#the twin that tried to kill him staring back at him but at the same time it’s him
theoakleafpancake · 2 years
Kings of Clonmel, but make it ✨angsty✨
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rin-may-1103 · 4 months
The Master Post.
someone asked for a master post so here we are.
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I hope y'all keep enjoying the stories as much as I enjoy writing them.
Stories and Summaries:
The Wrong Robin Au (DP x DC):
Tim Drake saw Danny do a quadruple somersault, which resulted in him believing Danny was the first Robin for years. He still figured out Bruce but thinks Dick is in the dark. Now with the second Robin dead, and Batman quickly reaching the end of his sanity, Tim takes it upon himself to get Robin to come back. Danny is very confused when this random kid tries to blackmail him into becoming Robin.
Badger Day Au (DP x DC):
Danny is stuck in a Groundhog Day kinda situation and he would like to be let out now, please. The league is very worried.
Delilah's language (DP x DC):
Bruce Wayne approaches the Fentons because Damian is a big fan of Danny for his work in the conservation of the purpleback gorilla. So now Danny is going to the birthday of this random kid so he can teach him gorilla sign language so he can talk to the purple-back gorilla as well.
Just a Bite (DP x DC):
Danny's homeless on the streets of Gotham, when he gets a terrible idea from some passerby. Three weeks after living with the Waynes, they still haven't noticed he's not supposed to be there.
72 hours (DP x DC):
During a battle with the rest of the league, John Constantine is accidentally sent into the palace of Pariah Dark, Tyrant of the Dead, and Bane of the Living. Danny just wanted to have a simple spa day.
Biggest Regret (DP x DC):
Danny Had been optimistic when he created The Email. Three days, that's what he gave himself. Three days to fix or get out of whatever problem he was dealing with and open his laptop to restart the timer. Three days. Past him had thought that If he ever got caught they'd just kill him; it's what they said they would do this whole time, so why wouldn't he think otherwise? It's been more than three days, and at this point, he's just glad someone could fulfill his last wish.
The Disappointment (DP x DC):
Ra's has stated his disapproval of one of the twins, now Talia is rushing to get them out of there and to Bruce to be safe. Danny has other ideas.
Black Retrievers and Golden Cats (DP x DC):
He remembered how it took two hours for his mind to catch up to what he had done, two hours for him to realize he had just killed his brother. It took another two days to realize his brother was never coming back, that the pits had not worked. Damian stared at the camera footage infront of him, his family's voices buzzing with theories and analyzing everything they could. He remembered his brother's bright carefree smile just minutes before Damian had killed him. So, why? Why was he seeing it again?
College Rivalry with the Genius Toddler in the First Row. (DP X DC):
Tim doesn't understand how he's losing at university to a toddler. Danny's not having a great time, but it's fine because now he can terrorize Red Robin.
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Mote in your brother's eye (dp x dc)
Danyal Al Ghul was born part of a set. Twins were a blessing he’d heard people say, but Mother’s face said otherwise. And Danyal had started seeing why when he turned four. When their instructors started praising one over the other, favouring, comparing one against the other.
It hadn’t stopped there. As they grew, it seemed everyone had decided one twin was superior to the other and though Danyal knew it wasn’t true, and he knew it wasn’t fair, it seemed nobody cared. Damian and him tried, they really did, but there was nothing to do about it and the Twins turned into the Heir and the Spare.
And when one night, Mother’s spymaster came to report that Ra’s was looking for the spare, Danyal knew it was over. Mother was a flurry of controlled movement, and his own mind was whirling at breakneck speeds, but Damian was calm. And that broke Danyal’s heart.
"Put this on," Mother said, handing them identical robes. Danyal and Damian were always given different sets of clothes, to make them easily distinguishable. It seemed Mother was banking on their identical features for additional protection. 
Danyal put it on, and Damian followed, albeit more slowly. 
"Grandfather is only looking for one of us,". his twin said calmly.
"Damian," Mother said warningly.
"Mother, there is no choice, we hav-"
"I will not hear of it," she interrupted Damian ferociously. "Now, follow me."
Dayal looked to his twin’s hard features and pale face and his eyes began to burn. It wasn’t fair.
They followed after their mother’s, silent footsteps in the high hallways.
"We will not make it out," Damian said quietly to himself, "not like this."
Danyal took a deep, steadying breath, painfully aware his twin was right. 
"Damian," he started and his twin turned to him to raise an imperious eyebrow. "Damian, I’m sorry."
His twin scoffed and turned away, hurrying towards their mother who was opening up a corner of the wall, which she had told them held a passageway leading to the outside of the compound.
"Quick," Mother said and gestured towards the hole in the wall. 
Damian went in first, looking like he wanted to grumble but was too well-trained to do so.
Once he had disappeared into the darkness, Mother looked over at Danyal. But he did not move.
"Danyal," she started.
"Mother," he said and stared back and he saw the understanding in her eyes. Her eyes flashed.
"I will go," she said.
"You cannot."
"There is no time to argue," he said. "Grandfather is not a patient man."
She held his gaze for a second longer, before her shoulder lowered. She reached for Danyal’s nape and brought him in close to kiss his forehead.
"Be quick, dearest," she said as she stroked his hair. "Make me proud."
"I will," Danyal promised. He gave her a fragile smile. "Tell Damian I love him.’
"I will," she swore and then she was gone.
As Danyal walked towards his Grandfather’s quarters, there were people stepping out of his way in the halls. The boy ignored the stares as he fixed his eyes into the distance, his chin up and proud. 
He arrived in front of his Grandfather’s intricately ornamented doors much sooner than he would’ve hoped and was let in immediately.
Grandfather was standing, his back to the door, standing in front of a desk.
"I had begun to believe you would not show, child" Grandfather said.
Danyal bowed his head deferential and did not answer.
"You are not a coward at the very least," the man said as he turned back, his piercing stare settling on Danyal. The latter had to stifle the urge to flinch.
Grandfather then turned back towards the table to grab a dagger off the desk and at this, Danyal stepped back, his own hand going to his knife.
The man smirked, seemingly amused. "Do you believe I will kill you?"
His hand still over his knife, Danyal shrugged carefully. "I do not know what to believe."
Grandfather let out a chuckle and then he moved and Danyal reacted, his hand going for his knife and in the same movement towards Grandfather’s neck when he was stopped dead by his grandfather’s dagger in his gut.
A pained grunt escaped him and he struggled to stay to his feet, but he was already unbalanced from the attack and he crumpled to the ground with a cry of pain as the dagger buried itself deeper.
"What a waste," Grandfather’s voice cut through the haze of pain. "You were a disappointment to the end, Damian."
"Get him out of my sight," was the last Danyal heard of it before he was lost to oblivion.
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Snow Angel
Aemond's Version
I'll angel in the snow until I'm worthy but if it kills me, I tried.
Gwyane's Version ❄ Daemon's Version ❄ Aegon's Version ❄ Aemond's Version ❄ Jacaerys' Version ❄ Cregan's Version ❄ Criston's Version
Aemond Targaryen x Targaryen!Reader | 800< | cw: fem!reader, twin!reader, targcest, canon divergence, angst, violence, blood, war, death, typos, etc.
A/N: renee rapp my beloved. aemond and jacaerys' version go hand in hand
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You were the blood in his veins. You were the half of him that shined. You were everything good about the him. He despised you for it.
You were the understanding he never got, the confidence he wished he had. You were the inspiration of laughter and the admiration of all. While in the womb, you robbed him of all the characteristics he wished he had, and he never forgave you for doing so.
So, when tensions were high, and the call of war was nigh, he knew it was his moment to prove himself, to everyone, to himself, to the council... to you.
He'd long forgotten when, was it when he saw you laughing with those bastard Strong boys, or was it when he'd been mockingly gifted a pig by his own brother, but he'd convinced himself that he would have to slay dragons in order to have you. It was no longer a metaphor but something that very well happen, something real and life threatening.
He'd held himself into an impossible standard, along the way, unknowingly done the same to you.
While he was so wrapped up in his self-mandated torment, he gazed upon you only with his missing eye, unable to see how much you wished to free him from his internal conflict. Yet every time you reached a hand out to him, he met you with scorn, taking out his anger on you. You felt the only way you could ever get through to him was to make yourself useful.
You did not care for politics. You did not care to make the Iron Throne your seat at the table. You wanted nothing to do with the burden your festered father left. But you did want to avoid war, as you saw how it hurt your sister, your mother, your people. Aemond saw the way you influenced your brother away from war as a sign of weakness, seven hells, as another slight against him. You were choosing to spare the enemy because of his wretched nephew, Jacaerys, who had always held your affections.
And when you walked in on him and Criston during their late night conspiring, you only further stoked his ire.
Dare you come to his quarters in nothing but a nightgown and a robe?
"Princess," Criston stands to attention.
You cross your arms. It makes Aemond clench his jaw.
"I need to speak with my brother in private."
Aemond stares at you. Cristion turns to him, expecting some sort of response. He gets none, and so he decides to simply nod and leave, "of course."
Once he is gone, the prince finally speaks, "have you come to whore yourself out to me?"
You ignore his insult, "I've come to speak to you. This is the only hour you'll speak to me."
"Wrong," he snaps, "even now, I do not wish to. Leave me."
"Aemond," you mutter, "I only wish to help-"
"And who told you I need help from a woman?"
This is your final straw.
His eye widens at the way you fall apart in your hands. You sob, tears spilling into your palms. It had been long since he saw sorrow cloud your face, the last time being when Jacaerys and his family left King's Landing, Jacaerys, who you chose to speak your woes to instead of him.
He stands and cautiously walks towards you.
"I will never be good enough for you, will I?"
His face falls, "what?"
You shake your head and step back, "no matter what I can think of, it will not be worthy of your attention because I thought of it."
He is unable to speak, unable to move as you flee him.
His mind is heavy with your words as he flies on Vhagar the next day. He was told a dragon was spotted pressing close to King's Landing and took it upon himself to patrol the area.
You can imagine his surprise, no, his delight, when he saw the creature, when he recognized the dragon Vermax, saddled by his rider.
He did not hesitate. He commanded Vhagar to scorch him, gritting his teeth when they escaped.
He pursued them, eager to seek rid himself of his sole competitor.
But then a loud screech was heard from behind and Vhagar's tail was knocked, making her flight unsteady.
Two dragons? An organized attack. Fine, Vhagar is large enough to take two dragonlings at once.
Aemond ascends, looking for his opponents from the height. He spots Vermax green scales from afar. He hears the second dragon before seeing it come closer. He gives the command and Vhagar breathes fire before Aemond even identified who she attacked.
But then that creature makes a sound, and his mouth parts at the familiar screech. You circle around him, screaming something he cannot make out.
You choose the bastard over him?
He turns to Jacaerys. Vhagar flies over to attack.
He doesn't remember what happened after he gave the order. He was so single minded in his fury that the only thing that snapped him out of his trance was the sound of your scream and the sight of your dragon attempting to escape Vhagar's clamped jaw.
It was too late when he made Vhagar let go. You fell from the height and he could only watch. Not even Vermax coming to your aid could save you.
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Danny hits batman with the anti-creep stick
So dannys 19 and is taking astro engineering at gothem university
To save money he lives in the cheepest apartment he can find, its not like it going to kill him again
Danny was ok with the attempted break ins, he was ok with the broken AC, he was ok with the spam callers
What he wasent ok with is the fucking parcor wannabes who decided his roof is the best spot to be in
He gave up his sleep during his teen years he was NOT willing to do the same in his twentys
So after a month of the same assholes on his roof he decided to do something
He wasent expecting a man in a purple suit that looks like Ronald McDonalds evil twin
Or a furrie with anger issues to be with him
Danny looked at them for a good minute before deciding he's seen weirder stuff in his fridge
He charged the fenton-anti-creep-stick and smacked the clown on the head
He dropped like a brick, the flowes in his hands dropping and giving a puff of some weird gass
He turned to the furrie and said
You two can flirt somewhere else just not here
He was polite, or tried to be at 2:37 in the morning, but the furrie said that he cant just intervein in a fight "itS DaNGErouS"
Danny looked him in the eyes said too bad furrie and bopped him with the anti-creep-stick
Danny was about to call the cops to come collect these two weirdos when he saw a tracking system on the furries arm, it showed that someone was going to come this way
Jason saw alot of things in his life
He came back from the dead, faught crime in pixie boots,became a crime boss, tried to kill a clown and his brother on multiple occasions
But even he was at a loss
The joker was knocked out and on the ground
But so was batman
Just as he was about to call for backup when adoptee-to-be stepped out of the shadown hilding a stick taller than him and giving him the most dead stare
Collect the furrie and Ronald McDonald and keep them off the roof they can flirt somewhere else, if they ruin my sleep ONE more time they'll have a lot more to worrie about than the anti-creep-stick
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vyglitchcraft · 1 year
Can you do head cannons on how Bihan, Kuai Liang and Smoke would be jealous when someone (like johnny) flirts with their S/O?
Jealousy In The Lin Kuei (MK1)
Bi-Han, Tomas Vrbada, Kuai Liang jealousy headcanons
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Kuai Liang
He hides it and he hides it well
For someone with fire powers, Kuai is surprisingly chill although he is blowing up inside.
He is furious, pure rage not because Johnny would steal you away, he knows Johnny isn't your type but its the fact that Johnny is making you uncomfortable or you're gonna be influenced by his actions and act just like him. Well that's how Kuai convinced himself
It's totally not because he's jealous or anything, right? He isn't like his brother, he doesn't get jealous
At the end of the day he voices his concerns to you in a mostly civilized manner although you can hear the jealousy in his voice, you can tell he's almost at his breaking point.
Bi-Han tried to convince him to act the same way he does but Kuai refused
He still stares at Johnny every once and a while
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Straight up opposite, the man is screaming at you or growling to be more accurate. He hates it
Johnny is NOT allowed in the Lin Kuei temple ANYMORE. He swears that if Johnny ever comes back, he'll kill that bitch
Liu Kang, Smoke, and Kenshi are holding this man back every time you and Johnny interact
Liu had to step in to ironically cool him down, one time he had to wrap his twin dragons around Bi-Han just so he wouldn't do some dangerous shit or start some stuff
You tried to convince him that everything is fine and that you have no interest in anyone besides him. It calmed hin down...a bit
Johnny is making this worse by teasing him
He got sucker punched with an ice covered fist
For the next week or two, Bi-Han is always holding onto your waist every time you two go in public or wherever there's people around
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Tomas Vrbada
The most sane out of the bunch
He knows he's jealous, he knows he should talk about it with you but he thinks you're doing this on purpose so he won't react much physically atleast in anger
He won't attack anyone (as far as you know)
Would absolutely spoil you in front of Johnny just to get back at him
Not in the "this bitch is mine, stay away" way that Bi-Han is but more "give up, no one would treat them better than me" way
Acts all sweet and romantic but gives Johnny some side eyes just to see his reaction
When you ask him if something is wrong, he'll deny everything. Blames it on the fact that he misses you every time he goes on missions
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wickjump · 2 months
i think people really sweep dream’s trauma under the rug wayyy too much to focus on nightmare’s. NOT to say his trauma is invalid but Dream definitely had it worse did you know that he wasn’t asleep when he was in stone. for like those 500 years he wasn’t asleep.
like he could sense stuff. think a coma patient who can hear and feel the outside world despite not being able to move or function. sure he probably slept the time away but imagine how traumatizing.
AND THEN he had to fight a war in which his BROTHER NOW KILLS PEOPLE and he is desperately trying to save his brother because he knows nightmare isn’t like this, his big brother is sweet and kind and he’d never do something like this, and he just doesn’t understand and he wants his family back, but all his hope repeatedly gets stomped on because his brother tries to kill him and the team he conjured up like on the daily, and dream’s awakening LITERALLY turned nightmare’s one goal into killing him because of his soul that he wants to take to destroy all positivity in the world (sorry chat the balance isn’t real and if anything nigjtmare is the one fucking it up).
NOT TO MENTION that dream is CONSISTENTLY DRAINED because there are BARELY ANY POSITIVE UNIVERSES in the WHOLE MULTIVERSE. think of more than 2 total positive aus out there. classic/swap aus don’t count because undertale is inherently a depressing game and thousands of genocide timelines exist for each and every au of those. if you had any difficulty my point is proven. NOT TO MENTION that dream is IN A LITERAL WAR. MOTHERFUCKER HAS PTSD !!!!! nightmare is the AGGRESSOR!!!!!!!!!!!
and as much as i ADORE fanon in order for me to like truce aus something i need is Dream bawling and shaking and having panic attacks and nightmares and barely being able to look his brother in the eye because he’s terrified of him and he hates it because he just wants to hug his brother but he can’t shake the intense terror that comes with staring at the same tentacles that were sharp and pointed at his chest time and time again, or closing around his neck with the intent of suffocation. and nightmare def has some apologizing to do
orrrr you know. we could,, haha idk,,, mmmm,,,,,, make the,, the ‘nightmare is freed from his corrupted and isn’t 6 purely bc i need him to heal with his brother with no angst about lost childhoods and having to raise your own twin pls and thank you’ more of a,,, a popular trope,,,, idk,,,,,,,,,,,, all im saying is that Dream deserves to cry in his brother’s arms—his brother, the way he remembers him, and they should both get to cry and latch onto each other like they’re terrified the other will disappear the moment they let go, and they just sob over what happened to them both.
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messylustt · 1 year
obsessed ( believe me ) — ethan landry + reader ( scream ) : scream after ethan revealed himself as ghostface to you, you try to tell the group, hoping they’ll believe you…but ethan has other plans.
contents : surprisingly nothing sexual. a kiss. this is mainly the repercussions + plot after ethan’s reveal. wc 2.1k.
pt one pt two pt three
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you had locked your door tight every night whenever you’d be home. you couldn’t let a ghostface get in, you couldn’t let…ethan get in. god, the concept that he’s a killer now confuses and scares you at the same time. if ethan can kill then christ, everyone should be wary of everyone.
you aggressively mix the cupcake batter. you had grown guilty and…well…confused. you hadn’t told the group. though you haven’t had the time—you haven’t seen them since the party. so, it’s not entirely your fault. you need to tell them. they could die if you don’t.
with a final whisk you begin to pour the batter into the cupcake tins. there’s no harm in giving them something tasty as you drop the charming bomb. You place the tin in the oven, already preheated. clicking the timer you pause. what if they don’t believe you?
the carpenter sisters and martin-meeks twins have known you the same length as they have ethan. shit, you should have gotten proof, something that would show your not just pointing the finger. you rest against the counter, watching as the cupcakes begin to bake.
you can feel your heart pick a pace at the thought of ethans words. he kissed you, he wanted to kiss you. what were you thinking letting him? no, you think to yourself. you didn’t have a choice…but it’s not like you absolutely hated the idea. shit.
what if you saw ethan in class? how the fuck should you act? you run your hands down your face, growing agitated and fidgety.
“y/n!” mindy called from across campus. your carrying a box full of your cupcakes, as you take a heavy breath. it’s okay.
you wander over to her, smiling, only to falter when you see chad and ethan reach her side too.
you catch ethan’s gaze and freeze. ethan tilts his head, acting like an innocent shit. you gulp as you notice a ghost of a smirk on his face.
“mindy, can I talk to you for a moment?” if anyone’s gonna believe you about ethan, it’s mindy. she already thinks ghostface is him.
“uh, sure. is it real private?” she seems confused, since this group barely kept anything from each other. you clutch your cupcake box a little tighter, and that’s when chad notices.
“hey! are those cupcakes?”
you smile, offering them to him. “yo, thanks y/n.” he opens the box as you turn back to mindy.
“it’s girls sorta stuff.”
“oh.” she smiles, grabbing your elbow. “we’ll catch up with you later!” she calls back to ethan and chad, as she brings you farther away.
as you stop by a tree, you can't help but glance back at the two boys. chad is stuffing one of your cupcakes in his mouth. you hate the shiver that racks your spine, as you watch ethan take a bite, keeping his gaze on you. he tilts his head down in thanks, and you can spot the mischievous glint in his eyes. he knew they were bribe cupcakes for your point on him being the killer, to make it sound more appealing. but he only finishes the cupcake with a hum.
you whip your gaze to mindy, your expression desperate. “mindy, you know how you're always saying that ethan is ghostface?”
mindy scowls, glancing at him. “yeah, i swear it's him.” She narrows her eyes, before shifting her gaze back to you. “why—do you think the same?”
“i don't think, i know.” you stare at her earnestly. “i saw him. he attacked at my apartment. there was this other ghostface there, who tried to first, and then…” you weren’t going to mention that Ethan kissed you. it was irrelevant. “then he took off his mask.”
mindy is staring at you as your words spill out in a rush. “wait, you're saying ethan attacked you in your apartment, and then revealed himself?” she hisses.
“well, no, he didn’t attack me. he attacked the other ghostface—”
“wait, what?!”
you shush her, glancing around. ethan and chad weren’t there anymore and you were relieved.
mindy stares at you. “why would he attack the other ghostface?”
“i don’t know!” you exasperate.
mindy spins in surprise. “what the fuck?!”
you grab her arm. “but you believe me, right?”
“i believe ethan could be ghostface, but…attacking his fellow ghostie, and then what— revealing himself to you?” she sighs. “it's a little hard to make that make sense.”
“i know, i know. but i swear. that’s what happened.” you're growing desperate, especially as you see hesitance flash across mindy’s face.
“mindy, i wouldn’t make this up.”
she sighs. “but if ethan—as ghostface—went to your apartment not to hurt you, then why was he there?”
you pause. he couldn’t have just been there to…kiss you, right? that doesn’t make sense. you go to explain more about him attacking the other ghostface when you stay silent. ethan saved you from getting killed. would Mindy interpret that as you being on the same side. no. if you’d tell her that, then she’d know you weren’t one of them.
you meet mindy’s gaze, as her eyes have grown wary. you shake your head. “i don't know why ethan was at my apartment dressed as ghostface. all I know is that he is one of them.”
“i– look i want to believe you, y/n. i like you! but it's just—” she cuts herself off, breathing. “you could be lying because your…ghostface.”
your shoulders slump. this is what you were scared might happen. “mindy, i swear.” you go to grab her arm, but she steps back.
“ethan is still on the top of my list, but…let me just think.” rhen she leaves.
shit. this was supposed to go so much better.
“you should have given her the cupcakes.”
you jump, and whip around to see ethan standing with an almost smug expression. you gulp, stepping to the side. “get out of my way.”
ethan just chuckles. “didn’t work?”
your silence makes him grin. “she already thinks i’m Ghostface, but like you, has no real evidence.”
“i–” you cut yourself off, because he’s right. you have nothing on him. and it turns out your word isn’t enough. “just leave me alone.”
“so cold.” he comments. “we’re in the same lesson.”
your whole body is tense. “come on.” ethan turns, heading to the large building of blackmore.
you both make it to the hallway, bustling with students heading to their respective classes. you stay a decent way behind ethan. you will not be seen with him. that would only contradict everything you said to mindy.
then just as you're about to squeeze past the students to get inside the lecture hall, a hand tightens around your wrist, yanking you to the right. you gasp as you get dragged into a small broom cupboard.
“ethan, what the fuck?” you spin to face him. he stands his back to the now shut door of the cupboard, trapping you in.
“i was kinda hoping you wouldn’t go and be a tattle tale.” he steps closer and you immediately step back, your hand out in warning. “but your cupcakes were very good, so, i guess that’s a plus.”
“ethan. let me out.” you were growing worried, the hairs on the back of your neck spiked.
“and i know i said i’ll leave you alone and all. but, wouldn’t it seem strange if we ignore each other.”
“if you wanna act normal in front of them—fine.” you were scared, and ethan could tell. “but there's no reason for us to see each other alone.” you gesture around the closet.
“that kinda hurts, y/n.” ethan says. “i mean i’m not too much of a fan of PDA, but if you're into that, I’ll settle.”
ethan steps closer, and your grip finds a broom. “i like kissing you. and if you don't want to do it alone, then we can do it in front of our friends.”
you gulp, holding your pathetic excuse of a weapon out in front of you. “i’ll keep your secret, they don’t believe me anyway. so, please. there’s no need to kill me.”
“kill you? gave you listened to a word i've said?” wthan brushes his hand across the brustels of the broom. “i’d rather kiss you then, then kill you.” he steps closer. “and the broom’s cute.” he’s trying not to laugh.
“ethan, seriously.”
“i’m being dead serious, y/n.” he says, tapping down the broom as you shake his fingers off. then he backs away. “i’ll see you in class.” then he’s out of the closet, leaving you standing there, breathing hard and even more confused.
you’re standing, talking to tara, as you wait for the rest of the group to be done with classes. mindy and chad come out first. slowly followed by ethan. you stay close to chad, as he tells you about this dick in his lesson.
ethan notices your “subtle” move to be “safe”. chad couldn’t protect you. and not from getting hurt, ethan’s already been clear that that's the last thing he wants to happen. just from him in general. he likes you. he thought it was obvious, but he guesses you're still reeling from him being ghostface.
you all talk and walk, until you’ve reached the carpenter sister’s apartment. ethan then digs in his pocket to retrieve a ring he stole from you in the closet. tara, Sam, and quinn are heading to their apartment.
“uh, y/n?” ethan calls to you, making you glance behind your shoulder. “i have something of yours.” he holds up the ring, as you hesitantly step closer, your hand out. you think you must have dropped it on your walk.
but ethan strides over, passing your hand and grabbing your chin. before you can say a word ethan is pressing his lips to yours, you stumble slightly back, along the gravel. chad is watching, mouth hanging open. “holy shit,” you catch tara say, as ethan pulls back, with a grin.
you're staring at him agape, as you hear a few hollers from chad. if only he knew. ethan then whispers in your ear. “i’ll call you.”
you're staring at your phone in your apartment, scared for it to ring. and when it does, you hesitate grabbing it.
when you do, you take a reassessing breath. you had to end whatever this was. “hello, y/n.”
ethan’s using the ghostface modulator. prick. “ethan, you don’t have to use that. i know it's you.”
“and where’s the fun in that?” the deep voice breathes a chuckle.
“stop playing games, ethan. stop all of this. i’m not interested.”
“in me?” he inquired.
you hate the fact that you falter. you shouldn’t be fucking faltering! “yes.”
“you're a very unconvincing liar.” ghostface speaks mockingly.
“and you can’t take a hint.”
“tell me y/n,” ghostface speaks, as you pace your living room. “what's your favourite scary movie?” he jokes.
you scoff. “i said no more games ethan.”
“just one.” ghostface half begs. “i promise.”
“you gonna make me another deal?”
“i can.” ghostface shuffles on the other end. “if you play this game with me and win…i’ll reveal myself to our friends.”
you pause your pacing. “what?”
“doesn’t that sound fair?” ghostface probes.
you gulp. would he really? you wouldn’t look like a fool to mindy, and worse a betraying ghostface. you lick your lips. “what’s the game?”
“that’s my girl.” ghostface praises breathlessly. you stand a little straighter, ignoring the butterflies swarming your stomach.
“we’re going to play a simple simon says.” ghostface breathes through the phone.
“simon says?” you repeat.
“mhm.” ghostface hums.
you run your hand through your hair, gathering your thoughts, and a seeable decision. fuck it. all you had to win was simon says. easy. “deal.”
you can almost hear the grin forming on ghostface—ethan’s—face. “let’s get started, then.”
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© messylustt.tumblr please don’t steal, copy or translate my work onto other platforms.
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skywalkerrenthusiast · 3 months
FOREVER THINKING ABOUT HELAENA AND IM CRYING IM CRYING IM CRYING. She and an innocent child were the first to pay for her families crimes. And she's not as bad as some of yall will think after this.
We are meant to sit with Helaena. she has this thing called dragon dreams, which are visions of the future, but they can be very unclear and hard to figure out.
She was saying how she was afraid of the rats. In the morning, when Aegon came for Jae, she muttered a vision. She could already feel the doom creeping in, it's why she tries to share her feelings with Aegon! But he can't understand, no one can. Not even her. And she's left to sit in her feeling of doom.
Two betrayers (rats) came to kill Aemond who killed Lucerys. But instead, they decided to kill HER son, just a boy!
And she tried to be present at first! To protect her babies. To give them money because they kept talking about themselves getting paid for a kill but the motherfuckers wouldn't BUDGE!!
And you can just SEE the moment the trauma and fear of the moment starts to hit her. A thousand thoughts fly through her head, and then...? she completely shuts down. She ends up pointing to her son, but she just seems so out of it while she's doing so! She doesn't scream or cry or beg. She just looks like a mix of completely not in the moment, as if shes leaving the moment, and viscerally horrified at the same time. She sees them grabbing her boy and can only stare as she makes her way to the opposite bed. Knowing of and yet *unable* to make herself try and stop the tragedy that is about to unfold itself in her boys bed.
She grabs her girl and just walks out of the room, and you can hear her breathing and breathing as she walks. And just as she starts to come back to herself, just a little. You can hear the sound of the Jaehaerys head being cut off and you can *tell* she hears it too because she makes these vague horrified little sounds as she walks and walks and walks endlessly to her MOTHERS room. It's almost like those sounds drag her back under. And she keeps walking.
she never yelled for a guard as she walked, she didn't scream she just went to the safest place she could think of. And that was with her mother. She walks in the room and walks in on her mom in bed with her sworn protector and that brings her back from out of the waves of her mind if only for a moment but she's just in so much fucking shock that all she can do is collapse on the floor while holding her girl and say "they killed the boy"
And it all happens so fast! And in the moment, all I could think was, WHY DID SHE POINT TO HIM?!! But for *this* telling of the story, it made sense. She shut down. In her right state of mind, she would NEVER have simply pointed, she tried not to! but she just completely shuts down, just blocks it all out and then POINTS. And that scene, that moment, it's not about what the stronger or braver or more motherly choice might've been! Because Helaena was in no state to make it! She just couldn't have! And it's so heartbreaking. At that moment, the camera only follows her because we are meant to *BE* her. We are meant to sit with her in that moment in time. To share in her horror. So it's not about what we think the right choice might've been. It's about what helaena was *capable* of doing in that moment, in the face of her horror, about how this is a moment she will have to think back on for as long as she shall live.
because i know she's gonna be so fucking horrified with herself when it all comes back to her, when she truly understands what happened. And I also know we are about to get SO many trash hot takes about Her "being a bad mother" and how she just "betrayed her son" as if she didn't have those kids at 13 and they were her LIFE! I'm crying for her. The twins were so little, and she was no fighter or schemer, and yet her son, her and even her daughter are the FIRST fucking ones to pay for her families crimes!
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She'll live in that moment of horror for the rest of her life.
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xan-izme · 1 year
"Bad Guy" (Dad!jake x Villian Daughter reader)
Summary: Jake didn't just leave you on a rotting planet, he did so much more. He barely showed his fatherly side to you, he was on Marin mode 24/7. The night before he left was what pushed you to the edge, after years of him not returning, was your braking point. He left you, his own daughter and betrayed his own race. If he can do that, what's wrong with leaving behind your own humanity?
TW: Death, mentions of death, child neglect, drinking, manipulation ect.
tag list: @kkkmm @myh3artttt
How far can you push a child's love and loyalty. Till they no longer can tell the difference between the two?
Raising children is known to be a very complicated task. But it was a part of life. Parenting is tricky, anything you do or say will affect your child's behavior.
Jake didn't think like that. You were his first child, a girl at that. Your mother was just a one night stand, but he did know her. She was a friend from before he lost his legs.
When you were born, he was already in a bad spot. So a child being dumbed on him in his situation wasn't the best.
So, when raising you, he tried his best to show you that the planet they were on was cruel, and that you need to fend for yourself sometimes. He might have been harsh with his words, but you had some sort of understanding that it wasn't out of meanness. Jake was strict. Set up curfews, schedule for all classes and hang outs. Knowledge of your whereabouts was a must.
But all of that understanding and balance you two had, was quick to shatter. The night before Jake was to leave for Pandora, he was drinking. Yes, Jake drinks a lot, and you know that.
But his twin brother just passed, for the paper he had in his pocket. Sadly, you came back home 15 minutes late.
So, when you tried to get Jake to bed, he was just complaining about you coming late.
Jake was grumbling something while you were trying to clean up the bottles that were laying around.
He complained about the military, about his parents, the people and his twin.
"And you, Y/n"
You stood in place, watching your father point at you, bottle of alcohol in hand. "You killed your mother . . . and now, you're killing me."
Those words hit you like nothing before.
Jake threw the bottle towards you, it missed, but you wish it did hit you and just killed you.
The next morning, you locked yourself in your room. You refused to open the door. No matter how many times' Jake apologized, no matter how hard he begged.
His words of promises to come back and make it up to you, were probably the only thing that made you feel some type of sympathy. And hey, if he did come back, the two of you might have had a decent father and daughter relationship.
You just had to wait for 6 years or so.
Then 6 years turned into 8. 8 years turned into a decade. Then you got word of what Jake had done.
Betrayed his own race, fell in love with a native and started a whole new family. And on top of that! he got legs! isn't that lovely, good for him. And all Jake had to do was leave his pathetic, no-good daughter on a rotting planet to get the life of his dreams.
The amount of anger you felt could not be explained. Wanting to take revenge, wanting your old man to feel unexplainable pain you had been suffering. You applied for a spot in the RDA. Specifically, in the Daja blue group.
It took a lot of training and strings pulled for you to get in that program. But you got in, and once you showed your skills, you were immediately welcomed in.
"Ms. Sully-"
You held back the urge to give the operator a look, not liking being called but his name. But his name is a part of your plan. You want people to know that you're his, that you came from the same Jake Sully.
"Your Avitar is ready."
You hummed and followed the woman. You two passed many other avatars. Then finally came to a stop at one that oddly looked like you. You stared down at the young body.
You were currently in your mid 20's, but avatars are made to be way younger than you currently were. This one looks about 18 or 19. You didn't mind. As long as the body was capable of handling her plan for Jake.
You must say, Pandora was more beautiful than you expected. Such beauty shouldn't have been wasted on Jake. You honestly didn't care for Quaritche's reasons or his mission in general, all you wanted was to install fear and dread into Jake.
Thankfully, Quaritche seemed to not mind what your little mission was. The only thing you two had in common, was to put Jake down. Break him in unimaginable ways.
"Your one of his" Quaritche mumbled. But you heard what he said. Your ears perked as you slowly made your way to the small Na'vi boy. Now seeing by his fingers and looking closely at his face, he held a close resemblance to Jake, that caused you to stare rather hard.
You kneeled down and looked your half-brother in the eyes. You then heard a voice, a voice that you could never forget. You grabbed the innercom that was still connected to the boy's neck and tossed it to Quaritche. As the older man spoke to Jake, you grabbed your half-brothers face, examining it.
The boy growls and roughly moved his face out of your hand.
"Let us go you demons!" The boy hissed in his native tongue. You scoffed in amusement and took hold of his hand, roughly putting it in front of his face, then put your hand against his. Matching all five fingers.
"We are more similar than you think boy." Your words shocked the boy. Leaving him silent and confused.
You turned to go back to your original position, giving a glance to Jake's daughters. You glared at the smallest one.
When Jake brought the fight to them. Quaritche let you have a little time alone with Jake.
Your tail swished from side to side before pouching on Jake. Your fighting style was sloppy, but in a way that was nearly always unpredictable. Almost like you were some kind of; savage.
Jake threw you off him, causing you to land on all fours against a nearby tree. You hissed as you stood up slowly, your tail flickering side to side, your eyes had never left him.
"So mean papa. That really hurt" You licked the blood from your lips as you gave the man a toothy grin.
Jake frowns, that voice, was for some reason familiar to him. His eyes squinted as the figure stepped closer into the moonlight. Once you were in the light, it took him a second, but even in Na'vi form. He recognizes his own daughter.
"Y/n . . . ?"
Jake dropped his weapons as he slowly approached you.
"Y/n, my baby! how-" His hands hovered over your skin, before you stepped away.
The two of you stared at each other, in compleate silence. Suddenly, the sound of a helecopter came. You sighed
"Oh well, guess our time is up." You say in a disappointing tone, you turned to walk off and get back to the group.
"Next time, I won't go easy on ya!" You say with a playful tone, but the noticeable sadistic look you had said otherwise.
Chaos unlashed itself upon the Sully family. The children of Jake demanding to know more about the Avitar woman who claimed to also be a Sully. That night, Jake and Neytiri had to explain that Jake had a daughter back on earth, and the moment he betrayed his own race, he lost privileges of trying to bring his daughter to Pandora or at least try and contact her.
Jake thought about you every day, every second. Every time he treated his sons like soldiers, he was reminded of you, and what he had said that fitful night.
Lo'ak laid awake that night. Your words spinning in his mind. That small talk of how his father truly was. How Jake treated her worse than he was with them now. Lo'ak can barely tolerate how their father is now, so just thinking about how strict or harsh he was with you. He understood you were probably hurt, but he thought of some way to make you see what Lo'ak saw when Jake spoke about you. How much love he had with each word for you, speaking about you like he would for any of his children.
When Jake first saw you again, it was like a dream come true, but now, he feels like he sees you everywhere. You're becoming a nightmare for him, all because of that first interaction you two had, if you knew of this, you would be laughing at how pathetic Jake was to easily be this way.
Even though Neytiri saw you as a traitor and a threat to her family, Jake still saw you as his little girl. His sweet baby girl that he left. The little girl he had the nerve to treat like a soldier. Guess this was Jake's harsh reminder that he was raising a daughter back then.
The Jake now can never imagine treating Kiri and Tuk the way he did with you, it hurts him.
You didn't want to hurt anyone but Jake. That doesn't mean you care for the life around you, no, if killing the ones Jake loved the most would drive Jake to the breaking point like you wished? you would have done that long ago.
You kneeled down to Lo'ak and made sure he was tied properly.
"Why are you doing this! aren't you, our sister??" Lo'ak was trying to reason with you. Trying to make you see what you were doing was wrong. You sighed and gave him a small smile while caressing his head.
"Oh, sweet little brother. You are too young to understand."
"I wan't daddy . . ." Tuk mumbled out a small whine. You shifted your eyes to her.
You stepped back and examined the two. "you two think our father is such a hero. A noble man who loves his family more than anything. But your wrong, the moment you slip up, he turns on you. . . . Did you know what he said to me before he left?"
Lo'ak and Tuk stayed silent as they kept their eyes on you.
"He said that all I had to do was wait for 6 years, then he'll be back, and make up for what he had done to me. Then 6 years turn into 8, then it turned into a decade. . . . It took 10 years for me to realize I didn't need him. And that he didn't want me." You never told your small sob story to anyone, and you surprisingly didn't feel that shitty about what your life had become.
"Your wrong."
Lo'aks words brought you back. You tilt your head a little.
"Dad loves you! He told us what happened and he's sorry. He regrets everything and all he wants is you to be with him again! h-he loves you and always did." You hum in amusement
"He loves me . . . . How interesting."
Your plan just changed, and in the best way possible.
Jake didn't mean too. He didn't mean to shout at you that night, he didn't mean to leave you behind like he did, he didn't mean to turn you into what you had become now.
You coughed up blood, holding your stomach tight, where the stab wound was.
And most of all, he didn't mean for this to happen. Not to you . . . not by him of all people
"Y/n- I didn't . . . please come with me. Your hurt!" Jake pleaded. You stumbled back and hit the metal wall. You laughed as you slid down to the ground. You slowly looked up to Jake with teary eyes.
It really hurts. The burning pain was like nothing you felt before.
Jake rushed to your side and tried to lift you up. You stopped him and gripped his shoulder. "Hey, you love me . . . yeah?"
Jake didn't hesitate to answer "Yes! I love you. I love you so much." Jake held back a sob as he moved strands of hair away from your face. You sighed and slowly looked back up to him.
"Then, if you truly love me. You should take responsibility for this." Jake's ears slicked back.
Your eyes were stone cold. Void of any emotion.
"Finish what you started--" You grabbed onto Jake's hand, the one he still had his blade in. Your blood stained with the sharp object.
"-- And if you truly loved me, you'd end it for me already."
Jake shook his head "no, I can still save you! you still have time-"
You cut Jake off "Look, Jake. My time is up. No use for pity now." You were rather done at this point. Just wanting it to be over with.
Jake took a long moment. But it happened. You held eye contact with your father as he stuck the blade in you once more, finishing you off. His salty tears mixing with the blood on your face.
Jake Sully lost his daughter that day. By killing her with his own hands.
So, in short, remember parents that children can be quite fragile in their early stages of life.
They can and will remember everything.
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shirakow · 3 months
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pairing ㅤ; ㅤtartaglia clone x sub male reader . part 1
warnings ㅤ; ㅤdub-con , mentions of cheating but they're not really cheating , overstimulation , hair pulling , blindfolds , degradation , praise , use of nicknames , and the real ajax sees you two .
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“Childe. What the fuck am I looking at right now.” You didn't expect to come home and see this, of all things. Childe awkwardly laughed, shrugging and scratching his cheek using his index finger, “Well, how'd you think I reacted when I saw him...” He pointed, gesturing towards the clone of him, standing a few steps behind.
The clone innocently waved, giving you a toothy grin while you could only sigh and grumble in annoyance. “I've already dealt with a handful of shit from Kaeya, and now you too?” You ran a hand through your hair before going towards the kitchen with Childe and well, other Childe following after. “Babe, I swear I've tried everything to get rid of him!” He whined like a child.
Funny, Childe is acting like a child.
You plopped the bags on the kitchen aisle and turned around to lean against it while switching gazes between Childe and his clone. It was very easy to differentiate the two. And no, You didn't have some sort of boyfriend radar so big to easily spot which one's which from a twin guessing game.
The clone is what Childe looks like in his delusion form, which means his clothes are a mixture of that of the colors black and purple.
The moment you laid eyes on the clone, your initial thought was; ‘He looks hot in that color palette.’ Tall, dark, and handsome was definitely something that kept you going.
“Have you even thought of who sent or made this?” You questioned, Childe looked at him as if he were braindead, “Do you know another psycho who likes to make puppets for a living?” You made an O shape with your mouth before you laughed. “Oh man, you must've done something to piss off Dottore.”
“That, or he just doesn't like you in general.” You kept laughing, to the point of tears forming in the corner of your eyes. Childe grumbled while crossing his arms over his chest, “Just help me think of another way to get rid of it.” He playfully glared. The clone fake gasped, feigning a hurt expression, “It? You think so lowly of me, Ajax.” He dramatically said before smirking.
You rolled your eyes, “Have you tried killing it?” Childe—no, from now on you will only refer to the original Childe as Ajax, and Childe for the clone. Ajax scoffed, “You think I haven't? We've dueled for hours, and I realized how annoying I am to fight.” He murmured in a venomous tone while glaring at Childe, who stuck his tongue out.
“Just go find how to get rid of him, please? I can't have a clone of yours watching us while we sleep.” You pushed yourself off the kitchen table and gave Ajax a quick peck on the lips before walking away to make dinner. Ajax huffed, glaring at the clone while pulling him by the collar and into the living room, “If I find out you hurt him in any way shape or form, I'll have your head.” Ajax threatened.
Childe raised his hands up in defense, “Hey, I'm your clone. Not a copycat. I feel the same way you feel about him, you think I'd hurt the person we love the most?” He glared back. Ajax stared at him, before rolling his eyes and pushing him away harshly, “Don't say we as if they're yours too, I'm the original Ajax and only I could say those words.” He snarled.
Childe ooh'ed before chuckling, ”I'm so scared...” He teased. Ajax groaned and walked towards the door, “I'll be back in a few, babe. Don't hesitate to kill the bastard if he tries anything!” He yelled as he exited their humble abode. You snickered at his closing statement.
it'd already been a few minutes since Ajax decided to go out, and the only thing Childe has done during those few minutes was stare at you while you made dinner. Though you enjoyed the silence—you could only wish you felt the same about his gawking.
You kneeled and placed the bowl in the cooker before dusting your hands off on the apron you wore, having enough of Childe's staring. “So, are you just gonna stare at me?” You asked, hanging the apron on the wall. Childe laughed, and you heard him making his way towards you.
“How can I not. To think that a person as wonderful as you has become mine...” He suddenly wrapped his arms around your waist and gave you a quick kiss to the neck. You huffed and swatted his face away, “Enough, you're just a clone. Nothing you say or do will make me feel an—” You were cut off when Childe made your head turn to face him using his index finger and placed a deep kiss on your lips.
You, engulfed by shock, only stood there as the gears in your head slowly turned. Childe licked your bottom lip for entrance, and only then did you realize what he had done. You pulled away with a slight flush to his cheeks, “Stop, you're only a clone, n—” you mewled when Childe's hand suddenly clasped your hardening cock.
“Is that how you truly feel about me? A clone?” Childe hummed in amusement, leaning down to press soft kisses on your neck while his hands rubbed you through your pants. You panted against Childe's hold and placed your hand over Childe's bigger one, in a shaming attempt to hinder his actions. “Y-Yes, you're just a stupid clone...” Your voice a mere whisper at this point.
Your futile attempts at stopping Childe only added more friction to your aching cock which caused you to let out a soft cry. The ginger laughed into his ear, “Really? Then, can a clone do this?” Without any warning, his gloved hand went into your pants and pulled your hard cock out, only to pump it at a quick pace.
You threw your head back with a harsh gasp, gripping onto Childe's hand tighter while biting your bottom lip. Childe grinned widely at your reaction, his own cock springing to life at the lewd sight. Fuck did it feel so amazing. Having Childe jerk you off felt so fucking good. Your eyes shut closed and squirmed in Childe's hold, panting heavily as you tried your best not to fuck yourself into the harbingers hand.
“Mm, why are you denying this pleasure, sweetheart?” Childe murmured, using his free hand to turn your head to face him, “No matter how much you try and deny it—I'm still the man you fell in love with, clone or whatnot...” His hot breath tickled your quivering lips, before he captured it into a sloppy kiss.
You moaned into his mouth, your body finally relaxing against his hold and slowly began to accept the clone's lust. Your hand reached up to hold onto Childe's biceps for support and pressed your ass against the other's growing hardon. It was now Childe's turn to moan, a smirk forming on his lips.
“That's my boy...” He whispered into your kiss-swollen lips, Childe's tongue forced it's way inside the other's mouth as he explored it to his hearts content. You squeezed Childe's bicep tighter, a muffled moan escaping your lips as you felt your stomach churn a familiar feeling. Childe pulled away with a string of saliva connecting their lips together, laughing as he gazed down on your cock.
“That's it, cum for me baby...” He whispered, a groan following right after when you pressed your ass harder against Childe's clothed dick. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head and finished with a loud moan, body convulsing as you came all over Childe's hand. You panted for air, vision hazy from the pleasure. “You came so much... Makes me wonder if your Ajax knows how to please you well.” Childe blew air into your ear, making you shiver.
Childe chuckled and nuzzled into your neck, “Don't rest yet, I still have to cum you know?” In no time, a blindfold was wrapped around your eyes as you felt yourself get bent over the kitchen aisle. Your breath hitched when you felt a cold rush of wind hit your ass, stating that your pants had already been disregarded into some corner.
“I could get off to the sight of you bent over any day.” He teased, as you heard him unzip his pants. You gulped a lump down your throat, your hands trailing up the cold kitchen aisle and went to grip on the edge, bracing yourself for what's about to come.
Childe hummed, rubbing himself in between your ass cheeks. The other male shivered, whimpering a tad as he felt himself grow hard once more. Childe's eyes admired your figure, up from your toned shoulders, and down to your plump ass, aching and ready to be fucked.
He smirked and licked his lips at the sight, “D'you want it?” Childe asked, rutting the tip of his shaft against your hole. You wanted to say no, or shake your head in general—but fuck you wanted it so badly, so you remained silent. Childe tutted at your response, “Ah ah ah! Don't give me the silent treatment now.” You gasped when your ass was met with a sharp slap.
“I asked you a question, answer it.” Childe demanded with a snarl. You felt so disgusting, to think you actually liked that of all things? You panted heavily, squirming against him when Childe's hold on your hips tightened, holding you in place. “Answer me, pretty boy. Or I'll actually be convinced that you like getting spanked.” Another slap to the ass.
Your back arched, a sharp gasp escaping your lips. Childe leaned forward and pressed his toned chest against your sweaty back, “Naughty boy...” He let out a sultry laugh. You had enough, not wanting your pride to be shattered anymore by this stupid clone of Ajax's. “F-Fuck, just put it in already—!” As if that were the trigger—Childe harshly plunged himself deep inside your ass.
The two of them moaned, but your voice overpowered Childe's, having not expected the sudden intrusion after all. You shook violently on the kitchen aisle, gripping at the edge tighter and felt tears well up in the corners of your eyes at the pain. Childe noticed this and gently painted your shoulders with kisses along with some whispers of sweet nothings into your ear. Quite the contrast to his behavior a few moments prior.
It ranged from, “You're doing so good baby...” to “Feels so good to have you around my cock...” And everything that went out of this mans mouth was enough to send shivers of delight down your spine. You slowly relaxed under him and pushed your hips back, only to moan in pleasure at the feeling.
Childe grinned against your shoulder and pulled out completely, before going back in harshly. You arched your back and screamed when Childe has already hit your prostate dead on. “Mmm, found it...~” He cooed and continued his hard thrusts right off the bat, the tip of his shaft hitting every right spot inside you. Childe stood up straight and placed a hand over your head, pressing your face hard against the table, but not enough to suffocate you of course.
Your mouth fell open as more moans escaped your kiss-swollen lips. The feeling of Childe's member filling you up to the brim was enough to send you over the edge, the sound of your skins slapping together, the sound of Childe's lewd moans—fuck you could get used to this.
Childe thrusts grew faster, his nails digging at the soft flesh of your waist as he pulled at it to meet with his own thrusts. You felt his legs giving out, and your cock twitched beautifully when a thought suddenly entered your head; How would Ajax react to this when he gets home?
Sure it was a clone of his, but it still wasn't him. And Your knows that Ajax could be a little... Possessive at times, and it often led to rough sex that would last hours, but how exactly would he react to this? God the thought excited you, weirdly enough.
You moaned loudly when your hair got pulled back, and now you was no longer bent over the kitchen aisle, instead you were met with Childe's toned chest pressed against your back. “F-Fuck... You like that? Getting your hair pulled like this?” Childe chuckled in his ear, teasingly tugging at his hair again.
You mewled, your hand travelling down to your stomach, feeling the small bulge that appeared everytime Childe thrusted inside of you. This didn't go over Childe's radar though, and he laughed loudly, he placed his hand over your smaller one and pressed at your stomach, causing you to moan when the tip of his cock was forced to hit your prostate again.
“You're such a good boy for me, baby... So fucking good for me...” Childe's hand trailed down lower and clasped around your twitching dick, before pumping it to the speed of his thrusts. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head, your mouth falling open with drool escaping past your lips.
You felt so good. So overstimulated. And so sinful. You felt like this was cheating, after all—this wasn't truly your lover. Childe used his free hand to turn your head to the side and gave you a wet kiss, his tongue swirling inside your mouth while his thrusts grew sloppier upon closing in on his release.
The two of you pulled away from each other, as Childe chuckled. “Enjoying the view, Ajax?” Your eyes snapped open, panic settling in at the mention of your lovers name, alerting you of his presence.
“A-Ajax?” You managed to stutter out, and tried to struggle against Childe's hold but was pushed down the kitchen aisle once more, and was fucked against it while Ajax watched silently.
You cried, toes curling when your built up pleasure finally popped as you released all over the table. Childe gave a few more thrusts and came inside of your ass, filling you up to the brim, so much where your essence dripped down your shaking legs and onto the floor. You panted, body convulsing at the hard finish.
You gulped, and pushed yourself up after a few seconds of rest, “A-Ajax...” You whispered, completely out of breath. Your arms were just about to give out on you when suddenly a hand got a handful of your hair, holding your head in place. “I must say, out of all the possibilities I thought of happening, this definitely wasn't one of them.” Ajax said in a grim voice, and you could feel the piercing glare he sent you.
“I'm very disappointed,” he said in a dark tone, you winced when Childe pulled out of you, and slowly thrusted back inside. “Though, I won't deny it...” Ajax's eyes diverted from your lust-filled expression, to Childe still full of energy, up and ready for round two. “... Watching you get fucked by a replica of me was such a turn on.” He chuckled as he lifted two of his fingers and used it to play with your tongue, you moaned and sucked on his fingers obediently.
“How about you finally let me in on the fun, hmm?” Ajax hummed, following by a mischievous laugh which sent a shiver down your spine.
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© SHIRAKOW ㅤ; ㅤim cleaning out my drafts, this was made in like 2023 so dont mind if its incredibly messy. not proofread.
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allurilove · 5 days
“What happened to all the other yanderes that’s not getting a continuation fic?”
Congratulations to yandere boyfriend and reader for graduating, and starting adulthood! Now that they are done with college (well the reader is), they continue to live together. Yandere boyfriend works at a cafe while his partner has a more “adult” job.
Yandere professor hasn’t seen the reader after they graduated. The reader moved back to their hometown, and they lost touch. Yandere professor does check readers social media. It makes him feel better to see that they are doing okay. He can’t bring himself to message them, and he assumes that they have already moved on from their relationship.
Dumb Yandere had gone missing for a couple of days actually. You found him shivering underneath a park bench, and absolutely drenched from the rain. He got lost after you sent him on an errand to go buy cheese. You had a search party looking for him, you got the police involved, and yet here he was. You brought your husband home, ran him a warm bath, and he slept soundly in your arms.
Yandere chaebol hasn’t made it official with reader. They do bang, sleep in the same bed, and occasionally parent his kids together. He doesn’t want to go through the whole marriage thing again, so he won’t propose. Yandere chaebol did apologize to his ex-wife, and he’s sort of on good terms with her now.
Yandere survivor is still following the reader around. He pleads with them to let him fuck them again with his dick that’s on a stick. He tries to woo you, but the reader barely budges. He lost his foot after a human attack, and you made him a peg leg. He’s still alive for now.
Yandere knight almost died multiple times. He had shielded you from an attack. Someone wanted you dead and gone, and he wasn’t going to let that happen. He eats your food to make sure it’s not poisoned (and it was), he double checks every horse to make sure that there wasn’t a bomb strapped to it, and he forced himself to stay awake for months. He would stare at you while you slept, quietly from the corner of your room. Yandere knight was upset that reader was married off to another man, and nearly killed your fiancé. Yandere knight is now in the dungeons.
Yandere prince had killed all of his siblings and parents, except for one. One of them had slipped away from him, and he now sleeps with a dagger underneath his pillow. Yandere prince became a King, and the reader is his queen. Yandere prince is now a father to twins.
Yandere classmate had gone to his dream school. Which meant that someone else had to keep a careful eye on the reader. His trusty butler that had been with him since he was a baby was the one to take care of the reader. The reader is locked away in his house, and hasn’t seen their friends and family in a while. Yandere classmate got back home after graduating, and he proposed to reader.
Yandere neighbor still continues to live right next to reader. He did go on a couple of dates with them, and he became great friends with reader. Yandere neighbor does occasionally still peep into the readers house, and he mentally keeps tabs on all the people that comes and goes.
Yandere farmer had proposed to reader, got married to them, and now their farm has a huge litter of kids. He loves his kids, and he teaches them how to properly take care of the animals.
Yandere mothman has become a permanent resident in the readers home. He has his own room that has a lot of natural light, and it was quite cozy. Even if he can’t mate with reader, his fuzzy dick has made it inside their mouth a couple of times.
Yandere prodigy continues to have wet dreams about his enemy. He doesn’t know how to stop them, and he has even thought about working for a different music group. He knows he should get away from the reader, and he continues to give the reader the cold shoulder. He stays as a nasty little freak behind the readers back, and relishes at any sight of their exposed skin.
Yandere best friend pursued his dreams and he became a chef. He opened his own restaurant after college with the help of his parents. The reader was his first customer, and he has a selfie of them eating his food posted up onto his wall. Yandere best friend and the reader are going steady, and sometimes go on dates.
Yandere camp counselor is still in the friend zone.
Yandere manager is still the readers manager (what a surprise). He is a bit more lenient after the reader proved that they could be responsible, and he lets them drink once in a while. Yandere manager hasn’t made a move yet, and probably never will.
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mizading · 1 year
The poison of Akaza’s obsession penetrates you.
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Yandere Akaza X Reader
Warnings: Obsessive/Yandere themes, Dark themes, Abuse, Stockholm syndrome
Summary: A failed mission to put an end to Akaza, one of the twelve Kizuki almost killed you. Instead of being rescued by your fellow hashiras, Akaza took you for his own. You slowly realize that you're merely a replacement. 
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You awaken to the soft, uneasy breaths taken by the unknown presence beside you, causing you to jolt up. This was a mistake. You completely forgot about your unsuccessful battle that occurred not long ago; the pain you felt was enough for you to reconsider your position as a former demon slayer.
 "Please lie down; I can't have you getting too hurt love". 
“Love?” You said, turning to face the familiar voice that projected beside you. A cold sense of fear trickled down your body. At once realizing who the familiar voice belonged to, the demon in which you failed to get rid of. Akaza stroked your hair lightly, continuing his uneasy yet soft breathing pattern you had taken notice of before.
 "Relax; the tension in your body is starting to worry me. I couldn’t help but take you back here after you passed out.” Without thinking, you instinctively moved yourself as far away as possible. "Don’t run from me; it’s no use. I'm sure you know that by now, don’t you?". 
“What is it that you want..I don’t have anything to offer” you spoke, voice shaking slightly. Akaza crept up on you, picking your body up from the floor with ease, carrying you bridal style. "I don’t have time to deal with your childish behavior; I’m taking you to get dressed in clothes more fitting for you". Realization hit, and you realized how dangerous your situation really was. Not wanting to dig yourself further into this loop, you complied. As he was carrying you to what seemed to be a bedroom, you took time to look around what you assumed to be his home. It was more of a traditional style, with mainly wood on the inside and dimly lit candles. What caught your eye were picture frames with images of a woman on the inside. She was beautiful, definitely above average. Her expensive-looking pink polka-dot kimono stood out brightly in the photograph. As you study her, you also notice the man beside her; he looked awfully familiar. You quickly glanced at the demon carrying you and took a mental note of their similar appearance. They looked like twins, one just.. human.
You made it to the bedroom. Akaza softly placed you on a king-sized bed in the middle of the room. "Wait here for a moment while I grab your new clothes". Not wanting to find out what he would do to you if you moved, you once again complied. “Look, I don’t understand what this is about but please I just want to go home”. 
Akaza came back with what seemed to be a kimono. “I thought I explained this to you already? I couldn’t help myself, I've never seen anyone like you love”. Your eyes widen when you see the details of the kimono—pink with white polka dots. The same one seen in the photographs of the woman. 
"I’ll help you put this on, then I’ll work on your hair flower’. He then slowly started removing your clothes, taking deeper breaths as he saw more and more of your bare skin. “I didn’t ask for this, I’m asking nicely please, just let me leave”. You tried as hard as you could to suppress the fear in your voice. You still had slight hope that he would let you go.  
"You're so beautiful, I don’t think I can handle it; it’s taking everything in me to respect you and keep myself together seeing you like this". Your body slightly shook at the feeling of his cold, large hands caressing your soft, plush skin; he had a drunk, dazed look when staring down at you. It took all Akaza had to keep his intentions from becoming impure when it came to you. You're the first woman to make him feel anything since his wife Koyuki died; by this point, he’s not sure if his own former wife was able to make him feel such a way. 
The way you gaze at him, the way your pretty chest rises when you breathe, your soft touch, your beautiful smile that could put the sun to shame—all of it was too much for him to handle. He just needs you entirely.
 “You're being delusional just let me go.” Your meek sentence didn’t seem to affect him in any way. Akaza continued carefully wrapping your body into the different layers of the Kimono, despite your protests. 
The moment the two of you met, you did something to his heart. The fight that introduced you two ended shortly, Akaza knew you would be no match. With only a few hits, Akaza was able to knock you out into a short coma and bring you to his home.Throughout your week long deep sleep he took the opportunity to study you, study your body. With your presence, his once incomplete heart shattered by his former wife's death now felt whole again. For now, your only job is to replace his dead wife and stay with him, promising to never leave his side.  
Akaza finished dressing you and was now fixing your hair. You had to admit that the way his hands felt in your hair was enough to put you to sleep. He was so gentle with you despite the battle you two fought, however long ago. No matter how much you hate to admit it, his treatment towards you has been nothing but loving. He touched you as if you were fine china, one of a kind, and could break at any moment. In his presence, you got the strange feeling that nothing else could ever lay hands on you, even if attempted. You were uneasy, noticing how he was transforming you into the girl in the picture. Mustering up all your courage, you decide to ask who the woman was. Akaza hummed softly as he delicately pinned up your hair; he was in pure bliss just by being able to lay his hands on you. He hasn’t felt such love for another human since his wife, Koyuki. 
“A- Akaza..? You spoke softly.”
 "Yes, baby?" he hummed in response. 
The little name made you repulse. "Who’s the woman in the pictures around your home?" you said. He paused, resting his hands on your shoulders, massaging them slightly. You scoffed at the action, Akaza acting as if he didn’t kidnap you made your sanity drop even lower. Then he spoke. "Koyuki, a woman I once loved; she’s long gone now, so no need to worry, precious". No matter how he put it, you knew deep down that you were replacing her in a way; the way he dressed you up was enough proof.
 "Don’t worry about things like that Y/N soon you'll be replacing those pictures" said Akaza while placing a heavy, wet kiss on your neck. There was nothing you could do but accept his love and affection. You were simply no match, any type of fighting or protest beyond this point would be completely useless. It may even get you in more trouble.
You're already in too deep, and there's no escaping his "love" now. Akaza grabbed your face harshly, contrasting his previous sweet actions. He forced a hungry kiss onto your soft lips that revealed more than his words. “Stop! w-what are you doing” you frantically attempted to escape his harsh grip. Akaza still had a tight grip on your face, causing a stinging sensation in your cheeks.
 "Your mine; do you understand that? Trying to leave will have consequences". You had done nothing wrong..? Was playing into his game not enough for him? This delusion of his went on for weeks. You would dress up in Koyuki’s old clothes, and Akaza would pretend that you were his wife and always have been.
 Over time, you grew too tired to fight back. After months of Akaza being your only contact with another being, you slowly started to crave his touch, the way he coddled you, his dark but loving gaze, his love in general. You find yourself willing to do anything for a piece of his love; you desire and need it.
 “Akaza please! You pleaded, I promise to be a good girl, just don’t make me sleep alone again”.
 Earlier that night, you accidentally broke a plate during dinner, dropping it. His punishments for you were harsh, especially if your mistake disturbed the "perfect wife" role you played for him. Sleeping alone was one of the worst punishments; you needed his touch. Having nobody to come save you and no chance of escaping guaranteed your stay here.This was your new reality.  Being a replacement didn't matter to you anymore. You would do it all for him, as long as he kept his love for you. 
The poison of Akaza's obsession consumes you entirely; you need him more than ever now.
Word Count: 1493
A/N: Thank you for taking the time to read! This is my first story so bear with me. Feel free to leave me any type of criticism. Requests are open and I'm always available to chat about whatever. 
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b-yeonder · 1 year
Their Reaction To You Attacking Them With A Toy Weapon (Brothers)
↬ Genre/Content Warnings: Fluff/Crack. Just something silly I cooked up~
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Steady now...aim...aaaand...FIRE! ping! The toy arrow flew from your bow and landed straight in the middle of Lucifer's forehead just as he looked up from his paperwork.
"Oh shit--" You slap a hand over your mouth as the demon stares at you unblinkingly. The silence stretches for a good few minutes before he finally blinks. Once.
"You have five seconds to get out of my sight."
You were gone within one. But wait--
You peek your head back round his door. "Hey any chance I could have tha--"
"I'll take that as a no..." 
Gone like the wind. Try again later maybe?
Laughs. You? Take him on? The GREAT Mammon!? Come off it. But when you launch yourself at him he's taken by surprise and falls over.
"And he's down!" You start attacking him with the foam club in your hands, smacking him upside the head as he tries to push you off to no avail. His cheeks are already on fire from being caught off guard like this but when he sees Lucifer watching the two of you with raised eyebrows he wants to die. 
"Having fun?" 
"Yessir, very much so." You finish him off with a flourish - a bonk on the forehead - before raising your weapon above your head in victory. "The Great Mammon has been vanquished!" 
"Oh good, it's about time." 
Fights back, whipping out his own weapon. Lightsabers? Cue epic battle with self-made lightsaber sounds. You lose, dropping to the floor with an anguished cry. 
"My mortal enemy, who is also my lover....how could you do this to meeeee." 
"Wait, your what now--!?"
"Play along dumbass, jeez."
Raises his eyebrow at the threat. "Oh really?"
"Engarde!" You stab him in the chest like a fencer, but he doesn't move. You stab him again. He just stares at you. 
"Are you done?"
"Dammit Satan can't you play along just once, such a borin' old--" He yanks the sword, pulling you to him with a yelp. You practically headbutt him but he holds you steady with one arm, the other busy holding the sword. To your throat.
"A boring old what now?"
"A uh...boring old...lovely...man. Please don't kill me."
"Tsk, tsk." His lips tug into a toothy grin as he lowers the sword from your throat, letting go of you at the same time and quickly offering the toy back to you. 
Dramatically feigns his own death, the two of you end up acting out a whole drama-worthy scene with tears and...well a couple of groping attempts but overall it was an A* performance.
"Oh, why must this be!? Felled by a poison blade! You are the cruelest creature I have ever met... To douse the flame of my life this way! A deathly pallor ill suits me! Oh woe is me!"
Watches you in mild confusion and amusement as you pepper his torso with sucker-tipped bullets. Probably in the middle of eating something.
"Yes! Bulls-eye, right on the NIP!"
Beel blinks down at his new nipple accessory. You're a strange one but as long as you're enjoying yourself... 
He continues munching away.
You attack him with twin daggers, murdering him in his cozy cocoon. But wait. The lump beneath you is still moving! In a flash Belphie is on you, pinning you to the bed.
"Excuse me? Who the fuck do you think you are?"
"Uh...an assassin...coming to...murder...and stuff..."
"Oh, is that it huh? Well then."
Proceeds to pummel the shit out of you with a pillow until you're a cowering giggling screaming mess on his bed, arms up in defense as he kneels over you beating you to death before collapsing on you.
"I win, loser is tonight's pillow."
"Belphie noooo..."
"Belphie yeees." Is curled on top of you cutely, legs straddling yours and his arms around you. 
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~ Obey Me! Masterlist ~
~ The Grand Masterlist ~
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Snow Angel
Jacaerys' Version
I'll angel in the snow until I'm worthy but if it kills me, I tried.
Gwyane's Version ❄ Daemon's Version ❄ Aegon's Version ❄ Aemond's Version ❄ Jacaerys' Version ❄ Cregan's Version ❄ Criston's Version
Jacaerys Velaryon x Targaryen!Reader | 800< | cw: fem!reader, targcest, reader is aemond's twin, angst, violence, blood, war, death, typos, etc.
A/N: renee rapp my beloved. jacaerys and aemond's version go hand in hand
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You remember talking about running away with Jace when you were kids. You told him about your plans to pack your dresses, flee on your dragon, and live off lemon cakes. You cried when he laughed at you and swore never to speak to him again.
But then he did what he did best and cast your worries away. He panicked, unintending to cause you sadness, then made a fool of himself until he got you to smile. And when you did, he promised to himself never to make you cry again.
"Why do you want to run away anyway?" Jacaerys asks after you were calmer, finding a place beside you on the grass on which you sat.
You wipe your nose on your sleeve and give him a look, "is it really not obvious?"
He grows a bit nervous. He internally denies it's because he's made you cry.
"You are like teasing Aemond," you turn to your shoes, "Aemond likes teasing me-"
"He does?"
You turn back to him.
"Then I will fight him for it."
"But that's the problem Jace!" you feel your lips quiver, "it's all so horrid. I don't like how you fight," you pull on the grass, "I don't like how he fights me. I don't like fighting."
For a moment, Jacaerys feels guilty. He regrets arguing with Aemond... but then again, he deserved it.
"I don't understand," you speak quietly, "we're twins. I am his half and he is mine. We shared the same womb and yet he acts like we share nothing in common..." your voice becomes shaky, "why does he dislike me so?"
Gods, he so deserved it.
You muse to him about other things your wretched twin brother has done to you, and this becomes your ritual. Every time you are together, you vent to him, and he listens. But one day, his family leaves King's Landing and, again, he does the thing he's promised he'd never do: he made you cry.
He writes to you every week after leaving. He tells you how much he misses you. He tells you how much he misses your laugh, your bad jests, even your dolls, and how Vermax was lonely without your dragon to fly with.
And so one day, in your reply, you ask to fly with him in secret. You ask to meetup somewhere no one would think to look for either of you, then you spend the day enjoying each other's company. None would know about your whereabouts but each other.
But then your family fractured, there was them and there was you, and both found each other opposite sides. One day, you simply could not take it, so you wrote to him: meet me in our secret place.
In truth, you did not expect him to show, but when he did, you were relieved to see him... until he opened his mouth.
"What do you want from me, Aunt?" Jacaerys spoke.
You knit your brows, "what?"
"Have you come to surrender? To pledge yourself to the one true Queen?"
You shake your head in disbelief of what you were hearing. You walk towards him, "Jace, I-"
"She will accept you," he says, "she will accept all of you. You need just bend the-"
"Run away with me," you press your hand to his chest.
He stares at you, nostrils flaring, line forming between his brows.
You rapidly shake your head, "you know that's all I've ever wanted. To be done and rid of this bother."
Jacaerys takes your hand and whispers your name, "you know tis not that simple."
"We can make it simple. Let us ride off and-"
"You have a duty to your family, as do I."
"And what of the duty to our hearts?" you clutch his hand. His jaw clenches. You mutter, "there is no greater duty than fulfilling that of what's borne from love."
He does not respond to you. Your eyes search his. Your grip tightens. He releases you. Soon he's breaking his promise all over again. Tears spill over as you pull away from him, "am I not worthy enough of even this?"
He calls your name as you step back. Before he can speak, his attention is taken by the sky and the loud sound of flapping dragon wings. It was unmistakably Vhagar.
You are unable to keep him from riding off and facing the gargantuan. You look up and watch your brother unleash his fury upon him. You knew better than to get in the way, but you would not have Jacaerys killed when you were the one who called him here in the first place.
You get on your mount and do your best to catch Aemond's attention. You scream and shout but to no avail, not until your dragon knocks into the tail of your twin's.
You did not expect him to be so angry. You did not expect him to attack you. You could do nothing as you watched your dragon choke in the maw of your brother's ride. The sound of your own screams deafen you, and so you hear not the sound of him screaming out your name.
And as you descend from the height, Jacaerys is mortified. He commands Vermax to catch you, and he tries his best, but even his best was not enough to save you from your end.
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https-genesis · 1 year
deserving child | dad!jake x daughter!reader
Sypnosis; Whatever had your father done before you were born had nothing to do with you today, but Quaritch didn't care. Children or not, you were Jake's.
Contents; angst little comfort, typical avatar violence, drabble? extreme depictions of gore?? Jake's pov, no use of y/n,
Dictionary; sempul - dad/daddy, sa'nok - mother, tsurak - skimwing, kuru - queue, uturu - sanctuary
A/N; I hate this but anyway
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Jake Sully. Failed life on Earth, dead brother. Paralyzed from the waist down, out of service. Sent to replace his brother on a military mission, Pandora. Falling for the forrest, the culture, the people... Neytiri. Even though he had taken everything from her, her sister, her father, her ikran, her people... Neytiri had faith. She fought with him. His beautiful mate... His children. His firstborn son, Neteyam, and his twin, you. Oh, how life had betrayed him. Or had he betrayed life? After all, he betrayed an entire race. Was it unfair? Had he done the good thing, or was he selfish?
Jake still remembers a quote from the Bible he had read years before his 20th birthday. Before his brother was killed on the field.
"For am I seeking the approval of man or of God? And if I am seeking the approval of man, will I still be a servant of grace?"
As Jake sat still onto the back of his tamed tsurak within the seas of the reefs, hundreds of vengeful Na'vi in the same position behind him, he thought back to fifteen years ago. He could've left with Quaritch. Be could've surrendered. Saved thousands of innocent lives and give his own. But he didn't. He chose to stay and fight, but for what?
He could clearly see your distressed faces kneeling and facing him on the Demon Ship. Quaritch and his men held you and your siblings tighly in place and the gun pressed to your temple that digged into your skin harshly.
Jake chose to stay and fight. It brought him here. His children about to get executed right in front of his helpless eyes, unable to do anything but to weep to himself like a coward.
The sound of Neytiri's distressed pleas in his ears made them ring, but he couldn't hear a single word.
Jake could see in his head the faded image of your brains splattered onto the pavement of the ship and for a brief moment he pondered if this was all a dream. It wasn't, however, you were still alive. The choice was his, he knew it well. Would Neytiri even forgive him? Would you? Would Tuk be able to pass her own Iknimaya without her father?
The freezing cold metal pressed firmly against the side of your head burned like dry ice. You had seen your father use similar machinery on the field, but you had never seen it be pointed at someone else. Even less had you thought you'd be the one in this kind of situation. Quaritch had your kuru thigh in his unoccupied hand, pulling whenever your kneeling stance faltered. You could see the outline of Jake, Ronal and Tonowari from your place on the ship and the way your father's eyes drifted from you and your siblings to his weapon. Was he really considering letting himself get captured for you?
Whatever Jake was thinking was passing fast. He had no plan and you knew it. The simple look of despair on Tonowari's face told you everything. You knew not to scream out because the Avatar had warned you when your brother tried.
"One noise and I'll shoot ya', kid."
Kid. You were just a kid. Your brother and sister were just kids. And Jake stared at you like it would be the last time he'd ever do. It was ironic, really. You came to Awa'atlu seeking uturu and had to end up murdering the entirety of its residents.
Jake felt the cold breeze against his damp skin, the breathlessness of Ronal on his right. His children are about to die. You, their big sister, dying to protect them. His babygirl. The one that lit up his life when he felt he was no Olo'eyktan, no Toruk Makto.
Right. Toruk Makto. Jake is Toruk Makto. The sixth rider of Last Shadow, the one who brought the clans victory against the Sky People. He killed Quaritch once. Can he really do it twice?
It's strange to think about it now, but in this situation he wishes he was more of a father and less of a marine. Lo'ak would never forgive him. The way he treated his children like soldiers... The pain he brought upon Neytiri and the people.
Quaritch's voice brings him back.
"Clock's ticking, colonel. What's it gonna be?"
The hand that rested on his gun lowered and Jake instructed his tsurak to swim forward slowly. He doesn't want to die, but he was ready to give his life up for you.
Quaritch did too.
Payakan thought otherwise. The large beast had felt Lo'ak's anger throughout their bond. Payakan had forgotten all about friendship, but Lo'ak had brought him a sense of serenity he had just about never felt before. Seeing red as he threw itself onto the ship, Jake saw the opportunity.
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should I do a part two? seems opportunistic tbh
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