#the vibes are so different!! without horns! who is this guy!!!
ameriel · 10 months
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au week 6 | meetcute
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chosetherose · 20 days
Ruby cocoon is giving me vibes of “gemstones nestled deep in her pocket”
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🎃 Imagine this. You’re a selfish asshole. So much of your fear is your own. You wince at your cowardice like it is a gaping wound. You so often find yourself unable to meet your own eyes. You scramble into shadows like a black cat. Scared, even, of being scared. This is a moment where things shift. Your ship is docked too far out to sea. You’d swim to it, but the waters are infested with sharks. Your life raft is long deflated. Your team is cornered on the dock, surrounded by bad guys and bystanders. Each time they step forward, your crew is shuffled back, crashing waves and gnashing jaws behind you. You glare at the enemy protectively, blocking your beloved crew from view. The enemy twists a fluffy dandelion in their fingers, already a few florets taking off in the breeze. You whimper as you watch them go, and with a sneer of amusement the enemy offers you a deal. “If you jump into the water, we won’t lay a finger on anyone else. We won’t even take the rubies.” You step forward without hesitation, accepting the deal. The enemy just laughs. “Not YOU. Her.” Your lover steps out in front of you, ready to face the music. Ready to pay for your crimes. She was always the one who was ready. You were the one who was scared. The one who overstayed your welcome in this coastal town. The one who got everyone into this mess. And now the enemy who has chased you ‘round the seas finally has you cornered. And all they want is one final sacrifice. One final act of courage from the woman who has already displayed more than enough integrity. You kiss her goodbye. And step forward. “TAKE ME INSTEAD.” You assert. Not an offer. A demand. Lightning crackles in the sky, reflecting your emotions exactly. Your lover grabs your hand, yanking you back. Refusing to let you go. Not even to save herself. Not even to save the precious little gemstones nestled deep in her pocket. Just you. You tug against her grasp, mind made up. You are a selfish asshole, except for maybe just this once. To insure the safety of those you love, you would dive off the dock willingly. Ten times over and over. You would relish in the crunch of your bones between great white teeth. You have always craved destruction. Scrawled devil horns on photos of yourself. This is different. It has to be. The enemy accepts your deal, glee filling their eyes as if this is what they wanted all along. Perhaps it is. You are a coward, but you are not a fool. You make mistakes, but never the same one twice. You are not a hero. You never have been, and you never will be. You're a selfish asshole. But there are some people in this world worth breaking character for. And so in one swift motion, you replace the solid boards beneath your feet with rushing deep blue water. 🎃
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jujumin-translates · 3 months
[A3!] Citron | [SSR] MANKAI Feature | Today's Star: The Wizard of the North
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Citron: “Sealed away in the ancient times, the White Dragon of Eternity…”
Sakuya: “What!? Wait, don’t tell me you’re going to call upon such a legendary dragon…!”
Tsuzuru: Ah, Director. You’re h… wait, what exactly is this?
Izumi: Ah, Tsuzuru-kun. Those two are in the middle of an etude right now.
Tsuzuru: No, I got that… It’s just, this really feels like some kinda Itaru-approved chuuni etude or something.
Citron: “You have finally arrived! The writer of grimoires! Prepare yourself! Hyah!!”
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Tsuzuru: HEY!? 
Citron: Ooh, Tsuzuru. You need to make your character feel much stronger there. How disappointing, you are no good at all~.
Tsuzuru: Grrh… I wasn’t even a part of your etude in the first place!
Sakuya: Ah! Could it be that you wanted to talk about Citron-san’s spin-off?
Citron: If that is the case then you should have just said so in the first place!
Tsuzuru: The hell!? You roped me into your etude against my will!
Izumi: Now, now. Anyway, since you guys are both here, would you like to hear about the spin-off too, Citron-kun and Sakuya-kun? 
Sakuya: Yeah!
Citron: Of course! I have been really looking forward to the spin-off project too.
Izumi: Without further ado, the character Citron-kun will be playing for the spin-off story streaming project is…
Izumi: The Wizard of the North from the fourth performance, “The Wonderful Charlatan of Oz”!
Izumi: All of your roles were pretty popular, but the Wizard of the North was the one that got the most votes in the fan survey.
Citron: I am glad~, it is a role that I love too.
Tsuzuru: So, today all I want from you is a super basic premise for the script.
Tsuzuru: I could write whatever I want, but I wanted to include any wishes you might have, Citron-san. Are there any that you can think of?
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Citron: Yes… Because everyone has chosen this role for me, I want to put on a story that everyone wants to hear.
Tsuzuru: Hmm, I see…
Izumi: What kind of role do you think of when you think of the Wizard of the North, Tsuzuru-kun?
Tsuzuru: The Wizard of the North is the gentlest and kindest of the four wizards.
Tsuzuru: I wrote the role with the idea of a wizard who cares the most about his people and hates conflict in mind.
Sakuya: That sounds exactly like Citron-san…!
Tsuzuru: Well, if we’re talking about a kind wizard, then it makes sense that the other wizards like West and East are the complete opposites, right?
Citron: I want to play any role in any story that is written by you, Tsuzuru. I will leave it to you!
Tsuzuru: Is that you saying you have faith in me?
Tsuzuru: But thanks. I guess I’ll try my best to write something with that vibe in mind.
Tsuzuru: If you think of anything else, just let me know.
Citron: Understood. We will work on role studying while we wait very eggcitedly for you to finish. Sakuya, I would like you to help me with my role study right away!
Sakuya: You’ve got it!
Citron: “What…? I can hear someone’s voice in my head…”
Sakuya: “A voice?”
Citron: “Hah… Ah, you are the Keeper of the Sacred Forest… the Lord of the Great Horn of the Rainbow…!”
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Sakuya: “Lord of the Great Horn of the Rainbow-sama…!? Could it be that something happened in the forest….!?”
Tsuzuru: I thought you said you were going to role study. This feels like something entirely different…
Izumi: C’mon, just let them have their fun.
Tsuzuru: Sometimes I wonder how the hell I manage to put up with you all…
· ❀ —– ٠ ❀ ٠ —– ❀ ·
*Page turns*
Citron: This script that I received from Tsuzuru… It is very interesting!
Citron: (There are the Wizards of the East and West, who are evil wizards, and the Wizards of the North and South, who are good wizards.)
Citron: (It is a story about the wizard healing the trees, flowers, and people who were affected by the war between the evil wizards while waiting for Dorothy to one day visit…)
Sakuya: So it’s a story about the Wizard of the North trying to protect people without harming them with his magic. I also think it’s really…
Citron: …
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Sakuya: Citron-san…?
Citron: …The Wizard of the North is just like me.
Sakuya: Huh?
Citron: He cares the most for his people and hates conflict. He tries to lead his people with strength and kindness.
Citron: But… powerful forces and ties cannot help but make him feel helpless…
Citron: The Wizard of the North is just like me when I was the crown prince.
Sakuya: …
Sakuya: Um…
Citron: What is it, Sakuya?
Sakuya: I thought this story was really interesting to read, plus it aligns with the plot of the original Wizard of Oz…
Sakuya: So I’m sure that people who liked the original and people who like “The Wonderful Charlatan of Oz” will find it interesting too.
Sakuya: But on the other hand, I also think that since it’s such a gentle story, there’s no one better than you to perform it, Citron-san.
Citron: Ohh? I suppose this is a gentle enough story. It is a story about him protecting his people without harming them until their savior comes.
Sakuya: That’s not it. Because the Wizard of the North is still hurting.
Sakuya: Your kindness isn’t out of helplessness, Citron-san. I’m certain that so many people have been saved by your kindness you can’t even count just how many there are.
Sakuya: I know because I’m one of them.
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Citron: Sakuya…
Sakuya: Um, these are…
Citron: Ohh? Are those the fan responses from the survey for my spin-off project?
Sakuya: They are. Sorry that I looked at them without asking you first.
Sakuya: The fans wrote about what they thought of the plays and stuff on them, so I asked the Director if she could show me a little bit from everyone else’s too.
Sakuya: Please look at how everyone who left responses feels.
Citron: …
Sakuya: Just like it says in all of these, everyone loves the Wizard of the North’s kindness.
Survey A: “I love the Wizard of the North because he’s just as kind as Citron-kun is.”
Survey B: “Gentle magic might not be powerful, but it’s definitely the strongest force that gives people hope for life.”
Citron: --.
Sakuya: So even though he’s gentle, the Wizard of the North can save lots of people using his kindness, the strongest magic of all.
Sakuya: At least… That’s what I think…
Citron: Thank you, Sakuya.
Sakuya: No, no. I’m sorry… I was just kinda rambling there.
Citron: It is okay. I meant what I said. I would like to make this a story that everyone would like to hear.
Citron: If that is what the people want, we have to give it to them.
Sakuya: Citron-san…!
Sakuya: Then you should go tell Tsuzuru-kun.
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Citron: Yes! Sakuya, you will come too!
Sakuya: Okay!
· ❀ —– ٠ ❀ ٠ —– ❀ ·
Sakuya: Hehe…
Citron: Ohh, you seem to be in a good mood, Sakuya.
Sakuya: I am! I’m really happy to be able to play Rick again…!
Citron: I am happy too.
Sakuya: …You’re in a good mood too, Citron-san?
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Citron: Yes. It is just as you said, Sakuya. This is very much a gentle story.
Citron: I would like to cast a spell that will warm the hearts of those who see it, even if it is only for a little bit.
Sakuya: …Yeah.
Izumi: Are you two ready? It’s about time to start filming.
Citron: It is time! Let us go, Sakuya!
Sakuya: Awawah, wait! 
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Brothers: “Wizard of the North-sama, please help us.”
Izumi: (The Wizard of the North casts a spell of blessing on the brothers, who lost all their possessions while fleeing from a neighboring nation where strife has continued.)
Wizard of the North: “I give my blessings to the both of you. May the thing most precious to you never be lost.”
Wizard of the North: “I wish you safety and happiness as your journey continues.”
Brothers: “Thank you very much, Wizard of the North-sama…!”
Izumi: (The brothers depart thanks to the Wizard of the North.)
Izumi: (As he watches the two leave, a butterfly comes to him and lands on his staff.)
Butterfly: “Your Northness, a town, and a flower field disappeared this morning…”
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Wizard of the North: “Haah… Not again…
Wizard of the North: “It must be that the Wizards of the East and West are skirmishing over the land because they were chastised by Oz.”
Wizard of the North: “That whole ordeal has truly had a number of effects on the surrounding lands.”
Wizard of the North: “As a fellow wizard, I’d love to do something about it, however, I don’t have the power to stop them…”
Wizard of the North: “Ahh, I truly am useless. Just what will the future hold for this country?”
Wizard of the North: “If you have come to me once more, that must mean…”
Izumi: (He goes to the flower field where the attack happened at the request of the butterfly.)
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Wizard of the North: “This flower field is a mess. What a truly horrible thing to do.”
Wizard of the North: “Hm? Someone’s crouched down over there…! What’s wrong, are you okay!?”
Rick: “...”
Wizard of the North: “You’re Oz’s… No, now you are the great Wizard of Oz.”
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Rick: “Wizard of the North-sama…”
Wizard of the North: “You govern the Emerald City quite well on Oz’s behalf. You’re doing a wonderful job, you know.”
Wizard of the North: “...You look down. Is something the matter?”
Rick: “...The recent damage caused by the Wizards of the East and West has spread to the Emerald City.”
Rick: “One of the fountains was partially destroyed today.”
Rick: “I want to do something for the people, but I don’t have Oz-sama’s power or courage.”
Rick: “Day after day I’m busy listening to the counsel of the people who visit the castle the best I can, but…”
Rick: “No matter how hard I try, I’ll never be as good as Oz-sama.”
Wizard of the North: “...”
Rick: “And now… This is what’s happened to the flower field I walked through with Oz-sama…”
Rick: “I’m sure Oz-sama will be disappointed when he returns someday.”
Rick: “If I can’t even protect this flower field, how am I supposed to protect the Emerald City…?”
Wizard of the North: “...Then I shall cast a spell of blessing on you. Keep your chin up and let me see your face.”
Wizard of the North: “Now…”
*Spell is cast and flowers bloom*
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Rick: “Huh?”
Rick: “Wow… That’s amazing! It’s a whole field of yellow flowers…!”
Wizard of the North: “May my blessing aid you. While I cannot be with you always, I am a wizard, so I will be watching over you and protecting you as you go.”
Wizard of the North: “However, you can be there for your people and take their feelings into consideration. You can do what you can and do what you must.”
Wizard of the North: “You may be Oz, but that does not mean you are Oz.”
Rick: “...”
Wizard of the North: “This blessed magic responds to one’s heart. So when you need it most, someone will surely be there to help.”
Wizard of the North: “Rest assured, you will do your duty for the Emerald City. And I shall do mine.”
Rick: “Right…! Thank you so much, Wizard of the North-sama.”
Rick: “Um, Wizard of the North-sama, I have a favor to ask of you.”
Wizard of the North: “What is it?”
Rick: “Could you please teach me the magic you just used?”
Rick: “It doesn’t have to be some grand blessing. I just want to be able to make these yellow flowers bloom.”
Rick: “That way everyone can have a smile on their face.”
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Wizard of the North: “Hehe… A great wizard becoming my apprentice…”
Wizard of the North: “Very well.”
Rick: “Thank you so much!”
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Izumi: (Then one day, many years later… the butterfly comes to the Wizard of the North once again.)
Butterfly: “Your Northness, a tornado appeared suddenly, and out of that tornado came a house.”
Butterfly: “Said house seems to have struck the Wizard of the East’s castle.”
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Wizard of the North: “How…”
Wizard of the North: “What in the world… No, could it be…”
Wizard of the North: “Ah, Rick… the blessed magic is upon us--.”
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Izumi: …This really is a gentle story.
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Tsuzuru: It really is. But that’s not just because of Citron-san, it’s because of Sakuya too.
Tsuzuru: The kindness of one person alone can break the curse for a single day, but the magic of kindness can be transferred to others, little by little, just like that…
Tsuzuru: It’ll gently light up the hearts of many. And the only ones who can do that are--.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
*High five*
Citron: We did it! The spin-off performance was a great success!
Sakuya: Hehe, we did it!
Citron: Sakuya. …Thank you for always being with me, both as Rick and as my roommate.
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Citron: It is because of you that I was able to do this performance.
Sakuya: I want to thank you too, Citron-san.
Sakuya: Thank you so much for always having such overwhelming kindness!
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
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Tsuzuru: Hey. That right there.
Izumi: Yeah… I agree.
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lixenn · 2 months
So I went absolutely bananas...
After participating in the picrew tag game (thanks again @cloudvaria for tagging me 🫡) I decided to go insane and do this for ALL OF MY OCS THAT I HAVE VISUALS OF!
It was so fun, I literally couldn't stop, so without further ado have my housekeeping AU cast in pixel version:
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Naturally we are starting with Chief who looks extra tired and has the health of a wet paper towel. I forgot to give him his beauty mark but I wanted the double eyebags anyways, so just use your imagination for that🫡Since Dan loves plant and is good at gardening he gets high plant skill (whatever that plant stands for i have no clue lmao)
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Introducing catboy!Dave into the world! Because Dave is so majorly catcoded I couldn't resist. His hair is pink because of course it is, that guy never stays at one hair colour for long. High cooking stat because my baby is skilled in the kitchen, which is good because he's Chief's main food provider.
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Vlasta! @childe-of-saulot tagging you because well it's Vlasta lol Notably the background for Vlasta is different from all the others because I really couldn't match their vibes with colthing and hair so they get the scary background instead. Also! Their name didn't fit! How dare! I used Dave's nickname for them instead. Vlasta gets all the sharp pointy things because they deserve them. The demon asthetic was added because I'm still obssessed with VV's demon play photos, so Vlasta gets the horns and tail too.
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The first Valerie visual! And it's pixel art lmao 🤣 But it's pretty accurate imo so here we go! Val has the highest attack because she is badass, also two knives because there was no naginata option so she just gets more weapons 👍🏼
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It honestly didn't surprise me but Yves was the easiest one to make, simply because their vibe really fits this picrew so hard. I'm so happy with the dress option it's so yvescore TT I don't know if i officially mentioned it but Yves fights with a fan (but not often, they avoid conflict if possible but they are still prepared in case they need to defend themselves).
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And last but not least the local librarian Cilmi! @dreamieparadise Look! It's the boy! The hair isn't a perfect match because his is in a bob but that one was the only textured type that I liked. He got two books because a librarian can't just have one book in his inventory. He also got anti anxiety meds which are for René. High intelligence stat because he's a very smart cookie.
Anyways that's it for now! I will probably do my other ocs once I actually know what they look like (and if I don't forget).
Not making this a tag game but if anyone also wants to do this with their ocs here is the link to the picrew. In case you wanna join me in my insanity I would love to see the result so feel free to tag me if you post your own picrew pixel ocs!
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thebaffledcaptain · 5 months
Things that happened at the 250th anniversary of the British garrison at Fort Ticonderoga
as relayed by a humble fifer for His Majesty’s army, for his own records:
As if the unit needed any more musicians, we now have a fifth. We will not be sharing any with the rest of the British Brigade but you can bask in our glory and also our obnoxious fife practicing.
Speaking of which, we accidentally kind of adopted the 13-year-old drummer from the 24th. We joked about poaching from from his unit until we actually had to talk him out of it because he's not based in our area and, being 13, cannot drive himself to events that are fully in a different state.
At some point, however, he shows up in a bright yellow 26th regiment coat, having been temporarily poached to drum their musket demonstration anyway.
For some reason the Captain decided to entrust Music with kitchen duty this weekend, which seemed like a risky move at first given that we are essentially a bunch of overgrown teenagers who simultaneously overcooked the rice and undercooked the peas, but it ended up being pretty damn good apart from that. I cannot personally take credit for much as I was in the middle of Lake Champlain for the entirety of the time supper was being cooked.
We made a frankly ludicrous amount of boiled cabbage for dinner (lunch). No one was going to eat that much cabbage. The officers instructed us to dispose of it somehow.
Of course, we couldn't just let one person do it. All six of us had to go. Our 21-year-old acting fife major took this job very seriously.
"Cabbage Detail... to the front… march!”
The cabbage was rather inelegantly dumped into a pile on the edge of the woods. We gave it a soldier's funeral (saluted it and sang Roslin Castle badly).
Helped to load the bateau onto the cart to be put into the water. Little 24th drummer showed up in full regimental regalia because no one in his unit warned him the thing was covered in pine tar (which, I realized, has a rather pleasant smell that made the whole ordeal much more bearable). His white smallclothes did not make it out entirely unscathed.
Fellow Cheshire fifer and I immediately volunteered to be part of the boat crew. I had assumed the spots would go faster but perhaps most people don't want to spend half an hour bailing lake water out of a bateau.
Some guy at the marina was either high or drunk and heckled us for a solid 10 minutes as we loaded the thing into the water. I suppose it's not every day you see a bunch of 18th century soldiers get into a glorified canoe and start bailing within two minutes but still, you'd think that if something worked with consistent success for thousands of years even a guy with no sense of history would realize that's not going to change now.
Like, we were maybe 200 feet out and he was still going. He just could not fathom that we could get around the point and to the dock within the 25 minute estimate given to him by our boatmaster. But you know, in his defense, maybe it was 30 minutes and not 25...
Supper was quite good except that, with Music doing the cooking, we almost de-soldered a kettle by cooking a bunch of dill and potatoes in it without any water. Once again I was on the lake while this happened so this was not my fault.
I managed to lose my modern thumbpick for my mandolin at home somewhere along the line and didn’t realize until I got to the event. I used a horn button instead. I would not recommend it unless you have no other choice.
Small tavern night but nothing compared to the raving tavern we had at Dey Mansion. A bunch of boy scouts sleeping over with LED headlights were running around and kind of killing the vibe.
Next morning is rainy and dull. At least one fellow sleeps through reveille but in his defense he was feeling quite awful from a migraine, in period accurate style.
Also in period accurate style, the Captain shows up with two dozen Dunkin Donuts for the 22nd lads now that a fire isn't an option. That's how you know it's Sunday morning. Little 24 manages to snag two.
In his defense, I had two as well. The 13-year-old boy in me won. I figured I'd spent enough time on the two-person saw yesterday to earn it.
For some reason yesterday I decided to volunteer for gabion duty in the morning. Now it’s raining and I don’t know why I did that.
The gabion crew spends maybe 45 minutes complaining in the mud and the rain. There’s an assembly line going: a couple guys digging, a couple guys passing the buckets up, one guy dumping them and throwing them back down, and a Bucket Boy to catch them. Allegedly.
The banter is spectacular. Our only marine is nearly decapitated by a flying bucket. Little 24 shows up (in a DIFFERENT 26th coat) to be the Bucket Boy but our Bucket Boy sucks and keeps tossing the buckets in the wrong direction. The musicians threaten several people with the cat-o-nine. None of this is OSHA approved. There’s talk of unionizing. The cabbage is still in a pile at the edge of the woods.
At some point the artillery company marches out and we all collectively decide gabion duty is done despite being on duty for another hour or something. Ironically enough this was one of the more enjoyable and memorable parts of the event by virtue of it being so miserable. It was quite authentic.
Also really enjoyed the singular marine (with his head thankfully still intact after the gabions) at this event, who, when I asked if my brand new forage cap—rather large on my apparently rather small head—was still holding up after hauling mud around for 45 minutes, observed that the front was practically over my ear and very politely commented “it’s very rakish”
We all kind of shuffle around in the grass to get the mud off our shoes. In my own words, my ‘dashes are absolutely spattered. I am still repeating this phrase because it sounds like British slang for being really drunk or something.
I return to the barracks to hold some very warm hard boiled eggs in my very cold hands. Very effective, would recommend.
Not much going on apart from a few very dedicated visitors who braved the rain to make it to the event. We march out an hour early. My fellow fifer and I get to the car and make a beeline for the local Stewart’s for shakes to ease the post-reenactment depression.
All in all, a small but memorable event that, for me, really solidified the concept that Normal People don’t drive several hours to dress up in period clothing and do physical labor. I, however, am not Normal People, and had a great time.
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qpjat076 · 2 months
So I JUST finished TDP season 6. . .
spoilers under cut, unorganized long-ass essay because it do be 4am and i have many thoughts and no one awake to listen to them. brief content warning about abuse but no details, just mentioned:
ok season 5 was better but this wasn't terrible. I still have no idea how they pull the Y7 rating with all the blood. I'm both appalled and impressed. And also some of that other stuff too. . . with like the wash-down with Claudia and Terry. . . damn idk that seems a little over Y7 to me but go off I guess.
TERRY YOU DESERVE BETTER. That whole thing just gives me flashbacks to my buddy's abusive relationship (minus voodoo) and I just want to scream at him to GTFO before it's too late. is this gonna be some reverse joker thing? idk. bad vibes.
Why they brought Viren back just to kill him was dumb but damn it was fun to see Claudia go so unhinged in ep 1.
who tf wrote the Rayllum part of this season because HOLY FANFICTION BATMAN THERE WAS ONLY ONE BLANKET. ALSO WAS THAT ONE END CREDITS SKETCH AT THE END OF EP 9 AGED RAYLLUM WITH A KID?!?!??! WAS THAT REAL?!?!? DAMN. WOW. (Edit: while that shot in particular upon looking at it again is maybe Rayla and her parents because the dude has pointed ears. . . but then if that's the case. . . why doesn't he have horns? that shot is super weird i wonder if the art dept. made a mistake and if not I have a thousand questions.)
Regarding that, does that mean final season time skip? Uncertain. Doesn't make a lot of sense to me. I hope not. timeskip for JUST the final season when the problems are here and now makes no sense at all. (Edit: again, clearly no skip if that''s the parents but also WHERE ARE THE HORNS. HOW COULD YOU FORGET THE HORNS YOU HAD ONE JOB GUYS I'M PRETTY SURE THERE ARE NO HORNS ON THAT GUY).
regarding rayllum tho, this season, it felt too much like fan service honestly? especially that dumbass ship monologue it was so dumbbbbbbbbbbbbbb i hated that. I DID like that Callum finally confronted the whole dark magic thing with Rayla. Interesting to see where he goes from here. Aaravos doesn't need him as a vessel with claudia around but he might still try to mess with him now that he's free. I did like the resolution and where it eventually ended up but that part of the build up was just KILLER (derogatory)
Props to Rayla and her 3 dads I love it, I thought that resolution made sense. Her parents had each other but Runaan can't move on without Ethari and I respect being that down bad for a man. Regarding the rep. . . who else is seeing something with Soren and Corvis? I think they could be on to something there. or not. I wouldn't mind either way, we need more caring friendships shown between men in media. the show has plenty of rep without it, so to me I think it works either way. tho I will say that's my opinion as a straight person so maybe others feel differently?
Janaya wedding was lit, but I have thoughts on Amaya: namely, why have we stopped showing so much of her ASL? I think it's dope?!?! bring it back please I want to see the signs AND hear Gren, not just Gren. Amaya's face is very important to expressing her character, ESPECIALLY being a Deaf woman communicating in ASL!! I would like to see it when she is communicating, it's a part of the language!! So the rainbow rep was great, the Deaf rep needs a liiiiiiiittle more revising. Not that I'm Deaf. I've just worked in/with the community before. Maybe the Deaf have a different opinion.
Aaravos and the unicorn being his kid was a twist. they got me and I'm IMPRESSED. also the thing with the diamond, now THAT was a good fake-out. wow. impressed over here. i knew it wasn't gonna be so easy for Rayla but also I didn't anticipate it going in that direction. props to them for that, though they did NOT get me with the prison swap. that was so telegraphed it might as well have had a sign saying SUSPICIOUS plastered over it.
big star man. big. was not expecting so large. wow. that's it that's the thought.
some of the line delivery was kinda bad, specifically that aaravos laughing. bro. who approved that goofy-ass depression laugh bc it clearly wasn't the same person who green-lit Claudia being so deranged. also idk why the animation felt so bad but wow i hated it this time around most of the time. backgrounds and lighting were excellent though.
The whole Sol Regam thing kicked ass tho he whooped him GOOD. I cannot take it fully seriously tho bc Aaravos's vessel is named Pharos, which I conveniently forgot and had to PAUSE THE SHOW bc there's a print software I work with at my job also called Pharos and I was laughing my ass off. that's not the showrunners' fault tho.
Ezran is good. even his rebuff of viren was good and in character for who he is I think. he's not about to execute him, but he isn't about to give him mercy or forgive him. I think that makes sense for a man in support of peace and love. letting him live in prison IS mercy in a way, but viren was a piece of crap to Ezran. he didn't have to be kind about showing his mercy. I think that's the right thing for him to do. I respect it. Overall I'm impressed about how true he remains to his ideals. Ezran for president.
the family talk was awesome. I loved that in ep 5. its hard to deal with family members who have supposedly "changed" after they've abused you. I felt Soren's pain fr. I did like that Viren finally did become a servant to Katolis one last time. . . ok maybe if they didn't do the death fakeout last season I would have been fine with him this season.
so, things I liked. things I didn't. I am curious how it will all resolve next year. (none of my edits reflect my ranking but damn. i can't believe they forgot the horns. damn. wow. they're not there right?!?! am I blind?!?!)
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bagheerita · 7 months
Because @aintgonnatakethis inadvertently put a thought in my head, I present:
What instrument the crew of Destiny played in high school band, based on vibes:
Scott: trumpet bc it's loud. and like a “normal” mainstream instrument? I would also accept clarinet, bc it's straight also a boring instrument.
Young: Saxophone bc he thinks it's cool. I would also accept French horn bc I do get a brass vibe from him and he's just gotta be that guy whose music is written in a completely different key.
Brody: Flute/piccolo. He's first chair, takes it seriously, and likes making music that sounds good.
Park: In concert band she's first chair bassoon, bc a single reed instrument wasn't interesting enough, and for marching band* she's pit- she's one of those people with a double set of mallets in each hand absolutely rocking the marimba.
Telford: trombone. If he accidentally hits you in the face with this large mobile instrument it's bc you got in his way.
Greer: tuba/sousaphone. You will not forget he is here and if you don't get out of his way he will run you over. Also if you fuck with the woodwinds he will run you over.
Chloe: Clarinet bc it's a middle kind of instrument, and it would theoretically be easy to switch to sax or oboe if she wants and i feel like that option without commitment fits her. She secretly really enjoys playing the bass clarinet but only offers if the director suggests they need someone to do it. Marching season she's in the color guard.
Eli: percussion/pit. Percussion is about switching between several different instruments and paying attention to a lot of different things, and also being in the back of the band and playing computer games when no one is looking.
Spencer: drumline, quad tenors. He spends concert season practicing for drumline.
Volker: Tenor saxophone. He will correct you if you say he plays "the saxophone" to clarify it's "tenor sax" and he takes a lot of pleasure in explaining the differences between alto, tenor, and baritone saxophone.
James: Oboe but marches clarinet* and wouldn't be caught dead in color guard. She's very good but doesn't sit better than third chair.
Varro: trumpet, but in a good way. He plays in the jazz band too.
TJ: Flute, marches color guard. (I dunno, I don't get strong vibes for her other than "band mom.")
Camile: euphonium because she's rebellious/wants to do her own thing and be heard, or I could see her playing oboe/flute because she wants to hang out with the usually predominantly female woodwinds section
Rush: He doesn't believe in organized activities and sneers at everyone else when they're on their way to practice, but he also secretly learns the violin and shows up at the concert when the soloist can't make it at the last minute and plays the flute solo on his violin and everyone is amazed that it actually sounds really good.
*In my high school no one marched a double reed instrument. I dunno how universal that is. (Also we didn't have an orchestra, so I didn't really consider string instruments for most of this.)
This is very much my personal opinions and experiences regarding what i remember of being in band 20 years ago, so please share your own thoughts anyone who has them! for context, i played clarinet lol
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rose-skunk · 1 year
Am I the only one who doesn't really like the new Mother Mother song? Ever since Inside Deluxe version came out with Hayloft 2 (and even a bit before that) there's been a change to their music that I'm not a big fan of. I feel like they've gone the Weezer route, the lyrics themselves used to portray how quirky, charming, and different they were but in their current songs they just spell that sentiment out for you instead of letting you infer it from the lyrics. ESPECIALLY with a new song thats basically just "look at how abnormal and out of the box we are", what made O My Heart so great was the same sentiment but it wasn't spelled out explicitly, the entirety of Eureka does the same exact thing as Normalize but way more effectively.
This isn't to say that the song is bad! Musically it's great but the lyrics on their newer songs and albums leave something to be desired that their past songs accomplished. The bridge or hook or whatever you want to call it is so grating on me, a word shouldn't lose its meaning because it gets repeated so many times in one song. Musically the song is great but it's also overproduced, I can hardly hear what they're even singing in the verses because of the mixing of audio and all the effects put over their voices. The music is good as I keep saying but it also sounds like 3 different songs smashed together and sometimes it works but other times it's like "what are you guys even doing here?" It goes from alt pop rock to horror soundtrack, I like the horror soundtrack vibes, I wished they leaned into that more.
And the part at 2:28 when Jasmin screams "Die!" sounds so awkward, it picks up pace so suddenly like it's going from a 25 all the way up to 100. I wouldn't mind that if it wasn't such a sharp jump from one part of the song to the other, it just doesn't really work. (Don't even get me started on the fact that they used the word "unalive" in this song. Tell me you're writing for a tiktok audience without telling me you are) It just feels like they went from writing songs for themselves, or people their age, to writing songs for teenagers going through puberty. They used to sound so real and relatable but it doesn't feel natural anymore. It feels to me like they're trying to capture the resurgence of success O My Heart had in 2020 with their new albums. We will never have another OMH because it already exists and they made it! I really liked the use of violins and horns in OMH because you don't hear that in many rock songs, I just wish their use of it in this song didn't sound like they were trying to make OMH 2 (like they did with a certain song off of OMH.....)
It feels to me like MM is trying to capture the past and live it differently this time rather than moving on with the future. One of their older albums that reminds me of OMH a lot is The Sticks and that still sounds different! A lot darker and more mysterious, I wish they'd reinvent themselves rather than reinvent the past. I'm still a fan of them and I always will be but I'll be a fan of them the way Weezer fans still like Weezer: I'll listen to stuff past Pinkerton but the first two albums are the best. Which album of MM's is their Pinkerton? That's debatable but most tracks off Dance and Cry are still a hit for me, Inside and beyond has me cringing a bit
If you disagree then please feel free to have a convo with me about it! I'd love to talk about MM in depth with someone else! I don't mean to say these things in a needlessly pessimistic way, when MCR came back from their hiatus they managed to make a song that sounded like their old songs while feeling fresh, creative, and new. I know MM could do that too, I'm not opposed to bands changing up their sound from album to album either, The Sticks, Eureka, and Touch Up are some of my favorite albums by them and they all sound so different from each other, the newer songs and albums just sound like most of the alt pop stuff playing on the radio. I don't want them to make a radio hit, I just want them to make songs I like again
Who knows, maybe the new album will come out and I'll change my mind but I have a feeling this will be like the release of Inside for me: all the good songs will be put out as singles
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I posted 3,107 times in 2022
That's 306 more posts than 2021!
19 posts created (1%)
3,088 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,876 of my posts in 2022
Only 7% of my posts had no tags
#rad art - 184 posts
#batman - 134 posts
#trashcan (affectionate) - 130 posts
#danny phantom - 129 posts
#tiktoks - 105 posts
#dc comics - 94 posts
#for partner - 92 posts
#asdfghjkl - 88 posts
#amazing - 84 posts
#tumblr biome - 64 posts
Longest Tag: 133 characters
#not me turning on bittersweet symphony to experience whatever the fuck emotion you experience when you listen to bittersweet symphony
My Top Posts in 2022:
✨get to know me✨
tagged by @listen-to-the-inner-walrus​, thank you darling. <3
last song: The last song I listened to period was something new Big Band-y that my partner had playing, but the last song I listened to on PURPOSE was The Highwayman by Loreena McKennitt.
last show/currently watching: Uhhhhhhhhh great question. I THINK the last thing I watched was Bridgerton, technically? But I binge things and then forget about them halfway through, so. Could have been something else.
currently reading: Mostly fanfic because my brain is fried lol, but I’m somewhere in the middle of Mortal Arts by Anna Lee Huber. I should honestly restart it.
current obsession: Danny Phantom and Batman, plus dp x dc crossovers. Would probably be more invested in sewing/cross stitch if I had more energy.
I’m tagging @transthaumaturge, @sunsetcurvecuddles, @a-tomb-with-a-view, @bibogbanshee, @dyoniisus
12 notes - Posted September 26, 2022
ok, no, i think my favorite thing about the magical misfits is that you can’t safely piss off any single one of them. like these motherfuckers took “you mess with the goat, you get the horns” to a whole new level.
even setting aside the fact that if you mess with one of them, you mess with all of them, who are you gonna piss off?
evan? the dude literally chock full of demons who’s packing at least three improvised weapons at any time and knows exactly where to hit you?
k? the wizard who can summon literal hordes of rats and birds to tear you to shreds while verbally eviscerating your entire life from behind one of the strongest shields you’ve seen on a school-aged kid?
sam? the girl who could probably blink and know each and every one of your insecurities ON TOP OF WHICH she’ll tilt her head and make you feel bad for attacking her in the first place?
whitney “mcrib” jammer? jammer, the guy who acts as personal coach to all of chimeron, who could absolutely body your ass wand or no, who’s probably halfway to stealing your entire squad and getting them on his team as we speak?
not to mention that even sam, who refuses to run, is in physically better shape than most of the school and all four of them could absolutely rock your world even without a wand. so go on.
fuck around and find out.
25 notes - Posted January 19, 2022
Team Phantom continues to vibe. Danny pretends he is not going to be the Ghost King, even while handing out political titles to his best friends. So what! They deserve them!
Rating: T (for swearing)
Relationships: Danny/Tucker/Sam
Danny and co are just chilling, but also, Danny is fully prepared to abuse his position of power to give his friends cool titles.
71 notes - Posted April 11, 2022
Manson, Foley, and Fenton were different, junior year. And Casper High doesn't really know what to do with that.
Rating: T (for swearing)
Relationships: Danny/Tucker/Sam
Team Phantom, including Valerie and Wes, centric fic because you know at some point they just got ripped over the summer and no one knew how to react.
100 notes - Posted January 29, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
24-year-old Danny isn't sure what, exactly, is going on when he stumbles on newly-formed halfa Jay in the Ghost Zone. Unfortunately, Jay can't really remember enough to give him any hints. Oh well, who needs to know their past anyway? This is Gotham; no one cares about your past here.
Besides, Jay just got adopted by the weirdest trio of people he's ever met, so he's got more important things to focus on
Well, I did it. I finally fell into crossover hell. Based on this prompt.
@roseinbloom02, since you specifically asked for a tag.
191 notes - Posted September 6, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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freakin-edikan · 2 years
Sorry to mutual but that adhd creature sucks. Here’s why:
1) I don’t like it.
I just don’t like the way it looks. It doesn’t have the same strange but cute and harmless character as the autism creature. I don’t like the pointy ears, I don’t identify with catgirlism or Devil horns, so it doesn’t appeal to me. It’s just weird and ugly. Whoever said “we don’t need an adhd creature we have the awesome face,” I agree with them I vibe with that guy a lot more.
2) It’s derivative.
The only reason why someone would make an adhd creature is to parallel with the autism creature. ADHD creature as a concept doesn’t exist without the autism creature. And while it sometimes feels weird to feel like you experience similar things as another group but don’t receive resources/community because of the slight differences, the answer isn’t to be derivative and ape everything off the larger or more recognized community. If an ADHD community is going to be anything worthwhile, it can’t just be “everything the autism community has but adhd themed.” A lot of marginalized groups online do this thing where they lift the language and imagery of other margins and switch it up a bit to kinda fit, and it very rarely works. It doesn’t help to address their own needs, but it does look like you’re clamoring to be associated with something else. In essence this is the major problem I have with the adhd creature. It’s derivative.
3) Like, really derivative.
The autism creature has a wide-eyed stare so the adhd creature has a wide-eyed stare. The autism creature has a rounded shape so the adhd creature has a rounded shape. The autism creature is in this in between of awkward and cute so the adhd creature tries to do that too. Autism has “yippee!!” ADHD has “yay!!!” And so on, and so forth. And the intention is that they’re meant to be paired together but the truth is that although there is a lot of overlap and adhd and autism are commonly comorbid, allistic adhders are also one of largest enactors of ableist lateral aggression toward autistics, usually in the form of dismissing or co-opting the struggles of autistics. And you know I feel like if this adhd creature thing continues it might become a microcosm of that dynamic. It might already be one.
4) And other creatures?
Adhd and autism are just two neurotypes out of the diversity of brains “neurodivergent/neurodiverse” was meant to encapsulate. However, who here wants to make a ptsd creature? Or an ocd creature? 1 in 3 Americans have depression and/or anxiety, so is someone going to make depression creatures? (Anxiety creature feels like it already exists.) There are aspects of autistic/adhd experiences that feel fun and memeable but they’re still disabilities. Don’t forget that.
The takeaway is that the idea of an adhd creature is already unoriginal, but if you’re gonna make one don’t make it look like you switched up the homework to hide the fact that you copied.
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rydecimbulz · 7 months
Lmao number 7 is def the vibe in my world.
Fun(ish) story. I actually got recruited for a metal band recently, and it fell apart almost immediately because they did not take kindly to that mentality I'd developed. Metal folk tends to be very classical-esque in their approach to practice - you play it over and over and over until the whole thing can be done perfectly without variation and replicated exactly whenever it's called for. This is not a bad thing.
But jazz is... a bit different. You get good by yourself, practice with others, and basically enter a world of infinite impromptu sit-ins. I spent the last 7 years of my full-time gigging days cycling setups within a larger group of colleagues who were all the last guy in this video. We'd book a gig, develop a laundry list of tunes to pick from depending on how the mood was shifting, and show up at someone's house the night before the performance (like an uplugged electric bass, a couple horns that might never leave their cases, and me with brushes on my knees type thing) to go over beginnings, ends, and any goofy particulars people wanted to throw into a tune.
There is an inherent trust in the jazz community that anyone who steps on stage is going to hold their own, mesh with the group, and be allowed to do their own thing without complaint. It works in the studio as well - when you keep yourself honed and open to improvisation, you can sit in a room and give whoever comes in whatever they want with little to no instruction. It keeps things fresh. But this does not fly in more mainstream concerts where showmanship and the group vibe is paramount. Even big bands need group rehearsal to really put on a show.
So when these poor guys told me they wanted to practice for AT LEAST three hours a night three nights a week, and I told them that I could show up a couple times a month outside gigs to collaborate and brush up on changes... well, we discovered pretty quickly that the divide was too big to bridge. There was no love lost on my part, but to them I suppose it just seemed like my heart wasn't in it. I eventually had to tell them that I was clearly not the guy they'd been looking for, and it wasn't a happy moment.
Thankfully we are experienced musicians, so at least it was an understandable and amicable ending. Things would have been a lot worse 20yrs ago, from whence I have some memories of rather angry and upsetting breakups with aspiring artists who did not take kindly to my budding desire to play the field. But a rambling man's gonna ramble, and I thank the deities regularly for steering me to the jazz world.
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probablyaseamonster · 9 months
Secret Life hot take kinda?
I really didn't like the merch. Felt cheap as hell. Also, I felt like there were so many ways it could've been more creative, you know?
I was hesitant to put this out there because 1) it's a complete asshole move to say "your thing sucks, here's some of MY ideas" and 2) I heard that Grian tries really hard to come up with new ideas for each season's theme ON HIS OWN and he doesn't want to be inspired or influenced by any suggestions he recieves.
But well. I have decided to share my ideas anyway, because i want to. Hope you guys like them?
- Pizza on everything. I want him on tee-shirts, phone cases, keychains, stickers - he's one of the most iconic pets in the Life Series and he deserves his own merch! Also it'd be fun to draw actual pizza next to him if whatever way
Similarly: edgy red wolf-moon shirt with the line "til death do us part" with the letters L and Y drawn over the first word in a different font so it looks like Scott handwrote on top of a line from a book
Graphic design of Scarlet Pearl looking scary, either with the moon behind her or the moon-shaped scythes the fandom likes to draw her with poised and ready, and the line "something wicked this way comes" in distinct typography
Dogwarts banner as a poster. This one would be really simple I think and it's subtle enough to have people outside the fandom not even be able to GUESS what it's a reference to
Similarly, the Cherry Blossom shield pattern as a banner. I know they weren't as interesting as Dogwarts but they're like one of the only alliances who had something akin to a flag and their colours were aesthetic anyway, similar reason as Dogwarts
Fake band poster of Gem and the Scotts
Beanie designed to look like a mound of dirt, representing the Mounders
Cute design of an upside down house with the words "YES I KNOW IT'S UPSIDE DOWN" underneath. To anyone not in the fandom it reads as one of those "don't ask me blank" shirts
Cute design of an angry yorkshire terrier with a bone in its mouth with the words "the hound of hell" underneath in bloody gorey print to contrast
Stickers that come in quartets for BEST and TIES - bonus points if the B is green, the E is white-blue, the S is red, the T is orange, and the I is yellow, bonus BONUS points if the B has a mossy pattern, E has a snowflake pattern, T has a flame pattern, S has a halo, and I has demon horns
Cute ghast with puppy-dog eyes saying "We can still be friends!" Again, has a different vibe without context but isn't totally incomprehensible
Cute cartoon clock-people standing tough with the phrase "don't mess with the family" underneath in some font that makes you think of mafias or crime lords
Bread wearing sunglasses - "Bad Boys love bread, Bad Boys get bread"
Shirt with canary wings on the back
Cactus circle - "what happens in the cactus circle stays in the cactus circle" THIS one is incomprehensible to non-fans
Turtleneck with a bleeding pattern on the neck (meant to invoke images of beheading), very edgy but also works for a variety of situations
Pufferfish and poppies together somehow
Simplified flower valley with the words "hobbits invented gay people". Might get sued by whoever has the rights to Lord of the Rings.
Red shirt with snowflake pattern - "Red winter is coming!" Also might get sued by someone
Chonky Jellie with the phrase "frick you, my soulmate is my cat"
Okay! That's 20 of them! I actually have a lot more ideas but I'm stopping here because I have no clue if anyone's actually gonna read down this far! I hope you guys like these ideas (I say to my like 10 mutuals, love you guys)!
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NRC’s Bestiary Survival Guide--Heartslabyul Version
It would have barely been a month into the school year before it became clear that Yuu didn’t know a single thing about the type of monsters they were dealing with amongst their fellow students. So what better way to ensure their survival than through creating their own bestiary? With some help from Ace, Deuce, and Grim, this guidebook will serve as a record and journal for each new discovery!
Or perhaps it’ll wind up a creative jumbled mess of notes and scribbled sketches. In a school full of chaotic students, chaos and mischief are to be expected! Let’s see how Yuu’s bestiary turns out, shall we~?
A/N: This is just a general guideline explaining the characters and their species in a fun way, sorta like those omnibus guidebooks where characters make random commentary on someone’s journal entry when they’re trying to be serious and explain things. Hope you guys enjoy! 😂
Hello. I don’t know if there are any other humans out there or if any others might appear, but to whoever reads this I hope it will help you as much as it helped me…or at least, I hope it helps me. Professor Trein gave me this book and suggested I keep a record of everything—something about dual research or something since those institutions are studying me too? Anyway, I am writing this journal in an attempt to keep track of the different species I’ve seen so far at this school, as well as certain “weak points”. Ace and Deuce have volunteered to help with gathering notes, though I don’t quite trust them to not make notes or comments without me knowing.
You forgot to hide the pens from us, Prefect~!
Don’t worry, my minion! The Great Grim will add his knowledge to this little book of yours!
I’m sorry, I tried to stop them…also, what do you mean by “weak points”?
[There are multiple scribbles scrawled across the wrinkled and tattered page, as though it had gone through a tug-of-war and the words were scratched out. It isn’t hard to imagine what happened as evidenced by the burnt corners before turning to the next page.]
To start things off, we’ll go with each dorm in this order: Heartslabyul, Savanaclaw, Octavinelle, Scarabia, Pomefiore, Ignihyde, and Diasomnia. First is Heartslabyul:
 Heartslabyul is a chaotic and confusing dorm to be in, with rules that don’t make sense and hallways that may lead to topsy-turvy rooms halfway across the dorm. Much like the dorm itself, the dorm members can be a mix of different monsters, including hybrid species who don’t necessarily fit into one species or another. The members so far are—
Riddle Rosehearts: Faun species. Very strict and stern, though he’s improved from when the school year first started. Fauns are monsters of nature with a human torso and the legs of a goat or a deer, known as benevolent nature spirits and cousins to the satyr monster species (which apparently is comparable to dogs and wolves, though I hadn’t figured out how aside from a size difference). As such, Riddle is very skilled with plant magic and healing magic. If he allows you to get close enough to touch, it turns out he likes the base of his horns scratched and massaged and the back of his ears are a particularly good spot to scratch…though he might bleat in protest if anyone else is around.
Bwahahah!!! He bleats like a goat?! Oh I have got to try this, even if I get collared!
Trey Clover: Satyr/Naga hybrid species. Calm and big brother vibes, Trey seems to always know what to say and do to calm down everyone—including Riddle. Unsure if it’s part of the satyr aspect of his species or part of the naga species, but he’s still cunning and told a joke about using oyster sauce for baking. He looks similar to Riddle in terms of the goat legs, though his horns are much bigger and his tail…well, that was a surprise to see it turn from a small goat’s tail to a long snake tail—an even bigger surprise was to see the snake fangs! I thought he was gonna eat us!! Apparently, he doesn’t like having it show all the time, though he’s not hiding it as often as he used to. If you can reach them, the base of his horns are a good spot to scratch, though by far compared to other monsters he’s the more docile of the school.
Cater Diamond: Hippogriff species. Energetic and quick as lightning, Cater’s wings can carry him through the air faster than any broom. With powerful horse legs and eagle-like claw hands, it’s easy to imagine him being dangerous and deadly—but in truth he’s quite affectionate and curious and more likely to try and get a selfie with you. Hippogriffs are considered a loyal species and will defend their nests and family to the death. The feathery ears and the top of his head are the best places to scritch on a hippogriff, though wings are off limits unless given express permission to touch—such as scratching an itch he can’t reach.
Wait, is this what you meant by “weak points”?...oh god, what are you going to write about me?!
Ace Trappola: Skvader species. A winged rabbit, you would think he’d be able to fly like Cater, but his wings are only big enough to glide or hover—though he says his wings are still growing. With long ears and long (dangerous) looking rabbit legs, Ace’s speed is faster than any human or dog for short distances and he can jump great heights…especially when scared by the Roomba vacuum someone snuck into Ramshackle. Ace: You swore you’d never talk about that!! Rubbing his cheeks and long ears are safe bets to make him melt like putty, and he does like chin scratches—though he may bite if you do it for too long. Nose boops will cause him to freeze for a moment so might be a good reaction or a weird reaction. Need to study this more…
Gah! Blab it to the whole school why don’t you?!
Well you did prank Yuu with that air horn/glitter explosion last week…
Nyahaha! Serves you right for messing with my minion!
Deuce Spade: Centaur species. Half man, half horse with long ears, Deuce could run circles around anyone at the school—and in the track and field club, he likely already has! Much like a horse, it is possible to ride on his back, though be warned that riding on a centaur’s back is considered rude if you’re not friends with one or not given permission, so you might find yourself in an impromptu rodeo if one decides you’re not welcome or that you’ve overstayed your welcome. Much like normal horses, Deuce (and apparently other centaurs at the school) seem to like when you pet their shoulders on their lower half and enjoy a good scritch on the back, though Deuce seems to not mind having his head and ears rubbed. Caution is advised to not stand behind one if they happen to get spooked and kick.
I’m so sorry about that day! Let me make it up to you-!
What were you saying about my prank being bad?
[The rest of the page—though filled with mentions of other monsters in the dorm like wolpertingers and other mix-matched creatures—is a battlefield of multi-colored ink lines and splatters, including one that suspiciously looks like a pawprint. It would seem that—as monsters—the students have a tendency to be more physically aggressive and likely to get into scuffles even against more dangerous species than themselves. Though their bones and skin heal fast, it’s a grim reminder that humans in this world are far more fragile and need to take care not to aggravate any of the more “temperamental” of the students.
It is safe to say that this journal’s documentation shall continue at a later time…and when the pens are better hidden.]
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saltymongoose · 2 years
Hey Salty! I made a Birb AU for yer SAM:PN
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Basically, the Player who's also a bird handler for a wildlife sanctuary happened to get into a situation where the bois turned into Birbs for who knows how long.
They pretty much constantly wear their protective bird gear as to not get clawed in by the bois who constantly try to perch somewhere on Reader, with Hank as the biggest offender.
As for reasons the kind of birbs they are;
Hank's a Harpy Eagle cause of how they're really strong and big, being known as one of the strongest birds of prey on earth.
Sanford and 2BDamned are both owls bc of their canonically similar body builds.
Sanford being a Snowy Owl cause of how they square up and win against many different opponents. Snowy Owls can and will pretty much fight against animals bigger than them.
2BDamned being a Great Horned Owl being similar to Sanford. Stronk bois and their whole vibe of being intelligent and shit. It just fits him really.
Deimos as a Peregrine Falcon cause of him being a quick lil guy yet still dangerously good at his whole killing thing yanno?
Sorry if this doesn't make much sense lol. Not the best at describing things the way I wann'em too
(Harpy Eagles are so hard to draw. Also, sorry if Deimos is a lil too bright. I'll likely try to fix it later)
Omg! This is fantastic, I absolutely love it. <33333 You were spot on with your analysis of which bird they should be, with how Sanford and 2B would be owls because of their similar body builds while Dei is a peregrine falcon because of his speed. Hank being a Harpy Eagle is just such a good idea too, considering their size and how they excel at hunting.
This drawing is also really cute too, especially since you included their masks and other unique details. They're honestly just really adorable, even if their constant attempts to perch on you could get a little annoying. I can definitely tell why the Player had to use special protective gear since I don't think having four large birds of prey on you would be very light haha.
Speaking of the Player, while I'm not sure how the boys would end up as birds, it certainly wouldn't stop their attempts to "cuddle" with you. If anything, it just might make them do it more; it's not like Doc can do any work without hands, and the boys probably aren't effective at their missions like this (unless we're talking recon, cause who'd suspect a bird of spying on them). So now you have to deal with four huge birds attempting to take your attention, usually by perching on your arms and shoulders or barrelling into your lap so you can pet them. I can also see them attempting to impress you by flying and doing some tricks they figure out (mainly Deimos, but Hank definitely isn't opposed to doing the same).
(Although, they probably wouldn't have the best grasp of flying once they're first turned. Watching them crash goes from funny to horrifying real quickly once you realize just how brittle their now-hollow bones are. Luckily for you, they're quite sturdy, but it's not like they're unwilling to play up any injuries they might get just to feel you touching them and have you looking them over for longer.)
Also, I can see them just randomly attacking grunts if you have to go out (to get them food, no doubt) and someone is stupid enough to get in your way. Like imagine just being an agent and trying to capture this target the Auditor apparently needs back, only to be swarmed by four birds; having their talons claw into you as they peck at your visual cross and screech at you. And then having to explain to your supervisor why you're covered in so many bloody scratches and without the "Player."
You'd also probably have to explain to Jebus what happened because I think he'd probably be furious to find you without anybody for protection if he visits one day. He'd understand at the look of the odd birds who hang around you though, but you might have to stop Hank from trying to mess with him once he gets too close to your personal bubble. (And don't even get me started on Tricky; it's hard to kill him as a grunt, but Hank's not above trying even if he's not one anymore.)
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thebluestbluewords · 2 years
the moral standards of NRC students are not great (It’s more of the cater/malleus but actually heartslabyul fam fic)
The thing is. 
The thing is— 
The thing is that Cater didn’t exactly mean to start a fuckbuddies thing with Malleus Draconia. They’re not even in the same class, so it’s not like he had a chance to employ his usual technique of looking cute and asking for help on an incoming assignment, and then cornering his potential study partner in a private room and seeing if they’re interested in a different kind of studying. 
(He’s got about a 65% success rate so far. Even when people don’t want to hook up they’re usually down for some actual studying, so overall it’s technically a 100% success rate for getting something useful out of the arrangement. Which is pretty good in Cater’s personal success metics.) 
Cater didn’t even do anything to instigate the whole Malleus-fuckbuddy situation aside from being cute and popular and in a club with some Diasomnia students, which is apparently how Malleus Draconia learned of a lil old Hearstlabyul like Cater’s existence. 
Okay, he might have possibly asked to take one selfie. But it was literally just once! He’s asked like, every single person in the school to take a selfie at least once, and Cater’s not even exaggerating on those numbers. He’s even asked Headmaster Crowley to take a pic, and that guy gives off major creep vibes. 
So yeah. It’s not Cater’s fault that asking Malleus Draconia for one picture somehow through absolutely no fault of his own turned into taking a picture while pressing his lips against one of Malleus Draconia’s horns, which turned into taking a picture while making out with Malleus Draconia, which turned into making out without any phones around, which sort of spiraled from there. Malleus doesn’t have a lot of friends on campus, and Cater hangs out with a lot of people, so it just made sense for them to start meeting up to hang out together sometimes and hey, if the guy is there and cool and into him, right? 
Trey blinks at him. “I don’t think I’ve ever heard you say that much about someone who isn’t yourself before.” 
“Hah….” Cater wheezes. There’s not really a good way for him to deny that one.  “Well, I mean- it’s Malleus, right? He’s like, super cool and mysterious and stuff. And seriously, the dude doesn’t have many friends.” 
“You have friends,” Trey says, a hint off from his usual neutral tone. Pissed, maybe. Cater is not unaware of his ability to annoy just about anyone he spends a long enough time with. “You hang out with those other Diasomnia students in your alchemy class, right?” 
Ouch. And here he was thinking that Trey was going to count himself and Riddle as his friends. “Ouch, man. Yeah. I hang with Lilia and Vil sometimes.” It’s easy to hide the wince behind a grin, so Cater does that, letting the charmingly crooked pull of his smile hide any less-than-thrilled expression.
To his credit, Trey realizes the misstep. He waves a hand, speaking quickly. “Not to say that we aren’t friends, of course. I enjoy your company very much. It’s just—“ 
“Roomies first, I get it.” Cater says with a bright smile. “No hard feelings.” 
Trey takes a deep breath, face falling into something unexpectedly serious. “Actually, I was going to say that I thought you’d tell your friends when you started sleeping with Malleus. I’d have understood if you didn’t tell anyone, but the fact that I’m just hearing it now, after Riddle heard it from some Octovinelles at study group makes it seem like you weren’t hiding it from everyone after all.” 
Just from us. 
“It’s not—“ Cater sighs. “I didn’t tell anyone. Trey, come on, man. I’m not that good at hiding anything.” 
Trey lifts his eyebrows. “You weren’t keeping it a secret from us?” 
“Not on purpose.” 
“How do you keep a secret like that on accident?” Trey asks lightly, still looking so very faintly surprised. “Inquiring minds would love to know.” 
“I, uh-“ the unpleasant feeling of being caught in the act of something is sticking the words in Cater’s throat. “I wasn’t keeping you in the dark on purpose. I promise.” 
“I’m not mad,” Trey says calmly, even though he very clearly is. “I’m just hurt that you didn’t think you could trust us with your latest suicidal conquest. At least let us know where we can pick up your body next time, alright?” 
Cater forces himself to laugh, even though he’d really rather do something else, like maybe cry or scream a little bit. “Sure thing. BTW, what’s up with this guilt trip man? I thought we were supposed to be cool.” 
“My apologies. You could have died, Cater. Malleus isn’t someone to spend time alone with, especially if nobody knows where you are or where to look for you if you don’t come back. At least tell someone next time, even if it’s not us, please?”
“You’re seriously asking me to tell you the next time I get a booty summons?” 
Trey sighs. “I know you don’t want to talk to us about this, but it’s for your own safety.” 
“You don’t make Riddle tell you about his murder boyfriend.” Cater points out. He’s never actually talked this much about any relationship that he’s had. It’s weird. He’s pretty sure this is what girls must do at sleepovers, and he and Trey are just walking in the hedge maze killing time until Riddle remembers that he’s supposed to cool it with the punishments again. If Trey really wants to keep hearing about the Malleus situation, Cater should at least hold out for snacks next time. There’s only so much microwave popcorn he can eat, and if there’s one thing he’s learned from having older sisters, it’s that relationship gossip is deserving of good snacks. 
“There’s a limit to how much murder a single eel can do, even with Riddle’s help.” Trey points out. “Malleus has power well beyond that.” 
“He has to ask for help changing the batteries in gao-gao dragon-kun,” Cater points back. “I don’t think I’m in constant danger from him. Besides, he’s got all kinds of bodyguards around to keep an eye on him all the time, so even if he does murder me he won’t be able to dispose of this rockin’ corpse without an audience.” 
“The same bodyguards who keep mooching the pie we’ve been giving to the ramshackle dorm’s prefect?” Trey asks, raising his eyebrows in an incredulous look. “The ones who almost trampled us last week when the horses got out?” 
“Those would be the ones, yeah. Haha.” 
Trey sighs deeply, one hand going up to pinch the bridge of his nose. “Cater.”
“To be blunt, I’m still sort of hurt. I expected you to tell us when you’re walking into a relationship as dangerous as this one, not to hear it secondhand through a study group. And the fact that you’re not taking any of this seriously is exactly why Riddle was concerned about it when he heard the news. Can you honestly say that you believe Malleus has only good intentions towards you?”
Cater can’t help himself. “At NRC? HAHAHAH.” 
Cater takes a deep, steadying breath, and swallows the rest of his laughter at the thought of any NRC student having good intentions towards anyone. Even the tiniest firsties come through their coffins already full of spite and bad intentions. “Yeah, about that… I’m mostly joking. While we’re together Malleus mostly just talks a ton about gargoyles and learning stuff from the children of man. I’m pretty sure he’s been keeping me around because he likes learning new stuff about the world outside of briar valley, y’know?” 
Trey’s shoulders visibly go down a notch. “You haven’t made any deals with him?”
“Nah,” Cater says lightly, lifting his shoulders in a shrug. They’re done little stuff here and there, like betting on how long he can hold off before coming all over that face, but stuff like that’s not really a deal. Just a little game. “No deals here.”
Trey grabs him by the shoulders, and stares dead into Cater’s fucking soul, or something. “You swear?” 
“Yeah, man. I swear on the great seven. I have not made any deals with the elder fairies. Even if they do offer the best fucking bribes on the continent. Like, damn what’s that mouth been doing locked up in briar valley for so lon—“ 
Trey shoves Cater bodily into a bush. “Please never tell me about what Malleus is like in bed. From one human being to another, please no.” 
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What a relationship is like with the Lord of the Rings men:
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He’s adorable in a relationship, honestly. 
Very affectionate when it’s just you and him, or if you initiate some sort of form of affection first
He’s protective but not over protective
You wanna go out and fight too? Great, he’ll give you a sword and fight next to you
His pet names for you are “Darling” and “Love”
If you join the fellowship he’s definitely nervous about it
He’s worried the whole time about you being in danger, which to be fair you constantly were
But any time there was a battle, he was next to you, fighting side by side, ensuring you were safe
When he finally accepts his claim to Gondor, he will call you “ My Queen/King”
On nights you can’t sleep (unless your elven because from what I’ve read they don’t necessarily need sleep) he will sing to you or tell you stories of all the places he had been too or heard about.
He definitely will make you flustered when your with him on purpose.
He’ll flirt with you and you’ll just stand there with this red face and he’ll act like nothing happened. 
He is not a jealous man by any means, he trusts you with his whole being
His go to means of affection is kissing your knuckles or forehead.
I get the vibes that he adores fiercely independent people so he can sit back and watch you kick ass and be like “Look at what my baby can do” 
When he becomes king, you bet your ass you’re ruling next to him
He loves you to the ends of the earth
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He absolutely adores you
VERY affectionate
Will call you pet names in elvish, whispering sweet little things in your ear
his go to means of affection is hugs from behind and holding your hands
You bet your ass that if you’re a human, hobbit or any non immortal race, he will give up his immortality.
He will teach you elvish if you don’t know it
His go to pet names are “Dear” and “My love”
He is very gentle, very loving
He’s extremely protective but that mainly stems from the fact that he has SEEN SHIT MAN.
If you want to fight, he will agree to it but he definitely will not like it
He’s not a jealous man at all, in fact other men’s advances kind of go over his head.
If you can’t sleep he will tell you stories that he’s lived through
Course, some of them are so exciting it defeats the purpose of sending you to sleep
He actually likes it when you go on adventures with him
He loves having you with him 
You definitely tease him for being thousands of years old. 
you love making him laugh
And he does that all the time because he gets to see that gorgeous smile.
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The purest relationship. Ever.
He is very affectionate
EXTREMELY protective
He loves hearing stories of outside the shire and he loves sharing his experiences too
He loves hugs and my gods he is GREAT at giving them
He loves it when you play with his hair.
He is like Legolas in the sense that he definitely won’t be happy if you want to go into battle but he won’t stop you
He would prefer you to stay behind out of danger but again, he will not stop you if you want to go
his pet names are “Honey” and “Darling” 
He’s honestly so pure it hurts
There is a BIG difference in personality if you meet him before the events of Lord of the Rings
For one, he’s a lot more bubbly before 
When he comes back he clearly has seen some shit
Sad thing: When there’s a party he can’t hear screaming without thinking its a ring wraith so he has to leave early most times
You love him though and he DEFINITELY loves you.
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Has the sweetest personality
brings you flowers every other day
He is very adamant though about you staying behind on adventures, he will get frustrated if you end up going any way but he will not be able to remain upset with you
He also really doesn’t enjoy having to watch you run into battle
Danger in general, ESPECIALLY if it’s around you, terrifies him
You love hearing his stories, him telling you all about some of the crazy things he’s experienced
If you meet him before the events of Lord of the Rings, he will mainly tell you wacky adventures he got himself into with Frodo or Merry and/or Pippin
Hell, he does that even if you meet him after.
He actually refrains from telling you about life outside the Shire because it kind of gave him trauma.
His favorite forms of affection is kissing your knuckles
He will be that guy who works his ass off for you to be able to live comfortably
He loves you and will make sure you know that fact.
Calls you “my dear” or “Darling” 
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He’s a goofball.
Expect the unexpected. 
He will definitely do really crazy things to make you laugh
little bit of a prankster
By a little bit I mean: He’s a chaotic little shit
He loves you so much though and knows where to draw a line
He LOVES it when you want to go off and do shit
You wanna fight? Great, he’s charging with you
Wanna randomly dance in the woods? He’s dancing with you
He loves spending time with you 
He is SO loyal, always by your side
Watch someone try to separate you, he will kick their ass
He loves dancing with you
His favorite form of affection is holding your hand
Something about it is just so nice
He loves you so much, honestly he could spend HOURS gushing about you
Pippin and Frodo are always over for dinner, along with Sam
They love being around you two, watching their friend be so happy 
He calls you “Love” and “Dear”
He loves cooking for you, mY GODS HE LOVES IT
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Like Merry, massive goofball
little more of a crackhead though
He is less of a prankster, more of a cracking jokes kind of guy
He’s totally a goofball and will do all sorts of  things to make you laugh
you genuinely love him and he adores you to pieces
if you meet him after the events of Lord of the Rings, he’s definitely more serious but not by too much
He’ll have a few moments where he’ll space out and you’ll have to tap him to get his attention
He clearly suffered so much trauma while on that trip
He definitely becomes more serious after everything
Yeah, he’ll crack a joke here and there but he’s definitely changed
He doesn’t mind if you want to go off and fight, but you bet your ass he will charge with you like Merry
He loves watching you be a badass
You love hearing the hysterical adventures that he’s gone on with Merry
He loves watching you sing and dance
he will sing to you on nights that you can’t sleep
His voice is hella soothing
He loves playing with your hair
He actually has a talent for making flower crowns
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He absolutely adores you
piggyback rides while on adventures are definitely a thing
he loves making you laugh in slightly tense situations
Giant Spider pops out? His ass looks at it and then you “Why can’t we ever encounter giant butterflies?” and then charge like he said something inspirational that motivated him into battle
He doesn’t mind if you want to fight, he’ll just guard you the entire time
He’s fiercely protective over you
He loves being affectionate
Very attentive
His cloak will be wrapped around you
He’ll carry you
He’ll take care of you
He loves you so much
He is kind of jealous. 
It’s not that he doesn’t trust you, he doesn’t trust other people. 
He loves calling you “Princess/Prince” or “Sweetheart”
You love hearing about his life in Gondor
When he dies... oh gods
It breaks you
If you went with the Fellowship you were inconsolable 
His family gives you the horn of Gondor because they all are aware of him loving you
You two sadly have a bit of a tragic love story
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Affectionate as fuck
Loves hugs, always has his hand on you in some sweet way
He loves you so much
He was always kind of the overlooked son so when he presented you as “Hey this is the woman/man I love” no one except Boromir notices
Boromir always looked as you as a sister/brother after that, loving the way his brother looked at you with so much adoration
He does not mind you wanting adventure one bit, so long as he’s charging next to you
He does not give a shit about a claim to the throne either
royal life does not suit this man as much as the adventure’s life does
He loves you so much
He is sort of reckless in battle and that worries you
it gets worse after Boromir dies
When you thought he died you were hysterical
Then Pippin made the observation that he was still alive
His father wasn’t hearing either of you
Then he turned out to be alive and you were so happy
Scolded the crap out of him for worrying you
You two love each other till the end
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loves a woman/man who can hold their liquor
Oh he’s a complete crackhead
loves telling you stories of dwarven life
you love his wild stories
You keep his mind open
If your an elf he will refuse to be in love with you for a while
Oh you definitely have a kill count thing going on with him
He gets flustered when he sees you being a badass
He ain’t stopping you from doing SHIT
Wanna run into battle? Great, he’s supplying the swords and charging too
Wanna join the fellowship? He’ll complain about having to save another woman’s/man’s ass 
And then later get saved by you
He definitely enjoys watching you in battle
He loves hearing stories of your homeland
sure maybe your life isn’t as exciting but he loves hearing about your life
He’s not big on affection but if he’s excited, hugs. 
He also isn’t big on nicknames but he typically calls you “Lass”
He loves hearing you laugh
He says it’s like music
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