#the rising tide (senshin.)
beyondxmeasure · 4 years
Snippet Sunday
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New year, new snips!  Keeping the suspense building for my Big Bang.  Excerpt from Ch. 7, El Matador from the upcoming Freedom Always Comes With A Price. 
Written by @cyantific
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ᐧ Mature/Explicit ᐧ Harry/Louis ᐧ Memory Loss ᐧ Lovers>Friends>Lovers   
As always, no pressure- but tagging the lot of you, hoping to see whatcha got. Let me 💗 on your WIP’s! Any fandom or pairing, any WIP. Fair game for anyone that sees this and wants in, even if you I didn’t tag you.  What’s in the works for you? @theisolatedlily @senshine @egoanesthesia @hadestyles @mercurial-madhouse @reallyfxckingpretty @lisamc-21 @edie4711 @scrunchyharry @dinosaursmate @vintageumbroshirt​ @allwaswell16​ @kingsofeverything​ @bearmustard​ @twopoppies​ @zanniscaramouche​ @haztobegood​ @hazzabeeforlou​ @daffodilsforlou​ @2tiedships2​ 
The door slams behind Louis as he leaves and Harry wonders how it suddenly got so cold in here and second guesses everything he said, and the stupid jokes he made. Thoughts playing over and over of what he should have said instead.  He can be so stubborn sometimes.
Sometimes a drive means just that.  Louis needs nothing more than to crank some tunes, cruise around the winding hills for a bit, and clear his head.  Other times it means a longer journey up the PCH to pace along the shoreline of El Matador as the tide rolls in or tuck himself into a nook in one of the sea stacks to watch the sunset.  
Harry knows which one this one will be, so he pours himself a generous glass of Cabernet and turns the pool lights on.  Just as Louis does, Harry finds his peace in the water. He unwraps the towel from his waist, adjusts his trunks and steps to the edge. Toes grip the cool concrete underneath and he stretches his arms long and lunges, pushing off into a graceful arc, sending swells of water over the pool edge as he plunges deep below the surface. 
The setting sun has taken its intense heat with it as it ducks past the horizon line, leaving a slight nip to the air that would send a native Californian running to their UGG boots for warmth.  But Harry welcomes the milder air. The gloomy gray dankness of Holmes Chapel in November that he’s used to makes this cool 65 degrees feel downright tropical. 
The water is his release. His safe place. All the stress, anxiety, and the worry that he, like a true water bearer, carries around and tucks away reaches a point of overflowing and this is where he goes to pour it all out. The calm silence of the night’s air steadies him as he wades through the turbulent thoughts in his mind every time he rises to catch his breath, or turns an ear on a downstroke as his body glides through the crystal blue. 
The prickle of the cool breeze against his back as he climbs out of the pool makes him feel alive. The water has always been his natural element. It’s liberating, floating weightless, suspended, releasing those pieces of himself he was too afraid to let go of on foot and just let the weight of the world slip off of him and drift away into the endless open spaces of the water. He likes the feeling of it swallowing him up, consuming him as soon as his body breaks through the surface.
Lap after lap, he thinks of Louis, lost in his own thoughts somewhere by the ocean. His last words to Harry haunting him.  How did they get themselves here? To even be considering this.  Erasing all they’ve ever known of each other. How? 
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frozenregality · 7 years
gentle is the breeze that picks && plays at pieces of champagne tress. all the while that hourglass form has taken to leaning 'gainst nearest railing, sea blessed gaze finding he in the eastern dance he's surrendered to. it draws humor into the luminosity of mentioned gaze before she's drawn to releasing some quip. innocent && not of harmful intent. only to tease, as they're known to subject one another to time && time again. " i'd almost go as far as saying you dance better than me. "
His feet find pause in the warm sand, the right of which had brought his steps to a close via its pivot to face her. He did naught to suppress a smirk at her words, lateral hand rotating thrice before he took a bow - all the more theatrical to amuse her. “Can I get that in writing?” He jested, with the most mischievous of grins as he approached her. Once he was adjacent to her, Senshin wrapped an arm around her waist - heading dipping to plant a lingering kiss just beneath the curve of her jaw. “I prefer it when you dance. It’s like heaven.. Only better.” 
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frozenregality · 7 years
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“One would think that these sanctimonious pawns would understand suffering better than any. They preach of hells and are swift to condemn. And yet they scream louder than any other, crying out for a god they failed to serve. The darkness comes. Make way.” 
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frozenregality · 8 years
-| Heretics |-
Plated digits clenched tightly around the hilt of his blade - a wicked column of black steel. His armored form was all that barred the mouth of the cave behind him, where two children were huddled together in a far corner. Both were wanted for the crime of merely existing, their blood running with that of the Heretics.
Senshin had done everything in his power to smuggle them out of Ishgard, having posed as one of the Temple Knights in order to extract them from the cities walls. All so that he might give these children a future beyond the eve of their sentence. A sentence deemed necessary due to a fate to which they’d been biologically entwined. Yet his efforts hadn’t gone without notice, and a unit of the Church’s finest had pursued them into the Coerthas Highlands - a vast, and wintry stretch of unforgiving territory.
Figures began to emerge from the pale, armored footfalls quick in their advance. Several blades were drawn in unison, and Senshin heard the terrified whimpers of the children behind him. All the more to motivate his success. Rings of amethyst burned around moonlit gaze, an aura of deepest crimson pooling from dark links of metal - catching the entirety of his silhouette like a flame.
There was a cry for their surrender, but in the midst of such, Senshin had already begun the advance - meeting the knights on the battlefield in an unrelenting tide of dark fury. He indiscriminately swept the knights up with his mighty blade, cleaving through their ranks without an instant’s consideration. Occasionally, he would feel their blades glance him. Quick stings that did naught but fuel his unbridled fury.
In mere moments the battle seemed decided, their numbers dwindling to a few. What remained of the knights fell into a loose formation around a cleric. He was a scrawny Elezen who seemed intent on progressing the battle against their slimming odds.
“Halone will not suffer the existence of abominations. You would deny them mercy!? An end to their treacherous existence?” The cleric screamed. There was fire in his eyes, and a conviction that left no room for reason. His hands were moving quickly, light filtering from them as he attempted to heal those around him.
“To me, there could not be a greater sin than willful ignorance.” Words uttered calmly, from he who’d attained a combined mastery of both the sword and the dark arts. If one of these truths had been so glaringly clear by the corpses that now littered the battlefield, then the other would be just as so when he extended an armored hand. Dark aether coalesced around those ahead, their gazes fearful for but a second. The aether had turned into a twisting mass of crimson thorns that shot into the flesh of those that had scrambled to retreat - leaving the cleric and his knights impaled upon a dark star that erupted in a blinding flash of scarlet light.
Senshin made his way back to the cave, his wounds finally registering from the combat. He clutched at his side, yet quickly dismissed any visible signs of fatigue when he saw the children’s hopeful faces. Both a warm smile, and reassuring gaze were to grace them prior to his words. “Everything’s going to be alright.”
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frozenregality · 7 years
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Evolution of a Dark Knight. 
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frozenregality · 8 years
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Fear not, for you have guardians everywhere -- even in the most unlikely of places. In night’s darkest hours, oaths were taken. Silent promises that you would see the dawn. 
(photo source: http://finalfantasy.wikia.com/wiki/Dark_Knight_(Final_Fantasy_XIV) 
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frozenregality · 7 years
10, 11
10. What do you love about your muse? 
What I love most about my muse is that he will go to any lengths to put others first. If he witnesses what he perceives to be an injustice, you can bet he’s going to do everything in his power to make it right. He would lay down his life for a complete stranger, and in his virtues he’s extremely passionate. He gives his all to everything he does. 
11. What do you hate most about your muse? 
Unfortunately, what I hate most about him stems from the above. Often times, Senshin can go too far, and be downright ruthless. If someone were to die on his watch, or he perceived some vile act that he couldn’t prevent for whatever reason, we would see his darker alignment shine through.  A flip switches in this otherwise gentle soul, and we see wickedness and cruelty, and it’s extremely difficult to sate. In this state of mind, he becomes rash and reckless. His agenda pretty much tunnels on the foe, and to hell with everything else. 
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frozenregality · 7 years
things to know about my muse.
multiverse oc // male // 25yrs // heterosexual // dob: november 16th
.: VERSES  :.
As this is a multiverse oc, it should be noted that I am thereby willing to assimilate him into near any realm. Below are simply a list of core verses to which he is firmly established, and some of my personal favorites. New template per verse with persistent themes, not a traveler.
ffx // ffxii // ffxiv // ffxv // dmc // witcher // elder scrolls // dragon age // naruto //  bleach // pokemon // 
FC: Scott Eastwood 
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~ photo taken from Pinterest user, Nikki Sanders
Hair: Silver in any fantasy verse. Dark brown in any Earth-based one. Short to medium length, it really just depends. 
Eye Color: Blue
Height and Build: 6′2″, lean with a chiseled frame. 
Attire: Well, if it isn’t a suit of armor then you can expect Senshin to dress quite casually. He typically dons neutral colors. Leather jackets, t-shirts, jeans. He isn’t opposed to dressing formally when necessary. You’ll probably never see him wearing a hat. (I don’t know why, it’s just not a thing. He and I have that in common.) 
Other features: Has a black tattoo on his left shoulder, and another on his right bicep. Designs are verse dependent. 
Key Personality Traits
typically good-natured
fiercely protective
ruthless at times
takes issue with authority
alter ego * 
* The alter ego would basically be Senshin’s dark passenger. It amplifies the worst of his characteristics and essentially reverses the best of them.
You can always leave an ask, or drop something in my inbox, and I will always respond. Response times may vary, see the next thing.
I work a lot, so if you’re expecting constant, rapid responses then you’re gonna be disappointed. But I will always respond eventually. 
I only expect other role-players to follow the basic etiquette when writing with me. Legible writing, no godmodding, basic stuff.
Reiterating what’s already on my page, anon hate and ooc drama will be deleted immediately. I’m a grown ass man. Aint got time for it. 
I’m open to shipping, but not exclusively. See the thing above if this is an issue.
I am always willing to assimilate my muse into the verse of yours, provided I am familiar enough with it. Anons should expect a response from Eorzea’s Dark Knight. 
 I have RP’d for years, and my boy has been evolving for over a decade. However, I am new to Tumblr, so bear with me. 
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frozenregality · 7 years
Some stats.
In - character stats !   (  bold all that apply. italicize leaning or former.  ) TAGGED BY: stole this from someone who stole it (@soarae) 
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$  financial: wealthy / moderate / poor / in poverty ✚  medical: fit / moderate / sickly / disabled / disadvantaged / non - applicable ✪  class or caste: upper / middle / working / street trash / slave (want emancipation?) / unsure / hikikomori ✔  education: qualified / unqualified / studying / other ✖  criminal record: yes, for major crimes / yes, for minor crimes / no / has committed crimes, but has not been caught yet 
◒  children: has a child or children / has no children / wants children / verse dependent ◑  relationship with family:  close with sibling(s) / not close with sibling(s) / has no siblings/ siblings are deceased ◔  affiliation: orphaned / adopted / disowned / raised by birth parent(s) / not applicable /verse dependent
♦  extroverted / introverted / in between ♦  disorganized / organized / in between ♦  close-minded / open-minded / in between ♦  calm / anxious / in between / ♦  disagreeable / agreeable / in between ♦  cautious / reckless / in between ♦ patient / impatient / in between ♦  outspoken / reserved / in between ♦  leader / follower / in between ♦  empathetic / unempathetic / in between ♦ optimistic / pessimistic / in between ♦  traditional / modern / in between ♦ hard-working / lazy / in between ♦  cultured / uncultured / in between ♦ loyal / disloyal / in between ♦ faithful / unfaithful / in between
★  faith : monotheist / polytheist / atheist / agnostic / it’s complicated / ☆  belief in ghosts or spirits :  yes / no / don’t know / don’t care ✮  belief in an afterlife : yes / no / don’t know / don’t care ✯  belief in reincarnation : yes / no / don’t know / don’t care ❃  belief in aliens :  yes / no / don’t know / don’t care ✧  religious : orthodox / liberal / in between / don’t care ❀  philosophical : yes / no / sometimes
❤  sexuality : heterosexual / homosexual / bisexual / asexual / pansexual / demisexual / ??? ❥  sex : sex repulsed / sex neutral / sex favorable ♥  romance : romance repulsed / romance neutral / romance favorable ❣  sexually : adventurous / experienced / naive / inexperienced / curious / inhibited ⚧  potential sexual partners : male / female / agender / other / none / all ⚧  potential romantic partners : male / female / agender / other / none /all
☠  combat skills : excellent / good / moderate / poor / none   ≡  literacy skills : excellent / good / moderate / poor / none ✍  artistic skills : excellent / good / moderate / poor / none ✂  technical skills : excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
☕  drinking alcohol : never / sometimes / frequently / to excess ☁  smoking : never / sometimes / frequently / to excess ✿  other narcotics : never / sometimes / frequently / to excess ✌  medicinal drugs :  never / sometimes / frequently / to excess ☻  indulgent food : never / sometimes / frequently / to excess $  splurge spending : never / sometimes / frequently / to excess ♣  gambling : never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
tagging: literally whoever wants to do it.
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