#the senri archives
okulki · 2 years
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EEE I'm really obsessed woth tma rn and obviously len'en is my favorite thing ever . so. WHAT'S BETTER THAN COMBINING YOUR 2 CURRENT OBSESSIONS-
heres the rough plot of the au:
the institute is owned by Tsurubami, who actually is the first senri priest (who created the senri institute), possessing tsurubami's body as the avatar of the Senri eye. (their true form involves a lot of eyes, where they shouldn't be-)
Tsubkura works in the Senri institute as the head archivist. they were dragget to this job by tsurubami, not knowing the risks, but now, marked by the senri eye, they're way to deep and are unable to leave
over the course of the events Tsubakura begins to loose their humanity, turning into an ink-moth monster, but also gaining the seeing and all knowing powers of the senri eye
(yabu is also here as martin)
Here are some concept drawings:
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maybe I'll also incorporate touhou into this later, bcs I can B)
(also kinda inspired on @tsubakura-enraku 's horror au)
I'm so amazing and genius, I know <⁠(⁠ ̄⁠︶⁠ ̄⁠)⁠>
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Senri from +Anima is an Avatar of the Lonely. 
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starrystep · 9 months
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#206 - Senri Nito from DREAMiNG!
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kradeelav · 9 months
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old art, but! I was looking through my archives for my fake FEH base!zihark i did back in Q2 2020 literally right before his FE9 ninja alt got in and i ... never posted it here lol?
anyway, here's all the poses + a timelapse + a fake screenshot. :) sharp eyes will know i was riffing off of senri kita's (FE9/10 character illustrator&designer) distinctive style; this holds up okay but i've learned tricks since then and may or may not clean it up a bit.
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haveyoureadthisfanfic · 2 months
Summary: After a spell card duel goes sour for Tsugumi, they get forced into a rather unlikely situation with the Senri priest.
Author: fencecrosser
Note from submitter: Wonderful early fic for this fandom, shame the author never uploaded anything again.
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jan-joki · 10 months
Just posted a new story, link below!
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Art by Senri Gan
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For political reasons, Senri Shrine priests have to get married to someone outside of the shrine. As it turns out, this applies to temporary priests too. Luckily, Tsubakura and Yabusame know exactly who they're going to marry.
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endlesscrimson89 · 1 year
FFXIV Write2023, Prompt 12: Dowdy
Though Raha considered himself well-read in his lover’s adventures, sometimes a tidbits of information from Senri’s exploits while they were apart still managed to surprise him. 
Some things, perhaps were considered too unimportant or... unfavorable that they didn’t make it into his Warrior’s legend in that miserable, doomed timeline. 
One such notion sprang at him out of nowhere due to Alphinaud's careless remark, while both met while the 'saviors of the star' attended a celebration in their name in Ul’dah. 
Taking a breather and with a smile watching his soon-to-be husband dance with his best friend, he leaned against one of the pillars inside the beautifully decorated ballroom. Distracted, he didn’t notice that the young prodigy somehow appeared at his side, with a slightly wry smirk watching his sister laugh boisteriously at something Senri said. 
"They make a beautiful couple... for someone who doesn’t know them," Alphinaud said with the usual calm and Raha smirked, nodding along as he could easily spot his meaning. Present ladies within and around the dancefloor seemed unable to take their eyes off the Warrior. Whispering behind their elegant fans among each other, one could think their looked reminiscent of pack of wolves eyeing an especially tasty-looking lamb.
He didn’t mind as long as they were smart enough to keep their distance and merely watch. After the last time, he was quite certain that none would be - again - stupid enough to get within a touching distance of his mate. 
Raha wasn’t a violent person - and especially not toward those weaker than himself - but behavior of some near his lover’s purely male beauty was... outrageous. And after one bitch tried to use poison to get what she couldn’t any other way - and suffering it caused his mate - he was long done taking chances or being naive. 
Though tonight, watching his beautiful beast, he could hardly blame them for their hungry gazes. Dressed into an fantastical attite created for the occasion by Damon - a gorgeous black suit with discreet, but present crimson accents - that accentuated his lover’s form and features, Senri looked even more breath-taking than usual. 
Blinding like Sun, and the thought was enough to put a silly, lovesick grin on Raha's face. 
"Sometimes with occasions like this...' Alphinaud hummed wistfully, both watching the couple twirl to the rhythm of the joyful tune. "...I can’t help but return in thought to our stay in Ishgard and be... Well, shocked by the difference." 
Raha frowned with confusion, eyeing the blue-clad twin whose eyes grew a distant look as he raised his glass and sipped his drink. 
"I didn’t know you attended parties during... that," he finally said carefully and Alphinaud blinked, seemingly returning from wherever his mind drifted off that moment. 
"Oh, we didn't!" he replied, tossing him a slightly sheepish smile. "We were refugees, after all - and barely tolerated by the Vault to boot... Honestly, I mostly meant Senri’s attire tonight."
He wasn’t even that surprised to feel a familiar push and grinned within his space in their shared head when Damon took over, narrowing his eyes at the teenager - his expression a definition of what his husband called snobbish. 
"What’s wrong with his attire?" his Ancient demanded and Raha snorted when Alphinaud startled, then paled slightly as his blue eyes grew huge - likely realizing his mistake. 
Near the Scions - who were in the known, Damon no longer bothered hiding the 'switch,' but they seemed to quickly recognize it anyway. Alisaie - blunt like always - stated that the cause was simple: most of them found Damon unnerving. 
He - literally sharing a body with the brilliant immortal - loved him, but he could somewhat see their point, too. 
...not to mention his Ancient was extremely dangerous when provoked, had downright devious sense of humor and utterly lacked a moral compass - which sometimes was an explosive mix. Add to that a fiery temperament, mostly tempered only by Ares, his husband - and sometimes... Well, their friends learned that it paid to be careful near the more powerful immortal when Azem wasn’t in promixity. 
Plus not all realized that clothing was sort of a touchy subject for Damon. Funny some would perhaps find it, but knowing a tad more of the stifling society his immortal came from, it made sense. In that Ancient world of Eitherys, they were denied any and all hint of individuality - down to being forced to wear an universal robes and cover their faces with masks - and after literally eons of that...? 
Well... now Damon found joy in creating outfits to match well with his husband’s looks, some days driving Senri up the wall. Honestly, neither of Damon 'boys' weee spared it either, him included, if Raha found Hades’s fussing about it most hilarious. 
Stuck between his pride and obvious admiration toward his 'Father,' poor Emet-Selch some days simply bolted across the Rift whenever Damon was on the prowl, looking for models. To be promptly dragged back by Hythlodaeus. And Raha - safely tucked away - enjoyed the show. 
"Nothing wrong!" Alphinaud hurried to add, with a stoic expression but slightly backing away under Damon’s cold look. "I simply meant... Ah, during our stay in Ishgard Senri tended to look... dowdy. Unkept, I mean. Whenever we were to leave the Fortemps Manor he would spend extra time... making himself look as inattractive as its possible for him."
"I see..." Damon scowled, looking toward Senri, then back at Alphinaud. "And I suppose with all I... we heard of Ishgard in those days, I would say it quite smart," he looked meaningfully toward the ladies hungrily eyeing the Warrior. "Considering your situation then, I think you should be thankful for Senri’s sensitivity, Alphinaud."
"...I beg your pardon?" The blue-clad twin blinked, then looked between their face and the Warrior. 
Don’t," Raha said softly, which his Ancient cleared ignored.
"You were a liability," Damon stated with his inhumanly chilling detachment, utterly uncaring of how Alphinaud paled. "Miss Tataru, as well... but I imagine Senri had especially your well-being on mind. You were young, distracted by your misgivings about what happened with the Scions and busy with the situation in Ishgard... I guess. So, perhaps you missed it - and were a tad too young to consider the situation in those terms - but were he less... cosiderate, you would have more than Scions on your conscience. Some bitch smart enough to threaten you and do you think Senri - right after losing all the others - wouldn’t give all to keep you safe?" he sounded cold, but Raha - knowing him better, sharing a good portion of thag sentiment - recognized the spark of Damon’s temper. "You're yet to learn of Senri’s world, Master Alphinaud. Of the ugly, pervese rot he was facing long before he became Scion... much less the Warrior. All he ever did - does - is with others in mind... but do you ever stop and think about the price?" he let go and Raha took over, sighing as he ran his fingers through his hair before looking at Alphinaud who now stared at the ground. 
He almost wanted to apologize for Damon, and for that harsh truth... but he bit his tongue, instead smiling sadly as he looked across the full dancefloor toward his tall, beautiful man. He thought toward this one, dark night at the Find - so very, very long ago in his mind - when his lover admitted to thinking, wanting, to scar his face to stop earning such hunger from those around him... and how he swore him to promise never to do that. 
He was as naive then - if not more - as Alphinaud in Ishgard. Or worse, because Senri was so blindly devoted to him... he never even questioned Raha’s selfishness in executing that promise. They all - every single person in Senri’s life - failed him one way or another... and yet, it spoke to how enormous was his heart to keep loving them despite that. 
Kept protecting them even from the true price of that love - the cracks and pieces of his soul and mind torn by their ideas, expectations and misconcepitons. Shackles, leashes and chains binding his beast into the mask hiding his real nature... all to spare them the truth. 
And for all of them it was high time to learn, know and pay - to help his lover’s heart to carry that burden.
To help him heal and be free. 
"Take this pain, this shame..." he whispered both toward Alphinaud and to himself. "...and embrace them. Learn from them and grow. Show him - with deed, word and love - that his care wasn’t misplaced. That you’re worth being at his side. And someday, perhaps, it'll be true and - most of all - you'll believe that."
With that he left the silent teen, put a smile at his face and pushed through the crowd, intent on putting his own words to life. And the blinding grin on Senri’s face - boundless, unfettered devotion in his pale eyes - made that belief feel just a little bit closer. 
Like most of those, this one as well relates to my full-lenght fic 'Ice and Fire' - if you don’t know it and find it confusing xD For clarity sake:
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A triple drabble for Hange’s anime deathday.  You gave us so much boss RIP 😭🦅🔥
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tetsunabouquet · 4 months
If it's okay can I please ask for senri shiki but how would he be in a romantic relationship
with kianna komori like say sfw and NSFW if you're comfortable with that
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By the way you can find her info on my page here on Tumblr
I cannot find a clear character page with all her info laid out in your archive, just collection of hundreds of posts with all little details about her. Perhaps I missed it?
I unfortunately don't feel comfortable writing for a character that I have to sort hundreds of posts through in order to understand the basic details off. My autistic ass prefers to have a specific page with all the important details, sorry! If I did miss it, could you make this request again with a link to the post in question?
I'm happy to see another Shiki fangirl though!!! He's so underrated~
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godjust · 2 years
Monster hunter online private server 2020
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Also, you can lock it to a set amount of players - players of specific hunter ranks or preferred languages, for example. You can also explain to potential players the hunts the lobby will focus on. When making your own lobby, you can tick parameters to make it easier for hunters to find it among the sea of open servers. Select the Find Lobby option to join a lobby or the Create a Lobby option to make your own. Select Play Online to open up a sub-menu. It’s the first three settings you’ll want to look out for here: Play Online, Play Locally, and Friend List. Senri the Mailman offers a bunch of features, like checking for additional add-on content and looking up past hunting buddies who gave you a “Like” at the end of a run. Once there, speak to Senri the Mailman, who you’ll find standing on a red trunk by the stairs leading to Fugen the Elder in the middle of town. To host or join a lobby in Monster Hunter Rise, you need to head into the outside area of Kamura Village. How to join or host online lobbies in Monster Hunter Rise Instead, the multiplayer feature menu is an NPC. In Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate, you could simply hit the plus button to open an intuitive menu, granting access to lobbies both online and offline. Honestly, it wouldn’t be a Monster Hunter game without it. Getting online with your friends in Monster Hunter World means jumping through a few hoops. How to access multiplayer in Monster Hunter Rise
Monster Hunter Rise: How to farm honey and other essential items.How to defeat the Great Izuchi in Monster Hunter Rise.15 essential tips for starting Monster Hunter Rise.What are Join Requests in Monster Hunter Rise?.How to host and join multiplayer quests in Monster Hunter Rise.
How to make or join an offline lobby in Monster Hunter Rise.
How to find your lobby ID in Monster Hunter Rise.
How to join or host online lobbies in Monster Hunter Rise.
How to access multiplayer in Monster Hunter Rise.
Server Files and DevelopmentĪnything people could reasonably want is already on archive. Always download things like Golang and Postgres from their actual websites. If it's not the raw Golang sources, you should probably be sceptical. It has always been pretty common for bad actors to include malware such as RATs and Crypto Miners with bundled executables for private server software. False positives can be made into real positives. It is also obvious that you should probably not trust executable and dll files from random strangers.
If you are playing with people please keep in mind that all servers actively expose your Username, Password and IP Address to the server owner. You should probably not take random unrelated people at face value if they are saying otherwise. I am still working on the server, translations, etc. If you are failing Zeniths it's because they are hard monsters and you are not playing well, not because they needed the end of life cheese weapon. Of the monsters releasing after Magnet Spike only Taikun Zamuza has notable stat increases, all other monsters are similar to or weaker than previous Zeniths. The following Zeniths released after Magnet Spike: The following Zeniths predate Magnet Spike by up to nearly two years: The design space around Zeniths was not remotely oriented around the use of Magnet Spikes for one very simple, completely objective reason: Magnet Spikes did not exist. Magnet Spikes were added in MHF-ZZ in September 2018. Zenith Monsters were added in MHF-Z1 in November 2016.
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inkyvendingmachine · 3 years
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Misc. Cthulhu!AU Content Masterpost
Welcome to the breakroom! Here we have a collection of all the Cthulhu!AU posts that don’t relate specifically to a chapter of the game or anywhere in the time line exactly. Most are Post Season One though, so if you’re looking to not be spoiled, I’d say wait on this section. Please enjoy the wide selection of art, asks, writing, and more, including some?? fAN ART??? AND STUFF?? OF THE GAME???? wAH
💀 Call of Cthulhu: Haunted Hijinx Masterpost 💀 ✨ Call of Cthulhu Season One Masterpost ✨ 🌙 Call of Cthulhu Season Two Masterpost 🌙
Quiz?? Quiz.
Which Call of Cthulhu Boy Are You? Quiz
Season One  - Personalized Bendy Tarot Cards (S1E4 spoilers) - All the Gold Text (Season 1 Finale Spoilers) - Extremely Important StudioStartup Ship Cuddles - Henry Stein - Sammy Lawrence - Another Another Studio Startup Ship Ask - Joey/Sammy Kiss - Secret Satan Joey/Sammy - Sammy Lawrence - Some light Senry - Some soft Sammy/Joey - Sammy Lawrence Timeline - Collection of Hilarious Text Posts - Sammy’s Drowning Season Two - Silly Time Sam w/ Laserpointer - Jack Fain - Ghosty Jack Fain - Joey / Jack Shippy - Joey and Henry almost look like real investigators - Joey and Bendy but leaning more into uhhh Lurker Zone - Prophet Sammy; Dark on Me - Jack/Sammy/Joey Cuddles, but like, sad, - Sammy: The Real One - What if Sillytime Goat - Sammy and Sheep Traits  - Terrified Peter Sunstram - Rogue’s Blink Sprites - Rogue’s Pixel Adventure - Soft Sammy - Art for Cthulhu Boy Quiz - The Lurker’s thoughts on all the Cthulhu bois - Holding Out for a Hero - Another Collection Of Hilarious Text Posts [Part Two] - Joey/Jack Glasses Shippy - Prophet + Sammy Convo - The Real Trial and Tribulations of Having The Prophet Around - Lost in the Sauce by applesauceofthegrave
Season Three - Sammy + Prophet + Home Misc. - Pixely Bois - Joey Uno Meme - Toony Boys [Sammy][Joey][Jack] - Haunted House Boys by Spook
Write Ups/Asks
- Writing/RP Archive
Season One - StudioStartup Ship Ask - Another StudioStartup Ship Ask - Henry is Ace/Aro (part 2.) - Hahaha wait who had the Laserpointer Season Two - Shitpost Time - Cthulhu Boys but Sims Time - Henry and Joey’s Relationship (part 2.) - Peter Sunstram Thonks - Cthulhu Jack Shippy Asks [Peter][Lurker] - Henry Asks [X][X][X][X][X][X] - How Cthulhu!Jack differs from ‘Canon’ - How does Joey feel about Jack Now? - Sammy’s relationship with Lurker/SillySam - Would Joey ever Propose to Sammy? - General CoC Jack Thoughts - Masked Messenger's Voice
Season Three - Sammy/Cracked Glass Thoughts - Beans Lore - Is Peter an NPC? - How Possessive Is Joey? - Sammy’s Character Sheets
Misc. - Translating the Call of Cthulhu Games to Bendy
Misc. Small Asks: [X][X][X][X][X][X][X][X][X][X][X]
[Technically this is not Cthulhu!AU but it was inspired by it and is very cool so here also have a shout out to this amazing Norman art by Eps]
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ao3feed-bakusquad · 3 years
Nuzlocke Heroes
Nuzlocke Heroes by spulenspul
It was supposed to be the biggest game release of the century. Ground breaking technology allowing players, for the first time ever, to enter the games they wanted to play. It was supposed to immersive. It was supposed to be amazing. What it was was a trap.
Izuku Midoriya needed an escape from a world that was far too cruel. Unfortunately his escape turned into a nightmare as he was trapped alongside thousands of others in the virtual world of Pokémon. He must use his wits and franchise knowledge to not only beat the game and escape, but also not die in the process.
Words: 2679, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Kaminari Denki, Izumi Kouta, Ishiyama Ken | Cementoss, Amajiki Tamaki, Hadou Nejire, Shindou You, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Senri | Norman, Joui | Nurse Joy, Mr Briney, Magma-dan | Team Magma, Aqua-dan | Team Aqua, Other Character Tags to Be Added
Relationships: Kaminari Denki & Midoriya Izuku, Izumi Kouta & Midoriya Izuku, Izumi Kouta & Kaminari Denki, Amajiki Tamaki & Hadou Nejire, Other Relationship Tags to Be Added
Additional Tags: Crossover, Alternate Universe - Sword Art Online Fusion, Alternate Universe - Pokemon Fusion, Quirkless Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku Needs A Hug, Kaminari Denki Needs a Hug, Izumi Kouta Needs a Hug, Protective Midoriya Izuku, Protective Kaminari Denki, Slow Burn, Danger, Death, Hurt/Comfort, Found Family, Other Additional Tags to Be Added
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/35692483
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luckytears1001 · 4 years
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batimfan-lad · 4 years
What’s the Senry fanfic called?
Amazing fic is called La vie en noir by @backlitrabbit on ao3.
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Hi so... I decided to post my Andromeda Sequel fic even tho I only have two chapters and idk when I’ll be able to work on it again because of life, but.
Here you go! A sequel to my old Andromeda fic The Misadventures of Aria Ryder, now following she and Jaal’s daughter, Senri :) Enjoy ♥
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