#the rainy day fight
jmdbjk · 1 year
Good morning! Pt. 1
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Breakfast: scrambled eggs with heavy cream mixed with cut up cup noodles and brown rice = under 500 calories.
His shoulder is bothering him. Not good.
He has turtleneck syndrome but obvs not the kind that makes us weak in the knees.
He's working out, pilates, going to the dermatologist, ignoring his guitar lessons, a day in the life of just being The Bun.
He will rest at the dermatologists... lol.
Because he's been a couch potato, his muscles deteriorated and that's why he's having trouble with aches and pains. Getting old sucks, Koo.
Damn the sounds his body makes when he cracks his bones...holy shit. Sounded like dominos falling.
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He's going to invest in some workout equipment to keep at home... why he doesn't already have that, who knows. I guess because that's not his permanent home. He said he ordered some equipment but sounds suspiciously like it will sit in the box unassembled for a while...
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Kookie, you spent six months being a couch potato in your mikrokosmos cave NOW you are going to invest in home workout equipment right when you are starting to ramp up on activities?
Y'all.. when I say he is the most adorable thing explaining in detail how to correct your posture and giving us walking and sleeping techniques to strengthen the neck and back... I just want to put him in my pocket.
"My here..." and he pats the backs of his legs... my god Kookie. Stob it.
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He's killin' me. The most adorable goofball.
He scrolled through the comments and couldn't figure out why some disappear. Who's gonna tell him? Not me.
He's already talking about lunch... salad... superfoods... he found a great salad place and will have that with smoked duck or chicken. Eating healthy.
Kookie Pookie TMI: he might be lactose intolerant. Dairy doesn't agree with him. But he eats it anyway. Same, same.
Sooo many details... shampoo, body wash, face... towels...
His ghostbusters phase... he summoned the spirits from the netherworld with gadgets but never saw or heard any. (The other members did though. That explains everything.)
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ISFP (Introverted, Sensing, Feeling, Perceiving) People with this personality type tend to be peaceful, easy-going, and down-to-earth individuals. They have a strong need for personal space and value time alone to recharge. He needs to have some management. I've said this before. He is not a self-starter.
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Now he's talking about setting up a movie date with Army but how to sneak it past the company. He needs to hire a spy. All of a sudden we're conspiring to do something without the company knowing and have a private movie date with Kookie...
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This man who stood in the middle of Coachella and didn't think he'd be recognized because he cut his bangs.... is trying to sneak out of the house to go to see a movie with us. What could go wrong?
The imbeciles who keep asking him to speak another language and not Korean. Brainless people who waste everyone's time by typing those comments during a live.
Hold up buttercup. What's that dark area under his jawline?
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[squints at the pixels... hmmm]
The Rainy Day Fight story.... this is the most precious retelling of one of the most (formerly) mysterious moments in Jikookistory. Bless the Army who caught his eye with this request in the comments.
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According to Jungkook: It happened in the early years, JK was acting like a petulant teenager and pissed everyone off, even "angelic" Hobi-hyung got mad. Jimin even got pissed off. So much so he told JK he wasn't going to take care of him any longer (I've always suspected that Jimin held some responsibility over JK when they were younger and this might be JK confirming that.) JK stormed out of the building and started walking and got lost. He admits he's directionally challenged. THAT'S WHY JIMIN SAID BAM DOESN'T PAY ATTENTION TO HIS SURROUNDINGS JUST LIKE HIS DAD!
Anyway, JK, in the midst of his temper tantrum, got lost and started to panic but first he had to overcome his pride. He called Jimin, hung up on him and then did it again and on the third call, Jimin quickly answered. I think the panic was overwhelming JK by this time and the avalanche of emotions caved in on him. Poor Jimin probably also was worried by this time, especially after JK couldn't figure out where he was. The telling of how he broke down sobbing while talking to Jimin is so sweet and pure. WHO tells other people they actually did this? The details????
Somehow, Kookie found a taxi and got back to the dorm with Jimin standing there waiting. What a story. Jimin took him up to the roof where they could talk in private and I'm sure the words spoken there made an impact on Kookie. He thoroughly regretted it, enough that he had to bring it up during Festa 2020 and say he felt sorry that he made Jimin feel so bad that day.
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All of that in the first 38 minutes of his hour and 45 minute live...
Then he proceeded to wake up the neighbors and ruin his furniture at the same time by drumming on his coffee table.
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He tossed a book around for a few seconds... Crying In H Mart by Michelle Zauner, in case anyone wants to read what Kookie is reading. Except I think that's the first time he's actually touched the book because there was a big ass brochure in the middle of it that he had no idea was there.
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It seemed like a booklist brochure advertising the latest and best books.
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omg... bless his heart...
Next topic: Yoongi's concert. Was Kookie watching a fancam livestream of Yoongi's concert too?
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He tells us he will go see Yoongi's concert (I'm assuming in Seoul). Sadly, Jimin might be in Europe on those days. We'll see.
All of a sudden he's blaming fruit flies for knocking over the phone. I didn't say it, he did.
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Scrolling through his video library/youtube/whatever he has tons of cooking shows. He mentions 1mincook several times which is a channel of "1 minute cooking" dishes. Quick meals. All the videos are a minute in length. Perfect for JK's short attention span.
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Jeon Jungkook is one of the most unpretentious people I've ever seen in my life.
I am 50 minutes into this live. He was very gregarious and jumped from one thing to the next.
I will run out of image space on this post so Part 2 coming soon!
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always-is-always · 1 year
If that rooftop had ears...
Now we have just one more teensy piece of the puzzle, that is the history of Jungkook and Jimin.  
The rooftop.
I don’t recall the rooftop being mentioned ever before.  Of course, I’m not original ARMY from 2013, but I have watched a ton of original content in the last 3 years.
That rooftop must have been a place that they frequented, when they needed time away from the ears and eyes of their hyungs.  They probably had a lot of conversations there, and I would bet a lot of bonding happened as a result of it.
When you think about how they were literally piled up together in a small living space originally (sharing the bunk-beds all in a room together).....and then still didn’t have their own personal sleeping space until they moved out of the dorm, it’s no wonder that a place like an accessible rooftop would become a little refuge.  
Humans need space.  Privacy.  An opportunity to think away from others. 
I personally had wondered about their private space in the years that they were living in the dorm environment.  It’s really not a normal way for 7 young men/teens to live, where literally every moment is captured by cameras, and there are staff persons and such around all the time.  (Not to mention the separation from their families.)  It was not a normal way to live. 
My guess is that the rooftop was a place that they all went to at various times, when they needed to.  It makes so much sense...
That “Rainy Day Fight” story just took on more depth, and has offered us a clearer understanding of the dynamics. And, Kookie just gave us a deeper glimpse of how he and Jiminie navigated during times of difficulty and stress...  
Oh, to be a fly on that rooftop...  the stories it could tell.  💜🐰🐥💜
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prongcollar · 10 months
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Ice Nine Kills - Rainy Day
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kanmom51 · 1 year
The connections are connecting
So, I am slow, I admit it. It was early in the morning, and I was half asleep, and on my way to work, and starting out at work, and although I posted about the live, it didn't actually register until this very minute.
But hot damn, JM posted on IG on 4 June 2023, at JK o'clock.
And JK just told us about the rainy day fight on 5 June 2023.
Do we see the connection?
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4 June 2020.
The day JK released Still with you as his gift for army (he literally said that in an interview).
Same JK who brought up the rainy day fight during Festa dinner 2020.
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Was that a coincidence then? Him bringing it up during the Festa dinner just after releasing Still with you, with the clear references to a rainy day, with us knowing that JK writes songs out of his own life experiences?
Was it a coincidence that JM posted yesterday, on the 3 year anniversary to that song's release at JK o'clock?
Was it a coincidence today that he chose to answer the question about the rainy day fight and tell us all about it, followed by JM this and JM that and just overall giving us another JM fest?
I just LOVE all these little Jikook coincidences.
Don't you?
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stormblessed95 · 1 year
Jikook's Rainy Day Fight
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So FINALLY getting around to making this post. Lol so honestly go read this one first. It's a HUGE post I made where I really broke down my thoughts about the rainy day fight before they told us more about it. I still stand by alot of these thoughts for the most part now that we know more. The only thing I might switch up a bit is the very last paragraph where I said something like "this clearly has nothing to do with BTS as a whole and seems like a couple-esque fight more than anything else." Imma walk that one back with the new info given lol
Regardless, read this post first before proceeding. Thanks!
Okay, all done with that post? Great! So here is what JK said about the rainy day fight:
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And here is what Jimin said:
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Overall, the dramatics were ridiculous (i say lovingly) for what this fight was about and somehow it still gives off couple vibes simply because of the way they escalated this "speak more politely to your hyungs" conversation into a "I'm cutting you off" and a slam dunk hug in the rain reunion. Lol
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(The way they both think back the most fond over that reunion hug is so freaking cute)
Things I want to additionally point out.
- Hobi hyung getting angry was the barometer of "wow. I super fucked up this time" which makes me cackle 🤣 the man is an angel lol
- after brushing aside his other members remarks and everyone else huffing but leaving, Jimin was the one to make the effort to pull him aside to have a more serious conversation about it. Trying to take it seriously with him, give him respect in return and not make it seem like he was being ganged up on. It speaks once again to how they have always been so incredibly close to each other. This was back in 2015 ish and they made these allowances for each other and gave each other their trust.
- Both Jimin and Jungkook told the same story, but took the blame for the fight upon themselves. They recongized what happened but when sharing the story with a third party, made it seem totally like their own fault (when clearly they both had some anger issues and bad judgements during that fight). It seemed like they were lowkey trying to protect the other and mostly just felt bad about their own contributions to the fight rather than the other person's. Clearly the forgiveness was absolute.
- Jungkooks snarkiness clearly got Jimin feed up to the point where he snapped and said something he clearly didn't mean, but also clearly felt. He probably felt disrespected and felt like that wasn't the type of bond they had cultivated together. And JK clearly felt bad and was upset himself and even after they separated, when he found himself upset and lost, his first instinct was to reach out to Jimin. And even pissed off and mad, Jimins first instinct was to answer JKs phone call and make sure he was okay and safe. Just for them to reunite not too long after, both feel shitty for their behavior and find a secluded spot for them to actually talk it through before they went home and to bed. Regardless of their full day of schedules right after that too. It's incredibly sweet of them.
- its still lowkey giving off couple fight/break up and reunion vibes. Lmfao but only in how they handled their dramatics, not in the actual fight. Nor do I think they were a couple during this time frame. I do think they were harboring crushes on each other, but that's a seperate conversation. And the fact that JK held onto feeling guilty over his bratty attitude and causing this fight so many years later??? Clearly, it had a lasting impact, even though he still acts like a brat to Jimin sometimes lol its done in a teasing manner rather than a disrespectful one. And it's something that the two of them clearly encourage in their bond together.
- the acknowledgement of that through this fight (and the subsequent conversation on the roof and make up afterwards) they got closer is worth highlighting and mentioning too. When a fight/disagreement is done in a healthy way (and while it didnt start that way. They clearly got there), the communication and the way you can get to know someone better can be so helpful for having an even better relationship. Platonic, romantic or any other kind. I'm glad they spent that time together on the roof. It was probably something they both really needed that night and lead to even more emotional vulnerability and comfort between the two of them going forward I'm sure.
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Thanks to everyone for waiting so long for me to write this up and for anyone who read this far too. 💜 I know I ramble a lot! I think this was everything I had to say about the rainy day fight though! 💜 Hope you all have a good rest of your day/night!
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
I’ve seen some haters running into Jikook blogs to say Jikookers were wrong about the rainy day fight! No BITCH we weren’t! We just have more details now but the main idea is still the same! We know now that Jikook fought because of Jk’s arrogant behaviour which we kinda suspected anyway, and Jimin got pissed and said he was done caring for Jk and left! Jk left too just wondering about probably pondering about the fact that his Jiminshi just threatened to not care for him anymore! Do you know how hurt he had to have been by that statement to wonder about and get lost? And i think some of u are missing something! This was him remembering something that he still felt sorry to Jimin for and not the members in general! He explained that his attitude wasn’t the best and even Hobi who is like an angel got mad at him but that was just to further explain how bad his attitudes used to be, not that the fight was an 0T7 fight! It was a Jikook fight and what ever he was feeling after the fight wasn’t cuz of all the members it was cuz of Jimin! This again just goes to further prove what Jikookers have been saying about JM being Jk’s comfort person and safe place! He kept hesitating to call Jimin cuz of his pride but he finally gave up his pride and called him cuz having Jimin in his life meant so much more to him that his pride! And did u hear him explain just how much he cried? And it wasn’t just him who cried, Jimin cried too and they did all that on the roof, after which they hugged it out! Now say whatever you want, but there is certain bits of the story that they both left out for reasons best known to them but which ever way u look at it, it just confirms what Jikookers always knew! JK LOVES HIM SOME JIMIN! The thought of losing Jimin made him go bonkers! Just the sight of Jimin after the argument caused tears to flow down his eyes and he didn’t even know why! That right there is TRUE LOVE pple! You can’t make this shit up! You just can’t! Jk loves Jimin! Jimin loves Jk! It doesn’t matter if u ship them or not but what is undeniable is their deep love for e/o! A love that didn’t start today and won’t end tomorrow.
Jk has known Jimin for over a decade but every time he looks at him or talks about him, his eyes still sparkle like it is the first time he seen him! What do u call that if not Love? So how can some of u still be so blinded and choose to continue to insist that Jk hates Jimin? How? Anyways, imma need Jimin to tell me what JuJu he used on Jk! I want my man to be that obsessed with me.
Stand Jikook for clearer skin!!
Fr... what did Jimin do to JK? Is the Jibooty really that good?? 😭😭😭
What a waste of fucking time to spend denying that Jikook have a beautiful undeniable bond. Imagine being bitter that Jimin and JK love eo instead of celebrating them. Oh well. It's your loss. Stay mad coz this keeps happening
Also I love how u described what happened that day. And this little detail here that JK will never forget
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No wonder there is rain in still with you.
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nocternalrandomness · 2 years
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"Practice Day”
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jimimn · 1 year
Jungkook coming live: how do I make this about Jimin
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khaotunq · 10 months
Hey!! I was reading your akkayan posts and got enchanted by your headcannons and now I need to know what else lurks in your beautiful brain. Btw still loving your Seduction by Ayan series, it's so beautiful<333
take care 💕
Okay so I'm usually weird about publishing asks/compliments because idk self-worth issues, reasons I should probably go back to therapy, blah blah blah.
But I happened to open tumblr earlier to see your tags on some of my things and then this message when I dragged myself out of bed at like 6pm because I'm doing very well at the moment, lmao.
Anyway. It gives me such joy to know people enjoy anything at all that comes out of my head, so thank you so much.
I've been sitting for like an hour trying to work out if I have any headcanons and I'm certain I do but I'm drawing a complete blank, ahaha.
Just. Thank you so, so much.
(I'm very nearly finished Seduction 101! I have almost all of the posts in my drafts. I have no idea what I'll do with my life after lmao. THANK YOU<3333)
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2goo-p · 5 months
What's the hardest boss you've ever encountered in any game?
Hands Down it was Lud and Zallen in Dark Souls II. The experience of getting to them through Frigid Outskirts let alone fighting them was so incredibly awful that I have No Memory of fighting them. It's still the only DS boss I haven't beaten :I
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myobsessionsspace · 4 months
Rainy Day Fight
Original Content/Sources:
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First Mention from 41:15
Jungkook’s Account from 33:22
Jimin’s Account from 24:04
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jmdbjk · 1 year
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Destroyed... and then the cutest yawn.
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always-is-always · 1 year
I watched every video on this channel, my first two years in the fandom.  Sometimes more than once.... 💜  
Here’s a new one uploaded today!  Enjoy!  
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hopefulqueer · 7 months
just caught the Legend in Spring Year 1 in vanilla Stardew (on switch), just to prove i could
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good morning!! <333
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
So jk basically confirmed that he was bratty back in the day resulting in him pissing jm off to the point that jm was done with him.
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And then, and then, and then anon, on the rooftop they kissed... they kissed on the roof, and didn't care that they were getting soaked. Because nothing else in that moment mattered, nothing more than them in each other's embrace. Jungkook regretted talking to Jimin the way he did. He was so happy that Jimin had forgiven him, that he couldn’t stop tearing up into the kiss. Which made Jimin tear up too. Coz he loved this boy so much, and wouldn't want anything bad to happen to him. So he poured all his relief into that kiss. Rain... more rain... wet... both of them soaked. But still not enough to make them stop kissing. And Jungkook apologised once more when they were done. And then they hugged. Giggling. Like the teenagers that they were. All wet on the rooftop. But they didn't care. They were young boys in love and nothing could tear them apart. And then they lived happily ever after.
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Bahahahahahaaa! How are fanfic writing skills, eh? 😜
Real talk though, this was absolutely about their push and pull. JK wanting to be the hyung. He was clearly a dog with a bone and very adamant about this and as we know now, Jimin while it took him a while, eventually gave in.
If you watch their older content you will notice Jhope is usually the one having the strongest reaction to dropping of honorifics. Especially when Jimin did it to him. That’s how u know this shit is a big deal. I-army tend to ignore this side of Jikook but if only they knew. Its really not something to take lightly. It means something that JK can call Jimin by his name without the hyung and get away with it.
Anyway anon, back on topic I am so glad we got JK’s version of the rainy day fight. We knew if he told this story we would get alot more details and that’s exactly what happened.
Back to more fanfiction, a friend wrote this yesterday during the live;
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You know Jimin is gonna talk to JK about this 😂😂
What an amazing time to be a Jikooker y’all. Is anyone else so glad to be a Jikooker? Doesn’t it feel nice? It really, really does. I love this for us.
I’m also very happy for Jikook, of course and that they’re in a really good place but damn. Love this for us! I got so much joy, all the way from my head to my toes. Jikook joy all over
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Let's all just go listen to still with you, digest the lyrics and get lost in more Jikook feels.
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