#the voodoo that you do
biffhofosho · 2 years
I am back!! And ready to read this story before the next one drops! So exciting
Also I do not like this “angst” word in the mood,  I appreciate the “hopeful” part but still. 
I will deal with you later.
So, he visits often, mhmhmh, yesss
I LOVE THE COTTAGE, i wanna live there
She’s living my dream life, I WANT IT
Also I love how painful this situation is for him, obv he wants to obey the law and do his job but also he likes her so much. The fact that he feels at home with her is delicious
“The day will come, Hyunwoo, all too quickly when you’ll have to make that choice for real, and all the calculations and recalculations and misdirections and cloaking spells won’t be able to stop it. One day, you’ll have to decide what you care about more: your antiquated laws drafted by crusty misogynists and cowards, or me.” I LOVE HER SO MUCH
He is so stubborn, as she is, they both have a point! Tho of course I am much more willing to lean to her side.
PERVERTED TOWN CRIER!!! I love her more and more
Is he also capable of magic???? Eye emoji
This scene of her getting naked???? GORGEOUS
Like she is clearly calling the shots, but she is also allowing him to have her, to an extent at least and i am here for it
Mhmhmh, suspicious pill is suspicious
The forbidden lover trope. I don’t know if I love it or hate it, mainly because it stresses me a bit, but this is so yummy.
Also it is so hard to reconcile the fact that she lives like that in a modern world. I mean it feels like in the puritans age, like a long time ago, not a very modern world full of computers, trains and gyms.
Oh man, sex magic sound awesome
HE TAKING CONTROL LIKE THAT ;lskfnvl;adnf;landv;lksdn
“Don’t leave.
“I won’t,” he promised.”  THIs WLL MAKE ME CRY LATER ISN’T IT????
Now they’re fighting. Fuck, that’s the angst!!!
I love how you include the rest of them whenever possible
“And he realized one other thing with paralyzing clarity: he was breaking his precious laws, too, because in the end, wasn’t love its own sort of magic, maybe the most universe-altering of all?” THIS IS GORGEOUS
He is in love and I am crying. This ending, SO BEAUTIFUL!!!!!
I absolutely adored it!!!!! All my witchy dreams have come true.
Now to wait till next week for the last story, that I will have to read in november when we’re back from the long weekend holidays.
see you soon!
I am made of fail and forgot to answer your lovely asks, my dear friend. Please don't disown me. Let's blame it on all the writing I had to do in October lol. I had PTSD.
Aw, man, and you even took the time to read my Shownu fic before the Kyun one dropped. Double fail on my part. :(
I know you're not an angst lady, but I love that ish. At least you know me well enough to know that hope is a necessity for me. No matter how disconnected I write my characters, I will always balance it out with connection, too. Put your trust in me, beloved!
Yes, this cottage was entirely too real to me, I think. I feel like I lived in it. In fact, I would live in it if I wasn't so concerned about spiders. But then again, if I were I witch, I'd just cast a barrier spell to keep them all out heh heh.
I think this was my first time of writing an established pre-existing sexual relationship, so I wanted their tug-of-war to really come through in the dialogue especially. I tried to let that stuff come through organically rather than exposition, but, yes, “home” was an important theme I really wanted to shine through. You know I can’t help myself on the feelings front.
I realize in writing a hyper-specific AU that not everyone would get into this, but I am really head-over-heels for my OC in this. I enjoy creating OCs for everything, but there was just something about Gray that had me especially in love. Idk
Ooh, girl, I love the inherent spice of the forbidden lover trope. High-anxiety? Definitely. High rewards? Fuck yes.
And, yes! That dichotomy of Gray living a simple life while the world charges forward without her is one of my fave things! She is wild and unpredictable and of the earth, and I wanted that sharp contrast to show Shownu why he feels so othered in the mainstream society.
Sex magic was majorly fun to write. :) But also, I wanted it to show how her magic is drawn from nature and the natural, which was meant again to reinforce the concepts I just mentioned.
Hahaha more connection before the disconnection, yes!
Girl, yes, you know I will always include the rest of the guys whenever I can! They’re a package deal. <3
Ended on hope, yay!!! See? Aren’t you glad you trusted me now? lol
Thanks for reading and analyzing as always, my darling. It’s fun to relive the stories with you as though we are watching another show together. <3
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Anatomy of Alastors demonic forms
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616witch · 4 months
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random headers of wanda maximoff and her loved ones. from left to right; pietro maximoff, hank pym, janet van dyne, jericho drumm, lorna dane, the vision, crystal amaquelin, billy kaplan and tommy shepherd, steve rogers. made for a white tumblr background, 16by9 ratio.
❗❗ NOTICE ❗❗these were made based off available art. I know there are some characters I missed!!
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spacebubblehomebase · 3 months
Hi! With your stargazers au, what radio symbols do you use with Alastor's powers? What do those symbols mean and is there some special thought behind choices in symbols?
📻: "These ones, my dear?"
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Keen eye! They're actually various electrical symbols for radio stations and are NOT VOODOO at all. As I'm not a practitioner of the Vaudoux religion, I didn't feel qualified enough to represent their practices all willy nilly. Though Alastor is still very much an actual Creole Vodouisant who lived in New Orleans Louisiana in my #HHStargazersAU! This design choice for his magic came to mind when I realized that since I couldn't use the more natural voodoo deer side of him, I could just shift focus to his more electronic radio hosting aspect. Which actually had symbolisms of their own! Be it his radio symbols or sound waves. Pictograms that were likely used on signs, books, or instructions, and such. That's how his green spells came to be in my story and they're usually just the general symbols for radio! ^v^
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red-cicada · 30 days
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!! NEW COMBS PAGE !! I will slowly start working my way through doing these pages for my favorite jeffrey Combs roles. I was gonna do dinosaur bob for this seccond page, but then last night I watched Voodoo Moon and dudes... the way Frank had entranced me. I love this silly, nervous, odd little zombie man so much...
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mosneakers · 2 years
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Does anyone else feel like Morticia and Bella would be besties? And get together for macabre dinners and talk about dramatic floor length dresses and eternal love?
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intotheelliwoods · 6 months
If you were a demon, what items would be required for your summoning ritual?:)
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this ugly ass plushie
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So you want to learn about Louisiana Voodoo…
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door in New Orleans by Jean-Marcel St. Jacques
For better or worse (almost always downright wrong) Louisiana Voodoo and Hoodoo are likely to come up in any depiction of the state of Louisiana. I’ve created a list of works on contemporary and historical Voodoo/Hoodoo for anyone who’d like to learn more about what this tradition is and is not (hint: it developed separately from Haitian Vodou which is its own thing) or would like to depict it in a non-stereotypical way. I’ve listed them in chronological order. Please keep a few things in mind. Almost all sources presented unfortunately have their biases. As ethnographies Hurston’s work no longer represent best practices in Anthropology and has been suspected of embellishment and sensationalism on this topic. Additionally the portrayal is of the religion as it was nearly 100 years ago- all traditions change over time. Likewise Teish is extremely valuable for providing an inside view into the practice but certain views, as on Ancient Egypt, may be offensive now. I have chosen to include the non-academic works by Alvarado and Filan for the research on historical Voodoo they did with regards to the Federal Writer’s Project that is not readily accessible, HOWEVER, this is NOT a guide to teach you to practice this closed tradition, and again some of the opinions are suspect- DO NOT use sage, which is part of Native practice and destroys local environments. I do not support every view expressed but think even when wrong these sources present something to be learned about the way we treat culture
*Start with Osbey, the shortest of the works. To compare Louisiana Voodoo with other traditions see the chapter on Haitian Vodou in Creole Religions of the Caribbean by Olmos and Paravinsi-Gebert. Additionally many songs and chants were originally in Louisiana Creole (different from the Louisiana French dialect), which is now severely endangered. You can study the language in Ti Liv Kreyol by Guillery-Chatman et. Al.
Le Petit Albert by Albertus Parvus Lucius (1706) grimoire widely circulated in France in the 18th century, brought to the colony & significantly impacted Hoodoo
Mules and Men by Zora Neale Hurston (1935)
Spirit World-Photographs & Journal: Pattern in the Expressive Folk Culture of Afro-American New Orleans by Michael P. Smith (1984)
Jambalaya: The Natural Woman's Book of Personal Charms and Practical Rituals by Luisah Teish (1985)
Eve’s Bayou (1997), film
Spiritual Merchants: Religion, Magic, and Commerce by Carolyn Morrow Long (2001)
A New Orleans Voodoo Priestess: The Legend and Reality of Marie Laveau by Carolyn Morrow Long (2006)
“Yoruba Influences on Haitian Vodou and New Orleans Voodoo” by Ina J. Fandrich (2007)
The New Orleans Voodoo Handbook by Kenaz Filan (2011)
“Why We Can’t Talk To You About Voodoo” by Brenda Marie Osbey (2011)
Mojo Workin': The Old African American Hoodoo System by Katrina Hazzard-Donald (2013)
The Tomb of Marie Laveau In St. Louis Cemetery No. 1 by Carolyn Morrow Long (2016)
Lemonade, visual album by Beyonce (2016)
How to Make Lemonade, book by Beyonce (2016)
“Work the Root: Black Feminism, Hoodoo Love Rituals, and Practices of Freedom” by Lyndsey Stewart (2017)
The Lemonade Reader edited by Kinitra D. Brooks and Kameelah L. Martin (2019)
The Magic of Marie Laveau by Denise Alvarado (2020)
In Our Mother’s Gardens (2021), documentary on Netflix, around 1 hour mark traditional offering to the ancestors by Dr. Zauditu-Selassie
“Playing the Bamboula” rhythm for honoring ancestors associated with historical Voodoo
Voodoo and Power: The Politics of Religion in New Orleans 1880-1940 by Kodi A. Roberts (2023)
The Marie Laveau Grimoire by Denise Alvarado (2024)
Voodoo: An African American Religion by Jeffrey E. Anderson (2024)
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blind-seeing · 2 months
Zora Neale Hurston FULL LoC recordings
African crow song
Railroad spikes song
Florida blues
Another railroad spilkng song, long haired babe
"You may go but this will bring you back"
Mule on the Mount, "perhaps the longest song in America"
Gambling song "let the deal go down"
Let's shake it or let's break it
Nana don't want no peas, no rice
Buford boat, working dance song
African fire dance song
Down in Florida in the hole
Shove it over, railroad song
Children's song "your nasty butt, your stinky butt, take it away"
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aspiflette · 1 year
Recently, I had my parents at home for the holidays, so I didn't really have time to draw... so i try something else with family, and I take advantage of the opportunity to start a new project... to combine my two new passions: a felt-needle Sym. And that was soooo fun to do ! I've already ordered new colors of wools to do some others characters <3
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mightydyke · 26 days
Not knowing who the writer is in the Weird West Cabaret is so good because at first you're like "Wow this character is a really shallow and outdated racist stereotype, the writer is probably old and out-of-touch at best and straight-up racist as the worst" and then you're like "hmm this gay character could be read as problematic and predatory... but it's also possible that his story is a criticism of gay people having to repress their sexuality, and the character is so fun and camp, and whilst this might be for cheap homophobic comic relief, it could also have been written as a celebration of gay sexuality! I wonder how writer intended it..." and then you're like "OH so these people are literally trapped in this play and the writer is forcing them to act this out and wiping their memories?! That's so fucked up who would do something like that?"
And then you find out that the writers are a white gay man from the equivalent of 18th century England, and what was once a group of death-worshipping cultists who are now a mega corporation who travelled to a dimension where they weren't welcome in what can pretty easily be read as a colonisation metaphor.
And all of these people are slowly losing their humanity due to being trapped in robotic bodies.
And then you're like "Oh okay. That makes sense."
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hokkienmee · 1 month
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Ikuta Shunpei in Sabae to Yattara Owaru (2024) Episode 1
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vhalesa · 1 month
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Nothing to see here, just Kaoruko doing some voodoo stuff on Claudine
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cult-of-dollbabies · 3 months
And another thing there was zero trigger warning for that one scene in that one episode and I think it could've used one
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greeneyezblackheart · 6 months
Thou art next.
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Ummm. Next for what? Who the fuck is this?
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zigcarnivorous · 9 days
Just a reminder that the 'what if I bite myself and you get sick' routine is word-for-word ripped off from the cult classic show Mystery Science Fiction 3000. If you have seen this played off as if it were an organic interaction between quirky tumblr mutuals, cringe in the knowledge that people plagiarize from real artists to gain acceptance.
And it is this EXACT type of person, perhaps literally, that is maligning the desperate survivors of the most documented genocide in history.
Keep that in mind.
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