#the silent giggles at the end made me laugh so hard HAHAHAHAHA
k-kaez · 4 months
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he's such a romantic guy
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lunamochii · 7 months
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'biceps or thighs?!' atsumu miya x f!reader
"Truth or dare! First one to chicken out will buy each of us a icecream!"
You cringe hearing what your friend suggested. You and your friends are currently sitting down inside the gym, with your bags toss on the side.
"Let's use Saya-chan's waterbottle to spin and see who it lands!"
"Can I back out?" You raise your hand and all of them glared at you, making you groan "Nah-uh! Or if you want, then you'll have to buy us icecream!" Haruka, the one who propose the game, grin at you and all you could do is click your tongue and settle on the side of Rita.
There are only four of you and your silently, screaming, inside your head for the waterbottle not to land on you. It landed first to Haruka and you breath out a sigh of relief
"Ha! Truth or dare!" Rita exclaim and you snickered seeing the betrayed look of Haruka
"The fuck... fine! Dare!"
Hearing this, Saya leans in towards Rita and whispered something and two girls began to laugh
"I dare you to clean the whole gym after this game!"
If there's one thing that Haruka is good at, it's skipping her turn on cleaning duty.
"You two- you gang up on me! Not fair!" Haruka cross her arms and Rita just shook her head in disapproval
"Remember Haru~ you're gonna buy us icecream if you don't do it•~"
You think that by now maybe Haruka regretted making that kind of penalty
"Ugh whatever! I'm gonna spin it!" Haruka exclaim and twist the bottle and when she let go, it's spinning very fast and you're staring at it intently.
"Please let it not be me!" You said out loud and when it halted, it stopped at Rita and you can't help but scream in joy
"Hahahahaha!!! Rita! Truth or dare!"
"Hng- truth!"
Haruka's lips curve into a smirk, she moves closer to Rita and slump her arms on her shoulders and wiggled her eyebrows
"Who do you like in our men's voleyball team?"
You and Saya couldn't help but tease Rita at the same time, it is about time she should be honest to herself. She mumbled something but all of you didn't hear it so Haruka tease her even more
"I said it's Suna Rintaro!"
The three of you were slightly taken back as she scream the man of her dreams, it took you all 10 seconds to recover before you are all lightly poking her sides and teasing her.
"Suna, huh?"
"I mean, I've seen him look at your way whenever we watch any of their matches."
"Ahh get off!! I'm spinning!!"
Rita reach for the bottle and spins it, just right after you sat back down the bottle came into halt and it's lid is facing your way. You gulp hard and your friends are hot on your trail
"Truth or dare!"
They all said or scream in unison but you can clearly hear how they emphasize the word 'truth'
"Cal- What are you guys doing here? Shouldn't you be in class?"
Since your back is facing the entrance of the gym you couldn't see who came in but you can already make up who just said that and who's with them
"Kita-senpai! We have no class and our P.E subject just ended. We figured out that to just stay here!"
Saya beam and you giggled seeing Haruka's cheeks slowly turning pink. Well, she got a huge crush on the captain of your school's voleyball team.
"I see, but why are you all huddled up on the corner?"
"Oh we're just playing truth or dare."
"Really?! We wanna join!"
You heard the squeaky sounds made by their shoes as they ran up to where you are, Saya who saw how frozen the two of her friends. She laugh to herself.
"Actually, it's her turn!" Saya pointed at you, Rita and Haruka is quick to regain their composure
"Yeah! Truth or dare!"
You heard your friends scream and the three of them huddled together and kept on whispering. You can also feel the presence of the one man who can make your heart wanna break-free from your chest.
"Alright!! Answer us with nothing but the truth!"
You nod and gulp nervously, you see how they all glance at each other before nodding and snickering to themselves, you have a bad feeling.
"Atsumu-san's thighs or biceps?!"
Your jaw drop and you can feel the heat coming up to your cheeks, you quickly got up to your feet and was about to tackle them but they were faster and avoided your wrath
"I'll kill you three!!"
Despite with your threats, the three of them just laugh
"Answer us!"
Now, it's not only them but the other members of the voleyball team joins in too. Great, your afternoon is nothing but a embarassing memory.
Amidst of your distress, you felt a pair of arms snake it's way to your waist and hugging you from the back, you can hear the whistling and 'ooooh' of your friends
"Why don't you answer it, babe? I'm also curious."
Right, sometimes it slides off your mind that you are dating one of the popular members of your team.
"If you don't answer, you'll have to buy all of us a icecream!"
"Why do I have to buy for the team too?! Kita-san!"
You look at their captain but his just smiling and waiting for your answer
"I'll start tickling you if you don't answer"
Atsumu threaten and his hands are already holding your hips firmly
"Thighs!!! I like your thighs!!"
"My thighs are free of use to you~ so come and lay down!"
He pat it and your face got red immediately and throw the pillow you were holding at him
"It's been 6 years! I'm over of your thighs now!"
You defended yourself, ever since that embarassing confession you did during your highschool days, there was not a single day that Atsumu didn't tease you for it. He didn't let it go even after you guys decided to move in togetherafter college.
"I thought you're over it?"
"Shut up."
Atsumu laughs which you shut him up by using your right hand to cover his mouth. You can't say no if he invites you like that to lay your head on his thighs.
You felt him grab your hand so you open your eyes and saw he kiss the ring, the one he used when he propose to you.
"I love you" he said and you smile warmly at him
"I love you too.... and your thighs."
bonus part☆
You ask him once if he could wrap his thighs around your head and he looked at you with weird expression but eventually you got him to do it.
It was the best day of your life.☆
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moonswolfie · 1 year
I see, clearly.
fairy prince!Tsukishima x gn!reader
It's my first time writing something fantasy-related like this, I hope I do well (。﹏。*)
Also this isn't super faithful to faerie/fae folklore so I'm sorry, I made my own fairy lore for this universe
Also yes, this is inspired by DR STONE in case you were wondering, if you've seen the show you'll know what I'm talking about
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It's been about a year since you've gained a new roommate. Roommate would be an understatement for what he is, actually. A big understatement.
Somehow, you ended up having to share your house with a fairy prince. And he isn't some crazy insane asylum escapee, either. Judging by the pair of reflective wings on his back, he's the real deal. Not to mention his complete lack of knowledge about things from the human world.
You have been dragged into his plans of returning to the fairy realm against your will, so it was safe to say your life became a lot more interesting since last year. Honestly, you still have trouble believing that Tsukishima is actually real. You always have the urge to touch his wings, even if you know they're real. But he gets annoyed if you try, so you don't do it.
Your eyes were on those very wings as he took the leftovers out of the microwave and sat on the floor next to you.
"You know what?" you asked, looking down at him from your chair as you swallowed a piece of the leftovers. He only glanced at you with annoyance, continuing to eat silently.
Whoops, you forgot that he never talks to you during mealtime. You guess it's a fairy thing. So the two of you just finished the meal in silence before attempting to start a conversation again.
"I've been wondering something." you said as you flopped down on the couch, him sitting down on the floor in front of it. He gave you a hum to assure you he was listening.
"Why do you always narrow your eyes like that when you look at me?" you asked.
"Like what?" he looked back at you, eyes squinting together instantly. "Like that." you said, pointing at his awfully pretty face. At that, his eyes immediately relaxed, a slightly surprised expression on his face. Did he not realise he was doing that all this time?
"Come to think of it, you always ask me to read things for you." you said. "Because I can't read your human language." his sarcastic reply made you furrow your brows in annoyance. He was right, though.
"Well- that doesn't explain why you struggle with identifying objects that even you should know. Or when you ask me if I'm upset every time I speak quietly." you recalled all the times he asked you what an item in your hand is when you showed it to him and the times he squinted his eyes really hard when you spoke quietly.
"I can't help it." he sighed, looking to the ground.
"What do you mean?"
"I have this disease." he started, and you raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "It's an incurable disease and I've had it since birth. It's common in the fairy realm."
After a short pause, he continued. "It's called the blurry eye disease, and it makes my vision constantly blurry. Creative name, I know."
Silence filled the room, soon followed by your laughter. He looked back up at you, offended. "It's rude to laugh at a sick person, you insensitive little prick."
"Oh my god- Hahahahaha! Tsukishima, you just have bad eyesight." all these confusing little things he did suddenly made sense, and to think it was something like bad eyesight. The thought of "blurry eye disease" made you crack up.
"...What?" he seemed confused.
"This isn't a disease. Some people- or well, fairies, are just born with bad eyes like you or lose their eyesight overtime." you explained, giggling a little.
"Then what do you humans do about it?" he said, figuring out by your casual attitude that humans have a solution for this issue.
"We get glasses." you smiled.
"That is... so stupid." Tsukishima huffed a laugh when you explained what he was going to be doing to obtain glasses.
"Do you want to see properly or not?" you said, annoyed, but you already scheduled the optometrist appointment so it's not like you could turn back now anyways.
He didn't answer, a sign of victory for you. You parked your car outside the office. Tsukishima looked as uncomfortable as ever, probably because he had to hide his wings by putting clothes over them.
But you did notice an unusual glow in his eyes. He almost looked...excited. And who could blame him? A "disease" deemed incurable turns out to have a cure in another world? That's awesome!
You stepped out of the car and entered the office, telling the receptionist about the appointment and filling out the forms. You requested to be with Tsukishima during the appointment, just in case.
Soon you were called in, and Tsukishima was questioned about his vision.
"So you've never had glasses in your life despite your vision being bad since birth?" the optometrist questioned, looking perplexed.
"He grew up in very.... different circumstances." you quickly explained, placing a hand on Tsukishima's shoulder. The optometrist continued, although still a little confused.
The optometrist shone a light into his eyes, made him follow her finger, made him guess which way the circle's hole is facing while covering one of his eyes,... You thanked god internally that it was that kind of eye test instead of guessing letters and numbers.
She did however make him do the standard color blindness test with numbers which Tsukishima couldn't read so you awkwardly explained he can't do so. The optometrist gave you the weirdest stare which you can hardly blame her for, honestly.
After a bunch more tests and testing out lenses, the test was finally over and the optometrist lead you to a selection of frames, leaving the two of you alone to pick.
Tsukishima didn't say anything but you could tell he was tired out by all the proding and lights shining in his eyes. You didn't really think about it before, but this was the first time he ever had any kind of human doctor appointment so it must've been overwhelming.
"There, let's see which frames fit you the most." you picked out a pair, handing it to him. He took them out of your hands and inspected them.
"You... You gotta put it on."
"How was I supposed to know that?" he replied, scowling and putting the frames close to his face. He had no idea how, didn't he? You sighed, gently taking the frames out of his hands and putting them on.
He looked at you annoyed, as if you insulted his intelect by doing so, but still asked "...How do I look?" You inspected him, taking the frames off with an unhappy look on your face.
"They're too big. They don't match you." you took out another pair, this time he snatched them out of your hands, putting the frames on himself.
"Nah, they're weird looking on you."
After 3 more pairs, he silently asked about your opinion on the frames on his head by slightly raising his brow.
"Perfect!" you said, smiling and giving a thumbs up. He looked really good with glasses, actually. You blushed a little, looking at his face with a smile.
Soon, Tsukishima was being handed his first pair of glasses to try on.
He took them in his hands, slowly placing them on and then blinking a couple of times. He looked strange at this moment, having a childlike wonder in his eyes. You've never seen him act like this before.
He looked around the office, and then his eyes landed on you. He looked at you head to toe, his face transforming into an evil smirk all of a sudden. "You look even more idiotic than I thought."
"HEY! I didn't go through the trouble of getting you glasses just so you could insult me!" you said, offended. But what were you expecting with someone like Tsukishima, anyways?
"The truth is the truth." he shrugged. You huffed.
"Let's just go home." you grumbled, walking out the office and him following closely behind. As you sat in the car and drove home, he stared out the window.
He was in awe of how the world looked. It was so in focus. So sharp.
He was really happy you did this for him, even if he didn't want to admit it. He was going to make you the most beautiful flower crown when he gets the chance, he thought.
Let's ignore that the eye exam portion is most likely innacurate, okay? ⚆_⚆
He couldn't help but blush when thinking of you in a flower crown. You were more beautiful than he could have ever thought.
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Also yes, the fact he's annoyed because of clothes over his wings does imply he's usually shirtless so do with that what you will
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magma-queen · 3 years
“If you don’t gimme the remote, I’ll have to tickle you!” Hardenshipping >:333 I really love your writing.
Awww!! Thank you! Your kind words mean a lot to me! Here you go! I hope you enjoy reading!!
This was one of those times when Maxie was in an extremely cuddly and clingy mood. And when this happens, he wants Archie all to himself without any distractions.
“Archie, I demand cuddles.” He said, walking up to the couch with a blanket in his arms.
Archie cracked up. “Well of course, yer highness. Come here.”
He opened his arms up and let his husband curl up next to him. However, Archie was a little bit distracted, watching a Pokémon battle on tv. So, Maxie felt a little neglected.
“Mm? What’s the matter, babe?” Hearing him whine at him was not a normal sound to his ears.
His arms went around him and he snuggled into his side. “You’re not paying attention to me..” He whined, nuzzling him.
“Of course I am, Max. *kiss*
“Then could you please turn the tv off? I want to sit here cuddling with you with no distractions..”
Archie rolled his eyes. “Babe, the tv isn’t hurting anything. I’ll give ye as much attention and affection as ye want. Ye know that.”
Maxie clung to him tighter. “Tv off.”
“Max, no. I was watching this.” He replied.
He reached across Archie’s lap, looking for the remote. “Give me the remote.”
“Uh, not gonna happen, Max.” Archie laughed. “I’ll turn it off when I’m done, then I’ll be all yours to snuggle, kay?”
Maxie kept reaching for the remote, but couldn’t find it. “Where the hell did you put it?”
“Not telling.” Archie snickered, making his husband pout. “Oh my god.. the great Maxie is pouting?! Ohoho this is too good.” He kisses his cheek. “Listen, babe.. it’s almost over.. can ye wait just a few more minutes?”
“Fine..” He grumbled, giving up and laying back down in his lap.
About 30 minutes later…
“Archie. You said it would only be a few minutes. It’s been half an hour!” He pouted again. “Alright, that’s it.. give me the remote!”
“But I’m not done yet!” Archie hid it behind his back, chuckling at his lover’s attempts to look for it.
“If you don’t give me that remote, I’ll have to tickle you.” He warned, smirking at him.
Archie glared back at him, and he saw the mischievous gleam in his eyes. “Ye wouldn’t dare.”
“Try me.” Maxie replied, poking him in the side.
“Maxie, no!” Archie pushes him away.
He pinned him to the couch. “Maxie yes!” He exclaimed as he dug into Archie’s sides, making the larger man squirm.
“W-Wahahait!! Mahahahax!! Don’t-! Ahaha- st-stohohohohop!!!” He didn’t quite realize what he just said, and why his husband just evilly smirked at him.
“Don’t stop? Alright.. if you say so!” With that, Maxie shoved his wiggling fingers up Archie’s armpits, getting him to howl.
“AHAHAHAHANOHOHOHOHOHO!!!” He hollered, trying to throw Maxie off of him. “AHAHAHAHA- MAHAHAHAX PLEHEHEASE!!! DOHOHOHOHON’T!!!”
“Are you going to give me the remote?” He asked, slowing the tickling so he could answer. “If not, this continues.”
“Hahaha- Max! No! Hehehehahaha- I wahas wahahahatching ihihihihit!!” The other man cackled when devious fingers found his neck. “C-CUT IT OUT!!”
He grinned. “Fine, then.” He went back to torturing his husband. “Coochie Coochie coo~”
“Mm~ I love your laugh so much.” He smiled.
Maxie was squeezing his sides. “Where? Here?” He squeezed them harder. “Or how about here?” He chuckled, squeezing his knees next. “I know your knees are a bad spot.”
“My god. You might be the most ticklish person I’ve ever met… you’re so cute. And.. You know what to do to get me to stop.” The redhead replied, his sneaky grin ever so big. “Remote, please.”
Archie managed to push him back to the other edge of the couch, then he pinned him down while catching his breath.
“Wha- h-hey!! Archie!!!”
“Yeah.. heh.. I knew exactly what to do to get ye to stop, and that was to overpower ye!” He growled, staring down his husband like a Pyroar who just caught its dinner.
“G-get off of me!” Maxie protested.
Archie grabbed the remote from behind him, and turned their tv off. “There~” He smiled. “It’s off. Now… ye wanted some alone time with me, didn’t ye? But ye thought ye could just attack me like that, huh?”
The redhead was getting really nervous now. “A-Archie- d-don’t-“
“Hehehe… ye made a very big mistake, Max..” He kisses him on his forehead. “Now he’s after ye.. do ye know who he is?” He positions his hands on Maxie’s sides.
He already started giggling his head off. “N-no! Ahaharchie don’t!! I-I’m sorry!”
Archie took no mercy on him, he slipped his hands into his sweater and attacked his sides. “He’s the tickle monster!” He growled after removing Maxie’s glasses and placing them somewhere safe.
“N-NOHOHOHO!! AHAHAHARCHIHIHIE!!!” He squealed, twisting his body left and right to escape his fingers. “NOHOHO!! ST-STAHAP!!”
“Ye set yerself up for failure when ye started tickling me! I literally know all of yer tickle spots! It’s like ye wanted this to happen, silly!”
“Hey, yer the one that started it, Maxie..” He chuckles. “And I’m the one that’s gonna end it!” He lifted his shirt up and blew a raspberry on his belly.
*inhale* “PFFFFFFT-“
Archie giggles along with him. “Yer laugh is so cute, Max..” He then snuck his hands up to his armpits. “Tiiiiickle tickle tickle!”
“C’mon, Maxie!” Archie teased. “Where’s that precious smile?? Huh?”
Trapping his hands underneath his arms, he covered his face in embarrassment. “I AHAHAHAM SMILING YOU IHIHIHIDIOT!!!”
“Tsk tsk tsk… name calling… that’s beneath you, Max.” He removed his hands from his armpits and grabbed one of his ankles. “And for that… imma pull out the big guns..”
“D-DON’T YOU DAHAHARE!!!” Maxie warned.
The Aqua leader traced his finger on the side of his foot, as a warning.
*Snort* “St-Stop!!”
“Nah.” He put Maxie’s ankle in a headlock and spidered his fingers at it.
“Tickle tickle tickle tickle tickle!! Coochie Coochie Coochie coo!!”
Maxie fell back on the couch and cackled hard, tears streaming from his face, red as it could be.
But then Archie grabbed one of his toes, that made him let out a high pitched shriek.
“NO! ARCHIE NO!!” He squeaked, beating weakly at the man’s back. “N-Not my toes! Please have mercy!!”
His husband didn’t listen. He tickled the soft spot underneath his toes, making him howl in laughter. Following that was in between his toes.
“This isn’t a wrestling match, babe. It’s a tickle fight. And yer losing!!”
Archie laughed hysterically at his reaction, but finally let his ankle and foot go when his laughter turned silent. He pinned him down again and kissed his cheek. “I love ye, Max..”
Maxie pushed his face away.
“Aw, c’mon Max! Yer not mad at me..”
“Yes, I am.”
Archie raised his eyebrow and gave him a grin. “Ye started it.”
Maxie’s face turned red, blushing and trying to avoid eye contact. “Y-yes.. I did..”
Archie wrapped his arms around him and buried his face into his neck, kissing him.
“Mmm~ I love ye so much. Please don’t stay mad at me.”
Maxie was trying extremely hard to hold back laughter, but he couldn’t. “Archie, stop it… y-your beard tickles..”
“Oh? Does it now? Ye still love it anyway..” The Aqua leader purred at him, nuzzling his beard at his neck more.
“I s-said stop!” He giggled, squirming away from him. “Please! Ihihit tickles!”
“Are ye gonna forgive me, hun?”
“Yehehes! Yehehes okay???” Maxie snorted. “Y-you’ve tickled me enough…”
Archie stopped nuzzling and looked down at him, completely in love.
“Why are you looking at me like that? Because if you tickle me again, I’ll destroy you.” He playfully sneered.
“Oh, no.. it’s because yer so cute.”
“Shut it.. I’m not… The great Maxie isn’t cute.”
“Heh, I say otherwise, Max..” The pirate smiled, kissing his cheek and tickling under his chin.
“N-No-!” He giggled. He pushed his face away, but Archie pinned him back down and gave his neck more nuzzles and kisses. “Ahahaharchieeeee!”
“Hehe, I love yer laugh so much.. *kiss* I don’t hear it often enough. Guess that means I should tickle ye more.”
“NO.” He snorted, smacking a sneaky hand coming up to his ribs.
They laid there for a good while, and Maxie finally got what he wanted. He was on top of Archie’s chest, half asleep, purring like a Skitty while Archie pet his head and ran his fingers through his hair.
“Mm? T’s the matter, Max?”
*blush* “I love you.”
“Awww, I love ye too, hun.” He giggled, pressing their noses together, and giving him a passionate kiss on the lips. “Ye happy I gave ye the snuggles ye wanted?”
“Very much so.” The Magma leader chuckled. “Let’s stay like this for the rest of the evening..”
“Wouldn’t wanna be doing anything else..” Archie replied, holding him close to his chest. “Always gonna wanna cuddle me hubby. Because ye deserve all the cuddles in the world.”
That comment made Maxie blush even harder. “That’s.. really sweet of you to say..”
“And I meant every word.” Archie said, pressing one more kiss at Maxie’s cheek.
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cobaltusami · 3 years
Hey hi hello! I'm finally back at It with another t word fic! I had so much trouble getting into the groove of this one, but regardless I had fun writing it! I think this will be the last installment In this mini series, I feel like I'm at a good stopping point. That being said, Obviously I will eventually write more for these three beans.
Part One: That's what Friends are for
Part Two: Intimidating
Characters: Lee!Kazuichi, Lee!Gundham, Ler!Sonia, Ler!Hajime, Ler!Chiaki, Fuyuhiko
Pairing: Platonic!Sonsoudam (Though you could construe It as romantic, Whichever you prefer--)
Word count: 3430
The Ultimate Princess scoured the island In search of The Pink haired mechanic after leaving the dining hall, Normally he was easy to find since he was always so eager to talk to her but today was different.
Walking with her was Hajime, Who had volunteered to help her find Kazuichi. “Are you sure It was a good Idea to leave Gundham sleeping In the dining hall? I feel as though we should have woken him up.” Sonia asked.
“It’s better for him to get some sleep.” Hajime responded. “Besides, It’s not like we left him alone, We left him with Chiaki.”
“I suppose you’re right but… I feel bad for not waking him up and sending him to his room.” She frowned.
Hajime smiled a bit, A knowing look on his face. “You really do worry about him a lot…”
“Of course I do, He Is my friend.” Sonia responded. “I worry about all of my friends.”
Hajime was about to open his mouth to respond but he changed gears upon catching sight of the pink haired Mechanic. “There he Is. What’s he doing?”
“It appears as though he is working on something.” Sonia said quietly, the pair silently approached Kazuichi where he sat on the ground tinkering with something.
He was humming quietly while he worked, he seemed as though he was In good spirits so that couldn’t be the reason why he was ignoring Gundham.
“Just put this here and…”
“YO!” Hajime said suddenly, stepping In front of Sonia. “KAZUICHI!”
Kazuichi screamed, launching his screwdriver into the air in surprise. He spun around In his spot on the ground and let out a breath of relief. “Oh. It’s just you. Jeez man, Don’t scare me like that! What the hell Is wrong with you!?”
Sonia stepped out from behind Hajime, her arms folded. “Kazuichi--”
Kazuichi’s face turned pink as he quickly got to his feet, throwing a tarp back over his project. “M-Miss Sonia!”
“Kazuichi,” she started, frowning. “I wish to know why you are avoiding Gundham.”
“W-What? I’m not--”
“Yeah, You are.” Hajime interrupted. “He tried to talk to you the other day and you made up an excuse and practically ran away.”
“What Is going on? You two were getting along so well at the party.” Sonia stepped closer to the mechanic. “Please, Tell me the truth.”
The pinkette frowned, looking away from his crush awkwardly. His eyes fell upon his tarp covered project as he thought about It in silence.
Kazuichi had blown Gundham off because he didn’t want to accidentally blab about the surprise he was working on for him, Soda was creating a brand new play area for The Four Devas as a peace offering, to prove to him that he wasn’t just trying to get along with him for Sonia’s sake.
He always had trouble admitting how he felt with words, usually stumbling over them or saying something stupid. He preferred gestures over words.
The truth was this... He had a lot of fun at the party, as much as he initially hated spending time with Gundham, he actually started to have fun. Kazuichi didn’t have many friends either, he’d always been picked on as a kid and didn’t have much free time due to helping his dad out with the bike shop.
That day, even If for just a little while, It felt like he had friends. And he wanted to make sure Gundham knew he was genuinely thankful for that.
But he knew he was a horrible liar and Gundham would eventually figure out what he was doing, so he was avoiding the Breeder so as not to spoil the surprise.
“I… I can’t.” Kazuichi said, realizing he hadn’t answered yet. “I-I mean, not yet anyway!”
Sonia sighed softly. “I did not want It to come to this, but I promised Gundham I would get to the bottom of this.”
Kazuichi gave a confused look in response. “What are you talking abohohout-- H-Hey!” He yelped, chuckling a bit as he jumped backwards at the sudden pokes to his midsection.
“If you will not tell me what Is going on, I will tickle you until you do.” She smiled, sending chills down the mechanic’s spine.
“Y-You wouldn’t dare...” He smiled nervously, backing away from the blonde princess.
“I would dare.” She insisted.
Kazuichi felt his fight or flight instincts kick In, and he chose the latter. He went to run away from her but he ran into Hajime, who he just now realized had been eerily silent.
“Where do you think you’re going?” He asked, smirking as he grabbed a hold of his arms. “I didn’t just tag along to help her find you, Y’know.”
“I thought you might try to run away, So I asked Hajime If he would help me just in case.”
“L-Let go! This Isn’t fair!” Soda whined, struggling in Hajime’s surprisingly strong grasp.
“Life’s not fair.” The tsundere sighed in reply, spinning him around to face Sonia and holding his arms up over his head.
“Kazuichi, Last chance. Tell me why you are avoiding Gundham or else…” She threatened, a determined glimmer in her pale blue eyes.
The pinkette shook his head, already resisting the urge to giggle anxiously. “N-No. I can’t.”
Sonia nodded, unzipping part of his yellow jumper and shoving her hands under the white shirt underneath. Her nails began gliding across his sides. “Very well then.”
Soda tried not to laugh or show any reaction, but he ended up laughing after a few seconds of holding back. “Wahahahait! M-Mihihihiss Soniahaha! Dohohohn’t!” He whined between laughs.
“I am sorry, Kazuichi. But I must get to the bottom of this.” Sonia smiled at the sound of his laughter. “Gundham Is upset and I do not wish to see my friends upset.”
Really? Gundham’s upset by Kazuichi not talking to him…? Does that mean he considers him a friend too? “I cahahahan’t tehehehell you!”
“I am sorry, but I must know.” Sonia reiterated, digging her fingers into his stomach.
He yelped and crumbled back against Hajime, laughing harder as he tugged at his arms. “Nohohohoho! Ahahahahaha!”
“Does this tickle~? I am willing to wager that It does~” She cooed, his fingers wiggling into the muscle beneath his skin.
“Sohohohonia stahahahap! Hahahahaha!” he blushed at the teasing words, he wasn’t sure what he was expecting of a Princess but It sure as hell wasn’t this.
“No~” she sang. “I’m not going to stop until I get what I want. Even If I have to tickle you for hours.”
To emphasize her point her fingers sped up as they traversed upwards, brushing teasingly against his sides and wiggling like wild spiders against his ribs.
Kazuichi screamed and threw his head back, knocking Hajime In the face as he did. “SHIHIHIHIT! NOHOHOT THEHEHEHERE!” He shrieked helplessly.
Hajime yelped In pain and readjusted his grip on the Mechanic, now holding both of his wrists in place with one hand. He used the other to tenderly rub his chin. “Jeez, Kazuichi. Watch where you’re throwing that thing.”
“YOUHUHUHU DEHEHEHESERVED IT!” Kazuichi laughed heartily, still attempting to pull his wrists free. Though thanks to Sonia’s merciless tickling he was much weaker.
Hajime huffed. “Oh yeah? Well, I think you deserve this.” He wormed his free hand into Kazi’s jumpsuit and began scribbling his nails against the back of his ribs over his white tee.
When I tell you the boy screamed.
“AAAAH! NONONONONO!” He screamed, His body jerking violently to the side, trying to shield the sensitive spot.
“Ooh, Hajime, It looks like you found a really ticklish spot~” She grinned, her fingers darting around to the back of his ribcage to join the Tsundere In torturing their friend. “What do you think Kazi? Is this a bad spot?”
“Yeah Kazi,” Hajime grinned. “Does this tiiiiiickle~?”
Kazuichi couldn’t even form sentences, he was laughing way too hard to focus on anything else. His laughter was borderline going silent from the intensity, as evidenced by his constant wheezing.
“Just tell us~” Sonia hummed, her fingers tickling the sensitive spots between the ribs now.
“You gonna tell us?” Hajime asked.
Kazuichi nodded frantically, tears streaking down his pink cheeks from laughing too hard.
Sonia and Hajime relented, though Hajime kept a grip on his wrists, evidently not trusting the pink haired boy. “Why have you been avoiding Gundham?” She asked again.
Kazuichi coughed as he gulped down air, clearly not used to being tickled. “I… Didn’t want to spoil the surprise… for him…” He panted.
“The…” she trailed off.
“Surprise?” Hajime and Sonia exchanged confused looks. “What are you talking about?”
Kazuichi nodded his head towards the tarp covered project. “Check… For yourselves…”
Curiously, Hajime released the Mechanic and went over to the tarp. He pulled It off to reveal what Soda had been working on, A play area made out of pvc pipes, A fish tank, and a wide assortment of metal and plastic items.
“Huh?” He was confused, but Sonia recognized what It was intended to be instantly.
Her face lit up at the sight of It. “Oh my! You’re building a pen for the Four Dark Devas of Destruction!” She twirled around to face Kazuichi, who had just finished zipping his jumpsuit back up.
He chuckled sheepishly and rubbed the back of his head, blushing as he glanced away from the bright girl. “Y-Yeah. I wanted to show Gundham I really consider him a friend, So I was doing It the best way I knew how…”
“By building something for him.” Hajime finished, smiling at the dork. “That’s really thoughtful of you. I’m impressed.”
“Hey! What’s that supposed to mean?? I’m always thoughtful!” He shot back, flustered.
Sonia giggled and hugged the pink haired boy suddenly. “You’re so sweet. Gundham and I are lucky to have a friend like you.” she praised.
Just when he thought his face couldn’t get any redder… It was close to matching Mahiru’s shade of hair now. “F-Friend?” He stuttered, asking for confirmation If what he heard was what she just said.
“Of course! We’re friends.” She beamed up at the embarrassed tinkerer.
He smiled warmly back at her and hugged her back. “Thank you.” he whispered almost silently, not even sure If she had heard him or not.
But she did.
After another minute or so they both pulled back. “I should get back to work on this. I don’t wanna make Gundham upset by not talking to him.” Soda announced nonchalantly, sitting down in front of the project again.
“Would you like some help? I am not very mechanically inclined, but I can be taught.” Sonia volunteered, sitting down next to him.
“Sure! I would love some help!” He smiled at the blonde.
“Is there anything I can do?” Hajime asked.
“Can you go check on Gundham? I am worried about him.”
“Sonia, We’ve been over this. We left him with Chiaki at the hotel, I’m sure he’s doing fine.”
“You left him with Chiaki?” Kazuichi repeated, looking at Hajime for confirmation.
“Yeah… What, Why are you looking at me like that--”
“In the hotel, Where there’s video games?”
Hajime stared blankly at him for a minute before cursing and running off towards the hotel.
Apparently reaching the same conclusion Kazuichi had, That Chiaki would most likely be sidetracked by the video games and not check on the Breeder.
He burst through the doors but didn’t see Chiaki anywhere near the video games units. He did, however, hear Gundham scream from upstairs. “Gundham??” He called out, confused.
Hajime bolted up the stairs into the dining room, and froze at the sight before him. Gundham was on the floor, trying to curl up Into a ball, and Chiaki was on top of him, tickling the life out of the Dark Prince.
“Uhhh, Chiaki? What are you doing?” Hajime asked, leaning against the doorway.
Chiaki looked up at him and offered a smile. “Oh, Hey Hajime. I’m tickling Gundham.” She responded bluntly.
“I can see that.” Hajime laughed, Ignoring Gundham’s plea. “The question Is, Why?”
“I promised I would keep an eye on him, But that got too boring. So I’m entertaining myself.” She answered, skittering her fingers across his neck.
There was something about the thought of being on the receiving end of Chiaki’s tickles that scared Hajime, It could be how merciless she was being, Or maybe how nonchalant she was, Or both.
Gundham squealed uncharacteristically and covered his face. “STAHAHAHAHAP! I AHAHAHAM AWAHAHAHAHAKE NOW! I DOHOHOHN’T NEEHEHEED WAHAHATCHED!”
Hajime smirked, approaching the two. He sat down next to Chiaki. “I dunno, I think you still need supervision.” he said playfully.
“I agree.” Chiaki smiled mischievously.
“I think another hour should do it, Don’t you, Chiaki?” Hajime asked, winking at the pink haired girl.
She giggled. “I think so too. That way we can make sure he’s going to stay awake.”
“AHAHAHAN HOUR?!? SUHUHUHURELY YOU JEST!” Gundham whimpered at the thought, considering adding Chiaki Nanami to the small list of people he finds intimidating.
“No, I’m quite serious.” She replied with a determined glimmer in her eyes. Her fingertips lightly dancing across his neck and collarbone.
“I think she means It, Gundham.” Hajime chuckled, unable to resist the urge to help her any longer. He began teasingly poking at random exposed spots on his midsection. “And who am I to stop her? I think I should help her If anything.”
“I WIHIHIHILL DEHEHEHEHESTROY YOU BOHOHOHOTH!” Gundham threw out an empty threat.
“It doesn’t scare me when Fuyu threatens me, And It doesn’t scare me when you threaten me.” Hajime snickered.
“Oh, I don’t scare you huh?” Hiko’s voice was suddenly right at Hajime’s ear. “You sure about that?”
Hajime yelped in surprise, whipping around to look at his friend. “F-Fuyu! Jeez! Don’t scare me like that.” Hajime sighed, holding his chest to steady his rapid heartbeat.
Fuyuhiko grinned triumphantly. “What are you two dipshits doing, Anyway?”
“Tickling Gundham.” Chiaki answered.
“O...kay. Well you think maybe you should… I dunno… Let him breathe?” Fuyu asked, having noticed how much the Breeder was gasping.
Chiaki paused what she was doing, allowing the dark prince to breathe. “Oh… Right. Air, He needs that.”
“Hey Fuyu.” Hajime motioned for the Yakuza to come closer, he hesitantly did so. He whispered something to the small blond so Gundham couldn’t hear.
Hiko rolled his eyes, making a show of huffing as he threw his hands up. “I GUESS.” Although he had a smile on his face as he did so, negating the annoyed response he was going for. He sauntered off, leaving Gundham at the mercy of Hajime and Chiaki once more.
Fuyuhiko made It to the area where Sonia and Kazuichi were, curiously peering over their heads at the project they were working on. “Uh, What are you two doing?”
Kazuichi yelped in surprise, nearly throwing his screwdriver for a second time.
Sonia giggled and turned to look at the Yakuza. “Hello, Fuyuhiko! Kazuichi Is building a play pen for the Devas and I am helping.”
Ahh, now It makes sense why Hajime and Chiaki were wrecking poor Gundham… They were trying to keep him from finding out what was going on. “Ah, Gotcha. Uh, Hajime sent me to tell you both that Gundham Is awake but uh… He’s being distracted by him and Chiaki.”
Sonia and Kazi exchanged confused looks. “What are those two doing to him?”
“I walked In on them…” Hiko paused, blushing. Fuck, of all times to be unable to say that word why did it have to be right now?! “U-Um. They were sort of destroying him.”
“D-Destroying!?” Sonia asked, alarmed.
“N-Not literally!” Hiko quickly corrected. “They’re uh…”
“Ohhh… I get It.” Kazuichi laughed. “I think what Fuyuhiko Is trying to say Is that they’re tickling him. Right?”
“Yeah, That.” he nodded, still blushing.
“Oh. Why didn’t you just say that? You scared me for a minute there. Not that I believe they would hurt him, But still…”
“Uh… Well… I…”
“Some people have trouble saying the word ‘tickle’.” Kazuichi explained casually, tightening a bolt on the play area. “Usually people who are super ticklish themselves.”
The pinkette grinned as he winked at Fuyu, who seemed to turn pinker at that. Though he would vehemently deny such a thing.
“H-Hey! I am NOT! I just… Think the word Is stupid and childish!” Fuyuhiko pouted, crossing his arms childishly.
“It Is okay, Fuyuhiko. I understand.” She smiled sympathetically. “Though I am not nearly as ticklish as Kazuichi or Gundham, I see how It would be difficult for one to say.”
“Hey! Whose side are you on??” Kazuichi blushed, nudging her side.
She giggled and recoiled.
“So…” Fuyuhiko cleared his throat, trying desperately to change the subject. “How much longer until you two are done? I’m not sure how much longer Gundham will last.”
“Actually,” Kazuichi tightened another screw, then set his screwdriver down. He looked It over one last time then smiled. “It’s done.”
“It looks wonderful, Kazuichi! You did great!” She beamed, standing up and dusting her dress off.
“Thanks…” He chuckled sheepishly, standing up too. “Hey Hiko, Can you help me carry this?”
Fuyuhiko looked at it, skeptical. “I’ll try, but If you drop It on me, I will kill you.” he threatened.
The two lifted it up and began carrying It towards the hotel. It wasn’t as heavy as Kazi expected It to be, much to the relief of the petite Yakuza.
They brought It up Into the diner and quickly covered It with a tarp, luckily Gundham hadn’t noticed them thanks to Hajime and Chiaki both smothering him with tickles.
Hajime looked up and saw the three students, smiling he withdrew his hands and motioned for Chiaki to do the same.
Though she relented much more halfheartedly, pouting as she pulled back.
Sonia and Kazuichi both approached the recovering Supreme overlord of Ice and sat down on either side of him. “Gundham, I found Kazuichi and made him explain to me why he was avoiding you.” Sonia explained, helping him sit up.
He tiredly looked at Sonia, then over at Kazuichi who was trying not to laugh at how disheveled he looked. “I-Is that so? Then why…?”
“Uh, Listen man…” Kazuichi started, reaching over and fixing Gundham’s hair. “I wasn’t avoiding you because I didn’t want to talk to you. I just didn’t want to spoil my surprise for you.”
Gundham tilted his head in confusion. “Surprise…?”
“Yeah. I wanted to show you that I really consider you a friend, And that I’m thankful to consider you a friend so I… was doing It the only way I know how.” Soda blushed, looking over at Hiko and Hajime as if to cue them.
They pulled the tarp off, revealing the playpen for the hamsters. Chiaki, wanting to be included, motioned to It like she was on a gameshow showing off a prize. This drew a laugh from Hajime and Fuyu.
Gundham’s expression softened, his face turning red. “Y-You… built that? F-For… Me?”
“Yeah. I’m not so great with words, But I am great with building things.” Kazuichi smiled. “Do you like It??”
Gundham bit his lip, he went to pull his scarf over his face to hide his blush but quickly realized his scarf was still chilling on the table from earlier. “Y-Yes…” Gundham turned to Kazuichi, smiling a little at the way his eyes sparkled with happiness. “Thank you, Friend.”
Kazuichi squealed happily and pulled him Into a hug without giving it a second thought.
Gundham flinched, but eventually returned the hug. Sonia smiled at her two dorks, happy they were getting along. She got up and retrieved the Devas from the table, putting Gundham’s scarf on again.
“Fiends! We must seek not the approval of the Dark Prince, But the Four Dark Devas of Destruction and Tickles!” Sonia mimicked Gundham again.
“The… what?” Kazuichi asked, totally confused as he pulled back.
“She renamed them.” Gundham explained. “But she Is right. Their opinion is what truly matters.”
Sonia set them down In the fish tank, And they began happily scurrying around through the different pipes and segments. They seemed to enjoy It.
Gundham smiled as he watched his pets having fun. “They like It.” He confirmed to his friends.
Though their friendship may not be typical, and It may be confusing at times. I have a feeling that this friendship will be one that’ll last. And Who knows? Maybe down the road, It’ll turn Into something more…?
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emsvegetables · 4 years
Hello!! first, I wanted to tell you that your med student hcs were literally SO good they really hit home for me. I I was also wondering if I could ask for hcs of Kuroo, Matsukawa, and Hanamaki who are stuck at home with their s/o? Like, who goes insane first? How do they pass time? Also, if they're in college, how many times do they also go to class online? Thank you so much!!!
omg anon this request WAS SO FUN TO WRITE thank you for requesting this :-)!!!!!
* That’s my dream lmaoooo
* He’s so EXCITED he gets to be in quarantine with you!!!!
* Like, even though the both of you share the apartment and are dating, it’s very hard to actually spend time with you, with the both of you being in different courses in college after all.
* So spending time with you??? He’s so happy.
* Before the quarantine really goes into effect, he’s insisting that the both of you have to go get some groceries.
* He’s always making breakfast for you in the morning!!!! LIKE???? This man is husband material 10/10.
* If you aren’t awake by the time he’s plated the food, he runs into the room and carries you out.
* There was once he dropped you on the floor but we don’t talk about that.
* When you guys have lessons on???? The both of you are in separate rooms bc you’re too distracting to him.
* But you bet that if you have a call going on and he doesn’t, he’s creeping beside you and saying some weird ass stuff to distract YOU.
* There was one time this asshole came into the room saying,” are you made of Fluorine, Iodine and Neon? Cause you’re F-I-Ne!” while your mike was on.
* BRUH your whole class literally started laughing at you.
* Even the professor GIGGLED.
* At this point Kuroo’s face is the shocked pikachu one.
* And ofc you get back at him during one of his lessons later on during that day.
* He’s focusing on the teacher and writing down notes onto his notebook when you hear the teacher ask him a question.
* You’re like: ITS GO TIME BABY.
* When Kuroo unmutes himself to answer the question, you’re pressing a quick kiss onto his neck and biting down on it.
* “The answer to the question is—ah shit baby it’s going to be like that?”
* Then Kuroo realises what just came out of his mouth and YOU bet this is the first time you’ve seen him so embarrassed.
* His teacher just keeps quiet for a moment; before asking another student the same question and completely ignoring Kuroo for the rest of the call.
* REIOFDO YOU BET HE’S GOING TO TICKLE YOU UNTIL YOU CRY FOR THAT and maybe do something else that’ll make you REALLY CRY.
* Tbh the both of you love each other so much, and there’s never a boring moment with Kuroo in quarantine.
* He keeps you on your toes, and you keep him on his, so you’re actually not bored or tired of him in quarantine!!!!
* But when he sees that you’re getting a little fidgety and tense, he’s immediately suggesting something that the both of you don’t do usually.
* Like BAKING???? He’s happily making cinnamon rolls with you and dancing with you in the kitchen to some weird song.
* Or he’s playing WII with you, and the both of you make so much noise the neighbours come over and ask you politely if you could...”make love a little quieter” DOROFOFIFIFIEIEI
* So none of you go insane because this man just KNOWS how to handle you!!!
* This guy??? He’s such a sweet man.
* When he realises quarantine is going to go into effect, he’s dragging you out to buy some essentials for your lockdown.
* He’s making sure to buy at least some healthy snacks and vegetables to make sure you stay healthy during this time period!!!!!
* OKAY LETS BE REAL this guy is the one that takes care of the other in the relationship.
* He’s making sure you go to sleep at the time you should be in bed, and hauls your ass to bed if you refuse to do so.
* But his cuddles are very soothing so you fall asleep VERY quickly.
* But if you really can’t sleep??? He’s staying up to talk to you about anything that comes into your mind.
* He’s also making sure you eat!!!! He’ll make lunch for you if he sees that you overslept and missed breakfast.
* If you want to bake, he’s trying his best to help you, but this man can only give you the ingredients bc for some reason he SUCKS at baking.
* He tries baking cupcakes for you in the middle of your lessons one day and the cupcakes were all droopy and uncooked. SO LESSON LEARNT.
* Tbh he knows not to distract you in the middle of lessons, so he’s either in another room during your lessons or he’s quietly resting his head on your thighs.
* BUT.
* You’re totally different.
* You make it a point to disrupt his lessons all the time, always asking for cuddles in the middle of his lessons and asking for kisses as well!!!
* He just sighs at you when you come crawling towards him while he’s writing down notes, and just opens his arms to allow you to crawl into his lap.
* THERE WAS ONCE where you were cuddling him and the teacher asked him to answer a question, so he turned on his mike and camera, and then he hears a loud gasp.
* “Matsukawa! What are you doing?”
* DIORIRRIRKRK when he hears you laugh, you bet he’s going to punish you later 👀😎
* But as much as the both of you love to spend time with each other...do you know who goes insane first??
* YOU.
* You need to go outside!!!!!
* Mattsun notices how you’re getting all tense, and he’s trying his best to take your mind out of it.
* He’s asking you to exercise with him, and it often leads to OTHER THINGS HAHAHA
* And he plays some random two player online games with you!!!!!!
* In other words, being stuck with Mattsun in quarantine is a fun thing!!!
* You go insane but he’s there to perk you up!!!!!
* This man :””)
* Tbh you’re 90% of his impulse control, so when the both of you split up to buy the essentials you need during quarantine, this boy comes back with potato chips and all the unhealthy snacks.
* But you can never say no to him so you buy those in the end :(
* This guy is amazing to be with, but it’s pretty obvious YOU’RE going to be the one taking care of him during quarantine.
* You’ll have to tell him it’s 12am and it’s time to sleep and to stop watching Rosemarie being disgusted with Ed.
* You’ll have to tell him, no, eating potato chips does NOT count as lunch.
* But sometimes he’s so damn convincing he’s pulling you into his lap to continue watching 90 day fiancé, and he’s feeding you the chips with a kiss to your lips.
* He’s trying out all those weird quarantine things that he saw on youtube with you LOLOLOL
* He got so bored that at one point he got into tiktok and made a video that went viral.
* But then he logged out bc he was BORED of Tiktok so...
* He goes to sleep late every night, but he somehow wakes up entirely refreshed for his lessons the next morning?????
* And you don’t disrupt him during his lessons, usually just reading quietly beside him or watching the television in the living room.
* But this little shit loves to bother you in the middle of lessons.
* BRUH HE SCARED YOU while you were trying to answer the question the teacher asked.
* You screamed into the mike and the teacher jumped.
* “(Y/N)! I asked you to answer a question, not murder my ears!”
* “Sorry miss!!!!!!”
* And when you hear Makki laugh after you mute yourself again, you instantly formulate a plan to murder him.
* But then, you thought, LETS MESS WITH THIS SHIT.
* So the next time he has lessons, you’re quietly reading beside him, and you casually place a hand on his thigh, which slowly moves up as the lesson goes on.
* He doesn’t notice at first, but when your hands brush dangerously close to where mini Makki is, he’s groaning.
* When the teacher calls Makki to answer a question, you grin.
* You’re softly pressing against it when he unmutes himself, and he lets out a low, guttural groan, which the entire class hears.
* “Hanamaki, are you alright?”
* “Yes, Miss—“
* He GROANS again when you press a little harder.
* Iwaizumi’s in this zoom call, and you know he KNOWS what’s going on, based on the disgusted look on his face.
* Hanamaki somehow manages to answer the question, and when he mutes himself, he’s shooting you a smile and telling you that you’re in trouble.
* In the end, you’re the one going insane.
* BC YOU HAVE TO DEAL WITH MAKKI’s shit every day.
* Not that you don’t love him, but caring for this man who doesn’t know what a healthy sleeping schedule is making you MAD.
* But he’s a GOD in the kitchen, and he’s making you these exquisite meals with the little groceries you have that you ALWAYS forget about how you’re slowly spiraling into insanity whenever you take a bite into the food.
* He makes you forget about all your troubles with a nice massage on the couch while the both of you watch 90 day fiancé together! :)!!!
hope you like, anon!!!!! :-)
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trashyswitch · 4 years
Patton's Special Coupons
Since most of the Sides were known to either have too much of a filter or no filter at all, Patton had come up with little coupons that could be used to silently ask for fatherly services. It was a genius way to in-cooperate all the sides needs fairly, without accidentally picking favorites. He stored them in a big scrapbook with the recipe books, so anyone could pick out the item they need and hand it to him with no issue. A couple types of cards were: -1 batch of choc. chip cookies -1 day of Father/son time and: -1 bedtime story.
One day, Patton adds a new set of coupons that...actually end up getting used up more than he expected...
This was requested by an Anonymous user. I hope that whoever you are, you like the story I've created out of your idea. :)
Patton opened up the light blue binder that had a white paper on the front, drawn by Roman that said 'Padre's Coupon Book!'. Patton added a few sheets of paper into the 'fun activities' spot, and placed a single sheet into the front, under the 'NEW!' category. With the new coupons placed in and the other coupons reloaded for a week or so, Patton smiled and closed the book before placing it with the recipe books. Patton smiled to himself as he saw the big coupon book, and couldn't wait to see the sides' reactions to the new edition to the coupon book.
A full afternoon had passed, and Patton was calmly waiting for someone to react to the new coupons, and even use them. Instead however, Virgil handed Patton a bedtime story coupon instead. Patton happily read to him of course, but he was aching to know when someone was gonna bring out the new coupon he added.
It wasn't until around noon the next day, that someone even remotely mentioned anything about the new coupons. Patton was reading a book in the living room, when he happened to hear the familiar sound of the binder falling onto the wooden table. Patton patiently waited for a reaction which would not only tell him who was looking through it, but also tell him how he felt about the new coupon. Patton waited, and waited...and waited...
The person looked at the new coupon sheet added to the coupon book:
[Free tickles]
[Infinite Uses]
Patton perked up at an interesting sound coming from the side. It was...laughter, but nervous...Nervous laughter! Patton had to bite his lip really hard to keep himself from laughing in reaction. The best part was, Patton knew exactly who was laughing! It was Logan! Patton had not only made Logan flustered from his new edition to the coupon book, but he also made him laugh nervously! Laughing was rare as it was. But laughing nervously? NERVOUSLY?! That NEVER happens!
Unsurprisingly, Logan went out to investigate. "Hehehey Patton...Uuuuh...Did you add this?" Logan asked.
Patton looked up from his book. "Add what?" Patton replied.
"Add this coupon." Logan explained.
"Add what coupon?" Patton asked.
Logan sighed, and handed it to him. Patton looked at it for 3 seconds, and looked back up at Logan with a blank face. "I can't read." Patton told him.
"I- Yes you can." Logan replied.
"No I can't." Patton said.
"Yes you can!" Logan reacted, growing frustrated and slightly red on the cheeks
"Can you read it for me?" Patton asked, letting a small grin shine through. Logan's cheeks got slightly more red.
"-I-No! I'm not reading you that." Logan yelled.
"Please? I can't read." Patton begged calmly. Logan's cheeks only grew more and more red by the second.
"You! Can! READ!" Logan shouted back.
Patton just stared at him with a blank, childish looking face. He turned the sheet of paper around to Logan and pointed at it. "I can't read." Patton said calmly, before allowing a big grin to show up on his face.
Logan took the sheet from Patton and stared at it. "Infinite uses. Happy?" Logan told him finally.
Patton tilted his head and looked at it. He started pointing at all the lines of words on the page and reading them out as 'Infinite uses', just to further piss him off.
"That is NOT what the second line says, and you know it." Logan reacted.
"You told me this says infinite uses." Patton said, pointing at the second line, that clearly didn't read that.
"No, I said THIS says 'infinite uses'." Logan replied.
"Oh..." Patton reacted calmly, before pointing at the second line. "What's it say?" Patton asked in a calm, innocent voice.
Logan was just about done with Patton. After what felt like 10 minutes of fighting, Logan finally gave up on trying to not say the word. "IT SAYS 'FREE TICKLES'!" Logan yelled to the sky.
Patton looked at Logan with a blank face. He blinked once...he blinked twice. "Free what?" Patton asked innocently.
Logan just about threw Patton out the freaking WINDOW! Logan knew EXACTLY what Patton was doing. He was trying to trick him into saying the T-word! And no, not the t-word for booby...the other t-word...the word that makes people of all ages blush and die of embarrassment.
Patton had the audacity to add such a coupon to the coupon book! How-How DARE HE?! Curse the father figure for making him giggle nervously! There's no doubt that Patton heard him giggle. There were no walls between Patton and Logan, meaning Patton could hear everything.
Patton smiled. "Free tickles." Patton replied. "Do you want them?" Patton asked. Logan's eyes widened nervously. It felt like his face was breaking out in pools of sweat, and his brain was going haywire. He took a single step back. "All you have to do, is cut out a coupon, and hand it to me. That's all." Patton told him. Logan frowned, and looked away. No! He didn't want tickles! Why in the world would he want tickles?! He's logic! He's not supposed to feel anything! He's just supposed to think, and be Thomas's full-time schedule. Logan fixed his glasses and attempted to rub the wobbly smile off his face. Patton smiled innocently. "Are you okay Logan? You look a little..." Patton leaned into his ear, and whispered the following word: "Flustered". Patton leaned back, and held out a pair of kitchen scissors in his hand.
Logan had completely frozen in place. He was afraid to walk closer to Patton, for fear that he would tickle him. But he was also afraid of walking away from Patton, for fear that he was run up and tickle him. But...he wanted to. He wanted to do something. He NEEDED to show Patton. He let Patton's words play through his head:
'All you have to do, is cut out a coupon, and hand it to me.'
Logan took the scissors and cut out the coupon. As much as he wanted to stare into space for longer, he also didn't want to cut completely through the middle of the coupon. gulped to relieve his desert-dry mouth, and reached his hand out towards Patton...
Patton smiled and happily took the coupon, and put it in his pocket. "Thank you! And now, your reward!" Patton declared. He started out by walking behind Logan, and brought his body down a bit, to reach his lower back. Using his finger nails and his patience, Patton began slowly and gently spidering up and up and up Logan's back. He started right at the small of the back, and spidered his finger nails up to the lower neck. Logan immediately felt a wobbly smile perk onto his lips, and he curled his spine backwards in surprise. Despite that though, Logan didn't do anything to stop Patton from tickling his back. He didn't even turned himself around to face Patton! He kept his exposed back towards Patton, and only squirmed a little bit.
When Patton reached the neck, Patton wiggled his fingers rapidly inside Logan's neck for only a few seconds...before sliding his fingers aaaall the way back down to Logan's lower back again. The second time Patton spidered his fingers up Logan's back, Patton started quietly, and slowly teasing as he tickled. "Tickle, tickle, tickle, tickle, tickle, tickle, tickle, tickle!" Patton teased slowly, before reaching the top of his neck. Suddenly, Patton let in a quick gasp, and slid his fingers all the way down to the small of the back again, to repeat the spidery fingers! "Coochy, coochy, coochy, coochy, coochy, coochy, coochy coooo!" Patton teased slowly. Patton gasped and slid his fingers back down the back, causing Logan to let out slightly muffled giggles of embarrassment.
Patton was starting off VERY slow for him. He knew Logan was nervous to ask for such a thing. But to see the subtle hints that proved he really liked it, made Patton feel so happy! Patton started spidering his fingers up the back again, but began bringing his fingers to the sides rather than the spinal spot. "ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka-" Patton started speeding up his spidery technique, as well as his teasing. "ticka-ticka-ticka-ticka-" Patton finally reached Logan's ribs and started drumming all over those. "TickleTickleTickleTickle-Ticklllle!" Patton said very quickly.
Logan squealed and threw his head back as some chuckles and proper laughter began to leave his lungs. "Hahahahaha! HAHAHAhahaha! Hahahahahehehehehe!" Logan laughed. Logan wasn't even bothering to speak at this point! He was just enjoying the rare feeling of laughter leaving his lungs.
Patton started drumming and spidering up and down the ribs. "Who's got such ticklish ribs? Who in this big mind palace, has a pair of ticklish ribs? I think our happy little nerd does! I think Logey the siwwy nerd has tickwish ribs!" Patton teased gleefully.
Logan covered his face with his hands. His cheeks were growing darker and darker the longer Patton teased him! He knew that teasing was a big part of tickling, but it was making him want to curl up into a ball on the floor! "Now where shall Patton, your special father-" Patton paused to lightly squeeze his cheek. " tickle you next? Does Logey have a preference?" Patton asked.
Logan whimpered in embarrassment and held his head like it was going to fall off at any moment. He couldn't handle it anymore! He just...dropped to the floor, unable to process anything anymore. Patton looked down at Logan with his tilted head. he went back to his normal voice. "Logan? What's wrong?" Patton asked. Logan was just rocking on the floor, hugging himself. Patton softened his voice to help Logan in his state, and slowly brought himself to the ground, lying down in front of him. "Tell me what's the matter." Patton suggested calmly.
Logan continued to rock for a moment, before looking at Patton. He slowly brought his hands back to his sides, and took a moment to fix his tie. "I...I'm sorry Patton. I don't know what came over me." Logan admitted, seeming to have turned back to normal. Patton smiled and cupped his cheeks with his hands.
"Were you overwhel-" Patton was suddenly interrupted by a pair of arms wrapping around his chest. It was Logan's hands that were wrapped around him so tightly, as if he was worried Patton would let go of the hug if it were too loose. Patton hugged him back and rubbed his back gently.
"Thank you. I liked that." Logan told him.
Patton smiled. "Would you like me to tickle you again?" Patton asked. Logan hid his face in Patton's shoulder, but nodded his head. Patton happily started spidering his fingers on his back and occasionally drummed his fingers on his ribs.
Logan began giggling almost immediately, and started squirming in Patton's grip. "Hehehehehehehe! Ihihihit's sohohoho tihihickleehehehehehe!" Logan declared, moving his shoulders and upper body around as his back was tickled. Patton started using his skilled fingers to knead and massage his back muscles. "HeheheHEHEHEHEHE! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! EEEEEEEHEHEHEHEHEHE! WHYHYHY DOHOHOES IHIT TIHIHICKLEHEHEHE SOHOHO MUHUHUCH?!" Logan asked through his loud giggles and laughter.
Patton hummed in response. "Who knows? Most people are born this way, while others develop new spots as time goes on." Patton explained casually in a conversation.
"Well okay then!" Patton replied, and started curling his fingers like evil, old lady witch hands. Patton changed his voice to a low, long type of accent. "By the power of the tickle monster...Let laughter leave my subject and FILL THE ROOM WITH HIS MUSIC!" Patton joked. Then, the father moved his fingers to the hallows of Logan's hips, and dug in.
Logan's eyes widened as his upper body just flew back in surprise. Out came lots more louder, higher-pitched laughter. "OHOHOHO NOOOHOHOHOHOHOHO! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! YOHOHOHOUR SOHOHO WEHEHEHEHEHEIRD!" Logan reacted, kicking his feet as he moved his hands onto Patton's and held on tightly.
"Weird? You think I'm weird? Why, tickling is the key to creating a happy soul! If a person with a sad soul can't be turned happy, tickling can treat them and help their soul to grow more worthwhile!" Patton declared.
"I'm just making things up to make you happy! Is it working?" Patton asked. To give the man a break, Patton removed his hands from Logan's hips and moved them to his ribs instead. Logan's laughter slowly died down and allowed Logan a chance to breath AND laugh at the same time.
"So...how do you feel now?" Patton asked, calmly playing with Logan's ribs.
"Ihihi'm behetteheher...ahahalohot behehetteher..." Logan replied.
"Would you like me to let go?" Patton asked.
Logan looked up in disappointment. "Can you stay for a few minutes longer?" Logan asked.
"Of course, kiddo." Patton replied, smiling and calmly rubbing his back as he felt the tension and exhaustion leave Logan's heaving body. Patton took a moment to take out the coupon Logan had handed him, and slipped it back into his pants pocket.
{The Next Day}
Roman was the next person to notice the coupons. Patton was cleaning up his room that afternoon, and had his room door partly open. Suddenly, Patton heard a knock on the door, which slightly opened the door upon impact.
Patton turned around. "Yes?" he said. Roman opened the door, holding a coupon in his hand. Patton smirked, believing it may have been a 'get out of dishes' coupon. "It's your turn to do the dishes Roman." Patton told him.
"Oh! No no no, I know that. I wouldn't be stingy like that." Roman replied. "Actually, I came in with a different coupon..." Roman added. Patton tilted his head and walked up to Roman. "It actually made me laugh seeing this new coupon." Roman admitted, handing Patton the coupon. Patton chuckled as he saw the familiar coupon he had put in only 2 days prior. "Is now a good time? Or..." Roman asked. Patton smirked as hespun the coupon in his fingers. Roman started stuttering and scratching the back of his head awkwardly. "Oh...I just realized you were actually doing something, so I may just come back-" Roman said, turning around to leave.
Patton stopped Roman in his tracks by grabbing his arm. "Whoa there Princey...You're not going anywhere..." Patton declared in a teasy ler voice.
Roman's mouth immediately perked into a wide grin as he happily turned himself towards Patton. "Okay, sweet! I can't wait to get wrecked!" Roman declared, excited for the adrenaline rush.
Patton nodded with an evil smirk on his face. He jumped to Roman and picked him up bridal style before laying him onto the ground. "I was hoping you were gonna say that!" Patton replied.
Almost as quickly as he handled him, Patton started wiggling his fingers on Roman's belly and sides. "aaAAAEEEEEEKK!" Roman squealed in surprise, falling into a big puddle of laughter. Patton giggled at the high-pitched shriek, and only continued to squish his toned belly. "HAHAHAHAHA! BEHEHELLYYHYHYHYHYHYHY! TIHIHICKLIHIHIHIHISH BEHEHELLYHYHYHYHYHYHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Roman shouted.
Patton could already tell that Roman is even more ticklish than Logan was. So, Patton wanted to lessen it a bit. So, Patton began swirling his index finger in Roman's belly button. In an ironic turn of events, Roman's laughter began to turn into light giggles. Patton knew about this strange irony. Roman's belly surrounding the button, was much more ticklish than the little button itself. Roman started giggling and lightly squealing into his knuckles, as his upper body continued to bounce. Roman's belly was also slowly rocking back and forth, leading to Patton having to partly follow where his belly button moved to. But, a small idea came to his mind:
If he kept his finger in the middle where the belly button should be, then the finger would only tickle the more ticklish parts of his belly if he squirmed too much. So, Patton smirked and kept his index finger inside the belly button. Whenever Roman would squirm his body back and forth, Patton's finger would only stay there, causing Roman to tickle himself with his squirming. Roman slowly began to understand what was going on. "Ohohoho nohohohoho. Yohohou wohohohouhuldn't..." Roman begged.
"Doooon't squirm! Doooon't you daaare squirm! If you keep on squirming, you'll only tickle yourself." Patton told him.
Roman whined at the idea. Which was worse? squirming around and getting tickled further? Or fighting your natural instincts to get less tickled? Roman couldn't bare the thought of causing his own demise, so he attempted to stop his body's need to squirm. But Patton wasn't making this easy. Patton was wiggling his other set of fingers on his left side, prepared to attack him and mess with his natural instincts some more. Yes, this was super unfair. But the outcome would be SUPER worth it in the long run.
Roman lost focus on the finger at his belly button, and solely focused on the wiggling hand on his left side. Roman attempted as best he could to not give into the natural instincts, but there was a wiggling hand, getting SOOO CLOOOSE to his side! What else was Roman supposed to do? Just accept his fate?! No way! That is NOT how Roman works! So, Roman decided to risk getting his belly tickled. He moved his belly to the right, and snorted at the feeling of Patton's right finger tickling him as he moved.
Roman's side was safe for now, but his belly certainly wasn't. Patton was now wiggling the single finger up and down, drawing lines on his belly. Roman, struggling to get his instincts under control, began to move his belly over to the left, near the hand. Now, his belly was safe from tickling, and only his belly button was getting the tickly wiggling. That was tolerable. But now, Patton's left hand was DANGEROUSLY close to his side. And Patton, being surprisingly impatient, finally dug his fingers into Roman's ticklish side.
"You think I'm being unfair?" Patton clarified in a sassy tone.
"I think the only truly unfair thing here, is your ticklish body." Patton commented. Roman's eyes widened as he looked at his sensitive side being tickled. "If your body was not as ticklish, you'd be able to handle this better! A LOT better." Patton commented.
The issue was, Patton had a point! He was unbelievable levels of ticklish! If a dragon or another bad guy were to find out, they would definitely tickle torture him. Roman could just imagine it now: fluttering feathers and other tools all over his belly, his feet, in between his toes, and even his neck. Roman just knew that would just be a death sentence for him. Roman Sanders, age 30. Death: tickled to death.
Talk about an embarrassing death...
"Buuut since you're so ticklish, I'm gonna take advantage of it." Patton declared. Patton grabbed one of Roman's arms and lifted it way high above him, before wiggling his fingers on Roman's exposed armpit.
"And why not? A little...tooooo ticklish?" Patton asked, switching from wiggling his fingers to full on digging into his armpit. Roman snorted and abrupted into cackles.
"YEHEHEHEHEHEHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Roman replied, rocking back and forth and cackling with his eyes shut.
"Who's a tickwish widdle pwincy? Who's a tickwish, wovable Roman?" Patton teased. "You are! Yes, You are!" Patton answered his own question, scratching deeply into Roman's armpit.
Roman wheezed and fell into silent laughter. Patton stopped his fingers and brought Roman closer to cuddle him. Roman continued to giggle and nuzzled his face into Patton's neck. Patton giggled as well, but allowed him to nuzzle and tickle his neck. It only lasted a few seconds anyways, so Patton could cuddle him for a while longer.
{A few Days Later}
Patton was sitting outside, looking at the clouds. There were tons of fluffy clouds filling the sky, making the world look like fluffy white cotton candy. His lonesome was soon interrupted however, by the smell of pickles and a slight hint of dog shampoo. Wait a second...dog shampoo? Patton looked to his left, and giggled at the sight:
Remus was running around in green bathing suit shorts, with frills at the bottom of the pant legs. His hair was all wet, and slightly noodle-like. It looked like Remus had dunked his head right into a bath tub for a good 5 minutes. Soon, Remus came running over to him. "Hi Patty!" Remus said happily, pulling Patton into a wet hug against Remus's bare chest. Patton just giggled and whined in slightly wet discomfort. While he was there however, Patton smelled his hair to confirm what his nose was telling him:
"Dog shampoo?" Patton asked.
"Yup! And watch this!" Remus declared, before shaking his head back and forth.
Patton giggled and laughed as a mist of soapy dog water covered his head, neck and shoulders. "Whehehere dihid you get dog shampoo?" Patton asked.
"Roman gave me it for my birthday! Isn't that awesome?" Remus declared.
Patton gasped and placed his hand on his chest as his heart warmed. "Awww! That was so nice of him!" Patton reacted.
"And, he conjured up a couple packs of Dr. Doofenshmirtz band-aids with the sick day photo on them." Remus told him, showing off a band-aid with the haunting photo of sick Dr. Doofenshmirtz on it.
Patton bursted out laughing. "That's awesome!" Patton reacted.
Remus laid himself onto the ground, and patted the spot of grass that was beside him to invite Patton to come as well. Patton laid himself down beside Remus. "So what's up?" Patton asked. Remus turned his body to face Patton, and pulled something out of his pocket. Almost immediately, Patton began to wonder if it was one of his many coupons. Funnily enough, Remus pulled out a wet, slightly soapy coupon from his pocket and low and behold, it was the 'Free Tickles' coupon.
Remus attempted to hand him the coupon, but Patton put his hands up to stop him. "It's okay. You keep it." Patton offered. Remus's face morphed into disappointment. "I'm still gonna tickle you, but I think you should keep the card in your pocket while I tickle you." Patton explained.
Remus's slight hurt turned into excitement very quickly. Remus slipped the coupon back into his pocket, and readied himself for tickles. Patton began to wonder something: "Hmm...I wonder if your watery body is going to lessen the tickles, or worsen the tickles?" Patton asked rhetorically. Remus, upon hearing that, curled in and started to giggle and whimper, in a mix of excitement and nervousness.
Patton decided to test this out, and tried wiggling his fingers on his neck. Remus squealed and curled his neck in, letting out little high-pitched giggles. "Hmm...It doesn't seem to make a difference. But, doesn't mean you're not able to be tickled!" Patton declared, trying to stay positive. Patton went for a spot on the neck that was exposed, which only made Remus's giggles worsen.
"Hahahahahahahaha! Hehehehehehehehehe!" Remus giggled.
"CoochyCoochyCoo!" Patton teased, retreating his fingers. He went for the back of the neck. "CoochyCoochyCoo!" he teased more, removing his fingers. When Remus's head fell back, Patton tickled the chin. "TickleTickleTickle!" Patton teased.
Remus's squirming increased a little bit as he giggled gleefully. "HAHAHAhahahahaHAHAHAHA! NOHOHOhohoho! PahahattohohohOHOHOHON!" Remus yelled, his giggles rising and falling in volume.
"Oooh! I will admit, this neck looks pretty tasty!" Patton teased.
Remus's squirming grew frantic! He knew EXACTLY what that meant. "WAHAHAHAIT! NOHOHO NIHIHIBBLIHIHIHING!" Remus begged.
"But YES NIBBLING!" Patton teased. Before Remus could properly react, Patton gasped, touched his lips against Remus's neck, and started nibbling and making nibbling noises. "Om nom nom nom nom nom nom! Om nom nom nom nom nom nom! Such a yummy neck from such a yummy man!" Patton teased.
"Ticklish cannibalism? Why certainly!" Patton teased. Then, Patton moved his mouth to Remus's belly, and started nibbling and making crunching noises loudly.
Remus shrieked in horror and excitement! "AAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA! NAHAHAHAHAT THEHEHEHE BEHEHEHEHELLYHYHYHYHYHYHYHYHY!" Remus begged as much as possible.
"Mmm, mmm, mmm! Such yummy meat! I wonder if that ticklish belly skin of yours, would like more nibbling?" Patton asked rhetorically, before resuming his nibbling all over the different spots on Remus's belly.
"Really? I had no idea! I'm surprised that this would tickle so much." Patton teased. He stopped nibbling and just used his nails instead. He took some time to scratch at Remus's belly and sides, making sure to specifically focus on the middle of the belly.
"Do you want me to stop?" Patton asked. To Patton's surprise, Remus shook his head! "Oh! You DON'T want me to stop?!" Patton clarified.
"Okay. I won't then! I won't stop tickling you unless you want me to stop." Patton replied.
Patton continued to tickle him for another 10 minutes, before Remus tapped out. He seemed to be running out of breath, but he didn't want to listen to his oxygen intake unless he was going to pass out! But, Patton knew his limits. When Remus calmed down, Patton got to hear about the other birthday gifts he got for is birthday! Such as: -a bag of gummy spiders and a Horror Beauty 3rd Edition coloring book from Virgil -a Watership Down DVD and a Ouija board from Logan -The Plague Dogs DVD and a copy of The Big Book of Serial Killers by Jack Rosewood from Janus
And free tickles from Patton!
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ticklykitty216 · 5 years
Luigi’s Mansion 3 - Tickle Drabbles: Musical Mischief
Ler!Triplets/Lee!Amadeus Wolfgeist
It’d been a very boring day for the triplets all the way up in the Twisted Suites; which was very rare for them, considering they were almost always practicing their magic tricks or preforming for guests. But something about today just seemed to drag for the three sisters, and all three of them were piled into their room, sitting around and throwing ideas out to eachother only for said idea to be shot down, either because none of them liked the idea or because it wasn’t fun enough for them.
“Okay well, if we’re not going to do that, then what are we gonna do?!” asked Ginny, the youngest triplet with the long pigtails. “I don’t know so don’t ask me!” yelled Lindsey, the oldest sister with the ponytail. Ginny and Lindsey began to argue for probably the hundredth time that day whilst Nikki, the middle triplet with the short pigtails and bangs had her head in her arms as she listened to her sisters bicker, that was until she got and idea and sat up straight in her chair, startling the others “Lets go prank someone!” she exclaimed and the other two sisters beamed at this. “Who should we prank?” asked Lindsey “Oh! Let’s prank Deepend!” said Ginny, bouncing in her chair “No... We pranked him just the other day, he’ll be expecting it...” Lindsey said whilst waving her hand dismissively “What about MacFrights?” Ginny asked “Maybe...” Lindsey said and Nikki who had been lost in her thoughts looked at her sisters with twisted glee “Wolfgeist.” she said and the sisters bristled slightly “A-Amadeus?” Ginny squeaked “Yeah! We haven’t visited our favorite pianist in a good long while...” Nikki said evilly while smirking. “You have any good pranks?” Lindsey said with cautious interest, the last time they’d pranked Wolfgeist he almost took their heads as trophies for turning his dressing room upside down, which was a total overreaction for something so minor and easy to fix, in their opinions. “Let’s just mess with his piano, nothing to-to serious.” Nikki said and the other two sisters looked at eachother with intrigued looks, but with cautious, one thing everyone knew in the hotel is that you DON’T MESS WITH HIS PIANO. “Isn’t that a little... Dangerous?” asked Lindsey, Nikki scoffed “Since when do you worry about if something dangerous?” she said, but before any sister could interject Nikki floated over to her sisters “Alright, here’s the plan...”
Amadeus Wolfgeist had just finished writing a song when the triplets had entered the Great Stage, they hid behind the back seats of the auditorium when Wolfgeist had phased through the door to his dressing room and made himself comfortable at the grand piano in the middle of the stage. The triplets shifted and squirmed with nervous glee, they knew that this could end very badly for them, but they were too excited (and maybe dumb) to worry about the consequences at that moment. Lindsey peaked around the corner of the chair to see Amadeus place the music sheets at the top of the piano and crack his fingers in preparation, Lindsey ducked back around and nodded her head at Ginny; who, with a cheeky smile, waved her wand in the air and a small, almost inaudible ‘poof’ sound came from the grand piano as Amadeus pressed on the keys and... No sound came from the piano. Amadeus, stopped to look at the piano and tried again, but no sound came from the piano as he pressed it’s keys, the girls placed their hands over their mouths to stop the stream of giggles that threatened to give them away as Amadeus peaked into the piano to see if something was wrong within the instrument. Lindsey peaked around to look and quickly activated step two of their prank. She waved her wand in the air and another ‘poof’ sound came from the piano as Amadeus closed the top, deducing that nothing was out of place within the piano. He tentatively pressed a key on the piano and was quiet happy when the piano played a note this time. He went to play his masterpiece but very quickly realized that no matter which key he pressed, the same flat note kept playing.
The triplets placed both hands over their mouths as their giggles got more intense at the expense of pianist, “You’ve got to be kidding me...” growled Amadeus as he looked back into the piano to see what was wrong, Lindsey again peaked around the chair before swiftly returning to nod at Nikki, who repeated the steps of waving her wand with the same little ‘poof’ coming from the piano as Amadeus closed the top again with a little more force this time. He was being to get annoyed and flustered at his situation, he was beginning to suspect that some mischievous sisters were behind his misfortunes but he wasn’t about to jump the shark, not yet at least. He quickly played a few quick notes and was pleased when they didn’t play the same note over again, but something was right with them.
Amadeus placed his long finger at the left end of the piano and quickly ran it down to the right end. The left side, which normally played the lowest sounding notes was now playing the highest notes whilst the right was playing the lowest notes. It was safe to say that Amadeus had lost his patience, but he wasn’t necessarily ready to start breaking things, he was about to get up and leave when he heard a snicker at the back of the auditorium and his annoyance spiked “I know you three are back there.” he said and the triplets stopped giggling. “Come out now and fix whatever you’ve done to my piano and I may just let you off the hook.” growled the pianist and the girls nervously exchanged looks, planning their next course of action carefully.
One by one the triplets slowly floated down the aisles and rows of chairs up to the stage as Amadeus glared daggers at them, Nikki nervously waved her wand towards the grand piano and a small ‘poof’ sounded as she looked at Wolfgeist “Try it now.” she said and he still glared at her as he made himself comfortable infront of the piano as he quickly played a few notes, the notes played were correct, and Amadeus seemed to relax once he heard this, and subsequently the triplets relaxed as well. “You girls are lucky this didn’t annoy me as much as the dressing room incident.” Amadeus said as he looked at the three with distrust “I’m surprised it didn’t.” said Ginny honestly while shrugging her shoulders and the ghost pianist rolled his eyes ‘I’m surprised as well.’ he thought to himself. “What are you playing anyways, Mr. Wolfgeist?” asked Lindsey innocently as she appeared suddenly at his left, looking that the sheet music still positioned at the top of the piano, he jumped slightly at the child’s sudden closeness “Nothing you need to concern yourself with.” he said with a little bit more venom then he would’ve liked. The other two sisters were at his right side as he prepared to FINALLY start playing his music, “Just leave, you’ve already caused enough trouble as it is.” Amadeus said as he began to play the music in front of him and tried to ignore the girls presence “Aww, come on! Don’t be like that Mr. Wolf-” right before Lindsey could finish her sentence she had poked Wolfgeist in the ribs as a playful gesture and in shock Wolfgeist slammed his fingers into the keys of the piano, causing the girls to jump at the noise.
Everyone was silent for a moment as everyone processed the situation, though Lindsey smirked evilly as a little idea blossomed in her head, she did it again and Amadeus quickly flinched away from her touch “Mr. Wolfgeist are you ticklish?” she practically slurred the word and her sisters perked at the mention of the dreaded ‘T’ word “What?” Amadeus said with a scoff “Of course not! Don’t be ridiculous!” he said and glared at the child though she wasn’t affected by it. It was obvious by the slight tremor in his voice and the nervous shift that he was lying “Oh?” Lindsey said and got closer, “Then why are you so nervous?” she asked playfully and her sister had long since picked up what Lindsey had layed down “You three have long over-stayed your welcohohome!!” Amadeus had tried to threaten her but a startled giggle escaped from him when Ginny had quickly scribbled at his ribs, he turned to glare at her as she smiled innocently at him “Don’t. You. DARE.” he threatened as Nikki suddenly went for his hips.
Amadeus let out a startled gasp and quickly held back the onslaught of giggles that desperately wanted to escape from him as he frantically tried to pry the middle triplet’s fingers out of his sensitive hips, but Lindsey quickly drove her fingers back to his ribs and the pianist made a sound akin to a raspberry as he let out a few frantic giggles “Stohohop it!” he commanded but this only seemed to drive the girls farther “Why would we?” crooned Nikki as she pinched the squirming ghosts hips causing him to jump slightly “B-Behehecause I sahihid-” Amadeus couldn’t finish what he was about to say as the youngest triplet joined in and attacked his sides. This proved to be too much for the pianist as he burst into loud cackling and laughter as the girls attacked him “Ohoho, this is golden.” crooned Lindsey and Amadeus began to wiggle madly in their grasp “GIRIRIRLS! HAHAHAHAHA! STOHOP IT AHAHAHAT ONCE!!” yelled Amadeus as he began to try and pry Nikki’s hands off of his hips again “No way! This is so much better than messing with your piano!” said Nikki as her and Ginny switched between tickling his sides and hips, Amadeus gasped and bucked as he tried to shake the girls off “Gee Mr. Wolf’ you really must be ticklish if you’re thrashing this hard!” teased Ginny as she quickly spidered up and down his sides “Yeah!” Lindsey said agreeing as she dug her fingers between the spaces in his ribs and Amadeus made a weird, wheezing noises as his laughter went up an octave “NOHOHOHOHO!! CUHUHUT IHIHIT OUT!!” he laughed now trying to pry Lindsey’s hands off “Never!” giggled the triplets as the skittered and teased the poor pianist.
Ginny looked over to her side as she felt Wolfgeist’s tail smack into her as a weak attempt to drive her off, she smirked. She’d heard that some ghosts had ticklish tails, she wondered if his tail was ticklish? She gave his sides a finally quick squeezes as she seized his tail and gently pinched at the kink in his tail. Amadeus let out a startled squeal as his tail was suddenly attacked “That’s hilarious!” laughed Nikki as she looked at Ginny with his tail “STOHOHOHOP IT NOHOHOW HAHAHAHA!!” Amadeus tried to curl up into a ball but now that Ginny had his tail he couldn’t fully curl up “And just what are you doing?” teased Lindsey as she quickly went from tickling his ribs to his armpits “GEHEHET OHOHOFF HAHAHA!!” Amadeus suddenly turned abruptly causing the girls to squeak as their grips loosened. They quickly regained ‘control’ as Wolfgeist continued to toss and turn, Nikki went from pinching his sides back to his hips and proceeded to dig her index fingers into the ‘hollows’ of his hips and Amadeus let out the most horrendously unprofessional snort the girl had ever heard. And this caused the triplets to burst out into their own laughter “O-Oohoh my gohohod!” giggled Lindsey “Whahat was that?!” asked Ginny “What ever it was, I wanna hear it again!!” said Nikki as she continued to drill into his hips.
They stayed like that for 2 more minutes until Amadeus stopped fighting back and just tiredly laughed at the tickling, the girls layed off and Wolfgeist layed there on the floor of the staged, curled in on himself. The triplets giggled as they floated over him, the pianists hair was spiked all over the place and he tiredly wiped at tears in the corners of his eyes, as his giggles quieted down a feeling of dread slowly filled the girls as his smile slowly faded off his face and he began to regain his breath “U-Uh, well it was nice to see you Mr. Wolfgeist, but we should be going now! R-Right?” Lindsey said looking at her siblings and they quickly nodded and they very quickly flew out of the room as Wolfgeist got off the floor of the stage and used the piano as support while he fixed his hair
“I’m hehehe.. gonna get those lihihihittle brats...”
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creepychippy · 5 years
Luigi's Mansion 3 - Tickling Drabbles (Part 6)
Luigi/Kruller: Security Check  Expect for some small noises like the humming of security cameras, the squeaking of a chair and some pages of a book being flicked through, the room was entirely silent.  When Kruller wasn't doing his usual patrolling around the mall, he would be sitting in his office and absentmindely read a book during his break, sometimes even giving a glance towards the green tinted screens, the occasional flicker dividing his attention away from the string of words that the security guard was holding in his hands.  Currently, the first beams of sunshine were making their entrance in the morning sky, which meant that most guests of the Last Resort were either having their sips of coffee to properly wake up or going back to the realm of dreams, depending if they were an early bird rubbing the sleep from their eyes, or a night owl believing that sleep is for the weak.  As a result because of this, only a handful of tired ghosts were strolling around the shopping centre, most of them making themselves comfortable on some chairs outside the shop and holding small talk with another one of their kind, the casual giggle ringing through the air here and there.  Nothing could seem to break this quiet and calm peace...- until out of nowhere a sudden knock on the door pierced the silence, giving the security officer a small shock, since it caught him off-guard.  "Come in."  The door was opened and a familiar face stepped into Kruller's workplace, holding a plate with a donut and cup that contained what seemed to be freshly made coffee.  "Mornin', Kruller. Steward was a lil' bit-a busy, so I thought-a I lend him a hand and-a bring your breakfast to you-a, instead.", announed the green clothed plumber leaning against the doorway, who has decided to expand his vacation with his friends in this hotel a little bit longer, since a peculiar 'incident' interrupted them at the beginning of their visit. "Ah, that's very nice of you. Steward probably appreciates your help, even though he's an workaholic and would rather done it by himself, as I know...him..."  Laying his book aside him, Kruller stared at Luigi in a skeptical way - something was off about the plumber today, he just couldn't put his finger on it.  That's when the watchman noticed said something, however.  The former ghost hunter's speech was kind of slurred, his movements were rather sluggish and executed in a shakingly manner, which could be observed while he was putting down the tableware on the desk, and the most notable point are the big dark circles that had appeared under his eyes. While Kruller might not be the brightest when it comes to a lot of things that were more or less complex, it didn't mean that he wasn't attentive and mindful when specific subjects were being displayed right in front of him, especially those that he had certain past experiences with.  "Had a nightmare?"  "..."  Propping himself against the doorway and using it as a support for his drowsy body, Luigi stopped dead in his tracks, taking a moment to formulate a response in his head, a particular guard waiting patiently and watching him.  "...'s nothing, don't-a-worry about it."  "Are you sure you don't want to talk about it, not even a little bit? I do not want to pressure you to do anything that you don't want to do, of course, but sometimes it's just...relieving to have someone hear about your thoughts and worries, you know?"  "..."  Sighing, the green plumber slowly closed the door behind him, taking a chair out of a corner from the room and positioning it in front of the table in such a way so that he could rest his arms on top of it.  "Well, you-a-see..."  Luigi took his sweet time describing in detail what had happened in his nightmares and what bothered him, although he stammered and mixed his words up quite a lot along the way.  Meanwhile, Kruller silently listened to the poor boy's worries, which went from 'King Boo tried to capture everyone again', 'Everyone hated and abandoned me' and finally to 'I even killed my brother in one dream, because I was brainwashed'.  At the end, a sympathetic expression has made itself clear on the purple spectra's face, due to some mentioned aspects being fairly relatable and also stirring up some past memories within him.  "...I guess you were-a-right, it was kind of-a-relieving to talk about it. I'm-a feelin' better, thanks..."  Sure, to any outsider's eye, Luigi's statement could have been taken as nothing but the truth.  The years of paying close attention to behaviours and certain cues from people and being watchful in general, however, told the slightly overweight guard that this was not the case at all. There was still this lingering feeling of guilt and melancholia that was emitted by the plumber's eyes, no matter how hard he tried to conceal it.  Letting Luigi leave in such condition was out of the question, no doubt, but what exactly was the best method to cheer up a grieving plumber?  Kruller took a second to ponder, making an effort not to take to long to hatch a plan in case the former ghost hunter was getting impatient, which luckily didn't appear to be the case at least.  As soon as an idea popped up inside of the watchman's head, he could've sworn that if he was in a cartoon, a light bulb would have certainly flashed above his head.  "Hey, uh, Luigi, if you don't mind, how about we play a little game?"  "...Why?"  "Ah, well, I don't get a lot of company around here in the morning and nothing interesting happens in that time period anyway, so I thought we could kill some time together."  The green plumber seemed to be considering the offer, having his head drowsily raised from his arms a bit in a curious manner.  Please let this work.  "What-a-exactly is this-a-game called?"  "Oh, uh, it's called... 'Security Check', right."  "And what do I-a-do in this-a-game?"  "Well, for starters you have to stand up and spread your arms out in a T-Shape."  Standing up, the green hero followed the named steps, albeit doing it somewhat sluggishly, while the taller spectra, who was now floating behind the tired boy, assisted him to some extend.  "Okay, what-a-do I do next?"  "Laugh."  "...Wait wha-hahahahahat?!"  Before Luigi could even process what was happening to him, ghostly fingers were already being scribbled into his sides, sending shockwaves throughout his body and making the plumber clamp down his arms out of reflexes. "K-kruhuhuhullehehehahahar, w-w-whahahahahat ahahaharehehe-ahahahaha y-yohohohuhuhuh doho-hahahaha-dohohohoihihihihihihng ahahahahaha?!!"  "What does it look like? Performing a security check on you, silly."  The redeemed ghost hunter was immediatly torn out of his fatigued state, wobbily pushing against the bigger spectra's wriggling hands but to no avail, his feet weakly pounding against the ground. "Pleheheheheh-hahahahahah-heheheheahahahasehehehehe, nohohohohohahahahahat ahahahahahahaha-hehehehehehehehehehe t-thehehehehehrehehehehehehe!!"  "Not there? Got it." Deciding the sides were becoming a repetitive place to drill his fingers into, Kruller instead went on to work on the fidgeting plumber's ribs, gaining him now a more high pitched chuckling instead of giggling.  "Ahahahhaha-AHAHAHA K-KRUHUHUHLLAHAHAHA W-WHAHAHAHAHIHIHIT, NOHOHOHOHOHOHO-HAHAHAHAHA!!!"  "Sir, please stop squirming so much. I have to ensure the safety of every citizen around here, after all.~"  "AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA S-STOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO-HAHAHAHAHAHAP!!!"  A giddy Luigi attempted to flee from the mischievous spectra's grasp, but was instantly restrained by one arm and punished by the other hand who had snaked his way into his armpit and was currently spidering said area, causing the poor boy to blush in a deeper shade of red.  "Ah, ah, ah.~ Has no one ever taught you to not disrespect the law? Since you dared to resist an officer's instructions, I now have to take proper action to ensure no further resistance.~"  "W-WHAHAHAHAHAHAHIHIHIHIHIHIT-AHAHAHAHAHAHA; I-IHIHIHIHI AHAHAHAHM S-SOHOHOHO-HAHAHAHAHAHARRYHIHIHIHIHI!!!!"  "Tell it to the judge."  "AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH-HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE-HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Realizing that escape was futile, the writhing ghost hunter let himself lean into the spectra's body which in turn promptly earned him squeezing against his belly and light scratching against his neck, making him shriek and wheeze with bubbled up laughter even more. "EHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE-HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA N-N-NOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!"  "I'm sorry sir, but depending on your actions you have to suffer the consequences for it.~"  "WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA-HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE S-S-STOHOHOHOHOHOHA-HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE-HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!" After switching from spidering against his neck, squeezing against his sides, scribbling away his ribs and basically tickling every tiniest laughter out of the plumber, Kruller noticed the tears that had formed in Luigi's eyes, prompting him to seize all attacks, giving the blushy and shivering mess of a plumber finally a chance to catch his breath.  "Ah, uh, I...I didn't overdo it now, did I...?"  Having eventually revovered to a degree that he was able to talk again, the green ghost hunter who had still a hint of red in his face quietly gazed at the worried ghost before finally answering.  "Hey, Kruller. You said-a-this was-a-game, right?"  "U-uh, yeah, I did...Why?"  "Well, that would-a-theoratically mean that the roles of-a-the players can be switched up, right?"  The ghost of the security guard, who was backing up into a wall behind him, didn't like where this was going, especially that playful glare and smirk that the plumber was giving him.  "I-ah u-uh, I t-think I've got t-t-to go!"  "Before you do-a-that, I still have-a-one question to ask-a-you."  "...Y-y-yes?"  Luigi was now standing in front of a very flustered Kruller, his blue eyes piercing the spectra's very being and his fingers wriggling teasingly towards him. "Are-a-ghosts ticklish?" Ah, well. At least Kruller was able to cheer Luigi up.
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fluffymcu · 5 years
College drop-out? I think not (Steve x reader)
Request: Here’s an idea for you: Steve x Reader. The reader is in college and is worried about failing a class/exam. Steve does everything to help cheer her up.
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Another sleepless night, sitting with your legs crossed on your bed at 2am, racing to get an assignment done with the due date at 4am tonight. You were almost done, you just needed about 8 more pages to type. You sighed while rubbing your eyes for the hundredth time and yawned.
“Why do I leave this stuff till the last minute?” You mumbled to yourself. Steve was an early riser and automatically woke up every morning at 4. But tonight he had to get a glass of water so on his way to the kitchen, he noticed a faint light coming from your room. He decided to take a peek to see what was going on and his eyes softened as he saw your exhausted form, almost falling asleep while typing.
“Hey, n/n.” He stepped further into your room and went to stay in front of you. You had been so focused on your work you still hadn’t noticed him enter until he lightly shook your shoulder.
“Oh! Hey.” You sighed and put the laptop to the side. Steve say by you on the bed and lovingly rubbed your back.
“You Okay? You look exhausted.” You sighed and covered your face with your hands.
“I am. I don’t know if I can keep this up, Steve. I’m just so tired of this. I get no rest, I’m always sacrificing my time for this, and I can’t even pass the classes anyway. What’s the point?” You complained.
Steve sighed and pulled you closer. “I know it can be tiring most times, and the classes can be hard to pass. But, you’re surviving. That’s the important thing. But remember, you’re the one who wanted to go to this school so bad.” He smirked.
“I know. You don’t have to remind me.” You groaned, making him chuckle. “I just didn’t know it would be this hard. I should just give myself a break and just drop out. I’ve given this enough of my time.”
Steve leaned back to look at you. “Now, although I agree with you giving yourself a break, and getting that it’s difficult, but I’m not too fond of you dropping out of school y/n. You’ve gotta finish strong.”
You groaned. “But Steve, it would be so much less stressful, and I’d be able to devote my time to more important things.” You pleaded. You knew it was a dead end but it didn’t hurt to try.
“Now, you know what my point of view on those things are y/n. We don’t drop out of school, or skip classes, or do whatever rebellious things maybe others are doing. You know that. But I do encourage you to stop stressing so much over school. Just give it your best. And if the best you can do is a 65 then accept it. There’s nothing you can do because you have it your best. But if you didn’t, then there’s a reason to be upset about it because you could’ve done better.” You sighed and looked down. “Okay?” He asked.
You slightly nodded, barely visible to him. “Oh, boy. Are you upset cause you’re not gettin your way again?” He teased. Steve has known you since you were 8 years old and since then you would always get salty when you didn’t get your way. Steve expected you to grow out of it eventually but it’s still going on strong as one of your biggest personalities. You shrugged and sighed again, making Steve chuckle. “Well, I suggest you change your attitude before things get crazy in here.” He mused, trying to make you laugh.
“What do you mean.” You mumbled. Steve shuffled closer to you.
“Well, remember what I used to do to you when you got punky?” He poked your side as a reminder and your eyes widened.
“No. Steve, no.” You stood up from your place on the bed.
Steve’s smirk widened. “Steve, yes!” He grabbed your arm and pulled you into a tight bear hug and launched his attack, zeroing in on your ribs first.
“Ahahahaha! Steheheheve! Yohohou know I hahahahate thahat!” Steve ignored you and blew a raspberry on the crook of your neck, making you melt into giggles. “stohohohohop!”
Steve squeezed around your sides and hips having to pin you down from all the bucking you were doing. “Stop being a brat then and maybe I’ll let you go.” He teased.
“I’m nohohot a brahahat!” You sunk down to the floor hoping he would leave you there but he only followed you down.
“It’s not gonna be that easy to get away n/n. You still need to get out of that mood you’re in.” He lifted your shirt and scribbled his fingers on your belly. Every time you’d try to grab his hands, he’d dodge them and find another spot on your belly to torture.
“Hahahahaha stohohohop ihihit!” You wanted to try something but you didn’t know if it was gonna work. But if it did, maybe the odds would be in your favor. You reached out to scribble your fingers on his sides and sighed of relief when he flinched back. However, the look he gave you made your stomach drop.
“Oh, you wanna play dirty now?” He chortled. You immediately started begging and pleading but he wasn’t having any of it. He bent down and blew a big, fat, slobbery raspberry right under your belly button. The scream you let out was unnatural and faded into silent laughter. He blew 2 more raspberries on your side and below your ribs and finally sat back to observe the puddle of giggly mush he made you. “So, are you done being bratty?” He started poking at your ribs for persuasion.
You arched your back and nodded frantically. “YEHEHES! Ihihihim sohorry. Really sorry.” You giggled. Steve pinched your belly once more and finally got off of you.
You rolled to your side to catch your breath better. “That was so unfair. I wasn’t even being that bratty.” You glared at him.
Steve chuckled and carried you to place you on the bed. “I know. I just needed a reason to cheer you up quickly.” He rubbed your back affectionately.
“Thanks Stevie. As much as I hate to admit it, I do feel better.” You smirked.
“I’m glad,” he chuckled. “Now get some rest. Leave this there,” he said, taking your laptop and putting it on the table. “And sleep. You deserve it. And tomorrow I’ll see if I can find a nice ice cream place we could go to. You’d like that?” You nodded and settled into bed.
“Yeah. Goodnight Steve.” He got up and kissed your forehead.
“Goodnight.” He left and closed the door, getting a glass of water and going back to bed himself.
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karinrumi · 6 years
Gambler of Feelings  - Chapter 15
Title: Gambler of Feelings.
Rating: T.
Status: Ongoing.
Wordcount: 2, 052 words.
Sports Festival served as an opportunity to unite students of Konoha High School. However, what made this occasion special for them was the amount of the work they placed in designing entertaining games. Sarada hated the large crowds, but as the extremely competitive person, she enjoyed participating in various contests during this event every year.
"Sarada, we're over here!" shouted Boruto when she noticed him jumping up and down in the middle of the large crowd of students. She ran in the direction of the club members passing through other students feeling relieved that they were here.
"Hnn..." she groaned trying to catch her breath. Running seemed like a stupid thing to do, but a minute ago was a logical option for her. She should add the fifth rule to her mini-book that forbids running in general.
"Hahaha! Look at our stoic Sarada Uchiha running to us like we're experiencing the end of the world. It's priceless seeing her like that, ya know?" Boruto couldn't stop his fit of laughter after seeing Sarada chicken like running.
"Very funny, Boruto! I just didn't want to lose the sight of everyone in this large crowd." Sarada grimaced at his words more than his reaction. 
"Glad you made it out alive, Sarada!" First to interrupt their bickering was Mitsuki that tried to ignore Sumire and Chō-Chō staring at him.
"Now as the most amazing person in this group, I propose to check out food booths!" Chō-Chō ignored disappointed looks of her friends because she indeed felt like the most amazing person in the entire group.
"I'm getting kind of hungry as well so count me in." Sumire supported Chō-Chō's idea since she still was grateful for what she did for her during the winter break. 
"What a drag." Shikadai yawned and was less lively compared to others.
The whole club was walking around food booths with Sarada and Boruto bickering about everything, while Mitsuki felt uncomfortable with the presence of two girls he rejected. Meanwhile, Shikadai regretted he can't eat popcorn because observing his friends was more entertaining than a drama movie.
"Mitsuki, come here for a moment." Shikadai sighed being fed up with watching Mitsuki reaction to the whole love triangle happening around him.
"What do you want from me, Shikadai?" Mitsuki whispered a little bit irritated but glad he could get away from Sumire and Chō-Chō for a moment.
"Are you trying to avoid talking with Chō-Chō and Sumire forever?" Shikadai tried to solve at least part of the drama for the sake of his new friendship with Sumire.
"..." A silent response from Mitsuki meant more than any remark.
"You caught yourself in a complicated situation you can't resolve with using your snakes to scare the girls that love you because they're your friends and that puts you in a delicate position. Am I right?" Of course, Shikadai based it on his assumptions.
"For your information, both Sumire and Chō-Chō received a rejection from me. It's normal we're going through awkward talking phase." Mitsuki looked calm on the outside, but Shikadai knew him well enough to know when he's angry.
"Scaring people with snakes isn't a valid strategy for you right know, Mitsuki." Shikadai decided to back down giving his silver-haired friend a warning.
"Thank you for your awesome troublesome sarcasm. Besides you're the one who hides a lot more than me, Shikadai." Mitsuki at this point felt extremely annoyed. He rejected both Sumire and Chō-Chō for personal reasons. His love-life had nothing to do with Shikadai at all.
"Shikadai, Mitsuki you both know me and Sumire can hear everything right?!" Chō-Chō made her and Sumire presence known to the boys.
It wasn't too long before the tense atmosphere between Shikadai and Mitsuki escalated with Sumire and Chō-Chō joining in their quarrel. Sarada stood paralysed while watching Boruto playing a mediator in the group.
"Sarada, can you help me?! At this rate, their arguing will destroy our chances during the games, ya know?" It went to the point Boruto had the problem to deal with his mad at each other friends.
"H-hnn... I-I am not a person you should ask for help. " Sarada averted her gaze trying not to look into Boruto's eyes.
"Why?!" Boruto questioned bitterly. Was he disappointed in her reaction?
"I'm terrible with dealing my own feelings, not to mention in understanding how the other people feel!" Sarada shouted. The whole group fell silent at her outburst of anger. The only person that remained with a sour look in his eyes was Boruto.
"Y-yeah! We should enjoy the Sports Festival instead of arguing with each other." Sumire words stopped the club members from arguing further. They continued visiting the next food booths in an awkward atmosphere.
"Brother!", yelled from candy apple booth Boruto's little sister, Himawari.
"Hima, what are you doing here?!" Boruto expressed his surprise, and his younger sister went into a fit of giggles.
"Did you forgot, bro? Sports Festival is the event where visitors not going to your school can enter freely." Himawari sounded disappointed with Boruto not remembering she announced to him her visit during family breakfast.
"Oh, now when you mention it I remember you saying you would come during the breakfast. I didn't forget, ya know?" Boruto obviously lied gaining a disapproving look of the club members standing behind him.
"Hehehe! Unfortunately for you, I know you too well, big bro!" Himawari couldn't stop her smile.
"Ehh, I should know you of all people could see through me, Hima." Boruto scratched his nose trying to hide embarrassment. His younger sister was sharp, really sharp when the subject involved his love life.
"I'm a psychic after all! Anyway, I will be rooting for you to win in the next contest and trying to sweep off her feet this beautiful lady next to you." Himawari pointed out towards surprised Sarada.
"Yeah, yeah... I would win even without your suggestive manner of speech, Hima." Sending his sister off to the spot where other visitors were gathering Boruto sighed heavily. This day was meant to be fun for a whole group, but it turned out into a one, big mess. He was thinking about Sarada response to his request for help. Maybe it was too soon for her to open up to him so he should back down?
After all, he decided to befriend Sarada because of his injured ego.
" I wanna team up with you, Sarada, ya know?" Boruto stated boldly.
"Sure." Wasn't Boruto still mad at her? With this question in her mind, Sarada agreed to pair up with him.
"Glad you agreed!" Boruto pumped his fist in the air feeling overwhelming joy.
"Idiot..." Sarada mumbled, but Boruto in his joy wasn't worried about this word directed at him in comparison to their first meeting.
The next contest was a three-legged race, so naturally, everyone picked a person to pair-up with. In that way, Mitsuki ended up with Shikadai, since Sumire and Chō-Chō paired up running together towards the goal Sarada decided to initiate the conversation with Boruto.
"Umm... Boruto?" She started being unsure if it's a good idea to ask him this question. However, she promised Chō-Chō to discover why the club president lost passion for gaming.
"Ya know, you can just ask me anything in a straightforward manner, Sarada! Formalities are boring." Boruto answered in the middle of running. Does this guy isn't feeling tired at all? Sarada felt like all her energy was absorbed by this long-distance running and it was hard for her to keep-up with Boruto.
"How you got into gaming? I mean the idea of being president of our club to be precise?" Sarada was really confused about why Boruto wanted to be the club president. He seemed like a guy that was naturally talented but avoided these type of responsibilities.
"Well, ya know... How did you get into gaming? " Boruto decided to respond with his own set of questions.
"It's a long story." Sarada thought that she wasn't ready to tell anyone about her past. At least not now.
"Good, because my story is long too." Was Boruto more upset than before? But why? Did she do something wrong? Sarada couldn't stop feeling worried.
"My bad! I'm not angry at you or anything it's just... ya know... Nevermind! Are you still planning to go buy a new phone with me?" Boruto noticing Sarada's gloomy look started to think of himself as an awful person. That's right he needed to remember she was socially awkward around people.
"Yes, I-I d-do!" Why did she stutter? From what she remembered, she never had a problem with speaking in her life before. What's worse it was always happening when she was together with Boruto. Was he an alien from an unknown planet? Maybe she was ill? It was these sort of excuses that were popping out in her head. In reality, she knew what could this phenomenon mean. She was just too much stubborn to admit it herself.
"Sarada, are you feeling well?" Boruto smirked knowing she went into the state of her chicken-like-running. He held back his urge to explode from laughing at her stoic face during the race.
"I'm a-alright." Sarada pretended that her stuttering comes from her being tired. "I just was thinking a person like you is similar to an alien in our current society." She added after calming down a little and said something crazy by accident.
After her words, Boruto couldn't hold his laughter in anymore and fell down together with Sarada on the ground.
"Hahahahaha! An alien! I'm not a handsome and popular guy in your eyes, but an alien! It's the first time a girl thinks I'm coming from another planet, ya know? It's hilarious!" Boruto's reaction made Sarada forming a pout. What's wrong in suspecting such a cheerful person as Boruto is an alien?! Oh, no! Is she the reason why they lost in the three-legged race?
"I'm sorry, Boruto!" She suddenly shouted.
"Huh? Why?" Sarada sudden apology confused him greatly.
"I'm the reason we lost the race, right? So I'm sorry I dragged you down with me." Boruto didn't know how exactly he should react when Sarada showed little signs of opening up towards him. This strange apology counted into one of these situations where he wasn't confident how he should behave afterwards. He experienced this feeling just with one person in the past. Although, Sarada wasn't fundamentally the same girl... No, it was just his imagination.
"Don't apologise to me! I had a lot of fun, and that's what matters the most, ya know." He petted Sarada's head, untied the rope tying up their legs and helped her to stand up.
"You're right. I h-had a lot of fun as well!" The smile she showed on her face looked a little forced. She probably still blamed herself. Boruto sighed heavily, he has a limited time for making Sarada being more comfortable around him. Time is flowing soon, so that little string of connection between them that is a bet will vanish sooner or later, right? Will, he ever gets to know why Sarada takes winning and losing so seriously? Those dark thoughts started to spin in his head, but he still decided to smile.
In the end, Chō-Chō and Sumire were unbeatable pair during all contests and the entire Sports Festival. Sarada really felt foolish about being worked up with winning or losing. Maybe it seemed stupid, but Boruto words saved her from feeling anxious during the entire festival.
If you're Uchiha, you must always win.
If you're Uchiha, you can't associate with idiots.
Those rules that she always blindly followed were like chains, but at the same time helped her a lot during the difficult times in her life. Were those rules destroying some parts of her life? She never will know the answers to all her questions.
Why Boruto was so mad about her questioning how he got into gaming? Remembering why she wanted to join a club in the first place, Sarada started questioning her own motives.
"H-how it ended up like this... I never wanted to..." It wasn't a good idea to say it after all. Sarada never wanted to admit she had a crush on Boruto Uzumaki this entire time.
Here it is chapter 15 of this multi-chap story! Like usual sorry for any mistakes etc. This chapter took me a while to write. It's hard to believe that in this story has already 15 chapters and just a couple more will make a finale of the story,
Hope ya all enjoyed reading it!
Your clumsy author - Karinrumi ;)
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wannawrite · 6 years
혼자야 - forever rain 🌫
blog navigator !!
day6 masterlist~
group: day6
members: park jaehyung, kang younghyun
genre: platonic, brotherly "fluff" :">>
a/n: jaehyungparkian but written with no intention of making it gay HAHAHAHA i really love their relationship +++ I WAS IN SUCH A BIG WRITING RUT so this was birthed ¡¡¡ originally a reject of my youngk series (when you love someone) LOL
imagine that brian doesnt know jae well yet and vice versa yEA HAHAHA this takes place before congratulations era~
Just as the clouds shrouding the city in mist had so subtly predicted, it had began to rain, and it had began to rain mercilessly.
The raindrops fell from the clouds, plummeting towards Younghyun's bangs at a lightning pace as if the seemingly harmless, rolls of white and grey had finally reached its breaking point and decided to offload their anger on the public.
Gradually, with each droplet gathering into one big puddle, and escalating into a waterfall, he could see the drops draping precariously on the rough tips of his brush shaped bangs, as if he was wearing beads on the tips of his hair.
Younghyun sighed as a song he held dearly to his heart, the song that spoke for their hustling generation, Forever Rain started to play, perfectly in sync with the now, unlike him. He had sighed a lot of times today, but that was most probably, his expression to life most of the time.
His songs, too, were sighs of his own. Younghyun's self written songs were never a voice of his own-they were simply a insignificant puff of hot steam, emanating tiredly into the air like a ball of wispy feathers only to disappear into thin air two seconds.
This song on his phone too, was a sigh.
A beautiful sigh.
Just like you
If I could
Just knock on somewhere
If I could kiss
The whole world so hard
Would someone welcome me
Maybe embrace my weary body
His pretty, gradually angled eyes looked up to the sky with the gaze of a baby lamb-innocent and demure. The world seemed to stop for him as he saw the beautiful teardrops of the sky pour down, knocking furiously onto his shoulder and asking for an invitation to come in.
The clouds were of white, grey, and dark grey hues, all layered vaguely together in a gently fierce gradient as their feelings oozed out onto the lamp posts, from the tips of Younghyun's raven locks to the edges of his tailor made black shoes, skimming to the depths of the drain.
The sky when it cried was so beautiful, and so unjudgemental to whoever it poured out its feelings to.
However, beneath the curtain of his clustered, jet black hair hid Younghyun's gentle sigh-in the knowledge that he'd never be able to do the same with his group members.
Still, for the first time since he had come to the thriving, fast paced city of Seoul, Younghyun felt raw, enveloping love drip through every vein in his blood as he stood upright amidst the care of the rain, and listened silently.
"Younghyun! What the heck, why are you standing like that there? You're a soaking mess, get over here!"
Revelling in the quiet of the rain caressing his ears gently and quickly, Younghyun hadn't noticed anything amidst his little zone of peace until his ears opened before his eyes did. Standing across the road was a tall figure with a striking, red umbrella domed over his even more striking blonde bangs.
"Wait, I'm sorry, I just-" Younghyun struggled to gather his words, scrambled across the road like the rain puddles as he broke from his standing position, with rising fear of disappointing his friend in his chest.
"You don't have to apologise. I know you've always liked the rain, you told me that." Jae laughed in his low, boyish voice before placing a hand on Younghyun, who had finally came back to reality and started to approach his friend. Knowing very well that it wasn't the reason for him standing there, the younger boy couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt surface to his forehead as he nodded slowly.
As both of them walked to the venue with a sudden, yet somehow not so awkward silence hanging around them, Younghyun knew, with an uneasy feeling in his heart-that someone that took to socialising like a duck to water, would never understand the pleasure of having something as insignificant as the rain to accompany them.
"Have you ever felt lonely before?"
The squeaky sound of Jae's rubber soles ceased with his question, and they stopped walking, in sync with the previous calmness that had soothed Younghyun.
Filling the awkward silence was the pattering of raindrops, crashing louder on the field of ridges in the pavement but a little softer on their umbrella.
Suddenly, the rain didn't seem so comforting after all.
"Lots of times." Jae suddenly spoke to break the silence, with an unreadable, blank expression on his face. Not being able to see a smile spread across his dashing, clear cut features felt very foreign to the younger boy, and seeing Jae feeling lonely, felt just as foreign to him.
Surprise was evident on Younghyun's face as he susceptibly raised an eyebrow.
"You're joking." he said disbelievingly.
Jae shook his head quietly. "No, I'm not."
He looked to the floor with an unusual maturity emanating from his gaze, and paused for a bit before speaking again.
"Just because I have a lot of friends doesn't mean I don't feel alone."
Instinctively and unconsciously, Younghyun's lips parted ever so slightly, gaze transfixed sharply onto the sad sliver of light skating across the curves in Jae's small, miniscule pupils.
He never really saw Jae this sad over something as small as being alone. Over being away from home, sure-over occasional fights with members, sure-but never, the hollowness of not having someone by your side.
Then, an uncheerful-maybe even condescending, maybe even bitter laugh slipped through the gaps of Jae's loosely clenched teeth.
"Ah, Younghyun, I really, really can relate to All Alone more than you think I can." he said, tone a lot more gentle than before before continuing, "It's funny, isn't it? When you have so many people surrounding you but it makes you more lonely than you were before."
Slowly recalling the sting of past incidents, Younghyun found himself nodding as he replied, "Yeah. It really just feels like...just feels like..."
"No one really cares."
The same words had come out from the mouth of two seemingly different people.
Then, with a brief exchange of glances, Younghyun started to giggle with an understanding, almost happy feeling in the crease of his eyes, and in turn, causing Jae to giggle back.
They both stood stupidly in the crowd, in the prominent presence of the storm clashing behind them-laughing, laughing and laughing, before reality hit their smiles like a brick and put a halt on their silly fit.
"H-Hey, Younghyun-or should I say, Brian-" Jae teased, with the corner of his smirk digging a small dimple at the side of his lips and earning a slap from Younghyun- "whenever you feel lonely, talk to me, yeah? We can be lonely together."
Casually, he hung a lazy arm around Younghyun's shoulder, eliciting an endearing, hearty laugh from the younger boy.
In turn, Jae's smirk softened to a smile.
"I'm totally cringing at myself for saying this, but-I'm always there for you."
Feeling the warmth amidst the cold weather beneath the laces and crosses of Jae's soft, red jumper, Younghyun's heart blossomed a small spark of warmth himself-a warmth he had never felt upon arriving in Seoul.
"I'm always there for you too, chicken-hyung." he smirked, masking his gratitude well and subsequently, arousing a strong reaction from Jae. "Hey, excuse you, since when were you-hahahahaha-allowed to-HAHAHAHAHA-tickle me?!"
In the rain, as two children played, beneath his squeals of laughter Younghyun thought inwardly-that if this was really the after effects of the rain, he wanted it to rain forever.
forgive me for how absurdly cliché this story is, this is just a warm up LOL i was having writers block after church camp but ughhh i learnt sm and grew sm spiritually <333 my life has honestly changed forever and isjdjsjsjdjs im so SOOOOO thankful rnnn hhh
anywaY like this was originally supposed to follow up w my current youngk series but i didnt really write it w my emotions so i was largely unsatisfied ://// so it was an unfinished reject sitting in my notes for a while and i really never intended to publish it HAHAHAHA until i realised i hadnt wrote in ages and then liKe i felt so so empty nd i felt like i had forgot how to immerse myself properly whenever i tried to start a chapter so all of them came out really fake and it was like a 8 year old composition quality work LOL but anyway even tho im not that happy w this either i needed smth to write (without having to think up an opening LOL IM WORST AT STARTING A STORY) to help me grasp my emotions better again <33 so i started today at "H-Hyung" HAHAHAHHAAHA obvi it has to be about my 2 day6 biases uwuwuwuwuwu
IF YALL CLDNT TELL BTW THe sCOPE OF THIS STORY WAS LARGELY INSPIRED BY MY MANS KIM NAMJOON UWUWUWU stream mono guys he deserves it :3333 alt this mixtape has been getting a lot of hypE BUT hehehe idk ilh and forever rain especially :)
also i apologise if yall are getting sick of seeing so much day6 on this blog lol as u can see i have been SO SO hooked onto their music and knowing more about them so ;------; i will write whilst i have the most inspiration to do so !!
thanks for sticking by my shitty posting times rip :"""" this is also to revive the blog because l and i r on vacay watch it slowly die for the next few days iM SORRY :(
from your favourite chicken and briyani enthusiast ^3^
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sour--strawberries · 8 years
Double Trouble Reunion, part 4 . 5 / **
fandom: Stony (Steve x Tony), Avengers,
universe: Double Trouble universe (Steve and Tony, T2 and S2)
summary: It is high time for the first experience in their special room and T2 is the first ‘volunteer’
length: 2 992 words
warnings: light bondage, usage of tickle tools (feathers, toothbrush), consent tickling, orgasm (but no NSFW or explicit tickling)
a/n: enjoy a precious, tickle moment between the boys! I plan to write more moments like this. no hot stuff happening here, but I am giving it / ** just to be safe. remember that likes and feedback make me happy!
Double Trouble Reunion, part 4.5 / **
The air around him suddenly felt much heavier. He didn’t even put much of a fight, when his wrists were taken and pinned to the frames, soft leather straps, securing him in place. His legs were pushed apart and ankles were bound in the same manner as his hands. The x frame was adjustable and luckily for him, the panels weren’t stretched to their whole length and his feet remained flat on the floor, the whole sole pressed into the soft, red carpet, in an oval shape, contrasting with the hard and rectangular frame in a deep brown color.
T2 kept taking in shallow breaths, feeling air on his already bare stomach. It wasn’t by any means cold, but he was shuddering. He wasn’t sure if it was fear or excitement or both.
The remaining trio exchanged worried looks, alarmed by the stillness from the bubbliest one of them. It wasn’t a secret that T2 loved to be tickled and teased, but he appeared out of breath and on a verge of panic attack.
“Honeeeyyy…” S2 moved to the front, blocking T2’s vision, letting him see only him. “Are you okay?” he asked.
T2 didn’t answer, just kept sucking in shallow, rapid breaths. It was exactly like one of the fantasies he had when he returned home, back to his Steve, leaving T1 and S1 behind. It wouldn’t be the first time he would get tickled by all of them, but this was different. It won’t be the playful pokes and teasing, while he was squirming and batting on three sets of hands to get away, but real, mind-blowing experience with no escape and no way to protect himself. He was so ready and yet felt so overwhelmed.
The further lack of answer seriously worried S2. He reached his hand for the leather strap and tugged on it to release his boyfriend.
The sudden loose feeling around his left wrist finally snapped T2 out of his trance. He looked puzzled at S2.
“What are you doing?”
After the question, S2 looked back in the same way at his boyfriend. “I am setting you free.”
“Why?” T2 asked further, pulling his eyebrows together.
“Um, you didn’t look well, so we thought that—” S1 tried to explain, as T1 and S2 stared at the bound brunet.
T2 laughed. He got too lost in his thoughts and spaced out and had to scare his lovers. “I am fine,” he assured with a grin.
“Are you sure? Because we don’t need to this—”
“No, I am fine,” he interrupted T2, changing his smile into a sweeter one. “Got overexcited.”
“Overexcited?” S2 asked, raising a single eyebrow up.
T2 nodded, wiggling impatiently in his bounds, making the frame rattle gently. “Are we doing this or not?” he urged his lovers.
The trio exchanged puzzled looks and smiled in the end. T2 really scared them.
“We are doing this,” Tony nodded, cracking his knuckles. All three advanced on the bound man, and T2 squeaked in nervous excitement, a smile already tugging on his lips.
“Wait, wait, wait!” he yelped before any fingers could make contact with his skin. “Kiss!! Where is my kiss?!” he shouted, demanding their usual tradition to be respected.
“You don’t deserve to be kissed after scaring us like that,” Tony patronized, wiggling his finger into T2’s belly button and scratching the skin inside with his fingertip.
“HIHIHIHIHI!!” T2 right away broke into adorable giggles, his whole body shaking. “Come ohohohoohon!! Kihihihihiss meehehehe!!”
“Fine, we will kiss you,” T1 smiled, retracting his finger. T2 took a long breath, smiling, before expectantly puckering his lips. Instead, he once again broke into yelped out laughter, when three pairs of lips pressed to his belly, Steves on the sides and Tony in the middle, just below the belly button and blew electrifying raspberries into this skin.
“BWAAHAHAHAHA!!!” T2 squirmed around desperately trying to lower his hands or kick himself away. It was no use. “NAHAHAHAT FAHAHAIARR!!”
None of his lovers answered. Of course, that raspberries were unfair, but they were breaking the ice and easing the tension as it was proved many times. And they didn’t want T2 to feel uptight. There would come a time when they would have him bound like this again, naked and teased until he couldn’t take it anymore. It was their first shared experience like this, and they had to make it a pleasant memory.
“I say it is fair,” Tony smiled happily, temporarily left alone with T2 as Steves walked away. He stayed down and kneeled on the rug, T2’s stomach just in front of him and he kept smoothening his fingertips over his counterpart’s sides.
“Tohohohohnnyy,” T2 giggle whimpered, twisting his hips from side to side under the loving attack. It was curious how his shirt didn’t roll down, but Toy did a good job of tugging it in place.
“Yes, dear?” Tony asked, just to be a tease, and stopped his fingers in the curve of T2’s sides, wiggling fingers against the soft skin.
“Aw, you’re so cute,” Tony cooed, sweeping fingers up and down the sides, before digging into the ticklish spots, being rewarded with a deeper laugh, instead of the adorable giggles.
It was light and teasing and kept him on the edge, between the state of laughing fully and giggling away. It was amazing how much more ticklish he felt, only because of being tied down and not able to move.
“We brought supplies,” he heard one of the Steves saying, and there was some rattle as they moved a three tier rolling cart closer, the same model Tonys used in their labs to hold tools. This one was also meant for tools, just a different kind of.
“Good choice,” Tony said cheerfully, using one hand to keep squeezing T2’s side in short bursts, while the other one reached to take something from the cart. T2 had no idea what it was, his eyes constantly closed from the ticklish sensation flowing through his body.
“HIHIHIHIH!!!” T2 shook in his bounds when he felt something soft gliding over his belly, circling the belly button. He opened his eyes for a split of the second, and saw T2 holding a small, fluffy feather, smiling wickedly as he glided the soft plums around the navel.
“OH YOU FAHAHAHAAHKERS!!” he shook more when felt more feathers on his body. S1 stood on his right and used a long stiff feather to trace every rib and the spaces between them, while his Steve took place on the left and indulged himself by using a small feather duster, with a lot of colorful, soft feathers, dusting his lover’s neck and ears.
“HAHAHAHAHA!!!” T2’s brain started to melt. He was torn between pressing his face to the shoulder to protect the ticklish skin on his ear and neck, and wiggling away from the feather on his ribs and getting away from the smallest and the most devastating touch on his belly. It was very hard to simultaneously suck his stomach in and laugh and he was failing miserably.
“Do you think he likes it?” Tony asked in a teasing tone, doing little eights with his feather, the middle part falling on T2’s innie, just enough for the plums to gently kiss the sensitive skin, but not get inside fully.
“I think he loves it,” Steve smiled, doing long, lazy swipes on each rib hidden under a soft layer until T2 sucked his belly in and made the bones visible.
“He definitely loves it,” S2 confirmed, not discouraged by his lover pressing his ear to his shoulder, always finding some opening to tickle and tickle.
There was no doubt, that indeed T2 loved it. He felt helpless and vulnerable, but at the same time, he trusted his lovers, and it was an amazing, bizarre feeling, that made him love all three of them even more. His head was spinning and his heart was brimming with happiness more and more with every swipe of the feathers on his body.
T2’s laughter rang anew through the room, when a soft feather traced his side and ribs, a stiff feather tickled his cheek and ear shell and a cluster of small, fluffy feathers swiped over his lower belly, back and forth, back and forth.
“Aw, he is so precious,” Tony smiled, tracing T2’s side with the small feather he was holding, very gently, just to tease the skin.
“He is. My precious babe,” S2 bragged, twirling the small feather duster between his fingers, aiming the curled tips at T2’s innie, letting them dip inside the ticklish spot.
“Our precious babe,” Steve argued, shooting his counterpart a meaningful look. He didn’t stop dragging the side of the feather under T2’s chin, teasing the soft skin there, that wasn’t protected by the goatee.
T2’s breath became short again and the happy feeling was bubbling in him. There was another feeling, slowly wakening up in the pit of his stomach, making his limbs go stiff.
Before the new feeling could fully engulf him, his whole body quivered under a new attack and he started laughing the loudest so far. It was this kind of combo that would make him die. An irritatingly soft feather tracing his jawline and neck, a bunch of feathers sweeping over his ribs and sides, and a soft, yet stiff feather circling his belly button, before twirling inside and setting his body on fire.
“Wow, we should start with this from the very beginning,” T2 heard someone speak, but couldn’t recognize who it was, not anymore, his laughter changing varying from loud and panicked, to silent and breathed out, just to start again, each time louder and clearer. He didn’t have strength to toss anymore, so he stayed in place, laughing his heart and soul out.
None of the ticklers noticed that, besides the usual redness on T2’s face from laughing too much, his skin started to get a pinkish glow and became warmer.
“We almost forgot!”
The feathers were pulled away, and T2 slumped in his restraints, leaning all his weight against the frame, sucking in greedy, deep breaths, his stomach and chest moving in a mesmerizing pattern. There was some wet squirt and three sets of hands began to massage his tormented belly, gliding over the skin with ease, spreading something smooth and slippery. It was comforting and nice, and T2 closed his eyes, losing himself in the feeling, a delighted smile twitching on his lips. It was really soothing.
Until he heard a buzzing.
T2 wheezed, his eyes open wide and round as saucers. He saw his lovers, holding electric toothbrushes in their hands, Steves just one, while Tony had to hold two, because he was greedy like that.
“NO WAI—” the panicked scream never made its way out fully, when spinning bristles pressed to his oiled up skin. “FFUUU–AAAAHAHAHAHAA!!!”
T2 was screaming, tossing and laughing, four toothbrushes gliding over his soft skin, tracing every rib, doing zigzags on his sides and devastatingly slow circles in the middle of his stomach. It tickled so bad and wonderful and he felt the hot feeling coming back, clouding his mind and vision. It had to happen sooner or later, and one of the toothbrushes made its way into his belly button, the soft bristles spinning and additional vibrations from the device shook his whole body. Not able to stop, T2 thrust his hips up, screaming out his release, his body clenching with every wave of pleasure washing over him.
When T2 came down from cloud again, he heard only his soft breath, as the toothbrushes had to be turned off earlier. He could feel the tension and question hanging in the air.
“Well,” Tony chuckled, sounding nervous. “I didn’t expect that.”
“I kinda did,” Steve said, remembering what happened when the first time he had T2 tied down and tickled.
“Me too,” S2 shrugged, also knowing what such circumstances did to his boyfriend.
“Then thanks for the warning, guys!” Tony complained, and the snotty tone he used, caused T2 to snort out a laugh, bringing the attention of three men back to him.
“Babe, are you okay?” S2 asked, kissing his Tony’s temple in a tender gesture.
T2 nodded, his mind still dazed and body weak from the tickling and orgasm he had just been through. He felt blissful and yet so, so tired.
“I think we should call it quits for today,” Steve said, and S2 nodded, working on the straps to free his boyfriend.
“Or!” Tony called, struck by an idea, “we can turn him on his back and get his feet! The frame is adjustable, we can change the settings—”
“No, Tony.”
“Do you want to change places with T2?” Steve asked his boyfriend, sounding stern. Hearing the offer, T2 locked his eyes with his counterpart, and with the rest of the strength he had, he smiled. It wasn’t a friendly smile. It was a promise that as soon as T2 would get his hands on Tony and his ticklish body and the sweet outie he would make him beg for mercy.
“No, I am good,” Tony meeped out, taking a step back and bumping into Steve, escaping from T2’s look and almost a sadistic glint in his eyes. It seemed that he was the only one who ever experienced that side of the usually sweet brunet.
S2 finished his job and set T2 free, holding him in his arms bridal style, and T2 blinked at him sleepily and smiled sweetly, thankful for the gesture. He really didn’t have the strength to move, and even if he had, the uncomfortable wetness in his pants would make the walk troublesome. The remaining trio quickly debated if to use for the first time the big bed in their tickle dungeon, but found that it might be too overpowering to rest in the same room, and decided to get back to their shared bedroom. It was getting late anyway and they all could use some sleep. Steve stopped at the kitchen and took a bottle of water for T2, while Tony and S2 took the exhausted brunet to the bedroom and stripped him down to his underwear.
“I will help him get clean,” T1 said, swinging an arm over T2’s shoulder and walking him into the adjoined bathroom. S2 nodded and sat on the bed, his thoughts still going through what happened down in the basement. It all seemed like a bizarre, beautiful dreams.
“Brought water,” Steve said, entering the bedroom and putting the bottle on the nightstand. “Do you think he will be hungry? I can get some snacks too.”
S2 smiled, grateful for the other him to be so caring. “I think he will just want to sleep. When he wakes up, he will be famished.”
Some pearly laughter and splashing were heard behind the closed bathroom door. Steve smiled gently and looked at the ceiling in fond irritation.
“Tony, don’t use the water beam to tickle T2!!” he reprimanded his boyfriend.
“Awwww…” a disappointed whine, followed by a gurgling sound and more laughter. T2 had to wrestle the shower head out of T1’s hands and pointed it at his big mouth. Both Steves exchanged fond looks, and started to get ready for sleeping.
When Tonys walked out of the bathroom, clean and fresh and smelling of mint, T2 was walking on his own, regaining some of his vigor. He bounced on the bed, and wiggled under the covers, letting out a happy, content sigh, his eyes sparkling with humor and love.
“Our turn,” Steve said, ruffling the top of T2’s head, before leaning down and kissing the back of it. Instead of the kiss, he gave his Tony a playful slap on the round bum, as a reprimand for further tormenting T2, causing his boyfriend jump and yelp funnily. S2 followed into the bathroom, giving both boys a tender kiss they were happy to receive.
It took a shorter time and when Steves finished their evening bathroom routine, they stepped back into the bedroom and saw their boys already sleeping peacefully. Just the position seemed odd, and Steve recognized T2 being the smaller spoon, while Tony was laying behind him, closer to the edge of the bed. That meant that the other side of the bed was left for him and S2…
S2 looked at the other blond, eyes sparkling with something playful. Steve grunted, not wanting to repeat the situation from the morning and didn’t get into the bed. Not yet. He didn’t want to admit it, but his pride did suffer a bit.
S2 chuckled quietly at the others stubbornness, and lifted the covers up, first climbing into the bed, gently fitting himself into his Tony. T2 welcomed him with a sweet hum and nuzzled into his boyfriend, happily sandwiched between Tony and his Steve. Steve scratched the back of his neck. Maybe he was acting silly. Feeling sleepy, he wriggled into the space S2 had leave for him and draped his hands over the other’s broad back, pressing his nose to the nape and breathing gently.
Immediately, S2 wiggled and snorted. “Hey!” he protested, even if there wasn’t any real complaint in his voice.
“Oh, sorry,” Steve said, tipping his head up. Ticklish spot, right. Before he moved away, he soothingly kissed S2’s nape, the gesture coming natural and Steve only thought about it after it had already happened. Yet, S2 didn’t move. None of them did, and slowly, they drifted to sleep, comforted by each other’s warmth and with T2’s sweet laughter still ringing in their ears.
<– previous part     next part–> 
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trashyswitch · 5 years
Appreciating the Classics
[Jameson Jackson listens to some classic 1900’s music, and Chase joins him! While dancing, JJ discovers a cute, little secret.]
Jameson Jackson eagerly grabbed his gramophone (A.K.A Record Player, according to Marvin) and placed it on the table. He grabbed a big black disc, placed it in with the needle through the middle hole, and placed the stylus onto the record. Pretty soon, the music started playing, and the brass intro to You Make Me Feel So Young
JJ started lip-syncing the lyrics as he danced around the room. His feet turned into jazz-type steps, as his arms moved around in a smooth motion.
🎶And every tiiiiime I see you grin,
I'm such a happy...in-dividual!🎶 JJ lip-synced.
As he danced around, he grew more and more distracted by the song, and the joy it gave him! He was so distracted, he didn’t realize that his friend, Chase Brody, had stopped throwing Teabags so he can watch the dapper boy. Chase smiled as he leaned his shoulder against the door, and watched. At the most perfect time possible, JJ noticed the one person audience.
🎶You and I are just like a couple of tots-🎶
JJ took a few dance steps towards the guy, and held out his hand. Chase smiled and took it.
🎶Running across the meadow.🎶
JJ and Chase moved to the middle of the room. JJ bowed, and watched as Chase did the same. Then, they got into the proper beginning position.
🎶Picking up lots of forget-me-nots.🎶
JJ and Chase started waltzing around the room, with a jazzy twist added to their steps. Chase was fairly new to this style of dance, and his red face showed it. But Chase knew JJ was very good at this, and trusted he would lead the way for him.
🎶And even when I'm old and gray
I'm gonna feel the way I do today
Cause you make me feel so young.🎶
JJ lifted his hand in the air, and started moving Chase in a couple traditional spins. Chase chuckled as he spun. He rarely did this! And when he did, it was so much fun. They went back to their original position.
🎶You make me feel so young
You make me feel so spring has sprung
And every time I see you grin
I'm such a happy individual 🎶
As they danced together, JJ couldn’t help but lip sync the lyrics. Chase really enjoyed that, because he was used to his hands doing the speaking, rather than his lips. his lips were never used for anything other than keeping food in his mouth.
🎶The moment that you speak
I wanna go play hide-and-seek
I wanna go and bounce the moon
Just like a toy balloon.🎶
JJ started spinning Chase again. Chase went wide-eyed! These spins were a lot faster than the last time! JJ watched him spin, and grabbed his hand at the moment they faced each other once again. JJ started smiling wider and silently laughing at Chase, who was dizzy and struggling to keep his balance. He pushed a bit of hair back in its place, and let go of him so he could sign.
‘You okay?’ JJ asked. Chase nodded back.
“I’m okay. I just wasn’t expecting to go so fast.” Chase replied. JJ laughed silently as he guided Chase back into the rhythm of the song.
🎶You make me feel so young
You make me feel there are songs to be sung
And bells to be rung
And a wonderful fling to be flung🎶
Chase and JJ moved around across the room, before spinning Chase (a lot slower than the last one) one more time. Then, JJ led Chase into a final dip.
“You’re so good at thi-Aah!” Chase said, before interrupting himself with an instinctive yell. JJ’s face changed from content, to puzzled in an instant. He pulled chase up to his feet, and let go.
‘What happened?’ JJ asked. Chase’s face turned red at that question.
“Nothing.” He quickly replied. Too quickly. JJ decided to try the move again.
“What-“ Chase started, before trailing off. JJ took Chase’s hands, spun him around once, and dipped him.
“I don’t-Wah! Careful!” Chase yelled, as his arms flailed a little bit. Thinking his positioning was causing it, JJ looked at his hands. Both hands were holding him up in the right position: around the sides tightly. JJ lifted him back up.
‘I don’t understand. Was it the way my hands were?’ JJ asked.
Chase didn’t know how to answer. “Uh...kinda?” Was the only thing that came out of his mouth.
‘My hands were in the right position. So unless you’re sensitive there, it shouldn’t have caused a problem.’ JJ signed to him.
“Shit...he knows!” Chase thought. He bit his lower lip as he thought of what else to do. He was trying as best he could, to hide his ticklish body from his duet partner. But the more he tried, the closer he got to the realization.
‘Do you happen to be ticklish on your sides?’ JJ asked.
There it was: the dreaded question, but worded differently. Chase hung his head as he hid his blush. His blush appeared as soon as at the sign for ‘ticklish’ was done. The sign for the word was embarassing. It involved wiggling fingers in the air, which would drive anybody insane, really.
Chase looked at JJ, who had an evergrowing smile on his face. Chase made a break for it. As JJ chased Chase (haha! Chased Chase.), he did the sign for ‘tickle’ over and over again. At one point, they flew past Dr. Schneeplestein, who had been writing on a clipboard in the entrance of his bedroom door. Very soon, JJ caught up to Chase, and tackled him onto the carpet floor.
“Wait! Bro! let’s talk about this like the civil men we are!” Chase offered. JJ thought about it for a moment, before holding his hand out. In a sudden gust of smoke, a big feather appeared in the boy’s hand. JJ gave a cheeky little smirk, before wiggling the feather against Chase’s sides.
“Wahahahait! Nahahahat fahahahair!” Chase yelled as he squirmed below him. JJ was surprised! How did he manage to keep this a secret for so long? Being this ticklish, it would’ve been hard to hide.
Next, he moved the feather to the left side.
“JJ! WAHAIT! Hahahahaha! Nohohoho!” Chase said through his laughter. Damn it all! Why did he have to be this ticklish?!
Up next, was the neck. Wiggling his feather, JJ realized that tickles to the neck caused high-pitched giggles to slip out. Soon, JJ got bored of the feather, and threw it away. Then, he attacked his sides with full, wiggly fingers.
“NAHAHAHAHOHOHOHO! JAHAHAHAY! STAHAHAP!” Chase exploded with laughter. JJ let go and jumped backwards, due to the explosion of laughter jumpscaring him. This gave Chase a chance to get revenge.
“MY TURN!” Chase yelled, before tickling JJ in the sides. Chase watched as JJ’s eyes went wide, and a wobbly, toothy grin appeared on his face. As soon as JJ’s teeth opened up, Chase heard quick exhales leave Jj’s body. Chase couldn’t hear any laughter, but he could feel JJ’s body start shaking with laughter. Even though he was distracted with forced laughter, he still tried to communicate with him.
‘Stop! I’m sorry! I’m sorry!’ Chase signed as he laughed.
“Oh, cut the bullshit. You’re not sorry one bit.” Chase teased.
Next, Chase tried the ribs. He watched JJ’s back curl up, and his eyes widen. Before long, JJ’s squirming was worse than before, and his signing grew frantic and shaky.
‘Not there! I’m too ticklish!’ JJ signed through his squirming.
“Aww! Is wittle Jay Jay tickwish? Citchy citchy citchy gooo!” Chase teased. He used to use this teasing tactic on his kids, before they left. Now, this worked just as well! The more he teased him, the more red JJ’s face became.
“Hmm...what about those pits of yours?” Chase asked outloud. JJ quickly sat up with wide eyes, and continuously signed the word ‘no’ over and over again.
‘Chase! No!’ JJ begged.
“Um...Chase! YES!” Chase replied, before attacking his buddy’s armpits. JJ’s arms came clamping down. His mouth was wide open, and his whole body was moving left and right. It was an adorable sight to see.
And then suddenly: A snort was heard and a hush went over the 2-person crowd. By now, JJ’s hand was covering his mouth, and Chase was staring at him in awe. 5 seconds later, Chase completly lost it. He came crumbling down into a puddle of hysteria. He was laughing so hard for almost 10 minutes straight! Meanwhile, JJ was recovering from his torture, and attempting to hide his big blush on his face. Soon, Chase managed to calm himself down enough to stop his aching ribs.
“That was...the best noise I have ever heard from you! Ever!” Chase yelled, before dogging his right hand into JJ’s armpit again. Another snort rang through the room, followed by another laughing fit. After Chase calmed down, he tickled JJ one final time, to get one last snort out of him.
It was then, that JJ struck again. But this time, he tried tickling Chase’s neck with his finger, rather than his feather. Suddenly, another sound filled the room! It wasn’t a snort, but a big, high-pitched squeal! JJ smiled as he continued tickling his friend’s neck.
“EEEEEEEP! NOHOHOHO! STAHAHAHAHAP IT! AHAHAHAHA!” Chase screamed. JJ was having the time of his life! He was tickling his friend to bits, and laughing along with him!
Soon enough, this tickle war turned into a snort vs squeal war. Which one was cuter? Snorts? Or squeals? Near the end, both of them were WAAAYY too tired to figure it out.
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