#the second being how much i love cassandra reacting to him
theheraldsrest · 6 months
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“Romanced Companions react to Inquisitor walking in on Companions Changing”
Hahaha! How the turntables! Thank you for the request, @magnimoon ! Here’s something to think about: who sleeps with underwear on and who doesn’t? Mull it over a bit
-Lord Lex
-He’d be used to people walking in on him changing, having been a soldier and in close quarters with other. Problem is: either you have to climb a ladder to get to his room or else he’s changing in your room and no one really enters it but you and him, maybe some servants. So he just pauses for a second after turning to look at you and letting everything register in his head before quickly covering himself. Says it’s “indecent for you to see him like this.” You have literally slept with him, you’ve seen him naked enough times. He still says it’s indecent.
-She gets surprised and will cover herself when you enter, but she’s a little bit more casual than Cullen. Josey will simply say “Oh! It’s just you, love,” before turning back to finish getting dress. Sure, her face might be a little red but she’ll still act like it’s a common and normal thing for you two. Might ask you to turn around and give her a moment to finish, might not. Depends on how busy she is for the day.
-It’s a coin toss. He loves it when you adore his body as well as if he gets the chance to adore yours; but, at the same time, he also wishes for privacy most of the time. If you somehow walk in on him getting dressed, he’ll mostly seem unfazed, simply asking if you need something. The coin toss comes in on if he either gives up on getting dressed to spend some “time” with you, or if he just continues to get dressed because he’s got stuff to do. 
-Another who will cover herself and ask you to leave or to turn around. Cassandra might be a warrior but she’s still a lady, she wants her decency. If you try to flirt with her while she’s like this, you can clearly see her face and shoulders go red as she tells you to quit it. You can usually tell if she’s being serious or joking about it, especially if she throws something at you to get you to leave. Cass does love you but quit fucking around and finding out.
The Iron Bull
-The casualist man you’ve ever seen. He’ll have a full blown conversation with you while he’s butt ass naked. Any hint that you want something more? Done, he’ll forget about getting dressed. Don’t want to do anything? Alright, Bull’s gonna keep going about his business while chatting away. Think it’s more of a problem that he might just forget to put his pants on if you guys start talking about something interesting or the conversation gets intense. Others have walked in to see Bull complaining about war strategies while commando.
-Dorian most likely has a changing screen, I’m calling it. Anyone walks in, he can just call around it to ask who it is. If it’s you, he’ll pop his head around to properly greet you. Doesn’t really care if you see him naked, just likes his privacy from others. Now, there have been times when something has popped in his head and he’ll drop everything to go find it in one of his books or papers. And when I say drop everything, getting dressed is included. You’ve walked in on him standing there naked, book in hand and brow furrowed as he mumbles to himself. 
-As wild as she is, Sera also values her privacy. Not just anyone is allowed to look at her tits, only her Inky. That being said, you walk in while she's getting dressed, an arrow will come very close to your head. You’re not getting an apology but she will be much more welcoming than if it had been anyone else. Like Bull, she’ll just chat away as she gets dressed but she also gets distracted and will forget that she’s supposed to be getting dressed. Sera’s just standing there (barbeque sauce on her titties), wildly gesticulating as she’s still only in her pants. Might also get distracted if another activity is hinted at, which gives her an excuse for no clothes.
-First thing you see is butt. He’ll keep his back to you so you don’t see the front because “that’s indecent”. But unlike a certain someone(s), he’ll instead wrap something around his hips and turn to you. Sure, if there’s more flirting, he might just forget about covering himself. But if it’s just some small thing, he’ll continue to dress himself. Though he might make some suggestive comments about you joining him in the nude.
Edit: Cabot has just pointed out that the question I posed should’ve just been “who wears underwear” point blank. After thinking this over, I have no idea how to feel and no, I will not share what popped into my head.
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(TW: Pregnancy)
On the topic of pregnancy, how would the pregnant ROs react if MC was the sweetest hubby and dad? MC puts their ear to the belly to listen to the sounds the baby makes, talks to the belly, they fuss over their RO a lott and become overprotective, they are extra affectionate but stern that the RO has to be careful and has to eat well, etc? (Basically a lot of husbands when their wife gets pregnant lmao)
Cassandra: She thinks your being a big goof, but loves it that your this way. The overprotectiveness she is used to and honestly her dad is also probably on your side 100% on this. You could snitch to him that she isn't listening to you and doing "dangerous stuff" (picking up a sock off the floor or lifting a light basket) and he will scold her immediately. Not that this would happen often, just a definite possibility that always exists; she would listen for the most part and appreciate your protectiveness. She herself wouldn't push it but would have days where she would overdo it and needs to be reminded that she doesn't have to do everything herself. MC talking to the baby and resting his head on the belly warms her heart and she loves to see it.
Valeria: Giggles at your antics and encourages it by interpreting what she thinks the baby is thinking or what they would say. She would envision the baby's personality and behavior often and would say things like, "Oh, just like her/his dad." or "He/she definitely got that from me" before the baby is even born. Whenever MC is talking or listening the baby she will stroke his head and smile at how sweet they are. She might get a little annoyed if you take the overprotectiveness a little too far, she doesn't like to be treated like glass and will remind you that is a very capable woman. (She will then proceed to complain and whine when her feet hurt or her body is aching and she asks you to do something for her, only for you to throw back the "I am a very capable woman" line back at her.)
Ludovica: This is her life's happiest moment, every great memory she shares with you tends to replace her happiest moment as every second with you is as dream but now.. She really did think the day you both got married would be the irreplaceable, most valued memory she would ever have. But when she is with child and MC responded so well, when he fusses over her and when he talks to their unborn child; it warms her heart so much she feels as if she could melt. She knows how light headed she can get in response to MC's behavior only makes him fuss more but she can't help it. Ludovica isn't religious, mainly because she was so used to unhappiness and she never saw any real good in this world. But now that she has been so blessed with such a good man in her life and now with a new little life growing inside of her; she could consider converting. (she probably would also be more open to it if MC is religious)
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niofo · 9 months
i really like the dynamics between idris and leliana, i think he might be getting along with her best from all the advisors (except for fiona, that i hc as the advisor as well, but that's another point). at the same time idris honestly and genuinely believes that leliana is going to order his assassination one of these days, bcos he's too deep with the mage rebellion and too hostile towards the chantry. meanwhile leliana came to quite like him personally, bcos they have similarly practical take on things and she respects a lot of his insights. like she obviously doesn't like how much he hates the chantry, but also she's aware how much chantry failed the mages.
i have this one plotline after wicked eyes and wicked hearts when he receives some marriage proposals including one from cyril de montfort. and while on entirely personal level idris hates the idea, he immediately starts considering it, bcos it might be beneficial. obv cassandra, josie and cullen react with reasonable what the actual fuck are you fucking serious, which is not a valid argument in idris' book, he has zero respect for his own mental and physical wellbeing. meanwhile leliana just lies that it all sounds like a trap and cyril certainly has an ulterior motive - bcos that is indeed the only "rational" argument that idris would consider.
they just have such a weird dynamic, i love it. they could almost be friends, but there's too much baggage and second-guessing, and it gets even weirder once leliana becomes the divine and starts reforming the chantry, bcos idris fully expected that she was just talking shit when she promised that. i think the issue is that she can see through his intentions and understands his motives, but she's a better spy than him and he can't see through her so is just constantly in a suspicion spiral. he doesn't trust anyone, but with leliana it's also her skills as a spy, he knows he wouldn't stand a chance if (or when, in his mind) she turned against him.
meanwhile shartan is out there, casually being good friends with leliana without any second-guessing and suspicion, bcos she proved to be a good ally during the blight and that's enough for him.
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beadysworld · 1 year
Just had an incredibly angsty thought about Leo breaking the news to Casey jr about his mothers death
Cassandra kisses her son on his forehead as she tucks him into bed. She smiles at him and brushes a stray hair from his face, noting how his hair was getting long.
“I will see you tomorrow my little fighter” she whispers, cupping his face gently for a few seconds
“See you tomorrow mama, good luck” Casey replies, a large grin on his face. Cassandra feels her eyes full with tears. She always hated leaving Casey to go on missions…scared something could happen to him whilst she was gone…or to her.
“I love you to the edge of the galaxy and back again” she says, blinking her tears away. Caseys eyes begin to droop as he falls asleep
“Love you more” He mumbles, eyes closing and falling asleep.
“Impossible…” Cassandra whispers. She stands up slowly and heads towards the exit of his room. She takes one last look at her sleeping son over her shoulder before turning away and leaving. Sheldon hovers outside of the door and she smiles at him, closing Casey’s door silently.
“They’re waiting for you Casey” Sheldon states
“I’m coming.” Cassandra replies. Heading towards the exit of the base.
-Time skip-
Leo held her in his arms as he ran through hallway after hallway to get to the med Bay. She was bleeding out in his arms and he felt tears in his eyes. He could let them take her away. Not from Casey Jr…not from her son…
He finally reached the room, shoving the door open, quickly catching the attention of the medics who’s eyes widened upon seeing them. She was taken out of his arms and he was forced out to go clean up. He returned to find his brothers and April outside the room
“Any news..?” He asked quickly
“Nothing…” Donnie replied
“Should we get Jr?” April asked.
A tense silence settled between them. None of them wanted to think about how the little boy would react to his mother being gone.
“He’s too young. He doesn’t need his possible last memory of his mother to be her covered in her own blood and unconscious.” Raph stated, leaving no room for argument. He would not allow that child to see his mother in the state she was in.
“Raph is right. Even if she pulls through that memory will scar him. He doesn’t need to see her like this.” Mikey agreed, fidgeting with his hands. The group waited. They waited for hours for some news. They didn’t talk much, no one moved. They stayed right there, hoping with every fiber of their being that she would pull through.
Leo knew…deep down he knew she wasn’t going to pull through. He was the only one to see the extent of her injuries…to see the hole in her stomach, the deep gashes oh her face and arms, the twisted and broken leg. He felt sick thinking about it. Those stupid Kraang. They had killed her like she was nothing, gave her no second thought as she was ruthlessly attacked by Kraang dogs.
A doctor stepped out of the room and turned to face them, their scrubs and gloved hands were covered in blood. Everyone jumped to their feet, waiting for them to say something
“I’m…so sorry. We tried everything. Cassandra Jones died at 2:34 am…” she said sadly, bowing her head. Everything stopped. The world seemed to freeze in place as that information sunk in.
“Th-Thank you…for trying” Leo muttered, vision blurring in and out of focus
“She erm…she asked me to pass along two messages…” The doctor began again
“The first, is that she wants to tell Casey that she is sorry…for not being able to keep her promise and see him tomorrow…” She began. Mikey knees failed under his weight and he dropped to sit in the chair below him, head in his hands.
“And the second?” Donatello asked, he wasn’t crying but his eyes were misty, tears in the verge of falling as April sobbed into his plastron.
The doctor turned to look at Leonardo, giving him a sad smile
“She said…she knows you will make a good father to Casey in her absence.” She finished. Leo took a deep shaky breath. Tears finally spilling down his face. His hand came up to cover his mouth and silence himself. Raph pulled Leo into a hug
“Thank you.” He said, giving the hint to the doctor for her to leave. She nodded and made her way back into the room she had come from.
The five of them made their way to their living quarters, sitting in the kitchen and allowing themselves to take in what had happened. Hours passed and the sun rose, shining through the kitchen windows.
Once 9:34am hit, the sounds of small, bare feet could be heard padding their way through the hall. Leo took a deep breath and stood up, waiting for Casey Jr to enter the room
Casey opened the door and took a look around, seeing everyone but his mother. He furrowed his brows and turned to look at Leonardo.
“Where’s mama?” He asked innocently. Leo inhaled sharply at that question
“Your mother got hurt Casey…” He began, not really knowing how to say this
“Is she going to get better..?” Casey asked, clearly worried
The rest is just this:
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imagination-parade · 6 years
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Ezekiel Jones Appreciation Week 2018: Day 5 - Favorite Relationship - Ezekiel x Cassandra
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undeadspeeds · 2 years
Meeting the family
Damian Wayne x Male! Reader.
don't normally write romantically abt Damian cus He's 14 and Its weird but I owed this to anon. Just keep that in mind!
there's a small misgendering part but it's more of a "I wrongly assumed my brother was straight" way than transphobic.
“I believe Master Damian has something to say,” Alfred interrupted the conversation, after seeing the doubtful eyes of the young man. The entire table stopped and looked directly at Damian, who was trying to remain calm.
“Yes. Thank you, Alfred,” said the boy, his voice cracking slightly and hands shaking. He truly hated not being in control of his emotions and was thankful no one had teased him about his demeanor yet. If they did, he would have lied and pretended they were crazy for implying Someone Like Him could ever feel nervous at a gathering. “I would like to introduce you all to the person I’m involved with next week,” he confessed finally.
Everyone was too surprised to speak, and for a few seconds, Damian regretted even thinking about the possibility of his partner meeting his family.
The first one to react was Dick, who, with a smile and thumbs-up, agreed to be there and let Barbara know, too. In front of him, Cass shot him a warm smile, one they both knew was comfort. Tim kept eating his meal, surprise in his eyes, while Stephanie was giggling. Duke’s hand touched his shoulder in support for a second.
Jason exploded in laughs, “Little man got himself a girlfriend? I gotta see this.”
Damian wanted to correct his brother but words weren’t able to come out: there was one last person who needed to react to the petition and he was the one the boy was more nervous about.
Bruce Wayne, who sat at the head of the table, had said nothing since Alfred’s comment. His gaze was lost somewhere, deep in thought and frowning.
Sweating off a need for approval and with yet another crack of his voice, he spoke. “What do you think, father?”
After being spoken to by his youngest son, Bruce turned to him and grinned. “Of course, son. I would love to meet her.”
“So you didn’t tell him,” he said with a hint of a smile. He wasn’t angry. He knew how hard it was for Damian to do this, and how much he was worried about his family’s approval.
“I’m sorry, beloved. Words just wouldn’t come out..”
“I get it, corazón,” he reassured. “They’ll love you forever, you know that, yes?”
“My father is pretty strict,” Damian spoke, hands shaking and breath quickening.
“Well, if he accepted Timothy and Cassandra, why wouldn’t he accept you?”
“They’re not like me. I’m supposed to be-“
“Legacy, yes,” the boy interrupted his wrecking boyfriend. “You’re more than that, though. I believe they will be okay if you’re not everything they expect you to be.”
“What if they’re not? What if I’m not?”
“Then I’ll be here,” Y/N whispered before leaving a kiss on his boyfriend’s cheek and locking their hands together. “Let’s do this?”
Damian nodded and, without letting his partner’s hand go, he knocked on the door. Alfred opened immediately. Of course, he had seen them get there on the front camera. He had been waiting close to the door to get it once you two were ready. The butler greeted the guest with a smile that was reciprocated.
“It’s very nice to meet you, Mr. Pennyworth. Now I know who to thank for the best reheated meals I’ve ever stolen,” the boy spoke first, making the man laugh.
“My pleasure, Mr…,” he left room for the young man to answer.
“His name is Y/N,” Damian answered.
“Mr. Y/N, you may call me Alfred. You are part of the family now,” the man turned around and started walking, signaling the kids to follow him. “Come now, everyone is expecting you.”
Alfred pretended not to hear when Y/N whispered, “See? that wasn’t so bad.”
The dining room was as loud as ever, giggles coming from the younger side of the table while the older ones talked between them about unimportant stuff, all waiting for the youngest among them to show up. And just like last time, Alfred cleared his throat, making everyone look at him in silence. Right behind, following, they saw Damian Wayne and an unknown boy holding hands. The unfamiliar nervousness coming from the boy all of them had always known as the most confident was perplexing and, for some of them, even funny.
The new boy held up his free hand, waving. Dick quickly got up from his seat and walked to them, holding both boys in a firm embrace once close. With a big smile, he introduced himself and stole Damian’s boyfriend from his hands, holding him by the shoulders and leading him to the assigned seat between Dick and Barbara and in front of Damian.
Everyone introduced themselves politely, even Jason, who looked a bit confused and embarrassed. However, he was still a victim to the judgmental eyes of Cassandra Cain, who was trying to decipher the boy’s intentions. He knew this was going to happen, Damian had warned him. He shot her a smile.
Dinner was far from normal, Y/N quickly learned the family was too chaotic for its own good. Stephanie and Duke tried to start a food fight more than once, despite being shot a disapproving look from Bruce every time.. Dick and Barbara couldn’t stop talking about their new dog, Dick had taken out his wallet which had only two bills and several pictures of Hailey. He had placed them all on the table while Barbara told the boy what was happening when each of them was taken.
At some point in the night, Tim and Jason had started fighting and kicking each other under the table. Cassandra got up and walked to each of them to punch them in their arms, signaling to stop. The only silent people at the table were Alfred, Kate, Bruce, and Damian, who had taken his time to eat.
After desert and all the fighting, everyone moved to the living where some more serious talk took place. Everyone wanted to know more about Y/N, asking him about his family and relationship with Damian.
“Damian,” Bruce said softly, standing beside him in a corner of the room. He was looking at you from there, leaving you to meet the family on your own. “Can we talk in my office?”
The boy agreed, walking before his father to the room in question. Inside, he sat on the sofa in front of the desk while his father sat on the desk, looking down at him.
“Is everything alright, Father?”
“Why didn’t you tell me?” he asked.
“I’m sorry, father,” Damian whispered. “I just wanted to be sure you wouldn’t..”
Bruce quickly understood. “I’m not like that, Son. You know that.”
He nodded, avoiding his father’s eyes. Bruce stood up, his hand traveled to Damian’s shoulder. “I’m proud of you, whoever you want to be.”
The youngest Wayne’s eyes quickly got up from the floor to look at the oldest, a new shine on them. He stood up just like his father had done seconds ago and, with a hopeful tone, he asked, “So it is fine?” Bruce smiled for the first time in the night. “I trust your judgment, son. If this boy is who you want to be with, then yes, it is fine with me.”
Damian returned the smile. Surprising Bruce, he threw himself onto the man’s body, wrapping his arms around him tightly.
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Can I ask for the sisters reacting to their partner saying I love you for the first time?
Daniela Dimitrescu, Cassandra Dimitrescu, and Bela Dimitrescu reacting to their s/o telling them that they love them for the first time.
(Gender neutral).
Warnings: n/a
Masterlists here!
Daniela Dimitrescu
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On the list of things you didn't expect while attempting to relax outside, getting an absurd amount of leaves abruptly dumped on you was somewhere up there.
Although you didn't see the culprit on account of having your eyes closed, you could easily guess who it was.
Not only does it just seem like the type of thing Daniela would do, but you can hear giggling and the buzzing of insects.
The leaves are pretty low-tier antics. You could brush them off in about five seconds and settle back down, but...
How are you meant to seek revenge like that?
You try to follow the sounds.
A cloud of insects slips around a corner of one of the castle walls.
You scoop up some fallen leaves as you head over, then attempt to slam dunk them upon your partner's half-formed figure.
As you somewhat expected, Daniela's flies immediately scatter, thereby minimizing the effectiveness of your attack.
"Get back here!" you say, a laugh lining your voice.
Daniela begins to coalesce behind you.
The very moment you turn, the redhead collides with you and wraps her arms tightly around you. As you both begin falling towards the ground, she twists around so that she ends up on her back with you on top of her.
You feel a kiss being pressed against your temple.
"You're a menace," you tell Daniela, voice slightly muffled, "in more ways than one."
"I try." She's grinning. You can hear it in her voice.
You know. Oh boy, do you know, but Dani's your menace. You can't help but love her.
When she loosens her hold on you, you push yourself up so that you're hovering over her. You gaze at her with a borderline painful amount of fondness.
"I love you."
Daniela's eyes widen, then begin to water a bit. You're pulled back down on top of her as the intensity of her hug increase once more. This time, it's a little more suffocating.
I love you too!"
Daniela is slightly upset that you beat her to saying it first, but that hardly matters when she's so over the moon. She could explode. Like, literally. Into a burst of bugs. But she won't because she doesn't want to let go of you.
Please say it again.
Cassandra Dimitrescu
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“Is this Florin?” you ask, holding up one of Cassandra’s knives.
After a long winter, the weather’s finally pleasant enough for your partner and her sisters to hunt outside. Hunting and being outdoors are two of Cassandra’s favorite things. To put it lightly, she’s excited. 
She glances over as she’s tying her boots. “No, Florin has a silver pommel and crossguard.” 
“Ah.” You slide the blade back into it’s sheath and place it back. 
You grab the weapon matching Florin’s description and hand him to Cass. She is so ready to get out of the castle. 
“Wait, don’t forget your cloak. It’s warm but it’s not that warm.” 
Cassandra huffs but comes to a halt. You pull one of her thicker cloaks around her shoulders and clip it in place. 
“You worry a ridiculous amount, I hope you know,” she tells you. 
For those who only know Cassandra as a dangerous predator and aren’t close to her like you are, it certainly seems a bit silly for you to be fussing over her, making sure she won’t be cold while she goes out to kill and maim things. You can't help it that you care so much about her, though!
And sure, maybe she does have this perpetual look in her eyes that most would call unnerving, but her current expression is verging on a pout and dammit, she’s just so adorable. You can’t even handle how she makes you feel. 
 “I disagree.”  You kiss her, which she fully leans into. “Good luck on your hunt, Cass.” You step back and only hesitate for a beat before tagging on, “I love you.”
Cassandra full-on freezes, hand on the doorknob. 
Your words process about as fast as dial-up internet makes a connection. 
She probably heard you wrong. With her back facing you, she asks, “What?” Her tone is difficult to interpret. 
You repeat yourself. 
After remaining unmoving for a moment longer, Cassandra pushes open the doors and begins leaving. "...I love you too."
She’s going to be thinking about what you said for the rest of the day. And night.
While making the journey to the front gate where her sisters are waiting, Cassandra has a smile on her face that makes very maid she passes extremely wary. Joy like that from her typically signifies danger. 
She’s going to bring you back something. Maybe a heart.
Bela Dimitrescu
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Little walks around the castle or its grounds are something you and Bela can frequently be seen indulging in.
With your hand in hers or arms linked together, you both talk about whatever with no particular destination in mind.
The current flow of conversation is on the lighter side.
You’re laughing way too hard at a remark Bela made. She’s just going on as if you’re not absolutely losing it and she isn’t making it worse by doing so.
When she finishes her story and you manage to calm yourself, you direct your gaze at the ground. 
“Something on your mind?” Bela asks.
Looking at her once more with a soft smile, you reply, “Nothing. I just... love you.”
Now, Bela is known to hold her composure well. This moment is no exception.
Her expression barely changes from the one of content she’s wearing. The corners of her lips lift just a little more.
He voice is as even as it usually is as she says it back.
“I love you too.”
However, on the inside? Bela is losing her shit in the best way possible. She had been flirting with the idea of saying those words to you lately, verbalizing just how smitten she is with you.
But then you just went ahead and did it first? Bela could just... kill somebody!
(That is a good thing).
(Not for whoever ends up being the victim, though).
You don’t say anything, but you can sort of tell the true effect of what you said. Bela and her sisters are always vibrating. Most often, it’s hardly noticeable, but right now it feels like you're holding one of those battery-powered back massagers rather than your partner’s hand.
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Thoughts from CRC1 Ep 33
Vax gives Vex his elven cloak because he had a bad feeling their current state of affairs was going to go bad so he wanted Vex to be safe in some way. And I love this, I live for the twins moments. We don't get nearly enough of them as we should.
The Jenga safeword re-emergence, and Vax at least is getting better about using it! This time he used it BEFORE he went head-first in to danger.
Percy admonishing Vax about charging in to save Cassandra alone when he could've waited for the rest of the group to get there so they could all go in together. But Percy ends with nevertheless thanking Vax once again for taking the risk. I just like the group just telling Vax that he doesn't need to go at things alone and that they do care about him and they don't take for granted the risks he takes for them.
Cassandra being adamant about going back to her room to get her armor, Percy just trying to be protective older brother and failing and Keyleth coming up being all "You have a sister!" and now Percy begrudgingly responds with, "Gods, I do." I love how that paralelled from the last episode to the conversation Vax and Percy had. Last episode he was so excited upon the realization he has a sister and now he's just exasperated with the fact he has a sister. Anyone who has siblings can relate, we love our siblings but maybe we don't at the same time.
I love how Scanlan's "shit-scrying" is actually being applicable within the storylines of this game.
You know, I THINK there's something I'm missing when talking about this episode. OH WHAT COULD IT POSSIBLY BE??!!
7. Well duh, THE KISS of course!!! I'm a huge Vaxleth shipper, I would NEVER forget something as monumental as this! Obviously, I came into this fandom from watching TLOVM, so I did know this was coming, I just wasn't sure on the context and when it would occur of it would hit the same as it did in the show (at least the confession side of things, the kiss doesn't actually happen in the show sadly). And honestly, it kind of hits even better here than in the show. Probably because they're not fighting for their lives at the moment so everyone can just take a breath and truly reflect on what just happened and it was amazing and wonderful. Vax almost died and he's just dealing with all this adrenaline from the danger he was in and he realizes that he really could die at any moment and he just cannot let another second go by without telling Keyleth how he feels, if he doesn't say it right in that moment he may never get the chance. And it was great.
8. And of course, Keyleth reacting in her typical awkwardness, burns a 4th level spell slot healing Vax because she's just so flabbergasted at what just happened. This totally awesome, suave, cool guy just told her he loved her, that HE loved HER. She's in so much shock.
But yes, such a good episode. It was difficult trying to focus on work because I was enamored with watching this episode.
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hikarimiyanaga · 3 years
The Dimitrescu ladies reacting to their S/O who is a vampire but stronger and faster than them.
A/N : I'm also in love with Maggie Robertson now. The Dimitrescu VAs are just amazing.
Also, buff ladies can crush me and I would thank them.
Alcina Dimitrescu / Lady Dimitrescu
You work out. It doesn't affect your body physically since you're an immortal vampire but it's fun to do so you do it once in a while. It also helps you to sleep better at night when you're exhausted so.
The first time Alcina sees you doing push-ups she had to do a double take. Was that really you or was she just hallucinating? She never knew that you worked out?
She got her opera glasses and looked again and nope, it was you.
She knew you had muscles, of course she does, she always revel in them when you two finish making love but this is different.
You were wearing a tank top and god can she see your arm muscles just glistening in sweat. It made her gulp. And don't tell anyone but she was too distracted to even answer Miranda's call. She was scolded later.
Ever since then, whenever you work out, she's in her room and just stares at you with her opera glasses. You don't notice at all since you always try to focus one thing at a time.
And when Daniela discovers you pushing up, the girl squeals. You and Alcina look at her and she was just so excited. She raves on about your muscles.
You chuckle and ask if Daniela wants to be on your back while you do push-ups. Daniela squeals again and agrees. She gets on your back and you note that she seems lighter (she's made of bugs) for her height but you shake it off and continue your work-out.
Alcina's jaw drops because she knew you were strong but damn.
Later that night, Alcina traces your arms and you hum in content as you hug her and you fall asleep together.
Bela Dimitrescu
You and Bela decided to hunt for the night without Cassandra and Daniela. You love your sisters-in-law but damn can they be so rambunctious.
With just you and Bela, it was quiet and you can take time to hunt. It was also turned into a spontaneous date.
It was you who spotted a maiden an hour into the hunt. You pointed the maiden out and Bela smiles. She was about to stand from your date spot but you were faster.
In just a blink, you were already upon the maiden and has incapacitated her.
You smile as you carry the bound maiden to your girlfriend who just stares at you.
She never knew you were this fast!? Granted, she has never seen you hunt despite going on hunts with them.
You were just there for support. You wanted them to have all the fun and you were the carrier of bodies.
You poke Bela who snaps out of her daze. She blinks at you and you tilt your head.
"You okay, my love?" You ask Bela who just nods at you. You hum and take her hand as you lead the way back to the castle.
Let's just say that that Night, she didn't let you sleep at all. And you were too happy to complain.
Cassandra Dimitrescu
Cass is fast and cruel. Oddly enough, that was one of the reasons you were drawn to her.
The way that she just plays with her prey just makes you laugh. She has new ideas everytime you two go on a hunt that Bela scolds her for.
One time, she has this grand idea to let you take the maiden. She has two reasons. One, she has never seen you hunt down a maiden before. Two, she wanted to see how you would do it.
You tried to back out since you haven't hunt in such a long time but she insisted since there were only the two of you.
You sigh and comply to her request. You crack your neck and stretch your body. You turn to her with bloodshot eyes and smirk.
She has never seen you with such confidence and she gulps.
You run towards a maiden and quickly get her heart. You patch up the body to make sure that the blood gets collected. You smile as another maiden's scent goes through your nose. You go ahead and hunt that one too.
Cassandra blinks at your hunting style. She was fast but damn were you faster and more precise.
Before you knew it, you had already hunted down three maidens. All in the same manner. Heart out and blood in.
You carried all of their bodies to Cassandra who gulps at you.
"You ready to go back, Cass?" You ask her and she gulps as she sees the still glistening blood from your hands. She holds your hand and lick the blood which made you smile.
You abandon the bodies for a second and push her against a tree and smirk.
"Later Cass." You kiss her. "Prepare not to sleep." She nods and you pick up the bodies.
She follows you as you two go back to the castle.
Daniela Dimitrescu
Daniela is lounging around in her room with you when Karl called for you. He wanted someone to test a new creation of his.
Daniela didn't want you to go but you owed Karl a favor so you had to. She keeps pouting at you so you just invite her to tag-along.
You and Daniela arrive at Karl's factory and he immediately escorts Daniela out of the way. One of his creations come out and he introduces it. You sigh.
You always hated it when he's being dramatic.
You quickly dismantle his creation and Daniela's jaw drops. She knows how much of a pain Karl's creations can be, she had an unfortunate accident one time but damn. You were fast.
Another one comes out and you dismantle it again.
Karl complains this time and says that you have to actually test rather than just dismantle.
"Then make them faster and stronger! Damn it, I was enjoying time with Daniela!" You shout back and Daniela blushes.
A particularly big creation comes out and Karl curses as he scrambles to get it inside. It was incomplete and gone rouge.
You didn't mind though as it was the one who actually put up a fight with you. Daniela revels at your strength as you catch the creation's weapon with just one hand.
It took a minute but you also dismantled it. Karl is staring at you while you go to Daniela.
"You okay, sweetheart?" You ask her and she nods. You sigh in relief then turn to Karl.
"H-how did-" You cut him off with a shrug.
"It might be strong and big but it was too slow." You note and he sighs.
"Okay. Get back to the castle. I'll call you later." You hum then hold Daniela's hand as you two get back to the castle.
Daniela then proceeds to cuddle with you in her room so she could feel warm and safe.
I wrote this on my phone so forgive me for any mistakes.
Thoughts and comments are always welcome!
Thank you for reading!
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Hopes and Dreams Part I
.I have this idea in my head since I saw the first trailer of Resident Evil 8, which was in March? This will be multichaptered and english isn’t my first language, so if anyone of you likes the story enough and is willing to be my beta, I would greatly appreciate it. *** About the story: Reader was Alcinas first lover and got reincarnated over the centuries. Alcina lost her everytime and after the fifth, she just gave up on ever finding reader again, because she couldn’t take losing her anymore times. But as fate would have it, the reader will find her.... Chapter One
Five. Five times Alcina has seen you reincarnated and crossing her way, and yet, fate always found a way to take you from her. The last one was particularly grueling. She remembered the day she lost you, as if it happened yesterday and considering her immortality, it may have been. You looked so happy and excited when you said your goodbyes, and Alcina could understand that. The titanic was a big thing then, even more so after the tragedy that unfolded. You were one of the many victims of the sheer stupidity of men, at least in her opinion and she hasn’t been the same since. Every single one of your deaths was devastating, but the last one was the one that broke her. Bela was there to take care of her, but something died within Alcina when she heard that fate had taken you away from her yet again.
When Cassandra and Daniela came into her life, it certainly helped, but she still grieved for you to this day. Usually, she would search to the ends of the world for you, but she couldn’t stand to lose you, if she ever found you again. She couldn’t do that to either you or herself.
She straightened her dress when she got to her feet again, gently stroking a hand over your grave. Well, the first you, anyway. The only one where any remains were found to be buried. You loved the lake near the castle, no matter in which life. Some asked about the tombstone, but she would just smile and say that it was someone she cherished when she was young, never revealing the whole truth. The first you lived the longest and happiest, before Alcina was turned. Centuries before Mother Miranda found out about her and the other lords.
Her musing was disrupted when she heard distant howling. It seemed like Heisenberg’s Lycans had found another victim, and they were oh so messy in their killing. She harrumphed and started her trek back to the castle, ignoring the ever-closer growing howling. That was until she heard rustling and a figure, cursing like a sailor rushed out from the bushes. Your eyes met and time seemed to stop for both of you.
You were furious with yourself for letting your guard down. You have been hiding away in this remote village for two years now, so far avoiding any supernatural beings. But it seems your luck had run out. You were checking your traps in the forest, never noticing them sneaking up on you. Which was a feat in and on itself, normally you could smell them miles away. During your travels you had to fight of many supernatural beings, a pack of Lycans shouldn’t be a problem, but the forest was dense in these parts and you knew when you were at a disadvantage. So, you ran, hoping to distract them with the chase long enough to form a plan.
Meeting her wasn’t part of the plan. You have never seen the lady of the castle, but you heard enough to know exactly who you were looking at, her height being one dead giveaway. Yet something about her made you stop dead in your tracks, the pack of Lycans chasing after you completely forgotten. Her honey-colored eyes stirred something in you, some feeling of familiarity you couldn’t quite place. Your heart clenched, not entirely in an uncomfortable way, because she was just so stunning. If you weren’t gay before you sure as hell were now. What intrigued you even more was the look of utter shock in her eyes, mixed with other emotions you could have named, if it weren’t for the Lycan crashing into you and propelling you down the small cliff you hadn’t noticed before.
“Motherfucking mutt!” you hissed and pulled the knife from your boot. You skillfully spin the Lycan underneath you, stabbing the knife into the Lycans chest to soften your fall. But another four already jumped right after you and you were still distracted by the lady, who apparently decided that watching you would be a nice way to kill some time. With a sickening crunch from the dead Lycan you landed on the edge of the lake. The others where circling you, growling menacingly. With another sickening crunch you pulled your knife free and took a defensive post. You kept most of your concentration on the Lycans, but the woman was still distracting you somewhat.
‘Might as well try to impress her’ you thought and grinned up at her, which was your second mistake that day. You felt sharp claws digging into your left leg and hissed in annoyance.
“Not cool, man!” you huffed and kicked him in the throat. The desire to impress equally impressive tall, beautiful women left your mind and you made quick process of the remaining Lycans standing in your way. You kicked the corpse of the one that got you for good measure, cursing under your breath. When you turned around you noticed that the lady had made your way to you, still staring you down as if you were the weirdest thing around here.
“I would help you, but it seems you have the situation under control,” she said, and a shiver ran down your spine. Her voice was like liquid honey and your heart clenched again. You absentmindedly rubbed your chest and said “Well, they are not the first supernatural being I have encountered, and they aren’t the most dangerous ones.”
She seemed impressed with your answer if the slight smirk was anything to go by. Her gaze wandered down to your leg and something in her eyes changed. Some far away voice in your head screamed for you to run from her, but you felt weirdly safe around her.
“Believe me when I say that I taste quite awful,” you said and grinned. That seemed to pull her out of her daze, and she stepped closer to you. You gulped a bit when the realization of how tall she truly was hit you, but you wouldn’t back down either. Craning your neck to keep looking at her face you stood still and waited. You should be scared shitless and still you felt as if no danger was coming your way. Yet.
“You should take care of that, before you attract more of them” she simply said and turned around. Sheer stupidity, paired with a malfunctioning brain to mouth barrier made you utter your next words “Well, shouldn’t you be the one to help me out, considering that I only got hurt, trying to impress you?”
She turned around so fast that you just knew she popped something. She was upon you in seconds and hissed “Excuse me?”
“I- I didn’t mean to say that out loud,” you stuttered and felt a blush creeping up your face. All her beauty and your weird feeling aside, she was still someone infinitely more dangerous than 200 Lycans combined. What exactly had you gotten yourself into? 
Seeing you tumble out of the woods came as a shock to her system. No matter how many times you got reborn, she would always recognize you, though you certainly looked more different than ever before. Not that Alcina had much time to look at you, when just a few seconds after your eyes met a Lycan barreled into you. Her feet moved on her own, ignoring the other Lycans tumbling down the small cliff, when she rushed to the ledge of the small cliff just in time to see you landing on the dead Lycan.
You were certainly feisty and skilled this time around and the grin you threw her way made her feel things she thought long buried. Until one Lycan got to you and she saw red, but when she came down, she only saw you kicking a dead Lycan before he turned into dust. Alcina was rather impressed when you made that off-hand comment about encountering other beings before. Which would explain why you didn’t react to her like normal people do.
No matter how many times you two met in the course of history, there were certain things that never changed: you always looked similar to your you before, and your smell. Looking at you now, she realized that this time, a lot has changed. The most obvious being your smell. You still smelled like you, but something was underneath all that, that made you somehow all the more alluring to her. Something in your blood sang to her and it confused her a great deal.
You were always kind of shy and timid around her when you first met, but the confidence you oozed made you all the more attractive and Alcina felt as if she was betraying your past lives with that thought. Hearing that you encountered supernatural beings before made her stop dead in her tracks. What was your life like until you met? What happened to you to change you so fundamentally? But your next words shocked you more than she would ever admit
“Well, shouldn’t you be the one to help me out, considering that I only got hurt, trying to impress you?” you said with such an insufferable grin that Alicna had the impulse to strangle you for the first time in her long life.
“Excuse me?” she hissed and clenched her hands. Not that you would notice. But apparently you didn’t mean to say that, if your blush was anything to go by. Still, Alcina was fuming at the blatant rudeness, but also shocked at your bluntness. Your new personality was… still somehow endearing and interesting. She couldn’t fit your current you into the picture she had of you which wasn’t necessarily a bad thing.
“What is your name?” Alcina asked and took a few steps back to get a better look at you. The smile you gave her was apologetic when you said “Excuse my poor manners, I really don’t know what has gotten into me today. My name is y/n.”
“I am Lady Alcina Dimitrescu, but you will call me Lady Dimitrescu or my lady. You would do good to remember your manners, little one.” She said and offered her hand to you. You gave her another stunning smile as you took her hand and bowed to give kiss to her knuckles that did ABSOLUTELY not fluster her, before you purred, “It is a pleasure to meet you, my lady.”
You would be the certain death of her this time around. She was certain of that. She should keep her distance from you, it wouldn’t do to become to attached to your, your attitude would get you killed rather sooner than later. But what she said was: “Come now. The castle isn’t that far, and night is almost upon us. It wouldn’t do to stay out here, with you being injured.”
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I was thinking a couple of days ago, Lady Dimitriscu has no problem picking up people due to her height and strength. So here is how I'd imagine each character would react to being picked up. Consider this a wholesome head canon for Mama/Big Sister Lady Dimitriscu! 🤗
The Dimitriscu Daughters -
Honestly, she has no problem on how they get carried around. Being a mother to three (3) daughters taught her that they all have their own traits and personalities, but the one thing that always makes her heart swell with joy is seeing her little insects happy. Here's how they typically get carried around.
Bela Dimitriscu -
Being the oldest of the three (3) daughters, she usually has to make sure she sets an example for her other sisters. Seeing as how Bela tries her best to make her mother happy, nothing beats ending the day than a simple piggyback ride. She gets so tired, it doesn't surprise Lady Dimitriscu that her eldest just falls asleep like that.
Cassandra Dimitriscu -
Ahhh the middle child of the Dimitriscu Family. She is a bit more childish than Bela, however she can sometimes be found being carried around like a doll at times.
One moment, she'll be resting on her mother's hip, another time can be a piggyback ride, and nine (9) times out of ten (10), she'll be held at the tucked under her mother's arm at the waist. She'll just hang there pretty casually.
All depends what mood she is in.
Daniela Dimitriscu -
You really never know with this hyperactive woman. She'll ask her mother to flex her arm, before suddenly grabbing onto it so she could hang there. Sometimes Fireman's carry.
Another time she was spotted being held by the ankles, upside down at her mother's back because she was acting like a bat. (Much to her mother's and sister's amusement.)
Another time, Daniela asked her mother to flex, she sat on Lady Dimitriscu's arm just to take her hat before pointing at what direction they should go. Mimicking her mother is a common thing to see here.
All three (3) Daughters at once -
Lady Dimitriscu never complained about carrying them around the castle. Her daughters are happy and that's all she ever asks for. Even if they all swarm her at once and form back last second to do so.
Oh how the Mighty Dragon loves her Trio of Bats.
Salvatore Moreau -
This guy is just happy for some interaction with someone. But he is always anxious about it.
His excitement can occasionally cause him to throw up, but thankfully he warns her in time before doing so, so no accidents yet.
His back being sensitive means that the most comfortable way of being carried around is either by piggyback, or being held from under his arms.
Moreau rarely gets carried, he does mainly on his good days, but he generously returns the offer when the Dimitriscu Family are in the reservoir by pulling along a boat for them or using his mutated form as a means of having some fun swimming with the family.
Karl Heisenberg -
Scruff of the neck, no hesitation or questions about it. Whenever Lady Dimitriscu and Heisenberg get into an argument, she would just pick him up by the back of his shirt and lift him up to eye level.
Doesn't stop him arguing back, however. A quick turn of her wrist and he would have his back to her. Or just so she can grab his belt and throw him somewhere. Hammer and all!
On a good day however, Lady Dimitriscu would carry him from under his arms and help him reach for something, he doesn't complain much about it really. He acts like a little pup at times if grabbed from the scruff of his neck.
Heisenberg occasionally gets carried around, but more so in arguments than anything else.
Angie Beneviento -
Another Daniela actually. Angie would use her small size to sneak up to the tall lady and climb up her dress.
Aim of the game, make it to the hat. It is usually all for naught however, as Lady Dimitriscu always nabs her before she even reached her shoulders. She should really try and giggle discreetly.
The Doll would often team up with one of the Dimitriscu Daughters for a surprise attack on The Dragon Mother.
Other days, she would openly be seen sitting and dangling her legs from Lady Dimitriscu's shoulder. Occasionally whispering in her ear or saying what Donna needed and wanted to say.
Lady Dimitriscu will ALWAYS know when the little doll is hiding under her hat and peaking out from under it. Angie had never lost her hat yet when doing this, so why stop it? Beside, she has plenty more where that came from.
Donna Beneviento -
This one was a work in progress really. The poor Dollmaker has Agoraphobia, the fear of leaving her safe space (her home) and the anxiety to go with it. It took Lady Dimitriscu a good while just to have her come over and visit the castle. Never forced, just extending the invitation every once in a while. Happiness swelled within Lady Dimitriscu when the Dollmaker finally gave a nod to accept.
Donna had often seen Lady Dimitriscu carry around her daughters in the castle. The Lady of the Castle was so different from the stern and strong woman she had often seen in meetings and debates. In front of her was a mother who has no hesitation to instantly drop the act in a heartbeat and be with her Little Bats.
It made Donna sad really. She barely remembered the times she was carried around by her parents and sister. Ever since they died, all her time was in isolation with her dolls.
Then one day, Lady Dimitriscu noticed Donna in the library, having some difficulty reaching a book she spotted and no Angie in sight. Donna accepted her help but was too nervous to speak to the older woman.
"May I just lift you up so you can take the book you want?" Lady Dimitriscu patiently asked with a soft smile, her usual pose more relaxed yet elegant as always.
She can see Donna's nervousness from under the veil, before the Dollmaker hesitantly lifts her arms up. And gently she was lifted to grab that book on herbal medicines and local flowers, before Lady Dimitriscu sets her down again. Before she leaves, Lady Dimitriscu felt a tug at her dress, turning to see Donna reach up again.
"You wished to be carried?" She asked, chuckling.
Donna almost regretted asking when she saw the tall woman chuckle. Embarrassed, she was going to dismiss the idea before suddenly she was swooped up onto the taller woman's shoulder, Donna clinging onto her head in surprise. The older woman chuckled before assuring her that it was ok. It is what family does after all.
She then comforts and assures the now crying Donna that it was true. She was crying from happiness.
Now, Donna is like another Bela, either on Lady Dimitriscu's shoulder or a piggyback. Most days, when they are alone and at Donna's own pace, she can be seen without the veil and occasionally with Lady Dimitriscu's hat on in it's stead.
And they have conversations too, not always long, never forced, used to be one-sided with silent answers. But how delighted she was and proud when she finally heard Donna quietly say, "thank you."
And there you have it. Donna's ended up being more of a little story but I felt it necessary to explain how it comes about.
And that's my Head Canon for Lady Dimitriscu carrying her family around. Hope you enjoyed it. 💕🤗💕
If you wish to use these ideas then feel free to do so. All I ask is to be tagged and credited for the idea.
Hope you all have a great day! 💪😎💕
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nerdy-simp-7120 · 3 years
hi! if you're comfortable writing this, could i ask for a scenario? this has been in the back of my head for a while.
what would be the reaction of the brothers + dateables of watching mc play resident evil in the dimitrescu castle? who would be down bad the most
thank you! feel free to ignore this if you don't want to write this ofc
I love this ask (stan tall vampire lady). The only thing is that I accidentally turned it into a “how they feel about the game.” I managed to add in some parts with MC playing as well to make up for it
Update: I literally finished the request yesterday but my wifi went down and I lost everything  😩 😩
I also wrote this in the middle of the night so sorry if there are any errors! Enjoy!
Warnings: cursing.
How the OM! characters would react to you playing Resident Evil (Dimitrescu Castle edition)
Will not care at first
"I hold no interest in such trivial simulations."
His weakness? Being a simp for you.
He decides to look into the game a bit more in private later on.
Will lowkey practice the game
If you ever catch him playing it, do not say anything because he will stop immediately, deny everything, and might not ever do it again
With time, however, Lucifer will come to master the game.
Here comes the showing off.
When you're rambling about the game with Levi, Lucifer will join the conversation and you two will be like "wow, boomer knows something for once--"
Or when you're struggling on a part of the game he will be like, "hand it over"
Before expertly getting through that part.
Can defeat Lady Dimitrescu if you ask him to but be careful cause he might make you beg
sadistic bastard
or you can be a badass and show him your skills
Will be a tad shocked at how easily you handled it but won't let it show (okay Elsa)
Also proud though
Lucifer's internal monologue: “That’s right- show them how it’s done, Y/n.”
Will watch you play and cover his eyes during every battle
"wHAT IS THAT?!" at everything you come across
I hope you're good at playing one-handed because you'll have to use the other hand to hold his throughout the entire thing
Admires you're bravery but would never admit it
"You were horrible! ...N-nice job beating the game, not that I c-care or anything. You sucked anyways!"
Not even 10 seconds later...
"Can I watch you play again?"
Comes to find that the faces you make are adorable: when you're concentrating on a battle, when you win, find a valuable item, etc
He loves being able to see how you're feeling up close.
If you catch him staring when you take a break or something he'll blush and either ask you if you have a staring problem or that you have something on your face
He may or may not buy cheap merch (a tiny key chain of Lady Dimitrescu or your favorite character) for you, all the while spewing lame excuses
Please bear with him- he's trying.
Congrats, you just found yourself someone to discuss the game with
Is open to cosplay the characters with you
You two will have competitions to see who can beat the game faster.
You both also share theories with each other all the time
Or simply discuss the characters together
He purposefully stays quiet to hear you ramble on and on- dude finds it adorable
You two also sometimes argue debate over a character name or event in the game
Because while you have Resident Evil
He only knows Resident Devil
This is the equivalent of Devilgram and Instagram
I mean
They’re the same,
But a couple things were altered, y’know, to prevent copyright
So yes, there are definitely a few quarrels here and there
But all in all, it’s a fun gamer bud experience
Don’t tell him I told you but he thinks it’s hot when you show off your badass skills in a boss fight
He plays it on the lowkey.
Not because he’s embarrassed
But because he partially takes his anger out on the characters
During gory scenes, he imagines it’s him torturing Lucifer, fueling his determination to win
A calculated person, Satan is a smart player
But there are times when he’s particularly angry and he becomes a reckless one, jumping into fights impetuously
This is where you come in and beat the enemy for him
He may get angrier, thinking you are underestimating him
But, for the sake of the person he loves, he calms down knowing you didn’t mean to offend him
A small part in the back of his head also admires you for being able to handle the fight a ton better than he did
Congratulations, you just earned yourself the great Satan’s respect (resident evil-wise).
“Oh my, I never knew you were into such gory games! Does this mean you’re into blood play, because I know many things about--”
He may look carefree on the outside
But on the inside?
Let’s take a look, shall we?
Holy shit
What the fu--
Jesus christ, can you pull a move like that in real life?
He needs to be careful to not piss you off.
If you can handle this, who knows what you could be capable of?
Hold on.
Wait, you look so concentrated
Eeep! How cute!
Anyways, it ends with him snapping a bunch of pictures 
Keeps them for himself and may brag to his brothers about how he got some “special” shots of you
Obviously never elaborates on what the special part means to keep his dear siblings on edge because, what the hell, they want to know what these special shots are
Would not play the game because there’s “tOo MuCh BlOoDsHeD”
We all know he’s most likely seen his fair share of bloodshed
“What if the adrenaline gives me acne?”
He’s probably just bad at the game--
Verdict: Asmo is a simp and not afraid to flaunt it.
...Are you okay?
Do you think about homicide--?
Oh, that lady looks nice.
Huh, she’s 9′6″??
What’s her name? Lady Dimitrescu?
Not scared, just a tad bit concerned 
Poor Beel, concerned for Lady D :’)
Also, seeing the death’s of Bela, Daniela, and Cassandra hit different
Because he know what it’s like to lose a sibling.
Safe to say he understands Alcina’s pain when she raged about her children being dead.
Also concerned about how the gore could affect you
Because isn’t stuff like this supposed to traumatize humans?
Would support you regardless though
And thinks that you’re really brave for playing the game and still being able to stand strong
On another note, Beel decided to make small flower graves for the three sisters and Alcina because he’s adorable and kind like that
Likes the game but is too lazy to play himself
Regularly watches Satan play (or at least as much as he can before deciding it’s nap time)
I hope you enjoy Belphie using you as a body pillow and watching you play from now on 
Makes small comments here and there to help you out
“To your left... Oh, and open the window- yeah, that one.”
Will smirk, impressed, when you deal with the fights and win yourself without his comments.
“That’s my Y/n”
(Sorry I don’t know what else to put for him :’))
“Is this a human trend?” meme
Will watch excitedly and “oooo” whenever you do something cool
Be careful though, because the questions will not stop as you play
“What’s that? I see. What’s it for? How do you win the game? Who’s that character? Why can’t you do this? What about--?”
Diavolo, you’re awesome and all, but please
On the inside, is also one that might be a tad concerned about your mental health because doesn’t that gore traumatize humans?
Wait, you do this for entertainment?
Another warning: he will shower you in merchandise from the game
I am not above the fact that this man has a game room 
And he will try to master the game
Casually pushes all his paperwork over to Lucifer so he can play Resident Evil
RIP Luci
Unfortunately, Diavolo will have trouble grasping the game and how it works
You will have to explain many things to him
Good luck- he’s a bit of a boomer (but willing to learn) and may or may not get distracted staring at you
But anyways, he enjoys engaging in the competitions you and Levi have
Whether it be playing as well or simply watching
He just loves to see you happy
Oh my, what’s this?
Will watch you play
and constantly criticize how filthy the Dimitrescu castle is
“Do they have any idea how many rats this can attract?”
Barbatos, your weakness is showing.
Seeing you so happy while playing the game helps him relax from his daily troubles tasks
He rewards you with a pat on the head any time you beat a foe
When Diavolo goes over to the HoL or when you come over to play in he silently cheers you on in the background.
Is educated on the game and knows his shit as the only other human 
Maybe knows a bit too much of the game
You will later come to find out that, somewhere in his mass tangle of shady connections, he knows a developer
Might give you tips and tricks to get on higher levels
But never, and I mean never, challenge him like you would with Levi to see who can beat the game faster
Because he will beat you by a seconds on purpose, just to piss you of
all the while doing that dark, shady chuckle
But anyways, if you manage to finesse and beat him, he will be 
So confused
“I thought I did it all right, what went wrong...?” he thinks to himself.
On the outside, however, he’s smiling
Will hand over some praise to his little apprentice, but if you look carefully you will see a spark of annoyance
We get it Solomon, you’re a sore loser.
In the end, he will still leave somewhat impressed at your skillz
w h a t
Is a little scared
“Is this one of them video games you kids play nowadays...? Just kidding. What are you playing-- oh my”
Might try to figure out how to play
But alas, 
Simeon is yet another boomer
So he will have quite some trouble even figuring out how to move
And why does he hold the controller like that what
If you’ve seen that one picture of him holding his phone sideways you know what I mean
On another note, if you look through his poem book, then you may or may not find a few poems describing how amazing and badass you looked hustling the entire game
about to bomb this master hill
No literally is considering bombing the computer or whatever you’re playing on because wHAT IS THAT
He is just
This will give him nightmares for weeks
Apparently Alcina reminds him of Lucifer so he kinda
Hates her
Says he will protect you
--as he runs out of the room in fear
Irrelevant but the one he hates the most is fetus baby
Michael have mercy on this poor boy--
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Momma is a badass?
Fandom: DC Pairing: Bruce Wayne x Batmom!reader (in the background) Word count: 1.4k Summary: Your Children don’t know about a big part of your past, but when the situation calls for it, they find out, one way or anotherm Requested by a hydrated Anon: since the request are kinda open. Can i request something where batmom was a former suicide squad member, now dating batman and the batkids dont know? Maybe they are in a dangerous fight against someone and the suicide squad helps them? only if this is okay for you. No pressure or something. Stay hydrated love
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Your children knew that you were a great fighter, one that could hold herself against Bruce easily, and they knew that you had been a vigilante long before you had met their father and fallen into the more domestic role of a part-time event-organizer and a full-time momma at day and a crime fighter at night. Sometimes they had tried to ask you and Bruce about what you had done for the most of your early adulthood, but they never found out anything about what happened between your 18th and 25th birthday. A few of them - mostly Tim, Steph and Damian - had thought about finding out the old-fashioned way, but everytime they seriously considered it they remembered that not once since you had taken them in as your children have you breached their privacy without a very, very good reason. So they quickly started to forget about it again and face their own problems. What none of your children had expected was that that blank on your resume was going to be filled on what was supposed to be an easy mission in Gotham’s Docks. You and Bruce were the ones who went, Tim on the Comms, only to find that three of the most dangerous and violent - but in themselves alone relatively small - crime families had “bonded” together to defeat the one thing that kept them from ‘rising to their true size’: Your family. The two of you were good, years of beating and defeating big baddies have shown so much, but not even the two of you were good enough to defeat the small army that was attacking you now. Under the hail of bullets that were raining down on you, a few of them hitting your body armour, but luckily not you, you barely managed to dive for cover behind a metal pillar. Looking over you were relieved to find Bruce behind cover too, seemingly not hurt. He nodded at you, most likely having the same thoughts about you, before talking to you and Tim over the Comms. “Red, we need everyone here asap, this is at least a code blue situation.” “Code blue? I thought this was just a quick in-and-out,” Tim asked surprised. “Just do it, no time to explain,” Bruce grunted as he threw a Batarang at a particularly bold individual that tried to break his cover, disarming him quickly and knocking him unconscious. “I contacted everyone, Nightwing and Red Hood are on their way, ETA is at least ten minute. Robin is preparing and will be there in five. Oracle is going to take over the Comms as soon as she’s online from her homebase and then I’ll hurry over with Black Bat. The others will try to come, but are indispensable at the moment,” Tim informed you and you could hear the almost inhumane quick tapping of his keyboard in the background. Before you had the chance to answer you noticed the small circular object rolling towards you and just almost managed to kick it away and shield yourself with your cape. “We don’t have enough time to wait for all of them!” you shouted over the sound of another explosion and when you looked over at Bruce you almost saw the internal conversation, “They’re on a mission not far from here, they could be here in five minutes.” “Who are you talking about?” Tim asked, but you and your husband just ignored him. “Do it!” Bruce said after he had to dive for a new cover when the pillar he was standing behind got damaged by another granate. Not waiting another second you pulled out a small button that was protected by a glass hood. You clicked the glass hood off and pushed the button, a little relief flooding you when you saw the blinking light below it implicate that the signal was received. Now you just had to survive long enough for your help to arrive. Tim and Cassandra, closely followed by Damian, arrived shortly after, but even with the five of you, you weren’t remotely able to do more than hold yourself against the seemingly never ending attack that got worse with every minute. When you heard the flapping of a chopper somewhere above you, you could have wept with joy, but soon got pulled back into reality when a bigger explosion rang through your ears and debris from the newly bombed open roof missed you by literal inches. After making sure neither your husband, not your children were hurt badly, you looked up to find that the chopper was not the one you had hoped for when you were looking directly into the barrel of a bomb launcher. The thought of retreating filled your mind, but before you could suggest, you saw the opposing chopper blow up in a haze of fire before a very familiar crazy laugh filled your ears - even if it was still half a mile or so away. More explosions rang through the enemy lines and the shift in power was immediately feelable. You had just won the upper hand. Five ropes were lowered around you and soon after you found yourself surrounded by your former team - or rather one version of it, the suicide squad never really being one to keep stagnate. “Did ‘ya miss us sugar?” Harley crackled as she fell around your neck, hugging you with one arm while the other was occupied with shooting an enemy that had been charging at the six of you. “You wouldn’t believe how much,” you smiled and - after quickly greeting the rest of the team - got back to fighting. Dick and Jason joined the fight shortly before the end - before your win - and were surprised by the people who were fighting in such a harmony with their mother that it looked like they had been fighting with you for years, but with the fight still going on they had little time to care about it too much. The twelve of you together had an easy time fighting against the gangs and it only took a few minutes more before you left unconscious, dead (the suicide squad had no no-killing rule after all) and tied up gang members for the police to lock up. The squad's chopper had been severely damaged during the fight so the five went with you to a second-emergency base on the outskirts of Gotham to wait for Waller to send them a pick-up, leaving you with a bit of time to catch up with your old mates. While you were laughing and talking to Harley, Rick, Floyd, Digger and Tatsu like you were old friends who haven’t seen each other in a while, Bruce standing a few feet behind you - keeping up his grim persona, but not stopping you from interacting with the (mostly) villains - your children were at the other side of the room completely dumbfounded at the way their mother was acting.
“Remember that time Waller almost blew up your head because you thought it was a good idea to play pranks in the base?” you asked laughing, the others joining you. “Yeah, well, how was I supposed to know she’d react to a bit of water like that,” Dagger shrugged, but smiled at the memory. “Can’t believe it’s been so long already since I left, it feels like yesterday I almost cut your eyes out,” you smiled - you much like Katana not having been there as a criminal, but rather as a guard yourself. “Hey, if you want back, we’d gladly take you in, I still think Waller considered planting a bomb in your head just so that you would come back and bring some order back,” Rick shrugged, but you just shook your head. “Thank you, but no thank you, I have a life here now. Also I don’t think Hubby would like that too much,” you giggled a little and blew a kiss at Bruce, who responded only with a stern nod in an interaction that your children would have usually found hilarious if they weren’t so occupied with staring. “Ya’know sugah, Ah love attention, Ah really do, but even Ah get uncomfortable if dah little batlings keep on starin’ like tha’,” Harley nudged your shoulder and nodded into the direction of your children. “Oh, don’t mind my little ones, they just didn’t know about my time at the suicide squad,” you shrugged, well aware that you were going to have a lot to explain later on.
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Cats Vienna 29.05.2022
Went today again because tomorrow I will have a horribly stressful day and Cats is my coping mechanism 1 atm and I was lucky that I went because:
Anneka Dacres played Demeter! She usually plays Cassandra and I really wanted to see her as Demeter. I was so happy, when I read her name next to Demeter’s name on the cast list. She didn’t disapoint. She was such a incredible expressive and emotional Demeter.
Also Tommie Luyben played Electra. I think he wore an Old Deut Chorus costume but I’m not sure. I didn’t see it coming because I didn’t read the cast list that hard. I was like: Who is that on the trapez? Is it Billy? Nah? Then I saw that it was Luyben and I was like oh, that’s new. Three boii Schilmms for the day. He was a very fun Electra and played her similiar to how he plays Bill but more about him later.
I sat quite on the side so I couldn’t see everything but most of it. I was so happy when Dacres Demeter entered the stage. She has such a beautiful voice, I little bit lower than the other Demeters I would say. During the naming of the Cats she was right in front of me and I could see every expression she made, as always A+
Rumpleteazer (Vicky Riddoch) was gold. She wanted Alonzo’s attention at the beginning bat he wasn’t having it.
Bombalurina (Anneke Brunekreeft) massaged Demeter’s back at the beginning of the Gumbie Cat and they were both so happy to sing her song.
Today Tugger (Dominik Hees) petted Admetus’ (Nicholas Li) head when he nuzzeled him. Also today again, Mungojerrie, Rumpleteazer and Jelly played his band. Also: With Electra being a boii today, only two girls (Vicky and Jem) where sceaming at the end of the song and Jemima (Anastasia Bertinshaw) had to take over as main fangirl fainting at the end.
Male Electra stayed at Victoria’s side after she isn’t allowed to touch Griz, same as female Electra.
Demeter was so sad and expressive during the Glamour Cat song. She was surprised and nearly shocked when Bombalurina joined her. It seemed like she thought she would have to sing this song alone.
She was also very sad at the beginning of Bustopher Jones and cleaned herself before looking at him. Also Tantomile (Meghan Peploe-Williams) and Cassandra (Susannah Murphy, small Cass, cute Cass) had a small interaction and smiled at each other. Alonzo (George Maniadis) really wanted Bustophers’ attention and waved at him. At the end Bustopher (Felix Martin) kissed Jenny’s (Denise Jastraunig) hand. “Küss die Hand”
First Macavity scare: I love how Fetterle Munk reacts to Alonzo leaving him alone. Today he reached out to him like he was asking him to stay.
Mungo (Jan-Eike Mayert) and Rumple were fun as always. Today I was sitting right there where they look at when they are watching the vase go down. Yay me. It seemed like they were laughing at me lol.
At the beginning of the Old Deut song they both were cuddeling and cleaning each other. Didn’t even try to get Tugger’s attention today.
Pekes and Pollicles is so much fun. I will miss how the number is now but I’m curious to see Gus Rumpus Cat next week! I love how Carbucketty (Johnny Randall) tries to impress the girls who a sitting next to Old Deut and sometimes Mungojerrie has to shove him in the right direction for his part as the main Pollicle. Also Misto (Stephen Martin Allan) took his time to come out as the Scottish dog and Skimble (Gerben Grimmius) looked quite displeased.
Jelly Ball time. Now Carbucketty can finally dance with Vicky (Hannah Kenna Thomas). As far as I could see Electra danced Electra’s usual part. Also the center at the end. Today, for a change, Tugger was cuddeling in Demeter’s and Munkustrap’s direction and not in the twin’s direction.
Second Act:
During Gus, the twins streched their legs and Alonzo who was sitting behind them had to push their legs down so that the audience could still admire him. They looked kind of offended.
I still have no real opinion on the pirate part, thou I find it kind of fun, especially the interaction between Growltiger and Griddlebone.
During Skimbleshanks Electra played Electra’s part as always. At the end, shortly before Skimble steps und Mungojerrie’s back, Mungo and Deme had a cute interaction. She clawed/stroked his back and they smiled at each other.
First Macavity apperence: Demeter hid behind Munk, Mungo behind Old Deut.
Loved, loved, loved Macavity today. Dacres is such an expressive Demeter you could really feel that one part in the choreo with that he made sweet love to me but I hated him. Also, she seems less scared of Macavity than other Demeters. She was also very offended that he cheats at cards haha. All in all incredible performance, especially the dancing but the singing too. You feel every bit of the choreo. For the first time I could like read her relationship to Macavity (of course with all my background knowledge lol).
Than Macavity comes AND Li was amazing as always. Demeter seemed to fear him but at the same time felt drawn to him. When he hypnotized her at the beginning and she fell asleep Tantomile had to wake her up again. Whe she woke up, she saw that Jemima was near him (Vicky and Jem sit left and right while Macavity dances on center front stage) and she was furious. She hissed ad Macavity and tried to get Jemima behind herself quickly.
When Macavity got her, Munk and Bomba freed her and Bomba again crouched over her to protect her.
Today I also had the perfect seat to see the Munk, Deme light/shadow thing and it is truely beautiful.
Misto pretty much as always. Didn’t notice much new today only that Alonzo doesn’t raise his hand but his leg when everybody wants to be picked as magical assistant. He was kind of “sad” when he wasn’t picked and started cleaning himself.
Grizabella (Ana Milva Gomes) had so much pain and sadness in her movements and voice today. She was amazing!
After Victoria touched Grizabella, Admetus touched her too very short and he then smiled at Victoria and the nuzzled each others head. Also Carbucketty took her hand and looked at her glove? There was pure joy on Demeter’s face when she took Grizabella’s arm and when she lead her to Bomba it seemed as if she would reconcile (?) them with each other. I felt that.
All in all, very good show today. 
At the end I want to write a little bit about Carbucketty. I think in the USA he is usually called Pouncival and I like him quite a lot (I’m still so confused with the boiis so don’t @ me). In Vienna he seems to like Misto and Vicky, of course, they are the ballet cats, but also Bill and Bomba. He really wants Vicky’s attention during the Pekes and Pollicles haha. During the ball he mainly dances with Vicky and Misto and sometimes it seems like he wants to cuddle with Misto but Misto is not that impressed, so he cuddles with Rump on his other side (thou there were evenings when he cuddled with Misto). He is also usually the one that recieves the sparkeling jacket after Tugger takes it of off Misto and sometimes he acts a bit like a fanboy. He is also a bit proud and looks offended when Bomba admires Tugger and ignores him or when Gus talkes about the kittens today. Very fun character as like everybody in Vienna.
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theheraldsrest · 3 years
How about an inquisitor whos very casually touchy? Like sidehugs and shoulder pats without even thinking about it. Bonus points if they're relationship is platonic not romantic cuz friends need hugs too
“Companions reacting to a Inquisitor who touches very casually”
I love how when we’re trying to phrase the question or prompt, it just sounds like we’re just rewording it. Love this one, though. Anyways, here we go!
-At first, it’s strange for him. He’s only use to certain touches such as a pat on the shoulder or handshakes or getting the wind knocked out of him-
-With the Inquisitor, though, it seems to be a constant thing, getting tapped on or grabbing his hand when your excited
-Now, he’s used to it, somehow knowing when you’re about to touch him because he stiffens up for a second before relaxing
-Has asked you once to not do this, but after the first few times of apologies, he doesn’t care if it happens
-She’s also a very touchy person so she’s used to it. Her siblings were so sick of it, imagine the arguments that ensued
-She’s taught herself to control herself around others but it’s a relief when she realizes that you do the same
-Will grab your hand out of excitement, puts a hand to your shoulder as a greeting most of the time, etc
-Comes to a point where she instinctively reaches out for you as you do the same for her
-No touchy touchy, no, absolutely not
-Kidding, but no seriously, she might have been used to it years ago, but now she’s a bit more weary of people even getting close to her
-Steps away if you try to touch her, no idea how she knows when you’re about to
-If you go down her good route, though, she becomes a little more lenient with the touches, especially hugs
-She’s used to formalities: light hugs, quick kiss to the hand, a light tap to the shoulder, so on and so forth
-To say she’s used to touching is an understatement, she just shows no care for them 
-With the inquisitor, she allows it. Just another person who she shows respect to, even if they are a bit more touchy feely than most
-If seen as a friend, she tries to put more effort into it. Reciprocating a hug, placing her hand over yours on her shoulder
-Reminds him of a certain elf. He’s used to it, but always a little suspicious behind the intentions. Has to be with his past
-Usually tries to lighten up about it, but still a new thing to him
-He tries to calm it a bit down around the inquisitor when he realizes that that’s just a thing they do
-Might even try to show it back, patting them on the back or even squeezing their hand
-Still new to it, the whole touchy thing if you continue along his human route
-With being a spirit, he’s doesn’t get many chances for people to be able to touch him
-When you do, he always notices a flicker in your memories, in your feelings when he questions you about touching him, but he understands
-When you do it, he appreciates it, making him feel more human, more connected, like he has a family or someone who cares about him there
-Like Leliana, he might have been used to it at one point, but that was a long time ago. Even goes as far as avoiding touching anyone
-With the inquisitor, though, no one is able to escape from their friendship
-On one hand, the inquisitor might see how he steps away when you touch his shoulder and respect that, trying to stop themselves the next time
-But even after a while, Solas learns to appreciate it. It reminds him of times he misses, of the friends he trusted. He trusts the inquisitor
-The first few times, she doesn’t do much, just unsure about what this is for or what to do, she’s not use to this much touching
-Usually surprises her each time but comes to connect it to your arrival near her
-Has tried to get you to stop, but it’s harder than trying to stop Cole from messing with people’s memories or to stop Bull from challenging the new recruits to a fight
-She does appreciate it and, if friendly, tries (and I mean tries) to show it with the awkward arm pats and awkward hugs
The Iron Bull
-It’s not that he’s unfamiliar with touching (on the contrary), he’s just not use to it “out of the bed”
-Getting a lot of mixed signals here, boss
-Takes a simple explanation for everything to be cleared up and he’s honestly chill with that
-You bet your ass he shows his appreciation: if you place your hand on his arm to get his attention, he gives it; if you hug, he’ll give one right back 
-This man. This poor, poor man. Might accept it, might be used to it from all the parties and events he had to go to, but believes there’s an ulterior motive behind all touches
-It takes a while for him to stop questioning you about it and to just accept the hug damn it
-If he truly sees you as a friend, he starts to accept more touching, even enjoying it
-He has come to expect it, opening his arms for a hug when he sees you or even pulling you towards him to hold hands and walk around
-She’ll bite your hand if you try it. Or, at least, that’s the rumor Bull put out.
-Doesn’t want anything to do with that, no sir, do not touch the sneaky, dangerous kitten
-That said, she completely goes against her own rule and grabs you to drag you off somewhere or to hug you if she’s excited about something
-If you guys are close, she’ll even lay in your lap or play with your fingers or mess with your ears as much as you mess with her
-Help him. It’s been a long time since he trusted most people, even longer since he let someone touch him so often or near him
-You’ll put your hand on his shoulder or arm and he’ll politely remove it, tries to politely deny hugs, excuses himself from the group if you or even anyone is standing too close to him
-Once it comes out who he truly is, it’s even more of a challenge. Believes himself not worth it or that you shouldn’t be showing so much friendliness towards him
-But, nonetheless, he accepts it every once in a while, giving some of the best hugs and comforting pats to match your own
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catxsnow · 4 years
Request: I have a request ! It's kinda angsty but what if tim and y/n work together(maybe your like second in comment at WE), and y/n knows his secret, y/n is also very strong(powers or not up to you ) and Tim manages to convince her to join the Titans.y/n likes him , and she can't help but be jealous of him and Cassandra's friendship.y/n tries not to like cass but fails Bc she's just that good of a friend 
Sorry it's a Tim request! Where Tim and y/n are unaware of their feelings for each other. So Tim asks cass to be touchy, more friendly, and y/n is unaffected but on the inside she's boiling , so she asks Bart to be extra flirty, and it's just one big hot mess. 
Request for Tim falling for the new member of the Titans , y/n the protege of green arrow/black canary , Tim bring mad protective/jealous every time Bart flirts with her, yn being oblivious as hell
Warning: fluff, mentions of blood, 
A/N: I combined three requests because they were all kinda simliar in the bart/cassie making reader jealous so I hope you don’t mind. 
Word Count: 4k
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Joining the Teen Titans had not been your idea. At all.
Tim pestered you for months to join his silly little band of sidekicks. You met him not long after he 'saved' you from a night of patrol gone wrong. New to Gotham and not quite understanding just how much of a hell hole it was. Avoiding Batman was easier than you thought - but Robin? Not so much.
Robin was kind to you, unlike his mentor. He always had a boyish smile for you, some explanation of the new tech he got excited over, and he never questioned who you really were. You knew that he knew your entire identity, how could the great Batman let his sidekick cohort with an unnamed masked vigilante?
You found yourself seeking his company more than seeking criminals at night. It wasn't just having someone watch your back, it was even if you didn't know who was hiding under the mask you felt like you could trust him. Robin quickly became the one person you could constantly rely on.
Robin was somehow always there when you got yourself into a tight situation. Cornered by goons that outnumbered you by a landslide, an unexpected amount of hired guns at a drug bust, even when you stumbled upon higher up criminals did he managed to be there just in the nick of time.
The reliance became almost unhealthy. Any time you were stuck in a rut you told yourself he would be there, he would always be there. And then he wasn't. In the moments that you needed him most, he wouldn't show up at all. Bloody and bruised, you'd barely make it out alive because you believed that he would show up.
It was your own fault for putting faith in someone you didn't even know the name of. Batman and Robin had their own issues, their own battles to fight - they didn't always have the time for yours.
A freezing Saturday night Batman had found you barely breathing in a dark alley. Ganged up out of the blood, trauma to the head that left you dazed and barely able to fight. It was a small gang that you thought you had taken down months ago - turns out they were just hiding in the shadows and waiting to attack.
They left you half-dead in the alley, hoping that you would have learned your lesson to not mess with them again. Instead, it made you angry - furious at them, at yourself for messing up like this. Revenge was the only thing on your mind while you tried to push yourself up to move again.
Truth was, if it wasn't for Batman showing up, you weren't sure if you would have ever made it back home alive. He took you to the infamous batcave, tended to your wounds like his own sidekick. He was silent, just as he always was whenever he saw you and Robin together. The quiet made it painfully obvious that Robin wasn't there that night.
You woke up in the early hours of the morning, still in the cave and with an unfamiliar face at your side. Dark tufts of black hair that stuck up in every direction, sharp cheekbones that could barely be seen from the hand resting on his face. He wore shorts, despite the cold that lingered in the air.
Your eyes flickered to the Robin costume that was displayed in a glass stand. Bright reds and greens that always stood out in the night and made it oh-so-easy to spot. A mask that covered only the eyes and the sculpted cheeks bones of the boy hiding beneath. It was Robin that was sleeping in the chair beside your bed, maskless and vulnerable to someone he didn't even know.
"You're awake," he spoke without opening his eyes. Sleep was heavy in his voice. The usual pep that he had was replaced with a hoarseness that had you taken aback for a split moment. Bright blue eyes met yours. You always wondered what color they'd be, but you never expected them to be so vibrant - so full of life.
"How could you have possibly woken up from that, I haven't even moved," You tried to joke. A pain rippled through your whole body. Bruises dark in color splattered against you and a tight wrap was around your ribs where surely half of them were broken or cracked. You could feel the swell in your lips, the metallic taste of blood that lingered in your mouth even hours after you were defeated. Without needing to see yourself, you knew that you were looking rough.
"You were making noises in your sleep, they stopped when you woke up," Robin informed you. Whimpers and whines from the pain that ached throughout you echoed through the cave for hours. He knew of getting his ass handed to him, and he knew just how you felt that moment. "How are you feeling?"
Tim felt guilty. He tried his best to watch over you in the ferocious Gotham life, but sometimes he hadn't made it in time. You were lucky to be alive, and if that wasn't the case he wouldn't be able to live with himself, not when he was on some stupid team-building exercise in San Francisco.
There were tons of descriptions that you could have used to describe how you were feeling. Enraged. Embarrassed. Vengeful. "Sore," you settled with. Tim nodded, by the hesitance you had he wasn't sure if that was going to be your final answer. You rubbed a hand down your face, mixed feelings running through more than ever.
The familiar feeling of bare skin met your path. No mask, no covering your identity. No surprise that Batman did so. You paused a moment before sticking that same hand out for Robin to shake. "I presume you already knew long ago, but (Y/N) (L/N)."
Tim accepted your hand, surprised at the sudden grip that you had on him in your weakened state. "Tim Drake, I assume you already put together that I'm Robin," he mocked your words. "It's nice to officially meet you, (Y/N)."
Months of trying to convince you that joining the Teen Titans was the best thing that could happen to you. Not only would you get the additional training you needed, but you would have the resources and a team. You'd get friends - and most importantly you'd get to be near Tim more often.
As annoying as his pestering was to get you to join him, it was far more adorable. He'd get this little pout on his face, bottom lip sticking out that made you just want to kiss him. You knew the reason - or thought you knew - why he wanted you to join. He was scared for you. That night in the alley when he wasn't even home terrified him.
He was going to make sure that it never happened again. Tim would be there to protect you, and if he couldn't then his friends sure as hell would. Months of bribing, swaying, hangouts, and patrol, Tim finally convinced you to join him. The time you spent together had brought you closer together as friends.
It also brought unwanted feelings that kept you up at night. The little amount of sleep that you usually got dwindled as your thoughts and dreams became consumed by Tim Drake. He was more than a friend, a partner, a teammate - he was someone that you could love for the rest of your life. Yet, he had no idea.
Joining his little band of heroes didn't help either. You spent far more time with him. Training, missions, just hanging out in the lounge of the infamous Titans Tower. He became your every living moment - along with his friends. They weren't all easy to get along with. Beast Boy, Starfire, Cyborg, they all acted like they controlled your each and every move.
Conner Kent, Superboy, as nice as he was whenever he spent time with Tim you couldn't help but feel a little jealous. Bart took a while to get used to - just as Tim had told you it would. He was nice to you, but his literal sense of being all over the place drove you nuts. Cassie? Well, she was the one that got on your nerves the most.
Whenever Cassie and Tim were in the same room together, she hung off him like a leech. No matter what was going on she was right at his side. She made it impossible to hang out with him and you had no idea why she was so possessive of him. It seemed impossible to enjoy her presence. 
It was also impossible to hate her too. Whenever the two of you worked alone, she was always so incredibly kind to you. She would help you when you messed up or offered words of advice from her own mistakes. Cassie wasn't afraid to admit to you that she's messed up far more than you had. It was confusing why she changed so much around Tim.
It was annoying to see his stupid little smiles every time you were visibly frustrated with them together. It was even worse when their hugs lasted a little longer than they needed to be. Your jealousy of Cassie was getting out of hand, and that would only mean that bad decisions would be made.
You stood with your fist raised, ready to knock on the door in front of you. Maybe this choice was petty, maybe you were more scared to admit your own feelings than you were fighting monsters. Truth was, you just wanted to see Tim react the same way that you did when he was around Cassie. What better way than to use one of his own friends to do it?
Kon was too loyal to Tim to keep a secret. Victor and Gar wouldn't agree to it in the slightest - them being the 'responsible leaders' that they were. That left Bart Allen. Speedster. Kid Flash. As kind as he was, you didn't know him well enough to know if he would even agree to this ridiculous plan of yours.
The more you thought about it, the more ridiculous it even was. Why waste time trying to make Tim jealous when he probably didn't even think about how Cassie acted around him? Why not just tell him outright that after over a year of working together, you had caught major feelings for him?
Before you could change your mind about this whole thing, Bart's door opened. He looked ready to run out to do god knows what but stopped, confused, when he saw you standing there. "(Y/N), hey, uh," Bart scratched the back of his head. You never stopped by to see him. "What are you doing here?"
"Can I talk to you?" Your gaze turned to the end of the hall when hearing footsteps. Black and yellow cape, green shirt, of course, Tim remained in uniform even in his downtime. He met your eyes for a moment, a smile making it's way to his face before realizing that you were talking to Bart. His gaze turned to a glare when seeing how little of a space was between you and Bart.
Seeing his small change in facial expression had just confirmed that you liked seeing him jealous - if that's even what his emotion was. You smiled his way before grabbing Bart's hand and leading him back into his room. The door slammed shut before Tim could even reach it.
"What-" Bart tried to ask.
"I need you to do me a favour," Bart's room was a mess. Clothes were strewn all over the floor, unmade bed, food wrappers, and pizza boxes covering every inch of furniture. The difference between him and Tim was astounding just by looking at their living spaces. "I need you to help me make Tim jealous."
Surprisingly, Bart was quick to agree with your little plan. He too noticed that since your arrival to the tower, Tim and Cassie were closer than ever. If he was to notice, then surely there had to be something going on, right? Either way, it just fueled your desire to make him jealous even more.
They were small actions at first. You'd make sure that Bart would enter your room just as Tim was walking by, only to leave again moments later when he was gone. Always being quick to pair up with you for everything, only for Tim to argue that his pairing with you made more sense. Lingering hugs, watching movies together, sharing food.
Tim was quickly annoyed with Bart's presence whenever you were with him. However, he didn't bring it up. His glares, huffs of annoyance, and cold behaviour were all obvious though he never asked about your sudden interest in his best friend.
Kon, the only one that wasn't involved, but invested, quickly picked up on what happened. Tim got Cassie to be touchy the first day that you arrived. You asked Bart to do just the same. It was obvious what was going on to everyone besides you and Tim.
As funny as it was to watch, he was also getting annoyed at the lack of communication between you. According to Tim, you and him were best friends before you decided to join the team. Now, it seemed that you had never been farther apart because of your ruses.
"You and Bart got close since you've arrived," Tim was leaning against the door of your room. It had been days since the two of you had talked alone and you missed him. Keeping this fake-touchy relationship with Bart was exhausting. It didn't even seem to be worth it - until this moment.
"Yeah, he's a good guy," You peaked above the book you held in your hand. Tim invited himself into your room and sprawled across the bottom of your bed. He didn't want to hear about your relationship with Bart, but the words slipped his mouth before he could think of anything else. It drove him nuts seeing the two of you together. "Made this place feel like a home."
He didn't, at all. Truth was, you wished that you were back in Gotham, back where you didn't know you had to share Tim with anyone besides Batman. Now, with all his friends, you felt like you never got to see him at all. As much as you learned, and as thankful as you were for everything that you learned, you missed what your friendship used to be with Tim.
"You never told me you and Cassie were so close," You hesitantly spoke as a silence washed over you. Tim remainder stotic. He and Cassie were great friends, but they were never as physically close as they were now. She had been reluctant to agree to his pleas of acting closer than they really were to make you jealous. His efforts seemed all for null with your new fondness of the speedster.
If Tim were Bruce, he'd probably be able to pick up on the jealousy in your voice. Right now, he was too caught up in your own thinking about the hours that Bart spent in your room, laughing so loud that he could hear it from his room. He loathed the idea of you and Bart together.
"Yeah." Yeah. That's all he had to say? All their time together, nothing more than a single word to talk about the woman he clearly cared deeply about.
Another silence. A painful, heart aching silence that never used to happen before you joined this stupid team. It seemed that arriving had pushed you and Robin farther apart than ever before. You hated these moments, hated it felt like you knew nothing about one another, like you hadn't nearly died together half a dozen times.
It seemed that your silence in the middle of a mission was louder than these moments.
"Tim?" You asked. He was staring up at your ceiling and you couldn't help but wonder what the hell was going on in his head. No matter how close you were, or thought you were, he would always remain a mystery.
"Yeah," he repeated.
What if I moved back to Gotham? What if I asked you to stay there with me? What if I told you everything with Bart was a lie? What if I told you my feelings for you were undeniable? What if the reason I want to hate Cassie is because of you? What if...
"Nevermind." There was no point in dwelling in what if's.
Kori always promoted training with teammates. It was a great way to hone in on your skills, and develop a further relationship among your team. Kon was back in Smallville, Beast Boy and Cyborg were off working for their previous leader Nightwing. That left just the four of you - two of which you could barely look at.
You were infuriated with Tim. The entire week he had been brushing you off, ignoring your messages, it was like he was avoiding you completely. To make matters worse, Cassie had been glued to his side the entire time. They didn't part ways for anything it seemed.
Now, you and Bart were fighting against Tim and Cassie. Though the speedster and Amazonian had no issues with each other, it was clear that they knew to stay out of yours and Tim's way during the spar. It seemed that just as you were frustrated with Tim, he was with you.
The clashing of staffs was almost as loud as Bart's cackling as he ran around the training room. Tim didn't hold back, not at all. He wasn't surprised to see you do the same, however, he was shocked to see how much you had improved since your time in Gotham. As good as you were, you could rarely hold your own against him.
You didn't need to see beneath his mask to know that he was angry. It was only a matter of who it was directed at. Bruce, maybe. Dick. Kon. You could only dream that it was Cassie but you knew damn better than that. Likely, you were the one to have done something wrong - which was probably why he was ignoring you.
"If you've got something to say, Robin, you should say it," You gritted out as you narrowly missed the staff swinging your way. It was beyond frustrating fighting with him. Tim was impossible to get a hit laid on him, and he was constantly on the defensive with you - as if he didn't want to hit you or something similar.
"Do you really think now is the best time for conversation?" Tim flipped to miss your swing. As he landed, he knocked your weapon away in a single move, leaving you defenseless against him. The fight, as if it wasn't already, became completely unfair in his advantage. Conversation was the only thing that was going to get your the upper hand.
"Well you refuse to talk to me any other time."
His strikes became harder, faster. You needed to get his staff away from just as he did to you before he landed a hit. Tim cried out as your heel slammed against his hand. The force of it knocked the staff out of his hand and it rolled away in the opposite direction of your own.
Tim nursed his throbbing hand for a moment before raising his fists. "Didn't think you'd notice with how much time you're spending with Bart." He jabbed at you, hitting your forearm instead of his intended target of your face. You could see the two other heroes fighting from the corner of your eye - both of them getting just as frustrated but for completely different reasons.
"You're the one that invited me to this team, Drake," your foot jutted towards his chest. It barely impacted him - even though he was quick, he wasn't quick enough. "It's like the moment we left Gotham you were ready to drop me."
"Is that seriously what you think?" Tim was barely able to dodge your oncoming throws. Punch after punch you had still missed them all. He managed to grab your fist. "You obviously don't realize-"
"You wouldn't know obvious if it punched you in the face!" You exclaimed as you wound your free arm back. Tim was so taken aback that he didn't have time to prepare for the hit. Your knuckles collided with his cheekbone and the force of it had knocked him flat on his ass. A loud thud echoed through the room - enough for Cassie and Bart to stop in their tracks.
Tim's cheek was red from where you had hit him.  He didn't look angry with you - it was a spar after all. He looked disappointed, more at himself than you. Was there more to this whole situation than he had originally thought there to be.
Robin, world's second greatest detective - he should have been able to see right through everything. Just as he had asked Cassie to be affectionate when you were around - maybe you just done exactly the same thing with Bart. What kind of mess had he gotten himself into?
You stood above him, hands still in fists. In that moment you made up your mind. Staying in this damn tower was draining you and you couldn’t take it any longer. 
"I'm going back to Gotham."
"You were right."
Tim caught you packing your bags for your return back to Gotham. To no surprise, he managed to sneak in without you even knowing. You were frozen, hand in your bag after shoving in a handful of clothing at the sound of his voice.
"I don't hear you say that very often," you snarked. He leaned on the edge of your desk, arms crossed over his chest and mask peeled off. He never wore it anymore when the two of you were alone. He trusted you too much not to. Then again, maybe you were just the only one that knew the real him under that mask.
"That's because you rarely are," he chuckled. Now wasn’t the time for his joke. "I'm sorry, for everything. Apparently, I wasn't able to see the truth until it hit me in the face - literally. Bart told me what happened, what you asked him to do. I... I-"
"Asked Cassie to do the same," you cut him off. Tim's mouth parted with shock. How could you have figured it out? Defeated, you sat on the edge of your bed. You felt like a fool for going through with such an elaborate plot to gain his affections. "She just left my room. Don't know whether I'm surprised or disappointed in both of us.
"Great minds think alike, huh?" Tim shook his head. Only a fool would have gone through such a process - and a fool he was. "What were we thinking? You're my best friend (Y/N), I know I can trust you with everything, and yet- and yet I was scared of what you would say."
"We really played ourselves, huh?" You chuckled. Tim pushed himself off your desk to take the seat next to you. He grabbed your hand, pulling it into his own lap and intertwining your fingers. His warmth crawled up your arm and spread across your entire body. 
What were you thinking with this stupid plan? More importantly, how did neither of you figure out the truth sooner? Tim felt just as much of an idiot as you did. 
He smiled at the sight of your hand in his. He was so caught up in trying to get silly reactions out of you that he forgot the reasoning behind it all. Tim adored you, he wanted you to be his and he should have just told you outright instead of being the scared little boy he once was. 
"Come back to Gotham with me? Please?" You asked suddenly. The two of you needed a break away from the team, you needed time to figure out what these past few months were really for. Mostly, you wanted Tim all to yourself, even for just a little while. 
"There's a great burger place that I found with Dick one night on Patrol. Ate so many that I could barely move the rest of the night," Tim smiled at the memory. "Go with me? On a date?"
Tim's eyes shone with hope for your answer. After going through this entire mess, he only assumed you would be willing to go on a date with him. You leaned towards him, lips barely brushing against his but aching with anticipation for more. He pressed himself into you, lips molding to yours like he was made for you.
"If it wasn't obvious, I'd love to."
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