#the tism won
kirdoodl · 1 month
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Woah erm have some traditional Adam doodles accompanied by a headcanon of mine :D
Had this thought some time ago, what if post-presto (after Adam got his shit together and isn't dying or smth) he would start aging manually?
Like, his body aged just fine before he knew he was an alternate (while taking on some alternate features automatically), but after he found out that he wasn't who he thought all his life he became so adamant on keeping up this image of himself that he REFUSED to let his body stray away from it by even a muscle. Therefore stopping his aging completely.
I'd imagine he'd do this to have some form of identity and to cling onto that fake humanity of his but he just ends up contradicting himself and straying even farther away from it. So he's falling behind everybody in his futile attempt to be somebody.
Anyways just a thought!
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wephrenes · 1 year
aAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA WHATBHN SDGTRHE GUFKLC THEYARE SELLING THIS SILLY??? ESTÁN VENDIENDO ELWILSONBOLA WTFFFFFFFFFFF el coso el coso el coso el coso el coso el coso el coso el coso el coso el coso el coso el coso el coso el cOSO BIDUFOJKÑLVUIZSOCPÑVFCRSUGNASYDM9ERIN0VASCU0YUpjñn4ovubyoewct6p70ohucgGRSUFIEWI8R9EWTYOSRIETVUAÓDFVAESETVIORASTUAPIWYEPWOEATUVQW9PENY8EWR0BYVNREUEIopavtc LA CRIATURA WILSON BOLA EL COSO EL SILLY WILSON PELUCHO PQ NOTIENE CEJAS HE LOOKS SO MINDLESS WHAT THE FUCK lacriaturalacriaturalacriaturalacriaturalacriaturalacriaturalacriaturalacriaturalacriaturalacriaturalacriaturalacriaturalacriaturalacriaturalacriaturalacriaturalacriaturalacriaturalacriaturalacriaturalacriaturalacriaturalacriaturalacriaturalacriaturalacriaturalacriaturalacriaturalacriaturalacriaturalacriaturalacriaturalacriaturalacriaturalacriaturalacriaturalacriaturalacriaturalacriatura QUEEEEEEEE WILSON PLUSHIE REAL??? nomelacreo QEUQEUQEUQEU el silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly FRUITY DE BOLSILLO FRUITY BRI'ISH MAN TAMAÑO CHIKITO he smol WHY HE SMALL WHY HE BUILT LIKE THAT THO round specimen LO AMO DEMEN WHATTTTTT I LOVE HIODSKLJGSMND, FAYISOFUZDLTKJNGBSDYIFLZUT.OFKGWJNUER9ZS8PTOUKGJESFIDKNABRSOKL,IGKSRBAIUDFKJSDZB
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in honor of my 100th post, here is a meme of my two favorite fandoms:
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pride 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ versions below the cut ⬇️
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into-the-feniverse · 16 days
Trigun Character Cheat Sheet Masterpost 🤞
(Cause I kept making updates to them and it just makes more sense to have them all in one place)
[Last updated: 9/11/24]
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All cheat sheets can also be found here: bit.ly/trigunresources
Additional resources under the cut!
Guide to TriMax Vash’s various outfits by nimpnawakproduction
TriStamp Vash’s arm guide by stepherscorner
TriStamp Vash's wing (compiled by revenantghost)
Tri98 Vash Studio Reference sheets (Reddit)
Tri98 Model Sheets (compiled by amethystsoda)
"The Totally Bitching 'Cross Punisher' Diagram" (angelfire.com)
Trigun Gun model sheets (mrbagel.tripod.com)
Prop Making for Trigun Stampede: Punisher (youtube)
Wolfwood's Motorcycle (comp)
If there’s other characters or items you’d like to see a cheat sheet for you’re welcome to drop a line in my inbox! I can’t guarantee when or if I’ll get to it but I’ll take it into consideration!
(Most likely I’ll get to it when I’m procrastinating on something else, which is often so ✌️ not guaranteed but v likely to happen lol. (Shameless plug but I’ll be more inclined to get to it if you buy me a coffee nudge nudge wink wink))
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cheyezstuffz · 1 year
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Scoia Tolo, my khonjin house oc, info about them in their toyhouse :3
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knivs01 · 2 years
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beauxjangles · 1 year
wandering around looking lost stumbling covered in blood (is in between hyperfixations)
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As my official and only madcom mutual, I'm going to chuck this over here and run for my life
Ahem... Artists should NOT be drawing Doc like that.
doc, you say...? i can vouch for him, he's pretty cool
i have plenty more i can send u from my sideblog... people draw him in very cool ways
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Fuck it, posting this here too. Crossover brain go brrrrrr.
Yes, my brain is currently fixating on both Warframe and Kenopsia/Forever Ocean lore, and that's manifesting as "What Sembla would each Warframe have?" (and possibly what would each frame look like as a Kwaiz/Vani ajsdgajsdk I have no clue how I'd incorperate things like Parazons n shit with that lmao).
So, yeah, Warframes placed on @kenopsia-official's Sembla wheel. (taken from this post)
Note from me: I don't really know much about the sembla outside of what Juno's mentioned on the Tumblr Sembla breakdown and what I've seen mentioned on Kenopsia-asks and Juno's Toyhou.se. I'm not in the official Discord or anything, so if anything is off from info derived from the Discord, let me know!
This thing is honestly still a huge WIP, what with all of the frames that are still in the "????" category in the middle lmao. A lot of these frame/sembla pairings are being a pain in the ass, a lot of frames don't really fit neatly into any single sembla and have intricacies that can fit in multiple or no sembla. Honestly, if anyone has any ideas, that'd be great lmao.
As for the wheel: Frames inside the Sembla section are the "Primary" user, while heads outside of it are considered "Secondary" users (what with how many frames overlap in the "element" department).
This is already getting really long, so the rest of this (specific selections + reasoning, going over the ???? squad thoughts, etc.) will be under a cut.
Going through the wheel, elaborating on decided pairings, from Hex going clockwise.
FIRE - Primary Ember, Secondary Nezha. Basically exactly what it says on the tin, they both specialize primarily in burning shit.
FLESH - Primary Lavos, Secondary Garuda. I put Lavos here because of the fact that his Orokin-granted ability in his Leverian is power over flesh (Maybe his Kwaiz-version would have a specialized Amplifier that mimics specialized organs to still fit with his "element-mixing alchemist" thing?). Garuda's there because she's basically just all "BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD" (her talons could probably be considered Switchlimbs? Maybe???).
ROCK - Atlas. Another "exactly what it says on the tin" situation. Punchy with rocks, rock armor, etc.
DUST - Inaros. Because POCKET SAND.
THREAD - Khora. Weirdo barbed-wire whip-ensnare-dome dominatrix lady. Early info points out that she was originally supposed to be spider-themed, further fitting with Thread.
ELECTRICITY - Primary Volt, Secondary Gyre. More "exactly what it says on the tin" stuff. Just look at 'em.
FORCE - Mag. She's supposed to be magnets, but she can yoink basically about anything, and "magnetizing the bones of your enemies" makes no damn sense for just metal, so telekinesis it is.
PLASMA - Wisp. It may be a bit of an odd pairing, but she's based off of will-o'-the-wisps (which have had theorizing over their origin from crude flames, electricity, swamp gasses becoming luminous plasma, etc.) and her fourth ability is her opening a portal to the surface of the sun to rain forth a beam of solar plasma, so I think Plasma fits most cleanly for now. She's honestly stuck in a limbo between being Plasma or Plume lmao.
COLD - Frost. Another "Captain Obvious" pick. Just look at his abilities lmao.
WATER - Primary Hydroid, Secondary Yareli. Both "Captain Obvious" picks. Hydroid's a yarr harr pirate that can turn into water, call down water, and has a KRAKEN. Yareli's a cute seaworld totsugeki surfboarding magical girl that can summon bubbles, water blades, and a whirlpool.
GRAVITY - Rhino. His abilities are all over the place, but I put him here because of his fourth ability, which states: "Rhino stomps with force sufficient to disrupt time, tumbling enemies around him in stasis.". Distorting space to distort time, you say?
PLUME - Ash. Smoke bombs, that weird smoke vent billowing from his left arm... That's about the only reason I put him here. Weeb.
CRYSTAL - Citrine. Gemussy. To be serious, just look at her and her kit. All crystals, all the time.
SPIRIT - Nekros. He's also a bit finicky like Wisp. I put him here because he has technical "literal" soul manipulation, and I noticed that there's a lot of language about manipulating fear in Juno's description of the sembla, which fits with Terrify.
FUNGUS - Saryn. She could honestly have fallen under Corrosion or Toxin as well, but Fungus has enough variety to cover both while also fitting with the language around Saryn's abilities involving "spores".
GLASS - Gara. Duh, glass lady. The "messing with perception" bit also fits for Spectrorage.
MUSIC - Octavia. Duh, the Maestro, the Pied Piper of Doom. Buffing, debuffing, luring enemies to their doom, fits her like a glove.
LIGHT - Mirage. Similarly to Nekros and Wisp, I wasn't really sure where to put her. Her illusions could also fall under Spirit, but I decided to put her under Light because of Eclipse (which gives her various buffs depending on if she's in the light or in the dark) and Prism (exploding laser disco ball of doom).
WIND - Zephyr. Wind bird lady. Flying around, redirecting enemy fire with a shield of swirling air, it fits.
DISEASE - Nidus. Literally a walking manifestation of a disease (in WF's case, the Infestation), throwing around weirdo worms and maggots, while also being able to parasitize enemies and be symbiotic with allies. Can't get much more
The ???? Squad™
Excalibur - I have no clue what sembla he'd fall under lmao. His "thing" is swords and blades, not much else. He could be Light because of Radial Blind, but that's one minor ability out of four, two of which tend to overshadow it... idk lmao.
Equinox - No clue here either lmao. She has A Lot going on, to say the least, none of which really fits cleanly into one sembla.
Gauss - Funny speed man. He specializes in kinetic force, energy storage, friction, etc., not telekinesis. He can both light shit on fire and freeze things solid. Another messy one.
Harrow - Weirdo glock-wielding, self-flagellating, crit-buffing Void priest. No clue here either lmao.
Vauban - Balls™. No clue what to do with him.
Xaku - Resident bone-zone Void weirdo. No clue what to do with them.
Banshee - Her abilities are a weird mixture of noise, debuffing with sonar, and silencing the aforementioned noise. Her passive is that all her weapons are silenced. There really isn't a sembla based around silencing noise. Feels like a toss-up between Alarm and Void.
Baruuk - Putting enemies to sleep, disarming enemies with his own summoned projectiles, avoiding projectiles when not attacking, going ham with projectiles from his melee attacks. Not sure where to put him.
Caliban - He's a fucking weirdo in-universe, I have no clue what sembla to give him lmao.
Chroma - Dragon hunter given power by his hunted pelt. He's all over the place, his gimmick is that he can cycle between Heat (Fire), Cold, Toxin, and Electricity, so he doesn't really fit neatly in a single sembla.
Grendel - He's the food/eating guy who can give team buffs. Feels like a toss-up between Salt and Sugar.
Hildryn - Flying buff shield lady. Shield in the Keno-verse are probably a whole other can of worms, especially considering that Shields are her whole gimmick. Might be Silicon territory, who fucken knows, people in-universe barely understand it lmao.
Ivara - Stealthy invisible huntress. Invisibility falls under Ink, but I'm not sure how to account for her various arrows (zip-wire, noise, cloak, sleep).
Kullervo - The all cannon, no glass overguard guy. I have no clue what sembla he'd have lmao. He's another one of the weirdos along with Caliban. The Void + Keno-verse is another can of worms like Shields lmao.
Limbo - I tip my hat to you, my old friend, you've confounded me as to what sembla to give you. His whole thing is slipping into (or sending others to) a different dimension, somewhere under the skin of reality between it and the Void, or ripping a hole in reality to it. No clue.
Loki - Another invisibility guy. Could be ink, but not sure about Switch Teleport or Radial Disarm.
Mesa - Yeehaw cowgirl. No damn clue what to give her lmao. Her thing is Gun™, a reflect barrier, and a weirdo enemy-gun-jamming beacon thing that moves between teammates. That gun-jamming ability could fall under Wonder, but that wouldn't fit with her other abilities.
Nova - Antimatter lady. No clue, there's no sembla that manipulates antimatter or sounds much like any of her abilities unless I decide to just cram her under Plasma.
Nyx - Mind control, mass hysteria, temporary defense-strip, making herself the main target. She's... strange. A toss-up between Ink and Spirit.
Oberon - Deer-goat paladin. Lots of radiation, the lawn of team-buffing doom, team-heals, and slamming enemies around. Could fall under Plant (Hallowed Ground) or Radiation (Smite, Reckoning, Hallowed Ground again).
Protea - Hacky sack tinkerer time-reversal lady. Big ability weirdo. Shields, throwing around blades and hot plasma, sustain with energy/health/ammo dispensary, and then the weirdo timey wimey reverse stuff. No damn clue lmao.
Revenant - Mr. Vampire Eidolon dude is a thematic mess lmao. He's got mind control, weirdo "Sentient" energy, and lots of funny laser beams. No clue what he'd have as a sembla lmao. A fellow weirdo along with Caliban and Kullervo.
Sevagoth - The JJBA Stand user space Flying Dutchman rescue guy. As he sows, so does he reap, cloaking himself in something... outside of darkness. Life drain, enemy slow and damage taken increase, whatever the hell the Exalted Shadow is. Not really sure what sembla to give him. "Shadow" seems too literal for what he does...
Styanax - THIS. IS. (NOT) ASS SPARTA /j. Succ spears, enemy defense strip, team buffs, becoming the center of attention, a Rain of Hell. Not sure what sembla to give him.
Titania - Tinker Bell's packing heat. Make enemies fumble weapons while allies become status-immune, "extract" a buff from an enemy, turn an enemy into a beacon of doom, and then Tinker Hell™. A bit all-over-the-place. Maybe Wonder due to her fairy/fae-themeing? She doesn't really fit anywhere, but Wonder is extremely weird.
Trinity - Basic healer. Make an enemy a healing well, make an enemy an energy well, split any damage taken between enemies she links to, and a big fuck-off uber-heal. She's a general healer... but that could fall under both Flesh and Silicon, so no clue.
Valkyr - Angry skinless cat lady. Spiderman meme silly string, team melee attack speed buff, radial stun by expending her own shields, and Rip and Tear Mode. Outside of Warcry (the melee buff), she doesn't really do sound-based abilities. It could fall under Alarm, but that isn't her main theme, her main theme is rage, which isn't necessarily the same as Alarm. Brayziel's a ball of anger because she has Alarm ESP that's driving her insane, but I don't recall that being a native quality of Alarm-users in general.
Voruna - Wolfpack mom. Unlike with Lavos, looking at her Leverian lore didn't help much. She can go invisible, slap All of the Elements on enemies, force the drop of health and energy orbs, and generally likes ripping and tearing, not even getting into her variable passives like cheating death. She's all over the place and doesn't really fit cleanly into one sembla.
Wukong - MONKEY FUCK (Affectionate). Celestial Twin, turning into a cloud, returning enemy damage, and Big Stick™. Not even getting into his Passive. He could be anything from Plume to Wonder to Hex. No clue.
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addict-for-poison · 1 year
Us: *trying to do something productive that has to be done before tomorrow.
THE TISM: *WHO WAS PONY FROM PINK FLUFFY UNICORNS DANCING ON RAINBOWS!?" *Also makes us need to start listening to the song again*
Anyways. Tism won. We looped the song for an hour before a random unknown sysmate was able to stop the cycle for us so we could go shower. We're now back to listing to it again. Gonna try to be productive while listening to it.
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griffinsgriffins · 1 year
autistic urge to info-dump VS autistic inability to provide information when not in response to a specific question: fight.
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onamitaro · 2 years
I'm crying over your art. 😭😭😭
I’m not quite sure if I understand the tone of this im sorry 😭
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theoneandcody · 2 months
"Tch, I'm not neurodivergent."
(Races my dog up the stairs and tricks him by running back down when he gets ahead of me, ditches my slippers, drops my phone while yelling and trying to win the race that I'm convinced he's aware of)
(Wins by juking him out and exclaims in victory)
(Sighs and walk away satisfied)
"I'm just cool like that."
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m00nj3w3l · 1 year
Listen I know I said I was gonna share more BSD posts due to the new episode but also I finished watching ONS with my friend and we are both Going Through It extremely hard so don't be surprised if y'all still see a wave of shit about it.
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butchpeabody · 1 year
i left the next to last boss of the tomerpg extremely upset with pained wrists and unable to continue the game because of gamebreaking bugs but at the very least i managed to beat THESE guys once
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animutate · 1 year
imgonna turn into the joker
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