#the stars were made for falling
drawnfamiliarfaces · 2 years
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nothing says 'family bonding' as a chase after a fallen from grace tv star turned mad villain and his hot young accomplice suffering from stockholm syndrom 🤗🤗🤗
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mayhaps-a-blog · 2 months
OK so the thing is
The path to the Dark Side isn't just kriffing up. You don't just go "whoops!" one day and start murdering people for fun. You make decisions. You make choices. And when those choices go bad... instead of standing up and admitting your mistakes, you double down.
Sol's Fall perfectly hits the beats that I think many people lose track of with Anakin - his first Fall wasn't with Palpatine in Revenge of the Sith, but with the Tuskens in Attack of the Clones. Anakin goes from sobbing in Padme's arms that he killed the women, and the children too - he killed them all - to screaming that they were monsters and they deserved it. Instead of facing his mistakes - the lives that he took in anger, in rage - he insisted that you know what, he was right to do that. He did the right thing. He's glad he did it. And he'll do it again.
Sol kriffed up. He was too emotional on Brendok - Indara called him out on it, and she was right. The witches DID love their children, he DID get the wrong end of the stick, and however weird they were and worrisome the bits they saw with the kids were, the answer to that is to find out more information or, I don't know, wait one kriffing day, not charge in, lightsabers drawn.
(I don't blame Torbin, really. He was also totally out of balance, but he was the Padawan learner - the student who needed guidance, not the Master supposed to deliver it. Mother Aniseya had gotten into his head and thrown him for a loop, and Indara needed to sit on him a bit more - but if she'd been on a speeder instead of Sol, I think things would have worked out very differently.)
Instead it was Sol, who dragged Torbin into a dangerous situation without thinking of the consequences - without even considering that he might be wrong.
Honestly, I'm not even sure I blame him for swinging at Mother Aniseya. Mae had said some pretty worrisome things and was literally dissolving into midair. I blame Sol for being there in the first place, where he had no place, and for putting everyone on edge so far that Mother Aniseya felt the need to move to protect her children, and he felt the need to retaliate unthinkingly.
And then. And then.
Hard to say if Indara did the right thing. She was thinking about Osha, and I don't think she was necessarily wrong. She gave Osha a chance to have the life she dreamed of, a chance she would never have had otherwise.
But Sol.
Sol should never have taken Osha as his Padawan. He was too close; the hurt was too painful to hide. He couldn't tell Osha the truth, so he buried it, papered it over with justifications and excuses - he'd done it for Osha. For the girls. To keep them safe. It was the right thing to do. It was the only thing to do. He did it for Osha. And that gave him the means to look Osha in the eyes and smile, and pretend everything was fine.
But of course, he couldn't let her go, either. He'd done it all for her - he couldn't fail her now. Couldn't admit that he'd failed her. He had to make this right - (but it was right already it was it was) - but the closer he bound them together, the harder it was to let go of his attachment to her. After all, if he told her now... what if she hated him?
Sol loved Osha too much from the very beginning. He couldn't let go of his attachment to her: to his idea that he could save her, could train her, to be the master he wanted to be for her. He couldn't face his own failures, so he refused to see them; insisted that they were correct, right, justified, to the last. And in the end, that's what poisoned Osha - and himself.
He was afraid. Afraid for her; afraid for himself. And his fear led to anger - at the Master, at himself. And his fear led to anger - Osha's, at him, for papering over his fears with lies, lies to her. And anger led to hatred. And hatred? Led to suffering.
No one walked away from Brendok without suffering. Not Osha; not Mae. Maybe Qimir; maybe not. But definitely not Sol.
Sol had to make a choice. And he made one. But he didn't just make one choice; he made many choices, over and over again. And no matter what excuses he gave, what justifications, he could never bring himself to admit that maybe, just maybe, he'd made the wrong choices.
Sol's lightsaber may not have been red. But I think, if he'd finished that swing on Khofar? It might not have been all that far from it.
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lectorel · 9 months
Yet more vague blogging
"No one can be blamed for how Anakin turned out [except Anakin] - we all have parents who were imperfect and made mistakes but still loved us, Anakin had Shmi and then Obi-Wan, it's not their fault he got attached when he wasn't supposed to -"
Really. You don't think that it has anything to do with the trauma of knowing you can be killed or torn from everything you've ever known at the whim of your owner or even a total stranger, that even when you've been 'saved' you can't do anything to help the people left behind.
Nothing to do with being told that caring about a woman left behind in slavery is bad because it means he's attached to her, and then seeing her die because he tried to do what he was told and didn't go to her when she was in danger. That couldn't have possibly given Anakin reason to fear that if he loves someone, the Jedi will refuse to help them if they're in danger.
Completely separate from the manipulation and gaslighting of Palpatine, the trauma of being sent into a war at 19, the harm done by violently severing a child from his family and culture of origin and giving him no tools to deal with it.
No, Anakin's fall is 100% on him and the choices he made. No one else could possibly have contributed to it. How could I be so stupid as to miss that?
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hydrachea · 13 days
Man, what a great character Hoolay is. Proud, extremely so, but not so arrogant that it'd easily be his downfall. Confident, but not to the point where he believes himself irreplaceable - even the opposite, where he sees the way other borisin see him as a great savior as a weakness. And smart. Very smart. It'd have been easy to make him a savage beast going on a mindless rampage, but instead he was extremely cautious and strategic and was playing mind games with both his hostage and pursuers. And all that made the stakes feel that much higher through the story, because the hunt is a lot more dangerous when the prey is always one step away from becoming the predator.
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david-talks-sw · 1 year
What's 'Star Wars' about?
A while ago I got an 'Ask' that concluded with "what is Star Wars about, if not the Jedi, right?" And weirdly enough... I have to disagree.
I mean... to me? Yes. Star Wars is about the Jedi. A Jedi-less, Sith-less, lightsaber-less Star Wars movie or series will struggle to get me on board (which is why I was surprised that I loved Andor so much).
But if you read everything George Lucas said, if you think about the Jedi's place in his two trilogies... they're not front and center, right?
Sure, there's Luke Skywalker... but he's a learner, in the Original Trilogy. Same goes for Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi, in the Prequels. They're going through character arcs.
Otherwise, the Jedi are either used as mentors to the protagonist...
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... or to deliver exposition...
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... but they're mostly vectors Lucas uses to present his thesis.
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Functionally-speaking, the Jedi are important in that they embody the Buddhist philosophies the movie's themes are based on.
But when it comes to the plot, they're secondary. That's because the the themes of these films are bigger than the Jedi themselves.
So the question becomes... what's are the themes?
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The primary goal of the Star Wars films is to inspire kids to start thinking outside the box and teach them a set of values and psychological motifs that have been passed down through mythology and fairy tales.
These values can be summed up in the dichotomy between greed and compassion / selfishness and selflessness / pleasure and joy.
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We all have both aspects and need to strike a balance between the two. After all, being greedy ultimately comes from fear and being afraid can happen to all of us. Problem is, unchecked fear can lead to anger, hate and a whole lot of suffering.
The more selfish you are, the more you want things and the more you're afraid that you'll lose everything you have, you'll get angry when someone tries to take it and that will hurt everyone around you.
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In other words, fear is the path to the tempting/addictive Dark Side.
Thus, seeing as we'll be inevitably tempted by the Dark Side and give in at some point (because nobody's perfect), we should aim to be as selfless and compassionate as possible for our own good... but also for the greater good, because we're all connected to a life energy. You can call it Qi or God; in Star Wars it's known as the Force.
As such, we all form a symbiotic circle and working with that in mind is better than putting ourselves first and draining from everything and everyone around us.
But we also need to be careful because there will be people who give in to that selfish side and will try to control everything. When the time comes, we must stand up for what's right.
So that's Lucas' thesis.
If I had to sum them up, the six movies illustrate it as follows:
The Prequel Trilogy is about the consequences of greed, explored through Anakin on a smaller scale and the Senate on a larger one.
The Original Trilogy shows the triumph of compassion, through Luke, Leia & Han and the Rebellion's fight against the Empire.
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Lucas talked about it multiple times, the Prequels are about how Anakin becomes Darth Vader and how the Republic becomes the Empire, and in both those cases, it happens because they're greedy.
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The Senate is greedy in the more classical sense. They could give a shit about "symbiosis", no they're taking bribes, letting corporations dictate policy, using loopholes to keep themselves in power and halting any meaningful progress out of fear that the new status quo will conflict with their own self-serving goals.
Anakin's greed manifests in a different way. He turns to the Dark Side because of his attachment. He wants to stop Padmé from dying... but not because he wants to save her, rather he wants to save himself from feeling the pain of loss again and will do anything to not have to live without her, her own wishes and the natural cycle of life and death be damned.
In both cases, they cave under pressure orchestrated by Palpatine, but nobody puts a gun to their head. They make a deliberate choice that comes from a selfish place, and neither one takes personal responsibility for it, they blame others, the Separatists in the case of the Senate and the Jedi in Anakin's case.
The Republic becomes an Empire with thunderous applause, betraying the people it was meant to protect.
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And when faced between doing something he knows is right and giving in to his selfish desires...
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... Anakin elects to do the latter, thus betraying his family and leaving the Force in darkness.
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These selfish choices impact the galaxy as a whole, including the only characters in the trilogy who were doing their best to be compassionate and live in symbiosis: the Jedi, Padmé and Bail.
These champions of the Light Side are stuck playing catch-up or helplessly witnessing the events unfold, throughout the trilogy. They're playing by the rules and Palpatine uses this to his advantage.
Thus, as the galaxy tears itself apart because of Palpatine's manipulations, the Jedi and Bail are ignored and gradually weakened until they're either rendered irrelevant or killed.
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A new order is born, one built on blood, lies and greed: the Empire.
But a new hope remains.
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While before, the Jedi and people like Bail stood alone as everything around them became willfully corrupt... now, a Rebellion inspired by their legacy has banded together to overthrow the current order. But they don't fight for power or personal glory, they fight for altruistic, compassionate reasons. There's a sense of general responsibility that moves them, they're all doing their part.
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On a larger scale, we focus on the Rebels, who are tired of seeing people suffer and decided this needs to stop. They have gone from being passive, to proactive.
On a more personal scale, we see the evolution of Luke, from naive farmer to a hero, and guess what? More and more selfish people - like Han or Lando - are inspired to join the Rebellion, after seeing the exploits of Luke, Leia, or even Ben.
It all culminates in the final film, wherein:
The Rebels band together with the Ewoks - literal teddy bears whom the Empire, in their arrogance, never even considered to be a threat - to destroy the Second Death Star and free the galaxy from imperial tyranny.
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At the same time, Emperor Palpatine pressures Luke, who is tempted by the Dark Side like his father was.
But instead of giving in to his selfish desire to kill Darth Vader for all the horrors he's done...
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... he finds the strength to rise above it, instead showing compassion for his father, which, in turn, inspires Anakin to do the same.
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He faces a choice, like he did in Palpatine's office, two decades prior...
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... and this time he chooses right.
Children teach you compassion. Anakin lets go of his fear and anger, and saves his son at the cost of his own life, finally bringing balance back to the Force.
Good triumphed over evil. Its champions achieved victory by being selfless, hopeful and fighting together / helping each other.
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And that's it, that's how the movies thematically tie together.
As you can see, the Jedi aren't that directly impactful on the overall plot, because it revolves around Anakin, Luke and the respective factions/institutions around them.
But what the Jedi do bring to the table is their ability to teach and inspire others, both in-universe and out. They're spiritually impactful.
The Jedi are the epitome of compassion, and it's partially through them that George Lucas teaches his values to the audience.
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horseshoemybeloved · 1 year
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Fire and flames and torment
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chimerahyperfix · 5 months
You’re looking for something— no, someone, too, aren’t you?
(I can’t comprehend how you understand what’s going on, with your lifeless shell. Craft as you are.)
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#isat#in stars and time#live a live#isat loop#cube live a live#RAHHHHHH [COMBINES MY FIXATIONS]#behold my crack fic au. tiny robot in dormont#I’m cooking let me cook. cube has the little guy little dude vibes#and is also canonically like. a baby?#their chapter in the game happens the day they were finished#so. a baby.#cube is so <3. their chapter is a space horror#I would 100% recommend at least watching a video of it#IT GOES CRAZYYYYYY#pov flicking a card that says die child die at the floor. so#anyways. this au makes no sense to anyone but me#this is MY funny house and I’m going to play in it#worlds smartest baby [a robot] figures out timeloop shit before the party more at 2#if you ask I WILL ramble abt the concept of this au I will#<- trying desperately to get away from working on my other au post#[I need to draw smth for it and I’m struggling lollll]#sitting here like ughhh I don’t wanna draw this imageee [puts off entire au post]#ANYWAYSSSS#LOOP WOULD HATE THIS KID. the fuck is a robot.#the fuck is this damn thing and how has it read me literally immediately#how dare you be made of craft. be artificial. and be able to read my despair like a book#how dare you; a fake being made by someone else. be more human to me than the people that once were my party#how dare you want to help me when I dont know you because you didn’t EXIST in my loops#…but. uh. thanks for the coffee. even if I can’t drink it I recognize the sentiment. or whatever#falls to the floor dramatically. oughhhh loop and cube ougughhh
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pumpkinrootbeer · 4 months
All of Revenge of the Sith, summarized:
Obi-Wan: I love and trust you, Anakin.
Anakin: No <3
Mace: Obi-Wan trusts you, Anakin.
Anakin: Opinion discared because Ive classified you as against me. Please forward my previous email to Yoda and get back to me about that council seat at your earliest possible convenience.
Yoda: mmm be a master, you will never be mmmm. melt steal beams, jet fuel cannot. mmmm. ignore that second thing I said, obi-wan cares very deeply abt you and are you still available tuesday at 6 for your next therapy session?
Anakin: Read✓ at 19:01
Padme: Obi-Wan loves and trusts you, Anakin. Just like I do.
Anakin: Not very gamer of you to not inherently validate my internal belief system :/
Palpatine: Obi-Wan hates ur loser ass lol. not like me tho I'm cool and always validate your internal beliefs (normal)
Anakin: I always knew he hated me, you're the only one willing to tell me the truth. thank God I never have to reevaluate my beliefs with you and don't have take any uncomfortable looks at my wants and desires. phew almost had to do some personal growth and acknowledge some things about myself thank God i avoided that
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asap-d1rt · 3 months
call me basic but 😍😍😍😍
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koifsssh · 1 year
I swear your Actor Rainy has caught my heart! He’s such a darling!! Though, I think I have a song that fits him perfectly! I like to think it plays softly on his late night talk shows! It’s called “It’s been a long long time.” Here’s a link if you need! ❤️❤️
YOU!!! you!!! points at You!!! You are absolutely correct!!! Spot on! When i had listened to it initially i had it on loop because i was so pleasantly surprised!
It very much holds the hopeless romantic kind of feel that Rainy possesses! They would definitely have it playing in the background while the audience waits for the show to start! Perhaps it is their favorite tune!
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i drew these while listening! bwahhh!
hmm, there are a couple of songs that remind me of Actor Rainy specifically as well, Me & My Husband is a good one! Domestic tiredness is something i feel that very much applies to him... (and wally, but shhh) (He's also Dream Sweet in Sea Major!)
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torsamors · 1 year
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amok times your music video. or whatever
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james-p-sullivan · 1 year
i was going to let this go but its happened a few times now and i want to address it before it becomes A Thing™️
DO NOT come into my ask box whining and begging me to appeal to blackstar on your behalf. if you want art made by him, he has a commission page. if you want to submit a request, well look at that he has an ask box! if you got blocked, i don’t care.
i have exactly ZERO authority on what he draws outside of my commissions and i have even less authority than that to tell him who and who not to block. i will NEVER put the feelings of some rando in my ask box above the feelings of someone i care very deeply about. if you got blocked, then you probably were acting like a shit head and deserved it.
if you know all of this and still feel the need to appeal your case to me, i want you to go through a quick checklist:
1.) i don’t care
2.) i don’t care
3.) what makes you think im going to try to appeal your case to him when I don’t know you and you’ve now made BOTH of us uncomfortable?
4.) i don’t care
anybody who comes into my ask box complaining will get an instant block. glad we had this chat!!! :)
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girlrandomstuff · 2 years
So, this is just me ranting about how much i do not like Anakin and Padme as both couple and individuals, but mostly as a couple. Long post
No hate to anyone who likes them, or for the actors who had play them, nor to George Lucas who created them. Let's start.
1. How they met
So The Phantom Menace starts. Padme is elected Queen of Naboo, and the Trade Federation is attacking the Planet, long story short cuz we all know it already, she has to run away but get stuck in a far planet. There she meets 9yo Anakin who is a slave, he's kinda smart and capable with machines. They help him win a race and the boy is set free but his mother has to stay behind. He's sad cuz he miss his mother and finds a good friend in Padme. Until there all is cool, they are both children.
2. Where their relationship really starts.
10 years had passed. Anakin is 19 and Padme is 24. He's send to protect her. They arrived in Naboo and when Padme is just trying to help with the situation Anakin starts to underestimate her and gets angry every time she shows him he needs her to be a succesful mission, I know he's a jedi and he may be the one to know better about protecting people, but if he really knew better he would know that a person that has live there for years is going to know better than him and he just seems angry and proud and can barely bring himself to admit she knows better than him. Then they get into a picnic and spend a good day just talking and playing, BUT Anakin literally started sharing VERY authoritarian and f*cist views and Padme is just like “you are so funny”. First time Padme ignores Anakin being abussive, or possesive or violent or any other toxic behavior. He kisses her and then a few hours later he literally says to her “I'm in agony for the kiss you should have never given to me” if that's not manipulative behavior i don't know what it is, she tries to tell Anakin to think clear and send him away, but then a few days later, Anakin commits his first massacre of women and children and admited to her all that and she's just like “to be angry is to be human”. She literally saw him in one of his most violent behaviors and just shoved it away. Second time Padme ignores Anakin violent behavior. They leave Tatooine, fight side by side, survived and married each other a few days later. Padme literally marry Anakin just days after he tells her he killed children.
3. The Clone Wars.
They have good moments and they had bad moments. But then a year or two had passed and Padme is helping fighting the war within the senate. Things happens and Clovis comes back to Padme's life. He lies and she believes him. Things scalate and she starts working with Clovis, at this Anakin literally tells her “as your husband I demand”, he may be right about Clovis, he was not one to trust, maybe Padme was wrong, but thinking that cuz you are married to someone you can demand something from the other is just wrong. First time Anakin despites Padme's work. Things gets even worst when Clovis tries to kiss Padme and Anakin walks in the middle of it. He was right to be angry and to get him away from her. BUT what was not right is him going full Vader mode trying to kill him, the moment he hears Padme asking him/them to stop, Anakin points at her and says “YOU DON'T HAVE A SAY IN THIS”, he doesn't care about Padme or protecting her or respecting her, it was about him and his jelousy, it was him, saying “she's mine, you are mine”. He never even asked her if she's right, he even thinks she was part of this, that she was cheating on him. Then Padme tells him a bunch of truths but it's for nothing cuz a few days she forgets everything and forgives Anakin. Third time Padme forgives Anakin toxic behavior.
3. Anakin fall.
So, Anakin is back in Coruscant after being away for a while. Padme waits for him and they reunite. Padme tells him she's pregnant and regardless of what many post says about Anakin smiling when he realizes he's going to be a father, he literally has the worst look ever, he's worried and even upset at what Padme is saying and he only pulls up a smile when he realizes she's looking at him and waiting for his reaction.
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Then, they go back home, he gets nightmares about Padme dying, and he is worried about her, of course, any partner would be worried too. But what's not okay is that, he doesn't care about his child, he never thinks about the baby when he's seeing Padme die in childbirth. He only mentions their child until Padme asks him about the baby, and he only answer “I don't know” he doesn't even question himself about them, again, he just cracks a smile and sweet words when he sees Padme worry about the things they talked. Days pass by and Padme asked Anakin to speak to the Chancellor in good faith to stop the war so they can start fixing everything that is bad and Anakin snaps at her with “dont ask me to do that, do it yourself in the senate”, so, he gets to demand but she doesn't get to ask something from him? What a man Anakin Skywalker is. Second time Anakin desdain Padme's work. Sith happens and starts Order 66, he doesn't leave a single soul alive. Not even the children. He comes back fully turned and tells Padme he's leaving on a mission. Obi Wan goes and talk with Padme telling her everything, he literally tells her “Anakin killed children” and she answers “he wouldn't” when she knew he would CUZ ANAKIN LITERALLY TOLD HER HE ALREADY SLAUGHTER CHILDREN BEFORE. Fourth time Padme ignores Anakin violent behavior. She reproches Obi Wan he just wants to kill him like OF COURSE, he had literally massacre in cold blood hundreds of man, women and children, he's fully dark side mode and he's still the most powerful force sensitive being. At this point Anakin deserves to die, he needs to die cuz he could literally bring the entire galaxy down if he wanted and she knows, and still she doesn't care about anyone else but him and her (I mean of course having to accept your husband and father of your unborn children needs to face consecuences for his actions is hard but after all the inocent blood he droped i think any good soul would accept it as hard as it would be).
Then she runs to him, Padme tells Anakin everything Obi Wan told her about him, and he never denied it. So Padme starts yo realizes the true, now she knows it was all true, and even after she knows that Anakin massacre children and his fellow men and women, she stills asks a children-murderer-Sith to “run away with her and HELPS HER TO RAISE THEIR CHILD” who in their sane minds would ask a man who AGAIN, killed children to help her raise their baby? WHO? Fifth time Padme is willing to ignore Anakin's violence. Sith happens and Anakin thinks again she lies and chokes her. No matter what, a healthy couple would never end in one trying to kill the other, NO MATTER WHAT. Anakin choking Padme was just his last violent, toxic and possesive act against her.
Then to conclude everything, she goes into labor and Luke and Leia are born. But she's heart broken for Anakin, she's so heartbroken she doesn't want to live, cuz everything that happened. And for the ones who would say “you can't blame Padme for dying” the medical droid literally said she was fine but she didn't wanted to live anymore. She was more worried about Anakin “wheres Anakin?” than for her child(ren). Her last words are not even for her children, they are for Anakin, she literally believe there was still light in a man who literally had his hands wet with children blood. I do believe Padme didn't really care about her children, she barely gives them names but is never concerned about their wellbeing or anything.
And don't get me wrong, I can understand people losing every sanity they had left after Order 66
Ahsoka was attacked by her own men, men she saw as her brothers, good friends, who fought side by side with her, who help her train, she barely get out alive, and she had to see how all these good men were turned to puppets, had to see how every man died, not even as free men, and it took her 1-2 years to step back into the fight.
Obi Wan same thing, he had to see how men he trusted turned against him and try to kill him, only to come back and see one of the people behind all this crimes is the young man he had trained since he was just a little boy, even with all his pain he is willing to fight Anakin, maybe not kill him cuz he thinks leaving him burned was going to be enough to stop him, but he literally fight him, he has to see how his family was slaughter, how his home was burned down and how his brother betrays him and them all, and it took him 10 years to step back into the fight and overcome his grieve.
Bail Organa, the man saw as the Clones attacked the Jedi Temple, saw it burning, saw how they killed a child as he couldn't do anything to stop it, he saw his life work falling into pieces as he wasn't able to stop it, and he never stoped fighting, the moment he scaped the Temple, he jumps into help any jedi he can find, rescued Yoda and Obi Wan, helps Yoda scape from Darth Sidious, and helps Padme get medical treatment, he jumps in to adopt an orphan baby, and just a couple days later he offers Ahsoka help and comfort. Months pass, years pass and he never quited the fight, he always kept going, he never stoped, even when even a year after Order 66 he still dealing with trauma.
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fantasykiri5 · 4 months
Hey in the events of an Avatar AU, do you guys think Adaine would be a waterbender (ice, frost, blue theme) or a lightening speciality fire bender? (Witch bolt/lightning bolt reminiscent, only element to conjure bending material out of thin air which is like magic, fire could be blue)
#if she were a water bender she’d probably be the one to figure out firebenders can use water techniques to redirect lightening#also I have Gorgug as an earth (metal speciality/inventor) bender (like Toph) Fig as a fire bender (lava speciality?)#Riz as earth nation non-bender#Fabian as late blooming fire bender (no speciality)#and Kristen as The Fucking Avatar because she’s the funniest one to be the Avatar. also she’s already the chosen one and possibly the-#-strongest cleric in all of spire so like#*was the chosen of helio and then made a god and brought back Cassandra THEN Cassandra and Ankarna#instead of having arrows she’s got stars on her forehead and just below her collarbones (where the unicorn stabbed) that light up in the-#-avatar state#Cassandra was the avatar before her I think.#going my the cycle Cass would make a good waterbender I think which would put Kristen in earth which is fitting#which also means she’d learn fire first and Fig would be her teacher#then she’d have to find someone with air. Adaine might make a good airbender too??? idk#or someone she doesn’t get along with as well because air would be hardest for her#maybe kipperlilly? and she starts training with her but they fall out and Kristen has to go continue learning on her own#Fabian would learn fire WITH Kristen I think because he didn’t know he could bend before their quest#and Gorgug would invent metal bending some time during their adventure. even as the avatar Kristen struggles to get a hold of that one-#-but she’s pretty alright with sand#Fabian learns he can bend when they find fig and was thought to be a non bender before that#Riz was their bow guy and Fabian was their sword guy#Captain Seacaster was a fire nation pirate and Halariel was maybe a water nation non-bending citizen? or rival pirate/fought off pirates#Cathilda is a fire bender for sure#Oisín is a lightning bender Maryanne is an earth bender#Ruben and Ivy are non benders (or maybe ivy is a swamp bender?) Buddy is a non bender#Lucy is a waterbender#Kipperlilly was either an airbender (Kristen’s failed teacher) or a non bender I think. or maybe fire#kiri rambles#adaine abernant#fhjy#avatar au
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andy-clutterbuck · 2 years
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🕸 “The Highwayman” by Alfred Noyes 🕸
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kits-ships · 5 months
sometimes i wanna make shoutout posts for my f/os but those idiots are NOT on tumblr !!!
campbell and 🥂💊 got me through my second-ever, rlly bad ocd episode so i am forever kissing them mua mua <3
🔪🍷 and ❄️🪓 helped me figure out why i do certain things in relation to past trauma mua mua <3
🌙✂️ and bee remind me there is always a safe space out there 4 me even when stuff is scary mua mua <3
aziraphaIe and crowIey remind me that someones love 4 u shouldnt falter just bc ur chronically and/or mentally ill mua mua <3
then f/os like the master and boba and din just make me feel safe mua mua <3
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