#the summoner kin
hskinhome · 3 months
Can I (Mindfang) get a shufflemancy on my canon's relationship with The Summoner? I find myself having difficulties recalling that part of my life, so some guidance would be appreciated. Thank you.
Someone New / Hozier
Go and take this the wrong way
You knew who I was with every step that I ran to you
Only blue or black days
Electin' strange perfections in any stranger I choose
Would things be easier if there was a right way?
Honey, there is no right way
And so I fall in love just a little, oh, a little bit
Every day with someone new
I fall in love just a little, oh, a little bit
Every day with someone new
I fall in love just a little, oh, a little bit
Every day with someone new
I fall in love just a little, oh, a little bit
Every day with someone new
You and The Summoner had more of what would be considered occasional flings rather than a committed relationship. This could explain your inability to remember, as he tended to get mixed in with all the other partners you had throughout your timeline. It seems he wanted more out of the relationship, but you were clear that it wasn’t possible.
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aroaceleovaldez · 1 year
non-exhaustive list of canon powers Nico di Angelo either has shown or is heavily implied to have:
Manipulation of shadows/darkness (also possibly use of shadows as a pocket-dimension a la Magicians using the Duat in The Kane Chronicles)
Becoming intangible/shadows
Complete control over skeletons/bones (dead or alive, including summoning, reanimation, and/or changing shape of them) and being able to sense their presence
Summoning, reanimating, commanding, and dispelling the dead/undead (Skeletons, zombies, ghosts, etc & varieties) and being able to sense their presence
Ability to understand/communicate with the dead/undead and potentially other beings of the Underworld
Inherent complete comprehension of Latin
Ability to perceive the usually unperceivable/possibly look upon a deity’s true form without repercussion (at least moreso than the average demigod, though possibly is restricted to chthonic beings) (ex: Tartarus, potentially also interacting with his parents, etc)
Interacting tangibly with ghosts (implied to be a Ghost King thing rather than a Hades/Pluto thing)
Partial or complete immunity to different effects of the Underworld/things within (can consume food/drink of or in the Underworld without repercussions, effects from the Lethe wear off over time instead of being permanent like usual for mortals, etc)
Astral projection/”Walking in dreams”
Dream manipulation and projection (Sending dreams to others, etc.) (presumably includes sharing/projecting dreams with others) alongside inflicting sleep upon others even from a distance.
Manipulation of emotions/aura that inflicts specific emotions on others (ex.: radiating fear/death onto enemies)
Projection of emotions and memories onto others (can be so forceful it causes physical damage like a shockwave)
Geokinesis (all forms but also specifically generating black marble) (presumably also specialized control over precious gemstones & non-paper currency)
Temperature manipulation (seemingly only lowering temperature)/creating frost)
Control/manipulation of souls, including living beings (ex: ripping out Bryce Lawrence’s soul)
Perceiving/reading/judging of souls (most likely also a Ghost King thing over Hades/Pluto thing, but possibly both)
Converting living into dead/undead, aka instakill (ex: disintegrating monsters to bone with one touch)
Lowering or manipulation of own vitals (breathing, heart rate, etc)
Death Trance/pseudo-hibernation (possibly also general control over states of consciousness at least for self, in combo with control over vitals & dreams)
Sensing death (impending or when it occurs, sometimes receiving dreams/visions of it occurring)
Able to sense other children of Hades/Pluto (potentially also other chthonic beings in general/able to identify based on sense alone) and also just living beings in general, such as mortals (possibly via souls).
Improved navigation underground/in the Underworld and ability to traverse restricted or normally unnavigable parts of the Underworld
Enhanced strength/abilities when in the Underworld
Inherently unnaturally quiet (possibly able to silence sound on a designated target)
Hiding/shielding self from being perceived (seemingly related to shadows/silence)
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b3ndy · 8 months
I discovered simplyplural recently and learned about how it works n stuff (as a singlet) and. Fuck man. Inspiration
What if I made an app to track kin things specifically. This could include introjects and singlets alike and you could see when shifts happen n stuff and you could note down things about each kintype. Also options for cameos or glitches that may happen. That would be so cool,,, if I could code and make apps.
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angellc-userboxes · 5 days
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The Lords in Black userboxes (F2U)
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OC to match the set.
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soloavengers · 3 months
Thinking about the Arisen possibly giving a little part of their soul or being into every pawn they revive.
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jayesprite · 7 months
Hello, we'd like to request a sprite for our purple Summoner fictive , who was a subjuggulator!
His hair is similar to canon rufioh's, but with one purple streak in the middle, and the whole style swept forward a little more. His makeup mimics "stitches" over the mouth except they're bones (although you can leave it as lines if it looks too weird scaled down) and with eye circles like if on a skull.
He wears a black vest with a big furry/fluffy ruff to it, and some bones down the front on each side of the vest, with a purple shirt under it. We believe his sign would be on the vest, presumably the Nitram's sign just purple? That also might be crowded out so feel free to leave that off since we aren't sure anyways. As a note for clarification since he's a Summoner - he did have wings but they were torn off so you can leave the sprite wingless.
We're attaching an image for a sense of his hair since he's most particular about that, but everything else fluctuates so there's wiggle room there! Thank you so much for this Dove, hope you have a wonderful day!
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dutybcrne · 1 month
I have AWAKEN to see the Natlan trailer is out????
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motoroil-recs · 9 months
helloooo! this might be a long request bc I'm a sucker 4 being very specific lol. could I get a sketch for t'noy karaxis from the Hatchetfield trilogy?? I remember looking exactly like a mix of two specific pieces of fanart,
ren-is-real has a piece of fanart that looks EXACTLY like how I remember looking (https://www.tumblr.com/ren-is-real/737186022087180288/i-heard-something-about-an-lib-dating-sim-from?source=share), I'm the one on the far right on the first image, the yellowish orange one. BUT the lil goat ears I had were more similar to shandzii's design (https://www.tumblr.com/shandzii/732069590092365824/no-way-look-who-at-pride-indiv-pics-under-cut-0?source=share) once again im yellow one, far left this time. I had small horns on the top of my head too, feel free to exclude these though, they were usually hidden by my hair most of the time lolz.
tldr: i remember looking like ren-is-real's design with slightly bigger and fluffier ears 👍 horns optional.
i love ur sketches so much I wanna eat them/pos, thank you in advance ! - 🕰️
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Absolutely, here you go boss! I hope I managed to do you justice. You're a real funny looking guy, so I'm thrilled to have been able to work on you! Thank you so very much for your request!
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emissary-of-dog · 1 month
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this scene drives me totally nuts btw. like before you could chock up his ghostly powers to the fact that he had that fuckign. shard that vitus instilled in him to make him act differently. but this is after the fact that it was released from his body + he's lost giratina so it's not that that's making him have ghostly influence either. and yet he can still teleport and summon ghosts and shit like. that is so fucking cool THAT SHIT IS INHERENT!!
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i am once again debating changing estrel's name and title
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hskinhome · 5 months
I hope this is not too silly of a question, but can i get a pendulum reading for a Signless? I want to know whether or not The Summoner betrayed me Judas style
Signless gave me a no, but you know yourself best!
-Mod Nepeta
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beepbeepdespair · 10 months
just redacted kin things #178934: going to watch thanksgiving wearing a bat choker, beetlejuice shirt and scream earrings
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bluefury5 · 1 year
Ghost/Spirit Rituals // br
Types of Rituals
Used to bring forth a specific spirit. Skilled cats can summon two ghosts at a time, maybe three, but it is tremendously difficult to maintain connections between all three at the same time.
Used to find any ghosts in a surrounded area, or any newly dead cats. Seeking does not allow communication with ghosts, only sight. Seeking does not need to have ghosts connected to the living, so a seeking ritual can be used on an unlimited number of cats. However it is limited by how wide the chosen area is.
Used to send things out of the living world and to any chosen afterlife. This is probably one of the hardest rituals of all three because it requires so much concentration. This ritual can be used on living cats, ghosts, and objects. Of all the rituals this one is the most dangerous because if interrupted the chosen item or cat being sent can be changed.
How do rituals work?
There are three types of rituals, and the methods of each are different. But typically a cat or cats wishing to perform a ritual will gather the necessary ingredients needed for the ritual and arrange them properly. Then a cat will proceed to move and/or speak accordingly to the ritual, and if all goes well the ritual should take place. Rituals can be ended when the grounder loses its powers or if a cat purposely disturbs the setup and cuts the talk with the ghost short.
The Summoning Ritual
The most commonly-used ritual. Allows communication between living and dead.
How to Perform: Gather strengthening object of choice, herbs for death, and as many grounders as needed. Bundle together using whatever is available, and place on ground. Partakers of the ritual will need to repeat the name of spirit being summoned twelve times. Make sure the bundle is in the moonlight if ritual is practiced at night, and in the shade if practiced during the day.
The Seeking Ritual
The easiest ritual, used to find any ghosts in the area. Since Ashfur's possesion of Bramblestar, Clan cats have begun performing this before beginning nine lives ceremony to ensure no vengeful spirits can sabotage the ceremony.
How to Perform: Gather strengthening objects of choice as well as herbs for death. Create boundary around chosen area with stones. Ensure stones are clean before starting otherwise the ritual will not work. No grounders are needed for this ritual as no ghosts will be summoned. Once the circle is complete the cat or cats partaking the ritual will stand in the center of the circle and wait. Ghosts will appear if present. I will make a post on warding off ghosts soon :)
The Sending Ritual
The HARDEST ritual out of all three, commonly used to send items to loved ones in the afterlife or in the case of the Dark Forest invasion send cats to hell. Hahaha, so funny.
How to Perform: Gather around afterlife tie. Place desired item near afterlife tie. You will need several powerful grounders and lay them around the item. Then walk around the grounders without touching them while chanting the destination of the item in starspeak (I'll make a post about that later). Quickly remove all the grounders and if you performed the ritual successfully, your item should have disappeared.
Strengthening Objects
Objects used to boost the ghost's emotions or extend the connection. There are more but these are the easiest to find.
Basil- an herb meaning good luck and success. Can make ghosts more happy and prone to reasoning.
Carnation - a flower. Carnations are typically used when summoning a lost lover, and promote memories and affectionate feelings.
Lavender - an herb and flower. Extends connections and makes ghosts more peaceful and less likely to attack.
Willow bark - bark from a willow tree. Creates a stable connection. No affects on ghosts.
Oak branches/leaves - Creates a very strong connection and boosts any grounders. Creates liveliness and energizes spirits.
Pine needles/branches/sap - Boosts spirits' memories. Useful if contacting a fading ghost or forgetful cat.
Grounders are very important. They secure a spirit's connection to the earth and keep the ghost present. Grounders drag ghosts to the chosen spot of ritual and make sure they can't leave.
The bones of a ghost's favorite prey are easy to find. They don't create the strongest connection but when doubled they work fairly well.
The bones of the ghost's body itself are the most powerful grounder possible, but most cats don't like to use them because it would be disrespecting the dead.
Bones can be used more than once, but after time or extremely long rituals they will be spent and no longer usable.
Deathberries, nightshade, foxglove seeds, and apple seeds (all toxic to cats) are a very powerful grounder, even more so if the ghost was killed by one. Experienced ritual-takers call them 'deathly-herbs.'
Any plants or leaves used as grounders decay soon after being harvested, and the same is true with these. All of the poisons listed last about two hours each and after that are useless and cannot be used again.
Birthplace surroundings:
Anything from where ghost was born can be used as a grounder, whether its a bundle of moss or a pawful of dirt.
The usage of a birthplace grounder is spent very quickly the farther it is from where it was gathered. The closer the ritual is to the birthplace, the longer the grounder has before it is spent.
Favorite items:
A ghosts' favorite flower or bug can be used as a grounder. Flowers and bugs aren't very strong, so its difficult to maintain a ritual with only a favorite item. Often cats will add favorite items for sentimental value or respect instead of a main grounder.
Depending on what the item is, the usage varies. For flowers it is about two hours, for bugs it is an hour and a half, and for little trinkets like stones and shells the usage time varies between an hour and a day.
All grounders are stronger at the full moon.
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fictionkinfessions · 1 year
i never know how to sign my ask. the main version of me from my source is a trans dude, but i dont have a gender and use a different name then him. but also my canon has a big old confusing multiverse and theres all different versions of everybody. so like i'm canon divergent while still existing in the source??? like my name is his deadname. so idk if i should use my name, or an old fandom nickname, or just emojis or what @_@
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lunaticus-platina · 2 years
Travis Hackett. Impart some of your dogged determination upon me so I might soldier on and survive another undoubtedly arduous and grueling day. Remind me I'm still at the top, and no matter the weight and strain, I will not give in, nor let go.
My righteous path long tainted, yet the effort still sacred. Every cinderblock of this pavement, I carved from my broken bones, colored with these blue veins, my sincerest goodwill in form, the road I walk on my way to hell.
I'll hold on, as you held on. Even if I see the black sun opening up ahead. Even when the burning suffocates my thought.
My duty keeps me standing. My love spills blood. Two worlds pulling from each side, I heard the king shout, 'split in half!' No way in hell. If you could do it, I can do it. Immobile. Keeping the scale even for however long.
The night has to end eventually.
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holey-punch · 2 years
My kins lol
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Why do all the characters that I kin have a depressing backstory, are committing crimes, or are known for straight up dancing.
1 Napstablook
2 Wilbur Soot
3&4 Hole Punch and Mettaton
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