#the text means “we want to stay what we are” in luxembourgish
wallpuncherrr · 1 year
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lil luxembourg drawing!! didn't turn out how i wanted it to but oh well
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na-klar · 4 years
druck nora ep 8 translation
Friday, 20:37
Zoe: Some 12th graders are coming too today.
Nora: 12th graders!
Zoe: Yeah, hellooo! Generally, tonight is going to be so amazing.
Nora: Hey Zoe, I got to tell you, this is really not as disgusting as I used to think.
Zoe: Yeah, right? Thank you, it’s so delicious!
Nora: Okay. Now for the lips.
Zoe: Mhm, yeah, I’ll hold it for you. Oh, that looks so nice.
Nora: Yeah, this one is from Mama. Ready to party?
Zoe: Heh. Hey, tell me... is something wrong?
Nora: Nuh-uh. Why?
(Zoe’s phone rings.)
Zoe: Fuck, dude. Uh, this is Kiki, don’t say anything about the alcohol, okay? She’s gonna bite our heads off otherwise.
Nora: Okay.
Zoe: Hi!
Nora: Hey!!
Kiki: Na sweeties? How are you doing?
Zoe: Good--!
Nora: Really good!
Zoe: We’re watching a movie right now.
Nora (whispers): Huh, what movie?
Kiki: Oh, how cool. Which one?
Zoe: Harry Potter!
Nora: Mhm. Third.
Kiki: Man. I wish I was there with you guys.
Zoe: Yeah, we miss you too. How is it in Trier?
Kiki: It’s beautiful. It feels really good to be so close to nature. We’re hiking almost every day. But Carlos has eaten some luxembourgish delicacy and now he spends all his time with diarrhea on the toilet.
Nora: What is it called?
Kiki: Bouneschlupp or something like that. Well, that doesn’t matter, what I actually wanted to ask you is what I should do with Mama’s appointment? Uhm... Nora, what are you guys doing there?
Zoe: Nothing, why? We’re watching a movie.
Nora: Well actually we were on our way to--
Kiki: Why are you all dolled up?
Zoe: We thought, now that we can’t go to parties anyways we’ll just do it here. We’d now like to watch the movie again, we’ll call you back, okay?
Kiki: Okay, yeah, then... bye!
Nora: Bye Kiki, we love you!!
(They end the call.)
Zoe: Bro! Dude. You almost got us caught.
Nora: Zoe, chill a little, okay? Kiki’s also done this all the time! Don’t be like that. I think it’s time for this bad boy. (She picks up a bottle of vodka)
Zoe: Oh yes! Hey Nori, you don’t know how cool I think it is that we’re now doing something like this together. 
Nora: Mhm.
Zoe: I don’t know, I’ve always had the feeling you didn’t like me going to parties and drinking alcohol and everything.
Nora: Hey, Zoe, that’s complete nonsense. You know I always love you. And that’s why we’re going to toast now. On you!
Zoe: Cheers!
(Nora burps, they laugh.)
Zoe: Okay, wow!
Nora: Well... Hey, I wanted to ask you something, Zoe. Because... you and Finn, yeah? Sometimes... Do you also know that thing when you’re totally in love in one moment and then you’re not in love at all anymore?
Zoe: Hm... no. I mean, ups and downs, everyone has them.
Nora: Yeah, but I mean like... that suddenly, you don’t feel anything anymore?
Zoe: Yeah, I don’t know, at the moment it’s shitty between me and Finn anyway but break up, just like that? No, I don’t think I’d do that. Why? Are you scared Josh is going to run away from you?
Nora: What? No. Why would he?
Zoe: True. You look too good for that.
(The door bell rings.)
Nora: Oh! Who’s that?
Zoe: Are you expecting someone?
Nora: No... huh? Wait.
Zoe: Are you opening the door?
Nora: Yeah. Hello? Fatou? Baby, what are you doing here? Hi! Na, sweetie? What are you doing here, sweetie?
Fatou: Uhm... we were all a little worried because of last weekend and wanted to know if you are okay.
Nora: Man, that’s so sweet. No really, I’m doing amazing. Really. Uhm, can you hold this? Thank you.
Fatou: Dude, that’s alcohol.
Nora: Zoe and I were just about to go, we wanted to go to a party.
Fatou: You’re totally wasted.
Nora: Zoe! Wait, sorry. Stay there.
Fatou: Is everything okay?
Nora: Uhm... but... oh wait! Actually, it’s perfect that you’re here. Perfect that you’re here! Do you know who’s at the party?
Fatou: No?
Nora: Starts with a K...
Fatpu: Oh, Nora, no.
Nora: And ends with My... Kieu My! Ey, dude, Kieu My is at the party, we’re gonna get you Kieu My! You need to come, you always talk about how you want her. Wait, I’ll ask Zoe. Zoe?
Fatou: No, Nora, I really don’t want to.
Nora: Yo, Zoe, come here.
Fatou: Please stop.
Nora: Hey Zoe, can you ask Kieu My if--
Fatou: Nora...
Nora: -- this beautiful little lady -- not little, big lady -- can join us?
Fatou: Nora.
Nora: Because we want to win Kieu My’s heart today.
Zoe: You’re into Kieu My?
Nora: Oh, absolutely! Man, please, that would be so great. Do you know how great this would be?
Zoe: I can text her, really, it’s no problem.
Fatou: No...
Nora: Really, Fatou, this is going to be so great, and I’ll handle it, I’ll be the best wingwoman of the f*cking millennium! Why not??!
Fatou: Stop it.
Nora: Call her, call her, she’s probably on her way or something.
Fatou: Nora, it’s enough.
(Fatou turns around and leaves.)
Nora: Fatou, wait, Fatou! Wait, we’re coming in a minute! We’re coming in a minute, yeah?
Zoe: Nori? Nori, is everything okay?
Nora: Yes.
Zoe: Really?
Nora: Yes?
Zoe: Fatou just ran away from you.
Nora: Fatou!
Zoe: Nori, come, I need to... (She tries to take Nora’s drink from her.)
Nora: What? Why?
Zoe: Just give it to me, it’s all cool.
Nora: Why are you doing this?
Zoe: Nora, hand it over!
Nora: Zoe, stop f*cking doing this shit! You always act like you’re my mother or something, I’m really not in the mood for that right now.
Zoe: Nora!
Nora: Man, Zoe, just leave me alone!
(Nora storms out of their apartment.)
Nora: Fatou? Yo, Fatou?
(Nora walks through the city, she eventually lies down on the sidewalk. Her phone vibrates.)
Nora: Kiki?
Kiki: Nora, where are you? Where are you? We’re so damn worried.
Nora: This is really the greatest thing...
Kiki: Zoe called me, she can’t find you.
Nora: ...I don’t even know why I’ve not done this earlier.
Kiki: Nora?
Nora: Everything doesn’t f’*cking matter, Mama was right. This is really the greatest thing.
Kiki: Man, Nora, are you crazy? You need to go home immediately, now... or please tell me where you are, yeah? Are you outside? Where are you? Zoe is looking for you everywhere.
(Nora starts to cry.)
Nora: Kiki, I lost your bracelet.
Kiki: That’s nothing, Nori. It’s okay. Nora...
Nora: I’m exactly like Mama. I’m sorry.
Kiki: No, you’re not. You’re amazing and I love you so much. Nora?
Nora: I’m exactly like Mama.
(Zoe runs up to her.)
Zoe: Nora! Nora. Nori, what are you doing?
Nora: Zoe?
Zoe: Nora!
Nora: Zoe.
Zoe: You’re fine. You’re fine.
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