#the two 7th grade history teachers do not want to talk to me and its like yeah ok then but why did u guys approve to hire me lol
diobrando · 10 months
Mr. Lee stopped by my room to see if I wanted to prep with the 8th grade history teachers and that was so nice of him to do
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dinoartistry · 3 months
How I got these results on my finals without spending hours stu"dying" at my desk.
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Now that finals season is over, we almost all recieved our grades and results.
However, sometimes you don't get the results you wanted despite studying for hours and hours on end. It's frustrating and discouraging, right?
Here are my tips on how to get better grades without having to spend all of your free time at your desk! ↓
NB: That doesn't mean that you should stop studying entirely.
Also this is a really long post but you can of course just read the tips that interest you!
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1. Be attentive in class. I know it's tempting to just sit down and chat with your friends or stay on your phone, because class can be really boring. However, paying attention to what your teacher says and taking note of everything that might sound useful is a huge step in getting better grades.
Your note-taking doesn't have to be aesthetic. At the beginning of the year I wasted a lot of time making my notes pretty in class, and that made me lose a lot of precious information. You can always rewrite your notes in an aesthetic way later! Re-writing is a great study method too, so it's a win-win. To give you an example, here are the history and theatre history notes I take in class:
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They're ugly. And that's okay! If I could score 35 and 50 respectively with these, so can you.
2. Be active in class. Of course, most of the time just listening isn't enough. You need to participate. Teacher asks a question? Raise your hand!
Now, you might be thinking "but what if I don't have the right answer and say something false? Everyone will make fun of me", and to that I will answer, who cares? They're not trying. You're making efforts to absorb the material, they're just sitting there and laughing because they're insecure about their own answers. I'm not making fun of them by saying this, it's just a fact.
3. Ask questions. Just, a bunch of them. If you don't understand the material, or have doubts, ask your teacher! They're not your enemy, even if they might sound dismissive. This year for example, I had a physics teacher who was a PAIN in class. He talked through the lesson super quickly and never really explained anything to anyone. However, there was one time where I didn't understand the material at all, and I went to talk to him. And he took time (like 20 minutes!) to re-explain to me what I hadn't understood.
Teachers are here to help you. Take advantage of it.
4. Research research research! By that I mean, go further! For example, in French class I had to read a book that talked about the genocide in Rwanda. But it was told through a child's eyes, so didn't really talk about what exactly was going on. So, I took it upon myself to take some time to make my own research about it. And guess what? Talking about it improved my grade on that project. In history, make sure you understand the causes and consequences of the historical events you study in class. "Why did it happen?" and "What was its impact on society?" are two questions you must be able to answer at the end of the day.
5. Understand how. This is maths-specific. Take this simple question about arithmetic sequences:
If the first term of a sequence (a1) is 2 and the common difference (d) is 5, what will be the 7th term (an) of that sequence?
It's not enough to know that the result is 32 because that's the answer you got in class. You need to understand the steps you use to get to the result.
Here for example, the formula is:
an = a1 + (n-1) . d
So, here:
a1 = 2, n = 7, d = 5.
The equation becomes :
an = 2 + (7 - 1) . 5
It's now simply a matter of method! 7-1 comes first, so you're left with:
an = 2 + 6 . 5
Then, the multiplication:
an = 2 + 30
And lastly:
an = 32
It's all a matter of taking the time to do things in the right order, one at a time. Think of it like reading a sentence! You can't just read the words in a random order, right? That wouldn't make sense. Read the words in the right order. Calculate in the right order. It's the same thing, I promise (coming from someone who used to hate maths)!
I really like the exam scene in assassination classroom for that reason. The moment the big monster to slay becomes a simple fish to cut because you know from where to start? That's the goal here.
6. Let go. You don't have to be the best of the best all the time. Putting unnecessary pressure on yourself and beating yourself up for not having full marks is doing the exact opposite of what we want here. You're smart, okay? Stressing yourself out does one thing: it turns your brain to mush, making you incapable of remembering information and will make you lose your means when you're faced with a test or an exam. That's what I did for chemistry this year, because I struggle with it, and would you look at that! I got 28. So let go. It's okay, you got this. ⚝
All in all, you're your own best friend. Take care of yourself. Don't put on yourself a pressure you wouldn't put on others. Being too hard on yourself will only end up hurting you, and we don't want that!
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foreignerabroad1994 · 2 years
Another Love: Writing Prompt Short Story
My response to the following writing prompt to u/London-Roma-1980 on the WritingPrompts subreddit:
[WP] The Museum of the History of Love has a new exhibit, which it calls an Alternate Future Coupling, but everyone calls the Ship-O-Matic. Two people sit in it, and they see a minutes-long vision of what their life as a couple would be like.
Bailey groans at the long line to the machine. He wasn't surprised when, about three beers in and on their way to the next bar, Joe could not resist the tacky, pink-and-red, love-hearts-covered exterior of the museum. The rest of their group laughed him off, but Bailey knew Joe would probably end up stumbling into the museum on his own and right into some jail cell. And, if he's honest with himself, he doesn't care much for Joe's friends. He only agreed to go on this stupid "bro trip" because Joe insisted, and both Sarah And Lin, their respective girlfriends, had already planned their own girls' trip to Cabo. Letting Joe drunkenly roam the museum on his own while he has to suffer through their endless talks about crypto and tits didn't sound like a better experience than walking through some tacky, tourist-trap exhibit.
It didn't take long before Joe zeroed in on the poster of the giant machine, which is still hidden from view. The long line stretches around the bend of the makeshift corridor. The walls are covered in tacky prints featuring all kinds of couples in various ages, floating in blurry clouds of promises and potential futures.
"Do we really have to do this?" he asks, peering over the shoulders of two very tall Dutch girls in front of them. They have at least thirty more minutes to wait, and he already needs to pee.
Joe puts an arm over his shoulders amiably, jostling him a bit too hard. "Of course we do! I can't sleep at night without knowing what my life would look like with you, my soulmate." He finishes the sentence with a flourish, a hand on his chest and the other on his forehead. Always so dramatic.
Bailey wants to say this is stupid, because it is. But he looks at Joe's goofy, toothy smile, and he doesn't want to tease him any more than his dumb friends already had. "Fine, but you're buying the next two rounds of beer."
Joe gives him a healthy smack on the shoulder. "That's my boy! You got yourself a deal."
They talk about nothing and anything as the line crawls ahead, and finally, they see the machine appearing in front of them. Only one pair is waiting in front of them - the two Dutch girls, who seem very excited. As he yet again peers around them, he observes the machine. Its exterior is metallic and bright, a shiny red chrome that looks more like a weird transformer than a plastic gimmick. The gaudy sign above it shines in pink lights, promising visitors "a stunning cinematic look into their shared romantic future". Bailey snickers and looks at Joe, who bounces from foot to foot.
"This is hysterical," he says excitedly. "I can't wait to tell everyone what it shows us. Do you think I'd be good at sucking dick?"
Bailey shoves him while the Dutch girls turn around and look at them with an eerily similar, blond-browed frown. They get called by the attendee, who's also wearing an awful red-and-pink vest, and Bailey and Joe step forward to wait their turn. "That's what you're worried about?"
"Well, yeah. If I was gay, I'd be a total pro."
"Of course you would."
"You doubting my skills?"
"Considering the only thing you've ever blown is a banana in 7th grade, yeah, I am."
Joe bursts out laughing. "Man, Ms. Ramirez was not happy with me."
"Dude, she wasn't happy because you couldn't say a word of Spanish and refused to try."
"Hey! I did try!"
Bailey rolls his eyes. "Yeah, when you wanted to hit on that girl, what was her name?"
"I'm surprised you remember."
They reminisce about their 7th grade teachers and classmates for a while and, before they know it, the attendant lets the Dutch girls out. They hold each other, laughing hard, their twin laughs genuinely creepy.
Joe leans in to whisper in his ear. "Are we sure they're not related?"
"Absolutely not," Bailey replies.
The attendant signals for them impatiently, and they walk into the machine. On the inside, it's surprisingly simple - not much more than a barren projection room. Two worn, red leather armchairs sit side by side, with a shared armrest. A giant projection screen is unfurled in front of them, with two giant speakers on either side. The attendant messes with a board full of colorful buttons on the left of the door, before ushering them to the two seats and asking them to sit still. He presses a pink, glowing button near the other side of door, and a giant box comes out of the ceiling. Bright, red lights, like lasers, come out of the box and scan both of them from head to toe a few times, slowly and silently. When the lights abruptly turn off, the attendant closes the door silently and everything goes dark. The box turns around and a projection starts on the screen, counting down from 10.
Joe bounces in his seat. "This feels like a movie."
"I think that's kind of the point," Bailey replies, sinking back into the surprisingly comfortable chair with a smile.
Images start to play. On screen, they see both of them at 13 years old. They're playing a video game, something they always did together.
Joe frowns and points at the screen, "well, that's no different than-"
Before he can finish the sentence, his younger self leans over on the screen and gives Bailey a chaste kiss on the cheek. Young Bailey blushes, but smiles shyly, his eyes still on the screen. They keep playing as if this is completely normal. They say nothing, the sounds of the video game a soft murmur in the background.
They both sit silently.
The next scene is them in high school, walking around the hallway. They look around and at each other, before sneaking into the radio room. They giggle deviously, drop their backpacks, and start kissing tenderly, gangly hands roaming each other's torsos.
Bailey feels Joe squirming in the seat next to him, and it feels as if all the oxygen has been sucked out of the enclosed, dark space.
Their high school selves seem to slow down some, slide down the door, and spend a long, quiet minute touching each other. Bailey gently traces Joe's upper arm with the tip of a finger, a thoughtful expression on his face, while Joe playfully braids tiny, ugly braids into Bailey's mop of long, brown hair.
Should he say something? Should they just leave? Bailey glances at Joe, but Joe is sitting stock still now, rigid. He decides against it.
The rest of their younger scenes are not entirely unfamiliar. They are still attached at the hip - getting into trouble, partying in the woods, trying their first drink and first cigarette. But the feeling is completely different. Because when they narrowly escape the cops, they end up kissing in the bushes of Ms. Bower's garden. When Joe breaks his arm during one of his football games, Bailey is there, putting a straw to his mouth before replacing the straw with his lips, making Joe laugh before wincing in pain.
How much is this going to show? How long have they been sitting here? There's a huge lump in Bailey's throat. Joe is silently vibrating right next to him.
There's a big time jump on screen. They're in their 20's now, only a couple of years younger than they are now, it seems. They're backpacking together somewhere remote, and reach the peak of a mountain. Bailey is grumbling about stupid hikes and stupid mountains. They're both breathing hard.
Bailey smiles privately. He would definitely complain. He still can't look at Joe.
On screen Joe takes Bailey's hand and drags him to a rock facing a stunning, green view. Infinite sky and a lush forest stretch into the horizon, the sun just starting to set. They hug silently, reverently, puffs of air visible around them in the creeping cold. Until Joe sneaks a hand into his own pocket, and pulls out a small, black box.
Bailey feels almost dizzy as he sees himself choking a yes, nodding frantically, before Joe tackles him to the ground in a very characteristic, overly enthusiastic hug. Bailey chastises him there, calling him a big ol' golden retriever and rubbing at his bruised back, before kissing Joe on the nose.
Bailey chokes on air. He can sense Joe is looking at him now, but he can't look back, and soon he feels Joe's eyes aren't on him anymore.
The next scene is much later. They sit in an unfamiliar room, surrounded by people Bailey doesn't recognize. They both have crow's feet. Joe has a deep tan, and a tiny belly. He can see his own hairline receded a bit. They're talking animatedly with a couple of women, Joe's hand casually resting in Bailey's back pocket. He gives a playful squeeze, and smirks when Bailey gives him a reproaching look.
Bailey feels his ears turning red, and he's happy the room is so dark. He doesn't know what to do with his hands.
In another scene, they're both a bit older again. Grey peppers their hairlines. They wear simple clothes on a deck somewhere. A young girl with curly hair runs and disappears into a sliding door. Bailey is reading, his legs in Joe's lap on a big hammock as Joe massages them mindlessly, staring out into a green yard, basking in sunlight. Joe looks down at Bailey, with reading glasses on, before shoving the book into his face, shoving the glasses into his eye sockets. Bailey shouts at him indignantly, and Joe laughs and heaves him up into his lap. He shushes him with a kiss before letting their foreheads fall together. They close their eyes.
Bailey doesn't know how to name this feeling. His chest is tight, and his throat is dry. He finally glances Joe's way, and their eyes meet. Joe's are watery. He looks away quickly, squeezing his fingers together in his lap.
White heads of hair, Bailey's a bit thinner, with a bald spot at the top. They sit at a doctor's office, faces wrinkled and grim. Bailey is stoic. Joe collapses into Bailey's shoulder, crying softly. Bailey puts a hand on the nape of Joe's neck, petting gently. His mouth is in a thin, wrinkly line.
Joe makes a choking sound. Bailey digs into the leather sit.
Joe sits on a bench. He's hunched but dignified, wearing a simple black knit. A woman sits at his side, holding his hand gently, her curly hair in a mess on top of her head. They look at a gravestone together. Wind breezes through.
The projection ends abruptly and the light comes through the now open door. The attendant peaks in. He's about to say something, but he closes his mouth on a gentle sigh. Bailey sits there, his eyes wide, breathing heavily. He dares a glance at Joe, who's aggressively wiping at his face.
"You have to go now, guys," the attendant says gently. "It happens every day here. There's a coffee shop around the corner if you need some water."
Bailey nods. He puts a careful hand on Joe's shoulder, who startles. "Come on," he encourages quietly.
They walk out, silent, right out onto the street. Joe walks to a wall just past the museum, free of reds and pinks, and leans against it like it can carry the weight of a future he never asked for.
Bailey leans next to him. He sighs.
"I don't think we should tell everyone," Joe finally chokes out.
Bailey nods. "Probably best not to."
"Maybe not anyone."
Bailey looks at him. They meet each other's eyes, and every vivid scene plays in the space between them.
"Maybe not."
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simplyxwwww · 1 year
I have a question, I have been sad for a while and it's frustrating because school starts soon and I have had a lot of problems at school because of my classmates they make fun of people in my history class and the way they look and they do things that they know frustrat me and they know that it makes me want to kill myself because it affects my mental and fiscal health and it even affects my absence at school and the teachers know the principal knows and so does the counselor and they can't do anything about it and if they do something about it it doesn't change a thing and nothing has changed its been like this since 3rd grade because I moved to where I am because I used to live in Connecticut but my dad cheated on my mom and got the girl pregnant so they got a divorce and that is where everything went down hill my mom has had alot of issues since we moved here my mom could not get a job because she has a lot of pain and my older sister has autism and she doesn't help out with our problems at home alot and it's usually just me and my mom helping out and we recently got evected from out house because we fed cats that stayed outside our house because they ate our trash we now live at our Grammy and granny's house, back to my main problem I'm going into 7th grade and one of my best friend is moving it new York and I live in Pennsylvania and I can't call her because she uses her house phone to talk, and my other friend got her phone taken away forever so I can't talk to her and ill only have my other friend that helps with my problems at school and I don't think I'll be able to take it anymore and I'll try to take my life or something but my mom and dad try to help and the only option that will help I think is moving in with my dad and his girlfriend and my baby sister and I would be fine with that because I like them but every time I think about it I will miss my and my older sister and dog and my two best friends and it makes me cry but I don't know what to do because I know that it will help but I will miss my mom and sister and dog and best friends alot my dad lives in Chicago Illinois and there is a school near he lives my Dad is in the navy and his girlfriend has a at home job that pays alot so I know I won't have alot of problems there at a new school and with my baby sister she is 2 so I need your advice on this should I stay at my dad's or with my mom.
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mastermojo98 · 2 years
Zhane & Vitani Chapter 3
It was the end of 4th period, and everyone was going to lunch. Zhane was putting his stuff in his locker when his friend Tommy showed up.
"Z Man", greeted Tommy.
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"So, how's 7th grade working out for you so far", Tommy asked.
"Gotta say its smooth for the most part. Our science teacher Mr. Hawkins is a stickler for class work, and this girl Gabriel is a little annoying, but other than that I like it", said Zhane.
"Sounds like you have everything clear this year. I'm still getting my classrooms mixed up".
"Oh, you'll get used to it bud. I also promised Alyssa, I'll help her with the Fall Formal decorations."
"So, are you hoping she asks you to the dance? Remember its girl's choice", asked Tommy.
"I know that I just have to play it cool and not seem anxious that's all", said Zhane.
"Well, let me hear that charm when asks you".
Zhane cleared his throat.
"Well Alyssa I'd be happy to accompany you to this glorious event, and I hope we have a wonderful--".
"Yawn. Happy to accompany you? Dude you sound like the Queen of England. That's not gonna sound co--".
The two saw Alyssa approaching them.
"Hey Alyssa", Tommy said awkwardly.
"Hey guys, guess what, Ms. Charlotte said we can put up the decorations for the Fall Formal early this year!
"Awesome. Hey I gotta go eat. I'll catch you guys later."
Tommy walked away with a hopeful smile.
"Where were you this morning Zhane? We need to talk about the preparations for the dance. Plus, I need your advice," said Alyssa.
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"Yeah, you know Jaylen the Quarterback, I heard he doesn't have a date to the dance. Then there's this boy Bobby in math class who's been eyeing at me, and then Megan gave Daniel Walters from the track team my phone number. Isn't it a wild I'm juggling three hotties; I don't know who to choose", Alyssa said excitedly.
"Well Alyssa those guys are no slouches. In some cases, knowledge in history and witty charm still count for a lot. There's a certain guy who wouldn't mind accompanying--."
"Hey Alyssa, looking good!"
Alyssa and Zhane turned around to see Trayquel Thomas, who approached them and shoved Zhane out of the way.
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Alyssa scornfully glared at Trayquel, then Zhane got up and tapped him on the shoulder.
"Body language 101 Bull, hers says never gonna happen", Zhane said smugly.
Trayquel grabbed Zhane by his shirt and rammed him into the lockers.
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Then a big 8th grader named Roman grabbed Trayquel's wrist and slung him into the ground.
"Yo, I know you ain't sweating my homeboy Zhane, Trayquel", asked Roman.
"Nah Rome, we were just playing".
Alyssa comforted Zhane as Trayquel got up and eyed down the three kids.
"Catch you later Zhane", he said snidely.
As Trayquel left, Zhane walked up to Roman.
"Thanks, Roman."
"Don't mention it, everybody gets one."
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Later that day Zhane, Michael, Jose and Tommy decided to walk home together instead of taking the bus. Vitani was bringing her friends over and he didn't want to hear their giggling and gossiping during the way home.
"Tangling with Bull!? Are you crazy? That guy makes Bobby Lashley look like Kevin Hart", said Tommy.
"Tell me something I don't know, but he was messing with Alyssa, and I couldn't just stand there and let him do that," said Zhane.
"If you keep crossing him, you're not gonna make it to 8th grade", said Michael.
"Remember the old saying amigo, you mess with the bull, you get the horns. It's ironic his nickname is Bull too", said Jose.
"Do you wanna know what else is ironic? I'm a Taurus, that makes me more bull than Trayquel. But if it wasn't for Roman, I'd be looking for a good plastic surgeon right now."
"Yeah, no kidding", said Michael
The four friends walked to the intersection; Zhane's house was in the opposite direction of the three other boys, so they went their separate ways.
"Hey Zhane if any more heat breaks out between you and Bull, we got your back", said Tommy.
"Bet on it", said both Michael and Jose.
"I appreciate that guys, see ya", said Zhane.
As the three walked away Zhane mumbled to himself.
"If only they were the power rangers".
Zhane strolled down the sidewalk in deep thought until he heard a voice yell out to him.
"I thought those three punks would never leave!"
Zhane looked up and saw Trayquel leaning on a light post who started to stomp towards him. He tried run away but two of Bull's goons stood in the opposite direction to block his path.
Without any hesitation Zhane ran through an alley and hopped over the fence while Bull and his gang chased after him like wolves.
Before he could make it through the opening, a heavyset guy jumped in front of him that knocked Zhane to the ground, as two gang bangers grabbed him.
"I'm picking up where I left off pussy", said Trayquel.
Bull approached Zhane and glared at him as he struggled to break free.
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"Zhane the comedian. See if you can make jokes out of this smart ahh."
Bull cracked his knuckles and threw hard punches into Zhane's stomach and jaw.
One of the goons who was keeping watch saw Roman and his friend walking down the sidewalk.
"Yo Bull! Rome and his homie are coming our way!"
Bull who was enjoying his assault gave one last kick to the gut before reluctantly running away with his gang who dropped Zhane on the ground.
"You'll be seeing me alot Z, believe that", Trayquel taunted.
Zhane laid on the ground for a couple seconds and when he regained senses, he looked up saw Roman and his friend Leo staring at him.
"Roman. It's all good I had them right where I wanted them dude."
"Meet me at the old Marathon station in a half hour, we need to talk", said Roman.
"A half hour? But I gotta get home for dinner in a half hour".
"In a half", Roman said coldly.
Zhane nervously gave the two a thumbs up.
The hurt and confused boy strolled down the hill, talking to himself, as he was approaching the abandoned gas station.
"Say, son where have you been all day? Well Mom the nice gang bangers invited me for ice cream. Zhane don't know you hanging around thugs will lead you down a dark path. With all due respect Mom; duh", Zhane thought out loud.
Zhane made it to the marathon station to see a big guy in a bandana guarding the entrance.
"Um, I'm here to see Roman", Zhane said nervously.
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"Ah Zhane, welcome to our crib and you're here on time. I like that", said Roman.
"Hey, it's beautiful sunset outside, it's a shame to be indoors", said Zhane.
Roman smirked.
"(Humph), I like you Zhane, you're funny and smart. But keeping Trayquel of your back is taking way too much of my time."
"No offense, but I didn't ask for your help Roman".
Roman's crew gasped and griped in shock.
"Say what?", said Leo
"Dissing Rome?", said the girl thug.
"Look that sorry punk Trayquel is trying to play bigshot, and since you got on his bad side, he's not gonna let up.
"So, what are you getting at Rome", asked Zhane.
"I want you to roll with my crew."
"Me? For real? Look at me, I'm too scrawny to be a banger. I wouldn't be any good", Zhane pleaded.
"You got potential. This is Miami young brother, one day I won't be around to stop Bull from whooping your butt, and who knows what else he will do. However, you can get guaranteed insurance if you join us.
"Tempting, but if my mom finds out I joined a gang she'll lose it, and a 12-year-old can't be homeless."
"This is a one-time only offer Z and your mom can't beat up Trayquel for you. I always said you were smart, don't prove me wrong. So, think about."
Zhane left Roman's hangout with the gang leader's words echoing in his head, as he hurried home before nighttime.
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fairestwriting · 3 years
slams open your door/ one angst request for a childhood g/n reader with deuce, ace, jack, ruggie and vil coming right up! "if we're still single by 30, let's get married! (for housing benefits lol)" it was a childish promise made in jest, but the boy never forgot. in the end, it ends with unrequited/pining feelings from one/both sides that cant be returned due to bad timing/prior engagements/etc when they reach of age (go hogwild with the scenarios lis!!)
(slams my hands on the table) yes yes yes yes YES i love this trope
+ if you like my writing, you can buy me a ko-fi to support me!
Deuce Spade
You make the promise to him after you confessed to your crush sometime in 7th grade and got rejected, left to cry by yourself behind the school. Out of all your friends, only Deuce came to comfort you -- And so you, in your dramatic childish glory, feeling like you’d never find anyone to love, tell him the two of you should get married if you’re single by 30.
Deuce remembers every detail of that event down to how your eyes gleamed with the tears, how the light of the sunset casted that golden glow on your hair -- It was when he knew he loved you. It took him a while to find the right words to describe the feeling, but he’d been feeling it for a long time.
He doesn’t pursue you because he feels like he’ll grow out of it. You go to NRC together, the two of you against the world, and it’s like everyday he falls in love a little more. You support him through his attempts of being a honors student, and on the day of your graduation, the first thing you do is hug each other tight, cheering about how you made it, you finally made it.
You don’t lose contact with each other even after school. Deuce and you are basically attached to the hip, meeting up every other week to talk about college and then your jobs. Through all of this time you’re friends, both of you go through a handful of relationships each, but none of them are really serious. As you approach 30, Deuce remembers that promise from back then.
When your birthday comes up, you’re sort of gloomy over recent breakup, and Deuce, naturally, is the first one to be there for you. He shows up in the morning with a gift and makes you breakfast, your dear best friend warming your heart once more. You rant about your latest partner and exchange anecdotes about how last week went before everything goes silent, and suddenly his hand is hesitantly on yours.
“D-Do you remember, um.” He begins, face flushed. “That promise we made in middle school? That if we were single until 30...”
You blink. Really, that? It felt like so long ago -- It was hard to remember even. You can barely catch what he was going to try to say before you laugh your middle school self off, snickering at how naive you were -- Something in Deuce seems to shatter, then, and his hand retracts. It’s so fast you can barely tell what’s happening.
And he stays with you through the birthday regardless, of course he does. He’s your dearest friend, isn’t he?
the rest is under the cut cause... its long
Ace Trappola
You hated Ace, initially. You met in kindergarten and he was the worst, literally. Always pulling pranks on everyone and acting just so infuriatingly cheeky, your 5 year old self learned real rage through that little redhead boy who always hid your things just to get a rise out of you.
One day you decided to prank him back, causing massive trouble in the classroom that ends with the two of you getting intensely scolded, and that’s how, somehow, a beautiful friendship blooms. Ace gets this sparkle in his eyes when you’re done getting yelled at, and says that the two of you should be friends and work together on doing this to other people.
Since then you two became inseparable. You’d never stop bickering, but you also never left each other’s side. The two of you were a menace, an absolute terror to your teachers -- Whether you were a good kid before meeting him or not didn’t matter, Ace is great at being a bad influence.
Near the end of 4th grade, you begin hearing about how one of your classmate’s single parent was getting married again. This sparked a big conversation between your class, somehow, with everyone declaring who they wanted to marry. It was a silly childish thing. When your turn comes, you proudly announce that when you grew up, you’d marry Ace if you hadn’t married anyone else by 30, ‘cause no one else would choose him but me! You snicker after making the comment, amused at how mean you were being, but somehow your snarkiness seems to fly over Ace’s head.
It’s a thing that happens that you two never really talk about again, but it ticks in the back of his mind for his whole life as you two grow up. Even entering middle and then high school, he always remembers it when he goes through some sort of romantic disappointment. You really were the only one who always stuck around, after all...
Years go by and somehow you’re still by each other’s side. Every birthday that passes Ace thinks about it a little more, he wonders if that promise from ages ago was true. When your 30th birthday comes up the promise is constantly in his mind, he’s driving himself up the wall with expectation. And he doesn’t even know why he’s feeling like that, really, you two are just childhood friends, right? There’s no reason for him to be feeling so... like this.
Eventually, he just blurts it out, a couple days after said birthday. You two are probably just hanging out and ranting about work when he goes “Hey, you remember that stuff you said in 4th grade? About, uh, us getting married?” And you go silent for a beat. His heart races as he wonders what the hell he’s doing, even.
But you laugh it all off. What, that stuff about marrying you? Yeah, I was such a dumb kid. I was right, though, look how you’re still single, you joke, and it feels like a punch to the gut to Ace. He laughs awkwardly with you. Yeah, sure, how foolish the two of your were for thinking of something like... you two... being together like that...
Jack Howl
Jack was, before everything, the scary boy in your 2nd grade class. Beastmen weren’t exactly common at school, especially wolves like him, so he ended up sticking out quite a lot. Most kids, your friends included, thought he was far too scary to approach. And Jack himself seemed to be fine with that, not really interacting much with anyone.
That was all he was for you until, one day, an older kid gets mad at you during lunch for bumping into them and staining their shirt with juice. They’re about two or three years ahead and so much taller than you, you’re genuinely scared -- And who would know that in a moment like this, the one kid in your class you weren’t very fond of would stand up for you, convincing the bully to go away.
Afterwards, Jack asks if you’re okay, you two end up eating together, and the rest is history. You find out he was actually really sweet, despite seeming so tough, and you get comfortable with it. Jack was always a reliable, loyal friend, someone you knew you could count on.
This included when your friends started being weirded out by you for getting close to the scary boy in class. They get it in their heads that you have a crush on him and tease you for it, which makes you upset, but Jack stands up for you again. This was enough for you to be pretty starry eyed at the age of 7, so you declared that, hey, who cares about what these mean kids are saying! Maybe you and Jack should be together anyway. Actually, if you two got to 30 and you were still single, you should get married! Jack gets just as starry eyed as you, and you seal a pinky promise that day.
What you never knew, though, was that he wouldn’t grow out of it -- Because as time goes by and you two grow up alongside each other, it ends up slipping your mind. You meet new people and learn new things, getting into some relationships here and there, and though you’d taken the promise seriously for a bit when you were a kid, it was just something you laughed about now.
You don’t even remember it on Jack’s 30th birthday. You’re one of the first people to show up to the small gathering, naturally, you had known each other since forever. You’re teasing him about how he was so perpetually single even now, that you were reaching “marriage age”, and this seems to fluster him a bit.
“Well...” He starts, his ears going slightly limp. “I wanted... to keep that promise, you know. From when we were kids.” His voice is quiet, uncertain. It’s different from how you usually hear him talk, and you have no idea what he’s talking about. You question him about it, and he’s wide eyed when he realizes that you actually forgot.
He questions you about it. How could you forget? You two actually made a pinky promise about it -- But you’re just confused as to why he’s bringing this up, saying that of course it wasn’t a big deal, you two were just kids when it happened! Was he really expecting something from that? And when you ask him that, he’s silent.
Needless to say, the birthday is soured. Jack asks for you to leave, it’s a mess. You don’t know what you did wrong, exactly, just like you’re not sure how you could possibly fix this.
Ruggie Bucchi
“Partners in crime” was the only possible way to describe what sort of relationship you had with Ruggie. It starts in elementary school, you’re walking around in a farmer’s market near the slums and you catch him taking a handful of apples from a stand, without paying. Your eyes are wide as you remember who that boy was, a classmate of yours, and despite what your family had taught you about stealing, you walk up to the person taking care of the stand, and start chatting with them to distract them.
You’re not sure what really made you want to help this boy you barely knew, but it turned out to be the one thing in your life you’re the most grateful for, because the next day, when he sees you again in class, he runs up to you to thank you so many times in a row. And since then, you two started spending time together.
And you got along so well! Ruggie got along with most of the other kids and you had some friends of your own, but nothing was compared to how close the two of you were. You two scheme your way in and out of trouble through your school days, and at one point you can barely imagine your life without him.
Sometime mid 6th grade, your classmates start talking of crushes and dating and such, which gives you a lot to think about. You’re a bit upset that you seem to be the only one who isn’t in on the new fun, so one day, when you’re hanging out with Ruggie, you complain about feeling like you’d be single forever. Ruggie laughs and says that if no one wanted to be with you, then no one would want to be with him either. You still wonder what that meant.
In a fit of childishness, you say decisively that if you two were single until you were 30, you’d get married. Looking back on it, you can’t tell if you were kidding or not, but Ruggie and you shake hands mid-laughs, like you’re sealing a deal.
So time goes by. You don’t think too hard about that promise and Ruggie... doesn’t seem to, either, you actually wonder what’s going through his head often, because he rarely tells you what he’s thinking. You end up going to NRC together, to both of your families’ joy, and that just ends up making you closer, as two kids from the less-privileged side of the Afterglow Savannah in such a prestigious academy...
Your bond ends up really fire-forged after those four years, so it’s no surprise to anyone that you’d still be close even after you graduate, even as adults. Nothing could break a friendship like this.
You think about it on the day of your 30th birthday, when you’re out for drinks with Ruggie to celebrate. Really, how the hell did you stick to each other’s side for so long? You ask him as you loop an arm around his neck, and he grins. “Well, maybe we should get married like you promised then, y’know... when we were brats.” He says, a little quieter than your previous conversation. There’s a hint of some kind of different feeling there that you don’t catch at the time, scoffing at him and going, yeah, in your dreams.
The rest of the night goes normally, though you don’t hear from him for a couple days afterward... and when you do, he barely looks you in the eye. You wonder if anything bad happened, if you did anything wrong.
Vil Schoenheit
When Vil Schoenheit moved into your town, everybody was talking about him before he even really set foot into the classroom. Everyone had seen him somewhere -- The poster boy of villainy in all your favorite movies, a kid with a pretty face and a haughty aura.
You’re as curious as everyone else to meet him, though you don’t really share that strange vindictiveness the other kids seemed to have, angered at Vil himself for what his characters put others through. It’s so stupid, you thought, isn’t he just the actor? He might actually be nice.
When he arrives into the classroom, people are about as annoying towards him as you expected. Their disdain towards Vil bothered you, he’d barely said anything to others and yet they were already pegging him as a mean, arrogant person. So stupid, you repeat to yourself, and you decide to talk to him normally, and that’s how your ages-long friendship came to life.
Vil wasn’t like anyone you’d ever met. You come to find that he’s rather haughty, yes, and very strict with pretty much everything, but he was also very kind deep down, and willing to help you with anything you needed. He was a good friend. He was also, as you came to find out as you grew a little more, astoundingly pretty. With people disliking his “villainy” or not, by the time you’re starting middle school, he already consistently gets confessed to.
You’re a bit jealous. Not because you wanted Vil for yourself, no, he was just a good friend, but you wished people would find you as attractive as they found him, sometimes. You express that to him when you’re walking home together one day, and he laughs it off, saying it wasn’t as good as you thought it’d be. Still, you make him promise that if you were single by 30, he’d have to marry you, because if he just let you die alone, he’d be a bad friend. Vil seems strangely mesmerized by that, but he agrees.
Time goes by, you get to watch each other grow. Even with all the people going in and out of Vil’s life, he seems to keep you closer to his heart than everyone, and you never really lose contact with each other. Even when he’s busy, with movies or modeling or school, he still makes time to check up on you, and you see each other often.
When you’re actually nearing 30, Vil has reached a sort of stardom that burned your eyes just looking at, and you were so goddamn proud of him it was real. Somehow, he still makes time to show up for your birthday, after about a month of not really seeing each other -- And he spoils you to death on that day, the two of you spending all of it together and talking until it was late at night.
As the sun is about to rise, though, Vil’s chattiness subsides. About as sleep deprived as you, he says, softly “So since we’ve gotten there, and we’re both still single... maybe we should fulfill that promise from years ago, shouldn’t we?” You take a moment to process it, it’s tough remembering exactly when you made such a promise, but eventually you do. You feel like that should’ve been a joke, but the way Vil looks at you isn’t saying joke at all.
You sort of laugh it off either way, though. What, that silly promise? You ask, are you rubbing it in that you’re prettier than me? I can still find a partner looking like this, y’know. You think it’s funny, but Vil suddenly falls completely silent.
He then sighs, almost wistful, and says “Sure you can” before the conversation progresses... you’re not sure what happened, but life goes on after that like nothing happened. Deep down, Vil is feeling stupid for having taken the promise to heart, like he should have known better... but if you never really meant it, then what could he do but give it up? Even though it was the thing he wanted to do the least... he valued your friendship too much to do something that could possibly ruin it.
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binkysteebnpewter · 4 years
All of them 😤
Ehehe 😂💗
1. What’s your middle name, and do you like it?
Grace is actually my middle name, and somewhat. I just don’t like it when my family calls me by first and middle together.
2. are you artistic?
3. Have you had your first kiss?
4. What is your life goal?
It’s cheesy and a little cliche, but I want to find Home.
5. Do you have any experiences with a famous person?
6. Do you play any sports?
Not anymore but I used to play football and I was on the wrestling team in HS
7. What’s your worst fear?
I have two that are sort of equal with another but I’m afraid of losing the people I care about and people seeing me the way I see myself.
8. Who’s your biggest inspiration?
My late Nana, Gloria.
9. Do you have any cool talents?
Answered in previous ask
10. are you a morning person?
Not at all
11. How do you feel about pet names?
I love them
12. Do you like to read?
13. Name a list of shows that have changed your life.
NCIS, Criminal Minds, and any marvel movie
14. Do you care about your follower count?
Not really, I’ll celebrate milestones but that’s just to show everyone I appreciate them following my trash pile. I didn’t start writing to have a high following, I started writing to better my skill and also make people happy.
15. What’s the best dream you’ve had?
I don’t remember most of my happy dreams
16. Have you ever kissed someone of your same gender?
17. Do you have any pets?
I have three dogs 🥺💗
18. Are you religious?
No. They only thing I actually believe in is ghosts.
19. Are you a people person?
Not really
20. Are you considered popular?
Nope, and I don’t care to be
21. What is one of your bad habits?
22. What’s something that makes you feel vulnerable?
Opening up my emotions to other people
23. What would you name your children?
No clue
24. Who’s your celebrity crush?
There’s a bunch ig
25. What’s your best subject?
Science and history
26. Dogs or cats?
Dogs, I love cats but I’m super allergic
27. most used social media besides tumblr?
I don’t use a lot of social media tbh, so tumblr is probably my most used unless you count youtube
28. best friends name
29. who does your main family consist of
My friends and my brother. Family isn’t just blood
30. Chocolate or sugar
31. have you ever been on a date?
32. Do you like rollercosters?
Absolutely love them
33. Can you swim?
Yes 💗
34. What would you do in the event of an apocolypse?
Clearly, I’d do what everyone else does. Panic and try to survive.
35. Have you struggled with any kind of mental disorder?
Yes, I struggle with anxiety and depression
36. Are your parents together?
37. What’s your favourite colour?
Dark green and Dark Blue
38. What country are you from/do you live in?
Unfortunately, the U.S
39. Favourite singer?
Uh... there’s too many to list? But my favorite people to listen to is The Oh Hellos
40. Do you see yourself being famous some day?
Nope, I run from being the center of attention.
41. Do you like dresses?
Not really
42. Favourite song right now?
Fly Me To The Moon by Frank Sinatra
43. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?
Sort of.
44. How old were you when you first got your period?
No clue, I don’t remember
45. Have you ever shot a gun?
46. Have you ever done yoga?
47. Are you a horror girl?
48. Are you good at giving advice?
I suppose I am?
49. Tell us a story about your childhood.
I don’t have a lot of happy memories but one that sticks out is: I used to go to a private Christian academy and I was in first grade when this boy in eighth grade (the entire school was k-12) came over to me during my lunch. I was super scared and shy as a kid so my schedule was tailored so I was able to eat lunch with my brother whose nine years older than me. Our mom forgot to pack our lunches so we were gonna just get some stuff from the vending machine, well my brother gave me my money to get something and this boy came over to me before I could put it in the vending machine. He hit me and took my money, buying himself something with it. My brother seen it and got into a fight with him.
50. How are you doing today?
51. Were you a cute kid?
I looked like Shirley Temple when I was a kid
52. Can you dance?
I can swing dance and slow dance, but that’s it.
53. Is there anything you do that you can’t remember ever not doing?
I always look for exits and bathrooms when I go somewhere, I’ve always done it 🤷🏻‍♀️
54. Have you ever dyed your hair?
No because I’m a ginger. I can’t just dye it back if I end up not liking the color I dyed it to.
55. What colour are your eyes?
56. What’s your favourite animal?
Answered in previous ask
57. Have you ever made a huge fool of yourself?
Multiple times
58. Do you have a good relationship with your parents?
My relationship with my dad is rocky but my relationship with my mother went up in flames a few yeaes ago 🤷🏻‍♀️
59. Do you have good friends?
I have some amazing friends🥺💗
60. Are you close with anyone of the lgbtq+ group?
61. What’s your favourite class?
My favorite class was Psychology
62. List all the tv shows you are watching.
I’m rewatching Criminal Minds right now.
63. Are you organized?
64. What was the last movie you saw? Opinion?
I don’t know if it counts as a movie but I just finished a Ted Bundy Tapes Documentary. I think Bundy was a little bit of an idiot.
67. Which tv character do you relate to most?
Spencer Reid
68. What are some things that stand between you and complete happiness?
Anxiety, Depression, overthinking
69. If you received enough money to never need to work again, what would you spend your time doing?
I would probably still work, I’m not a fan of sitting around and doing nothing for large amounts of time.
70. What would you change about your life if you knew you would never die?
Find a way to die, I don’t want to live forever. That’s just torture 👀
71. What would you do differently if you knew that no one was judging you?
Nothing. I’ll act the same as I always have because I am who I am, there’s no reason to change yourself from when someone is watching and when someone isn’t.
72. If you could start over, what would you do differently?
A lot 😂
73. Would you break the law to save a loved one?
74. When was the last time you travelled somewhere new?
I went to Disney with my Chorus Class in Junior Year of HS, it was my first time to Disney.
75. When you think of your home, what immediately comes to mind?
Nothing, I’m looking for Home. Home will be someone I feel safe with, someone I can be completely myself with— someone I love wholly.
76. What have you done to pursue your dreams lately? How about today?
I— idk?
77. What did you want to be when you were a kid?
I wanted to be a nurse 🤦🏻‍♀️
78. If you dropped everything to pursue your dreams, what would you be risking?
Im not sure
79. When did you not speak up, when you know you really should have?
Ooh... uh, something happened to me all through 7th, 8th, and 9th grade that I should’ve spoken up about but was too scared.
80. Describe the next five years of your life, and your plans, in a single sentence.
I will work hard to love myself and pursue my dream job.
81. What would happen if you never wasted another minute of your life, what would that look like?
No clue tbh
82. If you could live forever, how would you spend eternity?
I don’t want to live forever but I guess I’d find a way to take away my immortality or find someone else who is immortal to love
83. How would you spend a billion dollars?
Id put a lot into important causes and then save some with interest.
84. If you could time travel, would you go to the past or the future?
I’m not sure, I think I wouldn’t go anywhere because I want to live in the moment. Except 2020, fuck 2020.
85. What motivates you to succeed?
Failure motivates me to succeed.
86. What dream that you’ve had has resonated with you the most?
I don’t remember most of my happy dream, I usually can only remember the nightmares 🤷🏻‍♀️
87. Would you rather live in the city or the woods? Why?
Woods, its peaceful.
88. Do you believe in life after death?
I don’t really believe in anything 🤷🏻‍♀️
89. What teacher inspired you the most? How did they?
I had a teacher named Ms Eagan and she inspired me to always be myself.
90. What’s your fondest childhood memory?
Meeting Lily
91. If you could have dinner with any one person, living or dead, who would they be and why?
Lily, because I really miss her.
92. What would you have to see to cry tears of joy?
Anyone being nice to me makes me cry—
93. What is the hardest lesson you had to learn in life?
Sometimes the people you call family don’t truly love you.
94. What do you think happens after we die?
Idk and idrc either tbh
95. What would you do if you would be invisible?
I’d probably scare some people
96. What’s something you can’t do no matter how hard you try?
Speak in public or ask for something at restaurants
97. Would you want to choose the sex and appearance of your offspring?
98. How did your first crush develop?
They were nice to me when no one else was
99. Is there a feeling you are trying to ignore? What is it?
Yes, I’m trying to ignore how upset some people can really make me.
100. Do you live or do you just exist?
I think I’m somewhere in between, where sometimes I’m just existing and sometimes I’m living.
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every book i had to read for english and why i didn't like any of them
i woke up thinking about this and decided to make this post. for context, i went to public school and was on the honors/ap track for english. i am a firm believer that english teachers ruin books for their students inadvertently. this is my experience:
6th grade language arts
we read three books during 6th grade, bridge to terabithia, the cay, and where the red fern grows. and i had to read a wrinkle in time over the summer which i didn't understand like at all so I'm just gonna skip that one honors english was not a thing until 8th grade where i went to middle school so this was a regular english class and i hated it. it was also a double period class for some reason, so i had an hour and a half of language arts every day. 
it took us half the year to read bridge to terabithia. i am not kidding. that book is like maybe 100 pages and it took us a good 4-5 months. this is because our teacher stopped us every time we got to a pice of figurative language and made us analyze it. every. single. piece. i got so bored that i read ahead and then got in trouble for reading ahead. needless to say, i absolutely detested bridge to terabithia and would not touch it to this day if my life depended on it. 
after bridge to terabithia we read the cay. this took us the rest of the year. the cay is a relatively short book as well so i got bored with this one quickly as well. i really dont remember much about the discussions, but i remember a long one about how the cover was “inaccurate,” which, yes, it was but i dont know if a bunch of 11 and 12 year olds need to spend a week debating that. i think i hated it mostly because, again, we read it for 5 months. 
the last three weeks of the school year, our teacher gave us a book and said “here read this before school ends because we have to read three books a year and we only read 2″ (for context, the other language arts class had read about 5-7 books that year and found it insane that we were “still reading bridge to terabithia”) so i read where the red fern grows. all in all it wasn't a bad book, i did kind of enjoy it, but since i was rushed reading it on top of all my other homework and because it was definitely ahead of my reading comprehension level, it wasn't my favorite.
7th grade language arts
now, a bit of a disclaimer here, this was the year that i was in language arts with the guy i had a crush on and one of my close friends at the time. so, i didn't really pay that much attention to begin with. we read quite a few books in this class, but I'm not sure if i remember all of them. again, this was a double period. 
i think the first book we read was freak the mighty. i remember not liking this book because i felt like i was missing something. there was definitely some kind of metaphor or something in there that i was supposed to get but because i was literally twelve i didn't get it and i didn't find the meaning in it. theres nothing more frustrating than reading a book that you dont understand.
after that I'm pretty sure we read the wave. it was explained to us that the wave is supposed to symbolize how the n*zis came to power and all that stuff, and while we all knew this, i dont think we really Understood it. (probably because we were 12). we all kinda saw it as a joke and thought it was funny. i think that if i read it now i would be like. “well shit this is really interesting” but 12 year old me wanted to make fun of it with the rest of my class. 
i think we read seed folks next. this was another book that just went over all of our heads. its about how a garden changes a whole bunch of peoples lives which is like, super interesting. but none of us got it and were like “lol this is stupid” so much so that we actually stopped reading it. like my teacher stopped having us read it.
I'm fairly certain the last book we read was the miracle worker. a lot of us had had to read parts of it before that class so we were all kinda familiar with it already. i vaguely remember some kind of obnoxious class joke about the book that was probably rude. i remember finding it interesting, but there were so many activities we did about the book that i lost interest. 
8th grade honors reading
this class was A Trip. i liked the teacher, but she was a little out there. its unclear whether she got fired or just didn't come back after that year. i had a lot of fun in her class but it was usually because we all bonded over hating the assigned reading.
i dont remember what order we read the books in and i dont remember if this was all of them, but to the best of my recollection this is what we read
we definitely read romeo and juliet. by the time you're in 8th grade, everyone knows the story of romeo and juliet, so it wasn't like that suspenseful or a surprise or anything. but we had to act the reading out. yes we had to act out romeo and juliet. with burger king crowns. and wrapping paper swords. clearly the teacher was trying to have fun with us, and it was fun fun for awhile but it got old. especially when you got participation points taken off your grade if you didn't read for once of the characters (which is massively unfair because not everyone wants to get up in front of a class in a paper crown holding a wrapping paper tube and read in old english when you're 13 but whatever). 
we also definitely read animal farm. it was another book that went right over our heads (or, mine at least). i didn't actually really understand it until i had to read the communist manifesto for ap euro senior year. and our teacher talked in a bad russain accent the entire time? i could barely keep the characters straight, let alone analyze the underlying message and all that. now i might actually like it since I'm a history major and have a decent background on the russian revolution, but at 13? no thanks.
the one book that everyone hated (including the teacher herself) was farewell to manzanar. it was a memoir about a young girl growing up in the japanese internment camps and looking back on her life and stuff like that. the story itself was very interesting and we all learned a lot from it. but the person who wrote it did not know how to write. it was confusing, some chapters made no sense, and none of us generally knew what was going on. we had to finish the book because we were the honors class, but the regular class got to stop after chapter 6. 
i think we only read 4 books that year and the fourth one was the outsiders. this was one of two books that i actually liked the entirely of my public school education. i kinda vibed with it when we were reading it and then i vibes with it more once i got to high school and rediscovered it. it was just a good book, pretty solid, good themes, fantastic. 
9th grade honors english
i absolutely hated this class. hands down the worst teacher i ever had. she was one of those that should have retired 20 years ago but was still teaching for some reason. and she hated kids. legitimately. that was the first time i got a c and it took my parents a long time to realize that it wasn't because of me, it was because the teacher was absolute shit. the only thing that made that class bearable was the fact that my friend was in there and so was this guy that totally like her so he would flirt with her pretty incessantly and it was Hilarious. 
we read so many books that year and i hated all of them. a lot of them were like greek dramas and plays? like we read oedipus rex and julius caesar and antigone. and i hated all of them because the teacher made me hate reading and made it seem like a chore. 
by far the worst was the old man and the sea. i hated that book, hemingway was terrible. i struggled to find any kind of meaning in it and connected all of my responses to the bible because my teacher loved it when people did that.
we read inherit the wind and to kill a mockingbird and all quiet on the western front which were the only books i found remotely interesting. but i still hated them because i knew that we would have to do her reading quizzes which were impossible so it was pointless to read the book anyway. 
and we also read a raisin in the sun. i dont remember what this was even about except that there was some kind of insurance money involved. but by this point we were all really done with our teachers shit and my one friend legitimately said during class “but, ms. [name] if you put a raisin in the sun, doesn't it just get more raisiny?”
10th grade ap english language and composition (american lit)
i loved this class and the teacher but i hated all the assigned reading because we read it for the ap test. everything you read was in the context of having to find themes and shit to write about on the ap. so i didn't really get any of the books for that reason. i think we only read three and they were the scarlet letter, the crucible, and the great gatsby. i kind wish i paid more attention to gatsby and i think i would like it more now but at the time i detested it. we also had to read grapes of wrath over the summer and i hated that. i wanna read books to read them, not to come into school and write essays on them. also the ending was weird and i hated it.
11th grade honors (british lit)
another bad year of english, not quite as bad as freshman year, but still bad. still hated it. i outlined many fics in that class. the teacher did not like me and i did not like her. she also talked in this weird fake almost british but not quite accent that sometimes still haunts my nightmares. she was also one of those backwards feminists who claims they're a feminist but still was sexist in her favorites and the way that she treated people in the class?? after english i had math and my friend (the same girl who said the thing about raisins freshman year) and some others would complain to our math teacher about our english teacher. math was essentially a support group for english where we would discuss answers to reading checks. 
over the summer we read 1984, which, cool concept (esp right now) but i hated knowing that i had to find some kind of deep meaning in it because i was going to have to write an essay on it as soon as i came back to school.
from there i think we read beowulf which was interesting. i dont know if we actually read the whole thing or just excerpts but again, i hated looking for meaning.
we read a tale of two cities which was like the one book i actually wanted to read because i am a huge fan of the shadow hunters book serieses and will and tessa quote that book all the time. i think if i had read it to read it it would have been better but first, dickens is wordy and weird and second i dont really wanna have to search out symbolism while I'm reading because its required.
we read macbeth, which i just didn't like. idk why. i just kinda thought it was stupid. i dont really have an explanation for this one. i think it was because we read it in the old english and that confused me a lot of the time.
and we read jane eyre. the only thing i remember from jane eyre was “pathetic fallacy” which is where the mood of the scene is reflected in the weather. i dont wanna dissect a book like that. and also my teacher referred to the book as “jane” but she said it “jAAYYneeE” which was annoying. 
12th grade ap lit
dear god. this class. i had issues with this class. our teacher was something. everyone was afraid of him. e v e r y o n e. he ran detention and didn't know how to match his clothes and wore skinny ties. he had three swell bottles the he would bring with him to school every day. people claimed he used to be in a rock band and that was why his voice was so high pitched and weird. some said his wife left him, others said he had a kid. we were genuinely confused by him. he didn't teach, he yelled at you for doing things wrong without giving any instructions on how he actually wanted it done. he made college out to be some big scary thing where we would all be trampled. but mostly, he was an existentialist. 
we had to read song of solomon over the summer. i hated it. i didn't hate it because of the messages and all that stuff, no the book itself was good and toni morrison is a great author. i just hated the fact that there was graphic description of incest, necrophilia, or sex at least once every 5-10 pages. i didn't wanna read that. and it turned me off the book. so when he asked us if we liked the book when the year started i said no and i argued with him about it. and he hated me for the entire year. 
next i think we read waiting for godot. which was absolutely terrible. its literally a play where nothing happens. it would have been funny except that i knew i was gonna have to write an essay on it. how do you write an essay on a play where nothing happens? literally all of our discussions about it were about existentialism and it was terrible. 
we read the metamorphosis, which everyone hated cause it could have been written in like 4 sentences. and our teacher thought he was So Clever for assigning it to us. he thought it was the biggest joke. and he went on and on about how its about existentialism and blah blah. the book would have been funny had he not only discussed it in regards to existentialism. 
i think next was hamlet. i would have like hamlet had we not discussed it only through the lens of existentialism. its a good play, but i hated it because of the way he talked about it. even now, i only like it to make fun of the way he liked it. my friend and i send hamlet memes to each other all the time but only cause they remind us of our teacher.
one flew over the cuckoos nest. the second and final book that i actually liked my entirety of school. i dont know why i liked it, but it was just a good book. our teacher also had some kind of weird cowboy trope thing that he thought mcmurphy fell under which i thought was hilarious. the essay i wrote on that book was the only one he wrote “nice job” on and i still have it somewhere
my friend claims that we also read the stranger. i dont really remember what that book was about except some guy shot some people. there was definitely something in it that i didnt get. 
anyway in conclusion required reading ruins books. when i told my creative writing advisor that i out of all the books i read for school i only like the outsiders and one flew over the cuckoos nest she was like “yeah, english teachers really ruin books for students”
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prorevenge · 6 years
Friend lodges a Police Report just to throw away his chances at life.
This story mainly revolves around a friend (K) of mine and a (former) friend (J) of his. K's sister, C, was also involved. I played a very minor role.
K as a person is a great individual. Extremely smart, aces every test, loves history/politics/economics. He is the self classified nerd of the grade with an ace in every subject. Contrary to popular belief, he was not bullied for this. In fact, due to his generosity and intelligence, many had already pegged him as going far in life.
J was also along similar lines, but was very eccentric. Still, both were nearly inseparable and were great friends.
The two of them loved talking part in History Bowls and academic competitions of any kind. Over the years, the schools cabinet had begun to teem with their accomplishments.
However, after a History Bowl both of them attended together, their relationship started to fray. While they had come in third as a team, K had come in 1st under individual rankings while J came in a distant 7th. Both positions received a trophy, so in total they received three trophies (one for the team, one for 1st place and one for 7th place). As a courtesy, seeing the J could had no space for the trophy that day, K offered to take it back with him, and return it during school. J obliged.
Our school usually honours students who win outside events by calling them up on stage in front of the whole school and getting the director and HOS (head of school) to present the award to the students. As such, they did the same for K and J. However, on that day, J had an exam he had to be in, and as such, missed out on the presentation. K received the awards on behalf of both of them, and specifically took the microphone to mention that J was a team member as well, incase anybody felt that all the awards belong to K only.
But, when J heard what had conspired, he was furious. He felt that the presentation should have been postponed and felt that K was doing it on purpose. He felt even more verified in his theory when K forgot to bring the trophies on another day in order to return J's back to him (K is like that all the time, its something we all like as it adds a bit of character to a person in a world where everyone strives to be perfect, but clearly J does not). He went full on atomic on K, calling him all sorts of names and effectively throwing their friendship into the bin. K felt hurt, but thought that was the end of it.
No, that WASN'T the end of it. J went around slandering K's name behind him. As a school, we all knew K well, so really didn't take anything seriously. J got really pissed, and started making Facebook posts, messaging K's professor friends to slander his name further. K's older sister, C, got wind of this. She turned red with fury. She was School President and felt it was her duty to protect the students, but if somebody messes with her brother, god save them. And that's what she did. She cornered J one day and let him know in not so pleasant terms that he is messing with the wrong person and to stay away.
For some reason, J suddenly took this to another level. His mom and him went to the police the next day and lodged a report against K, C and their parents for slander and harassment. Then, J's mom proceeded to call K's mom and go Godzilla on her, boasting about how she is going to go to jail and that "she is going to regret creating her two kids." Luckily, we live in a single consent state, and I guess you know where this is going.
But, guess what the police did. They threw the case out. They cited a lack of evidence for the case and threw it out.
You would think this would be the end of it, but no, we keep going.
J and his mom were properly pissed at this point. Nothing was going according to their plan. So they kept with the slander campaign, ramping up efforts on Facebook. I have no idea what they were thinking.
While this was going on, J was running up trouble with the school's administration as well. You see, J was in the grade above us, and was in the midst of applying to universities. As part of his application, he needed a school code to verify the application. But the school was delaying the handoff of this code. J had been severely abusing his mother's influence and connections to bend the school administration backwards, giving him better predicted grades which would be sent to the universities.
The teachers were pissed at this, as they had spent countless evenings doing the predicted grades for all the students in the cohort, and here was a kid abusing his influence so that he could get an unfair advantage over others. Understandably, therefore, they delayed the handoff.
J got even more pissed. CC'ing his mother in the email, as well the director and HOS, he sent three scathing emails to the Curriculum and Course Co-ordinator of the school, calling her "a bitch" who was too interested in "serving others" and wanted "him to die", even though she had never mentioned this. This was too much for the school, who struck him off the roll of graduates and blocked all contact with him, never sending him the code. This was in March, which will be pertinent later.
It is important to note that except for J and the school administration, nobody had any idea that J was off the graduations, and when graduation rolled around in August, and he was not there, we were surprised but relieved, as we thought that this would be the end of it.
Fast forward a few months to November, and I was scrolling through Facebook when I saw J had made a post with screenshots of the emails he sent to the administrator. In the post, he was gloating about how he had played the administrator, by apologizing to the administrator a month after sending those emails, and how they replied back with the code to get him out of their hair, and how he has the upper hand now and had got into university (he mentioned which but I won't post it) and wanted the world "to see the school as it really is".
What he did not count on was me seeing it, and K's inactive second Facebook account which was still friends with J. I quickly let K know, and screenshot the emails in case K needed it later. K did the same, after which he posted on the account that he was deactivating it because there was spam on it. J must have seen this post, because less than two minutes after, his own post was deleted.
But this is not where it ends. K wanted to take revenge for the months of abuse and psychological harm his family and him underwent. Thus, with my help, we collated the evidence, including the phone call and screenshots of the email, as well as screenshots of the other posts he made, and, I am not sure on this part as I was not involved here, K sent the email to the university he was enrolled in, and to the school.
This was the last straw for the school, who proceeded to officially expel him, and then sent the details of the whole incident to all universities they were partnered with and have contact with to which he had applied, leading to them cancelling his application to their universities.
Last we heard (we all blocked him afterwards) he knew it was us, but had no evidence to prove this. His offer from the university was retracted, and he has been unable to apply to any university in Europe and US.
TL;DR: J decides to get all pissy because he missed out on award ceremony, slandering K and lodging false police reports against K's family and K himself. Same time, he starts being hostile with the school administration and boasts about it. K pulls all evidence and phone call, and sends it to school and J's university, getting his offer retracted and effectively blacklisting him from a majority of the universities in Europe and US.
(source) (story by HeavyVictory0)
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acrobaticcatfeline · 5 years
I hate what school does to people. God, I hate it so bad, it destroys the love of learning that anyone ever had.
I adore writing. I adore history, I adore science, I'm a nerd through and through. I failed or barely got a C in every English class I ever took until last year. I failed writing assignments left and right. History has almost completely lost its luster for me because of school, I wrote like, a ten page essay on Harriet Tubman when I was like 10 for fun, and now I deflate at having to learn anything in history, because it's not fun and exciting anymore, it's bland and boring and tedious and repetitive. Until last year, I hadn't enjoyed a science class for real since elementary school. Where were the experiments? Where was the the dissection that I had been told was in high school science? It was read and perform this experiment that had no practical work. Here's this really interesting theory, instead of testing it in a fun way, how about we chew gum instead?
And it's not just me. I was talking to W tonight and we picked him up from his house to go to the movies, and he's a war buff! He teases me about knowing most every fact about the revolutionary war like the back of my hand and getting a little too passionate when I talk about it, but he knows more about the world wars than I could ever imagine knowing. He finds our history classes boring as all hell, and idiotic. And he's not wrong, you can't study for a test if all of your notes have been collected by the teacher. He reads quickly and religiously, he's read several long ass books in a single day because he just eats that shit up. He's failed every English class he's taken in high school. And that's disgusting. He's the kind of nerd that should be thriving in school, but he's not even sure if he's going to graduate. I'm still ahead in school, I'm overcompensating by a lot, I'm most definitely graduating, but it's cruel to know that school has fuck all to do with learning, and all to do with control.
W has ISS for two days next week because the librarian hates him. That's bullshit. He's the kid she should love, he used to go to the library at lunch every day, he reads so so much, he should be teachers pet, but he isn't. Guess who is? Me. I go there so so rarely. I go when my class field trips over for the day, I go when I have to run errands as TA, and that's pretty much it. I lost my love of reading because of school, so I avoid it like the plague. Books I've had to read in school were so rarely good, so often deemed classic just because they're old, that the idea of reading "good" books, made me queasy. If old man and the sea is a "good" book, no books are actually good. My reading level is high as fuck, I'm able to read AND write at a college graduate level, but that wasn't enjoyable. Back when I was like 8 and reading at the level of someone twice my age, I refused to read things that weren't from the children's section. I read magic tree house and Junie b Jones and the rainbow magic series. I refused to read Harry Potter. It was long and scary and my school had us reading long scary books that were even smaller. I still haven't finished the fourth book, I can't sit through it all, it's just too damn long, I lose interest.
I have audible, and my parents and I have books we listen to together, it makes the reward of paying attention better, because then I can rant about that one part I loved, or the part that pissed me off. We can get really excited when a book we just read is getting a sequel. You can't imagine the joy me and my dad felt when we found out the sequel to neverwhere was released the month before we had finished the book. The elatedness all three of us felt when we found out Andrea Vernon and the corporation for ultra human protection got a second book. Before we got this like last year, I think the last time I read for pleasure was... Probably when I was ten. So eight years ago. And it's so dumb!!! The last time I had read a new book that hadn't ever been introduced to me before that I enjoyed reading in class one hundred percent, every word, was Fahrenheit 451 in 8th grade, that wasn't even allowed by the school. If I included rereads it would be Beowulf last year, but I read it in 7th grade originally.
I don't hate a man for all seasons, or Jane Eyre, I quite enjoy them honestly, but it's not because of the book alone. The community part of it was what made it fun. Plays are meant to be performed, and not read, so we all played parts in class. Jane Eyre is really fun to bitch about, especially in a class of 13 women. Why is she letting him treat her like that, why does she like this about him, honestly she should kill this prick, etc etc. I knows so much about this time period and yet I can't help my modern brain kicking and telling me to forget the time period and just get angry at the characters, but I'm engaged, I'm excited, I'm getting passionate and heated in an argument about it, I'm invested, and that means Bronte did her job.
I enjoy books. I enjoy absorbing the contents of books, but the act of sitting still, often times alone, with a book and reading makes me forget violently. I lose my train of thought, I get distracted, I lose interest because the engaging parts are only so common in the books, it won't be high action all the time, and once it isn't I'm bored. It's a bad habit of mine, it's why I don't really read. I get upset that my parents haven't read Jane Eyre because I want to talk about it, and I can't. I hate that with shows and movies too, I hate having this cool reference that would perfectly fit in this conversation, but nobody knowing what I'm talking about.
This has gone a little off on a tangent, but god, I hate school, because I used to be like W and devour books rapid speed, and now I can't stand to read most of the books I have bought because the act of reading makes me uncomfy. I hate school because I should love my government class, I want to be a lawyer, a good portion of the class talks about the revolution, and instead I nap and bitch about the teacher because it made such a cool subject boring.
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ask-svt-hearteu · 7 years
bestfriend! Joshua
Anon requested: “could you do a joshua best friend au?”
Genre: friendship 
Word Count: 1504
you’ve known Joshua Hong for most of your life
went to the same school all the way into highschool
elementary, not much happened
probably just say hi and stuff like, “Can i use that glue stick when you're done” 
middle school came along and the two of you were officially in the 7th grade
you weren’t really the type of person to have a lot of close friends, maybe only a little over a handful
but you did have a lot of friends, your classmates and friends of friends 
because you never really had a problem having a fun and nice conversation with someone
Joshua was one of those friends, just the nice boy in your math and history class who actually knew all the states and their capital 
until your history teacher decided your class wasn’t allowed to choose their own partners anymore and chose them herself
“Y/n and Joshua, you guys have ‘Causes of The Civil War’ ” 
so as you gave up your seat for someone else, you scooted into the now empty desk next to Joshua
“Hey Joshuaa, so what do you want to do first”
“Hmm we can look at the text book first” 
the whole project had some class time available to work on it but was expected to be worked on at home
“Do you want to do a powerpoint then?” he asks 
“Yeah! What’s your number so I can send you the links and stuff” 
so you guys finished your project a day early and got an A of course
and the conversations should've died there or something 
except when you had to sit next to each other for presentations he leaned over and looked at the paper on your desk 
“You like Naruto?” 
you look down at you rough doodle of Naruto’s face and grinned
“Yeah do you??” 
so that’s how the two of you became close because later that night, you texted him ranting about the latest episode  
and the conversation went on to other animes
then somehow led to whether you finished your essay
then to which flavor of ice cream was best
the two of you, probably the most unlikely friends ever
the nice, quiet boy who hung out with his group of guy friends 
and the social butterfly who pretty much talked to everyone,
and now him
highschool came around and you watched as he taught himself guitar
and joined choir 
“What the freak Josh why am I just finding out you have such a nice voice, it’s not fair” 
“Oh,” he laughs as you poke his shoulder over and over again at lunch, “Sorry my bad”
even though you and Joshua had many different classes and were involved in different groups, the two of you never failed to hang out
one of the these times being towards the end of highschool, where you went to this annual Korean festival together
“Look I wanna go there! There’s fried fishcake” you saying tilting your head towards the stand and proceeding to tug on his arm
“Hold on please!” 
the both of you pause and turn to around to face a foreign voice
your eyes meet a Korean man, who’s facing Joshua
“Do you know what kpop is?” 
he continues to explain how he’s a manager for Pledis Entertainment and scouting for trainees, then asked Joshua if he wanted to join
“Ah can I please think about it?” he says, while you just look at them back and forth
the guy hands him is contact information and gives him a couple days to decide
“JOSH!” you squeal, even though you didn’t really understand the situation much, but you understood something, “You could go be a singer!”
“I know I know, but can I do it? Live in another country? How do I even know..” he trails off nervously
you grab his shoulders and look him in the eye,
“Joshua Hong. I know you kay, you finna spend the rest of your life regretting it, and I know how much you want this okay. What do I always say?” you stare at him pointedly
“If life gives you ramen you take it and eat every last bit,” he says, a smiling forming on his face
“Right!” you say laughing
so for the next two or so years, you guys always stayed in touch
without fail, you guys would at least text every other day
and when he debuted, he sent you tickets to his showcase with the backstage tickets 
so what other thing is there to do besides go
and be extra af 
so of course you went disguised as a fan 
with a baseball hat with seventeen written across 
and a giant neon poster with 'JOSHUA HONG' written across 
and a bright orange t-shirt with the derpiest Joshua face you could find from Seventeen TV 
and let's not forget the gift you prepared him 
you almost lose your voice from all the screaming you did but whatever it's worth it 
and when it's over, you go backstage
 and basically tackle Joshua, proudly 
"Y/N WHAT ARE YOU WEARING?" he exclaims holding his laugh in poorly 
Svt crowds around you dying of laughter from your outfit 
the two of you catch up on everything and you end up pretty much being the last friend or family backstage 
with the other members screaming excitedly around you guys, you talk to them a bit 
"Guess WHAT I gotchu a gift" you say wiggling your eyebrows at Joshua 
he laughs, still on a happy high, "What what, I have expectations" 
"Oh TRUST me, this will be the best gift you've ever gotten" 
you hand him a gift bag 
as he pulls the tissue paper out, looking inside the bag, and immediately bursts out laughing
pulling the item out, the others are laughing and seal clapping 
"thanks for the matching shirt”
"Anytime, now there's more!!" you say winking 
he grabs the last thing from the bag and laughs, extremely amused
dropping the bag in surprise he holds the item to his face 
a water bottle with 'DRINK WATER NOT ALCOHOL' printed on in big, bold, black letters 
"You're gonna be dancing a lot so you need to stay hydrated!" you grin, winking excessively 
"Ah you're the best, seriously" he grins and pulls you into a hug 
fast forward 2 years or so later
your have your life together as best as you can for a college student, and find the time to attend his concert
like last time, nothing will ever compare to seeing Joshua and his group live
as you walk backstage, the more mature ish side of you doesn’t play jokes and engulfs him a tight hug
“You’ve made it so far” you say looking at him with tears in your eyes, ruffling his hair
“Qhat is this you’ve turned soft?” he jokes ruffling your hair also
“College does that to a person I guess” you joke
the two of your haven’t seen each other in over two years after all
and with this limited amount of time you guys made the most of it
right before you have to leave, he tells you to wait 
so you settle down at the edge of the stage, where the two of you were, legs hanging off the sides
he comes jogging back over, a box in hand
“What is this? you already gave me a set of merch” you say laughing, accepting the box as he hands it to you
“A gift” he says, flashing his eye smile
you make a surprised sound,”hmm? what did i do, you already give me a bunch of free stuff” 
“Aye we’re best friends, besides it’s nothing burdensome, promise” he claps his hands together and grins
you pretend to glare at his seriously, “Imma hold you to that Hong” 
opening the box, that was clearly wrapped by a staff member or possibly Mingyu
you know your best friend after all
picking up the object, the first thing you register is it’s a really nice looking water bottle
well as nice as they get
you're a pretty quick person so 0.1 seconds later you register the giant bolded words in your favorite color
you stare at the bottle then turn at Joshua who’s looking at you excitedly
“Wow i'm a freakin philosopher” 
“Just kidding~ i love it i’m going take it with me everywhere” you smile, wrapping an arm around his shoulder
“Good and drink water-” 
“And alcohol because yes i'm definitely gonna fill it with vodka or something” you tease
“No no no you better not!” he says pretending you scold you
“Ssshhh we’ll see” you smirk
“Y/n L/n” 
“That’s me, your bff dude” 
he doesn’t bother to try to further the conversation, knowing he’ll lose
and so the too of you sit there 
basking in the stadium lights and sipping on water not alcohol ;) 
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l-a-r-r-yspellslove · 5 years
The 5,000 Question Survey - Part One
1. Who are you? Hi, I’m Ronda. 2. What are the 3 most important things everyone should know about you? one - I try to be as non-judgmental as possible. two - I say fuck a lot. three - I like to make stuff and bake stuff and write stuff and draw stuff. 3. When you aren't filling out 5,000 question surveys like this one what are you doing? Reading, watching tv, writing, making stuff, working on puzzles, babysitting my niece. 4. List your classes in school from the ones you like the most to the ones you like the least (or if you are out of school, think of the classes you did like and didn't like at the time). art, french, theater, math, uhhhh history, science. From high school, like 10 years ago :/
5. What is your biggest goal for this year? uhhhh to be more financially responsible. I’ll have less money once my niece starts kindergarten in the fall and that means I need to spend less and figure out other ways to make money. 6. Where do you want to be in 5 years? Fuck, I don’t know. The future gives me anxiety. Like, major anxiety. 7. What stage of life are you in right now? The I’m completely fucked up and don’t know where this is going stage. 8. Are you more child-like or childish? Child-like. 9. What is the last thing you said out loud? “She said they were having a weiner roast.” 10. What song comes closest to how you feel about your life right now? Girl - Maren Morris or Don’t Let It Break Your Heart - Louis Tomlinson 11. Have you ever taken martial arts classes? nope. 12. Does your life tend to get better or worse or does it just stay the same? mostly the same. Pain days are worse. Energetic days are better.  13. Does time really heal all wounds? As a spoonie, I say no. 14. How do you handle a rainy day? Well, rain tends to trigger a migraine, so I spend it in bed or wishing I was in bed. 15. Which is worse...losing your luggage or having to sort out tangled holiday lights? Losing your luggage. 16. How is your relationship with your parents? I have a good relationship with my mom, I think. We get along and all. My dad, on the other hand, I don’t talk to much. I feel like as I’ve gotten older, I’ve realized more how things that happened when I was a kid affected me. And he used to yell a lot and I’d hide in my room and cry. So. Yeah. Will you miss them when they are gone? I’m sure. 17. Do you tend to be aware of what is going on around you? Sometimes 18. What is the truest thing that you know? Life isn’t fair. 19. What did you want to be when you grew up? uhhh, when I was really little I remember wanting to be a teacher. Later, I wanted to be a translator. I remember at one bible camp I thought I could learn obscure languages and translate the bible for them. When I was in college, I started to realize I wanted to be a writer I think, but I majored in Marketing because it seemed like a safer option and I was too far into a business degree before I realized I hated business. And yeah, so I minored in English Lit. And that degree hasn’t ended up doing me any good because I ended up applying for disability not too long after graduating college. 20. Have you ever been given a second chance? I can’t think of a specific instance, but I’m sure I’ve been given many. 21. Are you more of a giver or a taker? Giver. 22. Do you make your decisions with an open heart/mind? Try to. 23. What is the most physically painful thing that has ever happened to you? a Chiari headache. 24. What is the most emotionally painful thing that has ever happened to you? when my grandpa died. 25. Who have you hugged today? no one. It’s Saturday and I’ve been home alone most of the day. 26. Who has done something today to show they care about you? I can’t think of anything today. My mom did some of my laundry yesterday, so I guess I’d count that. And H is always doing sweet little stuff. 27. Do you have a lot to learn? Always 28. If you could learn how to do three things just by wishing and not by working what would they be? Coding - I mean, I know little things, but if I could be like a computer whiz, it’d be great. Mastering photoshop - Same as above, basically. and uhhhhmmmm, maybe like knowing every language or at least every major language fluently?
29. Which do you remember the longest: what other people say, what other people do or how other people make you feel? How they make me feel. 30. What are the key ingredients to having a good relationship? Communication, trust, consideration. 31. What 3 things do you want to do before you die? A - have a meaningful romantic relationship B - impact someone’s life in a significantly positive way C - travel around Europe 32. What three things would you want to die to avoid doing? A - running a marathon B - living completely alone in the world C - reading After and its series 33. Is there a cause you believe in more than any other cause? equal rights 34. What does each decade make you think of: The 19.. 20's: flapper dresses 30's: idk like the depression? 40's:the war? WWII? 50's: poodle skirts and Grease 60's: idk, ummmm, yeah, i got nothin’ 70's: totally blanking 80's: lots of colorful clothing and big hair? was that this decade? 90's: childhood, Friends, friends, elementary school 2000′s: junior high, high school, graduating high school
10′s: college, the decade that America voted orange scum into the presidency
20′s: hopefully the decade that America votes better
35. Which decade do you feel the most special connection to and why? I feel like this is such a 90s kid answer, but I guess the 90s because it was before everything started drastically changing so much. Like, technology and stuff. 36. What is your favorite oldie/classic rock song? Old Time Rock and Roll the kinda music just soothes the soul. I reminisce about the days of old. With that old time Rock and Roll. 37. What country do you live in and who is the leader of that country? USA, orange scum. If you could say any sentence to the current leader of your country what would it be? Eat dirt and die trash. 38. What's your favorite TV channel to watch in the middle of the night? TVLand it used to be before the age of netflix and streaming and such 39. What Disney villain are you the most like and why? is the Cheshire Cat a villain? Because I want to answer him, because he has no direction and is terrible at giving directions haha 40. Have you ever been a girl scout/boy scout? I was a girl scout from kindergarten through 7th grade. 41. If you were traveling to another continent would you rather fly or take a boat? Fly 42. Why is the sky blue during the day and black at night? I dunno. Something to do with the sun. 43. What does your name mean? Grand 44. Would you rather explore the deeps of the ocean or outer space? Outer space. 45. Word association What is the first word that comes to mind when you see the word: Air: water Meat: balls Different: same Pink: fluff Deserve: reward White:clouds Elvis: hair Magic: sparks Heart: filled Clash: titans Pulp: fiction 46. If you could meet any person in the world who is dead who would you want it to be? Walt Disney 47. What if you could meet anyone who is alive? Harry Styles 48. Is there a movie that you love so much you could watch it everyday? Frozen and Frozen 2 and all of the Toy Story’s 49. You are going to be stuck alone in an elevator for a week. What do you bring to do? enough food for the week I assume is included. Laptop, ipad, a few books, chargers for laptop and ipad, a sudoku book, yarn and crochet stuff 50. Have you ever saved someone's life or had your life saved? I don’t think so.
51. Make up a definition for the following silly words... Fruitgoogle: verb. To search the web without aim. Ambytime: noun. The time at which to amble around. Asscactus: noun. A prick who knows and doesn’t care that he’s a total prick. 52. What was the last thing you made with your own hands? Crochet dress for my niece. 53. What was your favorite toy as a child? I remember this big semi truck that I loved a lot. 54. How many TV’s are in your house? Four 55. What is your favorite thing to do outside? I don’t like going outside, tbh. I guess I’d say swimming, though. And I don’t really like to do that much, sooo 56. How do you feel when you see a rainbow? Happy 57. Have you ever dreamt a dream that came true? Oh yeah. 58. Have you ever been to a psychic/tarot reader? Nope. 59. What is your idea of paradise? An endless library filled with every book, tv show, movie, musical, play in existence with and super comfy chair and an endless supply of whatever food I could think of wanting. 60. Do you believe in god and if so what is he/she/it like? God is love.  61. Do you believe in Hell? Everyone carries a little piece of hell around inside of them. 62. What one thing have you done that most people haven't? uhhh crocheted an entire blanket? 63. What is the kindest thing you have ever done? I have no idea. 64. Are you a patient person? Some days. 65. What holiday should exist but doesn't? Reading day. 66. What holiday shouldn't exist but does? Columbus Day 67. What's the best joke you ever heard? fuck, i don’tknow 68. Where is the most fun place you have EVER been? Disney World, duh. 69. Is your hair natural or dyed? dyed but my roots are showing terribly because my hair grows so fucking fast. 70. Do you have any deep dark secrets or are you pretty much up front? I’m fairly upfront, but not many people know I write fanfic, especially don’t know that I write smutty fanfic haha. 71. What is under your bed right now? A lot of storage stuff and my suitcase that is also storing blankets i believe 72. If you were in the Land of Oz would you want to live there or go home? I don’t think they had WiFi, so I’m gonna say go home. 73. If you drive do you frequently speed? Just a little 74. What is the world's best song to dance to? Best Song Ever hahahahahahaha 75. What song was on the last time you danced with someone? I cannot remember the last time I danced with anyone or by myself. I don’t really dance much. Maybe high school prom lol or maybe ZTA formal 76. Do you prefer Disney or Warner Brothers? Disney 77. What is the first animal you would run to see if you went to the zoo? penguins 78. Would you consider yourself to be romantic? yes 79. If the earth stopped rotating would we all fly off? i don’t think so? 80. What is the one thing that you love to do so much that you would make sacrifices to be able to do it? write 81. If you (and everyone) had to lose one right or freedom, but you could pick which one everyone had to lose, what would you pick? the right to own/use a gun for anything other than hunting wild animals. and only the animals that you’re supposed to be allowed to hunt like deer and stuff. 82. If you had to choose would you live on the equator or at the North Pole? There isn’t even a place to live on the North Pole, is there? What kind of question is this? I will answer the South Pole because that’s where people do live (scientists but still) and there are penguins.
83. Would you rather give up listening to music or watching television? oh god. Don’t make me choose. 84. What do you think makes someone a hero? I think hero is more of a verb than a noun. And putting others’ needs ahead of your own. 85. What cartoon would you like to be a character in? Frozen. 86. Name one thing that turns your stomach: like, seed pods or whatever they’re called that have all the uneven little holes and stuff? I don’t even know what they’re called exactly but the give me the fucking heebiejeebies 87. What was the last thing you paid for? Yarn 88. Are you a coupon clipper? Sometimes 89. Get anything good in the mail recently? I finally got Louis’s CD that was included in my concert ticket purchase today. 90. Which would you rather take as a gym class...dancing, sailing, karate, or bowling? bowling 91. In Star Trek people 'beam' back and forth between different places. What this means is they stand in a little tube and their molecules are deconstructed and sent to another tube somewhere else where they are reassembled. Only problem is when the molecules are deconstructed the person is dead. When they are put back together it is only a clone that has all the dead person's memories. So... Is the person who gets beamed the same person on both ends? Technically, it’s a clone, but clone’s are the same person basically? So no? But soft of? 92. What insects are you afraid of? Bees, wasps, anything that has a stinger. 93. If you could print any phrase on a T-shirt, what would it say? Dude, this is 2020, you can totally print any phrase you want on a t-shirt. I’m currently contemplating a Golden Girls shirt, though. Either ‘Picture It Sicily 1922′ or ‘Eat dirt and die trash’ 94. What's the most eccentric thing you have ever worn? I wore a rainbow tutu to pride? Does that count? And my hair is currently blue, so I feel like probably that. 95. If you could pick one food that you could eat all you wanted but it would have no effect on how much you weigh, what food would it be? OREOS 96. What are your parents interested in? uhh, my dad watches a lot of tv and my mom likes to craft and hoard crafting supplies basically. 97. Have you ever caught an insect and kept it as a pet? I had a caterpillar that I kept and was disappointed when it turned into a moth. Have you ever caught and tamed a wild animal? No. 98. What is more helpful to you, wishes or plans? Wishes 99. When do you feel your life energy the strongest? when i’m writing 100. You are spending the night alone in the woods and may bring only 3 items with you. What do you bring?
phone (with flashlight and a full battery), sleeping bag, and water
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ugh-tc · 7 years
September TC challenge thing
Day 1 - Are you generally nervous around your tc, or are you more relaxed and comfortable around them?
Yes. Tbh I always had troubles trying to talk to J and even when I did my voice would crack or I’d stutter and I just couldn't find words to talk to him.
Day 2 - Is your tc an introvert or an extrovert? How about you?
We did that Myers Briggs test thing in his class. I got INTP and he got INTJ (which is funny his initials are TJ lol). But anyway I guess that means we’re both introverts. 
Day 3 - Does your tc use emojis or emoticons when communicating with you? If so, what have they used? if not, what do you think they’d use?
He does not but I imagine he’d use 😆😀🌎😎 idk why those but yeah.
Day 4 - What’s the biggest or most important thing your tc has taught you, ether in terms of life lessons or the subject mattter of their class?
Honestly he didn't really teach me anything? I know that sounds bad. but like? I guess he did but nothing too important.
Day 5 - Does your tc have a classroom / office, or are they “floating” (using a cart or something and moving from place to place)? What does their teaching space look like?
He has a couple classrooms. He has a main classroom. then a second one with tables that student gov meets in and leadership (plans school events and decorates for them) paints and get stuff ready for school dances and assembly and other school functions.
Day 6 - What was your favorite assignment in your tc’s class and why? Are they a harsh grader?
I had him for two classes, a history class my sophomore year and a leadership class my senior year. Honestly I loved most of the assignments in leadership that he had. And yeah I’d say he can be a harsh grader at times, it depends on the amount of effort you put into your work and his class I guess.
Day 7 - Do you and your tc have any inside jokes? are they shared by other people (classmates, other teachers, etc) or is it just between you two?
We don't particularly have any inside jokes. (not really a joke but just a funny memory this reminded me of) his daughter went to school with me and she sat with me at lunch once and he walked past us to go into his class and this dude that was sitting with us, called him daddy. Its not an inside joke but just funny to me idk.
Day 8 - If your tc was an animal, what animal would they be?
idk a puppy bc he just reminds me of a puppy dog tbh bc he’s super cute sometimes.
Day 9 - How do you feel about being in the tcc? Are you afraid of getting caught, etc?
I don't mind being in it. I’ve been caught before by a couple people but I think they’ve forgot by now so like its okay. But I honestly want to tell people so I can get it off my chest. I guess thats why I made a tumblr
Day 10 - How long have you been having teacher crushes? How many tc’s have you had in total, and how long have you been in the tcc?
I have had 3 teacher crushes. They were in 4th and 7th grade. But these crushes were very minimal and were just me thinking my teacher was cute. They were nothing like the crush I have on J. 
Day 11 - Is your tc’s room close to the front of your school / campus, or is it more towards the back? Its upstairs on the top floor but all the way on the far end of the school so I guess kind of the back though it faces the parking lot so kinda the front? 
Day 12- Are you shorter or taller than your tc?
Shorter lol
Day 13 -  does your tc have any pets at home? how many and what animals?
He has cats and dogs. idk how many. But I have been to his house before and saw them.
Day 14 - Does your tc have a blackboard or a whiteboard in their room? What color chalk/marker do they use the most?
Both. Hey usually used a blue marker. And the chalk was always either yellow or white.
Day 15 - Besides your blog, do you vent about your feelings towards your tc in any other way?
On instagram and my snapchat but I don't hint at it being him because his daughter follows me. And in my journal.
Day 16 - Are there any students you’re jealous of in terms of their relationship to your tc?
A few
Day 17 - Imagine that you and your tc were born in the same year. How many days apart would your birthdays be?
94 days
Day 18 - Have you ever gotten in trouble with your tc? If so, what happened?
Yes. A few times for cussing. And we weren't allowed to wear hats in school, so I’d always wear mine around him just to get him to talk to me and tell me to take it off. Once he actually confiscated my hat and took it to the office.
Day 19 - Is your tc’s hair curly or straight, and is it short, medium, or long?
It is kind of straight and wavy but short. Idk how to describe it really
Day 20- what web browser does your tc use? what kind of phone/computer do they have?
Im honestly not sure. But I know he has an iPhone, the generation I’m not sure of either. 
Day 21- Are there any calendar dates that are special to you because of your tc?
-September 2nd.
-July 26th.
Day 22 - Do any celebrities or fictional characters look like or remind you of your tc?
He looks like Josh Homme to me. (He’s lead singer of Queens of the Stone Age) 
Day 23 - Is your tc’s room/office number even or odd?
Odd. Room 221.
Day 24 - What do you think sets your tc apart from other teachers at your school?
Idk, I feel like he was more caring, and more passionate about what he was teaching.
Day 25- Do you like the teachers who are “neighbors” with your tc (that is teachers who have rooms next to your tc)?
No not really
Day 26 - Have you ever suspected someone you know irl of having a teacher crush (either on your tc or on a different teacher)? If so, have you ever confronted them about it?
No never really have. Though there were a couple teachers that girls in my school would say were hot. 
Day 27 - Do you pass by your tc’s room or office on your way to class frequently? Do you see them around campus a lot?
all the time. I took the back stairs just to see him or went to my locker even when I didn't need to, because my locker was in the same hall as his class. I also decided to be the TA for the library because I knew he was in the library most of the time sooo. Yeah. 
Day 28 - Is teaching your tc’s first job, or did they have another job before being a teacher? Have they ever taught at another school before?
I’m not sure what his other jobs were but I know he’s taught at one other school in Washington. (I wrote an article on J and actually got to ask him)
Day 29 - What things keep you happy and occupied over break when you miss your tc? If you’ve graduated or will no longer be seeing your tc in school, how are you handling the situation?
I just keep myself busy, play video games, listen to music, watch youtube, go to work. But if I find myself really missing him I’ll go to the schools webpage and look a picture of him on his page until I’m over it. I also actually went to the school for its homecoming football game just so I could see him... So theres that.
Day 30- What is the sweetest thing they told you or did for you?
He let me sit in his class when I had a panic attacks because my counselor wasn't at school. I tried to kill myself at school my junior year and he sat with me until help came. And he also would call my counselor when I was having bad days. 
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littlehungrywarrior · 7 years
there’s a lot of things about me that are fucking absurd and really cool, so when ppl ask me to tell them about myself, i break em out immediately (”my family heirloom is a severed head named oswald,” “I can see disney studios from my house,” etc) 
but just bc im bored and I feel like it, here’s some stuff about me that I dont think I’ve ever really talked about? not secrets, but just...mundane things that I don’t really ever say in favor of Ice Breaker™-type things 
I have a profound respect for mail services. When I was 7-8 years old, we watched a documentary in class about how the postal system works, its history, and about the various jobs involved. It was an extremely formative experience for me. I don’t send a lot of things over snailmail and so I’m not really sure how to express my respect and support but it’s definitely there. Unfortunately, I’ve yet to play the FallOut game where you’re a mail carrier, but I wanna... I wanna. 
Though I’ll claim to the ends of the earth that sports confuse me, I am a huge speed-running enthusiast. One hobby/interest/self-esteem exercise I have is that I really like to learn jargon/lingo involved with...anything, really. So I started watching speedruns to pick up the lingo and I just...became infatuated. I’m no expert but I’m %100 into it for more than the lingo at this point; I’ve long since got that covered. One of my favorite parts is golf-clapping along with other fans when something cool/impressive happens. 
I can’t sleep without a hat on. A beanie, specifically. When I was, like...5 or something, I was terrified of vampires, and for some reason I thought vampires bit the skull and not the neck. So I pulled my blankets up over my head at night. My parents thought this was dangerous (I might suffocate) so they gave me a hat to protect myself with. I’ve long since outgrown my fear of vampires (and learnt that they don’t typically bite skulls) but I’ve associated hats with nighttime safety for so long that I can’t fall asleep without one. In the event that I don’t have one, I can wear underwear on my head to suffice...and I think I wore a stuffed animal once somehow but idk. 
I’ve had my SPiN in genetics for so long that 5-year-old me used to infodump strangers at the grocery store. When I asked where babies come from, my dad got me a picture book written for kids specifically to answer that question. We still have it; my brothers used it, too. It starts by explaining pollination and then extends the same concepts to dogs and then humans. Most of the information is on pregnancy and fetuses rather than sex, and cell development immediately caught my fascination. I asked my parents for more information about this and they gave me some more microbiology stuff. Combine that with my animal obsession + budding interest in heredity and you’ve got a tiny obnoxious geneticist who wouldn’t stop telling random people in line at the grocery store about how chromosomes are passed on through haploid cells. Dad got real smug about it, it was fantastic. 
On a similar note (and I have no memory of how this actually happened), I more or less learnt to read spontaneously? All at once? Again, I have no clear memory of this until the part where I can read... My parents read to me every night but I never was able to do it myself. I had a huge library built into the wall at perfect me-height for reading. One morning, the summer I turned 5, I (according to legend) walked up to my parents, got their attention, said “I’m going to read now,” and then (this part I do remember) sat down and read every single book in that library over the course of two or three days. Super rough estimate, but it was somewhere between 70-200 books, with a variety of target ages ranging from 3 to 10-11. No chapter books, all pictures, but the second I was finished I wanted more books. My mom took me to the store to buy more and insisted I get a chapter book since I’d burnt through the picture books so fast. And that’s where I got my first Warriors book. 
That was not the last time I read an entire library. In 7th grade, a friend of mine and I both had sex ed previously and so were allowed to skip that year’s sex ed on the condition that we spent that class in the school library. And together, we read the entire thing. Only what was on the shelves, though; nothing in the back. Actually, at one point on the last day, we’d already read every book in the place and we were bored, so we pulled some books out of the back to look at and none of them caught our interest. One of them was the first Hunger Games book WAY before it got popular. We’d never heard of it, both read the first 2 pages, didn’t like it at all, and put it back. You should’ve seen our faces when it suddenly blew up into a huge thing. The sad thing is, I remember a lot of books that I enjoyed but can’t find now because I can’t remember any specific titles or characters. We sped through everything to finish it all and didn’t really take a lot of time to absorb details so a lot of them are lost to the vague, hazy back of my memory. Still looking for that manga where the ninja kid...stops an evil scientist from...some kind of virtual world machine. There’s a piranha tank? And then the bad guy...gets sniped by a helicopter and falls off the roof, or something? Also there was a manga version of Maximum Ride, which I only remember by name because 2 chapters in it suddenly hit me that this was a comic version of a text-novel my mom was reading at the same time. I bought a handful of books from that library at the end of the year and still have them. 
I’ve only been in one play but something fucking sweet happened during production. I was Malvolio in Twelfth Night because, and I quote my drama teacher (who had known me for 8-ish years at that point and also who was smirking her ass off when she said this), “You’ll see why when you read the play.” She was not wrong and to this day that smug fuckin grin gives me life. Anyway, I was Malvolio, and you know that “Some have greatness thrust upon them” speech that everyone’s so inspired by? That speech is a fucking prank pulled on this asshole and it’s about bangin’. So the scene is that I dramatically read this “””love letter””” I’ve received and then run off to go embarrass myself. The speech is LONG and so I asked if I can just...actually have it written on the letter. And she said yes! So I wrote it down with intent of reading it off the letter. But opening night, the actress who was to place the letter grabbed the wrong paper and so I got just a blank sheet. Guess fucking what? We’d re-choreographed that scene so many times the night before that I slammed that shit anyway, word-for-fucking-word. And I was never mad at my friend for grabbing the wrong paper, so I say this in jest, but her punishment for grabbing the wrong paper is that the entire cast/production team did not hear the end of my pride for the entire week. For a timeframe reference, I was 12. 
When I was a kid I had a horse named Emmy. She was a rental horse. Actually, I think she was a pony? The way the rental worked was that she lived in a barn with a bunch of other horses. Her owners were a small business who gave riding lessons, but instead of just riding each session, one of the horses was “yours” (assigned by age, height, and temperament, not picked by the kid) to take care of while you were there and ride consistently every session. Essentially, she was only my pet when I was on the property. I can still ride but I’ve gotten rusty and I can’t do anything above a trot for more than a few seconds. Both times I’ve jumped have been accidents, once on Emmy and once on mom’s current horse, Meteor. I’ve fallen only once, and it was off Emmy. Mom’s going to be getting a gigantic thoroughbred soon and I’m both terrified and excited to ride this very large boy. 
I talk about this in person but not online because...why would it ever come up online?? I have worn the same style of red jacket every single time I leave the house since I was a pre-teen. It’s to the point where people will only recognize me if I’m wearing it. I had a friend in high school who was/is a really cool guy, we were seniors and we’d been close friends since freshman year. I had my jacket tied around my waist because of the heat. The school had two campuses a block apart and I was walking from one to the other to get something. Friend was walking from the other to the one, so we passed each other. Wordlessly. No wave, nothing. I was tired, it was hot, I didn’t really think anything of it. Then suddenly, a foot behind me, he freezes dead in his tracks and says my name with some kind of stricken shock. He had no idea it was me. At all. Keep in mind: my jacket? Tied around my waist. Not even off, just around my waist. Since then I’ve used this jacket thing to my advantage. Sparingly, I can take it off to sneak around. It’s like I’m invisible to people I know unless I say something and they hear my voice. It’s incredible. 
Going back to speed running, way before I knew that it was a thing at all, I taught myself to speedrun two games: The Lion King (PS2, not the impossibly hard one) and Putt Putt Saves The Zoo. As they were unofficial speedruns that I didn’t really call anything and just kinda did when I was bored, I never timed the latter, and I only timed the former once using my mom’s kitchen timer. It was a rough estimate since sometimes I paused and forgot to hit play for a few seconds, or I needed to pause but didn’t for a few seconds, and the timer only counted full minutes anyway, but I still remember the time: 35 minutes. I keep meaning to go back and re-teach myself to speedrun it, perhaps more professionally, and time it with more accuracy. I still remember all the strats but I can’t pull them off with as much fluidity as I could when I was still in practice. I also can, when watching both Lion King 1 and 2, still point out with frame-perfect accuracy exactly when a scene starts that was a cutscene in that game. 
wow writing this was fun and I kinda wanna do it again. ok 
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christenpressing · 7 years
91 Question Tag
thanks to @vanillabeanniall and @selkatha for tagging me :)
 1. Drink: Water

2. Phone call: my friend Sarah who happens to call me randomly like everyday
3. Text message: my sister- “yep” in response to my mom asking if we were okay
4. Song I listened to: Sledgehammer by Fifth Harmony (always a bop)
5. Time you cried: last monday 
 6. Dated someone twice: kind of?
7. Been cheated on: i mean not technically but my ex did flirt with someone else while we were together
8. Kissed someone and regretted it: i just don’t like spin the bottle
9. Lost someone special: yeahhh
10. Been depressed: ohhhhh boyyyyyyyy
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: nope
 12. pastel pink
13. lavender
14. darker shades of red
 15. Made new friends: oh for sure. they’re super great and nice and i love and support them
16. Fallen out of love: never love
17. Laughed until you cried: one time in history class and bunch of my friends and i just watched a bunch of marching band fails and i died
18. Found out someone was talking about you: hahahaha yes
19. Met someone who changed you: yeah, a couple people

20. Found out who your true friends were: i believe so
 21. Kissed someone on your facebook? nope
22. How many of your facebook friends do you know in real life? a lot
23. Do you have any pets? three golden retriever rescues (comet, cinnamon, london) & four horses (scooter, eli, benny, calvin) & two betta fish (circe, rhea)
24. Do you want to change your name? i dont think so
25. What did you do on your last birthday? i went to this really nice italian restaurant with my family cause my grandma’s birthday is like right after mine so we did a combined thing
26. What time did you wake up? 10:30 which is like the first time i’ve gotten to sleep in this summer
27. What were you doing at midnight? watching phineas and ferb
28. Name something you can’t wait for: to go to north carolina to see my girlfriend and for my best friend to come home
29. When was the last time you saw your mother? yesterday

30. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life? i wish my girlfriend could live in my town
31. What are you listening to right now? my fan
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom? yep
33. Something that is getting on your nerves? my mother trying to dictate my own relationship????
34. Most visited site: tumblr lmao
 35. Elementary: okay heres the thing i went to a private school for a long time and skipped 3rd grade BUT THEN when i transferred to public school i had to do 4th grade over again so i was with people my age again BUT THE JOKES ON THEM cause i knew everything and i was the smartest kid in the class
36. Middle: 6th grade was a nightmare i try to forget about but we did a 180 in 7th grade and i was popular (probably cause of my track career which lasted all of one year) and then 8th grade was a mess and i thought i was bi but i was actually gay so theres that
37. High: so far so good except for some drama last year but thats over with and im ready to embrace the junior year death this year (bonus: im playing soccer this year and im so out of shape lmao)
38. College: i really want to go to school up in the portland area but who knows??? major in english/education so i can be an english&creative writing teacher who also writes on their own time on the side
ME – 
 39. Hair color: brownnn but i have natural highlights so thats neat
40. Long or short hair? its long rn but imma cut it soon
41. Do you have a crush on someone? my girlfriend i guess?
42. What do you like about yourself? i ride horses really well and i never give up on things and im passionate at what i do
43. Piercings? just my ears
44. Blood type: who tf knows
45. Nickname: jules is a common one

46. Relationship status: taken by the greatest girl ever
47. Zodiac sign: capricorn
48. Pronouns: she/her
49. Favorite TV show(s): phineas and ferb, supergirl, pretty little liars (rip), girl meets world, miraculous ladybug (oops), b99
50. Tattoos: not yet but one day!!
51. Right, ambidextrous, or left-handed? right 
 52. Surgery: i had one on my pelvis in 2013? i think
53. Piercing: ears
54. Sport: i mean i’ve been around horses my whole life but didn’t start seriously riding till after i started soccer
55. Vacation: god idk i don’t even remember the first time i was on a plane. maybe disney world?
56. Pair of trainers: i dont know????
 57. Eating: nothing

58. Drinking: nothing

59. I’m about to: finish these questions
60. Listening to: my fan
 61. Waiting for: my girlfriend and i to be in the same area for once
62. Want: a successful career and a wonderful wife and daughter

63. Married: oh for sure
64. Career: teacher
 65. Hugs or kisses? depends on my mood
66. Lips or eyes? i think you can tell a lot about someone from their eyes
67. Shorter or taller? taller cause it makes me feel more safe i think
68. Older or younger? probably older but i’m good with both
69. Nice arms or nice stomach? both are wonderful
70. Sensitive or loud? i cannot STAND loud people

71. Hook-up or relationship? relationship definitely
72. Troublemaker or hesitant? hesitant i am literally the most timid person on earth
73. Kissed a stranger? nope

74. Drank hard liquor? nope

75. Lost contact lenses/glasses? i dont have either

76. Turned someone down? okay okay okay sooooo i may or may not have initially turned down my current girlfriend but i quickly changed my mind and now here we are
77. Sex on first date? depends how well you know the person
78. Broken someone’s heart? i wouldn’t say thattt but you’d have to ask my girlfriend
79. Had your heart broken? no thank god
80. Been arrested? i am a child of god
81. Cried when someone died? when i was at nationals in 2014 a horse got so freaked out when they were putting roses (the prize for winning) on him that he reared up and flipped over himself with the rider still on him (somehow she managed not to get crushed) but the horse snapped his neck once he hit the ground and died instantly and it was so awful to see and i cried for at least an hour and im still scarred
82. Fallen for a friend? a couple times
 83. Yourself? not reallyyy
84. Miracles? listen a couple happened to me last week 
85. Love at first sight? i dont think so
86. Santa Claus? no

87. Kiss on first date? oh yes
88. Angels? nah
 89. Current best friend’s name: vasi
90. Eye color: brown

91. Favorite movie: aladdin, jurassic world, the lego batman movie, beauty and the beast
i tag @kellexohara @spnife @atypicaltomato cause you guys are nerds
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gh0stgrrls · 7 years
Alright so I got tagged by @kirkhammies (thank you!)
THE LAST: 1. Drink: water 2. Phone call: my mom 3. Text message: my ap world history teacher ( I got a 3 on my exam!!) 4. Song you listened to: Killing Joke - Eighties 5. Time you cried: idk
HAVE YOU: 6. Dated someone twice: yea :( 7. Kissed someone and regretted it: yea :( {with the same guy I dated twice} 8. Been cheated on: yea :((((( {again, with the same guy I dated} 9. Lost someone special: thank god no 10. Been depressed: yeah {quite a lot in middle school/freshman year} 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: never
LIST 3 FAVORITE COLORS: 12. blue 13. black 14. mustard yellow IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU: 15. Made new friends: yess 16. Fallen out of love: I was never in love lol 17. Laughed until you cried: a lot yeah 18. Found out someone was talking about you: BOY, THATS WHAT MY WHOLE SOPHMORE YEAR WAS LIKE 19. Met someone who changed you: yes, academic wise {my ap world teacher} 20. Found out who your friends are: in recent events, yes I did, I'm fucking glad I did 21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: lol no
GENERAL: 22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: all 23. Do you have any pets: nope 24. Do you want to change your name: never 25. What did you do for your last Birthday: I went to Universal Studios but I was on my days of the month so I pissed cuz I hate it there 26. What time did you wake up: 7:40 something 27. What were you doing at midnight last night: watching vids 28. Name something you can’t wait for: seeing my friends 29. When was the last time you saw your mom: right now 30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: nothing 31. What are you listening right now: Tame Impala - Reality in Motion 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: nope! 33. Something that is getting on your nerves: people who are talking shit and I'm fully aware that they’re talking shit 34. Most visited Website: this website lol
LOST QUESTIONS. 35. Mole/s: one near my mouth, one on my upper lip, two under my nostrils, basically its like fucking connect the dots on my face 36. Mark/s: a healed scar on my knee from 7th grade 37. Childhood dream: a fashion designer 38. Haircolour: brown {with bits of blonde, black and red idk y its like that} 39. Long or short hair: medium length 40. Do you have a crush on someone: it’s slowly dying 41. What do you like about yourself: everything!!! 42. Piercings: just my ears 43. Bloodtype: ???? 44. Nickname: QuiQui, Nacho 45. Relationship status: single and ready to mingle 46. Zodiac: Aquarius {ayy lmao} 47. Pronouns: she/her 48. Favourite TV Show: That 70′s Show and Legion 49. Tattoos: not really 50. Right or left hand: righty 51. Surgery: nopee 52. Hair dyed in different color: yes, red and blonde 53. Sport: Track & Field 55. Vacation: I need one 56. Pair of trainers: Converse
MORE GENERAL: 57. Eating: I just ate boiled eggs rn 58. Drinking: water 59. I’m about to: do more blogging 61. Waiting for: an opportunity that can set me further in life 62. Want: real friends 63. Get married: really do 64. Career: artist or art teacher
WHICH IS BETTER 65. Hugs or kisses: both haha {I'm lonely} 66. Lips or eyes: both 67. Shorter or taller: taller 68. Older or younger: older 70. Nice arms or nice stomach: both are okay, I don't really mind most of the time 71. Sensitive or loud: sensitive af 72. Hook up or relationship: relationship 73. Troublemaker or hesitant: none
HAVE YOU EVER: 74. Kissed a stranger: nope 75. Drank hard liquor: once 76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: nope 77. Turned someone down: yep 78. Sex in the first date: I’m a child of God 79. Broken someone’s heart: yea 80. Had your heart broken: yea :( 81. Been arrested: never 82. Cried when someone died: I don't remember 83. Fallen for a friend: a couple of times
DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 84. Yourself: mostly 85. Miracles: ehhh 86. Love at first sight: nah  87. Santa Claus: nope 88. Kiss on the first date: maybe a peck on the cheek but not lips noo 89. Angels: sometimes
OTHER: 90. Current best friends name: Sophia 91. Eyecolour: brown 92. Favorite movie: idk I got a ton
whew! this took a while. I'm gonna tag a few ppl @u-fo-club, @i967, @absolutelycurtain, @freshsliceoffriedgold and @a-secretkey
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