#the unhinged energy this episode was. yeah
trashno0dle · 11 months
the ghosts when shane and ryan started flaunting their fucking feet
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mazzystar24 · 4 months
actually the hospital wing joke is starting to bother me a lot more because buck actually fucking died 😭and he didnt even change clothes from being at the hospital all day why would you say that to someone. ik it was a fakeout but bobby looked like he was fr coding on the table. and like just a couple weeks before chimney almost died?? like im sorry i only accept those kinda jokes from people who have known me for years and even then they can be a little upsetting.
thats the thing though!!!! id be perfectly fine with buck and tommy if they gave us more than actual crumbs. 709 felt like buck had more chemistry with ravi in the same scene that tommy was in! they’re supposed to be dating so why do they feel like colleagues? and why are the more emotional and vulnerable scenes getting given to EDDIE if they want me to support buck and tommy as a couple? why wasnt tommy at the hospital with them considering he’s said multiple times he wishes he had a family like the 118 does? why are the only times hes on screen now only establishing his jealousy and that gerrard exists? is that the only reason why hes still here?
actually i wanna get back to 706. it wouldve been so easy to keep tommy there but they wrote him out of most of the episode 😭 he couldve said for the bachelor party! he couldve helped them find chimney! he couldve done literally ANYTHING. chimney was confused as hell as to why he even showed up at the wedding at all 😭 but no!!! they had him show up, ignore what buck wanted, then leave so we could have buck and eddie performing their drunk mating rituals or whatever 🤸‍♂️ but yeah buddie who?
also im never letting go of the wedding singer comment btw because what was that. why did they make tommy reference a movie where the two leads in the ROMANTIC COMEDY start the story dating the wrong people. i feel insane about it actually. also him calling buck evan will forever confuse me until we get an actual acknowledgement in canon because literally why
and the humor falls so flat but eddie has the same type of humor and it never does. he was making fun of buck in 706 (the making chimneys wedding about him line) but it never actually felt serious to me?
anyway sorry for yelling in your inbox i have a lot of mixed emotions about this season -birthmark anon
Yes totally get that like I’m the same like me and my best friend will be saying downright horrendous trauma jokes to eachother that make people around us clutch their pearls but I feel like it takes a certain level of rapport to get to trauma joke level - ig not everyone is the same when it comes to that but I think that again the writers absolutely failed to give us enough bucktommy scenes that justify having this kinda line
AGHSKF NOT THE BUCK /RAVI AHJDKFKF 😭😭😭 THIS IS ESPECIALLY FUNNY WHEN YOU SEE THE BUCKTOMMY SCENE AT THE CEREMONY VS THOSE BUCKLEY DIAZ FAMILY STILLS (still bitter the scene got cut) like someone explain to me why the actual couple is coming across less couple-y
Like i can’t remember who I was talking to the other day but I was saying like this 🧍emoji just embodies Tommy to me
AHSJKF we going back to 7x06 and that’s so valid of us AGSJKF DRUNK MATING RITUALS AHJDKFKF STOP IM CACKLING
YES ABOUT THE HUMOUR like there just isn’t that balance or lightness to even the joke out, like I’m a big dry humour and sarcastic girlie but it’s just not being delivered right in a way idk if it’s the writing or the acting or just the fact its most his very small screentime but it’s just falling flat to me
Never apologise for yelling in my inbox babe and same for the mixed emotions
Love ya birthmark anon byee 🫶🫶
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comfycuddles · 1 month
You know what I think...
It's time we start talking about Peter Capaldi.
When we talk about Doctor Who and our favourite modern doctors, we always go round and round in the same circles:
"David Tennant is the greatest Doctor!"
"No way! Matt Smith brought this goofy nature to the character, while maintaining the Doctor's eternal darkness!"
"Please! Nine was funny and sassy and just overall great. He deserved more credit. Eccelston was the best Doctor!"
And sometimes even a:
"I think that although she had to endure poor writing, a female Doctor was refreshing!"
I agree with this of course, and every Doctor brings something with them, you know who we don't post enough about? Or even generally talk about enough?
Peter fucking Capaldi. I seriously think he might be one of the most underrated Doctors of the modern era and It's a WASTE.
From the very beginning he was just amazing. "Do you know how to fly this thing?" ICONIC. His first episode was pure crack in the very best way. (The way he flirted with the dinosaur, anybody?)
Capaldi had this amazing connection with Jenna as Clara (Although I am a Clara stan idc so I might be a little biased about that) and their dynamic was so much fun to watch.
Not unlike David Tennant Peter is such a fan of the show. (As was confirmed by Jenna) But is also nice about it too. He doesn't go around just correcting everyone, but he wants everyone to know what an amazing show it is and wants people to love it just as much as he does.
Also 12 was so iconic??? Fighting fucking Robin Hood with a spoon? Awesome! Rolling into the middle ages on a fucking tank, calling people "Dude", making puns and dumb jokes and above else SLAYING that guitar?! Yes! A thousands times Yes! Just the best space grandpa ever!
Capaldi is so unhinged and has this chaotic energy while still appearing as the sanest person in the room. Just look up some stories about him fucking around on the set.
It was also very refreshing to see an older Doctor. I mean, I think Capaldi wad the oldest guy to play the Doctor since HARTNELL. He still had this youthful energy, but he just seemed so DONE with everyones bullshit. 12 handled things with a certain maturity that I kinda loved.
Like he has life experience, he KNOWS what his actions will cause and that's GOOD to see of the Doctor. And at the same time he's also forgiving himself for all the things he's done, which is even BETTER.
And don't even talk to me about his relationship with his companions and Missy. First of all the latter gives me life. And his relationship with Bill was so good y'all. I mean, he punched a racist in the face for her. (ICON!!!!) And were just adorable.
And my final point, the biggest point: Peter Capaldi is just an AMAZING actor. We all love "Heaven sent" and It's just the greatest episode EVER and this is party because Moffat wrote it so beautifully, but also because of Capaldi's Jaw dropping performance!!! If he wasn't SUCH an amazing actor the episode would have never worked. And I am certain of this fact. He did that y'all! HE. DID. THAT.
Capaldi gave some of the best speeches and performances in Doctor Who history. And everyone sleeps on it, and I say "No more!" Also his line. "Do you think I care for you so little that betraying me would make a difference?" DONE, SOBBING ON THE DAMN FLOOR. I need to say with this that I'm NOT an emotional person at all. But somehow that line hit me right in the feels and never stopped.
So yeah
Eccelston was hilarious and fun and amazing
David was awesome and I think It's definitely deserved that he goes down in history as one of the greatest Doctors.
Matt had some heartwrenging moments that I'll never get over, was as cool as bowties and just lovely
And Jody was unique and ADORABLE!
But y'all are SLEEPING on Peter Capaldi and 12 and that is SO undeserved.
Mister Capaldi Sir, if you ever see this, (You probably won't, but that's okay. I hope it does though) just know, that I love and adore you so much and think you are one of the greatest actors and human beings in the history of everything. And you DESERVE to know that. I will forever be proud to say that 12 that is my favourite Doctor of all time. And I say this without half a doubt in my mind. I'm a proud Peter Capaldi stan until the end of time. And just know that I and so many more people along with me have so much LOVE for you. (Most of us not in a creepy way though) and you are CRIMINALLY underrated.
Thank you so much for reading my rant.
This has been a Peter Capaldi/12th Doctor appreciation post. And I invite you to reblog this and show your love for the best Doctor. Only positivity though, stay nice.
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stealeroflemons · 1 year
eah thingy but make it darker because I said so and I'm having twisted eah withdrawals #22
I won't lie some of this will be inspired by things I've heard and seen in my own high school or at other high schools near mine so if you think this is too dark then congrats, you go to a better high school than I do
(btw if you want to watch something incorporating childhood and gritty dark humor but still colorful and unhinged watch Sam and Mickey's Barbie stop motions they are hilarious and help me during depressive episodes)
TW: mentions of drugs, OD-ing, mentions of blood drinking, and other sensitive topics
Okay so prom? yeah, the worst time ever. Briar literally did coke lines in the bathroom with Holly and Poppy while avoiding Hopper on the dance floor
Half the school is medicated. not even joking. most of it is just royals who're under too much pressure from their parents
Sometimes when students are short on cash they sign up for those testing trial things as test subjects. It normally is people like Raven testing her powers on people and paying them for it after
Faerie blood can get drugs out of someone's system, so it's a really common thing for faeries to donate blood to hospitals dealing with overdose cases
Building off that, Briar knows what Faybelle's blood tastes like
Faeries also cannot hold their alcohol AT ALL, like one sip is enough to possibly incapacitate them
When going to parties Faybelle kind of just monitors Briar to keep her from drinking (my girl has a blackout reputation) and they're the best kind of judgy girlfriends in the corner
Apple has a strong ED from her mother criticizing her curvy figure and comparing it to her taller frame
Darling loves her girlfriend's curves and works out extra hard to be able to carry her around bridal style everywhere
Darling is also 100% a gym rat
Dexter has the trifecta of insomnia, anxiety, and OCD, which disappoints his parents to no end
One time he poured energy drinks and coffee all in one cup when he had to pull an all-nighter for an assignment before
The parents in EAH are the type to pull the "smoking helps you lose weight so you should smoke" kind of bullshit while also saying "how dare you smoke, we are classier than that and you are a disgrace to this family"
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lastoneout · 8 months
Okay I'm finally sitting down to properly watch the PJO series so here's an episode-by-episode live blog I guess. (Fair warning, I haven't read the books since I was a teenager, I am a smidge of an apologist for the films, and my favorite adaptation so far has been the musical.)
Episode One:
All of the actors are doing a really good job, I especially like Sally.
The costume design for both the monsters and the humans is pretty killer. I want Percy's sweater.
I also love the little seaside cabin and want to live there!!!
This is such a mild gripe BUT as someone with dyslexia I wish there was a better way to visually depict it without like, doing the swapping letters thing cuz that's just not what it's actually like at all.
Gabe maybe feels a little too funny. Like I'm supposed to hate him and think it's justified that he deserves to be turned into stone at the end, this version of him is really.....toned down, and his banter with Percy and Sally was fun to watch. I should hate him, but really he just came across as unpleasant. Less abusive asshole and more "old married couple who share interests but can't communicate without shouting" you know?
Loved Grover's little "I'm 24 actually" lmao that was great.
Not a fan of Percy immediately recognizing the Minotaur within a millisecond of it appearing before the audience even got a good look at it. Like, I just sat there thinking "how can he even see it?" rather than feeling scared of a big monster barreling at them.
The action is uh....fine? Feels a little lackluster. Or kinda....divorced from the rest of the show weirdly?? Idk it makes me feel like I'm watching a movie of a movie if that makes sense?? But we'll see where they go with it. (I know banter during a fight isn't realistic and people make fun of Marvel for it, but like...it helps to have at least a little talking. We don't wanna be Man of Steel.)
I feel like there's been a few "slightly out of sync ADR" moments but they weren't too distracting.
Pacing into Sally saying goodbye felt a little long, kinda took the shock of her dying out of the scene, but the actress REALLY sold all the emotional beats so I'll forgive it.
I LOVE the credits sequence!!! Reminds me of the designs on that one box set of the books in a really cool way.
Episode Two:
Oh yes the ugly ass neon orange shirts are here bless!
FUCK YES THAT'S DIONYSUS BAYBEEE!! My ONLY note is that he def could have turned up the energy a little, but that's probably just bcs I love how loud and unpleasant he is in the musical and I also know how unhinged this actor can be.
Chiron is such a delight <3
I like the cabins too, way better than how I imagined them as a kid reading the books lol
Oh, I can see why the new fans fell for Luke so hard.
Grover assuming a human being squished would be like an old banana is very funny. Felt very book-humor in a good way.
Oh damn actual disabled half-bloods, very cool!
Minor but I can't actually tell what Percy did wrong with the bow? Weird editing I guess.
Aside from that I actually love a good "fuck up" montage, I honestly wish it were a little longer.
Probably doesn't matter but I don't get having them burn the food after they've started eating? I thought that was a before you sit down type thing.
Percy burning the blue candy to try to talk to his mom was sweet tho T_T
"real friends" hahahaha.....yeah.......about Luke.......
yay! hazing!
Oh I love Annabeth already >:D
Thalia.....is pronounced differently than I thought....?
(I'm sorry I'm too much of a fan of 'Tree on the Hill' for this exposition dump. That shit hits harder when coming from Grover.)
Percy giving Annabeth the "actually I suck and my self esteem is riding on this so like pls don't ask me to do anything hard T_T" talk is just, so good lmao
ofc he doesn't know what's going on Annabeth you didn't tell him anything
Okay the action is a lot better when it's between the actual characters and doesn't involve a 3D monster, though I still had trouble following all the hits Percy was taking.
Oooh I can see why people did so much art of Percy being claimed that was a good shot.
(I hope they kept the Oracle in the attic...)
Okay I have to go do some things and then I'll be back for more!
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etchetceteraart · 9 days
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When I say I’ve “gotten into dark shadows lately” what I really mean is I’ve watched 70 episodes in 5 days (I’m sooo normal I’m so normal don’t worry about it)
In my defense, the episodes are only 20 minutes each and there’s 1,225 episodes total so really I’ve only watched a tiny amount of it so far
But. Yeah. I’ve definitely gone a little unhinged for it.
It’s kind of difficult finding people to talk with about it because, understandably, a soap opera from the 1960s with over 1000 episodes doesn’t appeal to everyone.
There’s something about it, though.
I don’t know if it’s the “flaws” that make it so charming—it was shot live, so actors frequently forget their lines, say the wrong lines and have to improvise, accidentally say each other’s lines, even forget their own character names. At one point an actor’s dress accidentally catches on fire during a scene and she finishes the damn scene because the show must go on. Improv acting ability is almost more of a necessity than regular acting ability in this show.
The soap opera format requires recapping each episode, but there are episodes where they recap scenes that just played in order to stretch the story out. The earlier episodes (and I started at 210, so I’m talking about even past that point!) are glacially slow at times.
The characters are either incredibly boring or a lot of fun. Willie Loomis is one of the best takes and best actors of the Renfield type that I’ve seen, for sure. Big beaten dog energy. Did you know they received a censor note warning them they were getting close to implying Willie and barnabas were in a homosexual relationship? It’s definitely a dark one, but I can see it. Intentional or no, the dynamic is Juicy.
Barnabas is fun to watch whenever he’s on the screen, and the slow story gives his characterization and turn from villain to hero time to really breathe. I’m kind of obsessed with how he’s stuck in the past and the trauma and darkness of it and bringing it forward into the modern day because he doesn’t see any other way to exist and everyone is suffering for it….
Maggie is a fun modern gothic heroine. And Liz and Victoria and Carolyn and roger and Burke and Joe and Sam and McGuire are….well, they’re there alright!
Anyway. Episode 280 now and I cannot *wait* to see what the next 800-odd episodes bring
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silvertws · 4 days
Bro better pull a fucking 180 on that freaking little fairy-blue thing BECAUSE HELL NAH, HELL TO HELL TO THE NAH.
Leave the boys alone bish.
I'm too attached to them.
I cannot.
I think I would simply perish.
Just like that.
I hate how attached I am to the silly Minecraft guys.
I need someone as unhinged as me to talk about the sillies, for my own sanity.
Which is, barely there honestly, but that's besides the point.
I believe in redemption arcs PETRO PLEASE, PLEASE YOU CAN STILL FIX THIS.
Please, I just want them to all be happy, I'm sobbing.
ncjekwlalls PLEASE.
Let the fellas be happy.
Like, I usually don't ship characters ok? After Origins I just don't.
But tbh platonically??? Hell yeah, let the fellas be wholesome, no kissing no nothing, just hugging, telling each other sweet things- I will literally be kicking my feet like a little kid.
Also, on a side note.
Ruined Reality rants and theories up ahead.
Heyyyyy guys how are we feeling about the Newest Ruined Reality episode??? Yeah all good? Just doing a check in on all of us.
I mean, yeah, as expected.
Also, alright, this is gonna become a slight theory moment.
Rainbow crystal + heart of the soulstice?
You know how the rainbow crystal is made with the energy of the chromatics?
Yeah well, if the rainbow crystal still works, which I'm led to believe , fusing that energy with the heart, could potentially... Either give life back to the chromatics... Or... Create new chromatics but using the older souls, kinda like reincarnation.
Mf First Curse better not bother Light smh Balance, go punch him, you literally can, since you belong in the same omniverse-? So go and punch him thank you very much.
I seriously do not know if Light will be able to bring everyone back.
If he manages to bring Steves back, it's definitely not gonna be everyone.
Not only because a lot of bodies were destroyed, but also for a storytelling factor.
Which is why all of them staying dead is a bittersweet victory, sure, you did it Light, good job! Every Steve who's left is now safe from that! Except... Well, the last Steve kingdom kinda... Doesn't like you. So I don't know if you're going to be allowed there...
Oh, so living with the professor? Yeah sure, if you want to have another metal rod in your leg you can.
Living with Ellie and uh... Cassian....?(I am so bad with names omg) in their little magic thing?
Yeah sure.
Go on.
They already adopted you my good sir, come on, they saw you and were like "yes, this one, ours now, yoink"
Proxima the GOAT.
Another possibility.
TFC: "yo Light, sup"
Light "gtfo"
TFC "No u"
And then Light gets sent to ANOTHER UNIVERSE Just to suffer AGAIN.
Because remember kids.... TFC cursed Light to suffer FOREVER AND EVER AND EVER AND- yeah you get the gist of it.
So what happens when there's nothing more to make him suffer with in one universe...?
That's right... You send him to another one so he has to start all over again... And again.. and again...
I find this very unlikely because the reset trope is kinda overused and annoying and I also believe it would take out from the whole experience.
Like on a long run, it makes sense that TFC would do that.
There's just some things you cannot do or play with enough depth.
So, going back on the main topic.
What happens now?
Smh, letting Light go through the loss of Soren not once BUT TWICE.
I already tried to explain how I think the rainbow crystal might be tied to "fixing" this.
And I think that's honestly our best bet.
Like, before this episode, I honestly thought they were simply going to yoink it from Lewis and Light was gonna use it.
But apparently they didn't do that...
Also like I'm sorry.
Nah cause like, I always found that, not particularly logical.
Without the energy from the host, the only thing left with energy IS the crystal.
It would have made sense, in that case, if the crystal, its energy, also caused Lewis body to "live" but without actually being Lewis. But pure energy.
How would the crystal stay fused with Lewis?
Does that mean bro still has some energy somehow?
Was it the soul energy that kept them forcibly united?
I'm probably looking too much into it ngl, it's probably another plot hole or simply something that will be explained later... Maybe.
If the rainbow crystal is not going to be used in any way with the heart, I'll be surprised.
It could be like, a rainbow heart or whatever.
It's seriously the only thing I have going on right now.
Because it's the only thing with enough chromatic energy left to actually do something.
Unless SOMEHOW Light goes back to the other Steve Kingdom and Genesis is fucking alive, just like that, randomly, because he can.
I have no idea if any other deities are actually canon in RR.
Is Origin Steve canon? Or any of the other things in Rainbow Quest? Because Seer, Colle, Genesis, are all things from there as we know.
So just how much from that universe also transpired into this one?
Are demon Steves a problem we're going to have to deal with after everything and Seer is finally put to rest?
Also, yes, Seer will die.
I mean, he literally asked to be killed guys, what do you want? I say let him die. Colle is gone, that's enough pain already, I'm not gonna watch Seer becoming Void again (which btw, I think it's already happening or has already happened during the fight and Void is simply playing with everyone as per usual).
Still hoping for a Light corruption/villain arc (more like corrupt) because bro deserves to let out some steam and I support Light in literally everything he will do at this point.
He needs a beach episode fr.
Actually, no.
WE need a beach episode.
... I'm drawing that shit, I'm putting that in my nonexistent list of things I need to draw for my own sanity.
I completely forgot about the redstone core guys.
I mean, I don't think that's gonna help..? Idk I feel like it's a different energy from the one in the crystal or the heart so... Idk...
But maybe it could still be used for other things???
Also, we could simply get a time skip, to like, months later or something.
It has happened before and I honestly wouldn't mind it.
There's like, the option of going to the last Steve kingdom and asking them for help, but they must have moved by now, sure we can locate them with the assistant I suppose, if it comes down to it.
Also, one thing.
(idk man, some of y'all might find this offensive or call me chronically online for this :/)
Me whenever gay is used mockingly in a Steve-verse story while literally everyone is the same fucking gender as the other and their reproduction is literally based on MAGIC.
Like I'm sorry but make it make sense.
It's probably one of the things that annoys me the most.
I'm not saying that now everyone is forced to accept ships between certain characters.
I'm saying that there are not many sexuality options in a world where there's usually one gender.
You're either, Aromantic or something on that spectrum, Asexual or in that spectrum, Gay because there's literally one gender there to be attracted to.
Unless we're talking about universes that use more.
Or we could bring in the possibility that since they're all Steves or Alexes, they're all canonically non-binary.
I don't give a single fuck about romance, I can live without it.
But it annoys me, when comments are made, that logically speaking, don't make sense.
One of the biggest plot holes in RR until Ellie was introduced, was Cliff talking about women.
Which was resolved when Ellie came through and was like "no yeah, we exist actually, well used to".
Which again creates another plot hole to how tf did Cliff even meet one of those if they went extinct.
I wanna clarify that I love RR and the other Steve verse stories or I wouldn't be talking about them. And that my rants are not directed towards the creators in any way, I do not, nor cannot, dictate how they decide to write their stories.
It's their tale to tell, I'm just here to watch, and listen.
I have opinions just like everybody else and if anybody ever takes offense (for some reason) to what I say, suck it up , talk to me like a normal person.
There are opinions to which I'm not willing to change my mind on, but I will still listen to others, just like there's some of which I will probably change my mind on.
As long as you're respectful about it, so will I.
Anyhow, I'm shit at explaining my opinions, because I'm horrible at conversations and English isn't my first language, so I'm sorry if I made it look like I was being rude or judgemental.
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woodsfae · 5 months
Babylon 5 S03E20 And the Rock Cried Out, No Hiding Place previous episode - table of contents
It's kinda wild how much b5 is exactly to my tastes. Take this (and many other!) episode titles for example. Pretentious? Maybe. Poetic? Certainly. Full of allusion? Definitely. Makes me get shivers? Absolutely.  They even give me things to complain about. I'm well settled into complaining loudly about Londo bullshit.
Last episode's beverage (for data point purposes) was straight tequila with pepsi chaser. The hangover was vile and I woke up in the middle of the night and couldn't sleep for three hours. Today's beverage - Bitterroot Brewing Co "Dirt Church" ipa. It's alright for an IPA.
I see we've moved several letters on from "t."
Yeah!! It's another Susan Ivanova personal log episode. The telepaths they've recruited are being dispersed. Sheridan is tired, and Franklin is still pacing the halls. 
All the telepaths are being accompanied by a single Narn bodyguard. Fingers crossed for some of those bodyguards to start developing some telepathy of their own after spending a long time in close quarters with a telepath!!
Londo thinks it's time to "take care of" G'Kar?? FUCK OFF.  He wants G'Kar tricked back to Narn and executed. Thanks to the previous flashbacks, I am well aware that this plot won't play out with G'Kar's actual death. But I still want to strangle Londo. Can I isekai into B5 just long enough to goddamn murder that man?? 
Religious Theo of the religious group whatevever is being highlighted this episode. In theory I appreciate how diverse B5 is, religiously speaking. In practice....ehhh. At least when it comes to people quoting the KJV and referring to "the lord" every other sentence. 
Sheridan does look rough. And there's Delenn!!! Pretty in pink. 
"[Ivanova] said you were carrying on cranky. I looked up cranky, it said grouchy. I looked up grouchy, it said crochetly. No wonder you have such an eccentric culture. None of your words have their own meaning!" 
LOL!! Delenn is so cute. Also, very seriously, I apologize to every person who needs to learn English as an adult. It's a mess. 
Once I saw a gif of Delenn propping herself up on a elbow in bed with Sheridan and I have been FERAL to see that scene ever since. Maybe today will be the episode? Delenn climbs in bed with Sheridan to make him sleep??
Na'Toth might be alive. Or her name might simply be a trap for G'Kar. I don't think Londo's plan is going to work out. If he didn't go back to Narn for literally every other Narnuan, I'm not sure he'd go back for his aide who is probably dead. Also I 100% have more faith in Vir than this. Idk where he got them, but he has a surprisingly well-developed set of morals and empathy. 
Vir: "I won't. I won't go. I won't do it."
VIR BABY. Just say you'll do it, then go and collude and G'Kar. Londo is unhinged, threatening to have Vir's family stripped naked and whipped through the streets of Centaur's capital. What a fuck. He ought to be directing his energies towards getting back Lord Whatshisface who killed Adira on behalf of the Shadows. Refa. The show reminds me in a timely manner. 
Speaking of Refa, he's giving very desperate vibes. Trying too hard to suck up, and that puts blood in the water for the sharks to scent!!
Well. Hopefully even if Vir gives into Londo's threat and tries to trick G'Kar, his obvious nerves give away that something's wrong. 
Back to Londo and the Centauri court shenanigans. Londo is, undeniably, good at putting on the type of political front that works well on Centaur. 
Susan's blowout is so good every day I have to assume it's part of the high-tech auto-dryer when you step out of the shower...or something. Because there's no way that SUSAN IVANOVA is spending twenty minutes every day achieving the most ideal blowout that has ever been hair-dried into existence. 
OK I like the religious cabal a bit better now that I know they're smuggling up-to-date information about Earth politics into Bably 5. 
GODDANG IT. G'Kar is trying to sneak back onto Narn. Well. At least I know he lives to die another day. 
Vir, I am disappointed in. 
Centaur attack on Vir!! He lives to become Emperor another day as well. Stakes drop considerably when you know certain characters' ultimate fates. 
You know who I'd love to see again? AUNT PROPHETESS! Majel!! 
Lord Refa's eyebrows deserve their own acting credit. 
oooh, Centauri telepathy attack!! 
Poor Vir. If only he had been able to keep his position on Minbar. He looked less stressed-out when he was spending most of his time surrounded by a tranquil environment. 
The Baptist pastor is hanging out with Sheridan, who is struggling to relax enough to fall asleep while also doing paperwork. Maybe. don't do paperwork while getting ready for bed. Which the pastor is also bringing up, more delicately than I would. 
OK he can stay. He is speaking common sense. 
"When youre worry tank gets full people stop coming to you, because they don't want to add to it." 
Smart. "figure out how to relax or your people will stop reading you in in an attempt to protect you." 
Zha'ha'dum minus 13 days?? 
G'Kar made it to Narn. There's climate change from the orbital bombardment. Constant wind, particulate coming down from the upper atmosphere, poor air quality. And I doubt they had recovered from the previous Centauri occupation, and possibly not even the Shadows' occupation before that! 
Emperor Cartagia is going to be traveling to B5: that seems like a significant security risk! Maybe he'll get nerfed and we'll see the glorious ascension on Emperor Londo. 
Refa's plot is to capture G'Kar instead of letting Londo do it. Fingers crossed for neither of them getting that glory. 
Delenn says there's no pattern to the Shadows' attacks. The lack of pattern is probably the point - all over the place and unpredictable so the united forces are spread as thin and widely as possible. And the tactical data sorta supports that! They haven't attacked anything in the center of the sector, so refugees are going there. And Sheridan is picking this up now, too. They could nail all the refugees at once. 
"I think this is as much about terror as it is about territory." 
Hm, Delenn is horrified by Sheridan saying he needs to think like them to beat them. Unless she has a really compelling argument against it, I'm going to have to disagree. How can you counter a tactic unless you understand it? 
Londo just knocked out a Centauri guard with a punch to rescue Vir. He gets no points from me, because he put Vir in that position. 
Unfortunately G'Kar won't get to kill Londo for quite a few years, but maybe he and the resistance will get to kill Refa and his goon squad instead. 
Damn it, Londo was two steps ahead of Refa this whole time. f.ucking annoying. Well. all Centauri warmongering genocidal politics are annoying. Refa being personally in charge of the bombardment of Narn is backfiring on his right now. 
Oh so this means that Vir was an unwitting stooge in the plot all along, and that's extra scummy, considering it resulted in Vir being mindraped and made to believe he'd just given up his mentor and employer. Very very cutthroat politics. No wonder Londo didn't name the embarassment he was planning to remove on behalf of the emperor to prove House Mollari's value. 
Baptist Pastor brought a gospel singer along with him, lol. That's very on brand. And super fucking amusing juxtaposition between her music and Refa being pursued and killed. "There's no hiding place down here." Refa being beaten to death. 
Buuuut as much as I dislike Londo, I am a fan of the person responsible for untold suffering and death getting a tiny fraction of that delivered back to them. So...annoyingly... *sigh* go Londo...
It's so fucking funny that Londo had the ability to slip refa the other half of the two-part poison all along but instead he had him beaten to death for political purposes. 
Vir is angry, but probably not enough to make him break from Londo entirely. 
Delenn has a surprise for Sheridan - "the White Star was never intended to be one of a kind, only the first..." and now there's a whole fleet. 
Hm. As far as first kisses on screen go, that one was pretty dated. I'm happy for them, but the "smear your face against the other person's face" is a style I'm glad has mostly gone away. It doesn't look very pleasant, hahah. 
Mrs Sheridan, I presume?
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nerdyvocals · 5 months
@look-at-those-niceass-rocks and I finished our watch (their first, my... eighth???) of Julie and the Phantoms the other day (*cough* over a week ago *cough*), and like the previous two times, we had some unhinged things to say about it. This one's a bit shorter as we only had episodes 8 and 9 left, but if you enjoy our dumbassery, rest assured, we'll be watching the Descendants franchise next!
Honorable mention: us spending the first 20 minutes of our call trying to find the first two posts because the blog search engine simply Does Not Work.
Captions: [Whimsical music plays] Me: Whimsical music GAYS, OHHHHHHH
*Flashback of the Hotdog Incident (tm)* Bee: Street meat street meat street meat Me: Are you saying "straight meat"??? Bee: NO!
Ray Molina : *is very engaged with his son's ghost dip theory* Bee: The Bandit Heeler energy on this man
Julie: *outside the Patterson's house* Me: Do you have tissues?? Bee: Uhhh, yeah, next to me? Me: Good Bee: Oh boy
*cue lots of sniffling over Unsaid Emily*
Bee: You can tell their prefrontal lobes stopped developing at 17 Me: Yeah, I guess that happens when you die? Brain stops growing?? Bee: hehehe brain machine broke
Julie: What the heck??? Me: Let Julie say fuck! Bee: Of all the characters, Julie should get to say fuck
Me: Finale time! Any predictions? Bee: Oh god, I don't think I could outdo the pink ladies one, uhhh
Bee then spends the next minute and a half being a prophet (in a sense): 1. Alex is going to get a very dramatic on-screen kiss with Seth Clearwater because otherwise I will be Upset 2. In the same way they become Real-or like. Where people can see them-when they play, they will find a way to be corporeal where they can touch each other 3. I think there should be a dance fight with-oh, fuck, what's his name? Evil ghost man?? With his Ghost Cocaine???
Alex and Willie: *emotional hug* Me: WAIT PAUSE. *zooms in on Alex's hand* I think I have that ring. Bee: Riveting.
The boys: *trying to get the PATD opener gig* Promoter: *freaking out* Assistant: *unbothered* Me: A lesbian and an incel are trapped in an office together. Bee: The incel is going to get eaten. Me: And not in the way he wants!
Julie: *having a cry in the alley* Me: I wonder how much they had to pay to keep that Subway sign in the background.
Julie: *takes dahlia from the street vendor* Bee: Truffula tree lookin-ass flower.
Bee: Also I didn't want to ruin that beautiful moment, but all I could think of was "mom come pick me up I'm scared."
Me: this poor tech guy is Going Through It (tm)
Carrie: Been here before Trevor: *Bombastic side eye* Bee: HA that look said, "Damn, I really forgot to parent this girl"
Nick: *Jamming* Us: GO FEDORA KID!!!
Me @ Trevor: That man is going to pass out
Me, as the Boys are appearing: See, I've always wondered what was going on in the ghost club side of this scene, cause look, their costumes are missing pieces! Alex's shirt is open, Reggie's jacket is just gone! Bee: Oh yeah Me: Like it's probably just a storytelling choice to show they're where they want to be via clothes, 'cause this is more in line with how they dress normally, but it does make me wonder what we're missing. Like is there a fight? Luke: *appearing* Me: See his sleeves got ripped off! How and why? Bee: They did that for us. You, specifically Me: *cackling*
Julie and Luke: *crying, about to hug* Me, noticing that Luke's pants Fit Very Well: Not the most important thing happening here, but uh, dat ass tho
After rewinding the scene a bit because it didn't hit Bee in the moment that They Were Hugging Bee: I was so caught up in the euphoria of a good butt that for a moment, I lived in a world where they weren't ghosts
Julie + Phantoms: We played the Orpheum! Me: Saved by the power of friendship! Bee: And this man's ass!
Me: So yeah, that was Julie and the Phantoms, how ya feeling? Bee: Great! This definitely won't change my brain chemistry forever
Next up, Descendants!
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unsleepingtales · 5 months
A lesson I have learned about myself in the past few months is no matter where in the world I am I will make time for fantasy high!
Greetings from Not Home, my sleep schedule is absolutely fucked. Without further ado let’s dive right into episode 18 (!!)
So. Picture the ocean.
Burth Bakarath <3
Yeah the fact that they’re allowed to hold the election off of school grounds is still wild to me
Oh my god MURPH came up with Gerard Neigh???? Love him so bad
Happy Birthday Me And Congratulations President Applebees
Ooh okay so they’re trying to get the nightmare king to fuck with the ship?
I love ship stats!!!!
As the birthday boy/most popular kid in school ☺️
The bad boys are steering the ship!!
I love the dynamic of the Most Powerful Girls In The World and The Coolest Guys
Hey guys be nicer to Jawbone please
K2 was such a gift to Ally
! My stepdad lives on a houseboat !
(Lou making panicked flailing sounds)
Emily. Fully making matcha.
I’m gonna do a full matcha ceremony!! It always makes the meth go down smooth!!!
What the fuck is happening guys. Am I out of it or is this just unhinged.
Classic back of house actions
I’m SO glad that Fight Me In The Sky is an enduring bit
ASO reference??
Take one and pass it on!
Oh my god look at the little party lights on the Hangman mini!! It’s so nice!!
There’s always time for a weird jawbone story!
Cmon mannnnn
We were all rooting for you!
Beautiful. Majestic. BAM.
Ooh what does Zac’s shirt say?? It’s blocked by the cloud. World Oyama something
I know it’s huge actually but the teeny tiny dragon mini is so cute
Yeahhh let’s keep it voting!
Murph’s hair looks very nice!
Zac’s shirt says World Oyama Karate!
What does knocked prone mean in this situation
Oooh Adaine had silvery barbs now!
Zac just Lives in crit city now
Gorgug Thistlespring the man you ARE…..
Keelhaul the fucking dragon hell yes
Thank fuck for uncanny dodge
Aaaaaaaa gorgug
And there’s the shot from the trailer!
We’re actually being attacked by dragons, we’re just making it fun!
I am trying to scroll tumblr as I watch the episode and I am fighting for my fucking LIFE to not get the Beardsley wild moment spoiled
‘Remember when we died?’ Oh you two are best friends who died together <3
Even the dragons look afraid
The nightmare king!!!!
Oh that hand is so coooool
Damage thresholds are so great
Oooooohoho Eugenia love you
Ain’t no party like a seacaster party cause a seacaster party blows up!!
I’m so glad that Riz likes his teacher now
I’ll be nearby! But I Have To Go
Steve Kornacki mention !
Have they guaranteed that everyone at the party is voting for Kristen? That’s just a given at this point?
I love the rain animation so much but it is kind of distracting unfortunately
Adaine Abernant PARTY WIZARD
God they keep saying Gerard and it keeps catching me off guard.
Solo Baxter? No Sandra Lynn?
“(mouth full of almonds) Oh my fucking god” cc writers ilyyyy
Zac was that to the tune of grandma got run over by a reindeer
They work together so well!!!!
I love Eugenia’s energy
I am gonna have it dissolve her. If it works.
She’s going to Hudol! She’s going steady with Perceval!
Literally 50/50 odds but we all know how this is gonna go
Zac fully dming this moment is beautiful
She might be pregnant??
You had your chance, and what you did was say blimey
She extrudes through time back to… England.
Heyyyy tornado!!!
Yeah how do you go back to plot after that
Oh fuck!
Oh god the editing for the sneak peek for next week was fantastic
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eshtaresht · 2 years
Oh oh oooh.... spoilers for ep 7
sooo, my predictions basically came true: livio is out of the picture but still alive, vash communicated with the plant and now something's wrong with him
we saw a glimpse of raslo!!!!! so glad that LR are relevant to the story, they deserve more screen time and they're gonna get it
wolfwood was so unhinged, like yay girl go fuck shit up. yeah I'm sure you can move the canon with your bare hands, sweety
the sand steamer episodes were already adapted in the og anime, so it made sense to use it as a backdrop for a different story. bad lad gang members were basically comic relief, and I'm okay with that
meryl is so GREAT in stampede!! I love to see her development and how she is an active participant in the story and gets to have emotional moments. as much as I love the capable "iron lady" meryl, she was often sidelined in the og series
roberto's big "I'M GONNA GET KILLED OFF" forehead sticker is getting bigger with every episode
I despise legato but also love him, what a drama queen... just can't get enough of this twink's attitude
y'all are saying that zazie pulling that worm from their mouth was sooo gross. really? REALLY???don't you remember WHERE that one worm came from in the manga????? be grateful
and vash......... oh boy. love how he trusted meryl with the whole ship, even tho an episode ago he acted pretty cold. also worked with wolfwood as a team, so cool to see them bonding, especially that interaction after the canon fired
and, of course, the plant stuff!!! a bit disappointed that we're not gonna see any feathers or wings in stampede (at least it seems that way)....... apparently they decided to stir away from christian imagery and embrace a sci-fi look. the designs are cool tho and really drive home that it's some nonhuman bullshit
I sorta expected the final scene, but it was so, so good! the terror in meryl's eyes... and vash finally showed his "oh he's fucked up actually" face. and fucking COLLAPSED. what an icon
I'm curious on what happened with him and the plant. they definitely contributed to stopping the ship, but was there some power exchange and if so, in which direction? ep 8's gonna be mainly expositional, and should clear this up (as seen in the preview, lil' vash does a similar thing with a plant. partially merging??? giving away his energy and that's why his eyebrows are black???)
I already made my predictions for the next two episodes, so that's all for now. man, what a ride
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baflegacy · 7 months
I just watched the new games video and can we talk about the Chamanda dynamic? Like Changela and Amangela are power duos, but I really enjoy Chamanda? On smoshmouth they're old girlfriends catching up with some wine and on board af they're the petty aunties fighting during game night. Their episode of reddit stories is one of my fave with all the back and forth that didn't need Shayne to steer the conversation, he just let them do their thing.
You can feel that they became really close in the last year and it's apparent on tntl. If Angela is there they almost do all their bits with a combination of the 3 of them and if she's not, like on tntl #132, they choose each other for their duo bits pretty much exclusively.
Every time Chanse makes a joke she cackles and every time she makes a joke or a weird sound, he's doing his wheeze laugh, which I feel like only her, Angela, Courtney and recently Shayne have unlocked. He seems hard to make laugh, or if somebody makes a joke he'll say "that's funny" and not laugh lol but they tickle his funny bone and it's so wholesome.
I'm sorry for the word vomit but their dynamic is underrated and I love them. I mourn idiots presents everyday...like imagine a Chamanda, Amangela and Changela episode, what could've been...
but yes!! yeah!! i feel like chanse and amanda, when paired together for something, are definitely the duo that Commit Hard, and they especially want to commit hard if angela's involved. like, Amanda throws something at chance and chance volleys it back with the most intense/unhinged energy ever. you can see it in the baf legacy video with amadeus/katchem/danny
and the familiarity too! LOVEE their service industry reddit stories, you can really see how they relate to each other and its nice :))
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georgieluz · 1 year
if you don't mind much, what was every thought that crossed your mind during ray persons scenes in gen kill?
every single thought? anon, don't tempt me
that being said, i shall give the people what they want! so ray is the kind of annoying that i live and breathe for. the kind of annoying that makes me wanna open up his brain and dive inside. just pure unadulterated unhinged energy! zero shame or dignity present in that one. none whatsoever. but it's endearing y'know? i wanna tell him to shut the fuck up but i also want him to live in my pocket and give me a running commentary on my life?
i didn't wanna love him at first. it's gonna sound weird but it felt too predictable for me to go for yet another smartass idiot who can't for the life of him know when to shut the fuck up. so i kind of rebelled against myself and held out for a while. eventually though, he did wear me down and i did find myself shaking my head disapprovingly but smiling fondly alongside brad. i think though it was the deeper aspects of his character that finally drew me in, the ones that you have to look deeper into, in the shorter scenes that maybe don't seem that important but have subtler little details.
and if we do wanna get deep about it then i always enjoy a character who clings desperately onto humour and sheer absurdity as a coping mechanism. it's pretty clear that ray falls within that category and i did enjoy getting to see a little bit of how he reacts when he can't reach for that coping mechanism as easily, when he's too exhausted and fed up to pull the mask on.
another thing i noticed that made me appreciate him from just a really small action is in the episode where everyone is trying to cheer walt up. ray uses his method of being a comedic annoyance to give walt some kind of normalcy that he probably isn't getting from the others, who are trying to reassure him and look after him in a more direct and 'impactful' way. but ray decides to go and basically dry hump his head and say stupid shit and yeah, walt is a bit irritated bc of everything he's dealing with, but as a viewer, we get to see ray actively using the way the other marines see him to try and give walt a sense of "nothing is going to change, you're still you and i'm still me". whilst brad, nate and espera are there basically outwardly telling him not to worry (and walt needed that too, i love my dads <3), ray takes a much subtler approach in supporting him. which when you think about it, really is the opposite to how we talk about ray usually. he's anything but subtle generally, so i think this little bit of information and look into his character, and intentions, was something that just really stood out to me bc he chose that approach for walt, imo at least. i know it's a tiny tiny scene but it just helped confirm a lot of my thoughts about how ray approaches things and how, sure, he is naturally unhinged and doesn't think before he speaks a lot, but sometimes, you can actively see him using that humour and those jokes and all his ridiculous antics to pull his friends out of whatever dark crevice their mind has fallen into. he does it with brad as well. i feel like his actor portrayed those purposeful moments really well also, because for me, i could tell when he was just being ridiculous and himself and talking shit, and when he was playing it up to keep others focused on him and not the other shit going on around them. anyway. this is one of the reasons i love his character and his portrayal a lot. it's not lost on me that it actually is a back-and-forth with ray that eventually pulls walt out of his downward spiral either, at least surface-level. it was a team effort, but ray continuing to prode him eventually got him to 'snap out of it' and feel like he was being treated normally.
and as much as i loved his comedic scenes throughout the series, and all his songs and ways of keeping everyone entertained, i really enjoyed his portrayal and depiction in the last two or so episodes, where you start to notice the mask slipping. it's thrown back on pretty quickly, but i appreciated that we got that small insight into how everything has actually affected him and it actually felt different afterward. he goes back to being a smartass and being the annoying friend who never shuts up, but you can see he's changed somewhere deep down underneath as well.
and the fact that it's his final look toward trombley that kind of sums up the conclusion of the show and the true realisation about what they did there. i don't know if i can explain it coherently yet, i guess i'm still processing what i'm trying to say about that final scene. i'm sure it's been said a thousand times by someone, a lot more eloquently that i ever could, but his final look really spoke volumes to me. his reaction to trombley and the video and then finally walking away felt like a confirmation of the message that the show presents to us throughout the whole series, but which they let us pick up and spin around for a few episodes to fully absorb, before letting ray finish it up with a single look. idk, maybe i'm just rambling.
maybe this is completely different from what you were asking for anon, so i'm really sorry if it disappoints you, or you were just looking for silly commentary on all the unhinged shit that comes out of his mouth lmao but yeah. i am a little bit obsessed with ray person. i truly would like to examine his brain up close.
all that raging internalised homophobia as well, huh?
anyone wanna unpack that with me?
it'll be fun, i promise
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alitgblog · 3 months
alright s9 vol 5 thoughts: the episodes are getting less interesting to me but also shit I might be becoming a Hamish fan
I had a bunch of gems saved up because I got a bunch of the rewards from playing s4 episodes and also because I was slowly replaying S4, I kept getting the daily log in gems and the ones from watching ads, so I was fully prepared to use them this volume. And then oh nope I'm not even remotely interested in the drama they're asking me to pay to learn. Like I think I got one of the new dresses because I was sick of the t-shirt dress, but that's it.
"Woah woah woah I still don't know what's going on here" has basically been the name of the last two seasons with how much you gotta pay to listen to drama that mc conveniently wasn't around for
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So Melissa gets dumped and her partner also gets dumped but he doesn't say much, which you'd think because no matter which route you're on, he did briefly have a thing for MC, he'd at least say something to her. Or there'd be an opportunity for a hug or closure? Nope. Goodbye, Henri. (And I played this on the fourth of july, that's just unAmerican 😤).
Then comes the highlight of the episode for me, which is the impressions game, because it could've worked so well and yet it happens soooo fucking badly.
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But like the sticky notes on their foreheads, sure. It's like an easy gimmick to change the sprites so the game feels different. Like every time that they bring out the hideaway box, it's mildly exciting but mostly corny. But then it spoils which islander is coming up next, so why couldn't they have done it one at a time? Like show Will's name on Finn's forehead first, and then when that's done, THEN Kelly pulls out Bea's name and puts that on her forehead. And we shouldn't be able to see MC's note. Like let us guess and potentially be wrong lol.
Another even easier way to do this, is just drawing names out of a hat so the person pulling has to do an impression. Then MC has more opportunities to guess (like it's more engaging for the player than just reading what everyone else is doing). And like most of the writing would be the same I think. Like MC's partner is bad so instead of saying anything Alfie actually does he just says "oh... it rhymes with Galfie?" and then Hamish can still show off and guess each one if MC doesn't get it, or even if MC does get it then he still starts explaining every islander's backstory.
I also think someone needed to have done something absolutely unhinged for Stefan's name. Like Kelly is like "omg I wasn't even thinking putting his name in" which like I don't believe her, that's kinda shady, but also just kinda boring. Maybe the producers set up the game, or if the islanders do that's fine (like just have Kat or Melissa do it instead bc maybe they want to swoop in and take MC's partner). But like if we say it's the way I described above, then Kat's partner should've been like oh I can do an impression, and then straight up kissed MC, or like did a little speech about how he wants her back, or recited something from when Stefan was upset she didn't leave the villa with him (like it's an opportunity to drop more Stefan lore the way they've been doing it, which I agree is really annoying, but just to continue the trend). And then MC of course can choose the right answer, some other islander, or just be like uhhh wtf??? And then just kick off some more drama that way.
Also the impressions started off strong with Will and then quickly just explaining what happened to that islander. Like, ever heard of show not tell? Even for Ivy, I think it would be so easy to just bring up her checklist but instead they go for "sexy librarian energy"???? tf?? On behalf of Ivy, I'm offended at that description actually. And now you got me out here defending IVY of all people.
Uh anyway, so yeah my favorite bit was Hamish being really into Love Island lore.
And like I said, I don't believe Kelly when she says she didn't mean to put Stefan's name in there. Like I don't think it'll amount to anything, but because it seems like everyone's getting the universal, default Finn being into MC route (getting Suresh treatment), I'd rather it actually be her being kind of shady on purpose. Like she's jealous actually because Finn has already told her he doesn't want to be with her and wants to be with MC. And then give the wlw players a friends to enemies to lovers route with Kelly to change it up a little.
Oh right there was an excess baggage challenge this volume. It feels too late in the game. I think we need another fun challenge, comparable to the S2 paint challenge or the cake one. I feel like we don't get many of those anymore. I think an obstacle course-esque one is fun, because you can a few quick prompts that don't really affect the game but keep the player engaged. Like the games day in S8 but less pay to win prompts.
nothing notable from the baggage though imo. like even the Finn stuff was boring. also I kinda hate him doing hosting roles post love island, idk seems like he'd more fo all in with his brewery stuff and vacationing but instead he's tied to Love Island gigs? like I see that for like Tim because he's basically like Kem from UK S3 and for a while kem did just do hosting gigs for a while so it's not unrealistic to think an islander is making an appearance somewhere else, I guess I just don't see that for Finn. and like I could think of several islanders from any of the new seasons I'd pick before finn. Honestly even Hamish I would understand.
But I only bring up the excess baggage thing because MC and Hamish crawling around trying to listen in on drama is actually so fun. Like it just feels like a S2 Bobby thing to do and I appreciate that. I do hope Hamish's route isn't ruined and also that it only happens if you romance him, because I would want this type of moment to happen even if y'all were just friends, because we get so few friends in the game these current seasons.
Then we get to Finn's pool chat. I just wish, if it were as open as he said it was, then it wouldn't be a secret late night rendezvous situation. Like have the chat in the daylight if you're not afraid, you coward. Idk gave me kinda icky vibes just like in S5, so I said no even though I do think Finn could still be a really good friends to lovers route, like on the level of Jake, but the ball is constantly being dropped with him.
and so little has happened for Finn (that we the audience know of) between this episode and last volume where nearly the same thing happens in the shower and Finn rejects MC if she tries to kiss him (and so I rejected him this time lmao)
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I saw the word double and I was afraid Marshall and/or Ozzy were gonna show up as hosts for the date (as if hosts for a date make any sense)
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And having them switch dates is kind of a fun twist if not for the fact that the twist last time was that MC went on dates with Lyle and Jude and Chen went on dates with Kelly and his ex. Chen cannot catch a break and for all the loyal girls, wheres their time with their LI?? Like, I like the idea, but maybe it could've been saved for a different season? It just feels irritating to do it back to back. Especially when they've been in there and long enough that Chen and Natasha already know they don't like each other, and it feels like an excuse for Kat and Finn to have some drama we have to pay to listen to.
But you do get to talk to Hamish about Natasha, which feels like it could've been a friendly chat in the villa and we didnt need a date excuse. But alas, we don't get chill chats in the villa anymore 😭
and his little confession!!
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Anyway,,, why am I kinda jumping ship for Hamish rn likeeeee... idk I like an individual route and I'm not liking where Finn's at rn soooo
I'm hoping for some Kelly villain vibes just for a little bit (like I said, give the wlw players an frenemies to lovers with her). Like she seems pissed about the note, and I feel like maybe she can possibly recognize Finn's handwriting? That'd be fun.
And then back to challenges, it feels too early for snog marry pie. I don't think they're doing a casa this season, just based off of leaks of islander names I don't think there's enough, but snog marry pie in my head is always around casa or after, and it just feels too early for even casa. But then again, we're on like 15 of 42, so maybe it's fine.
Yeah so overall, I don't even really remember too much. Like it's feeling like S7, and I didn't finish season 7, but I do think I'll finish this one because I'm so curious how the Finn route will go and if they'll drop the ball with Hamish and also with Stefan. And also I like making these weekly posts so I might even just keep going for that alone. but also I enjoy slow burn and second chance romance plots and drama anyway so that could make the season better for me we'll see
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synthient · 3 months
Watched the utopia three-parter, and okay yeah. Wrow
Fun departure from the more typical dynamic where the antagonist is one-sidedly/unequally obsessed, for the protagonist to have just as unhinged and worrying an obsession right back. The thing where he was going to take him home and keep him like a dog at the end? Inspired (and evidently he does do that for part of the Missy arc?)
The casual background slavery and wife beating did kill the fun somewhat. Presumably they weren't planning to have him be The recurring antagonist-frenemy for the next couple decades, and felt less restrained about including more grounded evil alongside the cartoony; fascinating choice to have the next two masters be a white woman and a man of color
Fun and valid when he was just running around giggling his way through political assasinations though
(I've had Martha for 3 episodes and I already see what team #justiceformartha was talking about. I can only hope this three-parter was playing up his treatment of her at least slightly(?) so it would feel as natural as possible when she dumped him, but jesus christ)
Simm brings a lot of fun energy to the role; Tennant is fine & I've absorbed at least some secondhand blorbo-in-law affection for him over the years. I still don't think I'd be able to get full-on Obsessed with this particular set of actors, and I doubt I would with the other two sets - no matter how much they may be queering heterosexuality, it's just not toxic yaoi. I do still plan to do a taste test of the other two recent master runs though
Is there. a reason that Tennant needed to turn into a badly cgi-ed little goblin for a good chunk of the finale (I do love his goku spirit bomb form, no notes)
I'm more convinced than ever about Rogue. There are the obvious parallels everyone's been pointing out ("fight/argue across the stars;" the master as pop song girly). But also: you're Russell T Davies. You're vocally uninterested in having the Master be the big bad again, but it's doctor who, so you are kind of contractually obligated to have him in there somewhere. What's the one thing you'd actually care about bringing him back for? Taking the insane psychosexual hero-villain homoeroticism you were only allowed to hint at in 2007, and having them kiss onscreen (in appropriately insane psychosexual fashion)
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nalyra-dreaming · 1 year
I just got to thinking that people think that Lestat is lying about the European vamps being vicious so that he could always have control over louis and Claudia BUT do you think Armand will face the same backlash as Lestat did,he is obviously a lot unhinged and maniacal than Lestat,so do you think the audience will view Armand as a villain-ish character or let it go coz he's L's bf
What I mean to say is there are some people like ohhhh he's toxic and you shouldn't like toxic characters do you think the same energy will be thrown at Armand/his fans
I've said it before, i'm actually a bit afraid of what will happen when Armand is being truly... Armand.
Because Armand is no cutie pie, not really (the little terror goblin, I love him, don't get me wrong here^^).
And... they have been pulling genre people in for season 2... I don't think they'll shy away from the horror that's to come. I've said it before, there's things to come, that will let episode 5 seem tame.
So yeah, I think there will be a backlash as soon as the illusion truly breaks. I don't think that will be right away, because some people are fixed on Lestat being that uber villain. And they cannot imagine that... we simply don't have that here. There's no good guys on this show, not even Louis.
The illusion of Rashid has already been discarded, it will be inevitable I think that we will get to the Armand that hunts, stalks, tortures, manipulates, kills. All in one's... best interest, of course.^^
So yeah, I do think there will be backlash, though it might take a moment.
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