#the true columbian college student experience
nyansequitur · 5 months
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wanted windflit to feel right at home so i made a dorm for him <3
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kuramirocket · 3 years
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Sharing the beauty of Mexican American culture through stories of shocking social injustices and steadfast hope, the 2021 recipients for the Tomás Rivera Mexican American Children’s Book Award reflect on the growing impact of their work.
The award is named after Tomás Rivera, Texas State's first Mexican American Distinguished Alumnus. Established in 1995 by the College of Education, the award seeks to celebrate authors and illustrators across the country who are dedicated to showcasing Mexican American values and culture.
Author and illustrator Duncan Tonatiuh won the award based on his latest book, "Feathered Serpent and the Five Suns: A Mesoamerican Creation Myth." The book was inspired by Mexico’s pre-Columbian myths and shares the legend of the Quetzalcóatl—the Feathered Serpent, a deity who embarks on the journey to create humankind.
By revealing the tales of pre-Columbian legends through his books, Tonatiuh says he hopes to educate Mexican American children on mythologies within their own culture, serving as a reflection of their identity and heritage.
“I think kids will be curious and want to learn,” Tonatiuh says. “I think we’re so used to hearing about the Greek heroes, the Greek gods and other mythologies. But also discovering that there are mythologies in other parts of the world and kind of maybe connecting to some of that.”
After moving to the U.S. from Mexico at 15, Tonatiuh relied on his love for writing and illustrating to find comfort when he missed his childhood home.
Now having written and illustrated 10 books and receiving numerous awards, Tonatiuh says he hopes his books provide a sense of familiarity and encourage children to embrace their culture.
“I think when students see themselves in books it just lets them know their experiences, voices [and] culture is important,” Tonatiuh says. “One thing I think is sometimes immigrants or minorities in the U.S. feel they need to assimilate to be a good American, but I think it’s quite the opposite. Rather, I think it shouldn’t be something kids or students should be ashamed of, I think it’s something that they should be proud of.”
For Sonia Gutiérrez, another 2021 recipient of the Tomás Rivera Award and author of "Dreaming with Mariposas," the award is a great honor. She views the prize as a way to increase awareness of Latino bigotry, Mexican immigration and social injustice.
"It gets me teary,” Gutiérrez says. “I’m so proud of all the hard work and Tomás Rivera’s spirit in my writing. It’s an honor, a humbling experience [and] it gives me great pride to represent a group of people that have been demonized and targeted by anti-immigration rhetoric
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"Dreaming with Mariposas" delineates the story of the Martínez's family through the eyes of transboundary Sofía “Chofi” Martínez. Witnessing institutional racism, sexual harassment and colorism, Sofía learns to navigate her dreams as she discovers her superpower: The strength of her Mexican Indigenous heritage and the spirit world.
“I needed to create a character that could show the way and inspire young women,” Gutiérrez says. “I also juxtapose the generation of women that had to deal with domestic violence and being tied to the domestic sphere. Yes, this book is for young women, but I also wanted to show young men, young readers the toxicity of masculinity. The drinking [and] the violence against a woman's body, it's definitely a book that I created to speak to the next generations.”
Pouring their hearts into their books, the Tomás Rivera recipients say they are glad to see their efforts come full circle as they share the capability of the Mexican American community.
Social injustice activist and author of "The Spirit of Chicano Park/El espíritu del Parque Chicano," Beatrice Zamora was inspired to create her book just in time for the 50th anniversary of Chicano Park located in San Diego.
Zamora shares the story of Bettie and Bonky, new residents of the historical Barrio Logan, who discover the magical park. With the help of a mystical "señora," they travel through a historical journey, showing the community’s struggle to build a park and learn the true history of Chicano Park.
Inspired by the real community of Barrio Logan, San Diego's oldest Mexican American neighborhood, Zamora says the park is a testimony to Mexican American vigor.
“The park has become a symbol for self-determination and for cultural preservation,” Zamora says. “People come from all over the place just to see the park. In 2016, it was actually named a national historic landmark, and so I felt it was important to capture this history for children, especially. To understand that they matter and they have a voice, [so] they can take action to make their neighborhoods beautiful, to preserve their culture and to live in this country as full participants.”
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In an effort to stay true to the history of Chicano Park, Zamora and her husband, Mario E. Aguilar, formed their own publication, Tolteca Press, to preserve Chicano cultural through bilingual books.
Zamora says bilingual books are important for Mexican American children, so they may see themselves reflected in the books they read, the history they study and the world they live in.
“I hope that children take from the book that they matter,” Zamora says. “That their voice matters, they are important to the world we live in and their culture is beautiful. I hope that parents realize that the education of their children is important and if they see something that brings them displeasure in their community that [they] should look into it, that they should take action."
"I would hope that educators understand that it's important to have diverse voices, to have a broader perspective on the fact that people of color matter in this country. It’s what this country was founded upon, so diversity is important.”
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noretreatnancy · 4 years
January Reading Wrap-Up
Okay so I want to start typing up a little summary/review for each of the books I read this year, so that maybe some of my followers can find some new titles! This month I read 5 romances, 2 fantasies, 2 non-fiction (a memoir and a recounting of some supposedly true paranormal events), and 1 mystery/thriller. If you’re interested in any of those genres, maybe check out the reviews under the cut :)
Lock Every Door by Riley Sager
Rating: 2.5/5
This book was a mega disappointment for me. The concept was really intriguing. Jules has just recently been through some life turmoil, losing her job, boyfriend, and home in the same day. She takes a job apartment sitting in a very prestigious historical building with a dark history. Weird occurrences ensue, including strict rules and missing apartment sitters. If you don’t read/watch a lot of mystery/thriller/(even true crime) content and are interested in dabbling, this could be a good choice for you. Unfortunately, I found the hints started dropping a little too early, and the answers were a little too obvious for me to be properly intrigued. I wanted a really slow burn mystery, and this just felt overly rushed for me. 
In the Dream House by Carmen Maria Machado (memoir)
Rating: 5/5
I don’t usually rate non-fiction, especially memoirs, because it’s hard for me to but a grade on someone’s account of their own life. But holy shit this book blew me out of the water. This is the story of Carmen Maria Machado’s abusive same-sex relationship, and the unique struggles faced by victims of f/f relationship violence. First of all, Machado’s writing is unparralled. Absolutely gorgeous. The way she structures this, all the history and pop culture she ties in keeps it feeling fresh and engaging. The content is of course very heavy, dealing with themes of abuse in many different forms. However, imo these issues are handled with honesty and grace, in a way that never felt gratuitous. 
The Mothman Prophecies by John Keel (paranormal account)
Rating: N/A
Uhm... I hated every second of reading this. I love Mothman. I love reading/watching/listening to content around weird/spooky/paranormal occurrences. I did not love this book. It was so boring. Total slog to read. There was no narrative structure/order of events. I assumed the story would track the beginning of weird reports in Point Pleasant, then follow Keel’s own arrival and investigation of these reports, with his own experiences and background being used to create a coherent story. That’s not what this is. This is a random arrangement of ufo/men in black/strange encounter stories that all fit a similar theme. Not to say no one would enjoy this, or that it doesn’t present interesting theories (it certainly does), just didn’t work for me. If you want a more easily digestible (and by FAR more enjoyable) version of this, check out the Astonishing Legends podcast and their episodes covering this book. 
Black Sun (Book 1, Between Earth and Sky) by Rebecca Roanhorse
Ratung: 4/5
Finally some good fucking food. if you’re looking for some adult fantasy with a new and interesting world, have I got a book for you. This is a multiple POV story following four main characters and two main plotlines. Xiala, a Teek (siren-esque) ship captain hired to transport Serapio (who may or may not be the vessel of an apocalypse god) to the city of Tova, where Naranpa (the Sun Priestess) is trying to navigate a city on the brink of political upheaval. The world is inspired by Pre-Columbian civilizations in the Americas, and the lore/magic/politics are all totally unlike any other fantasy I’ve read. 
Come Tumbling Down (Book 5, Wayward Children) by Seanan McGuire
Rating: 3
This was definitely a solid addition to this series, if not my favorite. The Wayward Children series follows the adventures of children who were able to enter magical worlds, but for a variety of reasons had to leave those worlds. This book most closely aligns with books one and two, almost feeling like a direct sequel to book two with the addition of characters from book three. It didn’t have the emotional impact for me that earlier books did, but there was nothing glaringly bad or wrong here. I would definitely recommend this series to anyone who enjoyed portal/doorway/wardrobe to a magical world stories as a kid. 
The Bride Test (Book 2, The Kiss Quotient) by Helen Hoang
Rating: 5/5
I love this series. I love these characters. As far as I’m concerned, Helen Hoang cannot fucking miss. This is an excellent sequel to The Kiss Quotient, but can be read on it’s own no problem. This story follows Esme, a Vietnamese woman who is enlisted to travel to the US to woo and marry Khai, an autistic man who isn’t interested in dating (much to the concern of his mother). They’re both dealing with their own issues in this book. Khai is convinced that he can’t feel love, because he’s spent his entire life being told he’s demonstrating it in the wrong way. Esme is dealing with the struggles of a new immigrant, who wants to be able to support her family back in Vietnam (including her young daughter), while also dealing with the pressure to seduce Khai. Shenanigans ensue. These books have the perfect balance of sweetness/sexy appeal/angst. There is a good deal of miscommunication/misunderstanding/secret keeping in here, but it’d ultimately a minor issue in an overall really supportive relationship full of mutual admiration. I will absolutely be reading the third book, and I highly recommend the series overall. 
She Tempts the Duke (Book 1, Lost Lords of Pembrook) by Lorraine Heath
Rating: 3/5
This was fine. I’ve read better historical romance, but I have certainly read worse. This book follows Mary and Sebastian, childhood friends separated by a tragedy. When they were children, Sebastian and his brothers were forced to flee for their lives based on the actions of their power hungry uncle. Now, as adults, they have returned to reclaim their father’s title. Mary, who helped them escape, has just been allowed back into society after a childhood in a convent, and she must work extra hard to maintain her reputation in order to maintain her engagement. I’m sure you can imagine where it goes from there. The story itself is very simple, there were no twists or unexpected turns. The childhood friends aspect could’ve been played up more imo, but I did enjoy the care between the two leads. They really want what’s best for each other. The most interesting aspect for me was the relationship between the brothers, and how they’ve all been changed and hardened by their pasts.
Spoiler Alert by Olivia Dade
Rating: 3.5/5
This was cute! The book follows Marcus (a major actor in a GOT-esque blockbuster fantasy TV show on the rocks) and April (fan of the show). April and Marcus both write fanfiction for the same ship (half of which is Marcus’s own character), and have developed a strong online friendship, both keeping their identities secret. If anyone were to find out that Marcus writes show critical fanfic, he would be in serious legal trouble, not to mention what it would do to his reputation. April has been keeping her fandom life separate from her real life, in order to maintain credibility in her career. However, a new work environment gives her the confidence to be more open about her passions. April posts a cosplay of herself as one of the characters from the show (the other half of their ship). April is plus-size, and her cosplay gets a lot of attention, some of which being internet typical negativity. Marcus sees this hate online, and is so upset by it that he publicly praises her and asks her on a date (not knowing April is his fanfic buddy). Shenanigans ensue. I liked this book a lot, I thought the concept was cute and I loved how sweet Marcus was at all times. The relationship felt really grounded in the friendship/common interests of the characters. There is a lot of misunderstanding/miscommunication in this book, to the point where I did become frustrated, even if it is understandable based on the insecurities of the characters. 
Take A Hint, Dani Brown (Book 2, The Brown Sisters) by Talia Hibbert
Rating: 4/5
Zaf I am in love with you. This is the second book in the series but you can totally read it on its own without the context of the first book. This is the story of Dani (a bi phd student with a no relationship rule) and Zaf (an ex-pro rugby player turned security guard who loves romance novels and deals with extreme anxiety). Zaf and Dani work in the same building on a college campus, and have developed a casual friendship. During a fire drill gone wrong, a video of Zaf rescuing Dani goes viral, with everyone thinking they are a couple. Zaf wants to use the publicity to help his charity organization (helping teen boys learn emotional maturity), Dani wants a no-strings sex arrangement with Zaf, fake-dating ensues. This series is the blueprint for healthy relationships built on mutual respect and admiration, with two characters learning to deal with their own issues with the help and support of their potential romantic partner. If you don’t usually read romance bc of the genre-typical problematic content, consider checking this series out. 
One Foot in the Grave (Book 2, Night Huntress) by Jeaniene Frost
Rating: 3/5
This series follows Cat, a half human/half vampire hybrid who hunts vampires. In this book, set four years after the first, she is the leader of a vampire hunting secret government kill squad. Her ex-lover, the vampire Bones, who trained her and is basically the love of her life, reappears after four years of separation. They are very, very obviously Buffy and Spike (if Spike was a good guy). It was better than the first one. More/better humor, Cat is much less annoying. I liked the relationship dynamics, particularly with Cat and her team. It really kind of negates the big conflict set up at the end of the first book, so that all the relationship drama there feels very pointless. There is a TON of woman/woman hate in this series and it’s so cringey. I try to be lenient bc the books are old and I know that kind of attitude was common back then, but oh my god is it gross and weird. There is literally ONE female character Cat views in a positive lights, and she literally disappears into thin air 1/4 of the through the book. I wish the romance wasn’t so rushed (a complaint I had in the first book as well). If you like paranormal romance and don’t mind a pretty dated read, this series could be fun for you. 
Rooms by Lauren Oliver
Rating: 3/5
I have no idea what genre to call this (literary fiction?? kind of??). It’s a ghost story and the story of a pretty messed up family dealing with their issues. The writing is really pretty, but the story feels kind of without substance. Like there are multiple POVs (the two ghosts haunting the house, the mother of the family, the sister and the brother, the niece), but none of them really struck any cords with me. I never felt emotionally connected to anyone. It was a really easy read, I enjoyed the writing. The concept was interesting. It just felt a little hollow and pointless to me, which sounds really harsh considering I by no means hated it. 
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yucatanbeachhomes · 4 years
Why it's higher to rent true estate agents in Yucatan?
Need Beach homes in Yucatan? Then to hunt out a decent Yucatan realty agent is that the neatest issue you'll be able to do. They will take you from the start to the conclusion of the buying that should be addressed and you may not match the strategy, with the understanding of creating this procedure as straightforward and comfortable as potential. Now as an agent they will give an excellent form of Merida’s colonial homes, new fashionable homes, lots, residential developments, Gulf and Caribbean beach homes, dry land haciendas, ranches, hotels, guest homes, rentals and additional. Varied happy customers unit quite glad to advocate the very important estate agents. So many years professionalize |of experience} with metropolis associate degreed dry land turn out the agent capable of providing Associate in Nursing professional and pleasant service.
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Both sides will profit considerably from hiring a true assets agent to help them, however their reasons unit generally absolutely wholly completely different.
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In the dry land, Yucatan Beach homes offered with the trades, like agribusiness, textiles, apparel and additionally the business, account for nearly 5 hundredths of the economy. Major state colleges inside the dry land embody Universidad Autonomy Delaware dry land with a population of over seventeen,000 students, the Universidad Technological Metropolitan that has eighteen,000 undergraduates, and Institute technologic Delaware city.
The dry land includes a large number of pre-Columbian influences as 800,000+ residents speak the endemic Yucatan Maya language. Variety of the Spanish spoken has origins inside the Yucatan Maya language. There is together a serious Korean population inside the state that started in 1905 with their immigration here. There unit about to thirty, Koreans descendants presently living inside the dry land.
In the dry land, you’ll notice delectable regional dishes like Pock Chuck and Acetic, the Korean Immigration Memorial deposit to dry land and additionally the St. Ildephonsus Cathedral – one altogether the oldest inside America.
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viridianmoreno-blog · 6 years
okay. here’s my second baby. don’t worry viri’s harmless and really adorable. i am totally down for plots with them! 
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( SOFIA CARSON + THEY & THEM ) That’s VIRIDIAN MORENO. They’re NINETEEN and are studying PALEONTOLOGY, which makes them a JUNIOR. Every time I hear BLUE by TROYE SIVAN, they come to mind. They’re known around Valmont University for being INDEPENDENT, but also LYRICAL. They remind everyone of JURASSIC PARK MOVIE MARATHONS, LONG HIKES IN VERY GREEN PARKS, and DANCING TO OLD RECORDS ON A RAINY DAY. It must be true, since they’re known as the DREAMER.
 ( tw: grief )
viridian is the child of a politician and his wife. surprisingly, their father is actually pretty chill. he’s a democratic senator and generally well liked. viri is an only child who grew up in seattle, washington. from a young age, they were practically raised a princess, but their parents quickly found out that they hated the norms of little girls their age. unsurprisingly, green was their favorite color. they were loved as a child, practically smothered in love and attention.
when viri a,s  they and their mother got into a really bad car accident. their mother died instantly, but viri managed to survive. a piece of shrapnel from the car lodged directly into their ear, causing them to go deaf in their one ear. it took them a long time to recover from the rest of the injuries, but by then their mother had already been buried. devastated, viri and their father both went into a depressive state.
luckily, after a few years, the two of them got back on their feet with a new norm. viridian was sent to a boarding school for high school. they already knew they loved being outside and loved science, so it wasn’t a far fetch for them begin thinking of a career in paleontology, as they loved dinosaurs growing up.
surprise came their junior year when their father had met someone and gotten engaged. while their new step-mom-to-be was friendly enough, they had two children who automatically didn’t like them the moment they met. obviously sensing that they were daddy’s little girl. while they never did anything over the top, they did slide snide comments into conversation whenever viri was around. they did their best to ignore them however, choosing instead to be friendly.
viri graduated in the top of their 1% class and had been accepted into lockwood. they were excited to go off to college, even though it would be an adjustment. calfornia  was very far away from washington state and even their high school had been located in the same state as their father. however, they did adjust quickly. they’ll be a sophomore in the fall.
personality wise, viri is very kind to most people. they can be a bit spoiled and sometimes they does come off as an airhead, but they is far from. they prefers to be happy and see the best in situations. they plays video games and talks nonstop about dinosaurs. they’s a nerd through and through. however, they’s also down for a good party every now and then. they loves dancing and having fun just as much as anyone. viri tends to be one of those people that gets along with most people. they is deaf in their left ear, so sometimes they does have trouble talking to people if they’re standing on that side of her. they never ignores anyone on purpose. viri over does emojis in their texts.
FULL NAME: viridian isabella moreno NICKNAME(S): viri AGE: 19 DATE OF BIRTH: 10 aug ZODIAC SIGN: leo PLACE OF BIRTH: seattle, washington ETHNICITY: columbian NATIONALITY: american GENDER: agender SEXUAL ORIENTATION: bisexual ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: biromantic RELIGION: agnostic OCCUPATION: student LANGUAGE(S) SPOKEN: english, spanish ACCENT: none
FACE CLAIM: sofia carson HAIR COLOR: brown with green tips EYE COLOR: brown HEIGHT: 5′ 2″ WEIGHT: 110 lbs BUILD: skinny TATTOOS: none PIERCINGS: ears DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS: green tipped hair
LABEL: the nerd POSITIVE TRAITS: dreamy, happy-go-lucky, lryical NEGATIVE TRAITS: independent, overly sweet, strange GOALS/DESIRES: to work in a science museum FEARS: car accidents HOBBIES: video games, reading, science experiments QUIRKS: won’t ride in cars LIKES: dinosaurs, roller coasters, hikes DISLIKES: cars, soda, chipped nail polish
FATHER: alexander moreno MOTHER: maria moreno STEP MOTHER: raleigh moreno STEP SIBLING(S): kathleen (17), kari (18) PET(S): a cat named cricket FINANCIAL STATUS: upper middle class
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zoesrhees · 7 years
somehow i ended up w six characters again :// i’d love some more plots so under the read more you can learn about zoe, true, ruby, bruno, marisol & rocio come plot w me!! i’m gonna try & work on replies before passing out so if u like this post i will come to u tomorrow!
zoe [arden cho fc] 20, kappa gamma vp, cheerleader, virgo, poli-sci & pre-law major;
flighty and forgetful af sticks her foot in her mouth bunches
ally mcbeal & elle woods are her heroes wants to be just like them; at the very least somewhat like them
is a little ridiculous and over the top sometimes, stupidly dramatic in the most nonsensical of ways, will probably drag herself on the floor and weep if she hasn’t eaten in three hours just a huge idiot that makes a fuss out of the littlest of things
grew up in san antonio, tx and her and her fam moved to pennsylvannia right before she started high school
zoe’s dad is in sports medicine he used to be a trainer for the san antonio spurs & now works for the 76ers so she’s huge into sports especially basketball
she wears short skirts she’s cheer captain & she’s also on the bleachers!!!
no really she really likes short skirts???
very very self conscious and has a lot of self doubt doesn’t think she can be successful worries and stresses over everything wants to make her parents proud
lowkey a hoe but like in the sense that she’s a HUGE hopeless romantic and just hopes that one day she’ll have her hollywood style romance
can be selfish, stubborn and extremely shallow at times
the sort of person that will get roasted and then think of a comeback hours later
will literally RUN AWAY in an uncomfortable situation like g2g :///
just a big giant walking awkward meme honestly
true [ ricky whittle fc] 25, epsilon kappa tau, pres, taurus, pre-med major;
took some time off after high school before coming to college to travel and explore
lived most of the time with his aunt in paris and worked in a little deli could have probably lived and gone to school there
met the love of his life there, had all sorts of adventures and this was probably the most lighthearted and content and blissful he was
stayed in paris and got into a pretty bad accident that really destroyed his left leg, walks with a cane now, hooked on pain pills, some of it is psychosomatic
grumpy old man 999% of the time though he’s gotten a lot better he still makes a lot of deprecating jokes about being a cripple etc etc etc
v fashioned after dr. house tbh
completely out of touch with technology had a flip phone until about six months ago and now all he knows how to do is swipe to unlock
has probably asked siri a bunch of stupid questions
family man through and through though there are some very big shoes to fill in his fam
doesn’t get a lot of the things “the kids” are into honestly
ruby [marie avgeropoulos fc] 20, kappa gamma kappa, gymnastics co-cap, cancer, marine biology major
the definition of that old expression sweet summer child
gentle, sweet, honest, caring, humble
super into gymnastics, could hve made the australian olympic team at some point
super worrisome, self-blaming, self-deprecating, would literally give anyone the shirt off her back, too trusting for her own good
hasn’t had the best experiences though she tries to push that away barely talks about it with anyone but her older brother because he’s seen some horrors himself
loves to snorkel and dive would one hundred percent live off the grid if she could
huGe science dork but admittedly not the best student in the world
obsesses over everything that could go wrong, cries a lot, has a vehement need to be liked and validated
loves openly and fiercely and perhaps a little too easily
kindest little soul v pure
marisol [cierra ramirez fc] 20, omega alpha chi, scorpio, photojournalism major, newspaper & some other stuff i put her in
miami raised, marisol is LOUD as hell, loves good music, good food and having a good time
mexican & columbian aka mexilumbian aka the best of both worlds v v proud of her heritage
semi internet famous she has a good following on instagram and twitter and is honestly known for her posts feat other people where she boasts and heart eyes over them
a huge believer in boosting other people’s confidence will go out of her way to compliment another girl just because even if its something as small as i like your top
bi visibility advocate 
she is maya’s half sister maya was adopted out and marisol literally STALKED her on facebook until she found out what university she was going to and lo and behold here she is!!!
she just doesn’t know how to TELL maya she’s her sister so she’s gonna pretend to admire her from a far
bruno [jarod joseph fc] 21, psi delta, pisces, graphic design major
raised between aus & ny he was born in sydney and was taken in by the fairchild fam after his parents died because they were close friends
looks like he could kill you and is actually a cinnamon roll. meme
really really sensitive, wears his heart on his sleeve an open book
always smiling
very passionate about mashed potatoes!!!
friend to all, bruno is super chill and really nice, really supportive, honestly all he wants to do is get high and eat food 
likes graffiti pretty good at it
idenitifies a lot with troy barnes from community
probably has the most adorable and dorkiest laugh ever
video game NERD
family is REALLY important to him and he’s stuck between a rock and a hard place over the forgiveness of his oldest adoptive brother for leaving
bby  has abandoment issues
misses his parents
rocio [diane guerrero] 21, tau alpha zeta, fine arts major, a bunch of clubs and shit i haven’t decided
her parents were basically travelling hippies who worked with a circus and literally went all over the world
she’s lived in all sorts of places most notably, puerto rico, australia and berlin
was going to be a tight rope walker but she changed her mind
changes her mind A LOt very very fleeting and ephemeral interests
but she’s developed a ton of hobbies and talents because of it
good singer, good tap dancer, can juggle, make ballon animals just a general jack of all trades
very chill, very laid back, really silly 
sells homemade jewelry for extra money
and flower crowns
don’t forget about the flower crowns
never sleeps, currently denying rumors that she’s a vampire
she’s a pacifist, doesn’t fight, doesn’t argue, doesn’t get involved in business that isn’t hers 
jokes about being born out of time a lot and thinks she’s should have lived during the summer of love
her name means dewdrops
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Comprehensive sex education could become state norm
Find out how to get the best plumber in Vancouver Washington
Washington could be on the brink of requiring all school districts to teach comprehensive sexual health education, including lessons on birth control, healthy relationships and consent.
Senate Bill 5395, requested by the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction, passed by a vote of 28 to 21 late last month in the Senate. It’s currently stuck in the House Education Committee, The Stranger reported last week. Rep. Sharon Tomiko Santos, D-Seattle and chair of the House Education Committee, has not scheduled the bill for a vote on the floor. The cutoff to do so is Wednesday.
Proponents of the bill say it could help turn the tide of sexual assault rates among Washington teenagers, citing research that suggests students who have access to comprehensive sexual health education are healthier and less likely to be sexually assaulted than their peers who don’t.
Opponents, including Vancouver’s Rep. Vicki Kraft, a Republican, say the bill undercuts family values, and that conversations about reproductive health should happen in the home.
The bill, if approved, would phase in required sexual health education requirements for all grades through Sept. 1, 2021.
Current mandates limited
Current law mandates only that schools offer lessons on HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted disease prevention from fifth grade onward. But schools can choose to provide more comprehensive sex education. If they do, existing law requires that the information must be age-appropriate, medically accurate and appropriate for students regardless of gender, race, disability or sexual orientation. Lessons must also include information about abstinence and other forms of contraception.
If SB 5395 passes, families will still have the opportunity to opt their children out of sexual health lessons.
The bill as proposed would require that consent be a cornerstone of whatever curriculum a school district adopts. Primary-aged students, for example, may talk about asking a friend before hugging them and how to communicate with friends in a healthy way. By fifth grade, students should be able to define sexual abuse, and by eighth grade on, define sexual consent and how to communicate consent to potential partners.
Superintendent of Public Instruction Chris Reykdal, a Democrat, pointed to Healthy Youth Survey data that suggest a significant number of Washington students have been sexually assaulted before they graduate.
In Washington, 31.4 percent of high school seniors reported that they had seen someone pressure someone else into unwanted physical contact, including sex. About 25.2 percent of students reported they’d been forced into unwanted physical contact. Clark County students reported similar numbers; 29.2 percent of students reported they had witnessed unwanted physical contact and 25.1 percent said they had experienced it.
“We are fighting what I consider to be one of the most profound epidemics of our current time,” Reykdal told the Senate Early Learning and K-12 Education Committee last month.
Better outcomes cited
A substantial body of research suggests that students who have access to comprehensive sexual health education experience better health outcomes than their peers who don’t. According to a 2016 report in the Journal of Adolescent Health, comprehensive sex education can reduce the rates of sexually risky behaviors, improve reproductive health outcomes, increase condom and contraceptive use and decrease pregnancy rates.
Researchers from Columbia University also reported that students who received sex education that included lessons on consent were less likely to be sexually assaulted in college.
“The research says if sex ed is going to be effective, it needs to be comprehensive, fact-based, evidence-informed,” said Laurie Dils, supervisor of OSPI’s sexual health education program.
Yet only 24 states plus the District of Columbia require that schools teach sexual health education, according to the Guttmacher Institute, a research and policy organization focused on sexual and reproductive health rights. Some have specific riders on those requirements, like Tennessee, which only requires sex education of the pregnancy rate for girls ages 15 to 17 crests 19.5 percent.
Opposition from Kraft
Kraft has been among the most outspoken opponents of the bill from the beginning, even testifying against the bill in a Senate committee hearing. She said parents oppose the legislation because they feel they are losing control over what is taught to their children. She also said the curriculum is too graphic for young children, and raised concerns about gender identity lessons that are included in the Washington state standards.
“The parents are feeling like they are being taken out of the situation with all this,” Kraft said. “They should be the ones that hold control of values.”
But Dils said most curricula encourage students to go home and talk to their parents about what their own unique values are; professional development offered to sex ed teachers encourages this, too. If a child asks, for example, how old someone needs to be to start having sex, teachers could say there are many opinions on the matter and encourage the student to talk to their own parents.
“Really, there’s a strong commitment to sending kids home to talk to families,” she said. “Teachers should not be sharing their own values.”
As for Kraft’s fear that state standards contain “transgender promotion at very young ages,” Dils said that’s not true. Kindergartners may have conversations about whether it’s OK for boys to wear pink or girls to play football, for example, but there’s no so-called promotion of adopting a certain gender identity.
“Unless there’s a transgender kid in a kindergarten classroom, we would not expect conversations about gender identity at kindergarten,” Dils said. “It would be outside the norm, and it’s certainly not a recommendation.
“There’s nothing that promotes anything other than empathy, respect, kindness and understanding.”
Columbian reporter Jake Thomas contributed to this report.
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