is his father and also a Pro Hero).
To sum it up, there are a lot of characters who generally speak rougher and less respectfully than the average character does, but what makes Dabi and Bakugou particularly stand out is the way they address people, often using derogatory words, added with some other ways to sound rougher/ruder no matter whom they are speaking to.
In comparison to Shouto, who has shown to at least sometimes speak in a polite form, Bakugou doesn’t seem to use that form at all. The problem with comparing this to Dabi in order to figure out which of them is the rudest is that we don’t really see Dabi in formal situations. Him being a villain automatically means he doesn’t exactly get into situations, where he would speak to a higher up. Sure, Shigaraki is more-or-less his boss, but they’re more on even grounds than in a formal employee-employer scenario.
The one time he does speak formally is during his broadcast. This shows that he can speak formally when he wants to - but he usually doesn’t. Again, though, as a villain, it’s difficult to compare him to those on the hero side. That is also the reason why some might consider Bakugou to be especially rude since he is on the hero side and with that, expected to speak nicer to people.
While Dabi’s speaking mannerisms match that of a bad guy, Bakugou speaking similar to him despite being a hero-to-be makes him sound more aggressive. Bakugou is basically the expression “don’t judge a book by its cover”.
With that, it would make more sense to compare a character like Dabi to another villain, of course. While characters like Shigaraki overall also speak similar to Dabi, again, it’s more about the words he uses for people, especially when he is close with them.
So I think it’s fair to say that Bakugou and Dabi are, at the very least, some of the rudest-speaking characters in the story. The reason the translations can’t quite capture this is due to certain aspects of Japanese (like the different levels of formality shown through conjugation, certain particles, and certain words) not existing in English. While English also has rougher ways of speaking, there aren’t as many nuances, especially if you want to make characters stand out more in comparison to other characters with similar rough mannerisms.
Anyway, I hope this somewhat answered your question! Like I said, it’s difficult to explain that in one post, especially considering the amount of characters in the story, as well as certain aspects - like Bakugou being on the hero side and Dabi being on the villain side - making it more difficult to sum it up, so hopefully this at least explained a little bit.
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thevoidable · 4 years
Why Spinaraki is an underrated gem of a ship
Okay, so first of all I just have to make a quick disclaimer: this is not to discredit other Shigaraki and Spinner ships, this is just to highlight why I think these two in particular are just neat. 
Also, manga spoiler warning, as per usual. Content below the cut.
Why their characters work
Spinaraki’s dynamic is something that I feel like is overlooked by a lot of bnha fans, even from a platonic sense, so I’d like to briefly go over their individual characters to reiterate why they’re such a good match for each other.
Starting off, Shigaraki is an absolutely brilliantly-written villain, with a deep and complex past and personality that make him more than your average end-game bad guy. His broken mind that has been beaten to hell and back by severe trauma is still able to recognise flaws within society and the people that live in it, and has come such a long way since his first debut in the series. But what makes him stand out from most other villains is just how human and empathetic he is deep down.
Despite all of AFO’s grooming into making him a hate-filled, destruction-craving god, Shigaraki still retains a key quality from his childhood: a desire to befriend the friendless.
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The reason why the League is such a good portrayal of a found family is because of this innate want to sympathize and look after the outcasts in his life. It didn’t take much time at all for him to come to respect the other members of the League by the time the Overhaul arc came around, and during the MVA arc, it’s clear he cares deeply about their wants and needs. He’s patient and listens to them, valuing their opinions greatly.
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And now it’s time to turn our attention to the underrated character of this underrated ship: Spinner.
Spinner was understandably one of the more forgettable villains during the training camp arc - all he had to his character was that he was a hardcore Stain fanboy and nothing more.
However, that all changed when the MVA arc dropped, and we saw a side to Spinner that ties in to one of the BNHA universe’s underlying problems in their superhuman society, and made him so much more three-dimensional, lovable, and relatable. A victim of heteromorphic discrimination, Spinner was outcasted in his hometown and forced into reclusion, where he wasted his life away in his room lest he step outside and risk being called a freak again. It wasn’t until he saw Stain plaguing the news that he was finally inspired to act, seeking out the League who claimed to uphold Stain’s ideology.
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At his core, Spinner was simply searching for something to jump on, something that would make him get up and make significant change in his life, and looking at his backstory, it’s no wonder why Stain’s ideals struck a chord with him. He has plenty of reason to despise society like the rest of the League, but his experience with being discriminated against also makes him a sympathetic and sensitive character. He recognises that he’s extremely out of place in the world, even amongst the League, because he was the last one of them to figure out what he really wanted in the end, and it’s clear he has plenty of insecurities when it comes to questioning his purpose in life, comparing himself to others - like Toga, another fan of Stain - and how they seem to fit in so easily.
It’s because of these insecurities that Shigaraki and Spinner work well together, because Shigaraki’s patience, understanding, and confidence is what allowed Spinner to solidify his conviction and come to terms with the fact that not 100% fitting in and just coming along for the ride is perfectly okay.
How their chemistry develops
Spinner and Shigaraki’s first proper on-screen interaction was during the highway scene after the Overhaul arc. This is also the first time we see Spinner question whether the League really is about Stain’s ideology or not, and Shigaraki responds by reassuring him that they’re making a necessary sacrifice. 
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Since this is the point in the series where Shigaraki begins to really place his trust and respect in the League, it really shows with how he trusts Spinner’s driving enough to sit on top of the damn truck. And speaking of Spinner’s driving, this is the first time we get a glimpse into his character beyond the fanboy, scenes that we were unfortunately robbed of in the anime.
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Spinner’s love for video games immediately gives him something in common with Shigaraki, and the both of them frequently use video game lingo to describe their battle strategies and thought processes.
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(Spinner’s face in the corner absolutely sends me.)
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From then on, their interactions go into a radio silence until the MVA arc kicks in, and this is where their relationship really begins to take off.
After we get some exposition on heteromorphic discrimination from Spinner, we return to the League in their temporary hideout where we discover that they’re not doing too hot. They’re at a stalemate, unable to really do anything too productive, which prompts Spinner to speak up. He’s frustrated with not knowing what direction they’re going in, and understandably so, because right now, the League is his only place to go. If he left, he would be entirely on his own again, and this time with the heroes breathing down his neck.
He goes into brief detail about the kind of harsh environment he came from and why he was inspired by Stain, and in the heat of the moment, he doesn’t think twice about grabbing the front of Shigaraki’s shirt, the man who could disintegrate him with one touch. Spinner’s got mad balls, I’ll give him that.
Now, it’s known that Shigaraki isn’t too fond of Stain, but he still doesn’t get angry at all, even when Spinner is right up in his face. He remains calm, patient, and is ready to explain what he wants to happen (until he gets interrupted by Machia, of course).
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Fast-forward to when they’ve all been warped inside the doctor’s lab and Shigaraki now has to present his conviction to Ujiko - Spinner’s expression is a little difficult to read here, but it seems his expectations for what Shigaraki has to say are low.
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However, when Shigaraki speaks, his words deeply resonate with Spinner, and it becomes clear that Shigaraki had listened very closely to Spinner’s frustrated rant back in the hideout.
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That last panel is especially interesting and drawn in a very deliberate way. Notice how, as Shigaraki is explaining his feelings, everyone except for Spinner is either confused or uninterested, and the panel is framed so that Spinner is the only one looking directly at Shigaraki. It very subtly conveys how Spinner is the sole person in the room who understands how Shigaraki feels, because despite coming from completely different backgrounds and experiencing completely different levels of trauma, Spinner and Shigaraki still hold the exact same sentiments when it comes to their innermost thoughts and desires.
So, needless to say, Spinner is now somewhat invested, and ready to pay close attention to Shigaraki’s future actions.
The next time we see them, it’s a month and a half later, and here we see Spinner relaying his concerns about Stain once again to Toga.
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It seems that he’s talking more to himself than to Toga, and it reveals his insecurities about his place in the League. He’s debating on whether or not he should stay or leave, and which is the better option. He appears to be willing to wait a little longer to see things through however; he wants to see where Shigaraki’s pursuit of his dream takes him.
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(That’s pretty home of sexual of you, Spinner.)
Cut to when the League are battling with the MLA - Toga gets caught up with Curious, Twice runs off to go look for her, and Compress and Dabi are separated from the group via Geten, leaving Spinner and Shigaraki to fight together. Spinner is the first to witness Shigaraki’s Quirk suddenly evolve to where the decay will spread to whatever is touching it, and he’s quite amazed by it.
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They begin to get a little overwhelmed with how many soldiers they’re up against, and since Shigaraki is in a very hazy, sleep-deprived state, Spinner voices his concern for him. Shigaraki brushes his own health off to the side to bring up his uncertainty in his decision to fight the MLA, and he asks for Spinner’s opinion on the matter, showing that once again, Shigaraki listens to and values what his allies have to say. This time it’s Spinner’s turn to reassure Shigaraki that he made the right choice, allowing him to refocus on getting to the tower.
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Shortly after, the Twices show up to help escort Shigaraki to the tower, and Spinner takes this opportunity to help lighten the burden by taking out the politician, who is basically giving the MLA soldiers stat boosts.
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In the midst of his fight, he reflects on where he came from and how he got here, and he finally solidifies why he wants to follow Shigaraki. After realising that they share the same sentiments, he too wants to see the horizon that Shigaraki is envisioning. Shigaraki “lit a fire in his heart”, and as all he can think about is helping him in whatever way he can, he comes to accept that it’s fine if he’s just coming along for the ride.
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(”I’ve got nothing I love” Are you sure about that-)
As we come to the grand finale of the battle, Shigaraki obliterates a huge chunk of the city, levelling it completely, and Spinner is the only other member from the League to witness it.
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He’s completely awestruck, and when it comes to Spinaraki, it doesn’t get any gayer than these two lines parallelling one another: 
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Some post-development crumbs
Now that we have their relationship established and developed, we can poke at the smaller stuff that takes place afterwards.
The first little crumb we get is when Shigaraki is introduced on stage in the room beneath the MLA mansion. The other League members are waiting for their cue to walk out, and Spinner’s heart beats as he watches Shigaraki intently.
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After the speech, Shigaraki collapses from exhaustion, and while Compress simply remarks on how it’s a miracle he was still standing, Spinner expresses legitimate surprise and concern.
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And for one last crumb until we see them interact again, I just think it’s cute that Spinner is in the support regiment of the PLF, yet again continuing the notion of Spinner wanting to help Shigaraki however he can.
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In conclusion…
Spinaraki is a surprisingly soft and wholesome villain ship with a lot of fluff potential. Just two local gaymers who want to get back at society for condemning them, and who have each other’s complete support and loyalty.
Shigaraki has a huge soft-spot for his fellow outcasts, and Spinner is no exception. He accepts Spinner for who he is, doesn’t make any condescending remarks about him or his appearance, and remains patient and calm even when Spinner gets frustrated, making sure to listen and take in every word that’s said. He values Spinner as a person, and that ends up meaning so much for Spinner in the long run.
Spinner was someone who had no desires of his own, and nowhere to go where he felt safe and accepted. Even after taking up Stain’s ideals and joining the League, he was uncertain if he still belonged there - he’s noticed how there is no longer a trace of Stain’s ideology within the League, and he’s still faced discrimination in the form of Dabi calling him a lizard during the highway scene, something which the CRC does at the beginning of the MVA arc. However, Shigaraki ended up becoming Spinner’s reason for staying, finally giving him purpose to his life. They feel the same when it comes to acting out against society, and they’re able to understand one another on that emotional level. They have plenty in common, and it’s very clear now that Spinner is fully-prepared to follow Shigaraki to the ends of the earth.
Spinaraki’s dynamic is severely underrated, and the concept of Spinner - who has no prior romantic experience - crushing on the world’s new destructive god is too good to pass up. And the video game dates? 10/10, so damn adorable, they could bond over so many different games and just chill out when they don’t feel like going outside. Not to mention it’s just so good how Shigaraki isn’t fazed by Spinner’s appearance and how Spinner desperately needs that from someone, because this boy has obviously not been loved at all and craves that kind of connection (I mean, just look at how easily flustered he got from Mandalay’s flirting; no wonder he was pissed about it afterwards, now that we know what kind of history he’s had. That was probably the first time anyone’s ever complimented his appearance, and it just ended up being a dirty trick).
So yeah, Spinaraki has my whole heart, and I can’t wait to see them interact more (pls lord Horikoshi, give us Spinner reacting to buffraki when they reunite, I need to see his gay little heart panic for a whole second). Their dynamic is one of the cutest within the League, and I really hope more people see it when the MVA arc gets animated.
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I hope you all enjoyed reading this - have a cute little sketch my good friend @batsyart​ did as a bonus!
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smol-and-trashy · 4 years
Botched Rescue (BnHA vore fic) 5/5
A/N: Honestly, I only posted this because I hate leaving fics unfinished, so now I can finally say, I finished a fic! I’ll probably work on the prey!Dimi fic in the next couple of weeks, so be on the look-out for that! (and then I gotta finish my remaining WIPs... this is why i don’t do multi-chapter stuff, I lose interest way too fast ~sobs~) tw for vomit. 
Shit shit shit. Hawks' brain immediately went to worst-case scenario. He shoved his fingers back in his throat, gagging and dry heaving, but this time nothing came out. Brown flecked eyes shot open; this couldn't be happening. Okay, calm down, gotta go to plan B: find an emetic. He straightened up and ran to the bathroom. Rummaging through his cabinets, sharp eyes scanning various medications and bottles until he finally laid eyes on what he was looking for, bingo! 
He unscrewed the cap and didn't even bother to correctly measure the medication as he gulped down the syrup until his stomach began to toss and turn. Grabbing hold of the bowl once again, his stomach twisted, and almost automatically, he thew up. Hawks scanned the vomit-covered bowl for any signs of anything living and finally made contact with three multi-color heads of hair. Letting out a sigh he didn't know he was holding, he fishes them out of the bowl, one-by-one. They're limp and barely unconscious, but he can feel their breaths to know that they're alive. Coughing, the green-haired boy, Midoriya, Hawks reminds himself, stumbles a bit before gazing up at the blond and freezes. Never had he seen someone's life deflate from their body so quickly, and if he weren't the one causing the distress, he'd find it a touch amusing. The kids were staring wide-eyed at him as if he were some kind of monster; he didn't care. Right now, relief swept over him, they were alive, and that was the only thing that mattered right now. "Let's get you guys cleaned up." he murmurs, throat raw and scratchy as he gets up to run a clean bowl under water. The students in his free hand stay dead-still; even the loud one wasn't making a single move. Had he scarred them this much? If he was honest with himself, this wasn't the most preferable of outcomes, but he could work with it. He had to. He brings the water-filled bowl back into the bathroom and brings the kids to the lukewarm water. The water was relatively shallow, and he trusted them enough to bathe themselves without drowning. The boys stayed limp in the bowl for a solid minute, shell-shocked over what they just went through, before slowly scrubbing the gunk off their clothes and hair. They looked so stiff, only going through the motions of what was necessary before finally stopping once they deemed themselves 'clean.' Hawks felt a pang of guilt in his chest as he watched, knowing that he'd fucked up. Even though all of this was for the greater good, he had just traumatized three teenagers for the betterment of hero society. Was all of this really worth it? xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Izuku stared way up at the giant, fear overwhelming him. Why would Hawks let them out? To toy with them further? His heart thumped heavily in his chest while the winged man loomed over them. To put it simply, the hero looked terrible. Strands of blond hair clung to Hawks' sweaty forehead while he had heavy bags under his triangular ducts. A hand hovered over them before trunk-sized fingers seemed to pause before wrapping themselves around Bakugou; the fiery teen squirmed in Hawks' grasp, yelling obscurities at the man holding him while being moved away from the bowl. Hawks slumped down on the wall, pushing his hair back, and gazed up at the blank ceiling. "Haah, thank god you guys are alive. Thought I miscalculated or something!" he tiredly laughed. "Put me down! You reek!" Bakugou wriggled in the man's grasp, biting and kicking at the fingers enclosed on him. The winged pro hero looked down, yet Bakugou remained undaunted by those sharp eyes, he had no idea what the hero was thinking, but if he was planning on eating them again, he's got another thing coming. Instead of raising him back into the damp maw, nimble fingers worked at the quirk suppressor bracelet on his leg, prying it open with just his thumb and index finger, until a small pop was heard, and they snapped off. "There ya go!" Bakugou stared at the man, for the first time since this ordeal, he was entirely dumbstruck. The birdbrain actually helped him? He couldn't believe it. Before he knew it, he was carefully dropped down into the bowl, and Hawks did the same to Deku and Icy-Hot, their bracelets snapping off with relative ease. Bakugou silently watched from afar, confident that the same thought was nesting in the other students' heads: What the hell? xxxxxxxxxxx There wasn't much discourse between Hawks and the students. Guilt gnawed in his gut; he knew that he did the right thing, but was that really enough? Going by the Midoriya's instinctive shudders with each inflicting touch, he had his answer. No, this is what I trained to do, what I'm supposed to do. Keep civilians and provisional heroes safe, I did my job, completed the mission—yet why do I feel so… hollow? Hawks swallowed down these feelings and moved on, scooping the students and softly pocketing them in the largest bag he could find. He had to focus on getting them back to regular size; that was his primary goal, that had been his goal from the first time he saw them in the Liberation Front's base. Pushing his thoughts to the back of his mind, he left his apartment and took off to the Commission's headquarters, taking in warm breeze rafting through messy blond tufts, trying to fly as smoothly as possible, careful not to jostle the U.A. students too much inside the bag. He made a landing in front of the main building, and after punching in his security card, he barged into the President of Public Safety Commission's office, "Got the students. Do you have the re-sizing villain?" The President narrowed her eyes, "Next time knock, Hawks," she said cooly, before sighing, "Of course, he's in the detainment room. Come with me." Hawks whistled, "Yes, ma'am!" and held the bag a bit closer; he wasn't sure what kind of man the self-proclaimed 'Size Maestro' was, but going by his villain name, his expectations were already low. He was promptly lead into an elevator and then down a long hallway, finally stopping at a room with a brick-headed man staring dully at his cuffs. There he was. The Commission President shoots Hawks a pointed look that easily told him, you're just here to interrogate him and get the kids back to normal, you got that? Hawks shot her an easygoing grin back and turned his attention back to the man; this was going to be a cinch. He opened the door and swiftly brought the students out of the satchel. The slight widening of the man's eyes in alarm was all he needed to know, but still, he persevered with the questioning. "Do you recognize these kids?" he asked, pulling up a chair, so he can be at eye-level with the man. "'Course not. Never seen them kids before in my life." Hawks quirked a brow, "Really? Well, let me just run a lil confirmation with them," he looked down at the students. "Was this the guy who shrunk you?" As expected, Midoriya and Shoto both nodded while he had to shield Bakugou with a free hand so that he wouldn't end up lunging his tiny body at the man. "Seems they recognize you, so how about we try this again," his eyes pierced into the man, pupils narrowing into slits, "do you recognize these kids?" After what felt like minutes of sitting in pure silence, the man swallowed, and finally broke. "Fine! I was the one who shrunk the brats! But only under the orders of the Liberation, they tells me that I had to, that it brought us a step closer to the Liberation of quirks," his eyes widened at this slip, and he quickly put a hand over his mouth before squinting at Hawks. "Wait, aren't ya…" Seeing the gears turn in the other man's head, the hero wasted no time; with a key in one hand, he unlocked the villain's handcuffs before pressing a sharp feather under the man's chin. "Turn them back, and then you and I will talk." Nodding, the Size Maestro prodded the students, and one-by-one, they quickly grew back to their original sizes. He looked up at Hawks, expectingly, "So you are a dirty spy that thinks he can—-" he wasn't able to finish his sentence before Hawks knocked him out with a feather blade and locked his cuffs back on. "There we go," he states, satisfied as he turns his attention back to the heroes-in-training, they were unconscious in the interrogation room, exhausted from the re-growth process, but with the aid of a few Commission employees, he brought them back into the Commission President's office. "So, what do you wanna tell their teacher and Endeavor?" The President's lips straightened in a pale line, "Must they know the truth, Hawks?" The hero shrugged, "Could just say they got captured by the League?" Her grim expression softened, pleased with his response, "Good. It would put hero society in turmoil if they were to find out about your mission and more about the Liberation Front than what has already been disclosed. For now, this ordeal will be between us." He smirked, about to retort back, but a buzzing on his headset shifted his attention, pausing for a second, he listened. Armed robbery in Kurume, some kind of electrical quirk. He chewed on the inside of his cheek, not really wanting to leave the kids until they were fully conscious so he could have more time to explain himself properly, but from the frantic squawks of his sidekick, it seemed urgent. His expression shifted, and he turned his attention back to the President. "Duty calls, tell the kids I'm really sorry about everything." She nodded, and giving one last look a the students, he closed the door. His expression darkening slightly as he left the building, he was going to have to cook up an alibi on his way back to Fukuoka for the Liberation Front. xxxxxxxx Deku shifted in his sleep, finding himself in an awful nightmare of being captured by the League and ending up getting eaten and digested by Hawks. His eyes fly open, and he finds himself in a too-bright room, with Bakugou and Todoroki still passed out. Memories flood his head, that awful dream was his reality, yet--why was he alive? He vaguely remembered Hawks releasing them, his words remained fuzzy in the green haired teen’s mind as he tried shifting through recent memories. Sighing, Deku shifts his head to the side, finally noticing the Head of Safety Commission standing over him with her hands behind her back, but that wasn't what surprised him the most, no, it was that he was back to normal again. He… he really did save us. "H-Hawks!" he turns to thank the winged pro, but he was nowhere to be found. Deku sighed; the man really was too fast for his own good.
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kireii-writes · 4 years
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pairing(s): reader x chisaki kai (overhaul)
fandom: BNHA 
warning(s): swearing, mentions of blood, yakuza, violence, mentions of torture, mentions of death, kidnapping, murder, mentions of drugs, au where everyone is a normal human with no quirks whatsoever , badass reader
summary: in which y/n is a young yakuza leader who one day caught the attention of the leader of their rival gang, chisaki kai. 
The heavy stench of smoke hung in the air as you blew out another puff, dead eyes looking out of the glass windows and into the night skyline. Shiny, you thought. the night view of this city was dazzling- but at the same time, dangerous and deceptive. just like the life you’re currently living. Taking in another deep puff, you let out a deep sigh, along with the smoke that dissipated into the air. gone, but not quite. How long has it been since you’ve stepped into the world of the yakuza? For as long as you remembered, your father had always been the one in charge of the yakuza while you- his precious child, lived a life away from the dark and grim world of the yakuza. It has always been that way, until that one day when your father was taken away from this life, five years ago. Shot by a rival gang, didn’t make it in time. That was what you were told. Naturally, the next-in-line would be you. It was one thing to see and hear stories of the yakuza, but overseeing the entire organization was another.
Two gentle yet firm knocks interrupted your train of thoughts, and a stream of white light trickled into the dark room as the door opened. 
“Boss,” a rough voice called out. 
“They got him.”
It was the third time this week. The third time one of your underlings have been killed. This time, it was a new recruit. Sighing to yourself, you stubbed out the cigarette that rested in a delicate balance between your fingers. You can never have a day of peace as a yakuza leader. Pushing yourself up from the plush sofa that occupied the middle of the huge room, you involuntarily let out another deep sigh as you made your way out, the clacking sound of the heels of your shoes on the hard floor echoing through the hallways. 
“... Found dead in an alleyway, he was most likely beaten to death by a bunch of them.” You were informed as you looked down at the poor boy’s cold and lifeless body, his wide and sunken eyes stained with tears seemed to bore into your cold, emotionless ones. His dead eyes reflected the fluorescent light above but no matter how the lights flickered above him, he never flinched. His once pale skin was now covered with cuts and bruises blooming all over his paper skin like deadly flowers. Part of you felt apologetic- the teen had joined the yakuza because he had nowhere else to turn to. He had pledged his remaining life to you and the organization, only to have his troubled life cut short by a rival gang. 
“Boss, don’t you think this is getting a little out of hand?” Your lackey commented. “If this goes on, everyone’s going to think we’re pushovers. Let me bring a few men, and we’ll teach those punks a lesson or two.” Involuntarily, you closed your eyes, as if in attempt to drown out the pounding headache that was creeping in. 
You had to say something- anything. But what? When you were first appointed as the next leader, half of your late father’s followers were unhappy. They didn’t see you as a leader. Instead, all they saw was a sheltered child who didn’t deserve the title of ‘boss’. You knew that was going to happen, which was why you worked your ass off to prove that you were capable of running the yakuza on your own. You have your father’s blood running through your veins, of course you were capable of running the yakuza. Slowly but surely, many of them started to respect your hard work and dedication and began to acknowledge you as their new leader. However, there were still some of them lurking in the shadows who would wait for the time where you fail and use it to strip you of your title. It was at times like these where you had to make the right decision. one wrong move and you could be toppled in an instant. Feelings of irritation and frustration bubbled up inside you as every pair of eyes were on you at that moment, awaiting your next order. Lighting the cigarette between your lips, you blew out a puff of smoke as you made your next decision. 
“No,” your command settled onto your followers, and immediately hushed whispers filled the room. “We wait. If we blow things up now, there’s no knowing what will happen next. The Shie Hassaikai is one of the most influential gangs among us. Picking a fight with them would be the last thing you want to do.” 
“But the boy’s the third victim this week! If this goes on, they’ll soon climb over our heads!” the same lackey argued. “Sure, they may be influential, but we’ve been the biggest and most powerful yakuza in the past decade. We could easily destroy them! Or are you too afraid to face them, only hiding behind your title?”
“... No.”
“But-” the man tried to argue, but was immediately thrown onto the cold, hard floor by another of your follower. 
“I’m saying,” you started as you casually placed a foot onto his chest. “If you want to be killed, go ahead. I won’t stop you. What’s one less mouth to feed? But I don’t need a bunch of Shie Hassaikai guys to come to my front door and slaughter everyone, so dogs like you should shut the hell up do as you’re told. Do you understand?” You let out a breath of smoke as you narrowed your eyes at the man beneath your foot. “If you understand, scram.” 
Just as you thought you had more than enough to deal with already, a sudden bang of the door was a clear enough indicator that there was more to come.
“Boss, we caught one of them.”
“One of what?” 
“One of the Shie Hassaikai guy’s responsible for the lad’s death. He’s in the interrogation room, would you like to question him?”
Letting out a frustrated grumble, you put out the fifth cigarette you’ve lit today. For heavens sake, you can never finish smoking one cigarette with so many things happening. Letting out yet another sigh, you followed the guy that had informed you of the man in the interrogation room. 
The interrogation room was dimly lit, and in the middle of it was a man tied to it. He was beaten to a pulp, and you couldn’t help but snicker at his bruises, blood coating his skin.
“I see that my men have been treating you well.” You broke the silence as you sat on the sofa in front of the captive. 
Silence met your statement as the man that was brutally thrashed glared at you.
“Mind telling me why you had to go ahead and kill my new recruit? Poor boy, his first official job and you killed him.” You sighed as you lit yet another cigarette. At this rate, you’re bound to finish the entire pack just in one day. Why did you start smoking anyway? As far as you can remember, your late father was always smoking, whether he was handling yakuza business or not. Did it run in the family? Or was it because of something else? You couldn’t remember. 
“Oi, bastard.” Your lackey in charge of overseeing the tortured man landed a blow on the captive. “When the boss asks you a question, you answer, do you understand? You’re in our territory, we can kill you anytime we want.” 
“There’s no need to rush.” You drawled, inhaling a large puff of smoke, your foot unconsciously twirling lazily. “I’m sure he’ll speak soon enough if he wants to protect the Shie Hassaikai.” Letting a tiny smirk line your lips, you turned to the man in front of you. 
“Unless, he wants the Shie Hassaikai’s drug dealings to be exposed.” Almost instantly, the beat up man perked up and looked at you with the expression you’ve seen on so many men who’s ever stepped in here before.- one of paralyzing fear, anxiety, and burden of the yakuza’s secrets. 
“How... h-how did you know about that?” 
“So you can speak.” A bright smile pulled at your lips, almost childlike. Anyone who saw your expression would no doubt think you have a few screw loose in your head. But once you step into this life, everyone’s bound to go crazy at some time, right?
“You’re going to answer my questions first, young man.” You let out a silent chuckle as you made your way towards him. The frightened man looked almost the same as you- 28 years old at most. And yet you were here, calling him ‘young man’ like you’ve seen your father did so many times as a child. Maybe you just got used to it. 
“Why did you kill my new recruit?” Inhaling a puff of smoke, you blew the thick and intoxicating smoke right into his bruised face, causing him to gag and choke. Sighing, you extinguished your almost finished cigarette on a fresh cut of his skin, causing the man to scream out in pain. 
“Be-because our boss told us to! He said to dispose of any of your men t-that we see. I-I swear, it isn’t my fault!” The man confessed as terror thundered through his entire being. 
“Are you responsible for the recent deaths of my men as well?” You asked, your voice dangerously low as your eyes meet his eyes dark with fear. Swallowing hard, all he could manage was a small nod.
“B-but I wasn’t entirely responsible for it! T-there were others as well!” By now, the man was shaking with fear. Everyone in this line of work knew that once you were captured, it was the end. Maybe it was to buy a little more time for himself to stay alive, but what for? He was going to die anyway.
Sighing to yourself, you straightened yourself and made your way towards the exit. 
“I’m done here, do whatever you please with that scum, but dispose of the trash properly later on.” 
The last thing you heard, were the screams of the man before everything went silent abruptly. 
“What are you going to do now, boss?” Your right hand man asked as he stood in your office, your back towards him.
“Leave.” Was all that came out of your mouth.
“.... Then, if you’ll excuse me.” With a silent bow, your most trusted man exited your office, a soft click indicating that you were finally left alone. 
How many times have you wondered how your life would be like if your family wasn’t involved in the yakuza? Hundreds of times. What if your father was still alive? You could be living the life you always have- free from yakuza dealings, free from the dark, grimy world that you live in everyday since you turned twenty. A typical 25 year old adult should be having a normal and stable 9 to 5 job as a source of income- not having to deal with men getting killed almost everyday, gang fights, and illegal dealings.  But then again, there was no denying that at times, you felt as if this was the life for you. It might not be so bad after all, right? Compared to going to a 9 to 5 job everyday doing the same thing over and over again, at least this life gave you more excitement, in a way. But at this rate where you don’t have time to breathe before a new problem arises, you might really go crazy one day. But this is the life meant for the child of a yakuza leader- isn’t it? To follow in their parents’ footsteps and bring the organization to greater heights. That was why you were born, isn’t it? 
The sudden, shrill whine of the telephone in the cold and dark office made you snap out of your thoughts instantly. Cursing silently under your breath, you picked up the phone, wondering who it could be. 
“I heard you caught one of my men.” A dangerous yet soothing voice crackled through the phone. 
“Looks like it’s time to pay my respects, isn’t it?” You snickered. Who would have thought the man responsible for all this would show himself this fast?
“Isn’t it, Chisaki Kai?”
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clumsyracconking · 4 years
A villain
Ch.9 (2015 words)
Look at me putting out a 2000 word chapter how excellent. Same warnings, Shoto gets introduced.
Tags: @rachi-roo-bnha @magical-girl-04 @imacowboy3
Hawks being verbal again had it’s positives and negatives for Dabi, for starters he could complain again, but hearing his songbird sing again made up for all. Toga didn't feel much of a difference, they still spent most of the time they hung out in silence even before Hawks going nonverbal the two had never felt the need to talk. It was sort of like they could talk without talking. Hawks felt better than he had in months closer to a year now actually which was sad for Hawks to think about, but he had to push that out of his head he had someone to kill or rather someone to bring comfort to, and they were two very different people. 
“So when are we gonna kill him.” Hawks asked one morning while he and Dabi were eating cereal and waking up, it was closer to noon but in their eyes it was morning. 
“Well now that you're a semi functioning person again we can always just go do it tonight.” Dabi knew that was a low comment but he was still slightly upset about everything that had happened, he knew it wasn't Hawks’ fault but he was still upset for some reason he couldn't understand why he was and that pissed him off. 
Hawks felt like that comment was a bit of a low blow but he was fine with that, “cool” was all Hawks said as he went back to eating, he was slightly pissed that he would have no role in his torturers death other than as a look out, but he also felt like Dabi deserved to be the one to do it.
“Maybe you can chop him up a bit before I finish the job.” Dabi felt Hawks deserved more than to be just a look out, the man had broken Hawks’ head even more than before, Hawks needed to conquer some demons just like Dabi, one of the demons was named Endeavor.
Neither Hawks or Dabi showed that they were anxious, but both of their heads were a mess. Dabi was reliving his childhood while they walked through the house and Hawks was reliving all 4 torturous months he’d spent somewhere in this house. Finally they made it to the flame heroes room, they could hear him snoring from all the way down the hall. 
“Loud ass bitch.” Dabi muttered to himself thinking about all the times he and his little brother would go hang out once they heard his snores, he still thought about his brother and sister often, never his youngest brother. Dabi had always resented Shoto for being born, he knew Shoto hadn't asked to be favorite from birth but he still hated his youngest brother.
Hawks couldn't help but chuckle at Dabi’s comment, he found it amusing that even in a situation like this where he was about to kill his dad he could be funny and not even on purpose, it was just a simple comment not meant for anyone to hear. Hawks just couldn't help but laugh at Dabi. He just made Hawks happy.
“This one.” Dabi said quietly, stopping and pointing at one of the many doors in the long hallway, seriously how big a house did they need, Hawks knew it was only ever at most housing four people. Yeah Hawks and Shoto had gotten kind of close in his time in the large apartment recovering and he knew every God awful thing that had gone on and still went on in this house, there had been a question in the back of his head lurking ever since they'd come up with the plan, what would happen to Shoto?
Dabi opened the door, slowly as to not make it creak right as Shoto rounded the nearest corner. He didn't know what to do, why was Dabi in his house, why was Hawks here as well? He understood what was going on. He strode over to the two men. “I want to help.”
Neither Hawks or Dabi could comprehend what was happening, wasn't this kid in the hero course? Hawks asked himself, Dabi on the other hand wasn't surprised in the slightest, he figured something like this would happen. Dabi knew his little brother deserved some vengeance but if they were going to let him help that meant rescheduling and tweaking the plan.
Dabi regrettably spoke without thinking. “Fine but we can’t do this tonight then.” 
He regretted that the second he said it, he still resented his youngest brother but he knew all three of them standing in this halfway deserved some form of revenge, but how would they get it? Dabi asked himself he knew it would be sloppy and risky to have all three of them for a single kill plus this would be Shoto’s first kill as a big brother Dabi was slightly disappointed sure he hated the kid but it was still his brother and he didn't want his brother to turn out like him.
“Fine let’s go to the apartment then.” Hawks meant the apartment he had stayed in while he was recovering but they all ended up in Dabi and Hawks’ little apartment with Toga because for some reason the little mosquito was already there when they got there. She had probably been waiting for Hawks so they could talk about that boy again.
As soon as they walked into the apartment Dabi went to the fridge and grabbed ingredients, Hawks had noticed the stress cooking a while ago but wouldn't be saying anything about it because that's usually when the best food would be served
Shoto surveyed his surroundings, he knew where he was and what bar he was above he wasn't stupid. He noticed how clean and small the place was, he noticed the feathers and what looked like ashes which made sense given Dabi’s quirk, he also noticed ash trays strewn about none full but none empty.
Shoto had to say it “so this is where you went, was worried he’d gotten you again till your feathers were found at murder scenes.” Shotos voice was robot like, Hawks only felt a bit of sympathy not enough though.
“What can I say, heroing and staying in that apartment wasn't really working out for me kid” Hawks said looking over at Dabi who was chopping onions and no doubt battling in his head thinking of a new plan, he wondered if Shoto had put it together yet and if he hadn't how long would it take.
Shoto remained silent, what was there to talk about that wasn't awkward he’d never been good at speaking to people. Hawks on the other hand didn't seem to care about Shoto being there and just went to sit on the couch to talk with his little mosquito of a friend and lit a cigarette. He didn't like smoking weed around Toga, he felt like that was just wrong considering how young she was.
“When will you stop smoking those things kfc?” Toga asked him taking one from the pack he had left out, of course she was being sarcastic and Hawks knew that but he enjoyed the camaraderie and he wanted to see how Shoto would react. He was curious and bored what else was there to do. 
“I’ll stop when I die kiddo and trust me that won’t be anytime soon.” Hawks smiled, tried and failed to light her cigarette with the little pink lighter he kept on the side table by the couch while he said that. Shoto was so confused. What was this banter? Was it a game? Regardless he walked over and lit the cigarette for her taking one for himself he had too much going on in his head and Iida had taken his pack on Friday when he caught him smoking on the walk home.
“Damn no please.” Hawks said still smiling he was just joking but Shoto didn't really get that.
“Hell yeah no please I’m still pissed at you.” Shoto said more to himself than Hawks knowing Hawks really wouldn't care he took a drag still frustrated Hawks had left Shoto thought he’d died or been dragged back to that awful basement or somewhere else to be tortured. Knowing what he did now he felt conflicted about how he felt toward Hawks, he felt they had become friends but now who knows maybe he was wrong.
Dabi was focused on cooking but also somewhere in his head he had to work out all the kinks in the new plan he’d come up with while they had been on the way back there was a reason he’d stayed silent the whole way.
“God fucking damn it how many times to I have to tell you little fucks not to smoke while I’m cooking, that applies to you too ice boy.” The food always tasted weird when there was smoke in the air while he was cooking and he would be damned if his food tasted like shit because of them.
Toga and Hawks put their smokes out instantly they knew how Dabi got when he was cooking, “sorry babe” Hawks said quietly like a child who had just been scolded which he kind of was. Toga had nothing to say and just kept talking about the same boy she’d been talking about for weeks.
Shoto took another drag looking at Dabi just to be rebellious then put it out. “So you finally got over Izu?” Shoto asked Toga, Hawks knew why he was asking, despite what Shoto thought he was often painfully easy to read. Toga could read him as well.
“Yeah lover boy I guess you could say I did.” Hawks couldn't help but snort at Toga’s comment he found it funny she could read the now blushing boy as well.
“I- is it that obvious?” Wow this kid really was not like Toga thought he’d be.
“Can we keep him Dabi?” Toga asked rather loudly, stretching out the last syllable of Dabi’s name.
“Yeah c’mon babe let’s keep the kid then Toga can finally make a friend her age.” Hawks said with just as much if not more enthusiasm than Toga, he wanted Toga to have a friend but he also wanted to see how Dabi would react considering that was his little brother after all.
“We can keep the candy cane jesus fuck, why are you two like this who the hell dropped you?” Dabi yelled, throwing his hands up in frustration, accidentally dropping the knife he’d been futzing with the whole time.
“So I get no say in this, don’t get me wrong you folks seem lovely but I’m not sure I wanna stay here. Also why candy cane?” Shoto asked no one in particular. 
“No you don’t get a say in it because I don’t fucking trust you candy cane. It’s the hair.” Dabi deadpanned at the last statement he made, he knew his little brother was awkward and socially clueless but holy shit he didn't expect it to be that bad, then again what could he expect Shoto had been isolated most of his life.
Hawks couldn't help but laugh at Dabi’s last statement especially the lack of tone and emotion when he said it, for some reason Hawks was always laughing at Dabi it was a part of their dynamic, Hawks was the only person that could laugh at Dabi without dying and Toga had always found that really cute.
“Fair enough it is logical not to trust me yet, and I will choose to ignore the comments you’ve made about my hair.” All of them busted out laughing at Shoto’s matter of fact tone, as Toga and Hawks rushed over and dished up some food Shoto decided he would as well what was the worst they could do tell him no.
The dinner went well, they cracked jokes most at Shoto’s expense but it was still nice. Shoto wondered if this was a family though albeit a fucked up one it had the dynamics he’d read about. Maybe this was his new family.
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nekokoaa · 6 years
hello, can i please get a Bakugou angst where his s/o breaks up with him because he doesn’t appreciate her enough and he priorities his hero work than her than their relationship and then finding out that she turned to a villain and is now with Dabi. thanks xox ((sorry if u get 2 messages like this my phone died as soon as i hit ask and didn’t know if it sent))
Fandom: bnha
Character: Bakugo Katsuki, eventually Dabi
Warning: Angsty
Word Count: 3.7 (Kind of long lol)
Ooooo, these always break my heart. Way to go, Anon-love, bring. on. the. ANGST. It’s in 3 parts btw.
“Oh, so now you’re making me look like the fucking bad guy, right?” Narrowed red eyes traced your figure as you stormed through the apartment and into the dining area. The table violently shook when you slammed your suitcase on it. You thrusted it open so hard that you knocked over the dirty glasses on the table and they fell upon the floor and shattered into pieces. It was like it was a model of your very being, you felt used and most importantly, broken, and Bakugo was the object that caused it. You ignored the words that came flying from his lips, you had to bite down on your own because you were afraid your next words would make you lunge at him. Oh, you so wanted to lunge at him.
You swiftly turned around and you came face to face with his chest all puffed out and an intense glare was beaming from above. The hands at his sides were curled up and it looked as if the muscles of his arms were pulsing. The dining room was dimly lit by the living room’s lighting pouring through the archway that separated the two rooms. You were too caught up in your fury that you didn’t switch on the lights and neither did Bakugo. The shadow that casted his entire front was a little frightening, but you didn’t allow yourself to cower from his presence. You tried to take a step past him, but he quickly cut in front of you. He was blocking your way and in turn, you kept your eyes to the floor. You didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of acknowledgement.
“And now you’re gonna just fucking leave?” He growled those words, the very end of it rolling in a bath of toxic waste. You still weren’t responding to him and you brushed passed him to get away from the man you once loved. You couldn’t stand to be around him. And now when you decided to leave, he wanted to give you all the attention in the world. Fuck him. You thought as you left the dining room and walked down the hall to the bedroom you used to share with him. Bakugo was right on your tail, his footsteps louder than the thundering heart within your chest. He grabbed your wrist to stop you, wringing you around so that you could face him. You ripped your hand almost immediately out of his grip, your eyes narrowed into slits.
“Don’t touch me!” Were the words that finally burst out of you, your voice cracking as its pitch grew higher with every syllable. Bakugo seemed unfazed by your behavior. He held that same scowl, and his red eyes looked deadlier than ever as they added to the rage of his physical features. “I don’t have to answer to you.”
“Why the hell not?”
“Are you serious, Katuski? You’re never there for me! Now you’re suddenly interested in talking to me, in asking me questions? Where was all this for the past few months?”
He groaned, maybe growled. He looked at you in disbelief. “I have a job to do, ____! What ever happened to supporting me in my hero work, huh?!”
“Not when you practically gave your fucking life to it. Like gosh!” You made a bitter laugh. “It feels like we’re not even dating anymore, like I’m just a maid and your personal fucking whore!” You marched away from him and straight towards the closet. You started rummaging through and ripping your clothes out from their hangers and racking them up on your arm. You started moving back and forth between the dining and the bedroom, filling up whatever you can in your suitcase. You knew you couldn’t take all of your things, but you needed some to survive. Your phone was buzzing in your pocket. You knew who it was, but you couldn’t necessarily answer with Bakugo breathing down your back. So, you continued packing your suitcase and ignored the vibration. Bakugo was still saying anything to maybe deter you from leaving, you couldn’t really tell. Everything that left his mouth was just filled with toxicity and questioning.
“I should’ve just listened to my parents.” You grumbled, slamming your suitcase shut and zipping it close. “I should’ve just stayed away from you.”
He scoffed. “Those pieces of shits were never right about anything.”
“Well at least they were right about you!” Immediately, you barked back, pulling your suitcase off the table. You looked to Bakugo who seemed stunned after your comment. He usually always had something to say but he stayed silent. And the two of you glared at each other like it was your only means of communication. He looked so menacing as he stood in the corner. You found it amazing how different you looked at him now. He used to be your rock, someone you always counted on, someone you loved. Now he just looked like a stranger. You didn’t know who this man was anymore. “I’m leaving…”
“Whatever. Fucking leave. I didn’t care about you anyway.” He turned away as he spoke. You didn’t watch as he disappeared into the kitchen, opened the fridge and reached for a bottle of beer. You could still hear him as you began to roll your suitcase into the living room. “If you’re expecting me to beg you to stay like some fucking pebble on the side of the road…”
“I’m not expecting anything from you, Katsuki!” You yelled back and quickly wiped the tears on your cheeks. You headed towards the front door and left the apartment. You didn’t look back as you quickly ran out of the building complex. You reached for your phone in your pockets the moment you stepped foot on the street and called back the number you missed. You were thinking he wasn’t going to pick up at first because it rang for a while, but you sighed in relief when you heard his smooth voice on the other end.
“You weren’t picking up. Thought somethin’ happened.”
“I’m okay…” You sighed. “But I need a place to stay for a bit. Do you mind?”
You heard a soft chuckle and his teasing voice came after. “You sure? I’m not really the best of company.”
“Anything to get away from here.”
“Sure. I’ll text you the place.”
You smiled lightly. “Thanks, Dabi.”
Everyone would probably call you stupid for walking into the hands of a dangerous villain. But Dabi was, surprisingly, one of your closest friends that no one knew about. You met him when he was injured and running from the law. Bakugo was almost never home, so you treated his wounds in your apartment and hid him until the law settled down. You even lied to the police when they came to question people in the area. You thought you were pretty stupid for protecting Dabi, for all you knew he could’ve killed you and escaped but there was something about him that you couldn’t put your finger on. You wanted to know more about him, more about the man behind those crystal blue eyes and horrific scars.
“Make yourself at home.” Dabi walked ahead of you as your suitcase trailed behind him. You thought it was sweet of him to help you carry your things in his apartment. It was definitely a downgrade from the apartment that you shared with Bakugo. It was located in not the best area of the city, it was quite dingy and lathered with questionable stains. There was a living room, a bathroom, a tiny kitchen, and only one bedroom which you wondered if he was going to let you borrow. There were crumpled up papers all over the table in front of the couch and the television at the corner of the room was small and viewed of nothing but soundless static.
“Only the local channels work.” Dabi commented when he saw you looking at the tv. You gave him a sheepish smile. You hoped you didn’t look too disappointed.
“It’s alright. I’m not much of a tv person anyway.” Dabi didn’t go far with your suitcase. He stopped by his couch and threw himself on it. He grabbed the remote that laid in between the cushions and just as he said, no other channels worked but the local ones. He stopped on the news channel and they were speaking of a huge rescue the heroes did a couple of days ago. Bakugo was a part of it and he helped saved children and adults from a collapsing building. They had flashed his face during the segment and you were reminded of the event that happened just a few hours ago.
“What did you see in this guy anyway?” Dabi had said, catching sight of your pained expression when Bakugo showed up on tv. You couldn’t really answer him. You looked to your feet which was covered by your slippers. Dabi’s gaze didn’t leave you. He watched you as you moved to sit beside him on the couch, a frown on your lips that separated for the sigh that slithered through them.
“I don’t know… I loved him.” You shrugged and Dabi laughed. You felt his fingers wrap around your chin, making your head turn to look at him.
“You’re better off.” He spoke under his breath, a small smirk on his lips. Those sapphire eyes that stared so strongly in your own was tough to look away from. Even with those scars on his face, he still looked handsome. Some people would probably call you crazy for thinking that way but perhaps the saying, ‘Beauty is in the eye of the beholder’ held some truth. You always found Dabi attractive even when he was injured on your couch and looking at him face to face right now was doing a number of things to you.
“What made you want to stay with me? I’m sure you have other friends that aren’t…” He let go of your chin and snorted but he still remained in close proximity to you. “Villains.”
You looked away from him and sighed softly. “I-I guess I just wanted to disappear. We have mutual friends, so I didn’t want Katsuki to find me.”
“If you really want to disappear, just say the word. I’ll make it happen. And you don’t have to worry about that noisy shit or anyone else.”
Your voice was mere whisper. Was it safe to believe him? “Can you really…?”
“Yeah, dollface.” His hand snaked down to your sides. Strangely, you weren’t bothered by his gesture. Disappearing from all of your problems really sounded like a dream and if Dabi can make it happen, you mildly wanted it.
“Then where will I sleep? On your bed?” His smile grew wider just as his hands were moving dangerously low on your body. Your face started to flush. Something was blossoming within you. Your mind started to shout against this.
“Yeah, if you want. I’d like your company. Just say the word.” His suggestion couldn’t be more obvious. You knew exactly what he was implying. If the hand rubbing on your thigh wasn’t obvious enough. You knew Dabi always had a thing for you. He was always flirtatious in his wording and you never missed his gaze that seemed to always trace your figure.
Your rationality was making a ruckus and trying to knock some sense in your head, yet your heart was full of holes that you wish was mended. You were well aware of the weakness within your heart. You couldn’t help but think if Dabi could treat you better than Bakugo ever did. Your arms wrapped around his neck and you bore into those sapphire eyes. Your body was heating up under that handsome smirk, and your skin was suddenly sensitive to his light touches.
You whispered softly, “Make me disappear, Dabi…” and instantaneously, his lips crashed into yours.
“It’s been a year since she left, and they couldn’t find anything!?” Bakugo clicked his tongue as he listened to Kirishima’s rant. He knocked his head back against his couch, his phone loosely slipping from his fingertips.
“You know how shit the police are.” Bakugo grumbled.
“Where could she have gone?”
“For all we know, a damn villain could’ve gotten to her.” Bakugo was well aware of the villains targeting him and his family. It was the reason why he worked so hard. He wanted to prevent any tragedy from happening to his love ones. He did so much to protect you. Why couldn’t you see that?
“You don’t think she is…”
“Let’s hope not.”
“Well, I’ll do more investigation on my side. Hopefully we’ll find something.”
“Alright. See ya.” As soon as Bakugo hung up the phone, an exhausted sigh left him, and he buried his face in his hands. Things just haven’t been the same since you left. Bakugo was honestly expecting you to come back. He had some hope that you would on the account of you didn’t take all of your things from the apartment. He was thinking you needed some time alone after that big fight. But time turned into days, and then weeks, and now months. Every time he called your phone, it would say the number has been disconnected. He even called your shit parents and they had no idea where you were. It was like you disappeared off the face of the earth. There were no signs of you except for your belongings that you left in his apartment. He swore if he found out a villain took you away from him, he would do anything he could to rid that villain of his life.
Not only was he dealing with your disappearance but also an appearance of a new villain called Sol. This villain was probably the deadliest he’s seen. He hasn’t faced her yet but the stories he heard about her from the agency seemed like she was no joke. Her quirk was unidentifiable, but it seemed that every time she strikes, her victims would be lying in a bath of lava, and it’ll be spewing from their mouths, eyes, nose, and ears. She’s already taken several lives of civilians and one or two rookie heroes. He and Deku were in charge of finding this villain and subduing her.
“What?” Bakugo’s phone rang again and he immediately answered, hoping it was news about your location, but it was only Midoriya, informing him that he obtained information about Sol and where she was going to hit next. Apparently, it was a heist at a bank and Sol and Dabi were heading there tonight.
“It’ll be a good opportunity to intercept them there.”
“Yeah, I got it.” Bakugo grumbled. “I’ll meet you there.”
“And Kacchan…?”
“Ah-I’m-uh sorry about ____.”
Bakugo stayed quiet. Not really knowing what to say, he hung up the phone on Midoriya. He didn’t need someone like him pitying him for his mistakes. Bakugo knew he should’ve treated you better, but it wasn’t his fault that you couldn’t understand he was doing it for you. All he wanted was to protect you, it was the only reason why he worked so hard and achieving number one hero would’ve help tremendously. Bakugo made another heavy sigh before standing up. Excuses. That’s all he seemed to make. Excuses.
After a couple of hours, nightfall arrived and Bakugo met up with Midoriya near the bank. Midoriya already informed the bankers about the heist and advised them to act normal. When the time was right, Midoriya and Bakugo would intercept the villains before anyone gets hurt. But as usual, Bakugo wanted to do things by his own rules and when the opportunity came to confront Sol and Dabi, Bakugo rushed to them. He blasted himself through the ceiling windows of the bank, ignoring Midoriya’s scream of his name. The glass shattered in seconds and fell upon bankers and civilians, they screamed and braced themselves from the upcoming shards. Bakugo sore through the bank like a bullet. In a blink of an eye, he already had his hand on Sol’s masked face. The palm of his gloved hands started to spark and crackle.
“You ain’t robbing nothing!” He shouted with a large grin on his face, his eyes wide and alert. He ignited an explosion from his hands and Sol screamed before a wave of blue fire rushed at Bakugo. He let go of Sol’s face and back away to dodge the harsh flames. Sol fell to the ground, holding her face as her mask starting to disintegrate off its bindings. Dabi moved in front of her, glaring at the smirking blond man.
“Bakugo Katsuki. Still as annoying and loud as ever.”
Bakugo laughed. “And you still look like a fucking ashtray. Want me to add more scars to that shitty mug?”
“I’ll gladly burn you to ash, so that you could shut up once and for all.” With a fling of Dabi’s arm, a wave of flames flew towards Bakugo. He deflected it with a small explosion and with his other hand, he propelled himself forward.
“Kacchan! Wait!” Midoriya finished evacuating the bank of its workers and civilians. And he called to Bakugo who just recklessly rushed towards Dabi.
But it wasn’t Midoriya’s desperate cry that stopped Bakugo’s relentless assault. It was when he caught sight of Sol ripping off her damaged mask and her face was shown in his direction. He couldn’t believe his eyes. He hasn’t laid his eyes on that face since that dreadful night. His entire world started to shake, and his fingers began to tremble. If his jaw could, it would’ve dropped to the floor along with his knees that threatened such an action.
“____?” He found his voice shaking as well. He hated how he was reduced to a puddle at the sight of your beautiful face. It’s been so long since he’s seen it and already the feelings he kept hidden within started flowing out. He was relieved yet confused. He had so many questions and he didn’t know where to start. Where have you been? What have you’ve been doing? What are you doing with Dabi? Why… didn’t you come back?
“Katsuki.” Dabi held out a hand for you and you stood up with his help, and you continued to hold his hand as you stood next to him. Bakugo noticed and started to glance between the two of you. His wide eyes were slowly narrowing into slits, just like how they looked the night you left him. “It’s been a while.”
“Yeah, it has.” He was now glaring. “So, you’re Sol?” Even Midoriya who was quietly watching, was surprised at the reveal.
“I thought you would’ve already known because of my quirk.”
“I’ve never seen you use your quirk like that.”
“Well, Dabi taught me a few tricks.” You and Dabi shared a small look and Bakugo’s face twisted in disgust.
“So, because I didn’t give you enough attention, you left to become a shitty villain and now you’re fucking with Ashtray?” Bakugo almost couldn’t believe the words that left his mouth. He really hoped you would deny it. But that offended look on your face made his tongue grow dry. He was terribly correct.
“You know damn well that’s not the only thing you did. And Dabi was the best thing that happened to me. He opened my eyes and helped me. Unlike you.”
“I was doing everything to protect you. And you’re telling me this guy was the best thing that ever happened to you?” Bakugo’s words came out slowly, but every word was tense. You could tell he was holding back on attacking. His entire being was visibly twitching as he held his fists at his sides. His eyes were tightly shut, and his eyebrows were heavily furrowed. It was like he was a ticking time bomb just waiting to explode. Dabi took on a defensive stance, but you remained how you were, anger slowly consuming you.
“What were you doing? Ignoring me? Leaving me all alone in that huge apartment? Telling me you never cared about me? Is that your way of protecting me, Katsuki?”
“Kacchan…?” Midoriya softly called him, just as Bakugo started to grind his teeth.
“You were never there for me! You never loved me! You didn’t even stop me from leaving! You just let me go!” You felt your tears pricking at the corners of your eyes. You still weren’t over how Bakugo just let you go without a fight. You had been together with him for years. Was it that easy for him to accept your parting? Did he ever truly love you? “So, I picked my own path. Leaving you was the best thing I did for myself.”
Something seemed to glimmer in Bakugo’s eyes once he opened them. It was a look worse than what you saw the night you left him. That smirk he had on at the beginning was long gone and replaced with a frown so deep it created wrinkles around his mouth and cheeks. His very being was screaming with the intention of killing.
“You know what? You wanna be a fucking villain?” He pointed his gauntlet at you and a finger was curled around the trigger. His narrowed red eyes darkened, and his voice sounded as low as a rumbling earthquake. It shook the entirety of your body and sent a cold shiver down your spine and possibly your very soul. You took on a defensive stance by instinct. “Alright. I’ll treat you like a fucking villain!”
And with a single click, the trigger snapped off and a wall of fire blasted in your direction.
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franeridart · 6 years
Jack says "ignored YOUR rule". Does that mean it's something Bakugou obligates himself not to have or something non of them can have? I'm actually curious 🤔
It’s actually a rule Bakugou put down for himself for a number of reasons, half related to his own safety and the safety of the person he’s dating, the other half to the fact that Bakugou hates lying, but (again for safety reasons) he can’t just go around telling everyone what he’s doing - he doesn’t want a relationship in which he’d just contantly lie to his partner and ditch them for vigilante work without being able to explain them what’s going on, so he put down the rule as soon as he decided he wanted to do this. Well, he hadn’t been interested in relationships anyway before Kirishima, so it was an easy decision to take at the time - now though...
Ahhhh if only he figured out Kiri and Red are the same person smh that’d make everything so much easier on him
Anon said:When you draw Jiro and Bakugo having platonic hugs and cuddles my bi heart becomes incredibly soft THANK YOUUUUUUU
I’M HAPPY TO HEAR THAT cause honestly that’s as self-indulgent as I go hahaha
Anon said:The vigilante au is so far sad but I could totally see it going in a miraculous ladybug kinda direction. What if they tried putting distance between themselves and suddenly found that they're falling again, for the vigilante forms this time because "oh sh*t he's cute in every way Kirishima is" and "He's just my type too, Bakugou-- *sigh* I could use some moving on from him." Or only Kirishima moves to vigilante!Baku but he remains stuck on kiri..//Or what if like, vigilante! Kiribaku are about to get caught by a hero and Kirishima opens up about his last regret of not getting to see his crush one last time after they set distance between themselves, while Bakugou listens and...
That’s!!!! a lot of ideas you got there hahaha I’m glad you’re having fun with the concept!!!!!!
Anon said:That vigilante au is amazing. You really express emotions well in comics.
AAAAAHHHHHH THANK YOU SO MUCH that!!!! honestly means the world to me *sob*
Anon said:I just want to say you're really cool and I like you art uh- K bye
Thank!!!!!!!!!!! YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:Oh damn. I think i fall in love for your Vigilantes AU. Please don't stop. I really love it❤️
I mean, as long as you guys are okay with it being a bit all over the place and also being just pencil doodles, then I got no problems doing that right now haha thank you for liking it!!
Anon said:I love your vigilantes AU so much 😍😍😍😍
Anon said:LET THEM BE HAPPY !!!!
THAT’S THE PLAN!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:May I ask how you draw bakugous hair so well?? I just can’t seem to get the right amount of poof (or should I say BOOM💥 )
oHO I’m glad you like it cause actually the answer is I spent two years drawing it nearly daily and I finally sorta reached a place when I guess I’m okay with how I draw it lol some time ago I drew a step by step for it? but by now my process is mostly “do whatever and hope for the best”, which incidently is also my process in drawing Kirishima’s hair lmao
Anon said:Im a bit confused with the vigilante kiri, does he have black hair in his civilian form and red in his hero form?
YEH it’s one of the reasons why Bakugou still hasn’t figured out Red is Kiri haha thought if you’re asking for the logistics of that, I can’t say I spent too long thinking about it? We can always call it temporary hair dye spry or something like that, but to be fair it’s not like it matters all that much lmao I just needed Baku to be unable to tell it was him easily haha
Anon said:I love ur gem Au! :D are you gonna make more? Its okay if not :)
As I’ve said literally every single time I’ve answered asks since I posted it, MAYBE yes! The thing about that AU is that I love it and I have fun with it, but posting it ended up being the biggest mistake I’ve ever made, so honestly I don’t know when I’m gonna draw it if I’ll draw it, but the possibility is there
Anon said:Hello! I just wanted to say I have love reading your comics and your art is amazing-- but I especially love your vigilantes AU! Thank you so much for sharing it with us!!!
HECK thank you!!!! I’m so happy you’re enjoying it ;O;
Anon said:Why must you hurt us? I started crying at that vigilante au comic..
*passes u a blanket* I’ll try not to make it as sad in the future!
Anon said:Hi! I've purchased the take my hand book about a month ago, just wondering how long it takes for it to be delivered??? BTW I live in NZ so I understand if it takes a while~
Heck sorry anon but I’m so not good with dates, you should check the @takemyhandzine blog for that sorta stuff! Thank you so much for buying it tho!!!! ;O;
Anon said:Is Nico a cinnamon roll or a sinnamon roll?
That......... depends a lot on who you ask :0
Anon said:I love bnha more and more with every new character out. All that's left is to ask, which minor character is currently your favorite? (***That isn't from UA because that is a much bigger dilemma)
oUCH it would have been easier picking from UA actually since I’m pretty sure Amajiki is it hahaha well, if I can’t pick from UA...................... you know what, probably Shishikura
Anon said:Bakujiro friendship is something I didn’t know I NEEDED. U do good work bro
Anon said:Your art gives me life!!! Every time you post is just so unique in every way :00000 ❤️ anyway i just wanted to let you know that you’re inspiring in every way and that I absolutely adore your kiribaku art to the moon and back!!!
SOB thank you so much???? You’re so sweet!!!! ;O;
Anon said:fran you could convince me to ship anything with one (1) drawing
Since I got this ask I’ve been trying to find the most outrageous ship just to draw it and test this theory.......... I still haven’t found something outrageous enough but.... soon
Anon said:Hi your art is amazing also beautiful As you probably might know there is a traitor in the show, if you didn't know well then im sorry for spoiling. May I request a traitor kirishima
nnnnnnnggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh sorry anon but the traitor theory arts are stuff I just can’t get behind, mostly so if it’s my fav characters - I don’t find it credible and I don’t find any joy in dwelling in the idea, so I got zero motivation to draw for it orz
Anon said:I can't believe you made me read the phrase "startle and explosion out of baku". (Yay for the vigilantes AU!)
LMAO he’s actually trying to do just that tho, maybe I’ll draw it hahaha
Anon said:Please! I need more BakuKiriKami fan art! I’m gunna die without it!
Anon I’m gonna be very real with you here my first reaction to reading this ask was thinking “then perish”
Anon said:Hello! I don't know if you've gotten this question before but have you ever considered drawing the villains?
I’ve drawn Dabi and Twice in the past! I’m not really much intereste in any other villain atm tho so I doubt I’m gonna be drawing them any time soon ^^’’
Anon said:You are by far my favorite artist. Your Kiribaku gives life to my bleak exsistence. Thank you. I bought some of your things of redbubble to make me happy!
AHHHHH THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:Hello! I'm a big fan of your work and your kiribaku fluff especially, and I've been working on a (not so innocent) fic about Bakugou having burnt marshmallow smelling and tasting sweat, (funny how nitroglycerin is a natural lubricant, tastes and smells like burnt sugar, and is explosive) just wanted to know if you ever thought about it? also wanted to know if you'd like to read my finished fic, should be done real soon and it would mean a lot to know what you think about it!
Anon I’m so sorry but I really can’t say yes to this - especially because you said it means a lot to you, you’re putting me in a spot here where in case I didn’t like it I wouldn’t be able to tell you so anyway (and I generally don’t like talking about fancontent I don’t give a 10/10 to anyway, it’s too rude for me) and I’m sure it’s gonna be a great fic! But by the way you talked about it it’s gonna be a nsfw fic and I really rarely like those fics, so !!! orz I’m sorry, but this is a really uncomfortable request for me ;;;
Anon said:Can I use your art real quick if I hard out credit u? It's alright if I can't
Nope, sorry
Anon said:Could you draw another doodle of Setsuna?. I love how you draw her jfvdkd ;;v;; (Sorry if my English is trash.)
Not right now, but in the future yeah sure, I love her!
Anon said:Your Kirishima is so beautiful i fucking cry omg ;-; thank you for brightening my morning.
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; thank you for liking how I draw him !!!!
Anon said:💛💛💛💛 Thank you for sharing your art, it always makes my day
Thank YOU for liking it!!!!!
Anon said:In your SU AU what if a gem offers to replace Kiri with a 'newer, better pearl'? How would Bakugo react?
Actually, Kiri was given to Bakugou specifically because he’s sorta defective, it was punishment for both of them that sorta backfired lmao 
Anon said:hi there! I'm new to your blog and I love your art style immensely! I saw somewhere with your latest seroroki post that you're still finding your main todoship; I hope I dont sound rude or pushy, but can I ask your opinions about todo*aku and/or tod*kir*baku? If not, thank you for your time! Keep up the great work!!
Still not completely sold on romantic tdbk tbh (platonic tho, that’s my jam) but I’ve been real into the ot3 lately!!! It just can’t be my main todo ship bc I still prefer krbk too much over it haha
Anon said:I loveeee your art, especially your kiribaku stuff! But consider! Size difference! What if Kirishima grows a lot but our lil' Baku doesn't? Does he get jealous or does he really like it? There'd be some epic hugs/kisses! What if he secretly loves getting picked up by Kirishima? XD
Oh that’s an hc I see around a lot! Personally I stil prefer them sorta the same size tho ???? with the only difference being Baku being lithe and Kiri being a tank, I think it has to do with the whole “complementary equals” theme they have going on, I like for it to be visually represented too ??? maybe, I had never really thought about the hows or whys of this preference tbh lmao
Anon said:Hey so I'm not up to date with BNHA but in your asks there was a thing about dragon boy having a zombie costume? I had another look at what I think is the right doodle and to me it looks like a Chinese vampire costume! (unless that's not the one you guys were talking about oops)
Nope that’s him, and you’re right!!! Either way my boy still hasn’t done anything worth of note, so I still don’t know why he’s dressed like that orz Hori plssss
319 notes · View notes
fic recs
fandoms in order: good omens, bnha, penumbra, bungou stray dogs
last updated: october 26th, 2019
Good Omens
outside the reigning order by rosemary_boy
“Our history, our - our future. The Arrangement, but also, uh, other things. You said, um, ‘What would you do if… if Head Office wasn’t an issue?’”
In which Crowley is a dumbass romantic and Aziraphale is just a dumbass
An Angel who did not so much Fall In Love as Settle Into It Gradually by TheLadyZephyr
Crowley was standing in the middle of the room, hands in his pockets, looking a little lost. Aziraphale eyed the distance between them. Five steps. Five steps, and six thousand years, and a battlefield spanning an eternity.
The story of the little moments over the millennia that shape an angel’s regard for a demon, and the way he slowly, with great reluctance but inevitable surety, falls in love.
Hail The Saints (In a Godless World) by thecoquimonster
Aziraphale is always busy during Pride month.
*In Which A Puckish Demon Terrorizes A Reluctantly Smitten Archangel by sweetNsimple
“Greetings,” said the demon, smiling in a friendly manner. “My name is –” “Is that you, Aziraphale?” Raphael asked. “It is, isn’t it? You were a Principality.” “Oh, drat,” said Aziraphale. “I rather liked my new name. I picked this one out myself, you know. In Hell, they’ve come to call me Owly. Can you believe it? It lacks all imagination.” “Oh, well.” The archangel waved a hand toward him. “Go on with it, then. Who might you be, Owly?”
The Before and the After, and the Fall that Separates by katydidordidnt
Raphael neither slinks down past Earth to the fires, nor winks out near the surface. Raphael remains bright and strong, flickering like a summer lightning bug, and then settles near the outskirts of London.
Omia, with sweat running rivulets down her cheeks and her arms shaking from exertion, stares and stares and stares until the glow blurs with Heaven around her.
Raphael is on Earth.
In the (Second) Beginning by cherryfeather
As their lunch stretches on Aziraphale slowly comes to realize that Crowley is—enjoying him. Enjoying Aziraphale’s conversation, and company, far more openly than he has in most of Aziraphale’s memory. And Aziraphale knows that he himself is just chattering on, letting conversational tangents carry him along, and—it’s definitely relief, for him, knowing for the first time in a long time that they aren’t being watched, that no one is keeping score for now.
- Aziraphale realizes that Crowley's been saying something rather loudly for a week.
Colors by idkimoutofideas
It’s widely known that human beings only see color after they’ve met their soulmate. But that’s just for humans, right? After all, angels and demons don’t have soulmates, and it would be dumb if they couldn’t see something humans could, so of course God just lets them see color, right? 
to the end of time by AMidnightDreary
"I've never met anyone as stupid as you," Crowley says, sounding somewhere between exhausted and impressed. "You're never going to Hell again."
"I hope so," Aziraphale manages, his voice coming out muffled.
"That wasn't a suggestion, angel."
My Indelible Friend, You Are Unbreaking by Draco_sollicitus
Crowley doesn’t think he necessarily needs to hear some positive reinforcement every now and then, but it also doesn’t hurt when he gets it. And if he gets it from just one source — just that one angelic source — well, he doesn’t need to examine that too closely, does he?
(Aziraphale and Crowley spend thousands of years giving each other words of affirmation, and Crowley is, as always, a little soft for the angel)
Faithless by mirawonderfulstar
In the aftermath of the apocalypse, Heaven has a test for Aziraphale.
A reversal on the "Crowley gets dragged back to Hell" trope.
Mr Fell by Spoderman
Sam and Dean Winchester are just on another case, when it seems they may have come across something, or someone angelic. Who is this Ezra Fell, and more importantly, what is he? Well, they probably shouldn't ask him, he can't remember.
And Anthony J Crowley can't forget.
Potter Omens by sadaf
His heart had dropped into his stomach when he had received his invitation letter. A lovely, rounded yellow slip of paper, with neatly-quilled emerald writing, addressed ever so politely to a “Dear Mr. Crowley,” stating that “We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted to the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry...”
*how big the hourglass, how deep the sand by Handful_of_Silence (note: highly rec’ed from me but mind the tags!)
After the Apocalypse, and with characteristic slowness, both Crowley and Aziraphale think there might be something they need to sit down and talk about.
And then Aziraphale disappears.
*They're Married, You Asshole by megacinnamonpeaches
Crowley may be in the basement of two loons, but he's more worried about his dinner reservations than their line of questioning.
Nanny Knows Best by DictionaryWrites (warning for some like.... sexual language/innuendos. mind the tags)
Being a nanny, that should be simple. Simple. Easy as pie.
Crowley wished that were true.
*A Memory of Eden by ImprobableDreams900
When Crowley gets captured by angels and dragged up to Heaven, Aziraphale knows he has to rescue him—no matter the consequences.
* a culmination of miracles by prettydizzeed
“Do you remember the, ah, the bit about the serpent, after the ordeal with the apple and such? Cursed above all the cattle and every beast of the field, upon thy belly thou shalt go, dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life, et cetera?”
Aziraphale nods.
“And here I am, not, you know, crawling on my belly, obviously, so. Got to be punished for that prolonged bout of disobedience.” Crowley shrugs, then hides the accompanying wince.
Aziraphale’s brow wrinkles. “I’m afraid I don’t understand—”
“I’m in pain, angel. All the time. It’s just kind of…” He waves a hand. “How things are."
Boys Are Stupid by deviance
“Sorry, bro, I'm not going to make it to our study session tonight."
“Ah,” Kirishima grinned almost shyly, “I've got a date.”
Bakugou froze, chest feeling like he'd just been pierced with a lance.
“A...date,” Bakugou repeated, admittedly dumbstruck.
Kirishima smiled. “Yeah, so I'll see you later,” Kirishima said, waving before leaving the room.
So this is what heartbreak felt like. He hated it.
*The Most Opportune Robbery by IronicVeghead
Kirishima was hopeful that he would only be in line for a few minutes, drop off the deposit without any extra charges, and be back at Alpha Office before Bakugou’s patrol was over. With sunflowers. Oh, and smoothies. Hell yes. Suddenly, the doors to the bank burst open with a crash and Kirishima knew this wouldn’t be a routine trip. “EVERYONE ON THE GROUND!”
done with having dreams (the thing that i believe) by futurehearts
"Oh my god," Ashido yells. "Look, you guys, the number one hero is -"
"Marry me."
It's New Year's Eve at Bakugou and Kirishima's place. A few things happen.
*Number One by QuirklessWonder (SouthernSmartAss) for Ellieb3an
Eijirou woke up to getting hit in the face with a phone.
This, admittedly, was not usually how he woke up. He hardened his skin, his eyes shot open, and he pulled his arms up to defend himself, but then there were large - familiar - hands stroking his arms and a soothing voice in his ear. After a second, he managed to drop his defenses and when his panic finally resided, he was able to recognize the shock of blond hair and handsome face hovering above his.
“What the fuck?” He rasped, his voice still thick with sleep despite his rude awakening. Katsuki chuckled, partly apologetic but mostly amused.
“Sorry,” He said, pressing a kiss to Eijirou’s temple before crawling onto the bed and throwing a leg over his waist, settling on top of the redhead’s stomach. “That wasn’t exactly how I planned this to go.”
* Lighting The Beacon by M3zzaTh3M3z
"Who's ever heard of a gay hero?"
Not many, at first. But slowly, that begins to change.
* Brave by ValdangeloMalec
After Class A learns about Eraserhead and Present Mic's relationship, Kirishima, thrilled to find out that he could be gay and a hero, comes out to his parents. When it goes worse than expected, Aizawa and Yamada find a broken and bleeding Kirishima on their doorstep
will I ever be more than I’ve always been? by aloneintherain
“I want,” Bakugou says, “you to wake the fuck up. Make teachers look out for their kids. Don’t put up with any kind of violence—this should be a fucking safe space for kids. And the little shit-stains who think they’re above the rules because they’ve got a fancy quirk? You deal with them, too. Quirk usage is illegal. Physical assault is illegal. And yet I saw all that and more when I was here—I did all of that and more when I was here.”
The principal stares at him. “You’re saying you wanted us to give you detention?”
Detention. Like that would have done anything.
“I’m saying,” Bakugou says through gritted teeth, “that you should’ve expelled me.”
Or: how Bakugou became an anti-bullying advocate.
parted, and never parted by Authoress
Before going into battle, it’s only proper to make an offering to the god of war. But Kirishima’s run out of things to give.
flat circles by chonideno
it's a cycle, repeated over and over: something new, then the feelings that come with it, then going through the five stages of grief to learn how to embrace it
or how kirishima grows up, one year at a time
Love Notes by PurplePersnickety
There was a note on Eijirou's desk. It was small, post-it sized, and as Eijirou approached, he could see it had been typed. None of his classmates seemed to have noticed it, because he knew that if they had, there would already be people reading it. 1A was... nosy.
Eijirou picked it up. There were two words written on it.
You rock.
Detonate by theroyalsavage
Bakugou, Kirishima thinks, looks like starlight. And then he wants to punch himself, because what a thing to think about a boy who is built to combust.
not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all by theroyalsavage
The proposition is simple: fake-date the single scariest human being on the planet so Todoroki Shouto can go out with his brother. The thing is, with Bakugou, Kirishima thinks he may have signed up for more than he’d bargained for. (A 10 Things I Hate About You AU.)
marketable by eggstasy
Jealous Inner Kirishima has a better vocabulary than Actual Life Kirishima, who just has to open his mouth to make stupid words fall out in the wrong order. Bakugou throws a laundered sweat towel at his face and says, “Quit leaving your shit downstairs,” and Kirishima answers him with, “Thanks for my towel washing it,” which leads to him sinking down in his chair and trying not to die.
People notice.
*the fool's rush by chonideno
Settling down with each other is naturally what comes after being dorm neighbors for years. It’s time to navigate through adulthood together, to live the daily grind of being pro-heroes, to learn more than they thought they’d like to know about each other, about themselves.
Or how Bakugou and Kirishima find a way to call each other “home” and struggle with the realization that once all their bills are on auto-pay, the only thing they still have to deal with is this pit full of feelings they have ignored for too long.
* 2 A.M by cityboys
Caught between cities, phone calls and shifts he didn't sign up for, Katsuki finds that he doesn't travel light as well as he thought.
*Tonight, We're the Sea by idratherhaveyou
Kirishima goes to a quiet seaside town to take care of his grandmother after she has a bad fall. There he meets Bakugou Katsuki and falls in love.
We’re a good match, so let’s start a fire by Claus_Lucas
Kirishima thought he’d mess with this guy by pretending to help him hunt down a dragon, but at this point Kirishima really likes Bakugou and doesn’t know how to admit that he is the dragon.
Maybe if Kirishima can get Bakugou to like him back enough, he won’t be told to fuck off forever.
slow dancers by chonideno for psych0tastic
In which Bakugou asks Camie to be his date for the Yule Ball and Kirishima, in spite of everything he stands for, runs away from the sight of his hands around her waist.
*Unforgettable by deafmic
With his husband out of town, his friends all busy, the school term over, and all his work either dried up or completely done, twenty-nine year-old Aizawa Shouta finds himself incredibly bored. As most bored pro heroes do, Shouta looks for a case to solve and comes across that of a man terrorizing children in a district near where Shouta grew up.
Investigating leads Shouta to a forum for underground heroes that particularly focuses on his hero persona, and then to a specific person, a fourteen year-old kid who goes by the screen-name 'Mindjack', who is Eraserhead's biggest fan and happens to live in the district where Shouta's villain is.
Late night chats lead to Shouta getting attached to this kid and slowly becoming more and more intent on taking down the villain threatening his neighborhood.
Pick Me Up by ill go with that then (Linelenagain)
“You’ll never make it. You’ll drop me before we get halfway there.”
“Bet you I won’t,” Yamada says. The look in his eye is bright and dangerous. It makes Shouta want to agree to things he shouldn’t.
“Bet me what?” he answers, against his better judgement.
A 5 + 1
Sugar Sweet Stress Relief by KuriKuri (NOTE:I PROMISE THIS ISNT A SEX THING)
“You are required by law to let me spoil you on your birthday,” Hizashi says solemnly.
“You always spoil me,” Shōta grumbles.
(Or: accidental-sugar-daddy!Mic)
*Eraserhead's Number One Fan! by MikeWritesThings
eraserhead gave me head @pretzelmac (1h ago, 7:39am)
what a good day to wake up and remember that eraserhead has a great ass
"What the hell is this," Shouta asked flatly, staring down at Nemuri's phone.
(Or, an Eraserhead fan account apparently exists, and Shouta...does not know how to deal with that.)
Just A Little Advice by KuriKuri
u like that song? i’m p sure i’m going to tear my hair out if i have to hear it 1 more time. Hizashi frowns at the text for a moment, before his phone buzzes with another message.
also i think u have the wrong #.
Baby Steps by ArtlessThief
The thing about depression, is you don't realize that you're having an episode until it's too late.
Days of My Future Husband's Past by YamiHeart for Nartothelar
The lack of cell phone signal. The out-of-date convenience store. The young boy staring up at him with his husband’s quirk. Hizashi wasn’t just in a different place. He was in a different time.
*Breathe It In by KuriKuri
“I’m surprised Aizawa-kun lets you scent-mark him like that.”
Hizashi turns to blink at All Might.
“I hadn’t really thought about it like that,” Hizashi says with an awkward laugh. “I’m just a tactile person, I guess.”
“I didn’t mean anything bad by it,” All Might adds quickly. “I was just caught a little off guard because Aizawa-kun is normally so territorial.”
“Oh,” Hizashi replies, unsure of what else to say.
(Or: Soft Werewolf AU)
*Love is Not a Weakness by Amandyalmonds
Considering how perceptive Midoriya was, there was an ongoing pool among most of the teachers for how long it would take him to figure out that Eraserhead and Present Mic were a couple.
And well.
Midnight just lost the bet.
*Responsibility by deafmic
“I told you outside,” Aizawa chooses his words carefully, reiterating the same point he’s made before. “My responsibility for you doesn’t end at the classroom. Every part of your life is partially my responsibility. Your father doesn’t scare or intimidate me. If you need help, I can get it for you, but you and I both know that you need to ask for it first.”
Aizawa organizes a way for the students to go home for the holidays. Todoroki Shouto, however, gets left behind by his father. Aizawa, annoyed at Endeavor, takes Shouto under his care for the night, and is joined by a certain Yamada Hizashi.
Closer by MikeWritesThings
“Hello and good evening, dear listener! How’s it going? What’s on your mind?”
“Why didn’t you do the dishes. I specifically asked you to do the dishes so when I got home from patrol I could have stuff to make us dinner. Tell me why, Hizashi.”
Or, one evening an irritable Shouta calls Hizashi during his evening show, and it becomes a regular occurrence.
*yours, mine, ours by cityboys (note: not momo/shouto)
In which Momo winds up with a catering job and Shouto tries to delay the inevitable.
*history has its eyes on you by aloneintherain
Midoriya looked over the occupants of the room with butter soft eyes. “We should do this again. Seeing everyone in one place … it’s like we’re back in school again.”
Todoroki said, “It feels like a family reunion.”
(Social media fic, counting down the five months to Class 1-A's ten year reunion.)
One of "Those" by Ultimatum
Todoroki and Midoriya are pro heroes. They're also dating.
These two aspects clash when they're outed to the entire world as Japan's first officially gay heroes.
Serendipity by theroyalsavage
Midoriya Izuku crosses the border between worlds with the intention of bringing back a fallen star. But the world beyond the Wall is not what he is expecting it to be - and neither is the fallen star.
Of magic, humanity, and the ways in which Izuku falls in love - with a place, with a boy, and with the stars.
dance around in your smoke by thehibiscusthief
Todoroki Shouto is a ballet dancer, and an excellent one at that. So when he's offered a class at a studio that focuses on modern dance, he's...a little out of his depth. Especially since Midoriya Izuku is around.
Avocados are Not the Objective by wockpurz
Secret Agents AU (A New Year’s Eve Special)
Aizawa returned his attention back to the Midoriya. “Your next assignment is to infiltrate the Todoroki Household. And please, no disasters this time.” Everyone directed their gaze at the now bristling Bakugou.
“I got the fucking job done, didn’t I?!”
got secrets I can't tell by Prince_Of_The_Night for Spontaneous_Splenzi0411
Literary Heroes @literaryheroespublishing Former villain and government supported ‘vigilante’ Dabi opens up about the reality that forces people to turn to villainy in his upcoming autobiography, “The Lost Boys”!
[OR: A story told through social media, news articles, and an autobiography about Touya Todoroki.]
*cold-blooded by wellthengetouttathesoupaisle for Ceryna
“I can’t leave,” Hawks mutters. “I’m meeting someone.”
“Yeah, you’re two seconds away from meeting the angel of death,” the voice scoffs, and suddenly it sounds loud and clear, no longer smothered. Hawks snaps his eyes open. He’s met with the sight of wrinkled, purple scarring and turquoise blue eyes a few feet away from his face.
“Oh,” he says stupidly. “Dabi?”
“Yes, you idiot—holy shit, your lips are blue. Gimme a sec, I’ve gotta make a phone call.”
Or: Hawks gets stuck in an unfortunate situation, nearly dies, and is rescued by the villain he's not supposed to like. It's complicated.
Can't You See The Scars? (But We're Forced To Cover Up) by Erin_Ravenseeker
Dabi makes a deal to give up information about the League. It's going fine until Endeavour shows up and Dabi, formerly Todoroki Touya, loses his cool.
Hawks knows what Endeavour did. And he's just so done with this “Number 1 Hero”.
Things that haven't been spoken of for years are coming out of the woodwork.
Aizawa feels like throwing up.
*Metal Chick by glitteringeva (note: it’s got the nasties)
Six months after the incident that destroyed his career Hawks is slowly getting back on track. Once the star of the classical music scene, now forced to take any job just so he has something to do. Giving piano lessons to Shouto Todoroki is better than having nothing to do at all, right? But when he ends up working with a young aspiring metal band and their lead singer Dabi he at first doesn't realise what he has gotten himself into.
*Canary in a Coal Mine by marreena
There’s two parts to being a hero, wanting to save people and being dumb as shit.
Hawks happened to excel at both.
Dabi brought out both of those sides of him in strides.
Drowning In Love by Alois_Trashy
Dabi has lived his whole life trudging through darkness. One day, he meets someone who gives light to his world.
“I think,” Kirishima says, poking at his inch long roots fading out into pale bleach-pink hair, “I need to redye my hair.”
Bakugou actually drops his book and raises clasped hands to the ceiling, “Thank fucking god—“
✦ Day 6 Massage / First Times / Touches
what could have been by thishasbeencary
Blue flames were visible on the ground where the fight was occurring, containing the fight to a smaller area unless someone planned on going through them. Bystanders and heroes were standing on the other side of the flames, the heroes trying to keep the civilians from coming any closer.
Blue flames could only mean one person.
Hawks dove toward the fight, straight toward the flames.
The fire was harmless, at least for Hawks.
[Touya Todoroki became the hero Touya instead of the villain Dabi.]
*give me more than the things i've lived for by eliestarr
His grip is firm, but not tight. Hawks could break it if he tries.
“If you want to stick me with something,” Dabi says, far too close in the near total darkness, teeth flashing white, “I can think of far more pleasant things.”
“What the hell, Dabi?” Hawks snatches his hand back and reaches for the bedside lamp.
Hawks and Dabi, through the fall of Endeavor, the League and what comes after, with too many hospital beds and bandages in between.
make yourself smaller by KuriKuri
“Hizashi,” Shōta says, cutting Hizashi off abruptly. “Shut up.”
Hizashi blinks at him for a moment, caught off guard.
“I need to get this done before fifth period,” Shōta continues, keeping his eyes fixed firmly on his computer screen. “You’re being annoying.”
“Sorry,” Hizashi replies, a little haltingly.
* quote love unquote by newamsterdam
Sero nods. “It’s the chance of a lifetime, really,” he says. “We want you to date Bakugou, for the sake of his reputation with the press. Some public appearances, a few ‘candid’ photos. For at least a couple of months.”
“Bakugou sent you to ask me to date him?” Kirishima asks, baffled.
“Of course not. We, his people, are asking you to date him. He’s going to have to get on board, if he wants his career to survive. And in the bargain, Riot will get all sorts of publicity, because their lyricist will be dating one of the industry’s hottest stars. A win for everyone.”
When Kirishima Eijirou's band hits the big time, he's not prepared for his newfound fame. He's even less prepared to meet the actor he's been crushing on for years, or to start dating him as a publicity stunt. The closer Kirishima gets to Bakugou Katsuki, the more he realizes he's in over his head. But it's hard to stop, once his heart is in it.
The Penumbra Podcast
Giocoso by frostandcrow
Juno and Peter get hired to “reclaim” a gem from an auction house. The catch? They’re hired by two different clients. Cue the hijinks.
Alternate title: Jewel-Heists as a Form of Foreplay for Two Adrenaline Junkies.
something would always rule me by MissjuliaMiriam
They’re in the Martian tomb for three days before Juno figures out that Nureyev is not a vampire. Realistically, he knows that this makes him an idiot. Whatever. It’s fine. The problem is that if Nureyev is not a vampire, Nureyev is a human, and Juno… Juno’s fine for now, but in another three or four days, he’s going to start to get hungry.
*let me say (sweet things to you) by jubilantly
"Hey, J, you awake?", Mick says, muffled through the door. "I heard some noise, please tell me there's no burglar in your room." Not anymore, Juno thinks. "We're on a cruise ship!", Juno yells in the general direction of the door, "Why would there be a burglar in my room on a damn cruise ship, Mick."
at world’s end (and to all the stars beyond) by ser_atlantisite
“Careful, handsome,” Juno teases, at the same moment Peter breathes, “Marry me."
Lovers and Statues Alike by anamnesisUnending
“Okay, sure. We’re just here to appreciate the art. Alone,” Juno punctuated. “In the dead of night. With no one else around.”
we’ll be lovers at last by orginoflove
Peter Nureyev dies young, and he never gets a proper funeral, only a false eulogy that flashes across every screen in Brahma. The Peter that stares down at the shattered planet is wide-eyed, young, and afraid. Peter vows to never be that boy again.
*drink hot coffee, drink hot tea by eachandeverydimension
(burn your lips, and remember me)
Juno and Peter make this long-distance thing work.
*dust rings by misandrywitch
“If that’s so,” Peter says, under his breath even though there is nobody there to hear him speak, “then come after me.”
Juno Steel and the Apple of Discord by InterstellarVagabond (note: tina’s fics are very good, but you wanna know why peters alias is named apollo in this fic? its because of me)
The Eris Code Ball: an annual party held by millionaire Marcellus Trent where all the best thieves, detectives, mercenaries and con-artists are invited to play a little game. On one side you have the law-breakers looking to steal the Eris Code, the most valued treasure of Marcellus's collection. On the other you have the law-keepers, there to stop the thieves at any cost. Juno didn't expect to see Peter here, though maybe he should have. This is the first time he's seen him since he abandoned him in that hotel room after the battle with Miasma, and that's going to make staying focused very hard. What's worse? Peter's brought a date.
Bungou Stray Dogs
Margin Of Error by izanyas
After a failed assassination attempt on his person, Dazai finds himself recovering in an unfamiliar place: a hospital where criminals abound, staff and patients alike, and Dazai's own doctor is a little too attractive.
Do No Harm by TheGreatCatsby
“Does the Armed Detective Agency have the capacity to take care of a sick Ability user?”
Or, during one of the worst outbreaks of illness that Japan has ever seen, the Port Mafia requests the help of the Agency.
Hold onto it by Root (Fyki)
"It's good, though", Odasaku adds. "It reminds me I'm alive, reminds me what I have to do".
"I don't really like to be reminded that I'm alive".
*Happily (n)Ever After by Memos
“I’ll ask again, do you remember what we did last night?”
For the longest time Chuuya was met with only silence.
“Well, I remember how the night started…” Dazai finally revealed, still lying sprawled on the floor.give me more than the things i've lived foreliestarr
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megwritesfanfiction · 6 years
KWP - Rematch (BNHA, Kacchako)
Disclaimer: I do not own Boku No Hero Academia. I am not making a profit off of this.
A/N: I am having too much fun over here!
This prompt continues: First Days Fragile Roses
“Where the hell is everyone?”
Uraraka chuckled, stepping unto the sparring floor of the gym. Her hands placed on her hips proudly as she bounced on her heels. “Told you so,” she reminded with a little giggle. “Finals are over, and everyone is looking forward to a little down time.”
Bakugo shook his head as he looked around the empty gym, “Pathetic.”
“No,” she gently poked his arm, laughing at his scowl. Since White’s Day, they’d found themselves slowly moving beyond their casual class interactions. “It’s the end of the term. People are tired, Bakugo.”
Nothing drastic, but on the Bakugo Katsuki scale of social interaction it was unprecedented.
They typically had breakfast together in the lounge before class started. He would make fun of her for eating natto and insist “that shit tastes like snot”. She’d laugh pushing pieces in his face, laughing as he cursed.
Bakugo would slow his walk to the classroom, so she could match his stride. He’d listen patiently as she rambled and found himself comforted by her chatter or enjoying her silent company.
A few nights ago, Uraraka had made them some mochi for the their study session. She’d laughed sadly at his horrified reaction to her cooking, but delighted in the fact he promised to make her some mochi once the new school year started.
“Which isn’t an excuse to slack off,” he scoffed, shifting his weight as he folded his arms.
“But,” Uraraka drawled. “It’s definitely a reason to rest and recuperate.”
“You’re giving those extras too much credit.” They both knew that most of their classmates were celebrating the end of the term, packing up their dorms, or indulging in some much needed and rare sleep.
“Part of being a hero is knowing when to step back.” She gave him a firm nod, reminding him of All Might’s lecture a few months ago. “Remember?”
“Tch,” he dismissed rolling his eyes. “So, what are we doing at the gym?” Bakugo challenged with a knowing smirk.
“We,” Uraraka nodded, fists curled in front of her with excitement. “Are going to have a rematch.”
“Rematch,” she repeated with a nod as she stared up at him. “You owe me one.”
“I don’t owe you a damn thing, Uraraka,” Bakugo insisted firmly with a small smirk. He folded his arm looking down at her, challenge glittering in his eyes.
Uraraka hopped in front of him, bringing her arms to her chest in a defiant stance of her own. “Scared I’ll get you this time?”
His eyes narrowed as he clicked his tongue at her. “You know,” he started, placing his hands on his hips as he shook his head. “I was trying to save your cute ass from another whipping-“
She blushed at the slip, unsure if she had the nerve to point out the fact that he’d called her cute. “That’s funny, I thought you had remembered that I, quite literally, almost crushed you at the Sports Festival.” Competitiveness and sass were much easier to navigate than unexpected compliments and pleasantries.
“Old news, angel face.”
What? “Angel face?” She questioned feeling her cheeks flush. “Seriously?” Uraraka was able to let go of the cute comment, but that nickname caused butterflies to swarm uncomfortably in her stomach and her heart to stop.
“Well…” Bakugo grumbled, awkwardly scratching behind his head. He’d figured she would have caught the hint by now. In his mind, he’d done about everything possible to let her know about his affections. “Yeah…”
Everything accept actually tell her how he felt.
“You know…” He shrugged trying to remain as casual as possible. His hands shuffled in his pockets awkwardly.
“Know…” Uraraka shook her head. “What?”
“Are you kidding me?” Either she was too dense to read between lines, or she didn’t understand he had a crush on her.
Bakugo didn’t want to consider that this was her nice way of rejecting him.
“No.” She frowned, brown eyes a little hurt at the harshness in his tone. Uraraka really didn’t understand.
“Whatever.” A part of him was perfectly content living in this weird phase they were in. They were teetering on the fine line of friends and something beyond that. There was no rejection here, but he couldn’t help but wonder if they could have more. “You gonna fight me or what?” More meant taking a risk, and Bakugo wasn’t ready to swallow his pride yet.
“You mean, am I gonna kick your butt?” Uraraka questioned slyly as she look a step back from him. “Oh, no quirks.”
“That’s bullshit”
“We don’t need you setting fire to gym.”
She had a point. “I’m not going easy on you just because you’re cute,” he promised. Feelings or not, Bakugo wasn’t about to let her win. He knew that Uraraka didn’t need him to take it easy on her.
“Naturally,” she grinned, pulling her into a ponytail as she lowered in her fighting stance. “I’m not going easy on you either.”
“Bring it on, cupcake!”
“Oh,” she couldn’t help but grin wickedly as they slowly started to circle each other. “I’m cupcake now, huh?”
“Well, you didn’t like angel face.” A smug smirk settled on his face as he brought his fists in front of him.
“I never said that.” Her stance relaxed , eyes softening for a moment.
“Alright,” Bakugo nodded. He swallowed a lump of nerves and self consciousness.
“So,” she breathed. Pivoting one of her feet back, she took off in a sprint toward. “Shut up and fight me, Kacchan!” Uraraka charged at him with pulling her arm behind her and setting up for a right hook.
He didn’t have time to be upset over the use of his least favorite nickname. “Nice try,” he grinned, easily dodging her fist with a little chuckle. “Wonder where you learned that from?”
“I wonder?” She growled, pivoting sharply to turn to face him. Her training with Gunhead had given her the confidence to attack him and attempt to put him in the defensive. Uraraka threw a series of kicks and punches at him, hoping slowly working him against one of the walls.
Bakugo had no trouble blocking each of her attempts to connect. She’d definitely improved since their battle at the Sports Battle. Each of her attacks were more precise and more powerful than the last time they’d battled. “Alright,” he announced, grabbing her wrist to stop one of her hits.
“Huh?” She looked up at her arm, caught in his grasp and back to his eyes. Uraraka threw her other arm at him, watching with frustration as he took hold of the other wrist. She thrashed in frustration, hissing as she tried to free her arms.
“You’ve gotten better, angel face,” he chuckled, taking her wrists into one of his hands. “Ready to tap out?”
A slow smirk wove along her lips. “Nope,” she announced. Leaping forward, her legs wrapped around his waist and forced his weight back.
Bakugo grunted, his back slamming against the mat.
The sudden impact allowed Uraraka to free her wrists. She sat up, legs on either side of him as her thighs held him in place. “Ha!” She cried, quickly grabbing his palms and forcing them above his head to pin him to the mat. “I win,” she murmured, slowly leaning down so her nose nearly brushed against his.
His face flushed at their predicament. Bakugo Katsuki was competitive and stubborn, but he wasn’t a damn fool. This wasn’t an official match. He wasn’t about to complain about the cute girl perched on his lap.
He sure as hell didn’t let her pin him.
“Oh yeah?” But, he wasn’t ready to surrender.
Uraraka nodded victoriously, “Yeah.”
Bakugo pushed his against her, rolling her underneath him with a quick snap of his hips. “You were saying,” he smirked, pushing her hands down into the mat as he rested his weight against her.
Her lips sneered as she tried to throw him off. “Not fair,” she hissed, legs wrapping around his waist as she squeezed and twisted.
“Give it up, cupcake.”
Uraraka sighed loudly as she relaxed, “I surrender Lord Explody Murder.”
He leaned, down noses ghosting against each other. “That’s King Explosion Murder to you.”
“Right,” she breathed, feeling her chest constrict and face flush.
Bakugo’s eyes drifted to her lips as he panted lightly.
The full realization of the position they were in seemed to wash over the both of them.
His grip on her hands eased, face relaxing as he watched a soft blush grow on her cheeks.
She licked her lips, neck stretching a little closer to him. Brown eyes fluttered closed as she prepared to close the gap between them.
“Good match,” he grunted.
Her eyes snapped open, watching as Bakugo released her hands.
He stood up, stepping away from her.
He should have kissed her.
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makeste · 4 years
BnHA Chapter 295: So How Are You Holding Up (Because I’m a Potato)
Previously on BnHA: Horikoshi randomly and graciously decided to answer all of our long-standing questions about Mr. Compress, including “is he secretly hot,” “is he secretly related to that Robin Hood thief guy,” and “is he ever going to use his quirk to chain chomp a hole right through his ass??” with the answer to all three being “yes, of course.” As for our follow-up questions, “sir, is Mr. Compress going to die,” and “holy shit,” his answers were, respectively, “wait and see,” and, “I understand, really I do, but that isn’t actually a question.” Well, he’s got us there.
Today on BnHA: Horikoshi finally ends the War arc with the speed and grace of an overworked college student scrambling to BS their entire midterm essay with five minutes left before the deadline. Deku’s Spidey Sense is all “what up, I exist, p.s. you’re in danger kid” like oh shit, no, you think?? Compress is all “I’m not gonna die but I am going to pass out and be captured” and honestly, at this point I’ll take it. Spinner is all “Tomura you can have this one last Souvenir Hand I found that was in the oven for too long” and slaps it on his face because HE’S JUST TRYING TO BE HELPFUL, SHUT UP. Dabi is all, “[currently in a marble].”Tomura is all “actually, I’m AFO.” AFO is all “hahahahaha” and summons all of the remaining Noumus to cart him and Spinner and Dabi off to safety. Deku is all “DAMMIT TOMURA I’M REALLY MAD AT YOU FOR KILLING, AND I QUOTE, ‘AN UNBELIEVABLE AMOUNT OF PEOPLE’, BUT AT THE SAME TIME, GET THIS, I TOTALLY WANT TO SAVE YOU TOO! LMAO ISN’T THAT WILD.” Fandom is all “OH MY GOD, NO WAY, is what we would say if we had literally never met Deku before, I guess.” And then the arc just ends, lol. See you in the new year, kids.
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no you didn’t pass out because of a ~heatwave~, you passed out because he set you on fire while you were out here shooting Blackwhip out of your mouth with your SPINDLY ACCORDION LIMBS dangling uselessly from you like WINDCHIMES you RIDICULOUS BOY
“where’s Todoroki-kun” oh shiiiiiiit. right. god I hope someone caught him. BAKUGOU OWES HIM A FAVOR, HOW ‘BOUT IT
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Todoroki Shouto has really highkey been the MVP of the entire fourth quarter of this arc. he deserves the world, and odds are all Horikoshi’s going to give him are lasting trauma, and a souvenir shirt that says “I survived this stupid arc and all I got was this t-shirt”
anyway now Deku’s being hit by a Lightning Bolt of Realization or some such? idk what’s going on, but I bet you it’s related to Tomura waking up again
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LOL WHAT. THAT’S IT?? SPIDEY-SENSE?? I mean we all predicted Spidey-Sense being one of his quirks like ages ago, so Well Done, Us, I guess
but also, seriously?? all of that drama and intrigue about the fourth user’s quirk and this is what we end up with? what was All Might being so cagey about then? how did this dude die? I need answers goddammit. new, better answers lol
maybe it’s something to do with the fact that Deku keeps talking about how his head hurts?
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I mean, for Deku of all people to be all “ouch that hurts”, it must really fucking hurt, you know? like oh my god Deku are you dying
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this man is out here FROLICKING, half-naked and half-torsoed, AND STILL FEVERISHLY RATTLING OFF HIS MONOLGOUE. YOU HAVEN’T EVEN ESCAPED YET YOU DINGUS. did watching Dabi pour bleach over his head inspire you to think of interesting new ways you could abuse your own body for the sake of Theatrics?? why are villains Like This
anyway so now Mirio’s punching him, because what else are you even supposed to do in this situation
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I read this speech bubble three times in a row very carefully this time around just to make sure I was reading the words right. and then looked for a T/L note below. and there was none. whatever RHA, at least you all are out here enjoying yourselves
wait what?
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I guess he hasn’t woken up yet after all?? so then wtf is Deku’s Spidey Sense getting all worked up about. I mean to be fair there’s danger all around them still so having a Spidey Sense in this kind of situation is kind of like bringing a smoke alarm to a BBQ
now what
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wait did he put them back in the marble?? or is that panel just meant to show us how they were in the marble earlier?? Horikoshi please make this less confusing, I’m already having trouble staying focused as it is. and on top of everything else Compress is cascading blood like Niagara Falls right now and I’m starting to wonder if you really are going to kill him off
anyway so Mirio is still in mid-punch, and now he’s reaching out to punch Spinner with his other hand. heh. Mirio please be careful Tomura is right there, and I swear to god Horikoshi IF HE LAYS A HAND ON HIS SWIRLY BLOND HEAD SO HELP ME I WILL MAIL YOU A VIAL OF MY TEARS
okay seriously what the hell is happening
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when you attach?? everyone?? to your body?? whose body?? who is this??
oh wait okay it’s a flashback to Tomura talking about his Hands
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lmao this is so disjointed, I can’t tell what’s a flashback and what isn’t and whose thoughts these are lmao I give up. I’m just going to fire up a bunch of question marks until this starts making some goddamn sense. ???????
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-- !!!!!!!!!!!
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okay hold up. so did Spinner just slap Tomura’s last remaining Signature Fashion Hand onto his face just now for absolutely no reason?? is that what’s going on?? and fuck me but it actually worked too, lmao. is your buddy unconscious and unresponsive to stimuli?? no problem, just slap ‘em in the face with a burnt and shriveled severed hand. works every time
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ohhhhhh, okay. so this is AFO’s narration
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and that’s a partial answer to the question of “why did AFO bother raising Tomura up as his heir if he was planning on taking over his body the whole time.” apparently it makes it easier to control him. joy :’)
also this image of a potato wearing a Tomura wig is sending me fjkllkhl
oh my god he summoned all the Noumu to him like Aquaman and his sea creatures. this whole situation just keeps on getting better
-- oh hell no. oh fuck me, fucking shit
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oh my god. I fucking hate everything right now oh my god
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fucking great!! so I guess nobody is getting a happy ending today, then. the heroes got their asses handed to them (sorry Compress, it’s a figure of speech, didn’t mean to be disrespectful); Deku and Kacchan died; Shouto’s evil brother came back from the dead to ruin his life; everyone and their dog lost various limbs; and the villains have now lost Twice (dead), Compress and Machia (presumably going to be captured), and now their fearless leader’s body has been completely taken over by AFO, which is such an unsexy development that it managed to completely undo all of the Mr. Compress Sexiness from last week. goddamn it
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up close Hadou’s face is looking pretty rough. :/ that’s going to scar over isn’t it. at least she’ll look like a badass
meanwhile I appreciate that Horikoshi drew what looks to be a little puff of air next to Kacchan’s mouth, just to reassure us all that he’s not actually dead. that’s fine. you just lie there then. also his wound really is in the exact same place as All Might’s and it’s giving me all kinds of feels you guys but whatever I’m not gonna sit here dwelling on it all day
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“peace out, loser.” “SHUT YOUR TRAP, HO.” quality encounter right here
anyway so he’s blasting Deku with something and Deku’s just flying back all unconscious-like. so then, what even was the point of all that, huh
oh I see, it was to lead us into one last Deku monologue to close this arc out
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oh my god Deku if you say you’re going to save him I will turn around and do a cannonball into a ballpit of feels right now, don’t do this to me
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by the way I just have to point out here, that after all of those impossibly pretty close-ups of Hawks’s unconscious face, Horikoshi really did my child dirty here lmao
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he looks like a squished cockroach. THAT’S MY BABY BOY
and it looks like the cavalry is finally on its way too! took them long enough. so I guess they can take care of any of the remaining Noumu stragglers, but first let Deku finish his speech. listen up Deku I really need you to say something cool and iconic to cap off this thus-far admittedly underwhelming Last Chapter Of The Year, here
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well he thought the thing, anyway. close enough. I’ll take it!
so this is really the end of the arc then! or at least I hope, good lord. anyways, all right then so let’s do a quick status check:
it looks like the Noumu are hauling Tomura and Spinner away to safety, but it doesn’t look like they managed to save Machia or Compress. this honestly might be in Compress’s best interests though. the heroes can get him some medical help along with Kacchan and Endeavor and everyone else
Dabi is apparently hidden inside Spinner’s scarf, but do they have any way of releasing him without Compress there to undo the quirk? will he be all right in there. like how is he going to get food and water and air and stuff lol. does it wear off after a bit? can Compress undo it when he wakes up, even if he’s in custody? is there a distance limit on it?
and Skeptic was presumably turned into a marble as well, but Compress didn’t bother mentioning him at all. nobody cares about poor Skeptic lol
and bonus AFO theories status check:
Dad for One - AFO called Deku worthless and hasn’t seemed to take the least bit of interest in him despite getting to see his fancy SIXQUIRKS up close and personal. so if he is his dad he sure as heck is a terrible one, that’s all I can say
All for One for All/Deku is a horcrux - well the Spidey Sense seems to offer an alternative explanation to why Deku could sense AFO’s presence, but on the other hand it doesn’t explain why AFO was able to sense Deku’s as well (seeing his dreams and such). still thinking there’s a connection there, guys, idk
AFO is the final villain - five words for you: “EVERYTHING IS FOR MY SAKE.” is that concrete enough yet lol. pretty sure this arc marked both the beginning and end of Tomura’s brief stint as the Big Bad. Deku’s got it in his mind to save him now somehow, and we all know what happens when Deku starts getting determined to save people. look out AFO
as for the heroes, they’re all varying degrees of Fucked and I think it’s honestly too much to even take stock of at this point. maybe if I get a rush of hyperfixation in the next couple days or so I’ll do a separate post analyzing the impact of this arc and where things currently stand and where they might be headed from here
but in the meantime, ngl, this chapter was kind of a hot mess lmao. but whatever, I don’t even care because at least he managed to get all of it done within the allotted 17 pages, meaning that next week (or rather two weeks from now, sob) we really can get moving onto the aforementioned Triage arc! BRING ON THAT ANGST. I am so fucking hyped goddammit
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ohmytheon · 6 years
Two Souls (bnha daemon au, 5/7)
title: two souls
summary: There is nothing more special than the bond between a person and their daemon, but some people are inexplicably drawn to other daemons as well. Ochako wants to prove to the world that she and her daemon are capable of becoming heroes while Katsuki and his daemon are ready to take it on. What neither of them counts on is that same world pulling them together, creating a bond stronger than anything thought possible.
notes: This might be my favorite entry of the whole week. At first, I didn't know what to do, but then it hit me and I loved writing it.
Notes on daemons Katsuki Bakugou: Eurasian Wolf - Mako Ochako Uraraka: Asian Golden Cat - Hayato
Day Four: Supernova
There was so much fire, but there was even more smoke, making it difficult to move. Ochako's helmet did little to filter it out and was making it harder to see where she was going. In a fit that she knew a few of her friends would scold her for, she pulled up the visor of her helmet and then held a hand over her nose and mouth. With her face exposed, smoke attacked her senses, but she was at least able to see better.
With that in mind, Ochako continued her search on the floor. So far she'd managed to get twenty-two people with their daemons and six pets out of the burning building. Of course she couldn't touch any of their daemons - it was a taboo even in situations like this - but she'd found out that she could cancel out a daemon's gravity as long as their person was touching them. She didn't know why and didn't question it. All she knew was that she could save people and she had to save more.
By the time she finished her sweep of the top floor, she was coughing. There was no one up here. She was terrified that she had missed someone, but she couldn't waste any more time in here. It would collapse at any minute and she couldn't take the smoke any longer. Before she could find a window though, she heard something burst from the stairwell door down the hallway. When she turned to look in that direction, she was stunned to see Mako shaking off soot and pieces of wood.
"What are you doing?" Ochako demanded as she rushed over to the wolf daemon. "Is Bakugou in there?"
Mako shook her head and grimaced. "No, he's down below. He had to save a few people from the floor below us." Meaning that he hadn't been able to take her down with him. It wasn't an impossible distance for their soul bond, but it was bound to be painful. She was handling it with strength and dignity though. Ochako knew that some daemons would be crying and writhing in pain, not to mention how Bakugou felt. It was hard to use your quirk with your soul so far. "Where's Hayato?"
"Not in the building," Ochako said. "I didn't want to bring him in here."
It stretched their bond to the limit, but she handled it better than most. The distance they could manage with their bond had always been a little longer than normal, but once she had started using her quirk on herself more, they'd had to learn to push it even further.
Despite giving her an incredulous look, Mako didn't comment on it. Instead she turned back from the door that she had burst through. "There's a woman in the stairwell. She won't leave without her suitcase full of photo albums and that thing is damn heavy. Her squirrel daemon freaked out the moment she saw me and won't listen. Idiots."
That had to be the last person in here. Ochako didn't think she could manage anyone else, not with the way she was hacking. She stepped into the stairwell and spotted the woman leaning against a large suitcase and close to falling unconscious from smoke inhalation. Instead of wasting time arguing with her, Ochako used her quirk to lighten the woman and the suitcase and then dragged them to the nearest window. She released them from the quirk and then activated it again so that only a little bit of their weight remained. It had taken her three years to figure that out. With that done, she was able to push them out the window and watched as they slowly floated to the ground.
"Okay, I think that's it." Ochako turned to face Mako. "We can go down the-"
There was a loud crash that forced Ochako to duck and shield her face as the ceiling in front of them crashed. Embers splashed her arms, burning through the thin material of her costume. It stung, but she grit her teeth and dealt with the pain. When she lowered her arms, she could only gape as she saw that the route to the stairs was completely blocked off by burning debris. The way to the stairs was cut off, which meant that there was only one way down.
"You have to get out of here!" Mako exclaimed through coughs. "I'll find another way!"
Ochako turned to Bakugou's daemon, who was crouched low, as if she could somehow get closer to Bakugou. No doubt he was suffering down there as well, but he probably didn't know where his daemon was. This was too far for them. The strain was too much. She could see Mako struggling with the smoke as well. If she was having difficulties, then Bakugou was surely feeling the effects. If something were to happen to her…
There was only one thing to do.
Taking a shallow breath, Ochako lowered herself down onto her knees in front of Mako. "There is another way, but…" The wolf's eyes were bright, glowing through the smoke as the fire around them reflected in it. She wasn't afraid of Mako, not like she had been in the beginning, and maybe she sometimes got closer than normal, but never like this. Their eyes were locked on one another's and while bits of determination and fear could be seen in her eyes, there was also trust. "I won't do it if you don't want me to though."
Mako huffed out air through her nostrils. "No, it's…the best way. I understand. I just thought it would be…different."
"I know - it's not fair - but it's my turn to protect you two." A nervous chuckle slipped out of Ochako and she smiled weakly. "Bakugou is going to be furious with me."
Somehow, despite being a wolf, Mako's face softened. She was more expressive than any daemon she had ever seen. "Trust me, he really won't."
Even though the wolf was comforting her, Ochako still felt nervous as she stood up straight on shaky legs, a scared feeling bubbling in her gut. Despite the fire and smoke surrounding her that screamed at her to hurry, she hesitated when she stretched out a hand and closed her eyes. It couldn't be helped. She was about to do something that she'd never done before - that Mako had never done before - and all of it without Bakugou's permission and away from Hayato. It was unheard of. It was wrong on every level.
It was the only way to save them.
Hold on, Ochako sent along her bond to Hayato.
What are you doing?
In the end, Mako made the decision for them all as she pressed her head into Ochako's hand. An explosion of heat hotter than any fire burst inside of Ochako, so strong that it nearly sent her reeling and she had to put a free hand on the edge of the window in order to keep standing. It wasn't painful though, as much as she'd feared. It was warm and powerful and so overwhelming that she wanted to bask in it forever. It was like standing in the sun after being in the cold for so long. She could feel his confidence, his insecurities, his pride, his fear, his strength…
With Bakugou's soul in her hand, Ochako could feel all the things that made him burn so bright and it made her want to burn with him.
And then, digging her fingers further into Mako's fur - into Bakugou's soul - Ochako jumped out the window and they fell together.
Katsuki had barely managed to carry the two kids out of the burning building before the exit exploded behind him. The children screamed in his arms, clinging to him as he bent down and huddled over them taking the brunt of the heat and explosion for them. Luckily it didn't hit him directly, but it sure as hell wasn't fun, especially when his shoulders and back were peppered with burnt debris. After waiting to see if there was another one, he unfurled his body and set the kids down so they could run to their parents.
When he turned around to assess the damage, his stomach twisted. The way in was gone. He could launch himself back up and get in through a window, but then he'd have to find Mako in time before the building collapsed. Their soul bond would allow them to seek each other out. Whether or not the building would stay standing for long enough was another thing. He could do it. He had to do it.
If something happened to Mako, he would die.
When he took a step forward towards the building though, a frantic voice cut in demanding, "What are you doing, Bakugou?"
Sweeping his head back around, he found Hayato glaring up at him. "What does it look like I'm doing?" Katsuki searched the area, but didn't see Uraraka anywhere. What was her daemon doing without her? Then again, what was he doing without his? They'd been forced to split up and test the full limit of their bond. It was eating away at him, making him think that she was on the top floor. How far had Uraraka parted from Hayato? He knew that she had a longer bond than most. "Where's Uraraka?"
"Still inside searching for civilians," Hayato told him. His voice was confident, but he couldn't hide the way his tail flicked or his whiskers twitched. He was anxious and for good reason. Uraraka was up there and he couldn't get to her. It would've been a lot more convenient had he settled as some sort of bird, but no, she had to have a cat for a soul. "Where's Mako?"
"Doing the same," Katsuki responded gruffly. "That's why I've gotta-"
The overwhelming urge to cough came over him, forcing him to double over with his hands on his knees as he seemingly tried to hack a lung out. By the time he stopped, Hayato was right in front of him, far closer than he'd ever been before. Uraraka was so friendly and warm, but her daemon preferred to keep his distance from even her closest friends, making sure to stay out of reach. Here, at the base of a building on fire, he was close enough for Katsuki to touch without even stretching his arm out.
Katsuki thought to make a sharp comment about it, but a painful tug in his gut sent him down on one knee and a gasp of, "Mako," was ripped out of him.
"You're at your limit," Hayato surmised worriedly. "Stay still."
"I can't," Katsuki ground out. "I have to-"
He could feel her emotions through their bond, as strained as it was. Earlier she'd felt frustrated - at having been forced to separate and maybe from searching for a way out or dealing with a stubborn civilian. Now, despite being trapped in a burning building without him, she wasn't terrified. There was a hint of fear in her, humming like a guitar string being plucked, but mostly there was confidence, trust, and excitement. It was how she felt when they were about to win a hard fight. The exhilaration for something more. He couldn't figure out why she was feeling that now. It didn't make sense for the situation.
What are you doing? Katsuki demanded of her, hoping she could hear him despite their strain on their bond.
Hold on, was all she said.
And then his whole world exploded in a supernova and he had to press both hands to the ground to keep from falling on his face.
Even though his eyes were closed, all he could see was light until it felt as if he'd drowned in it. When he was finally able to come up for air, gasping as he barely held himself up, he felt… Fuck, he felt lighter than air, like he could fly without using his quirk, like he was soaring with no fear of falling. A chill ran down his spine, making him shiver and his fingers dig against the concrete, but it was wholly pleasant. Warmth soon followed, cascading over him, until all he could feel was a sense of comfort. The only way he could describe it was like being pulled into the warmest hug, being promised that he would be protected, and believing it.
When Katsuki managed to glance up, he connected eyes with Hayato, who had frozen in place. There was an indescribable emotion in them. His legs were locked in place, his hair standing on end, and his tail sticking straight up. It was only a few seconds, but looking at Uraraka's daemon now, he felt the strangest sensation to touch him and, even stranger, he actually thought that Hayato wouldn't say no.
Katsuki couldn't have said who had shouted, but he knew where to look as the tight string between him and Mako began to loosen. He raised his eyes and let out a shaky breath the second he spotted her - and Uraraka. The two of them were floating gently back to the ground, Uraraka with her legs raised behind her. But what really caught his eye was the point of contact between the two of them. Uraraka was holding Mako's back with two hands, her fingers dug into the wolf's fur. Just seeing her touch Mako like that made him shiver again. Both his and Hayato's eyes were locked on them until they were touching the ground and Uraraka released them from her quirk.
Uraraka gasped as she pulled her hands away from Mako, as if she hadn't been breathing the whole time, and stumbled backward. She would've fallen on the ground had Katsuki not managed to rush to his feet and catch her by the arms. Her cheeks were redder than normal, but it could've been from being surrounded by fire. She nodded her head, letting him know that she was okay, and he let go of her, albeit reluctantly. After feeling him touch and use her quirk on his soul, he felt compelled to stay close to her.
However, the desire to wrap his arms around Mako and never let go was stronger, and so he did, He staggered over to her and fell to his knees so that he could slide his arms around her neck and bury his face in her fur. She laid her head on his shoulder and pressed it against the side of his neck and face. He didn't cry, despite the fact that every emotion in the universe was crashing over them and through their bond.
You're safe, you're safe, you're safe.
Katsuki honestly couldn't tell which one of them was saying the words, but it didn't matter.
Feeling like they were one again, Katsuki unraveled his arms and leaned back so that he could hold her face and look her in the eyes. There was something strange in them, something bright that he'd never seen before, and he knew right then. He glanced back at Uraraka, who was on the ground, hugging Hayato and close to tears. Nothing would ever be the same.
And he didn't want it to be. Neither of them did.
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lethesomething · 7 years
Someone adopt Todoroki already
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Let's talk about everyone's favourite BnHA prince, Todoroki Shouto, and his parental figures. This kid is some weird cross between Haikyuu's Kageyama and the Last Airbender's Zuko, in that he's a socially awkward pretty boy with a dark past and some very serious daddy issues. This kid has seen some shit, my dudes. And like those two he gets a rather satisfying, still ongoing character arc, making him one of those characters you can’t help but root for. You know what else Todoroki is? A walking symbolism manual.
 Todoroki's parental figures
So BnHA is very interesting in the way it deals with parents. As opposed to most manga, they don't just all die or disappear into the background here. This series has some of the warmest mother-son relationships (hello Midoriya Inko), and it's also chock full of father figures (Dad Might, Dadzawa, Dad Torino). People like Midoriya and Bakugou, and Kirishima in the manga, get several of these mentors to help them on their way.
Todoroki, on the other hand, gets surprisingly few. He doesn't have the same relationship with Aizawa or All Might that Midoriya and Bakugou have, and he doesn't even get a separate mentor during his  apprenticeship, because he chooses to spend that time with his own father. In a way, this makes a lot of sense. Whereas Midoriya gets outside guidance to grow, Todoroki's character development is very much an internal struggle. It is central to Todoroki's character arc that he learns how to deal with the parents he already has.  
Putting this under a cut because it’s super long, and it ventures a little into manga territory (i tried to keep the spoilers mild).
 Fire and Ice
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I don't think I'm going to shock people when I mention that Endeavour, Todoroki Senior, is a bit of a dick. The man has many flaws as a father and a human being. He's abusive, for one. He is shown as proud, calculated, ruthless, selfish. He wants to mould his child with the very specific purpose of defeating his own greatest rival and he's willing to disregard the lives and feelings of others (like his wife) to make this happen. Now what may shock you is that honestly, I don't believe Endeavour is a purposely cruel person. You can't really save that many people if you're a full sadist. He appears to actually want a relationship with his son, or at the very least, he wants his son to look up to him. He doesn't seem to understand that holy shit, bro, you frigging traumatised that boy.
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I feel that the way he's treated his kid, and his wife, is mostly him having a one track mind and going overboard. I'm not trying to redeem him here, but there are levels of evil and Endeavour for me falls into the 'drunk in a wife-beater' category. Putting aside the question of whether Dabi is also a Todoroki sibling, it does seem like not all his kids hate him, for instance. Shouto's sister Fuyumi seems pretty ok living in that house still. As a school teacher, she is an adult woman with an income who could be living alone. The fact that she stays in that house could mean she's there to take care of her younger siblings, or that she at least has a casual enough relationship with her (rich AF) dad that staying is preferable to making it on her own. Honestly, he probably just lowkey ignored his other kids for most of their childhood, or at least let them have a normal life. As such, it's mostly just Todoroki's bad luck that he was born as a 'perfect sample'. Endeavour strikes me as someone who is very full of himself and it causes him to look at other human beings as a means to an end.
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On the other side of the scale is Mrs. Todoroki. Like Izuku's mother, she is framed first and foremost as someone who loves, someone who cares, someone selfless. But unlike Inko, her selflessness is pushed to a point where she can't take it anymore.  This is a woman who has lost any and all agency. She is trapped in a loveless marriage she did not want and she doesn't even seem to have a name of her own. She is just 'Mrs. Todoroki', a plaything to be used and disposed of by a powerful man. The pain and fear she absorbs during the years is too great and she snaps, hurting the ones she loves the most. She is then quickly carted off and locked away somewhere out of view.
So how has this whole business shaped Todoroki? For one: he doesn't give a damn about appearances. BnHA is very big on the difference between what you look like, and what you are. For a blatant example, check out the 'two forms' of All Might. Appearances are important for a hero, but Todoroki knows that this could be bullshit. Endeavour is the 'number two' hero. He is looked up to as a great and powerful man by the general populace, but it seems to be a bit of an open secret (judging by Present Mic's reaction at the Sports Festival) that he's a grade A jerk. On the other hand 'Mrs Todoroki' is known as a violent woman. Someone crazy. Someone dangerous. Someone that has to be hidden away in a hospital, never to see the light of day. In both these cases Todoroki knows better. He doesn't particularly look at the outside. He doesn't even judge people on what they say, but on what they do.
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 On a much more symbolic level, this is even the case for the whole 'element' business.  I personally love how the reality of Todo's fire and ice, and of his parents elements, doesn't correspond to their official 'element'. Fire is supposed to be warm. The 'hearth' is the traditional centre of the family, whereas ice evokes the cold, lonely wilderness. But when it comes to parental love, Todoroki's mom's is the warm one. Her loves is even so hot that it when it goes out of control, it literally burns his skin. On the other hand, his father's love is a cold one. To his father, Todoroki is a product, a pawn in the race for Number One. It is an attitude that causes Todoroki to reject any sentimental ties he has to his father, almost literally turning the boy into a block of ice, since that's the only skill he's willing to use.
Walking. Symbolism. Manual.
 Dual personality
But as the manga mentions, Todoroki is the perfect genetic mix of both his parents, whether he wants it or not. He is the 'half and half bastard' and step one in his development is actually becoming that. When we first meet Todoroki, he has a cold personality and he quite literally only uses ice, in apparent defiance of his father. This is his Ice Side. It is calculated, it is sharp, it is dismissive of others and it is ambitious. This is the kid that wants to win the tournament on half strength. It is the kid that challenges Midoriya as an 'opponent-to-beat'. It is, against all rebellious tendencies, the personality of his father.
Now let's look at his Fire Side. Remember when we first saw that? It's not the moment you're thinking of. It's this one
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Todoroki's fire side is passion, it is anger, it is explosive and full of feelings. It is the side that cares, and cares so much that sometimes it explodes and threatens to hurt people (like poor Sero). Oddly enough, Todoroki's Fire Side comes much closer to his mother's personality.
Don’t believe me?
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Todoroki's mom with a whistling kettle in the background.
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Todoroki right before he freezes the hell out of Sero.
 Achievement: Fire
Enter Midoriya, our superhero with an extra in 'unlocking character development'. What our boy does, in the tournament, is set Todoroki's fire side free from several years of suppression, obviously. He does this by making him forget about his father and get more in touch with his mother.
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For just that moment, Todoroki switched sides, willingly.
And you see that from then on, he starts to flip between both sides more regularly. In his fight with Bakugou he's still sputtering, but honestly, boy just had a revelation, you can't expect him to be up to speed that fast. But you do see it more often later on.
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We see Todoroki slowly warm up to his classmates, particularly to Iida and Midoriya. We see him start to visit his mother, because he's quite literally nurturing that side of him.You see him give very sensitive advice and lose his cool (heh) another time, like in the superhero exam. We see him remain his calm and calculated self all through that Bakugou rescue mission.
Back to dad
An interesting point in the story here, is the apprenticeship. Todoroki chooses to go to his father here. This is a calculated decision and he even mentions that in the anime. His father is a popular hero and it gives him good opportunities to work with the 'number two', despite whatever his feelings for this man may be. That's his ice side speaking (his father's side, if you follow my theory).
Now look what happens when Midoriya needs help.
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Instant dismissal.
Todoroki knows what he cares about, and it is the continued well-being of Midoriya. The switch is almost instantly flipped. Forget his father, go save his friend. His mother's side is slowly but surely gaining.
Right now, you see a lot of duality in everything Todoroki does. This boy, despite unlocking both sides of himself, is still very much struggling. He can still come across as aloof in unfortunate situations. And let's not forget that his explosive side is just that. Explosive. If he doesn't learn to reign that in, he, too, could cause hurt to others. What Todoroki needs, more than anything, is to balance these sides of himself.  The right brain and the left brain. Hot and cold, doing and feeling, Ice and Fire. Right now, he's almost split himself in half, showing one side now and another side the next. I'm not sure if all that switching is altogether healthy, but at least it's better than what he did before when he was literally suppressing entire parts of himself. It's progress. I'm hoping that he'll get past this stage also. It's slow going, but honestly? I get that. Kid's seen some shit.
PS: I have a bunch of these BnHA meta things.
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victoriayagami-blog · 7 years
As kurogiri stop and looked at the person who called him
"Oh. What a pleasant surprise. " as he smirk on him
"A former hero I see welcome...."
As kurogiri gesture him to enter the abandoned building the devilish smile didn't fade as he say its name.
"Mashirao Ojiro"
A villain that is unknown, never found or at least maybe never seen in person. Now Killing few pro heroes by himself in secret...
Even tho he still keeps a smile on his face...it was cold and dark...
"Tsk...Cant even keep up? And u people are called pros. I can't believe I was inspired by you worthless pieces of shit. You're all the same like fucking all might!!
HAHAHAHAHA.... hah ...
This is getting boring but this is all I can do for now"
He Grins evily.
"Speaking of heroes. I wonder how kacchan is. He was right. I will never be hero, but I can't I'll get rid of you and the REST OF THESE WORTHLESS HEROES."
As he roam aimlesly, he sees a poster of a villain his age and grab it.
"Oh? How surprising? Well. For me to get rid of this pests I need to team up with these other villains." He crumpled the poster and throws it behind him
"Where could they be tho?" He asked.
He hums and skips around the dark halls of the city "Hmm beside that brown haired girl" he said "She seems interesting!" He looks through his notebook and writes her name down "Perfect! Soon i'll be having more and more people to company me in this hellish place full of heroes!"as he rage his anger, he stops skipping and said to himself "But that means I wont have any fun for my self. We'll have to find out then."
Back to where Toshinori went to Aizawa's home. Toshinori was taken aback at Aizawa's outrage. "Don't you dare blame yourself Aizawa!!!" He answered irately. He himself was very much infuriated at the situation, and Aizawa's rage didn't help out at all. "Goddamit, if I hadn't been injured and forced to retire permanently, I could have prevented all of this!!! I also take all of the blame of whatever consequences that our previous students actions might bring." Toshinori declared.
that's the only thin Monoma Neito said when he looked at Uraraka. He slid the dagger to it's case at the back of his pants and offered his hands to her as they walk to the entrance of the building.
"A lie"
Uraraka chuckled, blushing at his compliment, taking his hand as they walked inside the somewhat eerie building. Entering a bar, theyre greeted by the presence of guy, blond and the other a purple warp.
"Hah. How do a villain knows my name?"
Ojiro smirked thinking he was watched all over his years of living.
"Are you spy or something? Or maybe you know the lost of people I kill hmm? Wonderful, wonderful! So its just us. I remember the news saying the there this guy with hands around he with you?"
He asked hypothetically with a smirk.
"And who you calling hero? I was never treated as one. A guy with tail? Who would love someone this lame?"
As kurogiri was about to guide Ojiro to the abandon building he notices a presence at the entrance.
"Well this is a surprise." As he look at the person behinds him and ojiro.
"One of the former heroes I guess"
And looks back at ojiro to answer his previous question.
"Well I have many intels regarding to the destroyers of peace"
Ojiro sits down on one of the tables.
"Do you mind?" He asked.
While Kurogiri serve Ojiro a drink at the bar.
"Well some of your comrads are coming here to gather anyways."
Kurogiri said and hands over a drink to him.
"Ohoo I can sense they're here. " as looks at the closed door.
"Are you not supposed to go inside fellow guests?" And the door open.
"Just when I thought I taught them well, this happened. Shino I am out of words and reasons. I'm out of words to explain. This is not what I wanted for them." The raven gasped to catch his breath, tearing the bedsheet that he was gripping the entire time. "These are my children! These are my kids! I'm so furious! How come they had to take the other fucking way and not stick to what is right? I can't do this.. I can't..."
Aizawa heaved a sigh before screaming his lungs out. The pain of losing his students was cutting deep inside him. At this point, he didn't know how he would face his former students. The former symbol of peace knew how painful it was to watch them lose their way. But he had to do something.
"Gather all the teachers and pro-heroes. Gather all the remaining 1-A students. We will end this monstrosity right here and then."
Aizawa's voice was firm, filled with anger and resentment.
"This is gonna be my final lesson to them. I don't care if I die, so long as I can fulfill my job as their teacher and father."
While Deku was looking for a victim he removes his left glove with his bare teeth and grabs his switchblade and cuts himself.
"OH SUCH A GREAT FEELING! Its feels greater when I hear the screams of my victims tho..."
He took out a pic of him and bakugou when they were kids and slams it on the wall.
"Oh kacchan what happened to that innocent face of yours? After you recieved your quirk you changed~..."
He stabs the pic onto the wall devilishly smiling while letting out his anger.
And smiles more insanely.
"No quirk no problem!~"
He stares at the photo on the wall
"Its better to kill them slowly with my bare hands as their eyes slowly roll back..Oh im getting distracted! I must find those other villains yes?~"
He took his switchblade back and left as the photo of the forgotten childhood friends falls slowly down to the floor.
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