#the rice balls were MAD good... btw..
DESPITE EVERYTHING I did have a blast watching you play Pain Simulator 2021 <3 Personally <3 Excited for next time! It's only uphill from here!!!
Also some other stuff I wanted to follow up on from the stream (if I'm forgetting something. Well. We get there when we get there):
Omoinotake - Moratorium is the music video I meant... IDK if it fits as a song It's Not About That but literally every other frame is a pose I want to draw AraSawa in... (also the "take" in Omoinotake is the same kanji as Jo and I'm prrrrretty sure this is the theme for a thing where a patriarch falls in love with a subordinate so Lol)
You see what I mean. Look at how far he has to bend down to headbutt Kiryu. He's probably standing on SOMETHING I don't think he's this tall normally but my man lookin' Large...
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At any rate... enjoy your rice balls <3
LMAO I HOPE IT WASNT TOO TRAGIC TO WATCH at some point when i encounter a 'dead run' i just gotta switch it up to chatting more which. I Think I Tried but w/e POINT IS NEXT RUN'LL BE BETTER. DEF MODIFYING MY NOTES AS WE SPEAK
AND I SEE WHAT YOU MEAN BOUT THE MUSIC VIDEO i see the vision 1000%.......
GIF SPOTTED YAAAAA rbing it right after posting this. need to have it easy access..
WHY IS HE SO FUCKIN TAALLLLL ACTUAL dbz broly height thats fucked up (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)
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shiftyjaxic · 4 months
yo i had the goofiest dream
erm to anyone that cares :3
- [ ] playing with my friends at a big playplace w/ ball pits and slides and rainbow padding and stuff
- [ ] waiting for something in the corner
- [ ] waited for too long and i got hit or smth and knocked out???
- [ ] i woke up, fast forward to nighttime and maybe a couple years
- [ ] the playplace closing up for good, dusty off white sheets covering almost everything
- [ ] i went to go explore the playplace and what changed
- [ ] i got stuck in some sort of valley structure with live and/or dead fish
- [ ] two or more girls were giggling spraying water into the valley
- [ ] whatever my outfit was turned into a swimsuit: shorts and tangtop i guess
- [ ] i was screaming about the sliminess of the fish against my bare skin and fantasizing about having a normal shirt pants and shoes so i could just not feel them
- [ ] i got out somehow and into the lobby
- [ ] my mom, aunt, uncle, and (supposedly) cousin were out there waiting
- [ ] my swimsuit disappeared and i was completely naked with only a towel covering me
- [ ] “where’s my clothes?” i asked, to which no one even payed attention to me
- [ ] grabbed what looked like my clothes in a bag, turned out to be some plastic magnet shapes
- [ ] family disappeared (i took no notice)
- [ ] i morphed into a sick teal cyber skin of Belle from Brawl Stars and went into 3rd person of myself with mobile video game gui, the lobby turned into some sorta teal sci-fi video game lair
- [ ] another copy of a sick teal cyber skin of Belle Brawl Star came up to me and started slowly attacking me
- [ ] i used a sad sitting emote in hopes that she would take pity on me (she didn’t and killed me)
- [ ] she then gave me an injection and i was on her team (morphed into something else similar to sick teal cyber skin of Belle Brawl Star, but purple)
- [ ] she lead me to an elevator, opened it, and let me go in first
- [ ] i went in, but i was so panicked for some reason i hit the emergency button that opened the doors in between two floors
- [ ] i did a “well at least it’s open…sorry btw” emote ig and Belle forgave me and lead me onto the floor
- [ ] she crawled into a vent that spiraled upward and beckoned me in after her
- [ ] i followed, going more and more slowly cuz the vents were WAY too polished
- [ ] i was slippin and slidin, grabbing onto the vent walls to try to pull myself forward as Belle continued without any problem
- [ ] the vents were turning less into vents and more like a tight cave as i heard Belle’s voice echoing, talking to me and someone else smth like “Ain’t this so much better?” “Ey, you watch those hands, boy!”
- [ ] i eventually got the hang of it and climbed through
- [ ] on the other side was a sunny day with grass land, some grass yellow and dry, some tall and somewhat soft
- [ ] Belle morphed into a farm dog that goes crazy for grass and the top layer of earth and gets mad after too many pets, playing with a farm boy that was seemingly the owner of the dog (i didn’t see the transformation)
- [ ] i fully climbed out of the vent
- [ ] we weren’t on a farm, but a grassy patch on the corner of the sidewalk in a sort of under developed?? town (half of the buildings were made of light yellow bricks)
- [ ] i took a turn of playing with the dog and watching her go crazy over grass and dirt and getting it everywhere, called her smth corny like “Oh, you’re a grassy doggy, aren’t youu?”
- [ ] my friend Manny walked up to us, looking about 13 years old holding a swirly dark grey and wine skateboard, wearing an oversized tee that covered his shorts with the same colors of some sorta rock band, having shoulder length wavy brown hair with blonde tips, and a mostly white candy crown
- [ ] “eyyyy Manny!” i said and all 4 of us were hanging out
- [ ] then before Manny was gonna leave, he left a rice crispy on my lap (i think)
- [ ] just before he left our grass patch and onto the other sidewalk, a random light yellow brick hut that was spewing smoke spewed a bit of fire
- [ ] we all looked to the hut and were like “wait…was that fire?? should we help them or something??”
- [ ] after a few more spouts of just smoke, a burst of fire licked through the singular window and through the cracks of the bricks
- [ ] and we were all like “oh shit let’s help them” and by help, all we did was scream smth like “HEY DUDE GET OUTTA THERE” cuz we saw a glimpse of someone in the hut
- [ ] and then some random mexican looking guy just walked past like the hut 5 inches away from him wasn’t gonna burst open at any moment
- [ ] i woke up, decided to type it out
thx for listening to me yappin 🥹
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thatmpdblog · 5 years
BTS Reaction to You being Bratty
A/N: Y’all I just got bored and decided to write these. Also Some of these might have happened to me...You decide which ones happened to me (btw one of these is gonna be funny so don’t get mad I warned you)
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Namjoon: You were just acting out today and he had enough of it. He grabbed your pigtails and yanked you down so your ear was right by his mouth “if you don’t stop acting like a fucking brat I will break my hand on your ass and make sure you don’t sit properly for a week” you gulped and simply mumbled “y-yes sir” 
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Yoongi: You were in the studio with Yoongi and normally you would just sit on couch and find something to entertain yourself as you didn’t mind the silence. Today, however, you felt very energetic so you were really struggling with simply just sitting on the couch plus you were getting bored so easily. So you decided that you were gonna just mess with Yoongi...by throwing paper balls at him. As you lifted your arm up ready to throw it he says, without looking up from his computer, “if you throw that paper I will make you kneel in rice again” and you immeditately lowered your arm knowing for a fact he wasn’t joking “sorry sir” “mhm just wait till we get home you’ll definitely be sorry then” 
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Jin: You had been stomping around the house and refuse to do anything he had asked you no matter how nice he asked. “please my love why don’t you want to listen today?” You simply rolled your eyes and said “cause I just don’t want to it’s like you own me or anything” and so you walked over to the couch and sat down. Without a word being said he gets ups from his spot on the kitchen counter and walks directly in front of you leans down and says “I don’t own you? I guess it’s time I break out that leash and collar again then huh?”  with the most beautiful smile on his face and lust filled eyes
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Hobi: If you had been acting up all day, he would be over it. He’d just pick up his shoe and go “This shoe and your thighs are about to get real friendly unless you prefer having the paddle instead”
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Jimin: He’d just take off his belt and look at you and say “now I’d recommend that you start acting like my good little plaything and if not, you better remember your safe word”
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Taehyung: From the moment your started acting out he just slowly started ignoring you. It was the second best way to get you to stop acting out without even touching you, another good way was he would stare at objects in a suggestive way and would speak in a volume that only you and him could hear and say “I wonder what would break first: this or you?"
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Jungkook: You decided that you were gonna go out to a party with him in your sluttiest dress with no panties underneath, but he doesn’t know that. You didn’t even make it out the house before he noticed. He pulled you flush against his chest and wrapped his arms around your waist and asked “Baby you’re wearing panties right? Don’t lie to me either you know daddy hates it when his baby lies to him” You knew that whenever he refers to himself as daddy he was gonna fuck you u p. Yet you still wanted to push your luck. One week later, your thighs and knees were still sore from that night.
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