#the underpants heist
yanny-77 · 23 days
New Chapter! The Underpants Heist
Technically published yesterday but AO3 was broken…so posting today!
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12
Word Count: 13,239/131,818
Fic Summary: Following War Games and the events at Resson, Bodhi is overwhlemed by grief, the rebellion, and his new position as Flame Sectionleader and finds himself turning to Liam's squadmate Ridoc for solace as the two scheme an elaborate plan to steal Commandant Panchek's underpants. And somehow, much to his surprise, Bodhi finds himself falling for the larger-than-life rider.
Note: This fic is an Iron Flame retelling from Bodhi & Ridoc’s POV.
Chapter Summary: The quadrant is in chaos, but all Bodhi cares about is making things right with Ridoc.
Bodhi could picture it now. Ridoc’s brown skin, glistening with sweat. Determination in his eyes as he squared off. Shoulder muscles flexed as he pulled his shirt off over his head. The cocky grin on his face as his head popped out from the bottom. Bodhi paused outside the gym door, looking both ways for any witnesses before adjusting himself in his pants. His stomach flipped in anticipation of seeing Ridoc shirtless.  Eyes closed, Bodhi turned the knob, trying to calm his racing heartbeat, and pushed open the door. His eyes fluttered open—and his stomach sank. The gym was empty save for Imogen and Sloane. The second-years must have finished up early.  Bodhi tried his best to keep the flicker of disappointment off his face as he walked over to the girls. 
Thanks to @suebswrites @sarahydeart and Niv for beta
Read Now on AO3!
Tag list:
@canadian-confusion @siobhanbooks @bestbookfriends @b3anieperson @hoeelliexx @suebswrites @alltoowellread @biggestqiblifan @ubiquitouslyme @poisonivy206 @iftheshoef1tz @nireduh @hunt-athie-athalar @korrinamoe @preally19 @freckledfern @strawberbie @ramzesfics @acourtofladydeath @chunkypossum @secret-third-thing @alexandia03 @greeneyedwildthing @vanthh @sarahydeart @feetreadyheartbeatsteady @skyfallscotland @chasing-a-dreamer @taumoebaa @toberealnow @silverlude @alittlegirlwaitinginagarden @sliebman10 @sarcasticmothwrites @hockeyspiral23 @ficwingrecs @tegantales @marxxyy @witch-and-her-witcher @caeli0306 @jules-writes-stories
Let me know if you want on or off the list!
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hockeyspiral23 · 3 months
Window of Opportunity
For @yanny-77
I’m here.
Thank the gods. Ridoc is still very unsure about where Violet is and why he and the rest of his squadmates had been locked into one of the interrogation classrooms, dosed with that fucking poison taking him away from his dragon. But Bodhi had come, rescuing him and his friends, giving him his dragon back.
Listen to me. The moment is here.
What moment?
The heist. I have talked with Cuir and she will tell her rider. His heart speeds up in his chest. After all this time …
“Bodhi!” he hisses, grabbing his arm. “What is Aotrom talking about?”
“Xaden … may have caused a distraction to drag leadership to the border. They’re on their way now.” His eyes bore into Ridoc’s, pleading him to understand. “The odds are good that we’ll all be leaving Basgiath for good soon.”
It takes a second for the puzzle pieces to slot into place in Ridoc’s brain, but when they do, a slow smile spreads over his face. “Let’s do it.”
Twenty minutes later, Ridoc is sliding into formation. Dain is yelling about something, but he’s paying it no mind, doing his best to hide a smile instead.
We did it, Aotrom. We fucking did it.
I always had faith that you would.
Tucked in the bottom of Ridoc’s rucksack is a pair of black silk underpants, embroidered with the monogram of one Myron Panchek.
(I have this as an AO3 draft but won’t post unless you want me to! 🙂)
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leosulfurous · 4 months
Good day to all the unironic active Captain underpants enjoyers on here (hi to all 7 of you) I realised I hadn’t drawn fanart or a thing in a while and I wanted to redraw some book illustrations that I liked so have these small lil doodles
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(original illustrations under the cut)
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Also here’s a scratchy doodle that I just drew for fun unrelated to the illustrations, epic heist fail
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alexandia03 · 3 months
Imrrick masterlist
Because we so need one and now that I am finally free and have the time, I can put this together. And also because my babies are amazing and they deserve more recognition and love.
I also divided them into sections and color-coded them as follows:
Purple = multichapter
Orange = one-shots/drabbles
Fics with Imogen/Garrick as the main ship
Memento Vivere - by yours truly (if you thought I would not start with my own fic, you have no idea how arrogant I can be)
Divine Fault Line - by the loveliest @sarahydeart
Grow as We Go - by @alexandia03 and @sarahydeart
An Interlude - by @istarbel
Mess It Up - by @sarahydeart
Imogen Cardulo POV - Companion Chapters to Xaden Riorson - Year 2 - by @ubiquitouslyme
Garrick Tavis POV - Companion Chapters to Xaden Riorson - Year 2 - by @ubiquitouslyme
Waking up in Cordyn - by @sarcasticmothwrites
How Certain the Journey - by @sarcasticmothwrites
Birthday Wishes - by @sarahydeart
Homesick - by @widebrimmedhatsblog
Where Does The Good Go - by @sarahydeart
I Think I'm in Love - by @istarbel
Life in Samara - by Etaotn
Frilly in Pink - by mirage_x
A Birthday for Imogen - by @sarcasticmothwrites
An Unexpected Surprise - by hannah_books
Squad Summer - by korrinamoe
hills like white elephants - by @bestbookfriends
Basgiath U: Prank Wars - by @tegantales
Basgiath U: Backcountry - by @tegantales
!!!!! The Odyssey of Immrick - by @ubiquitouslyme !!!!!!!
all resistance wearing thin - by @justallihere
it's nice to have a friend - by @siobhanbooks
A Talk of Marriage - by @ramzesfics
I Belong In Your Arms - by @sarahydeart
Death of a Hero - by @alexandia03
Haven't told her - by @sarcasticmothwrites
Goodbye Pre-School - by Portujules
Aretia Fire - by @siobhanbooks
threw out our cloaks and our daggers - by @siobhanbooks
Country Air - by @copperfirebird
Fics with secondary Imogen/Garrick
Came Too Far to Die - by @sarcasticmothwrites
I Don't Feel Safe With You Anymore - by the amazing @yanny-77
The Underpants Heist - by @yanny-77
Bridgegiath - by @suebswrites
I have an excellent father - by @siobhanbooks
Something in the Orange - by @siobhanbooks
It all fell down (all fell down) - by @siobhanbooks
Get In, Loser, We're Going Shipping - by oopsireaditagain
Eight Hours to Cordyn - by @sarcasticmothwrites
For What It's All Worth - by SilverLude
Car Assignments - Ridoc's Shennanigans - by Scarlet_Aeon
The Wingleader - Xaden POV - by alexa_raye
Game on - by @ubiquitouslyme
Future Tense - by @sarcasticmothwrites and @oh-no-its-dragons
victory is all you need - by @hockeyspiral23
Moments in Aretia - by ShadowMami
On Tuesday We Lift - by Overjoyedisland
Xaden POV of Iron Flame - by Alana_ever
you're too sweet (for me) - by @siobhanbooks
Can't Pour From an Empty Glass - by Ixcalia
Thunderstorms and Sunshine - by @tegantales
The Alchemy - by pretty_please
The Idiots of Basgiath War College - by @siobhanbooks
Commemoration Day: Three Love Scenes - by Mara_Leigh
long live the kind - by @siobhanbooks
Great Basgiath Bake Off - by @tegantales
you're too sweet (for me) - by @siobhanbooks
First Mistake - by Almond_BonBons
yeah, I think this is all for now. lemme know if I missed something
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dystopicjumpsuit · 4 months
It's not Sunday but I'm sharing my OC Draig anyway.
Charming, funny, and dodgy as hell, Draig has not paid for a drink in fifteen years. He’s the sort of person who will sit next to you in the Corrie drunk tank and laugh about how you ended up there while you wait for Mic to come bail you both out.
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In his defense, it was a great story. Art by me 🩵
More info below the cut! Content warning for non-detailed violence and eye injury/loss.
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Name: Draig Birth year/age: 51 BBY (32 at end of the Clone Wars) Species: Zabrak Pronouns: he/him Orientation: bi/pan Home planet: Oba Diah Current location: Coruscant Occupation: “acquisitions” contract specialist (AKA thief for hire); journeyman pain in the ass; professional menace to society and underpants across the galaxy Affiliation: Bounty Hunters’ Guild Alignment: chaotic neutral Family: Oisin (father); Epha (mother, deceased); Mic and Branna Dhorhil (family of the heart)
Physical characteristics
Height: 6’/182 cm without the horns, but he counts them, so he tells everyone 6’2”/188 cm. Mic considers this ridiculous. Eyes: brown, one cybernetic gray Hair: bald Skin: brown Tattoos/piercings/identifying marks: traditional Zabrak facial tattoos; various facial and ear piercings
Personal history: 
Oisin and Epha had given up on having children when Draig came along. Oisin was 48, Epha was 41, and they were ecstatic to finally have the child they had so desperately wanted. Draig was their only child, and they adored him. The family lived happily for fourteen years, until Epha suddenly passed away from a massive stroke just before Draig started secondary school. Oisin was devastated, and Draig, in addition to his own grief, felt the weight of the galaxy on his young shoulders as he watched his father spiral.
When Draig started secondary school a couple months later, he was targeted by an older bully. Small for his age, and still reeling from the loss of his mother, Draig seemed like an easy target—at least, until Mic Dhorhil intervened when nobody else would. Draig and Mic both got suspended. Draig was distraught: the thought of adding to his father’s stress when Oisin was already struggling so much seemed like the end of the world to the young Zabrak. Mic took him to his own home instead so they could try to figure things out.
Mic’s mom Branna was home from work, and she convinced Draig that everything would be all right. She patched up both of the boys, got them a snack, and then commed Oisin to explain things diplomatically. From that point on, Draig and Mic were inseparable. The boys were best friends, and Draig imprinted like a baby duck on Branna as she stepped up to help him and Oisin through the loss of Epha. 
The two families became so close that they stopped considering themselves separate families at all, which was why, when Oisin fell ill, Mic didn’t hesitate to go along with Draig’s plan to steal the medication he needed from the Pyke syndicate. Their plan was a simple smash and grab, and somehow, they made it out alive—barely. Draig’s adrenaline rush from his first heist had barely faded when the bounty hunter showed up at the Dhorhils’ house.
Mic, Draig, and Branna fought back fiercely, but the hunter managed to slash Draig across the face before Branna killed the man with his own vibroblade. There was nothing to be done to save Draig’s eye. They didn’t even have time to apply bacta until they were already aboard the shuttle Branna stole from the Oba Diah City spaceport, in hyperspace on the way to Coruscant. 
The family disappeared into the Coruscant underworld until Branna was able to smooth things over with the Pykes. Oisin, having made a full recovery, opened a mechanic shop in the lower levels, while Mic started working in bars and restaurants and Branna took a position with Coruscant Public Transit. Draig, on the other hand, didn’t find the transition to Coruscant easy or straightforward, and he drifted into rougher crowds. 
Having gotten a taste for adrenaline during the Pyke heist, he started to engage in petty theft, which he rationalized as helping out while finances were tight. Before long, he discovered that he didn’t just like the challenge and the rush of stealing: he was good at it. Really good. He started honing his skills, seeking out larger, more valuable, and more difficult targets, until one day, almost without realizing it, he had become one of the best thieves in the business. Unsurprisingly, this put a target on his back—not only from the Coruscant Security Force, but also from other thieves looking to make a name for themselves.
Out of self-preservation, Draig decided to join the Bounty Hunters’ Guild, where he offered his services to anyone who could pay. He specialized in what the Guild diplomatically called “acquisitions,” but the truth was that he would do just about anything for the right price.
Anything except turn on his family.
Charming and irresponsible irresistible. There’s not much in life that Draig takes seriously. He’s laid-back and easy-going to a fault, except when it comes to his work. He’s happy to go with the flow and let other people take the lead—especially Mic. His adrenaline-junkie tendencies cause him to sometimes take unnecessary risks, though he would never intentionally put someone else in danger.
He is uncompromisingly loyal to an incredibly small circle of people. If you are in that circle, he’ll do anything for you, no questions asked, regardless of the legal, ethical, or moral implications. Outside that circle, though, he doesn’t get attached. He’s friendly and approachable, but he’s one of those people who you realize after you’ve talked to him for weeks that he’s never shared anything about himself beyond the most superficial details. You were just distracted by how much he made you laugh and how much fun you had together to realize that he never let you get close to him.
In relationships, this manifests in a string of short-term flings where both/all parties agree to part ways cordially within a few weeks at maximum. He generally goes into a relationship with the understanding and expectation that it will stay casual and light, and he’s up front with his partners about that. Despite that, there have been times when things have gotten complicated and messy, which is why he now refuses to allow anyone outside his family to know where he lives.
Draig completely lacks Mic’s intensity, which is ironic, given that of the two, Draig is far more likely to break someone’s heart. Again, he’d never do it on purpose, but it’s a little too easy to fall for him when he has made a career of not falling. Ever. Which is why it’s the end of the kriffing galaxy the first time he catches feelings.
@secondaryrealm @sev-on-kamino @523rdrebel @wings-and-beskar @merkitty49
@anxiouspineapple99 @sinfulsalutations @arcsimper5 @starrylothcat @clio3kantarella
@cloneloverrrrr @goblininawig @ladytano420 @arctrooper69 @sunshinesdaydream
@littlemissmanga @stunkbiggu @starqueensthings @marierg @idontgetanysleep
@moonlightwarriorqueen @dudewhynotthis @sleepycreativewriter @tcwmatchmakingau @littlemissbshine
@multi-fan-dom-madness @heavenseed76 @wizardofrozz @bobaprint @sweetcream-coldfoam
@skellymom @pickleprickle @trixie2023 @mythical-illustrator @dickarchivist
@cw80831 @kimiheartblade @flyiingsly @lightwise @swcowgal
@reader6898 @cdblake1565 @epicy0n @starstofillmydream @msmeredithrose
@totallyunidentified @eclec-tech @euphoriacafe @hipwell @yve-barr
@dangraccoon @transactivecybermemory @etod
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skyfallscotland · 2 months
First of all, I wanted to send you some love because you deserve it ❤️ Take the time you need and I hope you feel better very soon ❤️‍🩹
What are you reading at the moment (in terms of fics, FW or other) ? What are your current obsessions?
Love the recommendations and reviews you make ! 🫶
Thank you 🥹💗
I haven’t been reading too much either because I’ve been trying to write when I have energy (migraine/fatigue life), but I’m meaning to catch up on Violet Sorrengail’s Guide to Spinning a Scandal and castles crumbling (@caeli0306), one night, then another (@widebrimmedhatsblog), and The Underpants Heist (@yanny-77) 🫶🏼
I’m also debating whether to toss my audible credit at the apparent dumpster fire that is House of Flame and Shadow, or whether to just leave it until I can concentrate on the ebook 🫣😂
Current obsession is the Olympic Games because I don’t watch any of these sports normally but every four years I turn into a nationalistic monster who hates every other nation, yells at the tv, and says “well I could do that” (I very much could not and I have major beef with the Paralympic committee for the fact that I don’t qualify as disabled by their standards).
💗 💗 💗
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siobhanbooks · 4 months
Queer Bodhi Durran AO3 masterlist
The Underpants Heist by @yanny-77. Bodoc. During IF. ongoing.
Here for the Video Games by @ubiquitouslyme. Bodhiam. Modern au, spin off of political gain. completed.
Divine Fault Line by @sarahydeart. secondary Bodoc. Post IF. ongoing.
Game on by @ubiquitouslyme. Bodhiam. modern au. ongoing.
Where does the good go by @sarahydeart. background Bodoc. medical drama au. ongoing.
Xaden’s Pov of 2nd year plus companion chapters by @ubiquitouslyme. pre FW. Read the tags/TW. ongoing.
Spotless by @sarahwyland. only shown in epilogue/chapter 37. during and post IF/AU of IF. completed.
Bridgegaith by @housetomte. bridgerton au. bodoc. ongoing.
make me water by @bestbookfriends. bodoc. Post IF. completed.
I don't feel safe with you anymore by @yanny-77 . secondary Bodoc. Post IF. completed.
Something in the Orange (tells me we're not done) by @siobhanbooks. future. Bodoc. completed.
I'll always keep you in mind by @hockeyspiral23. band AU. bodociam. completed.
In sickness and in health by @bestbookfriends. future. Bodoc. sick fic. completed.
Just ask by @housetomte. Post IF. bodoc. ongoing.
In your eyes by @bestbookfriends. future. bodoc husbands. completed.
If there's no you by @siobhanbooks. future. bodoc. hurt fic. completed
One more thing by House_of_Em_and_Jay (ao3). bodoc. modern au, road trip. completed.
Waking up in Cordyn by amberswansong (ao3). bodoc. modern au, road trip. completed
For what it's all worth by SilverLude (ao3). bodoc. 'road' trip. completed.
Baby Iron Squad by Fireheart_Rose (ao3). bodoc. Post IF. completed.
Political Gain by @sarahwyland. Modern AU. Bodhiam. completed.
Goaltender Interference by AttieRQ (ao3). Bodoc. college hockey AU. ongoing.
Tell me a secret by @yanny-77. Bodoc. Post IF/future. completed.
Car Assignments - Ridoc's Shennanigans by Scarlet_Aeon (ao3). Bodociam. Road trip. completed.
Nobody likes you when you're 23 by @yanny-77. Bodoc. Post IF/future. completed.
end of a decade, start of an age by @always-aaack-for-everlark. Bodhiam. boyband AU. completed.
long live the king by @siobhanbooks. Bodoc. Post IF. ongoing.
I have an excellent father by @siobhanbooks. Bodhiam. Future. completed.
Memento vivere by @alexandia03. Queer Bodhi. Pre and during FW. ongoing.
How Certain the Journey by amberswansong (ao3). secondary bodoc. future. completed.
it's a long way down to the bottom of the river by copperfirebird (ao3). secondary bodoc. Post IF. completed.
my love is mine all mine by @softodettes. secondary bodoc. future. completed.
breakfast in bed by @suebswrites. bodoc. future. completed.
friendly fire by copperfirebird (ao3). bodoc. during FW/IF. completed.
a letter a day (keeps you ready to mingle) by @olympialogy. bodhiam. IF. completed.
I won't say (I'm in love) by @bestbookfriends. bodoc. future. completed.
like daylight by @siobhanbooks. bodhiam. pre and during FW and IF. ongoing.
came too far to die by amberswansong (ao3). secondary bodoc. Post IF. ongoing.
friendship forged through fire by House_of_Em_and_Jay (ao3). bodoc. Post IF. completed.
hope ur okay by @siobhanbooks. queer bodhi. during IF. completed
A great deal of emotions by Stargirl1744 (ao3). bodoc. Post IF. completed.
read it and weep by @softodettes. background/secondary bodoc. modern au. completed
future tense by amberswansong (ao3) and copperfirebird (ao3). bodoc. future. ongoing.
cupid by Mint_chocolatechip (ao3). bodoc. during IF. completed.
The golden dragon by SaraNova (ao3). secondary bodoc. modern au. ongoing.
victory is all you need by @hockeyspiral23. bodociam. modern/hockey au. ongoing.
the odyssey of immrick by @ubiquitouslyme. secondary bodoc. future. ongoing.
sound of silence by @bestbookfriends. bodoc. future. completed.
the idiots of Basgiath War College by @siobhanbooks. secondary bodoc. during IF. ongoing.
window of opportunity by @hockeyspiral23. bodoc. during IF. completed.
dancing around the kitchen in the refrigerator light by @siobhanbooks. bodhiam. modern au. completed.
Some Day My Prince Will Come by @bestbookfriends. bodoc. future. completed.
Red: Basgiath's Version by @bestbookfriends. bodoc. modern/college au. ongoing.
me vs lightning by Mint_chocolatechip (ao3). bodoc. during IF. completed.
spread your wings by @olympialogy. bodoc. dragon au for riorgail/FW. ongoing.
haven't told her by amberswansong (ao3). secondary bodoc. during IF. completed.
heart it races by amberswansong (ao3). bodhi x dain. pre FW. completed.
ridoc's ice sculpture delivery by oopsireaditagain (ao3). during IF?. bodoc. completed.
the alchemy by @pretty-pleaseee. queer bodhi. modern au. ongoing.
on the road again by @widebrimmedhatsblog. secondary bodoc. modern au. completed.
Xaden's day off by Lydibug522 (ao3). secondary bodoc. during IF. completed.
Perfect Storm by @hoeelliexx. bodoc. modern au. ongoing.
Death of a Hero by the most incredible @alexandia03. secondary bodoc. post IF. ongoing. (go read it!)
I belong in your arms by @sarahydeart. secondary bodoc. future. completed.
Dive by @siobhanbooks. bodoc. modern au. completed.
Pink Pony Club by @yanny-77. bodoc. modern au. completed. (read it!!)
Drifted by @she-whatshername. minor bodoc. during IF. ongoing.
The Backup Plan by @hockeyspiral23. background bodociam. modern royalty AU. completed.
you're too sweet (for me) by @siobhanbooks. primary bodociam. modern au. ongoing.
loved by mint_chocolatechip (ao3). bodoc. during IF. completed.
tasting flight by @copperfirebird. bodoc. during IF. completed.
Every night's another reason why I almost left it all by amberswansong (ao3). queer bodhi. PPC AU. completed.
Scenes from a Dukedom by copperfirebird (ao3). bodoc. future. ongoing.
vacation (all I ever wanted) by nevergonnaloveagain (ao3). background bodoc. modern au. completed.
night games by mint_chocolatechip (ao3). bodoc. during IF. completed.
Grow as we go by alexandia03 (ao3). secondary bodoc. IF AU. ongoing.
Great Basgiath Bake off by tegantales (ao3). bodhiam. modern au. ongoing.
I was the hero but you get the glory, now I’m the villain inside of your story by aelin_sorrengail (ao3). bodoc. modern AU. orphaned.
Onward towards Revolution by EmeraldBelle (ao3). bodoc. FW AU. ongoing.
Aretia Fire by siobhanbooks (ao3). bodociam. modern au. ongoing
born to be nation treasures by always_aaack_for_everlark7 (ao3). bodhiam. modern/band au. ongoing.
break my heart or bring it back to life by always_aaack_for_everlark7 (ao3). bodhiam. beauty and the beast au. ongoing.
Ridoc doesn't like spaghetti by Ronniewritesinatree (ao3). bodoc. during IF. completed.
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outsidersheadcanons · 3 months
could u do two-bit and dally friendship hcs if u have any.... 🤗🤗
- Ok so Two-bit and Dally were MAJOR opps when they first met, Two thought he was just an annoying punk but they eventually grew on each other
- They go to a lot of parties together, but the only issue is one of them gets too drunk and the other has to end up babysitting 😭
- They don’t really have a lot of one on one time tbh. but when they do they can talk for hours
- Also they always end up talking (and inevitably arguing) abt the most stupid shit (example being whether a tomato is a vegetable or a fruit). They never learn 💀
- Sometimes Dally makes Two-bit drive him around bc he doesn’t have his own car. they always end up getting into mischief when this happens
- when I say mischief. these two have gotten into full ahh heists stealing the soc’s hubcaps and shit 💀
- I feel like both of them would rearrange the letters on the school sign to something dirty like those kids did in captain underpants?? pls someone know what i’m talking abt 😭 honestly one of the more tame things Dallas Winston has done fr
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solosergiohd · 3 months
DreamWorks Battle Royale based on "Super Smash Bros.", "PlayStation All-Star Battle Royale", "Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl", and "MultiVersus"
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Prince Charming
Puss In Boots
Kitty Softpaws
Death Wolf
Mr. Wolf
Diane Foxington
Grand Master Oogway
General Kai
King Julien
Jack Frost
Metro Man
Captain Underpants
Ruby Gillman
Galactic Sky Arena
Shrek's Swamp
Dragon's Keep
Far Far Away
Potion Factory
San Ricardo
Dark Forest
Los Angeles City
Museum Gala Heist
Shifu's Dojo
Panda Village
Gongmen Throne Room
Spirit Realm
New York Central Park Zoo
Baobab Tree
Arctic Island
Dragon Hunter's Ship
New Berk Island
Hidden World
North's Factory
Metro City
Base 51
Jerome Horwitz School
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Dr. Doomsday as the final boss who kidnapping Moon Child, just like Tabuu, Galeem, and Dharkon
Fairy Godmother
Lord Shen
Turbo Toilet 2000
Robot Probes
Pitch Black
Chelsea Van Der Zee (true form)
Dr. Doomsday
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book--brackets · 2 years
Future Competitions
In light of recent requests and submissions, once this competition is over, we'll be starting back up again with a whole new set of books! If you'd like to submit a title, check my pinned post and the list below to make sure your submission is eligible. I can no longer add to this list. Any further titles are being kept privately by me, but there are there, I promise! I am now tagging asks with the titles submitted.
A to Z Mysteries
A Dog's Life
Adventure (Blyton)
Adventures of the Bailey School Kids
Adventurers Wanted
Alcatraz VS the Evil Librarians
Alex Rider
All-of-a-Kind Family
The American Girl Books
Anne of Green Gables
Animal Ark
The Babysitter's Club
The Bartimaeus Trilogy
Beacon Street Girls
Beatrice Bailey
The Belgariad
Bella Sara
Black Beauty
The Black Stallion
The Blackwell Pages
Books of Bayern
The Borrowers
Bridge to Terabithia
The Boxcar Children
Captain Underpants
Casson Family
The Cat Club
Charlotte's Web
The Chronicles of Ancient Darkness
The Chronicles of Chrestomanci
The Chronicles of Dragon
The Chronicles of Prydain
The Circle of Magic
The Clique
The Cloak Society
Cobble Street Cousins
The Cooper Kids Adventures
Damar (McKinley)
The Dark Hills Divide
The Dark Is Rising
Dear America
Dear Canada
Deltora Quest
The Divide (Kay)
Dork Diaries
The Dragonfly Pool
Dragon Rider
Dragon Slayer's Academy
Earthsea Cycle
East (Pattou)
Echo (Ryan)
Edgar & Ellen
Emily (Montgomery)
Emily Windsnap
The Enchanted Castle
Encyclopedia Brown
Esperanza Rising
The Ever Afters
The Faerie Realm
Fairyland (Valente)
The Faraway Tree
First Light (Stead)
Five Children and It
Flat Stanley
From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler
Gallagher Girls
Geronimo Stilton
The Girl Who Drank the Moon
The Giver
Goddess Girls
The Great Brain
The Greenglass House
Gunnerkrigg Court
Half Upon a Time
The Hardy Boys
Heist Society
Help, I'm Trapped...
His Dark Materials
How to Train Your Dragon
The Hunger Games
Igraine the Brave
The Immortals Quartet
The Incorrigible Children of Ashton Place
Ingo (Dunmore)
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Island of the Blue Dolphins
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The Kid Who Ran for President
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Les Chevaliers d’Émeraude (in French)
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Upon a Marigold
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The View from Saturday
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Wayside School
The Westing Game
When You Reach Me
Where the Red Fern Grows
Wildwood Chronicles
Wings & Co.
Winnie the Pooh
The Witch of Blackbird Pond
The Worst Witch
You Be the Jury
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yanny-77 · 1 month
The Underpants Heist Ch 11 Posted!
It's been a long time coming but it's finally here.
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11
Word Count: 12,450/118,579
Fic Summary: Following War Games and the events at Resson, Bodhi is overwhlemed by grief, the rebellion, and his new position as Flame Sectionleader and finds himself turning to Liam's squadmate Ridoc for solace as the two scheme an elaborate plan to steal Commandant Panchek's underpants. And somehow, much to his surprise, Bodhi finds himself falling for the larger-than-life rider.
Note: This fic is an Iron Flame retelling from Bodhi & Ridoc’s POV.
Chapter Summary: Ridoc endures RSC with his squad and discovers a few uncomfortable truths. One, he can't live without Bodhi. Two, Bodhi might not be who Ridoc thinks he is.
“Yeah, well, I’m going to go rub one out in the shower.” He paused and forced a grin to his face. “Unless you’d like to help me out.” Imogen made a stop gesture with her hands as her face contorted. “Gross, Gamlyn.” He could tell by the look on Imogen’s face that she knew his heart wasn’t in it. “Your loss.” Ridoc winked and spun on his heel, hurrying down the third-year corridor to the stairs before Imogen could say anything to make this even worse. 
Thanks to @alexandia03 @suebswrites @sarahydeart and Niv for beta
Special thanks to @acourtofladydeath for the inspiration for the line about Imogen's Blue Balls
Read Now on AO3!
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hockeyspiral23 · 3 months
Officially up on AO3!
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stardust-sunset · 1 year
as requested by a dear friend, @meowzyz
Craig and Tweek with a Borrower!S/O
You probably lived in Craig’s house
You often stole things from him when he wasn’t looking, or when he wasn’t home
You felt bad doing it, but survival of the fittest, amirite?
So one day you were in Craig’s room, he was probably asleep, when suddenly, a blonde boy showed up in the midst of one of your heists
You stared at each other for a little bit…
he trapped you in his coffee cup
This probably woke Craig up too
”Tweek, honey, what’s wrong?”
“The underpants gnomes! They’re back’ Oh god!”
Then you just hear screaming from said blonde boy
”Tweek, Tweek, calm down.”
It took a while, but Craig got Tweek to calm down and take the coffee cup away
boy was he mad when he saw you were yrying to take one of his Red Racer figurines
Immediately grabs you by the shirt and dangled you right by his face
“What the hell?!”
When you finally manage to coax him into listening to you (all the while Tweek was warning him about ‘the underpants gnomes are coming back for more!‘)
You explained you were a borrower, thus meaning that you often needed to steal things from other people
Craig wasn’t happy when you pulled out all the shit you’d stolen from him
It was a rocky beginning, but eventually, the pair began to like you
Craig sometimes let’s you ride Stripe around his room, only because you’re close friends though and ‘you’re not allowed to bring anyone else over to do this’
You sit on Tweek’s shoulder and give him nose hugs whenever he’s having one of his episodes
You ride around on Craig’s shoulder and he puts you in his backpack when he goes to school
He doesn’t trust that you won’t steal from his room again or that someone will come in and see you
You try to make Tweek coffee, but it’s hard because of your tiny size
You fell in once (after it cooled off thank god-)
Tweek barely noticed you before chugging the entire thing and immediately freaked out that he accidentally hurt you
As for your relationship, they never actually said they had developed feelings, Craig one day was just like ‘hey you’re cool do you wanna take this to the next level?”
Thus Craig often began calling you ‘honey’ and ‘babe’ and Tweek was willing to give you giant kisses once in a while (that cover your whole face)
not often though because he’s scared of accidentally swallowing you or biting you because you’re so small
(as stated in a previous headcanon) Tweek gets a really gurgly/noisy stomach whenever he’s upset, so you and craig work to comfort him
You probably either sit on his shoulder and kiss his temples or you rub his stomach to try and keep it quiet
Whenecer you really out though, Craig is always right there as a therapist and Tweek tries, but he’s not the best
Craig giving you a little kiss after your therapy session
“I’m proud of you, babe.”
The two probably made you a little bed made out of a matchbox and memory foam so you can sleep right by their side
When they cuddle, they sometimes invite you to lay in between them
(kinda hdc that they sleep chest to chest with Craig’s jaw being on Tweek’s head)
So you sleep in between their chests and can feel both of their heartbeats all around you
Tweek’s is often really fast and Craig’s is slow and steady, but it makes for a perfect combination
They love you a lot, even if you occasionally still steal Craig‘s shit
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alexandia03 · 7 months
Memento vivere
Okay so I just found out that people post links to their fics on AO3 here as well? Yeah, I hate to be late to the party so here is some shameless self-promoting because I am prouder of this fic than I am of my thesis.
How do you write this kind of stuff? Is there some sort of template anywhere? Fuck it, I'll just wing it.
For those of you who don't know me, hi, I am Lydia Alexandra and I am one of the first Imogen apologists and the president of Imrrick shippers in this fandom (self-appointed of course). What does this job entail, you might ask? Well, for starters, being absolutely obsessed with a side character that is basically you but with a dragon and writing 91,069 words about her and filling in some blanks the author left.
What is in this fic? Imrrick stuff. Trauma. Found family. Imrrick. Childhood friendships. Dragons. Imogen being obsessed with Garrick. Stupid decisions. Even more stupid decisions. Garrick being obsessed with Imogen. Grief, angst, young adults having the weight of the world on their shoulders. Them not admitting their feelings which leads to even more stupid decisions and... yeah, I should have named this Stupid decisions instead of Memento vivere.
No, but really now. I try to focus not only on Imogen and Garrick, but on the dynamic between them and their other friends as well. So far, mostly Xaden, but I have big plans for some scenes with Quinn and Bodhi because I live for this trio.
There are 9 chapters already, most of them in dire need of some editing, but that is a problem for future Lydia.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
And... yeah, I don't know when the next chapter will be up, but I sure know I love talking to you all, be it on Discord, in the comment section or here - not even joking, you always make my day, guys.
Now, because I don't like to leave people hanging quite like that, here are some of the fics I am absolutely obsessed with at the moment. Consider them homework:
Divine Fault Line
Mess it up
Anything ramzes writes with the marked ones. Pure addiction.
The Underpants Heist
An Interlude
Taglist: @yanny-77 @istarbel @sarahydeart
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tvguidancecounselor · 2 years
TV Guidance Counselor Episode 565: Margo Donohue
March 17-23, 1990
This week Ken welcomes co-host, co-creator, editor, and producer of the podcasts Book Vs. Movie, Dorking Out, Not Fade Away, and What a Creep, the Brooklyn Fit Chick and author of the new book "Filmed in Brooklyn" Margo Donohue.
Ken and Margo discuss doing it the best you can, how 1990 is Ken's favorite year, going to college in the Bay Area, banning Captain Underpants, two Margos, parents being very upset about Bart Simpson's sass, life in a Pre-Simpsons world, being conscripted into working at the Mall in Cali, NY vs CA pizza, Margo's book on Brooklyn, moving to Park Slope, shows shot in NYC, Brooklyn Bridge, heist movies, The Hot Rock, Criterion Channel, making sure you have your favorite movies on Physical media, the Providence/Boston/NY Maffia, buying Jesus Statues, thirtysomething, replacing cigarette ads with prescription rx ads, Midnight Caller, the greatness of Greg Proops, MTV's Remote Control, The Real World, how Kevin Powell was right all along, Mere Winningham, Martin Short Goes Hollywood, Miracle Mile, Anthony Edwards, Valerie Harper vs. The Hogan Family, Frankenhooker, Who's the Boss?, Murphy Brown, doing the homework, Unsolved Mysteries, Night Court, the greatness of China Beach, Ken's love of Grand, LA Law, Craig Bierko, Valerie Bertonelli, missing John Candy, after school specials with an REM soundtrack, developing actual film, John Waters on 21 Jump St., Julia Duffy, Seein' Double, being inappropriately angry at Robert Mitchum, The Wizard of Oz, and how much people hate starring in a movie with Judy Garland as the star.
Check out this episode!
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showtoonzfan · 3 years
Hello all! Back with another post, today we’re going to talk about an upcoming movie I’m honestly genuinely excited for, Dreamworks Animation Studios, “The Bad Guys”, based on the children’s book series by Aaron Blabey! With the second trailer recently coming out, I thought I’d talk about my thoughts, so let’s get started!
Let me start of by saying, no, I never read the book series. I thankfully DID know the series existed, as a friend in school gave one of the books to me. And no, this wasn’t in like....kindergarten or anything, it was about 10th grade lol. Anyway, I took a look at the book, and I liked it, it was cute, nothing big of course, but not bad. Once I heard Dreamworks was making a movie about it, I was genuinely curious and intrigued, as of course, I love Dreamworks, they’ve had a few slip ups in my opinion....cough.....Boss Baby COUGH, but they’re an amazing studio who’s made REALLY phenomenal movies over the decades. Can I just say real quick that I’m SO glad Disney hasn’t owned it? We lost Blue Sky, I’M NOT LOSING DREAMWORKS DAMMIT! Okay, anyway, once the first trailer dropped 2 months ago, I was hooked, so let’s talk about it!
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First of all, you probably knew it was coming, I LOVE THE ART STYLE! The goofy expressions, the lines on the characters in some scenes, the comic book actions when the characters move, (if you know what I mean), even though the movie is CG, the style clearly has 2D inspiration, and I LOVE movies that do that, like Captain Underpants and The Peanuts Movie! (Also yes I know Dreamworks didn’t make the Peanuts movie). The character designs are all cartoony and I just adore it, yet it’s a little realistic at the same time, like the clothing! When it comes to the visuals, man.....if you’re a huge fan of action movies, this looks REALLY good. I love the vibe they seem to be going for, gangs, robbing, car chases, spy stuff, shoot outs (maybe? Hopefully lol that would be COOL). It’s clearly an action packed movie, and you don’t see a lot of kids cartoon action movies today, so that’s one of the reasons why I’m hyped!
Moving on, what is the movie about? Well, the film centers around 5 main characters, a Wolf, a Snake, a Shark, a Piranha, and a Spider. They’re, what else? The BAD guys, as they ensue in robbing, stealing, just committing crimes ect, and let me just say that I LOVE movies and media centered around the villains instead of the good guys. Watching bad guys do cool and bad stuff is just fun to some people, I don’t make the rules. Anyway, back to the plot! Under the description of the movie, this is the synopsis:
“After a lifetime of legendary heists, notorious criminals Mr. Wolf, Mr. Snake, Mr. Piranha, Mr. Shark and Ms. Tarantula are finally caught. To avoid a prison sentence, the animal outlaws must pull off their most challenging con yet -- becoming model citizens. Under the tutelage of their mentor, Professor Marmalade, the dubious gang sets out to fool the world that they're turning good.”
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Now while watching the trailer, I think we all an agree that this movie looks cliche lol. We of course have seen other media about bad guys who are just...bad guys at the start, but as the movie or show goes on, they start to have an epiphany and eventually ask themselves “what if I don’t want to be a bad guy?”. We see Mr. Wolf, (oh and by the way, I just LOVE how these characters don’t have names, they’re just named after the animals they are, and it’s fantastic because it totally fits with the classic children’s book formula!) but yeah, we see Mr. Wolf at first hatch up with a plan to pretend to be good, but just like the cute scene with the old lady, he starts to feel negative about himself, wondering if being a villain is what he truly wants. We can then see how upset Mr. Snake is by this, saying that they’ll “always be bad guys”, implying that of course, the rest of the crew probably won’t agree with Mr. Wolf. Now before you wring my neck, just because something is cliche, doesn’t mean it’s BAD. Hell, Illuminations “Despicable Me” sort of had the same premise with the villain turning good, and I absolutely LOVE that movie! In my opinion, cliches and tropes can be used in a movie as long as something new and unique is done with it. HOWEVER, I’m not going to jump into that because the movie isn’t even out yet, but yes, I DO hope we see something new and unique in this movie, and I’m pretty sure we will lol, because again, this movie looks REALLY good in my opinion! I should also say that even if they don’t do anything new with the tropes and cliche’s we’ll be seeing, I STILL would think the movie can be good, because not all movies are like that. This movie to me looks like it’s going to be one of those small harmless kids movies. It’s not trying to be deep or groundbreaking really, it’s just one of those wacky over the top kid’s films, so if you think I’m reading too deep into this movie for a “kids movie” after the stuff I said above, I agree! I just wanted to share my internal thoughts of what I was thinking while watching the trailer. Speaking of that, I have a few more!
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So I wanted to share what I think about our main characters of course! I’m hype to see all of them, I genuinely hope that they ALL get enough screen time of course because normally today, movies will only focus on two characters from a 5 or bigger group, so I hope each and every one of them get their time to shine, because I genuinely like them all so far. Mr. Snake looks like he’s going to be a lot of fun, I love how crazy Mr. Piranha and Mr. Shark seem, seriously they’re the characters who look and seem like they have a HIGGGH body count, so I’m all for that lol. Ms. Tarantula you’ll notice isn’t in the books, so I’m glad they added a female character! As for Mr. Wolf, admit it, you only like him because he’s a WOLF and “hot” HUH FURRY? No I’m kidding, in all seriousness, he looks fun as well, the only thing I of course hope this movie does is make him more than just “the cool guy” and flesh him out. Again, I’m pretty sure they’re going to do that, the trailer shows him wondering what it would be like if the world wasn’t afraid of them, as well as him saying he wouldn’t want to leave his crew because they’re all he has. Also again, the movie isn’t out so we’ll have to wait and see! Another thing I want to say is I’m very intrigued and curious on the dynamic between Mr. Wolf and Mr. Snake, (especially since Mr. Snake is the most offended when Wolf implies that he wants to be good) they look like a good duo and seem to be the closest, not ganna lie, they remind me a lot of Lupin and Jigen from the Japanese anime “Lupin The Third”. I’m sorry to make that reference but honestly this whole MOVIE gives me Lupin vibes, and that’s a good thing. Hell, I’m pretty sure someone who worked on this movie revealed one of the style inspirations WAS Lupin, so that’s cool! I hope to see these 5 just bouncing off eachother in the movie, character dynamics are one of the most important things!
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Before I wrap this up, let’s talk about the wolf love interest and the Hamster dude. Obviously the wolf gal is going to be the love interest to Mr. Wolf, as she also seems to be in charge of something from the shots we’ve seen with her. I don’t really want to....ya know, LOOK up these characters and what they do because I’m afraid of spoilers, ESPECIALLY since the junior novelization is OUT ALREADY LIKE DAMN. I don’t really have much to say for the wolf gal, I WILL say that I’m glad she’ll be kicking ass because there are a few shots of her on a motorcycle and in a spy suit, so I’m happy for that! Obviously we’re ganna see romantic chemistry between her and Mr. Wolf, so....hope y’all furries are happy lol. When it comes to the hamster, Imma be honest........I GENUINELY think he’ll be the villain of the movie lmao. I don’t know what it is but he just looks suspicious already, and I doubt he’s helping the crew to be good just because he wants to. In my opinion, either the hamster will be the villain, or hell, the female wolf will be, but that’s kinda a stretch. Or....maybe there won’t be one! I honestly would LOVE this movie if there isn’t really a villain, it’s just the conflict and all about the bad guys becoming the good guys ya know?
And there ya have it! Those are my general thoughts for The Bad Guys, I’m SO HYPED for this movie y’all, it looks so cool, especially with all the damn action, and I LOVE cartoon violence lol. I know it’s not out, but if it turns out to be good, I really hope it will be a movie that’ll stick to this generation, so people can look back on it and go “hey, remember the bad guys?” Kinda like Madagascar or Shark Tale. The animation looks amazing, the characters seem fun, and this whole movie looks like it’s going to be a wild ride, and I’m READY. Now that that’s out fo turn way, what do you think of The Bad Guys? Do you think it looks good, and what are your thoughts? Feel free to share, thank you for reading, and I’ll see you soon! 👋💕
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