#the rest of them prefer him and kinda see me as a spare sometimes
ceytal · 1 year
the past 48 hours have been shit. it’s bad when i don’t even feel like continuing orv or playing anything that requires actual effort (meaning i’m auto-clicking cookie clicker while dissociating)
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oddaesthetin · 4 months
3:56 am — gojo satoru
“you know, i find that you’re actually quite easy to understand,” you muttered out of the blue, enigmatically, not even bothering to spare him a glance, and continued in whatever you were doing.
you saw him straighten up in your periphery.
“and by easy to understand, what do you mean exactly?”
“in a way where i know you prefer ice cream sandwiches more than ice cream cakes. or how your favorite song is shame on me by avicii because you think it reflects your life,” you stood up straight and looked at him for a second, completely ignoring what you were doing as you delved into thinking deeper. “i also know, and you’ll probably deny this, that your favourite flower is red and purple chrysanthemum because you find them vibrant and fluffy.”
the last statement reminding you of that one instance when you saw him get absolutely enticed upon seeing the flower. how he tried to fight off the intrusivity of squeezing them just to see whether they’d remain fluffy or not but failing miserably, and how his eyes got a tint of sadness when he saw the flowers crushed down to pieces. that one instance you see happen time and time again whenever he gets ahold of them.
hearing the last statement made satoru pout. not that you’ve noticed, as you went back to being engrossed in your project.
“i mean, i completely get the rationale behind that. maybe since people think you’re the strongest, or maybe since you grew up silver-spooned, it’s quite unlikely for people to assume that you’re no different at all from the rest. perhaps that thought is what makes it easy for them to separate you so they could look up to you.”
when silence engulfed the place, your eyes immediately went to the white-haired brute at the corner. although there was a distance between where you were both standing, it wasn’t as hard to notice the soft smile playing on his lips.
at the back of his mind, satoru is praying you wouldn’t see how much he cares about this conversation so much. it’s not so often you get to have these kinds of conversations, but when you do, he adores it dearly. somehow, you always find a new way to tug his heart and mind.
he deliberately tried to fix his shades in an attempt to also hide the soft glaze his eyes bore.
“just because you know my favourite things does not make me easy to understand.” he disagreed, amidst the reddening of both his ears.
like how you get ignorantly confident from time to time, you shook your head as you answered, “but for me, you are. it’s exactly because i know you. and i’ve known you for years now. i’ve noticed your habits…how you think…they’re engraved in my mind.”
how sometimes he says something that’s exactly the opposite of what he’s thinking.
“besides, just because i think you’re easy to understand does not mean you’re not a complex person.”
how he so desperately wants to be normal and yet never wants to give up his ideals that are always adding to his hurt and burden. you saw him move from where he initially was.
“i think that all these is what makes you comforting.”
“i’m comforting?”
you raised your head and finally looked him in the eyes. “yes. to put it in easier words, you’re kinda like a close friend at a bad dinner party.”
satoru laughed. “a close friend at the dinner party, huh? what got me demoted?”
of course, satoru knows what you mean. he’s known you just as much as you’ve known him. and it makes his heart swell hearing you talk about his habits he never thought you’d take time to memorize and analyze because truthfully, no one has made an effort as deep as you did for him. when he’s with you, he feels like a common person. never having to be the strongest. never having to be gojo satoru. when he’s with you, he feels just like…toru. your man, toru.
his life with you is both seeing and being seen. he remembers his younger self— how he was so confident that he had learned everything in this world and there was nothing left for him to learn. just that thought alone made him snicker because oh boy was he so wrong, for being with you helped him discover new things, and grow as a person in many ways than one. he feels like a kid who’s only experienced the world for the first time. a world where being flawed is not a flaw, but a reason to keep loving, without hesitation and reservations. where waking up is not a task, but a choice, because he gets so excited to see your face first things first, converse with you, and do life with you. you’re like the orange to his blue. you may both be at the opposite ends of the spectrum, but you do well at complementing each other.
what you both have is bigger than the world. too complicated to explain but very easy to embrace. it’s a new feeling he’s willing to explore even more.
when he shares a space with you, it’s like the roles have been reversed. instead of him protecting you, it’s you that’s giving him safety. like tonight. he doesn’t know how to explain all this to you without his heart exploding and his words turning gibberish, but he hoped you know. his words may not be as impactful, but he tries his best to show it.
you rolled your eyes at the statement, “it’s just a figure of speech, hun.”
your boyfriend giggled and walked even closer to you. you were about to welcome his stance when he stopped you and turned you around as he wrapped his arms around your body. “yeah, well, even if it’s theoretical, i still would like to be your boyfriend. or husband, even.”
“that’s…not how what i said works, toru.” you replied at his idiocy, stifling a laugh. as he buried his face in your neck, you softly ruffled his hair. when you felt his lips smack a kiss to your neck, a whisper of “i love you” entered your ears.
hUEY LISTWN! this is a comfort piece i wrote for myself after the latest manga update so this might be a little cringe to som of you. this has been rotting in my notes 4 quite some time already but iv’e only gotten the confidence to share it now. if u liked it, tysm! we’ll survive the manga 2gether! 🥹🫵👯‍♀️
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star-p3bbles · 4 months
Dating Josh Washington Headcanons
CW: mildly suggestive jokes, it's Josh, but I'm going to write separate headcanons for 18+ content, mentions of mental illness (Hannah and Beth are alive and well because I said so 😌)
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Okay so we can all agree he's a lil cutie
Imagine that tenfold
At first he's actually kinda nervous and shy
He doesn't want to mess things up or weird you out
But once he knows you like him for himself??
Let the goofiness and cheesy jokes fly
"Y/n what does a skeleton take when he has a sore throat?"
"Babe, it's 2 am."
"A coffin drop."
"Go to bed Josh."
I think the game creators said he's around 6'0"??
So if you're shorter then him he definitely uses you as an arm rest
Even if it's just like, 2 inch height difference
If you're taller then him?
"How's the weather up there?"
Super affectionate, this man just likes being close to you
Even when it's super hot and he can't hold you he'll put his hand somewhere on you
Preferably a place he can feel your heartbeat
It helps him sleep
When it's cold he'll put his hand under your shirt, either on your tummy or chest
His top two forms of cuddling is either holding you or having you on top of him
Will bundle you up in his arms and tucks your head under his chin
He likes to smell your hair like this, not in a creepy way, it's just the smell of your shampoo and conditioner, it's like aromatherapy. He just instantly relaxes
When you're on top of him, he likes the pressure, especially when he's having a harder day
It forces him to breathe slower and helps lower his heartrate
Movie nights are a given
Especially horror movies
Will sit with you between his legs, your back to his chest
Hugs you closer if you jump/get scared
I don't care what anyone says I believe this man can cook
Hannah and Beth are spoiled beyond belief by him, he learned how to cook because of them
Loves making your coffee/tea/smoothie in the morning
He's perfected the art of it, it's perfect every time, just the way you like it
Come up behind him in the kitchen and hug him from the back and kiss his back
He'll melt
Loves being in the kitchen with you, even if it's just frozen pizza after a long day, he'll put on music and cheesily slow dance with you while it's in the oven
He's so beyond in love with you
You've seen the good, the bad and the ugly and you stuck with him, sometimes he feels even his friends don't care that much
He will do anything to see you smile, to hear you laugh
Speaking of his friends
You all eventually meet at one of his parties
He's a little wary with Mike just because of his reputation but he trusts you so it doesn't become an issue
Sam and Chris absolutely adore you though, they see how happy Josh is so that's all that matters to them
If you do drink and get drunk, he's immediately at your side, making sure you're okay
100% will not leave your side if you throw up, he'll hold your hair back, get water, carry you to bed
Or just sick in general
He really likes carrying you, makes him feel strong :)
He'll run up behind you and just sweep you off your feet just because he can :)
He'll give you annoying cutesy nicknames to tease you
But the ones he uses in a serious way are cute
"There's my pretty girl."
"Y/n, my love I've discovered how to make Ramen in the coffee maker."
"Babygirl why are all my shirts in your hamper??"
Because you steal his shirts of course
Especially his flannels
Hannah and Beth like to steal you to hang out
Hannah just gets a call one day when you guys are hanging out
"Hannah did you take my wife?"
"1. You guys aren't married. 2. No, Beth took her I just drove."
Once a week all the girls get together and you get basically kidnapped the first time
Beth has a spare key so they all just came in, picked an outfit from your closet and Sam and Hannah carried you out
He just sat there speechless
"Josh wait, help me, what are they doing, Josh stop laughing help me."
"Have fun baby."
So the guys had to start having their own night
This is my first headcanon so please let me know if you enjoyed it and request if there's anything you'd like for me to write about!
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aetheternity · 3 years
Draken, Chifuyu, Mitsuya, the Kawata twins and Kazutora in:
When they see you with your ex.
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Disclaimer: E/N means Ex's name. The ex changes gender for each one to be more exclusive I'm sorry if it feels confusing. Kazutora's has mild angst but otherwise this is really sfw.
🌟 Draken
☆ He'd kinda crashed Mikey and Emma's day out. You'd told him you had something to do this weekend so what else was he supposed to do with his free time? The three of them had stopped to eat on the outdoor patio at a nice restaurant and while Emma and Mikey chatted away about something school related. Draken sat quietly sipping his tea.
☆ You'd been kinda weird when he'd asked why the two of you couldn't hang out today. You didn't even tell him what it was you were doing instead. And you always told him literally everything about your life. Sometimes unprompted.
• "Hey, isn't that Name?" Emma's voice suddenly caught his attention.
• "Who's the guy?" Mikey questioned in between bites of his food.
☆ Draken's head shot in the direction Emma had pointed in. Sure enough there you were, talking with a guy who was about the same height as Draken. Weirdly enough Draken felt like he'd seen this guy somewhere before.
• "Is that?.. E/N?"
☆ Draken squinted still staring at the two of you talking. You didn't exactly look happy but you and your ex were standing way too close. He felt a little pang in his heart.
• "Maybe she just.." Emma cut herself off. Your arm came up to wrap around your ex's neck. Pulling him in for a hug which he just as soon reciprocated.
• "Let's just go." Draken said and Emma seemed to immediately agree. As soon as Draken and Emma squeezed back into the open doors of the restaurant Mikey hightailed it in the opposite direction.
• "Dammit Mikey!"
• "Mikey!" Emma called but it was definitely too late for that.
☆ Mikey ran up behind you tapping your shoulder as Emma and Draken made their way down to the scene that was now forming.
• "Are you cheating on Ken chin?" Mikey questioned with zero hesitation. His face stern and his shoulders bared.
• "Mikey.." You said
• "I would've preferred to do this later." Draken grit. Though Mikey didn't even spare him a glance.
• "This is.. your new boyfriend right?" E/N asked
• "Name." Emma began "I know you wouldn't cheat on Draken.."
☆ You sighed putting some space between Mikey who looked two seconds away from punching someone and your ex whose confusion seemed to grow the longer this went on.
• "I'm not, I would never.." You sighed before continuing on. "He's dating my friend now and since we had some bad blood between us.. I figured I should try to get along with him since he's staying in my life. But I'm so sorry Ken Ken, I should've told you yesterday when you asked."
☆ Mikey stepped to the side as you held out your hand for Draken to take. He wasted no time pulling you into his arms, pressing a kiss to the top of your forehead.
• "Don't ever do this again."
• "Go out with my ex without explaining myself? Or get caught going out with my ex without explaining myself?"
• "All of it." Mikey interjected, hands placed in his pocket but his normal smile was starting to reappear.
• "Go home you two. I'm going to spend the rest of the afternoon with these two."
• "Oh? Is it because you're worried something will happen?" You asked Draken laced your finger tips slipping your hand into his pocket.
• "I was never worried, I just wanted to spend time with you." He explained
☆ Definitely should've just invited him in the first place because within a couple hours your ex and Draken have become better friends than the two of you were supposed to be.
🌟 Chifuyu
☆ Him and Takemichi decided to spend the afternoon in Chifuyu's favorite manga shop since sitting at home had become tiresome.
☆ Takemichi had organized a small pile of books around his body like a nest while Chifuyu just searched the aisles aimlessly. He didn't have a book in mind before coming here so he figured he'd pick one out from his favorite section once they got there.
• "Hey Chifuyu?" Takemichi looked up as Chifuyu flipped through one book while he held another in his hand.
• "I can't buy both of these. Takemichi which one do you think is better?"
• "Isn't that Name?" Takemichi pointed over the stack of books on his left sure enough just outside the aisle was you with a girl chatting away.
• "Who's the girl Name's talking with?" Takemichi asked looking up at Chifuyu, though Chifuyu had already ducked his way behind the bookshelf peering out of the aisle at the current scenario.
• "What the hell are you doing?" He asked coming over.
• "That's Name's ex."
• Takemichi fell in line next to Chifuyu peering over his head, "I didn't know Name dated girls too.."
• "Yeah.. it's not a big deal.." Chifuyu said as the two of you giggled about something a couple feet away.
• "If it's not a big deal why are we hiding?"
• "Shh!" Chifuyu ducked back as you and your ex walked a little ways away. "Come on let's follow them."
• "Why don't we just go talk to them?" Takemichi followed reluctantly.
• "I don't want Name to think I came here because I was stalking-"
☆ Just as Chifuyu had made it to the next aisle he tripped over a snag in the carpet causing an oblivious Takemichi to bump into him. A loud oof from both of them alerting you and your ex of their presence.
• "Chi?" You called annndd now you were coming over. "Hey Chi, what are you doing here?"
• "This is my favorite manga place." Chifuyu answered with a grunt, stepping into the aisle.
• "I know.. I just thought you and Takemichi would be at your place."
• "What's going on?.. This is what you were busy with?" He gestured between the two of you.
• "Chi." You stepped forward and Chifuyu took one step back. "You know how me and, E/N are childhood best friends and how my grandmother is sick right now? My grandmother is basically a second mother to her so she invited me out to take my mind and her's off things, She suggested we come in here and I said ok but it wasn't right of me to not tell you, I'm sorry baby."
☆ Chifuyu looked between you and your ex his eyes slowly beginning to soften.
• "I'm not mad love. It was just weird you don't normally do underhanded things like this." He pulled you into his chest for a hug and you wrapped your arms around his waist.
• "You should come with us." E/N said pointing to Chifuyu and Takemichi. "Name won't stop talking about how wonderful you are as a boyfriend anyway."
☆ A bright pink flutters over both you and Chifuyu's cheeks as Takemichi snickers behind you both.
• "Next time you can bring Hina and we can make this into an outing." Chifuyu said, poking Takemichi in his side with his elbow before wrapping his arm around your midsection.
☆ You guys probably end up staying in the store for a couple more hours honestly because if there's anything you and Chifuyu have in common it's your love for manga.
🌟 Mitsuya
☆ He'd been running errands for his mother all morning so by the time he reached the supermarket he was completely exhausted. He pushed his shopping cart through the aisles with a long sigh, checking off items as he went.
☆ He rounded the last corner glad that his day was nearly over and already thinking about what he was going to prepare for dinner when the sound of your voice caught his attention.
☆ His first assumption was that he was so tired he was imagining it but the airy ring of your laugh soon validated his suspicions. You'd told him you were hanging out with friends today after all.
☆ He grabbed the last thing on his list deciding to go say hi. He wheeled the cart directly into the next aisle walking up as you and a person he didn't recognize were having a chat with an elderly woman.
• "You two are so cute together." The woman gestured with a small smile.
• "Oh.. no we're exes and friends." E/N explained
• "Aw I'm sorry things didn't work out for you two." The woman nodded
☆ You opened your mouth to respond but Mitsuya's warm gaze caught your attention first.
• "Suya, hey!" You greeted, walking over to greet your boyfriend with a small hug.
• "That's the actual boyfriend." Your ex explained to the woman.
• "This is the friend you told me about yesterday?" Mitsuya asked looking at your ex with a blank expression.
☆ The tension in the aisle could be sliced with a knife and the lady from before quickly walked away to another side of the store.
• "We are just friends now I promise. There's nothing going on between us and they're having a party tonight that's why we're here." You gestured to your ex who awkwardly waved back. "I was going to invite you later so that you could sneak out when Luna and Mana are asleep."
• Mitsuya nodded his expression softening as he reached up to cup your cheek, "I wish you had just explained that earlier, next time just tell me I won't be angry."
• "I will, I promise." You gave him a quick peck which he reciprocated. "I'm going to head with Suya but I'll see you at the party later?" You asked turning to your ex.
• "Yeah, I'll see you then." They replied as they left.
☆ And yeah sure Mitsuya said he was cool with it but you two ended up skipping the party and after dinner you both stayed in bed all night.. (Do with that what you will. 🙃)
🌟 Nahoya/Smiley
☆ You'd only been dating Nahoya for a month and everyday you two met up at the same place after school.
☆ Sometimes (like today) he'd grab Souya/Angry and head out to meet you. Today the three of you were just supposed to grab a quick bite to eat before heading to the Toman meeting.
☆ The second the two of them had stopped their bikes Souya pointed you out where you were holding a box and talking to some stranger.
• "Who's that guy?" Nahoya's grin tightened as he watched the way the guy yapped away while you just silently listened.
• "He looks like somebody." Souya pondered for a second before his gaze fell on his brother. "I recognize his face he was in some picture on Name's wall."
☆ Nahoya didn't wait another second to storm over to the situation Souya trotting along behind with his teeth grit.
• "What the hell is this?" Nahoya grunted though his smile never wavered. The indent of anger extremely noticeable on his forehead.
• "Hoya, this is E/N he-"
• "E/N as in your ex?" Souya chimed up before you could finish.
• "You invited your ex here when you knew I was coming? What kind of shit are you pulling here Name?"
☆ His smile began to dip at the edges but it was obvious he was trying to keep up his natural facade. His fists clenching at his side, book bag carefully slipped into Souya's arms behind him.
• "I just needed my stuff back, I promise." You tried to explain, shaking the box in your possession for Nahoya to see.
• "I didn't mean to intrude on your-"
• "You shut the fuck up!"
• "Hoya!"
• "So you thought you should invite him on our date? Are you trying to piss me off?"
• You stomped your foot exasperation slowly starting to take over in your face and tone. "Hoya, I didn't invite him! I told him I was here and he's gonna be on vacation for three weeks but I needed my camera back." You hold up the camera that you'd fished from the box, Desperation thick in your voice. "So he decided to drop my stuff off with me and you just happened to get here before he could leave." You rest your fingertips on the bridge of your nose. Glad for the silence that soon arises.
• "I should go." Your ex whispers doing a little scoot around Nahoya who still hadn't completely cooled off.
• "Hey, stop it." Nahoya grips your chin pulling your shaky form closer to himself. "You should've just asked me to get your shit for you."
• You muster a little giggle, sniffling and wiping your face with the back of your hand. "You would've kicked his ass then brought me my stuff."
• "He would've deserved it."
☆ You pull Nahoya closer though he's still a little hesitant to return your affection.
• "Let me make it up to you please? You and Souya." You turn to Souya who's still holding both his and Nahoya's backpacks.
• "You're paying for lunch today." Nahoya replies pulling you into his side. He lowers his voice leaning into your ear as Souya walks ahead to his bike. "And if I ever see that jackass again I'll break his jaw."
🌟 Kazutora
☆ Baji and him had spent the day riding their motorcycles until they decided to take a break not too far away from the shrine where Toman meetings were always held.
☆ They soon found themselves parking their bikes and skipping stones by the riverbed.
• "So, why is it that you're hanging out with me instead of your partner today?" Baji asked as his stone plopped into the water.
• "They said they had something going on." Kazutora replied
• "If I was with someone that gorgeous I'd be willing to go with them but whatever."
• "Maybe you should have someone before you start dishing out relationship advice."
☆ Baji grinned wide throwing a soft punch which Kazutora caught with a snicker pretending to right hook him. It soon lead into a chase with Baji dodging all of Kazutora's playful jabs walking backwards and making sound effects to go along with each swipe of his fists.
☆ Baji grabbed both of Kazutora's fists pushing him back until he nearly tumbled onto his ass. His laugh unbridled in its volume.
• "Come here Kazutora I'll show you how to throw a real punch."
• "What the fuck.." Kazutora's gaze followed two people walking along the path that went just overhead.
☆ Baji's head whipped around to track Kazutora's gaze stopping on the two people walking side by side almost out of sight at this point.
• "Is that-" Kazutora was nearly gone by the time Baji had processed the words. "Hey!" He called out running to catch up but Kazutora had already sprinted to the top of the bank, jogging along to catch up to the people they'd spotted.
• "Name!" His voice boomed closing the distance scarily quick.
☆ You'd stopped dead in your tracks, turning to face the chilling look in your boyfriend's eyes as he stood before you. Baji right behind and practically out of breath.
• "Who is that?" Kazutora pointed
• "Tora.. baby don't freak out.."
☆ His earring clinked against his face as he stared into your eyes.
• "Are you leaving me now? Is that it?"
• "Tora!" You huff, putting your hands out.
• "Kazutora.." Baji called out already sensing the weight of the situation.
• "She's my ex but listen-"
• "So you are cheating on me.." Kazutora's jaw locks and when you reach out for his sleeves with pleas of his name he just slaps your arms away.
☆ When he leaves he runs for his bike. His leg anchored over the side already gripping the handle bars tightly when Baji's loud scream of his name rips through the air.
☆ He's got his bike out of park but just as he starts to drive away you dash out from nowhere and yank his handle bar.
• "Dammit Tora listen to me!!" You beg, he can clearly see the beginnings of tears stinging the corners of your eyes as you hold onto the hand still clutching his handlebars.
• "What could you possibly say? That it didn't mean anything? That you love me?!"
• "Yes! I do love you! You mean everything to me! I needed to be with E/N today because her mom went missing a couple days ago! The woman that took me in and loved me all my life is out there somewhere and no one knows anything about it so dammit Kazutora if you love me even half as much as I love you, don't leave me right now!"
☆ You latched onto his jacket letting your loud sobs fill the now quiet air.
• "You told me.. You love me.." His whispered tone barely reaches your ears as you continue to choke on your own tears.
• "I.. love you.. Tora.." You hiccuped
☆ His arms wrapped gently around your waist, face deep in the crook of your neck as you slowly began to relax.
• "I'm sorry." You felt him tremble as he held you closer than he ever had before. "I love you.." He reciprocated. "I'm here.."
🌟 Souya/Angry
☆ Souya tended to listen more than you realized. Like when you go on and on about a band you absolutely adore to the point where he stays up until almost 12 am to snag tickets for the two of you to go see them on the weekend. And this was that weekend.
☆ He'd been nearly bursting with excitement over it and now he could finally surprise you with the news after holding it in for a solid week.
☆ He parked his bike across the street from your house, reaching into his jacket pocket for the umpteenth time to check that both tickets were there. After a few more minutes of preparing, blowing into his hand to check his breath, smoothing his sweaty hands over his jacket. He rung your doorbell. The heel of his toe tapping against the floor as he waited for you to answer.
☆ When the door finally opened a person much taller than Souya answered.
• "Yup." The person pursed their lips one hand on the tool belt wrapped around their waist. For a second Souya pondered if he'd somehow rung the wrong doorbell until he looked at the number in plain view embellished on your door front.
• "Who are you?" It definitely came off more aggressive thanks to Angry's naturally violent resting face.
☆ Before the person could answer you came bounding down the stairs, pulling the door open wider.
• "Why the hell would you answer my door?" You spit at the person standing beside you as you pull your boyfriend inside, shutting the door behind him.
• "I think you mean thank you."
• "Fuck off." You tell the person who was already walking back to the kitchen.
☆ The naturally angry imprint on Souya's face seems to deepen as he makes eye contact with you.
• "I wish you had called." You sighed, tugging Souya into the living room by his jacket sleeves.
• "Who the hell is that?"
• "You remember how I said my ex is in the remodeling business.."
• "That's your ex?"
• "Yes but listen! If I work with him I can get a discount, I just want that wall taken out to open up the space a bit more." You gesture to the kitchen where your ex is currently examining the wall. "I would've told you sooner but between my friend coaxing me into doing this remodel and that drunk night with you and Nahoya it was hard to find time."
☆ Souya dipped his hands into his pockets, staring blankly into the distance. His brow furrowed deeper than normal and his foot tapped against the hardwood.
• "If you're uncomfortable with this I'll get someone else.."
• "Get someone else."
• "Wait before you answer." You scoot closer to your still ticked boyfriend and he makes eye contact with you again. "This kind of remodel normally costs way more than the bargain I'm getting with them."
☆ Souya blinked blankly at you.
• "Sou plllleeeeaaasssee, you can be here whenever they are." You gesture to the kitchen.
• "No I can't I have a job."
• "Fine.. I'll call you the entire time." He sighed with a roll of his eyes. And you rubbed both his arms with a long groan of his name. "How about this, I bring you and them to dinner. Once you see how disinterested I am you might be more for it."
• "Not worried about you, I'm worried about them." His forehead rubbed against yours and you giggled.
• "I promise I only love you."
• "Would you love me more if I got tickets to your favorite band for today?"
• "I'm never leaving you." You proclaim wrapping your arms tightly around Souya's midsection. "That's a proposal by the way we're engaged now. I don't make the rules."
• "E/N I'm engaged now!" You yell towards the kitchen.
• "I heard, congrats!" They yelled back
☆ Souya just scoffed but his cheeks bloomed into the deepest shade of red as he walked upstairs with you to your bedroom to help you pick out an outfit for the concert.
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miekasa · 4 years
random boyfriend eren hcs (modern/college au)
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↯ pairing: eren jaeger x (fem) reader
↯ genres and warnings: modern/college au, himbo eren supremacy as per usual, but can you imagine eren, armin, and jean living together in one house bye
↯ notes: this is me once again trying out this headcanon format, also because i have lots of thoughts about eren (being normal) and going to college lmao
↯ more notes: sorry i have to repost this again tumblr is being dumb ://
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Not a frat boy, but definitely lives by the mantra “work hard, party harder.”
Likes going out to frat parties and keggers first year, but calms down as time goes on. Sophomore year is more house parties and occasionally going downtown to clubs. By the time junior year rolls around tho, he and Jean are thee party hosts. Homecoming, Halloween, Pre-Thanksgiving break, you name it, those two have a reason to throw a party for it
But party doesn’t always mean absolute rager. Sometimes it’s just drinking with your friends, playing pong, and absolutely crushing Jean at uno. 
At parties with lots of other people, Eren really doesn’t let people fuck around with you, or any of his friends really. Once almost got into a fight because he watched a guy out his hands on yours and Mikasa’s waists to “move around you.” As if. 
Wears his key necklace around all the time, obviously. So he gives you a necklace with a lock on it, with both of your initials engraved on the back. 
Nobody really notices it at first, since the chains are long and the necklaces are you usually tucked inside your shirts. But one day, ever the observant one, Armin catches a glimpse of yours resting on top of your shirt. Cue squinted eyes looking back and forth between you and Eren before—eureka! “You and Eren have matching necklaces!!!”
Plays sports, not for a scholarship but just for fun. Gets very pouty when you can’t make it to his games; and gets extra pouty if you show up, but you’re not wearing his jersey.
On the flip side, gets very giddy when he sees you in the stands with his jersey on and very ostentatiously scoops you up into a hug after the game is over.
Literally does not know where the library is until you show it to him. Any of them. Help him.
The worst person to study with if he doesn’t have any actual work to do. Will bother you and prefer to gossip than to let you do your work in peace. If you need an actual study buddy, you should try Mikasa.
Drunkenly hits on you a lot. Scratch that, he hits on you regardless, drunk or sober, despite the fact that you’re literally dating him already.
Literally reserves at least two nights of the week to have dinner with Armin bye and you couldn’t even interrupt them if you tried.
Waits for you outside of your classroom if you’ve had an important presentation or something. Not always with anything cheesy or loud, but just to be able to cheer you on and congratulate you after.
Hates the act of going grocery shopping, but loves going with you. Also because you force him to buy things other than Anytizers and Kraft Mac and Cheese.
Steals your hair ties and scrunchies to put his hair up. Does not fucking give them back, and denies having them, even if they’re piling up on his wrist.
Will drive you anywhere and everywhere. He is your personal Uber. Even if you don’t want him to be, he would rather die than let you get into an actual Uber—and if it’s late at night? Forget it, Eren doesn’t care if you’re 45 mins away, he’ll come get you.
After you stabbed him with your pen for drawing in your notebook (with your very pristine notes), he started leaving sticky notes inside of them instead.
They’re all super random, usually incoherent, and sometimes just drawings, and you’d never tell him, but you keep every single one.
Cuts class a lot, but not to the point where he’s failing. Just when he feels like it’s deserved, you know? Like, if he attended lecture for a class all week, he deserved to skip Friday’s lecture. As a treat.
He’s embarrassing. Endearing, but so embarrassing. Like, singing in the middle of the street embarrassing. Asking you to do a TikTok in public embarrassing. Why do you even love him.
Moves off-campus during junior year and rooms with Jean and Armin in three-bedroom house. So, he’s never actually lonely, but he’s a little crybaby and will whine to get to you to come over.
LOVES sleeping over at your place, though. Because you live with Annie and Mikasa, so your place is always clean and always smells good. Plus Mikasa and Annie are usually busy, which means you get more privacy at your place.
Mikasa honestly just starts making breakfast for Eren in the mornings when he does sleep over, and Annie is so unfazed by his presence.
Jumps at the opportunity to join in on your girls wine-night or skincare-routine night. So what if it’s him and three other girls drinking red wine with face masks on and talking about Anne Hathaway movies while playing Monopoly Deal? It leaves him pleasantly buzzed and his skin is absolutely glowing, suck his dick, Connie.
Likely doesn’t understand a thing about your major/program but listens enthusiastically when you talk about it anyways.
His lock screen is the only selfie he’s ever convinced you to take with him. (That’s okay because he has many screenshots of your snaps for safekeeping and blackmailing).
Tries to get you to exercise with him. If you’re into that, then great. If you’re not, it’s okay, he always has time to stop and take a mid-workout thirst trap to send your way. Because he’s annoying like that.
Once accidentally replied to the whole class instead of just the professor on an email asking him to be a g and bump his 89.9 to a 90. Embarrassing. (The prof did raise in the end tho, so maybe he really does have some charm to him).
Has to wear reading glasses when studying for a long time/or at his computer for a long time, and even though he doesn’t like them, you think he looks super cute in them; so he wears them more often than usual. 
Calls you asking for the most obscure school supplies/stationary. “Babe, hey, you wouldn’t happen to have a spare 4x8 poster board laying around now would you?” 
Mind you this is at, like, 3am, 12 hours before the poster board in question is due. 
Speaking of stationary, is an absolute little shit and steals your good pens. He’s partial to the sparkly ones, if he’s being honest. They make his notes look better, fuck you, Jean. 
“Eren, give me back my purple 0.4mm pen.” “I don’t know what that is, sorry.” “Eren, I can see it in your hand!” 
Brings you snacks while you’re studying. If you’re really trying to crack down and be serious, he won’t even bother you. Just bring the snacks, bring you water and boba, kiss your little forehead and be on his way.
Has a polaroid camera he got as a birthday gift, and uses it to sneak pictures of you whenever you’re not looking. He keeps the good ones hung up on a sponge board in his room.
He has a few.... riskier ones too, but those are for his eyes only.
Loves to pick out your nail color when you get your nails done. Honestly gets a little pouty when you don’t ask him lmaoo
Purposely leaves his clothes around so you can wear them. Isn’t subtle about it in the slightest. Sometimes leaves them with a note: “Please wear this, you’d look cute as fuck. Thank you. —Management.”
(slightly nsfw below)
Is not too proud to ask you for risqué snaps. Not necessarily full nudes, thought he doesn’t object to those.
Will literally give you hickeys out of boredom. Will pull you onto his lap and start kissing your neck because he has nothing better to do. Also because it leads to sex 7/10 times. The other 3 times, it’s because he falls asleep with his head in your neck lmaoo
Might have once fucked you with one of his lectures playing in the background, but you’ll never tell.
He really likes phone sex. He’s shit at being quiet, so he can only really do it when Jean and Armin are out of the house, but there’s something about only being able to hear your moans to get off that really does it for him.
He’s kind of goofy and absentminded sometimes, so sometimes you’ll be mid-sex and he’ll look at you like “Hey, did you finish your assignment, it’s due tomorrow right?”
And honestly, you kinda wanna be upset, but then you start thinking—“Did I finish my assignment?” And then you realize you did and nod and he’s like “Ok, cool,” kisses your forehead and resumes where you left off.
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syubub · 3 years
BTS cuddle habits
Hi guys! I wanted to have a fun little silly read on what their cuddle habits are! It's cute and light and soft so I thought it might be nice!
Disclaimer: this is entertainment only and not to be taken as fact. This is only my interpretation!
Oki let's begin
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The first thing I thought of when I saw this is that he's not a strong grip cuddle kinda guy
He's more of the "if you're there and need cuddles I'll do it I guess" kinda guy
I think too he's very vigilant and whomever he is cuddling he is very aware of how to maximize the other person's comfort?
Like it almost seems for him, he'd be fine without cuddles
It's just not important to him as much as it is for others
But he knows that some people feel good when they get cuddles
All this to say
He doesn't preticularly seek out cuddles and prefers to be the one doing the cuddling
He knows that it's a way to give others comfort
It's definitely a low energy kinda thing for him too
I think any kinda pseudo cuddle would be preferable
Like, "I'm laying next to you and tapping your head, does that count"
It's a way to show comfort and to show that he's there for the person.
Definitely takes that time to learn more about why the person might be sad or in need of cuddles
It's a perfect time to talk it out
Definitely platonic cuddles wouldn't faze him at all
Very comforting
He'd give advice if needed or prompted
Wouldn't particularly tangle himself up with the other person
More like comforting "I'm here for you" back rubs and taps
Playing with hair
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Yoongi no
He's definitely more cuddly with his s.o than he his with friends
His cuddle style is very balanced
Probably likes to mirror his cuddle buddy
So like, facing each other
Probably holding hands
Also spooning and he'd be down for little spoon or big spoon depending on how he's feeling
Let me get a bit honest here
Cuddling for yoon is like holding the entire world
Sounds dramatic lol
It's a super intimate thing to share personal space like that
Even more than sex for him because the only objective is comfort and holding space for him and his person
Kinda. Intimacy in any form that it takes is really special and intense for him when it regards someone he truly cares for
This is about cuddles and not about how yoongi regards the act of bumping uglies
Platonic cuddles are a little less... wanted for him
Not that he hates it or anything. He just likes his space and would actively search for platonic cuddles often if every (if he knew a more physically affectionate person really needed to be held and comforted he wouldn't mind providing that but its just not something he typically looks for)
Because the thought of sharing such close personal space with someone is quite.. daunting? He feels a bit flustered
This is all heavily focused on yoongi preferring to have his cuddles with the people that he has the utmost respect for and trusts with his life
Definitely most comfortable with a romantic partner though
Definitely would love to have his hair played with and would reciprocate the favor
When things get rough in his head I think he would prefer to be held
Or like
I heard "held together"
Oof yoobi
Overall it's seems to be an act of trust and love and respect and anyone who gets a yoongi cuddle should feel honored
You guys
Just look at this cards
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Hobi Is definitely an enthusiastic cuddle buddy
Probs prefers to hold the other person
Definitely loves platonic cuddles all the way
Very much physical affection
Also very light and fun and giggly
Like, yoons is a more emotionally heavy feel
But hobis is so light and fun and recharging
It's not the destination
Like its not an event to have cuddles for him
It's almost as natural and fluid as just going in for a hug?
It's a continuation of a hug
Hobi snuggles more than cuddles?
Like any burst of affection he just goes in for a snuggle squeeze
I think as a human his body temperature is just always warm too
Versatile cuddles
Kinda octopus-esque
Can be kinda like a quick little battery charge for him
A good solid hobi cuddle would be like transporting to a new world where there are no worries
Very nice and secure
Would probably like sunshine cuddles or outdoor cuddles (without bugs)
I think sometimes he just likes to share his space with other people
Very warm friendly lovely I love it
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Talk about tension release lol
Cuddles for him aren't something he seeks out often but when he does...
It's like taking the cap off of a soda
Definitely a daydream type
Idk why but I think he cuddles himself? Like when he's super stressed
He probably hugs himself
Or maybe he has a weighted blanket?
He definitely has a calm way to sooth himself
But with other people
I think he likes more mellow, soft type cuddles
Definitely a repetitive movement type of person
Like gently tapping/patting or making shapes
I can't tell of he would like that or if that's what he does
Probably drifts to sleep if cuddling for a longer time lol
It's very seren and lovely energy tbh
A sleepy morning type of cuddle would probably help him calmly sort his thoughts and plans for the day
Just time to exist
Platonic cuddles y e s
Like I said, it wouldn't be something that I would see him searching for often at all
But its very helpful for him when he does
This makes me think of one time I went to a park with my friend
we found a nice patch of soft grass and had a nice little cuddle just existing in each others presence and feeling a nice soft breeze bring in the sweet summer smell
It was just kinda like time stopped and I could daydream and look at my priorities without feeling overwhelmed by them??
Like having a person physically with you to anchor you to reality and provide comfort
Idk it's just such a nice lovely type of thing that is really special when those moments come around
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Definitely loves cuddles
We know this
But this is really sweet
It's very emotionally fulfilling and I think it's an easy way for him to show his love and appreciation for someone
This sounds dumb but I think he physically tries to morph his body to other people?
Like cling film?
It's really cute?
Tbh any kinds of cuddle is a good cuddle for chim
I think physical touch just in general is really important for him
cuddles make him feel loved bc sometimes he needs to be reminded
Definitely will cuddle or be cuddled
With the 8 of wands I think he just kinda goes with the flow really
The ace of cups makes me almost see it as an exchange of energy?
Like swapping good vibes or recharging your good vibes
It's really sweet
I bet he'd be the type to make it a special event on occasion
Like all the blankets and pillows and a movie or book or album or something
And just be comfy
Comfy is the best way to describe this
10000% platonic cuddles
No one is spared
(Some are spared)
It's not like he's attached to them or needs them to breath
But physical touch is really important for him
And this is very optimal
I also think he'd be the type to go for drive by cuddles?
The 8 of wands can be a fast card so
Quick cuddles
Little snuggles
V good
wouldn't mind face to face cuddles at all
like a freshly washed blanket that's all warm and smells nice
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It was hard enough trying to interpret normal cards and you throw me this shit??
Here we go
It's definitely a mental resting point to have some good cuddles
Tae can be quite a physical person too so it doesn't suprise me to see
It almost feels solitary?
But not physically obviously
Kinda like joon he really benefits from having a reality anchor
He might be physically resting
And his mind is resting too
It's like he fucking Astral projects or some shit
Hear me out
It's like having a safe and comfortable environment being with someone you trust
He just kinda
Lifts up??
Like this might seem like daydreams to him but it's like... the Astral?
Lol definitely unexpected
It's not like this everytime
He benefits from cuddles when he is having a hard time and needs comfort
Also just because it's something that he finds relaxing
But like, let me explain
Death is like letting go of attachments
Four of swords can be like meditation
Wheel of fortune can be like opportunity or destiny?
And like, we all know tae has his angel and stuff
I think maybe his angel or guides or whatever take any opportunity where he is in a good enough state to just... yank him up to them??
But think about it
If he's comfortable and in a mental state where this is possible, it would be the perfect opportunity??
I want to expand on this later maybe
It doesn't exclusively happen when he's cuddling its just a time where his mind is open to it?
Also yes platonic cuddles yes yes yes
Wtf tae?
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These are all the cards that came out and all of them are relevant apparently
Firstly let's look at that lovers card and the magician
He's definitely down for a good cuddle and it's a sign of trust for him
Having a nice restful time where he can idly chat with someone probably helps him work through situations in his head
The magician can signify a powerful man...
I think he really enjoys being held and like, holding people tightly
Like it feels more secure like that
Definitely a release of stress and worry
Probably prefers cuddles more in the evening after he's worked hard and done stuff bc then he feels like he's earned the right to relax
Definitely down for platonic cuddles but with people he knows super well
This might sound weird but
I bet if the chance to cuddle arrives and it's not a suprise like "hey come here and cuddle" kinda thing he'd prepare
Like if there was a movie night and he knows it's gonna be nice and comfy he'd probably wear his favorite hoodie or shirt or whatever and pjs or sweatpants or whatever
Whip out the nice body butter
Some good smells
Fresh fabric softener smells
In a 100% not creepy and very platonic way
That sounds sarcastic but its not
Its called self care
Would also be the type to seek out cuddles if he has a bad day
Like the kind to flop down beside someone or put his head in their lap and just non verbally demand cuddles?
Like, have you ever been super frustrated and you just need someone to pet your hair? Or like hold you bc your working out your own shit internally?
It probably doesn't happen often and not when something really big is bothering him
Just smaller things
Would like repetitive motions/soothing motions
The six of swords make me think soft rocking would put him directly to sleep lol
Kinda like cars too
Very nice very nice
This was intresting and I didn't really know what it would be like but I didn't think it would be this lol tae was unexpected
Who are you guys most like? I think I'm maybe part jungkook and part yoongi? I'm not the most touchy feely person with friends but I am a lot more with partners. Jungkookie style cuddles is me when I'm around people that I've know for forever and are really good friends. Pull out good blankets, clothes, candles ect. Anything for optimal comfort. Joon style cuddles definitely sound like the most relaxing thing in the planet and makes me a bit nostalgic
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archived-kin · 4 years
late with lucifer
note from kin: i just realised that the title sounds like a talk show ffs
anyway get ready to get SAPPY (and also get ready for a low-key out of character lucifer)
fandom: obey me!
character(s): gn! reader, lucifer, satan, beelzebub, belphie
pairing(s): lucifer/reader
warning(s): brief existential dread right at the end but i think it’s relatively light
genre: fluff all the way (with maybe a teensy bit of angst???? i accidentally got kinda deep towards the end)
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Deciding to commit yourself to a bona fide workaholic music nerd who would sooner chop his own hand off than skip a single working day for potentially the rest of eternity has been... a choice and a half, to say the least. Yes, he’s a sweetheart most of the time, and you love him more than possibly any being in the known universe (though jury’s still out on cats and the dragon you met a couple of months ago who brings you giant mouthfuls of leaves every weekend), but you’d be lying if he didn’t have qualities that make you want to drop kick some sense into him sometimes. And one of those qualities happens to be his absolute refusal to just take a damn break.
“Just one more hour,” He keeps telling you whenever you ask him if he’s finally finished with his mountain load of paperwork. “One more hour, and then we can spend some time together.”
It has been five hours since Lucifer went to his study to ‘get a bit of work done’. Five hours of attempting to finish the mountain of books Satan has recommended you in the corner of the library, probably irritating the poor guy to no end with your constant restless shifting. You're surprised that he hasn’t up and left to go read in his room in peace - then again, it’d be hypocritical of him to tell you off for moving about. You’d think a bookworm like him would be so absorbed by his beloved books that he wouldn’t be able to move at all, but he fidgets about so much when he’s reading that you’re surprised he hasn’t somehow worn a hole through his favourite armchair yet. At any rate, you’re pretty sure you can see him getting ready to flip himself upside down for the seventh time this evening in the corner of your eye.
You try once again to focus on the lucrative business deal happening in Chapter 52 for the fourth time in the last ten minutes, but your brain just doesn’t seem to be listening to you right now; no matter how hard you try to register what’s going on, the words just don’t want to be processed. Finally, checking the clock on the wall for what feels like the hundredth time this evening, you decide that you might as well go bother your busy bee upstairs. It’s been at least a fortnight since you’ve been able to spend a full evening or night with him, and, if you’re honest, it’s beginning to get a little on your nerves.
Satan barely looks up from his book as you hop to your feet and begin making your way out, though he does lift a hand to wave a brief goodbye. Contrary to your prediction, he has not flipped himself upside down, but is now sitting the wrong way around on his armchair instead, facing the seat’s back, with his book carefully balanced on its head. Unconventional, but you’ll give him credit for the creativity.
The House of Lamentation is oddly quiet for a Friday night, but you’d guess that’s because Asmo and Mammon, the two loudest members of the house, have taken it upon themselves to celebrate the arrival of the weekend by going out for the night and probably blowing their savings in the process. Well, Asmo will be blowing his savings - Mammon will most likely find a way to put his spendings on one of his other brother’s tabs, or worse, yours. Then again, you don’t buy things often, so you suppose you can spare a bit of cash. (Knowing Mammon, though, he’ll probably buy enough to put you in debt for the rest of your life.)
On your way through the corridor, you’re struck by a sudden idea. Lucifer’s been shut in his study ever since he got home from the R.A.D., which means he most likely won't have eaten anything. At any rate, you know for a fact he wasn’t there for dinner with everyone else, which means you now have a much better excuse for going to see him other than just wanting to. Lucifer may be a stubborn demon, but he's never been able to resist a mug of tea and some biscuits on long nights when it's you offering them.
Beel is rustling about in the snack cupboard when you slip into the kitchen - no surprises there, but it is a little odd that he’s going for the lighter foods rather than something more filling. You'd comment on why he's down here so late into the night - he should really be in bed - but then again, it's Beel. He'd listen to his stomach over his brain any day of the week.
“Oh, hey,” He greets as he retreats from the cupboard with an armful of what look like several cookie boxes stacked on top of each other. “Did you get hungry as well?”
You shake your head and pull two mugs out of the crockery cabinet. “Nope. Just thought I’d bring Lucifer some tea and biscuits, you know?”
“He’s been in his office for ages,” Beel agrees with an earnest nod. He glances down at the heap of cookies in his arms, then pauses. “Ah… here.”
You look up as you fill the kettle with water to see him holding one of the boxes in his arms out to you.  “...what’s this for?”
“There aren’t any biscuits left in the cupboard,” He says by way of explanation, shaking the box he’s offering to indicate that you should take it. “So you can have these.”
“Aw, you don’t have to do that, Beel!” You gently push the box back towards him and give his arm a fond pat. “I’ll just bring him something else. Go ahead and eat the cookies, okay?”
On any other occasion, Beel would most likely have accepted your offer without hesitation (the day that Beel rejects food will probably never come, but you have a sneaking suspicion that a black hole would rip this reality apart if it does), but it must have been a really good day for him in terms of being fed, because he actually continues to try to give you the box. You’re tempted to coo at the big softie’s uncharacteristic generosity, but you’re not particularly sure how that would go over with him. If being in a relationship with Mr Pridey McPrideface upstairs has taught you anything, it’s that you can never take a reaction for granted.
“No, you have it,” Beel insists, shifting so that he doesn’t drop the rest of his biscuits and stubbornly attempting to shove the box into your hands. “I’ve got plenty right here.”
Your surprise must show on your face, because a moment later he smiles a little sheepishly and adds, “I promise I’m not sick or anything. I’ve still got lots right here. One box won’t make that much of a difference.”
You think it over for a moment as the kettle begins to bubble aggressively behind you. You’re a staunch believer in the fact that one should never deprive Beel of his food, partially because he’s an absolute sweetheart who deserves the food he eats, and partially because something bad could and probably would happen if said food is taken from him. Then again, you’re not taking the food from him, strictly speaking - he’s the one offering it to you. That exempts you, right? At the very least, you have a counter-argument if Belphie tries to persecute you for taking his beloved twin brother’s biscuits. (He probably wouldn’t - the kid adores you - but it’s good to be prepared for possible trials.)
“Ah, fine...” You eventually relent and allow Beel to press the box into your hands. Your compliance is well worth it - the beam on his face and the little pat he gives the box in your hands in satisfaction could probably cure multiple strains of cancer. “You’re the sweetest, you know that?”
He flushes slightly. “I-it’s not that big of a deal…”
“Oh, that’s nonsense,” You tell him firmly over your shoulder, beginning to busy yourself with the teabags and sugar as the kettle hisses to a halt. “Personally, I think I’m going to remember it for the rest of my life.”
You smile to yourself as Beel laughs a little bashfully behind you. “Thanks…”
“No problem, bub,” You reply, pausing in your work to turn around and shoot him a wink. “Hey, chuck me a spoon, would you?”
He nods and does just that - literally. He throws the spoon across the kitchen with such precision that it lands perfectly in your outstretched hand.
You thank him and begin to pour the hot water into Lucifer’s mug. He says that he likes his tea as is, without any bells or whistles or fancy additions, but you’ve been doing this thing for long enough that you know that he actually prefers his tea with a teaspoon of honey and just a splash of lemon. He just refuses to actually say it out loud.
(To be honest, you’re not sure why he does that - does he think tea with honey and lemon is a wimpy drink or something just because you told him it’s often drunk as a remedy for a sore throat in the human world? Knowing the way his mind works, it’s probably something along those lines, but still, it’s a weird conclusion to make.)
You finish preparing Lucifer’s tea quickly - you’ve done this so many times that the movements have become second nature to you at this point - and start making your own. The drinks are finished a minute or so later, and with that you begin setting up your little snack tray.
After a moment’s debate, you decide that today is worth going the extra mile, and start to carefully arrange the biscuits on a pretty plate.  It’s a bit of a hassle to get them into the right formation, but it’ll be well worth it once you get them to their intended receiver - Lucifer always gets the fondest little smile on his face when you bring him his biscuits in patterns, and that man doesn’t smile nearly enough for your taste. Personally, you’d quite like it if he smiled like that all the time, but then again, their rarity is what makes them so precious to you.
Ah - you’re starting to get sappy again. That’s a surefire sign that you haven’t spent enough time with your beloved demon lately. Well, it’s a good thing you’re going to see him now, isn’t it?
The door to Lucifer’s study is still as tightly shut as it was five hours ago when you approach it, but you doubt he’s actually locked it. He’s stopped doing that ever since your visits while he works became a regular thing - he hasn’t said it out loud yet, but you know that it’s his way of showing you that you’re always welcome to come in.
Unlocked as it is, though, you can’t exactly turn the doorknob to let yourself in. You’re a human of many talents, but being able to balance a heavy tray in one hand is not one of them. Lucifer’s tea wouldn’t make into his study - it’d just end up all over the floor.
“Lucifer!” You call softly through the door, mindful that he might be having another one of his work-induced headaches, “I’ve brought you some tea! Open up!”
For a while, the only reply is silence. You know there shouldn’t be any reason for him to be, but you can’t help but worry briefly if Lucifer’s somehow angry at you. Then again, Lucifer’s always liked to play the fashionably late card against you - whether to tease you or to disguise something, you’ll never know.
It turns out that your little worry was unfounded - a few moments later, the door swings open to reveal your favourite demon in all his exhausted-looking glory. Lucifer, who looks like the physical manifestation of work burnout, offers you a tired smile, and stands back to let you enter.
(Here’s a little secret - Lucifer would never tell you this, but he’d perked up like a kid when candy is offered the moment he heard your voice. Still, gotta put up the cool front, right? Even if that means waiting restlessly right next to the door for a minute so that you don’t think he’s over-eager…)
“Thank you.” He murmurs as you bring the tray over to his desk and set it down on one of the few patches of wood that aren’t covered by papers.
You dramatically pretend to swipe sweat from your forehead as if you’ve just finished a ten-mile run and shoot a smile up at him. “All in a day’s work, love.”
He smiles softly and leans in to gently press a kiss to the crown of your head. His pale cheeks have darkened slightly - Lucifer’s always been a softie when it comes to the host of sappy nicknames you’ve given him. One gentle ‘sweetheart’ and he’s melting like an ice cube on a hot day. It’s the sort of thing that people like Mammon and Levi would probably call gross or something, but you honestly couldn’t really care less about that. It’s not harming anyone else and it makes both of you happy, so why shouldn’t you give your lover as many endearing pet names as you can come up with?
“What even is all this?” You ask, peering at the papers scattered across the desk as Lucifer moves over to have a look at the plate of biscuits. You look up just in time to spot the way his eyes light up slightly when he sees the flower you've arranged them into.
“This and that,” He replies vaguely, hovering a single gloved hand uncertainly over the plate, as if trying to decide which biscuit he can take without spoiling the pattern.
“That’s hardly an answer at all,” You complain, plucking three broken quills from among the documents and waving them at him. “Why do you keep using these? A pen would be way more efficient.”
“Official documents should be written in the traditional way,” Lucifer tells you. He takes his time chewing the biscuit he’s finally chosen before continuing. “And Diavolo prefers quill and ink calligraphy to look at.”
“Honestly…” You round the edge of the desk and reach up to brush some powdered sugar from the corner of his mouth. “You don’t have to do absolutely everything according to him.”
Lucifer blinks down at you, lips parting slightly in half awe and half surprise as you smile at him. “Ah…”
His smile widens slightly, and he gazes at you with so much fondness in his eyes that you almost feel a little weak at the knees at the very sight. Lucifer really is a dangerous demon - in more ways than one.
“Well, c-come on, then,” You prompt him abruptly, not wanting him to realise how much his gaze has affected you, because you just know it’s going to give him an ego boost. He pauses in surprise as you start tugging him over to the big armchair beside the fire - the one that the both of you can fit snugly into together. “Let’s have a drink together.”
“I still have papers to fill out—” He attempts to say, but cuts himself off as you shake your head and stubbornly attempt to push him down into the seat. It doesn’t work - Lucifer’s much stronger than you, after all - but he does at least seem to appreciate the effort.
“You’re taking a break whether you like it or not,” You insist, starting to smack lightly at his arms in an bid to get him to listen to you. “Papers can wait. I’m more important.”
That does get a little chuckle out of him, and he finally relents, sitting down with a subtle sigh. “That goes without saying.”
You laugh, suddenly a little more hot around the collar than you’d have liked. “You said it!”
Pausing to retrieve the tray with the tea and biscuits and set it on the table beside the armchair, you quickly join Lucifer in front of the fire, snuggling in at his side and letting out a blissful sigh as you feel him start to draw circles on your arm with his fingers. It’s a sort of habit that he’s developed over the last few months - you’re not sure if he even realises that he’s doing it.
The two of you stay like that in comfortable silence for several minutes. Lucifer’s tense shoulders relax more and more with each passing moment, and soon enough, he’s sprawled out against you, pressing his cheek lovingly into the crown of your head. 
It’s only at moments like this that you get to see this softer version of him, so you always cherish it when it happens. Lucifer may be a slightly passive-aggressive panther who could kill most beings with a swipe of his hand if he sees fit, but, every now and then, he’s a sleepy panther who’ll roll over and let you scratch behind his ears.
Conversation is usually sparse at times like this - the two of you are content enough in each other’s presence that you don’t really need to make small talk. Today, however, Lucifer seems to have something he wants to vent about.
“Belphie has been missing a lot of his homework again lately,” He murmurs. You make a noise of affirmation to indicate that you’re listening, staring at the mugs of tea sitting on the table and pondering whether the two of you will actually manage to part for long enough to drink them.
“Is it anything important?” You ask after a moment, playing absent-mindedly with his left hand. He doesn’t make any move to stop you as you mess about with his slender fingers, so you assume that he doesn’t mind.
“Mostly essays,” He replies, shifting slightly and letting out a quiet sigh. “He’s never liked writing them, but he hasn’t had so many missing before.”
You make a thoughtful sound. Now that you think about it, wasn’t Belphie confiding in you about this the other day?
“It’s just hard to sit down and concentrate sometimes, especially when I’m always so tired,” You remember him saying resignedly over hot chocolate and marshmallows. “It’s not like I don’t want to turn all my homework in on time. Sometimes I just can’t.”
“Well, you shouldn’t force yourself to do them, either,” You’d replied, giving his shoulders a sympathetic pat. “Needs over school of course. If you need to sleep more, then sleep more - if you feel like you can’t write the essay, then don’t write the essay. I’ll talk to Lucifer if he gets mad at you.”
He’d given you a grateful smile then, and turned back to his hot chocolate with a marginally brighter look on his face.
“Belphie’s been having a lot of nightmares lately, so he isn’t getting as much sleep,” You say slowly. “I told him to go ahead and take as many naps as he has to. His needs are more important than schoolwork, after all.”
Lucifer takes a long while to answer, but you don’t mind. It’s only fairly recently that he’s really come to terms with the idea that he doesn’t need to be so hard on his brothers - that it’s okay to put their comfort before whatever image of respectability he’s trying to keep up for Diavolo. The change has been somewhat jarring, according to Satan, but it’s not an unwelcome one, and you’ll gladly take responsibility for it with your constant reminders and careful explanations that Lucifer’s younger brothers have their own problems that he needs to give more leeway for.
“...did he come to talk to you about this?” He asks finally.
“Yeah.” You can’t see his face, but you can practically hear the frown beginning to pinch at his brows. “I know it might not seem like it sometimes, but he does want to make you proud. He’s never wanted to disappoint you.”
He takes a deep breath and releases it with a low hum. “...Belphie has never disappointed me.”
“Seems that he doesn’t realise that sometimes, though,” You sigh, tracing the seams of his glove with your index finger. “He’s a good kid, really.”
Lucifer doesn’t give a verbal reply, but he does hum again. You shift slightly and turn to look up at him; he looks back at you with sleepy, half-lidded crimson eyes. “Take it easy on him, okay?”
He gazes at you in contemplative silence for a long while, blinking slowly like an affectionate cat. Finally, he nods, and you beam proudly, dipping your head to rest on his chest, carefully positioning yourself so that his buttons don’t dig into your cheek.
“I’ll speak to his teachers,” He says quietly. “We should be able to arrange something.”
You smile against the fabric of his waistcoat, taking his hand in yours and giving it a squeeze. “That’s progress. I’m proud of you.”
He doesn’t respond, but you know full well that he loves it when you say that to him. He didn’t in the early days of your relationship, mostly because he’d thought you were patronising him, but now that the two of you are so much more familiar with each other, he’s learnt to recognise that you don’t mince words; you say what you mean, and you mean what you say. Which is exactly why, as the Avatar of Pride, he absolutely loves it when you tell him that you’re proud of him.
Lucifer himself is deep in thought. Struck by a sudden warmth spreading through him, quite independent of the crackling fire before him, he wraps his arms around you, resting his cheek against your head. It’s at moments like these, when you’re so close to him, that he realises just how fragile humans like you are.
It terrifies him sometimes, knowing that the unforgiving march of time means that you cannot be with him forever. One day you will leave, and you will grow old and fade away without him, because, no matter how much he wishes otherwise, you belong to a different realm. You are not a demon, and he is not a human; your worlds can collide briefly, for a single, beautiful moment, but then they will continue to move in their own orbit - and perhaps they will never meet again.
Some would say that, for this reason, he never should have fallen in love in the first place. Relationships like yours have always had a sort of taboo, even in the Devildom, because all beings are not created equal; humans have such short, meaningless lifespans compared to demons and angels, such little power, always depending on leaders and faith in a deity that they cannot prove the existence of. That is what demons tend to think of humanity, and until he’d met you, Lucifer had felt similarly.
But your life has been anything but meaningless, and the power you hold over him and his brothers is far stronger than any amount of potent magic that any being holds. The seven lords of the Devildom would lay waste to all three realms should anything happen to you. 
Lucifer had never thought that he had the ability to love so deeply and so purely, but then again, he’d also never thought that a human like you could exist. It seems that he’s been wrong about a lot of things, and he can only pray that he will be wrong in his prediction of how this will end.
But you’re with him now, curled up against him with a content smile on your face. For now, you’re here, and while you are, Lucifer doesn’t want to waste time on worries.
Your story is yet to reach its ending, and if Lucifer knows anything, it’s that he will stay by your side until then. As long as your worlds are still connected, he will continue to love you, and he will love you long after your worlds separate again.
He’s sure of it.
541 notes · View notes
↦ Character(s): Kaminari Denki X reader
↦ Warnings: zapped out denki and caring reader? No proof reading?
↦ Word Count: (including the head canon part) 1.3k ish
↦ Your Momo’s Receipt: This is an entree following this appetizer where I talk about some head canons I have on zapped out Denki, feel free to read it, though they are stand alone writings.
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Does zapped out denki look kinda funny? yes
does that mean people should a l w a y s make fun of it? no.
Denki can get kinda insecure about it, especially when he’s around people he doesn’t know that well
obv he is comfortable enough with some people to become zapped out just to make others laugh
sometimes after missions he’ll be zapped out all night because teachers, mentors, etc. make him continue other activities instead of resting like he should
def gets the worst headaches after
rub his head pretty please
also you know how electricity and water don’t go well together? I think while yes his body can function fine normally even though water and electricity don’t mix well, but I think when he uses super high voltages, like when he gets zapped out, he gets super dehydrated and ends up drinking like 2 gallons of water
Like he doesn’t repel water its just his body doesn’t absorb as much as he should so he has to drink a lot more than normal people
Denki def likes being babied, I will take no criticism, I will never prefer Dom!denki compared to sub!denki, even in a non-sexual way, he is a baby and I will treat him as such
Baby him and he’ll get all blushy and cute, no one ever babies him because 1. girls just think he's a perv and can't respect women (which yes I will admit he is a perv but he def is a simp who respects women unlike rat boy who is an incel) 2. why would his friends that are guys baby him
Sometimes kiri will because taking care of your friends is manly or some shit like that but not all the time 
Even though the bakusquad takes care of the simple things that Denki needs while zapped out when you take care of him he feels like he's getting better 3x faster
Mainly because he feels he can relax the most when you’re taking care of him, when its the bakusquad he feels kinda stressed cause he doesn’t wanna do something dumb that will be a running joke for the whole school year or something
Once got caught on Sero’s tape and go wrapped up in it like a mummy, but he used so much of it that it took like 2 hours to get him fully unwrapped. Had a small bald spot in an unnoticeable spot on the back of his head because the tape w o u l d not come off
When you’re with him just hold him. Baby him. Set his head in your lap and just rub his head while he gets better. 
Another boring day had passed during your internship, thank god it was boring. No hero wants an interesting day seeing as to how that would mean a disaster had occurred or some evil bastard had committed a crime. Today it was all making sure kids weren’t running into the street or stopping creepy men from hitting on school girls, the most mundane common occurrences in your region of work.
You got to the dorms a little after some of the other students, you couldn’t tell who but you saw the living room in disarray and decided the first thing would be a shower and checking who was back was second. 
As you were showering, there was a loud bang on the door causing you to jump, what were these people trying to pull? you had jumped straight into fighting stance since you’re always ready for some crazy bitch to pull some psycho scene while you shower. 
“Y/N! Are you in there?” You heard one of the other students say, not sure who it was exactly because of the door between the two of you but knowing it was one of the girls because of the octave they spoke in. “Yeah, what’s up?” you said as you shut off the water, grabbing your towel and beginning to dry off, figuring that maybe you are in there too long. 
“Well... you see... Kaminari is kinda zapped out again and he won’t sit down for some reason. He just keeps walking around and we can’t get him to talk either. We think maybe he’s looking for you.” They said. “Okay, I’ll be right out. Just let me dry off and stuff” you replied, they said thank you quickly and almost more of a ‘thank you god’ than a ‘thank you Y/N’.
You came out of the shower and dried off your hair as much as you could with the towel, before heading down to the living room were the bakusquad had almost created what seemed like a circle around him to keep him from getting around. 
He made a sound similar to babbling when you finally came into sight and he just  had a pout on his lips as you got closer. The bakusquad all let out sighs of relief as you finally got to them and reached your hand out to Denki. Once he took your hand you put another hand on his shoulder and began to lead him to his room, hoping to help him get changed out of his internship clothes and clean the dirt off his face. Once you got to his door you took his spare key from your pocket and unlocked the door, helping him in since the last time you let go of his hand for him to walk in himself he walked straight into his dresser. 
Once you got him inside you helped him strip down, picking out some clean clothes for him. After he got dressed you took a damp rag and had him lay on the bed. Sitting down with his head in your lap. He just smiled up at you, almost like he was dumbstruck by love, his eyes big and he just laughed as you pushed the hair away from his forehead. Wiping it with the wet rag he sighed in comfort before you continued, attempting to be gentle instead of turning it into some type of facial exfoliation. 
“Are you okay baby?” You asked as you set the rag to the side and just ran your hand through his hair, pushing it back from his face. He hummed in reply, the best he could manage at the time but it was a good hum. “Good.” You said softly “You feel like drinking some water?” you asked again, this time him making a hum that was not such a good hum but not one of the completely horrible grunts. You sighed, time to pull some ‘gotta get my sick child to take medicine’ type stuff. “Well, would you mind sitting up and taking a few sips...” his eyes almost looked too sad to deny, knowing he really didn’t want to “please... for me?” you asked and he sighed before humming in the tone that means ‘oh okay, for you’. 
He leaned up with your help and you rubbed his back as you grabbed the water for him. He ended up drinking the entire glass and once you set it down he was leaning against your shoulder, tiredly, hardly able to hold himself up anymore as the tiredness and soreness finally hit him. 
“Good job baby” You said and wrapped an arm around his waist, pulling him closer as he wrapped both arms around you. “Let’s lay down now okay?” you said softly and he nodded against your shoulder. Once you laid down he smiled tiredly at you and then his blinks began to get more spaced out. 
“I love you. I’ll be right here if you need me okay?” You said softly, knowing his head must be hurting by now. 
“...love...you too...” He finally managed to speak before you kissed his forehead. Falling asleep before you pulled your lips away.
310 notes · View notes
Odd Hours//Getting Even
Pairing: Marcus Pike x Reader Rating: T Warnings: Cursing; Fluff; slow burn but not nearly as slow as my usual slow burns. Notes: This is uh... I don’t know, I’ve had the idea kicking around in my head for a while. Also please excuse the film trivia. I will take any excuse to talk about The Man Who Came to Dinner. I couldn’t decide on which title would suit better so I named it both. Not beta-read. Summary: You’d never spoken to the your new neighbor before, just traded friendly waves… At the oddest times. 
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Your new neighbor looked very put together all of the time. Well… The couple of times that you’d seen him in passing. He was always in a suit, his tie was always straight, and his hair was always coiffed so neatly. You just assumed that he looked that good all the time. You’d seen him with a beard once, and then the next time you’d seen him, he was clean-shaven. He was gorgeous both ways, but that beard… Fuck, it had looked good. You’d never spoken to the guy before, just traded friendly waves… At the oddest times.
-- The first time you spoke to him was evidence of that. It was almost three in the morning. You’d just gotten off of work at one of your jobs at a bar. You stifled a yawn as you stepped off of the elevator and fished into your pocket for your keys. You managed to dislodge something on your way, but you didn’t notice. At least, not until you heard: “You dropped this.” You turned to see your neighbor holding out the foldable reusable bag you tended to keep in your pocket. “Oh!” You reached out, smiling, “Thank you-- I didn’t even notice.” “Sure,” He nodded, “We haven’t met, I’m in 5B.” “5A,” You jerked your thumb over your shoulder to your door. “Marcus Pike,” He held his hand out to you, and you shook it, giving him your name. “Long night?” You asked, and he chuckled, nodding. “Very.” The two of you linger for a moment longer before you nod over your shoulder, “I’ve got a couple of hungry cats to get to, so.” “Right,” Marcus nodded. “Nice to meet you.” “You, too.” You ducked into your apartment, shutting and locking the door behind yourself. You flicked the living room light on and tossed your keys into the bowl beside the door. You stepped further inside, smiling at the sight of your two Siamese cats, Princess and Pyewacket. They lifted their heads from where they were both lounging on the couch. “I met our neighbor,” You told them. Pyewacket got up, stretching before jumping off of the couch and following you into the kitchen. “Yes, he seemed very nice,” You answered the cat’s unasked question as you reached down, scratching his chin above the black moon and star patterned collar he had on. Princess slinked into the kitchen behind him, a matching pink collar around her neck. “And hello to you, too,” You murmured, “Let’s get you fed.” -- The next run-in was almost two weeks later. It was nearly noon, and you were coming off of your other job at a bookstore nearby. You ran into Marcus as he was leaving his apartment, and your brows rose. “Hi there,” he greeted, smiling. “Hey,” You shift your bag on your shoulder as you twirl your keys around your finger. “How are the cats?” You laughed a little, nodding, “They’re good. I won’t say they were happy to see me, but I fed them, so they tolerated my existence for another day.” You eyed his pristine-as-usual-suit. “Heading to work?” “Yeah, just came off of a late night. I actually just kinda...Came back to shower and change,” He absently swept his hand over his tie. “Oh, yikes,” Your brow furrowed, “What do you do?” “I work for the FBI, International Art Theft.” Your brows rose. “Wow.” “Surprised?”
“A little,” You admitted as you walked to your door, “I had my money on your being a lawyer.”
You lean back against your door, waving at him, “It was the suits.” 
He chuckled, “I should get going-- as long as you don’t have any stolen art in there.”
“If I did, I wouldn’t tell you, now would I?” You teased, shooting him a wink, “Have a good day, Agent, and uh-- try to get some sleep at some point.”
It wasn’t every day that you got a knock on your door at two in the morning. Your hackles were immediately up, and you were quiet and careful as you crept toward your door. You peered through the peephole, frowning at the sight of Agent Pike-- And one of your cats. You hurriedly flicked your light on and opened the door. “Is, uh, this one of yours?”
“Pye,” You groaned, reaching out to take Pyewacket out of Marcus’ arms, “I’m sorry-- sometimes he slips out when I come in, and-- He’s such a weirdo, he always waits right out here.” You cuddled him close to your chest, smiling a little as Pyewacket pushed his head up against your chin. “Thank you,” You added, scratching Pye under the chin, “I hope he didn’t bug you.” “No, he was pretty friendly.” Your brows rose. That was rather unlike Pyewacket. “I’ll be honest, I was a little surprised to see you holding him-- Though that was more because, you know.” “It’s like two in the morning?” Marcus asked. You laughed, nodding. “Another late night for you, Agent?” “Slightly,” Marcus admitted before reaching out and scratching Pyewacket under the chin, “But I appreciated the welcoming committee.” You smiled, glancing down at the cat as Marcus’ fingers brushed yours. “Well, I’m glad Pye could be of assistance.” “‘Pye’?” Marcus repeated, leaning in your doorway, “Like the food?” “Oh, no. It’s short for Pyewacket,” You explained, shifting the cat in your arms. “Like in Bell, Book and Candle with uh-- Kim Novak and Jimmy Stewart?” He asked. You blinked up at Marcus in surprise. “Uh… Yeah,” You nodded, and laughed, “Sorry, just-- Most people don’t know that.” “I’m a fan of classic movies. --Who’s this?” Marcus looked down.
You followed his gaze, laughing, “Someone that was feeling left out. That’s Princess,” You smiled. You took a little bit of a step back as Marcus crouched down to pet her. You were suddenly acutely aware that you were in your pajamas and Marcus was still very...very suited. You couldn’t help but grin as he cooed over Princess, though. “I’m not gonna lie, you strike me as a dog guy,” You admitted. “Oh,” Marcus scooped Princess up, cradling her against his chest, “I do like dogs, don’t get me wrong, but my grandmother had a cat-- big fluffy Persian named Chester.” You were quiet for a moment, watching Marcus and Princess before you glanced into your apartment. “Do um--” You hesitated, “Do you wanna come in for a drink or something?” Frankly, standing across from a cute guy as you each held one of your cats had to be the weirdest way you had ever asked a man into your place. But it wound up with you and Marcus on your couch with a beer each having a shockingly nice conversation. You didn’t keep him long - you could tell it had been a long night for him and you didn’t want to keep him late - not to mention you had come off of a shift at the bar and you were pretty tired yourself.
Pike was out of there by 2:45 (though you’d gotten his number in your phone and yours in his by 2:42). Pyewacket trotted after him to the door. Marcus gave him one last scratch under his chin, one last look at you before he murmured, “Goodnight.”
Smitten was not the word you would use.  It was what you were, but you wouldn’t admit it. Hell, you barely knew the guy, had only met him a couple of times. But he seemed sweet-- and your cats liked him, that was a good sign. 
You tried not to reflect on the fact that that thought made you sound like your Great-Aunt Cecily.
You held off on using Pike’s phone number for about two weeks. Then one night, around 10:30, in the middle of a William Powell marathon on TCM, Pyewacket jumped off of your couch and trotted over to the front door. You frowned, watching him and muttering, “What the fuck, dude?” before you heard the jingling of keys. You smiled when you realized why he’d gotten up - and went out on a limb as you pulled your phone out and texted Pike:
-Either you just got home or the ghosts in the hallway are bothering my cat again
You raised your phone, snapping a quick picture of Pyewacket at the door before sending it off. You glanced down at the lone messages in the chat before you closed it, tossing your phone onto the couch cushion beside you. It didn’t stay there long, though-- it buzzed a moment later.
5B: You’ve got a great alarm cat
5B: Just how often do the ghosts in the hallway bother Pyewacket?
5B: And how many ghosts are we talking?
-Like once a week, they’re very mean to him.
-And at least two ghosts, I’m convinced
You put your phone down, figuring that that would be the end of it. You were wrong. 5B: They bug Princess, too?
-Nope, they don’t dare. No one fucks with Princess
-How’s work?
5B: Busy.  -Long day?
5B: Excruciatingly
-Sorry 😞
You winced, resting your head on your hand and considering.  Why did you use an emoji? You raised your phone and snapped a picture of Princess where she was curled up on your lap.
-You could take Princess with you next time if it’ll help?
5B: Might take you up on that. I’d prefer not to be fucked with tomorrow
You smiled. -I’ll see what I can do about a leash
5B: Very kind of you
5B: Okay, I don’t wanna be weird, but I feel like almost every time I come in around dinner time, whatever you get or are making smells delicious
You looked down at your phone as it buzzed and chuckled, picking it up from where you’d left it on the counter. 
-Not weird. Not to brag but I’m kinda the slow-cooker queen
You glanced at the slow-cooker, and the timer reading fifteen minutes left on the food you were making. It was a large batch - you’d wanted to have enough so that you could bring lunch to work at the bookstore. But there was enough to spare. You hesitated before texting,
Marcus brought wine, and stayed for three hours. The two of you ate dinner, did the washing up, and wound up on your couch watching It Happened One Night. Conversation flowed over most of it - you’d both seen it several times. The movie gave the two of you the chance to watch and weave in and out of conversation and film trivia without pressure. Pye and Princess curled up on the couch between you like sleepy little chaperones.
By the time he left, the bottle of wine that he’d brought was empty, and he had cat hair all over his pant legs.
“Thanks for dinner,” He turned around to face you as he stopped in the hall.
“Sure,” You leaned in your doorway, tucking your hands into the pockets of your sweatpants.
“I’ll have to have you over sometime, make us even.”
Your stomach flipped at the offer and you nodded, “I’d like that.”
“What’s got you out so late?”
“I’m guessing it’s the bar and not the bookshop?” Marcus asked as he watched you slouch against the wall of the elevator. You smiled a little tiredly. “I see those sharp skills aren’t just reserved for art thieves, Agent Pike.” He chuckled as the two of you stepped off at your floor. “What about you?” You asked. “Grabbed drinks with the team after work. We closed a case.” “Congratulations,” You smiled, “What happened?”
“It’s a slightly long story,” Marcus shrugged, “...Would you like to come in and hear about it?” “Gimme half an hour to shower and feed the babies and I’ll be right over.” --  “...Shit.” “What?” You lifted your head from his shoulder. Considering the last two times Marcus had been to yours, you hadn’t had any reservations about going over to Marcus’ in your comfy clothes. You’d shuffled over in your slippers, and when Marcus had opened the door, you’d held up a bottle of white wine. He’d grinned and told you it would pair well with the grilled cheese he was planning on making for the two of you. Without the cats between you, you and Marcus had settled close together on the couch. As the late night wore into early morning, you’d wound up tucked into his side as you talked. “It’s almost four,” He chuckled, looking away from his watch. “Oh,” You yawned widely, “I should let you get to bed.” “I’m the boss, I can get in a little late.” You smiled, tipping your head up and finding him watching you. “You don’t seem the type to abuse that power,” You teased. “Long as it doesn’t become a habit.” “Mm-mm,” You shook your head a little bit and sat up, “I don’t wanna be a bad influence. I save that for Pye and Princess.” “Can I walk you home?” You laughed and nodded as you and Marcus got up from the couch. You missed the warmth of him as soon as you were up, and you were so tempted to turn back toward him and cuddle into his chest-- if only to warm back up. You chatted a little more on your way to the door, and you tried not to overthink the way Marcus put his hand on your lower back as he opened the door for you. -- “Can you recommend a good book?” You didn’t look away from what you’re shelving, but you couldn’t help the slight flurry of butterflies in your stomach at the question. “That depends on what you’re looking for.” “Oh...Maybe something on classic film.” “That’s gonna be two aisles that way,” You nodded over your shoulder, “Back wall.” “Could you show me?” “You really don’t have anything better to do today, Agent Pike?” You teased. There was a pause before you heard him drifting closer to you. He peered over your shoulder, his breath brushing against the shell of your ear as he murmured, “Well, I was hoping I could take you to lunch, if you’ve got time.” “You trying to even out our meal score?”
You glanced up as he leaned against the shelf beside you and met your eyes. “I’m trying to spend more time with you,” He admitted, “If you’re interested.” You lowered your eyes to the books you were shelving, unable to help the smile that grew on your lips at his bluntness. “I’m interested.” 
Lunch ended with plans for Marcus to come over after your shift at the bar the following night. He dropped you back off at the bookstore and left you with a kiss on the corner of your mouth that you thought about for the rest of your shift. --
TCM was airing a Bette Davis marathon. By the time you got home, it was nearly 10:30. You showered, neatened up the apartment, cleaned as much cat hair off of the couch as you possibly could, and told Princess and Pyewacket to behave themselves. Princess blinked at you; Pyewacket flicked his tail. You texted Marcus that he could come over whenever he was ready, and there was a knock on the door ten minutes later. Marcus looked cozy in a way you hadn’t seen before - sweatpants and a t-shirt that accentuated his broad shoulders and strong arms. You stepped back and nodded him in, and grinned as he crouched down, immediately scooping up Pyewacket as he came over. --
“You know, Bette Davis wanted John Barrymore to play Whiteside,” You were cuddled against Marcus’ chest; his arm was curled around your shoulders, fingers skimming along the strap of your tank top, “But he was drinking so heavily he couldn’t remember his lines. They wound up going with Monty Wooley-- he played Whiteside on Broadway, too.” “Really?” Marcus’ question was mumbled against your temple. You nodded a little. “Mhm. Cary Grant was set to play the role at one point, but Davis was so against it that he withdrew.” “Something tells me you like this movie.” You laughed, reaching out and absently picking off a piece of cat hair off of his sweatpants. When you’d disposed of it, you rested your hand on his knee lightly, giving him a chance to shake it off. Marcus just gave your shoulder a squeeze, and you gave his knee one in turn.
The two of you watched The Man Who Came to Dinner and All About Eve. “I’m worried that I’m setting a dangerous precedent for your sleep pattern,” You sighed as the credits rolled. It was almost half past three. “Mm, don’t worry about me,” He murmured, nuzzling into your neck. You closed your eyes, shivering a little bit. “...Do you wanna stay over?” You offered, raising your hand and lightly running your fingers along Marcus’ arm. “I’d like that.” You could hear the smile in his voice. “C’mon,” You urged, patting his thigh and standing. “Should we clean up?” Marcus stood with you, looking at the empty popcorn bowl and discarded cans of beer on the coffee table. “Nah, we can deal with it in the morning,” You took hold of his hand, leading him back to your room. Marcus glanced back toward your cats, to where Princess and Pyewacket were still settled on the couch. “Do the cats sleep with you?” He asked. “Sometimes.” “They gonna be mad if I shut your door?” “They’ll get over it.”
-- It was your alarm that woke you up. You leaned across Marcus, mumbling your ‘sorry’s and shutting it off. Once you did, you leaned back down, resting your head on his shoulder and closing your eyes again. You smiled as his arm curled around your waist. “You need to go?” He mumbled. “No, just-- Forgot I had it set.” “Good.” You smiled, turning your head and nuzzling against his shoulder. “You sleep okay?” “Mhm,” He hummed, sliding his thumb along the hem of your shirt, “You should stay over at mine next time.” “So we’re even?” You blinked up at him as his fingers curled under your jaw, tipping your head up to look at him. “Things aren’t always about getting even,” He smiled sleepily down at you. “What’s it about then?” “...Why’d you ask me to stay over?” You hesitated before you pushed yourself up to lean over him, “I thought you’d look good in my bed. And whaddaya know? I was right.” Marcus laughed, using the arm wrapped around you to draw you against his chest. “You know what I’ve been thinking about?” He asked. “Mm?” “Kissing you.” Heat curls in your stomach, tingling and pleasant. “Something stopping you?” You asked. The hand on your jaw slipped down to rest on the back of your neck. His eyes darted between your eyes and your lips for a few moments before he leaned up, brushing his lips against yours. You felt that spark grow in your stomach, and you dipped your head a little closer, chasing the chaste touch. You shifted, leaning more heavily against him and resting your hand on his chest, fingers curling in the fabric of his shirt, hooking in his collar. When he pulled you closer and turned, settling you down on your back, you went easily, letting your thighs splay so that he could lay between them. You moaned quietly as your kisses became warmer, more insistent. You wrapped an arm around Marcus’ shoulders, sighing as he slipped a hand under your shirt. And then you heard a yowl at your door. You groaned quietly, dropping your head back as Marcus laughed, resting his forehead against your neck. “I told them to behave,” You whined. “Don't blame them, this is on me. I should’ve kissed you last night,” Marcus murmured against your throat. You shivered, chuckling a little. “I should feed them before they do something rude like continue to yell... or throw up in your shoes.” “Would they do that?” “Oh, god yeah. I love Princess, but she’s an asshole.” --
You reached down, setting Pye’s food dish down for him and scratching him behind the ears as he began to eat. Princess was already halfway through her food. You glanced over at your phone as it buzzed on the counter and grinned when you saw who it was.
❤️5B: How’s unpacking?
-Nearly finished. A couple of boxes left. Pye was sleeping on a stack, so I couldn’t touch it.
❤️5B: No worries, baby. On my way home. Need anything?
-Cat food and popcorn. Humphrey Boggart marathon starts at 8
❤️5B: Takeout?
-Nope, got dinner covered. ❤️5B: You’re my favorite. -Don’t let Pyewacket hear you saying that. ❤️5B: Favorite human.
-Better. Btw some couple moved in across the hall. I think they have a dog?
❤️5B: I’ll make sure Pye doesn’t get out when I come in
Tag list: @mylittlelonelyappreciationtoo; @fantasticcopeaglepasta; @paintballkid711
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hizashis-lil-bunbun · 4 years
BNHA Valentine’s Day Headcanons!
Happy first day of February! Some of my Discord friends and I were brainstorming how different My Hero characters would celebrate Valentine’s Day. So let’s give ‘em a whirl! All characters are adults or aged up to be 18+ in these scenarios.
Big thanks to @varnienne, @emmappelle, @sweet-darling91, @donica95​, and @katsontherun for letting me bounce ideas off of them. 💖
Hizashi Yamada (Present Mic)
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Gotta start with my blonde bby. And the best way I can describe his ideal Valentine’s is BIG and LOUD!
He’s never been one shy away from telling you how he feels, but he’s especially talkative on V-Day. Going on and on about how lucky he is, how much he loves you, etc.
It’s love songs all day, baby! From blasting modern pop songs while he makes breakfast to sweet, old-fashioned tunes that he makes you slow dance with him to in the living room. He’s a true romantic (and a surprisingly good dancer to boot).
And he might even (re: definitely will) serenade you. The man is a musician after all! In fact, don’t be surprised if Hizashi wrote a song just for you.
As far as gifts go, Hizashi goes all out. He’s a hero and a celebrity, with the salaries to match. So you can expect a few big ticket items. Plus, he’s a good listener. If you ever mentioned something you needed/wanted/expressed interest in, chances are it will arrive wrapped up in red and pink paper on the day.
“Hey little listener! Remember how ya said you might wanna try painting? No? Well I turned the spare room into a studio for ya anyways! Maybe you can make me something to hang up at the station, yeah?”
But just because his gifts are expensive and flashy, that doesn’t mean he devalues your own. Hizashi will blubber and gush over anything you give him, from lavish luxuries to a something as simple as a homemade card. Loudly I might add. Make sure to have earplugs handy.
Unfortunately, one of the drawbacks of having a radio star as your partner is that he’ll most likely have to work on Valentine’s Day. It’s even worse if he had teach that day as well. So don’t count on any fancy dinners until after the 14th.
But if you tune into his station on the day (and you will), there will be at least three or four songs dedicated to “his favorite little listener.”
Even if he can’t be with you on the actual night, he’s definitely going to make up for lost time. Mood music, candlelight, the whole nine yards. He wants to romance you. To make you feel as good as you make him feel everyday.
Oral and overstimulation are the name of the game, and Hizashi is a giver through and through. He’s happy as a clam once he’s got his face buried between your legs, making you cum for the umpteenth time that night. Seriously, does he ever come up for air?
Praise is also a big thing for him. It flows from his mouth like the sweetest wine. And with his quirk, every whispered word and groan against your body feels just as intoxicating. Good vibrations indeed.
He also loves it when you’re vocal. No love song can compete with the way you cry and moan under his touch. He’ll make you sing for him all night long and into the morning hours.
“Damn, baby. I love you so damn much. Love the way you look cumming on my tongue. Think you can do it again?”
Eijiro Kirishima
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Okay. This boy adores Valentine’s Day! Like it’s his favorite holiday.
And how can he not? Everything in the stores is red! He can stock up on red merchandise for the rest of the year in the span of a week. And believe me, he does.
This means his partner should expect a lot of the cliché gifts on the big day: teddy bears, heart-shaped boxes, and red roses to name a few. Oh, and he’s definitely got a stockpile of cheesy, punny Valentine cards centered around his and his friend’s hero personas.
His favorite is the one that says “I think you’re a Red Riot! Be my Valentine?” But maybe that’s partially because it came from you.
Kirishima doesn’t just shower you with crimson trinkets; he buys treats for everyone! Especially his closest friends. To him, Valentine’s is all about showing the people he loves most just how much he cares. And it’s honestly adorable to see him practically bouncing off the walls in excitement when he finds a little red treasure for this year’s celebration.
“Babe! Look at that red shark plushie. It looks just like me! So manly!”
*proceeds to buy seven of them: one for him, one for you, and one for everyone in the Bakusquad + Tetsutetsu*
But at the end of the day, once all the chocolates and stuffed animals have been given away, he’ll make sure you know there’s no one he loves more than you. He spends the final hours alone with you, eating a home cooked meal and cuddling on the couch. Times like these are his favorite, just being to hold you close and appreciate your presence in his life.
Fair warning though. You’ll probably end up watching some some cheesy romcom, cuz he loves those too.
Of course, the red theme continues in the bedroom: red rose petals, red sheets, even a set of red lingerie he bought just for the occasion. Which he proceeds to rip apart minutes after you’ve gotten them on. Hope they weren’t too expensive.
Kirishima tries to be gentle with you, he really does. Savoring your pleasure and letting your orgasms crest and fall naturally. He wants to see you cooing and boneless by the end of the night.
But sometimes he underestimates his own strength and gets a little rougher than expected. Maybe he gives too sharp of a love bite, or squeezes your hips a little too hard. But it’s all done out of passionate love, so you don’t mind too much.
You might actually prefer it if he gets a little rougher.
However, if you wanna get kinky, there is one thing Kiri’s always down for: pulling you over his knee for a good, old-fashioned spanking. His quirk is perfect for it, hardening the palm of his hand just before it smacks down on the soft flesh. It’s like he has a set of built-in paddles. Trust me, if you let him get into a good rhythm, by the end of the night your ass will match the Valentine’s decor perfectly.
“Not pushing you too hard am I, beautiful? I know I can be unbreakable sometimes, but I never want to break you. I love you too much to do that.”
Mirio Togata
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TBH, before he met you, Mirio was a bit of a player (which is kinda canon). Like “has a different date every year” player.
And can you blame him? He’s a total heartbreaker with that (le)million dollar smile and those baby blue eyes. He got so much Valentine’s chocolate from girls in high school, it was sickening! But with you, things are different.
For starters, he’s not so big on material gifts. Giving or receiving.
“How could I want anything more when I’ve got my sunshine right here?”
No, this sweet himbo is all about making memories with his partner! Sharing experiences and spending as much quality time together as possible.
So he plans everything days, sometimes weeks, in advance. Budgeting his time and money to squeeze as much love into a single day as humanly possible.
The moment you wake up on February 14th, he hits the ground running. Quite literally! He’s practically doing laps around your bedroom in his excitement to get the day started.
Valentine’s Day with Mirio turns out to be a marathon of couple activities. Bike riding to a local café for breakfast. Sight-seeing in Tokyo followed by ice cream in the afternoon. He even manages to sniff out a carnival for you to go to in the evening, letting you run amok on the rides and games. And yes, he definitely spends too much money trying to win you one of those giant stuffed animals.
By the end of the day, you’re thoroughly spent and just want to snuggle up next to him. And maybe have a late night snack of chocolate. Mirio is more than happy to indulge you, even offering to carry you home. Anything to be close to his precious sunshine.
Despite your sleepiness and aching feet, Mirio insists he has one last surprise to give you. So he asks you to lay face-down on the bed and wait for him. Naked of course.
Once he finds what he’s looking for, he straddles your tailbone with his thighs and squirts something slippery onto your back. You yelp at the cold sensation and that earns a laugh from Mirio. He tells you it’s massage oil. One specifically designed to relieve muscle tension.
It’s like he knew you’d be sore after his day of non-stop adventuring. Almost like he planned it... What a smooth criminal.
It makes sense though. Maybe it’s because his quirk requires him to pass through things, but physical touch is his primary love language. Nothing grounds him quite like having you in his arms, worshiping every inch of your body.
He works you over, kneading at the muscles in your back, hips, and legs with steady pressure and prescision. He even rubs your feet, making the earlier pains melt away into bliss.
You’re almost too sleepy and relaxed to realize one of his hands is creeping up your body until it’s too late. Next thing you know, he’s curling his fingers into you, amplifying the pleasure of the massage in a new way. Like I said, Mirio’s a smooth criminal when he wants to be.
“Feeling good, sunshine? Yeah, I’ll bet you are. You always look so cute like this... just makes me want to kiss you all over. Maybe I will! But I think you’re still a little tense right... here.”
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supimjustwriting · 4 years
Housewife like S/O
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Dorm Leaders x Reader
Author’s Note: An adorable request from @Memen666 . I can already see all the dandelion seeds flying about. How beautiful ~! ACHOO! And quite fluffy. Please do remember to take care of yourselves and enjoy the garden.
I actually had trouble with this admittedly. I hope you enjoy this small patch of flowers. 
Riddle Rosehearts
- Oh no. There’s two of them now. You and Riddle became the mom and dad of Heartslabyul whether you liked it or not. Also known as good cop and bad cop. Luckily ever since he started dating you, he was a little bit more lenient on the rules. Even as his S/O you try your best to cover for Ace, Deuce and any of the other dorm students who slipped up on a rule.
- Unbirthday parties became a little less chaotic with you around since things are being done much faster. Under the careful watch of the queen of hearts and his lover. Things tended to go smoothly. I’m looking at you Ace and Deuce + Grim.
- It took him by surprise when you started packing a lunch for him, meeting him before school started to give it to him. At first it was really embarrassing especially if other people decided to watch you two but all the care you put into the lunch made all the embarrassment melt away.
- The little sticky note telling him that he’s halfway done with his day never failed to put a smile on his face. Also the themed lunches are the cutest thing. Sometimes he feels bad for eating such an art but it’ll be more insulting not to eat it at all.
- Overall Heartslabyul is even more orderly than before. If that was even possible.
Leona Kingscholar
- If anyone was benefiting from your natural caring nature it was Ruggie. Instead of the young Hyena running about to look out for Leona, you always tended to beat him to the punch. Only if you weren’t whisked off to take a nap with the big kitty, of course.
- At lunch you’d meet him at school gardens with a homemade lunch. Filled with a variety of cooked meats and steamed vegetables. He always finishes everything you make him even if it isn’t to his tastes. Big kitty just wants his meat.
- You're always either trying to get him up to study or you’re wrapping him in a blanket so he’s cozy. There’s no inbetween. Unless it’s exam season. Then you bet your ass, you’ll be quizzing and making sure your lover is studying.
- Growing up in the Afterglow Savanna, he’s quite submissive towards you overall. It sometimes takes him off guard how kind you are. Though when you set your mind to something, that’s when you kinda resemble the women back home. 
Azul Ashengrotto
- You doting on him made him highly suspicious of you at first. Surely you were only acting this way because you wanted something from him. When you showed how sincere your actions were. The boy just wanted to curl up in his octo pot and chastise himself for suspecting someone so pure.
- He prefers when your affection for him stays behind closed doors. Your sudden kisses on his cheek when you visit him in his dorm never fail to make him into a blushing mess, internally of course. He has an image to maintain after all.
-  If you’re dating long enough. I can see him let you go through his contracts with him. Helping him file them and overall just keep them in order. It never really occurred to him how stressful the process was until you began helping him regularly. Azul can’t help but admire your concentrated form at times and tucks some hair behind your ear before heading back to work. It’s a comfortable lifestyle and he hopes to continue it with you.
Kalim Al-Asim
- You are the angel on his shoulder. Whenever he’s about to do something exciting, (read as reckless/stupid), He tends to run off to find you to ask if you’d like to join him. Whenever you explain why his idea is a bad one. He gives you the biggest puppy dog eyes, only to be defeated by your own. Plus Jamil’s lectures.
- In a way he’s your angel as well. Reminding you to take breaks while whisking you away from your work. It’s hard to keep track of your stamina when you’re so focused on everyone else. Kalim reminds you that you gotta think of yourself as well.
- With all the affection you give him. He tries to give it back to you ten-fold! Make him lunch. Congrats! You’ve earned yourself a full 8 course meal! Of course, he’ll stop if you tell him to. He just wants to make you as happy as you make him.
Vil Schoenheit
I see this as a I scratch your back you scratch mine type of relationship. This is the part where I realize I have no clue how to write for Vil.
Your sincerity makes his heart melt as he’s used to people sucking up to him, simply to make their ‘image’ look better. It feels like a breath of fresh air whenever he comes home to you or spots you in the crowd while he walks down the runway.
He appreciates every little thing you do for him and tries his best to repay you. Even if he doesn’t have time to spare. So, you two would follow his beauty routine together or he’ll treat you to a nice dinner out some nights.
You’re his rock in this twisted, stressful world and he feels so lucky to have met and fall for someone like you.
Idia Shorud
- Please don’t put your hair into the hairstyle of death.
- Every little gesture makes his heart skip a beat. Sure, it gets annoying when you tell him that he needs to rest but the concern in your eyes tells him you’re right.
- Ever since he started dating you. He noticed he had a little bit more energy than usual. He’s been eating regularly and he swears that Ortho has been peppier than usual.
- Idia loves it when you look after Ortho. He can’t help but want to tear up a bit when he sees his little brother laughing and running around like a real kid.
- He believes that you deserve much better than him and your constant reassurance gives him relief yet angers him. The anger isn’t towards you of course but to himself because of the way he is. If you were a regular couple you’d go out for dinner, hang out in places that aren’t his room, you’ll be able to see your friends more. Yet here you are sticking by him. For you, he wants to try to better himself. 
Malleus Draconia 
- Why is this fetus trying to care for me?
- He finds your doting adorable and it reminds him of when Lillia took care of him when he was a child.
- It comes as a bit of shock at first. Though he warms up to it quickly. Just the fact that you talk to him without fear, intrigues him and now here you are caring for him deeply. Now that he thinks about it. This is how married couples act in novels, is it not?
- Malleus tries his best to dote on you as well. Helping out with small tasks such as laundry and washing dishes, though you have to show him how to do it first since others always did it for him. Expect him to watch you with curious eyes as you go throughout your day without using magic. “Humans are quite creative when it comes to solving their problems, aren’t they?”
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milfgritty · 4 years
constellation of asters | m. frost & j. farabee
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❀ ⇢ requested: yes | no ❀ ⇢ genre: poly!au | soulmate!au | gender neutral reader ❀ ⇢ word count: 12.9k ❀ ⇢ a/n: yea i have no excuses for this. enjoy.
everyone has a soulmate, it’s just a simple known fact. a red string, a soulmark, first words tattooed on the inside of your wrist, there’s something to help every person find theirs. except, well, you never had any of those. growing up, you (kinda) came to terms with the fact that you might just not have a soulmate at all. it’s not until you meet morgan and joel that you begin to reconsider the possibility that you actually have not one, but two.
⇢ posted: 02.07.21 . | . masterlist
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There are the lucky ones in the world who are born with an identifying soulmark. Something that leads them straight to their soulmate, whether it be a red string of fate, or the date of their other half’s birth, or even a tattoo shared only by the two of them. 
You, though?
You wish you were one of them. But alas, no string, no tattoo, no drawings, not even a damn clock. Nothing to ever even allude to the existence of your supposed other half. When you were younger it terrified you, made you think that something went wrong wherever soulmates were paired. Left you alone, destined to never be the perfect match for anyone. You used to watch in envy of all the kids in the schoolyard proudly displaying their tattoos, showing off whatever new their soulmate drew on their skin that morning. Knowing that they would remember that you were one of the unlucky ones soon enough, the ones people whispered about under their breath, never loudly as though terrified if someone heard them their own soulmate would vanish.
Not having a soulmate was kind of a big deal, if you couldn’t tell. 
And still years went by and you grew up with half-assed reassurances of ‘don’t worry, I’m sure your soulmate is out there somewhere, you’ll see’ and ‘maybe you just have an invisible soulmark, didn’t you know those are a thing?’. Years went by, and you grew up, and you rationalized. 
You didn’t need a soulmate. People without them got along just fine, and sometimes people lost theirs without ever meeting them in the first place. Hell, you were actually luckier than everyone else because you had the free will, the agency, to pick who you wanted to spend the rest of your life with. So what if they weren’t handpicked and perfect for you, you would be happy, dammit.
That’s what you told yourself, at least. 
Done with a particularly rough day of classes, you figured it was only fair to reward yourself with your favorite drink from your favorite cafe near campus. It was a special treat that you rarely afforded yourself, what with you fitting the stereotypical broke college image to an almost painful extent. Dodging other people on the sidewalk, you clutched your jacket closer around your body to protect from the harsh wind. The bag on your back straining under the combined weight of your single (five subject) notebook, textbooks, and laptop, you cursed yourself under your breath for not at the very least putting it in your car before making the five minute trek. 
Slipping into the tiny cafe nestled on the corner, you allowed yourself a sigh of relief. You took the moment to drop your stuff at a vacant table before making your way to the counter. Waiting in line, your eyes scanned the menu despite knowing exactly what you would get, as you did every time you let yourself come here. Back aching and your hand attempting to massage it from the worst possible angle, the line continued to shorten until you could order and retreat back to your table. 
You were tempted to stay, even after getting your coffee. Free wifi, decent music, and minimal noise? Easily get through at least homework for one class. But a larger part of you yearned for your warm bed and cozy blankets, preferably with pajamas. And so, it was with maximum effort that you picked back up your bag and coffee and slipped out the door and into the windy outdoors once more. 
The walk back to your car was more bearable with the addition of a hand warmer, so much so that you took the longer way through the small park you had walked past on your way there. With the trees above and around you and the dancing leaves raining down, their colors slowly changing from their normal shade to the yellows and oranges of autumn, a smile slipped onto your lips. Your eyes lingered on the flowers lining the pathway, your mind trying futilely to identify which ones they wer—
A body slammed into yours, shoulders knocking violently as you were shoved off balance. Your still mostly full coffee fell from your hand, lid flying off and spilling onto the ground. You landed miraculously not in the growing puddle of hot coffee, but still flat on your ass as you stared up in shock at the man who had somehow remained standing. 
Seconds ticked by as you stared at each other, uncomprehending. The tall and outrageously sturdy stranger broke through his shock first.
“I’m so sorry, holy shit,” he rushed out, hand reaching down to help you up. Gazing unblinking at the outstretched limb, you allowed him to pull you up. Bare skin touching yours, you only allowed a split second of disappointment when there was no discernable reaction before smothering it back down.
Really, you thought, what did I expect? A mark to show up on our hands linking us together? How naive. You really thought you had gotten passed doing that.
“It—it’s fine,” you mumbled, sparing a despaired glance down at your spilled coffee, “don’t worry about it.” How neither you nor your bag didn’t end up in the puddle was beyond you, but you’ll take it. 
His gaze followed yours, landing on the pitiful cup. “Fuck, your drink, I’m so sorry.”
“Seriously, it’s fine. Stop apologizing,” you told him, adjusting your bag and turning to leave. There was no way you were going back to the cafe and getting another drink, this one was already indulging yourself. 
“No, hey,” he lightly grabbed your jacket, stopping you. “Let me buy you a new one, make it up to you for spilling that one.” 
Suddenly much closer to his tall frame, your eyes caught on his brown ones. There was just something about him that you could already feel your resolve chipping away. 
“I was on my way to Starbucks anyway, it’s no problem,” he continued, as though sensing he was breaking you down. At the mention of Starbucks, though, your nose involuntarily scrunched. Something he definitely caught. “Or wherever it was you got that,” he laughed, his smile making your heart catch a beat. 
You shouldn’t, you really shouldn’t. Not when he’s oddly pretty and he could have a soulmate who’s not you and—
“Yea, sure.” You smiled, “Luckily for you, it’s pretty close to here.”
His smile widened, eyes crinkling at the corner, and his hand dropped from your sleeve. It was strange how much you felt its absence, but you pushed the thought away. “After you then,” he stepped aside, gesturing you forward. 
Moving around him, you fell in step together, going back the way you came. 
“I’m Morgan, by the way,” he—Morgan—introduced himself after a beat. Studying him for a split second, you thought the name suited him. 
“Y/N,” you said in response, ignoring the way his smile made you want to smile, too.
“It’s nice to meet you, Y/N.” And the two of you kept walking. 
Two months. It had been two months of hearing Morgan talk about Y/N this, Y/N that, and Joel still wasn’t quite sure if he liked or hated you. 
Depends on the day, really.
It wasn’t anything against you as a person; it was just, well. He wasn’t sure what it was if he was being completely honest. Maybe it was the way Morgan brightened at the mention of your name, maybe it was how he always brought you up in conversation, maybe it was how obvious it was that he liked you.
But he definitely wasn’t jealous. Of course not. How ridiculous.
He watched Morgan move around in their shared kitchen, rambling on and on. Something about how you joked earlier when you were hanging out that you would wear his jersey if he bought it for you. At that moment, he couldn’t hold the thing he couldn’t quite identify in anymore. “So have you brought up how you feel, yet?” 
Morgan stopped and closed the fridge door that he had half his body shoved inside and digging around in as he turned to face him. Brows furrowed, he shook his head with a look of poorly feigned confusion. “I—what? No, it’s not like that. Why would you even ask that?” he questioned, staring him down.
Joel shrugged, fidgeting on the stool he had perched himself on when Morgan went into the kitchen. He really wasn’t sure why he had asked. He just had. A part of him didn’t want to know why.
“Just feels like the two of you have been hanging out as much as you can. The way you talk, it’s pretty obvious how you, at least, feel,” he replied. He picked at his sweats, avoiding his roommate's gaze.
Morgan cleared his throat, turning back to the fridge. “I don’t—not like that, man,” he told him over his shoulder. He gave the fridge a second glance before closing the door, walking past Joel and out of the kitchen. 
“It’s not a big deal if you do,” Joel said as he followed him back into the living room. “You haven’t found your soulmate yet, plenty of people date before they do.”
“Why are you so concerned about it, Beezer?” Morgan pivoted on his heel to face him, forcing Joel to stop in his tracks unless he wanted to run him down. 
“I—I don’t, I’m not,” he answered, mind racing, “I just think you’ve been practically obsessed with them for months and I haven’t even met them—”
Morgan laughed sharply, cutting him off, “Is that what this is about? Seriously?”
“I mean, kinda? It’d be nice, at least.”
“Fine, then I’ll ask if we can all do something together this weekend. Is that good for you, Joel?”
Ignoring the sarcasm in his last sentence, he maneuvered around his body and flopped down onto the couch. “It is actually, thanks.” In his head, however, he was less certain. How was he gonna be able to interact with you? Would his jealousy—no, not jealousy—be obvious to Morgan, to you?
Aside from the noise coming from the TV, the next few minutes passed in relative silence after Morgan crashed down next to him. Their previous conversation already partially forgotten, Joel became focused on the shitty reality show that had started to play without them noticing earlier. 
“Look, it’s not like I’m an idiot,” Morgan started suddenly, scaring him slightly. Joel’s head turned toward him, brow lifting in question. Morgan glanced at him before returning his gaze to the TV and continuing. “It’s just, yea. Maybe you’re right.”
He trailed off, leaving him to wait. “And?”
Morgan rolled his eyes and shuffled further into the couch. “And, I don’t know if I even have a soulmate,” he steamrolled on, “Just because I might not doesn’t mean—doesn’t mean no one does, you know? I don’t want to be the selfish asshole who gets into a relationship with someone who might have a perfect match waiting for them, someone that isn’t me.” 
“You don’t know if you have a soulmate?” The piece of information stuck out to him. Hit him in the gut and made his heart jump into his throat.
His roommate shrugged, continued to steadfastly ignore him. “Never had a mark or any of the other shit people had. It’s not—not that big of a deal. But I don’t want to be with someone and always be afraid that they’re going to find what I can’t and leave me behind.” 
Joel swallowed roughly, his heart racing. “Oh,” he mumbled, voice as quiet as Morgan’s had become by the time he had gotten done speaking.
“Yea,” Morgan huffed a bitter sounding laugh, “Oh.”
“You know,” Joel spoke lightly, softly, as though worried that talking too loud would ruin everything, “People always say that things work out in the end, even if it’s shit getting there.”
This time the laugh that escaped Morgan was more real, less cold. “Is that your way of making me feel better, Beezer?”
“Depends,” he smiled, bright at the sound of his laugh, “is it working?”
Morgan threw a pillow at him, it bouncing lightly off his head. “Dude, shut up,” he told him, the smile on his face softening his words. Following his advice, Joel adjusted himself on the couch, heart feeling just a bit lighter than it had previously.
“So I was thinking,” Morgan started as you walked down the street together.
“Absolutely shocking, continue,” you cut in, rewarded with a shove as you laughed.
“As I was saying,” he stressed, “You should come over for a game night or something this weekend.”
“Uh,” you stuttered out. “Yea, sure. Sounds fun. Will Joel be there?” You hadn’t meant to sound so shocked, but as it was, you most definitely were. In the what, two, three? Months since you had known Morgan, you never went to his place. Never met his elusive roommate. Sure, you had heard about Joel. It was hard not to when Morgan could—and had—talk for hours about his teammate. 
But you had never met him. And to be honest, at this point you were kinda scared to. 
Sure, he seemed like a nice enough guy. Except he clearly meant the world to Morgan, and well, Morgan meant the world to you. And yea, you weren’t sure when he began to mean so much, but he does. And you want Joel to like you. What if he doesn’t?
“Yea, Beezer’ll be there. Finally get to meet him.” He nudged you lightly, shooting you a smile. Smiling nervously back, you ducked under his arm and into the cafe as he held the door open for you. 
Coming to the little cafe on the corner had become tradition, Morgan falling in love with the shop just as much as you had. It didn’t bother you in the slightest since he pays for you whenever you two come. Which is, to say, far too often.
Placing both of your orders and finding a table, you turned to your friend. “Do you think,” you began nervously, picking at the edge of the table, “do you think he’ll like me? Joel?”
Morgan looked up from his phone and tilted his head. “Of course he will. Why?”
“I don’t know,” you shrugged, lying through your teeth. “It’s just, he’s your roommate—and your teammate—and wouldn’t it be, like, a little awkward if he actually hates me?”
Your question seemed to stump Morgan for a minute, his mouth opening and closing, eyebrows scrunched up as he looked at you from across the tiny table. You sat quietly, watching him think over his answer. Eyes wandering his face, your lips quirked as you just managed to pick out the way his lashes curled at the ends. So unfair, you thought, why does he get the long eyelashes? Finally, he seemed to get his words in order.
“Even if he doesn’t like you, which he definitely won’t,” he rushed out the last half, “But if he didn’t, it wouldn’t matter. It’s not like we would stop hanging out or anything. We would just, just keep hanging out the way we have been.”
Watching him, you chewed on the inside of your lip. “Promise?” you asked, voice coming out quieter than you had wanted. You hated the way you feared losing Morgan, scared that he had wormed his way into your life so quickly. 
His foot nudged yours under the table, breaking you out of your thoughts. Eyes meeting yours, your heart gave a tug at the sweet smile dancing across his lips. “Yea,” he told you, “I promise.”
Breath catching, you smiled back. “Then this weekend it is.”
The weekend came far sooner than you expected. 
“But you’re on your way, right?” Morgan questioned you over the phone. Figured you were running late today of all days. It was Saturday, dammit, you slept in late. That wasn’t a crime.
“Yes, Morg, I’m on my way. Leaving right now,” you reassured him, grabbing your keys off the counter and making your way to your door.
You heard his—frankly, exaggerated—breath of relief even on your end, gaining a fond eye roll out of you. “Okay, good,” he replied, “See you in like, twenty?”
“Uh-huh,” you muttered halfheartedly in response, more focused on locking up behind you. “I’ll see you in twenty.”
The only downside, of course, is that twenty minutes was definitely not enough time to settle your anxiety. And so soon enough, you were at Morgan’s shared apartment, and walking up to Morgan’s shared apartment, and oh god you were in front of his door, oh no—
This is fine. This is fine. Taking a deep breath, you reminded yourself that no matter what, even if Joel didn’t like you, Morgan wouldn’t drop you. He promised. 
Christ, that sounded lame even in your head. 
Psyching yourself up, you raised your hand to their door and knocked. Ignoring the way your hand trembled lightly, you almost jumped when the door swung open faster than you expected.
“Hey,” Morgan appeared in the doorway, beaming down at you, “You made it.”
A snort left you without your permission. “Yea, you dork, I made it.” 
Catching his eye roll, you grinned as he stepped aside and swept his hand out. “Welcome to our apartment.” Your grin widened at how dumb he was and moved past him, brushing lightly against him as you entered. 
Walking in, your eyes caught on the form draped against the couch. Heart stuttering, all the anxiety that had briefly left you came flooding back. Morgan stepped around you, guiding you over to the living room. 
“Hey, asshole, you gonna say hi or what?” he asked, picking up a pillow and throwing it at Joel. It thumped softly onto his chest and rolled off the couch, causing him to glare up at Morgan. 
You stared wide eyed as Joel huffed and slung his legs over the side of the couch, standing up and unfolding to a height similar to Morgan. Giants, you scoffed lightly under your breath, they’re literally giants. Casually, you maneuvered until your body was just barely behind Morgan.
“Sup,” he did a weird head nod thing, his eyes roaming up and down your body. “I’m Joel, it’s uh—it’s nice to finally meet you.”
You smiled weakly up at him. “Y/—” you tried, cutting yourself off and clearing your throat, “Y/N. Nice to finally meet you, too.”
The two of you stared the other down, silence filling the room as Morgan watched the two of you watching each other. Rocking on your heels, you alternated between looking at him and around the room. 
“You know, uh,” Joel started abruptly, slipping his hands into the pockets of his sweats, “Frosty talks a lot about you. Can’t shut up, I don’t think.”
“Dude,” Morgan hissed at him as a laugh slipped past your lips. You felt your cheeks warm, your smile finally feeling less forced and more genuine.
“It’s funny,” you told him, ignoring Morgan, “he talks a lot about you, too. Once he gets started, it seems like he can’t stop.”
“I hate both of you. Why did I think this was a good idea,” Morgan said, throwing his hands up and slipping in between the two of you into what you assumed was the kitchen. The sound of yours and Joel’s laughter followed him, the pair of you sharing a conspirator’s smile. 
Joel was the first to break, his smile lingering as he spared you a glance and followed Morgan. “Don’t be like that, Morg. We’re getting along already. Isn’t that what you wanted?” 
Giggling, you walked in after them. “I don’t know what I was worried about,” you teased, sidling up to the counter, “Joel is great.” 
“Oh, you would think so,” Morgan rolled his eyes, pulling a sweet tea out of the fridge and handing it to you. Smiling in thanks, you opened it and took a sip.
“Wait,” Joel stopped and shook his head, “were you actually worried about meeting me?”
Eyes widening and head shooting up, you were positive panic flitted across your face. “Uhhh,” you started, shifting from foot to foot and shrugging, “A little? I mean, you’re his roommate and teammate and he talks about you all the time—”
“—I do not—”
“Yea, you do, Morg,” you laughed, glancing over at him before returning your attention to Joel. “But, yea. After so long without meeting, I guess I kinda built you up in my head and I got worried you wouldn’t like me and things would, I don’t know, be awkward for Morgan. It’s dumb.”
It was dumb, you realized, standing there. Joel was...you didn’t even know how to describe it. He was soothing. Calming in the same way Morgan was to you, like a balm to your anxiety. Easy to talk to, joke with. It had barely been ten minutes and already you could tell that. It was the same feeling that made you let Morgan buy you another drink when you first met.
“It’s not dumb,” he told you, lifting one shoulder in a half shrug, “I guess I felt the same way.”
“Really?” you asked, surprised. For some reason, you didn’t really expect him to feel much of, well, anything when it came to meeting you.
Grinning, he nudged your foot. “Don’t look so shocked. Even NHLers have feelings, you know.”
“Shut up,” both you and Morgan chorused, glancing at each other before laughing. It was then you realized how close the three of you were, the kitchen not exactly the largest room. If you moved one way, you’d bump into Morgan. If you moved the other, it would be Joel. 
“Wanna play fortnite or something?” Morgan asked, clearing your thoughts. He knew you well enough to figure out what the scrunch of your nose after his suggestion meant. “Or not fortnite, you have a better idea?”
“What else do you guys have?” You asked, hoping against odds they would have something that wasn’t completely awful. 
Joel and Morgan shared a look, communicating silently. 
“Uhh,” Joel started, “I think we have like, Skyrim? Never got around to playing it, though.”
Eyes immediately brightening, you straightened. You almost didn’t notice how the move brought you that much closer to him. “Dude, Skyrim came out like ten years ago. How have you never played?”
“Looks like Skyrim, it is,” Morgan muttered, squeezing past you to the living room. 
“I don’t know,” Joel tried to defend himself, “It’s not what I usually play.”
“Well, that changes today, buddy.” 
“Did you just call him buddy, oh my god,” you heard Morgan’s voice distantly, covered mostly by Joel’s shocked snort. 
Thirty minutes later found the three of you sprawled across the couch, limbs just barely intertwining as Joel tried still to make his way through the character creation screen. 
“Is that a cat? Do they have fucking furries in this game?”
“I swear, I’m gonna throw my sweet tea at you,” you threatened while swallowing down laughter at Joel’s commentary.
“Do it, I’m not getting you another one,” Morgan told you, his hand lying lightly on the bottom of your calf. 
“Yea, you would,” you smiled over at him. 
A snort came from Joel’s direction, followed by, “Dude, you would.”
“Shut the fuck up, Beezer, I didn’t ask you.”
Mock gasping, you reached over and hit Morgan’s shoulder, eliciting a sharp ‘hey’ from him. “No being mean to each other,” you laughed, settling back down, shoulder brushing against Joel’s side.
“You heard the lady, Frosty,” Joel smirked, sticking his tongue out at him. 
“I’m never letting the two of you hang out again,” Morgan groaned, throwing his head back. His thumb had paused in the motion of rubbing circles into your leg. 
Exchanging a glance with the boys, you smiled. “I think it might be a bit too late for that.”
“You know,” you had innocently told Morgan and Joel a few days ago, “it’s kinda funny that two of my closest friends are professional ice hockey players and I’ve never even gone skating before.”
He was shocked at the revelation. Horrified, even. And definitely planning on rectifying that minor fact, something Joel fully supported and helped plan. Sadly, it took a few days before he and Joel were both home and didn’t have practice or a game and you didn’t have classes or homework, leaving the three of you able to hang out. 
He always counted it as a minor miracle when all of your schedules lined up. In the months he and Joel had known you, it happened far less than he would’ve liked. But as much as it felt better, more…more right, for it to be the three of you—which was normal, you were best friends; he didn’t like one of you more than the other—he took what he could get and didn’t complain. 
That’s how Morgan found himself at an ice rink with his two closest friends on his day off, watching one of them tie the other’s skate.
“You could’ve done this yourself,” Joel told you, fingers making quick work of your laces.
You beamed down at him, a satisfied little smile on your face, “But you do it so much better than me.”
Morgan laughed to himself, bending down to finish lacing up his own skates. Joel had gotten his done first and found himself helping you, not that he exactly put up a fight. Finishing up, he stood and leaned against the boards, peering down as Joel worked. 
“You waiting for us? That’s so sweet,” you smiled up at him, resting your weight on your hands behind you. 
Joel huffed a laugh and half turned to look over his shoulder at him, flashing him a smirk, the asshole. “Our Morgan? He’s just a sweetheart, isn’t he?”
Morgan reached out and kicked him, mindful of the blade of his skate. Rolling his eyes, he maneuvered around both of you and stepped out onto the ice. 
“Just for that, I’m going without the both of you.”
Hearing the teasing calls of his name accompanied by laughter, he smiled and went to do laps around the rink. Slowly he went through the motions, glancing behind him now and then to see if Joel had finished yet. 
When he finally did, Morgan made his way back to the two of you. “You ready to see what you’ve been missing out on?” He teased, eyes catching on the way you wobbled unsteadily and clutched tightly to Joel’s arm next to you. 
“Quick question,” your laugh came out high pitched and as unsteady as your walk, “just how hard is skating?”
“Please, don’t worry,” Joel scoffed, shortening his steps to help you. Morgan watched his teammate stabilize you, the steady rock to your choppy sea. “Skating is one of the easiest things in the world.”
“Okay, let me rephrase,” a cheeky smile flitted across your lips, “how hard is skating for us normal people?”
He shared a fond look with Joel, laughing quietly. “Trust us, you’ll be fine.” 
“I do,” you responded without a moment’s hesitation, pausing in your baby steps before continuing. “Trust you, I mean.”
The breath left his lungs in a quick rush, not expecting that, not expecting how sincere and matter of fact you had said it or how it affected him. It wasn’t fair, how quickly you could throw him off balance with what seemed like barely a thought. 
Joel cleared his throat, his hand tightening around yours. “Good,” he told you, voice remarkably soft and low before returning to normal. “I guess it’s time to get you on the ice, then?”
Morgan had to laugh a little at the fear that filled your face at Joel’s words, the way you immediately clung somehow even tighter to him. Smiling, he reached out to you, offering you his hand.
“You said you trusted us,” he told you, “So trust us. We’re not gonna let you get hurt.”
He watched your eyes meet his and fly down to his outstretched hand, back and forth between the two. One of your hands slowly let go of their iron grip on Joel and settled into his.
“Promise?” You looked from him to Joel, eyes painfully doelike. 
Once again, he shared a soft glance with his teammate before looking back at you. 
“We promise.”
You nodded, taking a deep breath and appearing to steel yourself. “Okay, alright, I’m good. Let’s fucking do this.”
Laughter peeled out of him and Joel. “There’s our Y/N,” his teammate grinned, helping you out onto the ice. The two of them kept their grips on you tight as you shakily stepped onto the ice, making sure you didn’t immediately fall.
Your first steps were wobbly, with the only thing keeping you from eating ice being him and Joel. Slowly, the three of you made your way across the ice. “There you go,” he encouraged you, “just like that. Slow and steady for right now—”
“Head up, try not to look down so much, alright? We’ve got you,” Joel reassured, the two of them going back and forth, offering advice and making sure nothing happened.
It took a bit, but soon you were giggling and flashing them pretty smiles, your grip on them loosening slowly but surely. It was enough for Morgan to speed up and swing around to skate backward in front of you.
Catching your worried glance, he smiled. “Still here, just letting you skate more on your own,” he squeezed your hand, now being held more for assurance than to help keep you up.
And so the three of you kept skating around the rink with you getting more and more confident until you were on your own and no longer needed them to hold on to. Morgan watched proudly as you went from wobbly steps to actual skating, though your arms still stayed out by your sides for balance. 
“Show off,” you yelled and laughed, attempting to shove Joel when he went to skate in wide circles around both of you. 
“What?” Joel threw his hands up, laughing loudly and dodging you. “I’m just skating circles around you.” 
“Ha ha,” Morgan grinned when you sarcastically laughed at Joel’s antics. “You’re simply hilarious, you dork.”
“I know,” Joel smiled happily, swooping in to smack a loud kiss to your cheek before speeding away. The kiss nearly knocked you over, leaving you gawking after him.
Morgan observed the two of you as he glided in front of you, a wide smile stretching across his lips. Small huffs of laughter left you as you skated—still not great, but definitely better—over to him, grabbing his hand and trying to tug him. 
“Morgan, come on,” you giggled, “help me avenge my honor.” 
“Oh, of course,” he replied, nodding his head in mock seriousness. He pulled you along in chase of Joel, the three of you laughing as you went around and around the rink. 
It wasn’t until you two caught him—Morgan suspected Joel had let them catch him, like they wouldn’t have been able to eventually—and Joel decided to try to teach you how to skate backward as Morgan followed that he realized something. 
He realized as he watched the two of you smiling and laughing, as he skated behind while Joel held your hands, as both of you made corny jokes and looked back at him to make sure he was still with you, he realized that—fuck.
He was fucked. 
Because he looked at you and heard your laughter and felt his heart tighten. Because he looked at Joel and the way he looked back at him with a fond look and toothy grin, and his heart stopped.
Because he looked at both of you and felt the same exact thing. And he realized it didn’t feel right when all three of you were together because you were just his closest friends. 
It was because when he was with the two of you, his heart skipped beats and all of these feelings weighed him down and lifted him up and—and—
Fuck. He was well and truly fucked, that’s what he realized.
Humming quietly under your breath, you picked up the plates from the table and made your way back to the kitchen. Stepping around Morgan, you reached down to put the dishes into the sink for him to wash. After you let them sit, you hoisted yourself up and onto the counter next to him and watched as he grabbed for one of the dirty plates.
“You think Joel will be back soon?” You asked him, tilting your head and pursing your lips. 
Morgan met your gaze and held it as he washed the plate. “Hopefully, we can’t start the movie without him.”
Dinner and a movie at their place. It was almost like a date if you let yourself think about it. But you didn’t, because they’re just your friends.
Your tall, attractive friends that you had completely platonic feelings for. Okay, mostly platonic feelings for. Fine, not at all platonic and actually very romantic feelings, but you refused to think about it. There were two of them and one of you and that, that was weird. Right? 
Kicking yourself mentally, you shot him a tiny smile. “Do we even want to know what he chose this time?” Every movie night, a different one of you had complete control over the movie. Tonight was, regretfully, Joel’s night to choose and he refused to tell either of you what you were watching. 
It went without saying that you were a bit scared. 
“I don’t think so,” Morgan made a face, putting another plate in the dish rack. You laughed lowly to yourself, watching a smile creep over his face as he glanced back at you.
“Either way,” you told him, “he needs to get back soon, I’m starting to miss the weirdo.” Shimmying down from the countertop, you walked over to the fridge to get a drink. 
Morgan made a noise of agreement, finishing up and turning off the sink. He turned to face you, grabbing a hand towel from next to him and leaning against the counter. He stared down at you without responding; the action causing you to grin slightly in confusion. 
“What’s up?” You questioned him, stretching your foot out to lightly tap his.
Head shaking slowly, his mouth opened a bit. Closing it, his eyebrows squished together in what seemed like deep thought. 
“Do you ever think about your soulmate?”
The question caught you off guard, making your body physically recoil just a touch. You shook your head, mouth hanging open. “Uhhh,” you stuttered, a startled laugh making its way past your lips. “Not if I can help it, why?”
“What do you mean?” He asked, brows still furrowed and an intent look painted across his face.
Shrugging, your eyes flitted around the room. At your side, your fingers twitched against the counter, creating a muted tapping noise. “Nothing, just...I don’t know. It’s not my favorite subject. You?”
“Yea,” he said with a forced smile, “Same thing, I guess. Not if I can help it.” 
You hummed softly, trying to figure out his expression and the change in subject. You couldn’t recall ever, ever, talking about soulmates with either Morgan or Joel. Not in the entire time you had known them. It was like some sort of weird unspoken taboo topic, never brought up, never talked about despite how popular it was for everyone else. Never asking what your soulmark was, or what date was splayed across your skin. Like there was a sense of fear lingering around it, which made sense for you but never for your boys. 
The boys. Not—not your boys, you scolded yourself.
“It’s just, you and Joel,” Morgan started, scaring you a little. “The two of you get along really well.”
Was he? Was he implying that you and Joel? Soulmates?
For a split second, your mind ran wild with the thought. To be soulmates with Joel, with his smiles for just you and Morgan, and his wild hair and dumb hats, and horrible facial hair and horrible jokes and—
How nice it would be. How irrevocably nice it would be. 
But even as you let yourself think about it for that split second, you knew it wasn’t what you wanted. Not entirely. Because it wasn’t just Joel in your daydream, but Morgan, too. With his pretty eyes and the look of exasperation he always had when he was with the two of you. The three of you. 
Always the three of you.
Shaking your head before you knew what you were doing, you replied, “Me and Joel? No, no, I mean—”
“You’re always happy and smiling around him,” Morgan cut you off, not making eye contact, “maybe the two of you—”
“I’m always happy and smiling because I’m with the two of you, you idiot,” you rolled your eyes as you cut him off in return, ignoring the way your heart pounded in your chest. 
He pursed his lips, about to retort when the sound of the door opening caught your attention. 
“Alright, assholes. I’ve got the goods,” Joel’s voice called out, the door closing behind him and keys clattering loudly into the horrible gritty tray you had gotten them. You and Morgan remained quiet as Joel made his way into the kitchen, digging around in the bag he was holding. 
He paused upon entering, eyes lifting to look from you to Morgan and back. His arms slowly fell, his face screwing up in cautious confusion. “So, uh, what did I...miss?” he asked, stepping inside apprehensively. 
“Soulmates, apparently,” you told him sarcastically when Morgan kept silent. You made grabby hands for the bag, reaching in to grab your bag of peach rings. 
Joel winced, a just barely audible ‘oh boy’ falling from his lips. “What got you on that god awful subject?”
You snorted, already shoving a peach ring into your mouth, “So you agree? It’s an awful subject?”
“Oh yea,” he nodded, reaching over and tugging at the peach ring balancing between your teeth before it tore in half, shoving his stolen half into his mouth and chewing obnoxiously. 
Pulling back, you batted at his outstretched hands, “you should’ve gotten your own. Stop stealing, thief.”
“I prefer the term rogue,” he replied, shooting you a cheeky grin. A soft ‘oh my god’ left you with a groan as you rolled your eyes and set the bag down.
Morgan’s continued silence worried you, and you could tell it unnerved Joel just as much. You stole glances at him, his posture tense and face troubled. The whole soulmates thing wasn’t your favorite, but what was going on inside of his head that had him like this? Was he still thinking about you and Joel—which was a ridiculous idea. But maybe that’s just because you knew the truth you resolved yourself to. That you just didn’t, for some unknown reason, have a soulmate to begin with. 
“What’s going on in your big boy brain,” Joel nodded at Morgan, eyebrow quirking as he watched him.
Morgan startled almost imperceptibly, his attention shooting to his teammate. He shook his head, “Nothing, just the whole soulmates thing.” 
“Still?” You frowned as you crossed your arms, puzzled. 
“Dude, just move on already,” Joel told him.
Morgan rolled his eyes, shifting his weight from foot to foot. You saw his grip on the countertop behind him tighten for a second before relaxing again.
“What’s going on?” You asked him, reaching out to lay a hand on his arm.
He flinched back, a tiny movement that you wouldn’t have noticed if you weren’t already watching. Swallowing roughly, you stopped and let your hand fall, hurt coating your insides. Morgan licked his lips and rubbed at his chin, face screwing up. 
“Don’t either of you ever think about the people you have feelings for being a perfect match for someone else? That it doesn’t matter what you feel in the end?”
Taken aback, you share a look with Joel as you grasped for words. Because you do think about that, about how Joel and Morgan have someone waiting for them that isn’t you and you don’t know when it’ll happen, only that it will and you’ll end up left behind like you always are. Alone. It wasn’t often, but late at night, the knowledge crept over you like thick sludge, refusing to move or leave.
“All the time,” Joel spoke before you could string together a sentence, his voice weak and a frown marring his features. “But it does matter, doesn’t it? Because you still have time with them now, and you can’t waste it for something that might happen.” 
“But it will,” Morgan stressed, the hand that had rubbed his chin flying out to his side with a look of helplessness. “It will happen.” 
“But you don’t know that,” you countered, fighting to get the words out. Your throat was tightening up, your heart pounding away. “No one really does. You don’t even have to end up with your soulmate.”
“Why wouldn’t you,” Morgan laughed without humor, “why wouldn’t you leave to be with the person hand picked for you?”
“Because I don’t have one,” slipped past your lips without your permission, the truth behind your words hitting you like a brick. Tears pricked behind your eyes as you swallowed harshly, stepping into yourself. 
Morgan moved back and hit the counter behind him with a dull thud, staring at you with an unreadable expression. To your other side, Joel looked down at his feet, hands shoved into his pants. 
“I never had one,” you continued, softer, quieter. Weaker. “I’ve always been the person without someone made just for me, but I’ve moved on. Because it doesn’t matter. It’s what I make of it, and it’s the scariest fucking thing, but it is what it is.”
“What if I can’t move on?” Morgan whispered, unable to meet your eyes. 
“Then the people you were scared of leaving weren’t worth it to begin with,” Joel told him, gazing at him sadly. 
Morgan’s face dropped forward into his hands, rubbing harshly. The three of you were silent, the tension nearly suffocating. Waiting, just waiting for the other shoe to drop.
“I can’t just get over it,” Morgan said, shaking his head. 
“Why not,” Joel questioned just as quietly, running a hand through his hair. 
“Because I just can’t,” Morgan threw his hands up, voice raised as he stepped forward. “I can’t stop thinking that my feelings are a waste. That all of this is just a waste.”
“All of this?” You asked, uncomprehending.
“Yes, all of this,” he told you, gesturing wildly between the three of you. “Us. This. It’s a waste.”
“What’s that supposed to mean, Morgan,” Joel was the one to ask this time, his voice low and daring. Daring Morgan to say it, to tell you exactly what he means.
“That I look at both of you and see two people who are going to leave me. Two people that I care about, that I want to be with, and know that it won’t last.”
The shock that came from him admitting his feelings and finally giving you the knowledge that you weren’t alone in your pining all these months still wasn’t enough to overwhelm the rest of his confession. The part that said that we were a waste, that cut a part of you that you kept hidden.
“Did you ever stop and think about how we felt?” The words left you as you stepped away, needing to get away. “That we might, for just a second, feel the same?” 
“But it doesn’t matter,” Morgan nearly cried, voice shaking. “It never did.” 
Nodding, you swallowed down tears. “Okay,” you whispered, maneuvering around Joel, who had remained quiet. “Okay.” 
“Where are you going?” Morgan asked, reaching toward you.
Nearly laughing, you told him, “Away. I’m sorry, Joel, but I can’t be near someone who thinks everything about us, our friendship, our relationship, our feelings, are a waste. Not right now.”
Joel nodded, glancing back at you and offering a weak smile. “Don’t worry, I get it.” 
Returning it, you turned and went to grab your things. 
“Wait,” you heard Morgan before you saw him try to follow you, looking between you and Joel. “No, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean—”
“It doesn’t matter, Morg,” you whispered, shrugging lightly. “I’m gonna go for awhile. I need to go.”
“No, please—”
Dodging him, you left the apartment. Vaguely, you heard Joel tell Morgan to stop, to let you go. Silently, you thanked him. You just couldn’t be near them right now, constantly reminded of your feelings and knowing at least one of them thought it was all useless.
All of this is just a waste. Us. This.
You nearly ran out of the building and to your car, just barely making it in before a yell forced its way out.
“Fuck,” you hit the steering wheel, letting your head droop forward to rest on it. You gave yourself a minute to pull yourself together and turn your car on, starting your journey back to the apartment you had slowly considered home less and less. 
And so you drove away from the one you had begun to consider home, and from the boys that made it feel like that, and to the place you could finally let yourself break down.
Day after day became a week and then two. There was now this tension between him and Morgan, you weren’t replying to his texts the same way, and he wasn’t even sure if you and Morgan had talked at all since that night. He hated it.
Joel hated this. 
It didn’t help that everything was bleeding over onto the ice and he couldn’t stop it. Couldn’t stop making rookie mistakes, couldn’t do anything when Morgan got yelled at for fucking up on a play. Couldn’t do anything.
The two of them were this close to getting benched, they both knew it. He knew this couldn’t keep happening, but he didn’t know how to stop it. 
He saw his phone light up on his nightstand out of the corner of his eye. Mentally, he debated leaving it and continuing his inner dilemma, but a glance at it convinced him otherwise.
Sitting up in bed, he struggled against the blankets tangled around his legs to reach over and grab it. He crashed back down, lifting his phone above him and pulling up the text.
[10:38pm] armrest ; coffee tomorrow? 
Seeing the name he had you under brought out a grin. You hated it the moment you saw it and argued that everyone was short next to a group of hockey players, which is exactly why both he and Morgan had you listed as it. In a sense, it was a reminder of better times.
[10:40pm] bumblebee ; yea ofc
[10:40pm] bumblebee ; the two of us?
He didn’t miss the fact that you texted just him and not the groupchat—the one aptly named the 3 stoiges, because Morgan made it with a typo and you and Joel kept it there to bully him. Time after time, Morgan tried to change it, and yet every time he went back, there it was once again in all of its dumbass glory. 
[10:43pm] armrest ; yea i wanted to talk about everything. just the two of us for now
[10:44pm] bumblebee ; im there just lmk when
You texted him back the time, and that was that. The entire exchange left him feeling underwhelmed and anxious. It felt wrong. Stilted. He missed the jokes and subtle digs at each other. The goodnight texts that just kept on going. 
He had a hard time going to sleep after that, not that he was doing a good job of it before. Tossing and turning, knowing that his teammate was his roommate and just a door over and that it didn’t matter because they hadn’t actually talked since the fight. And probably wouldn’t, since that was how things seemed to be going.
But tomorrow, maybe tomorrow would change things.
Morning came and went and he woke up to his alarm, feeling the opposite of well rested. He had slept like shit, just like he had been for the past two weeks. Getting out of bed, he got ready to go meet up with you, ignoring the absence of Morgan in the kitchen or on the couch. The lack of a good morning and a smile from his arguably favorite teammate. 
He left the apartment in a rush, something he had found himself doing a lot of lately. Not on purpose, he didn’t think. It was just like a lot of other things in his life now; it felt different. Less warm, duller. Void of life, of everything that made it home to him. 
An open bag of peach rings still abandoned on the kitchen counter, never moved. A little shittily made origami crane knocked over on the coffee table, never fixed. Hoodies missing, never returned. Reminders.
He made it to the little rinky dink cafe on the corner soon enough, refusing to admit he hesitated a bit before he went in. It wasn’t like he hadn’t seen you at all since that night, but he would be lying if he said it was the same as before. 
You were at their usual table, wearing a recognizable sweatshirt—one of theirs, but at this point he wasn’t really sure if it his or Morgan’s—and clutching a cup in your hands with a cup sitting across from you. Hearing the bell ring, you looked up and spotted him, giving him a tiny smile.
He didn’t want to think about the way the sight made the tension bleed from his body, the familiarity filling him with a rush of warmth. He made the short walk to you, slipping into one of the open seats.
Both of you ignored the still empty third seat.
“You’re late,” you told him, with just enough of a smile to take the edge off. 
He grinned back. “You telling me you weren’t, too?”
Your laughter rang softly through the mostly empty cafe. “No.”
“Thought so,” he replied, taking a sip of the coffee in front of him. His go to order, just the way he always got it. 
God, he missed you. 
A few beats of silence passed with the two of you just soaking up the other’s presence. 
Clearing your throat, you looked down at your hands and picked at your nail. “I think it’s probably time we talk about…”
“That night?” he finished for you. “Yea. I think so, too.”
Another pained smile passed between both of you. Another beat of silence. 
“You know—I mean—” you tried to say, taking a moment to close your eyes and take a deep breath. “I care about you and Morgan. About both of you. Not—not platonically either.” 
He couldn’t stop the smile from spreading, the heat creeping into his cheeks. “Yea, I figured.” You deadpanned at him and he had to resist the laugh bubbling up inside of him. He nudged your foot under the table. “Me, too. Non-platonically care about both of you.” 
“Yea,” you rolled your eyes, grinning, “I figured.”
Letting the laugh out, he shook his head. “Ass.”
You shrugged, taking a sip of your drink, “You started it.”
“I missed you.” 
“I missed you, too,” you whispered back, smile gaining a sorrowful edge.
Staring at you, he felt so many emotions. So many things, and yet something was still missing. 
Licking his lips, he risked a glance to his right, at the empty seat next to him. “It doesn’t—things don’t really feel the same without him, though.” 
“Yea,” you looked at the chair for a second, pain flashing across your face so fast he almost didn’t catch it. “They don’t.”
Hearing you agree, he let the breath he had been holding go. He picked at his cup, resisting the urge to down it. Dimly, he realized you had gotten his coffee before he got there. Which meant you bought it for him. The broke college student who rarely gets anything from here got him coffee without thinking twice. That feeling in his chest grew, fondness for you radiating throughout him. It was a small gesture, one you probably barely thought about, but it made him fall even harder.
“You know, I keep,” you stopped, tilting your head with a jaded smile before steamrolling on, “I keep hearing him say it in my head. ‘Everything’s a waste.’ And I know he didn’t—didn’t mean it like that, but…”
“But it still hurts,” he finished for you quietly, watching you and the way your shoulders hunched forward. 
“Yea, it still hurts.”
“We’re all just miserable anymore, aren’t we?” he asked, knowing the answer and asking anyway.
You laughed softly, glancing up at him. “That we are.”
“It wasn’t supposed to be like this.”
“No,” you held eye contact, steady and intent, “It wasn’t.”
The bell above the door jingled, your conversation dying down. The two of you nursed your drinks, avoiding the painful subject. Pushing it off and dragging it out just a little more.
“I don’t want us to end here, Joel,” you told him, voice barely a whisper. “Not like this. I don’t think I could handle it.”
“I don’t think I could either,” he replied. He could handle not being everything he wanted with the two of you. He resigned himself to that a long time ago. Could handle not being in a relationship, unable to hold or kiss either of you, to look at you and know both of you were his.
He could handle that. What he couldn’t handle? 
These past two weeks, the three of you barely talking. The tension, the awkwardness, the lack of everything that made you work. Not having either of you really, truly, in his life anymore. 
“I’m gonna talk to him,” he told you, not letting himself think too hard about it. He nodded, ignoring your unreadable expression, and kept talking. “I’m gonna talk to him and then we’re gonna—we’re gonna—”
“We’re gonna fix things?” You croaked out, gnawing at the inside of your bottom lip.
“Yea,” his throat tightened, making him force out the words, “Yea, we’re gonna fix things.”
He cornered Morgan later that night in the kitchen when he finally came out of his room to get something to eat. 
“We need to talk.”
Morgan jumped, keeping his back turned to Joel as he dug through the fridge. “About what?” He asked, the forced casualness of it shining clear.
“I think you know what.”
He slowly drew himself up and closed the fridge. “I don’t think—”
“Yea, we do,” he cut his roommate off, his arms folded across his chest. “We both know we do.”
Morgan turned around, facing him with his eyes closed and shaking his head. “Please—”
“We can’t keep going on like this, none of us can,” Joel forcibly told him, refusing to back down. He was doing this for them, for you and for Morgan and for him. “I was with Y/N earlier.”
Morgan flinched back, ducking his head. “Yea? How—how is—”
“Good,” he softened his voice, uncrossing his arms and taking a step toward him. “Come on, let's go sit down.”
“Okay,” Morgan whispered, nodding and following him slowly to the couch. They sat further away than they usually would, a space left open for the one not there with them. 
Joel opened his mouth to start, but Morgan cut him off before he could.
“I’m so sorry,” he told him, avoiding eye contact. Clenching his hands tightly on his lap, he squeezed them periodically. “I didn’t—didn’t mean anything I said that night. Not really. Not like that.”
“I know.” 
“I was just scared,” he kept going, still not looking at him, “I still am. Fuck, I wish I could go back and just—”
“Morgan,” Joel stopped him, getting up and moving to sit down on the table in front of him. “Look at me.”
It took a second, took him reaching out and nudging his face toward him. 
“We know. We’re all scared. And we can’t take back what was said, but we can move forward. Together. The three of us.” 
Morgan shook his head, tears lining his eyes as he leaned imperceptibly into his hand. “How?” 
He almost laughed, but stopped himself in time. “I don’t know,” he shrugged helplessly, smiling at him. “But we will. Because we care about each other. That’s all that matters.”
“Yea,” he laughed this time, his hand pressing further into Morgan’s face, the other coming up to rest on his knee. 
Morgan’s hand found his, and they stayed like that for a while, taking comfort in finally being near each other again. Mentally, physically. 
“I missed this,” Morgan told him, blinking softly up at him. 
Joel grinned back, “Well, I don’t know if we’ve ever done anything like this before, but—”
Morgan scoffed, rolling his eyes and pushing him away. One of his hands came up to subtly wipe at his eyes and Joel pretended not to notice as he reached out and pulled him back to him. 
Hand threaded in his hair, he tugged him in to rest his head against his neck. “Kidding,” he laughed, turning to nuzzle into Morgan’s hair. “But seriously, I did, too.”
Morgan’s hand squeezed his side, the two of them lapsing back into silence. At least, until he broke it.
“So, which one of us is gonna text our better part?” 
[8:17pm] frostbite ; come over?
The text from Morgan lit your phone screen and sent your heart into a steady gallop. You knew Joel was going to talk to him, but for some reason, you hadn’t thought it would be so soon. 
Was it bad that you didn’t feel ready?
Honestly, if you thought about it, you didn’t think you would ever feel ready. In a way, this was the buildup of months of dancing around each other. It was terrifying, that tonight everything would be out in the open.
You would be lying if you said a part of you couldn’t wait.
[8:19pm] armrest ; omw over
Rushing around, you put on shoes and threw back on the hoodie you were wearing earlier when you saw Joel. You grabbed your keys and locked the door behind you, making your way to your car. 
The drive to their apartment was short, though it still took everything in you to obey the traffic laws on the way there. The walk up filled you with even more anxiety, your hands shaking despite your best attempts to settle your nerves.
You knocked lightly on their door, unable to manage more than a mediocre tap. Luckily, it was Joel that opened the door, beckoning you inside with a hand on your waist. He pressed a kiss to the side of your head, sending heat into your cheeks.
“He’s in the kitchen making tea,” Joel told you, closing the door behind you. 
You nodded, dropping your keys onto the Gritty tray. Together, you made your way to the kitchen. 
Seeing Morgan for the first time in two weeks, after not having spoken at all was...was strange. It hit you like a fist to the gut. 
You saw how exhausted Joel looked earlier, disheveled and messy. But compared to Morgan, he looked only a bit different from usual. Morgan, though—
He looked rough. 
Heavy bags under his eyes, hair wild, clothes wrinkled. Even his shoulders were hunched in more than usual. Your heartstrings tugged just looking at him. 
“Hey,” he mumbled when he looked up and saw you, mustering up a weak smile. 
Slowly, you made your way to where he stood. He set down the cup of tea he was reaching out to offer you, worry plastered on his face.
He took a deep breath and started to talk, “Look, I’m so sor—”
You caused him to stop mid-sentence, throwing your arms around him and gripping tight. “You’re such an asshole,” you told him, voice muffled in his shirt. Burying your face deeper, his arms came up and wrapped tightly around you.
“I know,” he said, laying his head on yours, “I’m so sorry.” 
You didn’t respond, taking the moment to really let everything sink in. Giving him one last squeeze, you let go and stepped back, picking up the mug that you claimed as yours on one of your first visits.
“Living room?” you asked, smiling at the two of your boys—because you finally let yourself give in and call them that, because they were yours and you didn’t plan on letting go so easily. 
“Living room, it is,” Joel answered, reaching around to grab his mug and guide you over. Morgan followed behind, staying close. 
Like none of you could bear to be more than a few feet anymore. It was just a tad ironic at this point. 
The three of you settled down in your usual seats, with you in the middle, Joel to your right, and Morgan on the left. You put your tea down after taking a sip, smiling when it tasted exactly how Morgan always makes it for you. 
“So, I guess this is where we talk about everything,” Morgan said, putting his cup down next to yours and turning to face the two of you. 
Joel followed suit, nodding. “That it is.”
For a second, the three of you sat there in silence, looking around at each other. 
“Any volunteers to go first?” You ventured finally, raising your eyebrows. Your question earned you a pair of laughs. 
“I’m the one that started this mess, so I’ll go, I guess.” Morgan darted his tongue out to lick his lips, glancing between the two of you. 
“That night, I let my fear take over. And I know I’ve already told both of you, but I’m sorry.”
“Morgan,” you tried, but he stopped you. 
“Let me talk,” he smiled, so you let him. “At that point, I just really let myself consider that I had feelings for the two people I thought of as my closest friends. And it made me scared, because there are soulmates out there and I know—I think—I don’t have one. But as far as I knew, both of you did. The thought of losing you to someone I had no chance against, it made me lash out. 
That was wrong. I shouldn’t have taken it out on you. We’re adults, mostly, and I should’ve handled it better. I’m sorry.”
You were aware you were gaping a little, but you were unsure on how to stop. Joel got his bearings back before you.
“Yea, you definitely handled it like shit,” he said, shrugging and getting a snort out of you and a ‘fucking hell’ from Morgan. “But it is what it is. It got the ball rolling and we can’t go back. We can only go on.”
“When the fuck did you get good at talking about your feelings?” You turned to him, an incredulous look on your face. “Seriously, you were like the last person I expected to be spouting off relationship wisdom.”
“What can I say,” he grinned, “I’m a man of wisdom. Isn’t that why you care about me non-platonically?”
“Why do I like you,” Morgan muttered to himself, covering his eyes, “Literally why.”
“Moving on,” you announced, choking back a laugh, “On the subject of soulmates, as far as I’m aware, I don’t have one either, so there’s that. And right now, I don’t know if me having one would even stop me from wanting to at least see if this is something worth having. Which I think it is.”
“Yea, I remember you mentioning the soulmate lack,” Joel nodded, “And I agree, with the second part.”
Bumping his shoulder, you went to pick up your tea. 
“So that’s two out of three?” Morgan asked, looking at both of you.
“Make that three out of three,” Joel butted in, raising his hand. “Like 99% sure I don’t either.”
“So none of us have soulmates?” You looked between Morgan and Joel. “Really?”
“Lucky?” Morgan hazarded a guess. 
“I’ll take it.” Joel grinned.
“And to clarify, there are mutual feelings here? Threeway feelings?” 
“Don’t—don’t call it that,” you replied to Morgan, wincing. “That’s just bad.”
“I don’t know,” Joel told you, grinning, “I like it. Threeway Feelings. New groupchat name?”
You glared at Morgan, repeating, “No, motion overruled.”
“You’re two to one,” Joel teased.
Smiling sweetly back, you told him, “Cute that you think this is a democracy.”
Laughter rang through the apartment. It was almost like the past two weeks had never happened at all. 
“But let me clarify,” Joel started, sitting up straighter and holding up a hand, fingers up, “All of us think we’re soulmate-less, and even if we’re not, it’s something we’ll deal with when we get there,” one finger down, “All of us have feelings for the other two people in this room,” another finger, “and we’re not dating yet?”
“Correct,” you confirmed.
“Sounds about right so far,” Morgan nodded.
“But we should, though,” Joel said, glancing at you, “Date, I mean. It’s the next logical step, right?”
“Kinda worrying when he uses logic,” you leaned over to stage whisper to Morgan. 
He nodded, leaning close, “I agree.”
“I’m right here, jackasses,” Joel threw a throw pillow at Morgan, apparently taking the name literally. 
“Were you? I couldn’t tell,” Morgan replied sarcastically, throwing it back. 
Closing your eyes, you sucked in a deep breath and tried not to laugh. 
“I agree with Joel, though,” you told them, stopping them in their tracks. “About dating.”
“You wanna date us?” Morgan asked you, Joel pointing at him to back up his question. 
Rolling your eyes, you smiled, “Yes, I wanna date you. Do you wanna date me?”
You felt ridiculous for asking, like a flashback to kindergarten with a note saying ‘do you like me? yes or no’.
“I don’t know, what are the options?” Joel asked, pretending to think about it.
“Yes or yes,” you deadpanned.
“I think I’m gonna have to go with yes on that one,” Morgan told you, leaning in to press a kiss to your cheek. 
“I’m gonna have to go with yes, as well,” Joel nodded, kissing your other cheek. 
“Okay,” you tried to ignore the pulsating heat in your cheeks. 
“Wait,” Morgan stopped, clearing his throat and looking over at Joel, “Are we? I mean—”
“Dating?” Joel asked, lips quirking into a soft smile. 
Morgan nodded, staying quiet. 
Joel shook his head and laughed, “Yea, I think I could manage dating both of you.”
“Yea?” Morgan smiled. 
“Yea.” Joel returned it.
“Cool,” Morgan said, running a hand through his hand before stopping and frowning. “I know that all of that shitshow was my fault, but we’re never doing that again, right?”
“Oh, seconded,” you immediately replied, “Never again.”
“Thirded,” Joel agreed, nodding wholeheartedly.
You looked at your boys—now officially yours—and smiled. 
Their first date, it was decided, would be dinner at Morgan and Joel’s apartment, just the three of them. Private, no pressure. 
You showed up, dressed up but not too much, as per Joel’s vague instructions, at 8pm on the dot, making it the only time you were ever on time for something. You liked to think that if it wasn’t at your boys’ apartment, they’d be late, too.
“Well, don’t you look lovely,” Morgan let you in, bending to kiss your hairline. 
“I could say the same for you,” you replied, taking him in, pressing a kiss to his chin.
Not the usual pre-game suit, you noticed, unable to decide if it was disappointment or relief in your stomach. He was clad in a nice pair of pants, his dark blue button up undone at the top and the sleeves rolled up to his forearms. Sans shoes, because of course.
On the whole, a very nice look, in your humble opinion.
He noticed your glance down at his lack of footwear and grinned, “Footwear optional.”
“You should’ve mentioned that sooner,” you groaned, bending down to remove your own shoes that had already begun to pinch at your toes. 
He laughed, waiting for you to finish and take his hand, leading you to the kitchen. 
Joel waited for you there, bent over a pot on the stove. Shirt completely unbuttoned, tie hanging around his neck. Shaking your head, you stepped up behind him to wrap your arms around his back, kissing his shoulder blade. 
“Who let you be in charge of dinner?” You teased, catching his eye as he turned around in your embrace to return it. 
“Say the word and we’ll order pizza,” he whispered back into your ear, lips lightly brushing it.
A tingle ran down your spine as you withdrew, sharing a secret smile and ignoring Morgan’s snort. 
“I’m sure it’s not that bad,” you told him, leaning against a counter. 
A laugh bubbled up and out of you at Morgan’s subtle wince. “Dinner’s just about done, anyway. Guess we’ll find out,” he said, getting out a few plates. 
“So, what exactly is on the menu?” You questioned, unable to quite tell. 
Joel looked up at you, opening his mouth and closing it quickly. “You know,” he answered, hand bracing on the countertop, “I’m not sure if I can pronounce it right.”
Giggles flew out of you even as you felt a sense of apprehension take over. “This is gonna be good.”
Sharing a laugh, you got to work setting the table and bringing over the food, which you cautiously noted smelled somewhat decent. Not—not really entirely good, but decent.
“Not gonna lie,” Joel told both of you once everyone was seated with a plate, “Kinda scared to eat this.”
“You’re really not filling me with confidence here, babe,” you replied, getting a tiny forkful of food. 
“On three?” Morgan proposed. 
“On three,” you and Joel agreed. 
“One,” you started.
“Two,” Joel continued.
You shoved the food into your mouth, barely giving yourself a moment to reconsider. Slowly, you chewed, watching your boyfriends’ faces.
It seemed the general consensus was…not good. 
“I think we fucked up somewhere,” Joel swallowed loudly, grimacing.
“Oh, we definitely did,” Morgan agreed, pushing back his chair and standing. “I’ll get my phone.”
“We’re only here to get essentials,” Morgan reminded the two of you, grabbing a cart. 
You and Joel followed behind, hands swinging between your bodies. “Yea, totally,” you smiled, “Essentials.”
“Of course,” Joel nodded gravely, before turning to you and whispering, “We’re definitely getting the stuff for ice cream sundaes, right?”
Giggling, you nudged into him. “He said essentials, Joel. Obviously, we’re getting the stuff for ice cream sundaes.”
“I can hear both of you, you know,” Morgan called back, looking over his shoulder at the pair of you. 
You shot him a smile and blew him a kiss, knowing Joel was beside you doing something just as cheesy.
The next thing you knew, Joel was speeding up and dragging you along to catch up to your other boyfriend. “I’m getting in,” he dropped your hand, lifting a leg over the side of the cart. 
“No—Joel—oh my god,” Morgan tried to jerk the cart away, laughter spilling out of him.
“Joel, you’re not getting in the cart,” you shoved him, blissfully ignoring the stares coming from the old lady down the aisle. 
Joel pouted exaggeratedly, turning to face you. “Why not?”
In a quick motion, you propelled yourself into the cart. “Because I am!” Your giggles came out maniacal, joined with Joel’s bark of laughter and Morgan’s groan of disappointment. 
“Where’s the food gonna go?” Morgan asked, continuing to push the cart with you in it. 
“In the cart with Y/N,” Joel told him, bumping lightly into his shoulder with a grin. 
You pointed at Joel, agreeing. 
Morgan shook his head, that exasperated fondness prevalent on his face as he sighed and tried not to smile. “Fine,” he relented. 
“You know, that monkey kinda looks like you,” Morgan overheard you tell Joel as he paid for the cotton candy. 
“You’re such an ass,” Joel pushed you, laughing. 
“Speaking of asses,” Morgan said, coming up behind you and handing over the cotton candy, “Do you think they have donkeys here?”
You threw your head back with a loud laugh. 
“This is the zoo,” Joel replied, grabbing his hand, “...I actually don’t know. We should check.”
“In the whole zoo, you want to see donkeys?” You asked in bemusement, leaning into him. 
He shrugged, wrapping his unoccupied arm around you. “What can I say, I’m a man with taste.”
“Oh, for sure,” Joel retorted, snorting and squeezing his hand in his own.
Limbs tangled, you relaxed on the couch with your boys.
A book in one hand, you carded your fingers through Joel’s hair with the other. Sprawled across your lap as you rested against Morgan, he was the perfect image of relaxation. Rain pattered against the windows as a romcom played in the background, the volume just low enough to zone out. Morgan and Joel—okay, just Morgan, because you were pretty sure Joel was half asleep at this point—were watching, attention set on the tv.
All in all, an excellent night. 
Seeing your boys over the summer was difficult, but you made it work. You always did.
It was one of those incredibly rare days where you lounged about in the midsummer heat with them, Morgan and Joel taking a slight break from offseason training to just be together. It was nice, and it was quiet and exactly what you needed. 
You had made the mistake of putting on one of their thinner, more threadbare hoodies last night and the decision was catching up to you. You untangled yourself from the pile of limbs on the bed belonging to your two boyfriends, ignoring their cries of protest, and just barely managed to get up. 
First, you were gonna turn up the air conditioning, and then you were gonna take off this damn hoodie. 
Meandering over to the A/C, you accomplished one mission and moved on to the next one. Pulling the hoodie over your head, you felt your shirt slide up and refuse to separate from it. 
“Hey,” you heard Joel call from behind you, “Did you get a tattoo without telling us?”
Confused, you yanked the hoodie the rest of the way off and turned back to them. “No?” You answered, but it came out less sure than you would’ve liked. 
“I definitely saw something on your back,” Joel insisted, reaching over and swatting at Morgan to get his attention. 
“Hmm?” Morgan grumbled, switching sides to look at you. 
“Come here,” Joel beckoned, an action you reluctantly obeyed. His hand on your hip turned you to face away from him, your back in his line of sight.
You shivered, feeling his fingers glide across your skin as he lifted your shirt. In an instant, you felt his grasp waver, a choked gasp slamming out of him.
“Holy shit,” Morgan breathed, the bed creaking as he shot up. 
Spinning, you turned to face them, grabbing at your back. “What?” You demanded, terrified of their answer, “What it is?”
Adrenaline poured through your veins as Joel lifted his gaze, now wet with tears, to meet yours with a wide smile.
“It’s a soulmate tattoo,” he told you, standing up and cupping your face. His lips came down fast and hard to yours, the emotion behind the kiss slamming into you. 
You felt Morgan come to stand behind you, lifting your shirt to look. His fingers traced down your spine, almost reverently, sending shiver after shiver through your body. 
“Liar,” you croaked when you and Joel split, refusing to believe it. 
Joel shook his head with a disbelieving laugh, “I’m not. Go look in the mirror.”
You pulled away, making your way slowly to the mirror by the door, your boys close behind. You twisted around, craning your head as you pulled up your shirt. Your breath stilled to a halt when scrawled writing along your spine become visible out of the corner of your eye with every inch of skin shown. 
And there, once your shirt was all the way up, was an indisputable soulmate tattoo curving down your spine.
morgan frost ~ joel farabee
The names of your boys—your boys, you nearly cried—written in calligraphy on your body, separated only by three flowers. 
“Soulmates,” Morgan whispered, finger stilling on the flowers. 
Recognition sparked deep in your mind, a memory surfacing behind your eyes.
Your eyes lingered on the flowers lining the pathway, your mind trying futilely to identify which ones they wer—
“I know those flowers,” you mumbled, lips parting as you stared uncomprehendingly. 
Joel laughed a little, fingers running up and down your side. “I didn’t think you were into flowers.”
You shook your head, fixated and unable to look away. “No, I know those flowers. Asters. They were—”
“In the park by the cafe,” Morgan finished for you, catching on, “The day I bumped into you.”
“The day we met,” you said, smiling. “I was trying to figure out what kind they were, it’s why I was distracted. Why we—”
“Met,” Morgan gaped, a smile slowly spreading across his lips. 
You nodded, unable to talk just yet. The sight of those flowers, ones that you hadn’t really given any thought to after you had googled them one day after being curious. Flowers that were now imprinted on your body, a permanent reminder of everything you gained in such a relatively short amount of time.
To your side, you watched Joel take off his shirt and turn around, revealing flowing names down his spine separated by three dainty flowers. 
y/n ~ morgan frost
Morgan mirrored him on your other side and sure enough, there were your names in identical print and the same tiny three flowers. 
joel farabee ~ y/n
A perfect set.
~ fin ~
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myonepiece · 4 years
Benn, Lucky Roux, Yasopp HC- Relationship HCs
I felt like doing this cuz Lucky and Yasopp have like no conent and I think Lucky is super cute :p I had to kinda improvise with Yasopp&Lucky because we don’t know much about their personalities but it’s still pretty accurate~
*gender neutral
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Ignore the subtitle
He is such a gentleman and secretly very romantic. He’s the type to hold open doors and pull out chairs for his S/O. Omg and he offers his arm for them to hold whenever they walk. Gives his jacket to them when they’re cold. Literally so sweet and polite. Relating to this, he is like so faithful, doesn’t notice anyone else his attention is always on his S/O
Lots of little compliments, every day he’ll call his partner beautiful/handsome. He’ll whisper compliments into their ear whenever he passes by them ;-; 
He’s not one for PDA but if his S/O initiates it or likes it, he’ll do it. Anything that’ll make his lover happy. He naturally has an arm around his S/O whenever they’re in public, but he doesn’t really initiate anything else unless he has to intimidate some perv/enemy or unless he gets a bit jealous. 
Very protective- he always has an eye on you from far away or up close, he’ll ask a crew member to escort you somewhere if he can’t. He tries to stay by your side whenever you’re out with him and the crew, he’ll just find himself next to you sometimes not even realizing he walked over.
He’s not the best at comforting, but he tries his best. He’ll leave his S/O alone if they need that, but he’ll also hug them against his chest and let them cry as much as they need. He’ll rub their back and attempt to whisper reassuring words
He loves drinking with his S/O, sometimes after a stressful day that all he needs to relax. He also likes having them in his arms while he drinks/parties with the crew. He definitely stargazes with his S/O
Dates are usually nice bars or little resturaunts on the islands the Red Hair Pirates dock at. He doesn’t have much spare time so whenever he does he spends it with his S/O. 
Omg sharing a bed with him is like having a giant teddy bear. He’ll always let his S/O sleep with him, usually having them tucked into his side with their head on his chest, or directly on top of him. He’ll rub their back until they fall asleep, then he’ll just listen to their breathing for a bit until eventually it lulls him to sleep aswell. He secretly loves when his S/O lets him rest his head on their chest, the sound of their heartbeat makes him feel so calm and safe.
Lucky Roux
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I can not explain how excited I was to write his :D
He is so sweet, literally a giant teddy bear- That’ll rip (shoot) anyones head off if they harm his S/O. He was the first character to kill someone on screen, so that should tell you something. He’s very protective but he’ll often just watch his S/O from afar and make sure he’s ready if they need him to step in. He won’t wait for them to signal for his help, the second he sees someone threating his S/O’s safety he’s there pushing his S/O behind him and shielding them from whoever’s causing the danger
He will try to be more subtle with his gentle and soft side in public. He saves the lovesick confessions for private. Because seriously he’ll start listing off all the things he loves about his S/O to them. One time he got super duper drunk and accidently started doing in in front of the crew. They never let him live it down
He likes to have his S/O sit on his shoulders, he’s quite tall and big so bending down that far to hold his S/O’s hand is kind of uncomfortable. But when he has them sit on his shoulders he’ll reach a hand up so they can hold it while they walk. He’ll do this anywhere doesn’t matter who’s there, the whole crew could be teasing him and he would just continue eating and throwing the occasional “At least I have someone to do this with” 
It is so easy to guilt trip him. He could say a compliment like “You’re so pretty baby” and his S/O could do puppy eyes and be like “Do you only like me for my looks?” [insert lip quiver] and he will be a stuttering mess that then practically throws flowers and gifts at them while trying to apologize
If the crew teases him about all of his affection towards his S/O, he becomes a little distant or less affectionate for a bit. He does have an image to keep, so he’ll really only be soft in front of his lover and the crew. In public it’s more of a colder/less lovey-dovey affection, no nuzzles or cheek kisses, and he tries to hide his blush and flustered-ness
So hugs- he is so soft when he hugs his S/O. He’ll usually pick them up or sometimes he’ll bend down and let them wrap their arms around his neck then stand back up bringing them with him. In public he’ll bend down and help them onto his shoulder. He freakin 7′11 so he is worried about hurting his S/O. Thats why he holds them close, but very gently. In private when he picks his S/O up he’ll cheekily smile at them before offering his cheek because he takes kisses in exchange for his hugs.
When he shares a bed with his S/O he’s very careful to not crush them, he’ll have them lay directly on top of him or up towards his head holding onto his arm. He sleeps liek snorlax so just picture like a kitten sleeping on snorlax, thats the position most of the time.
When he’s drinking or sitting around wiith the crew he likes having his S/O on his shoulder or right next to him. He’ll often have them sit on the table in front of him so he can rest his head on their shoulder/top of their head. And he absolutely loves when his S/O feeds him, like holds out a pice of meat for him, then he’ll offer them a bite too ;-;
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His personality is similar to Usopp’s, except he’s a lot less of a coward (no offense usopp I love you) He would star at his S/O quite alot, just admiring their face and the way they smile. He loooooves their smile, he’ll do anything to see it. 
He likes to showoff his shooting skills, so sometimes he’ll have his S/O watch him practice. Also he’ll offer to teach them how to use a gun. He’s very protective of his S/O and prefers to have them next to him or at least within reach at all times. If he sees someone starting to cause trouble for his S/O, he’ll watch and make sure they’re okay but the second they look uncomfortable or signal for his help, he’s over in the blink of an eye. He won’t immediately hurt whoevers messing with you, but a harsh threat warning and very scary glare is what they get. Buuut the second someone threatens actual harm towards his S/O, it’s over for them.
He holds his S/O’s hand whenever they’re out together, or he likes to give them piggyback rides- more hand holding though. He’ll take them shopping or looking for a decent food place in his spare time. He loves when his S/O is with him when The Red Haired Pirates are partying at a bar, but he’s also worried about how crazy and somewhat dangerous it can get with all of them. So he’ll have his S/O sit with him either tucked into his side with his arm around them, or sitting in his lap.
He just loves telling his lover about his adventures and of course his wonderful son. He has definitely thought about introducing his S/O to his son when he sees him again someday. Yasopp will sit with his S/O on the deck and tell them stories about his life, he loves seeing them smile and laugh at his tales. 
He loves hugs from his S/O, in public they’re rather short but in private they can last forever. He’ll pull them close and nuzzle hiss nose into their hair while holding their head against his chest. His hugs last a lot longer when he’s having a really soft moment or when he occasionally gets a bit insecure.
When he shares a bed with his S/O he likes spooning, he’s fine being the big or little spoon just as long as the crew doesn’t know he can be a little spoon. He prefers being the big spoon because it makes him feel like he’s protecting his S/O. He also likes to lay his head on his S/O’s chest and listen to their heartbeat while they run their fingers through his hair- he falls asleep right away like that.
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arhvste · 4 years
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❝atsumu, kuroo, tsukishima and bokuto playing acnh ❞
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miya atsumu
→ first he called the game dumb but he eventually gave in because everyone and their aunts were playing it and he didn’t wanna be left out
→ mf tries so hard for raymond at first
→ he insists it’s just because he can sell him for a lot
→ he really just wants raymond because he lowkey reminds him of osamu
→ anyways this fool doesn’t get raymond but ya know who he does get?
→ pedro
→ atsumu was ✨disgusted✨
→ “a clown?! a fukn clown?! yer jokin me!”
→ “aw don’t cry he fits in so well on your island 😹”
→ “sHUT YER TRAP 😠😠😠”
→ he hated pedro at first and for what?
→ eventually he starts vibing with him though
→ he decides that perhaps... pedro isn’t a bad guy after all
→ so atsumu develops a soft spot for him and begins to favour him over the rest of his mediocre villagers whose names he can’t be bothered to remember
→ ya know whose name he can remeber though?
→ BELLA 😡😠😡😠😡😡😠
→ the name that sparks rage in him
→ atsumu hits his villagers with his net shouting “nice cut g!” as a joke
→ with bella he’s not joking 😐
→ he hits her repeatedly and grins maliciously when she gets angry eventually
→ LOVES shoving her into pitfalls for absolutely no reason
→ cusses her out under his breath
→ writes hate mail to her only to get fustrated when she sends a nice reply about the flowers she saw the other day that reminded her of him
→ honestly bella girl it ain’t worth it, pack your bags and get outta there sis 😔
→ he wants her to get tf off his island because he doesn’t like her but he also kinda wants her to stay because he loves annoying her and making her angry
→ literally goes out of his way to buy the ugliest clothes for her to wear
→ he also has all his villagers address him as “big dick man”
→ pedro is special though 😳
→ pedro is the chosen one who gets to call him “tsumu”
→ literally thinks it’s the funniest thing when his villagers say “hey big dick man! the weather sure is great today isn’t it!”
→ you can hear his cackling from down the hall
→ thinks it’s the peak of comedy
→ oh and you’re not allowed to visit his island on a saturday
→ saturdays are “for the boys”
→ and by that he means he’s just going to buy a ton of matching clothes for him and pedro and talk to him all day until he eventually annoys pedro by accident to which he genuinely gets upset about
→ he doesn’t really bother with the fishing tourneys or bug offs
→ does catch a few though just to make sure he beats bella earns nook miles
→ pretty average island, not too much effort put into it yet
→ atsumu prefers channeling his energy and game time into bullying bella interacting with his villagers
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kuroo tetsurō
→ bangs. it. tf. out.
→ literally acts like he doesn’t care about the game but has 395+ hours game time
→ uses the excuse it’s to play with kenma but kuroo actually got into it before kenma had the chance to look at it properly
→ fishing tourney KING
→ has multiple gold trophy’s and built a whole extension just to show them off
→ also treats all his villagers equally
→ he was a bit picky and only wanted cats and dogs on his island though
→ if you’re anything but a cat or a dog, i’m sorry but kuroo will timeskip you tf off of his island
→ has a soft spot for lucky but doesn’t admit it
→ he likes to come across as a “fair dictator of the island”
→ just admit luckys your fav and go oh my god
→ his house is really nice too
→ pretty much paid off all his debt and is financially responsible 😼
→ he will send you money over a few times a week because he claims he’s a good boyfie virtually and realistically
→ LOVES opening the letters from ‘mom’
→ it’s a small detail in the game but it brings kuroo comfort when he opens the letters and sometimes receives gifts from his virtual ‘mom’ 🥺
→ keeps all the letters from her because that’s what he would do if his real mom ever wrote to him
→ he’s a shameless timeskipper
→ “tetsu?? where tf did you get all this the games only been out a week??”
→ “👁👁 idk what you’re talking about baby”
→ the thing that annoys him the most are the fossils
→ HATES the stupid little marks in the ground that appear every day
→ also HATES talking to blathers
→ “spit it out already! i have places to be and villagers to see!”
→ completely ignores blathers’ real name and refers to him as ‘bokuto’
→ because he’s an owl duh
→ and bokuto also talks a lot
→ you thought it was a cute friendship thing at first but took it back when you heard him muttering under his breath
→ “oh my god just analyse the fossils already you himbo bird!”
→ “did you just call blathers a himbo? 😳”
→ “...no? 😳👀”
→ all in all, kuroo’s pretty good at the game
→ you like visiting his island because he has a ton of extra stuff he just gives you
→ “i never want to hear you call me a bad boyfriend again 😐”
→ “okay fine...but oNLY if you give me an ironwood dresser 😏”
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tsukishima kei
→ another one who bangs it out
→ doesn’t really care when you point it out though
→ “you’re just jealous your islands a dumping ground compared to mine 🥱”
→ “k-kei 😔”
→ also sprints near where you’re fishing to scare the fish off and be spiteful 💀
→ little shit KNOWS you only need oranges to complete all the fruits on your island
→ he also knows you’re out of nook miles tickets
→ “aw that’s a shame, maybe if you were a bit better at the game you’d find them quicker but good luck! 😀”
→ oranges are his native fruit 😐😑😐
→ eventually he gives you them because you’re relentless and his patience runs thin after a while
→ good at the bug offs
→ pretty good at scorpion/tarantula hunting too
→ convinced spike is in love with him after the amount of scorpions and tarantulas he’s donated to him
→ his fossil exhibition in the museum is completed already
→ when blathers tells him the facts about the dinosaurs he just rolls his eyes
→ “i knew that already you stupid bird 🙄”
→ why’s everyone bullying blathers damn 😿
→ now, he likes henry
→ one of the few villagers he doesn’t bully
→ tsukki doesnt particularly care for majority of his villagers
→ henry has a special place in his heart though
→ maybe it’s because henry isn’t overly perky or he isn’t rude like the cranky villagers which tsukishima doesn’t like
→ henry is just??? so??? nice????
→ he can’t hate him
→ all his villagers have catchphrases that are dumb af
→ tsukki thought he was being clever when he made them but he just looks mean when other people talk to his villagers
→ “good morning i am useless! i love your outfit!”
→ henry gets to call him tsukki though
→ only because he figured out that henry reminds him of yamaguchi
→ that’s the only reason henry’s the exception to his bullying
→ i feel like tsukki has a pretty nice house too
→ he makes a lot of bells from selling scorpions and tarantulas and spare fossils he’s dug up
→ doesn’t really care about the size but has very detailed rooms
→ like all the furniture in his rooms follow a scheme
→ mf never opens his mailbox
→ doesn’t care for what the other “peasants have to say for themselves”
→ terraforming isn’t really his thing tbh
→ doesn’t like how slow the process and be and kinda likes the natural flat land
→ he likes laying down paths though
→ cusses villagers out when they get in the way though
→ full on shoves them and will keep shoving them until they get annoyed just because they’ve annoyed him
→ tsukki doesnt put as much time into the game as kuroo but his island is still pretty good and aesthetically pleasing
→ he just won’t help you make yours look like that 💀
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bokuto koutarō
→ weeds. everywhere.
→ get so confused when he’s told he has to pick them all
→ “really? why can’t i just let them grow though i kinda like them 🤩”
→ mf ✨struggles✨ at the first stages
→ “y/n, you know i love you, please give me 30 iron nuggets 🥺💖💞💗”
→ ofc you give them to him because you’re well ahead in the game and don’t need them as much as he does
→ praises you like royalty but then he’s back to begging for materials from you 💀
→ doesn’t pay his debts
→ you’re gonna have to help him out here
→ doesn’t like the idea of having to constantly pay them off
→ like?? he doesn’t want a bigger house so why is this damn raccoon always bothering him to upgrade like leave him and his 2 room house alone 😠
→ has a the same camp bed and lamp from when he first moved out the tent 💀
→ insists he doesn’t need another one because the furniture all functions the same
→ he has a point tbf but his house just isn’t aesthetically pleasing
→ he also hoards stuff
→ common butterfly? yeah bokuto has 37 sitting in his storage
→ doesn’t like letting the bugs go because he “caught them fair and square”
→ you show him how to pay his debts back and then he dedicates a whole room to his stupid bugs 💀
→ loves blathers and celeste just because they’re owls
→ doesn’t care about what they’re wittering on about he loves interacting with them just because they’re the only owls in the game 😐
→ his favourite villager is kid cat
→ literally follows him around and sprints circles around him
→ l o v e s the chaos outside the town hall
→ 2 of his villagers are singing, 3 are running around and 1 is just watching like 🧍🏻‍♀️
→ HYPES his singing villagers tf up
→ “yeah get it bianca! turn it up!!! 🥳🥳”
→ has to match his villagers clothes at least once a week
→ also makes them all refer to him as “the best ace”
→ it boosts his ego a little more each time they say it
→ bokuto actually got raymond out of luck but had no idea who tf he was and just how popular he was
→ lets that mf go without advertising that raymond’s in boxes
→ atsumu screeches when he finds this out eventually
→ bokuto doesn’t care what his villagers look like everyone’s welcome
→ bella should move to bokuto’s island and move from atsumu’s because bokuto will accept her with open arms rather than a net to the head everytime he sees her 😿
→ ALWAYS remembers birthdays for his villagers
→ and always shows up to their birthday parties insisting he’s the life of the party and they’d be bored without him 😹
→ which is true to a certain degree cause the party only really starts when the player arrives
→ bokuto is actually okay at terraforming
→ quickly changes his mind after an hour of building and digging and restarts it all over again
→ he can make his island look pretty good
→ theres just weeds and buried fossils everywhere though 👁👁
→ also forgets his turnips go bad
→ literally the least financially responsible out of them all
→ it’s okay though because you help him and he eventually gets the hang of it
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general taglist → @atsumuwoah @bloody-bella @bbymilkbread @miracleboy420 @doggonudez @atsunakaashi @peteunderoos @saturnfarie @toffees-main @zumisace @boosyboo9206 @totorosleaff @27kei
please send an ask to be added / removed from my taglist
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reddowind · 3 years
Can you give me some headcanon of Maki's relationship with her children? Because she's my fav and I hc her as a good mom!
Maki is also my fav from entire Danganronpa series! and I agree with you, Anon! Though she can be aggressive without realizing it sometimes!
Alright, this is gonna be kinda hard to write to...
MAKI x KAIMA (not a ship)
- Kaima is closer to Maki than Kaito due to their personality is more similar
- Maki often sparing with him, intending to test Kaima's combat and weapon skills that he learned from his mentor
- While Maki is away from home for her carrier, She asked Kaima to takes care of his younger siblings and their dog. In this case, Maki really rely on her oldest son
- Maybe Kaima's looks doesn't looks like it but actually he has sincere heart! Kaima always told his mom to take a rest whenever she's tired, or make lunch for his mom and bring it to the orphanage also bring it to the location where Maki is taking a job as Shuichi's private investigator and bodyguard. Sometimes he makes one for Shuichi
- Maki always told him to not overdoing it whenever if there's someone/or those who challenge him to fight them. This often happened because of Kaima's rumour and his nickname that circulating in his area and Hope's Peak environment... Knowing Kaima is often fighting the gangster, it makes Maki worried half to death....
- Kaima often helping Maki whenever she's doing a housework, while talking about their day or something new that happened recently
- Yes, Kaima is scared of Maki whenever she's angry
- Kaima knew Maki's real identity, hearing her past succesfully gave him a heavy shock but it doesn't makes him hated his mom
- Though Keiji is closer to his dad, him and Maki does have strong relationship
- While Maki's at home, Keiji often requested to do volleyball spare with him, Maki is strong in volleyball in Keiji's opinion because sometimes he lost to her. Maki literally doesn't mind to do volleyball spare with Keiji, it's fun to do and seeing how happy Keiji is, it lighten up her heart and makes her excited.
- Maki also taught him self defense and train him when she's at home
- Keiji often doing something dumb (like doing a rolling thunder technique from Haikyuu!!), and Maki always scolding him to stop doing it. Keiji always scared whenever his mom angry
Unlike his brother, Keiji doesn't know anything about Maki's past. But seeing her overpowered physical ability and her knowledge on self defense, weapons it just made him thinking "Mom is real cool!!" . Yeah, just like his father, Keiji's logic is too simple.
- Seeing how much innocent Keiji is, Maki always confused how the hell that her second son can be this innocent for his age?! Ah, but Keiji's really blunt and childish side doesn't surprised Maki that much. Keiji inherited that side from his dad, she guess.
- Keiji has the most amount of stamina among The Momota Family, seeing it Maki also confused from where that her son has that amount of stamina?
- Maki claimed that Keiji is The Second Kaito! ...But the innocent version...
- Whenever Keiji's sick, Maki always told him to rest, R E S T ! Whenever Maki spots Keiji isn't rest in his bed Maki would lift Keiji and put him back on his bed, ...if it's necessary. Because Keiji's not the type who slacks over entire day! It's boring...
- The two shared the same "history", this is what makes their relationship grown stronger. But Keiji's still don't know anything about their past and never realized how much the impacts affects to their relationship
- As the baby of the family, Mako is protected by everyone especially by her mom!
- Mako is the only girl among The Momota Siblings, this is what makes her always confide to her mom when it comes to girl's problems (Yes, Mako is a tomboyish girl. but she does experienced a problem where she felt its only girl that will understand it)
- Mako is close and have an equal relationship with both of her parents, but she prefers to discuss her problems with her mom. Because Maki is the only female family member aside from her
- Maki tries to hide this feeling but she is really protective to Makiko due to Mako is her youngest child and the only girl in The Momota Family. Maki won't forgive anyone who dares hurt her baby girl. Even Maki warned Kokichi and the rest of DICE members if they hurt Mako's feeling or anything. "If you dare to hurt my girl.. I won't hesitate to kill all of you.." she said. Ah yes, Maki ever broke Kokichi's phone into half because he saved some of Mako's disgrace photos in his gallery
- Different from Maki, Mako really loves sword and thanks to her mother and a certain someone, her skills on sword are well honed. Maki totally knew that each person has different tastes and likes, and that applies too to her children. So Maki told her it's totally okay for loving sword as long she's not using it for hurting people (except in sense of training) or acting like she is cool because she's skilled in sword, but Mako realized that from the way Maki gave her those advices, Maki sounds kinda sad and disliked swords. It made Mako felt a bit guilty for loving swords despite she doesn't know the real reasons
- Of course, this baby is scared whenever Maki's angry
Mako doesn't know anything about Maki's real identity, but seeing her overpowered physical ability and her knowledge on self defense, weapons makes Mako sometimes wonder who on earth her mother is. But Mako never asked her mother directly, "I don't know why but.. I feel like I shouldn't ask her about that" She thought
- Maki also taught Mako self defense, for helping her carrier as Kokichi’s right hand
Yup, that's all of it! Hope you like it!!
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duskamethyst · 4 years
only mine.
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a/n: my first bnha fic! im in love with the anime and i simp for so many characters aha
word count: 1.6k
genre: mature, implied nsfw (characters are aged up)
warnings: kidnapping, drugging, yandere behavior
pairing: yan!kaminari x gn!reader
summary: you and kaminari are fuck buddies. 
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“man, can’t you just sleep over?” kaminari groans as he rolls onto his side, his elbow props himself up to watch you get off the bed to collect your clothes that were stripped and thrown onto the floor. 
“denki, no.” you say sternly while putting on your hoodie, missing the pouty look on the male’s face. 
“not even for one night?” he pleads. 
“nope!” you stick out your tongue teasingly before walking towards the door and turning the knob. “not ever.”
“sheesh, you’re such a hardass.” 
“call me whatever you want,” you roll your eyes as you step out and slowly close the door before peeking your head in again, “see ya.”
it has been months since you and kaminari been fucking on each other’s bed. it started with small talks before he (quickly-- after just a couple of times seeing each other)  began to openly flirt with you. kaminari was a fun a guy to be around with, kind of dumb and he looked like he meant no harm. you decided to entertain the fellow, shamelessly retaliate his flirtatious behavior (which was so much better than his game that it made him flustered often) until the both of you found yourselves together, bare and dripping with sweat in bed. 
you and kaminari formed a “pact” that it should remain as is, no strings attached and leaving the only label on it as fwb. being each others’ booty call is hell lot of fun, the sex is bomb and you don’t have to commit and have feelings for each other. you made it clear that this should remain a secret and that you both are free to fuck around with other people too but as much you’d like to believe that he understood it, kaminari never failed to constantly spam your phone with unnecessary texts about your well being, how your day went or asking if you wanted to go to shopping with him. it was a bit suffocating but if he was lucky enough, he’d get a short reply if not left on read.
you stick to your own belief that is to leave as soon as you’re done wrecking each other. no cuddles, no pillow talks or whatever those cheesy things couples normally do because the more time you spend together, there would be no doubt that one of you would start to catch feelings and it’s the last thing you want to have right now. the longest that you would stay at his place was only to take a quick shower after doing the deed, but not before having him almost begging to come in with you.
still, that doesn’t stop the male to often ask you to hang out and stay with him after a couple of hours together. you had to constantly remind him how this whole thing works but sometimes you could still see how he was burning holes behind other people who he thought was looking at you for too long or making you laugh too much and you couldn’t help but to wonder if he was taking this differently from you. whenever you confronted him about it, he’d get extremely defensive about his behavior and said you were just imagining it or that he was joking. not wanting to argue any further, you’d often leave it at that.
hanging around with the guys is when his little antics gets worse. kirishima often invites the crew to his place to play video games and he always manages to find a way to lay a finger on you or openly flirts with you. he’d usually make sure that he is the one that gets to sit next to you or purposely hangs an arm protectively around your shoulders as he casually speaks to the others-- which earns the both of you some weird looks. kaminari notices it and he lives for it. it makes him even prouder to be able to claim you in some sort of way.
“been kinda wondering-- you guys are fucking each other or something?” sero suddenly questions while his eyes are glued to the screen in desperation of beating bakugou in the racing game.
“hell ye- OUCH!” you yank your elbow on kaminari’s side to cut him off.
“who the hell would?” you quickly reply, earning some laughs from the other males present. 
“then, you’re free after this?” he turns his head to wink at you, giving a small room of opportunity for bakugou to slip through sero’s car and eventually finish the whole two laps. 
the blonde male grunts and hits sero’s head with his controller, “fucking idiot! you didn’t even take this seriously! kirishima! you’re next!”
“well, someone’s bound to take care of that bump on your head now, huh?” you tease, and sero is one to quickly catch on to that as a wide grin spreads across his face. 
“dude, i owe you one!” he chuckles and lightly taps on bakugou’s shoulder. 
“i should’ve kicked you in the balls.” he grumbles, finger expertly pushing one of the joysticks as he chooses his preferred sports car for the next race.
the night goes on as usual, each of you taking turns on the racing game that bakugou insists on only playing for the rest of the night which none of you dared to say otherwise. everyone has their shares of laughs, you think-- missing the scowl on kaminari’s face whenever you choose to only spare him your half-assed attention while sero shows you his collection of memes on his phone. it’s probably mean of him to think how sero looks like a fucking simp that has to impress you in order to woo you for the night but he couldn’t care less. he knows you best-- knows how you do things your way and seeing you “subtly” being flirtatious right in front of his face angers him to no end. 
you’re acting like it, like a... what was it again? a whore? it has been at the tip of his tongue but he doesn’t dare to say it. he feels bad enough to even think about you that way and know that he shouldn’t since you both are in this stupid “relationship” that people use as an excuse just to hop from one dick or pussy to another because they’re too “afraid” of or don’t want any commitments or whatever. kaminari gets the idea, he’s not that dense but it’s unfair how he can’t bring himself to do things like you-- not when he’s already catching feelings this quick.
for the sake of not wanting to ruin the night nor the only thing that binds you to him, he chooses to keep his cool until you guys part ways. he doesn’t even realize how hard he’s clenching his fists when he finds out that you left with sero while he’s gone for a bathroom break. 
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— come over tonight? ;-)
a week has passed since that night. you notice that kaminari haven’t been constantly flooding your inbox like he used to and it has been the least of your worries. in fact, you enjoyed it. you had your time being around other people more without having them to think that he’s a threat to them and he was less touchy than he used to be. you have no clue about the reason for his change in attitude and you couldn’t find the reason to ponder about it anyways.
he comes over as asked, an activity that is far from foreign for the both of you. kaminari happily shows you the bottle of booze from his bag as he enters your home-- neither of you has to say it, you both know that you’re going to have mindless, drunk sex tonight. 
“don’t worry, i’ll make sure to sleep on the couch.” he reassures, pouring the liquor into two glasses in your kitchen as you sit down lazily on the couch. 
“you better be,” you reply, going through the movies available on netflix from the tv screen. “you can choose what you wanna watch.”
kaminari walks over and offers you one of the glasses before sitting down next to you. he goes through the movies before choosing one, sipping on his drink and glancing towards you through the corner of his eyes once in a while. he can’t help but to suppress a smile through his glass when he catches you take a gulp and your face squirm at the bitter taste. 
“it’s so strong.” you mumble after a few more sips and a few minutes into the movie that you are trying to pay attention to. you believe that your alcohol tolerance isn’t that bad but the way those few sips are already making your head spin instead of the familiar high that should succumb your mind by now.
“for real? i think you’re just imagining it.” he replies coyly as his eyes bore through the screen.
“i’m not--” the spinning starts to become unbearable and your eyelids are getting heavy so you quickly lay your head down and close your eyes on the couch in an attempt to soothe it down before kaminari reaches to rub smooth circles on your head.
“shh, do you wanna puke?” his voice is too calm despite the situation. knowing him, he’d be absolutely frantic when things go wrong. you try to open your eyes, but the lights do nothing but cruelly inflict the pain even more. 
“no.. i just-- carry me to bed..?” you whine as you welcome the comfort he’s offering.
kaminari just watches you as you slowly drift into a deep slumber, your chest heaving up and down as you breathe. he calls your name a few times to test the waters before he finally lets out a sinister chuckle and hovers over your body to kiss your cheek.
“poor baby. don’t worry, i’ll bring you somewhere nicer.” he whispers as he gazes adoringly at your unlively state. so vulnerable. 
“then i can have you all to myself.”
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duskamethyst © 2020 • do not modify, translate or repost anywhere.
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