#the return of StarClan
starclanz · 10 months
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jesse-pinko · 3 months
The funniest fucking thing so far in The Broken Code arc is when the gathering where a demon-possessed tyrant is turning the cats against each other in an attempt to seize power stops cold so that literally everyone from every clan can start gossiping ab Rootpaw’s crush on Bristlefrost bc that’s how unsubtle he’s been ab it the entire fucking forest knows and the Imposter is like hello idgaf?? We were talking ab exiling the codebreakers?? Like just trying to get them all back in a torch and pitchforks mood but everybody’s too busy gossiping ab this middle-schooler’s crush right in front of both him and said crush who are both visibly mortified lmaoo
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moss-wcdesigns · 6 months
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Leopardstar - leader of RiverClan
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yew-clan · 4 months
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Moon 000 pt. 5
Moon 000 pt. 3
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quitedisastrous · 1 year
throwing darts at a board to figure out which ask i'm placing in between tallshadow leaving and milkwail showing back up. who is going to temporarily witness the uninhabited corpse of the world's wettest-eyed meow meow
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whispering-clan · 5 months
Updated Crestedstar design!
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look! she has her star marking! YAY!!!
yes, she does canonically have a chest/ "heart" star mark, I just forgot to add it in her OG design. she was designed a while before the other leaders so the star marks weren't really on my mind at the time :P
some bonus Crestedstar lore since a lot of ppl have asked about her collar's star shaped tag-
Her collar is part of why she was chosen to be the next leader of Singingclan! She had been taken by twolegs and had been given the collar by them, but she escaped and returned to the clan. When she returned it was at a time when the old deputy was ready to retire, and the star on her collar was seen as a sign from Starclan that it was time for her to be the new deputy!
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mourningsbane · 1 month
OwO Could we get a short description of each clan? Do the clans live in relative peace among each other or is there (probably one-sided) tension growing in LutumClan because of the weird prey and hauntings that only they experience?
Of course! <3
TonitrumClan lives in the forest near LutumClan, and prefers to take residence in towering trees connected via vines or tangling branches! They see trees as the closest thing to touching the sky and consider themselves most "in tune" with StarClan. They're an incredibly spiritual bunch and tend to be non-violent and peaceful.
TonitrumClan is typically on very good terms with LutumClan, and they trade goods back and forth; TonitrumClan, living in the trees, considers rabbits quite the delicacy and will trade some of the birds they catch to LutumClan in exchange. LutumClan, due to living in burrows, considers birds a delicacy, so it works out for both of them! LutumClan, however, hasn't traded prey with them at all recently, so they are a bit worried about their neighbor, especially since there's a strange, inky substance building along their border.
StagnumClan lives close to TonitrumClan, but in an area that's more swamp than forest. The other clans consider them "dirty" due to their residence in a swamp, and their former leader leaving a bad taste in everyone's mouth. Despite their stigma, they're actually very talented tool smiths. One of them even recently discovered how to make a rudimentary hammer with a rock, a stick, and a few vines. They don't trade with clans very often and prefer to keep to themselves, but the goods they offer are usually herbs and moss.
StagnumClan is not on very good terms with LutumClan, as they consider LutumClan to be very disrespectful! A few moons ago, one of their queens, a pale she-cat if they remember correctly, said that their current leader was the father of her kits, and they've been miffed ever since!
LanitumClan lives on the other side of LutumClan, close to a massive sheep ranch. They're essentially "wool farmers" and are typically peaceful unless the sheep are threatened. The other clans consider them oddballs for living so close to such strange animals, but the wool they trade is very popular for nest building, insulation in winter, makeshift pouches, etc... In exchange, they usually ask for prey or sharp tools for wire cutting (the farmers nearby keep setting down fox traps, and they tend to get caught in them by accident).
LanitumClan was distant with LutumClan, but they tolerated each other at least! LutumClan traded prey, and LanitumClan gave them wool in return. When LutumClan's trade stopped, they weren't worried so much about LutumClan and more so about how they were going to feed themselves.
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thewhalesheart · 2 months
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ch 03 : p 28
an untimely return & a predator turned prey
will lambpaw “make it to starclan”? will he finally receive starclan’s approval? or will he return to the land where only his (living) paws have walked? we will find out soon! only one page left of chapter three!
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starclanz · 10 months
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After what you've done, no one will save you.
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bonefall · 4 months
Who’s Juniperclaw again? Also the quote about ruthlessness? Staring curiously
Canon!Juniperclaw is tigerHeartstar's nephew, son of Dawnpelt and brother to Strikestone and Sleekwhisker.
He was the first deputy of ShadowClan after tigerHeartstar's return, until he tried to pressure SkyClan into leaving the Lake in AVOS by poisoning their food. No one was hurt any worse than "bad tummyache," but he was exiled anyway. He then died rescuing Shadowkit from a flooded river QuickTime event.
We found out that he went to the Dark Forest in TBC. He was allowed to become the guardian of the tunnel between the Place of No Stars and StarClan's Hunting Grounds, in the hopes of finding redemption.
For BB this is all a bit different;
I've been waiting for a while for the perfect opportunity to rise to rework Juniperclaw's story.
I REALLY like the idea of his poisoning, his exile, and his placement in the Dark Forest... but the back half of AVoS is baddd.
Plus, it's just too bloodless. If he's going to get DARK FOREST over this, I expect a body count.
So now, his actions lead to at least 3 deaths. Leafstar is one of them, Sparkpelt was ALMOST another but Hollylark uses xeir powers to die in her place, and Flickerkit dies shortly before his birth.
I feel like he wasn't expecting the death toll to be so devastating.
This event is being moved to Squirrelflight's Horror. Juniper's plot was that he was going to do this poisoning to blame it on The Sisters.
He just wanted SkyClan off ShadowClan land, he figured if he convinced Leafstar that the Sisters are a threat that needs to be dealt with that she'd move
He didn't think it would kill three people, just make them sick! Maybe just ONE of Leafstar's lives! And how was he supposed to know ThunderClan's leader's daughter would have a bowl?!
This plan probably works, but the guilt EATS Juniperclaw alive. He got exactly what he wanted-- a battle patrol against expectant queens.
I can't see this secret going on too long, someone rats him out and he crumbles. He can't live with it anymore.
But in Waspstar's eyes, an exile was a light punishment. Exactly what xey expected out of Heartstar, so openly biased for her family, not taking the death of SkyClan's leader as the murder that it was.
Xey dealt with this by sending a message; all "honored" guests could come and pay their respects to Leafstar.
Juniperclaw isn't invited explicitly... but the message reaches him. It is implied. So he comes, hoping to offer his sincere regrets.
I'm trying to figure out the cat equivalent of "Being taken out back and shot" is lmao
Professional mob boss kind of hit. Someone takes out the pistol with a silencer and ends his existence in the back alley as the loud party inside drowns out the sound of the shot. Do you understand me
Whoever the "hitman" was, Waspstar is the one who ordered it and xey take full responsibility.
The kill was clean. Not messy. Juniperclaw didn't suffer-- unlike his victims.
Juniperclaw goes to the Dark Forest like canon, but in BB he isn't the only border guard. He's buddies with Mudclaw and Appledusk.
The line about ruthlessness I mentioned offhandedly is this one from KA Applegate. I'm pretty sure it's from Animorphs.
"People don’t understand the word ruthless. They think that it means ‘mean.’ It’s not about being mean. It’s about seeing the bright, clear line that leads from A to B. The line that goes from motive to means. Beginning to end. It’s about seeing that bright, clear line and not caring about anything but the beautiful fact that you can see the solution."
It's become a popular paragraph as of late, because it slaps.
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cryptidclaw · 1 year
Whisperingclan Moon 19 pt. 1
much happened this moon so I'm splitting it into two parts!
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Whisperingclan Year 1 | Previous Update | Next Update
ok so gameplay wise, I am going to start doing my own random death roles based around the lore I came up with for Whisperingclan!
As I have said previously, It is NOT good for the clan to be living in a cave so spiritually close to Starclan... and these deaths are part of this.
Young kits (0-3 moons), old elders and the sick are close to the death and the Stars as they are weak, their spirits have a chance of just... basically falling into the backrooms aka. accidentally going through the cave's portals to Starclan and just never returning.
From now on, if the clan starts getting over populated, or (like in this situation) there are a lot of kits in the clan, I may do a death role. It's up to me what cats I role for, but the cats chosen will usually be kits, sick cats or elders.
In this case I rolled for one of the MossSun litter and one of the sick Butterfly sons to go to Starclan early.
Anywayssss sorry to the parents of these guys, I love you sm but I torment you for plot
below are Oakkit and Heronkit's final designs!
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clangenrising · 9 days
Month 19 - Leaffall
Sagetooth gasped sharply and lurched upright as a cold touch to her forehead pulled her up from a thick, inky blackness. She looked around at the bed of hastily gathered wildflowers and the cats clustered nearby and wondered aloud, “How long have I been out?” 
None of the cats even acknowledged her. Close by, Branchbark and Ospreymask loafed side by side, completely unaware she had spoken. Ospreymask leaned weakly on Branchbark, a patchwork of cobwebs plastered over her dark pelt and Branchbark’s eyes were raw and red. More cats sat nearby, all of them somber and quiet in the pre-dawn light. They looked miserable and something foreboding stirred inside Sagetooth at the sight. 
“About an hour, I think,” said a familiar voice. Sagetooth turned her head to see Poppyblaze standing nearby. At her feet lay Lakepaw, stiff and cold and decorated with morning glory and goldenrod flowers. 
“Oh,” Sagetooth said simply. 
“Yeah,” Poppyblaze grimaced. “I’m sorry old friend. I wasn’t expecting to come for you for a while.” 
Sagetooth’s gaze drifted down to the apprentice laying beside her own body, over which she now stood. “She died to protect me,” she said. “Poor kit.” 
“She gave quite the fight for her age,” hummed Poppyblaze. “Are you alright if I wake her now? We really should be going.” 
“Of course,” Sagetooth said, then inhaled sharply with memory. “Wait, I have to check on something!” She quickly hopped over the flowers woven around her feet and headed for the healers’ den at a brisk pace. 
“Don’t go far!” Poppyblaze hissed worriedly. “It’s not safe!” Sagetooth twitched an ear dismissively and continued into the den. There was nothing that would hurt her here and she had important things to do. 
As she stepped into the den, the blood that covered the floor made her pause. Even though every scent felt like it was miles away, she could pick up on the pungent odor of blood and urine -- and not just the expected amount of urine that came with the dead. Stepping further in, she found the herb stores in disaster, every herb tossed to the floor, shredded, and sprayed by the rogues. She curled her lip in disgust.
“Honorless brutes,” she muttered under her breath, shaking her head. Turning away from that mess, she marched purposefully around the corner to Oddstripe’s empty nest and sighed in relief when she saw the small lump underneath the back corner. The horsetail and juniper she had hidden there was safe. She had no doubt Oddstripe would find it eventually. There wouldn’t be another death like Nightfrosts. 
Set at ease, she turned back and padded out into the clearing where Poppyblaze was standing with Lakepaw’s spirit in the middle of the circle of mourners. Poor Lakepaw was softly weeping into the guide’s starry fur. 
Sagetooth padded over and said, “There, there, Lakepaw. It’s going to be alright.” 
Lakepaw looked up at the sound of her voice and sniffled. “I’m so sorry, Sagetooth,” she whined. “I promise I tried my best.” 
“I know,” Sagetooth smiled. “You were a brave warrior.” Lakepaw sniffled again and rubbed a paw over her face, managing to return her smile, just a bit. 
“Alright, now, let’s be quick,” said Poppyblaze. “This place isn’t safe.”
“How so?” Sagetooth scowled. “I’ve never heard of anything dangerous in StarClan.” 
“We’re not in StarClan,” Poppyblaze explained, leading they over to the Stoneperch. “We’re in a place called the Parallel. It’s the place where the spirit and the physical meet, and right now, Razor’s ghost is prowling around it somewhere.” 
“What?” Sagetooth couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “How is that possible?! Only Clan cats move on to the afterlife.” 
“Oh, Sage,” Poppyblaze shook her head. “There’s so much you don’t know about the universe.” Sagetooth bristled indignantly. If there was knowledge out there, why hadn’t StarClan shared it with her? Why hadn’t Poppyblaze told her about it before? 
With a flick of her tail, Poppyblaze sent a shower of stars into the sky, leading up in a series of platforms, and said, “This way! Let’s get climbing.” 
“Wowzers,” breathed Lakepaw and Poppyblaze chuckled. 
“I like you, kid,” she purred. “Now, come on.” She gave Lakepaw’s rump a nudge with her nose and the apprentice hopped up, easily leaping from platform to platform into the sky. Sagetooth hesitated, shifting her weight. 
“You can’t make a slope of some kind?” she asked. 
Poppyblaze laughed and said, “Just give me one jump, yeah?” 
Sagetooth sighed, grumbling under her breath, and bunched her legs beneath her. It had been a long time since she’d properly jumped and she was not looking forward to it. Still, if Razor was loose somewhere around here, she’d be much better suited to jumping than fighting him. She leapt and was amazed to find herself easily and painlessly landing on the first platform. Her eyes sparkled in wonder and she glanced down at Poppyblaze who laughed again.
“See? You don’t have a body anymore so no more joint pain! Pretty cool, huh?” 
“It’s very nice, yes,” Sagetooth purred to herself, stretching out each leg experimentally. 
“Great, now let's go, go, go,” urged Poppyblaze, hopping up beside her. Sagetooth nodded and started ascending. She was buzzing giddily at the freedom in her movements, in the way she could coordinate her limbs and move them without the aching resistance she had grown used to for the last few years. 
Over their heads, Lakepaw cried out, “Wowzers! Look at the world from up here!” 
“It’s gorgeous, isn’t it?” grinned Poppyblaze. The higher they climbed, the more Sagetooth had to agree. The world was a stunning mess of mauves rustling in the breeze. A hint of orange had just started to peek over the eastern horizon and the contrast took Sagetooth’s breath away. 
“Hey, what’s that?” Lakepaw asked. 
“Hm?” Poppyblaze perked her ears. She and Sagetooth followed the apprentice’s gaze to the south. Standing in the grass, not too far from camp, several smudges of glowing red broke up the peaceful purple landscape. 
“Oh, that’s not good,” Poppyblaze swallowed. 
“Razor?” Sagetooth asked. 
“Yeah, I think so. I’m going to check it out. I need you to stay here, okay?” She looked at both of them sternly and said, “Don’t go up without me and don’t try to go down under any circumstances, understood?” 
“Yeah,” Lakepaw’s fur was standing on end as she nodded.
“Absolutely not,” Sagetooth huffed. “I’m coming with you.” 
“Oh, Sage, my stubborn, stubborn friend,” Poppyblaze’s expression was some mixture of distress and admiration. “Now really isn’t the time for this.” 
“If it isn’t safe for me to go along then you shouldn’t be going, you reckless fool,” Sagetooth stood her ground.
Poppyblaze sighed. “I guess that’s a fair point. Alright, fine. Stay here, Lakepaw, we’ll be back soon.” 
“Okay,” Lakepaw’s voice was shaky. “Please be safe.” 
“We will be,” Sagetooth assured her, then looked at Poppyblaze and gestured for her to lead the way. Poppyblaze took a careful step forward into the open air and when her paws moved away, there were starry platforms in their wake. Sagetooth fell into step behind her and they set out over the fields towards the red shapes. 
As they drew closer, Sagetooth started to make out the silhouettes of cats. A tall grey tabby stood in the center of the group, flanked by a cream tabby she-cat, a black-furred tom with white paws, and a pair of blue and white cats with notches in their ears. All five of them had the same shimmery pelts as StarClan but the stars were red tinged or dull and grey. 
“What are so many cats doing in the Parallel?” Poppyblaze whispered to herself, halting to observe them from a short distance behind and a tree’s length above. 
“That big one, is Razor, yes?” Sagetooth asked in the same hushed tone. She’d never seen the rogue’s body, too busy with healing the wounded, but she had heard the stories. She could see the gaping wound in his throat dripping ichor as he hunched over in the grass. He looked like stories of Dark Forest ghosts but that didn’t make any sense to her.
“Mhm,” nodded Poppyblaze. “He destroyed Darkmoon and EarthClan’s guide and tried to destroy me.” 
“What’s he doing?” asked Sagetooth. Both she and Poppyblaze squinted at Razor who was doing something with his paws over a space of fresh churned earth. He hooked his claws into something and pulled up dragging a new glowing red shape up from the dirt. In horror, Sagetooth watched the face of a cat burst from the ground, choking and gasping for air as Razor hoisted his spirit up by the scruff. The cat scrambled to his feet and stared around, eyes wide, chest heaving, and Razor smiled with a deep rumbling purr that Sagetooth could just barely hear. 
“Welcome to the land of the not quite living, Harry, ” he said, slapping the new cat on the back. 
“Oh, no,” Poppyblaze swallowed. “This is bad. This is very bad. Where’s Bakari?” 
“Who?” Sagetooth couldn’t help but ask. 
“What’s going on? Where are we?” the newly dead cat panted. “Who are they?” Sagetooth’s stomach dropped as he looked directly up at her and Poppyblaze. Razor cocked his head and turned in their direction. When he saw them, a terrible smile spread across his face, made all the more gruesome by the ichor seeping between his teeth. 
“Oh, look,” he purred and the whole group of cats turned to look at them, “It’s my little friend. I never did catch your name, sweetheart.” 
Poppyblaze bristled and twitched her tail against Sagetooth’s flank. “We’re leaving,” she whispered. “Now.” Sagetooth didn’t need any further prompting, quickly, she twisted on the starry platforms and started bounding back to where they had left Lakepaw waiting. Poppyblaze was close on her tail.
“Come now, don’t be like that!” Razor jeered after them and a couple of the other cats laughed. “Come on down so we can get friendly!” 
“This is very bad,” Poppyblaze hissed under her breath. “Worse than I thought.” 
“How so?” Sagetooth tilted her ears backward in curiosity. 
“How to explain…” Poppyblaze hummed thoughtfully. “So, when a creature dies, their soul is trapped inside their body. If left there, it rots and disappears, just like the rest of them, but if someone disconnects them from their body, they can live for effectively eternity, given the right conditions.” 
“Right, as long as they’re remembered, they resist fading away,” Sagetooth nodded. 
“Not exactly,” Poppyblaze said, “but that’s not really important right now.” Sagetooth twitched an ear in irritation, wishing Poppyblaze would stop saying confusing and ambiguous new things, but held her tongue so the guide could continue. “Separating a soul from a body is a tricky process, one that guides have been teaching each other for countless millennia. It looks like, somehow, Razor has figured out how to do it, or how to brute force it at least.” 
“Alright,” Sagetooth frowned, trying to put the pieces together. “So now, instead of wasting away, the kittypets’ spirits will be stuck on the Parallel with Razor where they can harass spirits waiting to go to StarClan?”
“It’s more complicated than that,” Poppyblaze said to Sagetooth’s frustration. “Usually, Bakari comes and collects the non-Clan cats in this area, but for some reason, he hasn’t been doing that.” 
“Who is this Bakari you keep talking about?” Sagetooth grumbled. 
“The guide for feline souls,” Poppyblaze’s tail began to twitch, “exempting Clan cats who have their own guides.” 
“But that’s not-” Sagetooth grit her teeth. “That doesn’t make any sense! Only Clan cats persist after death. That’s how it’s always been!” 
“Sorry, Sage, but that’s just not true,” Poppyblaze shook her head. “Everything has its own guide -- cats, dogs, mice, birds, beetles, twolegs. Everything! There’s even a guide who collects the plants! He’s a big ol’ thing with a prehensile nose and the shaggiest fur you’ve ever seen. Name’s Frost. Lovely guy, excellent conversationalist.” 
“Poppyblaze!” Sagetooth snapped, lashing her tail. They were almost back to Lakepaw now and she turned around to glare at the old spirit. “Enough about the plants! I still don’t understand what’s going on!” 
“It’s a lot to understand,” said Poppyblaze sympathetically, “but I’ll try to summarize.” She shifted her posture, collecting her thoughts, and said, “Alright, so Bakari usually collects the spirits of cats from outside the Clan. Every so often, a creature with a particularly strong will can separate themself on their own -- that’s how the first guides were created and it's what I assumed Razor had done. When I ran into him the first time, he said that he’d already destroyed two other cats and since EarthClan’s guide had never returned from gathering Darkmoon, I assumed they were the cats he’d destroyed.
“But this is so much worse. I think he destroyed Bakari when he tried to take Razor to the next life. He’s obsessed with getting back to his body like Goldenstar did and said he was going to keep killing cats until someone showed him how.”
“Oh,” Sagetooth swallowed. “That’s definitely not good.” 
“And that’s not all,” continued Poppyblaze. “If he’s only killed two cats and they were Bakari and Chestnutsprout, then Darkmoon is missing. He could be here on the parallel or he might be lost in the Clouds! Who knows!” 
“Then we need to get back to StarClan,” Sagetooth said. “They have to know.” 
“Agreed,” Poppyblaze chewed her lip. “Come on, let’s grab Lakepaw and get moving.” They padded quickly over the remaining distance to where Lakepaw was waiting dutifully for them. 
“Is everything okay?” she called as they approached. 
“Everything’s fine, dear,” said Sagetooth.
“Not really,” smiled Poppyblaze, “but we’re all safe for now. Let’s keep climbing, okay?” 
“Okay,” nodded Lakepaw and they all started up the platforms again. 
Sagetooth glared at Poppyblaze. “You didn’t have to worry the kit like that.” 
“She deserves to hear the truth,” Poppyblaze shrugged. “Or would you prefer I hide things from her like StarClan hid things from you?” Sagetooth’s anger fizzled immediately. 
“I suppose I’d rather not lie to her,” she sighed. After a moment she asked, “Why did StarClan keep the nature of things a secret? What harm is there in knowing other creatures have spirits that linger just like we do?” She trusted that there was some explanation, that StarClan had made the choice with good reason, but she couldn’t think of what it could be.
“A lot of them don’t know,” Poppyblaze admitted, “not any more at least. And the cats who do, well, you’d have to ask them, but I suspect they thought it would keep the Clans in line.” 
“In line?” Sagetooth sputtered. “What are you talking about?” 
“Well,” Poppyblaze hummed, “if you think that leaving the Clan means you lose your chance at the afterlife, you’re a lot more inclined to stay in the Clan, aren’t you?”
Sagetooth scowled. “I suppose.” This was very troubling. Wasn’t that for the best though? Leaving the Clan was tantamount to death. The poor young cats who were seduced by the lives of kittypets or rogue lovers were abandoning their homes, their traditions, their families. But still, even if their spirits existed after death, they didn’t get to hunt in StarClan’s forests so why lie? Wasn’t the outcome the same either way? The whole situation didn’t sit right with her at all. 
“Alright,” Poppyblaze said, as they neared the lower reaches of cloud cover. “We’re about to head into the Clouds, alright? It’s pretty maze-like in there and easy to get lost so make sure you stay where you can see me and let me know if you need to stop or slow down, got it?” 
“Yes ma’am,” Lakepaw said, eyes wide with awe. 
“Fine,” Sagetooth huffed, still deep in thought. This wasn’t what she had imagined her voyage to StarClan would be like. Still, she resolved to make the most of it and so set her shoulders and raised her head proudly. There would be time to get to the bottom of things and she was going to, that much was certain.
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autismmydearwatson · 3 months
If I were in the Erin Hunter team I really would have leaned into the "alone" part of "fire alone can save our clan". Firestar learns too late that he is the one prophesied to save thunderclan but he has to do it alone, his friends are dead or else he's isolated and has to give his all, even starclan can't help him. He still dies while fighting Scourge but has to claw himself back to life rather than starclan guiding him into his second life. He defeats his brother snarling with blood in his mouth instead of regal confidence and when he returns from the fight everyone knows something happened but no one could be there with him.
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fallenclan · 17 days
War with ShallowClan? Feels more like theres an internal war about to break out!! Raven’s public violence has been “excusable” so far but cold blooded murder of a cat who’s never not been loyal for roughly 8 years??? I can’t see how this could be seen as a fair punishment for Snap’s refusal to forget their past omg omg I’m so scared and excited to see where this goes!
So! Here's the thing.
(I'm gonna use this ask as a stepping stone to explain the clan's thoughts on all this)
Way back in moon 196, Ravenstar had just been given the name Ravenshade, becoming a warrior not one but TWO moons ahead of schedule, due to how talented and hard-working he was. The clan loved him--he was their newest little prodigy, charming and quick-witted, and pretty much everybody expected him to be a fantastic warrior when he grew up.
Then, that very same moon, Feathersight recieved an omen while he was out gathering herbs--a pawful of shiny raven feathers falling from the sky. Could it have been a natural phenomenon? Sure. But he knew instinctively (as anyone that close to Starclan does) that it was an omen, and though he couldn't parse the meaning of it, he, like most cats, assumed it had something to do with the freshly-named Ravenshade, and brought the message to Cherrystar. News traveled fast about the omen--naturally, it was assumed to be Starclan telling them "hey everyone! see this kid? he's going to be something special!"
Fast forward. Poppyfeather and Ravenshade go out on patrol, and only Ravenshade returns, with remorse written on every bit of his face. He tells everyone how hard he tried to save her, how he wasn't enough. He sits at her vigil alongside everyone else, head bowed and ears back. It's then that Flamefall, Ravenshade's friend and his old apprentice, shyly approaches Cherrystar to remind her of that omen. "Of course!" everyone thinks. "He's not just going to be a great warrior, he's going to be a great deputy! Maybe even a great leader!" And so Cherrystar appoints him as her newest second in command.
Ravenshade serves the clan well as deputy. He's smart, skilled, and good with the apprentices, who think that he's the coolest cat to ever grace Fallenclan with his presence. He remains deputy for many moons until one fateful day, when he goes to visit her in her den and she's dead on the floor. It's a tragedy, but still, the clan celebrates. Not just for Cherrystar's life, but for Ravenshade--now Ravenstar--'s leadership! He truely will be a fantastic leader, if he was chosen by Starclan.
And he is! He's a bit harsh, maybe, but he keeps a tight ship, and the clan has never had so much prey, or had so little trouble keeping rogues and other clan's cats off of Fallenclan territory.
And then... he kills Sandsnap.
Yes, it's... harsh. To put it lightly. But Sandsnap had said, in front of the whole clan, that he still considered himself a part of another clan!Such a thing just couldn't happen. It was unheard of, disloyal, and maybe Ravenstar was right to enact such a punishment. In fact, he almost certainly was! If he was Starclan's chosen one, that meant that everything he did was just an extension of Starclan's will.
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