#the trio would be disgusted and slightly concerned
starsinthenigth · 11 months
★haha DHMIS OC timeeee!!★
★character introduction:★
★This is Photy.★
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★Photy, is an DHMIS OC, and he is a teacher to the trio and as you can probably guess already, he misinforms teaches the guys about 'photography'.★
★If he had his own episode he would..:★
★Snap a lot of pictures of the house during his stay, claiming that it's 'for memorization'★
★Takes a lot of video's of the trio without them knowing.★
★Would show the guys photos of his album★ until he would cross a photo from the actual world.
★Photy, owns a 'Photo-Album' which stores every single picture he has taken. He wears it on him all the time.★
owns photos of the actual world
★Everytime he blinks, a picture is snapped.★
★When he takes pictures of people, he always uses the 'flash effect', claiming that it makes the person in the photo look more 'special'.★
★If he had lyrics to a song, one of them would be: 🎶"When someone takes a picture of you it's a sign of affection, so don't show rejection!"🎶★
★The photos are printed from his ass/j★
★No, no they are actually printed from his mouth.★
★..yeah, that's all I can think for now.★
★this will be most likely updated, since it's just WIP for now.★
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whenlilyfallsinlove · 2 months
i know you
eli moskowitz x reader... (y/n) is basically jess in gilmore girls.. ive been obsessed with cobra kai lately
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"what the fuck are you doing?"
"excuse me?"
you don't think you have ever felt as angry as you have done today. finding out that one of your best friends, that you just so happened to be in love with, had changed completely as a person was one thing. finding out he tried to beat up the third member of your little trio was another.
so you did what you had to, you always felt the need to go out the way to protect eli and demetri. you didn't think it would end up being from each other.
approximately half an hour earlier:
"(y/n)." demetri's face flooded your screen, as you were sprawled across your bed. calls were usually a common thing between the two of you now eli was distant.
"demetri.. hey! you okay?" you respond, taking note of his face.
"no." he says, in a deadpan tone.
"umm why? what happened?"
"eli happened."
of course. ever since your best friend since age 6 joined cobra kai, he had felt like a whole new person. he even gave himself a new name for goodness sake! you and demetri both knew it wasn't the real him. you'd known him for too long. that being said - this new persona didn't stop him avoiding you both.
"what did.. what did he do?" you look into your phone camera, worry evident on your face.
"he tried to beat me up! i was at the mall with sam and robby.. and i went to the comic book store.. and he was there. wasn't happy with my yelp review and tried to fight me."
"what the hell." your eyes widen slightly. rage soaring through your veins. what was he playing at? putting on a front to show off to his friends. why didn't he remember who his real friends were?
"i know.. i just can't believe he would do it. we were friends with him!"
"i know.. are you sure you're okay?" you ask, concerned.
"i'm fine.. robby and sam helped fight them off it just.. caught me by surprise."
"i bet it did.. look i'll ring you later, okay? i just need to take care of something."
demetri knew you all too well.
"don't do something you'll regret." he says.
"i won't."
now here you were, shouting at someone that was supposed to be your best friend. the boy you have had a crush on for so many years.
"don't 'excuse me'. you know what you did." you scoff, walking closer to him. you had decided to wait until he had finished karate to talk, it seemed appropriate.
"oh yeah? and what's that?" eli looked at you, his tone cocky.
"you tried to beat up demetri! what are you doing?" you question, looking at him in disgust.
"he shouldn't have put up that yelp review." he scowls.
"oh who cares about a stupid review! he's supposed to be one of your best friends." you say, angrily.
"not anymore. i'm not friends with pussies."
"what the hell is your problem? what.. you gonna ditch us just because we don't want to beat people up like you do?" your voice raises slightly, causing eli's scowl to falter.
"I told you, i'm not friends with weak people." he says.
"are you kidding? seriously! who was the one that used to fight your bullies in elementary? me! who was your first friend? demetri!"
"we're not kids anymore. people change. friendships change. it's not my fault you guys aren't strong enough for this." eli says, looking away from you, his demeanour crumbling.
"you're not like that either. you're putting on an act!" you exclaim.
"an act? the fuck? this is me now, accept it." he shouts.
"what's going on with you?!"
"nothing.. im fine." he says, his eyes searching your face.
"i know you. i know you better than anyone! this isn't you."
"what do you mean?"
"you know what i mean! starting fights with demetri.. ditching us for those idiots.. being so violent. why are you being so violent?" you ask, looking him in the eye.
the pleading in your voice makes his face soften slightly. you always had a way of getting to him. i mean, of course you did, he'd always had a massive crush on you.
"just tell me what's up with you! i care about you. why are you being like this?" you beg.
eli struggles to get his words out. he wanted to reach out, he wanted to hug you. he wanted to go back to yours and watch doctor who with you and demetri. but he coudln't.
"you don't.. you don't know me anymore." he forces out.
your face falls and eli swears he could feel his heart break.
"fine. don't expect me to wait for you anymore." and with that you turn and walk away, a small part of you hoping he stops you.
he doesn't.
he wants to, he really does. but that's not him anymore.
he watches you walking off with a pained expression, knowing hes fucked up. he just can't bring himself to stop you.
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moonstruckme · 1 year
I absolutely love your writing!! Could I request some hurt/comfort poly!marauders? Like maybe people are judging/really rude to reader about their relationship and the boys defend her and their relationship and make her feel better 🥹
Absolutely you can! Hope this is what you were looking for babe <3
cw: bullying, sexual shaming
poly!marauders x fem!reader ♡ 1.3k words
“Whore,” Lucius hisses as he brushes past you in the hall. 
You hear James’ inhale beside you a second before you whirl. “What was that, Malfoy?”
“Too fucked out to hear me?” he sneers, coming to a stop and turning to face you. Your heart stutters at his words, but you’re careful not to let anything show on your face. “Don’t suppose you’re good for much except sucking dick, but I have to say, I’m impressed those Gryffindors caught onto it before the rest of us. I mean, why else would they bring you in on their precious trio?” His lip curls, and while there’s amusement there, there’s also genuine disgust that makes some small, pathetic part of you shrivel up in shame. “Slut.” 
“Sweetheart?” James asks, and you wonder if the restraint in his voice is as obvious to everyone else as it is to you. Want me to step in here?
You shake your head at him, but your stare is zeroed in on Lucius. You pout at him sympathetically. “I know it must be hard for you to understand. How’d I get three hot people interested in me, when you can't even get one to look your way?” You shoot him your best impression of Sirius’ wolfish grin. “Don’t worry, Malfoy, someone will come along who’s into all your inbred, Nazi bullshit one day. Maybe even a cousin, if you’re lucky!”
You continue back on your way, pretending you don’t need the steadying hand James rests at the small of your back as you stride down the hall. You make it through the common room, up the stairs, and into the boys’ dorm room before you lose momentum, releasing a shell-shocked, tremulous breath. 
James’ arms are around you in an instant, though it takes you a second longer to melt into his embrace. 
“Are you okay? You seemed like you wanted to handle it yourself, but I wasn’t sure.” 
You take a deep breath. “No, you were right. Thanks, Jamie. It just would have made it worse if it looked like I couldn’t defend myself.” 
There’s a shuffling of sheets, and you turn your head to find you’d been so distracted you hadn’t noticed Remus on his bed, studying. He sits up to look at the pair of you with concerned amber eyes, a question evident in his face. 
James saves you from responding, clutching you tighter and pressing a kiss to your head. “Had a run-in with Malfoy.” 
Remus sighs, the sound knowing. “That’s never good, is it?” His gaze falls squarely on you. “You alright, lovely?” 
You nod automatically, though your hands are trembling slightly. You’ve never been good at conflict, but pricks like Malfoy sometimes require you to rise to the occasion. It bothers you that someone like him, whom you don’t respect and whose opinion you couldn’t value less, can still rattle you like this. You know your relationship is unconventional, but it’s good. You haven’t been dating for very long, but you feel the rightness of it every day. Your boyfriends treat you better than anyone can reasonably deserve. You love them. Still…
“Do you think that’s what everyone thinks?” You extricate yourself from James, trying not to sound as pathetic as you feel. At Remus’ bemused expression, you add, “That you guys are only dating me because I put out, I mean.” 
James looks horrified. “Do you think that?”
“No,” you say, apparently too quickly, because neither boy looks like they believe you. “I don’t. I just…I don’t know, it’s stupid to care what people think, right?”
James bites his lip, and Remus looks at you consideringly. “I wouldn’t call it stupid,” he says after a moment. “It may not be the best guiding principle to always do what people want you to, but they’re not usually easy to ignore either.”
You heave a sigh, collapsing onto Sirius’ empty bed. “Exactly. I don’t want everyone calling me a slut all the time now.” 
Remus’ eyebrows shoot up. “What exactly did Malfoy say to you?”
You hesitate, looking to James in the hopes he’ll answer for you again, but before either of you can say anything, Sirius whooshes in the door. 
He completely fails to read the room, all bright eyes and good spirits as he struts over to his bed and leans down over you, his forearms on either side of your head. 
“I just heard about your Malfoy kerfuffle from Marlene,” he says, kissing you with a smack. “That’s my girl.” 
You can’t help but smile a little, his energy infectious. James gets in on the action too, patting your cheek as he sits down beside the two of you. “She was pretty amazing,” he says. “I thought Malfoy was going to shit the stick right out of his ass.” 
“Alright,” Remus says, the tiniest hint of impatience in his tone, “apparently I need to be caught up. What happened?”
“Our sweet angel said that Malfoy gets no bitches,” Sirius proclaimed proudly. “And then she told him to fuck one of his cousins.” 
“Well,” you say sheepishly, sitting up, “that’s not exactly word-for-word.” 
Remus quirks an eyebrow, but he’s smiling. “No? Give me the summary, then.”
“Basically, Malfoy said you guys only brought me in on your relationship because I put out, and uh, something about me only being good for sucking dick,” you say hesitantly, as if every word he uttered isn’t going to be seared into your memory forever. “So then I said he was jealous that I got three people to like me while he has no one, but…um, I did say something like maybe if he was lucky, he’d find a cousin that was into him.” 
All three of the boys are grinning at you, and Sirius plants another smacker on your cheek. 
“Attagirl,” Remus says, nodding approvingly. 
“Thanks.” You hope your face isn’t as red as it feels. “I guess now, I’m just a little worried that Lucius was just the only one who would say something? Like, what if everyone else is thinking the same thing?”
“Sweetheart,” James says, reaching around you to rub your upper arm comfortingly, “anyone who’s spoken to you for, like, point five seconds is gonna know that’s not true.” 
“Wait.” Sirius shakes his head, working to catch up to the conversation that started when he wasn’t in the room. “Are you really worried about what that prick said?”
You shrug, sheepish and a bit ashamed. “It’s not him, it’s more like…my classmates, and my professors. I wonder who agrees with him.” 
“Baby, anyone who agrees with Lucius Malfoy is just placing themselves in the same camp of idiots he’s in,” Sirius insists. His tone is light, but his eyes lock in on yours, feeling out how serious you are about this. “Our relationship isn’t anybody’s business, but our friends already know how you are, and they’ll defend you to anyone who asks.”
Remus nods. “Agreed. If anyone wants to believe that sort of baseless, cruel gossip, they’re probably not the lot you want to be around anyways. Just like Malfoy, yeah? If you cared what he thought,” Remus pauses to raise a playful eyebrow at you, “you probably wouldn’t be suggesting he fuck his cousins.” 
You grin. “Please, like he needed my encouragement on that one. You’re right, though, thanks.” 
James squeezes your shoulder reassuringly. “Don’t let him get in your head, sweetheart. Everyone who matters already knows he’s full of shit.” 
“Yeah, and you should’ve heard Marl boasting about you in the common room,” Sirius adds. “I wouldn’t be surprised if she buys your butterbeers next time we’re in Hogsmeade.” 
You laugh, but stop when Remus levels you with a serious look. “Anyone talks like that to you again, you come straight to us, understand?”
You nod, and Sirius drags you into his side, eager to lighten the mood again. “Yeah,” he declares, “if anyone’s calling you a slut, it needs to be consensual, and it ought to be me.”
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rubra-wav · 7 months
Butterfly demon reader pt. 2 - Wing care group hc/drabble-y
Cw: SFW, total fluff, gn!reader - in which Vaggie, Husk, and reader preen each other's wings
< Part 1
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- In the beginning, Vaggie is hesitant to let you or Husk touch her wings. She just got them back, she doesn't want them to get harmed at all.
- However, not letting anyone help with upkeep would be leaving her wings even more vulnerable to damage. So she agrees to it eventually.
- The topic originally came up because Vaggie was concerned about your wings
- They are so delicate and prone to being damaged by so many things. If you even just brushed up against things accidentally and had too much of your scales come off it could be bad!
- Assuring her you had a lot and could replenish them after a certain amount of time didn't do much either.
- After the Angel's attacked the hotel, your wings were left tattered in places, and she had absolutely fretted over it. Helping you take care of them until they healed up.
- She was taken aback when you asked if you could help preen her own wings, but after some convincing let you.
- After she got over her initial hesitance and slight discomfort with having them touched, she couldn't lie that after so long, having delicate touches gently correcting her feathers and brushing them out felt incredible.
- That's how wing care group began.
- Every Monday at 8pm, you and Vaggie meet up for an hour (or more if it turns out that way) to help one-another clean and maintain one-another's wings.
- In these sessions you usually just talk about random stuff and gossip a bit.
- You make tea and snacks, and essentially just chill out together doing whatever.
- Sometimes other members of the hotel will join you two to do whatnot while you work on each other.
- One of these times is how you two rope Husk into it.
- You'd set up in the TV room (you usually met for it in your hotel room) because you saw a movie you thought Vaggie may have liked, and Husk was there watching you two go about stuff with disgust on his face from behind the bar.
- "Do you two have to do that shit here?" Husk asks with clear distaste.
- A remark he'd regret making because next thing he knows, you and Vaggie are picking him up by either arm guiding him into the seat of wing attentionTM and are sitting him down in it.
- He of course tries to get out of it, but you end up convincing him to stay miraculously.
- By the end of you two working to groom his wings, he's purring begrudgingly with the bitterest look on his face, trying to say he doesn't like it.
- You call his bullshit and he goes quiet with an even more sour look on his face.
- Despite 'not liking it', he ends up showing up next Monday again.
- He flips you off as you grin at him and say you were glad he was joining you two again.
- And that's how the three of you as your strange trio begin to weekly preen one-another. All the while getting in some great shit-talking and bitching sessions about stuff that's been going on in each of your lives.
- Other members of the hotel sometimes join in, but they don't ever get in as deep into the bond from it as you three share.
- Charlie often comes in to gawk and join in on your discussions, but usually doesn't consistently show as although she wants to be part of the stuff she sees this as really important bonding time just for the three of you (which is true)
- Angel sometimes comes in to the meetings while he's bored and wanting to bitch or asking Husk about the location of different booze in the bar.
- Pentious keeps trying to join you three saying you can help him with his tail and he'll help you with your wings, but it doesn't work as he isn't gentle enough with your wings the first time and ends up tearing one.
- The other two are extremely protective of you and your wings in particular, knowing first hand how easily they are harmed, so even with you saying it was fine with your wing slightly torn, the other two chuck him out.
- Niffty sometimes tries to crash the meeting to try get pieces of you, but the other two keep her from getting to you. You placate her with the excess feathers from the other two's wings and things your scales have brushed off onto. You don't tell the others about this.
- Alastor comes in to watch you all to make you uncomfortable even though he thinks it's gross.
- Especially Husk.
- You and Vaggie usually throw him out of there as soon as he randomly materialises in there without warning to be an asshole.
- It's an odd sight to see a fallen angel, an avian cat demon, and a butterfly demon preening each other, but the three of you become rather close due to it and you all would not have it any other way.
- You are all very protective of one-another after everything - especially Vaggie and Husk of you. If anything ever happens to you now, there's gonna be absolute hell to pay.
- You three all love the time you spend together every Monday night.
- Even if some people (Husk) would never admit it.
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Rare fluff content from me 💀
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eflen-n-reegee · 3 months
Taking a Break (An “Inside Out” Regression Fic)
Joy is overwhelmed and overworked, and the others take care of her. Suggested by Anon
Joy loved her job. She adored Riley, adored taking care of her, and she was proud to be the one responsible for keeping the growing girl happy.
She loved her girl. She loved her job. She did.
But… that didn’t mean it was always easy.
Joy gritted her teeth and forced a smile, wincing slightly at the loud music blasting through Headquarters.
Riley had been at the carnival with her friends for almost five hours. And she was having a great time! And so was Joy!  Really! Yes, everything was really loud and yes, there was a whole lot of stuff to pay attention to and yes, it was just the teeny-tiniest bit overstimulating - but it was so much fun!
She jumped when she felt a hand on her shoulder, her grin tightening. “What’s up, Sadness?”
“We were calling you,” she said uncertainly. “Are you okay?”
“Yep! Neeever better!” Joy’s hands danced over the console, and Riley shrieked with delight as the rollar coaster went screaming down.
“You’ve been really busy,” Fear continued softly. “And I KNOW you didn’t get much sleep last night.”
“Pff, what’re you talking about? I’m totally great!”
She flinched as Disgust touched her hand. “I’m awesome! Super! Completely-”
“You’re shaking.”
Joy frowned, holding up her own hand. “Huh. How ‘bout that?”
“I think you might be regressed, Joy,” Sadness said gently. “What do you think?”
That would explain a lot, actually - she had a lot more trouble handing stimuli while she was small. But she usually noticed when she was slipping. The fact that she hadn’t was concerning. 
Anger flicked on the autopilot and gently patted Joy’s arm. “C’mon, kid, take a break. Riley’s fine.”
Joy sucked in a breath, and slowly nodded. “Yeah. She’s fine.”
But she stayed where she was, watching the screen. Riley was still cheering, the console was still yellow, it was okay to take a break-
-but that didn’t mean it was easy.
“Come on, Joy,” Disgust said, putting on her sweetest voice. “Why don’t we go put on your jammies, okay?”
Joy didn’t respond, but she obediently took Disgust’s hand.
Once Joy was dressed in her favorite sunflower pajamas, Disgust helped her wash her face. Then they headed back into the console room.
“Pretty sure we’re dealing with a baby,” Disgust said, though her tone was affectionate.
“Aw,” Fear cooed, lowering the volume on the console. “It’s too loud for little guys, huh?”
Joy breathed a sigh of relief as the screams and music became more muffled. “Uh-huh.”
“Feelin’ better?” Anger asked with a smile. “Wanna play a game?”
Joy gasped in delight. “D’ess-up!”
Anger rolled his eyes, but smiled. “Fine, but just because you’re too cute to say no to.”
Joy giggled and ran to get the dress-up box.
“Walking feet!” Fear called, hurrying after her. “Joy, sweetie, you might slip!”
Sadness chuckled and glanced at Disgust. “I’ll make her some oatmeal.”
“And I’ll watch the console,” Disgust added, smirking.
Two hours later, Riley was back home; a little nauseous from too many rides, and very tired, but happy. Extremely happy.
And in Headquarters, Joy was waking up from a nap. Her stomach was full, she was warm and comfortable, and she was happy.
She smiled slightly, rubbing her eyes. “Hi, Saddness.”
“How’re you feeling?” she asked, joining her on the couch.
“A lot better. Thanks. Thanks guys,” she added more loudly, turning to the trio at the console.
“No sweat,” Anger called, grinning.
“You’d do it for us,” Fear added.
“You HAVE done it for us,” Disgust chuckled.
Sadness patted Joy’s knee. “Everybody needs a break sometimes.”
Joy smiled. “You’re right, I know. I just forget sometimes.”
Because she loved Riley, and loved making her happy.
But, she reminded herself, smiling, I need to keep MYSELF happy too. For Riley - and for me.
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kirbudo · 2 years
Knowledge is cursed
Small change, M/n is the same year as the twins. For plot reasons, since I realized Percy graduates. And the age difference.
And also, because it is canon that the twins tend to bully M/n.
TW: bullying and meltdown
Tag List: @jasperthechaosgremlin @peter-the-pan
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M/n sighed bitterly as his eyes gazed over everything tiredly. Had he lost touch with himself? No, rather he felt everything too much. After the small crying session with Hagrid, he felt slightly better. The kind man expressing that he should get some help and that he would lend an ear if anything. He hugged the books closer to him. "I need to change where I hide." He whispered to himself.
The twins hung their heads as the sound of Percy shouts made them quiet and no longer smiling. "You two are ridiculously stupid!" He snapped slamming his hand on the desk for more effect. "We didn't know!" Fred spoke in a whisper. "That he'd react that way!" George mimicked but he made sure to look away. "Promise!" They both shouted, in regret. Percy scowled as he shook his head, the trouble trio watched in silence. "I've told you two to stop it! God knows when he snaps!" Percy shouts in worry. His eyes showing great grief and worry over their brother.
The twins glanced at each other. Worry filled their minds. "What do you mean?" The asked as Percy looked close to tears. "Enough... Get out." He turned his back and went into his room. Ron peered over seeing the two whispering before walking out. "Ron, I think you should check on your brother." Harry spoke up as the red head shook his head. "No, mum says that I shouldn't get close to him while here. She's worried that if I bother him too much then he'll turn into a dark wizard."
Ron paused. "... But he has always been nice to me." Harry and Hermione stared at each other. "Ron, I think the way you're treating M/n... Is a bit abusive." Ron stared in shock at Harry. "What? No! We love him, were just Gryffindor and he's just a Ravenclaw." The two friends stared at each other.
M/n walked down the halls trying to find a good place to find. He thought he was fat enough that his siblings wouldn't find him. He huddled himself into a small corner. The dictionary that his father gave him had yet been read, it was better to read such a book alone as the thought of the precious book being taken from him was hurtful.
"Look, it's the black sheep Weasley." Draco had noticed the older male's cowering. He decided that the teen was a good target, if he couldn't target the trouble trio then it's better to hit those around them. The two goons cackled as Draco went to grab things from the red head but he didn't get any reaction as they destroyed his things. This annoyed Malfoy who saw him hug the muggle book.
M/n eyes widened as it was snacked away from him, the two goons held him back as Draco ripped every page out. His eyes filled with tears as Draco discovered a weakness. Digging through his satchels, he found more muggle book. "This is disgusting. How could you even think of carrying this around in Hogwarts of all places." He ripped them apart.
"No! Please, my dad gave me those!" He spoke not once of raising his voice but as time went on, a small crowd formed, mostly Slytherin... Then a few of his house mates watch... Then some gathered around to watch in shock. "You vile son of a bitch!" M/n Weasley shouted through tears as he thrashed against the two holding him. "I'll kill you! I'll kill everyone that ever loved you! How dare you ruin those?! They were mines!" He shouted making his voice go raw.
Draco stared in shock. Everyone did.
"Percy! Hurry! Draco is bullying M/n!" A fellow year maybe shouted grabbing him by his sleeve, Percy didn't hesitate to run full speed. The twins looked at each other before following after hearing from cackling Slytherin. The trio grew concerned at the shouting and crowd before Ron dropped his things hearing his brother screams.
The brothers stared in shock at the crying and unstable M/n. Who was finally let go after growing tired. "No... No. No. No." M/n sobbed out trying to put the pages back together, some of the pages burnt but she didn't care that his fingertips were nearly burnt. "No, dad I'm sorry... I should've... I didn't mean... Dad... Dad.." His cries made everyone stop, those who did nothing starting to feel guilty, some not wanting to watch anymore quickly left. Draco swallowed his saliva. "I wanna... Go home." He whispered.
Draco heard this, he was about to reach Weasley to say something... "Get away from him!" Percy shouted shoving him away. Draco stared... Harry ran over, glaring at him. "Go. You've done enough." Draco didn't have the energy to talk back as the two goons dragged Draco away.
"Percy... I didn't mean to... Dad's gift... He tried so hard to get me these... They're gone." M/n clung to Percy who hugged him tightly, rocking back and forth. "George, Fred! Go get McGonagall!" Her ordered. "You three, clean this up." Ron was about to whine but Hermione covered his mouth and nodded. "I... I want dad..."
After many attempts, Percy got M/n to go to the infirmary, Miss Humphrey was quick to take him and treat his burns. McGonagall rushed to the infirmary and listened to Percy speak about what happened. M/n was still sobbing trying to calm himself down with the help of the kind yet stern nurse. "I want... My dad." He repeated until he grew tired from sleeping...
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Did I mention I like angst? Pure love for it.
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chibi-celesti · 7 months
Twisted Tonelico (A Twisted Wonderland x Ar Tonelico AU) Book One, Part One
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Phase 01: Part 01, Part 02, Part 03, Part 04, Interlude
Phase 02:
Phase 01: Book 01: Dia rosa rudje*
Rrha ki erra chs diasee sos ciel!
ARTONELICO => ADDR:0x02:04:1938:1113:1940 > enter hyzik sphilar Meryu >> exec PHANTASIA sos ciel!
Ag, Was yea erra chs tonelico sos yorr yanje!
Meryu nearly jumped out of her sleep again, looking around at her surroundings. She sees that she woke up in Twisted Wonderland instead of her home in Ar Tonelico. Disappointment shone in her eyes til she shook her head. Meryu looked to her left at the person who woke her up.
“Good morning, Ms. Melenas.”
It was the bird-masked Headmage from last night, and the ghostly trio who live in the abandoned dorm. She looked down at her lap, saddened by the truth. It really wasn’t a dream.
“Good morning, Mr. Crowley,” the girl replied.
The headmage walked up to the girl with a tray of food and some other parcel. “I hope you had a good night’s sleep, my dear.”
She slightly shrugged her shoulders. “It was good.” The Reyvateil watched as Crowley placed the parcel by an askew foot stool by her bed. He then turned to her with her morning meal. It appeared to be a light breakfast dish, if one could call it that. A bottle of milk served with lukewarm biscuits and eggs.
It was better than nothing, she supposes.
Meryu gave him a brief ‘thank you’ before eating her breakfast. A few moments of silence passed between them until she finished her tray, offering it to the masked man.
Crowley placed the tray on the nearest nightstand and then began to speak. “Now then, Ms. Melenas. I believe it is time to talk about your current situation.” A nod from the girl told him she’s listening. “Given the current circumstances of your situation, I’ve devised a perfect plan for you until I’ve found you a way back home.”
This caught Meryu by surprise. “You have?” She looked at the parcel near the bed.
“Of course, my dear! After all, I am a generous man, and I refuse to allow a young woman to wander the streets without a roof over her head!”
A sense of dread formed in her stomach. Nervously, Meryu asked, “Oh. Well, what will I do?”
~Main Street~
The parcel she was given turned out to be a maid dress. The top was black like the rest of the school’s apparel except for the skirt which was a warm brown. The sleeves were a faded blue, not too tight on her arms, but also not too loose. The scarf that would cover her hair she made into a neckerchief instead. She hoped feeling comfortable in the dress would distract her from where they’re standing and drown out her nervousness.
They stood in the Main Street of the College campus next to seven imposing statues of what appeared to be rulers and fantasy-like entities. Meryu has no clue who they are, but they do feel like they’re scrutinizing her despite them being made out of stone. The Headmage had explained to her that she will be doing janitorial work for the time being. And that Main Street is where she will start at first.
“Should you have any concerns or questions, do not be afraid to find me or anyone else in the Staff.” He finished.
A nod was his response back. “Very well, then! Take care Ms. Melenas! I shall see you later this evening.” The headmage turns and leaves for his office, leaving Meryu alone on the pave way.
‘Well,’ she thought to herself, ‘Better get to work.’
<A few minutes later>
Meryu is sweeping while humming a small simple tune to herself, tending to her work without any problems so far. A few times she would glance a bit at some of the students that passed her by. Some would give a look of disgust, some would just pass her by without a single glance, and some would whisper some insults and crude words about her. But she didn’t let those words bother her. After all, she was used to being looked at weirdly by her peers.
“Well, well. Look who it is~” a voice broke Meryu from her thoughts. She looked about and saw a student with red hair styled almost like a jester’s cap leaning on the statue of a queen holding a heart scepter. On his face, a big red heart tattoo was on his left side, nearly covering the whole eye. “The female student whose magic is so special, but not fit to be a student here!”
“Come on, dude. No need to pick on her.” Another student beside the red haired scolded him. This student’s hair was a dark blue, and smoothed out making him look like a normal upheld student. His face had a marine blue spade, but it was on the right side of his face, almost covering the whole side.
“Relax, Deucey, I’m not picking on her. I was just saying good morning to our new cleaning lady!”
Meryu narrowed her eyes at the boy, turning her back to him so she could continue her chores. This only furthered the red head’s teasing of her. “Besides, what kind of person has ‘otherworldly’ magic, and is supposedly special that they get cleaning duty because they’re not Night Raven material?”
‘Just ignore him. No need to blow a gasket over stupid teasing,’ Meryu told herself again, getting back to sweeping.
The brunette boy-Deuce-feeling pity for the girl-tried to stop his classmate’s teasing. “That’s enough, Ace. Let’s get to class, ok?” He pulled the red-head- Ace’s- arm to follow. Before anyone would go about their day, another voice chimed up.
"Don't forget about me! I'm PRIME Night Raven College material!” a gray blur suddenly appeared on Main Street. It was the gangly talking cat from last night. “I'm WAY superior than her! I deserve her spot times ten!”
All three students were shocked to see the beast again. And he doesn’t appear to have his collar on anymore. “You again?” The young woman said. She didn’t think he would be back again so soon.
Grim smirked at Meryu, “That’s right! I’m back, and I’m gonna prove to all of yas that I’M the Greatest Mage in the World!!”
The trio stared at the cat as if he grew a second head. A tiny cat-like beast, as a student?
Ace scoffed at Grim’s declaration. “Yeah, and I’m the Queen of Heart’s ancestor.” He followed up with a devilish smirk on his face. “There’s no way a cat like you could ever be a mage. You don’t even know the first thing about the Great Seven!”
“Why you-”
“Just because someone isn’t well versed with this school’s historical figures means you should put them down for their ignorance.” Ace and Grim turned to see Meryu looking disapprovingly at the former. “And just because you are a student at an elite school, it doesn’t mean you should gloat about your status to others.”
Her statements ticked off the boy, a rebuttal on the tip of his tongue. “How would you know! You’re not even from here!” He continued speaking to her as Ace made his way over to her. “So why don’t you-”
A ball of light flew past Ace's face, curving up to the sky, and then…
Causing an explosion to occur above their heads!
This caught many people’s attention, from those in the classrooms of the school to on-lookers who were on their way to class. The trio couldn’t believe what they just witnessed as they stared at the girl whose arm was outstretched after saying… whatever her incantation was. 
Of course, this also alerted a certain someone who witnessed the explosion outside his office.
Grim was lost for words. He didn’t think this human was all that special, but the power in that spell still has his hair standing on end. How’d she do that!! He’s lucky he wasn’t on the receiving end of her wrath right now.
Deuce spoke up after a moment of silence. “What… just happened? How did she cast that so fast?!”
Ace was still frozen on the spot. Countless thoughts ran through his head right now. Did she just- There’s no way. How! Gritting his teeth, he shouted at the girl before him. “YOU TRIED TO KILL ME!!”
“No, I did not,” Meryu countered. “I simply gave you a warning to stop it.”
He felt his pride sting at her remark. “I’m out of here. Have fun cleaning, you psycho lady. Come on, Deucey.”
Deuce mumbled under his breath at the name before following. This causes Grim to snap out of his daze and look to Ace leaving. Adding insult to injury, Grim laughs at Ace’s retreat. “Look at you. Cowering away like a baby all because a girl one upped ya! Ha ha!!”
Ace growled, his annoyance and anger bubbling over. “SHUT UP!” He flicked his pen causing a wind spell to fly to Grim. It almost hit its mark if Grim hadn’t avoided it at the last second. “Stupid cat!”
Grim snarled at the red head. “I’m not a cat!” And blasted fire back in retaliation.
And so began their fight.
Phase 01: Book 01: Dia rosa rudje ~Tes biron~
Hymmnos Note:(Rough Translations) with an Author’s Note:
*Dia rosa rudje: The King of Red Roses, essentially “The Red Rose Tyrant”
A/N: The Bolded Hymmnos at the start of the chapter will stay untranslated for now. But, as an Easter Egg, if you hadn’t guessed what those numbers and coordinates are, they’re a nod to the theatrical release dates of two particular movies. This is for my own take on Ar Tonelico’s lore and its connection to Twisted Wonderland.
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boowhumps · 1 year
Whumptober 2023
Day 1
By - B.W
~ Swearing
~ Mentions of Injuries
~ Mentions of Blood
~ Mentions of Death
~ Mentions of Cannibalism (kinda?)
"Okay.. How many fingers am I holding up?"
"Silas, this isn't helpi-"
"How many, Amne?"
Silas sighs in relief. "Okay.. That's good.."
Amne groans. "Silas.. you ask the fingers question if you think someone has a concussion.. Not if they've been stabbed.."
There's silence as Amne pushes her hand harder on the open wound in her side, a poor attempt to stop the bleeding.
Silas looks at Amne awkwardly. "..right.. But still, what if you hit your head when you were stabbed?"
Amne glares at him. "I didn't hit my damn head Silas, although sometimes I think you did, dumbass.."
Amne hisses slightly from the pain as Silas frowns.
"Well I'm sorry for trying to help, a thank you would be nice.." He sulks as Amne sighs.
"..thanks for killing that guy before he came at me again.." Amne says, looking at the floor.
They both turn to the body on the floor, which can hardly be called a body considering how fucked up it looks.
"You're welcome." Silas replies, happy with the acknowledgement.
There's a lingering silence as the two sit there awkwardly.
"..where the hell is Dani.? I'm bleeding out here.." Amne groans annoyingly.
"She should be back soon.. I think.?" Silas says with an unsure smile.
As if on cue, Daniele comes rushing in, a blabbering mess of apologies and questions.
"Dani.. I'm fine, just.. hurry up before I bleed out.. Selyna will have my head if she has to revive me again.." Amne says in a poor attempt to calm Daniele.
Amne leans her head back as she watches Daniele stitch her up. Silas gives her a weird look, which Amne returns.
"..what.?" Amne mumbles.
"You are.. relatively calm despite the fact you're being sewn up without anything to help with the pain.." Silas says with a raised eyebrow.
Amne chuckles slightly, earning a small slap from Daniele and an order to stay still.
"Better nothing than a bottle of alcohol, no?" She says, which only earns a more concerned look from both Silas and Daniele.
Amne pauses, sensing the concern from them.
"..the alcohol is for disinfecting.. not for drinking.."
Silas and Daniele both sigh, and go back to normal.
Suddenly, a loud voice interrupts the trio, making them all groan on cue.
"Are you guys done yet-" Says Lua impatiently as she walks in, stopping at the sight of the body.
"What.. In the Selyna.. Is that-?" She asks, staring at the body in disgust.
"That.. is a body." Silas replies with a shrug.
"Correction, that was a body.." Amne says, looking at it blankly. "That body's definitely seen better days.."
Lua sighs. "I know that.. but why does it look so.. disfigured.?"
There's another awkward silence before Daniele speaks up.
"He kinda.. attacked Amne..-" She starts slowly.
"-and so I did what any person would do in that situation.." Amne says.
"I lunged at him and I may or may not have.. ripped his throat out with my teeth.." She mumbles.
Lua stares at her in shock.
"You.. What!?" She shouts, throwing her hands up.
"Oh come on, Silas shot him in the head!" Amne retaliates, earning another slap from Daniele to stay still.
"The fuck, Amne!?" Silas shouts back. "Don't drag me into your shit!"
"Who in their right mind rips a guys throat out, especially with your fucking teeth!?" Lua exclaims, shaking her head.
"He didn't even taste that good.. his blood was too bitter.." Amne mumbles as Lua groans again.
"So you didn't only rip his throat out.. but you also drank his blood!?" Lua stares in disbelief.
"I'm a wolf, Lua! That's kinda what I do! I need it to survive!" Amne says with anger.
"That's not the point, Amne! You are literally insane!" Lua shouts back.
Silas groans and pinches the bridge of his nose as the two keep fighting.
Daniele finishes stitching Amne up and stands up abruptly. She takes a deep breath, and promptly loses it.
"Can you both shut the hell up!?" Daniele shouts, making both Amne and Lua stop mid-screaming.
She takes another deep breath, and goes back to a calm state.
"Now that we're all calm, can we please leave.? That body is starting to smell.." She says, grimacing from the sight of the body.
They all stare at the body in silence.
"Do we just.. leave it here.?" Silas asks.
"I'm not touching it." Lua states, putting her hands up.
"Me neither.." Daniele mumbles, backing away.
The trio then turn to Amne, who promptly groans before standing up.
"..seems like I'm the one doing all the work here.." She mumbles in annoyance as she takes ahold of the body.
"Hey, you eat it.. you clean it up." Lua says as she pats Amne on the shoulder, earning a scowl in response.
"..whatever.." She rolls her eyes as she begins to drag the body away. "How about you all do something useful and find out where Destiny is? She's the last target."
Silas nods. "Right.. Lua, look for her location."
Lua glares at him. "She meant all of us, dumbass."
Silas crosses his arms. "Look, Daniele patched up Amne, and both her and I killed that guy, so by taking all that into consideration.. it's your turn to do something." He explains as he tosses the tracking device into Lua's arms.
"Hey! I kept watch outside!" Lua says, walking after him.
"Yeah, so hard Lua.." He mumbles, stepping outside to help Amne.
Lua groans as she watches him leave, then turns over to Daniele.
"Don't look at me, I'm just a healer." She says, putting her supplies away.
Lua rolls her eyes as she opens up the device, tapping on it impatiently.
"So much for fuckin' teamwork.."
0 notes
wemeetby-accident · 2 years
Sunshine made a mental note to heavily disinfect her shoes once she’s back on her side of the base. Dried vomit is caked on the laces of her boots - thank god she wore her boots - and it made her skin crawl. But she can’t take care of it now, not while she’s got to scribe for Xavier.
He’s the source of the vomit, heavily concussed after the run-in with a monster. Her own blood is mixed in there too, along with Xavier’s, but she’s less concerned with the injury at her throat. Xavi was what mattered.
Lark had tried to give her enough warning, but Xavier was too big, and while leaning on her puked right onto her feet.
“Absolutely disgusting, Xavi,” she hissed, trying to hold him up.
“You can’t be holding me up?” he slurred, not realizing Lark was on the other side. He simply stared right at Sunshine, confused.
“Definitely concussed,” Lark sighed, shaking his head.
They managed to drag Xavier to the medical wing, where it was confirmed: yeah, Baby has a concussion. A pretty severe one, at that. The lights bothered his eyes and his long limbs proved to be an issue, causing him to be clumsy as he nearly tripped over his own feet.
“You’ve got to get the report in before this gets any worse,” the doctor had sighed, ushering the trio into a private room where the lights could be dimmed. “But he —“ a finger jabs out to a grinning Xavier as Lark ushered him to the bed — “cannot type it. No screens, nothing until a further evaluation can be done.”
“And that will be…?” Sunshine asked, hesitant. Another medic started tending to Xavier’s wounds, shooing Lark away.
“Dunno.” The doctor shrugs, as if there were other more pressing matters at hand. “A few hours at least. You can do it here, while we’re waiting and can watch him.”
Sunshine nodded. Great.
So she’s supposed to write the classified report…?
The Lieutenant wouldn’t know, right?
“Xavier, tell me how to start this…” Sunshine asked, sitting in a chair pulled close to the side of the bed. Her hands shook slightly as she stared at the file.
“Why write? Come an’ sit wi’f me.” He patted the bed, grinning.
“Xavier, I can’t. You - I - have to get this report in. We do,” she sighed, shaking her head. She’s got a bandage at her throat now, having been seen to before the medics disappeared elsewhere.
Lark had gone for a run, so it was just the two of them in the dark room.
“I’m already going to be in trouble, Xavi, can we please -“
“Fine. Fine. I’ll be in trouble instead,” Xavier offered with a grin.
Her shoulders dropped - there was no arguing with him. Sunshine skimmed the file format again and grimaced. She had no clue how to fill this out. How could she? She shouldn’t even be doing this in the first place. Someone who was classified needed to be doing this, but seeing as Xavier was asked to do it now rather than later? There was no time to find the Lieutenant and explain what had transpired.
“I’ll start from the beginning, then,” she said aloud, chewing at her inner cheek.
“We’d found something on KorTac,” Xavier added, almost absentmindedly answering her question.
If she needed an opportunity to prompt him, this was it. Her fingers flew across the keyboard, nodding.
“We had, yeah,” Sunshine hummed, hoping it would cause him to continue.
It did.
For the better part of a half-hour, Xavier’s every word - for the most part, anyway - was written down.
Sunshine didn’t change the overall report. She didn't even include her own perspective of the events, which in hindsight was absolutely terrifying. Her hands went to the bandage at her throat as a chill ran down her spine.
“Lemme see,” Xavier asked, trying to lean over the bed to the see the laptop screen.
“Xavier, you’re not supposed to be looking at screens.” Sunshine chided him, closing the laptop partially.
“But I wanna see what you wrote,” he frowned, looking right at her.
“I just wrote down what you told me.”
“Yeah, but I wanna read it.”
“Xavi, please, we just need to get this done.”
“Isn’t it done?”
“No, I - I don’t know how to fill out the bottom portion of this document. It’s got a bunch of abbreviations,” Sunshine sighed, shrinking into herself. “And then we have to get it to the Lieutenant and —“
“The Lieutenant…” Xavier all but sighed, grinning once again.
“Xavier please - just tell me how to fill it out and then we can —“
“And then we can what?” A new voice joins the conversation - but Xavier doesn’t notice, repeating:
“And then we can…?” His eyebrows are raised, expecting an answer from Sunshine that perhaps wasn’t entirely work-appropriate.
But Sunshine froze, the tremor back in her hands. “L-Lieu - Lieutenant!”
“We can do — ohhh.” The voice finally registered in Xavier’s head and he wobbled to sit up straight. “Oh.”
“I - I can explain everything, really -“ she started, closing the laptop completely and standing from the chair.
The little bit of light in the room reflected off the Lieutenant’s glasses. Sunshine hadn’t really interacted with them much - not in this kind of situation - but knowing what she’d done made her brace for whatever came next.
“The medics informed me that the Corporal has a concussion.”
“That’s correct,” she offered shyly, standing in front of the bed in an attempt to block Xavier. (Little good it did, as he towered over her even in a sitting position.)
“Why wasn’t I informed of this, Analyst Davar?” Their tone was clipped, disappointed even.
“The - The doctor, he said that the report needed to be completed immediately, before Xav — the Corporal’s symptoms got worse. He uh - he said I should do it, since screens are bad for a severe concussion. Light in general, too. It’s why it’s dark in here.” Sunshine barely managed to get the words out of her mouth, wanting to fold into herself or even slide underneath the hospital bed Xavier was on.
“So you, Analyst Davar, took it upon yourself to scribe classified information into a classified document template at the request of a medical professional?”
“That’s correct, Lieutenant.”
“And you currently have a bandage around your neck because…?”
“B-Because I was present for - for the incident in which the Corporal received his concussion.” There was no point in hiding it.
“So not only did you transcribe classified information, you were present? In the field?”
“Not because of Operator Tanaka or the Corporal. There was - it’s.. I transcribed his report. Everything from the Corporal’s point of view is in there, Lieutenant. I didn’t change anything he told me. And! And please.. None of this is their fault.”
The K95 mask hid how the Lieutenant’s lips pressed into a thin line. “Operator Tanaka was involved?”
Before Sunshine could answer, Xavier unceremoniously threw up.
“Hey LT…” Xavier offered weakly, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. He smiles almost dumbly before gagging again. “I don’t feel so good.”
Sunshine saw and escape and ran for it. “I’ll go get the doctor, Lieutenant. They’ll want to know he’s vomiting again.” The scent of vomit filled her nostrils and it - along with the impending doom circulating through her system - made her stomach turn.
“Again?” An eyebrow twitched for a brief second before they shook their head. “Corporal Wolffe, is she correct?”
“Yeah.” In the darkness of the private room he nods, smile still lopsided. “Sunshine’s got vomit on her shoes. Shoul' be my vomit.”
“Analyst Davar, you are dismissed. I’ll handle his medical needs - and the report. Do not speak of this to anyone besides myself, Operator Tanaka, and…” Lieutenant Rockanstansky peered down at her before turning their attention to a woozy Xavier. “Corporal Wolffe, once he’s recovered. This is a security issue and I will be treating it as such."
“Yes, Lieutenant,” Sunshine breathed out, leaving the laptop behind. She knew better than to take it with her and compromise her job even more.
“Bye Sunshine!” Xavier called out, waving as the shape he assumed was her left the room.
Oh, she was in so much shit.
0 notes
Could you write a Draco Malfoy x Slytherin !Potter!reader. Y/N and Draco have been dating since first year but haven’t told anyone because people think she might be the only “good slytherin” and to prevent Harry from freaking out they stay quiet till the Quitage World Cup where she goes with Draco and his father and spent the summer with them rather than the weasles . Pansy and Blaise know about Y/N and Draco because the 4 of them became best friends through the years (and reader won’t be only friends with Harry’s friends) . Harry and Y/N get into an argument when they return to Hogwarts the summer of the Triwizard cup and how she’s a traitor (EVEN tho that’s her house) and a disgrace for being with him. So she accepted that and that he hates her so she spends the next year mainly with her house giving the trio the cold shoulder and when the war happened draco and his mother protected her and hid her so Harry was looking for her that time but she was gon so after the war the 4 (Draco Pansy and blasé) walk into the great hall and the golden trio see that Y/N is engaged to Draco and Harry just apologizes and they catch up after all those years.
The Potter Twins
A/n: This has got to be one of the best requests I've ever seen anyone answer. I'm so gratefully you asked me to write it!! Thank you. Also, I did use lines from the book just to make the story work. I could have probably written a whole series so this is very long, I'm sorry. @loxbbg
"Y/n Potter." Professor McGonagall's shrill voice boomed. Just like that, the whole school's attention was on Y/n.
So many students, so much older than her, all focused on her. Probably, she had only just discovered, because of her last name.
The girl and the boy who lived. Apparently, they were famous.
On their 11th birthday, she hadn't expected a giant wizard man to come and whisk the twins away from the horrible Dursleys. But, he was nice and he knew their parents.
Y/n was always treated better than Harry. Aunt Petunia seemed to love her more, even letting her have a big bedroom.
Hagrid, she found out, had taken them shopping and brought them ice cream. While she thought it was all a hallucination when she was able to run through a wall, she knew something strange was happening.
After that, she had met a redhead, Ron. He was dorky but kind to the siblings. And, he seemed to know a lot about the wizarding world.
Y/n took a few tentative steps before sitting on the stool. She was hyperaware of the fact everyone was watching, not able to keep the blush off her cheeks.
The heavy hat was draped onto her head, weighing her down.
"Hmm, the other Potter. You would do good in Gryffindor." The hat whispered to her, making her widen her eyes. She hadn't expected it to talk. It was an object. How could it possibly talk?
Y/n was amazed at the whole thing. It still felt like a dream. The great hall was phenomenal, and she couldn't wait to explore the castle. It was unreal.
Y/n flicked her eyes to her brother. He was already sitting at the Gryffindor table, smiling at her. She hoped she would get to be with him, even though she didn't grasp the house concept. Plus, he was near the other girl, Hermione.
Hermione seemed to know a lot about wizards, and Y/n wanted to be informed. It was like she had finally discovered her missing part.
"I remember your parents. I think you could do just like them." The hat continued. Y/n kept hoping. Hoping she wouldn't go without Harry. The thought of her parents made her heartache, she knew so little about them, but she had heard so much about them in the last few days.
"Slytherin!" The hat roared. Y/n's eyes instantly widened, looking frantically at her brother. How was it possible? The hat had decided she would do good in Gryffindor. She wanted to be with her brother and Ron and Hermione.
Just like that, the hat was off her head. Y/n was speechless as she wandered over to the Slytherin table. Somehow, they all looked mean.
She hadn't noticed who she sat next to until the boy spoke. "I'm Malfoy. Draco Malfoy." He introduced himself, puffing out his chest proudly.
"Y/n Potter." Y/n introduced, despite knowing he already knew.
"I'm Pansy Parkinson." A girl with short black hair interrupted their conversation. "We're going to be sleeping in the same dorm, do you want to be friends?" She asked. A picture of confidence.
Y/n didn't know what to do but nod. "Yeah."
"Now shove off, Parkinson. We're talking." Draco interrupted the girls.
Y/n looked concerned at Pansy, but she didn't look offended at all. "Don't worry. Dracie and I have been friends since we were kids. He doesn't mean it." She reassured the girl, noticing her surprised look. The nickname made Y/n giggle, recognising the look on Draco's face as disgust.
"We're not friends." Draco joked, stoic face. Pansy hit him on the arm.
Y/n liked them already. She could tell they would be good friends. Plus, they filled the gap she was missing, not having Harry next to her.
Harry managed to get a chance to talk to Y/n after the feast. He quickly wrapped her in his arms, comforting his sister.
"I'm sorry we're not in the same house," Y/n told him, feeling guilty.
Harry shook his head. "It's not your fault. It's that weird hat's."
"It's strange, isn't it?" Y/n giggled, not feeling like crying anymore. "I don't know what so much of this means." She continued, feeling nervous about the whole situation.
"I know." Harry agreed with a nod. "We'll get through it together. I just want to know more about mum and dad, and it's good if we don't have to stay with Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon." Y/n nodded to that. They were horrible people. "We should go to our rooms now. It'll be okay." He comforted her.
She gave him another quick hug. "Thanks, Harry." She told him before turning around to walk off.
"Wait, Y/n!" Harry called, she spun back around to face him. "I've heard Malfoy is bad news, be careful." He warned. Y/n nodded, reassuring him she'd be cautious.
She didn't believe it, though, as she skipped off to the common room.
It was only a week into classes when Y/n figured out not everyone at Hogwarts was nicer than the Dursley's. Mainly Professor Snape. For no reason, he seemed to hate Harry. They dissected it later in Hagrid's cottage.
"'S 'cause yeh look like yer mum." Hagrid offered as an explanation. That confused the twins and Ron, who came with them. Hagrid sighed, realising he had to explain it. "Snape loved her, way back, but she married yer dad. He couldn' stand yer dad. Anyway, tha''s all history now. Unfortunately, he's one to hold a grudge. Don' let it bother yeh." He told the children.
Harry just sighed, running his fingers through his hair. "Okay, I'm used to Dudley, anyway." He figured Hogwarts was a lot better than the Dursley's house.
"What about yeh, Y/n, how's Slytherin? They're not pickin' on yeh?" Hagrid asked, switched his attention to the small girl.
"It's alright. I've made lots of friends." Y/n had actually had a rather good week. She'd befriended Pansy and a girl named Daphne. As well as Draco, with who she was very close. That was just in her house. Somehow, she'd managed to sit next to Hermione in a class, Lavender too, and a girl named Hannah Abbot from Hufflepuff.
"Good." Hagrid nodded. "Yeh best be off now." He told them, taking the last sip of his drink.
The 3 of them nodded, getting up and leaving the cottage.
"You know, we've got our first flying lesson next week?" Ron asked the twins, trying to brighten the mood. He could tell they were both thinking about their parents.
Y/n did know. Draco had talked about it nonstop. He was beyond excited.
Harry nodded as well. "I'm not sure I'm going to be any good." He mentioned, lightly blushing.
"I'm sure you'll both be fine. It is in your blood." Ron told them. Y/n and Harry both looked at him with furrowed eyebrows, confused about what he meant. However, he didn't elaborate.
Y/n went to watch Harry's first Quidditch practise, despite him telling her not to. He said it was a waste of time when it was just practice. But she was extremely proud of him. She knew their parents would be proud too.
So she hid in the Slytherin bleaches, hoping Harry wouldn't spot her.
It was slightly chilly, the night wind whipping at her skin. That's when she felt the drape on a coat on her shoulder.
Y/n whipped her head around to see who it was, only to be met with the blonde's features. She definitely had a bit of a crush on him. He was cute and the first boy who had ever paid her attention.
Draco took a seat next to her, giving her a smile. "Hi." He whispered.
"Hi, Dray." It was a nickname she had quickly picked up, noticing how it made him blush. "You don't have to sit out here." She assured him.
"I want to," Draco confirmed.
Y/n knew he was jealous. Draco had done nothing but talk about how much he loved Quidditch. And Harry, who he thought was a blood traitor, had gotten all his success. So it was big that he wanted to sit with her.
They watched in silence before Draco spoke. "Did you know Pansy is dating Blaise?" He asked her.
Y/n shook her head rapidly. "I thought she liked you."
Draco stuck his tongue out in disgust. "No, I hope not. I did have a question though..." He trailed off, cheeks heating pink. He was bouncing his knee up and down nervously.
Y/n had never seen him like that. "What is it?" She asked.
"Do you want to be my girlfriend?" Draco asked hesitantly. Y/n immediately nodded, accepting the offer. She had never felt happier and more relieved.
"Of course, Dray." She agreed immediately his face relaxed. Y/n reached over and laced her fingers in his, not concerned about how sweaty his palms were. "We can't tell Harry though." She suddenly realised, remembering her brother's words. Draco had never been kind to any of the Gryffindor's, despite them being her friends.
Draco nodded. "Okay." He accepted. Y/n was very thankful he agreed to her request.
3rd year was the most stressful yet, for Y/n. She and Draco were still secretly dating, much to Blaise and Pansy's surprise. They couldn't believe how long it had lasted. But Y/n and Draco were drawn to each other, as friends and lovers.
Summer break was also difficult for Y/n. Aunt Marge's visit had ruined the twins birthday. On top of that, apparently, a psychotic wizard had escaped. The Dursley's didn't understand what that would mean. But Y/n and Harry saw just what dark magic could do to Ginny Weasly last year. It was devastating and powerful.
Y/n ran away with Harry when he blew up Aunt Marge. Aunt Petunia had started being much meaner to her, the older she got. While Y/n didn't know Lily, she thought it might have been the reason Aunt Petunia started shunning her.
So, she stayed at the leaky cauldron with Harry. It was the first time she felt happy to not have parents, there were no rules.
Y/n was hiding something. All the letter her owl, Edwige, was bringing her. All from Draco. She figured Harry was too tied up in his own life to think anything was odd. He probably assumed it was Hermione.
The whole train ride all Harry, Ron and Hermione wanted to talk about was terrifying Sirius Black who was trying to murder the twins.
The train's sudden stop frightened Y/n. As the compartment grew cold, she thought it was Sirius, there to kill them. When the Dementor's bony fingers slide open the door, her heart raced, almost beating out of her chest.
This was it. She was going to die from a faceless ghost. It started to suck the life out of Harry and she froze, not knowing how to help her brother.
Thankfully, the cloaked figure in the corner sprung up, scaring the spirit away.
Y/n rushed to get to Harry, but he had already fainted. He was dazed and confused when he woke, Lupin, as Y/n had come to known, handing him some chocolate.
Once Lupin had re-explained what happened, to Harry, he left.
The Potter twins connection let Y/n feel the fear Harry was in, despite being the braver.
Y/n was more than happy to get off the train, being able to sit next to her boyfriend. The Gryffindor table couldn't see them, so they were free to subtly hold hands.
It didn't feel the same that year. Draco was much darker and meaner. He was mean to Hermione and Hagrid, two of Y/n's companions. She didn't understand it.
Their relationship issues came to a head on the date of Buckbeaks execution. Draco and Y/n didn't agree on the situation but it got worse as she roamed the castle with Harry, Hermione and Ron.
As soon as Y/n saw Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle hiding behind that rock she knew today was going to be her breaking point. She didn't understand why he couldn't just shut his mouth and not say anything.
"Have you ever seen anything quite as pathetic?" said Malfoy. "And he’s supposed to be our teacher!" The look on his face was pure disgust. His eyes flicked up to meet Y/n's, not back down from the remarks he'd made as she stared him down.
It was then she realised it. He cared more about maintaining his arrogant reputation than he did his own girlfriend. The thought broke her heart.
Harry and Ron both marched to him, with Hermione one step ahead. Y/n awkwardly stood there, not knowing how to come between her secret boyfriend and friends.
Hermione got to him first, landing a solid punch to his nose. It was as hard as she could, landing a solid sound.
Draco stumbled back, Crabbe and Goyle rushing to hold him up. He gave Y/n a final look as he ran past her.
Y/n's eyes were already filling with tears. Hermione noticed. "Are you alright?" She asked.
She quickly thought up a lie. "I'm sorry... It's just all of this with Buckbeard is difficult. Can you tell Hagrid I'm really sorry?" She stuttered out, the tears streaming down her cheeks.
They all brought the lie, Harry wrapping her in a hug before they walked off. She stood there and cried for a few minutes, all alone. Like no one in the world cared about her.
It quickly turned to anger, her blood boiling. She stormed off to the Slytherin common room, knowing Draco was too proud to go to the hospital wing.
She found him there, on the couch, Crabbe and Goyle at his side.
"I can't believe Granger," Draco exclaimed, not noticing Y/n. "She's a filthy mudblood I could easily get expelled."
"Tell your father." Goyle prompted. Crabbe and Goyle were the best henchmen, dumb and wanting to cause trouble.
"Goyle, Crabbe, I need to speak to Malfoy," Y/n announced. They didn't understand what she meant. "Alone." They finally understood, scurrying out of the room.
Draco didn't look concerned, his eyes challenging her. "What do you want? Hanging out with your idiot twin, that poor, blood traitor Weaslbee and mudblood Granger." He was just as pissed as Y/n was. Maybe, it was the anger for Granger he was taking out on Y/n.
She couldn't hide it anymore. "We're done." She told him. "I cannot be with you when you hate everyone that loves me."
"Fine." Draco shrugged. "I don't care."
That was the last thing Y/n heard from him as she stormed to her dorm room, a sobbing mess. Pansy quickly wrapped her in a hug, not needing to know what happened.
It was the end of term before Y/n even looked in Draco's direction again. She spent all those nights silently sobbing. The slight silver lining was she had gotten much closer to Harry, Hermione and Ron, no longer spending hours with Draco.
He'd trapped her when she was alone in the bleachers, just like he did on their first week.
He didn't place a jacket on her, rather some sunglasses. "Hi." He murmured, hesitantly sitting next to her. Draco was sure Y/n hated him.
"Hey." She replied. The truth was, she missed him. Draco was a part of her, they had grown up in love. They were never meant to fall out of it.
"Enjoying your last day?" Draco asked awkwardly. They felt like they were back in their first year, acting self-consciously.
She nodded, not interested in his small talk. "Yeah, I'm all packed as well." She still refused to look at him.
"I'm sorry." It came tumbling out like he didn't know how to say it. That made her turn her attention to him.
Y/n couldn't help but love him. She never wanted to break up, ever. "Me too." She replied.
Y/n wrapped her arms around him, pulling him in for a hug. He just looked so precious.
"Will you be my girlfriend?" Draco asked, the question was phrased differently this time but it still reminded her of the shy first year.
"Yes." Y/n agreed. She had never known heartbreak like being without Draco.
"Also... I want it to be real this time." That made Y/n worry. She didn't want Harry to find out yet. There was no one Harry hated more. "Will you stay with us these holidays? And come to the Quidditch World Cup?" He asked shyly. That was the bashful boy she adored.
So far, Y/n's plans were to go to the Durley's. She'd just lie to them and say she was staying with Pansy. They wouldn't care because they didn't love her.
'Yes." Y/n told him. "I'm terrified to meet your parents." She admitted.
Draco took her hand in his. "Love, you have nothing to worry about." He assured her. In truth, he also had doubts about his father. Y/n was a Potter.
Once they left the bleachers, Y/n went to see Harry. The trio was in the courtyard.
"Oh Y/n, we were looking for you." Ron pipped up as she took a seat next to them. She tried to not blush too much. "Do you want to come to the Quidditch World Cup with us?" He asked. Uh oh.
"I'm really sorry. I told Pansy I'd go with her family." Y/n lied once again. She felt terrible doing it but she had to. Plus, they weren't going to find out.
"That's fine. Are staying with her the whole summer?" Harry asked. Y/n hated to have to nod. She knew they were keeping a brave face on but they were disappointed.
Y/n's lie worked. She made it to out of the station with Draco without anyone seeing.
They got in the car and, from there, they travelled to the manor. It was fabulous. Better than she could ever imagine. Pointed towers and perfectly done gardens, she was in another world.
"Hey, it'll be okay," Draco assured her, taking his hand in hers as they made it to the door. She had already met their house-elf, who carried the bags.
Draco knocked on the door, trying to seem brave. Narcissa swung it open, arms wide open to pull Draco in. Y/n admired how close they were. She had seen Narcissa once before when she came to see Draco. They weren't introduced but Y/n admired how elegant she looked.
"Y/n Potter, right?" Narcissa asked once she had let her boy go.
"Yes, Mrs Malfoy. It's a pleasure to meet you." Y/n politely said.
Narcissa giggled, shaking her head. "Don't be silly, you can call me Narcissa." She said before opening her arms up for the girl. She hugged for just as long as she hugged Draco, making Y/n feel very comfortable.
Lucius walked over, making Y/n's heart race.
"Draco." He greeted his son with a handshake, much less warm than his mother.
Then he turned to Y/n, staring down his nose at her. She had never felt as small. "You must be Y/n Potter?" He held out his hand.
"Yes, sir," Y/n replied, shaking his hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you."
Lucius just scowled. Narcissa interrupted the tension. "Come, kids, we can talk in the living room." Just like that, she was part of the family.
The Malfoy tent at the Quidditch world cup was impressive. It was grand and dark like the manor.
Her summer with Draco was the best of her life, not that the others were much to compare to. Narcissa was the kindest woman she'd ever know. When she realised Y/n's birthday was the 31st of July, she insisted on throwing a large party.
She let Y/n pick out all the decorations, taking her on a shopping spree to Diagon Alley. Then, they had a spa day and afternoon tea party with Pansy and Daphne and some of Narcissa's friends. As much as she wanted to, Y/n figured it wasn't right to invite Hermione and Ginny.
That night, they had dinner out with the girls, Draco, Theo and Blaise. It was the best day of her life. It only got better when a massive cake was wheeled out, and a cart for of gifts. She was sure it was more than Dudley had ever gotten.
Draco's was the most special. It was a necklace, a traditional Black family one. On it was their initials.
Y/n made sure to stay in contact with Harry, but things had started to slip. She figured he was just busy but she missed him, and their other friends.
It was difficult for Y/n to get along with Lucius, knowing how close he was to Voldemort, the man who was trying to kill her. Somehow, they just didn't talk about it.
"Are you ready to go?" Draco asked, adjusting his black blazer. She couldn't believe how good he looked, a full black suit. His blonde hair parted in the middle. He had grown into his looks majorly over the summer.
"Yeah." Y/n nodded, putting her last earing in. They were a gift from Narcissa, real emeralds. She had a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach she was trying to shake off as anticipation.
"Okay, Mum has already gone to our box. We're going in with my Father." He told her, walking over to grab her hand. Physical contact was something the couple had gotten used to. It was no longer awkward.
Y/n took his hand, lacing their fingers as they walked out of the tent. Draco was taller than her now, he hadn't been in first year. His slim thumb traced over her knuckles mindlessly.
Lucius didn't seem to mind the two of them being so close. The sky had darkened, and the crowds were already cheering. While Y/n had never been to a muggle sports game, she thought this was better. It was noisy but spectacular.
Draco and Y/n talked as they walked, him occasionally bumping into her shoulder. It always made her giggle.
When she heard Lucius' cruel voice, she looked back at him. He was looking up. Y/n followed his eye line. The Weasley's. Hermione. Harry.
Her brain stopped working, and she froze. The look on Harry's face was pure fury. He was looking between her and Draco rapidly, but it was obvious. They were holding hands, and they had just been giggling together.
Those smiles were long gone. The atmosphere had immediately blackened.
Lucius' threat to Harry made her wince. Harry didn't even look bothered, just furious at her. Betrayed. It physically hurt her, and she gripped Draco's hand.
The Weasley group turned to walk off so did Lucius. Draco pulled Y/n closer to him, wrapping his arm around her shoulder.
"Hey, don't worry. It'll be okay. Harry will calm down." Draco told her. She just hoped it was true. Harry didn't like to be deceived, and she had lied so much. Plus, Draco was never nice to Harry, Hermione and Ron. They probably hated her by association. "My father really shouldn't have said that." He grimaced. That's made her confident in her decision. Draco had changed.
Y/n nodded, trying to choke back the tears welling in her eyes. "Yeah, I know."
Draco stopped in the middle of the bridge. He took her face in his hands. "Hey, I love you." He reminded her before leaning down to kiss her. It was soft and filled her back up with warmth, making the chilling look Harry had sent her go away. She just hoped Harry still loved her.
Y/n tried to put Harry in the back of her mind the rest of the break. She did write him a few letters, but he didn't reply.
Harry was too busy to talk to Y/n on the first day of school. She hoped Hermione and Ron weren't giving her the cold shoulder, but they did.
So she spent the welcome feast with Pansy and Daphne. And, of course, her boyfriend.
He confronted her on the second day of school.
Y/n was in the courtyard when Draco and Harry had their quarrel. She always knew Draco was short-tempered, but she couldn't believe the things he was saying to Harry about their mother.
Y/n's shock grew when Harry spat back, knocking Narcissa. He didn't know her like she did. Narcissa had been nothing but kind to Y/n. That was when she knew she couldn't let Harry get away with it.
"Harry!" Y/n yelled, his attention flicked to her. His eyes were even more outraged than they were with Draco.
"What do you want, traitor?" Harry demanded, his voice was angry too.
"You can't say those things about Narcissa," Y/n demanded. Now she knew how mad Draco felt. Her jaw was clenched like her fits. "And, I'm not a traitor. I'm a Slytherin, that wasn't my choice."
Harry rolled his eyes and huffed. "You're sickening. Did you not hear what he said about our mother!?" He lectured her. "I don't know how you could be with someone so vile."
"Draco isn't who you think he is." Y/n defended. Draco loved her. He'd never given up on her like Harry had.
"He hates you!" Harry spat. He was closer to her now, towering over her. She had never seen anyone that mad. "You're not a Potter. You don't belong in our family." He said so lowly it made her shiver.
Harry was so close she thought he was going to hit her. That's when Draco jumped in the middle of the twins, pushing Harry back and shielding Y/n.
"Watch it, Potter." Draco threatened, glaring down at Harry. He was only an inch taller.
Harry scoffed, fists clench, ready for a fight. He looked around Draco, at Y/n. "Mum and Dad would have despised you. You're just like all those other awful Slytherins. I don't understand how you could be with someone as low as Malfoy." His words sat deep in her heart, and he didn't stop them from coming. "You're not a Potter." With that, he left, not looking back.
Y/n immediately burst out in tears. She couldn't stop it. Draco spun around to her, holding her so she wouldn't collapse.
"Hey, hey, hey. It's okay." Draco told her, wrapping her in his arms so tightly. He just held her. "You know they would be proud of you, Y/n. You're so strong and clever." He comforted her, his hands stroking her back.
Y/n shook her head. "No, I'm a Slytherin. They were all brave Gryffindors." She choked out.
"It doesn't matter what house you're in. You're so kind and talented." Draco reassured her. His heart was breaking, seeing his girlfriend in such a bad state. All he wanted to do was stop her from hurting. "I know how important Harry is to you. We can take a break until this all blows over." He reassured her.
Y/n shook her head, clinging to her chest. "No, no, please, Dray." She said as she cried out. "You're the last good thing I have left."
"Baby." He cooed, tracing her cheekbones. "I'll never leave you." He promised.
Draco stayed true to his word. He supported her throughout the whole year. Y/n was always worried for Harry. Despite the shunning, he inflicted on her.
It didn't stop with Harry. Y/n lost half of her friends that day. Hermione, the Weasley's and most muggle-borns refused to talk to her. She was always so kind that it troubled her.
Draco took her to the Yule ball, naturally. She saw Harry that night. They even made eye contact, but he didn't comment on her forest green dress. It matched her eyes perfectly, though, and Harry couldn't stop thinking about one photo of his mother he'd seen. They looked so similar.
She spent the Christmas break at the Malfoy's, receiving a sweater from Molly Weasley. That meant the world to her, despite none of them speaking to her.
When they got back to Hogwarts, Y/n figured out how irrelevant she was to Harry. Ron was the one that was taken for the second task. Everyone noticed. Not his own twin, his friend.
Y/n still remained close with Sirius. They wrote letters to each other throughout the year. He knew how worried she was about Harry.
The truth was, Sirius felt bad, James and Lily were his best friends and he knew they'd be disappointed to see the twins split up. Sirius was also worried for Y/n, he knew what it was like being part of the Black family.
He had hatched a few plans to get them to talk, but none worked. Not due to Y/n's lack of trying.
The third task was the worst thing Y/n had been through at Hogwarts. She could feel something bad was happening to Harry. When he came back through the portkey, she saw it. And it was distressing.
Voldermort was reborn, whether everyone believed it or not. Y/n could feel it was true.
5th year was exciting.
Y/n celebrated her 15th birthday before it started. This time, they had dinner with her friends. She didn't write to Harry.
Sirius sent her gifts, and he was starting to ask whether Narcissa was okay.
Just after her birthday, in August, Draco Malfoy and Y/n Potter were made prefects. They both read the letters at the breakfast table.
Narcissa was overjoyed for both of them.
At 11am, on the 1st of September, they got on the train to Hogwarts.
The rest of that year went on normally, apart from Umbridge's rules.
Christmas break was a sign that a darker power was brewing. Y/n heard the whispers under the door and she assumed the other side of the war also had meetings.
Y/n was shocked when Death Eaters escaped from Azkaban. After the Umbridge drama died down, they had to sit their O.W.L.s. That was rough.
One terrible day of June was Sirius' last. Y/n cried in Draco's arms for days over the death. She always thought Sirius was the only person who was going to be able to reunite the twins. And now he was gone.
Y/n knew something was very wrong during the summer. Draco told her he was a death eater. They cried about it together all night. The weeks following were stressful, and they weren't even back at Hogwarts. The war had started.
Draco and Narcissa kept Y/n hidden from Lucius' guests. O.W.L results were the first good thing that summer.
Y/n's 16th birthday was smaller than her last. Y/n, Draco, Pansy, Blaise and Theo were all hyperaware of the dementor attacks.
That weekend, they visited Diagon Alley with Narcissa. Y/n was at Draco's side the whole time, unfortunately, that meant she had a run-in with Harry and the Weasleys. It was awkward, to say the least. Her own twin still wouldn't acknowledge her.
Draco's task started at the beginning of the year. Y/n was the only one who knew about it, besides Snape.
Then Christmas, with even more death eater meetings. Y/n barely saw Draco. Narcissa had made her promise to take care of him, but it was difficult to get him to eat.
Draco continued his task during the second semester. Y/n knew that Harry knew about Draco. Their twin insight gave him the power to just know things.
It was getting difficult between Y/n and Draco. They didn't talk as honestly as they used to. He wanted to protect her. And she knew he needed to open up.
One day in May, Y/n rushed to see Draco in the hospital wing, concerned about how he could have gotten there. Did something go wrong with the vanishing cabinet?
"Draco!" She cried as she saw him lying on a hospital bed looking pale.
Draco waved at her, a little smile on his face.
"Potter." Snape hissed, looking down at the girl. Y/n didn't care he was there as she wrapped her arms around Draco. Snape was nicer to Y/n this year, which she didn't understand.
From a photo Sirius had given her, she knew she looked more like Lily than ever. She always kept the picture near her. It was the Potter parents holding up their twins, smiling.
"He's fine," Snape told her. "As for your brother, he's going to be in huge trouble." He continued before walking out of the hospital wing.
"What happened?" Y/n demanded, holding Draco's face in her hands. His cheekbones were more prominent now, and his eyes were more overcast.
Draco playfully huffed. "I was, uh, in the bathroom. Potter came in and used the bloody Sectumsempra spell on me." He complained, his eyes now angrier. She couldn't believe Harry would do something like that. But, then again, she didn't really know him.
Y/n noticed the way his voice faded when he talked about where he was. "Why were you in the bathroom?" She knew him well enough to push for an answer."
"Uh, talking." Draco offered an explanation. It wasn't good enough for Y/n to accept.
"To who?" She asked.
Draco groaned, rolling his eyes. He finally gave in. "Fine, I was crying to Moaning Myrtle." He admitted. His cheeks were pink with blush and he looked guilty.
"Dray." Y/n cooed, reaching down to hold his hand. "You can talk to me about anything you need to, any time." She assured him.
Draco nodded, thankfully. "He's going to get detention for the rest of the year." He told her, a self-satisfied smirk on his lips.
Narcissa was one of the last people Y/n expected to see walk into the Hospital Wing. She was in a black pantsuit.
"Mother." Draco greeted her, trying to move in the bed to get up.
"Stay put, you," Narcissa told him with a smile. She walked right over and hugged Y/n. "Are you okay?" She asked. Y/n just nodded. She knew a storm was brewing, but nothing had happened yet. It was only a matter of time. Then she turned to Draco. "Are you?" She asked him.
Draco already had a witty reply, clearly feeling like himself again. "Aside from my own mother preferring my girlfriend to me." He complained, a faux pout on his face.
Narcissa just rolled her eyes, like mother like son. "I can't help it. You get into too much trouble." She told him with a pointed look.
Draco scoffed. "Wasn't my fault." He complained quietly. The girls just gave him a look he knew too well. "Honestly, what are you doing here?" He asked. When Narcissa widened her eyes, he followed the question up with a statement. "Not that I'm not pleased to see you."
"I've actually come for Y/n." She explained.
Both Y/n and Draco looked at her in shock. "What? Why?" Y/n asked, most concerned.
Narcissa looked to Draco who sighed out an 'oh' and then back to Y/n before speaking. "You know about the cabinet." Y/n nodded. "They need it. The Death Eaters. To get into Hogwarts." That made Y/n worry. They weren't coming in to have dinner.
"You don't know this." Draco started, making Y/n's attention turn to him. "My task is to kill Dumbledore." Y/n's mouth gawked open. She could feel her hands shaking. More than anything, she couldn't believe someone would make a kid do that.
Narcissa grimaced. "It's all about to start." Y/n didn't need to ask what 'it' was. "So I'm taking Y/n away." She told them.
"Wait... for how long?" Draco asked quickly, gripping her hand.
"Draco, you sit in those meetings," Narcissa told him. "You know the plan is for them to take over the Ministry of Magic and persecute muggle-borns." That made Y/n wince. "It's not safe for Y/n to stay at Hogwarts, don't be silly about this." She strictly told him.
Draco sighed but nodded. He knew Narcissa was always right. "Can I still see her?" He asked, now thinking rationally. Y/n didn't like that she didn't have any say in the matter.
"Yes." At least there was that. "No one is going to know where she is apart from Lucius, you and I," Narcissa told them.
"Do I get any say in this?" Y/n finally spat out.
Narcissa turned her attention to Y/n with a pleading look. "You know we have to."
"I've still got a month of school left," Y/n argued.
"I know and I'm sorry we have to do this." Narcissa apologised. "It's all going to happen next month."
"Can't I stay until then?" Y/n asked.
Narcissa shook her head. "I promise you, if I thought you could, I would let you. You're a big part of what you-know-who wants, Harry more, but you must stay far away from this." She told her.
Y/n couldn't not agree. "Alright. We're leaving now?" She asked.
"Yes," Narcissa told her. "All of your things have been packed. Draco can come and see you once it's over." She promised.
Draco wrapped his arms around Y/n as he kissed her. It was one of the things she knew she was going to miss. She also knew it was time to go.
"Bye, I love you," Draco told her, waving from his hospital bed.
"I love you too," Y/n replied before walking out of the wing with Narcissa.
From there, they went out a secret passage, making sure no one saw. Professor Snape knew Y/n had to go, so he was coming up with the cover story.
Narcissa and Y/n finally reached a Slytherin scarf, which took them to a house she'd never been to. "Where are we?" Y/n asked, still holding on to the portkey.
"The South of England," Narcissa told her, making her brows furrow and eyes widen. "It's an old Black family house." She explained, opening the door. It was just as grand as the Manor, smaller, though.
Inside it looked just as gorgeous. All the decor was French country vintage. It screamed old money.
"It's beautiful," Y/n told Narcissa, having a look around the inside. There was so much light streaming into the room with wooden details.
"I'll make some tea. Your room is on the second floor, first door." Narcissa told her. Y/n nodded, walking up the stairs to find the room. It was decorated like royalty belonged there. There was a massive window that looked right out onto the coast.
It was then she realised the house was on a cliff. Y/n hadn't seen it from the angle the entryway was at. But it was spectacular. Lonely.
Y/n could spend her whole life there. She set her bags down and strolled around the room. It was smaller than Draco's was, at the manor. But it was much lighter. Almost the complete opposite of the Malfoy family home.
Once she had finished looking around, she went back downstairs to see Narcissa setting tea up on the coffee table. When she walked into the living room she saw the massive windows, showing the ocean.
"Sit," Narcissa commanded and Y/n did so right away. She poured tea for both of them before also sitting down. They sat in silence for a while, Y/n not knowing what to say. "I can tell you have questions." Narcissa prompted.
"Why is Snape protecting Draco and I?" Y/n asked quickly.
Narcissa sighed before answering. "Do you know what an Unbreakable Vow is?" She asked, and Y/n nodded. "Severus and I made one. He vowed to watch over Draco." Y/n nodded again. That vow must have expended to Y/n.
Y/n suddenly had more questions. "You need a Bonder, right?"
"Yes, Bellatrix was ours," Narcissa replied. Y/n was familiar with Draco's strange aunt. They had never met, out of Bellatrix's loyalty to Voldermort.
"Are you going to stay here with me?" She asked, concerned about being alone.
Narcissa shook her head. "I'm sorry. I can only be here sometimes. The story is you ran away, and no one knows where you are, so I can't be here too much." Y/n didn't know that before. Everyone was going to think she'd left by choice. Pansy, Daphne, Blaise, Theo. Harry, if he cared. She knew none of them were going to be able to know why she was gone.
"Am I safe here?" Y/n asked, now worrying about how she would be safe alone. The tea they were sipping seemed to calm her down.
"Yes, there are charms on the house so no one can get in. But, I'm also giving you this." Narcissa stopped what she was saying and pulled out a necklace. It was a heart-shaped gold locket. Narcissa placed it in her hand. Y/n looked at it. That's when she noticed the initials on it. Draco's and hers.
Y/n thanked her. "That's not it. If you open it like this." Narcissa instructed, opening the heart. Y/n noticed the emerald gemstone. "This stone is a portkey, right to the Manor." So Y/n would be able to get back to the Manor.
"I can't thank you enough, and I don't want to intrude, but I do have a personal question." Y/n was hesitant about what she was going to ask. But she needed to know. "You said before, in the hospital wing, that Mr Malfoy knew where I was staying. And I have a lot of respect for him, so I don't want this to come off badly." Y/n could tell she was rambling. Narcissa could as well, she slid a hand onto Y/n's to calm her down. "Why is it safe for him to know? He's you-know-who's number 2. Eventually, he's going to want me dead." It broke Y/n's heart, she knew it was going to ruin Draco's life. But, his father was going to have to kill her.
"Slow down." Narcissa smiled softly. That comforted Y/n a little. "Do you remember when we met, the summer before the World Cup?" She asked. Y/n nodded in agreement, not sure where it was going. "The night we met you, I knew. I knew Draco was in love with you. And, I knew Voldermort was going to come back and try to kill the Potter twins." Y/n's heart started to race at the mention of her parents' death. "I made Lucius make an unbreakable vow. Snape was the Bonder." Oh, it made sense. Lucius couldn't hurt Y/n, Narcissa had protected her.
She just didn't understand why so she asked. "Why? I mean, I appreciate it more than anything. But you risked your whole marriage." It was true, and Narcissa knew that.
"I've never thought you or Harry should be persecuted. My parents raised me as pureblood supremacists, but killing is wrong." Narcissa told her. Y/n was thankful for her honesty. She filled the place Lily had left, and Petunia hadn't tried to fill. "I love Draco, more than anything in the world. The only thing I've ever wanted is to see him happy. I knew he was happy with you." Y/n understood Narcissa's unconditional love for Draco, she felt the same.
"He's lucky to have you," Y/n mentioned, trying not to think about her parents.
"I don't know if I've ever told you this, but I'm very sorry about your parents," Narcissa told her. Y/n could feel the tears in her eyes.
She let a few of them fall. "Did you, uh, know them?"
"My last two years at Hogwarts, they were there. James was only 11 but he was loud and brave. He would even stand up to me with Sirius." Hearing both their names made Y/n cry more. She was crying for the dad she never knew, and the uncle she only had for a short time. "I noticed you at Hogwarts, I think during second year, and I had deja vu. You looked so similar to Lily. She always wore her hair just like you did." Y/n remembered seeing Narcissa but she didn't remember Narcissa seeing her.
"Would they be disappointed in me?" Y/n couldn't help but ask. Narcissa felt her pain, running deep. She immediately wrapped the girl in a hug, letting her cry.
"No, never for a moment." She confirmed. "I know it's not the same, but I'm proud of you." It wasn't the same, but it meant just as much.
"Thank you." Y/n thanked her again.
"No thanks are necessary. I should go back though." Narcissa stated, looking at her watch.
Y/n nodded, gently opening the necklace so she wouldn't touch the emerald. Narcissa held it, and just like that, she was gone.
Y/n found a good amount of things to do. There were movies and music. She still had some of her textbooks. Plus, exploring the house was fun.
But she did miss Draco. And the rest of her friends. Instead of using an owl, she decided to send letters by muggle post to the Malfoy residence, so Narcissa could send them to Hogwarts.
There was a knock on the door a couple of weeks after Y/n moved in.
She peaked out the window before seeing a tuff of blonde hair. It was Draco.
Quickly, she swung the door open, embarrassing him in her arms.
Draco hugged her back, lifting her off the ground and twirling her around.
"Dray, I missed you." She cooed, head buried in his shoulder.
"I missed you too, my girl." He replied, pulling her even closer. It was so tight she felt like she couldn't breathe.
When she pulled back, she had a thought. "How did you manage to come? Don't you have classes?"
Draco shook his head. "Quidditch match. It's Gryffindor vs Ravenclaw, so I came here instead." Y/n was very grateful for Quidditch that day.
They only had a few hours before people would notice he was gone. But they baked cookies together while Draco filled her in on everything she'd missed. As well as lots of kissing.
When it came time for him to leave, she was upset. But Draco made her promise not to cry.
Draco came back after the battle of the tower. Y/n knew there was something wrong. He didn't grin as wide when he met her at the beach.
There were already tears forming in his eyes, and it was late.
"Dray, talk to me, baby." Y/n pleaded as they lay together on the couch. It was far past midnight. Y/n was on Draco's chest and they were a tangle of limbs. She had her fingers running through his hair.
Draco sighed. "I couldn't do it." He sobbed out. "I couldn't kill him. Snape had to do it. It was so horrible, Y/n." He continued, tears still falling. "My father was so mad. He cares more about appeasing Voldermort than me." Y/n's heart clenched as she heard his words.
"Draco, he loves you." Y/n tried to reassure him.
Draco tried to accept it, but it was difficult. "I'm scared for what's going to happen." He told her.
"Me too," Y/n admitted. "How's it all going to end?" She asked him.
The truth was Draco didn't know. And she knew that. "They're talking over the Manor." He didn't want to be the one telling her the bad news. "They're going to go after anyone and everyone associated with Muggleborns. I'm not going to get to be here much." He hesitantly admitted.
"You've done what they needed you to do, though!" Y/n exclaimed, feeling outraged.
"I know. I'm not sure what they're going to do with me. Father lectured me and I just came here." Draco explained. It reassured her there might be some hope he could spend the summer there. "It'll be okay, Y/n."
She tried to retain that. "Can you come back on my birthday, at least?" Y/n asked.
"Of course, baby." Draco quickly replied. That brought Y/n some relief.
Draco was busy a lot of the summer. Despite having completed the task he was given, he was still Lucius's son.
He told Y/n all about how the Manor had been taken over by death eaters. It worried her. She also spent a lot of time worried about Harry. He was the only blood connection she had left in the world, and she had no idea where he was.
Draco came back on her birthday like he promised. He had more flowers than she'd ever seen in her life. That wasn't where the gifts ended. Jewellery, new shoes, perfume and a big cake.
Narcissa made it as well for dinner. She even insisted Draco stay the night.
By nighttime, they were lying in bed together. Draco's arms wrapped around her tightly. As usual, she lay against his chest. Draco stroking her hair.
When she looked up at him, she knew something was wrong. After all their years together, she could read him like a book. "What is it?"
"What do you mean?" He asked. His voice was a slightly higher pitch. Y/n recognised that as a sign he was hiding something.
"I can tell something bothering you," Y/n explained. "Let me in, Dray." She pleaded.
Draco knew he had to. "I have to leave early tomorrow morning."
Y/n knew that wasn't it. "I need the whole truth." Draco groaned, knowing she knew him better than he knew himself.
"I have to go early so I can be at the takeover of the ministry," Draco revealed to her. "They're going after Scrimgeour because he knows where Harry is." Oh. That wasn't good. Either the minister would give up Harry's location, and her twin brother would be killed. Or, the Ministry of Magic would be run by Death Eaters. Either way, their power was growing. Y/n knew Harry only had a matter of time. Then she would be next.
"So, no one knows where Harry is?" Y/n asked hopefully. Even if he hated her, she would rather he was alive.
Draco shook his head. "He's hunting the Horcruxes, I'd guess. Scrimgeour knows and maybe a few members of the Ministry." That made Y/n relieved, although she wasn't sure how good Harry's survival skills were.
"Am I going to be okay?" Y/n asked, fearing the worst.
Draco took a deep breath as he prepared an answer. "I'm never going to let him get to you, I promise. My Father's vow will make sure he can't either. No one else knows you're here." He reassured her. Y/n just hoped it was true, Draco could read that.
"So you're going back to Hogwarts?" Y/n couldn't help but ask.
Draco nodded. "I think Snape is going to be appointed Headmaster. I'll be safe there." That reassured Y/n to no end. He chuckled slightly, a smile on his face. "We were going to be Head boy and girl." He explained. Y/n's face dropped as she tried not to cry. "Hey, hey, hey." Draco noticed. "It's just the way it happened."
"I know." She nodded. "It just could have been the best year ever."
"When this is all over, we're going to have the best year." He assured her. Y/n tried to hang onto that.
It got difficult the further the year dragged on. Y/n barely saw Draco. She did receive letters about how horrible things had gotten. Hogwarts was gloomier, no one could find Harry, Snape's regime was intense. Y/n was thankful she was away from the whole mess.
Just before Christmas, she found out Luna Lovegood had been kidnapped. Draco had started to detest the cause he was fighting for. He never said so, but she could infer it from what he wrote.
In March, she discovered Harry had been captured. Draco was the one who had to identify him, and he felt horrible about it. He cried on her shoulder, begging her to forgive him when he came to see her. Y/n was never mad at Draco. She was smart enough to know he had to do it. And, deep down, she could feel that Harry was okay.
Draco was in a worse state when they escaped. Not because he wanted Harry to be killed. Because his own aunt had murdered Dobby. While he was taught to hate the house-elves, Dobby was almost his younger sibling.
All Draco could feel was split, unsure of what to do.
Draco told her it was all going to happen on May 1st. The battle of Hogwarts. Y/n spent the whole day riddled with anxiety. She spent a whole 3 days wide awake, waiting for news.
She felt a cursing pain through her head at some point on the 2nd of May. Then the visions started, of Harry and Dumbledore at a train station. She realised she was seeing inside Harry's vision. When he made the choice to return to his body, Y/n knew everything would be alright.
Y/n anxious sat on the couch until 3 people appeared. It was only the early hours of the morning. She immediately ran to Draco wrapping her arms around him. He was unkempt, and his hair was a mess. He hugged her back, pulling her into his chest. She had never seen him looking as disturbed.
"What happened?" Y/n asked, turning to give Narcissa a hug. Much to her surprise, Lucius shook her hand. It was the first time they'd ever done something like that.
"We left," Lucius told her. That was also the first time he'd ever properly talked to her. She didn't understand.
They explained it all to her. How Harry sacrificed himself, how he died, more importantly how Narcissa discovered he was alive. Y/n hung on every word as Narcissa told her how she had lied to Voldermort. She also told Y/n Harry asked if she was still alive. Harry still cared about her.
By that point Draco, Narcissa and Y/n were all crying.
The sun had just started rising when Y/n realised it.
Suddenly, she had a massive headache. The kind she knew Harry used to have. And she knew what it meant.
"Voldermort's dead," Y/n announced, causing all of their eyes to widen. "I just know. I can feel it. Harry killed him." She felt more connected to Harry than she had in years, but she knew.
There were no words any of them said as they hugged. She could feel her head beating rapidly, the same as Draco's.
"Who died?" Y/n finally asked the question she was terrified to ask. Harry was the only one she knew was alive from the good side.
"Bellatrix." Narcissa sobbed out, Lucius immediately pulling her into a hug. It was one of the first times Y/n had seen them acting so intimately.
Draco continued giving Y/n the list. Every second felt like an hour as she hoped none of her friends died. "Fred Weasley." She could only think about the heartbreak that would have caused her brother and his friends. "Snape too." Draco let a few tears fall and Y/n rushed to wipe them. "Lupin and Tonks." Lupin was the last person alive who really knew her parents. Now her chances of knowing about them were over. "There were a lot of others too but everyone else we are close to is okay."
"Good." Y/n nodded before wrapping him in a hug. They stayed like that for a few minutes. Both couples holding each other, all feeling extremely grateful.
"We should go back home," Narcissa told them, glancing at the clock on the wall. "We'll have breakfast." She promised.
Draco enthusiastically nodded. "I'm starving." He mentioned.
Narcissa reached out to grab his hand. "You haven't eaten in days."
Y/n quickly turned her attention to Draco. "Dray." She told him, hitting his arm. "You can't do that."
"I won't, ever again." He promised, his hand wrapping around her waist. "As long as you're there to cook for me." He cheekily quipped, looking at Y/n with a grin. It was the first one she had seen in a while.
Narcissa and Lucius both laughed at the younger couple who reminded them of themselves. "You're dreaming," Y/n replied, bumping into his shoulder. Y/n opened her necklace.
Narcissa, Draco, Lucius and Y/n all touched the emerald. Just like that, they arrived in the Manor living room. It was like Y/n remembered, still as dark. She did feel better about being there, knowing no death eaters were trying to kill her brother.
Over pancakes, they laughed and talked. The world finally felt peaceful again. It was the first time Y/n had been happy in weeks.
An owl knocked at the window, around midday and Y/n took the two letters out of its mouth.
"Dray." She told him, handing his one over to him. "It's from Hogwarts." She told Narcissa and Lucius. They both opened their letters and read them. "In June, they're having an end of year feast," Y/n explained.
"So, we've got a month off school?" Draco looked thrilled by the news.
Narcissa chuckled. "What does it say about your exams?" She asked.
Draco read further down. "Mine says my grades from last year will be considered my grades for this year and I can become an Aurora. Or I can go back to Hogwarts." There was hopefulness in his voice Y/n had missed.
"Draco!" Narcissa cheered, jumping up to hug him. "Congratulations."
"Mine says the same." Y/n realised. "But how is that possible?" She asked, looking at Narcissa.
"I'm not sure." The woman replied, looking just as confused.
"I may have a few words with the acting Ministry when Voldermort was in charge," Lucius reported. All 3 of them were shocked by the confession.
Y/n was overcome with appreciation. "Thank you, sir."
"Please, Lucius is fine." That surprised Y/n but it was nice to hear he might not have hated her as much as she thought. It was the first time Y/n had seen a smile on his face. "What are you two planning on doing with your time off?" He asked the younger couple.
Draco and Y/n met each other's eyes, they hadn't thought about it. "What are we meant to do?" Draco asked.
"The house on the cliff is empty, if you want to spend more time there, Y/n," Narcissa mentioned. Draco grinned widely, nodding his head. He accepted the offer. "Slow down, Y/n?" Narcissa asked, turning her attention to Y/n.
"Yes, I'd love to. Thank you." Y/n affirmed her boyfriend's acceptance.
"When can we go?" Draco asked.
Lucius chuckled. "You don't want to spend time with your parents, son?" He joked. Another first. "You're going of age now, Draco. Y/n too. I think you've both earned the privilege of being treated like adults." He told them.
"You have to be back for your birthday, Draco. We're going to throw a party." Narcissa instructed, raising her eyebrows at him.
"So I'm not an adult?" Draco quipped back.
Narcissa turned to Y/n. "Will you make sure he comes back?" Y/n nodded. "Then you are both free to leave after I get a hug." She informed them, opening her arms up. Draco hugged her first, standing much taller than her.
Then he left to get his stuff. Lucius followed him up the stairs. Y/n walked over to Narcissa, embracing her.
"Thank you, for everything." Y/n mentioned in her arms.
"It's never a problem, sweetness," Narcissa replied, kissing the girl on the forehead.
Y/n and Draco took a different portkey to the house. Both of them were buzzing to have a month together after being apart for so long. They finally felt free and independent.
For a few weeks, they just hung out, reacquainting with each other. They spent time in London, seeing muggle sights and shopping. As well as the small, nearby muggle town. It had the cutest cafe.
Draco and Y/n also hung out with Pansy, Theo and Blaise again. They were all thrilled to see her. She explained the whole situation to them and they completely understood.
Between them, it was like no time was lost.
One summer evening, Draco had insisted on cooking Y/n dinner. He explained it was a date. She was to dress up nice like they were going out. Draco was in a full black suit, matching Y/n's sparkling black dress.
He even set the outdoor table, making Y/n sit there and wait for him to bring out dinner.
It was a pasta dish. The same one Narcissa had made the first time Y/n met the Malfoy family.
"Thank you, Dray," Y/n said as they sat, looking out at the view. The sun was just setting and the whole sky was painted pinks and oranges. In the distance, there was the sound of waves breaking on the cliff.
Draco looked nervous, she hadn't seen him like that for a long time. "Uh, I had a question for you." He stuttered out, cheeks turning pink.
Y/n sent him a soft smile, trying to help him calm down. His nerves were worrying her. What could he possibly ask her? Y/n knew exactly what was about to happen when Draco slid off his chair and down onto one knee. Her hands immediately came over her mouth. Tears were already pricking her eyes. He reached into his back pocket, producing a green velvet box.
"I've, uh, I've thought about doing this for a really long time. When we first met I knew you were the one who was always going to hold a special part of my heart. It was everything about you. I never believed in love at first sight until I met you." Y/n was full-on sobbing at Draco's words. They were the sweetest thing anyone had ever said. "I knew from when I met you that I'd always love you. But I had no idea you'd bear to be around me for long enough. I was kind of insufferable." Y/n and Draco both chuckled. "I'm so grateful I even got the chance to know someone as clever, kind, funny and ambitious as you. Once I'd asked you out, I knew I needed you to be mine forever." Draco let a few tears out, stopping to wipe them. "I've done a lot of stupid things, hurt a lot of people and you're far too good for me, I know that. But, I swear, I'm going to spend every day making it up however I can. I'm going to spend every day making it up to you too. If you let me. I think I knew you before I understood myself. You truly are my best friend and the most important person to me in the world." Neither of them could stop the uncontrollable tears they let out. "So, uh, I've got to ask now. Y/n Potter, will you do me the honours of marrying me?" Draco opened the ring box, revealing a huge diamond ring. It looked vintage and the prettiest thing Y/n had ever seen.
Y/n wiped a few stray tears off her cheeks, leaning down to do that same to Draco. "Yes, Draco. A million times yes." He was grinning as wide as she'd ever seen as he slipped the ring on her finger.
He stood up, holding her face in his hands. "I love you." He told her, leaning down to kiss her gently.
"I love you too," Y/n replied, eyes closed with her forehead intimately pressed against Draco's. When she moved her eyes she looked down at the ring. "It's so beautiful, Dray."
Draco nodded before explaining the story. "It's, um, a Black family heirloom. If Mum, Aunt Bella or Aunt Andromeda were boys, they would have gotten it. Luckily for me, it skipped a generation."
"It's stunning." Y/n leant back up to place a kiss on his lips. "Now, what have you cooked for dessert?" She asked, giggling lightly.
Draco rolled his eyes. "Your favourite, of course, but only because you said yes." He revelled.
Y/n woke Draco up on his birthday with an assortment of gifts. After they ate breakfast and unwrapped presents, they went to the Manor.
Y/n knocked on the door happily. Draco's left hand entwined with her right one. Narcissa swung it open and embarrassed Y/n in an enthusiastic hug. She quickly grabbed Y/n's left hand, looking at the ring.
"I knew it would look perfect on you," Narcissa mentioned, tracing over the ring. Y/n grinned at her.
"It is perfect," Y/n said, grinning at Draco.
"You're perfect." Draco simply replied. Narcissa chuckled at the two of them. "Can I have my hug?" He asked Narcissa.
Narcissa dropped Y/n's hand hesitantly to pull him in. "18 but you're still acting like a petulant child." She joked making Draco pull a face of mock offence. "Happy birthday, Draco."
"Are you keeping them in here, Sissy?" Lucius asked, walking around the corner. Narcissa rolled her eyes at him. "Happy birthday, son." He said, wrapping Draco in a hug. "Y/n." Lucius turned to her.
"Mr Malfoy." Y/n greeted. She thought she was in trouble when he raised his eyebrows and shot her a pointed look. The smile on his lips assured her she wasn't about to be told off. "Lucius." She corrected herself.
Y/n held out a hand to shake his but he shook his head, opening his arms. "You're my future daughter-in-law, come here." He insisted, and Y/n hugged him, trying to avoid showing her shock.
After they had lunch and Draco opened more presents, Pansy, Daphne, Theo, Blaise, other friends and several Malfoy and Black family members came over. It was a phenomenal party.
Pansy raced right over to Y/n, flinging her arms around the girl.
"Hi Pansy, it's actually my birthday." Draco sarcastically greeted her.
Pansy rolled her eyes. "Happy birthday, you big baby." She said, giving him a hug too. "I'm sorry I missed my best friend." Draco faked offence.
Theo, Blaise and Daphne all came to hug the couple as well. Neither Y/n nor Draco had realised they didn't know about the engagement.
They all quickly got flutes of champagne, raising them to toast each Draco.
That's when Pansy saw it. "Oh, Merlin. Is that an engagement ring!?" Pansy shouted, grabbing Y/n's left hand.
Both Y/n and Draco awkwardly laughed. "Yes," Y/n confirmed as Pansy admired the ring, showing Y/n's hand to Daphne and the boys.
"That's not just any ring. That's a Black Family ring." Blaise noticed.
Y/n furrowed her eyebrows. "How did you know that?" She asked, looking back at Draco.
He was blushing pink. "Loverboy, here, has been talking about giving it to you since 1st year," Theo informed Y/n. "He wouldn't shut up about it most nights." Her eyes widened as she looked at a red-faced Draco.
"You never told me that," Y/n mentioned, nudging his chest. Draco groaned, wrapping his arm around Y/n's waist.
"Because it's really embarrassing." Draco quietly stated.
Daphne pattered Draco's arm. "Y/n used to talk about you in her sleep." Daphne declared. That made Y/n's cheeks heat. Draco and the rest of the friend group burst out laughing.
It was finally the day of the final Hogwarts feast. Y/n didn't ever think, at 11 years old, it was going to end like this. In 7 years, she had learnt so much more than most people learnt in their lifetime.
"Pans, Blaise." Y/n opened the door of the Black's seaside house to invite Pansy and Blaise in.
Pansy and Blaise were both dressed in formal clothing as they hugged Y/n. She was wearing a deep green dress that matched Draco's suit's tie.
"You look lovely." Pansy complimented her.
"Pansy, look at you!" Y/n returned the compliment, instructing Pansy to do a spin of her silver dress.
"Are we ready to go?" Draco asked, walking down the stairs. He was in a full black suit aside from his green tie. He bro-hugged Blaise and gave Pansy a hug before wrapping an arm around Y/n's waist.
Y/n nodded. "Let's do it."
Y/n hadn't seen how destructed Hogwarts was, but it now looked just like when she left. She couldn't help but feel sad at the tragedy that had occurred a month ago.
"It's odd being back," Pansy spoke what they were all thinking. Everyone gave her a nod of agreement.
The two couples walked into the great hall, hand in hand. Everyone was surprised to see Y/n. They still had no explanation for why she was gone.
Naturally, Y/n's eyes met her brother. She noticed how faded his lightning-bold scar looked. But she didn't go over to him, she just went to her house table.
McGonagall spoke, about the losses they had faced and how good always won in the end. Her speech was inspiring. Everyone was still distraught about the battle, it was evident on their faces.
They ate, laughing at their tables as the sky fell dark. Y/n had missed being at Hogwarts, it was like home to her. The couple finally made their way through the castle to go home when it was late.
"Y/n!" That was a voice she hadn't expected to hear. She hadn't heard him say her name in years. Harry. His voice was much deeper now.
Y/n stopped in her tracks, quickly turned around to look at him. She still looked like she remembered. "Hi." She greeted him, awkwardly rocking on her feet.
"I'll give you a moment," Draco mentioned, unlacing his hand with Y/n's and walking off.
Now, neither of them knew what to say. They were family but so disconnected.
"How are you?" Harry finally asked.
Y/n softly smiled. "I'm alright. And you?"
"Good." Harry stuttered. Silence fell again. "I'm so sorry." He blurted out. "I never should have said the things I did in 4th year. I was so angry about what Malfoy was saying and I couldn't believe it."
Y/n nodded. "I know, Harry, you don't need to explain it or be sorry."
"No, I do. I shouldn't have refused to talk to you for 3 years. It was childish and hurt you." Harry insisted. It made Y/n feel like the weight was off her shoulders. A weight she had been hauling for years. "I looked for you when I left Hogwarts for a whole year."
That was new information but it warmed Y/n's heart. "Harry, I had no idea." She replied, tears swelling in her eyes. "Narcissa told me you asked about me."
"I felt the worst I had ever felt. I was immature, and mum and dad would have been disappointed." Harry admitted.
Y/n shook her head, finally letting the tears fall at the thought of her parents. "Harry, no, please. They would be so proud of you for everything. I'm so sorry about everything I said as well. I just need to know if you hate me." She begged, looking into his matching eyes.
"I never hated you, not for a minute. I was mad but I was also stupid and prejudice." Harry told her, finally allowing her to relax. Y/n pulled him in for a hug without thinking about it. "I missed you so much." Harry was sobbing too, hot tears on Y/n's back.
"I missed you too. Ron and Hermione and the Weasley's too." Y/n told him, pulling back. "Would you maybe want to hang out sometime. Talk?"
Harry couldn't nod quick enough. "Yes, please. I'd really like that. We've missed a lot of time."
Y/n pulled him back in for another hug. It was like the two puzzle pieces were finally together. The part of her heart that was missing was now filled.
"Is your scar okay?" Y/n asked, running her left forefinger over Harry's forehead.
Harry nodded, glancing up at her finger. He noticed the ring. Harry grabbed Y/n's hand, examining it in front of her. "Oh my." He exclaimed.
"Please don't be mad." Y/n winced, breath shortening.
"No, not at all," Harry told her. "I just want to be a part of your life. Draco's as well." He told her honestly. Y/n had never felt better than she did right then.
"Thank you," Y/n told him. "Are you with Ginny?" She couldn't help but ask.
Harry smiled as he nodded. "Yeah. This ring is phenomenal though." Harry mentioned, smiling as he met Y/n's eyes.
"I know." Y/n agreed a giddy smile on her face.
Today just might have been the best day of her life. She had a twin brother she spoke to and an amazing fiancee. Life was perfect.
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pokemonispain · 2 years
Trying to walk off Pneumonia is a dumb idea-Mu Qing/Feng Xin
Summary: In which Feng Xin gets the flu and tries to ignore it, it doesn’t go well
Feng Xin’s head is pounding viciously, his joints creaking and aching with each step he takes. He felt as if he were being burned up from the inside out from the fever he no doubt had.
Nausea boils in the pit of his stomach, making the food he’d forced down feel incredibly heavy in his stomach he’d had a few. But worse of all, was the way his chest crackled and wheezed with each rasping breath, leaving him feeling as if he were breathing through a straw and he hated it.
It brought back memories of when he was a kid, dealing with those horrible asthma attacks that kept him from doing things a kid that age would normally do. Playing outside with friends at times, owning any kind of pet, even just being near flowers or pollen. He hated living that way and when his asthma had gradually died down before disappearing altogether he’d literally cried with relief.
The very first thing he did was go and find some sunflowers just to sniff. Honestly, it was probably why Feng Xin dived so headlong into sports the moment he could, to the point where he now went to a university on a full-ride sports scholarship.
Today though however, he hadn’t been able to fully participate in practice as he’d wanted. He’d made it halfway through before the coach stopped him, called him over, and sent him home on account of how much he was wheezing. He’d felt ashamed honestly, it was just after all practice it shouldn’t be tiring him out like this and yet it did.
Feng Xin stopped in front of the door to the house and begins searching for his keys, he just wants to collapse into his bed right now truthfully, so he can’t help but give a soft yet exasperated sigh when it takes him a while to find them. Even that seems to crackle in his chest, and when he feels that irritating tickle in the back of his throat Feng Xin can’t help but start coughing harshly. It's so violent it brings tears to his eyes.
“Wow, you sound and look like shit.”
Hearing that familiar irritating voice Feng Xin opens his eyes blinking through the tears in them to meet the gaze of Mu Qing who stood in the now open front door, his arms crossed and his face slightly wrinkled in disgust as he stared at Feng Xin.
The pair lived together in the house, it actually used to be a trio of them with Feng Xin having a sports scholarship, Mu Qing going to the university to study fashion, and the final member of the trio Xie Lian studying law. Xie Lian had also acted as a mediator of sorts considering Feng Xin and Mu Qing were always at each other’s throats.
Then Xie Lian left to go live with his boyfriend Hua Cheng, that however didn’t stop the pair from occasionally texting him to complain about something the other did.
Feng Xin stares at Mu Qing for a moment, his eyes narrowed into a glare. He is far too tired, and hurting far too much to deal with Mu Qing’s bullshit at the moment.
“Move, dumbass,” Feng Xin grumbled, his voice raspy, he’s massaging his chest as he walks and surprisingly Mu Qing steps aside allowing him to trudge into the house.
Mu Qing could see that something was clearly wrong with Feng Xin, his usually sharp hazel eyes were completely glassy and glazed over making him appear softer in a strange way, he looked exhausted as well his skin incredibly pale save for the slight feverish blush coloring his cheeks.
Mu Qing scowls, shutting the front door as he does his best to suppress the worry and concern trying to rise up in him, he doesn’t miss the way Feng Xin winces slightly due to the loud noise making his headache worse. 
As Feng Xin begins coughing again, Mu Qing can’t help but notice how horrible the noise is, harsh, wheezing, and raspy as if Feng Xin was having trouble dragging any air into his lungs.
Rolling his eyes, Mu Qing sighed. “God you’re disgusting, go drink some of the tea in the kitchen. You sound like you’re hacking up a hairball.”
Feng Xin manages to stop coughing, his hand massaging at his chest as he did his best not to clutch at it. It was a habit he had of doing when anxious or not feeling well, and the moment he can’t help but feel like something is really, really wrong but the fever-fueled haze blanketing his mind makes it difficult to pinpoint what.
Instead, he just gives a soft huff at Mu Qing’s words before trudging into the kitchen. “Shut up, you're annoying,” Feng Xin told him.
As he walks into the kitchen the scent of tea is potent, bitter, and rich. Normally it would be fine, in fact, Feng Xin usually found the scent strangely soothing but today it seems to hit him like a truck.
The nausea swirling in his stomach increases sharply and suddenly, the back of Feng Xin’s throat begins spasming threatening to make him gag, and he brings a hand to his stomach as he closed his eyes for a moment.
He swallows thickly doing his best to take slow, careful deep breaths feeling all too much like the room is shifting around him all while his stomach’s contents seemingly boil inside of him. His stomach flips, lurching slightly as it gives a soft gurgle beneath his fingers, a low groan leaves his mouth followed by a distinctly nauseated-sounding hiccup.
He feels lightheaded at the moment and he doesn’t know if it’s from the fever or the nausea, his head feels as if it throbs violently in time with his heartbeat. He’s tired, so so tired.
As Mu Qing follows Feng Xin into the kitchen, a scowl on his face, a wave of panic grips him when he sees Feng Xin sway dangerously, his entire body trembling. In an instant, he rushes forward reaching out to grab Feng Xin’s arm and steady him.
Feng Xin opens his eyes, seemingly surprised. “What the…”
“Tsk, you know what, just go lay down or something, I'll fix the tea. Just get out of my way,” Mu Qing told him, hoping his rough words would cover up his genuine concern.
He’s never seen Feng Xin in this state, of course, he got sick as everyone did but this time it seemed to be hitting him harder than it should’ve been.
Feng Xin scowled as he narrowed his eyes at Mu Qing, before snatching his arm out of Feng Xin’s grip. “Don’t touch me dumbass, I know what I’m doing,” he huffed as he made his way over to where the tea kettle was.
Mu Qing grits his teeth as he rolls his eyes. Feng Xin can hear Mu Qing muttering curses under his breath.
Feng Xin swallows thickly as he grabs a teacup from the nearby cabinet, his meal from earlier that he’d forced down sits heavily in his stomach, to the point that the thought of putting anything else inside of it has a wave of nausea washing over him.
He glances over at Mu Qing when he feels his eyes on him and sees the other man standing nearby, a scowl on his face as he watches Feng Xin.
“What,” Feng Xin huffed, irritation clear in his voice.
“Just making sure you don’t mess up the good porcelain like the brute you are,” Mu Qing told him.
That isn’t true, however, while Mu Qing did care about the porcelain he’s more worried about Feng Xin just suddenly collapsing or something again. A sense of unease settles over him every time Feng Xin sways a bit, the way his usually steady hands tremble slightly as he pours the tea into a cup.
Feng Xin is as pale as a sheet at the moment, his skin slick with sweat, and from the way, he seems to be swallowing almost frantically, his Adam’s apple bobbing in his throat. Mu Qing can tell he’s nauseous and he’d be blind not to see so.
As Feng Xin finishes pouring his tea he begins coughing and Mu Qing tenses up to keep from flinching in sympathy because of how harsh the noise is, each one sounds like Feng Xin is struggling to drag air into his lungs, as if he’s choking.
It goes on for a good minute or two and by the end of it Feng Xin is left wheezing harshly, his eyes closed, worry writhes in Mu Qing’s chest alongside fear and he has to bite his lip to keep from reaching out and laying a hand on Feng Xin’s back. To rub it like he desperately wants to, instead he tells himself that Feng Xin probably wouldn’t even want his attempts at comfort anyhow.
While the pair always bickered and argued, typically the stuff they bickered about was more trivial than this, their harsh exchanges hiding the care and love that they genuinely had for each other.
It was the smaller quieter moments between the two that always betrayed their true feelings, times when Mu Qing would stay up working on new designs for class and fall asleep, he’d wake up in bed with Feng Xin having carried him there and placed some water and tea on the nightstand. Those moments when Feng Xin came home from practice absolutely exhausted, barely having enough energy to stay awake, and would sit down beside Mu Qing on the couch to watch tv, occasionally dozing off with his head resting on Mu Qing’s shoulder.
It was always those small, quiet moments spread out over the time of their relationship that betrayed their true feelings for one another. When they were away from prying eyes in their own little world in a sense.
Maybe Feng Xin realizes what Mu Qing wants to do, because he glances over at him as he clears his throat and massages his chest. “I’m fine,” he told him.
Mu Qing says nothing but does give a soft hum that tells Feng Xin that he doesn’t believe him in the slightest.
“I’m gonna go drink this and go to sleep,” Feng Xin mumbled as he walked past Mu Qing.
Mu Qing says nothing, merely rolling his eyes as Feng Xin walks past him. He waits until he hears the door of Feng Xin’s room shut before he sighs, running a hand through his hair.
For a few moments, he stands there battling with himself on what to do. Something was clearly very wrong with Feng Xin, this seemed like something more than just the flu. If anything it seemed almost like Pneumonia almost with how harsh his coughing sounded.
Mu Qing goes to the living room and grabs his cellphone, and begins searching online. Everything he finds says that hot drinks like tea and coffee help break up mucus but to still go to a doctor just in case.
However, despite searching, and searching for an hour or two and getting the answers he needs, the feeling that something was wrong and off. And so unsure of what to really do he texts Xie Lian.
‘Hey, that idiot caught a cold or something and sounds like he’s hacking up a lung, do you know anything to help with that? It’s annoying.’
It isn’t long at all before Xie Lian texts him back.
‘What? It’s not that surprising he got sick, he’s a filthy brute.’
Mu Qing huffs as he sends the message, slightly confused as to why it seemed like Xie Lian was surprised or shocked.
‘Where is he now??’
Mu Qing scowled as Xie Lian’s text appeared on his screen.
‘His room? The dumbass looked about a second from either keeling over or puking so at least he had some sense to go lay down. Not much though.’
‘How long has he been in his room?!’
Mu Qing’s scowl turns into a frown, as he glances at the clock on his phone.
‘About an hour or two ago, why? He’s probably asleep like he should be.’
‘Go check on him right now!!!’
The next message Xie Lian sends has Mu Qing’s blood running cold.
‘As a kid he had asthma, it was pretty severe in the past but it may have come back. So please check on him to make sure he’s alright!’
In an instant Mu Qing gets to his feet, his eyes wide before he rushes to Feng Xin’s room.
When he opens the door the first thing he smells is a distinctly sour almost rancid scent. His eyes dart around the room for a moment before he sees Feng Xin’s form laying on the bed.
He’s curled up beneath the covers on his side with his back to the door, his hair free of its usual ponytail.
Mu Qing huffed as he all but stormed over to Feng Xin. “Hey dumbass why didn’t you tell me…”
His words die in his throat however when he finally reaches Feng Xin’s bedside.
Feng Xin is incredibly still, which is strange to Mu Qing because usually Feng Xin is never quiet and always doing something. Moving around, annoying Mu Qing the first chance he got.
He’s laying on his right side, his face incredibly pale, sweat coats his skin, and as Mu Qing reaches out gently brushing the long black strands of hair away from Feng Xin’s face he’s able to feel the heat rolling off of Feng Xin’s skin without even touching him.
Thick threads of bile and drool dripped from Feng Xin’s almost lazily falling into the small puddle of thick, lumpy  tannish, beige vomit that was by his lips.
Fear and panic writhes in Mu Qing’s chest. “H-hey, wake up,” Mu Qing called as he shook Feng Xin by his shoulder, hating how his voice trembled.
Feng Xin however doesn’t open his eyes, although he does retch weakly his strained breathing hitching and shuddering as he chokes up a large wave of thick, tannish vomit, his body shuddering slightly. The slimy, wet oatmeal-like slurry nearly congeals into a puddle as it spreads across the blankets and sheets like some disgusting river.
As the wave tapers off Mu Qing’s eyes widen in horror when he hears Feng Xin struggles weakly to even draw in even the slightest bit of air, each attempt sounding as if he were being strangled.
Mu Qing jumps when his phone begins ringing startling him slightly, he answers it not even truly aware that his hands are shaking slightly. 
“Mu Qing how is he right now,” Xie Lian asked quickly. His tone is oddly serious but at the same time calm. 
It helps ground Mu Qing a bit and he manages to speak after a moment or so. “He…uh…he’s breathing just barely… uh, he won’t wake up though,” Mu Qing told him, stumbling over his words as his eyes rove Feng Xin’s form.
“Okay, alright. Mu Qing I’m going to call the ambulance for him to take him to the hospital. While I’m doing that go in his closet and look on the top shelf, there should be a nebulizer up there. Pour the medicine that’s in the same bag into the small capsule section that’s connecting the tub and mask parts okay,” Xie Lian said, making sure to speak slowly and clearly. “Once you’ve done that put the mask on his face and turn on the machine, it should help him a bit until the ambulance comes.”
“I…uh…uh…” Mu Qing begins, a strange buzzing filling his ear as he looks over at Feng Xin, his hands shaking. If he’d waited a little longer to call Xie Lian what would have happened? This thought circles over again in his head nearly drowning out every other thought.
“Mu Qing!”
Xie Lian’s voice is crisp and clear, shattering through the haze of panic in Mu Qing’s mind.
“Did you hear me? My instructions? You can worry and panic once he’s at the hospital, tend to him now first or his condition will get worse before the ambulance gets there,” Xie Lian told him.
This time Mu Qing answers much more quickly and in a manner, he usually would, “Right, I’ll watch the idiot. I got it.”
The moment Xie Lian hangs up Mu Qing shoves his phone in his pocket and goes to the nearby closet, he finds both the nebulizer and the medicine inside just as Xie Lian said it would be.
He rushes back to Feng Xin’s side, quickly plugging the nebulizer’s power cord into the nearby wall outlet. He follows Xie Lian’s instructions pouring the liquid medicine into the capsule section, before picking up the oxygen mask and turning back to Feng Xin.
Mu Qing freezes for a brief moment when he sees him. His face nearly turning grey as he laid motionless, his black hair that was normally pulled back now framing his face, it was a sight that Mu Qing very rarely got to see but at the moment he was more worried and concerned than anything.
Not caring about the mess on the bed, Mu Qing reaches out gently lifting Feng Xin’s head to place the mask over his mouth and nose. He can’t help but notice that Feng Xin’s fever is so high that it almost feels as if it stings Mu Qing’s skin, as he presses the on button for the nebulizer and a white mist-like substance begins to flow through the tube and mask he gives a sigh of relief.
Now he just needed to wait for the ambulance to come. A shuddering sigh leaves Mu Qing’s mouth as he looked at Feng Xin.
“You should’ve told me you idiot,” he whispered as he gently brushed the long strands of hair away from Feng Xin’s face.
It isn’t very long thankfully that he hears the sound of ambulance sirens in the distance but until they arrive he simply continues holding Feng Xin.
Feng Xin is slow to wake up, there’s a strange piercing beeping noise coming from somewhere. It’s a bit cold as well and there’s a horrible, stale bitter taste in his mouth, right along with something else that he can’t really place at the moment although it is familiar.
He can feel something on his face, around his mouth and nose he reaches up which is a struggle in itself, but before he can attempt to remove whatever was on his face something latches onto his wrist rather firmly.
He hears someone speaking two people actually although their words come to him as if he’s underwater.
He feels like he’s been run over repeatedly honestly, aches and pains flaring to life along his body as he drags himself more and more into consciousness. As he opens his eyes he flinches at first quickly closing them when a bright white light fills his vision.
“First he nearly suffocates and now he’s nearly blinded himself. I’d expect nothing less.”
The voice is clearer and more distinct now, this time when he slowly opens his eyes the room is dimmer, the lights having been dimmed significantly. It takes Feng Xin a second to realize he’s in a hospital room, he’d had the displeasure of visiting them quite a bit as a kid so when that’s the first thing he sees after opening his eyes he can’t help but groan.
And he groans again when he sees Mu Qing sitting near his bedside.
“Why are you here,” he rasped, wincing slightly when talking makes him feel as if his throat were being rubbed raw with sandpaper. It is also at this moment that Feng Xin realizes that he’s wearing an oxygen mask.
“Mu Qing was quite worried about you. I was as well,” Xie Lian said as he gave Feng Xin a warm smile. He stood by the light switch having been the one who dimmed the lights. Ignoring the look Mu Qing shoots his way, Xie Lian chuckled. “I suppose I better go get the nurse.”
When Xie Lian leaves the room it’s quiet, Feng Xin simply staring at the ceiling for a few moments until Mu Qing speaks.
“He’s wrong you know, I wasn’t worried your lack of common sense just annoyed me. What kind of dumbass tries to walk off asthma of all things, and with a severe case of the flu no less,” Mu Qing huffed.
Feng Xin glances at Mu Qing noticing that he was almost absentmindedly tapping his foot, which was one of his tells that he was typically lying.
Feng Xin gives a soft snort ignoring how it made his chest ache ever so slightly. “You are one of the worst liars I’ve seen in my life.”
Mu Qing narrowed his eyes then rolled them. “You’re calling me a horrible liar? You’re the one who said you didn’t eat any cake all while still having frosting clinging to your lips, brute.”
Mu Qing’s words earn him another soft snort from Feng Xin. “How in the world could I have known that you obsessively stare at my lips.”
At that Mu Qing splutters and it’s probably a good thing Xie Lian returns with the nurse just then because Mu Qing is perhaps one more second away from attempting to smother Feng Xin with a pillow.
Deep down however he’s relieved, so, so incredibly relieved and thankful that Feng Xin was alright.
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Come Back to Me
Slightly different format, but this was a request received on my AO3 account, this story can also be found under the prompts there! 
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/31186172/chapters/79974085
Request from Nannerslugs: Alcina being jealous/missing the reader while she spends time w/ her daughters?
Hours had passed, and wine had begun to coagulate. Disdain was apparent with the latest sip, seeing lips curl upwards in disgust. With her mind entirely consumed with you, Alcina had absentmindedly neglected her alcohol of choice within her chalice, turning sour, warm and thicker than one could guzzle. Every attempt to distract herself failed; the book in her hands slammed shut in frustration, the emotion toiling within as her thoughts slipped back to you. Oh, how she craved your calming presence; she had yet to embrace you since waking as with every moment she successfully caught you alone, you would be whisked off under the guise of innocence by one of your daughters. Neither she nor you could resist those pleading eyes and wishful voices.
As much as she adored the girls, she desired your attention and affection equally, maybe more so, you were her wife, and all she hoped for was for you to be resting comfortably in her lap. Having carelessly chucked her book afar, tumbling to the floor haphazardly, Alcina lifted the now empty chalice, turning it in hand. Recollecting the apologetic gaze cast in her direction before you were out of sight, Alcina's brows furrowed as her frustration morphed into discontent tainted with jealousy. Unfortunately, her glass suffered from her unchecked emotions, having the stem snap with an increase in grip. As fragments of the fragile material shattered, scattering on the floor, a growl made itself known. The incident would require a maid to be summoned to clean the mess. Shaking her head, Alcina stood abruptly, intent on seeking you out with haste.
The day was set to be a quiet one, lacking Mother Miranda's calls and paperwork alike. Plans of content company between the pair of you were made, lazing in the library or bedroom; that was the question. Although, this all came to a halt as Cassandra appeared, her flurry of insects vibrating with excitement as they took an additional second to re-assimilate into her natural form. Quick to announce her purpose, Cassandra continued to fidget ever so slightly as she attempted to regain her poise and composure, evidence that her anticipation had become too much to contain. Hunting, a promise made the day prior, could not be denied, not as the girl gripped and proffered a second sickle to her mama. Gliding soundlessly, you accepted the proposition, placing a gentle kiss on Alcina's forehead before granting her a quiet farewell.
Time had crawled by torturously slow; the cries and screams of Cassandra's target had long since silenced, leading Alcina to query your location, particularly when neither you nor her eldest had attended lunch, much to her disappointment. A sigh escaped parted lips as her frame uncharacteristically slumped in her chair; regardless, she enjoyed the company of her youngest two, who filled the silence with constant chatter and occasional bickering. Their stories were never less than entertaining, especially as each recalled a recent incident involving Heisenberg and his fellow lycans. While her daughters cackled in delight at the memory, the countess herself couldn't help but laugh, her hand failing to stifle the sound, amused by their antics. As the trio departed the dining room, citing other activities left to be completed, Alcina soon learnt of your whereabouts. Upon observing Bela encouraging and beckoning you to follow her footsteps, the fleeting forlorn expression on Alcina's face shifted to shock, clueless as to how you had become persuaded this time. Nevertheless, she held out hope that she could reclaim you by evening.
However, Daniela had other plans as she abruptly entered your shared quarters, collapsing across your body on the bed with a huff, claiming in a dramatic fashion that she had been neglected. Your chuckles shook her own frame, pulling forth whines of displeasure despite the hand that came to rest on her head. Seeing no end in sight, you relented, and with great reluctance, Alcina let you go, attempting to mask her despondency as you were dragged from the room. She hadn't set eyes on you since then but following the signature uncontrollable laugh of her youngest that was soon reversed. Daniela lay with her head nestled on your lap, body quaking as giggles escaped her blood-stained lips as you animatedly recounted her favourite story.
Hovering by the door for a second longer, Alcina smiled, the sight before her almost convincing her to change her mind, but alas, she remained steadfast concerning her mission; to drag you back to bed. Much to Daniela's protests, she lost her place of rest and end of her story, but as her mother’s gaze fell upon her, she wisely chose to bid the pair a quiet goodnight.  
"At last, you're all mine, iubi," muttered Alcina as she pressed her face into your neck. You can't help but squirm under her ministrations before sighing in satisfaction as her tongue is replaced with kisses across sensitive skin.
"Was that ever in doubt?"
A nip of her teeth was her response, lapping up the small beads of blood that rose to the surface. "No, but I think a reminder would do you good," she replied, breath ghosting over the shell of your ear. Watching the visible shiver travel the length of your spine she smirked, before delicately returning you to your last place of rest on the bed, a position that left ample room for her too.  
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starshine583 · 4 years
New Girl on the Block (8)
(Thank you all so much for your love and support during this fic! I hope that you all enjoy this next chapter and be sure to check out the mini series connected to this called Journal Entries!)
Ch.1 / Ch.7 / Ch.9
Chapter 8: Lost and Found
Felix was utterly and hopelessly lost.
He stalked the aquarium aisles, looking this way and that for the rest of the group. How did this even happen? Allegra had had an iron grip on his wrist. He was certain of that. Yet somehow, he runs into one person- one person! -and just like that, everyone’s gone! 
Felix tisked, annoyance quickly rising in his mind as he turned down another aisle. Briefly separating wouldn’t have been that bad. In fact, he welcomed the moment of silence at first. Aside from the occasional person who bumped into him, no one was yanking on his wrist or dragging him along. The problem arose, however, in the realization that he’d been aimlessly searching for them for thirty minutes now. After losing sight of them for a second! Did they truly walk that fast or did they leave him on purpose? It wouldn’t be the first time it’s happened. 
His hands clenched into fists, and a scowl tugged at the corner of his lips. He was this close to climbing on top of heads- 
A light giggle caught his attention, faint but there, coming from the southern side of the room.
Felix whirled around, his eyes darting through the crowd. He recognized that laugh, but where was she?
His gaze landed on a pair of pigtails a moment later, and he nearly sighed with relief. Even with the dimmed lights of the aquarium, he could make out Marinette’s small figure standing in front of a smaller aquarium not far from him. He didn’t see anyone else with her, though. Where were the others? Did she get lost too or were the other people blocking them?
Felix moved forward to approach her. With the trio or not, he’d finally found someone from the group. That was his main concern. Besides, she didn’t seem worried about being alone, unless cooing at the glass and laughing was a sign of nervousness. (which, for her, it wasn’t.)
“You look like you’re enjoying yourself.” He commented as he stopped next to her.
Marinette jumped, as usual, and let out a squeak of surprise.
“Oh, Felix!” She gasped. “We were looking for you earlier.”
Felix hummed, glancing down at the octopus that was crawling along the rocks in front of them. “Yes, it would seem that ‘keeping up with the group’ wasn’t as easy as Allegra had claimed.”
A nervous chuckle tumbled from her lips, and she tucked a strand of hair behind her as she said, “Yeah.. we thought about texting you, but Claude said that you would catch up eventually.”
Felix scoffed. He should have known that Claude would be the one to prolong his suffering. Looking around for the brunette once more, he noticed that they were indeed alone. (Save for the large crowd swarming around them, that is.)
“How did you get separated?” He asked, merely curious. The group’s left him several times, but he doubted they would abandon Marinette so easily. Something else must have happened. 
“Well, I was originally trying to look for you,” she explained, “but then I ended up getting distracted..”
She snorted. “I swear I stopped to look at one turtle, and by the time I turned around, everyone was gone.”
Felix offered a nod. He knew all too well how that went.
“At least we found each other.” He pointed out. 
Marinette smiled up at him. “Yeah! And I found this adorable octopus!”
The way she said ‘adorable’ was similar to the babying tone of someone who was speaking to a dog, and she turned to the tank to wiggle her finger at the creature. Felix thought it to be somewhat.. endearing. 
“.. Did you know that an octopus has three hearts?” He asked, strangely wanting to encourage her enthusiasm. Normally, when Claude would start rambling or bouncing around about different subjects, it would annoy Felix. With Marinette, though, that.. simply didn’t happen. Perhaps it was because she was quieter about it?
Marinette gasped, her sparkling eyes shifting back to him. “Wait, are you serious?”
Felix nodded. “They also contain blue blood.”
Her jaw dropped open. “No way! How do you know that?”
“I’ve read a few encyclopedias.” He admitted with a half-shrug. “They’re a lot more interesting than people give them credit for.”
“That’s so cool!” Marinette nearly squealed. “Tell me another one.”
Felix stared at her for a moment. That might be the first time someone’s ever willingly asked for him to recite facts without a sarcastic tone. He didn’t think he would be this pleased about it.
“Well..” He began, mentally sifting through the pages of books that he’s read. “Their limbs are actually called ‘arms’, not ‘tentacles’. The term ‘tentacles’ is reserved for squid, cuttlefish, and nautilus.”
“What?” Marinette blanched. “No! My whole life is a lie!”
Felix smirked at her dramatic groan. It had been surprising for himself when he first read it too. 
“Tell me another one.” She said after rubbing her hands over her face.
Felix let out a small laugh. “Are you sure? You didn’t seem to like that last one.”
Marinette waved off the comment. “Yeah, yeah. I can take it. Tell me another one.”
“Alright, another fact..” Felix muttered, his gaze flicking upwards in thought. “Ah.  Each arm has a mind of its own. Some two-thirds of the octopus’ neurons reside in its arms, which allow the arms to react to stimuli and function at a fairly high level on their own. This fact applies even when one of the limbs is severed from the body.”
Marinette scrunched up her nose at the image of a severed, octopus limb still twisting about. 
“How do you remember all of this stuff?”
Felix clicked his tongue. “I think the information is interesting, and I enjoy being knowledgeable. So I make it a point to remember everything that I can while reading.”
Marinette nodded thoughtfully. “That makes sense.. Do you know facts about other animals here?”
Felix tilted his head back and forth, trying to recall the animals he’d passed while searching for the group. “Most likely. As I said before, I’ve read a handful of encyclopedias, along with a book or two on Marine Biology.”
She lit up with a grin at the reply and reached down to grab his wrist. “Great! That means you can come tell me more facts!”
Felix was pulled forward, and a part of him held his breath, waiting for the indignation and disgust to set in from being grabbed. It always happened. Allegra, Claude, and occasionally Allan would jerk him around, and resentment would kick in without fail. Of course, the irritation towards Marinette certainly wouldn’t last, since she’d simply gotten excited, but it would undoubtedly come. So he waited..
..And waited..
..And nothing came.
Felix looked down at her hand, which was still firmly on his wrist, and frowned. She was dragging him through the crowd, yet he felt.. nothing. It wasn’t necessarily good, but it wasn’t bad either. He was just.. normal. 
How odd.
“Which animal should we go to next?” Marinette inquired, eagerly looking around. “I’ve already seen the jellyfish, the octopus, and some of the bigger tanks with the multiple types of fish.. Maybe we can see the big tank again so you can tell the na-”
He didn’t look up at her until her ramble abruptly cut off. She was staring down at his wrist too, her eyes wide with surprise. She must not have thought about what she was doing when she grabbed him.
“O-Oh!” As soon as she registered what she’d done, Marinette ripped her hand away from him. “I-I’m so sorry! I- uhm -I was just so excited, a-and.. I’ll try not to grab you again.”
“No, it’s..” Felix rubbed the part of his wrist that Marinette had grabbed, almost not believing the next words he was about to say. “It’s fine. We should probably be holding onto each other anyway, unless we want to get separated again.”
“Oh..” Marinette said, sounding a bit dazed. “Oh yeah.. Um.. How do you want me to..”
She held her hand out towards him again, and Felix hesitated. If they were to hold onto each other, holding hands would be the obvious option, but that was out of the question on account of the strange feeling that twisted inside him at the thought of doing such a thing. The next option would be holding onto his sleeve, or grabbing his wrist again. Would that be peculiar for her, though? He’s unsure as to why it would be peculiar, but it felt peculiar. 
Before he could decide what to do, Marinette tentatively took hold of his bag strap.
“I-Is this okay?” She asked, searching his face for discomfort or disagreement.
Felix blinked. That was actually..
“This is perfect.” He said, grabbing the part of the bag strap that was just above her hand.
A relieved smile passed her lips. “Good. Let’s keep walking then. I wanna learn as many facts as possible before we leave.”
The two set off, weaving around people and going from tank to tank. At each new animal they passed, Marinette would request a series of facts, and Felix would oblige when he could. Then, when he couldn’t recall any facts, they would look up a few for the sake of fun. He had a decent time doing it, as he got to learn some new things about the animals and himself. For example, the electric discharge of an eel can be stronger than five hundred volts, sea turtles apparently think jellyfish are delicious, and when Felix’s hand finally slid onto Marinette’s on the bag strap, he didn’t mind at all. In fact, he didn’t even notice that his hand was on hers until she jumped ahead to look at the shark tank.
“Wow..” Marinette breathed, staring at the enormous whale shark that was gliding through the water in front of them. “Look at how big it is..”
Although slightly distracted by the fact that they’d been touching and he hadn’t noticed, Felix joined her at the tank and watched the shark as well. With its large body and narrow tale, its movements were slow and graceful, and seeing it brought a soothing sense of calm to him. 
He glanced down at Marinette, curious how she might react to the gigantic creature. 
Despite buzzing about while looking at the other animals, she stood entirely still as she stared upwards through the glass. One of her hands was delicately placed on the tank, and her lips were parted with awe. She appeared to be mesmerized by the sight. 
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The mix of water and the lights above brought a bright, blue glow to the room, and it reflected on her perfectly. Accenting her round cheeks and wide eyes, bringing out the deep blue color of her hair that was often hidden.. the illumination made her seem utterly.. ethereal. 
Felix sucked in a small breath, shocked by the swirl of warmth and enchantment that swelled within him. Why was he feeling this way? He didn’t recall experiencing it before. Was it something about the aquarium? Or was it something about Marinette? Why would she make such a difference, though?
“I know you enjoy her company.”
His mother’s words hit him like a truck as they resurfaced in his mind. Enjoying her company.. Was that what this was? He didn’t think something like that would be ‘warm’ or ‘enchanting’, but he supposed he’s never fully enjoyed someone’s presence before to know. Claude and the others- even his parents on rare occasions -would annoy or pester or drain his energy. Marinette, somehow, never did that. Maybe it was because she always listened to him, or because she would offer a smile or clothes or croissants- whatever he might need without ever asking for anything in return. She was selfless and didn’t demand his attention like everyone else, and that, Felix realized, made all the difference. 
“Know any facts about this one?” Marinette said, shaking him from his thoughts.
“Hm?” Felix dragged his eyes back to the whale shark. “Oh, yes. If I remember correctly, they-”
“There you are!”
Claude’s declaration barely registered in Felix’s mind before he was suddenly tackled by the brunette. 
“We’ve been looking for you everywhere!”
Felix scowled as he wrestled Claude off of him. There’s the feeling of revulsion that he remembered so well. 
“Oh, and you found Marinette!” Allegra chimed in with a smile. 
Marinette pulled a sheepish expression. “Sorry for walking off.. I got distracted.”
Allan waved off the remark as he joined them. “Don’t sweat it. This trip was meant to be fun. As long as you had a good time, everything’s fine.”
Marinette smiled. “Thanks. I had a great time.”
“Aw~.” Claude jokingly sang. “That’s good to hear. What about you, Felix? Did you have a good time?”
Felix rolled his eyes at the babying tone, but a chuckle brought his gaze back to Marinette. She was shaking her head at Claude, her eyes bright with amusement and her smile warm.
“Actually..” He muttered. “I did.” 
The icy cold of the evening brushed over Marinette as she walked outside, but she smiled anyway. The aquarium had been more amazing than she could have ever predicted, which was saying something considering she’d already expected it to be great. She got to see turtles and whale sharks and octopi and all sorts of animals! On top of that, she got to see all of those animals with Felix, who was able to tell her little facts about them! Although some of the facts were hard to swallow.. like, who calls octopus limbs ‘arms’ instead of ‘tentacles’? That’s crazy!
Marinette chuckled at the memory as she nuzzled her nose into her white scarf for warmth. Yes, some of the facts were definitely mind boggling, but there was no doubt that they were the best part of the trip. 
Well.. She thought, glancing over her shoulder. Maybe not the best part.
The rest of the group was exiting the aquarium behind her, Felix being amongst them. The best part of the day had honestly been when he said that he had a good time. With all the scowling and his getting lost, she’d been kicking herself about inviting him to the aquarium, especially when she knew that crowds weren’t his forte. But then they went on that impromptu tour together, and his hard expressions softened into small smiles and quiet laughs. 
It was the first time she saw him fully relax (in a crowded room, no less!). Just knowing that she’d been a part of that brought her more joy and fulfillment than the whale shark she’d originally wanted to see. 
Of course, now that the tour was over and the group was back together, the hard expressions had returned, and he was currently chewing out Claude for trying to hug him “in the name of warmth”. Marinette couldn’t help giggling at the sight, though. Even as Felix was clutching his coat around himself and shivering, he refused to be touched by anyone. She vaguely wondered if he was against the notion for a specific reason or simply had an aversion to touch. He didn’t seem to mind them touching in the aquarium, though, so there had to be a specific reason then, right?
“I don’t know about you guys,” Allegra spoke up, taking Marinette from her thoughts, “but I had a wonderful time today.”
“Are you kidding?” Claude asked, finally stepping away from Felix with a smile. “Today was awesome! And that mermaid show? Incredible.”
“And completely generic.” Felix added with an eye roll. “They didn’t even bother to make it look as though she were breathing underwater.”
“Well, yeah.” Allegra smirked. “They can’t get real mermaids. Those are too hard to catch.”
“That’s because they don’t exist.” Felix stated flatly. “Which is another reason why they shouldn’t hold that show. It will give people the wrong idea.”
“Hey, mermaids could exist!” Claude- because if anyone were to fight for this, it would be him -insisted. “The ocean is huge, and we haven’t seen it all yet. You have no idea whether mermaids actually exist or not.”
Felix scoffed. “Please. A creature with a human half and a fish half that also lived in the ocean would be scientifically impossible. At the very least, the human side would perish from the low temperatures and prolonged exposure to salt water. The only way it might survive is if the creature simply had a humanoid half rather than a human half, and in that case, the creature wouldn’t look anything like the actor they had inside.”
“Who said anything about science?” Claude argued. “What if it’s magic?”
Marinette had been watching the conversation with an amused smile until the topic of magic came up. She knew it wasn’t a direct mention to her alter ego, but it still caused her stiffen. Thankfully, no one noticed, since they were too busy watching Felix raise a brow.
“That’s preposterous.”
“How come?” Claude retorted. “If we can have Ladybug and Chat Noir running around with their magical weapons and abilities, why can’t we have mermaids?”
Marinette faltered in her steps, but quickly regained balance. Now that was a direct mention of her alter ego. Should she try to change the subject? It definitely felt like it was time to change the subject. 
“Chat Noir and Ladybug gain their powers from the miraculous specifically.” Felix stated. “What you are suggesting is an entire species that is born and raised with the same ‘power’ that doesn’t come from a miraculous. That’s what I’d call grasping at straws.”
“You guys know the show is supposed to be for kids, right?” Allan asked, gaining a snort from Allegra.
Claude placed his hands on his hips. “Yes, but I still think mermaids can exist somewhere.”
“No, they can’t.” Felix remarked.
“You don’t have any proof of that!”
“Neither do you!”
“Okay!” Allegra interjected, stepping between the two boys with a barely contained snicker. “You two kids need to behave or you’ll both be put in time out.”
Marinette laughed despite herself, even as Felix glared at the blonde. 
Allegra ignored the glare, turning back to the group as she asked, “So where do you guys want to eat for supper?”
“We’re eating supper together?” Marinette inquired.
“Only if you want to.” Allegra smiled. “I just figured, since it’s seven o’clock, that our parents have already eaten. So we might as well eat together, right?”
“Yeah!” Claude agreed, the mermaid discussion slipping from his mind before Marinette’s very eyes. “Let’s go to Dairy Queen. I haven’t been there in a while, and an ice cream sounds so good right now.”
“You want to get ice cream?” Felix blanched. “In this weather?”
“Sure.” Claude smiled. “Anytime’s ice cream time for me. Besides, it’s not that cold.”
“Not that cold??” Felix retorted, his eyebrows furrowing in disbelief. 
Marinette chuckled, silently agreeing with Felix. Ice cream was nice when you weren’t already covered in goosebumps due to the cold, but right now, she’d much rather a nice, steaming cup of hot chocolate.
A gasp brought her attention to Allegra, who pointed towards the sky with wide eyes.
“Guys, look!” She grinned. “It’s snowing!”
The group followed her gaze to the Eiffel Tower, which stood bright and tall in the blackness of the night. 
Sure enough, flakes of freshly fallen snow were passing the lights of the city and fluttering to the ground. It started out small, with a bit of snow here and there, but soon, a whole flurry began, quickly covering the sidewalks and roads.
“Aw, yeah!” Claude cheered, sticking out his tongue to catch some of the snowflakes. “Freshly fallen snow, man!”
Marinette giggled and stuck out her tongue as well, feeling a wave of euphoria as the snowflakes began hitting her tongue, nose, forehead and cheeks. It hasn’t snowed since last month, and she’d missed it dearly.
“C’mon, Fehix!” Allan urged, his words coming out in blabs because of his tongue sticking out. “Catch snowfakes wis us”
“Absolutely not.” Felix sharply declined. “Do you know how many pollutants are in the first wave of snow, especially with all of this wind? Sulfate, Nitrate, Formaldehyde, Mercury- you might as well drink a bucket of chemicals!”
Marinette paused, though she left her tongue sticking out. Were there really that many chemicals in snow? She’d known there were some, of course, but it couldn’t really be that dangerous, could it?
“Wow, Felix.” Allegra said with an amused smile. “I didn’t know snow could be so dangerous. Can you lighten up a little, please?”
Felix tisked. “I’m only stating facts.”
“Right, right.” Allegra replied. “You don’t have to stick out your tongue, but at least spare us on the ‘grim’ details, will you? It kind of dampers the whole ‘first snowfall of the year’ deal.”
Felix rolled his eyes, but didn’t say anything else. Instead, he tilted his head towards the sky and closed his eyes. Marinette imagined he was trying to gather some semblance of calm or composure, if his deep breaths were any indication. What really caught her attention, though, were the snowflakes. Or rather, the way the snowflakes landed on him. They were crisp and frozen, and it created specks of white all across his features as the snow nestled in Felix’s hair and eyelashes. If she had been any less disciplined, she might have been tempted to take a picture of him. (Only to use the snowflake patterns later as a design idea, of course.)
“Alright, let’s head for Dairy Queen!” Claude abruptly declared, breaking the brief silence that had settled amongst them. 
Felix’s eyes cracked open, incidentally meeting Marinette’s at the same time. She averted her gaze, a strange sense of deja vu washing over her. Here she was, staring at him again. How many times was she going to feel weird about staring- or being caught staring -until she remembered not to stare? Granted, it shouldn’t feel weird in the first place. Staring was staring, especially when it was a stare between friends. The most he should say about it is, “what are you looking at?”, and that wasn’t a problem. That was a completely logical response, actually. So why did her stupid brain think it was a problem?
“I call dibs on driving Marinette!” Claude added, wrapping his arm around Marinette’s shoulders.
“What!” Allegra nearly yelled from shock. “You can’t call dibs!”
“Okay, then I call turns!” Claude shot back. “You got to drive her on the way here, so I get to drive her on the way to Dairy Queen.”
“Guys, you know she’s a human being, right?” Allan commented.
Marinette laughed. “It’s alright. I’ll go with Claude to Dairy Queen, and Allegra can drive me home.”
“Aw, she gets to drive you home?” Claude whined.
Allegra, however, pulled a triumphant grin. “Ha-ha! I get a good night snack from Mme Sabine!”
“I’m glad you two only value Marinette for her pastries.” Felix remarked.
Marinette snorted, but Allegra and Claude immediately let out an offended gasp.
“How dare you claim such a thing!” Claude said, now wrapping both arms around Marinette’s shoulders. “Marinette is amazing and wonderful, and I would choose her over pastries a thousand times.”
Allegra hugged Marinette as well. “Yeah, we’re not that shallow. Mme Sabine’s cooking is phenomenal, but Marinette is the one we truly love.”
“I hear that.” Allan chuckled.
The beginnings of a blush curled around Marinette’s cheeks, and she hugged Allegra and Allan back. She knew that she was the one they loved, not the pastries, and that’s why she wouldn’t hesitate to give them all the pastries in the world if they asked.
Tag list:  @artbyknigit @athena452 @nickristus-dreamer @throneoffirebreathingbitchqueen @arsaem @abrx2002 @neakco @pawsitivelymiraculous @too0bsessedformyowngood @nathleigh @lusicing @officiallydarkgeek @all-mights-asscheeks @tbehartoo @woe-is-me0 @raeuberprinzessin @lazuli-11 @miss-chaos27 @trippingovermyfeet @sadpotatoondrugs @ladybug-182 @jaggedheart11 @marinahrasauce @i-need-blog-ideas @thewheezingbubbledragon @crazylittlemunchkin @unabashedbookworm @moonystars14 @sunflowers-and-mooncakes @2confused-2doanything  @magnificentcrapposts  @moonnette @nickristus-dreamer @vixen-uchiha @casual-darkness @luxmorningstarr @jjmjjktth​ @kaithehero​ @itsme1598
274 notes · View notes
luvteez · 4 years
bassists do it deeper
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pairing: yunho x genderneutral!reader genre + tags: smut, band au | kink discovery, exhibitionism, a brief segment of semi-public sex, hand kink, size kink, yunho monster cock bc this deserves a tag, power play, switch dynamics (i think??), dom!yunho pulls through in the end, unprotected sex wc: 6.3k
note: big thanks to my fav babie @lustjoong​ for motivating me to combine the two ideas i had for the prompt into one and motivating me to finish this!! here’s my take on the unspoken obligatory yunho size kink fic every ateez smut writer should have written once but make him a bassist. also, the band au to this pwp is literally just there as an excuse to make yeosang the lead singer of the band bc if kq won’t give yeosang lines, i will 
A lot can happen throughout a single weekend, as your English professor suddenly quitting her job, your brother Yeosang almost burning down the kitchen from deep frying an egg, an influx of voicemails in your inbox all sent from Wooyoung, as well as Yeosang’s punk rock band losing a member. It’s a lot to process when all you’ve done is stay the night at Yuqi’s, even harder so when Wooyoung keeps repeating every five seconds that Seonghwa quit the band. (”Why did it have to be Seonghwa who left Stereowave? He was the hottest one!”)
That being said, you expected to come home to a beyond grumpy Yeosang who was trying to find a replacement asap. A band without a bassist sounds empty, and while Stereowave has garnered a big enough fanbase over the years that wouldn’t mind the band continuing as a trio, it just feels wrong. Besides, branding a group consisting of Yeosang the frontman, San the guitarist, Mingi the drummer, and nobody covering the bassist position a band doesn’t sit right.
You were prepared for the worst; a messy kitchen, Yeosang walking around in clothes he wore for five days straight, possibly the outbreak of World War III depending on how shitty he’s feeling. But instead, you find the kitchen exceptionally clean and Yeosang acting as if nothing ever happened.
“Can you help set up the camera? The guys and I wanna film a new song.”
“Uh, sure,” you answer irritatedly. “Shouldn’t you be more concerned about finding a replacement for Seonghwa though?”
“Oh, we already have a new bassist,” he waves off casually, “What are you gaping at? Shut that jaw of yours before flies fly into your nasty mouth.”
“First of all, rude.” Yeosang rolls his eyes at that comment. For a split second, you’re contemplating letting him figure out on his own how to use the camera because he’s the walking embodiment of a technology illiterate, but your curiosity about the new band member is bigger. “But how did you manage to find a new replacement so fast? It’s been like, what, a day since Seonghwa left?”
Yeosang sighs. “He’s been thinking of quitting for weeks now, so I had enough time to look for a new bassist. It’s not that big of a deal anyway.”
And this is exactly why you should never get dicked down by your bandmate several times in a month, you think to yourself. Seonghwa and Yeosang thought they were slick, but everyone figured they were more than friends. Needless to say, it was only a matter of time until the strain of their relationship wreaked havoc within the band.
“So,” you say as you two walk to the makeshift studio in the basement, “Is the new guy good? What’s his name?”
The change of topic makes Yeosang relax visibly. There’s a sheepish smile on his face and he replies, “You’ll see.”
You arch a brow. For some reason, that doesn’t settle comfortably in your gut. Then there’s the fact that Yeosang is slightly skipping, and that makes you more concerned than relieved. Because Yeosang barely skips, only when he’s being petty and is planning on pranking somebody. (Most of the time, it’s San.)
The faint vibrations of drums and guitars ring in your ears before you step a foot into the basement. Mingi is the first to acknowledge your presence, immediately dampening the cymbals before waving at you. That causes the other two guys to stop playing their instruments and turn their heads around. You greet San like you normally do, and when your eyes flit to the new addition, all brightness drops from your face.
“What. The. Fuck.”
Yunho cocks his head to the side almost tauntingly, eyes challenging. The corners of his mouth quirk upwards, though more with the intention of saying hah you thought you’d never see me again. “Hello to you too, honey. Looks like fate brought us together once more, eh?”
You blink multiple times to make sure your eyes aren’t deceiving you. To your dismay, they sure aren’t. It really is Yunho standing right next to an utterly confused San, and the bass in his hands just confirms it furthermore.
“Since when do you play an instrument?” you gawk. There’s no fucking way he could’ve had time to pick up music, not when his schedule was already jammed with basketball training and student council activities. Then again, that was his schedule in middle school.
“Since I was fifteen,” he drawls, unaffected by your outburst. “Any other questions, honey? Preferably something along the lines of how have you been? I expected a warmer welcome from you, not gonna lie.”
“What does Yeosang even see in you?” you splutter instead, disgust prevalent in your voice.
“Talent. Believe it or not.”
“Guys, no fighting,” Yeosang warns, but you’re too busy sending Yunho daggers and every pg rated curse under the sun your brain can wrack up.
Meanwhile, San shifts his weight on one leg awkwardly and asks in the background as your verbal dispute continues, “Are they exes or something?”
“Nah, just childhood enemies,” Mingi mumbles, clearly used to your interactions to the point where he’s becoming bored of it. He’s heard all the profanities too many times coming out from the same mouth, hence why he isn’t as disturbed as San is.
“Listen up, you piec—“ 
“(y/n), the camera. Help your older brother out, will ya?” Yeosang cuts you off urgently, the warning tone in his words hard to miss.
“Yeah, help your brother out, shorty,” Yunho snickers. Appalled by his blatant shamelessness, you scowl.
“I’m not that short—!”
“Still shorter than I am, shorty. Or do you prefer honey?”
World War III would’ve broken out right then and there if it weren’t for Yeosang’s death glare — you know, the look he has etched on his face whenever he means business and is willing to go so far and expose all of the nasty mishaps you’ve done in middle school, which is definitely something that should never see the light of day.
“I prefer neither,” you mutter after weighing the gravity of Yeosang’s wrath, avoiding any eyes before you set up the camera. Luckily, nobody further comments on that and eventually, everybody resumes practicing their parts of the songs.
Just in time as Mingi takes another short break to chug his water down, you stumble across a problem. “Uh, Yeosang? You should buy a new camera. This is still usable, but you might have to reset every ten minutes or so.”
A groan leaves him, followed by a shrill guitar riff, and you can see that he’d prefer death over spending money for a new one. “Can’t you just stay here during practice and reset it? You also get to hear some new tracks of the upcoming EP!” That fucker, he’s just too lazy to run forward and press a button every few minutes.
“I have to be on standby for the Block B ticket sale,” you lie. Technically, it’s not really a lie because you do plan on going to the Block B concert with Wooyoung, but 1) the ticket sale isn’t even today and 2) it’s always Wooyoung who buys the tickets. Yeosang doesn’t need to know that though. Any excuse is better than having to sit through practice and see if Yunho is as good as he claims.
Seems like Yeosang desperately doesn’t want to keep running back and forth to reset the camera as he suddenly says, “You can do it here too.” You would argue that the garage has its separate WiFi and only the band members have access to it, but then: “You can use my laptop instead.”
And letting you use his laptop is something he never does. You failed to submit an assignment in time because your own laptop broke down and he didn’t let you borrow his computer for even that.
“Fine,” you sigh in defeat. Yeosang thanks you with a smile so obnoxiously sweet it makes you gag. When all he gets in return from you is the middle finger, his demeanor drops and he mutters something inaudible under his breath, pointing to the small table at the side where all their phones and laptops are lying before he goes back to the others.
Once all four of them are in position and ready to play, you press the record button before flipping yourself onto the old patchwork couch Yeosang bought at a garage sale for only thirty quid a few years back. To your surprise, Yeosang’s MacBook is already unlocked, the default wallpaper of mountains and northern lights quite jarring to your eyes.
When given the rare chance to have unlimited access to your sibling’s devices, it’s self-explanatory what to do. You either a) go through all of their accounts and find as much dirt as possible about them that serves as good material for future blackmail purposes or b) sign them up to as many online subscriptions as possible that will make them go crazy. Unfortunately, that doesn’t work on Yeosang because 1) he doesn’t mind online subscriptions, and 2) he never checks his email account, hence why his inbox is filled with over 2000 mails, a third of them most likely unopened. On top of that, his MacBook is strictly meant for work, so if you really wanted to find out his most embarrassing secrets, your only shot is his phone.
That being said, you’re left with option c) which is checking out Block B’s concert merch since that’s the only sensible thing you can do right now. Forget productivity; that isn’t doable when Yeosang’s deep timbre is blaring in your ears along with the instruments. To be honest, you really enjoy Stereowave’s music and that’s on their music, not because your brother is the lead singer. You’ve enjoyed each of their performances and perhaps you’ve been indulging in the privilege of hearing their new songs first.
But now that Yunho’s involved, suddenly the prospect of having a new favorite band sounds tempting. What was Yuqi’s favorite band again? Day6? You should take a closer look at their discography.
As much as you want to mute the sound, from San’s riffs to Mingi’s drum solo, you fail to do so. One moment you’re opening the search browser, and in the next, your eyes are set on the group. They’re practicing like they usually do; fun etched on their faces as they lose themselves in the music. Yeosang is singing as if he was performing in front of a million viewers while San improvises a solo on a whim. Mingi messes up the beat for a split second after failing to catch his stick and somehow, your eyes have zoomed in on Yunho. It doesn’t take you five seconds to realize:
Yunho is good.
While he might not seem as fired up as the other three, he’s visibly relaxed. Just like Seonghwa, he plays smoothly and isn’t overpowered by the others, but he seems to have an easier time gliding his fingers across the fingerboard. The bassline is easy to filter out, not the generic pattern you can find in every second pop song, yet still compliments the other instruments.
He can play, fair game. However, that’s the least of your worries. You’re more attentive to the ratio of his hands to the bass. His hands are larger than Seonghwa’s by far, no doubt. That makes sense given his height, maybe an inch taller than Mingi. But Mingi doesn’t have that big hands. Doesn’t that mean that Yunho’s body is disproportional?
Before you know it, you drag your gaze from his shoes up to his legs and stop at his hands briefly, only to proceed upwards until you see the cocky smirk and amused eyes directed at you. All clogs in your brain come to a stillstand and despite that, that’s when you realize you’ve been 1) enjoying his music, 2) checking him out, and 3) checking him out and caught red-handed.
It feels as if you were living on the sun instead of on Earth as you burn up in embarrassment. Knowing there’s no way you can deflect what you just did, you quickly turn back to the laptop, the Google search bar staring back at you.
You’re about to type in something when the search history pops up, catching your eyes. A gasp leaves you but it goes under the music, everyone too immersed in their own thing to notice the prevalent horror settling on your face.
getting off in public
best crowded places to have sex and get away with it
You blink, thinking that your sleep deprivation got the worst out of you and that you’ve finally reached the stage where you start hallucinating. Except, you know you’re not hallucinating. After going through the words again and again, you know that you’re really not fucking hallucinating and that your nonexistent sleep cycle isn’t as bad as Yuqi makes it out to be.
When you said you wanted to dig up dirt on your brother, you didn’t mean it in the form of his kinks. Money can’t buy everything, but how you wish it could so you could unsee that shocking discovery.
Since this is Yeosang’s work computer and he’s signed into his Google account, he must make use of the drive to save a copy of his ideas. It probably won’t amount to anything since he’s the walking embodiment of staying unbothered, but writing him a note on his docs about how he’s made your life worse by not clearing his search history is better than staying silent.
You click on the little icon on the top right corner, expecting to see Yeosang’s name right above the email address. But then you see Yunho’s name instead, and suddenly everything makes much more sense.
This was never Yeosang’s laptop to begin with.
To say you’re at a loss of words is an understatement. There’s no way someone could have as little self-awareness and leave their laptop unlocked, let alone Yunho out of all people. Then again, the last thing you expected from him was to play the bass and blend well with the rest of the band as if he’s always been the bassist of Stereowave and not the newly found replacement.
This is absolutely bonkers. But:
You could have fun with it. Maybe it’s for the better that money can’t buy everything.
Besides dozens of articles about semi-public sex and even a blogpost titled Shagging in Broad Daylight for Dummies, his search history of the last 24 hours consists of many forum links discussing the morality of exhibitionism, conspiracy theories, and hand care guides. You wheeze when you see the private playlist he saved on his YouTube account; a collection of videos about filing your nails properly and the best hand cream brands for dry skin.
Yeosang calls in for a break, and everyone’s grateful for it. San lets out a relieved noise as he places his guitar on the stand before catching the water bottle Mingi chucks at him.
“My arms are beat,” Mingi complains.
San sends him an incredulous look and snorts, “All you do is bang! crash! ppang! while my throat is fucked! And so are my legs!”
“Not my fault if you keep doing your high pitched oows! while jumping around like a— like a cricket!”
“A cricket? Are you serious?”
“I’m tired, okay!”
“Then that means we should call it a day and go home and rest, right?”
“Choi San, I think you’re onto something.”
“Absolutely not,” Yeosang deadpans, causing the bickering duo to pout in sync. “We have lots to do especially since Yunho’s now part of the band.” When all he’s met with is an attempt of cute puppy eyes that rather looks like a bad rendition of any horror movie featuring creepy dolls, Yeosang sighs, “I ordered chicken for dinner and yes, it’s on me.”
In an instant, Mingi and San’s faces brighten up and they’re celebrating as if they won a free cruise to the Bahamas. They don’t hesitate to envelop Yeosang in a bear hug, crushing the life out of him. A chuckle escapes you at the sight of your brother wringing for his sanity. Sometimes you wonder how on Earth those three guys are the same three guys who perform in abandoned warehouses, jamming out their punk rock songs while looking all edgy (in a cool way that has at least half of their fans thirsting after them).
Meanwhile, Yunho drops himself on the other end of the couch. Propping his right leg on the coffee table in front, he digs around in his pockets before pulling something out.
“Since when do you file your nails?” You pointedly raise a brow at him. Although your extensive research on his browser history already answered that question, you ask him just for the sake of it.
“Hand care is important, shorty,” Yunho replies, keeping his eyes trained on his fingers as he works the file around a nail. “If Kageyama Tobio files his nails, I can too. But enough with the small talk, what do you want?”
“I didn’t peg you as an exhibitionist.”
His hand stops moving. Yunho looks up at you, irritation written all over his features. “Because I file my nails...? A bold assumption, honey.”
There’s a reason why Yunho has always gotten away with pretty much everything. He’s a good actor who’s able to feign innocence at any time. His posture is relaxed, voice genuinely sounding flabbergasted that not even your shit-eating grin can throw him off guard.
You can’t, but your proof will do the job.
“I never said it’s because of your hand fixation.” You turn the laptop screen his way and once his eyes flicker on it and decipher the words, his face falls. Gone is the faux-confusion; as all color drains from him, his eyes look like they’re about to fall out of their sockets. “Is it really a bold assumption now, honey?”
Yunho inhales sharply when you scoot closer to him and put a firm hand on his left leg, his laptop now closed and long forgotten. Your fingers are placed too high for it to be friendly, skimming lightly on the inside of his thigh. Yeosang and the others are busy minding their own business but the chance of getting caught in the act is still there. The simple realization has adrenaline running a hundred miles an hour in your veins, and with the way Yunho clenches his jaw — a desperate attempt to fight the groan that’s threatening in the back of his throat — you’re not the only one who’s aroused by the setup.
Slowly, your hand inches closer to his growing bulge. Before you can dare yet another experimental squeeze, Yunho’s hand surges forward and holds your wrist in a vice grip.
“Don’t,” he snarls through gritted teeth, but it sounds sadder than it is intimidating when he’s sporting a boner right in front of your eyes.
You cock your head to the side, almost in a mocking demeanor. “You sure? Think about it, it’s a win-win situation. You get to live out your exhibitionist right here in front of your new bandmates, and I get the confirmation that you’re into it. But if you really don’t want to…” you try to retreat your hand but Yunho doesn’t let you budge, hand still enclosed around yours. That won’t do as an answer.
“Which one is it? Say it, Yunho,” you assert, narrowing your eyes. Yunho looks distraught, feverishly biting his lip while he’s internally fighting with himself, but he eventually chokes out a response.
“As long as nobody notices—”
“You either say you want me to touch you or not. I don’t want any roundabout stories.”
“Touch me,” he whispers defeatedly and the grip on your hand disappears completely. “But I swear to God if anyone realizes what you’re doing— hhnh—!” he cuts himself off with a low moan when you cup him over the material of his jeans.
“Yes yes, I get it. I don’t need Yeosang to know about this,” you dismiss. “And oh wow, you’re getting hard fast when I’m just touching you over your pants.”
“Just get to it.”
The snappish attitude causes you to stop dead in your tracks. “You think you’re in the position to tell me what to do? I can be mean too, y’know,” you start nonchalantly, a stark contrast to the way your heart is shaking in your ribcage. The power you suddenly hold is exhilarating. “I could just leave you like this, and then you’d have to try to cover your situation down there while practice goes on. How would the others react if they only knew your dick is hard? Probably won’t take them too long to find out since standing for a long time can be tiring, hm?”
Yunho’s head lolls back in response as he’s struggling to keep his eyes open. His breathing is uneven and the resulting moan that follows suit makes you smirk. You lightly smack the inside of his thigh, causing another wave of arousal to rupture in him. He chokes out a hushed ‘f-fuck’ and at this point, the constriction around his cock must be bordering painful.
“Who would’ve thought that the big bad Jeong Yunho is actually a submissive bitch who’s hungry for attention?” you ask gleefully, delivering another slap before stroking the area. “Who would’ve fucking thought you were a sub?”
“I-I’m not— shit, s-stop that, hngh— a fucking sub.”
“Yeah yeah, say that to yourself.” You rip your gaze away from Yunho’s flushed face to check if the coast is clear before targeting his fisted hands. He stiffens when you pry his hand open and bring three digits to your lips, sticking your tongue out to give kitten licks to his fingertips before pushing them into your mouth. You hum, suck, swirl your tongue around his fingers, giggling when all he does is stare at you wordlessly, unable to form any coherent thoughts. “See? Not even once have you put up a fight.”
That seems to snap him out of his daze. In an instant, his eyes darken and his jaw clenches.
“Oh honey, you know, you really shouldn’t tease me.”
You snicker, seeing through his bluff. “Wow, I’m so scared. What do you wanna do? Leave practice right now? Drag me to my room and pound me into the mattress?”
“Don’t tempt me.”
“You could never, sub.”
Whatever strands of self-control were still residing in Yunho have turned to dust by now. One moment he’s towering over you in full height, looking down on your sitting form in bitter distaste, and in the next, he’s dragging you out of the basement, unaffected by the sudden silence and Yeosang, Mingi and San’s confused expressions.
Once you’re in the living room, Yunho wastes no time crowding you against the wall and crashing his lips against yours. The kiss is a messy clash of teeth and tongues, but it leaves you hot and lightheaded and aching for more. Yunho knows no limits and snakes one arm around your waist to pull you closer to him, the other hand fisting your hair. He tugs harshly and the sharp sting sends all your nerves into a frenzy.
“Bedroom. Now.” The sudden huskiness in his tone catches you off guard and you wonder when his voice has ever sounded so rough. You moan into the kiss, fisting his shirt as you stumble your way to your bedroom.
Yunho pins you against the door once you’re in your bedroom. His lips are addictive, just like the groans he slips in kisses and his hands roaming your body. He gets rid of your clothes until you’re left in your underwear, then forces a knee between your legs to keep them from closing. Your eyes roll back at the friction, growing needier and hotter when he presses his thigh against you harder. 
When you finally pull away, his eyes are hooded and his lips are red and swollen. There’s no trace of inhibitions left in him as he watches you like a predator. With horror, you realize that the tables have turned, and when he easily locks both of your wrists above your head with one hand only, that’s when you know you’re undisputedly powerless against him.
“Who’s the sub now?” he pants, eyes sparkling with glee.
“Still y-you.” The response sounds pathetic to your own ears, but you have too big of an ego to admit it out loud. Yunho doesn’t buy it either if his quirked brow wasn’t telling enough.
“Still in denial, honey? I see. Guess I’ll have to do more then.” His free hand reaches down to tug on the waistband of your underwear, only to let it snap against your skin. The slight sting is enough to render your knees into mush and set fog into your vision. He does it again, and then he actually tugs the fabric down and you finally grab his motives.
“You’re bluffing— y-you wouldn’t put y-your fingers,” you ramble, hyperaware about how dangerously close his fingers are. Just when you think he’s about to shove a digit in, he pulls away completely.
“You know, you keep talking about my hands. It’s always my hands this, my hands that,” Yunho says casually, giving his nails a quick glance before meeting your eyes. “Rather than me having a hand fixation, it’s you who has a thing for hands. My hands specifically.”
You don’t like how every word is true. You don’t want to acknowledge that he’s correct. Verbally, because your body is moving on its own and has betrayed you long ago.
Yunho taps on your bottom lip and you comply reluctantly, letting him shove the same three fingers you sucked before. Mumbling unintelligible words under his breath, he watches intently as you hum around him, eyes fluttering shut when he slowly moves them in and out of your mouth. A whine escapes you when he pulls them out for good, soaked wet with your spit.
“Tell me.” Yunho grins, “Tell me what you like about them. Or else I’ll leave you hanging.” He’s not lying and you know it. The look he sends you is enough proof that he wouldn’t hesitate to leave you high and dry.
You don’t like how he’s stringing you on like a rag doll. You don’t like how he’s stripping you off your dignity step by step. Strangely enough, you feel yourself leaking and wanting nothing but his pretty long fingers inside of you.
“I like how they, agh I— I l-like how—” you stutter, losing all levels of rationality when he suddenly circles around your entrance. Yunho urges you to continue and it takes up all of your brainpower to pick up where you left off, “—they’re so long and big and pretty—”
“So you have a size kink.”
You stare at him in disbelief. Now that, that’s something he shouldn’t have deduced. “W-wha— I don’t!”
“Seems to me that you have one though. You kept stressing how big and bad and tall I was after all.” You stiffen. Did you? Did you really? You don’t recall saying it that many times but it's hard to think straight when Yunho still has your wrists above your head and is looking down at you in a downright patronizing way. It leaves you trembling pitifully, feeling called out and feeling so, so small.
He really wants you to hit your lowest peak because he doesn’t stop there. “Who’s the real sub here? Is it really me? Or is it you who likes feeling so short, small, tiny.” His smirk widens when your breath hitches ever so slightly. “I fucking knew it.”
“You don’t know shit,” you bark back, but to no avail. Your credibility has diminished the moment he caught up to your kinks.
“Say whatever you want but that won’t change the fact that you’re tiny baby,” he pauses, takes his bottom lip between his teeth as he’s giving you a thorough once-over and then enunciates the next syllables with such clarity that forces time to stop, “My tiny, helpless baby.”
The pet name breaks you. It’s the final trigger that takes all your inhibitions away and the pathetic size of an ego that was left in your stubborn head.
“Please,” your voice cracks but that’s the least of your worries. You can’t move, can’t talk back, and won’t get anything in return. Yunho is right in front of you, finding satisfaction in your internal destruction and yet, after all of the things he’s slaughtered you to, he won’t give you anything in return.
“Just a little bit more, baby. I’ll give you what you want if you repeat after me; I’m your—”
“I’m your tiny, helpless baby who desperately wants you to fuck me.” Yunho is mildly taken aback that you were still able to think and get it right before he even finished his sentence. “Now get on to it, Yunho. Please.”
You’re sniffling at this point, begging for any kind of stimulation that shoots you to the stars. You’re fucking sniffling, and that’s all it takes for Yunho to manhandle you on the bed. A gasp escapes you, not expecting this turn of events at all. It all happens in a flash and the next thing you know, you’re on all fours, face buried in the pillow.
“Yunho, I t-thought y-you’d fuck me,” you complain, glancing behind to see what’s taking him so long. Your mouth waters at the sight.
“Patience, baby,” he says as he’s unbuckling his belt, taking his sweet time. You rub your legs together to ease the tension, but you can’t really say you’re not enjoying the show. Yunho’s lean, slightly defined, and once he’s only left in his underwear, you swallow heavily. There’s a large, dark patch on the fabric and the bulge seems more prominent than before.
If your mouth was only watering, you’re drooling by now. Yunho takes off his boxers, revealing his painfully hard cock, tip red and oozing precum. Just like the rest of him, he’s abnormally huge.
You have two thoughts. One: Fuck, you want him. Now. Two:
“That’s never going to fit inside of me.”
“Oh it will,” he says with such confidence it gives you shivers. “I’ll pound you into the mattress and you’ll take it all.”
He grabs you by your thighs to pull you closer to him before positioning himself right behind you. “W-wait!” you cry, heart suddenly feeling heavy in your chest, “D-don’t just put it in without prep— o-oh, hnngh—” your body feels like jelly when Yunho presses two spit-coated fingers past your entrance, stretching you out with finesse.
“I’m not that heartless,” he chuckles amusedly, right at the same time he curls his digits right against your sweet spot, sending you headfirst into bliss. “You’re so small you wouldn’t be able to take an inch without prep.”
You only whine into the pillow, arching your back as he continues his ministrations. Once Yunho deems you stretched out enough, he retreats his fingers and replaces them immediately with his cock.
The difference is like night and day. It’s like his fingers didn’t amount to anything compared to this. The high-pitched cry that escapes you is loud as you grasp onto the pillow for dear life.
“How can you be so big?” you pant. There’s no way he’s past four inches deep inside of you. You’re far from being filled, but your walls are already clenching hard around him.
“Bassists do it deeper for a reason.” The innuendo is tacky but in your current headspace, it sounds like the sexiest thing you’ve ever heard. Yunho stills his hips, letting you get used to him. “How are you feeling?”
“Guh—” he chuckles at your inability to form coherent words, let alone thoughts. “So big.”
“You’ll get used to it, honey.” He leans forward to pet your hair. “Tell me when I can move,” he adds gently, and you swear you could melt right then.
It takes you a moment to get your breathing steady, and then he pushes more of his length inside. Whimpering, you writhe beneath him, feeling as if you’re being torn apart. Meanwhile, he’s breathing hard through his nose, trying his damn hardest to go as slow as possible. At a certain point, Yunho stops pressing for more and pulls out ever so slightly before rocking his hips back forward. It starts out slowly, but he gradually picks up the pace and you lose yourself into him.
“Faster,” you moan, bending your back for an even deeper angle. “Hnngh, so full. Want m-more.”
“You were right, you can’t take me to the hilt.” Yunho readjusts his grip on his hips and you know that bruises are going to last until the end of the week. “God, you’re so fucking small that you can’t take me to the fucking hilt.”
Your vision turns foggy once the meaning gets through you. Now that he’s saying it, how much of his cock is inside of you? Half of it? A third? He’s stretching you out so well, filling you up so impossibly deep and that wasn’t even his everything?
“That’s not— want more of you, all of you,” you stammer, not realizing what you’re even saying. “Baby wants all of you.” God, you’re so drunk and desperate for his cock that you can’t refer yourself in the first person anymore.
Yunho reacts just as perplexed, eyes widening. His hips still once more, and though you’d want to shout at him to keep on moving, you don’t find the energy to move your head, or even lift a finger.
“So fucking greedy,” he growls, pulling out of you completely. Not even a second later, he flips you around on your back so that you’re facing him dead in the eye, and then he pushes back in. The new position has you gurgling on broken words as your arms flail around for dear life.
Yunho throws a leg over his shoulder, creating a deeper angle. You don’t know if he’s actually giving you more if he’s managed to force more of him into you. All you register is the messy squelch of liquids and your moans bouncing off the walls. You can’t even see properly, everything a blur and a mix of different colors.
“I’m gonna cum,” you whimper, sensing your demise nearing closer and closer.
“Then cum,” Yunho orders in between groans, then adds in a louder voice, “You hear that baby? Cum and make a mess out of yourself.”
Your orgasm crashes onto you in a big singular wave as you tremble under his frame, walls clenching around him tightly. His name leaves your mouth like a mantra as you continue to convulse. Yunho pulls out moments later, just to spurt white on your abdomen. His face is flushed and beads of sweat are forming on his forehead while he jerks himself dry.
It’s a miracle that Yunho hasn’t toppled on you once he slowly comes down from his high. The fog in your vision clears up gradually, but your limbs are as good as worthless. You won’t be able to move freely for a good day or two.
As you continue to blink at the ceiling, only finding the energy to breathe, Yunho grabs the box of tissues from your nightstand and wipes himself off before doing the same to you. His touch is gentle unlike before, and you’d thank him if your vocal cords were still functioning.
You’re about to drift to sleep until he suddenly leans down and pecks your lips. In an instant, you narrow your eyes at him and ask, “What was that for?”
“You had some cum on your lip. I wanted to taste too.” Yunho smiles cheekily and runs his tongue against his bottom lip, then grimaces. “It tastes... yikes.”
He cleans you up in silence before plopping onto the bed right next to you. No words are exchanged up until you say, “Yeosang is going to kill you.”
“He can’t afford to kill me. He needs me for the band,” he muses.
“He’ll still kill you.”
“I appreciate the concern, honey.”
“Just scram back to practice.”
“Don’t you want to go to the bathroom first?”
“I can do it myself.”
“Oh really?”
“... Yunho, help me on my legs and then scram back to practice.”
Meanwhile, back in the basement, the guys are waiting for their bandmate to come back so they can finally finish practice and then eat chicken.
“You sure (y/n) and Yunho are only childhood enemies? They’ve been going at it like rabbits if he isn’t back here yet!” San exclaims, throwing his arms up for dramatic effect.
Mingi can’t counter that because San has a point, so he whips his head to Yeosang. “Dude, you sure they’re not in a relationship? They have to be at least fuckbuddies! Or fuckrivals? Fuckenemies? Or…”
“I do not know and I do not care,” Yeosang says blankly, looking like he’s about to bang his head against the wall because he sure won’t walk into your room and curse his eyes for the rest of his life. Damnit, all he wants is to practice and get the band together; their next gig is only a few weeks away. “In fact, I want to unsee what I just saw and unhear what you just said.”
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Float Like A Butterfly... Ch.6 ...Sting Like A Bee
Summary: An unexpected ally appears before Marinette. The only problem is, he's stumbled onto something he shouldn't have. And she needs it back.
Marinette was having a terrible day.
First she shows up late with the principal accessory of the Gabriel line's Fashion Week showing. Fashion Week! Marinette was looking forward to it all month! 
Next Audrey Bourgeois, Style Queen herself, treats the hat Marinette worked so hard on like gum on the bottom of her shoe. Sure Adrien had been super encouraging but he hadn't seen the look of utter contempt on Audrey Bourgeois face. No one could look that disgusted all the time!
Speaking of Adrien, he didn't make getting over him any easier by being so kind.
And if that wasn't enough Marinette's brain insisted on using Chat Noir's Miraculous to fight the akumatized villain. Again! She didn't want to think about Chat Noir right now because... Because... Marinette blinked rapidly. Deep breath... Because thinking about Chat Noir was painful.
But that wasn't even the worst part.
"Don't worry, Tikki. We'll get the box right after the show," Marinette stage whispered so as to not alert her parents. Who walked not even a meter away.
Tikki let out a concerned whine. Oh, this was a bad idea. She could feel it. Marinette was right that they couldn't get away from her parents beforehand. But that only made Tikki even more anxious to get searching. And Marinette really didn't need something else to worry about on top of... everything else.
She hoped no one found it.
Chloe's day was ridiculous. Utterly, ridiculous!
She sat next to her mother as Adrien walked down the runway. Lingering dread squashed and thrown into the very back of her mental walk-in closet where she kept unimportant things. Like shoes she never wore anymore, problematic outfits and lingering guilt that totally wasn't her's. Adrien wasn't slowly disintegrating anymore so why dwell on the past?
Adrien's performance was flawless and Chloe was absolutely certain she appreciated his efforts more than anyone else... Even if Alya Cesaire was livestreaming.
The show went off without a hitch. Adrien seemed fine but then he was almost as good at pretending as she was. Chloe eyed him as Gabriel's lackey, um, assistant pulled him along. Not physically, of course. It was more of a metaphorical pulling.
Ugh, Gabriel Agreste started talking with Chloe's mother through his assistant's tablet. Like, yeah, apologizing to the Queen of Style was a no brainer. But he could have at least come in person! Not like Gabriel was doing anything important besides being the world's richest hermit.
... And Dupain-Cheng was there too. Of course she was. At least her mother would put Dupain-Cheng in her place. Chloe felt herself smirk at the thought.
Adrien raised an eyebrow. As though reading her mind.
Chloe pretended not to notice. No petty satisfactions here! No, sir! But it wasn't like the Queen of Style was going to say anything about Dupain-Cheng's hat except-
"It's the most exceptional thing I've ever seen!" Audrey Bourgeois announced.
Exact- Wait, what!?
"You're a visionary, Marinette! Glitter's had its day..."
Chloe's ears rang, drowning out her mother's voice. Exceptional? Her? Over a- a- a hat!? A vice squeezed Chloe's chest with cruel precision. When her own present was rejected without even unwrapping it!? Chloe's fists shook as she bit her tongue.
"Isn't that nice for your friend, Chloe dearest?" Andre Bourgeois asked.
"It's ridiculous! Utterly ridiculous!" Chloe whirled on her mother. "I've never been to New York with you and you're taking Marinette Dupain-Cheng!?" She spat.
"I'm afraid I have a last minute meeting to attend, my dear Audrey," Gabriel announced from the tablet. "Nathalie, bring Adrien home immediately."
Adrien's attention snapped from Chloe to Gabriel. "But, Father, I-"
"Do not embarrass me in front of the Bourgeois," Gabriel snapped, ending the call.
Jaw clenching shut, Adrien stared at nothing with stormy eyes as Nathalie led him away.
"I'm taking her because she's exceptional, Claudette. Uh- Chloe," Audrey stated matter-of-factly, the Agrestes already forgotten.
"I'm exceptional too!" Chloe shot back.
Audrey inspected her white gloves, bored of this exchange. "The only exceptional thing about you, my dear-" Audrey deigned to glance at her daughter. "-is your mother."
Chloe's blood boiled as she shook off Andre's hands on her shoulders, standing straighter. "I'll show you how exceptional I can be!" she promised.
Just as an akuma entered Chloe's present.
Alya was having an amazing day!
Her livestreams hadn't gotten this many new views since she almost got sacrificed by Pharaoh. The Ladyblog's activity was up. And Ladybug chose her as the Black Cat!
Sure it was weird that Ladybug didn't want to talk about it. But still! Black Cat! Alya tried to contain her grin as she thought about being Ladybug's partner for a day...
Her pace on the sidewalk slowed, enthusiasm dampening a little... Setting her face in determination Alya skipped into gear. All the more reason to piece together what happened! And she'd start with-
A burst of yellow light shot forth from the Grand Palais. Jolting Alya out of her thoughts as the newest akuma victim gave their villain speech from the roof.
"I am Queen Glitter! And from now on the only exceptional person in Paris will be me!"
Alya ran... straight for the villain who was obviously Chloe as she summoned a cloud of glitter and shapped it into a collection of accessories. The constructs restricting the movement of whoever they landed on. Scarves wrapping people's legs together or tying them to lampposts. Hats covering people's eyes as they tried to yank them off. There was even someone with his hands stuck in high heels. Queen Glitter made a giant floating scarf to stand on and took off in a random direction; leaving a trail of gaudy accessories in her wake.
Great. It was going to take forever to catch up to her now! Taking cover in an alleyway so Queen Glitter's sparkly formal wear wouldn't notice her, Alya scanned the street. Mentally kicking herself for not having recorded the villain speech for the Ladyblog.
"Looks like you're raring to go," Ladybug observed as she landed next to Alya. A familiar box in her hand.
"Ladybug! Didn't think I'd be helping out again so soon!" Alya held out her palm and Ladybug placed the Black Cat Miraculous in her hands again.
"Y'know the drill, right?" Ladybug's eyes wandered to the people in various states of running-for-their-lives.
"Give it back when we're done and don't take it personally," Alya paraphrased as Plagg emerged in a ball of light when she placed the ring on her finger.
"Ladyblog girl again?” Plagg gave her a once over. Ears flat against his head but swishing tail betraying his apprehension. "Well, at least Alya's not blue boy."
“He wasn’t that-“ Ladybug shook her head. “Y’know what, never mind.”
Glancing between them Alya filed that tidbit away for later. "C'mon, Plagg. We did great together!"
"You were okay," Plagg acknowledged. "Could've used more cat puns."
Alya chuckled. Of course he'd like those. With a -slightly forced- encouraging smile from Ladybug, Alya called out: “Plagg, transforme-moi!”
Green lightning traveled from Chat Noir’s ring across both arms and down her torso. A green sash wrapping around her waist and trailing into a tail. Running her clawed gloves through her hair as cat ears materialized. Said hair puffing up into an afro. Armor padding her shoulders and torso. Alya flexed her fingers to get used to the feeling. Chat Ombre's suit still felt strange on her skin compared to Rena Rouge.
Ladybug leapt onto the rooftops and Chat Ombre followed her lead. Racing towards the villain while avoiding her glitter. "So what's the plan?"
"Queen Glitter is basically a reskin of Style Queen," Ladybug thought aloud.
"But without that annoying habit of turning into a cloud!" Chat Ombre supplied.
Ladybug launched her yo-yo at a pedestrian and yanked him away from Queen Glitter's constructs as they passed by. "But she can spread her power over a wider area."
"Don't worry, Ladybug. We'll be- Look out!" Alya tackled Ladybug out of the way as a trio of glittery top hats zoomed past.
"Your reign is over Ladybug and wannabe Chat Noir!" Queen Glitter announced as she floated over them. Her appearance was similar to Style Queen except her crown was even bigger and gaudier. A foux glitter scarf around her shoulders. "I don't even care if you don't give me your Miraculous! I'll simply immobilize you and take them by force!"
They evaded a flurry of coats by jumping down to the street. "Really?" Chat Ombre called out. "That all you can throw at us? A tacky outfit?"
"Wouldn't be the first time!" Ladybug agreed.
"No one ever appreciates my gifts!" Queen Glitter stomped her foot. "Fine then. Why don't we try something more expensive!" Raising her hands she lifted two cars wrapped with giant bows into the air.
Alya's eyes widened. "Oh, shi-" Chat Ombre evaded Chloe's attacks as the villain played wack-a-chat. Glitter accessories flying in and attempting to restrict their movements as well.
Ladybug wrapped one of the vehicles with her yo-yo and spun it back at Queen Glitter.
The bright red sports car hurled towards her and- She stopped it with the palm of her hand. "You'll have to do better than that if- Where'd you go!?" Queen Glitter scanned the empty street, rising higher for a better vantage point.
Chat Ombre locked eyes with her for a second before a chimney obscured her line of sight. "Somehow I don't think that bought us much time." Alya voiced as a wave of clothing rose over the city.
Ladybug spotted a strip of blue between the rooftops. Thinking quickly, Marinette grabbed Alya's hand and turned them towards the Seine. Diving into its waters with a torrent of glitter in their wake.
Queen Glitter's constructs crashed into the river and washed away with the current.
Chat Ombre made for the surface once it was clear but Ladybug pulled her back. Chat's staff in her hand and yo-yo on her face. Pointing towards the magic tool Ladybug offered it to Alya.
Nodding, Alya quickly pressed it to her lips and took a deep breath, sweet oxygen filling her lungs. Giving Ladybug a thumbs up once she didn't feel like her chest was on fire.
Grabbing her hand Ladybug led Alya further upstream until they found a boat.
Gasping the (relatively) fresh air Alya examined Chat's staff. "I didn't know it could do that."
"Yeah, the Miraculous are full of surprises. And we'll need one of our own to beat Queen Glitter. Lucky Charm!"
A spotted snorkel fell into Ladybug's hands.
"Don't we already have one of those?" Chat Ombre asked.
Ladybug's brow furrowed as she stared at it. "Yeah... Wait, Queen Glitter's powers don't work underwater!"
"So, all we need to do is get her there!" 
Ladybug glanced at a pair of recycling bins. "And I know just how to sneak up on her."
Chat Ombre grinned. She liked this plan.
Chat Ombre hated this plan!
It had all gone smoothly. The glitter constructs ignoring the recycling bins they used as disguises. Snake style. Chloe was dumbfounded when she saw them. Enough to let them take the elevator up to the Grand Paris' rooftop where Queen Glitter set up her makeshift throne. Giving them the opportunity to tackle her towards the Seine.
Unfortunately, Queen Glitter could make constructs of any size. Like, for example, a wide brimmed hat big enough to stretch from either bank of the Seine.
"You were going to make me wear this?" Queen Glitter held up the Lucky Charm- "No thanks!" -and struck it across her knee.
Alya winced as the villain broke Ladybug's insta-win button in half. "Please, tell me you have a plan?" Chat Ombre glanced at the spotted hero currently wrapped up in an extra long scarf just like she was. The floating constructs squeezing just a little bit more as Ladybug struggled against them. Alya tried bending her wrist to Cataclysm her restraints but her right hand was held away from the rest of her body.
"No planning! Not that it'll do you any good. I've already won! Me! Queen Glitter! MWAHAHAHAH- Do you mind? I'm trying to savour the moment!" Chloe snapped as Papillon's emblem glowed over her face.
Alya's head turned from an increasingly frantic Ladybug to the annoyed villain.
"Of course I'm going to take their Miraculous! Why wouldn't I take their Miraculous?"
"An excellent question, your Highness!"
Three pairs of eyes snapped towards the source of the unexpected voice.
"... Who the heck are you supposed to be?" Queen Glitter demanded.
"Aristos! At your service!" He bowed with a flourish, giving Alya a good look at the bee shaped comb at the base of his ponytail. Blond hair highlighted with black stripes. Goggles obscuring his face, making his green eyes hard to read despite the grin on his lips. Suit mostly yellow with black, V-shaped stripes on his torso, forearms and lower legs. Three hexagons on his chest giving the impression of honeycombs.
"No no no no no no." Ladybug stared at Aristos, not realizing that she was speaking aloud.
...Well, that can't be good, Alya thought.
"Ha! Did you really think more insects would help, Ladybug?" The villain mocked. Her constructs closing in on the interloper.
Aristos' smile took on a darker edge. "I'm not with her, your Majesty. I'm here to pledge myself to the most exceptional Queen I've ever seen! Really, where does Papillon get off talking to such a glittery figure as your Highness like that?"
Alya blinked. Really? Even Chloe wouldn't fall for-
Raising her hand the villain halted her constructs' advance. "Hmm, well at least you know how to treat royalty." Queen Glitter offered her bejeweled fingers. "I guess you can be my underling."
Ah. Right. Never underestimate the power of Chloe's ego.
The Bee, Alya was ninety-nine percent sure he was the Bee, took Chloe's offered hand and leaned down. Lips hovering over the back of her hand. "Oh! That reminds me your Highness, I have a gift for you."
Queen Glitter's eyes shone. "A present? For me? It better be the latest- Ow! I'm getting to that!" She snapped at Papillon, looking away from the Bee to glare at the absent supervillain.
Aristos removed the striped top Alya recognized as his Miraculous tool from around his waist.
"You didn't beat them! I did!"
Casually, carefully, Aristos placed his top on Queen Glitter's hand. Point against her glittering skin.
"You couldn't do it yourself so you sent me!"
"Venom," the Bee breathed.
"What was-"
Queen Glitter froze as Aristos' top glowed; his power paralyzing her. The constructs bursting into clouds of glitter. Chat Ombre landed in a crouch as her restraints vanished.
"It worked." Aristos sounded as surprised as Alya felt. "It worked! Yes! Nailed it!" He pumped his fist as relief overflowed and- Was he crying?. "Independent hero debut successful!"
"What?" Ladybug was staring at the Bee apprehensively and that didn't help Alya's nerves.
Aristos' mood instantly became more subdued. Blinking rapidly to get the water out of his eyes. "Oh, right. You're still here."
Chat Ombre tried not to take that personally. He did just save them, after all.
Ladybug stepped forward. Voice even, diplomatic. Never mind that she seemed this close to freaking out. "Listen, Aristos was it? I don't know how you found that Miraculous but you have to give it back."
His face was disturbingly neutral. "...Don't I get a 'thank you' for saving the day?"
The tension in Ladybug's shoulders wouldn't budge. "Thank you, but I really need that Miraculous back." She held out her hand.
Aristos stared at Ladybug's hand like it was something alien. Cracks appearing in his facade. "Yeah, pass."  Walking backwards, away from Ladybug and Chat Ombre, he kept them in his field of vision.
"Wh- The- Y-you can't just decide that!" Ladybug sputtered, stepping forward.
"Just did! How do I even know this Miraculous is even yours?" Aristos asked, increasing the distance between them.
Alya got the distinct impression that he was bullshitting them.
"I'm the one who lost it!"
Alya's eyes widened. "You lost a Miraculous?"
"Not helping, Chat!"
Aristos' features twitched, eyes narrowing. "Sure you say it's yours but how do I know that?"
Chat Ombre bristled at the implication. "Ladybug is the Hero of Paris!"
Aristos gave her a once-over, his expression inscrutable, but said nothing.
Wow. Rude.
"That Miraculous belongs to the G- to me."
"That's interesting because I say it belongs to me." Aristos laid a hand on his chest. "Looks like it's your word against mine. Guess which one I'm choosing?"
Ladybug's yo-yo was suddenly spinning in her hand. "I swear, I'm not gonna lose another-"
An insistent beeping from Ladybug's earrings interrupted her.
"Welp! Love to stay and dance but it looks like you two need to buzz off before your precious identities are exposed to little old me."
Why did he sound bitter? Everything about him made Alya's head spin with questions. Not least of which being how the heck someone holding the Bee Miraculous showed up in the first place.
Taking his top, Aristos hopped onto the edge of the Grand Paris' roof. "Might want to deal with her before that happens."
Alya looked to where he was pointing to see Queen Glitter still paralyzed. When she glanced back at the Bee he was gone.
Adrien's day sucked.
Paris Fashion Week was always a chore but this year was even worse. Despite having friends around he felt lonelier than ever. Getting to talk to Marinette only helped so much. Adrien was still expected to plaster on a smile and represent 'the brand'.
And that was before he got turned into a freaking statue!
At least it's better than mind control.
Shut up!
He did not want to see Ladybug or her new partner up close and personal! Thank you, very much! But like always what Adrien wanted didn't matter.
Imagine his surprise when a Miraculous practically falls into his lap. A familiar glow blooming in his chest against all reason as Adrien opens the box.
"Hello, my King," the unknown, bee-like kwami greets formally.
There's a turning in his stomach that Adrien tries his best to calm it. "H-hi! I'm Adrien. What's your name?"
"I am Pollen," she bowed. "Kwami of Subjection. An honor to meet you. It has been a long time since I've had a king."
"Just Adrien is fine." Taking the Miraculous, a comb of all things, out of it's box Adrien stares at it. It's disguise all black and only vaguely shaped like a bee compared to the details he glimpsed before Pollen came out.
"Of course, my King."
Adrien sighed. Pollen was nothing like Plagg. Then again, Adrien wasn't sure the world could survive two of him. The lazy little jerk was enough to drive any Guardian mad all by himself... God, he missed Plagg.
"Um, anyway, how does your power work?"
Pollen clapped her small appendages together. "It's very straightforward, my King. You simply call out 'Venom' and your top will activate. Then strike your opponent with the point and they'll be paralyzed for however long you desire." She whooshed toward him for emphasis.
"Paralyze..." That was certainly more straightforward than using Cataclysm.
'Cause you sucked at that, didn't you?
Shut up. This was... What was he doing? When Adrien held the Bee in his hands he felt... Alive. Like a promise that things could be better this time around.
Adrien jumped as insistent knocking on his changing room door startled him out of his thoughts.
"M. Agreste? Mme. Sancoeur says we're back on in five."
"Be right out!" Brushing the Miraculous with his thumb to make sure it was really there Adrien placed it in his pocket. Hesitating for a moment he offered his jacket to Pollen.
Nodding, she zoomed into Plagg's old hiding place.
Taking a deep breath, Adrien opened the door. "Let's get this over with."
Adrien ran off as soon as Papillon's mark appeared on Chloe's face. Catching Marinette doing the same from the corner of his eye. Glass raining down as Queen Glitter broke through the Grand Palais' roof.
Pollen zipping out as he tied his hair into a makeshift ponytail. Holding it in place with the Bee Miraculous.
"Quickly, my King! Say 'Pollen, transforme-moi'!"
Adrien stared at her. He could hear screaming as people ran.
"My King!"
His oldest friend just got akumatized for the second time.
"My King!"
All he had to do was speak!
His knees shook as his back hit the wall behind him for support. "But... I wasn't chosen."
Pollen floated higher as her eyes widened in surprise. "Weren't you given my Miraculous?"
Adrien shook his head. "I f-found it... After giving up the Black Cat."
This time Pollen dipped as she nearly fell out of the air. "Chat Noir."
Adrien shook his head even more emphatically. Hands going up to cover his face. "N-no! Not him! Can't be him!" he choked.
Pollen laid her hand on his and Adrien tensed at the touch. "My King."
Something in her voice made Adrien look at her.
"You wish to help, do you not?"
"... Yes."
Pollen's eyes softened. "Then help."
Adrien stared at her. So sure that she'd want nothing to do with him once she knew what a failure he was... But that wasn't the case.
Rising shakily to his feet Adrien gave Pollen a grateful smile. "Pollen, transforme-moi'."
Aristos panted as he glanced up from the alleyway. Spotting no pursuers. "Pollen, detransforme-moi."
Landing on Adrien's outstretched palms, Pollen beamed tiredly at him. "Excellent work, my King."
Adrien smiled back. "Oh! What do you eat? Plagg loves Camembert but..."
"That would be fine. However, I prefer something sweeter."
"Yeah..." A weight settled on his chest. "Let's see what we can find..."
Pollen frowned. "Is something wrong, my King?"
Adrien avoided her gaze. What was he supposed to say? That disobeying Ladybug felt wrong? That he almost let his guilt and resentment make him say cruel things to his replacement? That his heart wouldn't stop pounding? "It's just... Do you want to go back?"
Pollen blinked.
"You're supposed to listen to the Guardian, right?" Adrien bit his lip as his heart tried jumping up his throat. "It's not fair of me to keep you if you want to go back."
Pollen sat up on his palms. "I have been in the Miracle Box for a long time, my King. I can think of worse things than spending what time I have outside it with you."
Adrien's eyes burned as he wiped away tears. "Thanks, Pollen."
Ladybugs swirled in the sky as they repaired the city.
"Of course, my King," Pollen smiled.
"Call me Adrien."
"Yes, my King."
Adrien sighed. A smile coming to his lips. Looks like Aristos was sticking around for a while.
Retroactively giving Black Cat Alya an afro.
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thewidowsghost · 3 years
The Shield . . . (Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader)
@just-dreaming-marvel​ requested something with Steve and I hope this is good for Bailey! 
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Steve retired his shield to Sam after the final battle with Thanos. 
Steve and his girlfriend had moved into a house together shortly after the end of the battle. 
(Y/n) Stark - sister to Tony - hadn't given up Avenging, however, and is with her friend Sam and her boyfriend's old friend Bucky. 
"Karli!" Sam yells as he, Bucky, and (Y/n) walk into the stone building. 
(Y/n)'s eyes flash as she catches sight of Karli, and the three Avengers make their way silently up the stairs. 
"You called my sister?" Sam asks angrily. "That's how we're gonna play this."
"I would never hurt her. I wanted to understand you better," Karli says.
(Y/n)'s (E/c) eyes meet Bucky's blue ones uncertainly. Bucky shoots (Y/n) a comforting glance. 
"I see you, um, didn't come alone," Karli says, her gaze straying to (Y/n) - who was slightly behind Sam - and Bucky, who had slunk into the shadows. 
"You have to end this now," Sam tells Karli. 
"I don't wanna hurt you," Karli says softly. "You're a tool in the regimes I want to destroy." 
"You're not hiding behind a shield," Karli says, glancing at (Y/n), who had a sword resting against her back in its sheath. "If I were to kill you, it'd be meaningless."
Sam glances back at Bucky as Karli continues, "I was going ask you to join me. Or do the world a favor and let me go."
"Hey, Sam, new Cap is moving, it looks like he's found them, or maybe they found him," Sharon tells the trio in the COMs set. 
"It's Walker," Sam says grimly. 
(Y/n) and Bucky jump down off the balcony and start running off to find John Walker or, as (Y/n) reflects, the saddest replacement for Steve as Captain America that she'd ever seen. 
Bucky and (Y/n) run down the road and into a building, Sam busting through the glass ceiling above. 
Sam watches as Walker throws a man down the stairs, the man falling flat to the ground, clearly dead.
"What'd you do?" Sam asks, his eyes widening slightly. 
"They've got Lemar," Walker tells Sam. 
Bucky and (Y/n) dart up a flight of stairs, (Y/n) pushing Bucky out of the way as one of the Flagsmashers jumps across onto the staircase. The Flagsmasher punches (Y/n) in the face, and (Y/n) hits the wall with a thud.
Buchy kicks the man through a cement wall. "Stay there," Bucky says, then moving to help (Y/n) up.
(Y/n) shakes Bucky off, and she heads up the stairs, Bucky going one way, (Y/n) going another way.
The two somehow end up in the same room where they see Walker and Sam fighting some of the Flagsmashers.
(Y/n) throws a disgusted look as Walker throws one of the Flagsmashers into a stone pillar, killing the man.
Then, (Y/n)'s expression goes wide with shock as she watches one of the Flagsmashers pin Walker's arms back, and Karli - with her mask on - launches herself forward. Lemar intercepts Karli and his friend, and with one punch, and Lemar is thrown into one of the stone pillars and falls still - clearly dead.
The Flagsmasher lets go of Walker, and the new Captain America stumbles over to his dead friend and shakes him, his voice full of desperation, "Hey. Hey. Hey. Lemar. Lemar."
Walker swallows thickly, and Karli runs out one of the doors, Bucky and Sam following her and (Y/n) following Walker as the man sprints out and jumps through a window, crushing a car below.
There is about a half-a-second delay in the amount of time between the two figures.
Walker sprints after one of the Flagsmashers; (Y/n) starts after him, skidding to a halt in front of Captain America.
"Walker! Walker! Hey! Snap out of it!" (Y/n) shouts, her (E/c) eyes going steely.
Walker ignores her, throwing the shield and hitting the Flagsmasher in the back; (Y/n) slides in front of the fallen man.
There is a sound of sirens wailing, and all (Y/n) can do is stare up at the blood-splattered shield above her, her eyes glazed with shock and pain.
In New York, Steve and Natasha are in the Common Room of the Compound watching the news when there is an interruption.
"Sorry to interrupt your normal program," the newscaster apologizes. "But there's been a recent development concerning the new Captain America and Avenger (Y/n) Stark."
Natasha and Steve share an uncertain look before their eyes fix on the television again.
"Get out of the way!" Walker growls, tightening his grip on the shield. 
(Y/n) doesn't move, and she doesn't seem to notice the group of people making a circle around the Avenger and the new Captain America. 
(Y/n) glances back over her shoulder at the injured Flagsmasher, and he gets to his feet, running away.
Walker seems not to notice where the Flagsmasher had gone, but his gaze had darkened. 
"You let him go!" Walker roars, throwing his shield into (Y/n)'s chest, and (Y/n) stumbles back but remains standing, her (E/c) eyes glowing with defiance.
It takes a few more throws of the shield and blood finally falling from (Y/n)'s chest for the Avenger to finally descend to the ground where the Flagsmasher had been lying. 
Walker raises the shield and slams it down, the edge smashing against (Y/n)'s body again and again and again. 
Blood splatters everywhere. 
The gathered people gasp in horror. 
(Y/n)'s head had fallen to the stone below her. 
Walker had stopped, readying the shield. 
Walker looks around, making eye contact with each of the people in the little square.
Bucky and Sam run into the square, their eyes wide with horror.
(Y/n)'s head falls to the side, her eyes closing slightly, her whole body wracked with pain.
There's a wail of sirens that startles (Y/n)'s eyes back open.
(Y/n) falls unconscious on the way to the hospital, unable to stay awake due to the tremendous amount of pain coursing through her.
The next time (Y/n) awakens, she looks over to see Steve and Natasha slumped in chairs - asleep - beside her hospital bed.
(Y/n) reaches over weakly and takes her boyfriend's hand, her thumb rubbing circles onto the top of his hand.
Steve instantly jolts awake, his eyes frantically looking up and down (Y/n) - as if wondering if she was actually there.
"Hi, Stevie," (Y/n) says softly, not wanting to wake Natasha on her other side.
A tear trails down Steve's cheek and leans forward in his chair, and he presses a soft kiss to the Avenger's knuckles.
"It's okay," (Y/n) murmurs, her gaze softening. "I'm alright."
"I -" the super-soldier falters. Steve's gaze strays to the television mounted to the wall in the corner of the room.
(Y/n)'s gaze flickers over to the television as well, but she looks away as she sees John Walker gathered in front of a council.
Steve, noticing his girlfriend's discomfort, grabs the remote hastily and turns off the television.
A few days pass, and the hospital staff lets (Y/n) leave. The couple returns home.
(Y/n) sits down onto the couch and can barely register anything before she's hit with a wall of black-and-white fur.
(Y/n) chuckles, her eyes glowing with amusement as she scratches behind Marble's ears.
"How's my baby been, huh?" (Y/n) asks softly, petting the cat. Marble is rubbing against (Y/n), nosing the woman's chin with loud purrs.
"An absolute nuisance," Steve says, flopping down beside (Y/n) on the couch; (Y/n) rests her head on her boyfriend's shoulder.
"No!" (Y/n) says with disbelief as she blinks up at Steve.
Steve nods and (Y/n) grins stupidly, her eyes sparkling as she snuggles into Steve's side.
"I doubt it," (Y/n) murmurs, Marble stepping up and lying in the curve of (Y/n)'s hip and her chest.
Word Count: 1301 words
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