#the walking dead prompt list
alldevilsarehere90 · 1 year
Walking Dead Prompt List:
"Fine, go, see if I care."
"You can't be serious, that's suicide!"
"It ain't like that, we're just friends."
"You wouldn't second-look me before the world went to shit, so don't pretend otherwise."
"It don't matter, she don't see me like that."
"Don't you dare walk away from me right now, I promise you, if you do, I will not be here when you get back."
"Please, just stay with me until I fall asleep. I–I don't wanna be alone right now."
"Can you ever just say what's on your mind?"
"It's like trying to draw blood out of a stone, why do you find it so hard to talk to me?"
"What exactly have I done to make you hate me so bad?" "I don't hate you."
"Are you kidding me right now? You're jealous, aren't you?"
"I have to tell you something, so would you just shut up and listen!"
"Are you always this infuriating?"
"Would you just kiss me already?"
"I have sumthin I wanna ask ya, if you'd stop talkin long enough for me to say it."
"I feel like I'm suffocating here but it's not you, it's me, and this place."
"How many people have you killed?"  "I'm afraid, I'm going to need you to buy me dinner before I divulge that kind of information."
"I'm pregnant ok, that's why I don't want to go on runs and that's why I've been avoiding you."
"I'll kiss that smile right off your face, just say when."
"I'm not afraid anymore, to admit how I feel about you."
"Why are you so against marriage?"  "I don't believe in it."
"Wherever you are, I belong."
"I can't let nothing happen to you, you gotta stay safe, promise me."
"That bitch better back off and stop smirking at me before I carve a permanent smile on that face."
"I wouldn't mind waking up next to you every day."
"Look at me. I ain't letting nuthin happen to ya, ok?" 
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry I put you through that. I wasn't thinking about the people I left behind, I was only thinking about myself."
"Nowadays, life's too short not to tell someone something. Not to tell someone how much they mean to you. And you, (name), mean everything to me."
"Mummy, will you marry my daddy?"
"We're here at the end of the fucking world and all I can think about is, I really wish I'd kissed you."
Just tell me which prompt/ prompts (up to two), if you would like Angst, Fluff or Smut (you can choose as many as you like) and which character. I will NOT write character x character, only character x reader.
I will write for:
Daryl, Rick, Negan, Glenn, Michonne, Maggie, i will consider writing for others just ask, but it will be written from a female reader perspective for whichever character (inc. any female characters)
I will be posting a couple of drabbles I'm working on but feel free to send a request. Any one who wishes to use any of the prompts feel free to do so, just please tag me so I can read your work. THANK YOU!
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harrypoppinss · 1 year
Prompt list
Masterlist here
💘𝙵𝚕𝚞𝚏𝚏 𝙿𝚛𝚘𝚖𝚙𝚝𝚜:
‘I’m glad you decided to meet up with me.’
‘I love hearing your voice.’
‘You’re my favorite person.’
‘You. Me. Friday night.’
‘I’ll trade you a kiss for a hug.’
‘You look so nice in my clothes.’
‘Is there anything I can do for you?’
‘My favorite part of the day is seeing your face.’
‘Was there something you wanted to tell me?’
‘Do you feel any better?’
‘It’s my turn to cook tonight.’
‘What are we forgetting?’
‘I’ve got something to tell you. It’s a secret, so you can’t tell anyone else..’
‘You’re the only person for me.’
‘You smell nice.’
‘Since we met, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you.’
‘Can I kiss you? If not, can I hold your hand?’
Person A: ‘Don’t fall asleep!’ Person B: falls asleep.
‘How did you get up here?’
‘Can I come with you?’
‘I promise I won’t tell anyone.’
‘I wish I could spend more time with you.’
‘As if I could forget your birthday..’
‘Before you go, can you stay a little longer?’
‘I love the warmth of your hugs.’
‘I was looking forward to seeing you all week.’
‘My friends say I talk about you all the time.’
‘I have something really important to ask you..’
‘I can’t believe she said yes!’
‘I never knew you felt this way.’
‘Your eyes are so blue.’
‘How come I haven’t seen you around here before?’
🔥𝚂𝚖𝚞𝚝 𝙿𝚛𝚘𝚖𝚙𝚝𝚜:
I missed you so much.”
“Like what you see?”
“I’ve been thinking about you all day.”
“You’re so perfect. And I’m so fucking lucky.”
“Try to stay quiet, understand?”
“We’re in public, you know.”
“I didn’t know you were so sensitive.”
“Don’t be so rough. There can’t be any marks.”
“Don’t smile at me like that. You know it drives me crazy.”
“I like it when you say my name like that.”
“I really don’t care. You still look hot and I’m trying not to kiss you senseless right now.”
“Are you sure? Once we start, I might not be able to stop.”
“No, I’m supposed to be making you feel good.”
“I thought maybe we can do a little more than just kissing.”
“Make me.”
“Stop teasing me so much…”
“You’re in trouble now.”
“Take off your clothes.”
“I’m waiting.”
“You’re so beautiful.”
“As you wish.”
“First one to make a noise loses.”
“You have no idea what you do to me.”
“I��ve wanted this for so long.”
“Already? Do I really have that much of an effect on you?”
“The night’s still young.”
“We can’t do that here!”
“What did you just say?”
“Come here.”
💧𝙰𝚗𝚐𝚜𝚝 𝙿𝚛𝚘𝚖𝚙𝚝𝚜:
“And that makes it okay?”
“Are you afraid to die?”
“What would you do if I didn’t come back?”
“Do you know what it’s like?”
“Hasn’t this addiction done enough damage already?”
“Why are your eyes so red?”
“How do you think this ends?”
“Why would I ever want to be with you?”
“Is that what you think of me?”
“Do you know what a gunshot wound feels like?”
“How am I supposed to go on?”
“Can’t you see how fucked up this is?”
“If I told you I hate you, what would you do?”
“Should you be drinking that much?”
“What if we just crash this car and make it all stop?”
“Do the drugs still get you high?”
“Am I the reason you cry every night?”
“When did you stop loving me?”
“Don’t you think you’ve done enough?”
“How did things go so wrong?”
“When did things fall apart?”
“Which part of me wasn’t enough?”
“How do I make you love me again?”
“How much does it hurt knowing you lost me?”
“We’re you trying to destroy us?”
“How do you want to die?”
“Is the weight of it all finally too heavy?”
“Are you okay with having blood on your hands?”
“How do you sleep at night?”
“Can you still sleep at night?”
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lazyneonrabbitt · 9 months
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TWD Werewolf AU event for writing and art.
I still have to think up a clever name.
I was aiming to host it in March, since then is my birthmonth but I first like to know if people are interested in it.
PLEASE reblog to spread the word!!
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zillobeastbait · 1 year
It's a Prompt List! - For Daryl Dixon
Ok, so I actually love prompt lists because then I already have an idea for each one y'all just get to help me decide! These are for Daryl Dixon as he is the only character I'm writing for right now. If you join my Google Classroom you can find the prompt list there too. I'm only posting on Tumblr on scheduled dates, but on the Google Classroom things are posted when finished, even if they were requested on Tumblr, so if you wanna get things ahead of everyone else I suggest you head there. There is an info post attached to my account somewhere as well as on the pinned post.
“We will get through this. I promise.”
“Please come home.”
“Is that my shirt?”
“You can’t promise that.”
“Why are you so damn nice to me.”
“Why are you following me around like a lost duckling.”
“I love you, and that scares the shit outta me.”
“Stop pretending to be ok.”
“I hate it when you cry.”
“Why do you hate me so much.”
“Hey, can you help me out with something?”
“Sorry doesn’t just fix everything.”
“You fucked up, and now you have to fix it. I’m not just going to pretend you didn’t hurt me.”
“Why won't you tell me when you’re not ok?”
“I want to go home.” (Hospital)
“I hate this stupid bed.” (Hospital)
“Just a few more days, and you can come home.” (Hospital)
“I’ll stay right here the whole time.” (Hospital)
“Can't you just not work today?”
“I’m sorry it took me so long to realize I love you.”
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daryl-dixon-writes · 2 years
Writing prompts
1) “Let me guess. You caused it?”
2) “No, YOU have a problem!”
3) “You call it a problem, I call it a solution.”
4) “Well, what can I say? I’m a badass.”
5) “Do I get bonus points if I act like I care?”
6) “(Y/n), I don’t ever want to hear say that ever again. I almost lost you, and I can’t bear to hear that.”
7) “Excuse me, I have to go make a scene.”
8) “I already know I’m going to hell. At this point, it’s really go big or go home.”
9) “How the f*ck did you survive that?”
10) “Keep away from me, before I do something I’ll regret later on.”
11) “Don’t you ever take a break?”
12) “Touch her, and you’re dead!”
13) “I’ll come back for you, I promise.”
14) “We’re not alone.”
15) “Keep your eyes closed and don’t make a sound.”
16) “Listen to what I’m trying to tell you!”
17) “I have something for you.”
18) “Happy birthday, (Y/n).”
19) “Baby, we are the law.”
20) “They’re have to go through me before they get to you.”
21) “I won’t let anything happen.”
22) “Stay close to me.”
23) “Are they going to find us?”
24) “Not as long as you’re with me.”
25) “You don’t intimidate me. Drop the act.”
26) “Put the knife down, I’m not going to hurt you.”
27) “For once, I’m not the bad guy here.”
28) “Who doesn’t?”
29) “I know, thanks.”
30) “I’m I that unimportant?”
31) “I’m sorry.”
32) “If anything, you’re more zombie then human.”
33) “Are we really going to just sit back and watch this happen?”
34) “That’s crazy talk! I’m not doing that!”
35) “I told you this was a terrible idea.”
36) “Can you breathe? Where does it hurt?”
37) “I’m like, 99% this is illegal.”
38) “I don’t make the rules, here.”
39) “I don’t like the person you’re becoming.”
40) “Oh? I don’t like you much either!”
41) “Not fair!”
42) “I’m not stupid! Where is she?”
43) “(Y/n)… long time, no see.”
44) “It’s not that funny! Shut up!”
45) “Hey! I kept your secret, why didn’t you keep mine like you promised?”
46) “I hate you.”
47) “I don’t f*cking care! You’re supposed to be mine, you belong with me!”
48) “Do you not trust me?”
49) “How would you know?”
50) “I can see she’s into you just as much as you are in her.”
51) “I have nothing to say to you.”
52) “You don’t have to do this!”
53) “I told you not to get close to me, (Y/n)!”
54) “I gave you a chance to run, but you didn’t take it and now you know why.”
55) “Hate me all you want, but I will always love you.”
56) “Just be careful out there, okay?”
57) “If you don’t mind, I would like to live a lie that I can survive.”
58) “Please.. let me help you.”
59) “I’m tired of watching you suffer like this, (Y/n). Can you please have (f/c) help you find a doctor?”
59) “You’re coming with me.”
60) “You better do as I say!”
61) “Do not test my patience with you, (Y/n). It’s dangerous.”
62) “Why are you doing this?”
63) “How could you?”
64) “You’re not the man I once called my lover, for the time being at least. Deep within you, is where he remains and I want him back.”
65) “Please don’t yell at me.”
66) “Not again.”
67) “You’re my greatest treasure.”
68) “I love you, and you only.”
69) “Please come back with me. I miss you just as well as everyone else.”
70) “I never meant to hurt you, I never mean what I say.”
71) “I wouldn’t trade you for the world.”
72) “I detect a little sarcasm there, missy.”
73) “Watch yourself.”
74) “Do whatever, just don’t get involved with the wrong crowd.”
75) “It could lead you to danger and possibly death.”
76) “Did you not sleep again last night, (Y/n)?”
Requests: OPEN
Character list:
• Rick Grimes
• Shane Walsh
• Daryl Dixon
• Glenn
• Negan
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mosshugs · 2 years
Y’know I don’t talk about it as much anymore but the walking dead really had some truly raw as fuck scenes and lines that are seared into my brain forever. When it was good it was really good.
“Damn you Shane, damn you for making me do this!” And “And so my mercy prevails over my wrath” and “No, no, just look at me, just look at me” and “We get to come back” still echo in my mind and probably always will.
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I am excited to continue my prompts for The Walking Dead in a few weeks! Had absolutely no time for Magna and Yumiko because writing my bachelor thesis occupied me. But I will make it up to them. Just be patient a little bit longer <3
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writers-potion · 4 months
If you like my blog, buy me a coffee☕ and find me on instagram! 📸
For romance writing prompts, plotting tips & more, check out: MASTERPOST PT. 1
Writing Dialogue 101
Crying-Yelling Dialogue Prompts
⛰️Words to Use Instead Of...
Synonyms for "Walk"
Synonyms for “feeling like”
Words To Use Instead of "Look"
Words to Use Instead Of...(beautiful, interesting, good, awesome, cute, shy)
Said is dead
🔠Vocab Lists
Nervous Tension Vocab
Kiss Scene Vocab
Fight Scene Vocab
Haunted House Inspo & Vocab
👁️‍🗨️Setting & Description
Common Scenery Description Tips
2012 School Setting Vibes - follower question
Describing Food in Writing
Describing Cuts, Bruises and Scrapes
Using Description and Setting Meaningfully
How Different Types of Death Feel
🗡️Weapons & Fighting Series:
Writing Swords
Writing knives and daggers
Writing Weapons (3): Staffs, Spears and Polearms
Writing Weapons (4): Clubs, Maces, Axes, Slings and Arrows
Writing Weapons (5): Improvised Weapons
Writing Weapons (6): Magical Weapons and Warfare
Writing Weapons (7): Unarmed Combat
Writing Female Fighters
Writing Male Fighters
Writing Armour
Writing Group Fights
Writing Battles At Sea
Erotic Tension in Fight Scenes
Pacing for Fight Scenes
Writing a Siege Warfare
Different Genres, Different Fight Scenes.
Making Fight Scenes Sound Nicer
Fight Scenes For Disabled Characters
Constructing a Fictional Economy
Homosexuality in Historical Fiction
Writing Nine Circles of Hell
Writing Seven Levels of Heaven
Master List of Superpowers
Magic System Ideas 
A Guide to Writing Cozy Fantasy
Dark Fantasy How-To
Dark Fantasy Writing Prompts
Dark, Twisted Fairytale Prompts
Fantasy World Cultural Quirks 
Fantasy Nobel Ranks: A List
🌠Symbolism in Writing
Plant Symbolisms 
Weather Symbolisms
Symbols of Death
🪄Writing Magic
Writing Magicians - the basics
Writing Magic Systems
Magical Training Options for Your Characters
List of Fantasy Subgenres
Beauty is Terror: A List
The Pirate's Glossary
Storyediting Questions to Ask
Writing Multiple WIPs Simultaneously
Idea Generation Exercises for the Writer
Book Title Ideas
Picking the Right Story For You
What If God Dies in Your Story 
International Slang, Slang, Slang!
10 Great Love Opening Lines 
How to Insult Like Shakespeare
Serial Killer Escape Manual
Best Picrew Character Generators for Your Characters!
How to Write Faster
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i saw your prompt list and was hoping for number 6 with Aegon <3
‘’Don’t cry. I hate it when you cry.’’
Request: Aegon married Rhaenyra's daughter. When the king dies, Alicent lock her in the dungeons so she won't go to her mother and ruin the coronation. Aegon ask where his wife is and get you out himself. Tells the guard that his wife is not to be made prisoner
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You always knew Alicent had madness running through her blood, but you never thought she would have you taken to the dungeons and imprisoned. 
After dressing in your day dress, you were walking down the corridors, looking for Halaena when you heard voices coming from the small council chamber talking about sending men to Dragonstone to kill your mother and Daemon. Before you could get to your bed chamber and write her a message to send by crow, one of the guards saw you and brought you to the dungeons. 
You tried to scream for help, but the sounds were killed by the stone walls. So you sank to the floor and curled on yourself, praying to the gods that someone would come get you out. Someone must have noticed your absence. 
At his return from the dragonpit, Aegon walked into your chambers and called to you. He assumed you were with his sister, so he went to Halaena’s chambers, but she told him she had not seen you. On his way back from his sister’s chambers, Aegon heard the servants whispering about ‘the blacks’ daughter’ and stopped them. 
With fury in his eyes, the prince stormed down to the dungeons. He didn’t have his sword on him — only Aemond wore it on the daily —, but he had his dagger. Whoever would try to oppose freeing you will end their day bleeding out. Aegon was not afraid of a fight. 
His footsteps echoed off the stone walls and the torches flickered as he passed. As he reached the entrance to the dungeons, Aegon clenched his fists, the muscles in his jaw tight with determination. Without surprise, two guards were stationed at the entrance. They moved to block the way when the prince approached. 
‘’We cannot let you go past, my prince. Orders of the Queen,’’ one of them said.
‘’The King’s dead, which no longer makes her Queen. And as the rightful heir to the throne, it is my command you obey.’’ Aegon tried to go past them, but the other guard pulled out his sword. ‘’I could have you removed from the kingsguard for pointing your sword at your future King.’’ His jaw clenched, his grip tightening on the hilt of his dagger as he stared the defiant guards.
The threat hung heavy in the air, a silent warning of the consequences should they continue to defy him. After a tense moment, the guard who had brandished his sword reluctantly stepped aside.
‘’My wife is not to be made a prisoner,’’ Aegon declared, his voice ringing with authority, holding his dagger at the guard’s throat. 
The guard gulped. ‘’Yes, my Prince.’’ 
Aegon walked past them, wondering how his own mother could do this. A part of him was not surprised, though. Her determination often goes too far. 
Finally, he reached the row of cells. All were empty, except one. His heart was pounding in his chest as he saw you sitting with your knees pulled to your chest on the cold stone floor. He said your name and you looked up, tears welling up in your eyes as you stood and reached out to him. You knew he would come for you. 
‘’Aegon!’’ Your voice held relief. 
He grabbed your hand through the bars, cold from being down here, holding it. ‘’Don’t cry. I hate it when you cry.’’ Aegon reached out to caress your tear-streaked face, his touch a tender reassurance in the midst of chaos. 
Using the keys he stole from the guards, Aegon unlocked the door, a harsh creaking sound echoing in the silence of the dungeon when it opened. Without hesitation, he pulled you into his arms, holding you close as if afraid to let you go. 
‘’Are you alright?’’ he asked, stepping back to look at you. 
You nodded. You were cold, and very thirsty, but not hurt. ‘’I heard your mother and her father speaking to the Lord Commander. They sent men to murder my mother,’’ you said, a tear slipping down your face. ‘’I was sent here so I wouldn’t write to her and risk ruining your coronation. I need to get to the dragonpit. I have to go to Dragonstone and save my mother.’’ 
House of the dragon taglist: @khaleesihavilliard @domoron @ididliquorice @lover-of-helios @lover-of-helios @shine101 @tanyaherondale @mikariell95 @serrendiipty @lantsovheiress @gilliananderfuckme @shine101 @tetgod @clayzayden@memeorydotcom @tnu-ree @futuregws @blackravena @winxschester @mysteriouslydelightfulchaos @xxlaynaxx @secretsthathauntus @pilarxxxaguayo @emmavan39 @stargaryenx @erylilly @bbblackmamba @rainedrop97 @dreamer087 @gothicgay14 @ashlatano7567 @superkittywonderland @justaproudslytherpuff @evesolstice @buckysmainhxe @padfootsvixen @scarletmeii @evesolstice @dkathl @kaywsworld @tetgod @padfootsvixen @domoron   @weird-addiction @angeliod @xjennyx2 @adaydreamaway08  @mymultiveres  @secretsthathauntus  @puffycreamcakes@thirsty4nonlivingmen@naty-1001@katiepie67@moshpot24x@hc-geralt-23@lovelynerdytraveler@saturn-sas  @zgzgh @sssjuico10@tabloidteen@timetoten@deekaag@wondxrgurl@aerangi@strmborns@astridyoo15@daemonslittlebitch@queenbeestuffs@severewobblerlightdragon@agentstarkid@msliz@vane1999-blog@fairyfolkloresposts@todaywasafairytale07@otomaniac@zgzgzh@thebeardedmoon@golden-library@kikyrizuki@hnslchw@camy85@winxschester @armstrongscommentsection
All and more taglist:  @kenqki  @hawkegfs  @gillybear17   @black-rose-29 @fudge13 @cece05 @laylasbunbunny @gemofthenight @beautyb1ade   @mellabella101 @vxnity713  @bisexualgirlsblog @queenofslytherin889 @thatbxtchesblog @softb-tterfly @ethanlandrycanbreakmyheart  @xyzstar  @graceberman3   @mikeyspinkcup @jackierose902109 @daisydark @laurasdrey @mischieftom @fanatic4niall @peterholland04 @idkwhattonamethisblogs  @lexasaurs634  @notasadgirlipromise @zoeynicolas @thejuleshypothesis @multi-fandom-bi-bitch @lexasaurs634  @notasadgirlipromise @thejuleshypothesis  @katherinejess  @rafesgirlstuff   @lafleshlumpeater @iamluminosity  Anouk nani-2305 @books0fever
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DP x DC Prompt: The Watchlist
Batman has a watchlist. A list that contains every individual who could become a rouge and a contingency plan for if they did.  
And while they, his children, often make fun of his paranoia and him for having it, they totally understand why he did. They lived in Gotham, for Christ's sake. Where everyone’s just a pin drop away from being the city’s next big villain, forcing the bats to scratch their heads while playing cat and mouse with a sicko for a good few weeks. And while they won’t admit it, the list has helped them a few times. 
But that won’t stop them from making fun of any of the list’s new developments. Because you see, there was a new list. And it wasn’t just a watchlist. No, no, no. It was The Watchlist.
It was a new development after he and Robin went on an out-of-state mission to investigate some town in bum fuck nowhere Illinois. And it was under some pretty tight security as well, so they were expecting something good, like mad scientists or evil mayors. Not profiles of the kids who lived in the town. And while there were a few metas and vigilantes that made the list interesting, by the end of it all they just seemed to be teenagers. 
Until they saw Damian. They hadn’t seen him since he came back from the mission with B. He looked tired. Like ‘Tim hasn’t slept in a week and is surviving on just coffee beans’ tired.
“Ah, I see you all have found it. Good. A few of them will be arriving next week as they’re a part of Gotham Academy’s student exchange program. At least three of them will be staying in the manor with us. Father will need you all to be on standby and to be ready for any possible scenario. Please, for the love of all that is good, do not encourage them in any way, shape, or form. And please do not dismiss them either. The outcome of doing that will be much worse. Is there more that I should add? Yes. Will I? No, because you won’t understand. Not until you've seen what I have.” 
The demon child sighed, then looked them dead in the eyes. “Godspeed to us all.” Then walked away.
Okay, they were scared now.
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steddie-island · 3 months
Risky Business
Written for @steddie-week day 2 | Prompt: Hands Rating: M | WC: 2,027 | Tags: Pre-Steddie, season 2, shotgunning, dry humping, coming in pants, cheating (if you squint) Find full list of tags on ao3 | Divider credit
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“Watch it, Harrington!”
Steve didn't even turn around to see who was yelling at him. He needed to get the fuck out of there.
Bullshit. Bullshit. Bullshit.
The words reverberated in his head, echoed in the empty hollow of his chest where his heart used to be.
"Like we're in love?"
It was too fucking much. There were monsters, and Barb was dead, and Nancy wasn't in love with him, and—
“What!” Steve spun around and came face to face with one Eddie Munson. He definitely didn't need this shit right now, either, whatever Eddie was trying to do.
“Jesus, who pissed in your cheerios?” Eddie held his hand out, where Steve's keyring dangled from one finger. “I was giving these back, but if that's how it's gonna be.”
Steve swiped for them, but Eddie already had them folded back into the palm of his hand and was walking towards the house again.
“Just— hand them over.” Steve tried to make another grab for them, but Eddie was too fast, the shithead. “Munson, I'm in a really bad goddamn mood, okay?”
Eddie lifted his free hand to his head, rubbed at the back of his neck. “How much have you had to drink?”
Steve blinked at him. “I'm fine to drive.”
“That's not an answer, big boy, and I'm afraid it would be against the Munson code to let you do something stupid like that.” Steve swiped for his keys again, but then Eddie was turning, rearing his arm back— and Steve watched as his keys went flying.
“What the fuck !” Steve wanted to shove him, wanted to wipe the stupid smile right off of his stupid fucking face.
“I'll help you find them later,” Eddie said. “C'mon, man. You're clearly not in any shape to drive. Let me take you home.”
Steve wanted to say no. He wanted to kick and scream and argue but how the fuck else was he supposed to get home now? Just the thought of sticking around long enough to see Jonathan pour Nancy into his car made his stomach twist.
He could walk, but he was so tired . It washed over him all at once, and Steve's entire body sort of slumped. “Fine. You're paying if we don't find them, though.”
Eddie looked surprised, like he hadn't expected Steve to give in so fast. Still he bowed, gestured ahead of them. “Right this way, sir.”
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“You wanna talk about it?”
Steve shook his head, bringing his cheek to rest against the window. “Not really.”
”Okay.” Eddie reached over and turned the radio on. The music was heavier than what Steve usually listened to, but that actually helped get him out of his head. There was going to be a breakdown, and a big one, but he needed it to not happen here, in Eddie Munson's van.
Eddie fidgeted. Steve could tell he wanted to talk, to say somthing, anything , to get rid of the silence between them.
“Does... Wheeler have a way to get home?”
Steve wished Eddie would've kept his big mouth shut.
“She's fine,” he said flatly. Emotionless. He couldn't think about Nancy, about bullshit, bullshit, bullshit .
“Shit— hey, I'm sorry, man.” Eddie was really fidgeting now, and— fuck.
Steve wiped away traitorous tears and cleared the lump out of his throat. “I'm fine,” he said, snappier than he meant to. It wasn't Eddie's fault he was losing his cool.
“Clearly. Totally fine,” Eddie said, nodding. He seemed to think about it, fingers drumming against his steering wheel again— did he ever sit still? Then they were turning away from Steve's house, towards the edge of town.
“C'mon, man, I'm fine, just—”
“Trust me,” Eddie said. His eyes flicked over to Steve again. “This is better than going home.“
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Steve had been to Lover's Lake before, but never in the back of Eddie Munson's van. They'd parked, and Eddie had lit up a preroll. Whatever was in it, Steve wasn't feeling any pain anymore.
They were floating together, weightless in the back of the van on the pile of blankets Eddie had spread out for them. Steve's hair hung away from his face as he watched the way the night sky reflected in the water.
There were no dead girls here, no alternate universes with monsters ready to rip them to shreds.
There wasn't a bat driven through with nails that looked rusty with old monster blood rotting away in his trunk.
There were just stars, and the music pouring softly through the speakers now. And Eddie, warm and sturdy by his side, with their pinkies barely touching.
"Fuckin' love this song," Eddie said. Steve didn't recognize it, though the thrum of the guitar made his already fuzzy brain vibrate pleasantly.
"Think you've said that about every song we've listened to," Steve murmured. His tongue was heavy and thick in his mouth. He reached for the joint, giggled when his fingers didn't want to work and he nearly dropped it.
"Lemme help you." Eddie rolled over, pressed the butt of if it to Steve's lips. His fingers were dry and warm. Steve's eyes nearly crossed as he tried to watch those fingertips. He was so distracted he almost forgot to actually inhale.
"Never woulda taken King Steve for a lightweight," Eddie teased. His voice was giggly, too, as he leaned back, brought the joint to his own mouth and took a long pull.
Steve couldn't stop watching his fingers, the glint of the light on his rings as he lifted a hand to tuck his hair behind his ear.
"You still with me?" Eddie asked. He lightly bumped his foot against Steve's and gave him a teasing smile.
"Yeah, 'm with you," Steve said. He reached up to touch one of Eddie's rings without really thinking about it. "You have nice hands." His fingers were long, slender. Musician's hands, complete with callouses that Steve had the odd desire to get his lips on.
Maybe the bitten nails weren't a musician thing, just an Eddie thing, but that didn't change the fact that Steve kind of wanted to kiss those fingertips.
"Yeah? You like, big boy?" Normally Eddie wouldn't have risked flirting with the straight jock high off his ass in the back of the van but Harrington didn't feel like a threat. He waved his hand lazily and watched Steve's gaze follow along like there was a slight delay between what Eddie was doing and Steve brain processing it.
"Yeah." Steve reached up to catch Eddie's wrist, to stop him from moving his hand around. "I do." He trailed his fingertips over Eddie's palm then outlined one finger at a time.
If anyone had told Eddie that morning that he would end the day holding hands with a stoned Steve Harrington at Lover's Lake he would've laughed in their face and asked if they needed a ride to the hospital. Here he was, though, with the ex king threading their fingers together, pressing palm flush against palm.
A shaky breath slipped out of Steve's chest. He pulled their hands closer so he could run his fingers over Eddie's rings, then up along his knuckles.
Eddie watched Steve with heavy lidded eyes. They were just holding hands— at least, he thought this weird thing Steve was doing where he followed the lines where their hands touched counted as holding hands— but there was something about it that felt intimate.
Maybe it was the way Steve's lips were parted, and the peek of pink as his tongue wet his lower lip. Maybe it was the way Steve was eyeing their clasped hands like he wanted to fucking bite them.
Or like he was holding Eddie's hand to keep from doing just that.
"Harrington." Eddie nudged Steve with his foot again. "Sure you're with me?"
Those warm eyes met Eddie's again. Steve didn't answer, he just watched Eddie's face in a way that made the other boy feel cut open and exposed. It was a feeling Eddie didn't get often, a feeling he really didn't know how to be comfortable with.
So Eddie did the first thing that came to mind that wasn't just staring right back. He took a hit off of the joint, never taking his eyes off of Steve's. He didn't let the smoke out and instead leaned in to almost press their lips together, and once Steve opened his mouth, he let the smoke pass between them.
Steve made an injured sound. Before Eddie could pull back to check on him a hand was in his hair, and then they were kissing. It was desperate, tongues and teeth meeting and clashing.
"Eddie," Steve panted before tipping his head back so Eddie's mouth could be on his throat instead.
Eddie wanted to mark him. He wanted to bite and suck and leave traces of himself all over this ridiculous jock. He had just enough mind left to not let himself do that, and instead he dragged his tongue over Steve's pulsepoint before giving his earlobe a gentle tug.
"Oh fuck —" Steve pulled him in, licked into Eddie's mouth again and ground against the thigh now settled between his own legs.
There was an urgency in the way Steve's hips moved, in the way he kissed at Eddie's neck before biting down, unafraid to mark the way Eddie had been.
Eddie cursed and rocked down, meeting those hungry little movements. They were going to come together, ruin their clothes together. He should stop it, should remind Steve that he was drunk and there was maybe a girlfriend waiting for him when the sun came up.
Then Steve tugged down the collar of his shirt and those perfect fucking teeth were digging into his collar bone. Eddie cried out at the flash of pain and pleasure as he spilled into his boxers.
Steve anchored a hand into Eddie's hair and pulled him in to kiss him again. His movements picked up, became something more firm against Eddie's thigh.
Eddie was going to remember the sound Steve made as he was coming for the rest of his life.
They settled together on their nest of blankets, with the come drying into the fabric of their clothes and in their pubic hair. Eddie barely dared to breathe, in case Steve decided to kick his ass once he'd come back to himself more. Steve didn't do that, though. Instead he took Eddie's wrist and brought his hand to his mouth, to kiss the underside of each of his three chunky rings before resting Eddie's hand on his chest.
"I should get home."
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They cleaned up as much as they could with the napkins fished out of the glovebox. The blankets were left in a pile in the back to be dealt with later.
Steve seemed more calm on the drive back to the Harrington house. Some of the edge Eddie had noticed when they'd first ran into each other seemed to have been smoothed out, whether by the weed or the orgasm or a mix of the two he wasn't sure.
Only once they were parked did Steve remember— "Fuck." He looked up at his house, with all the dark windows staring down at him. "I don't have my keys."
"Actually…" Eddie reached into the pocket of his leather jacket and came up holding Steve's keys.
"You sneaky bastard." Steve took the keys and turned them over as if inspecting that they really were his.
"I really didn't feel like sneaking around Tina's house and having her call the cops on me. Just had to make you think I'd thrown them."
Steve watched Eddie's face in the dashboard light. Tomorrow he would have to talk to Nancy, he knew. It was going to hurt— already his chest ached with what they had to do, what he'd been refusing to accept had been coming for a while now.
But maybe it didn't have to hurt forever. Maybe he didn't have to hurt forever.
"Good night, sneaky bastard." Steve reached over and squeezed Eddie's knee before slipping out of the van.
"Night, Steve," Eddie said. He sat there watching until Steve was safely inside.
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lnfours · 2 months
Heyyy congrats on the milestone🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼
Can you please do prompt 6 and 9 from list 2 where lan picks drunk reader up from a night out and just kinda takes care of her
Thank you💜
thank u anon! also the thought of this warmed my heart in a way i can’t describe ☹️ alsooooo best friend!lando bc.. yeah!!!!!
prompt 6: “hey, you’re shivering…” followed by their hand gently tugging your body closer to theirs while they rest their chin on top of your head.
prompt 9: being extremely gentle when you’re close to them.
join the 12k and annual celebration!
“where’re you at?” lando’s voice sounded through the speakers of your phone. however, you didn’t catch the sound of the jingle of keys in the background, or the sound of his front door closing.
“mm,” you hummed, turning around on the sidewalk to look at the bar behind you, “harry’s?”
he chuckled softly on the other end of the phone, car door closing as he hopped into the drivers seat, “you don’t sound so sure.”
“‘m not,” you slurred, “whatever bar has the really overly talkative dj. can’t believe he decided to get on the mic during the only good song he played all night. can you believe that?”
he smiled on the other end, putting the pieces together on where you were, “well, what song was it?”
you hiccuped quietly, but he caught it on his end, “best song ever by one direction!”
“that asshole,” lando said, typing in the address for the bar you were at, “listen, i’ll be there in ten minutes, alright? you stay put. don’t go anywhere with anyone. got it?”
you fake saluted, even though he couldn’t see you, “yes sir,”
“good, okay, i’ll see you soon.”
“see you soon,” you smiled, hanging up the phone before sitting down on the curb in front of the bar. after sitting there for a few minutes, your friends had finally walked out of the bar.
“we’re heading back to abby’s!” your friend, jasmine, smiled, “you coming?”
“no,” you shook your head, “my ride’s almost here.”
“did you call an uber?”
“something like that,” you smiled, “don’t worry, i’ll be fine.”
“what do you mean ‘something like that’?” the blonde, abby, asked. her question was answered a few seconds later when a car pulled up in front of your group. the mclaren being a dead giveaway of who you called.
the girls teased you, a cluster of ‘aww’s and ‘how cute’s coming from them before you flipped them off playfully. lando rounded the back of the car, clad in a hoodie and a pair of sweatpants that was a sign that he had been planning on going to bed before you called.
“evening ladies,” he smiled at the girls behind you before looking down at you, “ready, princess?”
you nodded, sticking your hands out to him. he helped you up off the curb, noticing your shivering state. the nighttime breeze and the revealing dress you were wearing making you cold.
“hey, you’re shivering,” he said, pulling you into a hug and leaning his head on yours in efforts to warm you up, “why didn’t you bring a jacket? you know it gets chilly at night in the fall,”
you hummed, basking in his warmth and the smell of him. he smelled clean, like he had just gotten out the shower, with a hint of the scent of his laundry detergent. his cologne from the day before still lingering on his skin. he smelled like home.
“accidentally left it on my bed,” you mumbled into his chest, his head resting on top of yours, “wasn’t cold til i came out here.”
he chuckled, “probably helped sober you up a bit,” he said, pulling away from the hug and leaning down to brush a stray hair from your face, “hungry?”
you nodded and he smiled, “okay, let’s get you in the car.”
you let him lead you to the passenger side door. the both of you bidding your group a goodbye as they all watched with knowing smiles and smirks.
once he got you buckled, he closed the door and made his way to his own side. he pushed the heat up for your side of the car, wanting you to get warmth back into your body.
“what’dya want for food?” he asked, pulling away from the curb before looking over at you.
“really want pancakes,” you said.
“you want pancakes at,” he paused to read the time on the display of his car, “eleven o’clock at night.”
you nodded, looking over at him and god he couldn’t say no to that face, “please?”
“okay, pancakes it is.”
you smiled, absentmindedly reaching for his hand on the center console, your cold hands wanting the warmth from his body back, “your hands are warm,”
he smiled, letting you hold his hand in yours, despite the fact that they felt like icicles, “because i actually dress according to the weather, thank you.”
“says the man who wears hoodies in the middle of summer,” you retorted, “no room to talk.”
he laughed softly, pulling into the parking spot in front of his house, “got me there, i suppose.”
he managed to get you in the house easily, you sitting at the kitchen counter and watching him rummage through the cupboards to find the ingredients to make pancakes. you couldn’t help but stare at him in the dim light, your heart clenching in your chest as you watched him.
he was making you pancakes. at eleven at night. after picking you up from the bar. what about him wasn’t there to love?
your feet were moving before you could think about it, coming up behind him and wrapping your arms around his waist. he smiled as you leaned your forehead on his shoulder, his freehand coming down and placing it over yours.
you hummed in response.
“once you eat we can go to bed,” he said, his voice soft as he poured the batter into the pan, “promise.”
“can we cuddle?” you asked, picking your head up and smiling at him as he looked at you over his shoulder.
“whatever you want,” he smiled back.
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daryl-dixon-daydreams · 2 months
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"Wait—what do you mean?" Daryl asked, coming to a dead stop.
Your momentum carried you a few steps ahead before you realized he wasn't beside you anymore. You stopped and looked back at him, letting out a low laugh. "What do you mean what do I mean?" you asked, incredulous at his disbelif.
He looked puzzled. "People think I'm a badass?"
You stared at him in amusement and perplexity. "You're joking, right? Daryl... you're kind of famous for it. You drove a tanker in here and set the reservoir on fire with a fucking RPG."
He still looked stunned and confused. "Well," he drawled, shrugging. "I was just—doin' what needed to be done. Shit was all sideways, ya know?"
You smirked. "And that is why you're a badass. It's not like you do these things for the glory... you do them to take care of your family, this community."
He scruffed a hand through his hair and ducked his head for a moment before he started walking again, falling into step beside you. "Well, what about you?"
"What about me?" you asked.
"Ya punched both Aiden and Spencer out in the same day," he said, shooting you an amused look.
"That's not being a badass. That's just being a good judge of character," you retorted, drawing a hearty laugh from him. You grinned. You loved the sound of his laugh.
"Well, there's plenty more I could list off," Daryl said.
"Please don't. I don't need reminding of my temper."
"Pfft. Me neither," he teased you.
You shoved him playfully but couldn't help laughing again and Daryl joined you.
Prompt: "You're kind of famous for it."
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steventhusiast · 10 months
STWG daily prompt 3/12/23
prompt: "what the hell happened to you?"
pairing/character(s): steddie
Eddie hasn't heard from Steve for forty eight hours when the phone rings, and he jumps for it. He hopes (and maybe prays to the god he doesn't believe in) that it's Steve. That he just... Fell asleep when he got home from his shift at Scoops and that's why he didn't call when he got home two days ago. That he got distracted by the kids the next morning and that's why he didn't call Eddie one day ago.
"Hello?" He says into the phone, trying not to sound too frantic.
But as soon as he finds out who's calling, a rock settles in his stomach.
"This is Hawkins General Hospital, am I speaking with Wayne Munson?"
He's silent for a moment. Fuck. Something's happened to Steve. He debates lying, because Wayne left for work literally five minutes ago, and he needs to know what happened, and what if Steve's dead?-
"No. This is Eddie Munson, ma'am, Wayne just left for work. Is- Is everything okay?" He closes his eyes as he speaks, tips his head forward to lightly bang it against the wall of the trailer. Why didn't he just lie? Now they're never going to tell him.
"Alright, one moment.." The lady on the phone says, and Eddie hears some papers rustling and then a sigh, "Oh, Edward Munson?"
"Yes, ma'am."
"You're listed as another emergency contact, so I can tell you this as well." Eddie breathes out a sigh of relief, but feels tears start to well up as he imagines what she's about to say.
"This is in regards to Steven Harrington, who is alive and stable but quite badly injured. That's all I can say over the phone. Before he can be discharged, if his next of kin don't respond, we'll need to talk through patient care with you or Wayne Munson, alright?"
"Yes I- He can have visitors, right?" He's already looking frantically around the room to see where the keys to his van are.
"Yes. Visiting hours don't end for another two hours yet."
Eddie's never hung up a phone so fast.
When he finally gets to Steve's room (after an argument with the receptionist who was hesitant to give him the room number), he practically throws open the door in his haste, and is... Surprised at the amount of people in the room.
He's zeroed in on Steve before he properly registers them though. As soon as he processes the state of his boyfriend, everyone else in the room practically disappear from his mind.
"Oh, Stevie." He whispers, walking over to the bed.
Steve seems to be either asleep or passed out, and he looks.. Horrible. One eye is swollen shut, there's a bandage over his nose like it's broken, and his bottom lip is swollen with a (freshly stitched up) wound trailing down from it an inch or so. And that's just his face-- Eddie can't even see the rest of him right now.
"What the hell happened to you?" He mumbles to himself, hesitantly reaching out to rest a hand on Steve's forearm.
It's then that he's rudely reminded of the presence of others in the room.
"More like what the hell is Eddie Munson doing in Steve Harrington's hospital room?" A familiar voice asks, and he turns to see Robin Buckley sat at Steve's side. A little more turning around and he sees Dustin, who he recognises from pictures, and a little girl who can't be older than ten.
Robin looks confused and suspicious, and like she's about to interrogate him until she sees the genuine distress (and tears) in his eyes. She softens a little, and lets Eddie ask what he's been dying to ask for over forty eight hours now.
"Is he okay?" He sniffles harshly in attempt to get rid of the waver in his voice.
"He will be. Pretty bad concussion though, and- No, wait. Seriously, why are you here?"
Eddie's about to make something up, when Steve rouses with a groan. Everyone's quiet as he squints open his good eye and groans some more at the lights.
"Wha's- Wha's goin' on?" He slurs, and Eddie feels the tears return. Steve sounds as fucked up as he looks, and- shit, Robin said concussion? Steve's already had one too many of those.
"Hey, it's okay Stevie. You know where you are?" Eddie asks gently, opting to ignore everyone else once again if they're going to stay quiet.
"Eds?" Steve's face scrunches up in a way that looks painful, and he slowly looks over in Eddie's direction with eyes that are definitely too dilated.
Eddie starts rubbing his thumb back and forth where he's still gently resting a hand on Steve's forearm. He hopes it's comforting rather than adding to Steve's pain.
"Yeah, I'm here. I got you, sweetheart."
read part 2 here
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azrielslittleslut · 3 months
Can you do prompt 6 and 13 with azriel? Like hurt comfort where the reader has a panic attack or smth and he’s comforting them? Please and thank you if you do end up doing it 🥹🥹
#6- "Shh, you're safe. I won't let you go." & #13- "I'm not going to leave you. You're never going to have to suffer by yourself again. I promise."
Azriel x Reader
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Summary: Reader goes on their first mission with Azriel, but it doesn't go well. This one is a little dark, but it contains fluff/comfort.
Warnings: 18+ due to language, mentions of violence, descriptions of a panic attack, vomit, angst, fluff/comfort, mentions of compartmentalizing
Word Count: 1.3k
prompt list
a/n: I broke up the second prompt sentence so the story would flow better. I hope you like it!
The icy cold earth bit into your knees as they slammed onto the ground, your chest heaving as you fought for each breath. You dug your fingers into the soil, the jagged edges of pebbles and rocks cutting into your skin. You dared not glance down, unwilling to confront the sight of blood mingling with the muddy earth beneath your trembling fingers.
This was your first mission with Azriel, and you had been so excited that you were finally trusted enough by the spymaster and High Lord. The task seemed straightforward: investigate the attacks plaguing a secluded village on the fringes of the Night Court. You and Azriel had been sent in to gather intelligence before any more offensive plans were made.
You closed your eyes, trying to block out the memories that would no doubt haunt your nightmares from now on.
Children screaming. Females and males torn apart. Blood everywhere.
Azriel had left, once you got into the outskirts of the camp, slipping into the shadow to get a better look at things. You were to stay there and watch and signal him if anything went awry.
You hadn't been fast enough to signal him when the beast tore through the tree line, heading straight for the village full of innocent people. You hadn't been able to grab your weapons and charge after it as you listened to the villagers being ripped apart.
No, you had stood there frozen, unable to move as fear and horror washed through your body, locking your limbs in place.
After the beast had finished its rampage, it had disappeared back into the trees, and you had walked into the village on numb legs to search for survivors.
A toddler, clinging to its lifeless mother... screaming, crying, wailing. Covered in blood.
You bent forward as you vomited your breakfast up into the mud, the stinging bile in your throat a welcome feeling compared to the gaping hole in your chest.
This was your first mission, and you had failed them. You had royally fucked up.
The world started to spin as your chest began to heave rapidly. The trees around you started to turn black at the edges as you hyperventilated, unable to get in enough air.
A young male holding onto his leg that had been ripped from his body, covered in blood.
You tore at your leathers with those hands that were also covered in blood, trying to get them off, to get air into your body. "Off, off, off," you murmured into the darkness of the forest as you threw your useless weapons onto the ground.
A warm hand ran along your spine, a gentle caress. "Y/N," a deep voice murmured. Azriel's voice. "You're okay. It's okay." Shadows wrapped around you, cocooning the two of you in a protective shield.
His hand against your back was an anchor as the world spun around you. "The villagers-" you gasped out, your voice raw. "They're dead. They're all dead." You could hear the echoes of screams in your head, and you had the sudden urge to gouge your eardrums out with your dagger.
The dagger you should have used to help those villagers.
"I know. The beast was faster than you... than me. Rhys and Cassian are on the way to help clean up and hunt it down."
You vomited again, gagging on your own uselessness and stupidity. Once you were done, you started to sob as a raw scream ripped from your throat.
Azriel wrapped his hands around your middle, hauling you back until you were pressed against him. You could feel the rumble of his voice in his chest as he said, "Shh. You're safe. I won't let you go."
You continued to sob as he ran soothing hands along your back and arms. He turned you around so that you were facing him, but you didn't dare open your eyes. You couldn't bear to see the disappointment that no doubt lingered in his.
"I need you to breathe for me." He grabbed your hand and placed it on his leather-clad chest. You felt his chest move under your palm as he breathed in deeply. "Breathe with me. Focus."
You nodded as you followed his orders, trying to calm your breathing as you copied his. When your heart rate had slowed and your breathing had settled, you opened your eyes, preparing to see hazel eyes that were full of rage.
Instead, you were met with eyes that were filled with compassion and sorrow. Azriel's gaze was uncharacteristically soft as he took your face in his hands, running his thumbs along your cheeks. "There you are," he murmured.
You dug your fingers into his leathers, still trying to copy his breathing. "I can't stop hearing them. Seeing them. I failed them." Your voice was distant and broken.
"No, you didn't, Y/N. There was nothing you could do." He pulled your face up so you could look him in the eyes. "Nothing. You understand?"
You bit your lip as you nodded once. "I don't think I'm meant to be a spy. To go off with you on missions." Your eyes watered as the tears threatened to spill from your eyes. "I don't think I'm meant for this. I would understand if you wanted to leave me here and go back to Velaris."
Your panic and shame had overridden all common sense, and you couldn't stop the bleak words as they tumbled from your lips.
Azriel shook his head, his tangled black hair falling across his brow. "I'm not going to leave you." He placed his forehead against yours, and his calming scent filled your nostrils. "I would rather have a partner full of compassion than someone who feels nothing." He placed a hand against your rapidly beating heart. "Never be ashamed of your kind heart, Y/N. It's one of the many things I love about you."
He spoke each word with conviction, and the unwavering tone of his voice made you believe him, despite the pain you were feeling. "Will it ever get easier?" you asked, moving your hand up to cup his jaw.
Azriel swallowed, his throat bobbing with the movement. "I wish I could say it will. But I still see things, in my dreams." He covered your hand with his own, his scarred palm warm against yours. "You will eventually learn how to compartmentalize them, how to hide those feelings away during a mission so they can dealt with later. But, Y/N, I need you to promise me something."
The intensity of his gaze made the screaming in your ears go quiet. "Anything," you whispered.
"Never hide those feelings from me. Let me in. Don't run from me or hide. As long as I am with you, you're never going to have to suffer by yourself again. I promise."
You wrapped your arms around him then, not caring that you were both covered in blood, dirt, and sweat. You held onto him like a lifeline, clinging to him amidst the waves of panic that threatened to overwhelm you. "Thank you," you muttered into his shoulder.
From the distance, you heard male shouts. Rhys and Cassian had arrived, it seemed.
You pulled away from Azriel, wiping your face and straightening your leathers. "We need to help them," you said, forcing your voice into steadiness. You pushed those feelings down, knowing you needed to do what you could to finish the mission.
Azriel grabbed your wrists, stopping your movements. "They've got it handled. Let's go home. You need water and food." He stood and hauled you up after him. "Let me take care of you tonight."
For the first time, you offered him a smile. You let him pull you against him as his shadows swarmed you, preparing to take you home.
The world was indeed full of pain, horror, and heartbreak, but perhaps it could be bearable if you surrounded yourself with those who loved and cared about you. Azriel cared about you, and that was enough to make you smile as you were taken away from that wretched place that was full of blood and broken bodies.
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aft3rhrs · 9 months
— hangman ღ
number: unknown. pt 2.
pairing: jungkook x reader
genre: strangers to lovers
warnings: dead dove, yandere, smoking, manipulation, corruption, allusions to depression and anxiety, allusions to past familial abuse, kidnapping, drugging, hints of fear kink (mind games, mentions & threats of snuff and necrophilia), allusions to cnc, mentions of stalking, angst, obsession, dub con, humiliation, praise, choking, possessiveness, outdoor sex, rough sex, dirty talk, use of triggering words in an erotic and degrading manner* (listed under the cut), creampie, mindbreak (??? a tiny bit), aftercare, mentions of murder and corpses, revenge themes, softer towards the end
*use of the word “rapist”.
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It's been three weeks since Jungkook has started seeing you in clubs. Five weeks of silence since the last phone call. It didn't take a lot for you to let your guard down, a tempting invitation for a predator like him. Were you passing time drinking, hoping he would finally come around and see where you've been hiding? Terrified of the moment fantasy bleeds into reality, but unable to resist its pull?
He didn't have to wait long to find out.
He caught when you were walking home, heart throbbing the moment he finally felt your warmth. The thick shadows of the alley concealed your bodies, and if anyone were to walk by, they'd see nothing but a pair of lovers embracing in the dark.
No one would notice the cloth damp from chloroform pressed into your mouth, or the way his voice made your frightened form soften in his arms.
"It's okay," he shushed. "It's just me, baby..."
A monster familiar was better than a beast unknown.
"I'm sorry, I just need you to take a nap. I'll take care of you. I promise."
He pressed his lips into your forehead, stroking your hair as you limped in his hold, less conscious by the minute. A kiss goodnight, marking your departure to the empty dreamland that swallowed you whole.
Jungkook scooped you up, carried you to his car, then laid you down at the back before starting the engine.
The drive was smooth, the roads long and dark, inky outlines of trees thickening as they stretched forward. The little dress you wore barely covered your legs, prompting Jungkook to turn the heating on; even if his jacket already kept you warm.
Two hours later, you began to stir.
Your eyes opened, hazy from sleep and the drug running through your system. Your consciousness fluttered awake slowly, along with all of your senses. You registered the feeling of Jungkook's heat blanketing you, his arm tight around your waist, keeping you tucked into his chest. You registered the weight of his hand cradling your cheek, and the smell of his cologne, mingling with leather.
"Had a good nap?" He murmured, his breath tickling your lips.
You blinked a few times, taking in the dimness of his car, and then the hooded eyes staring right into yours.
As if the reality of the situation just dawned on you, you startled, an incomprehensible protest fleeing your mouth. Your body seemed too weak to fight, however, and your mind wasn't in a much better place.
Jungkook buried his face in your neck when you jumped, brushing his nose along the smooth skin.
"Sorry, baby. I know you're tired, and we haven't seen each other in so long—" he whispered. "I've been going crazy without you."
You shivered promptly, your brain still muddled and heart thumping in your chest. You had no idea what was going on, and you were afraid to find out. Pride out the window, there was no denying that fact.
"But that's why tonight's a special occasion," Jungkook continued, still whispering. He lifted his head, the tip of his nose bumping into yours. "You know I'd do anything for you. Tonight I need you to do something for me."
You swallowed thickly. You wished you had the energy to slap him, kick him, bite him; but you felt too heavy.
"Go to hell," was all you managed, raspy and weak.
Jungkook chuckled. The sound made your blood boil. Fighting back only ever seemed to encourage his depraved nature, and it was humiliating, somehow, if not utterly discouraging.
"Hell is wherever I have to live without you," he mumbled into your cheek, "and trust me when I tell you, baby, you're never getting away from me again."
Your stomach sank, reaching depths you had no idea were possible. You watched him slip away from you to get out of the car, and the cold air that poured in wasn't the only reason your legs started shaking.
Like a gentleman, he reached for your hand and helped you out, most likely aware of how weak your knees felt. He steadied you against the door, letting you take in the dense woods surrounding you, the grim sight of empty branches twisting into the autumn sky.
You tried not to let the worst scenarios flood your head, yet it was a difficult wave to hold off; and impossible to run from.
"Where are we?"
Jungkook reached into his pocket.
"Out of town, little doe."
A glimmer of silver among the dark scenery caught your attention. You found yourself going rigid, staring at the shovel laying on the damp ground.
A click had your head snapping down. The barrel of a gun brushed against your hip, tender, like a lover's touch.
"Wanna get to work?"
The world tilted off its axis, your blood running cold, ice as blue as your veins.
You were going to die.
There was a small part of you that seemed to crack at the thought, prompting tears to burn your eyes. It wanted you to cry, plead him to stop and just take you home, to bed, so you could sleep it all away.
Yet a bigger part of you felt somewhat betrayed. He touched something dark inside of you, fed it until it bloomed, and now that you were so damaged he wanted you six feet under?
Jungkook bit his lip, a meek attempt at holding back a smile.
"Don't look at me like that. Not every girl gets to dig her own grave, you know. I even bought you flowers."
Still and silent as a statue, you didn't answer. The lump in your throat was too thick, the static in your head growing louder.
Jungkook leaned in, his gun languidly caressing your hip and plush lips teasing your ear.
"Here's your noose, baby. Are you ready for it?"
Your noose...
Were you supposed to trust him with it?
You were walking forward before you realized it, fists clenched and steps unsteady. You could have spent hours running through the woods, and you still wouldn't be able to escape him. Whether this was a sick game or your last night breathing, there was no denying that fact, either.
"You know what?" you snapped, grabbing the shovel, "I would rather die than spend another minute here with you."
You still tried to blink your tears away, refusing to give him the satisfaction, the last shreds of your dignity. You shoved the sharp edge of the tool into the earth, your vision blurred.
"I would rather die than ever see you again."
You were too busy throwing away the dirt, then digging in to gather more, to notice the way Jungkook's jaw tensed.
"I would rather be in the ground, than be around a psycho freak like you!"
The louder your voice rose, the more your throat ached, tears spilling over despite all your efforts. You continued to dig, completely disregarding seeing Jungkook walking towards you.
"Wow. I would watch your mouth if I were you, honey," he warned lowly, stopping a few inches behind you.
The shovel struck the earth again, a chill crawling down your spine.
"Ever gotten off to snuff porn?"
You froze, wide eyes staring into the ruined ground before you.
Jungkook ran his finger down your back, making you shiver.
"Well, I haven't. But I might start soon, with my personal little movie star, if you're not gonna be a good fucking girl."
The implication had your mouth instantly shut. You couldn't bear to turn around and look at him, or even run. Rooted to the place you stood in, withering away, like the trees that trapped you.
Jungkook snaked his arms around your waist, the gun still in his hand, flat against your abdomen.
"I don't like it when you lie, baby," he muttered, placing a kiss on your neck.
Your head was spinning strangely, shallow breaths leaving your lungs.
"Bet your pussy's wet. Probably been wet since I grabbed you. Bet it's clenching right now and you can't stand it, so you choose to be a fucking bitch... As always."
He kissed your neck once more, hot and breathy against your skin. Your knees almost buckled.
"You're so fucking dirty. Do you want me to snuff you out? Hmm?"
It was disgusting, the filth he spouted, the way he pressed himself closer to you, hard beneath his jeans. The way your tummy churned was worse, heat radiating on your skin despite the insistent brushes of the frigid wind.
"Want me to fuck you into that grave?"
You couldn't stop the tears, silent and hot, flowing in tandem with the slick sticking to your underwear. You still felt drugged out, your outburst doing nothing but leaving you hollow. Tiredness was beginning to take over, numbness spreading through your bones.
Maybe Jungkook was right. You were no better than him; aggression remaining your only self defense when you were left vulnerable. But now that it has faded, a quiet, devastating acceptance was starting to settle in.
You hated him — because you hated yourself. You wanted to be normal, to heal from the things that broke you. And every attempt ended in failure. Instead of encouraging you to try again, or critizing, Jungkook was the only person who wanted you as you were. In pieces.
He didn't mind getting cut on the shards. In fact, it seemed he'd be ecstatic to bleed for you, offer you everything he had. Toxic and twisted, no end to his devotion.
"Keep digging," he said hoarsely, then took a step back.
Like he was trying to stay in control.
You obeyed, sniffling quietly as you bent down to pick up the shovel.
He told you once that not everyone was made for this world; and you clearly weren't, but that was okay... because you were made for him. That you could keep trying to fit in and keep failing if you wanted — or let him in.
You didn't, and he crept inside anyway; a tender violence.
At this point, you didn't care much if you died or not. At least everything would be over. In the end, you didn't have much to wake up for.
Jungkook lit up a cigarette. He drank in the sight of sweat shining on your skin in the dim light of the moon, the shift in your demeanor as you continued digging.
"Easy," he called, blowing out smoke. "Don't hurt yourself, darling. That's my job. It doesn't need to be that deep."
You ignored him, no longer in the mood to talk. Or to provoke him any further, for that matter. Your arms almost trembled as the hole in the ground grew deeper, whether from strain or nerves, it was hard to tell. The thought of your body laying in the dirt, cold and forgotten, felt both unsettling and peaceful. As though nothing mattered anymore.
Jungkook watched you struggle, fingers stiff around the shovel, and yet you kept going, the scattered pile of dirt behind you increasing. He was pissed off, but finishing his cigarette soothed the fire, while noting how pale you've begun to turn put it out altogether.
He threw the bud away and jumped off the hood of his car to make his way towards you. His hand settled on your waist, pulling you up, while the other took a hold of the shovel.
"That's enough," he murmured, dropping it aside with a small thump. "Good girl."
You let yourself melt into death's arms.
Your head lolled to the side, exposing the expanse of your neck, unconsciously giving Jungkook the access he wanted. He kissed the tender flesh, squeezing your hips, still hard and hot beneath his jeans.
"The end is always a new beginning, baby."
You sighed, mascara wet and heavy on your lashes. Gently, Jungkook turned you around to face him, wiping the dark streaks from your face.
"I love you so much," he breathed into your lips.
His body was solid against yours. Your only source of warmth. Dizzy, you barely had the chance to glance up at him before he kissed you, swallowing your shaky exhale.
You let out a mellow squeal when his hands traveled down your legs, gripping your thighs to lift you with ease. For the first time you found yourself clinging to him, kissing him back with equal hunger instead of denial. You wanted to forget the world around you, the grave you've dug for yourself, much earlier than tonight.
Jungkook took a step, then another, before giving up entirely and lowering you down beside it, disconnecting your lips from his only the moment he hovered above you.
Pupils blown out, inky hair messy, he cupped your cheek, his heart thumping right against yours.
"Are you scared?" He asked softly, his thumb still wiping at your tears.
You stared up at him, trying to hold on to reality, but as always, your grip was slipping, and he was the only lifeline you had left. He stirred up the muddy waters in your heart, agitated the unbridled, starving things within their depths.
"Is this a punishment?" you found yourself uttering, barely a whisper.
Jungkook cocked his head to the side, his gaze flicking between your eyes and your lips.
"Mm, not really. Just a little game, to end all the others. And start something new."
You didn't know what to think or feel anymore, your hair splayed out on the ground, so cold beneath you, Jungkook's heat bleeding into your skin from above, and the world spinning.
You smacked his arm when he dipped down to mouth at your neck again; drained, the distorted hands under the water still reaching to pull him under with the remnants of your anger. He laughed, as though he found it adorable, immediately grabbing your face to kiss you again.
He didn't hesitate for a second, unzipping his jeans with one hand, and you could feel your core quiver against your better judgement. It was surprising to find that there was still some clarity left in you; or maybe it was easier to make peace with death than with the fact that you were your own traitor.
"Want me to fuck you in it?" Jungkook breathed, forcing your thighs apart.
You couldn't help the way your gaze fell down to his inked hand, wrapped around his cock. He tapped it against your inner thigh impatiently, precum wetting your skin. You clenched around thin air, spine tingling.
"The grave," he clarified, smirking.
The words finally hit you, and you shook your head, your hands frantically pushing at his chest.
"No!" you cried out, nails almost slashing the skin of his neck.
Jungkook grunted, pushing back, leaning his entire weight on you to put an end on your antics. Your breath hitched when you felt his fingers dip inside your underwear, pulling it aside abruptly. He didn't comment on how drenched the flimsy material was. The moment you were exposed, he was pushing inside you, incapable of focusing on anything but the warmth of your cunt.
The small hole stretched so nicely to accommodate him, fluttering around his cock. He groaned into your mouth, and your thighs shuddered around him, a restless heat boiling deep in your gut.
"You're so wet," he moaned, pulling back to feel the ring of muscles clench against his flushed tip, trying to suck him back in.
He shivered at the feeling, then proceeded to fuck himself in and out of you like he needed; like you both did. Hard.
"You're a filthy fucking minx, I shouldn't ask you anything unless I'm inside you. Your pussy won't lie to me, hm?"
Despite the whines he coaxed out of your throat, you shook your head, every wet slap of his cock thrusting in and out echoing through the woods. Imprinting on your brain.
"Oh yeah? How about we rewind a little, baby?"
He fucked you faster, angling his hips to find that little spot that made your mouth fall open. He wasn't going to go easy on it, or on you, chasing the high.
"What's gotten you so soaked?" He managed, panting. "Did you like the thought of me snuffing you out?"
Cheeks aflame, a choked out protest; and yet your pussy was getting tighter, soaking the thick grith pounding into it.
Jungkook let out a sound akin to a whimper, eyebrows scrunching.
"Fuck, I know you did," he leaned his forehead on yours, feeling his cock throb. "I know how much you want my cum, screaming or dead or asleep. And if I could live without you, baby, I'd do it for you, keep you so full of me."
A revolting insinuation; but you couldn't tell the difference between nausea and an approaching orgasm making your stomach twist.
Jungkook's lips inched towards yours, a deep groan rumbling out.
"That's it. Let it go. Let it all go, angel."
This was the way he wanted you to fall apart; on his big cock, tasting the kind of euphoria nothing and no one but him could offer. He felt his balls tighten, heavy as they slammed against you, almost ready to spill everything he had.
"Mhmm—" a sigh, a pause, hips grinding as his hand clutched your neck, feeling your pulse jump. "Yeah."
A drop of sweat slipped down his temple. Beautiful, with a mouth that dripped depravity, he might as well have had two horns growing out of his head, a forked tongue hidden under the illusion of humanity.
He resumed his ruthless pace, unwilling to let you look away, dissociate from him. In fact, the way you squirmed under him, succumbing to the rush, pliant and loud as you cried, had him choking you harder, crushing the rest of your pride.
"Close?" He bit down on your lower lip, pulling on it. "What do you think your friends would say if they saw you like this?" He husked, his hand crawling up your chest. "Getting fucked out in the woods... by your stalker. Do you think they would be surprised?"
He fondled you over the soft material of the dress, focused on nothing but pumping you full of him. You felt like heaven, and your tight little cunt responded to his words, even if you didn't want to, fluttering and releasing more slick.
"They shouldn't be," he swallowed harshly, watching your eyes fall closed. "They don't know you at all. Don't know how much you like this cock forcing you open."
For the first time that night, it was clear that your thighs weren't trembling from fear. That greedy pussy wasn't letting him go, and Jungkook was tipping towards the edge, no filter on his thoughts anymore.
"But I know," his head fell into your neck, a hot mumble striking your skin. "You're such a good girl, such a good fucking girl, and such a dirty fucking whore, just for me— aaahhh, fuck."
There it was; his favorite way of getting to you. Kissing, biting and licking at your monsters until they'd submit, recognizing him as one of their own. His cock liked it too, the way you fell to pieces under him, back arched and hands digging into his shoulders.
"I feel you, baby," he groaned, "knew you'd cream my cock. That's all you can think about, isn't it?"
You whimpered, delirious, though it still sounded like a 'no', a cute, little lie to ward off your guilt. For some reason, it turned Jungkook on more. He lifted his head and sucked at your lower lip, rutted into you harder.
"Go on, baby," he breathed, "cream it. No need to be shy, you're already mine."
A trail of sloppy, possessive kisses marked your neck, electricity trickling through your spine.
"My prettiest baby, my only girl," Jungkook babbled drunkenly. "Go on, do it for me. Yeah..."
Eyes dark, locking on yours, his voice lowering to a shaky whisper.
"Come on your rapist's cock."
You unraveled like his word was holy, clamping down on him and ripping a hoarse moan out of his throat. He fucked you through it anyway, too close to the edge to stop his own fall; his cock throbbed, long spurts of hot cum filling your ruined hole, so deep and so good his eyes rolled back.
He swore filthily, knees like cotton and his hand digging into your throat, staking his claim, the rush too sweet not to let it linger. It flowed through his entire body, pulsing and warm, like the sun. It flowed through yours too, imploding, and wiping out the rest of existence. As far as you were aware, Jungkook was all that was left.
You didn't feel anything else; not the passage of time, nor the cold air grazing your arms. Only his lips, leaving kiss after kiss on your face, muttering praises you could barely make out with your mind numbed out.
You weren't sure how long you've spent laying there, his cum leaking out of you, bones like jelly and skin sticky. At last floating in the dark, like fog, and still being kissed all over, your flesh existing only where his lips touched.
By the time he pulled you up, you didn't have the capacity to wonder what was going to happen next.
So why were you crying again?
You even didn't notice until Jungkook sat you on the hood of his car, cupping your cheeks.
"No more, baby," he pleaded. "Relax. I've got you."
You were so tired.
You wished you could lie down and sleep, but Jungkook reached for the hem of your dress, inching it up.
"I'm gonna need this."
Your heart flipped. Still, you were too out of it to protest or ask why.
Goosebumps flooded your skin as he took the clothing off you, gently, leaving you in nothing but your underwear.
As if shutting down, you stayed there; once again, unmoving. You listened to the trunk pop open, stuck on the odd rustling sound that followed. A loud thud came, making you flinch.
Then, more rustling.
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Jungkook dragging something towards you, a faint, unpleasant smell of blood reaching your nose.
Your stomach turned.
You stared at the bag, and he stared at you, unceremoniously dropping your dress on the wrapped up corpse.
Perhaps it was the way you gasped that had him reaching out, the same hands that took a life massaging your bare sides to comfort you.
"Close your eyes for the next part, baby," he whispered.
His nose brushed against yours. You felt your lower lip tremble, but still did as he asked.
"Good girl," he praised.
Frowning, you attempted to make some sense of what was happening, attempted to keep your heart from jumping to your throat.
It did anyway.
Sensing your distress, Jungkook kissed your lips.
"Remember a girl called Jia?"
No more pounding, or skipping beats. Everything seemed to come to a halt, including your heart.
Jungkook squeezed your waist. His voice remained quiet, a ghost in the wind.
"Not a pretty sight."
He took a hold of your trembling hand, leaving a loving kiss on each knuckle.
"Tonight, you die, baby," he murmured, the next kiss landing on your temple. "And nothing bad will ever happen to you again. Just you and me, yeah?"
The tears that fell were different now. Something broke. But it felt like release.
The soothing warmth of his hands vanished, and you kept your eyes closed. Even as the bag rustled and the stench got worse, even as another thud echoed through the empty woods.
How did he know?
Somehow, it still surprised you. Somehow, you couldn't bear to disobey him as he filled the grave you dug up, burying the biggest nightmare of your past. The so called family that had torn your life and soul apart.
There was no doubt in your mind that if he found her, he found him, too.
You listened to the metal dig into the earth again, dirt gathering on top of her corpse. Clad in your dress, butchered, rendering her unrecognizable. Teeth, face, hands — ruined. Jungkook had thought of everything, it seemed. A perfect crime.
The only traces of DNA left? Yours. Whatever still lingered on that little black dress.
As of tonight...
You were were dead.
Jungkook threw the shovel away, huffing, then made his way back towards the car. He heaved a sigh and pulled you in, held you close, sheltering you from the rest of the world.
Your fingers wrapped around the fabric of his sleeve, squeezing.
He acknowledged the gesture by kissing the top of your head, eyes closed. There was no rush, really, besides the longing to finally take you home and get into bed to sleep.
No more games. No more pain.
The end was always a new beginning.
taglist 💌: @baalsgurl1913 @httpsbts @hoseokshobagi @pynkgothicka @ar14dna @sweetempathprunetree @blueberryarchive @messyjk @themochiverse @minyoongiboongi @chimmisbae @crisle19 @bangtans-momma @get-that-brain-working @babycandy111 @mother2monsters @whipwhoops @svnbangtansworld @ane102 @stellalovesstarss @jksteponme @httpjeonlicious
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