#the stupidity of camelot
timothy-gunpowder · 1 year
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shit makes me go FERAL every single listen
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transbot-brian · 8 months
I think its interesting that the "survivors" of the mechs albums still die at the end, excluding Cinders and Briar Rose (Its downright said by Brian that it wont work out between them because of all thats happened, but he could be a liar) its likely that they will all die like the others innthe albums.
The Acheron burns and the city is left in ruin, Daedalus was already severely injured and is left alone outside the vault
Arthur was shot off into space in close orbit around a star, the gravity would pull him in eventually if the heat didnt kill him first (I doubt the lifepod had the radiation shielding of the station)
Theres a lot of empty space between solar systems, Lyfrassir would either get consumed by the bifrost or die in their ship alone
It emphasises thst these stories are tragedies with no happy endings. We are told that someone survived but really, they dont
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for the mechs fans who responded and wanted to see it! the Aurora logo made entirely out of words
all of the red is the phrase "rose red" in honor of Once
the yellow is the word "rust" for HNOC
the blue is "sphinx" in honor of Ulysses
the rainbow at the bottom is "void"
you can't see it but the tan in the window is "I wasn't tricking him" in honor of TTBT
and finally the grey is "home" in honor of dttm
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ithinkimfaking · 7 months
No matter how many times I listen to it my shit is always absolutely rocked by Hellfire by The Mechanisms. I'm eviscerated even before jonny does that high note towards the end then I'm fucking gone
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Never getting over High Noon Over Camelot's ending. The world that could have been, thrown away for fear.
Imagine being Arthur, waiting, for eternity. Frozen in the moment after the two people you love most in the world, your sword and shield, your heart's greatest treasure, have been killed in front of you. Frozen in the moment before your entireworld ends, your son who you never truly knew the one to end it all. The fight for survival isdone, ended, but not how you had hoped. So far from how you had hoped. But what is done is done, and you cannot stop ehat is to come. You finally know your son for who he is, but it is too late. Too late for you, too late for him, too late for your world.
Imagine being Mordred, the family you have found and the family you were born to, endlessly at odds. Your first family could never understand, could never see you for who youare, a child of both worlds. Your second family understands, wants to see you flourish, wants peace, even, but doesn't have the power to make peace. And any hope you had is shattered the moment the man you once thought of as a brother kills one you considered kin. It was in yourdefense, all of it. You are the reason your world will never find peace again. And so you must end it all. Imagine watching your father, at war with himself and his heart, prepared to kill his greatest loves for something as simple as power. You have an obligation to stop him, to end it before he can live to regret it. Imagine knowing you will die, your world will die,but driving yourself further into the flames anyway, beyond remorse, beyond pain. You are as far away as the stars, now. Imagine the final, burning moments before the silence of death. The sudden flash of regret as you remember there are children, there, children like you were, once. The silent apology to them,and the hope that at least with this they will never know the pain you knew.
Imagine being Gawain, even. You're young, when the girl you saw as a younger sister is killed. She's gone, you know who did it. And so for the rest of your life, you feel rage. Rage at yourself, for not being able to save her. Rage at the Saxons, for killing her, taking her future from her. How could you know she was saved, grew into a strong young man? How could you know the man you see as a brother-in-arms is that little girl you once loved? How could you know his wild dreams of peace come not from blind idealism, but experience? And so your distrust of the Saxons is justified, when you see a woman pull her knife behind Mordred's back. And you will not lose another person to the beasts that lurk below. You cannot know what this will lead to. And as you lay there on that bloody battlefield, the screams still ringing out around you, you cannot keep yourself from smiling, even in your last moments. Even if he hates you for it, even though he's killed you, at least your brother will be safe.
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cantsayidont · 6 months
Sometimes, I think about the huge number of DC properties that will never see media adaptations beyond the Easter eggy variety (like the DC SHOWCASE animated shorts or guest appearances on something like BATMAN: THE BRAVE AND THE BOLD) due to corporate dysfunction — not the big-name superhero stuff, but things like:
KAMANDI, which could make a magnificent animated series.
ATOMIC KNIGHTS, which is less stupid than FALLOUT and has giant mutant Dalmatians the characters ride as steeds.
SILVERBLADE, a charming mid-80s "Maxi-Series" by Cary Bates and Gene Colan about a retired movie star who gains the supernatural power to transform himself into any character he's ever played.
STANLEY AND HIS MONSTER, a delightful kids' comic about a boy who adopts a huge red shaggy monster that his parents (who never actually see the monster) patiently assume is his imaginary friend.
CAMELOT 3000, a sci-fi spin on the Knights of the Round Table with King Arthur reincarnated in a high-tech 31st century world and transgender Sir Tristan.
Then I remind myself that at best, they'd just be reduced to the same hackish nerd show pablum as the various Arrowverse shows (probably by the same hacks), and that, as with STAR WARS and STAR TREK, an abundance of crap can very easily make something too infuriating to even bother hate-watching. So, maybe it's for the best.
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pabloo-the-silly · 7 months
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I made him 😍😍🥰🥰😘😘
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fantyella · 28 days
yall what tf does fort galfridian (hnoc) look like i cannot wrap my mind around it and i wanna make art
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coffeefromvoid · 3 months
Melting in the hot summer sun while coming back from therapy is so High Noon Over Camelot coded actually
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toa-archive · 4 months
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arwen (i love them) have the most random first kiss ever. literally spend years not speaking, spend one weekend together, get in three huge fights where arthur calls her a lowly servant and she calls him an arrogant ass. are now making out. there is nothing between these events except arthur giving gwen back Her Own Bed That He Stole. Like Sir?!? WHY DID HE KISS HER??? WHERE DID THIS IDEA COME FROM????
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snowrassa · 10 months
I like to think about lancelot actually having to do all the things from 'take me to the fair' after he wins the joust..... the angst and tension of him and genny spending hours at the fair together.... the ball....... theDAYS of travelling to and from the show...............
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justaz · 8 months
thinking of a ouat x bbc merlin crossover where regina didn’t send everyone to a land without magic, she sent them to albion (by which i’m referring to the whole world not just britain) but since arthur died all those years ago and merlin IS magic and he’s seen the threat posed by magic existing within the world, he’s revoked everyone’s right to it so now it’s “a world without magic”
old man merlin feels a disturbance in the realm and knows that something magical beyond his control just happened and his first thought is arthur but the lake is still. he follows the odd tug towards the americas and then up north and then maine and then storybrook.
he poses as a homeless man and just watches everything go down. henry notices that despite EVERYONE else around him not aging or taking note of the passage of time as if he’s stuck in a time loop, this random old man is always doing something different. henry goes to him and rants about the curse and magic and (for the first time ever) he actually believes him.
merlin validates everything henry says while also trying to dissuade him from carrying the burden of destiny bc he knows how crushing that weight is. him and henry have a game where henry theorizes about what merlin’s life was like in the enchanted forest despite merlin’s insistence that he’s never been there.
old man merlin just hovering in the back of all the scenes and watching their weird magic that’s not at all like his but also sorta similar?? he doesn’t engage for a while until idk some big bad corners henry and merlin intervenes to protect him and henry is like “:O you have magic!!”
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castelled-away · 1 year
Arthur Pendragon is my dumb dumb golden retriever baby
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badsalmonella · 1 year
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I forgot about this but back in July when I did my Camelot trip I was sitting in an Olive Garden with my friend (as a not American citizen Olive Garden is my fav place to hit up when I cross the border do not question me. I'm a simple woman who likes bread) and I drew this for my friend and as I was working away on this drawing of Lancelot our waiter came by our table, stared down at my stickynote for a solid couple seconds then just blinked, inhaled like nothing happened and went "So how's the food so far?"
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unsat-and-strange · 6 months
me, drinking whiskey (mixed in a drink cause I have functioning taste buds): omg this is just like in high noon over camelot
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