#the way he can just jump from one emotion/attitude/thought to the next?? with his voice???
airenyah · 1 year
everyone keeps going on about nanon's "microexpressions" but honestly, it's the way he plays with his voice for me
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boydepartment · 5 months
‧₊˚ ☁️⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.⋆。 “i wish…”: anton lee x m!reader (PT. 2)
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angst - fluff - masterlist - pt1 - wc - 300-350
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the next time you saw anton was when they had a live event in the states again. you were nervous again and your hands were shaking.
the air felt light to everyone but you as you were guided backstage. you could hear fun loud chatter and fans excitement throughout the hallways.
you should be excited to see your friend
if he was just your friend
when you got backstage your saw anton’s dad and made small talk with him, just trying to distract yourself from having to see his son again. you felt guilty almost, and this guilty feeling inside of you just kept lingering even after the fun event shenanigans. you were so caught up in everything and your own emotions that it made everything draining and not fun.
to everyone else though, you looked fine. you looked happy.
you thought you were masking your feelings really well.
your high school friends chatted at the restaurant dinner table, they kept asking anton questions about his life now. you messed with your straw just staring at the ice in the glass. you wish you could just freeze yourself, then you’d just wake up 100 years from now and you wouldn’t have to worry about this feeling.
“are you even allowed to date?” one of your mutuals asked, this broke you out of your concentration. you watched as anton answered, laughing slightly, brushing hair out of his face. you swallowed the lump in your throat.
“well… i mean not- not publicly- i don’t know it’s complicated.” a few giggles escaped anton and you wanted to bury yourself. his words again ringing in your head
i wish you were a girl
if you were a girl, i’d marry you
the words kept ringing in your head again, taunting you. quickly you stood up grabbing your wallet and slamming a 20 on the table, “that’ll cover me, i- i need to go.”
you quickly pocketed your wallet and phone and got out of the restaurant like your ass was on fire.
you walked down the street a smalls ways away, it was dark and you were sure no one followed you. at one of the closed stores you leaned against the brick wall and covered your face.
the lump in your throat becoming too hard to swallow, you squatted down and started to cry in your hands.
it was hard enough hiding being gay from all your friends, but hearing anton’s words in your head almost 24/7 after that night a few weeks ago was a form of medieval torture.
“seriously what the hell is your problem today?”
you almost jumped out of your skin hearing his voice, you looked up and saw anton standing there, right when he saw you were upset his face softened and he quickly fell to his knees to help you.
“y/n? what’s going on come on talk to me!” anton softly held your biceps and tried to get you to look at him.
you kept shaking your head no and crying, it was too much, he was too much.
you didn’t want to be in love with him anymore
you yourself started to wish you were a girl because maybe then you’d have the privilege of marrying him like he said.
“y/n..! please… i can’t help if i don’t know…” anton’s voice got even softer and you couldn’t believe it.
“i broke up with her because she wasn’t a boy.” you stuttered out while crying still. your hair was messy and your sweater felt like it was choking you.
anton’s brows furrowed, “what the hell are you talking about?” it wasn’t attitude he was giving you. it was confusion.
“i didn’t- i dont- i-“ you were panicking now, you wanted to tell him. everything in you wanted to tell him.
anton scooted closer and tried to wipe your face off with his sleeves, “you can tell me i won’t judge you or anything…”
“my first serious girlfriend, the one you thought i was going to marry,” you took a deep breath, “the only thing wrong with her was that she wasn’t a guy.”
once again anton looked confused, “why would that- oh.”
you looked away from him, you didn’t want to face him at all, “i’m sorry..”
anton took a deep breath, “is this why you’ve been weird with me?”
you looked at him, “what are you talking about?” your confused tear stained face was a sight to behold to any passerby’s
“you’ve been distant and sad…” anton said looking in your eyes, he took a deep breath, “i wanted to ask what was wrong but i didn’t want to pry… was this the weight on your chest?”
your heart beat quickened and before even thinking you said it, “no i- i am um… i am also in love with you- i’m sorry. i’m so sorry i dont want to be and im scared and i know im not a girl-“
anton’s soft hands grabbed the sides of your face before he smashed his lips on yours. so quickly you fell back and gently hit your head behind you on the brick wall. quickly anton pulled away to ask if you were okay but you just chased his lips and kissed him again.
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strawberryfairi · 6 months
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“I loved you then…back when I knew you”
Synopsis: 💎 When your old high school best friend, and admittedly, first love randomly shows up at your door one morning after a bit over ten years apart, your memories of him that you once locked away comes flooding back. Are you open to hearing him out after all this time? (In other words…will you take your man back or nah?)
♕Pairings: Kazutora X Black Fem Reader 🤎 (ANYONE CAN READ)🛑Content: 18+ Eventual smut, Some grief, Some angst ~Crossposted On: Wattpad ONLY ~Updating WEEKLY
w.c. 3.4k💠 Released March 29, 2024
NOTE🧚🏾‍♀️: Omg finally y'all we made it to the present!!!! This chapter is literally what started the entire idea of this story so I'm so excited! Also just a pre-warning/disclaimer THERE WILL BE MOMENTS OF SMUT FROM THE PRESENT ON! But of course...I'll have chapter warnings so never fear.
Previous | Next Chapter: Pending…. Chapters Masterlist
The Present Recap
"Hi, I-
Whatever sentence you had come up with in your head instantly evaporated. You stood completely frozen, heart racing. The door was only open just a bit, but you immediately recognized the face in front of you.
He stood there, eyes wide, lips slightly parted just like you. You blinked rapidly as nine thousand different emotions and thoughts coursed through you.
"Hey, it's-...it's been a while." His tone was so soft, so cautious.
"-it's been a while."
You stand there, your mind still trying to determine if this was really who you thought it was standing in front of you. The big, honey brown eyes, the tattoo, the earring, even the voice all was nearly the same.
"It's..been a while?" You question, your brows raised as if you genuinely heard him wrong. Instantly, his eyes avert downwards, feeling too nervous and honestly ashamed to hold your gaze. He didn't want to admit it to himself but part of him saw this coming. It was beyond foolish to think you'd just jump into his arms with a wide smile as if nothing happened; as if no time had passed.
"You disappear for a literal decade and some months, then you just randomly show up at my door talkin' 'bout "it's been a while"?!" You spoke in a bewildered and slow tone, your right hand resting against the door while the other animatedly helped you express your feelings. Mind-blown couldn't even begin to cover the way you were feeling inside right now.
It's not like you weren't relieved or even a little bit happy to see him, it's the way he just decides to casually pull up on you out of nowhere that's the problem. Not only that, it's also the pitiful, puppy-dog look of complete hope and nervousness on his face that's slightly pissing you off for reasons you can't really explain.
"I know, I-I didn't wanna be away from you for this long, but-
"Oh, you didn't want to be away this long?! If you didn't wanna be away you simply would not have left, like, I'm confused." You cut him off, whole attitude skyrocketing by the second.
"It wasn't by choice! I never woulda left you on purpose!" He spoke desperately, grabbing onto your free hand. Your eyes widened, looking down at his hand holding yours like a ghost was touching you. It sure felt like it given the current situation. "It wasn't by choice?! You literally came to me and said you wouldn't see me again!" You argue.
He sighed deeply, instantly taking note of your reaction, letting your hand go and looking into your eyes with the most sincerest expression he could muster. "Look, I'm sorry I messed up back then, I really am! I know you're still pissed at me, but I want you to know I genuinely miss you." His eyes searched yours desperately, trying to capture even the faintest hint of happiness to see him. He was getting worried, scared that you wouldn't forgive him, or even at least hear him out.
His words immediately had an affect on you, utterly shocking you that he's being so open and honest. You clenched your jaw, feeling more annoyed that he was getting to you as he always would just like back then. It'd be a lie to say you weren't glad he missed you just as you had missed him all this time. "Get your stupid ass in here." Your voice shook with emotion as you grabbed a fistful of his olive colored shirt, pulling him into your apartment. His eyes widened as he stumbled inside rather ungracefully. A wide smile instantly spread across his face, taking it as a sign of great progress that you allowed him to come into your place.
"I-..there's so much I've been wanting to tell-
"Hush up with all that, now you listen here", You glare sternly, cutting him off with a finger to his chest. "I'm very, very upset with you. How you just gon' show up at my home like this outta nowhere?! You left for ten whole years-I'm still not even understanding how you found my apartment! I ain't get no explanation, nobody told me nothin'! It was like days, then months, then years! I had to just go on like, 'oh ok, he doesn't care about me anymore, we must really not be friends anymore'." You ranted, starting to tear up a bit. Kazutora stood there with a broken expression, trying to gather his own words so he could finally explain himself. "You have every right to be upset with me; I messed up big time. I was young and dumb, I just-...I ended up getting myself into some deep shit, but I want you to know you've been on my mind for the past ten years. That's why I came to find you!"
You stayed quiet, your expression softening just the tiniest bit at his words. Kazutora took it as a good sign to continue. "You never deserved how I treated you, and you definitely didn't deserve for me to leave without any explanation. You were the only friend I ever needed; honestly."
You shook your head, your expression going right back to how it was previously. He'd rubbed you the wrong way again.
"You didn't act like I was the only friend you needed! The night before you disappeared you just hit me with the whole 'I might not see you again' thing, and I really thought maybe you'd come back, or text, or something, but I deadass did not see you again!" You ranted, brows furrowing while you frown, taking a step back from him. Kazutora frowned, the memories of that night flashing through his mind. He made the biggest mistake of his life that night, deciding to walk away from you and go through with that fight against Toman.
"You're right. I-..I was just-...I should've stayed with you! None of this would've happened if I'd just stayed with you, but I couldn't. I got myself too deep in this situation with a rival gang at the time, and ended up hurting you. I just really didn't want you to know about it 'cause I was scared you'd hate me, and then leave me for real." His tone lowered by the end, eyes looking to the side vulnerably.
"Kazutora..." You trailed off, facepalming with an exasperated sigh. He was scared you'd leave him?! You were probably the only person that was ever truly down for him back then!
He sighed defeatedly. "I know. You probably think I'm messed up, but you gotta believe me, I really do miss you. I wanna make up for everything." He pleaded, looking at you with hopeful eyes.
"I don't think you're messed up, I think you're a fool, as per usual." You grumbled yet your tone was slightly playful, raising a brow as you pursed your lips at him before continuing. "You know, I'd always think about you. Even in college when I was in a whole new world, you still made your way into my head." You admitted, looking away from him shyly. His eyes widened, heart warming at the fact that you still bothered to think of him. "You really still thought about me; all this time? I figured you moved on by now and forgot all about me."
"Don't get me twisted, I wanted to. I wanted to forget you 'cause I was so mad and hurt that you left me, but I really couldn't, just like right now. I wanna be pissed and maybe even slap you right now, but I can't 'cause I care about you." You explain softly, looking at him with mixed emotions. "I care about you, too! I've thought about you every day and night! That's why I came back for you, to make things right between you and me." His tone was soft and sincere, grabbing both your hands in his as he stepped closer to you.
"Please don't back away..." He added, looking down at you with sparkling, puppy-like eyes. "Are you really trynna be cute right now?!" You question slightly shocked, narrowing your eyes halfheartedly. Even though you still had your guard up, you didn't bother to pull away from him this time. "I mean..." He lets out a nervous chuckle, not really sure how to respond. "So, you really thought about me..day and night?" Raising a brow you looked at him skeptically, warming up to him just a tad more.
"Yeah, I swear! When I ended up going to prison...I decided once I got out I'd come find you. It took me a while because, I'm not gonna lie I was terrified to face you, but I'm here now. All I wanted to do was make up for how I acted towards you back then; I wanted you to realize I never once forgot about you."
"Mmhmm." You pursed your lips, trying not to come across as moved as you really felt by that. "I know you won't forgive me right away, probably, but I just needed to see you. I want to show you I can still be a good friend to you. Uhh, so...do you mind if I stay here for a bit today? Just so we can catch up? It took a lot for me to come here. You can keep being mad at me later, ok?" He pleaded, giving you the sweetest, most charming smile he could muster. You knew you weren't strong enough to make him leave, honestly you really didn't want him to.
"Ok...fine." You nod, tone soft. "Let's sit on the couch for now." You add, gesturing to the living room. Kazutora followed behind you, discreetly checking out your apartment before he sat next to you, making sure to maintain a distance that wouldn't annoy you. He figured he'd been playing his cards pretty well for now, he just had to keep it going then maybe you'll be more warmed up to him, and maybe you'll wanna be friends again. "So, you were in jail this entire time? Do I...wanna know why?" You question cautiously, looking at him with a worry-filled expression. His face fell, a mixture of shame and discomfort. "No, but...you probably deserve to know." He sighed.
"What happened?" You murmur softly, turning to face him on the couch now. Your heart started racing just a bit out of anxiousness to hear his side of this story. Ten years is a long time, so obviously this wasn't just any old crime. "Well the day after our.."fight" we had, Valhalla got into a brawl with this other gang called Toman. I used to be a part of Toman a really long time ago, but some things went down so I left. To make a long story short, I-..I ended up killing one of Toman's members; one of my best friends."
Your brows furrowed, looking at him in full out concern. The silence was loud and hovered heavily in the room. Kazutora casted his gaze downward at his hands folded in his lap, too ashamed to really look at you anymore. He never wanted you to actually know about why he was gone all this time, but he knew you had to know. If he was going to be friends with you again he knew he had to be fully open and honest with you, unlike last time. "I-...I really don't know what to say, I mean, it definitely explains why you were gone. Did someone force you to do it? Was the fight that bad?" You questioned cautiously. You weren't sure if asking about those things would be too painful for him. "No, no one forced me." He muttered, eyes still downcast. That was all he had to say for you to understand.
"Are you scared of me now?" He frowns, his tone completely defeated as he turns his head slightly towards you. "I-..I mean, I'm not sure. It seems like you regret it and don't want to do something like that again. Is that true?" You question, leaning over to try and meet his gaze. "Yes, I'd never do anything like that again, honestly. It was a huge mistake and I regret it to this day. Most importantly, I'd never hurt you, ever." Finally he met your eyes, looking at you with a serious, highly sincere expression.
"There goes the Kazi I know. I know you wouldn't hurt me, I just wanted to hear you say it." You smiled softly, placing your left hand over his folded hands. A small gasp escaped his lips, shocked that you remembered that nickname for him from way back, and even more shocked that he's actually hearing you say it now. "I should probably tell you now that I'd forgiven you a long time ago. I don't hate you, and I'm not holding any kind of grudge against you. It was just a lot of emotions over the years that came to the surface after seeing you all of a sudden." You explain. "And...I've missed you; a lot." Your voice shook, eyes quickly build up with tears and slightly blurring your vision.
Kazutora doesn't even bother to say anything, and without hesitation he wraps his arms around you in a deeply affectionate hug. Instantly, you wrap your arms around him, reciprocating the same level of emotion. His head fell on your left shoulder while he squeezed you, trying to get as close as possible. This is the first hug he's experienced in years, the last one he received being from you as well. It didn't even feel real having his arms around you, as this was something he'd only ever been able to dream of. It was real now, and your embrace was even more comforting than before, even more special.
"Can you please say that again?" He asks desperately in a quiet voice. "I really missed you, K." You repeat with a warm smile. He felt you lean your head against his as you spoke, making his heart strings pull in his chest. Small, hot tear droplets were falling from his eyes before he even realized it. "I missed you so much too. I don't wanna be away from you again." He murmured into your shoulder, slightly muffled by your top, but you still understood perfectly.
"Noo, don't cry, you're gonna make it worse!" You whined, nuzzling your head into him as your own tears began spilling down your cheeks. Your right hand lifted to gently stroke his hair, trying to calm him down so you could regain your own composure. It seemed you were only making it worse though, as his body lightly shook in your arms.
"Ok..." You murmured, feeling him rest his full weight onto you, pushing you backwards on the couch and into a laying position. The memories were invading your mind while in this nostalgic position. A few times he'd come to your place solely for you to comfort him just like this when he was upset about something, running your hands through his hair until he'd fall asleep on top of you in this same way. You briefly took your hand away from his hair just to wipe your own eyes, finally calming yourself, before going right back to soothing him.
"'M sorry." He mumbled, rather cutely in your opinion. "You're alright, K." You smile softly. "But look at this, your hair is so long now! I just noticed." You change topics, trying to get him calm. "Mhm." He nodded weakly with a little sniffle, making you chuckle lightly. He's still just a big baby, exactly like back then. "I like it, a lot, and you still have your blonde highlights." You add, continuing to stroke his hair gently. "Mhmm." Kazutora sighed blissfully, relaxing more onto your chest, no longer shaking from crying. Your voice was so soothing and soft, something he still loves to hear to this day. You've always been the only person to get him so calm and tranquil when he's upset. The only person that could soothe him to sleep.
"By the way, you're way heavier than before, K. Lowkey strugglin' down here." You let out a strained chuckle, tapping the crown of his head. He let out a little disappointed groan, clearly not wanting to move from his comfortable spot, but he gets up nonetheless. Hesitantly he pulls himself away from you, lingering just a little as your hands slide off of his head.
"I was actually just in the middle of making tea and stuff, do you want anything?" You offer, standing from the couch while gesturing towards the kitchen. Kazutora knew it would sound cheesy if he said it out loud, but he didn't want anything except you in this current moment. Nonetheless he nods anyways, accepting anything he can get from you in this moment. "You still like tea, K?" You call from the kitchen. "Of course! I like anything you make." He says plainly. Your cheeks heat up a little, feeling a bit caught off guard by that statement. He comes over and joins you in the kitchen, trailing into the room like a lost puppy. He really hasn't changed at all, it's so cute.
"You know what? It's something I wanna show you after we have breakfast!" You beam, remembering something from a long time ago. You were sure he'd remember too once he sees it.
With an excited smile, you lead Kazutora to your bedroom by his hand. It took everything for his heart not to burst out of his chest at the way this looked. You were still, to this day, the only girl whose bedroom he's ever set foot in. "Ok, here's my room! I'm really proud of the design." You beam, just as you opened the door. It was a girls room that's for sure, and cute just like you. The room was luxurious looking though it wasn't an enormous space. Crystal bedside lamps in a warm light sat elegantly on either side of the queen sized bed. Instead of a TV, you had a projector that shined a white light against the wall opposite of the bed. Speaking of the bed, instead of facing forward you had it to the side.
He already knew why, you love beds being against the wall so you had something to put all your pillows against. It was just more cozy to you than both sides leading to the floor, and after he'd spent so much time lying with you, he understood why you loved it so much. The walls were a neutral champagne color, the furniture being used for the accent color. Vibrant pink which was different from before. Your favorite color was blue back then, he figured it must have changed over time. "You just gon' keep standin' there? Come inside!" You chuckle, pulling on his hand and bringing him over to your bed. "Wait here, I gotta get it from the other room." You say, speeding out of the room and out of sight. Kazutora truly felt like he was dreaming. He was really here, sitting on your bed, in your apartment.
"Ok, I'm back!" You pop your head in with a goofy smile.
"That was fast." He chuckles.
"Look what I got!" You jump into the room, holding out that stuffed bunny he won you all those years ago. Kazutora's jaw drops, looking between you and the bunny in shock.
"You-...you still have that?!" His tone is quiet as he speaks.
"Mmhmm! I ended up naming her Mimi!" You beam, snuggling your face into it as you rejoin him on the bed. "I remember...how happy I was that night." You add in a soft voice, looking down at your bunny as you fiddle around with it's frilly red dress. Kazutora's heart skips at your words. Something about the way you said that made him wonder which parts of that night made you most happy. "I was happy that night too."
"Remember we went on that one rollercoaster together? I couldn't believe you'd never been on one before that." You chuckle lightly, finally making eye contact with him. Ohhh yes, that was one crazy ride. Neither of you realized it was the kind that stops right at the top, dangling all the passengers before finally dropping down the tall slope. "Yeaaah! That was so much fun! And those characters that'd chase us around the park; I remember that too!" He beamed, a wide smile on his face.
"I think...my favorite part of that night was when we all went to the haunted house. Remember that?" You murmur cautiously, your eyes fixated on his face to see his reaction. His face breaks out into a deep blush, eyes slightly widening as he recalls what happened specifically in the haunted house. He swallows nervously. "Uhh, I-I remember." He stutters cutely. You giggle lightly to yourself. That was just the response you were hoping for.
"Good. I would've been mad if you didn't." You joke, nudging his side playfully.
"I haven't forgotten a single memory with you..." He admits, his tone much softer than he intended.
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henriiiii-1001old · 1 year
pt two to this
i am weirdly thinking of making this a series who's with me. like i already have a semi plot for this. not sure if i'm gonna make this an au or not, but we'll see
this one also ended up being a lot longer than the other one i think uuuhhh yeah :/ oops
fic/technical spoilers under the cut
(quick warning for mentions of suicide as well as general angst)
The aroma of freshly made coffee scattered around the barren Mandela County police station. Adam sat patiently at the high table near the counter for his own portion as Thatcher poured the brew into two separate mugs. The smaller one was for Thatcher, though he was scared of caffeine suddenly being able to reveal alternates’ true forms. Maybe he could consult his roommate for that.
Thatcher carefully took both mugs over to where Adam sat, placing his cup in front of him softly as to not spill the contents. The last thing he’d want is for Adam to be upset, especially in regards to the previous night. They had slept comfortably in some sleeping bags Thatcher had luckily found in the storage area. Adam had practically begged to sleep next to him, as embarrassed and humiliated he felt as he did, but Thatcher reassured him that he’d be happy to comfort him in any way. The night passed with Thatcher feeling like a new man.
“Good?” Thatcher asked, waiting for a comment of his craft.
“Yeah, definitely better than how my old friend used to make it,” Adam replied. Thatcher noticed his inflection change when he said the word “friend,” and as much as he wanted to pry - and imply - about it he knew this was not the time or place to do so.
“So, you feeling okay?”
Adam tensed before replying. “Sort of. I don’t think I’ll ever be okay again, but… Yeah.”
Thatcher hummed in understanding and nodded. He took a sip of his own creation before swallowing it and sighing in relief. The only sound filling the room after that were quiet sips of coffee and anxious tapping of their mugs. Adam also tugged and rubbed furiously at the blanket he had wrapped around himself for warmth and comfort. Since he had become attached to Thatcher’s touch so quickly, the blanket was just the next best thing so he wouldn’t be too clingy.
“May I, um, ask about last night?” Thatcher worded carefully as to not upset Adam too much. “I-it’s okay if you’re not ready. I just-”
“No, it’s okay. I’ll try to explain to the best of my abilities,” Adam interrupted, trying to seem genuine since emotions had been difficult for him.
“This all kinda started a few days ago. Me and my… colleague, Jonah, were out doing something for a client. We were supposed to stay there for three whole nights, $500 a night. Can you even believe that? Like, who ever would have thought it was some elaborate trap to have you stick yourself in a basement to hear some shit that doesn’t even make sense? Even from your own mouth?”
Thatcher stared at him utterly confused. Adam had only noticed after a few moments of silence.
“Moving on from that since I’m jumping a bit too far ahead, we had a few disagreements on the place; my colleague wanted to leave but I had a sort of connection to the place somehow. I had even gone there once before with Sarah, in which after that whole thing I had to get my colleague as my new ghost hunting partner.”
“And your colleague was Jonah Marshall, was it not?”
Adam went dead silent. Thatcher got his answer from that.
“Understood. Uh, go on if you’re good with that.”
“Yeah… um, well. We kinda got into a huge fight on the second day, in which he brought up my mother and I just. Told him to leave if he really wanted to not be there. And he… did.
"I went down into that fucking basement expecting something amazing to happen. Something like my mom coming back or some shit. Nothing happened. All I got was more questions and a pissy attitude, which led me to just go searching for J- my colleague myself.”
Thatcher eagerly listened as Adam poured everything he had remembered, paying attention to every time his voice faltered and gave way to his true emotions. He even almost mentioned Jonah, which definitely confirmed Thatcher’s suspicions by that point.
“I found him by the car he stole earlier that day. Dead. I was too deep in an angry, nonhuman frenzy that I just took the car and left, not even shedding a proper tear for him.
Sarah and I had a fight about him, leading her to make me make some stupid memorial video for him. I didn’t wanna think about it, I didn’t wanna do it. I felt horrible, and her making me do that only made things worse. And I even logged off for a few hours after that because I just couldn’t handle it.
“And then he showed up.”
Thatcher perked up. Who’s “he” , he thought to himself, ever so curious as to what Adam could be alluding to.
“He… was the one who told me everything. Started rambling off about how he ‘held me in his arms’ or some dumb shit. I didn’t understand at first, but whatever he did to me made me feel so numb and lifeless. I couldn’t move. Not until he said… He…. told me…”
“Hey, you’re okay. If it’s too heavy for you, you can-”
“I’m not the real me.”
Thatcher held his tongue and listened. It was the only thing he could do as he was too far deep. He couldn’t get Adam’s now black eyes off of him, staring directly into his soul it seemed. Adam looked like he didn’t even breathe to speak his next words, staring Thatcher down like prey.
“He told me I was one of them. If Sarah hadn’t cut the bitch off I would have gotten more answers. But someone always has to stand in my way, don’t they, Lieutenant? ”
Thatcher stared into the orbs that occupied Adam’s sockets, frozen in place as panic rose within his body. He couldn’t move; no matter how much the training had taught him to fight, he could never push himself to. He could only pray that Adam didn’t do this all to kill him, that would just be absurd, right?
A breath was taken that Thatcher didn’t know he needed. He blinked a few times to ground himself to his surroundings once more. He was still staring at Adam, but his eyes had returned to normal. He sighed in relief.
“I-I’m sorry, I don’t know what came over me…” Adam began to bury himself in his hands, curl into another ball and cry the embarrassment and shame away.
“No! No, no, no, no you’re okay, kid,” Thatcher quickly tried reassuring him, his body ready to hold Adam again at any time in case he needed a quick cooldown.
“I panicked, I… I didn’t know how to process everything, I tried killing myself in so many ways… None of them FUCKING WORKED!”
Adam’s form began to blur as his skin melted, his eyes and mouth becoming more prominent features on his face. His limbs began to elongate themselves again, and his skin even turned even paler than he already was. Thatcher dashed to the other side of the table, cradling Adam’s torso and head into his own. He softly ran his hands through the alternate’s hair, soothing him the best he could.
“Adam, please don’t be upset with yourself right now. I know you can’t control it, and I understand how painful it must be to have your whole identity stripped from you.”
“HOW WOULD YOU KNOW?! ” Adam screamed, his voice echoing throughout the station’s walls and back into the current room.
“The same night your mother died I almost lost my life to one of those things!”
Adam suddenly grew quiet, whimpers and sniffles being the only sound emitted from him as he slowly looked up at Thatcher.
“Her husband called me, asking for help… I should have known it was a trap. I lost a friend too, the only one I could trust. I left her behind to rot in that fucking house… I wouldn’t doubt she’s still there, waiting to exact her revenge on me.
"I couldn’t tell if I was a person anymore after I encountered that thing in the tunnels below Mandela. It took my face, my voice, my mannerisms, everything , and left me there to suffer. I went home that night feeling stalked, haunted, as I have been for the past 17 fucking years. If anyone on this fucking planet knows how you feel, it’s me. And I’m sorry that it has to be me…”
Neither had any words for the next few minutes, Adam shifting in and out of his human and alternate forms before settling on a mix of both. He wasn’t sure how he ended up like that, but he’d just deal with it later like he did all his problems. Thatcher suddenly carefully dropped his head onto Adam’s head, covering his face in the blonde’s curly hair.
“You knew her… ” Adam whispered, his voice wavering slightly.
“Not really. Barely got to even take her body for examination before I got chased out of that damn house.”
“Do you remember anything else from that night?”
Adam took his turn asking for Thatcher’s suffering as he had already explained his. And Thatcher reluctantly answered, lifting his head out of Adam’s hair before speaking.
“Kinda, I remember first walking into the room and seeing some creepy fucking guy on a TV on the floor before it immediately disappeared. Don’t know what that guy wanted or if he was even real at all.”
Adam’s eyes widened; he recognized the figure Thatcher was talking about. He just needed more info. “Do you remember what he looked like?”
“Not really, uuhh. Short and dark hair, permanent smile on his bastard ugly face, looked kinda creepy.”
“Did he look like some sort of weird entertainment guy?”
Thatcher paused. “…Yeah.”
Adam stared at Thatcher dead in the eyes once more but with a look more recognizable as confusion and concern than disdain. Silence filled the room once more, a common pattern between the pair at this point. Speaking so much they end up oversharing followed by a deafening silence as they process every word that was said. This time, however, neither party knew how to advance the conversation.
“Um, we’ll talk more later. Need more coffee?” Thatcher asked to break the silence, following his question with an awkward but reassuring smile.
Adam nodded and smiled back.
Night came as fast as it left, the day being spent through joint work on cases that Thatcher suddenly gained the energy to look into once more, joking around with each other, a few video games in which Thatcher almost always lost, and staying in each other’s general company. After a whole range of emotions displayed by the duo throughout the day, both were spent and needed a nice, long sleep to prepare for the following day.
Adam had once again wanted to sleep next to Thatcher, and Thatcher gladly obliged. He felt that Adam was becoming too dependent on him too quickly, but he didn’t want to upset him at the current moment. Thankfully, the alternate fell asleep almost instantly, being overwhelmed with exhaustion with everything he’s had to deal with the past few days - hell his entire life. Thatcher himself was preparing to shut down for the night as well, making himself comfortable next to Adam and ensuring that Adam was also comfortable in his current position facing Thatcher.
A voice… An actual voice called to him. It seemed dark and raspy, almost as if it was struggling to breathe.
“What…?” Thatcher squinted his eyes in reaction to the intruder. He darted his eyes around the room somewhat quickly to try and scan the area for any potential threats.
“Follow the static, Thatcher. Or if you’d prefer, the music. We have some things to discuss.”
A recording of a music box suddenly filled Thatcher’s ears, almost hypnotizing him to follow its melody. However, Thatcher quickly grabbed a small pocket knife he always kept handy before venturing out into the darkness, a sense of déjà vu hitting him.
He followed the strange melody to where he believed the source would be: his work computer. He carefully took a seat in the almost uncomfortable office chair as he stared into a blank, static filled screen, something he had only seen on old analog TV’s. He didn’t even notice that the music had faded or that a face had appeared on the screen until it started speaking.
“A song made for the girl lost in a land of wonder and inexplicable magic and absurdity, ruby slippers holding more power than any being in that dimension. A song describing how desperately she wished for a better life no matter that her life had been mundane at worst. A song that my son liked very much,” the voice began as if it were making a speech just for Thatcher to hear. It made him shiver at the thought.
“The slippers were meant to be silver, however, though they would seem dull against the colorful atmosphere of the set. My little boy never cared, his caretakers only put it on once to distract the little one before realizing he was entirely captivated by it. Who knew he would react so much when I played it for him again years later?”
“Who are you? What do you want? Why are you talking so much?” Thatcher inquired, anger rising with each question that slipped off his tongue.
“Simple, Lieutenant. I’m Adam’s father.”
The statement boiled Thatcher’s blood for reasons even he did not understand at the moment. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion and disgust as he tried to search for words. The figure interrupted him before he could try to put together a single cohesive sentence in his mind.
“I’m the one that took him away. Although, it would have been for the greater good anyway. His caretakers never truly loved him, did they?”
“What are you talking about?”
“The man especially became more absent than the woman, though it’s quite ironic that she was meant to leave this plane of existence before him. The boy’s birth was a joint effort, but one must take more blame than the other, of course. It’s only human nature to push blame onto one party rather than accept the truth of reality. Which is quite funny considering-”
“Stop fucking jumping around everywhere and get to the damn point!”
“Ssshhhhh , you don’t want to wake him up now, do you?”
Thatcher went silent, biting his lip furiously before backing down completely. He looked away, malice burning in his eyes.
“Good. I’ve simply come here to warn you about what you’re doing. We’ve kept tabs on him to make sure someone doesn’t interrupt his ascension into reaching his full potential, his assimilation to become one of us .”
Thatcher felt suffocated by the atmosphere, wanting to back away from his monitor while the static kept him snugly in place, urging him to reach closer to it instead. He couldn’t move, and his breath felt hindered when nothing was stopping its regular flow.
“You… you’re the one who told him…” Thatcher choked out, his words careful and choppy.
“Indeed. Perhaps you remember me? It’s been a long while since I have seen your face, Mr. Davis.”
“Stop switching up how you call me, please just stick to one. And yes, I most likely do.”
“Would this give you a reminder, Thatcher?” the figure’s face warped spontaneously, and his voice changed alongside it. It sounded more cheery, more charismatic. It made Thatcher sick to his stomach when he fully realized he truly had been talking to who he thought he was.
“Yes… it does,” Thatcher practically breathed out. “And I hate it.”
“Good! I was worried it wouldn’t. Then something would reeaaally be wrong with you! However,” its face and voice returned to its previous state, “my warning still stands. We do not need people like you ruining his only chance to join us once again. To become a family.”
Thatcher slammed his palms against his work desk, standing up as he fumed with anger. “You are NOT his family! You things don’t care about people!”
“But he isn’t a person. Why would you care for something as dangerous to your kind as he is?”
“He’s not dangerous; he’s confused, he’s scared, he’s hurt. You hurt him, and he clearly hasn’t accepted the thought of being lied to his entire life, suddenly having his identity stripped away from him sending him into a spiral down through the deepest parts of Hell! I care because that’s human nature, you heartless fuck!”
The screen glitched for a mere moment, revealing the face had disappeared. The static still remained, however, sending Thatcher into a slight panic.
A hand had swiped him from behind, bringing him close to an itchy textured body. The hand’s texture alone threatened to slice Thatcher’s throat at any minute, almost puncturing his skin.
“I told you to be quiet, did I not? If you truly do not wish to hurt him, I suggest you shut your mouth before I make you, ” the figure threatened, squeezing the blood flow traveling to Thatcher’s head to make him feel faint very quickly. Thatcher nodded his head frantically.
“If I killed you right here, would it be too similar to your beloved 'guardian angel’s’ death?” it chuckled, the thought amusing it while only confusing Thatcher.
“How do you…”
“I watched the entire encounter. She died right in front of you, you know. The thing that followed you home hid the blood on his hands for 17 whole years. The blood of your angel coughing up the last bit of her life, his hands squeezing so tight her head almost popped out of place, her voice begging for mercy as she watched her murderer transform into you, making her believe you had betrayed her, all of which happened right before your very eyes.”
Thatcher squirmed, he couldn’t take any more of this thing’s rambling. What was worse was that the grip on his neck only became tighter. He began to try and slam his hands into the figure holding him hostage, pleading for it to release him.
“My final point is that if you mess with his head any more than you have, I’ll find a way to work around your necessity to Him and kill you myself.”
Thatcher was released, being pulled down into his seat to let him recover. The chair moved slightly away from the monitor due to the force, and Thatcher’s head was practically spinning without even spinning the chair. He took several deep breaths before the assailant spoke once more, now in front of him and out of the monitor.
“Or maybe you’d consider a compromise?”
Thatcher darted his eyes to the alternate, still slightly in a daze. “What…? Compromise?”
“I won’t have to kill you if you give him up. We’ll go our separate ways, and if He needs you to be in Adam’s presence again then you’ll know. Or maybe…”
The figure began stepping closer to its current victim, careful in not approaching him too quickly for its own liking. Thatcher followed its eyes as the distance between them shortened and shortened. Once it felt it was close enough, it leaned down to Thatcher’s face, revealing itself in full disgusting glory.
“We could raise him together?”
Thatcher’s heart sank. The skin moved in an unsettling manner, making Thatcher’s own skin crawl. The eyes were mismatched completely, one seeming to have popped out of its socket while the other would have been considered more of a lazy eye if Thatcher didn’t feel like he was being stared down by a predator. Its mouth was probably the most disturbing part, moving slightly slower than how it was speaking and sometimes dragging out certain sounds. The words came out so clean from its mouth, and yet it was like its mouth couldn’t keep up. Kind of like Adam when he screamed in agony…
Every part of him was screaming at him to run, to get Adam and take him far away from this county, from this state, from this whole damn country if he had to. But the fear - and the static - kept him in place to his dismay. He was trapped, required at that point to entertain the monster’s ideas.
“What do you mean?” he asked, his voice almost inaudible to how much he was shaking. He cursed internally at himself for that.
“You wouldn’t have to worry about death. You could be able to protect him while also helping him achieve his purpose. You could still be there for him. I could see the hope in your eyes every time he smiled. That’s how I was when I first held him in my arms.”
“But… I don’t understand. What would you want from me?”
“You could become one of us.”
Just from that sentiment, Thatcher realized what it meant: they’d replace him with the demon that followed him home. This thing expected him to be that stupid, huh? Was this also part of the other voice’s test? A test of resilience and intelligence? Part of him didn’t want to know, but he did know his answer to the question he was asked.
“No. To Hell with that,” he asserted, his voice deep and quiet as to heed the alternate’s previous warning. “I know what games you’re playing, and I’m not stupid if that’s what you think of me. You’re gonna have to think twice if you think you can deceive me .”
In that instant, the intruder retreated to the monitor, a look of disappointment trying to settle on its face.
“We’ll see when He puts his plan into play. I shall see you soon. Oh, and tell Adam his dear father, Stanley, says hello. Goodnight, Lieutenant.”
And with that, it was gone. The monitor shut off, the static was gone, and Thatcher was alone. He suddenly became so fatigued from having to rely on the static’s influence to keep him awake now that it disappeared. He slumped into his office chair and fell into a deep slumber, hoping that the voice from before didn’t interrupt his sleep once more.
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unboundtravels · 8 months
𝐶𝑙𝑖𝑐ℎ𝑒 𝐷𝑖𝑎𝑙𝑜𝑔𝑢𝑒 𝑃𝑟𝑜𝑚𝑝𝑡𝑠 // Accepting
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@tvrningout asked: "What is the meaning of this?" // from Kaiya ( in her modern setting unless you prefer her main! ) for the bond doctor! once again I can see it being a fun dynamic!
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It was late. Very late.
There was a nurse at the desk of the east Hospital wing. For once, the halls of the medical building were relatively calm, though that might be because it was between three and five in the morning. She was shaking as she filled out a patient chart—something she had seen— two bodies brought in through the door of the emergency room. She was struggling to fill out a form, as her eyes and vision occasionally waivered. She had dark circles under her eyes as if she'd been here for hours. Her eyes occasionally crept toward an admission room with a pale light on. She was holding her breath, remembering the state of the patient when she was brought in.
The telephone ringing caused her to jump, she almost let out a scream. Shakily, she answered.
"East wing." 
As the voice on the telephone talked on and on, the nurse looked up from her desk into the shadows of the waiting room. There, she saw a man sitting next to a lamp. He was a tall fellow, wearing a black velvet smoking jacket with red trim, a deep blue shirt, and a red bowtie. Frills poked out from the cuffs of his sleeves and the v area of his coat, but his pants and shoes were black to match. His fingers were intertwined, elbows resting on his thighs and covering the lower half of his face. He was deep in thought, staring at the wall. Powerful, dark eyes stared at the wall. He was a pale man, with dark hair that faded strangely into green. The nurse didn't want to summon him, but she had to clear her throat.
"S-Sir?" as if on cue, he stood up, almost as if he knew the call was for him. He approached the desk, and gently requested the telephone before exhaling.
"This is 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐨𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫."
"Spencer here!" A voice said on the other line. Though it sounded as if she was in a jeep. She must be making the phone call from the built-in communication device he installed into the UNIT jeeps. Though he just exhaled, "Brigadier." He greeted her as if he was being bothered. She didn't like that, not one bit. His attitude being this unchecked out the gate? She moved to assert her authority, immediately. 
"Listen here, Doctor. The police are on their way." And yet, for some reason, instead of asserting her authority, she warns him. Something in him causes him to remind himself she's an ally. She continues, "The Police Investigator on their way, he's that new hotshot captain. He's been vying to have UNIT's jurisdiction severely reduced." She warned, and The Doctor sighed. His eyes narrowed. For the last few months, a pretty vocal police captain had been moving to butt heads with Brigadier Spencer... and it'd been starting to affect how much he could do, as even The Doctor was a target of the captain. "Now, they're going to get there before us," She warned. The Doctor didn't seem to care about that, though.
"Doctor, you have to talk to the suspect." She said firmly, "As soon as she pleads something supernatural or otherworldy as a motivation, I can claim this as a UNIT investigation." She said it immediately, and The Doctor understood the stakes, even if his face didn't really change in terms of remaining numb and neutral. "Now, I can't reach Miss Moto—" Something about that put him into a sort of blind rage, for a moment. Logically, his brain told him that Spencer was only trying to reach his assistant because The Brigadier knew that human touch was probably better... but the emotional side of him felt frustrated because of the lack of faith in him. He could take care of this. He was centuries older than The Brigadier, after all... but she only heard an exhale over the phone. He let her finish. 
"But Doctor, only I can claim this as a UNIT investigation— so if The Police Captain arrives, you'll only have to cooperate with them until I arrive—" Again, something about what he was saying made him very upset. In a way to where his phone tightened on the receiver, "They'll want to see the suspect—" She continued, and finally, he spoke.
"They'll have to get through me."  "Doctor—!!"
Click. The receiver hit the cradle, and The Doctor mouthed a quiet thank you to the Nurse and a small apology. He then moved to head toward the patient's room. The Nurse had been able to see the tension on the phone call, so she just jotted a quick note about his visit down on the clipboard she had and watched him enter.
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Kaiya would see a tall man with a friendly expression and slightly dual-toned hair enter the Hospital room she'd woken up in. The man quickly introduced himself, "Good evening... I'm The Doctor." He moved to speak, as he began to pull up a chair to the side of the bed. He then moved to sit in it, implying that he seemed to want to have a conversation with her. He did start with his manners, though. "How are you? Is everything comfortable? Have you had any trouble?" He asked, waiting patiently for her response, and if she hadn't felt any prompting for her name, he'd ask for hers politely, after a moment of silence settled between them.
"Madam, I'm sure you're wondering what you're doing here..." He finally cut to the chase, "I won't hold anything back..." He inhaled, readying the recap: "You were found in an alleyway, at the scene of a crime. You were unconscious and brought here for medical attention. At the time, you were covered in bruises." The Doctor gestured to her body, "But those seem to have healed now, for the most part." He observed very passively. He crossed one thigh over the other, resting his interlinked hands on his thigh. A more casual body language helped to present him as friendly, which he wanted.
"Now, the Police are on their way. They want to question you because you were found next to a man who's... unfortunately," He didn't soften the blow, "Dead... and right now, you're the prime suspect in a murder investigation." He remained calm, helping to talk her through this, but he raised her hand. If she desired to interject, he used a gesture to indicate that he needed to finish. "Now, I can't explain all the details to you, right now. I don't have the time." He said, implying he was about to explain something that had the potential to be a little bit more complex. 
"I've talked to The Doctors, the nurses, and the staff... I've kept them quiet... but I can see those scales on you, and while I wasn't a witness to the crime... I was there just shortly after it took place." He placed his index and middle finger on the side of his neck, "And I saw two pincer marks on the side of the victim's neck. I also talked to eyewitnesses... who reported a third suspect who wasn't present when I arrived." The Doctor indicated. He then rested his hands back against his thigh and continued. "I have suspicions, but I need a statement from you for me to be able to help you... and right now, Madam... I'm about the only person who could help you... and trust me, I will believe whatever you tell me as long as it is the truth, and nothing but the truth."
After he said that, he continued to look her deep in the eyes, as he had been doing the entire time, but he chose to remain silent for a moment to give her time to process everything. He had given her everything he knew. Once, after giving Kaiya all the facts... he finally asked the three questions he desperately needed to ask. "What are you? Why were you there? And most importantly..." He paused, 
"Did you kill anyone?"
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dmc-tings · 3 years
The Lord's with an S/O (who just found out about their powers)
Alcina Dimitrescu
Noice 👌🏾
But what did you do for this woman to spare you?
She's like... the biggest man hater anywhere
So... if your a guy, you are lucky boi (or if you identify as a guy)
Or perhaps your a lucky lady?
I feel like she won't discriminate if she feels like your important to her
But for whatever reason she CHOSE YOU
So take that as a win
Sure, she's a vampire and has to eat people
Which was something you didn't know
But she doesn't eat in front of you
Even lying to the point of telling you she's drinking wine
You get curious, of course
So when she leaves to "take care of business", you look onto her glass or cup
You see red
"Ok... but it dont smell like wine..."
You take a sip, only to spit it out right away
Retching with disgust, you tasted blood
Your not an idiot, at least not fully anyways
Alcina rushed back, hearing you gag, thinking one of her daughters were bothering you
Only to see the sight in front of her
You looked at her in fear
Which hurt the tall woman's non beating (?) heart
You backed into a corner, thinking the worst
Looking for a makeshift weapon, you grabbed a spoon
To which made the Lady shake her head
"Love, you know I wouldn't-"
"Your a damned liar!!" You barked weakly, "W-what the fuck are you!?"
She sat calmly in the chair in front of you, gesturing for you to take a seat as well
You hesitated, but did comply, not letting go of your weapon (the spoon)
She huffed sadly, normally this behavior would have sent her into a rageful fit
But this is YOU we're talking about
Her little muse, the only mortal that makes her truly happy
"My Love, please calm down."
When you showed no sign of relaxing, Alcina took her glass in her hand, swirling the blood
Then takes a small sip, and lighting a cigarette
She offers you one
You cringe, and with that she pulls back again
After taking a puff, she begins to explain
Mother Miranda, the other Lord's, the creation of her daughter's, the Village, and everything else, prior to your showing up
After she finishes, you lower your loyal spoon
Drinking in all of the information
You looked up at her
"So that's why your so keen in keeping the girls away from me..."
The large woman nodded, looking at you
You bit your lip, but let go of your spoon, placing it back into the table
Alcina looked at you, watching you relax
You nodded a calm understanding
"Well seeing as I know what's going on now... is Mother Miranda going to-"
The Lady Dimitrescu, shook her head
"She has allowed for me to keep you. As long as you only stay in the castle... seeing as that the village is too dangerous. And I don't want you mixed up with the rif-raf."
You smiled and sat in her lap, (cause you can do that) and planted a kiss on her cold cheek
She let out a pleased humm, and returned the kiss
"Just... next time, if you choose a weapon, Love, make sure it has a SHARP end."
Salvatore Moreau
You had known Moreau since before Mother Miranda made an impact on his life
You saw less and less of your significant other
He would disappear and cut your alone time short, whenever the woman called
You were saddened when he finally told you that you couldn't see him anymore
But that's didn't stop him from speaking to you through whatever door, that separated you both
He didn't keep you locked up, but he would lock whatever door was between you
So you couldn't see the monstrous transformation, causing him pain
All you knew is that his voice was becoming more and more disgruntled
As said, you knew Salvatore before this
He was a handsome and intelligent man (despite what's written in Miranda's notes)
And to hear your man become... so in thralled by this other woman, made you suspicious
One day, you both were speaking, with a door between you, as usual
Unbeknownst to Salvatore, you were picking the lock
Eagar to see him
He never noticed the change in your tone, when you got it unlocked, nor the click of the lock
Shoving the door open, and pushing Salvatore back
The male let out a yelp, trying to rush in to the nearby darkness
You stepped through the threshold, eyes blazing and searching
You scanned the room and finally landed on a heap of a shivering... beast?
"Moreau? Is... is that you?" You crept closer, and gently put a hand on his back
"D-dont look at m-me...." he shivered, trying to hide himself
Horrified, you took his face on your hands
"I-is this... the work o-of-"
He cut you off, "Do-dont. Mother loves me... she does... I know she does..."
You felt tears pour down your face
You couldn't bring yourself to speak
That vile woman, had destroyed your dear Moreau
The man you knew and loved was beaten and broken into this sobing heap before you
He looked at you, and reached up to wipe your tears
"Oh... please don't cry... thi-this is her will..."
You shook your head, "what kind of will is this, Salvatore? To turn you-"
He pulled away from you, snarling, "I KNEW YOU WOULDN'T UNDERSTAND!!! Mother loves me, and i-"
You slapped him, your tears stopping, "What kind of man have you become?!"
Disgusted, not with his appearance, but his sniveling attitude
You left
But... not unaffected by what happened to the man you cared about
You left... everything behind, the Village, your family...
Salvatore Moreau never left your thoughts and you never left his
It was a bittersweet life, but you were glad to leave what was happening behind
Angie and Donna Beneviento
These two kept you in their estate
Though Donna hid Angie from you, worried that you wouldn't understand the need for her doll
She also kept the pollen from her plants away from you
You were the first person Donna could talk to, without her illness bothering her
No need for Angie!? And this person don't care!?
Fucking Jackpot!!!
Though Angie does get a bit upset that she don't get to see you
That's about to change
You and Donna where sitting in the backroom, overlooking the waterfall
Enjoying an afternoon tea
"Dear? How are you feeling today?"
Donna looked at you, taking your hand in her's giving you a smile
"I am well." She reassured you, giving your hand a squeeze
Then you sneezed, surprised cause your allergies hadn't started up, due to the lack of pollen
And the abundance of snow and cold
Donna gasped, looking over her shoulder
"Angie, n-"
Angie revealed herself, giggling and plopping herself in your lap
You froze, "A-a doll? Donna... is this a gift?"
You never really liked or disliked dolls
Angie gave another giggle, "No, stupid! I'm Angie. Donna's most favorite doll. And a friend."
Your eyes widened at the living doll, "Uh... im-"
"I know who you are!!" She floated infront of you now
"And we like you!"
Donna was quiet, not surprisingly, but you reached out for her
She gently took your hand in her's
"Donna. Tell me whats going on. Please."
Donna nodded, quietly starting to explain.
The gifts from Mother Miranda, the plants, the pollen and finally Angie
You looked at the floating doll, who was nodding her head along, with Donna's words
Then finally, you pulled Donna closer to your side
"You don't ever have to hide things from me. I never had a problem with the other ways that you cope, Donna."
Your encouraging words sent the woman into tears of joy
She buried her face in your chest
You smiled at Angie, who patted you on the forehead
Karl Heisenberg
You sat in the smaller, (safer) part of his factory
It was a part he had built to keep you safe
From what?
You had asked Karl several times, on different occasions, what was he building
"Its none of your concern." He waved a hand dismissively, "Whats for dinner?"
You always had huffed out whatever meal you made for the pair of you
Karl was always one of three places: meeting his "family", in the factory, or right next to you
The "family" was always thrown into air quotes
You knew he disliked his "family"
He announced his leaving out again, not telling you where
But leaving nonetheless, as usual you waved him off
But today was different, you WERE going to see what the hell was in that factory
Not paying attention to the warnings he gave you, you made your way down
Once at an elevator, you pressed the button
It came up and you were met with a large, large portly man
"Why if it isn't Heisenberg's little kitten."
Shocked you jumped back a bit, but then inched your way inside
"Its alright. I mean you no harm. Come, come."
You stood next to him, "Uh... who are you?"
"You may call me The Duke." He hummed, "But what are you doing here? Don't you know it's dangerous to play here?"
You lifted your chin, "I can handle myself. Thank you."
The Duke gave a small laugh, as you pulled the switch, but didn't speak again
Hitting the bottom floor, you disembarked, waving goodbye
You noticed a door and pushed through
Only to be met with a metal drill nearly splitting your face in two
With a strangled yelp, you lept backwards
"Who's in my damned- KITTEN!?"
You heard Heisenberg's voice above you and looked around frantic
"Karl! What-"
You didn't get to finish, the same monster came at you again
Dodging to the side, only barely missing getting drilled
Running in to the labyrinth, you were soon cornered
You shook with fear, hearing more monsters come after you
Closing your eyes, waiting for the blows to take you to the Great beyond
Your waiting was cut shirt hearing a series of clang's
You moved your hands and opened your eyes
Seeing Karl, standing in front of you shoving all the monsters back...
But he wasn't touching them....
"What... how-"
"Dont just sit on your ass, get up!" He barked, grabbing your arm and pulling you behind him
Once back in the safe zone, you slapped him, breathing heavily
He took it, it was a well deserved slap
"E-explain yourself!"
He sat heavily down, telling you everything.
The reason for the factory, the monsters in it, his powers, Miranda's plan, even pouring out his emotions about it all
You finally understood and took his hands in yours, kneeling down infront of him
"You idiot. All you had to do was talk to me. Not be a "big tough guy" about it."
You kissed his rough hands
And he chuckled at you
"Always understanding. Thanks Kitten."
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oomisluvr · 3 years
sakusa takes care of a drunk reader, a drabble
synopsis: y/n is talking to a stranger about her sex life and kiyoomi is on damage control. it's an uphill battle to finally tuck her into bed. give this man a break, please.
“he be blowin’ my back out, girl.”
“she means we very gently and very passionately make love.”
“just beatin’ this pussy up!”
“i do no such thing.”
“absolutely drillin’ and killin’ my shit.” you motion with your hands. sakusa reaches out to stop you, a blush deep on his face.
“this boy folds me like a pretzel.”
“my ankles be touchin’ my ea- mmph!”
sakusa covers your mouth with his hand, “you’ve lost your talking privileges. give me your drink, babe,” you glare at him, defiance burning in your eyes. he glares right back, “now, y/n.” he looks to the woman you were talking and apologizes on your behalf.
you relent, releasing your grip on the drink you were holding. sakusa take it and relaxes the hold he has on you, "you always kill my fun, omi!"
"no, i keep you safe." his gaze softens and his voice follows, "c'mon, it's late now. let's get you home."
you're surprised by the gentleness in his tone. wordless, you nod, extending your arm for him to take and lead you out of the club. it's raining tonight, and sakusa all but demands you to stay at the entrance doors while he runs to get the car.
you'll get emotional if you think about it too much, about exactly how much he sacrifices for you. he accommodates for you in every aspect of his life, oftentimes without you ever having to ask. you're part of him, an extension of his own body. he quite literally could not live without you. he loves you, with everything in him. he really didn't have to come out with you tonight, but you know he did it because he cares about your safety.
when the car pulls up, sakusa jumps out, umbrella in hand, escorting you to the passenger door, opening it, and closing it once you got situated. you giggle at the little jog he does to get to the driver's side. the sound of rain hitting the windshield makes you sleepy. upon noticing your tired state, kiyoomi removes the jacket from his shoulders, draping it across your figure. you yawn, snuggling into the heavy fabric and allowing his scent to lull you to sleep.
the next time you wake up, sakusa's at the passenger side of the door, lightly shaking you.
"c'mon, we're home now." he stretches his hand to pull you out, closing the door behind him, and snaking an arm around your waste, bringing you to your shared apartment.
after fumbling with the keys, he unlocks the door and kicks off his shoes, turning the lights on. sakusa leads you to the couch, descending on one knee to remove your heels, fighting with the straps and buckles.
"try taking it off with your teeth."
"try tak- what the hell? i'm not doing that."
"awww, c'mon, you know you like my feet."
"y/n, stop being weird," you wiggle your toes, making him loose his grip on the clasp of your shoes, "and stop moving."
you giggle, still feeling buzzed from all the alcohol you downed, "i know you secretly have a foot kink."
"i do not."
"it's okay, it's okay," you soothe, roughly ruffling his hair, "it's just me and you here. you can tell me if you wanna suck on my toes. i won't judge," finally removing your shoes, sakusa stands to his feet, stretching his hand for you to take.
"i don't know where you're getting this from, but you need to go to bed. i think you're delirious." you pout like a child, not wanting the fun to be over.
"fine. only if you carry me." you flop back on the couch to emphasize your unwillingness to walk yourself, stretching your arms up, "please, oomi?"
you're so cute, but sakusa can't let you know that. huffing loudly, he bends down to pick you up with ease, arms hooked under your legs and back, "you owe me in the morning. i didn't sign up for this."
you giggle, enjoying the attention from him, "you're so strong, oomi. look at these muscles." you grab his bicep, "what is this? a bowling ball? is there bowling ball in here? did you eat a bowling ball?" sakusa fights back a smile, but a blush manages to break through.
strolling through the bedroom, sakusa drops you on the bed, leaning down to kiss your forehead, mumbling in your ear, "why are you only nice to me when you're drunk, hmm? pretty girl." leaving you on the bed, sakusa digs through your dresser, approaching you with your usual pajamas, "put this on."
"no." you resist.
"put them on me." you kneel up on the bed, manipulating your arms and back to reach the zipper of your dress, dragging it down and shimmying out of the loose fabric, "look, i made it easy for you."
sakusa will never get used to seeing you in just a bra and panties, and his face turns beet red at the sight. you're sitting on your thighs now, legs folded behind you, feet touching.
"you're so difficult," he sighs, his blush only deepening when he moves to touch you, "arms up." you giggle, shaking your head and crossing your arms, he clenches his jaw in an effort to focus on the task at hand.
"oomi~" you flirt, "i still have my bra on. i can't sleep with a bra on. it's not good for me."
"then take it off."
"take it off for me."
"i won't go to bed until you do."
"fine. turn around." you shuffle on the bed, your back now facing him. with anxious hands, he unclasps your bra, the soft fabric falling to the bed. your bare back greets him, and he bats away impure thoughts. before you can turn around, sakusa grabs your arms and forces the shirt on you.
"oomi! don't be so rough."
"then listen and i won’t have to be so rough,” yanking the shirt over your head, he sighs, “there. all done.” you’re scrambling to get under the covers when sakusa grabs your ankle, “not yet. you need to do your skin care,” you open your mouth to protest, but kiyoomi interupts you, “let me guess, you want me to do it?”
you nod your head in excitement, “carry me oomi!” scooping you up, he carries you to the bathroom, setting you on the counter space. you’re rambling about god-knows-what, incoherent and broken sentences flow from your lips. sakusa tries his best to listen, he really does, but he can’t tel the difference between makeup wipes and micellar water.
“sorry to interrupt you, angel,” he kisses you on the forehead to calm your protests, “but which one do i use? the micellar water, right? you said the wipes burn sometimes...”
“aww oomi,” you bring your legs to wrap around his legs, pressing him into you, “you know me so well,” you mumble against his lips. your arms wrap around sakusa’s neck, hands tangling into the soft hair at his nape, lips building a rhythm against his.
it takes everything in sakusa to stop you, but he knows where kisses like this lead and getting you in bed is top priority.
“no, y/n,” he breaks the kiss to peer into you, “you need rest.” his eyes are soft and full of love, “let me take care of you, baby. sit still, please.” you nod and give him a quick peck, a silent promise to give him the reigns. relaxing the hold your lags have around him, kiyoomi gets to work.
he dabs the micellar water on your reusable cotton pad, gently swiping it across your face. you close your eyes, humming and mumbling the words of a song he heard earlier. using this time, sakusa admires the softness of your face, love swelling in his chest.
“all done.” you kiss his cheek in thanks, moving to hop off the counter. his hands fly out to hold your hips, keeping you placent, “not so fast.” he moves away from you, searching through the cupboards to find all the pieces of your routine.
after gathering his materials, he starts with dropping a clear, cool serum on your face.
“remind you of anything?” you joke, giggling mindlessly at your own joke.
"stop talking."
"boo, go back to being nice!"
you sigh loudly, swinging your legs and humming louder. sakusa works moisturizer into your skin with such vigor, your body starts to move. for good measure, he squeezes your cheeks, making your lips appear fish-like, laughing when you whine, "oomi, stop! let me go! are you done yet?"
moving to put all your things away, he nods, "yes, y/n. all done."
"carry me back then!"
"i lied. you still have to brush your teeth." you open your mouth to speak, "and no, i will not brush them for you."
"but i'm tired!"
"too bad. look, i even put the toothpaste on for you." he hands you the toothbrush. you snatch it out of his hands and vigorously brush your teeth. smiling at your attitude, sakusa begins to do his own nightly routine.
looking at him through your peripherals, you admire his physique. he really is built like a greek god. shamelessly, you rake your eyes over his body, observing the contraction of his muscles; the way the light reflects from his skin. sakusa kiyoomi truly is beautiful. catching your stare, he pokes your stomach.
"stop looking at me."
"what? i can't look at you?" foam flies everywhere.
"not like that."
"like what?"
"like you want to eat me."
"i do." you spit out the toothpaste, rinsing your toothbrush and putting it away.
you straightforwardness makes him blush, "tomorrow. i'm all yours tomorrow, but for right now-" he approaches you, his lean frame towering over your own, "-let's get you in bed."
you don't have to ask him to carry you; he does it anyway, throwing you over his shoulder and laying you on the bed.
"are you going to tuck me in, oomi?"
"what kind of question is that? of course i'm going to tuck you in."
i know i reference sakusa picking the reader up a lot but this man is 6'4" 176.8 pounds (192 cm, 80 kg) and could therefore bench press you without breaking a sweat, no matter what your weight is. my baby is strong. periodt.
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xoxo-teddybear · 3 years
Disappointments - Bakugou Katsuki
Dad!Bakugou x f!Mom!reader ft. Katsumi and Katsuo
Warnings: angst, fluff, cursing, crack, comfort
Summary: Bakugou always wanted a son and was extremely happy when his firstborn was Katsuo. Unfortunately, Katsuo didn’t have a quirk like he expected, but he still loved him nonetheless. Besides, his second born and first daughter, Katsumi did have his quirk! However..things are still kinda rocky
You screamed as you dodged a fast attack from your 16 year old daughter. Katsumi was blessed to inherit Bakugou’s quirk and she was truly a master with it already. At least, in your eyes and everyone else’s. To Bakugou, Katsumi wasn’t quite there yet.
You were currently sparring with your daughter as Bakugou was examining her progress. You both were about to meet in the middle with your own attacks when the timer went off, indicating the match was over. You both stopped your quirks and looked to your husband, waiting for his analysis.
Katsumi looked to her dad with a happy and excited face. This is the best she’s ever done! This is sure to impress her father! “Well Dad! How was that?”
“Katsumi…your movements are sloppy.” Katsuki said with a blank face. You stood with a confused face and watched as your daughter’s face fell in disappointment. “You’re hesitating too much and your blasts aren’t strong enough.”
“Well I’m fighting against Mom and I don’t wanna hurt-“
“You’re training and Mom is your sparring partner. You only get better if you do your best when you’re practicing. Clearly, you don’t get that.” Katsuki said, interrupting his daughter. At his words, the 3 of you were at a standstill when suddenly the back door opened and out came your 17 year old son, Katsuo.
“Hey guys! Check it out! I got accepted into the police academy! I’m gonna be a future officer!” Katsuo exclaimed with excitement. Katsuki smiled with a proud look for his son as he walked over and gave him a pat on the back.
“Nice work, Katsuo. I’m proud of you. Even without a quirk you still seem to be surpassing your sister.” Katsuki said with a quick hug, releasing awkward tension in the air.
“Uh..thanks Dad,” Katsuo said as he looked to his younger sister with a sorry look. You walked over to your two boys and smacked Katsuki’s arm as you gave him an angry look. You quickly changed your expression once you faced your son and gave him a hug.
“Congratulations baby, I’m so proud of you.” You said holding him tight.
“Thanks Mom.” He said in reply. You finally pulled off him before looking to Katsumi who had a sad look but still smiled nonetheless as she walked over to her older brother.
“Congrats Katsuo, you’re gonna do great things in the future.” Katsumi said with a quick hug.
“Yeah? Well so will you.” Katsuo said, reassuring his baby sister. You smiled at how close your two kids were. It was something every mother would dream to have. The moment was beautiful until Bakugou intervened with a cough.
“Alright, well. Now that you’re gonna be an officer, we should continue and advance your combat skills. Let’s go, son.” Bakugou said as Katsuo nodded. The two blondes then went inside the house to surely go into the underground level where combat lessons took place in your household, leaving you with your daughter in the backyard.
You looked to the 16 year old girl and saw her look of sadness. “Katsumi…”
“Mom, what am I doing wrong?” She asked you as she took a step on the stairs. You took a seat next to her and rubbed small circles on her back.
“What do you mean Katsumi? You’re not doing anything wrong.” You said in a soft tone.
“Then why is Dad never proud of me for what I do? I’ve improved so much this past week and all he has for me is harsh criticism.” She exclaimed.
“Sweetie, your dad just wants to make sure that when you do become a hero, you can handle yourself.” You said trying to defend your husband and his rash thinking.
“Mom, I’m not trying to be needy, but he’s never proud of me. Ever! Like when you guys found out what schools we were going to? Katsuo gets into UA for general studies and Dad jumps for joy. I get into UA for the hero course and Dad tells me I might not be able to handle it! What’s up with that?!” Your daughter shouted.
“Katsumi, it’s just-“
“It’s just that he hates me! And for what?! I thought he’d be proud to have a kid with his quirk and who’s going to be a hero just like him but instead I’m casted away!” She shouted again.
“Katsumi, your dad doesn’t hate you. He loves you.” You calmly say with compassionate eyes.
“You’re lying!” She screamed at you. At that, Katsuki opened the back door when he heard all the yelling.
“Katsumi! What the hell do you think you’re doing yelling at your mom like that?!” He shouted. Katsumi turned to her dad with an embarrassed look as he reprimanded her. “C’mon, you get into the hero course, you get my quirk, and you get our time to help you train and you’re treating your own mother like that?! Talk about undeserving.”
“Katsuki!” You scolded your husband. Meanwhile, Katsumi’s mouth fell open in shock and as she tried to form words, only muffled struggles could be heard. Eventually growing frustrated she gave out a shout of anger and fury.
“UGH!” She cried out in angst before pushing her father out of the way and running up to her dorm.
“Hey! Watch it you brat! I’m your dad for crying out loud!” Katsuki shouted at her as she ran. You sighed before standing up and walking into the house.
“If you’re her dad then why don’t you start acting like it, Katsuki.” You said as you walked by him and up the stairs to enter your shared bedroom. Katsuki looked at you in confusion before shaking his head and going back to help his son with training.
It was late at night when you finally stepped out of your room. Katsuki had been in and out of it for multiple reasons, mainly to try and speak to you, but when you only gave him brief responses, he eventually just gave up and allowed you time to yourself. You walked out your room and went down the hall to your daughter’s bedroom.
“Katsumi?” You asked softly while knocking, no response. You tried once more only to wake up the other sibling by accident.
“Mom?” Katsuo asked as he yawned and opened his bedroom door. It was clear he was sleeping and you felt sorry for disturbing his peace.
“Hey, Katsuo, I’m sorry for waking you. I just..I just wanted to..”
“To check on Katsumi? Because of the way Dad treats her right?” Katsuo asked. You looked to your son with a hurt expression, saddened at the fact that both your kids were aware of the supposed favoritism.
You walked to Katsuo and kissed his forehead. “Go back to sleep, hun. I’ll take care of it, okay?”
“Why does Dad treat her like that?” He asked.
“….I wish I could tell you. But that’s what I’m going to figure out right now. Go back to bed, okay?” You said as you began walking down the stairs. You heard your son’s door shut as you traveled the house to look for your husband. You eventually stumbled upon him sitting at the island with a cup of tea and book in hand. “Katsuki?”
“Hey, there you are. You finally ready to talk to me?” He asked with the smallest smile, happy that he finally gets to see your face after a few hours. You walked to him with a quick smile and pecked his cheek before taking the seat next to him and putting on a serious face. “What’s up?”
“…Is..is there something wrong with Katsumi?” You asked your husband hesitantly. He looked at you in confusion and pushed his book away.
“No. No, Y/N, why would you ask me that? There’s nothing wrong with Katsumi.” He said softly.
“So then why do you treat her like that?” You asked. He tilted his head as he made a face.
“What do you mean?”
“Katsuki..you treat her like she’s only second best. And considering she’s only 1 of our 2 kids, you treat her like she’s..well, last. The worst.” You explained as Bakugou’s face began to fall and stiffen. “….When she and I were talking outside, she said you didn’t love her.”
“Y/N, I love Katsumi. I love both of our kids equally-“
“So then why don’t you make that known to Katsumi? Ever since her quirk kicked in, you’ve barely even smiled at her. Yet you praise Katsuo like he’s our only child.” You stated.
“Because Katsuo is….he’s Katsuo! He’s a great kid-“
“And so is Katsumi.” You said interrupting him.
“I know she is but Katsuo is just a perfect prodigy. He’s smart, diligent, strong, quick on his feet, and flexible in any situation. He’s going to be an amazing her- ..officer.” He said, going on about how his son was so great. At his last words, it was obvious what your husband really wanted to say.
“Katsuki, I know you better than anyone else in the world. We’ve been together since we were 14 years old and I know that for the longest time you wanted a son so you could raise the next generation ‘Bakugou Katsuki.’” You said, urging a small smile out of Katsuki. “But Katsuo isn’t the one in the hero course like you were. Katsuo isn’t the one training to be a future pro like you did. Katsuo isn’t the one with your quirk. Katsumi is.”
“…But she shouldn’t be. That quirk should’ve gone to our son.” Bakugou said with a stern voice in a gentle manner.
“Katsuki, how could you say that?” You asked with a cracked voice.
“Because Y/N! Katsumi is a great kid and all..but she’s not ready for the power of my quirk.” Your husband exclaimed.
“She’s been training with it for 12 years! You’ve been training her and teaching her how to use her quirk, so does that mean you’re failing as a mentor?” You asked.
“No, it means Katsumi is failing as a mentee! Katsumi is smart and she has all the qualities to make a fine hero! But she’s wild and reckless and lets her emotions get the best of her. Unlike Katsuo! Katsumi’s attitude mixed with the quirk could get her into serious trouble! Trouble she wouldn’t know how to get out of! Unlike Katsuo!” Bakugou ranted until a voice came through.
“So that’s what this is about?” You both looked behind you to find a disappointed Katsumi standing with teary eyes, holding in her sobs and refusing to allow water to pour from her ruby eyes.
“Katsumi..” Bakugou began.
“This isn’t about me at all. This is about you thinking Katsuo should’ve been the one to get your quirk.” She let out with a broken voice.
Katsuki bit his tongue and thought about his words wisely. “Sweetie, it’s not like that, and I’m sorry if it sounds like that’s the case but-“
“But you just think I’m not good enough for your quirk.” Katsumi said with a sad smile as she walked closer. “You think I’m a failure….there’s nothing more that you could teach me Dad.”
“Katsumi, your dad-“
“Mom, I love you and I respect you so much but there’s nothing you can say that could make up for what he’s said and how he’s treated me for the past 12 years.” You daughter said to you kindly. She then turned to Katsuki who’s chest was aching as he held in a nervous breath. “I’m sorry I’m such a disappointment.”
With that, your daughter ran back up to her room and slammed her door shut, leaving you two in guilt and silence. Katsuki got up to try and go after his daughter but your soft and gentle hand stopped him. He looked down to you with sad eyes and watched as you shook your head.
“We should give her some time to cool off…let’s just..we should just get to bed.” You said walking off. Katsuki followed you up the stairs and into the master bedroom but not before looking at his daughter’s door. He released the tense breath he was holding before shutting his own door and climbing into bed, already thinking of ways to make it up to his one and only daughter.
Sadly, when you woke up at such an ungodly hour in the morning, it was because you had work. You wanted to stay and help your daughter with her recent discoveries but you just had to hope your husband would be able to handle it.
With Katsuki now being a pro-hero and a dad, he’s allowed himself to sleep in every now and then but today seemed to be different. Once you were done getting ready and all dressed, Katsuki had awoken from his slumber.
“Suki, hey, what are you doing up?” You asked as you took a seat next to him in the bed and kissed his cheek.
“I was gonna get a head start on a big breakfast for the kids. I really need to make it up to Katsumi.” He admitted as he rubbed his face to try and wake himself up.
“Yeah..that..” you said as you looked down. You turned to your husband again and held his hand. “Please..let Katsumi know just how much you love her..because I know you do..and she needs to know that too.”
Katsuki nodded at your words and you gave him a small smile before you both leaned in for a kiss goodbye as you finally walked out of the room, out of the house, and went on your way to work. Back in the house, Katsuki allowed himself to get ready and shower before heading into the kitchen to make Katsumi’s favorite breakfast. Chawanmushi. Oh wait, that’s Katsuo’s favorite breakfast meal. That was when he realized he didn’t know what Katsumi enjoyed for breakfast. The father cursed at himself before banging his head into the refrigerator multiple times. Coming up with an idea, he went to find his son for some help.
“Katsuo! Wake up!”
“Five more minutes…”
“Get up!” Katsuki said, tugging at his son’s blanket causing him to flop to the ground.
“Woah!” Katsuo shouted as he fell. He popped his head back up over the bed as he finally opened his E/C eyes. “Ow, Dad! What the heck? It’s Sunday! Why are you waking me up at 6 in the morning?”
“What’s Katsumi’s favorite breakfast meal?” Katsuki asked in a hushed voice, trying not to wake the teenage girl in the room over. At his father’s words, Katsuo finally woke up from his daze and looked at his father in slight and subtle shock.
“Why?” Katsuo asked.
“I need to make up the past 12 years. I’m going to make this the best day Katsumi’s ever had.” Katsuki promised. His son smiled at his Dad’s new point of view and happily stood up.
“She likes tamago kake gohan. With extra seaweed and a side of pickled daikon.” Katsuo said. Katsuki nodded and began to walk away while his son got back in bed. “Oh and Dad?”
“Yeah son?” Katsuki said, turning around at the doorway.
“Don’t let this be the only day you’re nice to Katsumi.” Katsuo said as he rested his head once more. Katsuki once again nodded with a look of disappointment before shutting his son’s door and heading back to the kitchen. On his way there, he couldn’t help but think about how bad of a father he’s been. He had to make it up to his daughter.
“Katsumi…hey, Katsumi. Wake up.”
As the 16 year old girl opened her eyes, that were puffy due to last night’s crying, she took notice of her father hanging over her head. She looked at him with a full stare as he furrowed his brows at the sight of her.
“Have you been crying?” Katsuki asked in a gentle tone. Katsumi sat up and wiped at her eyes before replying.
“No, I did that last night after I found out I was a disappointment.” Katsumi said with venom. It made Katsuki wince but his daughter didn’t react the slightest bit.
“Katsumi..I know a lot of miscommunications happened last night-“
“But I want to make it up to you. Because you’re right. I haven’t been the greatest father to you. So if you’ll let me, I wanna start fixing my mistakes now.” Katsuki said as he stood a little straighter and offered his hand. Katsumi hesitantly took her Dad’s hand and followed his lead as he led her to the kitchen. “And I’m going to start with this.”
Katsumi looked at the kitchen island covered in her favorite breakfast meals and sides. The sight made her smile softly as she spoke aloud. “You..know my favorite breakfast?”
“Well actually-“
“Of course he does, sis. He’s always known.” The two looked to Katsuo who was making his way down the stairs as he walked to the table to sit for breakfast. Katsuki looked at his son with thankful eyes as his son sent him a subtle nod. Katsumi excitedly joined her brother along with Katsuki as the three sat and ate breakfast together. They sat and ate their meals with smiles on their faces as they held lighthearted conversations, a familiar happy vibe filling the air. The last time Katsumi felt that way around her dad was about 12 years ago. “So, I’m gonna be heading out today. I made plans with Ichiro and his family.”
“Really? You’re gonna ditch us to hang out with Deku and his family?” Katsuki asked sarcastically with a raised brow.
“No. I’m gonna hang out with Ichiro, who yes happens to be Uncle Izuku’s son, and leave the two of you. Alone. All day. While Mom’s at work. Leaving you two. Alone. All day.” Katsuo said with a forced smile trying to give his dad a hint that he thankfully got. Katsuki looked off to the side and sucked at his teeth.
“Well kids should still ask instead of just telling their parents what they’re gonna do.” He said and took a bite of rice.
“If I ask are you gonna say no?”
“Alright then.” After that, they three continued to eat while Katsuki silently thanked his son for this opportunity to make up with Katsumi. Finally, when they were done, The two teens left to their rooms to get ready for the day while Bakugou stayed behind to clean up. He planned the entire day in his head with Katsumi, already having booked appointments, reservations, and rented places to go to.
Finally, his son was the first to come down. “Alright Dad, I’m heading out. Ichiro’s here to pick me up.”
“Alright and uh, hey! Katsuo,” Katsuki called, causing his son to turn back at him before leaving. “Thank you..for helping me with Katsumi. I really appreciate it.”
“Of course Dad. Nothing’s better than a happy family,” Katsuo said with a smile before stepping out. Man, that kid was raised right. Katsuki gave himself a little pat on the shoulder for Katsuo’s turnout before waiting for Katsumi to come down to the living room.
Katsuo ran outside to see his best friend and the rest of the Midoriya family in their large car waiting for him. They happily opened the doors for him as they all began their journey to head out to the carnival. They were about half way there when Katsuo spoke up, sparking a new conversation.
“Thanks for letting me join you guys. I know Sundays are usually lazy days where people hang out at home but it’s really cool you guys are heading out.” Katsuo said as he sat next to his friend in the backseat.
“What are you talking about? Sundays are lazy days.” Ichiro said. Katsuo looked at him with a confused face and laugh.
“Yeah…today is Sunday.” Katsuo said.
“Uhh, Katsuo. Today is Saturday,” Deku said upfront as he drove the car. Those words made Katsuo pull out his phone and checked the date. When he saw it was Saturday, he slumped in his seat.
“Is everything okay, hun?” Ochako asked as she turned around.
“No. I left my dad alone with my sister.” Katsuo said as he leaned back with his hands on his face.
“Why’s that a problem?” Ichiro asked.
“He doesn’t know that Saturdays are Katsumi’s ‘leave me alone, it’s at-home spa day’ days.” The blonde said. Izuku laughed upfront at the new information.
“Oh, I’m sure it’ll be fine. Kacchan’s always known how to adapt in tough situations. He never struggles with anything.” Izuku said, complimenting his childhood friend.
“Umm, dear? Don’t you remember when Y/N was treating herself to a spa day because she was on her period and Bakugou tried interfering?” Ochako reminded her husband. Izuku’s eyes popped open wide at the memory of Devil-Y/N and quickly made eye contact with Katsuo through the driver’s mirror.
“Hey, Katsuo. Do you happen to know if it’s that time of month for Katsumi?” Deku asked. Katsuo’s eyes popped before he groaned and smacked his forehead, causing Ochako to follow, and then Deku. Ichiro, not really understanding the situation, looked around at his family and friend and followed their lead with a smack to his own forehead.
“Man, what is that girl doing up there?” Katsuki asked as he sat on the couch. After waiting about for about an hour and a half with no sight of his daughter, Katsuki decided he should go and look for her. He went up to his daughter’s room and opened the door.
“Hey Katsumi what’re you- AHH!” In a panic, Bakugou aimed a small blast at the thing he saw in front of him with no hesitation and shot at it with his quirk.
“Huh?” Katsumi silently asked as she took off a cucumber from her eye and saw the blast coming her way. “AH!” She screamed as she jumped to dodge it. “DAD! What are you doing?!”
Katsuki watched as his daughter peeled off the other green slice on her eye and looked at him in shock and confusion. “Katsumi?”
“No Dad, the president. OF COURSE IT’S ME, KATSUMI.” His daughter said sarcastically. “Why did you blast me?”
“Why do you look like that?” Katsuki asked in a shocked tone as he pointed to the mint green sludge around his daughter’s face.
“It’s a face mask! You never did one with mom before? Geez, what kind of significant other are you?” His daughter asked, standing up.
“Well what’s with the cucumbers?” Her dad asked. Katsumi rolled her eyes before answering.
“They’re to reduce the puffiness around one’s eyes,” she said and gestured to her face. Shaking off the thought of a creepy monster in his daughter’s room, Bakugou got his head back in the game.
“Okay, well I came up here to ask if you wanted to have a Daddy-Daughter day? I made a few plans already. We’ll head out to-“
“Umm, Dad. That sounds really nice but it’s Saturday.” Katsumi said as she sat on her vanity chair to fix her face mask.
“Yeah..I’m aware?” Katsuki said with a raised brow. His daughter looked back at him with the same look.
“And Saturdays are my at-home spa days. Remember?” Katsumi asked with crossed arms.
“O-Oh! Yeah, psshhhh, I knew that. Feh, duh.” Katsuki said trying to sound convincing.
“You had no idea, huh?”
“Not a clue.”
Katsumi rolled her eyes once again before standing back up to walk to her dad. “Look. It’s sweet of you to want to spend time with me after so many years, but after everything that just happened I just want to unwind by myself. I mean, unless you want to do these face masks with me.”
“Why would we need to do a face mask? Our quirk gives us perfect skin.” Bakugou said, looking down at the bowl of paste in his daughter’s hands. Katsumi looked at her dad in confusion.
“Wait..you’ve never done a face mask before?” She asked to which Katsuki shook his head. Katsumi’s face lit up at that fact. “Then you have to stay and do it with me, Dad! This’ll be great! I’ve always wanted a spa buddy and my friends are never interested and Mom’s never really had time. Of course, Katsuo’s not into it but you and I could totally do this together!”
“Uhhh, I don’t kno-“
“This could be the perfect Daddy-Daughter day!” Katsumi said, turning on a lightbulb in Katsuki’s head. The thought made him smile as he looked down to the bowl of cucumbers on his daughter’s vanity table and rubbed his chin.
And now Katsuki and Katsumi both sat on the living room recliners in their robes with head bands pushing back at their soft locks. Mint green facials covered their faces as cucumbers sat upon their eyes. Black paint adored their nails as the pink foam dividers kept their fingers separated. Their toes sat in foot baths as Katsumi used the TV to play relaxing music. In between them sat a bowl of water that Katsumi would drop hot rocks into every now and then to create a calming steam. Katsuki was not going to lie. This is the most relaxed he’s felt in awhile.
Katsumi peeled off one cucumber slice to take a look at her father who was laying back with a smile on his face. She giggled at the sight before leaning over. “Isn’t this great?”
At her words, Katsuki turned to her but refused to take his cool slices off his eyes. Katsumi continued on as if it was the most normal sight in the world. “The steam, the song, the spa! Everything’s so zen.”
“Zen?” Katsuki asked, finally raising one cucumber slice. “The hell does that mean?”
“You know, zen! Calm, relaxing, peaceful. That feeling you get when..” at that, Katsumi dropped another hot rock into the water to create steam.
“Ahhhhh,” the two sighed in zen as they leaned back in their chairs. They were definitely a calm duo at the moment. Before this, they had already sat in the sauna room, took a mud bath, got wrapped in seaweed, chilled in the jacuzzi, and painted their nails. This was the final step before their upcoming massages.
“Oh! And look!” Katsumi said and peeled off both cucumbers and pulled out various scented essential oils.
“What’s all that?” Katsuki asked.
“Essential oils! They’re for our massages. And look! My favorite, coconut!” Katsumi excitedly squealed. The two let out a small fit of chuckles before replacing their slices with new cold ones. After about 10 minutes, they didn’t even notice the front door opening.
“What the heck is all this?” You asked as you pulled off their cucumber slices.
“Heyyy!” The two whined. They looked up to see you standing with a small smile on your face as you examined the two.
“What’d I miss?” You asked before looking to your husband. “Hehe, Suki, this is a good look for you.”
“Shitty woman..” Katsuki grumbled as he attempted to cover himself even though he was already covered in the robe. “If you really wanna know, it’s spa day.”
“Yeah. Katsumi’s. Since when do you ever kick it at the spa?” You asked.
“Ever since my daughter invited me for a Daddy-Daughter day which you’re currently interrupting, so if ya don’t mind,” he said and tried to snatch back his cucumber slices before you tossed them aside. “Y/N!” He whined
“How long as this little spa day been going on?” You asked.
“Ever since 9 in the morning so abouttttt 10 hours already?” Katsumi said as she relaxed in her chair.
“Hm. Well, Mommy’s had a pretty tiring day so, why don’t I have my loving husband go and get my robe so I can join my daughter for a spa day.” You said taking your husband’s hands and dragging him to his feet.
“But it’s Daddy-Daughter day.” Your husband whined again.
“That’s cute, but I know Daddy-Daughter day is also an excuse for you to be avoiding the talk you need to have with her.” You whispered after pulling him in. “You can do this Katsuki.”
Your husband looked at you with worried eyes before throwing his head back and sighing.
“Fineeeeee,” he whined. “You can relax, I’ll be back with your robe, and I’ll even run you a bath afterwards because I’m that great of a husband. And..here,” he said and gave you Katsumi’s clear bottle of coconut oil. “Have some coconut water while you relax.”
“Wait- Mom-“ Before Katsumi could warn you, her dad held out a hand to signal her to quiet down.
You took the bottle with an appreciative smile as Katsuki pecked your cheek and walked on with a smirk. You happily took his seat as you took a sip of the ‘water.’ “Umm, Suki this coconut water is a little..thick?” You said and took another sip.
“That’s because it’s massage oil,” he said as he walked into your shared bedroom while you spit out the liquid as if it were a spit-take. You could hear his deep chuckle all the way from the living room and placed the bottle down in disgust.
You had your spa day with Katsumi and Katsuki had felt mildly accomplished with his goal. However he knew you were right. He had to speak to his daughter to clear the air. As he looked at the clock, he realized it was now 10 and the stars were bright outside. You were resting from your long day so he took the opportunity to think in peace by himself as he stepped out onto the patio. Once he opened the glass door to the backyard, he noticed his daughter sitting at the edge of the little stage and looking up.
“Hey Katsumi.” Katsuki greeted his daughter as he stood behind her. The girl looked behind her to see her father standing there with his hands in his pockets as he looked down to her with a simple smile.
“Hey dad.” She replied. “What’re you doing out here?”
“Sometimes I like to just come out here, stare at the stars and just enjoy the peace. Your mom and I used to do this a lot back when we were in UA. Before I knew it, it became one my favorite things to do.” Katsuki explained, taking a seat next to his daughter.
“..yeah..same.” She replied. He smiled at Katsumi, glad to know they had something in common. The two stared at the stars and watched as they shimmered like diamonds in a Black Sea. Some glowed brighter than others and some had little tones of color. It was beautiful and so scenic.
As the two sat in silence, Katsuki felt the guilt slowly creep up to him. The guilt of how he had been treating his daughter as of late and so he realized this might’ve been the best time to have that important talk with her. “Katsumi?”
“You know I love you right? Just as much as I do Katsuo.”
His daughter broke her gaze from the sky and directed it towards the ground. She scrunched her brows as she thought about it and hugged her legs a little closer. “Honestly, it doesn’t feel that way.”
Ouch. That broke Katsuki’s heart. Here was his precious baby girl who felt her own dad didn’t love her enough. Trying to find the right words, Katsuki too looked down as he fumbled with his hands until he could form a sentence. “Do you remember how I said you were wild, reckless, and allowed your emotions to get the best of you?”
Katsumi nodded before Katsuki continued. “Well…you’re just like how I was back when I was in UA. Wild, reckless, and I allowed my emotions to get the best of me.”
Katsumi looked to her dad with a tiny gasp as he continued to go on. “Being like that got me into all sorts of trouble with my teachers, with villains, my family, everyone and everything. I had issues with the media and how they saw me and I had issues with myself.”
Katsuki then turned to Katsumi as he went on. “Katsumi, the reason why I’m so proud of Katsuo is because he’s everything I could never be at his age. I admire him for that. And you? You’re just like me…and you have no idea how much that terrifies me.”
“What?” Katsumi asked in confusion. She didn’t get it. She thought her dad would want a child to be just like him. Instead, he wanted the opposite?
“All the trouble I got into for being the way that I was…I don’t want any of that to happen to you. If Katsuo got my quirk, he’d be handling it a completely different way. With his attitude, it’d be easier for him to not look like such a villain, like I once did. Heck, people still look at me in caution as if I’m gonna turn evil or something. I don’t want tabloids and social media to have my daughter’s face set up to be some criminal when I know you’re not.” He explained.
“So..do you want me to change my attitude or something? Be more like Katsuo?” She asked.
“No! God no, Katsumi, I love you for who you are. I would never ask you to change yourself especially when I didn’t change all that much. I’m still wild and reckless and sometimes I still let my emotions get the best of me but I can handle it. I’m not saying you can’t, but I would much rather prefer it if you didn’t have to.”
As Katsumi took her father’s words in, she came up with a question she’s been dying to ask for the longest time. “Dad?”
“…Are you proud of me?”
Katsuki softened his look as he sat closer to his daughter. “Of course I’m proud of you Katsumi. Always have been and always will be.”
“So then why don’t you ever tell me that? Why do you only degrade me and tell me I’m in the wrong?” She asked. Katsuki took a breath before explaining his wrong doings.
“Well, there’s actually two reasons for that. I wanted you to be prepared and be at your best but that was only a partial fact. You can call me a terrible father for this and you can call me selfish, but I did it because as horrible as it sounds, probably because it was horrible of me to do, I did it because I wanted to hold you back.”
“What?” Katsumi gasped.
“Katsumi, I didn’t want you to be in the hero course. I didn’t want you to hurt yourself or for something bad to happen to you.” He explained.
“But it’s okay for Katsuo to become a hero?” She asked with a hurt tone.
“That’s different.”
“Because he has a better attitude than me or something?!”
“Because he can handle the media and quirk better?!”
“Katsumi, that’s not it either!”
“Then what is it?! Why won’t you let me grow?!”
Katsumi stared at her father with softer eyes as he waited for an explanation.
“…You’re my little girl, Katsumi. I can’t even imagine the pain I’d feel if somebody were to hurt any of my family, but you?” Katsuki sighed as Katsumi settled down. “From the moment you were born, I made a promise to myself I would never put you in harm’s way. When I first held you, you tried your hardest to open your eyes and when you slightly did, and you saw me, you smiled. I vowed to keep that smile on your face for as long as I could. Because you’re my little girl.”
“And then you got your quirk. Not just any quirk, but my quirk. I was so happy that day. I knew you were going to want to do great things with your power and I knew that with me being a pro, you’d want to do the same. And I was right. But then I realized with you being a hero, you were going to be hurt, you were going to put yourself in danger. Whether you could handle it or not you’d still be in trouble. I couldn’t let that happened.”
After Katsuki’s confession, the world went still and silence filled the air. The two sat, deep in thought, until Katsumi spoke up.
“Dad..I want to be a hero because I want to be like you.” At his daughter’s words, Katsuki snapped his head towards her. “You’re my idol. Everything I admire. That’s why I train so hard. So that I can be like you and win battles instead of losing them. I know I’m going to get hurt on the field but I’d rather get hurt doing what I love than get hurt being some protected and secluded princess. Besides, I know you’ll always save me when the time comes. You’re my hero Dad.”
Katsuki felt himself tear up at her words and allowed himself to quietly cry. “Dad, stop crying.”
“I’m not!” Katsuki growled as he wiped the obvious tears away and looked off to the side. Katsumi giggled at her father’s antics before pulling him in for a side hug. “Somehow you grew up when I wasn’t looking…I’m so proud of you Katsumi.”
“Thanks Dad. And I may have grown up but I’ll always be your little girl. I promise.” Katsuki smiled at that and kissed the crown of her head.
“Thank you Katsumi.”
Tag list: @sxcker4you @aomi04 @tessabrown101 @ebiharachan @is-this-ash @iris-shihabi @sxturn-stars @isolight @lanantoine @whatdidshesayyy
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harrysddtittys · 3 years
Could you maybe write something where Harry is a single father to maybe a girl. And just write how he’d deal with her terrible twos. Like from morning to night or something like that? 🥺
wow i finally got a requestttt!!! here you go! I know nothing about young children, so i don’t even know if this is an accurate description of a 2 y/o lol. but i hope you like it <33
Warnings: fluffff, dadrry, most likely some typos :)
Masterlist ❣︎ Requests
Piece of work
“Oh my God, Lani.” Harry groaned, groggily, as he was pulled out of his sleep by his daughter sitting on his back and yelling “Daddy, wake up!” in an playful voice. As much as he tries to pretend to not to like being woken up so obnoxiously every morning, they both know he loves for the first thing he hears every day to be his little girl yelling in his ear.
He lays there for a couple more minutes, wanting to sleep for a little bit longer, but gives up when he realizes she’s not going to be quiet until he gets up. “Okay, okay. I’m awake. Calm down.”
When he says that, she immediately gets off his back so that he can sit up, sitting next to him. He looks over at her. She’s wearing a random shirt of her’s that she doesn’t really wear other than to sleep, and her pull-up that she wears to prevent wetting the bed at night, and she has a head full of curly, unruly hair. He just smiles, so in awe of the fact he helped create something so beautiful.
Fatherhood was by far the best thing that ever happened to Harry. The second he looked his little girl, Alani in the eyes, he instantly felt the connection. He loves her with his entire being. But she can definitely be a lot to handle
She turned two not even three months ago. Harry Honestly thought the “terrible two’s” stage was a myth. Boy, was he wrong. The tantrums hit like lightning. Not only is she in her terrible two’s, but she’s naturally very stubborn, and sassy. She definitely got that from him. He swears she’s a 13 year old in a 2 year olds body.
“G’morning, bug.” He says, sitting up slowly because of the stiff joints from not moving much all night. “Good morning, daddy!” She squeals excitedly. Once he’s fully sat up, Alani jumps on him, throwing her tiny arms around him, causing Harry to chuckle. She gets so excited when he wakes up for the day.
He wraps his arms around her and squeeze her lightly, but grunting as if he’s squeezing her as tight as he can, making her giggle. “Did you sleep good?” He questions, quietly. “Yeah.” She mumbles, feeling so content where she is, like in her dad’s arms is the best place in the world. “V’got some things to do today. Y’wanna go run some errands with daddy?” This causes her to pull away from him with with wide eyes, nodding eagerly. The biggest smile spreads across Harry’s features. “Yeah?” Which she responds to by nodding again.
“Then we gotta get ready, bub. Y’hungry?” He asks to which she responds with a simple “Yes.” “Alright let’s go eat.” When he says that, Alani gets down off the bed, before sprinting out of his room, and toward the kitchen full speed. “Stop running!” He slightly scolds, hearing her tiny feet padding down the hallway at a much slower speed than before.
He always gets so nervous when she’s running around, but especially when she’s running in the house. She’s so wild and crazy, yet so clumsy. Constantly falling, and running into things. She rarely actually gets hurt. Most of the time she moves on from it like nothing happened. But it scares the absolute shit out of Harry every time.
When he enters the kitchen, he sees Alani standing next to the counter. As soon as he’s in her line of vision she starts pointing to the box of cinnamon toast crunch. “Daddy, this?” with pleading eyes. Harry just laughs. He doesn’t let her eat those than often for breakfast, because of how sweet they are, choosing to fix something on the healthier side for them to eat instead. But today he figured it wouldn’t hurt to let her have a little bowl of it before the day starts.
He goes over to the little girl who is still aggressively pointing at the box of cereal, ending down to pick her up. “Alright, alright. Hold you’re horses, will you?” He coos softly. He gently sits her down on at the kitchen table before returning back over to the counter. He opens the cabinet, pulling out a small bowl. When he’s finished making her cereal, he grabs her one of her baby spoons before serving it to her. “Thank you!” she says loudly. “You’re welcome, princess.” he chuckles.
Harry doesn’t like cinnamon toast crunch, it’s way to sweet for him. He decides he’ll just pop a bagel in the toaster and call it a day.
* * *
Once they’ve finished breakfast, they got completely ready for the day, and we’re soon ready to head out. Harry turns around to look at his daughter. She’s dressed in a denim dress, with a white t-shirt underneath, and white tennis shoes. Her hair’s brushed up into two sleek pigtails, which he’d become a pro at over the past couple years. Harry decided on a white t-shirt with a gray pair of pants. “Y’ready t’go, love?” he asked, feeling around his pockets to make sure he had everything. “Mhm!”
once they’re out to the car, Harry straps Alani into her car seat in the back, peppering kisses all over her tiny face once she’s all buckled in. “Daddy!” She squeals. Giggling, he closes the door, and goes around to the drivers side, getting in and powering the car on. “Alright, let’s roll.” he sighs, turning around to back out of the driveway.
They needed to stop at the grocery store, just to stock up on some things they needed around the house. So that’s where they were headed to now.
“Daddy, look! Red!” Alani exclaimed, pointing at the red car that was next to them. “Yes, that is red, baby, good job!” Harry beams. “Y’so smart.”
They continue driving toward their local grocery. Harry looks into his rear view mirror to check in Alani, and catches her staring at him. She’s always staring at him. It seems to be her favorite thing to do. He pulls the silliest face he could think of, causing her to burst into laughter. Harry laughs right along with her. Her laugh is so contagious. “Do it again!” She giggles. Harry happily obliges, pulling the goofy face once more, causing her angelic little laugh to engulf his ears.
After a little while of driving, they finally reached their destination, pulling into the grocery store parking lot. Alani watches her dad get out of the car, patiently waiting for him to make his way around to her side to get her out of the car. Soon enough, he does, taking her out of her cars seat and carrying her on his hip as the go into the store.
* * *
“Daddy, Daddy! Can I have that?” Alani asks loudly, pointing to something. “Shhh, you have to use your inside voice, darling.” Harry reminds her gently. He looks over to where she was pointing and not to his surprise, he sees a doll on the shelf. He’s grown to hate telling her no, but they didn’t come for toys, and she has more than enough at home already. “No, my love. Not today.” Her face immediately dropped. “But… but please?” She whines, her lip quivering. Harry hates that she’s disappointed but he knows he can’t give in. “No, baby. You don’t have to cry. Just not today, okay?” he says gently.
That doesn’t help, considering her whimpers are quickly turning into loud wails, and he knows the meltdown is coming. “Lani, it’s okay. You have plenty of toys at home to play with.” he try’s to reason but it doesn’t stop the tears that are slowly rolling down her face, and the loud, attention drawing cries. People were starting to look, and Harry was starting to get frustrated, but she was only 2. He knew she was still learning how to deal with her emotions. But when your kid is having a complete meltdown, and screaming in the middle of a store over a doll, that’s definitely a bit annoying.
Harry leans down to be face to face with her in her, who’s seated in the cart. “Alani, I know you’re upset, but you’re not going to scream.” He says softly, but slightly sternly. She looks at her dad, still crying but visibly calming down. Harry waits for her whines to die down completely before asking her “Are we okay now? Can we keep shopping?” to which she responds to with a nod.
After picking up just a few more essentials, they’re in line, waiting to check out. Harry looks down at Alani, realizing she’s been pretty silent ever since she stopped crying. He sees her with the all too familiar scowl on her face, with a pout of her lips. “Why are you looking so evil, bub?” Harry asked, with a gentle shake of his head. She doesn’t respond, but she doesn’t need to because he already knows she’s mad at him for refusing to buy her a doll.
He just rolls his eyes and try’s not to laugh. She really is something else. But he knows that she’s genuinely mad at him and him not taking her seriously will set her off again.
Eventually, they make their way up to the front of the line to check out, and soon enough their heading back out to the car. Harry looks at her, as he’s loading all the groceries into the trunk of his car to see that she still has the same mean look on her face. “Y’gonna stay mad at daddy all day, huh?” He teases her solely for his own enjoyment, knowing she’s much to busy trying to have an attitude to laugh at anything he says. She nods silently, still refusing to speak to him. Harry can’t help but laugh at that, knowing that wasn’t true in the slightest. “Y’have to learn t’take ‘no’ for an answer, baby love.” He sighs.
When they’re in the car in the way home, Harry looks at her in the mirror, pulling some silly faces like he was doing earlier. She sees him, and while she was still trying to hold her angry face, he can see the smile tugging at her lips. He doesn’t stop until her scowl is completely replaced by a smile, her beautiful laugh ringing through his ears, making his heart flutter with joy.
“Ahhh, I thought you were mad!” Harry laughs, causing her to laugh along with him, knowing she failed her attempt at holding a grudge on him. “Are we gonna be friends again?” Harry asks jokingly. “Yeah, we’re friends again!” Alani states matter of factly, causing Harry to chuckle.
This child really was a little piece of work, but he loves her nonetheless.
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nastybuckybarnes · 3 years
Of Kings and Beasts  -  Ten
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Pairing: King!Bucky X Princess!Reader X King!Steve
Summary: Born a bastard of the King of Orlen, you’re thrust to the West to marry the Kings. However, the greeting you get is anything but warm, and your life with the King is far from enjoyable. He knows it isn’t your fault his husband is gone, but that fact alone won’t prevent him from taking it out on you.
Warnings: Angst, Injuries, Fluff, Language, Violence, 
Word Count: 2K
A/n: Okay y’all THANK YOU AGAIN SO MUCH FOR 10K FOLLOWERS IT MEANS THE WORLD TO ME I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MCUH OMG Anyway ahem here is part 10 and I hope you enjoy! We’re gonna have a more intense part coming next but until then, enjoy!
Series Masterlist
“We make for Asgard.”
“You look lovely. The colours of Asgard suit you well,” Thor says, his eyes raking over your figure from behind.
Adorning your body is a soft linen gown, the colour of cream. It is cut low in the front, a style Thor assured you is common in his kingdom, and has many different folds and layers to it, making it flow with every step you take.
The fabric itself is lightweight, and the straps lie thinly on your shoulders. The waistline is decorated with gleaming golden gems and is cinched rather tightly.
Over your shoulders is a dark red cape, the same colour as Thor’s.
Your hair is tied up away from your face intricately and elegantly, and a dainty diamond necklace rests around your neck.
You turn to face him, a deep feeling of unease settling in your stomach.
“What is to happen now?” You wonder aloud, eyes fluttering past his face and around the chambers that he’s deemed to be yours for the time being.
“Now we wait. The kings should be here soon, and then we will inform them of the letter you received. I promise you’ll be safe here, Petal.” He cups your cheeks and you swallow hard, nervous about the change in his attitude towards you.
“Thor?” You ask softly, taking a half-step backward in an attempt at removing yourself from his grip.
He surges forward, one hand dropping from your face to wrap around your waist as his lips crash against yours in a fierce and dominating kiss.
Your heart races in your chest and you shove against his face, trying to force him away from you.
Helplessness fills you as you realize that you’ll never be able to overpower him, and dread settles in your gut as he pushes you back until you’re pressed against the wall.
Your muffled cries for help, for him to stop, fall on deaf ears as his lips continue their assault against yours, prying yours open to give his tongue access to your mouth.
Thinking quick, you grip his bottom lip and bite down as hard as you can, drawing blood and successfully making him pull away from you.
He jumps back, one hand coming up to his mouth while you scramble back and away from him, chest heaving and eyes full of betrayal.
His jaw clenches and he takes a step towards you, only to stop when the doors to your chambers burst open.
“(Y/n)!” A familiar voice calls, two men rushing into the room and searching for you.
The tension in the room is palpable and the two Kings pick up on it instantly, their guards raising as they see the way you’re cowering from the blond King before you.
“Are we interrupting something?” Steve asks, his voice ringing with authority.
“No,” you say quickly, regaining your composure and squaring your shoulders as the words of the Valkyrie ring in your ears.
“Thor was just taking his leave,” you say pointedly, staring the King down for a long moment until he nods, bows then spins on his heel and leaves without a word.
You take a deep breath, power and fear chasing each other through your veins while your heart races in your chest.
“(Y/n), are you alright?” Steve asks softly, taking a step towards you and reaching for your hand. You yank it back towards your body, levelling him with a glare.
“If my purpose was solely to bear children, then why are you here if I failed?” The blond glances over at his husband, unsure of how he should address this.
“It is obviously not a secret. I have been threatened even since my departure, and the truth has been brought to my attention. So I ask again, why are you here?” James takes a careful step towards you, and then another, and another until he is standing just directly in front of you.
You keep your shoulders squared and your head held high, refusing to back down.
“(Y/n), there are things we must tell you... things we have not been completely honest about... things that involve our union, and our actions towards you. Will you allow us time to be honest with you?” You swallow hard but nod, wanting nothing more than the truth after all this time in the dark.
James takes your hand delicately in both of his and ushers you to the bed, sitting down beside you while Steve sits on your other side.
The brunet speaks first.
“We were told... by our council that we needed to find a wife. When they heard of our plans to join the two kingdoms of the North and wed each other... they tried to find any way to stop it. But upon seeing our power they relented until they realized that our reign would end if we did not have a queen.
“They gave us a timeframe to find a queen. One that could give us heirs and continue the lineage of both of us. We were presented with many women but you... you stood out from the many faces we saw.”
You frown, brows drawn together tightly as you ponder this.
“My purpose... right from the beginning was nothing more than what you had told me. What you said was true. What I was told is nothing but the truth,” you whisper to James, fighting back the tears that prick at your eyes.
Steve shakes his head, leaning closer to engage in the conversation. “No. Your purpose was... is to be our wife. A queen to our people and the mother of our children. You are meant to rule alongside us, not be behind or beneath us. You are our equal, although we have not treated you as such.”
You sniffle, shaking your head as if trying to shake your feelings away.
“Why have you treated me the way that you have? Why? What have I done to deserve such hostility?”
The two exchange long glances before James sighs and takes your hand, leading it to the thin scar at the base of his skull.
“Someone has operated on me. Altered me in a way that makes me hostile towards you and Steven. We do not know who, but we know that they are close enough to be near me without raising suspicion. I will never be able to apologize enough for my actions. I have hurt you far more than I ever could have imagined myself capable of. But with the help of doctor Banner, we were hoping to have more clues as to who is responsible for this. However, he is still in quite an unstable condition.”
You swallow hard, this new information having you beyond overwhelmed.
“Who would conspire against you in such a way? Who would have such hatred in their heart for the two of you that they would take it out on me?” The two kings sigh, their hearts heavy and their eyes filled with sadness.
“We do not know. But one thing is certain: we will not rest until we figure out who it is and until they are brought to justice.”
The two Kings settle in the guest chambers for the night, having insisted that you get your own space and that you are welcome to join them if you feel so inclined.
Your mind is still in shambles, thoughts scattered and emotions all over the continent as you prepare for bed.
A knock on your door pulls you from your thoughts and you softly call for them to enter, your guard raising in an instant.
“How may I help you, Your Majesty?” You ask, jaw clenched tightly.
Thor takes a deep breath then lets it out, pacing slowly around your chambers.
“I stepped very far out of line, (Y/n). I let my emotions get the better of me and I was foolish. I apologize sincerely for my actions.” You watch him with furrowed brows, not sure if you should trust him.
“You have... entranced me. Bewitched me. Your husbands have not treated you fairly and, even in the short time that I've known you, I can tell that you are a woman deserving of the world. And if the world cannot be given to you then you deserve everything in it. And yet here you are, cowering from your own kingdom because they failed to protect you.” You want to interrupt. To tell him that he is not aware of the extent of the trauma that the Kings themselves have faced, but you hold your tongue instead.
“I can only hope that one day you will be able to forgive what has transpired today. For I value your company and your companionship and I would be devastated to lose it in any way. However, I will not blame you if you were to push me away. I was out of line and I allowed myself to be weak in a moment when I should have been strong. You needn’t give me an answer tonight, but I am offering my sincerest apologies. While you are here the Palace is yours. Anything you require will be brought to you promptly.”
He’s quiet for a moment before clearing his throat, his eyes on the ground.
“I bid thee goodnight, and I hope pleasant dreams find you tonight.” He turns to leave and you sigh, shaking your head.
“Thor, wait.” He does, turning back to look at you with those soft blue eyes of his.
“I appreciate and accept your apology. I do not look at you any differently because of what transpired, and I am grateful that you came to explain it. I appreciate your friendship and I am glad to have found solace in you, and it would be a shame to squander it over something so trivial.” He smiles, relief and happiness plain as day on his face.
“Good. Thank you for your understanding, (Y/n). Goodnight.” He leaves without another word and you put your head in your hands, beyond confused and frustrated with the feelings stirring inside of you.
You would be lying if you said that the Asgardian King wasn’t attractive. And he has been a friend in times when you’ve otherwise had none.
Shaking the intrusive thoughts out of your head, you exit your chambers and pad softly down the hall, stopping in front of the chambers that have been set aside for your husbands.
You knock twice, butterflies finding a home in your belly as you wait for one of them to allow you entrance.
The door gets pulled open and James stands in front of you, the formal look on his face dropping to give way to a soft smile.
“May I join the two of you tonight?” You ask quietly, looking between him and Steve. The blond looks on eagerly from his spot on the bed, nodding his head quickly.
“Of course, My love.” You bow your head in thanks and enter the room, oblivious to the eyes following your every move from a dark corner of the hallway.
The door shuts behind you but you continue to the bed, crawling on next to Steve while James extinguishes the lanterns lighting the room.
Steve makes room for you in the centre of the bed, pushing the blankets aside to allow you to get comfortable. James climbs on behind you, waiting until you’re settled to get comfortable himself.
Neither of the Kings touch you. No, they stay a respectable distance away.
“I am not so angry that I will not allow my husbands to embrace me,” you say softly, eyes closed as the events of the day catch up to you.
You’re then being held on either side by strong arms and right then and there, in that very moment, you feel the safest you have ever felt in your life.
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Companions React: Sole Breaks Down
Request: “Could I ask for companions comforting a sole that’s usually an emotional rock, that they hadn’t seen this vulnerable ever? Like they come back from being away and just crumble into a sobbing mess. Pretty please?”
Note: *bangs spoon against pot* come get the hurt/comfort. CW: Mentions of unnamed characters deaths.
The setting:
Upon Preston’s request, Sole took off to a distant settlement to reorganize their resources, set up defenses, and bring them into the trade route. These excursions usually took about a week or two, so Sole could make sure they were fully stable before returning to Sanctuary to attend to their other duties. With this trip, however, they requested their companion stay in Sanctuary; they could handle this on their own, and the companion deserved a break.
Two weeks later, Sole returns, shoulders weighed down by their pack, ladened with goods the settlers had insisted they take with them. It had been a tough week, though that wasn’t really a new thing in Sole’s book, or anyone’s, really. Unfortunately, Sole hadn’t been able to predict the fact that some sort of disease would run through the tiny settlement while they were there, taking several of the members with it as it left.
They scrubbed at their skin in a nearby body of water every morning of those two weeks, rubbed raw and pink as a result of Sole’s quietly hysterical distress. They wanted no trace of settlement on them. There were elements of guilt in their relief to return home, but with returning home came the fact that they were safe enough to reflect on their weeks away from Sanctuary. There seemed to be no hiding from what had happened.
Sole got through the main street of Sanctuary well enough, sending nods to passing settlers, with a brief stop to drop off some of the food they had brought back with them with their local merchant; he would give it away to those that dropped in throughout the day. Once they made it down the road and to the entrance of their home, they felt the dam break. Their hands shook as they pulled the door open and moved inside, doing their best to ignore the tears that began to trickle down their face.
(*Gage’s scenario takes place upon their return to Nuka World’s Fizztop Grille)
Cait was waiting just inside, having taken up residence in Sole’s living room with Dogmeat.
She went to make a joke about Sole being late, but when she looked up, she lost the words quite quickly
Sole’s shoulders were shaking, and it was quite obvious that they were trying to hide that they were crying, but it was impossible to not see
She practically tripped over herself to get to Sole, who was acting casual by rearranging the items in their back they had set on the floor
Her desire to comfort and protect Sole overrode her hesitance for physical affection and she found herself hugging Sole far too tightly than she should’ve
But it was partially panic on her end that caused her to grip them so tight
“Christ, what’s a matter?”
The only sound Sole made was a choking whimper and Cait gripped them even tighter
She reads the distress in their stance the moment they cross the threshold into their home
Similarly to Cait, she gets up from where she’s sitting immediately, but stops short of Sole
“Oh, goodness. Are you alright?” She reaches out but doesn’t quite touch them, not wanting to intrude
Sole shakes their head, unable to disguise their very obvious distress
“Physical or emotional?”
Sole opens their mouth to say emotional and gets out about half the word before choking on their own breath and curling forward into themself
“Would you like a hug?” Her voice is quieter this time.
Sole nods and she brings them in for a soft hug, rubbing their back
Danse is far more emotionally intelligent when it comes to other people’s feelings than people give him credit for
He’s seen it happen before; soldiers compartmentalize their emotions as much as they can, for years even, but everyone has a breaking point
And sometimes it’s over something one might consider small, like breaking a dish, or sometimes it’s loss that brings them to their knees, as it would anyone
Regardless, he’s known all along that one day Sole won’t be able to suppress their emotions anymore
When they come in crying and shaking, looking defeated, he’s unsurprised. Sad in an inevitably knowing sort of way
He gets up and walks over, taking their pack from their hands and helping them shed the heavy jacket that was weighing them down
He requests they sit and takes off their boots before going to get them a glass of water
He doesn’t say much, considering he doesn’t have much to say, but he’d much rather show how he cares via actions rather than words, anyway
He’s somewhat similar to Danse in the fact that he knows Sole’s going to need to break at some point, however it’s in less of a “I’ve seen this before” attitude and more in the fact that he can relate
But Sole has an easier time trusting than he does, so he knows their break is coming at some point, whereas he knows that there’s never going to be a point where he allows someone else to see what Sole is allowing him to witness
So when they stand there, defeated, looking over at him like a lost child, he simply opens his arms
He’s not one for hugs, but he makes exceptions, and it seems this is one of those situations that calls for an exception
When they sob into his shoulder, he pats them on the back and replies with a simple, “I know, Boss. I know.”
Gage is chewing at a piece of dried Mirelurk, grimacing at the salty taste.
Sole makes their way across Fizztop Grille, dropping their pack carelessly next to one of the couches.
Similarly, they drop down next to Gage where he’s sitting overlooking the rest of Nuka World, not saying a word.
After a moment, punctuated by a very obvious sigh, Gage looks over at Sole. He chews contemplatively for a moment, “You and me both. Wanna talk about it?”
Sole shakes their head and Gage responds, “Cool.”
He pats them on the back, admittedly, awkwardly and a bit too harsh to be comforting, but it’s Gage
He’s doing his best
Haylen has Dogmeat in her lap chewing at a Radstag bone, her hand running mindlessly over his fur
She doesn’t jump up when Sole comes in, cautious at the idea of spooking them
“Sole,” She calls out, shifting to move her feet flat on the floor
When they don’t respond and instead sniffle, she’s motioning Dogmeat off her lap and stepping towards them
“Everything alright?”
Sole shakes their head and she presses her lips together in worry, “Anything I can help with?” another shake of Sole’s head
She brushes their hair away from their face with a soft, “Oh, Sole.” and brings them into a light side-hug
He really does like to think he keeps his cool easily, but he really doesn’t in this case
Sole’s crying and that’s not something he thought would ever happen
“Whoa, whoa. Talk to me, what’s going on, Sunshine?”
“Bad day.” Sole chokes out
He suppresses nervous laughter, knowing it can’t just be that, but lets it go and instead puts an arm around their shoulders to pull them in for a tight hug, snug and reassuring, with his other arm finding their waist
He’s alert immediately, thoughts jumping to them being hurt, and potentially fatally so
Considering he thinks its an emergency, he’s in front of them and examining them for injuries within seconds
Sole doesn’t protest for the longest time, but eventually they grab ahold of his wrists and shake their head
He stops for a moment and looks them over again before sighing; this is something he doesn’t know what to do about
“Sit. You’re going to collapse if you’re not careful.”
When they’re seated he helps them shrug off their coat and sits nearby, not pressuring, but available if they want to talk
Nick’s view is similar to Danse’s, and he isn’t quite surprised when they come in crying
He sets the pen he was writing with down and shifts back in his chair, opening his arms for a hug if they want
When they cross the room he wraps them in a hug and rubs their lower back, trying his best with the awkward angle him sitting provides
“You need to take time for yourself.” He recommends, but other than that, he remains mostly silent
The queen of panic, despite her best efforts
She’s used to tears because of her experiences with Nat, but not from Sole of all people
She does something similar to Mac, where she checks them over briefly, before she realizes this isn’t a physical injury that’s hurting them
She’s competing with Cait when it comes to tight hugs, wishing she could protect them from whatever’s bothering them so
A sympathy crier, she has to blink away her own tears
“Let it out, Blue. We can talk about it later, okay? Everything’s gonna be just fine. I swear.”
Preston’s not sure how to handle things, considering how used to Sole being a rock he is
He knows it’s not quite right, considering he knows other people view him the same way, and it’s incredibly difficult being the one holding it together all the time, but he’s still genuinely surprised when he sees they’re crying
He knows what to do when he realizes what’s going on, though; exactly what he wishes he could request from someone else
He brings them into a hug and mumbles reassurances; that they don’t have to be the tough one all the time, that their emotions aren’t weakness, and that everything’s going to be okay
A fan of mutual silence, X6 helps them get comfortable and brings them into their room; he’s always viewed quarters as the safest place to be, both in the Institute and when Sole gave him his own quarters afterwards
He helps them into bed, making sure they’re comfortable, before asking if they have any small injuries they need addressed before settling in
If they say yes he cleans and dresses their wounds as gently as possible before settling into bed near them, a respectable distance away, but within reach if they need, and begins reading a book Sole left on their nightstand
He knows it’s hard to be alone when you’re being attacked by emotions, but they don’t seem to want to talk about what’s going through their head quite yet; instead, he rubs their back and encourages them to cry it out
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xjustalilbitgayx2 · 3 years
“I’m disappointed in you, mc”
summary: Mc has never really been good at school and that usually results in a lot people saying disgusting things towards them. however they never thought they’d hear the one they respect the most say those things….
warnings: idk angst ig? (its not that strong but)
“I-I failed….” mc stutters out as their eyes glide across the piece of paper containing this semesters grades on it. Tears start to form at the corners of their eyes as they’re suddenly hit with an influx of emotions such as anxiety, sadness and frustration.
‘I really tried my hardest this time around though a-and i failed…’ they think to themself as the paper slips from their grasp and to the table.
“Cheer up mc! failing one class isn’t that bad and don’t worry about Lucifer he’ll probably just lecture you for a good hour or so” Mammon says, flashing you a big grin and placing a hand on your shoulder as an attempt of comfort.
Mc stares up at the white haired demon as more tears start to spill before the quickly turn their head towards their desk.
“no you don’t understand….i failed all of them” mc says quietly and mc can practically feel the change in mammon’s attitude immediately.
That’s when they realise they’re absolutely screwed.
“Do you know why i called you here?” Lucifers voice calls out. It’s steady and monotone, any normal person would think that in this moment Lucifer was quite calm. But not mc, oh no, they immediately picked up on the slight change of his voice.
Normally Lucifer spoke in a proud way but right now the tone he was using was flat and like he was being made to read something off the board. Mc was very familiar with the tone, it’s one their parents always used when showing their disappointment in their child.
“Well?” Lucifer asks in the same tone and mc finally lifts their gaze from the ground to look at him. His face is blank, no emotion besides the hint of anger in his eyes. Mc feels the colour drain from their face as they quickly nod their head and look to the floor once again, too nervous to meet the eyes of the former angel.
“That makes this easy then” Lucifer begins, swiftly moving out of his chair and making his way towards mc at a ‘calm’ pace, “Care to tell me why you failed every single one of your classes, mc?”. His anger slips out as their name leaves his lips and mc flinches so hard it’s just short of a jump.
Swallowing the lump in their throat mc looks at Lucifer once more, he’s now just an arms length away and that makes mc so much more afraid of him.
“I-I really tried Lucifer, I mean it…I did the best I could do” They say and it’s the truth. Really mc had never been good at school and the work at RAD was honestly just ten times harder than the stuff in the human world.
As mc’s words reach Lucifers ears he shoots them a glare. “I find that extremely hard to believe mc! You failed ALL of your classes! you didn’t pass one!” he says in a loud voice, he’s not quite yelling but it’s almost there.
“B-but i really did try! I promise you on every single pact I have with your brothers! I did everything to the best of my ability!” they tell him, begging him to see that they really did do everything as good as they could.
Lucifer sighs and places a hand across his eyes, clearly showing that he was disappointed. Mc has a bad feeling about what’s coming next.
Every bone in their body is telling them to leave the room and hide, just so they don’t have to hear the harsh words he will say.
“if that’s really true then i’m so disappointed in you mc” Mc feels their gut drop and something sickening coming up their throat. there are those words again. The words that are always thrown at them, by their parents, friends and now the person they respect most…
“maybe…maybe it might be for the best that you return to the human world and we find another student for the exchange program” Lucifer says but even as he does so he has a pained expression on his face.
Mcs head begins spinning and it feels like their chest is tightening to the point where they can’t breath and that’s when everything goes black, the last thing they hear being Lucifers worried shout as they collapse to the floor.
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watchmegetobsessed · 4 years
okay!! so maybe even a short imagine about Harry and y/n getting in a full brown fight because his cockiness (this man is so cocky I can’t) anyway- it’s driving her insane! You can have it go any way you want! Just an idea hehe ;) xx P.s. I ❤️ ur writing
a/n: i’ve been trying to come up with an idea for this one and then i thought about this little something and typed it out, hope you’ll like it!
word count: 1135
You love Harry. You really do. But sometimes… you need to remind yourself about that. A lot. Like when he just doesn’t know when to stop, when you’ve had enough and he is just pushing it further and further until you wish he would just…you are not saying that out.
Tonight is one of those times. You’ve had a long day, your boss has been up in your ass way too far and you had to deal with some incompetent colleagues and you just ran out of patience by the time you got home. For your luck, Harry, your boyfriend of three years chose today to bring some extra cockiness into his attitude.
As the two of you head out to meet a few friends, you try your best to keep your cool as he has a whitty comeback to everything you say. Nothing slips by him without a comment or a snarky remark and it just keeps you boiling more and more. You know he doesn’t mean in a wrong way, it’s just how he is sometimes, when he is so high on energy, when he’s had a particularly good day so he is feeling confident in his skin. It’s all just jokes, but you can’t really laugh at them when you’ve been through such a rough day and you just want to be… left alone.
Sitting at the bar you’re sipping on your drink, hoping the alcohol is gonna loosen you up a bit. Harry is in his element, joking around, dropping his usual sarcastic comments, being his cocky self that you’d adore any other day, but not tonight.
“Y/N, are you sure everything’s alright?” Sarah questions when she notices that you’ve been staying quiet for a while, but it’s all because you’re biting your tongue so you don’t start a fight with Harry.
“I’m fine,” you force a smile to your face, taking another sip from your vodka cranberry, that’s got way more vodka than cranberry juice.
“Have another drink, babe. Don’t be shy,” Harry comments, giving your thigh a squeeze, but you pull away, brushing his hand off of yourself. It seems to give him a warning sign, he eyes you curiously, trying to find out what’s wrong, but you keep your stare at the table in front of you, ignoring him.
“Hey, what’s wrong, baby?” he asks lowering his voice so only you can hear him talk.
“I said I’m fine.”
“You definitely don’t seem fine,” he chuckles lightly, but it’s the last straw for you.
“And what are you gonna do about that, have another cocky comment about me? You seem to have many of those today,” you growl under your breath, finishing your drink. “Excuse me,” you mumble before sliding out of your seat and heading out to the back terrace to have some fresh air before you jump at Harry’s throat.
Unfortunately, he doesn’t let you have a moment to you, he follows right behind, standing tall in front of you as you lean against the brick wall.
“Baby, what’s wrong? What did I do?” he asks, seemingly genuinely worried about your odd behavior.
“I’m just… fucking done with you right now, okay?” “Would you tell me why?”
“Stop nagging me, Harry!” you snap at him, desperately needing to get away from him before you blow up.
“I will if you fucking talk to me!”
“You are driving me fucking crazy, today!” you growl rolling your eyes. “You are commenting on everything I do, making jokes of everything I say, being this cocky fucker and I just can’t tolerate this right now!”
You are raging. And you’re not too proud of the way you just snapped at him, but you just can’t help it. He came onto you and brought it to himself.
“Why the fuck wouldn’t you just tell me to stop then? Am I supposed to read your mind?!”
“No! But you are supposed to… read the signs!”
“What signs?!” he asks with a dry laugh. “You haven’t really talked to me much since you’ve gotten home, how am I supposed to know what’s wrong?!”
“That’s the sign, Harry! No talking is a sign!” you almost scream at him. “Jesus, you make me so fucking mad!” you groan, feeling the tears forming in your eyes. You’re tired, had enough and you can’t control your emotions any longer. You hate it, but crying comes to you way too easy in situations like this. You make an attempt to walk past him, but he grabs your wrist and pulls you back while you’re already trying to swallow your tears, with not much success.
“Hey, hey, hey. Come on, don’t just walk away,” he starts in a way more soothing tone. His hands slide down to your hands, bringing them up to your mouth as he kisses your knuckles. “I’m sorry, okay? Just please talk to me.”
“I just…” you breathe out shakily. “I had a bad day and your snarky comments and cocky remarks didn’t help, alright?”
“Why didn’t you just tell me to stop? I would never do anything to upset you on purpose.”
“I… don’t know. Thought you’d read the room and just stop,” you shrug, though you know you’re at blame here as well. Should have told him straightforward that you are not up for his funny little games.
“Baby, you know how much I suck at reading those so called signs,” he breathes out, gently cupping your face in the palm of his hand. “I’m a man, we are dumb. Just tell me to fuck off next time and I’ll know my place.”
You chuckle lightly as he pulls you into a hug, kissing the top of your head as he rocks the two of you from side to side, running his hands up and down on your back in a soothing manner.
“I’m sorry. I’ll keep my mouth shut now. Do you want to go back or want to go home?”
“I don’t want to be the party pooper. Let’s stay,” you mumble into his chest.
“Let’s have another drink and then we head home, how does that sound?”
“Good,” you nod pulling back from him. Leaning down he kisses you softly, his fingers dance down your neck, tickling a bit that makes you giggle.
“There’s that smile I love so much,” he smirks, pecking your smiling lips shortly. “You still hate me for being a cocky asshole?” he asks teasingly.
“I never hated you.”
“Yeah? So you still love me?” Nuzzling his nose against yours, his lips are brushing against yours as he speaks.
“Mhm,” you nod, snaking your arms around his neck.
“Can you say it for me? I want to hear it.”
“I love you,” you mumble into his lips, kissing him with a relieved sigh.
“Love you too.”
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rommahh · 3 years
Word Count: 3.9K
Pairing: Buckybarnesxfem!reader
{This is for @metalbuckaroo's challenge. I had this brewing for a minute but college has got in a chokehold. I chose prompt #30 from the given prompt list. I hope y'all like this read. Love, R}
Bucky trailed behind Y/N as she ignored his calls. Her boots clicked loudly in the small hallway as she rushed towards their shared apartment. Her keys shook in her hand, body tense with anxiety and anger.
Bucky reached her at the door, his hands loosely gripping her arms. Y/N shoved the door open, her body snapping away from his. Y/N haphazardly throws her keys in the small bowl that sat on the hallway side table.
Her chest heaved with deep breaths as she tried to remain calm.
“Y/N please, what is going on? Why are you so mad?” Bucky questioned, slamming the door behind him as his own frustrations started to catch up with him.
“I'm going to bed.” Is all she said to him without even meeting his eyes. She was quick to enter her room and lock the door before he could say anymore. Bucky stood behind her door in confusion. His body still tingled with the lasting effects of the shots he took hours prior.
Sitting on your bed, Y/N finally released. Her shoulders dropped, her body hunching over itself as the tears started flowing.
Y/N had been looking for Bucky for what felt like hours. He was her ride back to the apartment and having been at this party for over four hours- she was exhausted. There was a twinge of disappointment that lingered in her caused by Bucky's disappearance. He invited her to this party tonight but quickly left her to her own devices the moment the both of them walked through the frat’s doors.
The house was mainly empty except for the few lingering bodies that were drunkenly wandering around. She climbed up the stairs that lead to a common room on the second floor. Y/N’s cute white go-go boots were tight on your feet, making her wince at every step. Fashion was a moment type thing, not a four hour long excursion.
Y/N heard a group of voices leading from the common room once you reached the top of the stairs. She listened out waiting to see if she could hear Bucky’s voice before walking through the doors of the common room.
“I don't know why you hang out with that girl Bucky.” Her ears perked at his name. Y/N almost walked through the door but she took a step back to listen to what they were saying.
“Yeah, shes fucking weird.” The group laughed. “I mean look at how she dressed tonight. She’s wearing a costume.”
Y/N looked down at her 80’s inspired dress with a frown. She thought she looked cute tonight, Bucky said she looked cute. She couldn't stop blushing after she heard his words.
“She’s a freak barnes. All she does is follow you around. Are you sure you guys aren't dating?” One of the boys asked with a chuckle. No one said her name yet but she knew they were talking about her. She could tell.
“Y/N’s not that bad. She just doesn't have any friends. I don't like her like that, not my type. She's got that weird anxiety thing.” Bucky's voice finally sounded out from the group. Y/N heart hurt hearing his words. Weird anxiety thing?
“Yeah, making her a freak. So you're just friends with her out of pity? Are you at least getting community service hours?” The group laughed again, Bucky's deep laugh standing out to Y/N.
“You have a lot of strength for a man who's not getting any ass from the girl he's keeping company with. Shes weird as fuck but her body is still bangin. Have you ever copped a feel of her tits? I would hang out with the loser if I got to fuck her too.” Someone commented. Y/N felt bile rise in her throat. She could feel a panic attack approaching having heard the sexual comments about her body. She stepped out from around the wall into the common room. All eyes snapped up to her, some eyes widening in shock. Bucky just looked up, not catching on that his roommate may have heard the horrid words said about her.
“I-im ready to go home, Bucky.” She hadn't looked up from where her feet were rooted on the stained wood floors. Bucky slowly wobbled up from his seat. The rest of the guys watching quietly, some snickering at Bucky's submissiveness.
“Here sweets, you're gonna have to drive.” Bucky says handing his keys over to Y/N. Without looking at him, she snatches the keys from his hands and quickly retreats to his car. Bucky stumbles behind her confused by her attitude.
Y/N walked to Bucky’s car, arms covering whatever they could cover on her body. Her mind telling her she was unsafe, her anxiety telling her even worse things.
Bucky eyes burned from the headache he had. He felt physically ill as he woke up from the living room couch. Last night's activities blur in his mind, no clear memories presenting themselves. He sits up to rest his forearms on his knees trying to calm his bubbling stomach.
The first thing he notices as he comes to his senses is the lack of Y/N’s noise. Normally the small apartment would be filled with the sounds of her sunday playlist as she cleans about. He also doesn't smell her extra dark and strong coffee that she only makes for sundays. He doesnt smell her out of the can cinnamon rolls either that she would normally wake him up with on a small tray with said coffee.
He finds it odd that her presence is lacking in the apartment. Standing, he makes his way over to her room knocking on it slightly. He hears shuffling from the other side but no one comes to open the door.
“Hey sweets, everything ok?” He knocks again to gain her attention.
“I-Im fine Bucky, please go away.” She stutters out to Bucky. Bucky is shocked by her statement not used to being pushed away by her.
“Oh ok, just let me know if you need anything.” He says quietly.
Y/N remained the same way over the next few days. She rarely came out of her room when she was in the apartment leaving Bucky on his own. She stopped making him meals out of kindness or filling up his canisters of water for workouts. She stopped baking him treats as midday pick me ups. She didnt wait for him to get out of classes so they could gossip about what was going on on campus. She didnt bother him at all.
Bucky felt uneasy about Y/N’s silence. He was hurt by her sudden disappearance. Hurt that she could just ghost him without any reason. But there was a reason, Bucky just didnt remember.
Y/N sluggishly walked into the apartment after taking an extensive exam in one of her classes. She tried to walk quietly throughout the apartment to not catch the attention of Bucky. She walks softly on her feet close to the opening of the kitchen.
“Hey.” A quiet voice makes Y/N jump in her spot. Her mission of going unnoticed failed. Bucky leans against the kitchen counter that is parallel to the opening of the kitchen. His feet are crossed in front of him, hands holding a cup of tea.
“Hi.” Her tone matches his. She turns her body to face his, hands fidgeting with each other. She slightly moved from foot to foot, a trait that had been acquired out of nerves. Bucky recognized her tic, his heart constricting at the thought that he might have done something to cause it.
“Y/N, please, what's going on?” Bucky can see that she's not wearing one of her normal outfits that are adorned in bright colors and fun patterns. Instead, her body is covered in a boring sweater that hides most of her body. She wears a large pair of jeans underneath, a belt tightly bounding it to her body.
“Nothing Bucky.” She dismisses. Bucky feels his anger peak. A range of emotion he tried to hide away breaching over its point. He missed his best friend beyond belief and all she could give was a few words.
“It's not nothing Y/N!” He snaps slamming his mug of tea on the counter. Y/N flinches at the sound. Her hands start to shake, not out of fear of Bucky but from unwarranted anxiousness. “I've given you your space but its killing me. I miss you Y/N. I dont get what happened?”
Y/N feels her eyes well up with tears.
“You hurt me Bucky.” It was Bucky’s turn to flinch hearing her words. He hurt her?
“I don't know what I did though.” His voice sounded childlike as he whined.
“At the party, you let your friends talk poorly about me. You-you let them call me a freak and-and weird. They made fun of my clothes and said you were hanging out with me out of pity and you just sat there and laughed James!” Her voice rose with every word. Bits and pieces of that night float around in his head. He can slightly remember the conversation but nothing is clearly showing in his head.
“I'm sorry they said that Y/N but you know that's not true. We both know our relationship, I don't know why you're letting them get to you.”
“They talked about my anxiety. You talked about my anxiety!”
“That's it? That's why you're not talking to me?” He exclaimed throwing his hands in the air.
“You let them sexualize me!” The kitchen filled with an uncomfortable silence. Bucky’s exterior softened.
“What?” His tone was drastically softer than it was earlier.
“You just sat and listened to them as they talked about my body. They talked about my boobs and if youve had sex with me and you said nothing. They said that they would hang with the loser if they could fuck me...How could you let them say that about me?” Y/N whimpered. Her hands cradled her face as she sobbed. Bucky saw the way her chest heaved with each sob, tears forming in his own eyes.
“I didn't know. I wouldn't have let them say those things sober. You have to know that.” He almost fell to his knees pleading for her forgiveness.
“You even said you wouldn't date me. I know its stupid but I thought you liked me back. You told me you loved me. You've taken me out on dates. You've kissed me for goodness sake!”
“I know and I'm sorry. I do like you, I don't know why I said that. I like you so much.” His knees buckled slightly but he held his ground.
“Obviously you dont Bucky. We should just stay away from each other from now on and I won't be renewing my leasing contract at the end of the semester.” She finalizes. Buckys whispers a small no in protest. “You really hurt me, Bucky. I would never let anyone slander you. I respect you too much to allow for someone else to disrespect you.”
With that being said, she gave Bucky one last look over before walking away. Bucky was knocked out of his thoughts at the sound of her door slamming shut and the lock being secured.
Bucky sat on the kitchen floor, the cold tile seeping through his pants to chill his legs. His face adorned with a frown, tears sliding down his warm cheeks. Y/N was his best friend and he ruined it by being a shitty person. He knows he should have defended her, defended their relationship.
Bucky’s rolly chair was his only source of entertainment at his desk in the lobby of the admissions office. Today was a slow day. There were only a few students who came in asking for help finding buildings or looking for the financial aid office. Some high school student came in for tours but his coworkers beat him to doing tours so here he was stuck in the quiet office. He had already stolen a large amount of guest snacks, a cold bottle of tea and a sugar cookie with the school's logo on it.
His chair spinning activities came to a halt when he heard the front door open with a small jingle sounding from it. He took a moment to let the dizziness fade away before he looked up. Bucky felt his breath stop in his throat.
There stood a girl with overalls and a bright colored top. She wore dark green converse, high tops, with frilly socks that peeked from the top. She had large glasses that framed her face perfectly. She was looking around the office, eyes wide with wonder. Her eyes finally met Bucky's, making a large smile appear on her face.
“Hi!” She exclaimed walking up to Bucky’s desk.
“Hey, what can I help you with today?” Bucky asked cooly.
“I just transferred here and I was wondering if you knew where I could apply for on campus jobs?” She placed her hands on top of the counter of Bucky’s desk. He admired her baby blue acrylics that had white flowers on them.
“Oh um, the admissions office is hiring. We do all of the tours for highschool students, or package and mail acceptance letters. Sometimes we plan scholarship events. It's an easy pay type of job. I just sit here and do homework my whole shift.” Bucky answers. “What's your name so I can get my boss to contact you?”
“Y/N Y/L/N.” Bucky quickly scribbled your name on a post it note and stuck it to his laptop as a reminder. “Do you really like this job or are you just trying to pull me in?” She jests with a small smile on her face.
“I mean it's a decent job but im sure with you working here it would make it ten times prettier.” Bucky smirked at the giggle that escaped Y/N. He wasn't normally a flirt but he couldn't help himself with this one.
“Oh really? How many times have you said that line to a girl?” Bucky put a hand to his chest in a fake offense.
“You think too low of me Y/N. I saved that one for the prettiest girl to walk through the door.”
“Hmm, ok. I'll believe it only because my ego needs this boost. Hey, you never told me your name. How am I supposed to write about this encounter in my journal if I don't have your name?”
“My name is James but I prefer if people just call me Bucky. Short for Buchanon, I know it's weird.” Bucky leans back in his chair, arms crossed. He can see her eyes checking out the way his muscles flex underneath his long sleeve shirt. He may have purposefully flexed a little extra for show.
“No, I love it. I dont think ive ever met a Bucky.” She counters. She leans forward, placing her elbows on the counter, her chest pressed against the front of the counter.
“Well I'm glad I'm your first Bucky.” He jokes with a small smile on his face. There was a small moment of silence shared between the two as they just looked at each other. Bucky couldn't help but think about how cute she was as Y/N thought the same thing.
“Oh gosh, I'm probably holding you up from your work.” She snaps out of her little spell rolling her eyes at herself. “I should get going.”
Bucky frowned at the idea of her leave, wanting nothing more than to continue talking to the new girl.
“Right, of course. Maybe I could get your number...so I can notify you about the job.” Bucky proposes. Y/N raises one eyebrow in question, a knowing smile placed on her lips.
“Sure thing bucky.” He hands her a pen and post it for her number. “I wouldn't be opposed to you using this number for things other than work too.” She suggested. She signed her name on the post it note ending it with a small heart.
“I will definitely take you up on that offer. No take backs though when I start sending you random shit.” She giggled, leaning up from her spot. Bucky basked at the sweet sound. He stood up to meet her on the other side of the desk.
“Well Bucky, it was lovely to meet you.” She stuck her hand out for him to shake, he reciprocated the action. Her hands were soft and warm, he thought. She gave him one last smile before walking away.
It was warm outside on the quad as Bucky sat by himself. He sat at the table that would normally be occupied by Y/N and him. Y/N would bring lunch- made by her. Anytime Bucky would try to help her by making lunch she would kick him out of the kitchen. Today, Bucky sat by himself, with no hand made lunch. He had a greasy bag of french fries and a large coke. He planned on eating his sorrows away.
“Hey Bucky!” A voice yelled out to him. Looking up from his fries, Bucky looked towards the sound that broke him out of his fries excursion. Tanner and Logan, his friends from the party, came walking over to him. They both sat down, throwing their lunch onto the table.
“Where's Ms. weirdo?” Tanner asks, mouth full of food. Bucky grimaced at Tanner's manners. He also felt the anger he should have felt on Saturday bloom in his chest.
“She's not weird.” Bucky snapped, fists tightening in his lap. Tanner scoffed, Logan laughing along with him.
“Says you. She is fucking weird. Did you finally get some from her or something? Defending her and shit.” Logan clapped Tanner on his back agreeing with him. “Shit, good for you dude. I would have fucked her a while ago. Probably would have kept her face down so I wouldn't have to see her-”
Before Tanner could finish his sentence, he was thrown from his seat from the powerful punch being landed on his jaw. His feet flew from where he was sitting, landing on his back with a heavy thud.
“Dude what the fuck?” Tanner stood wiping his face from the blood that started to trickle down from his bloody eyebrow. Bucky had never felt anger like this before. His heart was racing, his breathing labored. His cheeks were red and warm, eyebrows turned down.
“No, you don't get to make fun of her and make sexual comments about her.” Bucky snarled. Tanner rolled his eyes, walking closer to Bucky.
“Oh fuck off with that! You didn't defend her this hard on saturday.” Tanner's mistake after his words was shoving Bucky's shoulders back. Bucky reacted quickly by shoving Tanner with even more force.
Tanner threw a punch to Bucky’s jaw, making his head fly back. Bucky tackled Tanner to the ground, throwing punches left and right. Tanner fought back, hands flying landing punches wherever he could land them.
Logan was able to pull Bucky off of Tanner, warning the two that campus police would arrest them if they were caught. Both boys stared at each other fuming. Bucky snatched his trash and his backpack up, the scowl never leaving his face.
“If I ever see you looking or talking to Y/N, I will bash your face in.” Bucky growled.
Y/N felt better today. She found the strength to wear a cute outfit versus the oversized clothes she had been wearing prior out of fear. She didn't want anyone to look at her in any harmful way. She wanted to wear her cute outfits that were sometimes form fitting and short. She liked to wear her cute period pieces that had her own twist on them. She spent many years hating her body and the way she looked. She deserved to feel cute without thinking she is at fault for being sexualized and poorly treated.
She whipped out one of her favorite outfits today, loving the way it fit on her body making her feel confident. Sitting at the front desk of the admissions office, her feet propped up on the desk. Her shift was going by slowly, no one needing assistance this late in the day.
The door burst open making Y/N jump from her seat. She stood up shocked to see Bucky walk in with a huff. He wasn't supposed to work today but here he was. Y/N gasped looking at his cut lip and bruising eye.
“Bucky, what happened?” She maneuvered her way around the desk to stand in front of the beat up boy. She placed both of her hands on his cheeks to examine his injuries. He moved his face away from her tears brimming his eyes.
“I'm sorry Y/N. I'm really sorry. I should have protected you from them. I should've told them not to speak about you that way. You are more than some eye candy for men to act disgusting towards. You are beautiful and eclectic. You have a brilliant mind that shines brighter than anyone elses on this campus.” He spoke to her softly.
“I don't understand Bucky. What made you have this change of heart? You didn't give two shits about me last weekend.” She crossed her arms defensively.
“I know and I'm sorry. I don't know what I was thinking. Maybe it was the alcohol but that's no excuse. I love you. I love all of you. You're not weird. You're your own person and I love everything about you. You do so much for me and I feel like shit for not doing the bare minimum for you.” His words stunned her.
“You love me?”
“God, with everything I have. Since the day you walked in here with those overalls. I've spent the past four years loving you.” Bucky whispered. He grabbed her hand, thumb rubbing over her knuckles.
“I love you too, Bucky.  I really do and I'm hurt. I don't think the hurt will go away for some time. You let them speak horribly about me. If you loved me like I was your girl, you would have defended me.” She spoke sorrowfully.
“I know, I know. I can't change the fact that I did nothing but I can tell you that I'm sorry. I'm always going to protect you. I did today. Tanner may be sporting a nasty goose egg on his eye because of his dumbass words.” Y/N giggled softly, touching his bruising knuckles.
“Thank you, Bucky.”
“I want to go back to normal. I miss you in the mornings and-and during our lunch breaks outside. I miss you.” Bucky stated.
“I miss you too.”
Bucky watched her eyes drop down to his lip, busted and all. He leaned forward slightly hoping she would meet him in the middle. She met him the rest of the way pressing her lips to his. Bucky relished this moment. He relished to be even sharing  moments with the girl he's been in love with since the second he saw her.
“I'm gonna be better, I promise.”
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lunarrwolf · 4 years
ᵃⁿⁱᵐᵉ ᵍⁱʳˡˢ ʳᵘⁱⁿᵉᵈ ᵐʸ ˡⁱᶠᵉ
background: y/n is a streamer who’s known for her soft yet chaotic ways and her love of an anime called my hero academia. she has a habit of saying dumb things when she’s up at night, and the result of one from 4am leads to her talking with a faceless persona from youtube. even with songs about cat and e-girls, he just might end up writing one about anime girls along the way.
pronouns: she/they
taglist: @youretheonlyonewhomakesme @callmemaeve-y @letsloveimagines @therosyboy @hydrate-tion @clubfairy @aha-red @liljennyx3 @kusuinko @fanworrior @caelestii-e
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𝟩: fuck on toast
You had no idea how you felt about the fact that Corpse agreed to joining the community event you were holding in a few days. Excited and a good kind of anxious, for sure. But there was also some guilt? Or was it something else?
No, you were sure it was the first thing. He wasn’t extremely well known earlier in his YouTube career, and after using the unfortunate gerd to his advantage and making music, he was suddenly all over every platform you used. You’d been a subscriber since before these days (of which only y/f/n knew about), and it was such a sight to see the growth and rapid friendships being made every day. Along with the rebranding, however, came a feeling that you knew all too well.
Still, you couldn’t deny that the simple thought of him taking part in something he knew would be another kind of chaotic made you feel way more than just some type of way. Why he was already starting to sound subtly adamant about ‘seeing you in your element’ was beyond you, but the red dusting your cheeks told a different story. As scream-induced and alternative driven as his music was, a lot of the words themselves helped at times since you started listening to it. Not to mention the amount of videos where he went up against your friends in Among Us and because you couldn’t physically join when they asked you just enjoyed them. Unbeknownst to him, Corpse was one of the select few you treated immediately as a close friend - daily roasts and dumb antics included.
“Agghhh—why is this happening?!” You groaned, slumping forward in your computer chair. The crush on Ludwig was one thing because you’d been friends for quite a while before it happened and you were able to jump right back into being normal friends afterwards. If you actually liked Corpse Husband, then you were going to be in a shitload of trouble. Feelings were completely unnecessary and only sought to make you even more emotional than you were during ‘Two Heroes’ and ‘Heroes Rising’. What were they even good for? Nothing but trouble. And that was exactly what you would be in if you let yourself crush on a faceless persona with a sexy voice who openly- “Oh, fuck!” You jumped at your bedroom door opening, hand on your chest as you whirled around to find y/f/n with an expectant look on her face. “I already told you. You aren’t getting any of my foreign deliciousness.”
“I don’t want your stupid anime snacks.” She retorted, allowing herself in despite your loud protest and sitting on the bed. “I can hear you stressing out from down the hall and it’s annoying.”
“Tch. The fuck are you so rude for?” You grumbled, scribbling in a notebook you were using to create the schedule you said would be up today. Who was she to come in and complain about your emotions? You never complained out loud when you’d hear her losing her mind over turning into wolf!Link when she played Twilight Princess. Some people just couldn’t help but not hold back from being so blunt. You had no idea where she got that attitude from.
There was a beat of silence after, which in turn made you even more stressed because here you were trying to organize an event that was much longer than normal since it had to be cancelled last time. Not that it was her fault but no one told her to attempt so many flips and cartwheels in the water of the big fountain-pool in the park nearby. You just did what you had (and wanted) to and helped her out during the duration of what should’ve been MHAmania. “-are you telling him?”
Looking up from your work, you saw that she had an expectant look on their face. “Huh? Telling who what?”
“When are you telling him that you like him?” She repeated, gesturing towards the phone laying beside your keyboard.
It immediately clicked and you raised an eyebrow. “Never because I don’t like him. Now goodbye.”
“Listen, all I’m saying is you gotta figure your shit out this time. We don’t need another Ludwig situation.”
“Ohmygod get out, I have things to do!!” You exclaimed, grabbing the nearest non-breakable thing and throwing it at her face.
“Fine! Just keep the groans to a minimum. This isn’t The Walking Dead.” She stated before walking out, barely missing the next object. You sighed and leaned into the seat, staring at the notebook so you could get back to making the schedule.
a/n: i’ve been getting deep into corpse smau recently and am in love w them and decided to do a soft chaotic vibe so it won’t be as vulgar but still vulgar yanno??
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beyondspaceandstars · 3 years
The Wounded
Relationship: Steve Rogers x Reader [Dating], Bucky Barnes x Reader [Platonic] Warnings: mantions of kidnapping, slight depictions of PTSD, angst Summary: After you survive a kidnapping that ends up affecting you in ways you and Steve never anticipated, you turn to Bucky for comfort leaving Steve confused and insecure. A/N: alright this is an older one I had sitting on my computer i felt like uploading but very sorry for the lack of content! I am currently dealing with finals but this is my last year so fingers crossed i’ll have more time after this! Still, please enjoy this, I remember really enjoying writing it :)
You shot up in bed suddenly, praying your eyes would adjust to the pitch black darkness of your bedroom fast enough to ease your brain. As your heart raced and sides ached with bruises, you took in your surroundings finally.
You were in your bed, your boyfriend Steve sleeping peacefully next to you. You knew this in your brain but your heart didn’t. It still raced relentlessly, just a haunting reminder of your latest nightmare.
The nightmares always had the same theme. They always seemed to circle back to your troubling and scarring kidnapping you had suffered just a few weeks ago. It was a devastating ploy by some equally devastating men to get to your boyfriend. The abduction didn’t last very long — just about a week in some musty, dirty cell being kicked around — but the scars it left on your brain where so much deeper than you had ever realized until recently.
The physical abuse was bad but the bruises and cuts were healing just fine. It was the mental and emotional games they played that was going to take longer to ease. The words were haunting and they followed you in every crevasse of your brain, typically leaving you running on a couple of hours a sleep. It was a cruel routine: go to bed safe and sound, find peace for two hours, wake up in a cold sweat, watch mindless TV in the common area until breakfast.
Here we go, you thought as you made your way out of the bed. Steve was still undisturbed, in a peaceful dream sleep, typically unaware of your absence. The few times he had caught on you rushed him back to bed, claiming you just wanted a midnight snack. He never questioned it but his eyes always told you he wasn’t convinced. You ignored it — you just couldn’t tell him. The guilt he carried about your kidnapping was unbelievable. You worked so hard to convince him you were alright, it wasn’t ever his fault, and that the wounds were healing because you couldn’t bare to see those eyes in such a miserable state.
It really wasn’t a total lie — the wounds were swell and you wouldn’t dare to blame him for something not in his control — but then the nightmares started. The daunting voice began chiming in. The depression… the anxiety… the fear… it all came at once so unexpectedly.
You tugged on your fluffy robe along with your slippers and made your way to the kitchen. As you rounded the corner you were stunned to see the kitchen light already on. Peaking your head in, your eyes fell on Bucky who was situated at the kitchen island  snacking on some chips.
You stared, unsure of whether you should head to the living room and venture into the kitchen. No one had ever been up with you before and if they did, they never made themselves known.
"I can feel you staring, Y/N."
Bucky’s rough voice brought you out of your ridiculous phase. You sighed and made your way to the fridge.
"What are you doing up?" You asked, grabbing a carton of vanilla ice cream along with a spoon and making your way to the island. You stood opposite of him, watching and waiting for a reply as he crunched on the chips.
"Isn’t this the time you always get up?"
His question stunned you. Holding his intense stare, you placed your spoon on the counter next to the ice cream. Suddenly, your stomach was in a knot. Maybe a part of you didn’t want anyone to know what was going on.
"I just wanted a snack," You gave your go-to spiel but the ex-assassin wasn’t buying one bit of it.
"Every night?" Bucky scoffed. "Probably should eat a bigger dinner, then."
You rolled your eyes as he gave you his know-it-all smirk. You loved Bucky really —totally loved his company and all that — he had been such a great friend to you and so inviting but no matter what, without a fail, he could always pick up on anything that was off. Steve, of course, could see right through you but he always gave you the benefit of the doubt. He was gentler with you, never wanting to pry or upset you, and you were so thankful for that. But Bucky didn’t give a shit — if something was wrong he was gonna find out one way or another.
"Why are you up?" You repeated your initial question, getting a bit fed up with this now. He stalled your question and reached for more chips. You sighed in annoyance and opened the ice cream carton, digging into the creamy deliciousness.
"Something’s up with you," Bucky finally answered. His voice was a bit softer and way less cocky. Hearing someone express they saw you weren’t okay nearly had you in tears. You shoveled more ice cream in your mouth, staring down at the granite counter.
You shook your head. "Just wanted a snack."
"Jesus Christ, Y/N." Bucky groaned. "Come on, don’t make this hard." You placed your spoon in the carton, pushing it to the side. You fiddled with your nails as thoughts and feelings swarmed in your brain. It couldn’t hurt for someone to know, right?
"Nightmares," You spoke softly, voice cracking ever so slightly. "Just some bad nightmares."
"The kidnapping," He whispered. You saw his fists clinch at the mention of it. Your kidnapping had shocked everyone. They all had their own way of handling it but usually it was just a lot of confusion. You weren’t some hero. You didn’t have magical power or a fancy training. You were just a nurse who bandaged up the heroes when they came back. Even with dating Steve, no one expected you to be a casualty.
"It’s really messing with my brain," The words were rough to get out but once they were out there, you felt a new freedom. A weight you never realized was so heavy was being lifted so carelessly with words.
Bucky just nodded and waited for you to continue.
From then on, your nightly routine was no longer a lonesome thing. Bucky began joining you every night with snacks and a therapy session. It felt easy to talk with him about it especially since he understood. He didn’t have to pretend to know how you felt — he had felt it all, too. He got what being captive was like, how the mental manipulation went, how strong the effects of it all could be… You for once didn’t feel crazy. But most importantly — someone knew. Like really knew. And you were immensely grateful.
It seemed to be helping as well. You knew when the thoughts got rough, you could just spew it all out. You could talk about what exactly had happened to you without fear of being looked at differently. The whole thing was like breathing fresh air. You could even sometimes fall back asleep on the couch which now put your sleeping time up to four glorious hours.
The nightly chats really put your daytime spirits back up. So much so, Steve was getting a little suspicious. While he was so relieved you seemed to be doing better, the steps you took to get there were still a mystery to him and you could tell he was curious. When you’d join him in your shared room at the end of the day, he’d ask more questions about what you had done through the day. It was almost like he wanted a play-by-play and you did your best to comply.
It wasn’t until a week or so later that he started catching on to you leaving in the middle of the night. Without knowing it, he had used all his might to stay up one night to see if something was going on. You didn’t appear to be doing anything but work during the day so something must’ve been happening in the night — and that’s when his mind wandered. The thoughts of what could be helping you started to get a little unpleasant.
It was a random Tuesday night and you were on the couch with Bucky eating some pretzels. He was sitting up right while you were laying on the couch, legs thrown over his lap. You were going on about how your nightmares had gotten weaker when unexpected foot steps halted your words.
"What’s this?" The unmistakably strong voice of your boyfriend boomed through the living room. You scrambled to sit up, throwing pretzels all over the coffee table. Both stunned and unsure, you and Bucky stared at Steve. His demeanor was hard, his face unamused, and his eye said he was ready for a fight.
"Steve, babe, what-," You fumbled for your words, trying your best to reason. He hadn’t caught you two doing anything but his energy was so startling it made you unexplainably scared.
"What? What am I doing up? What are you doing up?" He marched towards the couch. Hesitantly, you stood up to face him. Bucky stayed seated, looking at you both with a slight expression of annoyance. He knew how possessive his best friend could get but this felt excessive.
"Just wanted a snack-,"
"Don’t bullshit me," Steve growled, taking an intimidating step towards you. You jumped at the harshness. Sure, you guys had had disagreements before but this was entirely new.
"I… I’m not… Steve-,"
Steve took a deep breath.
"Y/N," His voice got deeper. It was slightly too calm compared to his attitude just seconds before. "Tell me why you’re up at night sneaking around with my best friend."
"Sneaking around?!" You gasped. "Steve, that is not-,"
"OH, IT’S NOT?" Steve’s voice boomed throughout the common area. Even a watching Bucky jumped at the noise.
You quickly backed away from him, completely scared beyond belief. His eyes were harsh, his entire demeanor fuming with anger. You had never seen anything like this from him and it started to bring up the memories you worked so hard to heal from.
"Steve, man, take it down a notch…" Bucky finally stood from the couch and placed his hands on Steve’s shoulder.
Steve flinched back, nearly ready to throw one at Bucky, but something in him clicked. He lowered his hand and took a few deep breaths. Coming to his senses, he looked at you and saw the absolute horror on your face. He had never seen you look at him like that and it broke him into a million pieces.
"I… just… what the hell is going on?" Steve meant for it to come out nicer, but the harshness was yet to leave him and his tone. You started rubbing your hands together, a nervous tick you’ve had forever. Bucky tried to get you to stop when he noticed your movements, but Steve’s cold glare wouldn’t let him anywhere near you.
"I can’t sleep anymore," you said, breaking the silence with a much more powerful voice than you intended. You didn’t know you had the strength. "Ever since… I can’t sleep. I keep having these nightmares and Bucky’s been helping."
Steve scoffed, "Helping?"
Bucky rolled his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest. Now you were getting weary of both super soldiers.
"We sit up talking," Bucky explained. "It helps her… well both of us, really, to talk, watch TV… anything."
"And you didn’t tell me this because…?" Steve asked, pointing his attention back on you. When his eyes met yours, a shiver went down your spine as his cold gaze. You sighed, realizing the gig was up.
"God, Steve, I didn’t wanna worry you!" You exclaimed. "The last thing you need is a girlfriend with PTSD. You go through enough shit and I just didn’t wanna pile it on."
The admission sat in the air heavily around you three. Bucky looked relieve you finally said something but Steve’s eyes just held so much confusion. Personally, you felt so much weight coming off you. You thought you’d never have to tell him, assumed everything would sort itself out, but no, you finally spoke up.
"Honey," Steve sighed with sudden tears forming in his eyes. "You didn’t… You shouldn’t have done that, you know you can tell me anything, right?"
You nodded, "Steve it was just so scary. I didn’t know what to do. Bucky was just there and he got it and would just sit up with me and-,"
"Alright, hon," Steve cut you off and made his way closer. Thankfully, you didn’t flinch away. "I understand and I’m glad you had someone, but I would’ve helped. I can help you, sweetheart."
"I’m sorry," You whispered as he pulled you into a hug. You threw your arms around his torso and buried your face in his chest, letting the pent up tears flow. Steve rest his chin on your head, stroking your hair softly.
"I didn’t know you were hurting this much," he admitted.
"It’s been so fucking scary,"
Steve could almost feel his heart breaking at the sound of your voice alone. Your words just piled on so much.
"I should let you two…" Bucky began, essentially forgotten standing next to you two. You pulled away from Steve to look at him.
"Thank you, Buck," you said.
Steve nodded in agreement. "I’m sorry for the overreacting I just… I thought the worst, but really you probably saved my girl."
Bucky gave a small smile and patted Steve on the back. "I didn’t do anything. It’s her strength you gotta thank."
With that, he made his way to the elevator and back to his room, leaving you two still standing in an embrace in the common area. You stared up at Steve, watching his expression towards you change. What was once so scary and harsh was back to the softest man you’d ever met.
"We’ll make some calls in the morning but for now, would you come back to bed?" Steve asked. "I can’t imagine anymore nights without you."
You nodded, giving him a peck on the lips. He led you back to the shared bedroom and for once, you went to bed with a sense of hope.
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