#the warners are still autistic!
wackypalooza · 2 years
the warners and their interests/special interests, as told by me. because i'm right
so i already have a whole post dedicated to ONE of his special interests, which i declared was academics. but i'm going to focus on his theatre kid-ness and his admiration for shakespeare. in the original series, he's shown acting out two of shakespeare's plays: hamlet, and a midsummer night's dream. he gets offended when the narrator suggests that he doesn't understand what he's saying, and let's be real, he definitely does. it's YAKKO. he sang all the words in the english dictionary for pete's sake. in the reboot, he gets so offended on behalf of shakespeare that he breaks out into a freestyle rap. (and also it goes hard.) i touched on this in my first post, i think yakko would take interest in literature. i think he'd write poems, specifically. think about it. he's so musically inclined, he's so dramatic, it's perfect for him. i think he might write poems that LOOK serious, but really, it's just big words that have silly meanings. i'm not going to try and give an example because i absolutely suck at poetry, but i highly doubt that yakko would.
well, don knotts, obviously. it is the only interest of the warner kids that actually jumps out at you, as it's like? the only thing mentioned? it is a constant of wakko's character! he's also been shown to make silly gadgets, at least once from my memory, and carries his gaggy bag everywhere. besides the elevator. i think he has an interest in engineering, or construction. inventing in general. inventing silly little gizmos. maybe some of his gags were created by him!! it's so cute to think about :) don knotts specifically is definitely a special interest of his though. also i think a hobby of his would be drumming. i think he would do a "ba-dump-tsssst" one day and think, "hm. that was :p that was fun, i should learn how to play these," and he does just that. i think he plays the drums while elvis sings a little ditty. (he keeps elvis in his hat.)
there are only examples of this in the reboot, but women's rights movements. women's history. i think she also likes the horror genre, and takes interest in teen romance novels. she's definitely a gurokawa girl tell me i'm wrong i dare. i think she enjoys fairytales, too. in fact i think she was shown to do so on multiple occasions, although the only one coming to mind is cutie and the beast. i mean, i think it counts. i also think she takes a particular interest in fashion, i think she knows how to sew, knit, AND crochet. i think she also sings heavy metal whenever she's understimulated. specifically heavy metal, like i think she wouldn't be happy until her eardrums were BLEEDING. i think she also takes an interest in poetry. i think she gets it from her brother. we see this a lot in dot's poetry corner, and i think maybe mathterpiece theater could be an example of this on some level. also her, slappy, and hello nurse perform macbeth. *WAIT THAT'S ANOTHER THING. yakko was the one translating in that skit, not dot, like usual, since dot was performing. which proves that yakko DOES know what he was saying while performing the plays. that look of annoyance was DEFINITELY "how DARE you insinuate that? do you think i'm stupid?" instead of "how DARE you reveal me as being stupid?" i don't know if there WAS a lot of confusion on that, but i saw someone say that yakko's rap battle put it into perspective, showing that he does understand? and like... it was just kind of a "ding" in my brain like. did you not know that? and now i realize maybe i'm just autistic. AHAH! JUST LIKE THE WARNERS! the point of my post teehee. and now i'm done i think. GOODNIGHT EVERYBODY!
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moltengoldveins · 3 days
ALRIGHT LISTEN UP. I am ill. I am tired. And I have an Idea.
As we all know, the two most autistic movies on the planet are Top Gun: Maverick and Pacific Rim. Obviously. I’m sure there are more neurodivergent movies out there but those are the Autism Movies specifically. Plane go zoom = big robot punch, training for suicide mission = finding drift partner to destroy the breach, fatherly admiral dying of health complications = brotherly admiral dying of- you get the idea.
SO. I propose a film. A way for Warner bros or whoever else greenlit the PacRim sequel to redeem themselves. A Top Gun: Maverick- inspired movie about the squads of fighter jets that fought the third Kaiju. Not the first! Not the second! But the third.
PacRim says the second kaiju came six months after the first. It’s implied by Geiszler that the kaiju come regularly, increasing in frequency mathematically, meaning the third would have probably showed up at most six months after the second, twelve months in. that being said, Raleigh names a couple of kaiju in that first little segment, so it’s more likely that it came earlier, and that there were more kaiju before the Jaegers got their act together. The timing is unclear.
Stacker says the first jaegers were built in thirteen months. That’s seven whole months after the first where the first line of defense against these things would have been fighter jets, like we see in the opening scenes, and Raleigh says that the drift technology was inspired by “DARPA Jet Fighter Neural Systems” meaning that, CANONICALLY, fighter pilots were probably the first drift-compatible pairs of military personnel to fight the Kaiju, before the Jaegers even got out of the drawing room.
so, I propose a timeline: it is twelveish months into this war. (You could even put it on some holiday, make the anniversary of the first kaiju a big event.) When the third kaiju appears. Maybe it’s not the Actual Third, sure, but it’s spiritually the third. It’s right before the Mark 1 Jaegers are finished; funding is limited everywhere but ESPECIALLY in the branches of the military that are gonna be made obsolete by the Jaeger program, ie. The fighter pilots. Drift pairs are being picked off left and right to run Jaeger tests; those who won’t ’change with the times’ are being called ‘old fashioned’ or ‘washed up.’ The pilots who are training at this point are splitting their efforts between Jaeger sim time and flight time; none of them are really equipped to fight a Kaiju in a jet right now, but that’s ok. The Mark 1s are three weeks from completion. They don’t need fighter pilots.
Then the third Kaiju emerges, one month off-schedule, and suddenly everyone NEEDS FIGHTER PILOTS.
Literally can you imagine how cool this movie would be? (Obv the plot would be less blatantly inspired by Maverick but I’m going for the Vibes here):
You are a fighter pilot. Your partner died in a training exercise years ago; it took a while, but you’re comfortable with your new drift partner-once-rival. You’ve flown together for years doing espionage, raids, anything and everything. When he stepped back from active duty to become an admiral, he started using his leeway to keep you in the game, get you new drift partners, keep you in the air. Your former partner’s son wants to follow in your footsteps. His mother begged you to keep him out of the drift. You made a call, and it ruined your relationship with the kid, but you can still fly. You can still put your brain in the hands of someone else and soar. For a few hours out of the month, you feel a million feet tall.
Then a god walks out of the sea, and you are very, very small. You’re halfway across the world; you can’t be there in time. But you watch good men, men you know, men you trained with, go down in fiery blips as a Thing, A Great Abomination, A Hand Of God, crushes LA like a styrofoam plate. The government scrambles for a way to defeat it, and they’ve got some Big Thing in the works but in the meantime, they land on… kids. Fresh pilots, paired up with combat sessions and dance competitions and Mario Kart tournaments, shipped bright-eyed and baby-faced to your doorstep so you can train them to fight god and… lose. To fight god and lose. the odds are terrible. You know that. They know that.
Your partner’s kid is in the first class they send you. You have to teach him to fight a hurricane with a tiny piece of metal and his mind, which really just means you have to teach him to die standing. It looks like you might be on track, it looks like he has time to find a drift partner, it looks like you might be able to repair things and that disaster might not fall: it’s only three weeks till the Jaegers are finished, and the next kaiju isn’t expected for another month.
Then the hurricane arrives off-schedule, and you have to fight god yourself, or die trying.
CAN YALL EVEN IMAGINE. The sheer Tension of juggling political expectations with personal relationships and the Breath Of A Demon blowing down their necks at every opportunity. The acknowledgment that no, nobody has any ideas what these things are, nor do they have a plan on how to kill them without massive loss of human life. The third act darkest hour where everyone’s’ relationship problems hit rock bottom and you go “well it can’t get any worse” and then it does because BOOM KAIJU. The final stand as planes are getting picked off. The jets pulling off the impossible and taking the kaiju down, just as the first Mark 1 (barely holding together on duct tape and prayer, piloted by a young Stacker Pentecost) stumbles its way out of the docking bay.
the bittersweet realization at the end that they won, yeah, but they’re still obsolete now. They still pale in comparison to the power of the New Best Thing. They still aren’t Jaegers, so if they want to stay in the game, they have to become Jaeger pilots.
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artpoint420 · 1 year
Alright, so if you’re a fan of the Animaniacs here on Tumblr, you probably understand that all three of the Warner’s are most likely neurodivergent, and Dr. Scratchansniff trying to “cure” them of their “zanyness” is an example of abelism (as well as the rest of the humans who want to lock them up.)
I think Dr. Scratchansniff himself may be autistic, and here’s why:
First of all, he is a psychiatrist who has been with the Warner’s for sometime and doesn’t seem to realize the Warner’s are neurodivergent (most likely ADHD and autism in all three of them.)
He gets overwhelmed by the Warners when they throw off his plans and his schedule.
Those on the autism spectrum tend to prefer following a set schedule and doing this according to a plan. When this plan is interrupted we get upset. For Scratchy this may be when the Warners are being to hyperactive and hyperimaginative for them to even want to answer his questions. I get that the joke is supposed to be that he’s a psychiatrist driven insane by the Warners but for me the best way to describe feeling overstimulated is “being driven insane by everything around me”
He also tends to get overstimulated, particularly in “I’M MAD!” when the Warners are bickering in the car while he’s trying to drive. Of course most people struggle to drive with tons of background noise. This just sticks out to me, even though it isn’t the first time.
Also, special interests. Scratchy definitely has special interests that he seems to get lost in. Psychiatry is a special interest of his, obviously. Once he starts having appointments with the Warners everyday, we get to see that the Warners are consistently on his mind (just like how they are always on my mind because special interest yes). Part of this may be because he gradually took on a more parental role towards them, but this could also be because he began to develop a special interest in caring for them. Perhaps his own neurodivergence is the reason he was able to eventually sympathize and care for the Warners.
If you read the Animanicas comics, there is an issue, were we see Scratchy reading a comic in his spare time. This is particularly interesting because not only are those on the spectrum more prone to develop and interest in comics, but when he begins to talk about comics to the Warner’s he knows the entire history of comics down to a tee. He begins to infodump onto the Warners and doesn’t realize when they are annoyed or bored because for some reason they find the history of comics boring. Scratch that, HE BECOMES SO ABSORBED IN IT, HE DOESN’T REALIZE WHEN THE WARNERS LEAVE.
Wrestling is probably a special interest of his too, as well as psychology of course.
Also, like I mentioned earlier, he obvious struggles with anxiety, a mental disorder those on the autism spectrum are more likely to develop due to social and communciation issues and the after effects of overstimulation. This can be observed in his body language and how he reacts to Plotz as well, causing him to become a pushover to his boss.
He also age regresses when he is overly stressed out and even has a comfort object (something that I’ve personally observed in others on the autism spectrum and have experienced myself to a certain degree, I’m still not sure if it’s always autism related though)
In the reboot it’s revealed he waited 20 years just to prank the Warners. The prank seems to have become a special interest and they should have done more with Reboot Scratchy.
Going back and watching episodes with Scratchy with this in mind, his behaviors and general attitude towards the Warners makes a TON of sense. He’s annoyed by them but ultimately wants to get along with them.
To me it makes Dad! Scatchansniff even more wholesome. It’ll never happen but one day I’d love to see an episode where he just accepts the Warners for who they are and perhaps, in the process, accepting himself a little more.
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ROUND 4: Angus McDonald (The Adventure Zone)/Shigeo Kageyama (Mob) (Mob Psycho 100) VS Huey Duck (Ducktales 2017)/Wakko Warner (Animaniacs)
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Propaganda for Angus McDonald/Shigeo Kageyama (Mob):
They're just both such sweet, caring kids, and I think they'd really get along. I think it would be just a really cute first relationship for them to just kind of explore what dating means together in a way that's just kind of friendly and lowkey.
#vote angus/mob for their sheer autism swag
#person who came up with Angus and Mob…. your brain is so big #that’s cute as hell. autism for autism
#vote angus/mob #They're cute
#u already know how im voting #my 2 special boys
#of course i voted for angus and mob! i would sell the entire tennyson family for one fruit roll-up #difficult but still gonna stick with ango and mob
Propaganda for Huey Duck/Wakko Warner:
Huey and Wakko are classic opposite attrack characters, while also touches of "you're drawn to people who remind you of your family" thrown in. They're both very autistic coded characters (because their shows are cowards and refuse to say the word) but in opposite ways. Wakko is very outside of the norm where as Huey holds himself to a strict set of rules. While Huey adds a bit of routine to Wakko's life, Wakko encourages Huey to cut back, go outside of his comfort zone at his own pace and also relax a little. Wakko reminds Huey of both his siblings, excitable and dramatic like Dewey, and laid back (compared to his siblings) and mischevious like Louie, where as Huey reminds Wakko of his own siblings. A bit more uptight and bratty like Dot, and intelligent and encouraging like Yakko. They also bring out different sides of each other, Wakko can be gross and messy and Huey somehow finds it charming, and Huey can help Wakko see that he's intelligent and creative in his own ways rather than being outshined by his own siblings. They both also have anger issues, and Wakko would be great at helping Huey to feel his anger rather than always keeping it hidden away. He makes Huey feel seen and heard and taken care of because Huey doesn't have to be the Older BrotherTM around Wakko. Basically just opposites attract autistic kids who help each other come into one another.
#yall need to vote for my baby angels #wakko/huey sweep #please #they deserve it #their shows treated them awfully
Art Credit: Mob/Angus art by me, @/astro-b-o-y-d Huey/Wakko art by @/justadoll and @/krillconnessieur
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princesssarisa · 2 years
Sleeping Beauty Spring: "The Sleeping Princess" (1939 Walter Lantz cartoon)
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This 9-minute Technicolor "fractured fairy tale" was produced by Walter Lantz, the creator of Woody Woodpecker. It comes from a series titled Nertsery Rhymes ("nerts" being an old slang word for "crazy"), which seems to consist of just two cartoons, this one and a version of Jack and the Beanstalk. As Sleeping Beauty adaptations go, it's far from high art, but but it does have silly charm.
At the beginning, we meet four fairies who live together in the clouds above a rainbow: the Fairies of Wealth, Beauty, Wisdom, and Destiny. "They were all very beautiful... twenty years ago," says the narrator; now they're aging, rubber-limbed, bulbous-nosed goofballs. But they still share a happy life of music and dancing. That is, until the little princess is born in the kingdom below, and when the mailman delivers the fairies' invitations to the castle, Destiny's invitation accidentally slips under the rug by the door, without anyone noticing. Thinking she wasn't invited, Destiny is outraged. So after the other fairies give the Princess their gifts of wealth, beauty, and wisdom (instantly draping her cradle in silk and pearls, changing her from an ugly baby into a cute one, and making her able to talk at one day old), she curses the girl to prick her finger on her fifteenth birthday and fall asleep for a hundred years.
Fifteen years later, the big-eyed, noodle-limbed Princess finds Destiny disguised as an old woman with a spinning wheel. At first her response to the offer to try spinning is a flighty "I don't wanna." But when Destiny begs enough, and shows her the book of Sleeping Beauty that outlines what she has to do, she finally pricks her finger and plops onto a bed, telling the audience "Come back in a hundred years, folks, and see me wake up!"
One day, a hundred years later, the fairies finally discover Destiny's invitation under the rug. Destiny is more amused than remorseful for what she did, but she still resolves to set things right, and makes a magic wish to send the nearest prince to the castle to break the spell with a kiss. Unfortunately, the Prince (voiced by an uncredited Mel Blanc) is a scrawny, clumsy, giggling idiot who makes Disney's Goofy look dignified, and is overcome with shyness and hiccups when he arrives in the Princess's tower. But Destiny's magic transforms him into a "handsome" parody of a swashbuckling matinee idol, in the vein of Douglas Fairbanks or Errol Flynn. His kiss then wakes the Princess, who is thrilled by the sight of him and dips him onto his back for a wild make-out session. Destiny can't quite tell the audience that they lived "happily ever after," though, because she finds that she's caught the Prince's hiccups.
To say that this cartoon doesn't take itself seriously is the understatement of the year. It's a "fractured fairy tale" par excellence. But its goofiness is charming, and it includes plenty of clever, funny details throughout. One standout scene comes near the beginning, when the fairies slide down their rainbow, landing in a giant pot of gold, and then attend the celebration at the castle, which resembles a movie premiere with a marquis advertising the "First Showing of the New Princess." The colorful, rubbery animation isn't beautiful by any means, but it suits the silly tone, and the lively music by Frank Marsales (who also scored many early Warner Bros. cartoons, including the first Loony Tunes short, Sinkin' in the Bathtub) perfectly suits the visuals.
This cartoon is far from a definitive version of Sleeping Beauty, nor does it try to be one. But if you like the concept of a gleeful comedy version of the tale, in the unique madcap style of a 1930s cartoon short, then this is a must-see for you!
@ariel-seagull-wings, @faintingheroine, @thealmightyemprex, @thatscarletflycatcher, @paexgo-rosa, @reds-revenge, @the-blue-fairie, @comma-after-dearest, @autistic-prince-cinderella
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Hello sorry to bother you with this all of sudden ,and this might be coming out of nowhere, and I’m not trying to force you or be pushy but I m trying to get more people into this show with great potential. If your not interested it’s fine but Have you heard of or watched moon girl and devil dinosaur? Season 2 comes out February 2. 
The main character i love she gives me autistic vibes I’m autistic. The show has interesting characters, action ,great music, and animation ,good themes and representation, Anime references, it even has an eyecatch season 2 is going to be more story driven if you find that interesting. It also shares the same animation studio as rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles.
It be good if you watch the first 2 season 2 episode when they air so the ratings will be higher. And watch the other season 2 episodes when they air.
I think Disney might be trying to sabotage the show with them probably dropping 14 episodes on Disney + on February 3. They did similar with season 1 and the ratings where low ,please watch season 2 episodes when they air on. But more importantly also watch it on Disney + on feb 3 and when they air it on YouTube. Unfortunately they are dropping 14 episodes on Disney + so watch them all in one day but also when they air the first time.
I’m not just saying only cable just also. I’m saying please support this show. Despite that it still won 5 Emmys. Also if it’s no trouble could if it alright with you spread the word about this show to others you know like either online or irl. Time is limited!
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I love this show too. And I loathe how companies like Disney, nick and the warner merger people are such butts.
heck this is why, I’d rather just do fanfics then try to work on shows for companies.
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leporellian · 1 year
some thoughts on the beanie bubble before i actually do watch it, judging by the trailers (Note: I am autistic about the topic at hand and have a parasocial rivalry with American billionaire and toy company CEO Ty Warner)
the fact it appears the filmmakers were allowed to use the ty brand but NOT the actual ty stuffed animals and beanie babies is... yeah ty inc would do that LMFAO
i LOVE that they went with using stuffed cats as the main stand-in for the actual toys. for those that don't know ty warner is like, creepily obsessed with cats, and his first products were stuffed cats that he would spend hours grooming the fur of to perfection. and also... its just thematically appropriate. so using them in place just feels so Right
zach galifinakis as ty warner still makes me crack up LMAO?????
interesting they changed the names of a lot of the major players. i wonder how they'll do the thing where ty named one of his beanie babies as a stab at his ex (who he then, iirc, promptly cheated on his wife with) now that the names have been changed
please include the incident where some guy got murdered in exchange for beanie babies and also ty warner's constant attempted seducing of his dad's girlfriends in a "power move" please please please youre nothing.
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emmatheyoshi · 7 months
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So I’m planning on redoing my Hazbin Hotel AU at some point and thought I’d show y’all my persona. This is Emmett. He’s Charlie’s adoptive little brother. He (along with Niffty) actually stopped mass exterminations in my AU. While Niffty stabs angels, Emmett hits them with a steel chair. ……that’s a WWE reference.
Age: 18
Birthday: 12/16/2005
autistic, ADHDer, and epileptic
Intersex (Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia/CAH)
Agender (he/they/kit/mew)
Boyfriend: Warner
cat demon
fallen angel who was falsely banned from Heaven (he now refuses to go back.)
electricity bender
can transform into a cat at will, but sometimes gets stuck as a cat for short periods of time
Charlie’s adoptive little brother
runs an ice cream shop
burnt to death in a bus crash
personality: timid, loving, selfless, aggressive when angered, very stubborn, sleepy
Side Note: My Hazbin Hotel AU is going to have a lot of mature themes. I’m planning to put content warnings on the posts with explicit mature themes. There won’t be anything sexual, but still.
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theembcnetwork · 1 year
Chatters That Matter Celebrating Autism Awareness Month with Hot Mike and Kia Shine from THE EMBC TV NETWORK on Vimeo.
Raised in Linden, New Jersey, part of the New York Metro area, bordering Staten Island, Michael Eric Buckholtz, (also nicknamed ‘Buck‘) an aboriginal Cherokee�, officially, got his musical start, at 7 years old. His first instrument (at his father’s insistence on discipline) was the clarinet. Later, he developed a passion for the electric bass guitar. Michael’s mission, then, became to learn many other instruments and become proficient with the piano. In 1975, the family moved south to Macon, GA., the home of Otis Redding and Little Richard, continuing his musical development in the family band. In late 1989, he joined MC Hammer’s record label, Bust-It Records, distributed by Capitol Records, eventually writing and producing music for Hammer and many label mates. Officially diagnosed as autistic, Michael decided to author the book, “Autism Is My Universe“, as a way of sharing his personal point of reference living with autism while “Black“. Michael’s understanding of his autistic traits, as well as others, continues to evolve. He was invited, by ANCA Consulting, to British Columbia, Canada, for a book signing, to share his message about recognizing the importance of accepting autistic people. In 2012, Music Producer Hot Mike received Canada’s INAP “Entrepreneur of the Year” Award, along with a Canadian Parliamentary certificate of recognition. In 2016, he was featured in ZOOM Autism Magazine’s ninth issue. Michael is, also, acknowledged, in the New York Times Best Seller “NeuroTribes – The Legacy of Autism…”, by author (and good friend) Steve Silberman. Currently, he is a Member Board of Trustees with YICUNITY.org who’s mission believes individuals with disabilities should have the same right as non-disabled individuals to have access to a full range of available employment opportunities and to earn a living wage in a job of their choosing based on their talents, skills, and interests. This includes access to training and employment services to aid individuals with disabilities in obtaining gainful employment in a field of their interest and choosing. Hot Mike’s focus is on jobs centered in the music industry.
Today, Music Producer Hot Mike is, still, under contract through Warner/Chappell, as a composer, producing and designing music for companies, TV and film. You can follow Mike on Twitter at @OfficialHotMike. officialhotmike.com/ Nakia Shine Coleman (born October 17, 1975), better known by his stage name Kia Shine, is an American rapper, songwriter and record producer from Memphis, Tennessee. He is perhaps best known for his commercial debut single "Krispy", which is also the lead single from his 2007 debut album Due Season. He has worked with several fellow rappers, such as Mike Jones, Yo Gotti, Nelly, Jim Jones, among others. Kia Shine is co-CEO, alongside rapper Jack Frost, of Rap Hustlaz. Kia Shine won the Southern Entertainment Award (S.E.A.) in 2008 for best underground artist having sold over 200,000 albums with his independent label, Rap Hustlaz. His 2007 single "W.O.W." was the inspiration for the "wow" feature on the social media website HellaDoge, where members can earn Dogecoin for making posts and giving "wows" (similar to the "like" feature on other social media). Kia Shine is also an Autism advocate: "We’ve started a nonprofit because we’re autism advocates by default because our son Jameson was diagnosed with nonverbal autism. As my wife always says, when people look for their purpose or their philanthropy [they usually find it], but ours was thrown into our lap and we’ve taken the bull by the horns." Kia Shine and his wife Queen Coleman decided to spread their stories to help other families with autism. twitter.com/THEREALKIASHINE instagram.com/kinfolk_kiashine
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wackypalooza · 2 years
yakko has audhd and his special interest is academics (in general)
all of his more informational songs sound so infodump-ish??? like??? bro is THE audhd guy. his name is literally YAKKO
anyway like i gathered all the examples i could find!!! i'm RIGHT and NOBODY will tell me i'm wrong i DARE YOU TO CHALLENGE MY WISDOM
*i want to point out that a few of these have multiple singers, but typically it is mostly yakko singing anyways.
yakko's nations of the world
yakko's universe
yakko sings all the words in the english dictionary
the solar system song
the multiplication song
the geologic clock (although this song was never in an episode, and we've never heard rob paulsen sing it.)
(however, we got a song about the same topic, anyways!!) history of the earth
when you're traveling from nantucket
the presidents song
yakko's big idea (despite being fictional, he still uses "science words", and it's TECHNICALLY still about the solar system.)
the catch-up song
countries of the 19th century
a quake, a quake
ballad of magellan
so from this i'd gather that yakko has an interest in geography, astronomy, history, and arguably math and literature. maybe literature to a lesser degree, but math seems to come so easily to yakko. he had no struggle. he has no struggle in ANY of these songs. and u could argue they're just informational songs for the sake of being informational songs, but MOST of those informational songs are sung by yakko. off the top of my head i can only list wakko's continent song and dot's first lady song as songs that they've sung that are there to inform. also yakko's just really fucking smart anyways. he clearly knows all about these topics and it just seems like he is so interested in them?? i need to write an in depth analysis on his personality. i am the number one yakko fan.
*edit OH MY GOD I FORGOT ABOUT THIS. wakko asks a question about who someone is, and yakko IMMEDIATELY says "i'm glad you asked!" pulls down a board and starts singing about 16th century italy. BOY KNOWS HIS HISTORY. HE IS AUTISTIC ABOUT ACADEMICS!!!! ykw he'd be a good lecturer. i don't take criticism.
if i missed anything else PLEAAAASE let me know because like. i am so so so positive about this. i could list other things i think he finds interest in too, but if i do that i'd just list all three of the warners special interests or things i have noticed they take interest in.
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dmitri-smerdyakov · 2 years
I’m going to be so immeasurably pissed off if Secrets of Dumbledore was the last Fantastic Beasts film because of a multitude of reasons, but especially:
Autistic!Newt: autism is rarely portrayed in the media, and when it is, 99.9% of the time it’s in a negative way or as some kind of saviour p0rn stuff. Newt Scamander is not only a positive (AND CANON!) representation of autism, it’s the only one in a major franchise such as the Wizarding World, and he’s the main hero to boot. Cancelling the remaining films means we don’t get a full franchise with an autistic hero, which would suck so hard. As an autistic person, I really want to see more of Newt and am beyond thankful for how Eddie has clearly done his research and played Newt so beautifully and respectfully.
Newtina: Even putting aside the fact I’m a Newtina shipper, it would be awful if we don’t get the remaining two films to show how Newt and Tina ended up married with great grandkids and living in Dorset in their 120s. Not being funny but all the side couples have had their time to shine: Jacob and Queenie are now married, and Grindelwald/Dumbledore’s blood pact thing is solved, although yes, there’s also the duel but still, it definitely felt like there was closure of some kind to the romantic side of their story in SoD. Newt is the main character and Tina is (supposed to be, fuck you JK/WB) the female lead as well as his canon love interest/future wife. It’s just stupid to tease them in the first movie and not give any kind of closure or progress to their relationship beyond the literal crumbs in the following two films. It’s long past overdue to let Newt and Tina have some focus and to give Jacob/Queenie / other couples a more background role.
Tina Goldstein: What they’ve done with Tina’s character is disgusting. “She’s busy” - fuck off with your lame excuse for her absence in this film. It’s so painfully obvious Katherine was cut because she spoke out about JKR - and if it’s not that, she’s certainly had a huge falling out with JK/WB because she has done zero promotion for SoD beyond turning up at the London premiere specifically just for the fans (as shown by the hours she spent taking photos and signing stuff, which btw I witnessed in person! I was there!), and when she posted a picture of herself at the premiere, she didn’t mention the film, just shouted out her make up and hair people. She’s supposed to be the main female character, and they’ve delegated her to little more than a cameo. As a Tina fan, it really hurts to see because she’s the reason I fell in love with the first film because I saw myself in her character. I want the last two films just so that Warner Bros can give her character the development she deserves because apart from the first film, her only role in CoG and SoD has been reduced to 1) to be mad at Newt, 2) to go after Credence and then have that plot line dropped, and 3) to turn up at a wedding.
Other Characters: I want to see more of Lally because I fucking adore her! She’s probably my favourite female character after Tina! I want more of Theseus, and more of the Scamander brothers relationship! What happened to Nagini? I want to see more Jacob too, more Queenie, more Yusuf, and I even can’t wait to see any new characters that might appear! (They can keep Bunty tho lmfao her and her actress are trash - and yes, I am allowed to say that because I witnessed VY being shit in person so yeah fuck her)
The Beasts: Umm, hello??? Warner Bros are really going to deny us more of Teddy the Niffler??? More of Pickett??? The Baby Nifflers??? I want to see more Mooncalves, more Fwoopers, more magical creatures! The series is literally called “Fantastic Beasts”, can we PLEASE have more beasts???
The Cast: I just love so many of our cast and miss the days where they seemed to be enthusiastic about the franchise - now the only ones who seem excited anymore are Eddie and Mads (and VY but like I said she’s stuck up so f*ck her) I miss seeing Eddie and Katherine on screen together, I miss the Fantastic Foursome of Eddie/Katherine/Dan/Alison on-screen together. I want to see more of Mads as Grindelwald despite the controversy surrounding his casting. I love Callum and Jessica and Jude, and want to see more of them.
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Undiagnosed Autism-spectrum disorder in The Michells Vs The Machines
I'm sure that more well educated people have put two and two together in this film but I really, really want to put my own spin on it from my experience. For me, as an aspie, film is one of my biggest interests. I love studying and more than anything I love watching and rewatching films. My latest favorite movie was one that I just watched last night for my family movie night, The Michells Vs The Machines. I also went 17 years of my life asking myself the same question that both Rick and his daughter ask each other, what is wrong with him/her?
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Well, I'll tell you, in my firmly undiagnosed autistic opinion for far too long, that this family is full of people with undiagnosed autism spectrum disorder. When I was watching it with my parents my mom made the comment that "the dad was a jerk" and maybe "he just didn't love his daughter enough to let her be her own person." I thought that was so not seeing the bigger picture even though it was only fifteen minutes into the film. I have felt like Katie so much with my own dad. My dad is a computer nerd and a physics major for those of you that don't talk to me very often. That means in laminas terms that he's extremely smart. Way smarter than I will ever be in my entire life. Both of my parents are insanely smart in their own rights. My mom is a CPA accountant. But that isn't what I wanted to talk about here. I want to discuss the effect of undiagnosed autism and what it can do to a whole family when they all have it and just don't know that they do. This will probably go on for quite some time so you may stop here or read below the cut because this also has the probablity of getting super, duper personal.
We'll start with Katie! To me, Katie is one of the most relatable characters that I have ever come across. She's a film nerd, which alone has made her supremely relatable as somebody who is thinking about going into a degree in film studies. I am more of a critic of film than somebody who wants to make her own film but nonetheless, there were SO many little moments that I related to. The first thing that I personally noticed and related to was the stimming technique that Katie has. She chews on her hoodie strings. As somebody who has chewed on the drawstrings of hoodies far too often long before I was officially put into the Aspergers box. Aspies are also known to stick with one "special interest" for the rest of their lives if it's one that is wide enough and varied enough to make it applicable. For Katie, that's film. For me that's animation. I appreciated that little detail of most of her dialogue being references to other films because as a lover of films and movies in general I could go for days on just fumes and movie references that nobody else understands. The little things from her hair being perpetually messy (same that's a whole ass mood like I just learned over quarantine how to tye my own hair back), only having one earring in her ear at all times, the way that she dresses and draws on her own hands, this was just me when I was first in high school. I was one of the few people that wore shorts underneath all my skirts/dresses. Everyone who knew about looked at me like I had grown a third eyeball.
Aaron, the younger brother, also just oozes spectrum lil buddy out of his every pore from his being. I do think that they should have picked somebody capable of doing a bit of a younger sounding voice (I know what they were going for, but like Ben Schwartz has become a huge deal in both voice acting and live action before switching mediums.) His special interest is actually quite a common one, he loves dinosaurs. I've met a bunch of people on the spectrum that are fascinated by dinos and what they meant for the world as well as the universe as a whole. To me, there was one scene specifically that was the scene where Katie was lightly teasing him when they were going to the half assed dinosaur extravaganza. For me, this was SO relatable because both of my parents will mess with me about my interests most of the time it's when we go to Disneyland, they'll tell me that we actually aren't going to land of magic but to Timbuckto (hopefully one day they'll say some place else just to switch things up.) I related so hard to Aaron's protesting and whining in this scene since that is always my reaction to doing something that I want to do but get told that I can't do that thing.
Linda is more of your traditional mom but I think that she's on the spectrum as well. Just a more... normalized version as opposed to her family. She's able to be a teacher, she's able to interact somewhat normally around her neighbors. If anything, she reminded me of my own mom. This independent, takes nobody's trash (especially not her husband's), strong minded, and amazing mother who is completely in control of everything. She knows the special interests of her children and is constantly thinking of what will make them happy. Whether it be taking a detour for something dinosaur related, reminding her daughter that her dad loves her no matter what, and even something as simple as watching something that her daughter made and put her heart and soul into. I can't tell you how many times my mom has watched something with me. She watched my first anime Soul Eater with me when I was 12 and ever since then has been trying to get me to watch other shows with her. She's a lot like Linda, your loving, but firm mother who just wants her family to work things out.
Whew boy. This one is going to be probably where I cry. Comparing my dad to Rick is... something that I did consistently when I was watching the film. He's the strong but silent type usually, unless your me and he's just this constant annoyance when I'm trying to do something. He could be seen as just a "Jerk" but I think that is the undiagnosed aspie talking. Rick and Katie just struggle so hard to see eye to eye because their special interests can't intersect to save their lives. This, this hurt me because so often I struggle to relate to my dad. Especially when he talks to me about computers or physics. Now I took physics but without having been in quarantine and having him as my live in tutor I would have failed, not gotten an A. This has resulted me in saying things that I don't mean in the heat of the moment when we do argue. It doesn't happen nearly as much as it used to back when I was in middle school but when it happened it was because of one thing. I lied. I used to lie a lot because I felt so unworthy of being his daughter because on my best days I am not technically smart. You want to know how many nations of the world there were in 1991 when the original Animaniacs was airing? You want to hear my Dot Warner impression? Did you ever wonder how to recognize a specific voice when your watching anime? Have you ever had to watch a panel of your favorite anime voice actor just to laugh at something? No, well I did. But ever since I have started taking a quarter off from community college I have realized something. I am not technically smart. I struggle at learning the rules for math. My dad can do this with his eyes closed but me, I struggle and look like a complete moron. It took years for my dad and I to see eye to eye. Sometimes I still wonder if I was the product of some laboratory experiment of what would happen if two intelligent people came together, fell in love, and expecting that the daughter was smart I was the reject. Watching this movie with my dad I saw so much of my relationship with him on the screen. Struggling to relate to one another, fighting and getting into arguments about petty things, and not being able to be in the same room as one another without heated words because I didn't get him.
The scene that I related to the most when it was in terms of how much Katie just doesn't understand her dad was after he was nabbed by the machines. When Aaron asked her why she said those things to their dad and her simple answer was "I don't know." This. This right here was when I saw me. So many times I've gotten into heated arguments with my dad when he has simply annoyed me at the wrong time and I've just blown up in his face. Then I regret my actions and not know how to apologize for losing my temper with him because "I don't know" just doesn't seem like a nearly acceptable answer. I felt this in my soul because it happened especially often before I was diagnosed.
When I was diagnosed, things started to get better with my dad and I. We haven't had a fight in nearly four years now. He watches cartoons with me now to try and relate to me, it's mostly Pinky and The Brain but it's more than I could have ever asked for. I love my dad so much, more than anything in the entire world. This movie is so, so good at telling a story about how a family of undiagnosed aspie's and people on the spectrum struggle to relate to one another because their special interests are different.
Special interests and family's are especially difficult and I applaud this movie so loud because of the way that it was able to treat the subject matter with integrity and honesty. I'm sorry if this analysis got a little bit long in the toof but thank you for sticking with me! I really hope that if you watched the film you loved my analysis.
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Wheezie-Brain: What Dragon Tales Taught Me About Perseveration
In about my first or so year of living in the Tampa Bay Area, I would watch Dragon Tales almost after school.
Nothing beats a nice afternoon tuning into WEDU (Channel 3, the Tampa Bay PBS Member station upon which I’d also operate my SEGA Genesis and N64 consoles) after completing homework my special ed class gave me (which was BLISSFULLY MINIMAL, even for 10-year-old me) to learn of what adventures Max and Emmy would pursue with Cassie, Ord, and conjoined twins Zak and Wheezie.
And that - indeed - leads me to Zak and Wheezie.
The green half represents both my left brain, which is the saner half. My favorite character is the purple half, and she not only represents my right brain, but also my tendency to perseverate.
Temple Grandin - one of my influential autistic icons and co-author of Developing Talents: Careers for Individuals with Asperger Syndrome and High-functioning Autism - explained my several brushes with perseveration in childhood at best, “Often the person on the spectrum hyper-focuses on favorite subjects, talking non-stop about them and missing social cues from others to stop."
In other words, perseveration is when stressors like sensory overload and difficulties transitioning to another activity fuels an autistic individual's Wheezie-brain, enabling them to unleash their banter about special interests to mostly the annoyance of others. My Zak-brain - the saner left hemisphere - would want me to stay on task or be in the present.
But my Wheezie-brain would want me to release the tension built up via ennui, tedious tasks, or sensory overload by busting into discussion about my special interests. For others, talking about special interests at excessive lengths can be annoying. But for my Wheezie-brain, she "LLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVVVVVVVVVVVVVEEEEEEEEEEESSSSS IT!"
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Perseveration had been my issue years before learning somewhat about it via relating myself to Dragon Tales. Days after disembarking the former cruise ship, Fun Ship Carnival Tropicale in September 1995, I talked to myself about Tropicana Lounge, though I wasn't aware of how audible me doing so was, before lunch in kindergarten.
My teacher caught me doing it, restrained me. She repeatedly said sternly, "NO TROPICANA LOUNGE. NO TROPICANA LOUNGE."
I fortunately didn't cry, and I would typically do once my teacher would restrain me. But I felt bad about it, wondering why before lunch wasn't the time to talk about the best part of my cruise. I didn't cry after the cruise either (I usually would after almost each vacation!), so the perseveration that rooted the "No Tropicana Lounge Incident" kept me sane, though it drove her NUTS.
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1.5 years later, I was waiting at the bus stop. With me having PHYSICALLY returned to my former state of NJ from a kinda latent spring break in Florida, visiting my cousins in Thonotosassa with my late DGM and celebrating Walt Disney World's silver jubilee with my parents, my Wheezie-brain was still at Epcot.
I put it out there via talking to myself about Ellen's Energy Adventure, a revamp of Universe of Energy featuring Ellen DeGeneres and Bill Nye. (He was the reason why TV sets in the classrooms excite the peas out of me.) Again, I wasn't even aware of how loud I was.
My DGM stopped me, telling me to "Forget About Ellen." Once I boarded the small school bus, I spoke more further about neither Ellen's Energy Adventure, the rest of what I did at Walt Disney World, nor the rest of my spring break as I rode it.
Neither did I bring any of them up later that day at school to avoid another "No Tropicana Lounge Incident." On the flip-side, it broke my crying-after-a-vacation phase that would plague me as a kid.
Back to my first years in Tampa. Upon entering 5th grade as a mainstreamed autistic, I happened upon Classic Arts Showcase as well as Ovation TV. (Thank you, Time Warner Cable.)
Ovation TV pre-2010 or whereabouts was my fertilizer for my Wheezie-brain. Its contents include the 1997 performances of select Johann Sebastian Bach cantatas with the Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra under Ton Koopman; the late Sir George Martin's documentary series The Rhythm of Life; the South Bank Show episode on countertenors (which explains why Michael Chance is my favorite singer of this male singing range); and Beat Route, hosted by Squeeze's Jools Holland.
But the most potent contents that Ovation TV harbored were Howard Goodall docus. HOWARD. GOODALL. DOCUS. His Organ Works deepened my appreciation for organ music, and his singing voice was a treat to hear for this late-elementary-to-early-middle-schooler.
Goodall was one of my celebrity crushes in my tweens. At school, I would not only speak a bit like him, but also write a bit like him. (Hello, media-induced scripting!)
At Books-A-Million, I bought Phil Goulding's Classical Music: The 50 Greatest Composers and Their 1,000 Greatest Works at the tender age of 11. (Fortunately, my elementary school made Accelerated Reader and Star Assessment COMPLETELY optional at the time, so I had the freedom to read it as I pleased.)
Goulding's book - as well as the documentaries and concerts on TV - lead me to one phone call I made to one of my DUs about George Frederic Handel. My Wheezie-brain took on the reins once again. Towards the end, I lent the phone to DM, with her briefly ending the call.
She and my late DF discussed with me on how and why it was inappropriate for me to talk to him about classical music and how not everyone is interested in me talking at great length about it. They gently reprimanded me again talking to my cousins about classical music before a fishing trip.
It took me until my 20s to figure out why school wasn't the appropriate time to discuss my cruise vacation. Why talking about Ellen's Energy Adventure while waiting for the bus was a faux pas in front of my house. Why I felt bad for neither being allowed to talk to my DUs, DAs, nor my cousins about Francois Couperin.
Though I look back laughing at those moments in life and forgive my elders for annoying them with Tropicana Lounge or Handel, I learned that I was a victim of the Wheezie-brain-gone-wild, and that became what perseveration means to me and later fully comprehending it enough to get over that victim mentality.
Though I have my Wheezie-brain mostly under control, I wished my aides or coaches would've created perseverations lists as I grew up. It was an idea I conjured one day while listening to The Perfectionism Project episode, "3 Procrastination Tips That Don’t Work For Perfectionists," as I exercised via walking and circuit training.
The podcast was hosted by Sam Laura Brown, Aussie business coach, and she suggests creating a distractions list to help perfectionists curb their procrastination. She said, "This is where you create a list with all of the things you want to be distracted with as it happens. Every time I wanted to do something that wasn't what I planned to do, I would write down what it was."
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Had I been a grade-schooler still living in NJ having been old (and tall) enough to experience that successor to Ellen's Energy Adventure at Epcot during a summer Walt Disney World vacay and STILL was in the perseveration phrase, I would’ve driven my teachers nuts. They would’ve said repeatedly to me, “NO GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY: COSMIC REWIND!” (Taken by yours truly, on my b-day, 6/12/2022)
Similarly, I wished my parents would've hired a life coach or a therapist who would've became one and had the coach observe and write notes on me self-talking about Tropicana Lounge or talking about Ellen's Energy Adventure while waiting for the bus. Or have the coach horn in on my conversation with cousins about Bach.
The coach would've discussed the notes she took about me perseverating with my parents, and he or she would've used it to prewrite social stories that would've explained more in depth about why I couldn't discuss with my DAs about the clarinet's role in an orchestra at times. They would include which times would've been appropriate to do that.
Or the coach would have me use the first-then system - with me doing the most tedious tasks first, then talking with them (within a time limit) about composers.
Again, the Wheezie-brain ended my tradition of post-vacation tears at 7. It also had me spend a WHOLE month in Europe (the cradle of classical music) on October 2015. For some of my autistic adult brethren, it became the basis of careers, as well as a few print-on-demand side hustles for me. 
But I feel for many of my verbally autistic folks who still have Wheezie-brains running wild. Sharing my personal experiences having one myself can lead to workplace faculties and people who work with neurodiverse individuals collaborating on how to tame their Wheezie-brains and help them successfully obtain and retain their employment.
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maki-matsurra · 3 years
Could you do something were The Warners try to help an autistic reader? (I myself having autism)
Hiya! Thanks so much for your request. Oh boy, I hope I can do this? I've never actually wrote an austistic character before, so I did have to do some research on some autistic behaviors. I am so so sorry if I got anything wrong or if I accidentally insult or offend anyone, I swear I do not mean for it to intend that way!
I hope you like it! I gave it my best shot! Want to send in a request? Start Here!
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It was just a normal day for the Warner three and their best friend (Y/N). They were just finishing up a shooting for the latest Animaniacs episode, and everyone was feeling pretty darn good about it.
Everyone except for the director, of course.
Yakko, Wakko, and Dot have worked with this director before, so they know first hand how unfair and how mean he really is. It was a wonder that he was still hired for these skits.
And they really, really hated how they treated their friend.
(Y/N) is autistic, meaning that they have a different way of communicating, and sometimes people don’t really understand what they mean or do.
The director was yelling at them to stop with their “constant hand-flapping”, as it was getting on his nerves at this point.
The Warner three glared at the man across the way, Yakko took a sip from his Starbucks Vanilla Sweet Cream Cold Brew (Not sponsored, but I wish) and placed it onto the white foldout table. “Boy do I wanna anvil that guy.”
“I agree, he should get a mallet to the face.” Dot nodded with a glare, taking a bite of her Everything Bagel. “Like, who does that guy think he is?”
“A bully, that’s who!” Wakko pulled his mallet out from his hanmerspace, and was about to go mallet the guy, but Yakko stopped him, kneeling down to Wakko’s level, his back to the director and (Y/N).
“Look, I get it, I wanna smash him into next week too, but look, we got one more scene to do, and after this scene we can take dear (Y/N) and go home and-“
The Warner's faces paled once they heard that, and Yakko whipped around to hear (Y/N)’s poor overwhelmed screams. Adrenaline kicked in like a bullet for Yakko, and he rushed over to their aid, assessing the situation once he got there.
(Y/N) was curled up in a ball, letting out heart-wrenching sobs and screams as the director held his left forearm. He growled and pointed to them, looking over to a blonde-haired woman with a low ponytail. “Call security on this freak! Better yet, call the police!”
Yakko soon looked at her, holding his hands out for everyone to calm down. “No! They’re autistic! They can’t help it-“
“Go! Before they start to attack again!” The director looked at the woman again, making Yakko glare and point a finger at her. “Corinne, I swear to god if you actually listen to him-“
Wakko quickly, but calmly started to ask them if they were okay, which they shook their head as they squeaked out; “…home.”
“Okay, we’re going home now, (Y/N).” The younger Warner brother held his hand out, still giving them plenty of personal space and waiting on them to take his hand, and they did, slowly and shakily, letting them be taken to a quieter place to calm down while Yakko and Dot dealt with him.
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Wakko purred as (Y/N) continued to stroke his back and the top of his head, his hat placed on the empty seat next to them on the couch. They had finally calmed down and was now reflecting on what happened, the fear of what the staff members would say, how they would judge them.
They jolted slightly once they heard the water tower door open again, revealing a frustrated Yakko and a concerned Dot, the pair spotting them on the couch with Wakko.
“You okay, Honey?” Dot questioned softly as they slowly made their way over, (Y/N) whined a bit with a shrug. “I… I don’t know.”
“It’s okay. That’s fine, (Y/N).” Yakko reassured with a soft smile, moving Wakko’s hat and sitting next to them as Dot sat next to her oldest brother. They sniffled a bit and wiped their cheek with the back of their hand. “I-I’m really sorry, I just got scared… A-And I didn’t know what else to do…” They tried to explain as quickly as they could, stimming again, Yakko hushed their worries.
“Hey, hey, no one blames you. Not even the CEO. In fact, you did everyone a favor.” Yakko smiled.
“I… did?”
“Yeah! The director got fired after Nora heard what happened! So really, you’re our hero, (Y/N)!” Dot cheered.
“Faboo!” Wakko purred with a grin, making them chuckle a bit, gesturing for a hug which they got.
A big group hug that gave them all the comfort in the world.
And that was everything they needed.
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oxventurequotes · 3 years
not to be non-oxventure and i’ll delete this in a bit but i just really wanna fucking scream because i don’t know why we still fucking insist on giving jk rowling money and attention ???
like ik we can’t just ignore the whole... harry-potter-cultural-phenomenon Thing but rowling is provably one of the worst people alive and people keep giving her a fucking platform??? like, who cares if she’s not ‘in’ the 20th anniversary special, she’s still featured, she still gets money from it and it features other actors who have refused to speak out against her blatant and disgusting transphobia/homophobia/ableism/general bigotry. 
there’s just something kinda soul destroying about seeing people criticise and ‘cancel’ and boycott her and then turn around and make shitty content about HP or buy merch or watch the special or whatever. i get it. i loved hp, it was my Thing, but i don’t think we can ‘separate art from the artist’ when she’s literally alive and profiting despite literally being a fuCKING TERF.
it’s not a surprise to see that idk... warner brothers? idk Companies,, value profit over trans/lgbt/autistic lives but to see my friends talking about it like it’s no big deal or... consume the content with no secondary thoughts... is shitty and idk i guess it just... upsets me to see people excited about a series that, when examined critically, is riddled with racism (cho chang, the patil twins) homophobia (dumbledore, werewolf HIV metaphor) anti-semitism (gringotts) transphobia (rita skeeter). i could go on.
TLDR: i’m fucking sick of seeing someone who has directly contributed to the endangerment of human rights (including mine) face no consequences for being soul-sucking terf-y scum
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outtherecreations · 3 years
Yakko Warner x Autistic! Reader (Short)
Requested by @toonsandtunes
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Bright lights flash around you.
Soft sobs leave your lips as someone approaches you. "Y/N? Y/N, baby, I need you to look at me, ok?" Yakko says calmly, slowly placing a hand on your shoulder. Your body trembles and you shake your head, tears spill out the cracks of you eyes.
Some idiot decided to throw a party right outside of your house. It was fine that they wanted to throw a party, but they thought it would be a good a idea to blast music, flash LED lights, and light fireworks all at the same time.
*BOOM cackle....*
You squeal, tugging your head into your arms. Yakko glares at the window “That’s it, I’m gonna give that neighbor of your a piece of my mind.” Yakko growls, standing up and walking towards the door “No!” You gasp, Yakko stops and you wrap your arms around his waist
“Please don’t go....I want you to stay here” You mumbles, hugging Yakko from behind “Heh, ok, baby. I’m not gonna leave you.” Yakko whisper. Yakko wraps his arms around you carefully as another firework pops off. You shut your eyes tight and Yakko holds you protectively, watching you calmly.
Yakko smiles softly as you bury your face into his chest. Your grip tightens at the sound of another firework, “....Did....did I tell you that Wakko eat a dog toy a few days ago?” Yakko asks. You shake your head, Yakko chuckles “Yeah, we left him alone for 3 seconds and next thing I know-there’s a dog toy in his stomach! He’s still squeaking!”
A soft giggle leaves your mouth as Yakko rocks the two of you back and forth. The another firework pops, but you didn’t flinch as bad, Yakko strokes your arm as he continues talking about his week. You giggle and laugh, after a while...the sound had died down.
But you and Yakko didn’t change the way you were. Yakko continued to laugh and make jokes and sing until the two of you decided to go to bed. “Do you wanna stay?” You ask, standing up. Yakko grins widely “Do you even have to ask?” He says, you giggle “Love you, Yakko.” You hum as the two of you crawl into to bed “Love you too, Y/N, always and forever.” Yakko purrs, wrapping is arms around you.
Sorry it’s been awhile, I’ve been going through writers block and being sick.
-Nova out
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