#the the devil went down to who gives a fuck and now we have god robots
edibletrees2 · 2 years
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Had a dumb idea a while ago
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gayelderstourney · 1 year
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Gerald Robotnik/Black Doom:
Scientist who wants to blow up the world and his evil alien boyfriend
Dude they had a son together and his name is shadow the hedgehog
They created Shadow the hedgehog together. Yes Shadow the hedgehog. This is canon. Theyre also super divorced just trust me on this.their old man yaoi is real
we as a society would not have shadow the hedgehog without their old man yaoi
old man fucks alien so he can bring his daughter back from space safely, gives birth to sad gay hedgehog
you KNOW they fucked
they’re shadow the hedgehogs dads. Like canonically. black doom is an alien god guy and gerald is eggmans grandpa who didn’t love him enough and gave him daddy issues. he also went insane after the government killed his granddaughter (who he loved instead of eggman) and tried to kill humanity :3 these two are like bitter exes to me. they’re both dead. the devil from the bible fucked that old man
Black Doom and Gerald Robotnik are Shadow the Hedgehogs dads. Gerald is a (silly, slightly insane) old scientist and Black Doom is a two thousand year old alien who wants to destroy the Earth. Its not canon but Shadow's gay dads mean everything to me. They kiss and hold hands on the space colony.
Sheo/The Nailsmith:
It's really nice because you unlock it after the nailsmith asks you to kill him with the pure nail and you refuse and walk away. He then says he was wandering hallownest without purpose until he found sheo who helped him discover that there was more to life than just one calling. These two are probably the only characters in the game to have a genuinely happy ending
The nailsmith loses his purpose in life after finishing his ultimate masterpiece, his lifelong goal, the pure nail. He requests the protagonist to try the nail on him, but If you refuse, he will find sheo who helps him to find new meaning in life and realise that there is more to life by teaching him different crafts. They can then be seen sculping figurines together, and sheo is also painting the nailsmith.They share a common love for art and crafts and inspire each other. Sheo's story is that he was a nailmaster, but got tired of it, and put down his nail to pick up a paintbrush. I think it's beautiful that he could help the nailsmith realise what he himself did. They both also used to live in solitude without even realising how lonely they were, and I think it's cute tuhat they can do art together now :]
They are two bugs retired from their career and making better lives for themselves and they’re gay about it. Nailsmith believes at first that he has nothing left after creating the perfect nail and asks the knight to strike him down, and if you don’t, he meets Sheo, a retired nailmaster finding a new calling in painting and sculpting. They find a shared love in creating things and Nailsmith finds a new calling in art as well. The achievement you get for uniting them is called “Happy Couple”
Gay bugs gay bugs gay bugs (Cw mention of suicide) They both used to pursue their one passion in life: forging the perfect nail (sword) for the Nailsmith and the art of combat for Sheo. Sheo realized he could just leave that life when he lost his passion for fighting, and he found himself a new purpose in life: art. However, he always seemed very lonely, completely isolated by all other bugs in his hidden house in the middle of a thorn jungle. When The Nailsmith achieved his goal and forged the perfect nail, he lost his purpose in life and his will to live. He asks the player to kill him. However, if the player refuses, he can later be found in Sheo's house, modelling for Sheo or sculpting figurines with him. He thanks the player for not fulfilling his request, because he has found a new calling in life here, making art together with Sheo. They both express how happy they are to no longer be alone. This also gives you the "Happy Couple" achievement, confirming that they are a couple.
THEY'RE CANON!!! They're fucking canon!!! You can talk to them at one point after doing a Bunch of Stuff to get them to meet each other and you get an achievement called "Happy Couple"!!! Gotta love old man yuri
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bloogers-boogers · 3 months
~Marriage au~ (part two)
So, I was drawing this post when the idea strikes me kabdksdhsls and now it’s a thing.
We all know the whole idea of Adam becoming a sinner, well that’s basically the start of the story. He becomes a sinner, he gets in the hotel, he manages to make a deal with Lucifer in exchange of his soul, BUT, that’s like way after. Why? Because in this au Adam soul was trapped to some random overlord, no, it’s not Alastor, Vox or Valentino. It’s somebody else just as powerful. The whole reason Adam gave his soul to him wasn’t outta free will, it was because this demon in peculiar has this ability to make people do things they don’t want to do (hypnosis?? Idk similar to Vox ig), which Adam was a victim of. He made Adam “willingly” exchange his soul for an offer. This was before he managed to get to the hotel. So now he’s trapped to this guy.
The only ones who can see Adam being chained are demons that are also on a leash that includes Alastor. And this is how Lucifer found out about it because he overheard Alastor taunt Adam about it with very subtle words but Lucifer caught on immediately.
Which is where the plot begins.
Lucifer takes Adam aside and starts making a huge deal about it which Adam refused to admit it was even true.
Somehow in the long run Lucifer managed to get Adam to blurt out the truth after many attempts to gain his trust or at least make Adam accept his help (didn’t take long tbh, kinda like 2 hours after the confrontation).
So they both went to talk to the demon who owned Adam and Lucifer wasn’t planning on leaving there until he managed to have Adam’s soul free. The bad thing was that this overlord was quite power hungry and the fact that the KING of hell seemed desperate for this soul alone was an opportunity he couldn’t let down (he kinda figured being the first man his soul would be priceless in comparison to other sinners which is why he caught him in the first place but he wouldn’t have guessed that King Morningstar would want it after the battle they had it was shown those two didn’t get along.) but anyways.
So he offered Adam’s soul for the exchange of Lucifer giving up on the throne which was laughable. Lucifer denied, obviously, and Adam just kinda accepted defeat. But Lucifer didn’t give up on that, they tried other methods from ancient scrolls to old rituals but nothing worked to set Adam’s soul free. Lucifer didn’t want to resort to this but he had no other choice by the looks of it. A soul contract is a very powerful thing which is why it’s almost unbreakable, but he was the king of hell. He had an immense power that COULD break a soul contract. But thats only if…
Adam spiritually gives himself to Lucifer in marriage in a holy union. Aka upon the eyes of God.
Which of course this is beyond breaking everything Lucifer stands for and his pride.
So this is where their deal commenced.
“Adam I will set you free, I will put my faith in God again to break that contract, my union with Lilith; everything I fought so hard to keep. I will sacrifice it all, myself, just for you to receive freedom again. But the only thing I ask for in exchange is your soul.”
“Seriously?! After literally everything we did to get myself free from that asshole you’re gonna get my soul stuck to you seconds after?! Speak of the fucking devil.”
“Adam for the love of my damn father! I’m literally sacrificing my marriage, connecting with my dad, throwing my pride away. Literally fucking marrying you! For a whole damn year! for your selfish underserving ass! I must get something back for it. Take it or leave it.”
Adam thought for a bit before shrugging. Yeah, it was a bitch, but it was unlikely for Lucifer to do something that bad when Charlie is involved in Adam’s self growth as a person.
“Okay. Deal,” he extends his hand towards Lucifer assuming it was a normal type of deal and the devil sigh.
Unfortunately for them, a holy marriage is supposed to be set in the tradicional terms.
He summoned a box with a golden serpent ring and kneeled down swallowing his pride and accepting Adam as his spouse.
“Adam, would you, the first man accept me; King Lucifer Morningstar as your faithful and loyal husband?”
This startled Adam of course, cause what the fuck was Lucifer doing.
Adam huffed incredulous, “Loyal I doubt it.”
Lucifer tsk sourly already regretting this but held it in. That could wait after their stupid church wedding.
“But sure, whatever…” Adam blushed embarrassed by the whole thing (after all he never experienced something like this before, a marriage proposal; considering he was already born married or given wives), offering his hand while Lucifer looked up a bit before his gaze fell back down to Adam’s fingers and gently slid the ring on his wedding finger.
Suddenly Lucifer and Adam appear in a church house with the grim reaper as their priest and the wedding begins.
“In the name of God, I, Lucifer Morningstar, take you, Adam, to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until parted by death. This is my solemn vow."
Adam blushed some more, he wasn’t sure why he was being an emotional bitch about it when all of this wasn’t entirely willing but still, he was actually experiencing a wedding in the point of view of a groom.
Adam wasn’t sure what to say but to replicate Lucifer’s vows.
“In the name of God, I, Adam, take you, Lucifer Morninstar, to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until parted by death. This is my solemn vow."
Lucifer bit his lip, feeling unsure all of a sudden. Was he really gonna do this just for Adam? He looked at his wedding band; the memories, the only thing he had left linked to Lilith. Once he accepts Adam as his, his ring would evaporate and his soul would forever be bounded to Adam.
He winced his eyes shut letting the reaper finish the ceremony.
“So I will repeat this again, in case someone is already rethinking this and wants to flee to the nearest exit which is right at the left end,” the grim reaper side eyes Lucifer, “Do you Lucifer Morningstar accept Adam to be your lawfully wedded husband?”
“I do.”
“Do you Adam accept Lucifer Morningstar to be your lawfully wedded husband?”
Adam also had his own doubts, his promises to Eve, the connection he once had for her, the faithful and love for the mother of his children. All of that smacked him in the face with each passing second of the ceremony. He hasn’t even thought of Eve in so long.
“I do.”
The reaper gestures Lucifer to give his ring.
Lucifer winced harder feeling a tear wanting to slip out as he starts.
“Adam, I give you this ring as a symbol of my vow, and with all that I am and all that I have, I honor you, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit,” he slid the ring on Adam. Already sensing the ring that belonged to Lilith turning into dust as he stepped back, falling off his fingers ready to be replaced with Adam’s. Shit.
Adam was given a ring to place it on Lucifer’s wedding finger. He gulped, awkwardly getting ready for his part.
“Lucifer, I give you this ring as a symbol of my vow, and with all that I am and all that I have, I honor you, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit,” he places it on Lucifer’s finger, sealing their bound.
They both watched as the gold of their rings brightened and tightened in their skin.
“I here by declare you; Lucifer Morningstar and Adam Morningstar: king and king consort of hell. You may kiss the groom.”
Adam flinched disgusted, Lucifer cringed while swallowing and mustering the courage to peck Adam quickly.
And that sealed it. In the eyes of the holy spirit they were married. The holy light washed over them as the church bells rang announcing their strong union. Adam’s contract with the overlord broke as the power of their holy union broke it.
After Adam’s little scene of being set free from his contract was done, everything vanished and suddenly they were at a hotel room, lighted by candles and seductive music.
They both looked around, Adam confused, Lucifer just startled by the abruptness.
“Yeah. This is where things get awkward,” Lucifer admitted.
So a week passes and they act like all of that never happened. Everyone at the HOTEL was oblivious of the whole thing but eventually the news spreads around and Charlie finds out from a sinner.
“King Morningstar! Congratulations for your beautiful groom,” he then bows at both Adam and Lucifer.
Lucifer tenses when it happens and notices Charlie’s odd stare.
“I don’t know what he’s talking about, haha, he must be a little cookoo,” he swirls his finger next to his head, nervous. Adam just face palms by how awful Lucifer is at lying.
Of course Charlie doesn’t seem to believe his bullshit so Lucifer quits it.
“Okay, it’s not what you think and it’s absolutely TEMPORARY,” he explains in a quickly fashion, “Adam was trapped, I offered my help, the guy wanted the throne I denied. Only method to get Adam free was something more powerful than a soul contract and that was a holy marriage. And now, we’re married. Temporarily.”
Somehow, and as weird as it was, Charlie and the rest kinda swept it udder a rug. So the whole incident was kinda not a big deal (bc it’s not legit if they don’t actually like each other, still weird tho), both acted like normal and normally they’d just tried laughing off any comments about their marriage. Until it actually becomes a big deal.
When Lucifer starts feeling awkward or annoyed when someone approaches Adam with all intentions on trying to fuck him.
“AHAHA! Wowie! How fun, now get your filthy hands off my husband.”
And everytime Adam would question that, Lucifer would shrug it off as.
“I have to keep the part.”
You can imagine the drama, mix and confusing feelings and new found jealousy. And all of that in this.
So yeah. Thats the au 😭
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reallyromealone · 1 year
can you do sanzu angst to fluff with a pregnant omega (third trimester) and his omega is annoyed / sad at the fact sanzu won’t do the “devils tango” with him anymore so his omega doubts his beauty and relationship with sanzu and gets really insecure but really sanzu is just scared about hurting his pup(s) now that they’re in the 3rd trimester ╥﹏╥
(you don’t have to write anything hardcore explicit at all, maybe just a reconcile with some flirtatious words at most if you want :D)
Warning: explicit conversation, male reader, mentions of sex, omegaverse, mpreg
Sanzu x male reader
Every time like clockwork.
The two would be getting frisky and suddenly Sanzu would stop and looked uncomfortable whenever (name)s shirt would come off...then drown himself in work.
(Name) sat on their bed as he looked in the mirror, his large belly on full display with their twins, (name) in the starting stages of his third trimester and gently touched the stretch marks across his lower belly as if they would burn him if he put any pressure.
He could barely look at himself anymore, he felt gross... Even his alpha didn't want him.
Haru barely touched him, he must have been hideous to the pink haired man.
Why else would be look so freaked out when they would get intimate?
(Name) started wearing clothes that covered his belly, not hiding it as that was a challenge but concealing it more and didn't bother trying to get intimate with Haru as the Alpha worked later and later.
Haru came home exhausted as he saw his beloved in the kitchen, making a snack it seemed though the snack didn't look like what the Omega would typically have but he didn't question pregnancy.
Haru walked behind his mate, pumping out pharamones as he hugged (name) from behind, rumbling a bit as he kissed (name)s scent gland, the Omega letting out a distressed whine and Sanzu immediately looked worried, turning his mate to check him "who hurt you" he said seriously and (name) wanted to cry "alpha doesn't want me" he choked out, the mixed signals making the Omega stressed.
"What do you mean?" When it came to (name) Sanzu would immediately go from big scary vice president of Japan's most fearsome crime organization to doting worried alpha in seconds as he led (name) to the livingroom, the Omega sitting on the couch as Sanzu crouched before him and held his hands gently, looking at his beloved with worry "tell me what's going on" he said softly, thankful he went to those god forsaken classes to learn better communication skills for his mate and pups "whenever we do stuff you look horrified and pull away... I know I don't look how I looked before and I got stretch marks and I'm huge and--"" you think I'm not attracted to you?"
"You push me away the second I show my belly! Then you drown yourself in work! Why don't you want me?!" (Name) sobbed as he pulled away and hugged himself and Sanzu felt his heart break at this "you know how hard it is to hold back?"
"You know how hard it is for me to not pin you down and fuck you stupid? To bend you and manhandle you till you're crying on my cock? How often I jerk off to the fact you're swollen with my kids? The cute tits you have?"
(Name) was beet red at this point "then why do you pull away?"
"I don't wanna hurt the pups, you're close to giving birth, I don't wanna fuck you injured" Sanzu said kissing his belly.
(Name) giggled at this and let Sanzu wipe away any tears "you're gonna be a good dad" (name) said sweetly and Sanzu kissed him gently "now I think it's time I remind my omega how sexy he is"
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blood-grove · 3 months
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the devil comes in pairs
-> a little something based off this plot
-> creds; @renegadecantlife check them out!
tws; none rlly??
-> gn!child reader & cowboy ghost
The horse came to a stop.
"This is where we part."
"I said I'd bring you the next town here you are."
"Dont be like that."
Be like what?.
You had forgotten this wasnt permanent.
'I'll drop you off at the next town alright kid?- Jesus slow down its only a piece of jerky-'
"The nuns at the orphanage are good- I think c'mon lemme help you down."
You didnt even know why you did it before you did.
You clung onto the back of him hugging him tight.
"Please dont make me go.."
He tensed that skull mask looking back at you as you buried your face into his back.
A sniffle.
"God damn it."
And here you are after a struggle with a bubble bath, and some new clothes that you got to pick out while Ghost tried to convince the shopkeeper that he was not being robbed.
Riding on the back of Wraith with Ghost heading to somewhere to meet his friends.
"Are you listening?'
He huffed rolling his eyes.
"Listen I want you too behave."
"Are we there yet?-"
"Don't start."
It was starting to get dark the longer we went on Wraith kept a steady pace, You were getting tired leaning into Ghost's back which was way more comfortable his leather jacket even thought it was arguably rough felt just like a pillow in your tired state.
"Hey- Wake up I don' want you sliding off the saddle ain't catching you."
You mumbled something in response nodding as you just continue to drift off before falling asleep.
You woke when Wraith came to stop rubbing your eyes as you yawned flinching as Ghost had suddenly gotten off and picked you up off as well setting you on the ground.
Barely giving you any time to wake up or realize the slight ache in your back making a mental not that falling asleep on a horse is not as comfy as it seemed.
"Look i have a few rules."
"Mhmm.." You mumbled stifling a yawn as he huffed.
"Don't be nosy first off, Second off if you intend for me to let you stay with me don't go blabbing about anything you hear in there out in public to anyone, And finally don't ask questions like I said don't be nosy."
"Mhm.." You rubbed your eyes as you nodded finally waking up enough to take in your surroundings you were still deep into the forest the faint scent of smoke in the air was different though.
But you didn't have time to process as he grabbed your arm taking Wraith's reins and walking them along till the smell of smoke and food cooking.
You glanced up at Ghost whose hand rested on his pistol as a man came into view gun raised.
"Go ahead and fuck aff before I put a canyon between yer eyes-" The man spoke with a weird accent you were unfamiliar with, He seemed strange first off even more with that weirder haircut making you wonder if he lost a bet of some sort.
"Soap it's just me." Ghost spoke up seeming unbothered at the man's threat the man quickly lowered his gun with a grin.
"Holy hell Lt! Jesus it's been months!" The accented man beamed pulling Ghost into a hug he definitely disapproved of the low grumble sounding more like a pissed cat than a grown man.
The man pulled away as Ghost huffed.
"And bleeding fuckin' Jesus you don' had a kid?!-" The man now known as Soap which made him even stranger had finally noticed you his sudden acknowledgment of you made you flinch back.
"Johnny there not-"
"Tsk' tsk' see I win! See Gaz said I'd be the first to knock up some gal and have a kid but ol' Ghost-" A smack on the back of the head quickly shut him up as Soap now complained about messing up his weird hair another man likely the deliverer of the slap moving form behind Soap.
A much older man than Soap and Ghost though you couldn't tell his age without looking at his face.
"Ghost, Nice to see you in one piece" Price shook hands with the man unlike Soap who had now slinked off muttering something about telling the Gaz guy mentioned by him earlier.
Why do all of them have strange names? I mean the older man seemed normal.
Maybe they were a circus of sorts?
Though you've never seen a circus so you could really say.
You were barely paying attention to the two talking it started to sound like boring adult stuff and Price didn't seem to acknowledge your presence or at least not fawn and yell over it like the Soap guy.
You wandered off like children do when left to their own whim heading towards the smell of food honestly Ghost's jerky left much to be desired.
So first time in an outlaw gang's camp and you were already technically broken one of Ghost's rules, And thieving in someone's tent.
You'd fit in great.
a/n: uhhh might do part two or just rambles abt ghost becoming more fatherly and maybe just hcs abt the gang in general <3 anywas shout out again to @renegadecantlife for the cool idea
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ghosts-bandwagon · 2 years
Hello sweetheart heart, hope you are having a nice day. We love ghost, sow now i love you.
You, me and Jesus Christ know that when Ghost loves hard, he loves STRONGLY. This man gives you every bit of his soul little by little, in his own way, in his own time, but he does it with every fiber of his being. Now, Ghost gave his soul to his women. He opened himself in every possible way with her, he loves her too much. Until he loses her one day, on a mission, the last thing he saw was her being wounded. They are separated and she doesn't answer his calls, he thinks she is wounded to the brink of death. how would ghost react? does he's go "devil mode"? etc.
I NEED ANGST, I NEED TO CRY. I want this man to break my heart.
ily2 ghost solidarity (Damn dude you got me turning on my angst song, this hit me hard lmaooo)
TW: graphic descriptions of violence, angst
God, he’s a fucking mess. Ghost who is normally so calm and level headed. He is normally the picture of grace under pressure. But when everything started going sideways, you did what you do best and you protected him. Your 6’4” hulking behemoth of a man. The floor crumbed and broke under your feet, forcing you both to plummet down to the ground floor. The only part of the building that so far survived the blast. Ghost saw your attackers aim their guns into the hole you were both in. You acted quick and shot them, but not before they shot at you first. You pushed him away from you as hard as you could and the last thing he saw before you were separated was a spray of blood. And then more debris came crumbling down. And then silence. His blood went ice cold. There’s no fucking way. There’s absolutely no fucking way this is happening. He screamed. He screamed your call sign until his throat was raw. He’s not a religious man at all but sweet god above, this can’t be real. This is just a bad dream. Please god, this is just a bad dream.
You weren’t responding and it sounded like more of the enemy force were coming in. But it didn’t matter. He wouldn’t remember what happened. He wouldn’t remember mowing them down, one by one. He wouldn’t remember jamming his thumbs into their eyes, or plunging his knife in their throats over and over and over again, or even the tears. The hot tears that glued his mask to his face like a second layer of skin. He wouldn’t remember any of it.
Just the kisses he never gave you. The mornings he could’ve spent in your arms. The nights he could’ve spent curled up on the sofa, letting the TV run with whatever you wanted. The pointless arguments you would’ve gotten into about the pros and cons of having a dog. The time he could’ve spent unpacking your belongings in his house and watching you turn it into a home. The stupid texts you would’ve sent him about the most ridiculous things, groceries, jokes, those stupid quizzes you loved so much.
And as he held you in his arms, his hands shaking and applying as much pressure to your side as he could, his love is pouring from his lips and his eyes. He won’t let go. He absolutely will not fucking let you go. Even as evac came and put you on a stretcher, loading you into the chopper, he is holding onto you for dear life.
He’ll never let you go.
I might decide to do a full one shot from this 👀
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lukeywritesstuff · 11 months
Jealous Jack at the umich football game. A bunch of college guys are obsessing over the reader and Jack can’t take it anymore.
Fucking Loser
Jack Hughes x reader
Note: Okay bare with me on this one, I only slightly know football as I’m only starting to get into it, and by starting I mean I absolutely have no idea what’s going on and I just find one player so sexy I want him.
Warnings: jealousy, Weird drunk guys that can’t handle the word ‘no’, sexual assault mention, older man being creepy to a 20 year old, underage drinking, cursing
Jack invited me to go to the Wolverines home opener football game with him and his brothers, what he didn’t tell me was I had to sit with the crowd as they only had 3 field passes.
I came to this hoping I was gonna spend time with my boyfriend before his season started with the devils and he has to travel a ton for away games, but no, here I am in the crowd surrounded by a couple of horny guys who can’t keep their hands off me.
“Can you PLEASE for the love of God stop FUCKING TOUCHING ME!” I yell at the 2 guys either side of me, the stadium wasn’t too loud at that point so a bunch of people heard and it got the attention of Jack and his brothers, Luke and Quinn, making them come to the bleachers where we were.
“What’s going on here, why the fuck are you touching my girl when she’s asked you to fucking stop!” Jack said clearly angry with the two losers.
“We were just trying to get her grumpy ass into the spirit. Maybe you shouldn’t have left her alone here. Then maybe nothing would’ve happened.” One of the guys said.
Jacks face turned red and he was about to yell at him until Luke butted in.
“You have way too much confidence for a guy in his 8th year of college just so you can still be part of a team nobody cares about. You’re not going pro, give up on that. It’s never going to happen. You’re gonna have to leave college and get a normal job one day. Nobody’s gonna remember you, and if they do, don’t make them remember you as the loser who can’t listen to when a girl says no and assaults her. You’re almost 30, fucking act like it. How am I 10 years younger than you yet I even know better than that.”
The weirdo looked absolutely flabbergasted at what Luke said and just huffed off and walked away.
“Remind me to never leave your side, ever. I was so fucking stupid leaving you here with a bunch of FOOTBALL fans. Literally the worst breed of people.“ Jack said and started saying other shit about how stupid he is.
“Okay jack, shut the fuck up. I still love you. I will always love you. Yes I’d rather you have stayed with me, or found a way to get me another field pass. But now it’s in the past, he’s gone. His friends gone. We can either enjoy the rest of the game or we can go back to the house and relax by the lake, maybe even force Quinn to go on a relaxing boat ride to calm down after this.”
Jsck just nodded and grabbed my hand before we left with Quinn. (Luke stayed back because he was hanging out with his ex-teammates after the game)
We went out on the boat Jack and I had some coolers that he bought on our way home (even though I’m not legal for another month) and we spent the rest of the day relaxing until Luke and a hoard of college boys took over the backyard and started a fire.
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shaarlslec · 2 years
me and the devil
words: 4554
introduction/part 1 | part 2 | part 4 | part 5
warnings/notes: charles leclerc x reader, friends to enemies to lovers type of a thing, both of them being pricks, slight manipulation;
inspired by: Soap&Skin - Me And The Devil, The Neighborhood - Afraid, The Academic - Why Can’t We Be Friends?, lovelytheband - i like the way, The Wombats - Turn , Wallows - Pleaser
“I came here because I–” Charles paused, backing two steps away from you. Fuck, even the idea of your bodies being departed just inches away drove Charles mad because he wanted for that space to not even exist in the first place, and yet he had to keep it cool around you – that what was he was advised, “Your war declaration impressed me.” 
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Summer break came and gone with you two not even exchanging a single text. There was no room for that anymore. You were at war now. At least, that is how Charles has put it in the words of his newest interview for GQ during the summer break.  
“You have quite a tight gap between you and your teammate, and as far as everyone remembers it – that has not happened for you in the last two years. What changed within the team due to that? What has happened in between the two of you because as we all know it – you used to be Y/N mentor.” The interviewer dared to scoop; camera pointed to only Charles who was comfortably seating down nodding his head slowly as the words flooded the room. 
“Mentor is a huge word to use here.” Charles has confidently responded, eyes piercing the camera as if he was talking to you and not an entire audience, “Y/N is an extremely talented driver, and I had the chance to watch that closely since the beginning of her racing career – and I am grateful for that.” Your teammate spoke with tensed back and shoulders, “The team priorities remined the same as they were at the beginning of the season – that is to win another championship, and to answer all of your questions,” Charles then paused, shortly inhaling the heavy air in the room as if you were there to witness the words, “I and Y/N are at war, and we will do our best for our mutual feelings to not scrouge the team’s priorities.” He added, eyes titling down at his shoes for a while to take another breather before glaring up at the interviewer again, “Next question.” He ended, almost demanding. 
“He is a fucking child.” You muttered as you watched the interview next to your manager who basically forced you to watch the video, “How am I younger than him and yet the one to abstain herself from such comments?” You voiced with that burning aching feeling of your chest deepening as Charles’ heavy breaths stood as main remainders of the last time you saw each other back in the hotel room, “We are adults for God’s sake, not children playing Warzone.” 
An amused side-eye came from your manager whose phone went back into their back pockets for their hands to fully lock on their torso, “Can I say something, Y/N?” They asked, waiting patiently for you to nod, “Charles angers you – and that is good.” They added, “That is if you keep it professional.” 
Your eyes rolled, figuring out that you do really hate this phase. Does not sound like us, Charles’ voice reverberated in the back of your mind, “What if I do not?” You questioned, thinking about all the times in which you were almost ready to give up the whole professionalism into your being in front of him. 
“You have to deal with the consequences of trying to beat the one you lose your mind for inside and outside the track.” They uttered, both of you knowing damn well that means trouble for the career you fought so much to pave.  
“Enough about Charles.” You spoke, being the demanding one now, “Let me enjoy the last couple of days before I have to face him again, don’t mention him for this time being.” You added, and you could swear that you heard your manager saying “as if you don’t what that” underneath their breath.
You fought a paradox that was not only yours to bear, thoughtless of you to think that you were the only one tormented by the idea – Charles was too. Is just that Charles Leclerc had a different coping mechanism that you did. While you were trying to avoid anything online remotely linked to your teammate, Charles preferred to keep in-check your social media and to engage in every single conversation that you were mentioned in. No matter how cold and assertive he would have wanted to look when any questions about you was directed towards him, Charles enjoyed being put in such position. The Monegasque loved to be challenged, and what such thrill that you were the one to do it. You pushed him to strive for the better at the same time as you were alarming him. 
“Does she bother you that much?” Arthur asked his brother watching Leclerc scrolling through your Instagram before dinner, “That you have to watch her every step even if you are not competing?” The youngest Leclerc had inquired in almost silence as he was careful of the others gathered at the family dinner to not hear them speak, “Kinda stalk-ish, if you ask me.” He then mocked, eyebrows playfully twitching up. 
“Well, I did not ask you.” Charles replied as the phone was placed back in the pocket, “And yes, Y/N does bother me.” Your teammate declared, switching glare with his little brother who happened to be one of your closest friends within the sport. Yes, you had a thing for the Leclerc’s brothers. 
“Then, let me be the first one to tell you that she will drive you insane.” Arthur amplified with a sharp look towards his brother who was confusedly staring back at him, “I know you two well enough to figure out who will be the one to snap first.” Arthur mumbled, and then the conversation got interrupted by the arrival of the food and the fuss that created around the table. 
Charles weighted Arthur’s words. Arthur was quite right. Being that close in age with Arthur, you two grew up basically together through the junior leagues of F1. And yet, you were two steps ahead of the little Leclerc ever since the beginning. You got into F2, Arthur followed two years later despise the age gap and the relations the family had. You got into F1; Arthur struggled for another two years into F2 before making it into a midfield team alongside you who was already signed for Ferrari at that time. You were cunning, and both Leclerc were pretty much aware of that. 
Charles has watched you being ahead of his brother throughout the years, and yet Arthur never quite lost his mind over you as Charles did. Arthur had always kept it calm, and your friendship was never affected by who scored the most points or who was the best amongst the two of you – why was it different for Charles? 
Your teammate circulated around that question for the entirety of the dinner as everyone was trying to grab his attention with whatever question that ended up being answered by Arthur rather than Charles. He is stressed, don’t mind him. Arthur would say, trying to switch the focus from his brother to literally anything else. 
Yes, Charles was extremely stressed out, but not over whatever people at the table thought that evening. It was not about the following races or even about winning the championship anymore – it was all about you and the way in which you bothered him that seemed to be very much very different from the way in which you made Arthur behave towards you.  
Charles had enough time to pick his brains about this inquiry until the next time you saw each other (a couple of days down the road). You met him before practice for that weekend’s race due to your media duties. You two had to film a C2 challenge that consisted in who was the teammate that knew the other the best through answering questions about the other. You huffed as your colleagues showed you the question prompts. What were Charles’ favorite food, movie, ideal date, and celebrity crush. When did Charles won his first grand prix, what corner is his favorite out of the corners at Monza and so on. They also passed you a sheet with all the answers – and they did the same for Leclerc in other room. 
“I don’t need this.” You both spoke, pushing the answer sheets away, “Most of these are wrong, anyway.” Charles and you added, glaring over your PR team.
The filming set was simple. Two chairs standing one in front of the other in the Ferrari’s garage. It was supposed to be like that, no big fuss or huge thing. You needed to show the people that were watching you that you still get along, that what happened before the summer break has no impact on you whatsoever. Those were the instructions you both received before entering the garage, now seating one in front of the other with cards gripped in both of your hands, not daring to look at each other now. 
“Ok Charles, you can start.” Someone announced, and the cameras rolled. Charles begun with the introduction; eyes fixed on the camera before turning them on you. You almost flinched when Charles shifted his glare, and yet you knew that you needed to prove (to you mostly, and to him) that he was not moving you in any shape or form. Do not stand in my way. You gulped, the sweet tone that Charles was using was quite different from what he has portrayed back in the hotel room. 
“We are here to find how much we know about each other.” Charles intoned, leaning back into his chair as he was piercing you, “Do you feel confident that you can win this too?” He asked, and that was for the very first time when he was addressing you after three long weeks. 
You sustained the man’s glare, “How about we turn this into a speed-round?” You asked with an arched brow, “See whoever answers faster.” You teased, giving a side-eye to your managers and the team who was confused as for why you were changing the rules of the game but agreeing with your plead anyhow as soon as they heard an affirmative answer coming from Leclerc. 
“Sure, why not. Five questions per person, half a minute for answers.” Charles confidently spoke, and you could swear you were the only one to see his small smile turning into a nifty smirk with the intention of intimidation. 
Charles Leclerc was not intimating to you anymore as he was back in the days – it was the other way around now. You were the one who troubled him the most, and not vice-versa. 
“Favorite dish?” Charles inquired, knocking his knee with the edges of the cards, 
“Pasta, easy.” You immediately spoke as you slightly rolled your eyes, “But not anything that involves seafood in them, especially well-cocked shrimps.” You added, mimicking his pose as you relaxed your back in the chair as well. 
Charles nodded proudly, and he kept doing that as long as the questions were asked, and your answers never fail to impress him and everyone around. You knew him, oh you knew him too well.
“My turn.” You declared, leaving the cards to fall on your knees as you crossed your arms at your chest, “Favorite spot to hang out after a race?” You inquired, not starting as easy as he did with the questions about himself. 
“Trick question right from the start.” Charles laughed, “Depends on the city we are in – sometimes is some tiny hidden restaurants deep in the center of the city, and sometimes is up-hill somewhere.” He spoke, and you were not expecting him to remember all of that right from the start, “Also, when you are racing home – you always take the car and drive around the city for whole hours.” Charles replied, adding more to the answer perhaps for him to prove that he can beat you at this game as well or for you to know that he had as much attention as your stories at you had at his. 
You nodded, “Very good, Leclerc.” You breathed before getting into the next questions that Charles answered in the same fashion as you did his – some of them even better. 
The whole crew let you talk while your mangers were exchanging worried glances. That was the interaction of two people that are deeply interested in each other (the amount of effort you both put into remembering all those details about the other was insane). It was clear for them then, as it was for the whole team that you only pretend to despise each other. No person who hates the other could have known what their first childhood memory was or that they hate the taste of salted caramel cappuccinos. The game went on as a speed-round for a couple of minutes, until it was Charles’ turn again to ask you the questions. 
“What is your relationship with my brother?” Charles suddenly inquired, and all eyes widened in the room (that type of question was nowhere on the cards). 
Your eyes widened too, “Is this question about you or me?” You replied with a nervous laugh. 
“It implicates us both.” He answered back, glare as sharp as a knife and voice steady as if he was almost scolding you.
“It implicates me and Arthur.” You spoke, hearing the cameraman shutting the camera down with a click as the atmosphere thickened between you and Charles, “If you are that curious – you should ask your brother then. I am sure you are closer with him that you are with me.” You muttered, wondering if it was jealousy you sensed in the tone of your teammate or simply new-found curiosity. 
“You are the one in front of me now – I am asking you.” Charles fought back, but his intentions were cut shut by the Communications Manager. 
“Ok guys, enough content for today.” She spoke with a little amused smile on her face, being one of many wondering what your answer is if this conversation continues any further but knowing that a scoop into your personal life would not be the best way to promote your relationship to the public, “Go take five, you two have other interviews to attend before the practice.” 
“And for God’s sake,” Your manager interfered after a heavy breath, “Can you two behave for five whole minutes without attacking the other?” They asked, watching you already leaving your seat while Charles’ glare never budged from where you stood, “Y/N wait –” They rushed, following you out of the garage back into your motorhome. 
“Why are you getting so worked up for?” They questioned you once they breathless caught you from behind, you were quicker than any normal person not only when driving but when you were walking too, “It was just a silly question—” 
“Leclerc has no reason to be jealous.” You confessed, leaning your body on one of the walls, “Why does he act the way he does in front of other people too?” You inquired, temples pounding at the verges of your head, “Why does he care about my relationships with other drivers, have I ever asked him how well he gets along with other girls? No.” You vented; your manager perplexed shutting the door behind you two. 
Charles stood from his chair after you left the room, everyone in the room was eyeing him. He adjusted his voice by coughing twice, “I guess we need to film the outro for the video some other day.” Charles simply said to your Communication Manager. 
“There is no need, we will figure out something without you two in the same shoot.” She implied with furrowed brows, “But perhaps –” She paused, watching Leclerc position both of his hands at his hips, “Keep your cool in front of the cameras with Y/N, alright?” 
“What do mean? Have I said something wrong?” Charles inquired, looking around the room for someone to back him up. Yet, no one did so. 
“Not exactly Charles.” She answered, “But if looks could kill, you would have murdered Y/N right in front of us.” 
Charles’ gulped his words before he could say something, the realization kicked in. Arthur was right – you were driving him insane. The worst part of all that? That everybody around you two was seeing that, and yet Charles acted clueless. 
Focus was on the race on Sunday, after one successful qualifying session during which you got third place on the grid and Charles first. Yet, Charles had PU changes that pushed him five places back in the grid. You were ahead of him, and you were planning to keep it that way. No matter how much Charles managed to anger you outside the track, you had to take all of that and put in inside of it. 
You had a good start, pushing Max on P2 and now you were chasing Russell. As you were not seeing Charles’ car in your mirrors, you kept your calm for half of the race when you took the opportunity to pass Russell too in a tight corner – exactly how Leclerc has taught you before. 
It was a tough race for Charles, but a very good one for you. The minor PU changes seemed to not perform as well as the team expected on Charles’ car, so he struggled in P4 for most of the race.
It rarely happened for Charles not to be on the podium, and he needed that now more than ever for his own ego because your finish in P1 meant equality in points in the championship if he was not to pass Russell ahead of him. Xavi announced him that through the radio, while your race engineer spoke just these words to you: Y/N please abandon the fastest lap. 
And yet, Russell was unyielding in P3 pissed by Max passing him five laps before the checked flag and you were angered by your team’s message. Leclerc must be in P4 still, you thought. With an open distance and a considerable gap between you and Max, you pushed all the limits of your body and that car to disobey the team’s orders without saying anything back to them as a reply.
You took P1 and you took the fastest lap of the race too. One point ahead of Charles Leclerc in the championship, and oh how much would that upset sweet little Charles. 
The crowd was in awe for the second time in a row, and you were more than pleased to take the fourth trophy home for the season as well as you were thrilled to be asked how it feels to lead the championship for the first time through your F1 career before hopping on a well-deserved podium. 
“What do you think your teammate has to say to this swift in points?” The Sky interviewer asked, and you would have wished for your punch to knock that man right then and there. It was your time to shine, yours and yours alone. And yet, of course – they had to ask about him, cause how can someone take the spotlight from their dearest champ? 
You furrowed your eyebrows; the thought of Charles has not crossed your mind up until this stupid question. What managed to anger you now was not your teammate, but your foolish team orders. And yet, you had to give them what they wanted. Meaningless to say, you loved the chaos as much as Charles did especially during high rushes of adrenaline as now. 
“As he declared – we are at war, aren’t we?” You giggled, whipping the sweat off your forehead with a smirk sprinkled on your wet face, “All of us are here to win.” You added, saved by the bell of timing as Max was asked to replace you. 
Charles watched from the side, and within even his own surprise – a small smile split his face as the answer flew to the man’s ears.
Oh, the game is on.
Xavi went to apologize to Charles at the exact moment when the people in your team were hugging and congratulation you. 
“I don’t need apologies, Xavi.” Charles spoke, eyes watching your every move as you went up to the podium, “I need solutions.” The Monegasque then declared, leaving the spot next to Xavi who he left wordless to go and wait for you in front of your motorhome. A warning for you seemed to not be enough, therefore Charles has decided to step up his game seeing that you did that on your own. 
You were startled once you saw him at your door with his race suit half on and arms locked at his chest, “You again.” You almost sobbed beneath your gutted breath, “What do you want now?” You questioned, passing by him to open the door for him to follow you inside, another tantrum was not ideal to be witnessed by people passing, “You need to stop following me in such fashion – people might think that you are in love with me or something.” You teased, turning on your heel for now to watch him closely inches away from you as he stopped his steps right before your bodies could have tinged. 
Charles said nothing to your remark. You rolled your eyes at his silence, “It is just a joke, you don’t even know how to joke anymore?” You continued, undressing from your racing suit as he was watching. Putting it half down just as him, you placed both of your hands on your hips with an annoyed look on your face, “Have you come here just to stare?” You wondered, Charles’ silence weighting as seconds passed by. 
“I came here because I–” Charles paused, backing two steps away from you. Fuck, even the idea of your bodies being departed just inches away drove Charles mad because he wanted for that space to not even exist in the first place, and yet he had to keep it cool around you – that what was he was advised, “Your war declaration impressed me.” 
You huffed, “You are the one who did it first, Leclerc. Don’t pretend that I am the one who put us in such position.” 
“Oh, so you have been watching me.” He promptly replied, your eyes rolling again as the grin on Charles’ face extended.
“Don’t gloat.” You spoke despite all the cravings inside of you that commanded wiping that man’s smile with a slap or a lock of mouths, “You are the one who has been stalking me on social media.” You replied, an immediate reaction on Charles’ face in the form of a twitched eyebrow and a nervous chuckle. 
“I got my answer then.” Charles breathed, back now glued on one of your walls putting as much distance as he could in between the two of you, “You are that close with my brother so that he can rat me out to you.” He continued, one of his hands stretching the back of his neck.
Nervous, you made him nervous once again. You knew you would, and you were smart enough to figure out that the Leclerc brothers had been talking about you over the summer break for Arthur to send you a text saying What have you done to my brother that your name pops up first in his searches? 
“What was with that question, anyway?” You asked with your shoulders tensed up, being impossible to fully relax all your body underneath the man’s gaze even after the race’s rush of adrenaline wore off, “You know that I and Arthur are friends, he was the one who introduced you to me.” You recollected, flashes of your first talk with Leclerc flickering in the back of your mind: when he was sweet, kind and caring, and when your crush on him started. 
“I needed answers, Y/N.” Charles sighed, switching his weight from the back foot on the one standing closer to you as he made its way back into your space. Damn, Charles Leclerc was indecisive, “Why it is different for me than it is for Arthur when it comes to you.” He declared, hand up in the air now to touch your cheek. 
You were startled at first, of course you were. Three weeks ago, Charles seemed to you like he could not even stand the idea of you touching his hand, and now his was on you. And yet, you caved in as his hand cupped your already rosy cheeks. No matter how much you would have liked to resist, your body told the story. He pulled your head up, close to his mouth. Oh, so damn close.
“Maybe because you are different people, and I and Arthur always have known where we stand.” You spoke, watching the little reddened spots that were still on Leclerc’s face from wearing the helmet, “You and I?” You added, touching the reddish line with the tips of your fingers, “We have yet to find out.” You continued, getting up on the edges of your foot to match Leclerc’ energy and to make the distance in between your lips to slowly fade away, “Too bad that we will not find that very soon.” You added, lips almost caressing before you snatched away from Charles, leaving him all hot and sweaty in front of you, “I know what you are doing, Charles.” You warned, steps away from him now. 
“What am I doing?” Charles innocently and all confused spoke, arm hanging out around his body having none of you to touch anymore. 
“You are trying to find my weak spot.” You explained with almost watery eyes, “That is you.” You acknowledged after a short breath, “You made me not care about you in the same way as I did before two years ago when you decided to play the devil card.” You continued with what were full-blown lies told to Charles in the most convincing tone, “You are not going to make me go easy on you for the remining races by making me fall in love with you, again.” You demanded as your heart broke, “Dare to touch me again when you really mean it.” You intoned, “Or do not touch me at all.” 
Charles’ stare sharpened, “That is not what was I tryin—” 
“Get out.” You managed to speak, “I need to change.” You lied, all you needed was a moment of peace caused by the turbulences of your heart jumping back and forth just as Charles’ steps towards you. 
“Fine then.” Charles spoke, “If that is what you want.” He added, turning his back on you but not before throwing the following words behind his shoulder, “Just be aware that you are the one who is playing the devil card now – turning into me.” 
Your eyes remined fixed on Charles’ back until he was out of your sight. When Charles did so, giving one last look over the shoulder – Charles’ hand went to his heart first before balancing around his body. Yes, you figured out your teammate’s plan. Charles came to find you to suede you, and yet the impact of his throbbing heart hurting within his chest was something he was not expecting to feel. 
Charles needed another plan for him to not become the one who’s played by his own intentions, and yet what he saw inside your flaming eyes when your lips were so close to him aroused Charles’ entire body. Fuck, how could Charles had convinced you that part of him was really meaning it – that touching you was everything he needed, wanted, craved with or without his third title.   
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cyncerity · 2 months
sorry i don’t have anything that new or special for vore day, but i do have a scrapped concept alt story for the most recent Schlatt and Charlie fic!
this is heavily unedited and ends where I gave up and kinda restarted, but a lot is still the same so i’ll mark where it’s different with *** at the beginning and end for those who don’t feel like re-reading this whole thing again lol
happy vore day y’all!
“I still don’t think it’s a good idea.” “I know, but, c’mon…we have to tell him eventually.”
Charlie sat on Schlatt’s living room table, the human leaning his head on his palm to be at a closer level to the borrower he was talking to. This was the same conversation they’d been having on and off for months now: should Ted be let in on the secret that Charlie wasn’t human. Obviously, there was a clear answer for them: eventually. Now, when ‘eventually’ actually was…that was a different problem.
“Do I need to remind you what happened the first and only time you met him in person?” Schlatt asked, to which Charlie just groaned. “You have to bring up the fish thing every time, don’t you? Cause yeah, I remember almost drowning, thank you very much.” “It’s more so the principle that he would throw you out a fuckin window, but you get my point. He clearly doesn’t see you as a person.” As much as Schlatt always hated to think about that, it was something him and Ted could never agree on. Ted was of the opinion that borrowers were basically just bipedal rats, and nothing Schlatt had done to convince him otherwise had worked. “But what if I changed that?” Charlie challenged, standing to pace the space in front of Schlatt. “He knows me, he’s known me for years. We’re friends, fuck, I’d say the three of us are best friends! There’s no way he’d just forget all of that the second he sees what height I am, right?” He finished, looking up at Schlatt with something akin to fear. Like he wanted Schlatt to tell him he was right, that it would all work out. But he couldn’t, because didn’t have an answer to what Ted would do. Schlatt sighed. “Honestly, I don’t kn-“
The doorknob to the apartment shook. It was locked, Schlatt always locked it when it was just him in the apartment. Schlatt and Charlie froze. Was Quackity trying to get in? Cause he wasn’t supposed to be home for a good few more hours, hence the door being locked. They were both absolutely silent, waiting for any confirmation that it was their mutual friend, until they heard a few utterances of cursing from behind the locked door.
“God fucking damnit, where are the keys Schlatt gave me-“
Shit, shit. Schlatt’s had totally forgotten he gave Ted a space pair of keys for when he was visiting. Fuck, fuck, what the fuck should he do with Charlie? He heard the key turn in the lock. All of the borrower tunnels were too far away for the remaining few seconds he had till Ted walked in. There’d be no disguising that he was talking to Charlie. Charlie, who was part of a species that Ted believed couldn’t talk. He wouldn’t be able to explain himself. He heard a creak as the door started to open. Did he have a pocket? Shit, no, he had a crew neck and the pockets on his jeans were too tight and small for Charlie to fit in. There was only one other option he could think of. Fuck. Charlie, like him, had been frozen from shock this whole time. That would probably make this easier. He quickly lowered himself down and tried to grab Charlie to shove him in his mouth. *** “Schlatt!” He heard Ted shout, and suddenly, without warning, Charlie moved. Frantically, almost blindly running at him with no warning and accidentally hitting his hand in the process, and everything went to shit. ***
Oh no. Speak of the devil. Ted. God dammit, why did he have to show up right when he and Schlatt were talking about him. And why did Schlatt even give him a spare key? He heard the key turn in the lock. Ok, fuck, how the fuck was he supposed to get out of this one? He didn’t have time to run, he wasn’t naive enough to believe that. And contrary to how often he joked about the window thing, it was actually a pretty horrifying experience that he would not like to relive.
He heard a creak as the door started to open.
Shit, what should he do? What could he do?! He was out in the open, nowhere to run and nowhere to hide unless Schlatt had pockets or- wait. Schlatt. Schlatt…himself could be a place to hide. He’d seen Tubbo do it, that had been a long fuckin conversation after walking in on that, but it was safe. Probably a hell of a lot safer than being anywhere near Ted. But was he really willing to end up down his best friends throat? “Schlatt!” He heard Ted shout and, apparently, he was.
He broke free from his panicked state and immediately sprinted towards Schlatt, planning to climb his shirt to his mouth and just hoping to god Schlatt would get the hint. However, he apparently hadn’t noticed that Schlatt had the same idea as him. “Schlatt?” Ted asked. Charlie ran full speed smack into Schlatt’s hand that had apparently been reaching to pick him up, practically flipping over it by accident and smacking sideways into Schlatt’s mouth but not quite at the right angle to fit in it.
The door clicked closed, Ted was in the room with them.
Schlatt barely caught him, but Charlie had barely realized he’d almost fallen, continuing to claw desperately towards his hiding spot. He was in full fight or flight mode now, and nothing was gonna break him out of it until he knew he was away from Ted. Schlatt used one hand to keep Charlie from falling and the other to try and shove however much of Charlie he could into his mouth.
“Are you ok, man?” Ted asked, coming closer.
After Schlatt finally managed to finally get some of Charlie in, Charlie triggered his gag reflex by accident, causing Schlatt to have to shove the rest of the borrower into his mouth despite being unable to breathe so that Ted wouldn’t see him, and Charlie to be sent down head first and still mostly dry.
“Schlatt!” Ted yelled, running over to see Schlatt holding his throat, unable to breathe. Oh thank god Schlatt had been facing away from the door throughout all of that. Ted went to wrap his arms around him to perform the heimlich, but Schlatt was thankfully aware enough to push him away at the last second. Unfortunately, that move sent Schlatt crashing into the floor. Ted rushed over again, worry plastered on his face as Schlatt held up a hand, signaling to stop. So, Ted did just that, running off to do god knows what. *** Schlatt, meanwhile, could feel Charlie get stuck just a short way before he stopped blocking his windpipe. Schlatt pushed at his throat, swallowing frantically, pounding at his chest, anything to get Charlie down faster. He didn’t realize just how much…bigger Charlie was than his son. Charlie was a grown man, and tall by borrower standards, too. Compare that to Tubbo who was short by all standards and Schlatt realized he may have bitten off more than he could chew. Charlie, to his credit, also seemed to be trying to help by attempting to squirm his way down. Schlatt’s doubted this was any more fun for the borrower than for him. The difference was that Charlie could breathe [probably] and Schlatt could not. Or, well, he hoped he could.
It was when Schlatt was starting to black out that Ted came back with a glass of water, not even giving Schlatt time to process it before forcefully opening his mouth and pouring it down his throat, giving Schlatt the ability to swallow Charlie down farther and finally unblock him from his windpipe. Schlatt fell to the ground again with a gasp, trying to drag as much air into his lungs as humanely possible. He placed a hand on his chest and finally, fucking finally, felt Charlie make his way closer towards the stomach. He dissolved into a coughing fit on the floor, Ted slowly lowering himself to sit next to him. Schlatt wasn’t even gonna try to explain anything to Ted yet, though. Not until Charlie ended up where he needed to be and he could stop worrying.
He did his best to keep a poker face while he felt a much heavier weight than usual drop into his stomach. He really hadn’t thought about how much bigger Charlie was than Tubbo, but it was more noticeable now than ever. He was expecting to feel Charlie sit up or reposition himself, but…nothing. Schlatt only had time to worry for a second before he was snapped out of his shock with a hand clap onto his shoulder, snapping his attention back to what was happening on the outside. *** “Schlatt, you with me, man?” “..Yeah! Yeah, I’m, uh, I’m fine.” Right, he had an act to put on for Ted. “What the fuck were you choking on?” “Oh nothing, so, what brings you here?” Schlatt asked, trying to redirect the conversation. He didn’t know what excuse he would use for that shit show if he needed one, but he doubted he’d be able to convincingly lie to Ted about it with Charlie right there listening. But it wasn’t like he could say the truth. ‘Sorry about that Ted, I was choking on our third podcast member because he’s scared you’ll hurt him but don’t worry, he’s in my stomach now so he’s safe from, again, exclusively you.’ Yeah, no.
“Well, I came over to surprise you. Didn’t think you’d almost die or something.” Schlatt chuckled a bit in response. “Yeah, well, I didn’t expect anyone to break into my apartment.” Schlatt stood, silently thankful for Ted helping him up as he adjusted to the added weight in his middle. *** He felt Charlie sway a bit as he stood but other than that, again, nothing. He resisted the urge to press in on himself to feel for anything, even just breathing. He couldn’t break character yet; he had to assume Charlie was playing it safe by just not moving. “You down here for any reason other than to scare me half to death?” Schlatt said, pacing over to his fridge under the guise of grabbing food while he silently felt for any signal from Charlie now that his back was turned to Ted. “Yeah, actually.” Ted said, leaning against the counter that separated the living room from the kitchen.
Schlatt hummed to pretend he was paying attention while pressing into his stomach a few quick times. Short short long. Long long long, long short long. ‘U-O-K-?’ He knew Charlie could translate it, he was the one that taught Schlatt Morse code. He was waiting for two taps back; their signal for yes. Hell, he’d even take one tap for no, something. Hopefully, Charlie would get the hint that it was ok to move. He’d respond. He would know he was fine, Ted didn’t suspect anything. But if he didn’t respond for much longer, they’d have a very different problem on their hands.
“…Schlatt?” Ted questioned, again snapping Schlatt out of his worries again. Right. The act. “Sorry, must’ve zoned out,” Schlatt responded, grabbing a bottle of juice out of his fridge and turning back to Ted. “What were you saying?” “I was saying I’m here for a reason. You’re not the only one of my friends in the area, but surprise! I’m staying down here for a few months to do content!” Ted looked to Schlatt expectantly, and Schlatt did his best to ignore the sinking feeling he had about Charlie and be happy for Ted, but he was sure his smile looked forced. He grabbed a few glasses and filled them. “That’s great, man! Sounds like it’ll be fun.” “That’s the goal.” Ted answered, taking a sip of his. “Do a couple collab videos, some vlogs, it’ll be sick-” “Mhm.” Schlatt responded while Ted continued talking, taking a drink of his own. Final test. If this wouldn’t get Charlie to do something, anything, then something was wrong. He waited a few seconds, even taking another drink, until-
Something. Quick, barely there. Schlatt couldn’t even be sure he hadn’t imagined it, but then there was something else. Movement, fucking finally. He tried communication again; Short short long. Long long long, long short long. He waited a few seconds, up to a minute, until, finally…he felt two weak taps back. ***
*** Charlie woke up bleary eyed and nauseous, his head pounding like he’d been hitting it against a wall. He was also in complete darkness, though even if there was any light, he doubted he’d be able to see much with how unfocused he could tell his eyes were. Not having his glasses didn’t help. Shit, where were his glasses? He reached out to the ground beside himself, searching the surroundings only to finally register the weird feeling of the floor and the fact that he was in a puddle of liquid up to his chest. Oh yeah, and the minute movement of the space around him as he touched the ground. He shifted himself more into a sitting position and felt around on the other side of him, finally finding and grabbing his now goo covered glasses. The place moved again, and now the walls started to press in, splashing the liquid up around him. Really, that should have scared him a lot more than it did, and probably would have if he hadn’t immediately recognized the communication attempt. “You ok?” Schlatt was asking, and Charlie could have laughed at the absurdity of it. Schlatt. Right, that’s what was going on. He was inside his giant best friend. He got stuck headfirst down Schlatt’s throat, he must’ve passed out from the blood rushing to his head before he ended up here. And ‘here’…was the stomach. Holy shit, he was actually in a human’s stomach, something a few years ago he’d have only thought possible in the horror stories he’d been told as a kid. How the hell was this his life.
Still, though, he wasn’t dead. He wasn’t in any danger, didn’t need to worry about getting seen. He…was ok. A lot more ok than he thought he’d be. Migraine ridden, blind, wet, and uncomfortably humid, of course, but ok nonetheless. So, he tapped back twice, leaning forward to the wall where the pressing from Schlatt had been coming from in order to better hear whatever conversation was happening outside.
Charlie was ok. Holy fuck, Schlatt could have cried with relief. He didn’t kill his best friend, that was a weight off his shoulders. “I did want to talk with you about something though, just to get your opinion on it.” “Sure, what’s up man?” Schlatt said, attention fully on Ted for the first time in this whole conversation. “It’s about Charlie.” ***
Schlatt froze, and he could feel Charlie tense up. “Uh…what about him?” “I just, i don’t know…it’s hard to explain.” Ted frustratedly motioned with his hands and tried to explain more before sighing. “Did i do something wrong?” Ted said, a genuine look of confusion and hurt in his eyes. “Everytime we talk, it’s fine. We’re friends, and we have been for a while, and I know he’s on the same page as me. But any time I ask him anything vaguely personal, even if it’s just shit like his hair color or mcdonald’s order or fucking anything, it’s like we’re back to being strangers. Like I don’t have the right as his friend to know shit like that. The only thing I know about him is his first name and honestly? It wouldn’t even bother me if he wasn’t so close with you.” Schlatt hadn’t expected that, and from what he could tell of Charlie relaxing and moving forward to hear more, he hadn’t expected it either. “Ted, you didn’t do anything wrong. It’s just…well, for one, Charlie has known me for a lot longer than he’s known you. Of course he’s more comfortable with me. But it’s not that he doesn’t trust you or anything. I promise he considers you one of his best friends. Even when it’s just us talking, he’s never said anything about you that would imply anything else.” “It’s not that I don’t believe that, but I just…sorry, maybe I’m being selfish here. If he doesn’t want to meet me it’s not my business to pry, it’s just something I’ve been thinking about a lot recently.” Ted finished, staring down at his hands. Schlatt…wasn’t sure where to go from there. He felt horrible for keeping such a massive secret from one of his oldest friends, especially about something that’d clearly been causing so much inner turmoil, but he couldn’t betray Charlie like that.
“Schlatt, can you hear me?” Charlie suddenly interjected. Schlatt tapped twice for confirmation and Charlie continued. “Ok, then i’m gonna need you to repeat after me, got it?” Schlatt tried not to let the confusion he felt read on his face for Ted to see, but he tapped twice again anyway. He sat in silence for a few seconds before Charlie took a deep breath and started talking.
“But, y’know, Charlie and I were talking about doing something with the podcast soon. We were gonna bring it up to you later, but since you’re in town we could move it up.” Schlatt repeated, and Ted looked up, puzzled. “What were you thinking?” Charlie paused again breathing deeply, though Schlatt could feel his tail swaying in anxiety. However, when he finally spoke up, his voice read nothing but confidence. “We were thinking we could do a few in person recordings.”
Schlatt froze. Had Charlie said what he thought he said? No way in hell was he serious. “Repeat it, Schlatt. I’ve thought it through, i mean it.” Holy shit he was serious. And so, he repeated. God, he wished that Charlie had been able to see the look of utter shock on Ted’s face. “You’re joking.” He said, and Schlatt shook his head while waiting for the next prompt. “Charlie wants to meet you, he’s just…afraid he won’t live up to your expectations.” Schlatt repeated, and Ted scoffed. “Please, that’s the least he should be concerned about. At this point the guy could be a serial killer and I’d still be thrilled to meet him.” Schlatt could tell when the truth hit him fully, because Ted’s expression brightened tenfold. He looked like he’d just win the lottery. “I just, I can’t believe it! Holy shit, I’m gonna meet the Charlie Slimecicle!” “Yeah, me either.” Charlie sighed and Schlatt repeated, though he said it for both of them.
After some more casual conversation about Ted’s plans and ideas for the newly decided live podcast recording, Ted finally said goodbye, promising to let Charlie know how excited he was. Schlatt let out a breath of relief he didn’t even know he was holding when Ted shut the door behind him. He turned and leaned back against the door. “Holy shit that was stressful.” “You’re telling me,” Charlie responded, “at least you didn’t pass out during that.”
“You passed out?? Is that why you weren’t responding???”
“Yeah but I’m fine though.” ***
Schlatt facepalmed, sliding his way down the floor into a sitting position. Charlie felt his own stomach drop at the action, the feeling finally making him fully process what they’d done. “So…” Charlie started, lightly kicking at the wall in front of him. “This is weird.” “Very.”
“Why the fuck did you do that??” Schlatt asked, and Charlie groaned, pushing his glasses into his face with the heels of his palms. “I don’t know, dude, I panicked! I just…” Charlie sighed, dropping his hands. “He deserves to know. And no better time than the present, I guess. Besides, I have actually been thinking about it. Maybe if he takes it well, we can make it public and some fans will be able to see that we borrowers aren’t what they think we are.”
~bonus short scenes that got cut lol~
“What’s it…what’s it like in there?” “Excuse me?” Charlie asked, mildly shocked by the question. “C’mon man, you’re like the third or fourth person to ever be in there, and one of those people goes in on a practically daily basis and doesn’t ever want to explain why. You can’t blame me for being a little bit curious.” Charlie sighed dramatically. “Fuck if I know dude, I can’t see shit and I’ve been here for like 20 minutes. I…the walls are weird? The texture is weird. Same with the floor, I can’t stand up at all. It’s small and cramped and realistically would be a claustrophobe’s worst nightmare. I can’t, like, fully splay out or anything, but I can reach out and touch the walls and ceiling without fully extending any of my limbs.” “Really? Cause Tubbo can’t do that, is he really that much smaller than you?” “I guess,” Charlie shrugged, Schlatt feeling the motion against his stomach.
“He’s pretty short, he is just a kid.” “Yeah, I’m not used to…I don’t know how to explain this other than that you being bigger and heavier than Tubbo makes a big difference, y’know?” “Bigger than you thought?” “Definetely,” Schlatt sighed. “Not like I had much time to think about it, though.”
“Now uh, if you don’t mind..can you, uh…” “Oh yeah, right, totally,” Schlatt said as Charlie felt him stand up. All of a sudden the space around him pushed in on itself and he was shoved back into the humid and tight throat. He made it back into Schlatt’s mouth and was quickly removed and set on a counter with a dry rag. Charlie took it with a quick thank you as Schlatt leaned back against the counter. “Y’know Tubbo’s gonna bug the shit outta you once he realizes you’ve been eaten, right?” “Oh god don’t tell him-“
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And it feels like home
Chapter 3
Summary: Peter's reached the casa de pool
Warnings: foul language as always, threats of violence
Peter was practically buzzing as he followed Dopinder up the stairs of the apartment block.
Dopinder stopped in front of a door with the number 69 on it and knocked. Peter glanced back. They'd passed 27 and 28, this door should be 29, but before he could ask, the lock clicked and the door swung open.
Peter's spider sense sent him flinching back, flattening himself against the wall next to the door.
"What the fuck do you want, Dopinder? You better have a good answer or so help me God you will be eating through a straw for the next month," a voice growled, grumbled almost, it seemed just barely restrained, almost like he was trying not to wake someone up. All Peter could see was an arm, the hand gripping the front of Dopinder's shirt, a foot long blade extending from between the man's index and middle fingers rested against Dopinder's face.
Peter hadn't faced a real threat in a while now, just normal people, occasionally with guns or knives, but the apprehension was there now, whoever this was could really hurt him. As if that had ever stopped him.
Peter stepped away from the wall.
"I made him take me here." Peter finally got a good look at the rather large and muscular man threatening Dopinder. The man who was wearing a tank top and- hello kitty pajama trousers?
"And who are you?" the man asked, raising an eyebrow.
"I'm spider-man."
"Oh, uh-"
"And what's with the weird get up?"
"Oh fuck- don't tell me your one of those wannabe vigilante types." The man chortled. "Your costume looks like it was put together by a blind person."
"I can still hear you, asshole!" came a voice from within the apartment.
"Says you, you look like you raided the closet of a teenage girl." Peter couldn't stop himself, it was right there. His stomach dropped though when the man shoved Dopinder out of the way and moved towards him.
"Jokes on you, I stole this from my boyfriend," the man growled.
"I'm pretty sure he got them as a gift from Yukio," Dopinder said, his hands already raised in a defensive position.
"Wait, boyfriend? You're this pool guy's boyfriend?"
All of a sudden an inhuman squeal sounded through the apartment. In a neighbouring apartment, a dog started barking. Even Peter found himself wincing at the pitch of the sound.
"Speak of the devil," the man in the doorway said with a smirk.
"I heard you call my name, baby boy, how can I help you?"
"I-" Peter couldn't really find the words, and no, it wasn't because the unmasked face of the man in red looked like it was plagued by a rare skin condition, but because he hadn't really thought this far ahead.
"While you think about it, come on in, make yourself at home, you don't mind do you, peanut?"
The large and scary man retracted his claws and let out a sigh. "Do what you want, but I'm going back to sleep." The man disappeared into the apartment but not before giving the unmasked man a peck on the cheek.
"On second thought, kid, why don't we go get some fresh air, the view from the roof at night is quite nice. I'll answer any questions you have."
"I'm not a kid, I-"
"Sure sure, let's go. You can go back to work, Dopinder, your work here is done."
"Always a pleasure, Mr Pool."
Once he'd waved goodbye to Dopinder, the man let out a sigh of relief.
"Finally, we can have a normal conversation. I didn't want to say too much at the McDonald's, protecting the secret identity and such-"
Peter's stomach went plummeting down the stairwell.
"H-how do you know who I am?"
"That's easy, Petey," the man stage whispered, " I'm deadpool."
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rikisakai · 11 months
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content bassist ! riki x vocalist ! oc, featuring guitarist ! jungwon and drummer ! sunghoon, he fell first and harder, it has always been you warnings profanity, assumed dirty implication sypnosis when the annoying bandmate that has always hated her suddenly starts to act strange around the vocalist of the band. wc 3.4k words
part one.
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"Sorry, I sang the wrong note. Let's try that part again," I say, biting my lip while I think about how dry my throat feels. Not only did I sing off pitch, but my voice nearly cracked.
"We've been having trouble crossing this part without problems, Zee. If we can't do it during the concert, how do you think we're going to manage?" The guitarist, Jungwon, says to me. He isn't trying to be mean, but it gets to me.
I take a deeper breath than intended. "Yes, I need to focus. I have no idea what's going on with me." Normally, there are no problems with my voice when I am singing this high.
"You need to practice and consider that the fans paid to watch us. Live up to their standards." Sunghoon, our drummer, is always the one who is able to make me improve.
The bassist to my side is awfully quiet. Perhaps he is bathing in the contentment he feels knowing I struggle. All I know is that he has been staring at me. The whole day—every day, actually. He always stares, likely waiting for me to mess up so he can laugh in secret.
Because he always laughs in secret, I know he does. Never to my face, like the coward he is, but always when I am not looking.
I do my best to not look at him at all, to give him none of my attention, none at all, but then I peek just one glance at him.
He's looking me right in my eyes, grinning evilly once I meet his, raising his eyebrows in challenge. What an asshole. How I despise him and his pretty face.
Ni-ki. The boy that hates me and, unfortunately, has a very, very pretty face. It makes it even harder to not look at him.
"Yeah, Zeve. Practice," he whispers wickedly, and those beautiful features of his turn into the devil's son's right in front of my eyes. Fucking bitch. He grabs for my wrist, but I swat it away, stepping away from him.
I remember times when I have barely known him, when I desired him and his touch, perhaps even loved it. Back when he didn't hate me for a reason I can't figure out to this day.
My nails dig into my fists, and I say nothing, knowing what he hates the most is when his words don't get to me—when I ignore them.
Once again, I take a deep breath. Then I start right over.
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Being a university student and in a band at the same time turned out to be more stressful than I would have ever imagined. That is only due to the popularity we gained, though. We wouldn't push ourselves to this extent if there was no one who wanted to listen and cheer for us anyway.
Over the last year, ENHYPHEN has become huge. It all started with a song that I uploaded and that was only supposed to be out there for the fans, with no promotion, but went viral. People continued to listen until they found out we were an actual band.
And that's how it all started.
Now, we are having a concert that is happening in a few weeks, and I feel as though I am going to put on a disappointing performance.
If only I—
"My god, this girl is still asleep. Wake the hell up!"
I jolt in surprise, a frown on my face. I don't even need to guess who just interrupted my slumber. "I'm awake, asshole." Sending him my worst glare, I stretch my arms out, not helping my claim in any way.
"Thank fuck, I guess. You need to help me. Now." He way he says it makes it sound like an emergency. As if I would ever even help him. Especially if he just woke me up.
He stands and walks over to my side of the table, heavy with books borrowed from this library, grabbing my chin firmly and sitting down next to me. Lifting it up, he watches my eyes, appearing to forget what he was about to say, then remembering again. "You need to ... assist me with the work, yes?"
When I don't answer him, attempting to fully waken, his eyes go to my mouth, just for that one moment, then gone.
"Well, you certainly have a way to get people to do your stuff. Unfortunately for you, I can't help you with that." And then, I put my head down on the table again—or try, because my cheek meets his hand. How come I didn't realize how close he got? Either way, his hand is warm. My sleepy mind will not let me move, forgetting all about the guy I am trying to take a nap on.
"Zeve, I will force you if I have to. Don't make me. You hate it when I do."
I move my head, lips meeting his soft skin, sliding them across the back of his hand. Ni-ki moves as though a shudder has just gone through him. "Zeve."
Feeling his hand on my cheek, I give in and sit back in my chair. His ears are red, and I cannot tell if they were when he last made me look into his eyes. "What's with your ears?" I blurt out.
"What?" he nearly yells, getting up from his seat and bringing a hand to his left ear. Then, he grabs his beanie and pulls it over his head, covering the entirety of his ears.
I blink. "Okay," I whisper, confused.
"Anyway," he clears his throat, "let's get started now, shall we?" Ni-ki gains his composure and is looking at me exactly as he always does. Like he's challenging me. Messing with me. But just a moment ago, he seemed so flustered. And not just by anyone. By ... me.
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"We did well today, you guys. Sleep over, and tomorrow we'll practice harder than we did the past four hours. Let's give ourselves a break." Sunghoon is right, we should probably stop working without end. We deserve some time for just our band. To bond like people usually do, not through tirelessly practicing songs.
But Hoon's soundproof room in his house has been my favorite place ever since we started playing here. Before that, it had been my garage, and before that, Ni-ki's backyard, in which we could never be too loud because the neighbors would be complaining about the kids playing their music too loud.
When I turn, I notice half of my water bottle empty. I cannot remember drinking it all. How weird, I think. But then I steal a glance at the smirking boy beside me and feel like stabbing him.
"Don't drink my water, you disgusting shit! I don't want to have all your bacteria in my mouth!"
He raises his brow, looking at me funnily. "You're saying that, but secretly, you wish I put all of my bacteria down your—"
"Shut the hell up! Don't say that. Ever. Again. You little shit. Gross," I reply dramatically, a deep frown on my face. Ni-ki grins at me, his fingers going to my jaw, pouting as though he might actually be sad.
"Aww. Don't want me to kiss you? Scared you'll like it?" When he whispers that, one part of me wants to hit him, tell him that never, ever, would I let him. The other wants to surprise him, putting my lips on his, just so he'll have to live knowing he actually craves kissing me. Because I will make him crave it. And I will be in peace, knowing I do not feel the same.
"You wish," I only answer bitterly, knowing my ego is too big to kiss him first to begin with.
"Alright, you two, now that it's all solved, can we order food?" Jungwon asks, and for a second, I forgot me and Ni-ki were not alone.
He seems to have, too, turning his head in a surprised manner, showing me a perfect view of his side profile. Or, more so, of his ears—a glowing red.
"Please, I'm so fucking hungry," I hear Sunghoon say, grabbing his phone and mumbling about whether he wants pizza or sushi, but I drown it out.
Instead, I go to my room—which is not actually mine, officially, but is the one I always sleep in—and decide to change out of my tight clothes.
Roaming through the closet, I have a big, comfortable shirt in front of my eyes that I have never seen nor worn, with my black shorts that barely cover my thighs, but I often wear. I have never felt uncomfortable about revealing stuff to any of them, not even Ni-ki. They're like my family, like my brothers.
Well, except Ni-ki. Not him, the damn—
There! Shrieking with triumph, I grab out a white shirt, rather a jersey, and put it over my head in an instant. It's so soft, perfect to sleep in. I take a note to thank Sunghoon for having bought this (even if it was for him, not me) once I'm ready for Ni-ki to interrupt me when I do start talking.
With a smile, I trot into the living room, walking to the boys who are split on the couch and at the table. Ni-ki looks at me first. His eyes widen at the sight of me. What's wrong with him? I thought he didn't mind when my legs showed?
But his gaze is not on my legs. It is locked on my shirt. On the jersey.
Am I wearing the number of his least favorite soccer player or something? I turn to the mirror in the hall, perfectly visible from where I am standing, and realize.
Not his least favorite. Mine, rather.
"That's my jersey you're wearing, Zee." His voice surprises me. He isn't seeming to be messing with me. Right now, he seems rather shocked.
I ignore the fact that he just called me by my nickname, Zee, which he has almost never done before. Perhaps that is because we've always lacked the friendship aspect in our relationship, one way or another, but then I don't see why he is calling me that now.
"No shit." My hands to go my hips, thinking about what to do next. Neither Jungwon nor Sunghoon say anything, but I don't miss how they laugh when they catch each other looking at Ni-ki's face.
It's not hard to miss, considering how loud they are in unison.
"Uh, well, I'm gonna—"
"Keep it on. Don't stress over it. You can keep the shirt. I don't need it anyways," he says, the way he's looking at me so different from usually. Ni-ki sends them his worst glare, and I think I might be dreaming.
Now that I think about it, I have never seen him angry or annoyed. Ever. He isn't even in this moment, but it is the closest thing I will get to it. Which I am grateful for.
If I didn't know better, I'd think he wanted me to keep the shirt. His shirt. That if he needed it, he'd still give it to me.
Then it's good that I know he's not romantic. At all. Not in the least. Most of all, not with me. Why would he be? He hates me. He can't stand me. He never could.
He hates you, my mind tells me when I sit on the couch next to him. Don't forget that.
He hates you, I look to him, just once, actually smiling at his red cheeks. And you hate him too.
He hates you, even when he puts a hand on your thigh, caressing it like he might just like you.
My face heats up, and I think about how much I despise anyone having an effect on me. When the bell rings shortly later though, it is what saves me.
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In my bed, my eyes are wide open. If I was asked why I am awake now, my mouth would hang open, searching for an answer in my head.
For a lie.
Why are you awake? I can't sleep.
Why are you awake? I don't know.
Why are you awake? I have no idea why I am.
Why are you awake? I am thinking about a boy.
"What boy?"
Jumping in my seat, I turn the chair to face the door. Ni-ki. He's here. Sitting on my bed. Meaning he has been here for at least 20 seconds. Which is about the timespan of all the answers I just gave.
His beautiful face is neutral, curious, but also knowing. Awaiting my answer, so patiently.
I will not give him the satisfaction of telling him that he has managed to get through to me, with ... absolutely nothing. He has done basically nothing, and I am already here, thinking about him as though I'm some sixteen year old girl.
This is all his fault. His flustered face and the thought of kissing him made me like this. The thought he put in my head to begin with.
"I ... I can't tell you."
Face stoic, he stands and walks toward me, determination engraved on his features. "Can't tell me?" he repeats, and weakly, I shake my head.
He kneels in front of me, never looking away from my face, making my heart swell and ache from how pretty he is. It feels good to acknowledge without fighting it. I cannot move from my bed. It feels as though he froze all my movements.
"Hmm. And what can't you tell me?" he asks again, but this time, he drives his hand under my blanket but over my clothes, on my stomach, then my waist, my thigh, driving his fingers across my body, featherlight touches all over my skin, making me feel dizzy.
"The answer to your question," I clench my teeth together.
"And why is that?" He explores my shoulders, my throat, my neck now, the sensation unbearable—I want to have my hands on him, too. Want to feel his body just like this.
"Because I don't want to admit how much I do like you."
The words hang in the air. The touch freezing, and I see a cautious thought behind his eyes. When those beautiful eyes meet mine, I've never wanted to kiss him more.
"Riki," I whisper, putting my hands on his shoulder and neck.
His eyes widen, just slightly. Similarly to how I have barely heard him call me Zee, I have never used the name Riki for him. In his presence. To him. Ever. I can't, for the life of me, remember how I went without calling him by his real name.
His hand covers my own on his shoulder, and when he leads me to sit on my bed next to him, I follow.
Putting both of his hands on my face, he searches my eyes for something. Wheels turn in my head as I ask myself what he could be looking for. My mind can't give me a single reason as to why this could possibly be unusual.
A big smile finds his lips when he looks down, at the shirt that belongs to him, on my body. "It suits you. You should wear my name more often."
"Why ..." I start, and hate myself for the whiny tone of my voice, "why are you like this so suddenly? You've never liked me." My statement makes the corners of his mouth curl up.
"Oh, my poor Zee. You have no idea how wrong you are." He lets go of me, but leans in so close that his nose touches mine, that his red cheeks nearly come in contact with my own.
"Do you even want to know for how long I've liked you? Would that be something you would be interested in hearing—you know, since you don't care about me at all," he mocks, eyebrows raised.
"How can you lie to me like this? And you would think it is the most obvious thing in the entire world that you have always only wanted to bring me down and to make fun of me and my mistakes and never even think to—"
Quite odd how fast things can change when you don't know what's happening.
Just one moment ago, I was angry at him, mad that he would use me like that, that he would so blandly tell those lies right into my face, and the next, his mouth presses hard against mine.
The breath is knocked out of my lungs. For a quick moment, I don't do anything but feel his lips move against mine, firm but soft. In the next, I have my hand on his chest and kiss him back.
He sighs, and I smile against his lips, feeling more satisfied every second and so, so different from just a few moments ago, when I was angry at him. Dizziness slowly clouds my mind. I've known him for years, yet I have never seen him kiss a girl, nor known if he's ever had a girlfriend, therefore it comes as a surprise that he can kiss the way he can.
Even if he would want me to, perhaps if it would even give him reassurance and would surely make him happy, I will never admit how much I like kissing him. But when you find out new things about yourself that you do enjoy doing, sometimes you wonder how you went that long without having done it, that certain thing.
He comes closer, puts one of my legs between his and the other to his right one, brushes a strand out of my face that touches his own, and I have no idea how he makes it feel like we have always been doing this.
Pulling away, he grins at me, looking to my eyes and then down to my lips, smiling wider when he meets my gaze again.
"I have liked you ever since we first met," he interrupts my train of thought, confessing his secret. Shocked beyond thought, I don't respond, I only stare at him, his red, swollen lips.
"If you knew how long I've spent thinking about this, what it would be like. So long to imagine all the different ways I could feel, and still, it can't compare."
My cheeks burn, his are also flushed, and I note how they feel warmer the longer I stroke my thumbs along them. What shocks me is that he actually lets me, that he doesn't protest at all and simply lets himself be touched, even enjoying it. How long have I shied away from his touch? How long have I let myself not enjoy it?
"Zee," he whispers, eyes heavy, and I give him a kiss to his jaw, feeling silly and oddly affectionate toward a guy I would have claimed to hate a few hours ago, before grabbing his hand and bringing him up with me, leading him to his room.
"What are you doing? Where are you bringing me?" he raises an eyebrow, looking at me as though I am somewhat unreasonable. My head can't find a reason as to why that could be, so I continue walking him through the corridors.
Along the way, we hear Sunghoon snoring. "Bringing you to your bed? You're tired, Riki. Hence, you need to sleep." I open his bedroom door, getting ready to leave, but he holds me by the waist.
Bringing his face close to mine, he attempts to get my full attention, and it works. Suddenly, I feel nervous. Riki looks so serious, seems so stern when he's sleepy.
"Why do you think I went to your room in the first place? What if I want to sleep with you?"
My eyes go the most wide they have ever been. "Excuse me?"
"Oh my God, I meant in your room, you moron. Ew. Who do you think I am?" His face contorts in disgust, though a playful smirk is playing on his pretty lips. "What a dirty girl."
I sigh, wanting to go back to my room when I hear his footsteps behind me, blabbering some more in his state of half-sleep. "And perhaps in your bed. I'm not a very great nap-on-the-floor-guy. Forgive me. But you're still dirty."
And I invite him into my room, then watch as he lets himself fall onto the sheets, unmoving as soon as his head hits the pillow.
During the night, in his endless moving and shuffling to find a good position, in a moment that in slumber, feels like a dream, he mumbles a name. "Zee."
my first post on here. this sucks, but i'll still write a second part.
© all rights reserved, rikisakai.
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edibletrees2 · 2 years
Could u please explain what exactly are the assasination drones?
I guess kinda just older, slightly better Disassembly Drones? They don’t get affected by sunlight, their cooling systems are like 100% more effective, they can survive longer without oil, a lot of them have upgrades to make them stronger, and they got better treatment from the technicians in general. They also got more advanced learning and speech AI, and were surprisingly easy to mass-produce, but the company ended their line and made the Disassembly Drones for a social experiment with them and the Assassination Drones in terms of parenting.
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Dante x Reader
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In which you are the pizza delivery man. Enjoy.
It was 3 AM and you had no idea why you couldn't just go home already. You worked at a pizza joint that the higher ups insisted on having open 24/7. You were on the night shift but you were so bored. After all, who orders food at this time of night? You were fiddling on your phone while your boss came in, surprising you.
It turns out that some mad man actually had requested delivery so you would need to head out once the order was finished being prepared. Twenty minutes later and you grabbed your coat along with the pizza box. "They don't pay me enough for this..." You entered your car and looked down at the handwritten note. "Who the hell doesn't even give an address? I'm supposed to drive all over Red Grave to find some place called Devil May Cry?"
You groaned. This would be a long night. Fourty five minutes of driving and you realized that the place must be in the bad part of town. "No wonder the guy didn't give an address. Who wants to get mugged or stabbed? I better make this quick!" Luckily you kept a pocket knife on you just in case a situation should arise. Another twenty minutes and you finally saw the giant, neon sign.
You glanced at the street to make sure you weren't going to be attacked by some crack head and end up on a world star video. "All clear." You were somewhat relived. "Now to get this over with so I can go home!" You made your way to the door and knocked. No response. "You've gotta be kidding me!"
You went to bang again this time but the door opened and your fist collided with a huge chest. It was so squishy that the recoil knocked your arm backwards, causing you to punch yourself in the face. "You okay man?" You waited for stars to leave your vision so you could get a good look at whatever the hell you just hit. It seemed to be a man in his fourties maybe? You weren't exactly sure how old but his hair was already gray.
He then woke you out of your thoughts. "Oh man. Is that a black eye? I've got some ice if you want it." You shook your head and told him you were fine. You would just be happy as soon as this nightmare was over. "My names Dante by the way." Dante? The same Dante who frequently called up your work over fifty times per week? The employees shuddered whenever they had to slave over another one of his exhausting orders.
"No olives right?" You remembered the last time a coworker accidentally added that ingredient. It's been three months since they were last seen. You opened up the box hesitantly and prayed to every God you could think of. You eventually opened your eyes. Thank God it was just pepperoni. "No olives sir."
You calculated his total and then told him the amount due. "Look, here's the thing. I don't really have money right now. Can I pay you some other way?" Now you were pissed. Who the hell orders food without any money! You then felt your hand be pressed to Dante's Tarzan style. That's when you finally took notice of what he had been wearing. A red thong with a matching velvet, bath robe.
He then started palming your crotch with his other hand. "Now that I think about it, I'd like to add some sausage to my order if you know what I mean..." You were too stunned to move or speak. "I thought this shit only happened in movies!" Just before he could continue, you heard a loud scream from upstairs. "DANTE I SWEAR ON MOTHER'S GRAVE THAT I WILL STAB YOU AGAIN IF YOU DON'T STOP HARASSING THE DELIVERY BOYS! NOW SHUT UP AND LET ME ENJOY WILLIAM BLAKE IN PIECE!"
More shouting soon followed. "HE'S DOING IT AGAIN! HOW MANY TIMES DO WE HAVE TO TEACH YOU THIS LESSON OLD MAN!" Soon Dante was being dragged away by a younger man who coincidentally also had the same hair colour. He pulled out a robotic arm somehow (you weren't sure why you were still surprised at this point) and switched it with a can of raid.
"FUCK YOU!" Soon Dante was knocked out and laying unconscious on the floor. The younger man then took notice of you. "Shit, sorry about that. How much did he owe you?" He soon pulled out a wad of cash that was at least three times the size of the bill. The man looked at you with a face that said "please don't call the cops!" He shut the door and you went back to your car, trying to process the events you just witnessed. You were never going to be able to enjoy pizza again.
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kyros-tha-soldier · 9 months
chapter 1103 SPOILERS
I've gotten a bit lazy lately, I'm basically burnt out to the BONE from work so sorry for not bringing the previous leaks earlier:
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we've got big news for my beloved bonbon and her bear papa:
The chapter's title is "I'm sorry, daddy" (GOOOOOOOOD WHY!) And we have a beautiful color spread of the straw hats and our beloved wano warrior YAMATO, they're all riding momo in his dragon form (😏) since it's the year of the dragon
We start where we finished in the mini flashback, where bonney is standing in the memory bubble room, she turns back to her original child form and apologizes to vegapunk since she used to think HE was the one behind her dad's death
Vegapunk understands and gives her something Kuma was planning on handing her on her 10th birthday, it's a sun necklace made of sapphire
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Speak of the devil (literally!) We go back to the present time confrontation between saturn, the remaining vegapunks, the cp0 and the rest. Bonney uses her attack "Nika-ish future" to attack saturn but she fails. NOW THIS IS WHERE IT'S ABOUT TO GET ABSOLUTELY BONKERS!
Saturn thinks to himself that this form of Bonney's Nika is much more different than the Nika God since she can only replicate the rubber power
This mf Saturn has his power over everybody that they can't budge a single inch, suddenly he notices that Luffy is eating some food from the floor (somebody must've snuck it at the beginning of the confrontation or smtn) of course Saturn is like "how fucking dare you eat while I'm in the middle of my epic fit of rage" and orders someone to chain him with kairoseki (what a vibe killer)
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Like oooooooh calm down big man he's not gonna bite you ffs
It's revealed that thw Toshi Toshi no mi power was given to bonney by saturn, now underline the word "POWER" because this is where it's about to get REALLY messed up
Saturn has been experimenting on people to extract devil fruit powers and then give them to other people. And of course, as fucked up as it sounds, Saturn gave the disease to Ginny (probably while she was pregnant) and the poor woman ended up developing the rare sapphire scale disease
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i swear on god, if Saturn's bitchass doesn't get absolutely wrecked then I'm dropping OP, do NOT DISAPPOINT ME ODA I AM SERIOUS!
also is it just me, or is this aj attempt from Oda to clarify that the sapphire scale disease is a sideffect and not an STD? Because I've ssen A LOT of fans speculating about that and i have NEVER EVER in my life thought I'd see the day where I'll hear the words STD and ONE PIECE in one sentence until this very arc!
anyways, Saturn's stupid-ass gave the toshi toshi effect to ginny and somehow she passed it to bonney during her pregnancy, this comes as a surprise to him since this has never happened
According to Saturn, the more bonney starts to learn about Nika's true form and tries to copy it, the weaker she becomes. bonney is seen crying in despair and fear, she apologizes to her father about how despite how far he went to ensure she'd make it out alive, she will end up dead anyways
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Speaking of her papi, Kuma crashes right into egghead and gets attacked by some marine soldiers who were shooting at him with grenade launchers (taht's hardcore as fuck, I AM DROPPING THE PANELS NOW just so you can see how cold Kuma looks!)
he gets injured once again in his head but is able to reach Saturn just in time (who had thrown bonney to the ground and was about to squash her with his spider legs) just for Kuma to come and shield her with his body, and have the long nail at the end of Saturn's leg punture his back and chest
Kuma grabs him by the leg and turs around, readying a punch as his face grimaces in rage, and saturn looks at him in absolute shock
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oh boy, we eating GOOD tonight!
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reinerswarrior · 1 year
Just Say It Already
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Public exhibition, oral, cursing and pressure on poor Berty
The blondes master plan was to take the other in to the bad side of town and give him some practice in standing up for himself with a unruly people, but he didn’t. He had been approached my an unruly male, who had made fun of him and the blonde waited to see what bertholdt would do but the taller mail just shrunk behind him if he could actually hide his 6’3 form behind the others 6’1
Now Reiner was annoyed after trying all day and nothing worked so now he didn’t know what else to do “You’re a warrior, Bertholdt..Act like one..” he grumbled as he stared at the other with a glare and Bertholdt could feel sweat rolling down his back at this point as the other was staring him down
“I am..B-But that doesn’t mean I’m able to do that..What if they fight back?I don’t want to fight anyone for no reason!” He objects and he sees Reiners expression sour instantly “Fuck that..They are devils,they deserve to be put in thier place” he says as his golden eyes darted around and he raked his fingers through his sandy blonde hair as his adams apple bobbed in annoyance “I don’t know why you just won’t do it”
"I-Im sorry but I just couldnt-!" Bertholdt insisted and Reiner just frowned as he reached out and grabbed his wrist. He really thought Bertholdt would of done so but he was surprised yet not surprised that he didnt. "Cmon...me and you are going to have a talk" He says as he shook his head and he led the meek male with him towards the next smaller alleyway and as soon as they entered it, he shoved Bertholdt in front of him and the taller male stumbled against the wall
"Damn it.. Why cant you just say fuck you?" Reiner sighed as he stared at the other then his lips parted "Fuck you-!" He hissed at Bertholdt "Fuck you...Fuck you...Fuck you-!" He repeated before he threw his hands up in the air "See? It's not that hard-!... Just say it-!"
He insists but bertholdt couldnt speak past the lump in his throat and he just whined but then he felt lips crashing onto his neck and the all familiar press of Reiner's chest and hips against his
"Oh Bear...." Reiner sighed, using the nickname that melted Bertholdt like butter. "I wish you could just do it.. Stand up for yourself so I dont have to" He says as he nuzzled his neck and the lanky male wrapped his long arms around Reiner but Reiner grunted as he pushed them back against the wall "I'm not going to give up till your able to say it" He says and Bertholdt knew exactly what he meant
"I'm not going to curse at you Reiner" he tries to say gently but then he was struck into silence as the blonde began to shrink...or rather he was slowly going to his knees as hsi rough hands lifted Bertholdt's sweater and his button up below it "Wait Reiner.. What are you doing-?!" Bertholdt gasped but the only thing that answered him was the clicking of his belt getting unbuckled.
"O-Oh god-" Bertholdt began but Reiner was already yanking down the front of Bertholdt's Tan trousers and he felt his erection getting pulled out. wait- when did he even get hard? It must of been as soon as he was pushed against the damn wall....of course Reiner knew his weaknesses.
"We cant-! I can see people...They can see us-!" Bertholdt was gripping the others hair wildly as his heart raced and his back was drenched with sweat as his eyes darted wildly.
They were indeed in front of everyone who looked thier way but no one had noticed yet. "They're probably used to it.. This is that kind of place around here...We can do shit like this and no one will judge" Reiner says and he was fully prepared to pull away if the other said the safe word to get him to legitimately stop but he noticed the hands in his hair were not trying to push him away so he continued to pull Bertholdt long slippery erection out
Bertholdt's eyes squeezed shut as Reiner went down on him and he wasnt used to topping but he liked this...His mouth was so warm.. And so easy to thrust in.. Which he did ever so slightly and he felt so good he almost forgot there were people around. At the memory his eyes shot open and sure enough he met eyes with a stranger across the street and instantly he hunched over Reiner's head, His torso curling around it and he felt Reiner choke and gag around him as the movement made him deepthroat him. That was hot.
He was distracted again as he looked back up at the stranger but they had already made their way by and paid them no more mind "Oh Reiner..I cant...I cant believe...Fuck...You feel...Your mouth..Your throat..Your spit-...Ah-....oh god...oh-..." He moaned out in a jumble as he looked down and his erection was throbbing wildly. He was so excited at being watched by strangers, he knew it was a new kink he had just uncovered and he wasnt going to last
Then he looked down and saw that the blonde with a red face and he had tears running down his red cheeks from being forced to take the long cock of the taller male and white hot fire pumped through his gut "Oh Reiner...Oh...oh I-..Oh-" then he looked up again and he met eyes with none other than the man at the beginning "Fuck you-!" He cried out as his orgasm struck, making him arch his back and his head tilted back in his orgasm, hitting the back of his head on the wall while he heard the gurgle of his seed choking Reiner as he gripped his head and forced him to deepthroat till he stopped cumming.
The stranger just chuckled before continuing on his way. He reached up to scratch his chin before rolling his eyes. "Damn idiots" He murmured "Braun owes me" Meanwhile Reiner pulled off of Bertholdt and tucked his lovers softening cock back into his pants and adjusted his belt back to normal before getting to his feet with a grunt "There we go.. Good job..." He murmured, his voice strained as he wiped his mouth, wiping off the access seed of his lover "Now.. we're going to go home.. and you can curse at me as much as you want while I take care of my lil issue.." He says, gesturing down to his erection tenting his slacks and Bertholdt couldn’t be sure but he could see it twitching from here as Reiners voice rasped;
“We can practice more later~”
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flammingnachos · 1 year
𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐬 (opla!luffy x fem!reader)
sʏɴᴏᴘsɪs: After your one night stand with Luffy you thought that was the last of seeing the straw hat boy, keyword thought. Guess your not ‘one of the girls’ that you thought you was
ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢ: slight cursing, strangling, gore, kidnapping, yandere!luffy just a little bit, crew members being just as dark
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I yawned pulling my hands to support my face on the counter, looking around the customers that where here.
I was still having a headache form last night and going partying with Issa
“Tell me why again we have work today?” Issa spoke up from behind me after just now walking in the bar
“Because we need money to support ourselves” I mumbled out in a whisper not really in the mood to do anything, especially after the heavy drinking last night
She sighed taking a seat next to me laying her head on the counter while staring up
“So how was it” she then asked out making me give her a look in which her eyes went wide
“O-oh it was like that” she then giggled making me groan
Why is she asking me this now when I have a headache
“I don’t wanna talk about it..” I mumbled out getting ready to get up and get back to washing out the cups the customers used
“Oh c’monnn Y/n that was your first time getting laid can you at least tell your best friend how it went..especially since it was with a pirate” Issa expressed out loud whining
I sighed
Must she be so loud
“He was good okay..” I half told her the truth
Truthfully he was absolutely amazing especially being a devil fruit holder, and using his powers during sex it was so magical.
But you won’t see me telling her that..I’ll just keep it to myself
“Okay as in..” she whined some more
“Good, Issa fucking amazing, is that what you want me to say” I breathed out in frustration
She only laughed out at my answer
“Now can I please get back to washing out these shitty glassware that I’m supposed to wash or would you like to ask me more questions about my sex life” I said rolling my eyes at her
“Okay,okay go on” she chuckled out
I huffed out a breathe of air and and turned my heel walking into the back to wash these dishes so that I could hurry up and go back home to my bed
While washing these dishes I couldn’t help but think back to that amazing straw hat pirate that I spent the night with
I wasn’t even gonna go party but Issa kept pestering me about me still being a virgin at my age when there’s thousands of hot pirates out there that constantly come in and out of our doors
This was the first time I took up on her offer, usually I would have dismissed it and told her no or made up some excuses that I was either tired or too hungry to go
I sighed out getting out my thoughts..
“Y/n you’ve gotten company” Issa said running inside the back with a wide smile on her face
I nearly jumped at the loudness of her voice
“Who?” I asked out
“Your knight in shinning armor” she giggled out
I rolled my eyes at this
She must be fucking with me again
“Issa nows not-”
“She’s back here, why don’t you come” she then said interrupting me and speaking to someone that was out in the main part of the bar
I looked over at her confused as she only smiled leaving
Right then that straw hat pirate had walked in with that same wide smile from last night
fuck why me god
“hey” he said smiling down at me
“uh..” I shuffled around wiping off my hands from the soap
“don’t you have a ship to be on right now” I asked out a bit confused
“About that, I came here to take you with me” he announced out as if what he’s saying is the most normalest thing in the world
“Huh?” I asked out
Come again?
“I wanna invite you to join my crew” he said trying to simple down his invitation to sounding normal
“and what exactly would I be able to contribute to this crew of yours” I asked out a bit skeptical of what this guys asking
“nothing at all just sit there and look beautiful” he breathed out pausing a bit to get himself back together
Yeah no..
“As much as I would like I just can’t.. sorry” I said awkwardly putting my lips into a thin line since now I don’t know what to do
His smile went down a bit
“Why not?” He asked a bit monotone
“Cause I have people to take care of and things to do on my small island that’s safe with nothing dangerous-”
before I could continue on with my rant as to why I will not join his crew on whatever nonsense there doing he interrupted me
“I can protect you” he pleaded out
I almost felt bad for turning the poor guy down but my safety matters
Sorry :/
“No and my answer is still a No” I finalized
He went quiet
I looked at him and saw he looked like he was thinking is something, I shrugged it off and just looked somewhere else
“Well then.. I’m sorry for this that I’m about to do..” he said putting on a now more serious expression
I furrowed my eyebrows
Tf he mean
I furrowed my eyebrows in confusing cause what the hell is going on
Right then he back up a bit more and leaned back stretching out his arms and then right to my jaw it went
I didn’t even have time to process it as my body drop down and my vision where gone
“you know when you said you were bringing something you forgot on the island..I uh didn’t think you’d be brining a unconscious person tied up..”
My eyes were starting to slightly open as I was out of consciousness hearing voice talking, mumbled voices
I groaned out feeling my headache starting to worsen after that ridiculous punch I got
“I couldn’t leave the island without her.. she’s my soulmate I couldn’t live with myself without her” someone else talking whines out
Is that the straw hat boy..sounds about right I’m guessing
I tried opening my eyes but I felt too weak for that
“And what exactly does your lover contribute to this crew other than being your undying lover” another voice said in a much sarcastic tone
“Same thing as Nami”
“She’s good at navigating?” A female voice joined in
“Ye, she’s good at everything” the person boosted on
“Listen dude, I always knew you were crazy but this seems a little bit out of your crazy zone” another male voice joined in
“Don’t be ridiculous Usopp this isn’t crazy it’s being I love” the person cheered on laughing out loud
“Well it isn’t like he’s harming her..so it couldn’t be this bad and At least we have another beautiful female here aside from Nami too” a more firmer tone spoke
“Why don’t we go wake her up it’s been a minute seen we heard anything since luffy brought her on..at least to check if she’s alive” a female voice said
I freaked out
Shit they were coming
I tried moving my hands but he had tied the rope all over my body with my legs tied together and so were my arms
I tried biting the rope but it was hard as fuck
I tried jumping up moving around to try to shimmer the ropes off my wrist
Looking around for anything
Right then I saw a bunch of pots and knives and a..sink
Yes I was in a kitchen!
I then started hopping over to the sink to get the knife
“Let’s just wake her u-” the voiced stopped speaking as I felt there presence behind me
“Luffy’s girlfriend is trying to break out using sanji’s cooking knives” a voiced laughed out
I turned around looking at a group of people that were infront of me
I nearly screamed.. screw that I did
In which the straw hat boy ran over and covered my mouth
“Mmm” I muffled out
“Hey..calm down okay” he rasped out trying to calm me down
“You just kidnap her and asked her to be calm” a female with orange hair said
I bit his hand and he retracted it groaning in pain
“Get me out of here!” I roared out in anger
“Excuse my captain madam as I can see that this isn’t how any beautiful woman as yourself should be treated” A handsome blonde spoke to me
“This isn’t how we normally welcome new crew mates” a green haired man joined in
“And who said I was apart of this crew..I don’t remember ever taking up on his invitation” I spit out
“Yes you are!” The straw hat man suddenly yelled out jumping me a bit
He seemed to noticed this and regained his composure
“Look I made promise to myself that the day I lost my virginity is the day I’ve found the person I’d want to grow a life with” the straw hat man expressed out darkly looking over at me
“B-but what about my friends and family, you can expect me to just leave them” I yelled back
“It’s a little too late for that” he said slowly coming closer to me and turning my head towards the window behind me as I saw nothing but endless waters and no island in sight
It’s too late
“But don’t you worry we’ll come back to show them our kids to meet there aunts and grandparents” he whispered into my ear softly
My eyes went wide
My lips began trembling and I felt like crying
“If I have to you know I will” he warned keeping his firm grip on my shoulder while slowly turning my head to make eye contact
Fuck what did I get myself into..
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