#the thing is I'm good at remembering birthdays generally (I know the birthdays of all the 24 people from my class)
Omg I just remembered that it's David Gilmour's birthday today, 30 minutes before this day ends for me
Anyways, I don't have time to draw anything proper, but here's a small sketch from a few days ago!
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I'm sad that I couldn't do more, but happy 78th birthday, Dave!
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Humans are not perfectly vigilant
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I'm on tour with my new, nationally bestselling novel The Bezzle! Catch me in BOSTON with Randall "XKCD" Munroe (Apr 11), then PROVIDENCE (Apr 12), and beyond!
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Here's a fun AI story: a security researcher noticed that large companies' AI-authored source-code repeatedly referenced a nonexistent library (an AI "hallucination"), so he created a (defanged) malicious library with that name and uploaded it, and thousands of developers automatically downloaded and incorporated it as they compiled the code:
These "hallucinations" are a stubbornly persistent feature of large language models, because these models only give the illusion of understanding; in reality, they are just sophisticated forms of autocomplete, drawing on huge databases to make shrewd (but reliably fallible) guesses about which word comes next:
Guessing the next word without understanding the meaning of the resulting sentence makes unsupervised LLMs unsuitable for high-stakes tasks. The whole AI bubble is based on convincing investors that one or more of the following is true:
There are low-stakes, high-value tasks that will recoup the massive costs of AI training and operation;
There are high-stakes, high-value tasks that can be made cheaper by adding an AI to a human operator;
Adding more training data to an AI will make it stop hallucinating, so that it can take over high-stakes, high-value tasks without a "human in the loop."
These are dubious propositions. There's a universe of low-stakes, low-value tasks – political disinformation, spam, fraud, academic cheating, nonconsensual porn, dialog for video-game NPCs – but none of them seem likely to generate enough revenue for AI companies to justify the billions spent on models, nor the trillions in valuation attributed to AI companies:
The proposition that increasing training data will decrease hallucinations is hotly contested among AI practitioners. I confess that I don't know enough about AI to evaluate opposing sides' claims, but even if you stipulate that adding lots of human-generated training data will make the software a better guesser, there's a serious problem. All those low-value, low-stakes applications are flooding the internet with botshit. After all, the one thing AI is unarguably very good at is producing bullshit at scale. As the web becomes an anaerobic lagoon for botshit, the quantum of human-generated "content" in any internet core sample is dwindling to homeopathic levels:
This means that adding another order of magnitude more training data to AI won't just add massive computational expense – the data will be many orders of magnitude more expensive to acquire, even without factoring in the additional liability arising from new legal theories about scraping:
That leaves us with "humans in the loop" – the idea that an AI's business model is selling software to businesses that will pair it with human operators who will closely scrutinize the code's guesses. There's a version of this that sounds plausible – the one in which the human operator is in charge, and the AI acts as an eternally vigilant "sanity check" on the human's activities.
For example, my car has a system that notices when I activate my blinker while there's another car in my blind-spot. I'm pretty consistent about checking my blind spot, but I'm also a fallible human and there've been a couple times where the alert saved me from making a potentially dangerous maneuver. As disciplined as I am, I'm also sometimes forgetful about turning off lights, or waking up in time for work, or remembering someone's phone number (or birthday). I like having an automated system that does the robotically perfect trick of never forgetting something important.
There's a name for this in automation circles: a "centaur." I'm the human head, and I've fused with a powerful robot body that supports me, doing things that humans are innately bad at.
That's the good kind of automation, and we all benefit from it. But it only takes a small twist to turn this good automation into a nightmare. I'm speaking here of the reverse-centaur: automation in which the computer is in charge, bossing a human around so it can get its job done. Think of Amazon warehouse workers, who wear haptic bracelets and are continuously observed by AI cameras as autonomous shelves shuttle in front of them and demand that they pick and pack items at a pace that destroys their bodies and drives them mad:
Automation centaurs are great: they relieve humans of drudgework and let them focus on the creative and satisfying parts of their jobs. That's how AI-assisted coding is pitched: rather than looking up tricky syntax and other tedious programming tasks, an AI "co-pilot" is billed as freeing up its human "pilot" to focus on the creative puzzle-solving that makes coding so satisfying.
But an hallucinating AI is a terrible co-pilot. It's just good enough to get the job done much of the time, but it also sneakily inserts booby-traps that are statistically guaranteed to look as plausible as the good code (that's what a next-word-guessing program does: guesses the statistically most likely word).
This turns AI-"assisted" coders into reverse centaurs. The AI can churn out code at superhuman speed, and you, the human in the loop, must maintain perfect vigilance and attention as you review that code, spotting the cleverly disguised hooks for malicious code that the AI can't be prevented from inserting into its code. As "Lena" writes, "code review [is] difficult relative to writing new code":
Why is that? "Passively reading someone else's code just doesn't engage my brain in the same way. It's harder to do properly":
There's a name for this phenomenon: "automation blindness." Humans are just not equipped for eternal vigilance. We get good at spotting patterns that occur frequently – so good that we miss the anomalies. That's why TSA agents are so good at spotting harmless shampoo bottles on X-rays, even as they miss nearly every gun and bomb that a red team smuggles through their checkpoints:
"Lena"'s thread points out that this is as true for AI-assisted driving as it is for AI-assisted coding: "self-driving cars replace the experience of driving with the experience of being a driving instructor":
In other words, they turn you into a reverse-centaur. Whereas my blind-spot double-checking robot allows me to make maneuvers at human speed and points out the things I've missed, a "supervised" self-driving car makes maneuvers at a computer's frantic pace, and demands that its human supervisor tirelessly and perfectly assesses each of those maneuvers. No wonder Cruise's murderous "self-driving" taxis replaced each low-waged driver with 1.5 high-waged technical robot supervisors:
AI radiology programs are said to be able to spot cancerous masses that human radiologists miss. A centaur-based AI-assisted radiology program would keep the same number of radiologists in the field, but they would get less done: every time they assessed an X-ray, the AI would give them a second opinion. If the human and the AI disagreed, the human would go back and re-assess the X-ray. We'd get better radiology, at a higher price (the price of the AI software, plus the additional hours the radiologist would work).
But back to making the AI bubble pay off: for AI to pay off, the human in the loop has to reduce the costs of the business buying an AI. No one who invests in an AI company believes that their returns will come from business customers to agree to increase their costs. The AI can't do your job, but the AI salesman can convince your boss to fire you and replace you with an AI anyway – that pitch is the most successful form of AI disinformation in the world.
An AI that "hallucinates" bad advice to fliers can't replace human customer service reps, but airlines are firing reps and replacing them with chatbots:
An AI that "hallucinates" bad legal advice to New Yorkers can't replace city services, but Mayor Adams still tells New Yorkers to get their legal advice from his chatbots:
The only reason bosses want to buy robots is to fire humans and lower their costs. That's why "AI art" is such a pisser. There are plenty of harmless ways to automate art production with software – everything from a "healing brush" in Photoshop to deepfake tools that let a video-editor alter the eye-lines of all the extras in a scene to shift the focus. A graphic novelist who models a room in The Sims and then moves the camera around to get traceable geometry for different angles is a centaur – they are genuinely offloading some finicky drudgework onto a robot that is perfectly attentive and vigilant.
But the pitch from "AI art" companies is "fire your graphic artists and replace them with botshit." They're pitching a world where the robots get to do all the creative stuff (badly) and humans have to work at robotic pace, with robotic vigilance, in order to catch the mistakes that the robots make at superhuman speed.
Reverse centaurism is brutal. That's not news: Charlie Chaplin documented the problems of reverse centaurs nearly 100 years ago:
As ever, the problem with a gadget isn't what it does: it's who it does it for and who it does it to. There are plenty of benefits from being a centaur – lots of ways that automation can help workers. But the only path to AI profitability lies in reverse centaurs, automation that turns the human in the loop into the crumple-zone for a robot:
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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Image: Cryteria (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:HAL9000.svg
CC BY 3.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/deed.en
Jorge Royan (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Munich_-_Two_boys_playing_in_a_park_-_7328.jpg
CC BY-SA 3.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.en
Noah Wulf (modified) https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Thunderbirds_at_Attention_Next_to_Thunderbird_1_-_Aviation_Nation_2019.jpg
CC BY-SA 4.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/deed.en
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heeliopheelia · 1 year
"do you regret last night?" (heeseung x reader)
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genre: smut, light angst word count: 1k requested by nonnie ♡
warnings: unprotected sex, mentions of cheating, pet names
a/n: okay guys i actually love how this one turned out!! i thought the last hee smut drabble was my favorite but i think i like this one even more!! ALSO the grammar mistakes are probably horrifying in here bcs i still struggle with past tenses and that's the reason why i dropped writing in them a long time ago 💜 so when it comes to past tenses – i kinda use them how i feel like it rather than using some actual knowledge... does that even make sense... PLEASE BEAR WITH ME, I SWEAR I'M NOT DUMB
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"F-Fuck, Heeseung, yeah- Just like that."
All it took for Heeseung was to see you standing at his door, soaked thoroughly with rain and eyes puffy red. It was all he needed to instantly know that his best friend – and simultaneously your boyfriend, has finally fumbled and fucked up your relationship once again.
He let you in without any questions, holding the door open for you as you toed off your wet shoes and walked inside with head shamefully hung down. After bringing you a towel for you to dry yourself a little bit, the explanation of your sudden appearance flew out of your lips in a wobbly mutter as another wave of tears streamed down your cheeks.
Biting on his lip harshly, Heeseung considered each and every assassination attempt plan on his best friend who's decided to cheat on you again after you so generously gave him a second chance two months ago.
He remembers your first heartbreak like it was yesterday, easily recalling the disbelief painting all over your face as you watched your boyfriend walking out of the bathroom with some wasted chick following him like a lost puppy. And all of it happened on Heeseung's birthday party too. All he could do back then was to watch the girl of his dreams run out of his door, heart broken and left on the floor only to be stomped on by dozens of feet.
So this time, he decided he's not going to be as helpless as he was then.
Somewhere in between sobbing and laughing at Heeseung's poor attempts of joking to make you feel better, you've found yourself straddling his hips and assaulting his lips with yours vigorously. Then you circled your hips over his, hands slipped underneath his shirt just to rip it off of him eagerly; all of it only to end up sprawled out below Heeseung on his bed sheets, head thrown back as your voice gets choked up again.
"Yeah? God, I'm gonna fuck you so good, baby," he breathes out heavily, lifting your hips even higher to pound into you harder, making you feel every inch of him hitting so deep inside of you. "'m not gonna stop until the only thing you're able to say is my name. Promised to make you forget about him after all."
He did. And you nodded eagerly at his offer, letting him kiss the tears away from your face couple minutes ago. Too swallowed up with hurt and lust to even process the urgency behind his words. Too swallowed up with hurt and lust to notice the lovesick gaze in his eyes as he looked down at your flushed face.
Your fingers tremble as they tightly wrap around his wrists that are placed on each side of your head, and you whine pitifully as he bullies his tip in and out of your soaked folds. Heeseung flinches slightly when he feels a cool metal brush over his skin and he looks down to notice a promise ring resting around your pretty finger – the same one he helped your boyfriend pick after the two of you had gotten back together.
Before the anger has the chance to boil the blood in his veins again, he swipes his gaze to your fucked out face again, scoffing with amusement. Never stopping his thrusts, he gently grabs your hand and lifts it up to his lips, his mouth engulfing your entire finger only for his teeth to grasp on the silver band and pull it off of it. You watch, almost mesmerized, as he turns his head to the side and spits the ring on the floor to get lost somewhere in between the rest of your discarded clothes.
"You're not gonna need it anymore," he says, a smirk crawling up on his pink lips. "You deserve so much better, baby. You know it too, don't you?"
You nod your dizzy head, hands desperately reaching out to grab at him and feel his toned body underneath your fingertips again. With a firm grip on your hips, Heeseung pounds into you ruthlessly as the sound of skin smacking fills up the room entirely along with your moans and whimpers.
He reaches one of his hands down to rub on your swollen clit as he feels you getting closer to your finish. The sudden touch makes your body jerk in his arms and white paints your vision soon after, and just like he promised, all that you manage to do is repeat his name over and over again.
"S' fucking good, Heeseung," you whine out, head rolling back into the pillows and back arching sharply when his hips speed up. "Don't stop!"
He presses you back down to the mattress and hooks one of your legs over his middle, burying himself even deeper into your clenching pussy than before and nearly instantly bringing out an orgasm out of you. Your jaw slacks as your body squirms slightly underneath his larger frame, hands loosening their grip on him and falling limp on the sheets as you're overwhelmed with the warm bliss.
You're barely in your right mind when you hear his low groan and seconds later his hot release is thickly spilling on the soft surface of your stomach. Your heavy eyes watch as Heeseung reaches to his nightstand and pulls out a couple of tissues to wipe you clean. With his soft stay, please and your tired thank you, you fall asleep with your face buried in the crook of his neck.
The anxiety that's been slowly building up inside of you doesn't let you rest for too long though. You barely open your eyes, clock striking 7 am, and the hesitant thoughts and worries flood your mind.
It didn't mean anything to him. He was just trying to help you out. You get attached to people way too easily, silly girl. You should probably get out of here before he wakes up and things become unbearably awkward. Fuck, why is your heart feeling so heavy all of a sudden?
So you leave his apartment quietly, fixing your disheveled self as you walk to the nearest coffee shop you can find. And just as you collect your order from the counter, you feel your phone buzzing in your pocket.
The large smile can't be kept from spreading on your lips as you eye Heeseung's message with butterflies tickling your stomach from the inside.
do you regret last night?
And the answer is as clear as a day in your mind, so with eager fingers you type out a a reply.
are you crazy? never.
we should do it again soon <3
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permanent taglist: @bambisgirl @arizejkt19 @luvmura @milisabunny @cathy-1997 @satoruskitchenrag @ramenoil @jenjnk @jaylaxies @yoongspi
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laguezze · 3 months
PAC: A letter you're meant to receive
I'm baaaaack~ (kinda) (pretty casually, life's been tough)
As always here are the rules:
Minors DNI
Don't take everything to heart, this is a general reading! Take what resonates!
It's honest, I don't sugarcoat. If you're not liking what you read, keep scrolling! It may not be for you or you may not be ready for that message yet!
Let's take a look at the piles!!!
Pile 1
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Pile 2
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Pile 3
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Let's go!
Pile 1
Signs this may be for you: unicorn, South Korea , the letter S, Squirrels, Love, Skydiving, birthday, anniversary, 12, 6, 16, 2006, 2001, 2026, 1970s, Billie Eilish, John Lennon, glasses.
Dear ____,
How could you think I'm not proud of you? How could you think that minor thing you did would erase all the love I feel for you? It doesn't. I don't think anything can at this point. You're human, you're allowed to make mistakes. And while I do still think you need help, you're still doing your best, even though you don't feel like it. You're trying and I see that. You're wonderful and magical and although your light is dimmed at the moment, I know there's a bright sun under that blanket of darkness you're currently holding over your head. Everything will be ok. Have you ever not gotten a resolution to your conflict? Trust me. You're going to be fine. Let yourself be, enjoy the people around you, breathe. Treat your life like you treat your dreams. Be as excited as you can. You're alive! And while you are not responsible for this darkness that has been placed upon you, you are the only one that can take it off. I understand it's difficult, but you can do it. You're tired of fighting, but you're not just anyone. You're a legend. Legends don't have it easy. Go get them.
Pile 2
Signs this may be for you: Harry Styles, Fashion school, blood drives, nurse, 😜, smoke, laughter, blonde, blue eyes, "that boy is mine", 0%, Rihanna, water, rain, Hawaii, Jumping, Rave, Cindy, the letter C, N, and A. Numbers 5, 8, and 30, AMANDA.
Hello, it's been a while.
How are you?
This is awkward, you probably didn't expect to hear from me. I have been okay, I honestly can't stop thinking about us and how it ended. It pains me to think that you left with the impression that I didn't care. I do. I did. I just want to let you know that in another life, maybe we should try again. I don't have much to say, I'm not sure why I feel so compelled to tell you this. It's so basic. I'm being channeled right now (ok aware) and it's weird because it shouldn't be this deep but I really wanted to come through and say sorry. And say that I know you miss me and I do too. And one day we will reunite and we might be able to show our love then. Sorry it ended that way. Sorry that was the last you knew of me. I think of you each day, I dream of you each night.
Pile 3
Signs this may be for you: YES GIRL, happy, cheerful, spaghetti, squash, "I'm allergic", ibuprofen, love is in the air, matchmaker, fruits, VSCO, musically, Harmony, dating apps, Jenna, Lisa, "I stan", Twitter account, laughs, pigs, 25, 23, 2022, 2001, 2000, Beyonce.
Wow, am I impressed with you,
Not only are you grown and beautiful, you're also such a good person. I'm immensely proud of you. You're doing exactly what you need to, you're living life to the fullest and I am here for it. Remember our trips to the beach? I miss you. You should call more often. I love that you're meeting new people and having fun but sometimes I need to see you and hear from you. Please call me from time to time. I know I may seem clingy, but I just miss your presence. I also don't know when I'll actually see you next, you've become so unexpected and exciting. I love you, that's why I need to hear from you. Tell me everything, I'll listen. I'm here for you and I want what's best. Come back from time to time. Please. That's the only thing I ask of you at this time. I can't say this to you normally, you'd get uncomfortable. But please listen and take this opportunity. Let's talk more often! I wanna be part of your life again! 🥰
Hope it resonates! 💕
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bigification · 2 months
John had coasted through his twenties like he thought everyone did. He got a quick degree in business and spent the next ten years traveling, partying, and fucking... A lot. His parents let him do whatever he wanted as long as he got a degree, they didn't say anything about using the degree.
He excused his behavior because every other rich white guy he partied with was doing the same thing. He had never even had an extended conversation with someone outside of the 1 percent, and it showed.
Hey, I mean at least he was really good at the one thing he did. To the point that he wouldn't remember most nights, only waking up with women's clothes in his bed. He would start swinging his massive dick around as soon as he got drunk and it wouldn't take long for someone to drag him to bed.
But it couldn't last forever. 30 came faster than he thought and it hit him like a truck. He couldn't drink like he used to, he couldn't party as hard as wanted to. His hairline was starting to recede and his six pack was disappearing under what would soon be a small beer belly. There were starting to be consequences for his actions. And as if it couldn't get any worse for poor John, his parents let him know what his birthday present was for this year. Every year prior had been something extravagant like a yacht or a sports car, so he was really looking forward to the big gift to make 30 not seem so bad.
Two weeks before his birthday, John received a text saying that his parents would take away his generous allowance if he didn't get a job by the time he was 30. His heart skipped a beat, he thought it was some big joke. He thought back to the times his parents had asked him to get a job before but he never thought they were serious. Though they did ask a lot now that he's thinking of it, and they didn't sound like they were joking.
John texted back, "haha, but seriously what is it?" Hoping they would back off and he could go back to being the old guy at all the yacht parties he threw. But they put their put down this time, threatening his 200k a month allowance and his present he was expecting for his birthday.
One week of the adult equivalent of kicking and screaming later, John gives in. Now he only has one week before it starts to cut into his allowance. He scrambled to make a shitty resume, assuming a business degree would get him any job he wanted.
He nervously clicked on a link his dad sent him to a company that works under his father's business. He submitted his resume and waited. It didn't take long for him to get a response and John patted himself on the back for making such a good resume. Although they obviously never even opened the resume, just going off of his father's recommendation.
He set up an interview for just before his birthday, and continued to party like he was still 20. He woke up the day of the interview, hungover and still wearing his disgusting clothes from the night before. He was nearly falling asleep at the wheel as he hadn't woken up before noon in ages, 10 am was such a ridiculous time to set an interview.
He stumbled into the expensive looking building and stood in front of reception.
"How can I help you?" The young lady behind the counter asked.
"Ugh... Yeah I could think of a few ways you could help me." John winked and gave a lazy smile.
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"Sir, if you don't have any business here, I'm gonna have to ask you to leave." The lady raised her voice, trying to hide her discomfort.
"Whatever, I'm here for an interview."
"What's your name?"
"John Fitzgerald."
The lady looked up for a moment, recognizing the name. She shook her head in disappointment as she grabbed the phone to call that he had arrived... only thirty minutes late.
A few moments later, an older man in a tailored suit approached the front desk. He walked right past John and asked the receptionist to point him in the direction of John. The lady looked over at John and raised her eyebrows to suggest he was right there. The older man turned and put on a fake smile to hide his disapproval.
"Follow me." The man put on a cheap up beat voice.
The man walked him down to a private office and opened a closet. He grabbed a dress shirt and black dress pants and basically shoved into John's chest.
"No man that respects himself wears those clothes to an interview, put these on." He let his anger slip through a bit.
"Wait really!?" John seemed perplexed. He thought he would answer a few questions about what he liked to do and that would be it.
"Yes, go on."
John sheepishly took off his shirt, revealing the small belly that had grown over his abs. It even bounced a bit as he pulled off his shirt. He then pulled down his pants to reveal his batman boxers that did nothing hide the massive bulge between his legs.
He slipped on the dress shirt, letting it spill to his knees like a dress. Then he pulled up the dress pants and held them at his waist. They were nearly 10 inches too long around the waist, and 5 inches too short, making them ride up his calves.
"They're too big!" John complained.
The man scoffed and grabbed a belt from the closet. Though the belt was also too big, leaving John still holding up the pants.
"They're still too big!" John whined.
"Oh just shut up. How long is this supposed to take." The old man looked impatiently at his watch.
"How long is wha-" John began to ask before pausing briefly, followed by a loud burp that seemed to make the room tremble.
John tried to talk but couldn't. He felt slow and groggy, more than he had before. The only noises he could muster were grunts as a warm feeling filled his stomach. Suddenly his hips thrusted forward and he let out a grunt. John looked down in horror as a sizable beer belly was now hiding under his oversized shirt. His hips thrusted again and his belly had doubled in size, making him look pregnant. One more thrust and a loud grunt and his fat gut doubled in size once more. It bounced up and down as it filled all the room in his massive shirt, finally drooping over his waistband.
John wanted to scream, but he couldn't. The only noises that came from his mouth were moans and grunts that sounded more and more sexual the more his body changed.
His sides soon followed, growing thick love handles that widened his once skinny frame, even spreading to his lower back. His chest puffed forward as his pecs disappeared under a thick layer of fat. His soft man tits finally rested on his gut, pushing up against his shirt and making them impossible to miss.
John looked up in desperation at the older man that stood before him, but he was just staring at his watch. Though he noticed something strange. He was looking up at the man, when he could have sworn that he looked down on him when he first met him. He took pride in his height, so he would have remembered being shorter than him.
This time his body thrusted backwards, making him nearly fall with his new center of gravity. With each thrust he felt the pants get tighter and tighter until his cheeks filled out all of the room in those size 42 pants. At least he didn't have to hold them up anymore. His thighs then thickened into fat tree trunks, permanently rubbing together and squishing his dick in between. Though that last part wouldn't last long, while his ever growing fat pad swallowed inches of his dick, it began to shrink as well. He felt it recede into his soft fat pad, now only having the tip peaking out of his fat. He stuffed his hand between his meaty thighs to try and find it but it wasn't there.
John then felt pressure building up around his feet until a loud POP rang through the office. He looked down to see what happened but it was blocked by his massive gut. Though the feeling of his bare feet on the ground suggested that his feet burst out of his shoes.
His arms began to twitch fat filled them like sausages, making them drop under their own weight. His hands also doubled in size as his fingers started to look thickened. He wanted to react, but it was starting to get hard to remember what he was texting to. All he could think about was finance.
Finally his face began to change. His young and spy look got covered in soft fat and wrinkles, aging him up at least 10 years. His hairline receded as thick sideburns covered his nonexistent jawline and his stubble formed a prominent mustache and goatee combo.
John let out a loud burp as his stomach grumbled. He grunted a few more times as he desperately tried to reach his crotch, but he was unsuccessful. He noticed his boss in front of him and tilted his head back to make eye contact with the man that is now much taller than him.
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"What are we doing in your office boss?" John asked.
"Oh, you just had a wardrobe malfunction that's all." The boss said as he passed John a pair of shoes and a tie. "It's on the house since you've been such a good employee the last 10 years. I certainly don't mind getting you bigger clothes when you outgrow your current ones."
John panted and grunted trying to get his shoes on, he wasn't used to the extra padding all over his body. Despite that, he knows that he has been quite fat for many years now as memories of the last 10 years of his life flood in.
"Can't forget the wedding ring." The boss said as he slipped a nice ring into John's hand. "I just love that husband of yours, he is such a great cook. No wonder you gained so much weight after your marriage. It's almost like he got you pregnant." The boss chuckled.
John's face went blank as the memories of him coming out in his thirties and marrying the man that he loves. And he remembers the positive pregnancy test he had just before his 40th birthday.
"Oh my god, you are pregnant!" The boss shouted then covered his mouth. "Your secret's safe with me. Oh and also, I'll order some massive clothes for ya so you won't have to worry about it big guy." The boss said quietly as John left his office.
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bearw-me · 4 months
Hey there, fellow writer! How are you doing? :)
I just wanted to request a platonic Angel Dust x Nephew (or Niece) reader who is the son/daughter of Molly from when they were alive. Angel hadn’t really got to know them as he had died when they were little, so now that he's reconnected with them in hell, he's trying to bond with his niece/nephew as they are older now.
heyyy! i'm good :) how are y'all?
𝐋𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞 — 𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥 𝐃𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐇𝐜𝐬
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𐐒 ft : (platonic) angel dust x niece/nephew!reader, fat nuggets 𐐒 cw : fluff, a bit of angst 𐐒 summary : having some family down in hell is exactly what Angel needs 𐐒 note : this is soo cuteee! im loving all these platonic angel hcs!
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its a complete mystery as to how you got in contact with him.
maybe you saw his ads or movies, but the first time you messaged him, Angel's heart dropped to his fucking stomach.
I think it would hurt Angel more than anything else to know that you are in this literal 'hell-hole' with him. . .
but it feels nice to know that he has family.
Upon first meeting with you, now that you're no longer that messy little kid he remembers. . . Angel gets a little nervous to meet with you. He just doesn't want you to see him like the screw up he feels he is.
Would like you to call him Anthony, as you calling him Angel feels weird to him.
Angel hardly knew you on Earth, so its fun to hang out with you and get to know all the things he's missed out on.
Cries when you call him 'Uncle'.
Like ugly cries
And goddammit if he doesn't treat you like you're his own child
Spoils you rotten
Always buying you little stuff and checking up on you, even trying to cook and make sure you've been eating.
He really wants to make up on lost time. . . but sort of doesn't know where to start
Angel is never self-conscious about his work. IF he brings it up, its the only time he's a little hesitant to admit that he's an adult film star
If you looked like Molly, I think he'd tear up and need to hug you for a moment.
A long moment.
Angel is still a 'free-spirit' overall, but he always softens up and slips into a more mature nature when you're around.
Has pictures of/with you in his hotel room. They are really nice to look at when he's done work or has a hard day in general. It reminds him he has a reason to keep going sometimes.
Protective uncle all the way. He likes when you ask him things or need something from him. It feels good to be depended on by someone he cherishes.
Wouldn't it be nice if Angel tried to make up for all the birthday's he missed.
Like you'd end up with a stack of birthday cards to read, and one slice of cake with a candle in it to blow out.
Present's range from little bears he missed out on when you were a kid to things he'd think you'd like now.
Fat Nuggets LOVES you. He gets excited when he realizes how similar you look to your uncle.
The little hell pig loves to scratch his back against your leg. Oinking at you as a dog would.
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irisintheafterglow · 11 months
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Gojo Satoru
You Are In Love - "you're my best friend," and you knew what it was
...Ready For It? - knew he was a killer first time that I saw him
Hits Different - it hits different 'cause it's you (or, struggling in a situationship with gojo satoru)
Never Grow Up - meeting megumi for the first time
The Archer - all of my enemies started out friends, can he hold on to you?
invisible string - the first time megumi uses ten shadows
even in my worst times, you see the best in me - being the strongest has its downsides, but at least you're suffering with him
life's no fun without a good scare - you have the brilliant idea of playing hide and seek in a corn maze against the most powerful sorcerer in the world. should be fun, right?
it's all me, just don't go (meet me in the afterglow) - satoru is jealous but refuses to admit it.
every dead end street led you straight to me - former fuckboy gojo has some things to say at the top of a mountain
i hate accidents, except when we went from friends to this! - coworkers to lovers with a healthy amount of teenage eavesdropping
he's the death you chose (you're in terrible danger) - married life with husband!gojo means cleaning up bodies at 2am.
Geto Suguru
The Great War - somewhere in the haze, got a sense I'd been betrayed
Back to December - you gave him all your love and all he gave you was goodbye
say you'll remember me - you were destined to fail from the start, so why does it hurt so badly when he's gone?
dazzling haze, mysterious way about you, dear - need some fluff after reading all the angst above?
tell me that you love me, love me 'til my lips turn blue - being partnered with suguru on a mission takes an unexpected turn
what if all i need is you? - after failed attempts to find a date to a relative's birthday party, your best friend acts as your fake boyfriend.
Nanami Kento
of daisies and collisions - nanami kento felt a little out of his element, with a small bundle of flowers sitting in his lap and brooding in the dark corner of the jazz bar. yet, you play that song he likes again, and nothing else matters.
the stakes are high, the water's rough, but this love is ours - holding satoru and letting him rest, even if it's only for a little bit
it took so long to know someone like you - he doesn't know who he is with you and it scares both of you
bad days and blanket burritos - good ol' satoru bf fluff
And the touch of a hand lit the fuse
how gojo and geto react to their partner being obsessed with them (fluffy !!!)
Gojo Satoru
What, like it's hard? -> law student!gojo
general hcs
when he buys a motorcycle
I'm with the band -> rockstar!gojo
rockstar!gojo meet sexyy
the valentine's day show
quiet moments and teaching you guitar
awards show
Falling for you, on and off the ice -> hockey player!gojo
someone steals your usual rink slot
watching a game
living in winter, i am your summer - he's terrible at figure skating
Kachow -> professional racer!gojo
on the radio
smoke his ass! - pro racer!gojo needs some motivation after a newcomer to the track pisses him off
Geto Suguru
oops? - satoru finds out that you've been seeing his best friend
a quiet moment in the aquarium
napping with you :)
scare actor!suguru
Save a horse, ride a cowboy -> gunslinger!suguru
gunslinger!geto au
big iron - he's not the first to go after the crystal-eyed bandit, but something tells you that this one will keep his promise to buy you a drink when the hunting is done.
Theta Phi Fuckhead -> enemy frat!suguru
ancient grudge, new mutiny
move fast, keep quiet
half the things that haven't happened yet
Series Masterlists
End Game (volleyball captain!gojo x you) COMPLETED
Co-Parenting Megumi with Satoru COMPLETED
I Don't Wanna Live Forever (gojo x you during shibuya) COMPLETED
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queenquinzel715 · 1 year
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3.1 Halforc Rothwell
Wrd count 2,469
Princess (Y/n) P.O.V.
When I turned fourteen I knew things were going to change in the worst possible way. I saw the royal doctors leaving my mother's chambers, and her ladies in waiting looking down so upset. I had just turned sixteen when I got woken by my mother's closest lady in waiting telling me to come quickly. I sat with my mother for an hour when she finally let go. My father stood by the door silently crying to himself. They did actually love each other.
That night my life became hectic. I took over Queen duties for the kingdom. Which is no problem, however my father's advisors are like the devil in his ear. My father is so poor minded that the lies they tell him he believes them. I do feel bad for my father. He was just a guard when he and my mother, the princess, fell for each other. He does care for our people, he just doesn't understand how to communicate with them, so he leaves it to William. William is the head guard that is supposed to help my people when they need it, but he's just a tyrant.
Like today, William and Henry, the main advisor, are telling my father that the creatures that are coming to do trade are tricking my father. They are telling him that these creatures are raiding savages. I've heard enough from these two.
"Alright that's enough. What are your sources for all this?" I stop them just as they walk to the maps to map out an attack on the incoming ships. "My sources tell me the reason for any attacks was that the Tearings Kingdom enslaved them." I look at my father's indecisive face.
"I have insiders in the Silentdew Kingdom, Sire." Henry boosts with a mocking smile.
"I don't remember a ship leaving for that long of a voyage, so when was this?"
I'm completely ignored.
"These creatures are here simply for land. I myself have sent letters with their King, so I will not have these stories to be spread. If no problems are caused then no problems will occur. They should be docking in just three days, and we must greet them accordingly." My father takes over. He turns to me. "(Y/n) I need you to be there for their reassurance that we give faith into our new arrangements." I give my father a reassuring smile.
"I was hoping to meet them at dinner." I try to sound proper, not too obvious.
"I know, I know. I just need them to know even with your own… legacy, we are here united for good reasons." I laugh at his pausing for the right words.
What he had difficulty with is my true title. Queen General (full name). At fourteen my mother insisted my father train me in some sort of defense. What she didn't expect was for me to get completely infatuated with fighting, and well I became General after my eighteenth birthday. No one argued the title placement, because they knew I actually worked for it. Sadly I had to give that title to William last year when I turned twenty. My father told me it was time for me to settle down, so he's been finding suitors for me. Most of them did seem good on paper, so I don't fault my father on that point. It's just when they open their mouths nothing intelligent comes out just pompous showboating, or their egos get destroyed from my legacy. At least my father doesn't fight me when I tell him I won't marry them.
Besides, my biggest problem is dealing with an overly cocky William. He's been following me around assuming I'm turning the suitors away for him, because we've known each other since childhood. Granted as a child he was better to tolerate. Over the years I've learned just the type of man he's become, and the amount of female servants I've helped from his whole group. My mother taught me very early that I can't stop men like that, so that's why the only females that work in my castle are my own close ladies. I have made an example of what happens when I catch you in certain acts which helped the women in the town as well. Sadly mother was right. That's why I pray to her that I'm right with these creatures that come here, they docked yesterday. Tomorrow I will actually meet their leader, and have dinner.
This morning I'm woken up by my ladies to get ready for the creature's arrival. They should be here by midday, and by then I should have my nerves somewhat controlled. Which doesn't seem fruitful when the laces of my dress are being pulled back to cut my breathing off. I wasn't used to these formal dresses, and hair styling anymore. I mostly stayed in work dresses, and kept my hair braided to the side. I look like my mother with my hair like this, and she'd love this.
I walked down the main steps as the gates opened for three mountainous horses carrying orcs. I come to a stop in the only open place next to my father. Of course it's next to William. I keep myself looking at the gorgeous horses, but I'm stuck on the short haired one with a scruff-like beard. His yellow eyes scan the crowd, they seem to shine with curiosity as he sees something new.
"I like your hair this way, Princess." William takes me away from the orc. "I wanted to surprise you, but Friday I'm telling your father about us." I feel his hand move along my arm. "I can't let you keep this charade of the suitors." The entire feeling from him makes me nervous, causing me to move away immediately.
I hear him chuckling as I step to my father as he steps closer with the orcs following. Once I take a deep breath I realize I didn't hold my composure when my face relaxes. My father introduces me to Lord Rothwell and his guards. I look up at him in amazement as I outstretch my hand.
"Welcome Sir Rothwell." I offer him my hand.
"I'm very happy to be here, My Lady." His smile brings his tusk to a better view as he brings my hand to meet his lips, letting me feel just how smooth his tusks are.
Throughout the day, we are in the meeting hall going over the maps showing them their lands, and discussing laws. I was surprised when we have similar laws, granted they had more for the different creatures, which they gave us their law books.
Once dinner is served, it's like we have all known each other for years with the laughter coming from the dining hall. I sit left of my father as Rothwell sits across from me. I could listen to him talk about his people all night. He talks with such passion, the way his eyes light up when he speaks of certain people, well creatures.
"I'm glad we are on the same page about this settlement." I'm father raises his cup to cheer.
"Yes, I like how we are using the river as a boundary. It is very clever. That way no one can say they don't know where they are going." He cheers with my father.
"That was (y/n)'s idea. I swear if you spend a day with her you'd be amazed with what she comes up with." Father laughs as he shakes my shoulder making my food fall off my spoon.
"I'd love to spend a day with you." Rothwell looks me in the eyes as he says this, his voice makes my ankles lock together on their own.
"Sir Rothwell, do you hope this is a permanent settlement or just for the resources?" I generally want to know for my own knowledge and my kingdom's.
"Completely permanent, Princess." He smirks once responded.
My father grabs Rothwell's attention for some battle stories, but William decides now will be best to slide into the seat next to mine. I roll my eyes at his drunken smile.
"Father?" I try to properly get his attention.
"I was thinking about sunset for our ceremony." William begins. "The windows in the church shine perfectly at that time." He reaches for my piece of hair, but I move back.
I look back to my father to see him still talking, but Rothwell is eyeing William with hard eyes. William leans closer to continue his wedding talk, trying to touch me, making me grip my eating knife. He goes to reach for me again, and I snap. I push him back with my knife pointed at his lower rib. He drops his cup, leaving the wine to puddle the floor, and raises his hands. I slightly lean forward with my eyes locked on his terror filled ones.
"I've tolerated you all day, with your wedding bullshit talk, and you trying to touch me." He goes to speak, but me pushing the knife slightly further makes him stop. "If you so much as think of coming near me in the next couple of days. I swear the moment my eyes land on you I will cut your ribs out right there. Am I understood?" I sternly finish with a last push of the knife.
"Yes, Princess. I'm terribly sorry I won't bother you again." He rushes out his apologies as he nods quickly.
I raise my knife to the side for him to shakily run to the doors of the dining hall. Everyone is still silent as I turn back to my food. As I bite into my food I look up to Rothwell slightly biting his lower lip. I can feel my neck up to my face get hot as I look back down to my plate. Everyone starts to mumble about me as they get back to dinner.
"Daughter, must you embarrass the poor boy." Father laughs as he fills my cup with wine.
"Yes I must. Animals like him don't listen to normal talk, so I must get straight to the point." I take a big gulp of my wine as I stand. "Well goodnight father, enjoy your night." I kiss my father on the forehead. "Please don't get him completely gone. I'd like him to be somewhat functional." I laugh with Rothwell as the others raise their cups to me.
I walk to my chambers with an orc on my mind, and how my mother would be shocked that this is who I'm thinking about. Once in my chambers I change into my night dress getting comfortable as the night bonfire is lit in town Square. I lean against the balcony door crossing my arms at William's nonsense. I'm brought out of my thoughts as a crowd forms, and William steps through along with Rothwell. I could finally see that Rothwell is three feet taller than William, and is much bigger as well. The small group that came with Rothwell cheers for Rothwell as the fight starts. I watch as Rothwell practically throws William like a child around the circle. William slides along the ground making me laugh, and Rothwell raises his arms as he roars in celebration with his men. One of the creature men point up toward me, making him look up at me. I give him a sarcastic clap, but inside I want to scream for him. His roar was much louder as his men crowd him like he won something. William steps back to him in a drunken like sway, maybe it's a painful sway. Rothwell swats the air telling him he's done, but William says something that's obviously antagonizing. Rothwell actually throws him this time, but I feel that still wasn't his full strength. I watch William use his horse to stand. Rothwell walks away with his group of men as my men get back to work on the weapons. William however takes his sword from the sheath he keeps on his horse, and runs toward Rothwell with the sword high in the air. I grab a book that I left on the balcony, and throw it at Rothwell. It hits one of his men, making him turn to me. I just point at William. I quickly run down the stairs as the yelling echoes off the walls. They grow louder as I get to the Town Square. I signal to the cannon gunners to shoot a cannon. My men stop, and stand to attention. The creatures slowly stand to their feet. I step calmly through the sea of men to the ones that are still gripping onto each other. I take the sword of one of the closest men.
"Enough!" I use the sword to push William back.
Once he sees it's me he falls to his knees.
"Meeting hall, NOW!" My voice booms off the walls.
As I follow the two men into the hall my father is standing there with an angry expression. As I walk around them I throw the sword into a table. I look at the marks William somehow got on Rothwell with worry, but when I look at how William looks I couldn't hold my smirk.
"I don't mind when you men fight for show or for your own amusement. However I will not tolerate you having war IN THE MIDDLE OF MY KINGDOM!" My father yells out like he never has before. "Not only did you want to spar with an orc, you tried to strike an unarmed man in the back." My father speaks in shame at William. "Lets not begin to discuss what happened at dinner with my daughter." He turns to me. "Why was he threatened anyway?"
"Well throughout the day he has tried grabbing me, telling me that I am to marry him, and how the suitors I've declined were for his benefit." I tell my father honestly.
While I explain to my father Rothwell snaps his head to William like he actually wants to kill him.
"Guards!" Father suddenly yells, making me jump in surprise. "Lock William in the tunnels until I can deal with him in the morning." William is pleading as he is being pulled out once he's gone father sits with a deep sigh. "I should've done that years ago." He looks up at me as he rests his head on his fingertips looking between me and Rothwell. "Hmm well. Should we start the courting process?" He asks Rothwell with a no tolerance voice.
"Yes." Is all Rothwell says with a last look at me before storming out.
"Courting process?" I question my father.
He just dismisses me to bed, and tells me to enjoy the gifts.
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ravens-two · 1 year
PICK A CARD reading
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How do other people see you?
Pile 1 -> Pile 2
Pile 3 -> Pile 4
Decks used: Dark Wood Tarot & Green Witch Oracle
Pile 1
Strength & Banana
Main Star sign energy: Leo & Cancer
Hi, Pile 1, Banana is the card of duality and so I think that it may be that people see you in very different ways, like you're not very consensual to the general public. The people you meet can't really decipher you, some perceive you to be incredibly nice, while others find you off-putting. However, with this card and Strength I also feel like people turn to you a lot for advice. People find you to be very wise, and most of all, impartial. They trust that you will see things from every perspective and offer the best advice you can. This also means that some people see you as a devil's advocate, because you insist on giving voice to different points of view.
In general, I think that people perceive you as being very outspoken, you don't shy away from conflict, but you don't go looking for it either. It's just that it naturally finds a way to you and you can't help but stand up for yourself and others. I also feel like other people find you to be a very calming presence, I think that it's mix of it just being your vibe, but also that they know that they can count on you to help solve any problem that might come up.
A bit random, but I think that you are known to make dirty jokes and also your sense of humor is very underrated, kind of deadpan and sometimes others can't tell if you're being serious or not.
Other people see you as being very confident in yourself, even if you don't feel like that. There's a sort of confidence that shines through you. Also, you are known as being very loyal to your friends.
Pile 2
6 of Cups & Lemon
Main Star sign energy: Gemini, Scorpio & Cancer
Pile 2 the first thing I'm getting with your group is that you have big Cancer energy. Being with you feels like coming home. I think that the people closest to you feel almost "mothered" by you, I mean this in the best way possible, they know that they can count on you to make them a nice cup of tea, pull out a blanket and hear out their problems. You have a very safe presence.
Some not so nice energy that is also coming through is that some people think that you're stuck in the past. This sentence is coming through very clearly like this to me, but I think that it will apply differently to each of you. It might be a bit literal, like you refuse to embrace new technologies for example or it could be more like you are frequently reminiscing about the good old days. I think that sometimes you are seen as being a bit sad, like filled with ennui if that makes sense. Despite that, I think that you are someone who remembers. You always know your friends birthdays and you remember the little details about their lives, and they appreciate this so so much.
With the lemon card I think that you are very talkative, but only when you feel comfortable. And the interesting thing is, when you get to the stage where you're really really comfortable you start to hold back less and less and you end up being a bit mean with your words. You're not trying to be mean, but they might sting a bit because you're brutally honest. Also, with lemon being the card of cleansing I think that your friends perceive you as being very good at cleaning. I mean this both in a literal sense (lol) and metaphorically. You're good at closing old chapters and cleaning out the old to bring in the new (with a twist too, because you always make space for the memories). You give me this vibe of it doesn't matter if it was good or bad, it matters that it happened.
Pile 3
Empress & Orange
Main Star sign energy: Virgo & Taurus
Pile 3 people see you as being full of life and energy. You are the life to her party, even if there isn't a party, you know how to cheer and pump up the people around you. I also think that people find you very charming and they love to hear you talk. In fact, I think that others love being around you and being around your energy, because it's just so big. Do you know that poem about the orange? In this metaphor you are the orange.
There's also this really interesting vibe that you are very sensual, it could be like sensual as in sexy, but like sensual as in using your senses. You love eating, you love listening to music, you love pretty things. I think that your friends and acquaintances even always ask you about restaurant recommendations and stuff like that. Also, other people love your style and your aesthetic. In fact, they really admire how cohesive you look.
Others also see you as someone who is incredibly creative and that is always filled with ideas. Honestly I think that most of you are either studying arts/design/etc or you work in those areas. You are known for your work. There's also this thing that if one of your friends has a problem they will come to you if they need an out of pocket solution. Like, you always have one. Your friends love your sense of humor, it's always so random and unpredictable. And I honestly think that you might be very popular on social media.
Pile 4
7 of Swords & Pea
Main Star signs energy: Pisces & Aquarius
Hey pile 4, you are the embodiment of chaotic energy. I don't think that anyone can pin you down, and when someone thinks that they have you figured out you immediately prove them wrong. This is big Aquarius energy honestly, not with the chaos, but with the fact that you see things in such a different manner that no one can predict what you are going to do or say next. I also think that you're the type of person to lie for fun (nothing serious of course, but just making up a whole different life to some stranger you'll never see again).
You are filled with ideas and people find you to be a good communicator. In particular I think that you're good with speaking and writing. There's also this vibe that your friends never know when to expect an answer to their texts, it could be immediately or three weeks later.
Your mind is very very busy, always buzzing with new ideas and scenarios and I think that sort of comes across to other people who think you are a bit scatterbrained. Also, people think that you are very smart. I am also getting this vibe that you have a sharp tongue, especially when it comes to social commentary. Sometimes you'll make a sarcastic comment about something around you, but not everyone will get it and those people find you a bit weird. You may get lost while telling a story, going on multiple tangents to explain your train of thought. And I also think that you get distracted easily. Some people find that a bit annoying, but your friends find it endearing.
There's this type of trickster energy here with the 7 of Swords so it might be that you are known for pulling pranks on your friends. Your presence is very fun, but sometimes a bit unsettling because again, no one knows what you're going to do next.
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luveline · 1 year
hey babe, i was wondering if you’d write something with grumpy!sirius platonic or romantic (your choice) where the readers normally sunshine and all happy but everyone forgot her birthday so he does everything he can to cheer her up
not projecting at all 🤭
if you don’t want to that’s so okay i understand diolch cariad 🫶🏻🫶🏻
hi, thank you for your request! I hope you can make the very best of your day, anon, I’m sorry the people close to you forgot it :( please have a happy birthday! grumpy!sirius x sunshine fem!reader
Sirius is guilty of pretending you irk him. You're always smiling, always complimenting him, and always touching him. He knows you wouldn't touch him if he asked you not to —you checked with him a couple of times when you first met if it was okay, and he said, Yeah, it's okay, with no further explanation or objection. 
He pretends your sunny disposition doesn't make him happy, too, but it does. It's selfish, then, when he notices you aren't feeling good today and decides he has to correct it immediately, lest the ray of sunshine that is your presence diminish. 
He sits down beside you on the bench, propping his face in his hand, elbow on his knee, a picture of nonchalance. "Hey." 
"Hi, Siri." 
He takes his pack of Lamberts from his jacket pocket and offers you one. You never take one, but he offers anyway. He doesn't want you to start smoking, he just figures that it's a nice gesture. 
He puts them away without lighting any when you say no. 
"Don't not have one on my account," you say. 
It's exactly why you deserve to have someone checking on you, no matter how cold it is, and no matter how much fun everyone's having at the bar. You put everyone else first.
"I didn't want any." He was trying to cheer you up. He should've known a cigarette wouldn't do it. Best go in with guns blazing. 
Sirius rifles through the inside pocket of his leather jacket and pulls out the white box inside. He hadn't wrapped it. There's a confidence that comes with sincerity, and it's the kind of confidence he lacks. He's embarrassed enough to have bought you something in the first place. 
"Happy birthday," he says. "Don't tell me if you don't like it, please." 
You sit up a little straighter, inch by inch, accepting the small box into your hands. They wrap around the lid, your fingers moving with a deliberate gentleness, until your thumbs clamp over the top of it hard enough to make the lid bend. You smile at him, and it is perhaps the most heartbreaking smile he's ever seen. Disappointment and gratefulness all wrapped into one. 
"I didn't think anyone remembered," you say. Your voice is hoarse, and you cough rather than let it crack. 
He thought maybe you'd been upset because it was your birthday —Sirius himself has a weird relationship with his. He hadn't considered that no one else thought to celebrate with you. And despite his general unhappiness, his permanent headache and all the constraints of being as introverted as he is, Sirius sort of snaps.
He puts a hand on your shoulder, his elbow resting against your back, and pulls you toward him. "I'm so sorry." 
You're clearly surprised by his touch, but you don't shy away. "No, it's okay. I realise that it's my fault, you know, we're all adults and I should've mentioned it again, I can't expect people to know if I don't say." 
"I think…" He licks his lips. "Okay, I think that people genuinely do forget things, but it's a special day, and you expected special things. I really don't see how it's your fault." 
"Maybe not," you concede. You sniffle, and Sirius is horrified to realise you've a tear traversing down the soft slope of your cheek. "I don't know, I just wish people remembered." 
"I'm sorry," he says again. 
You wipe your cheek with a cruel hand. He can't stop himself from taking it, wanting to prevent any further self-meanness. Your eyes widen as you look him in the face, tears dewy at the waterline. 
"But you remembered," you say, tone happy even while thick with tears. 
"I wrote it down," he confesses. "I wanted to get it right." 
"That's so nice," you say, another tear cresting your cheek. You wrap your arms around his waist and tuck your cheek against his in a hug. "That's really thoughtful, Siri. Thank you." 
"You're welcome. You… make so much time for me. Whenever you see me. I don't know if you know how much you affect people, you can make anybody smile. I wanted to make sure I could do the same, even if it's only once." 
"You make me smile all the time." You squeeze him and then pull away, wiping your cheeks and straightening your jacket. 
He'd usually roll his eyes, but not right now. He just smiles at you, hoping you understand it for all the silent appreciation that it is. 
You huff a little breath in and drop your gaze to your hands in your lap, where you're untying the bow that's been wrapped around the jewellery box. You lift the lid, the sides emitting a shushing sound near enough lost to the sound of the street and the people laughing in the pub behind you. 
It's a bracelet. The beads are simple but not something you'd see everyday, silver backed hearts, flat on the silver side and a milky white that seems to glow on the bevelled fronts. There's four hearts, connected to smaller milky white beads. 
He was terrified buying it and he's scared now. 
"I really like you," he says. "I'm sorry about your birthday. You deserve a lot more." 
Your cheeks apple as you turn to him, your eyelashes kissing with the force of your smile. You pull your knees to touch his and offer him the bracelet on two fingers. "Can you hook it on, please?" 
"You don't have to wear it," he says, because he didn't think this far. 
"I want to wear it, please. It's beautiful. It's the nicest gift anyone's ever given me." 
He blinks hard and dips his head slightly to one side as he murmurs, "If you're sure," hands coming up to take the bracelet from you. 
You're both quiet as he unlatches it and lays it across your wrist. He's gentle to the point of aching, and he's putting every bit of effort that he can to stop his hands from trembling, he's so nervous.
"There," he says. "Anything else you need?" 
It's meant to be sarcastic, as if to say, you're working me like a dog, here. 
You shake your head hurriedly. "Nothing else. Thank you, Sirius." 
He takes his cigarettes out, knowing he won't be able to calm down, not when you're looking at him like he just hung the moon. "It's okay," he says, putting a cigarette between his lips. "Don't mention it. Please, don't." 
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vivgst · 6 months
COD Headcanons
I mean they're not hc it's just shit I think they say/do but I needed the title okay?
As I previously said this is just my silly little opinion, I would love to read yours but don't take this too personal and I'm saying this cause Imma bout to write SHIT about two characters and I'm scared cause they're loved by the whole fandom.
Okay thats all thanks<3333
Let's start with my favorite piece of shit, shall we?
Alejandro Vargas
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I don't care what yall say this man is a CHEATER and he would make you feel guilty about it too because you're not "meeting his needs".
“I’m not sexist???? We cannot do the same things, it's basic biology!”
Maybe he's good in bed, let's give him that.
Alain meza said he loved Rudy so let's assume he's bi, uh... he wouldn't admit that shit, not in a million years, probably would get offended if you even dare to suggest it.
He doesn’t argue to fix things, he argues to repeat how much in the right he is, I feel like he NEVER admits he’s in the wrong, he seems very stubborn.
Now can we address that fucking temper of his? Breathe mf, no ones gonna die if you stop yelling for a second.
I feel like he must’ve had A LOT of trouble when he just joined the army because of his anger issues, think about it for a moment: someone with a higher rank yelling at him and you think he just took it? I doubt it.
MUST HAVE fought with Valeria more than once cause that temper of hers is just as shitty.
I promise I don’t hate him, well I do but he’s one of my favs, I don’t know how to explain this bye.
Simon Riley
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He’s very chill I love him <3
I think of him like a very nostalgic man, he thinks a lot about his past, past lovers, past experiences, when he was new in the army, you know? Not in a “I’m still traumatized” way, he’s just nostalgic.
He’s absent minded, he’s always daydreaming (when he’s not doing something important ofc).
Thin and I don’t fucking care, THAT MAN IS THIN, you can even see it sometimes!!!! He’s got chicken legs, I love them.
He really seems to enjoy dad jokes.
He cares a lot about his teammates and I love it, it’s very cute.
Can we talk about how everyone put him as a fucking beast in bed? I don't see it, I think he's ruthless when he needs to but I don't think this applies when it comes to sex, he suffered a lot too and sadly I know too well that sex is pretty fucking terrible after rape, especially because you feel like you're gonna hurt the person you're having sex with so...
John MacTavish
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Typa guy everyone loves, even your dad and your grandma's always saying how handsome he is.
Maybe he was bullied bc of his accent but he just told them to go fuck themselves.
Caring and loving, buys his partner flowers and their favorite candy/chocolates/desserts.
Remembers anniversaries, birthdays, medical or school appointments.
Too charismatic and funny.
Kyle Garrick
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He’s too good for his own good… I feel like he always end up going out with INSANE people, the jealous type, they’re always bitching and making him angry and stressed but he forgives them cause he’s an angel.
Very sweet, loves cooking for people he loves.
Kinda family oriented.
He smells good, I can almost smell his perfumeeeeee he smells good, he spends MONEY on it too.
Even the devil is afraid of him when he’s mad.
I think he's very private about his life in general, doesn't like to vent his problems.
Hot lover.
John Price
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Now this man is a FATHER, my fucking dad I swear.
He seems pretty conservative to me, not in a bad way like he wants you to be his personal maid and slave, more like he wants to date to marry, hates casual sex.
Loves whiskey.
Dad energy, he would be so caring and loving with his child, he would give that baby the moon.
I don’t think he would love to date a younger woman, not a woman in her twenties at least, I think he would be into women his age.
If you feel disappointment by that, maybe you could try fixing your relationship with your dad, sweetheart ;).
Hates confrontation and loves to work things out.
Let’s not talk about how sex with be with the old man, okay? Thanks.
He's not that old, I get that but he looks like he's fucking 68.
Phillip Graves
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He looks kinda daddy in that pic, not gonna lie.
“How come you don’t want to have sex? What about me? Have you thought about how that makes me feel? If your head hurts, sex would help but you never consider me, I’ll sleep in the couch”.
A selfish, self-centered bitch, only thinks about himself.
Feeling good having sex with him? Aw baby, try again cause this mf would use you like a damn toy and he couldn’t care less about your feelings or how much pain you’re in.
Cheater, he wouldn’t even be quiet about it. “Oh you want to divorce me? And where are you gonna go, sugar? You’re nothing without me”.
Doesn’t fucking know where the clit is, he doesn’t have a fucking clue.
Of course straight, loves to be white and American.
“Of course I can say whatever I want, I’m from America I have freedom of speech”.
Fuck you graves.
Rodolfo Parra
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He seems so sweet and kind and considerate I love him.
Smart as hell, probably got the best grades when he was a kid.
Doesn’t hate anyone, no one hates him.
Loves nature and animals but he can’t enjoy it too much cause he is always busy.
Dreams about having a big family and a dog (a golden, probably).
Forget about having rough sex UNLESS he’s mad (fr mad like losing his shit but that doesn’t happen frequently).
Could be a teacher if he wasn’t in the army, he’s very patient and can explain things easily.
Have a pretty smile.
Valeria Garza aka MAMI
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Feels like she needs to prove something, she was underestimated for so long in the army that now she’s always trying to prove to herself how badass and good at her job she is.
Almost no one knows the real Valeria, her favorite things, music taste, if she prefers cold or hot, coffee or tea etc.
She hates cold weather with all her MIGHT.
Likes to smoke only when she’s stressed.
Likes animals but thinks they’re so much work and she doesn’t have the time.
Did drugs once and hated it.
Feels guilty when she spots a church but she WOULD NEVER admit this shit to anyone.
Used to the worst of life so she didn’t like when someone is kind with her, is like “tf am I supposed to do with it???” but she gets used to it eventually.
I don’t think she has anger issues but def she doesn’t fucking know how to regulate her emotions, she lets stress take over her.
She would love a narcowife, kind of woman who wears a lot of beachy dresses and have a shitty personality like her (like Kate del Castillo in La Reina del Sur or in Bad Boys, exactly that kind of narcowife) (I’m kinda projecting, sorry lol).
I can’t picture her with a sweet girl and I think a sweet girl wouldn’t be able to handle that woman.
She keeps arguing even though she realized she’s in the wrong.
She wouldn't be able to spend a lot of time with her S.O, she's such a workaholic.
I don't think she likes to wear men clothes.
I don't think she hates kids but I can't picture her with kids.
Wouldn't divorce once she's married.
Btw I didn’t want to make this too sexual bc lately this fandom is full of just that, too much smut, too much violence and rape in the smut and it’s so graphic that I feel I’m watching instead of reading wtf, its uncomfortable and I honestly can’t picture the characters being that violent and vile.
As I said in my previous hcs… these guys are surrounded by violence, stress and blood every day, I personally don’t think they wanna get home to torture their partners (well, maybe graves cause he is a piece of shit that mf. Okay kidding, not even Graves is that much of a bastard).
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xoxoavenger · 5 months
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! 🎁🎈🎂🎉🎊 I loved Try Me (Matt Murdock x Reader), I was wondering if maybe you could write a sequel? I could see an intimate moment where she’s feeding him the soup she made and taking care of him, potentially with the hilarity of Foggy finding out he’s got two super powered friends
thanks! hopefully this is what you were looking for, I had fun writing it!
Ask Me
pairing: Matt Murdock x Fem!Reader
word count: 1099
warnings: none
part 1
birthday masterlist main masterlist
"I can't believe you're Daredevil." She mutters as she ladles the soup into a bowl. She made a broth more than a soup because she didn't have time to cut the vegetables, but it'll do the trick. She also didn't know the extent of Matt's injures, and she didn't want him to have trouble eating anything. "Does Foggy know?" She asks as she brings the bowl over to the couch.
"Yes," Matt chuckles, but his teeth are clenched in pain. She kneels next to the couch and she is still shocked by his injuries, even though she's already seen them. He has a large cut across his chest, and resists the urge to touch it.
She watches Matt try to sit up, but he's clearly in too much pain. She puts the soup on the ground in favor of helping him up. She tries not to let her pulse rush as she touches his bare back and bicep, pulling him up gently until he is sitting up enough to eat.
"Here, let's get you some food." She tells him, spooning some broth and then carefully helping him eat some. It's so quiet in the apartment that she swears she can feel her own heart race as she feeds Matt. They're close, and her brain is reeling with the thought of how Matt, and blind man, can be a vigilante.
"I think that's good." Matt groans when they're about three fourths of the way though the bowl. She gets up to put the bowl away and grab a warm, wet cloth.
"How are you Daredevil?" She asks, sinking down to her knees again and beginning to wipe off the blood around his wounds.
"Are you asking if I'm actually blind?" He questions, but he's smiling, so she can tell he's joking. 
"I know you're blind, Matt." She says with a small sigh. She's seen his unfocused eyes too many times to think he was just preteneding. 
"All my other senses are heightened." He tells her, tensing as she begins to wipe a big, deep cut. She hopes that soon her healing food will kick in; she's never seen it help on this level, and she's worried it won't work as well as Matt is hoping it will.
"So, you can hear really good?" She asks, wondering what exactly that means. He shrugs, smiling a little bit.
"And smell, and taste. And feel. I have to have specific sheets because of how sensitive my skin is." He's feeling better, she can tell, and it makes her smile.
"How did figure it out?" She asks quietly. She's had these powers ever since she can remember, but she'd never told anyone and no one ever figured it out either. This is a first, sharing a gift, and she can't help but feel a little scared.
"That your food could heal people?" He clarifies. She almost nods, but then catches herself.
"Yeah," She confirms.
"You asked me what happened again the day after you first gave me the croissant, as if you knew it should have gone away. And I usually have accelerated healing anyway, but not that fast. You wouldn't have known that." He's starting to relax more, and she knows he needs to get some sleep soon.
"You wanna move to the bed?" She asks, putting the cloth down and preparing to move him. Before he can answer, Foggy comes stomping back in.
"So both of my best friends are super heroes?" He yells, throwing the drugstore bag in their general direction. Y/N's eyes widen as Foggy walks to them.
"I am not a super hero." Y/N clarifies.
"I wouldn't classify myself as one either." Matt interjects, a hand out to stop Foggy's rant. It does nothing, and Foggy soldiers on.
"You can feel, hear, and smell things no human should be able to feel, hear, and smell." He points at Matt, who raises an eyebrow. "And you can heal people with your food, that you've been feeding me for months!" Foggy moves to Y/N, and she just shakes her head.
"Have you ever wondered why you haven't gotten sick in months?" She asks, and he just scoffs.
"That proves my point!" He screams. Y/N and Matt shake their heads, Matt smirking.
"Foggy, neither of us are superheroes. You don't need to freak out." Matt tries to calm him down, but Foggy just gets more worked up.
"Are you kidding me? You could be Avengers for all I know!" Foggy grabs the bag that he had thrown and begins to get some of the bandages and Neosporin out to help Matt.
"Oh my God," Y/N groans, rolling her eyes and putting her head in her hands. Honestly, Foggy freaking out was kinda funny, but she isn't sure if he's being serious now or not.
"We're not Avengers, Foggy." Matt chuckles, and Y/N begins to put bandages over Matt's injuries.
"Well I just don't know that, do I?" Foggy looks over at the pot on the stove, walking over there quickly. "What did you make?"
"Just a quick broth. I wanted to get Matt something quick." She tells Foggy as she begins to focus on the task at hand.
"Is this why I haven't gotten paper cuts?" Foggy asks as he ladles a little soup out for himself.
"It doesn't make you skin extra strong, Fog." Matt tells him as she continues bandaging him up. Her hands brushing his skin make Matt want to crawl out of his skin in a good way, which didn't make sense until this very moment.
"Did I hurt you?" Y/N asks softly when he tenses.
"No," He mutters, putting a hand on her wrist to stop her. "It's okay, I think the big ones are taken care of." He just wants to lay down and sleep it off now, but he wants to ask her one more thing.
"Let me help you to your room." She offers, and together, with him leaning on her, they make it to Matt's room.
"What are you doing tomorrow?" He asks as they sit down. He can feel the heat begin to flush her cheeks, her heart beginning to race. He's worried still that maybe she feels uncomfortable until she responds.
"Working." She thinks she's funny, and Matt chuckles.
"Do you want to go to Josie's with me tomorrow night?" He asks, and she ducks her head and smiles.
"As long as my boss lets me off on time." She says, nudging him with her shoulder.
"I'll talk to him." He tells her, both of them smiling hard enough that their cheeks hurt.
tags: @avada-kedavra-bitch-187  @one-sweet-gubler @thefandomplace  @mcueveryday @icequeen1371 @kenzi-woycehoski @multifandom-boss-bitch
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vodika-vibes · 3 months
Hello again >:3 this time it's Alpha-17 for the same face gods au :3 big grumpy, snarky wonderful Alpha~ <3 Honestly summoning him would very very much be a bad idea for the empire. I imagine he'd be just as brutal as Fox had been if any imps are in the room when he appears, maybe worse knowing him.
Maybe the reader is an escaped prisoner and the empire were gonna use her for the ritual and she accidentally spilled her blood completing their ritual? But if this seems too much like the Fox one I say dealer's choice. ( the dice rolled off my table.. twice. It was a sign... choosing between Alpha and Boba is apparently illegal)
I Give Hope To Man
Summary: You’ve been a political prisoner of the Empire since you were a small child. You can no longer remember the feel of grass against your feet or the feel of sunlight against your skin. You no longer remember your parents' faces or their voices. You no longer remember your brother's laughter. You know it’s only a matter of time before you’re executed like the rest of your family. But you will not go gently into that good night…and the Empire will soon learn that.
Pairing: Alpha-17 x F!Reader
Prompt: Mystic AU - same-faced gods AU
Word Count: 2363
Warnings: Mentions of political prisoners (the Empire sucks)
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni @imabeautifulbutterfly
A/N: Alright, so I'm not sure I'm happy with the ending, but I'm having a focusing issue today, so I think I'm overthinking it. Honestly, my typing is too loud, so I think I have a migraine forming.
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You are intimately familiar with every single nook and cranny in your cell. You know that the pipes leak when it gets cold outside. You know that when it’s hot outside, the shower only runs in 10-minute intervals. You know that the cell door creaks loudly and that it doesn’t open as smoothly as it should.
You’ve been a prisoner here for the majority of your life.
Father was a politician who openly spoke out against Palpatine.
So, naturally, your whole family was arrested for treason.
To give the Empire some credit, you weren’t separated from your mother until you were ten, and you were allowed to get a basic education. Why they allowed such a thing is beyond you, after all, it’s not like you’re ever going to see the light of day again.
You’re not stupid, after all.
Father was executed when you were still a toddler. Mother was executed several months after your tenth birthday. And your older brother…well, he was executed several weeks after he turned 21.
You sigh as you do your morning stretches. You’ve recently turned 21, which means, at best, you have a couple of weeks left to live. Assuming that the Empire treats you like they treated your brother.
It’s almost funny, how afraid the Empire is of your family. It’d be funnier if your family wasn’t wiped out due to it.
I give hope to man, and I leave none for myself. 
Your family’s motto. Written under your family crest, tattooed on your mother’s collar, and engrained so deeply into your genetic code that even now you can’t help but make escape plans.
You, and your family, you’re symbols to the people who still resist the Empire. And you’re the last one standing. 
There’s a bang on the door, “Morning, Princess.” A drawled voice, one of the guards, calls as he slides the door open.
You roll your eyes and return to your morning stretches.
“Brought you breakfast,” The guard says as he steps into the cell properly and places a tray on the table, “Looks like…an omelet with peppers and onions, some toast, a couple of slices of bacon, and your morning tea.”
You pause and glance at the tray, before arching a brow, “Ah, so I’m to be executed this week then?” Your normal breakfasts generally consist of toast, runny eggs, and watery tea.
The guard inclines his head, once, “Later today, before lunch.”
The guard is quiet for a moment, “If you wanted to throw your support behind the Empire, Princess, this would be the time to tell someone.”
You laugh, “I would much rather be executed, thanks.”
He sighs, “I’m trying to save your life.”
“I’m not interested. You can go now. I’d like to eat my breakfast in peace.”
The guard sighs again and shakes his head, “I’m afraid I can’t do that. I am to inform you of how today is going to go.”
You slide into your seat and take a sip of your tea, rich and floral, just how you like it. “If you must.”
“In a couple of hours, you are going to be escorted to the ritual chamber on the other side of the island. Once you are there, you will be asked to bathe with a specific soap, and you will be brought to the chamber itself.”
“How festive.”
“You are to be the sacrifice for a summoning.”
“Of course I am.” You take a bite of your toast, “Curious question, I assume this is how the rest of my family was executed.”
“It is.”
“Has it ever worked?” You ask with a tilt of your head.
The Guard flushes an ugly share of red, making him look like a large, misshapen tomato, “It will work this time.”
“Of course it will.” You say with a small smile, “Just because it’s never worked before doesn’t mean it won’t work this time.”
He scowls at you, “The world will be a much better place once your entire family is wiped from the map.”
“I’m sure you think so.”
His eyes narrow at you, though you cheerfully ignore him, “I’ll be back in a couple of hours.”
“Mmkay.” You don’t even flinch as the cell door slams shut.
If you remember your lessons correctly, rituals are ridiculously easy to throw off. Say the wrong thing, move the wrong way, and the ritual won’t work. Whatever the Empire is trying to summon, you’re not going to let them use your death to get it.
You take another bite of your omelet. This is probably exactly what your family did before they were killed, planned on how to make sure that the ritual didn’t work the way that it was supposed to.
Not the greatest family tradition, you suppose, but it’s better than nothing.
Slowly, you continue eating, trying to come up with a workable plan to keep the Empire from winning. It’s not easy, there are far too many variables for you to actually come up with a good plan, but by the time the cell door opens again and the guards come to escort you to the ritual chamber, you have a plan.
Or, well, an idea of a plan.
The guards chain your hands behind your back and they walk you through the brightly lit halls. For the first time in years, the halls are completely silent. 
Silent enough that the guards are twitchy and anxious about it.
A small smirk lifts your lips when the other prisoners start singing, a dirge of hope and loss and a better tomorrow.
I give hope to men, and I keep none for myself.
The guards swarm the prison, shouting at the other prisoners, ordering them silent, but they might as well be trying to keep the sun from rising for all of the effect that they’re having. 
You’re shoved through a door at the end of the hall, and the door slams shut behind you and the guards, but the song seems to have been picked up by the building itself, as voices echo eerily through the empty halls.
“Keep walking.” The guard’s voice is shaking, and you shoot him a disgusted look before you head down the stairs. 
They unbind your hands as you come to the ritual chamber, and you’re directed to a small shower. A woman hands you a bar of soap, soap that smells very woodsy and clean, and you’re ordered to bathe with that bar of soap specifically, including your hair.
You strip and step under the hot water, after shooting the woman a baleful look. Bar soap is not good for hair, but since you’re supposed to die in here, you suppose it doesn’t matter in the long run.
Once you’re clean, you’re draped in a dark blue cloth, which has been fashioned into some kind of dress, and you’re guided to the middle of the room and instructed to sit on a stone table. One of the guards chains you to the table and then scurries to the edge of the room. 
You scan the room thoughtfully. Despite being so far underground, you’re warm, the thin cloth covering your body should do little to keep you warm, you should be shivering like the rest of the people in the room, but you’re not. Which is surprising, as you can see your breath.
The room is lit by blue flames, not offering much light but dousing the room in eerie shadows.
Water pours down the walls, not affecting the flames in the slightest, and if you had to guess the water is the cause for the low temperature. 
Across from you is another table. There are several whisky bottles, a full set of ancient armor, and a bowl filled with a flame that you can only call angry.
You hear your name, and you turn to look at the Government official. “You have been found guilty of treason,” He says, his voice clipped, “Have you anything to say in your defense?”
You turn your gaze away from the government officials, “I wasn’t aware toddlers could commit treason,” you say. It’s all you say. Slowly you drag your knuckles across the stone table. Once, twice, three times.
The table isn’t sharp, but it is rough. Rough enough that with only three passes of your knuckles across the top, the thin skin of your knuckles split open, spilling your blood on the table.
Adding your blood to the ritual.
You hear the Government official sigh, “Begin the ritual.”
There’s the sound of a fire being lit, and then the sound of rushing flames. You expect to feel the heat of the flames before you see them, so you’re surprised when nothing changes. 
Pale blue flames encircle the room, shielding you from the prying eyes of the people outside the circle. Then the flames curve towards you and the other table.
You pull your feet up as the flames go under your feet, and absently you flick some of your blood into the flame.
Much to your surprise, the flame stops moving and then flares brightly as the fire turns a much darker shade of blue. You end up having to close your eyes as the flames burn bright enough that it’s like staring into the sun.
The bright laugh fades after only a few moments, and you open your eyes, expecting to see the flames slowly filling the ritual circle.
Only, that’s not what you see.
The flames burn brightly around the outside of the circle, but standing across from you is a man.
A massive man, heavily scarred, who is pulling armor on. 
You’d swear that the armor was too small for him, only it seems to resize and recolor to fit him as he pulls it over the dark, skin-tight, material covering his body.
Finally, he turns his gaze onto you, his eyes are dark and piercing as he looks at you, at the material you’re wearing, and at the chain around your ankle, and he turns to focus on you fully.
“My name,” He says slowly, “is Alpha-17. I am the god of retribution.”
You exhale slowly, you should be afraid, a god of retribution is not a nice god, after all. But you’ve never felt safer in your life.
So, you introduce yourself. 
Alpha offers you his hand, and you take it, allowing him to help you to your feet. The chain around your ankle dissolves as if it was never there to begin with.
“I have been a political prisoner since I was a toddler,” You say to the much larger man, “My father, mother, and brother have already been killed.”
“Is that right?” Alpha kneels in front of you, and you don’t stop yourself from reaching out and tracing one of the scars on his face with a light finger.
“It is. My father was a politician who stood against the Empire. He called them out for cruelty, and for being power-hungry. And he died for it.”
“Was he right?”
“Yes.” You watch, curiously, as Alpha-17 closes his eyes while your fingers explore his face, “This entire prison is home to Palpatine’s political prisoners. Entire families who aren’t allowed to live because we believe in freedom.”
“You don’t feel angry.” Alpha notes.
Your smile isn’t nice, “They don’t get to have my anger. Or my fear. Or my hate.”
“You summoned me, little one.” Alpha rumbles, “So what do you want?”
“I want them to hurt. I want to carry on my family’s legacy. But I can’t do it alone.”
“And what is your family’s legacy?”
“I give hope to man, and keep none for myself.”
Alpha smiles and catches your hands to bring them to his lips. His gaze locks with yours, “I’m happy to support you in all your endeavors. You are my priestess after all.” He presses his lips against the pads of your fingers and then stands again.
Alpha lightly pushes you so that you’re crouched behind the table, and then steps away from you. You have so many questions, but based on the look on his face, the questions will have to wait.
You peek around the corner of the table and watch as the flames burst outward. You see the government official approach Alpha, and you watch, stunned as Alpha moves and shoves his arm through the man’s chest.
You watch as Alpha slaughters all of the people in the room with an ease that should frighten you, but doesn’t for some reason.
As the last body hits the floor, barely recognizable as a person, you stand and hurry over to him. “You killed them all.” You marvel.
“Is that a problem?” Alpha asks as he flicks blood off his hand.
“Not to me.”
“Good.” He gazes at you for a moment and then moves so he’s almost pressed against you, and he ducks his head so that his face is only an inch away from yours, “I’m going to take great pleasure in making you mine, ad’ika. But I suppose we’d better get you safe first.”
“Yours?” You ask, unable to help yourself.
“Mine.” He confirms, “Did no one teach you about your responsibilities as a priestess?”
“Uh, I’ve been a prisoner since I was a toddler, and my education was very targeted.” You counter wryly.
He chuckles, “Don’t worry, I’ll teach you. It’ll come naturally. That’s part of the binding that happens with the summoning. I just have to complete it.” He wipes his hands on a cloth that he got from somewhere, “Now, how many guards upstairs?”
“A couple dozen. Maybe more.”
“Easy then.” He drops the cloth and lightly grips your chin before he leans in and presses his lips against yours. You sigh into the kiss, and his lips curl up into the smile. “I suppose I’d better teach you all about sex too. I’m looking forward to it.” He murmurs against your lips.
“Yeah, probably.” You agree.
Alpha pulls away and turns to the stairs, and it’s only then that you realize that you can still hear the song. “Well then,” He murmurs as he glances at you, “Give hope to man, indeed.”
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lovebvni · 2 months
Shifting Timeframe? Pick A Pile
Welcome back to my bi-weekly pick a piles!! I was compelled by spirit to do a timeframe of when you will probably shift. Remember, general reading and YOU have the POWER to change it.
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Also I've been seeing 325 a lot  - 3/25 is actually my birthday SOOO if anyone knows what that means please tell me!
Everything comes with a grain of salt, I will also have a shufflemancy going on in the background.
So, take a deep breath in...
Now out...
What emoji is your third eye telling you to pick?
pile 1 -- egg
A Month and a half, your day to shine.
Cards: Strength reversed, The Tower, Temperance, Knight of Cups
BESTIE OMG UR SO CLOSE TO SHIFTING WTF IM SO PROUD OF YOU, I KNOW ITS BEEN HARD BECAUSE OF THE TOWER CARD BUT I KNOW YOU'RE PUSHING THROUGH! You may feel vulnerable in some way, like you're not good enough? You are! You are the universe, you are the most powerful being EVER!! You should also take a quick 1-2 day break from shifting - this will also help you shifthere will also be someone coming in *possibly a friend, witch, or spiritual person* helping you out on this journey - they might be the one to give that final push.
Possible Personality Traits: Loving, giving, annoying {To yourself}, confident {On the outside}
Shufflemancy :
"Don't be afraid of heights 'cause we flyin'" - Rebels Call Me Karizma
"The time is upon you to show them what you can do and soon they will know that the day has COMEEE" - The Day - From Boku no Hero Academia, NateWantsToBattle
"I'm a little faded" - Slumber Party - Ashnikko
"It's exactly the same, they say 'why do you dress that way?' 'why do you act that way?' 'why aren't you just like me?" - Fire Drill - Melanie Martinez
Phrases, Numbers, Signs and more: 777, 666, Christmas, Bakugou, short tempered, Denki, Shinsou, shy, "You've got a friend in me", "Movie night!!", "Get in loser, we're going to the mall", "So you're obsessed?" Capricorn, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Taurus.
pile 2 -- lollipop
Within the next 48 hours, your dreams will come true.
(2 days to a week, actually)
Cards : 9 of Pentacles reversed, King of Pentacles reversed, 3 of Wands, The Fool reversed
OKAY FIRST OF ALL HOW LONG HAVE YALL BEEN SHIFTING I FEEL LIKE UR JUST A VERY SPIRITUAL PERSON!! But I feel like to get to that point you have to be less dependent on the things outside around you, and more on yourself. YOU'RE the one who can shift, the signs mean NOTHING if you don't take action. Do you abuse your power to shift in one way or another? Like start denying it exists JUST so The Universe will let you shift? Approach shifting like a timid animal in your backyard that's hurt. But yes, you definitely are shifting within the week. Your child-like wonder inspires me btw 
but keep your hopes up, you need more faith and hope that you will shift!
Possible Personality Traits: Softie on the inside, kind of shy?, risk taker, lover of music, goofy
"Stupid boy think that I need him, I go cold like change the seasons, I go red hot like a demon, I go ghost for no damn reason, stupid boy think that I need him, stupid boy think that I need him." - Stupid - Ashinikko
"I'm not your friend, or anything damn, you think that you're the man, I think therefore I am" - Therefore I am - Billie Eilish
"You've got troubles, I've got em too, there isn't anything I wouldn't do for you." - You've Got A Friend In Me - Cavetown
"We can fill it up with grass and all the things that make it warm. When you leave to go fly across the sea, I'll be waiting here with Junior and the flowers that we've grown." - Things That Make It Warm - Cavetown
"We might hotwire this old car to drive" - Everything Is Temporary (Sticks and Stones) - Cavetown
"Look like I'm going for a swim" - Chun-Li Nicki Minaj
Phrases, Numbers, Signs and more:  Denki Kaminari, "I'm failing all my classes omg", 444, "Hey, a frown won't get you anywhere - SMILE MORE!", calming music, study sessions, sexually active, dirty-minded, lack of physical affection, "Rough around the edges", Cavetown, Air Signs, any dominant sign tbh, "Have high hopes but low expectation", UA traitor, villian
pile 3 -- candy
44 Days, but It feels like years.
Cards : 8 of Pentacles, King of Cups reversed, 6 of Cups, The Hierophant
If you've read any of my other tarot readings you KNOWWW the hierophant makes me feel like I'm being choked, but before you shift you're going to realize something new, something new will come to you I suppose? So it will be a new beginning, then shift, it will probably be a new hobby or a job you like. And, like pile one, you will get good advice from a friend. I know some of you guys are like 'im not attracted to people in this reality' but you might be soon?? it's probably someone you knew in your past life or something. It may just be a friendship though. But the hierophant is just emphasizing what I just said, a good friend is going to give you advice.
Possible Personality Traits: ignored, quiet, lonely, friendly, smart, emotional
"The worlds a little blurry, or maybe it's my eyes." - Ilomilo - Billie Eilish
"Maybe I'm too emotional, or maybe you never cared at alllll" - Good 4 U - Olivia Rodrigo
"I don't smoke, I just like how it smells" - Cigaratte Ahegao - Penelope Scott
Phrases, Numbers, Signs and more: Senpai/teacher, "You sure do cry a lot.", "You shouldn't care so much", watching youtube, hbu?, ignorant accidently, 666, 999, 69, st0ner, dr!nking, first time
pile 4 -- drink
Anywhere from to day to the 29th of this month
Cards : Queen of Wands, The Lovers, Judgement, Page of Cups
CLEARLY YOU'RE SHIFTING FOR SOMEONE WITH THE LOVERS CARD COMING OUT I MEAN SAME BESTIE, you don't know when you will shift, and you def look to higher spirits. Try some shadow work - your inner child needs healing. The universe sees you and how much you have bene struggling and working towards this, and it thanks you deeply. Your hard work is going to pay off soon!
Possible Personality Traits: Disappointed often, violent, gay, dramatic ASF, popular, two face, probably on medication, has been hurt physically, emotionally, or some other way
Shufflemancy :
"She moves on pretty BLOODY QUICK" - Your New Boyfriend - Wilber Soot
Literally any MHA song
"Baby hotline, please hold me close to you!" - Baby Hotline - Jack Stauber
"She said you were a hero, you played the part. But you ruined her in a year, don't act like it was hard. And you swear you didn't know,  I wonder why you didn't ask, she was sleeping in your clothes, but now she's got to get to class." - Your Power - Billie Eilish
I hope this pick - a pile resognated! I've been going through a lot this week and I don't know if my accuracy may have failed bc of the stress I'm experiencing but I'm so glad like NOBODY is shifting in a year+( like 2023) bc I know you all work SO HARD to shift.
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bloodycyrano · 1 month
K, so I'm in a depressive episode, and I'm craving chocolate. Nobody probably cares, but here's what type of chocolate members of Team Tadpole prefer and how I think they'd react to receiving it as a gift! This is purely headcannons, and I haven't been able to play the game in a few months, so if I get something wrong, don't be mad at me, lol.
Shadowheart: She absolutely adores dark chocolate, and she's absolutely one of those pretentious fuckers who hate milk chocolate, and take anything other than 90-100% cacao as an insult on their fucking bloodline. She does think that she's better than you for liking Dark chocolate- This does not change if she gets her 'good' ending.
If you bring her her favorite type of chocolate, she will not only be impressed but grateful. I feel like she probably has chronic migraines or something and would enjoy sharing it with you some late night with a bottle of wine and a charcuterie board. Probably making flower crowns or feeding animals in a meadow, basic cottagecore lesbian romance stuff. I could be wrong, I've never romanced Shadowheart, but it's just a gut feeling.
Karlach: Karlach likes milk chocolate best, and doesn't see the point in putting up with something bitter just because some people think it's 'better'. More than anything, it reminds her of her mums baking, back when she was a kid. Chocolate is expensive and hard to get your hands on, but by god when the holidays came around or her birthday, I feel like her mum would've baked her the best cookies or chocolate chip muffins after working extra hard to afford it.
Karlach would love whatever type of chocolate you gave her, but I think especially if you brought her hot chocolate or chocolate chip cookies/Muffins/etc, she might even tear up a little. After all, she hasn't had something like that since her mom died.
Wyll: Wyll is a proud enjoyer of chocolate in general, but actually seems to favor white chocolate and dark chocolate the best. He likes to enjoy the contrast in flavors.
I feel like Wyll would just be grateful to be given chocolates, and wouldn't care much what form they came in. He'd probably invite you to enjoy them alongside him, and simply spend time with one another. I do believe he loves dark hot chocolate with whipped cream, and would probably try to set up a day to go to his favorite cafe in baldurs gate for hot chocolate, to return the favor. It's a treat for him, too, since he hasn't been there since his father cast him out. It'll bring a wave of nostalgia, and maybe some unkind memories.. But he will feel happy to be there. Especially to be there with you. And maybe, it'll become a much more common thing.
Astarion: I feel like he prefers dark chocolate, if he's able to eat it at all (I don't remember how vampires work in DnD.)..
If he can't eat it, I feel like he'd miss it.. the simple things. Pleasures like imported chocolates. He might go on a monologue about things he enjoyed as a Mortal that he no longer can.-.. If he can, however, eat chocolate.. I think he'd be surprised. Surprised you thought of him, surprised you spent the money, surprised you wanted to give him anything at all. I think he'd be very happy, but he probably wouldn't want to show it. He'd brush it off with a sarcastic comment or something, yet still taking the mental note that if nobody else cared, at least you did.
Gale: Gale is the most pretentious motherfucker there is, are you kidding me? I think he, himself, loves milk chocolate and it's a major guilty pleasure, but he tells everyone it's dark chocolate. He doesn't shame anyone for their preference, but there comes an air of arrogance whenever he says he likes dark chocolate.
He will definitely be grateful no matter what type you give him, but if you give him milk chocolate and tell him you know it's his favorite? He might try to deny it at first, but his heart is beating a mile a fucking minute knowing that you've been observant enough to bring him his actual favorite type without making a big deal about it, or calling him a liar.
Lae’zel: Has never had chocolate before, and doesn't know why you're giving it to her. She does, however, adore white chocolate after you get her to try some. You'd assume she'd prefer dark, but she doesn't. She believes that if you're going to have a sweet, or a desert, it shouldn't be bitter because that defeats the purpose.
After you get her to try it the first time, she'll insist she doesn't like it or see the reason for it, but at any party or gathering or anything where there's chocolate? She's sampling the fuck out of that snack table, and hovering over the bowl of sweets like a dragon guarding a hoard of treasure. She actually really likes fancy chocolates and truffles. If you bring them to her while in an established relationship, she won't act very different, but she's very happy and feels very loved.
I might do Halsin, Jaheira, Minsc, and Minthara later. Idk.
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ctrlsugar · 9 months
Tumblr media
below is a guide for the channels, as well as tips and tricks for using this template and a few recommendations for bots. ( link & image heavy )
NOTE: this is an outdated template, and is not the server i currently use - if you would like to see an updated version of this ( my roleplay group or 1x1 roleplay servers, or others ), please let me know!!
GET THE SERVER | FREE ( tips appreciated !! )
tupperbox ( for proxying your muses for discord roleplay )
writerbot ( for writing sprints, goals & prompts )
reminder ( for reminders / birthday updates )
threadtracker ( for tracking threads on discord )
messletters ( for fancy text )
this entire tag by @dayslily ( for discord tips & tricks )
turn on community for the forum features ( linked to tutorial )
ooc : updates / generally in large community servers you can subscribe to get updates sent to you personal server, this is a good place to send them. alternatively, you can utilize webhooks to send your tumblr notifications to your discord server in this channel. ( see tutorial here ).
ooc : emails / i use this channel to keep track of my logins for various tumblr blogs and other websites.
ooc : reminders / using a bot, i set this channel to have reminders for various things, such as personal reminders, roleplay to do list and even character & partner birthdays
ooc : todolist / you could use a bot, or just manually update this channel with your current todolist.
ooc : drafts / i will occasional leave drafts to replies here so i can come back for them at a later point
bot : writing / my preferred bot for this is writer bot - linked above, i use this channel to set/check my goals, set up writing sprints, and occasionally get prompts for writing.
bot : tupperbox / i like to set up all my tuppers in privacy, so i find having my own sever with a channel makes it easy to change my avatar and other tupper information quick and also to test them without spamming a group tupper channel. ( tupperbox - linked above )
bot : reminders / i will often set up a channel for reminders because i'm super forgetful and having a reminder bot helps me get to tasks in a timely manner ( when i remember to set up the bot!! lol ) ( reminder bot - linked above )
bot : tracker / i'm not sure if this tracker has the function to work cross server yet, you'd have to check with the makers on their github, but this is great for 1x1 and group servers. ( thread tracker - linked above )
dev : names / a channel to store ideas for muse names, etomology, etc
dev : prompts / a channel to store ask memes, character & writing prompts, etc
dev : inspiration / a channel to store character/muse inspiration, photos, videos, posts, even just a list of words/aesthetics, etc
dev : brainstorm / a place to spitball ideas for new muses and/or plots, i like to utilize the voice message feature here and just talk out my ideas so i can listen back to them later when incorporating them into a new muse.
dev : headcanons / a channel to store headcanons ( if utilizing the community feature, you could make this a forum and separate the headcanons into posts for each muse : see image below for example ).
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dev : faces / a channel to store resources for you muse face claims, i would store social media posts, photoshoots, gif set links, etc ( if utilizing the community feature, you could make this a forum and separate the faces into posts for each face claim : see image below for example ).
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rp : masterlist / a channel to host your own character masterlist, you can format this however you like, or even use forums - you could link to other channels in the muse category.
rp : plots / a channel to post links and ideas for plots wanted for muses and roleplay groups.
rp : wishlist / a channel to post roleplay wishlist items, links, ideas, etc
rp : promotions / a channel to post links for roleplay promotions either to your own groups or groups that you'd like to keep an eye on.
rp : groups / i use this channel to store the links to my current roleplay groups, links to the main blog, any relevant sideblogs, as well as a list of muses i currently have active within them.
rp : partners / helpful for storing a list of mains (for indies), with names, pronouns, links to rules, muses, etc - or for 1x1 lists of partners.
all of these are pretty self explanatory, you can store resources you use for tumblr and other types of roleplay in these channels, gifs, icons, templates, themes, etc.
muse : name / you can basically store your muse information, biographies, links to blogs, musings, edits, and whatever else you like. ( if utilizing the community feature, you could make this a forum and separate items into posts : see image below for example )
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ship : name • name / similarly to the muse section, you can store your ship dynamic and details here, links to you partner's blog, ship tag, edits, headcanons, etc ( if utilizing the community feature, you could make this a forum and separate items into posts : see image below for example )
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