#the radiation sickness
breezypunk · 5 months
I already know I want the boys to have been frozen for over 200 years. In separate vaults, so they could never see each other again. Arasaka making sure Goro never makes it out of the Vault, and instead commands him to become the overseers bodyguard/right hand man (an idea from @gonksinlove thanks for that)! <3 otherwise he'd be experimented on and left for dead, turned into a ghoul by being injected with radiation.
A few years go by and Goro decides he's going to finally plan an escape, to try and find Vaughn, get back to his lost love, but he was caught. Knowing what he had planned to do, the overseer decided he needed a fate worse than death, and threw him in the cyro-pod so he'd never have a chance to see or find Vaughn again.
The opposite side holds Vaughn in a vault with the Aldecaldos, but only some, since the clan got separated when Arasaka infilitrated their camp looking for Goro, naturally everyone freaked out and some scattered, Panam being thrown into a mosh-pit and taken away from Vaughn as well.
Vaughn couldn't live with knowing Goro was out there, possibly dead, possibly hurt, and knowing he may never see him again, and after he found out his Vault also held cryo-pods, willingly put himself in it, hoping one day he'd wake up and see Goro again, even if it was thousands of years into the future.
(This feels like going into Mikoshi and waiting until you get a new body while your love is in real-space waiting for you in Japan sdjksjks)
277 years later, Goro's pod malfunctions, and out steps a man now in a world completely unrecognizable. Everyone in the vault is dead, bugs are ten times their size, the air feels more.. dangerous than usual. But the one thing he knew for certain, he was going to find the love of his life, no matter how dangerous it was out there.
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peachcandraw · 10 months
imagine being a scientist and going out to take measurements of the area's radiation levels to see if it's safe and a fucking weasel stoat says to you IN PERFECT ENGLISH "hey girl heyy"
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reality-detective · 3 months
I've posted this 👇 video before, but since I've done a little research and find it a serious threat to human health.
📡 Microwave Sickness: Hidden Dangers
Microwave sickness, a growing concern supported by various studies, reveals significant health risks associated with prolonged exposure to microwave radiation. Here's what you need to know:
What is Microwave Sickness?
Oxidative Stress: Microwave radiation can cause oxidative damage to cells, contributing to cancer development.
Neurotransmitter Disruption: Affects brain chemistry, leading to various neurological issues.
Health Impacts:
Cancer: Studies show prolonged exposure can lead to cellular oxidation, increasing cancer risk.
Neurological Issues: Disruption in neurotransmitters can cause brain fog, dementia, and even severe conditions like schizophrenia.
Emotional and Mental Effects: Can induce fear, hallucinations, and other psychological disturbances.
Statistics & Studies:
Increased Cancer Risk: Research links long-term microwave radiation exposure to higher cancer rates.
Neurological Disorders: Significant evidence suggests increased risks of dementia and other cognitive impairments.
Psychological Impact: Patients report higher incidences of fear and hallucinations linked to microwave exposure.
Protect Yourself:
Limit Exposure: Minimize use of devices emitting microwave radiation.
Shielding Solutions: Use protective cases or materials designed to block radiation.
Regular Check-ups: Monitor health regularly for any signs of microwave sickness symptoms. 🤔
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undeadcourier · 5 months
This is the second in a series of posts meant to explore both real-life cases of radiation sickness and the sci-fi concept of ghoulification in some depth. Graphic descriptions of the physical deterioration of the body are included for informative purposes; reader discretion is advised.
For this second case study, I examine the effects on the human body of exposure to moderate levels of radiation over a long period of time, with a focus on the real case of the Radium Girls, in particular Mollie Maggia. 
Marie and Pierre Curie discovered radium in 1898, launching the Radium Craze. Radium was believed to have numerous health benefits and restorative properties and was used to treat arthritis, hypertension, schizophrenia, and even stomach cancer. It was also used in tonic water, toothpaste, and cosmetics, among many other products. 
After William J. Hammer created a glowing green paint made from radium and zinc sulfide, radioluminescent paint became popular in use on watches and clock dials. Three factories that used radioluminescent paint on watches and clock dials saw incidents of severe radium poisoning in workers, in Orange, New Jersey, Ottawa, Illinois, and Waterbury, Connecticut. 
Dial painters working for the U.S. Radium Corporation, most of whom were between ages 14 and 20, were assured they were safe and were not given appropriate personal protective equipment while exposed to the radium dust they used to mix the paint for the dials. Managers encouraged them to use their lips to create a fine point on their paintbrushes, necessary in the precision work they did, which caused them to ingest small amounts of radium during their shifts. In addition, the radium dust coated their hair and dresses, and some women, believing the radium to be harmless, even deliberately painted their teeth and nails to make them glow. Dial painters ingested about 76 microcuries of radium per year.
In addition to consuming radium in the paint, the dial painters were exposed to the radon gas that resulted from the decaying radium, increasing their exposure to around 13000% more than the maximum annual dose. For comparison, standing next to the Chernobyl meltdown would result in about 30 rem of radiation exposure. 10 rem is the lowest annual dose linked to an increased risk of developing cancer. 200 rem is enough to cause severe radiation sickness and death, and between 300-400 rem is regarded as a lethal dose.
When ingested along with food or water, roughly 80% of radium is excreted, but the remaining 20% travels throughout the body where it is deposited in the bones, emitting alpha particles as it decays and irradiating the cells on the surface of the bones. New bone growth results in radium being deposited deep into the bone where it remains.
The typical period of exposure among the dial painters was two years. Some developed mouth sores after only a month of working at the factories, but for others, symptoms took longer to appear.  First, the women would have felt fatigued and anemic as their damaged bones could no longer replace their red blood cells. 
Because they were primarily ingesting the radium, their mouths were often the most affected. By October of 1921, Mollie Maggia—who'd already had to have a tooth removed—returned to the dentist's chair to have even more of her teeth extracted. The radiation damage to her bones inhibited blood cell production, which in turn prevented the wounds from healing. The ulcers became necrotic and constantly oozed blood and pus. 
Throughout that November, Mollie's condition grew steadily worse, and in addition to the pain in her teeth and jaw, her hips and feet became sore.
As the painters' radiation sickness progressed, their joints would become stiff and severe pain in their limbs limited their mobility. The radium ate through their bones, leaving them perforated in a honeycomb pattern and prone to spontaneous fractures. The women's spines and long bones fractured and shortened.
Some of the women’s skin became so thin that even a fingernail scratch could cause it to split open.
Tumors the size of grapefruits or footballs developed on their bodies, and they suffered from blood disorders, menstruation issues, and sterility.
By January of 1922, Mollie was in constant, unbearable agony. Her teeth were rotting in her mouth and falling out before they could be extracted. In May, Mollie’s dentist was horrified when her jaw crumbled at a gentle touch. He proceeded to remove her jaw, not by an operation, but simply by pulling the disintegrating pieces out by hand. That summer, Mollie’s throat became painfully sore, and she experienced spontaneous bleeding from the jaw. By September, the radiation had eaten through the tissue of her jugular vein to the point of hemorrhage. Mollie's mouth and throat flooded with blood, and she died.
Mollie Maggia was the first from the U.S. Radium Corporation to die, just short of her 25th birthday, in 1922. 12 more women died the following year and another 50 fell severely ill.
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haleyusesherwords · 10 months
“Hey girl hey!” As the opener for the first stoat-human contact has immaculate “2 am in a warehouse” energy
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flowercrowngods · 4 months
is there anything as joyous as finishing a book and finding there’s 24 works on ao3 providing missing scenes, character studies and a pov switched rewrite?
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rebeccathenaturalist · 7 months
Obviously it would have been better if the Chernobyl disaster had never happened. But to see how wolves and other wildlife have adapted to the nuclear contamination and ambient radiation there gives a glimmer of hope that, even if the worst were to happen worldwide, we might still see at least some of the life we know today continue onward. Here's hoping that scientists, both in Ukraine and otherwise, will continue to be able to safely study Chernobyl and its effects.
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lazuliquetzalart · 1 year
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this game is GORGEOUS super atmospheric very fun 12/10 would recommend
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sincerely-sofie · 1 year
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There’s something unique about the pain of someone you love following in a trail you blazed through suffering, turning themself into a mirror of just how self-destructive you once were. There’s a wretched irony in how they teach you firsthand the pain your friends and family felt as you burned yourself up.
Now you know what it’s like to watch a lamb immolate itself. You can only watch as it dismisses your concerns with lies of how well it is— how completely, utterly, and perfectly fine everything is. You can only watch. You can only remember that you were a lamb just years before, and you taught this one exactly how to martyr itself by your example.
Anyhoo, hey elder siblings, how’s your day going?
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puppyeared · 1 year
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I'm still only on s5 but I feel if I start writing up some shenanigans to put House and Wilson into, I'll keep watching and find out they already did that in the show
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whumpypepsigal · 1 year
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Gotham Knights s01e10: “I thought Electrum was supposed to heal him, not make him sick.”
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wogot3 · 3 months
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i dont remember if i ever shared that polaroid/compliant is conductor but yea here you go
spoilery concept stuff but i dont careeeeeeeeeee
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sleepyselkiesiren · 2 months
Tryna go to sleep, and I get smacked in the face by something dream me said last time I was asleep
"I was just getting used to wanting to live."
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ranilla-bean · 1 month
Scene or character moment or arc that you're most proud of in the fic? Or most excited for people to read and react to?
oooh it's hard to pick, but i do have a favourite child among the chapters so far: chapter 7 (the only chapter to have a title atm besides chapter 1)
the fire nation's setting up in anticipation of the invasion and they're playing psychological horror mind games on zuko's planet. that sows disagreement between sokka & zuko, but when they make up it's one of the most romantic scenes i've written 🥹 accompanied by the most gorgeous art from ash (i had to write smn worthy of it!!)
im extra proud of it because thematically, it just flows and hits a bunch of crucial emotional notes. defs a challenge that paid off!
“These people are evidently ill.” “That’s the thing,” Sokka hissed, bracketing with his hands for emphasis. “What do you think they’re ill from? Let’s say we believe their little story. Captives? Zuko, they worked on the reactors. They’re full of the uranium poison, it’s even in their bones. And the Fire Nation has shot them towards us.” Handsome, stupid Zuko, bane of Sokka’s existence, said, “I think we could help them.” He felt responsible, Sokka realised. He felt responsible for them because they were his father’s victims, and he wanted to save them. Ever the idealist. He snapped his fingers in front of Zuko’s face. “There’s nothing we can do. Nothing. It’s a death sentence. We’d be wasting our resources and getting ourselves sick in the process.” “Then what would you do?” said Zuko, batting his hand aside. “Let them succumb slowly and starve?”
ask me & ash questions about spacedilves!
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